Commit b5781155 authored by CHARRAS's avatar CHARRAS

create commandframe.cpp in kicad and some other minor changes

parent 9fe9fc7c
......@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2007-Oct-31 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
rename mdiframe.cpp to mainframe.cpp
create commandframe.cpp to handle the command frame (which have the 4 "fast launch" buttons)
2007-Oct-31 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::SendMessageToPCBNEW( EDA_BaseStruct* objectT
/** Send a remote command to eeschema via a socket,
* @param objectToSync = item to be located on board (footprint, pad or text)
* @param LibItem = component in lib if objectToSync is a sub item of a component
* Commands are
* $PART: reference put cursor on footprint anchor
* $PIN: number $PART: reference put cursor on the footprint pad
......@@ -67,7 +67,8 @@ EDA_BaseStruct* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindComponentAndItem(
* Function FindComponentAndItem
* finds a Component in the schematic, and an item in this component.
* @param pattern The text to search for, either in value, reference or elsewhere.
* @param component_reference The component reference to find.
* @param text_to_find The text to search for, either in value, reference or elsewhere.
* @param Find_in_hierarchy: false => Search is made in current sheet
* true => the whole hierarchy
* @param SearchType: 0 => find component
......@@ -6,16 +6,17 @@
#if defined(DEBUG)
#if defined (DEBUG)
#include <iostream> // needed for Show()
extern std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const wxSize& size );
extern std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream& out, const wxPoint& pt );
extern std::ostream& operator <<( std::ostream& out, const wxSize& size );
extern std::ostream& operator <<( std::ostream& out, const wxPoint& pt );
/* Id for class identification, at run time */
enum KICAD_T {
NOT_USED = -1, // the 3d code uses this value
EOT = 0, // search types array terminator (End Of Types)
......@@ -97,7 +98,6 @@ class BOARD;
virtual ~INSPECTOR()
......@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ public:
* @return SEARCH_RESULT - SEARCH_QUIT if the Iterator is to stop the scan,
SEARCH_RESULT virtual Inspect( EDA_BaseStruct* testItem,
SEARCH_RESULT virtual Inspect( EDA_BaseStruct * testItem,
const void* testData ) = 0;
......@@ -125,9 +125,14 @@ public:
/* Classes de base: servent a deriver les classes reellement utiles */
class EDA_BaseStruct /* Basic class, not directly used */
/** class EDA_BaseStruct
* Basic class, not directly used.
* All the kicad classes used to describe a shematic or a board item are derived from.
class EDA_BaseStruct
* Run time identification, _keep private_ so it can never be changed after
* a constructor sets it. See comment near SetType() regarding virtual functions.
......@@ -142,22 +147,22 @@ public:
EDA_BaseStruct* m_Image; /* Link to an image copy for undelete or abort command */
int m_Flags; // flags for editing and other misc. uses
#define IS_CHANGED (1<<0)
#define IS_LINKED (1<<1)
#define IN_EDIT (1<<2)
#define IS_MOVED (1<<3)
#define IS_NEW (1<<4)
#define IS_RESIZED (1<<5)
#define IS_DRAGGED (1<<6)
#define IS_DELETED (1<<7)
#define IS_WIRE_IMAGE (1<<8)
#define STARTPOINT (1<<9)
#define ENDPOINT (1<<10)
#define SELECTED (1<<11)
#define SELECTEDNODE (1<<12) ///< flag indiquant que la structure a deja selectionnee
#define STRUCT_DELETED (1<<13) ///< Bit flag de Status pour structures effacee
#define CANDIDATE (1<<14) ///< flag indiquant que la structure est connectee
#define SKIP_STRUCT (1<<15) ///< flag indiquant que la structure ne doit pas etre traitee
#define IS_CHANGED (1 << 0)
#define IS_LINKED (1 << 1)
#define IN_EDIT (1 << 2)
#define IS_MOVED (1 << 3)
#define IS_NEW (1 << 4)
#define IS_RESIZED (1 << 5)
#define IS_DRAGGED (1 << 6)
#define IS_DELETED (1 << 7)
#define IS_WIRE_IMAGE (1 << 8)
#define STARTPOINT (1 << 9)
#define ENDPOINT (1 << 10)
#define SELECTED (1 << 11)
#define SELECTEDNODE (1 << 12) ///< flag indiquant que la structure a deja selectionnee
#define STRUCT_DELETED (1 << 13) ///< Bit flag de Status pour structures effacee
#define CANDIDATE (1 << 14) ///< flag indiquant que la structure est connectee
#define SKIP_STRUCT (1 << 15) ///< flag indiquant que la structure ne doit pas etre traitee
unsigned long m_TimeStamp; // Time stamp used for logical links
......@@ -197,6 +202,7 @@ public:
return m_Status & type;
void SetState( int type, int state )
if( state )
......@@ -205,6 +211,7 @@ public:
m_Status &= ~type;
int ReturnStatus() const { return m_Status; }
void SetStatus( int new_status )
......@@ -212,6 +219,7 @@ public:
m_Status = new_status;
/* addition d'une nouvelle struct a la liste chain� */
void AddToChain( EDA_BaseStruct* laststruct );
......@@ -267,7 +275,9 @@ public:
static SEARCH_RESULT IterateForward( EDA_BaseStruct* listStart,
INSPECTOR* inspector, const void* testData, const KICAD_T scanTypes[] );
INSPECTOR* inspector,
const void* testData,
const KICAD_T scanTypes[] );
......@@ -294,7 +304,7 @@ public:
virtual wxString GetClass() const
return wxT("EDA_BaseStruct");
return wxT( "EDA_BaseStruct" );
......@@ -306,7 +316,7 @@ public:
void DeleteStructList();
#if defined(DEBUG)
#if defined (DEBUG)
* Function Show
......@@ -328,7 +338,6 @@ public:
static std::ostream& NestedSpace( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os );
......@@ -356,23 +365,27 @@ typedef enum {
#define DEFAULT_SIZE_TEXT 60 /* default text height (in mils or 1/1000") */
/* classe de gestion des textes (labels, textes composants ..)
* (Non utilisee seule) */
/** class EDA_TextStruct
* basic class to handle texts (labels, texts on components or footprints ..)
* not used directly.
* the text classes are derived from EDA_BaseStruct and EDA_TextStruct
class EDA_TextStruct
wxString m_Text; /* text! */
wxPoint m_Pos; /* XY position of anchor text. */
wxSize m_Size; /* XY size of text */
int m_Width; /* epaisseur du trait */
int m_Width; /* text width */
int m_Orient; /* Orient in 0.1 degrees */
int m_Miroir; // Display Normal / mirror
int m_Attributs; /* controle visibilite */
int m_Attributs; /* flags (visible...) */
int m_CharType; /* normal, bold, italic ... */
int m_HJustify, m_VJustify; /* Justifications Horiz et Vert du texte */
int m_ZoomLevelDrawable; /* Niveau de zoom acceptable pour affichage normal */
int* m_TextDrawings; /* pointeur sur la liste des segments de dessin */
int m_TextDrawingsSize; /* nombre de segments a dessiner */
int m_HJustify, m_VJustify; /* Horiz and Vert Justifications */
int m_ZoomLevelDrawable; /* zoom level to draw text.
* if zoom < m_ZoomLevelDrawable: the text is drawn as a single line */
int* m_TextDrawings; /* list of segments to draw, for the Draw function */
int m_TextDrawingsSize; /* segment count */
EDA_TextStruct( const wxString& text = wxEmptyString );
......@@ -380,7 +393,11 @@ public:
void CreateDrawData();
int GetLength() { return m_Text.Length(); };
int Pitch();/* retourne le pas entre 2 caracteres */
/** Function Pitch()
* @return distance between 2 caracteres
int Pitch();
void Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
const wxPoint& offset, int color,
int draw_mode, int display_mode = FILAIRE, int anchor_color = -1 );
......@@ -393,7 +410,11 @@ public:
bool HitTest( const wxPoint& ref_pos );
int Len_Size(); // Return the text lenght in internal units
* Function Len_Size
* Return the text lenght in internal units
int Len_Size();
......@@ -412,17 +433,19 @@ protected:
BOARD_ITEM( BOARD_ITEM* StructFather, KICAD_T idtype ) :
EDA_BaseStruct( StructFather, idtype ),
EDA_BaseStruct( StructFather, idtype )
, m_Layer( 0 )
BOARD_ITEM( const BOARD_ITEM& src ) :
EDA_BaseStruct( src.m_Parent, src.Type() ),
m_Layer( src.m_Layer )
EDA_BaseStruct( src.m_Parent, src.Type() )
, m_Layer( src.m_Layer )
BOARD_ITEM* Next() const { return (BOARD_ITEM*) Pnext; }
BOARD_ITEM* Back() const { return (BOARD_ITEM*) Pback; }
BOARD_ITEM* GetParent() const { return (BOARD_ITEM*) m_Parent; }
......@@ -510,8 +533,6 @@ public:
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const = 0;
......@@ -278,45 +278,3 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::RecreateBaseHToolbar()
void WinEDA_MainFrame::CreateCommandToolbar()
wxBitmapButton * btn;
// delete and recreate the toolbar
if( m_VToolBar ) return;
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_TO_EESCHEMA, BITMAP(icon_eeschema_xpm) );
btn->SetToolTip(_("eeschema (Schematic editor)"));
AddFastLaunch( btn );
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this,ID_TO_CVPCB, BITMAP(icon_cvpcb_xpm) );
btn->SetToolTip(_("cvpcb (Components to modules)"));
AddFastLaunch( btn );
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_TO_PCB, BITMAP(a_icon_pcbnew_xpm) );
btn->SetToolTip(_("pcbnew (PCB editor)"));
AddFastLaunch( btn );
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_TO_GERBVIEW, BITMAP(icon_gerbview_xpm) );
btn->SetToolTip(_("gerbview (Gerber viewer)"));
AddFastLaunch( btn );
// Set up toolbar
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_RUN_PYTHON, BITMAP(icon_python_xpm) );
btn->SetToolTip(_("Run Python Script"));
AddFastLaunch( btn );
void WinEDA_MainFrame::AddFastLaunch( wxButton * button, int sep )
static wxPoint pos (20, 20);
button->Reparent( m_CommandWin );
button->Move( pos );
pos.x += button->GetSize().GetWidth() + sep;
/* commandframe.cpp: window handling comman buttons */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "kicad.h"
#include "macros.h"
#define BITMAP wxBitmap
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// resources
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "bitmaps.h"
#include "id.h"
WinEDA_CommandFrame::WinEDA_CommandFrame( wxWindow* parent, int id,
wxPoint pos, wxSize size, long style ) :
wxSashLayoutWindow( parent, id, pos, size, style )
/** WinEDA_CommandFrame constructor
* create the window which the buttons to call eeschema and others...
SetDefaultSize( wxSize( size.x, 100 ) );
SetOrientation( wxLAYOUT_HORIZONTAL );
SetAlignment( wxLAYOUT_TOP );
SetSashVisible( wxSASH_BOTTOM, TRUE );
SetSashVisible( wxSASH_LEFT, TRUE );
SetExtraBorderSize( 2 );
SetFont( *g_StdFont );
void WinEDA_CommandFrame::CreateCommandToolbar( void )
/** Function CreateCommandToolbar
* create the buttons to call eescheman cvpcb, pcbnew and gerbview
wxBitmapButton* btn;
m_ButtonSeparation = 10;
m_ButtonLastPosition.x = 20;
m_ButtonLastPosition.y = 20;
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_TO_EESCHEMA, BITMAP( icon_eeschema_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _( "eeschema (Schematic editor)" ) );
AddFastLaunch( btn );
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_TO_CVPCB, BITMAP( icon_cvpcb_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _( "cvpcb (Components to modules)" ) );
AddFastLaunch( btn );
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_TO_PCB, BITMAP( a_icon_pcbnew_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _( "pcbnew (PCB editor)" ) );
AddFastLaunch( btn );
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_TO_GERBVIEW, BITMAP( icon_gerbview_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _( "gerbview (Gerber viewer)" ) );
AddFastLaunch( btn );
// Set up toolbar
btn = new wxBitmapButton( this, ID_RUN_PYTHON, BITMAP( icon_python_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _( "Run Python Script" ) );
AddFastLaunch( btn );
void WinEDA_CommandFrame::AddFastLaunch( wxBitmapButton * button )
/** Function AddFastLaunch
* add a Bitmap Button (fast launch button) to the window
* @param button = wxBitmapButton to add to the window
button->Move( m_ButtonLastPosition );
m_ButtonLastPosition.x += button->GetSize().GetWidth() + m_ButtonSeparation;
......@@ -68,7 +68,8 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::AddFastLaunchPy( object & button )
if ( !success ) return;
Py_INCREF( button.ptr() );
AddFastLaunch( btn );
btn->Reparent( m_CommandWin );
m_CommandWin->AddFastLaunch( btn );
// WinEDA_PrjFrame Special binding functions:
......@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ eda_global wxString g_Main_Title
#define WinEDA_CommandFrame wxSashLayoutWindow
class WinEDA_CommandFrame;
class WinEDA_TreePrj;
class WinEDA_PrjFrame;
......@@ -29,6 +28,9 @@ class WinEDA_PrjFrame;
/* classe pour la Fenetre generale de kicad*/
/* class WinEDA_MainFrame
* This is the main kicad frame
class WinEDA_MainFrame : public WinEDA_BasicFrame
/* This class is the main entry point of the py API */
......@@ -38,7 +40,7 @@ public:
WinEDA_PrjFrame* m_LeftWin;
wxSashLayoutWindow* m_BottomWin;
wxTextCtrl* m_DialogWin;
WinEDA_Toolbar* m_VToolBar; // Toolbar Vertical bord d'ecran
WinEDA_Toolbar* m_VToolBar; // Verticam Toolbar (not used)
wxString m_PrjFileName;
int m_LeftWin_Width;
......@@ -50,8 +52,8 @@ private:
// Constructor and destructor
WinEDA_MainFrame( WinEDA_App * eda_app, wxWindow * parent, const wxString &title,
const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size );
WinEDA_MainFrame( WinEDA_App* eda_app, wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size );
......@@ -69,7 +71,6 @@ public:
void Process_Preferences( wxCommandEvent& event );
void ReCreateMenuBar();
void RecreateBaseHToolbar();
void CreateCommandToolbar();
void PrintMsg( const wxString& text );
void ClearMsg();
void SetLanguage( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -83,9 +84,9 @@ public:
boost::python::object GetPrjName() const;
WinEDA_MainFrame( const WinEDA_MainFrame & ) {}
WinEDA_MainFrame( const WinEDA_MainFrame& ) { }
WinEDA_MainFrame() {}
WinEDA_MainFrame() { }
boost::python::object ToWx();
void AddFastLaunchPy( boost::python::object& button );
......@@ -93,8 +94,6 @@ public:
void AddFastLaunch( wxButton* button, int sep = 20 );
......@@ -114,15 +113,51 @@ enum TreeFileType {
/* class WinEDA_CommandFrame: window handling command buttons */
/** class WinEDA_CommandFrame
* This is the window handling the main tools to launch eeschema, cvpcb, pcbnew and gerbview
class WinEDA_CommandFrame : public wxSashLayoutWindow
WinEDA_CommandFrame( wxWindow* parent, int id, wxPoint pos, wxSize size, long style );
{ }
/** Function AddFastLaunch
* add a Bitmap Button (fast launch button) to the window
public: void AddFastLaunch( wxBitmapButton * button );
/** Function CreateCommandToolbar
* Create the main buttons (fast launch buttons)
void CreateCommandToolbar( void );
wxPoint m_ButtonLastPosition; /** position of the last button in the window */
int m_ButtonSeparation; /** button distance in pixels */
/* Classes pour l'arbre de hierarchie de gestion du projet */
/** class TreePrjItemData
* Handle one item (a file or a directory name) for the tree file
class TreePrjItemData : public wxTreeItemData
TreeFileType m_Type;
bool m_IsRootFile; // True if m_Filename is a root schematic (same name as project)
wxString m_FileName;
wxString m_FileName; // Filename for a file, or directory name
wxTreeCtrl* m_Parent;
......@@ -132,29 +167,35 @@ private:
TreePrjItemData( TreeFileType type, const wxString& data, wxTreeCtrl* parent );
TreePrjItemData() : m_Parent( NULL ) {}
TreePrjItemData() : m_Parent( NULL ) { }
TreePrjItemData( const TreePrjItemData &src ) :
m_Type( src.m_Type ),
m_FileName( src.m_FileName ),
m_Parent( src.m_Parent )
TreePrjItemData( const TreePrjItemData& src ) :
m_Type( src.m_Type )
, m_FileName( src.m_FileName )
, m_Parent( src.m_Parent )
SetState( src.m_State );
TreeFileType GetType() const
return m_Type;
wxString GetFileName() const
return m_FileName;
void SetFileName( const wxString& name )
m_FileName = name;
wxString GetDir() const;
void OnRename( wxTreeEvent& event, bool check = true );
......@@ -168,6 +209,7 @@ public:
return &m_fileMenu;
void SetState( int state );
......@@ -183,7 +225,9 @@ public:
/* Fenetre d'affichage des fichiers du projet */
/** class WinEDA_PrjFrame
* Window to display the tree files
class WinEDA_PrjFrame : public wxSashLayoutWindow
......@@ -210,8 +254,8 @@ public:
static wxString GetFileExt( TreeFileType type );
WinEDA_PrjFrame( WinEDA_MainFrame * parent,
const wxPoint &pos, const wxSize &size );
WinEDA_PrjFrame( WinEDA_MainFrame* parent,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size );
~WinEDA_PrjFrame() { }
void OnSelect( wxTreeEvent& Event );
void OnRenameAsk( wxTreeEvent& Event );
......@@ -243,11 +287,16 @@ public:
boost::python::object ToWx();
WinEDA_PrjFrame() {
WinEDA_PrjFrame( const WinEDA_PrjFrame & ) {
WinEDA_PrjFrame( const WinEDA_PrjFrame& )
void OnRunPy( wxCommandEvent& event );
boost::python::object GetMenuPy( TreeFileType );
......@@ -277,7 +326,9 @@ public:
/** Classe TreeCtrl des fichiers projets **/
/** Class TreeCtrl
* This is the class to show (as a tree) the files in the project directory
class WinEDA_TreePrj : public wxTreeCtrl
......@@ -291,7 +342,9 @@ public:
return m_Parent;
WinEDA_TreePrj( WinEDA_PrjFrame * parent );
WinEDA_TreePrj( WinEDA_PrjFrame* parent );
/* overlayed sort function */
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -8,9 +8,10 @@ OBJECTS = kicad.o\
......@@ -24,7 +25,7 @@ prjconfig.o: prjconfig.cpp $(DEPEND) prjconfig.h
files-io.o: files-io.cpp $(DEPEND) kicad.h
mdiframe.o: mdiframe.cpp $(DEPEND) kicad.h
mainframe.o: mainframe.cpp $(DEPEND) kicad.h
buildmnu.o: buildmnu.cpp $(DEPEND) kicad.h
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -84,7 +84,13 @@ WinEDA_DrawFrame::WinEDA_DrawFrame( wxWindow* father, int idtype,
SetSize( 0, 0, minsize.x, minsize.y );
// Creation de la ligne de status
static const int dims[6] = { -1, 60, 130, 130, 40, 100 };
static const int dims[6] = { -1, ZOOM_DISPLAY_SIZE,
CreateStatusBar( 6 );
SetStatusWidths( 6, dims );
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