Commit aef4b6e8 authored by CHARRAS's avatar CHARRAS

pcbnew: connect.cpp : english translation of comments

parent 514c63c7
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ KICAD_BIN = /f/kicad/winexe
#Define the wxWidget path (if not found in environment variables):
ifndef WXWIN
/******************* editeur de PCB **************************/
/* traitement du Chevelu: routines de calcul des connexions */
/* Rastnest calculations: Function to handle existing tracks in rastsnest calculations */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
......@@ -13,9 +12,7 @@
#include "protos.h"
/* variables locales */
/* Routines locales */
/* Loca functions */
static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn );
static void calcule_connexite_1_net( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn );
static void RebuildTrackChain( BOARD* pcb );
......@@ -29,10 +26,18 @@ static int change_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn,
int old_val, int new_val )
* Change les num locaux d'equipot old valeur en new valeur
* retourne le nombre de changements
* si pt_end_conn = NULL: recherche jusqu'a fin de chaine
/** Function change_equipot()
* Used by propage_equipot()
* Change a subnet value to a new value, for tracks ans pads which are connected to corresponding track
* for pads, this is the .m_physical_connexion member which is tested and modified
* for tracks, this is the .m_Sous_Netcode member which is tested and modified
* these members are block numbers (or cluster numbers) for a given net
* @return modification count
* @param old_val = subnet value to modify
* @param new_val = new subnet value for each item whith have old_val as subnet value
* @param pt_start_conn = first track segment to test
* @param pt_end_conn = last track segment to test
* If pt_end_conn = NULL: search is made from pt_start_conn to end of linked list
TRACK* pt_conn;
......@@ -83,13 +88,16 @@ static int change_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn,
static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
/* balaye la liste des SEGMENTS de PISTE
* - debut = pt_start_conn
* - fin = pt_end_conn (pointe le dernier segment a analyser)
* pour attribuer ou propager un numero d'equipotentielle par
* blocs de connexions existantes
* la zone balayee est supposee appartenir au meme net, c'est a dire que
* les segments de pistes sont tries par net_code
/** Function propage_equipot
* Test a list of track segment, to create or propagate a sub netcode to pads and segments connected together
* the track list must be sorted by nets, and all segments from pt_start_conn to pt_end_conn have the save net
* When 2 items are connected (a track to a pad, or a track to an other track) they are grouped in a cluster.
* for pads, this is the .m_physical_connexion member which is a cluster identifier
* for tracks, this is the .m_Sous_Netcode member which is a cluster identifier
* For a given net, if all tracks are created, there is only one cluster.
* but if not all tracks are created, there are are more than one cluster, and some ratsnets will be shown.
* @param pt_start_conn = first track to test
* @param pt_end_conn = last segment to test
TRACK* pt_conn;
......@@ -118,34 +126,34 @@ static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
sous_net_code = 1;
pt_start_conn->SetSubNet( sous_net_code );
/* debut du calcul de propagation */
/* Start of calculation */
pt_conn = pt_start_conn;
for( ; pt_conn != NULL; pt_conn = (TRACK*) pt_conn->Pnext )
/* Traitement des connexions a pads */
/* First: handling connections to pads */
PtStruct = pt_conn->start;
/* la connexion debute sur 1 pad */
/* The segment starts on a pad */
if( PtStruct && (PtStruct->Type() == TYPEPAD) )
pt_pad = (D_PAD*) PtStruct;
if( pt_conn->GetSubNet() ) /* la connexion fait deja partie d'une chaine */
if( pt_conn->GetSubNet() ) /* the track segment is already a cluster member */
if( pt_pad->m_physical_connexion > 0 ) /* le pad fait aussi partie d'une chaine */
if( pt_pad->m_physical_connexion > 0 ) /* The pad is already a cluster member, so we can merge the 2 clusters */
change_equipot( pt_start_conn, pt_end_conn,
pt_pad->m_physical_connexion, pt_conn->GetSubNet() );
else /* The pad is not yet attached to a cluster , so we can add this pad to the cluster */
pt_pad->m_physical_connexion = pt_conn->GetSubNet();
else /* la connexion ne fait pas partie encore d'une chaine */
else /* the track segment is not attached to a cluster */
if( pt_pad->m_physical_connexion > 0 )
if( pt_pad->m_physical_connexion > 0 ) /* it is connected to a pad in a cluster, merge this track */
pt_conn->SetSubNet( pt_pad->m_physical_connexion );
else /* it is connected to a pad not in a cluster, so we must create a new cluster (only with the 2 items: the track and the pad) */
pt_conn->SetSubNet( sous_net_code );
......@@ -156,7 +164,7 @@ static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
PtStruct = pt_conn->end;
if( PtStruct && (PtStruct->Type() == TYPEPAD) )
/* la connexion finit sur 1 pad */
/* The segment end on a pad */
pt_pad = (D_PAD*) PtStruct;
if( pt_conn->GetSubNet() )
......@@ -185,32 +193,32 @@ static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
/* traitement des connexions entre segments */
/* Test connections between segments */
PtStruct = pt_conn->start;
if( PtStruct && (PtStruct->Type() != TYPEPAD) )
/* debut sur une autre piste */
/* The segment starts on an other track */
pt_autre_piste = (TRACK*) PtStruct;
if( pt_conn->GetSubNet() ) /* La connexion fait deja partie d'un block */
if( pt_conn->GetSubNet() ) /* the track segment is already a cluster member */
if( pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet() )
if( pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet() ) /* The other track is already a cluster member, so we can merge the 2 clusters */
change_equipot( pt_start_conn, pt_end_conn,
pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet(), pt_conn->GetSubNet() );
else /* The other track is not yet attached to a cluster , so we can add this other track to the cluster */
pt_autre_piste->SetSubNet( pt_conn->GetSubNet() );
else /* La connexion ne fait partie d'aucun block */
else /* the track segment is not yet attached to a cluster */
if( pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet() )
if( pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet() ) /* The other track is already a cluster member, so we can add the segment to the cluster */
pt_conn->SetSubNet( pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet() );
else /* it is connected to an other segment not in a cluster, so we must create a new cluster (only with the 2 track segments) */
pt_conn->SetSubNet( sous_net_code );
......@@ -219,13 +227,12 @@ static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
PtStruct = pt_conn->end;
PtStruct = pt_conn->end; // Do the same calculations for the segment end point
if( PtStruct && (PtStruct->Type() != TYPEPAD) )
/* fin connectee a une autre piste */
pt_autre_piste = (TRACK*) PtStruct;
if( pt_conn->GetSubNet() ) /* La connexion fait deja partie d'un block */
if( pt_conn->GetSubNet() ) /* the track segment is already a cluster member */
if( pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet() )
......@@ -235,7 +242,7 @@ static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
pt_autre_piste->SetSubNet( pt_conn->GetSubNet() );
else /* La connexion ne fait partie d'aucun block */
else /* the track segment is not yet attached to a cluster */
if( pt_autre_piste->GetSubNet() )
......@@ -259,10 +266,12 @@ static void propage_equipot( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::test_connexions( wxDC* DC )
* Routine recherchant les connexions deja faites et mettant a jour
* le status du chevelu ( Bit CH_ACTIF mis a 0 si connexion trouvee
* Les pistes sont supposees etre triees par ordre de net_code croissant
/** Function testing the connections relative to all nets
* This function update le status du chevelu ( flag CH_ACTIF = 0 if a connection is found, = 1 else)
* track segments are assumed to be sorted by net codes.
* This is the case because when a new track is added, it is put in the linked link according to its net code.
* and when nets are changed (when a new netlist is read) tracks are sorted before using this function
* @param DC = current Device Context
TRACK* pt_start_conn, * pt_end_conn;
......@@ -270,31 +279,23 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::test_connexions( wxDC* DC )
LISTE_PAD* pt_pad;
int current_net_code;
/* Etablissement des equipotentielles vraies */
/* Clear the cluster identifier for all pads */
pt_pad = m_Pcb->m_Pads;
for( ii = 0; ii < m_Pcb->m_NbPads; ii++, pt_pad++ )
(*pt_pad)->m_physical_connexion = 0;
// Calcul de la connexite //
/* Les pointeurs .start et .end sont mis a jour, si la
* connexion est du type segment a segment
pt_start_conn = m_Pcb->m_Track;
/* Test existing connections net by net */
pt_start_conn = m_Pcb->m_Track; // this is the first segment of the first net
while( pt_start_conn != NULL )
current_net_code = pt_start_conn->GetNet();
pt_end_conn = pt_start_conn->GetEndNetCode( current_net_code );
current_net_code = pt_start_conn->GetNet(); // this is the current net because pt_start_conn is the first segment of the net
pt_end_conn = pt_start_conn->GetEndNetCode( current_net_code ); // this is the last segment of the current net
/* Calcul des connexions type segment du net courant */
calcule_connexite_1_net( pt_start_conn, pt_end_conn );
pt_start_conn = (TRACK*) pt_end_conn->Pnext;
pt_start_conn = (TRACK*) pt_end_conn->Pnext; // this is now the first segment of the next net
......@@ -305,8 +306,10 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::test_connexions( wxDC* DC )
void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::test_1_net_connexion( wxDC* DC, int net_code )
* Routine recherchant les connexions deja faites relatives a 1 net
/** Function testing the connections relative to a given net
* track segments are assumed to be sorted by net codes
* @param DC = current Device Context
* @param net_code = net code to test
TRACK* pt_start_conn, * pt_end_conn;
......@@ -333,7 +336,7 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::test_1_net_connexion( wxDC* DC, int net_code )
(*pt_pad)->m_physical_connexion = 0;
/* Determination des limites du net */
/* Search for the first and the last segment relative to the given net code */
if( m_Pcb->m_Track )
pt_end_conn = NULL;
......@@ -348,10 +351,10 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::test_1_net_connexion( wxDC* DC, int net_code )
/* Test des chevelus */
/* Test the rastnest for this net */
nb_net_noconnect = Test_1_Net_Ratsnest( DC, net_code );
/* Affichage des resultats */
/* Display results */
msg.Printf( wxT( "links %d nc %d net:nc %d" ),
m_Pcb->m_NbLinks, m_Pcb->GetNumNoconnect(),
nb_net_noconnect );
......@@ -443,19 +446,20 @@ static void calcule_connexite_1_net( TRACK* pt_start_conn, TRACK* pt_end_conn )
static D_PAD* SuperFast_Locate_Pad_Connecte( BOARD* pcb, LISTE_PAD* pt_liste,
int px, int py, int masque_layer )
/* recherche le pad connecte a l'extremite de la piste de coord px, py
* parametres d'appel:
* px, py = coord du point tst
* masque_layer = couche(s) de connexion
* pt_liste = adresse de la liste des pointeurs de pads, tels que
* apparaissant apres build_liste_pad, mais classee par position X
* de pads croissantes.
* retourne : pointeur sur le pad connecte
* la routine travaille par dichotomie sur la liste des pads tries par pos X
* croissante, elle est donc beaucoup plus rapide que Fast_Locate_Pad_connecte,
* mais implique le calcul de cette liste.
/** Function SuperFast_Locate_Pad_Connecte
* Locate the pad connected to a track ended at coord px, py
* A track is seen as connected if the px, py position is same as the pad position
* @param px = reference X coordinate
* @param py = reference Y coordinate
* @param masque_layer = Layers (bit to bit) to consider
* @param pt_liste = Pointers to pads buffer
* This buffer is a list like the list created by build_liste_pad, but sorted by increasing X pad coordinate
* @return : pointer on the connected pad
* This function uses a fast search in this sorted pad list and it is faster than Fast_Locate_Pad_connecte(),
* But this sorted pad list must be built before calling this function.
* (la liste placee en m_Pcb->m_Pads et elle triee par netcodes croissants)
* (Note: The usual pad list (created by build_liste_pad) m_Pcb->m_Pads is sorted by increasing netcodes )
D_PAD* pad;
......@@ -474,14 +478,14 @@ static D_PAD* SuperFast_Locate_Pad_Connecte( BOARD* pcb, LISTE_PAD* pt_liste,
if( (ii & 1) && ( ii > 1 ) )
if( pad->m_Pos.x < px ) /* on doit chercher plus loin */
if( pad->m_Pos.x < px ) /* Must search after this item */
ptr_pad += nb_pad;
if( ptr_pad > lim )
ptr_pad = lim;
if( pad->m_Pos.x > px ) /* on doit chercher moins loin */
if( pad->m_Pos.x > px ) /* Must search before this item */
ptr_pad -= nb_pad;
if( ptr_pad < pt_liste )
......@@ -489,9 +493,9 @@ static D_PAD* SuperFast_Locate_Pad_Connecte( BOARD* pcb, LISTE_PAD* pt_liste,
if( pad->m_Pos.x == px ) /* zone de classement trouvee */
if( pad->m_Pos.x == px ) /* A suitable block is found (X coordinate matches the px reference: but wue must matches the Y coordinate */
/* recherche du debut de la zone */
/* Search the beginning of the block */
while( ptr_pad >= pt_liste )
pad = *ptr_pad;
......@@ -501,22 +505,22 @@ static D_PAD* SuperFast_Locate_Pad_Connecte( BOARD* pcb, LISTE_PAD* pt_liste,
ptr_pad++; /* pointe depart de zone a pad->m_Pos.x = px */
ptr_pad++; /* ptr_pad = first pad which have pad->m_Pos.x = px */
for( ; ; ptr_pad++ )
if( ptr_pad > lim )
return NULL; /* hors zone */
return NULL; /* outside suitable block */
pad = *ptr_pad;
if( pad->m_Pos.x != px )
return NULL; /* hors zone */
return NULL; /* outside suitable block */
if( pad->m_Pos.y != py )
/* Pad peut-etre trouve ici: il doit etre sur la bonne couche */
if( pad->m_Masque_Layer & masque_layer )
/* A Pad if found here: but it must mach the layer */
if( pad->m_Masque_Layer & masque_layer ) // Matches layer => a connected pad is found !
return pad;
......@@ -782,8 +786,8 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::reattribution_reference_piste( int affiche )
* routine de tri de connexion utilisee par la fonction QSORT
* le tri est fait par numero de net
* Sort function for track segments used in RebuildTrackChain() (for the qsort C function)
* The sorting is made by net code
int Sort_By_NetCode( TRACK** pt_ref, TRACK** pt_compare )
......@@ -798,8 +802,9 @@ int Sort_By_NetCode( TRACK** pt_ref, TRACK** pt_compare )
static void RebuildTrackChain( BOARD* pcb )
/* Recalcule le chainage des pistes pour que le chainage soit fait par
* netcodes croissants
/** Function RebuildTrackChain()
* @param pcb = board to rebuild
* Rebuild the track segment linked list in order to have a chain sorted by increasing netcodes
TRACK* Track, ** Liste;
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