Commit ab27f56c authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Doc update

parent bc707ced
......@@ -5,8 +5,7 @@ Last Revised: 28-Feb-2010
Kicad needs wxWidgets, the multi platform G.U.I.
Known problems:
*DO NOT* use wxMSW.2.8.1
in fact: use wxWidgets >= 2.9.3
use *only* wxWidgets >= 3.0
Use wxWidgets 2.8.10 or later
......@@ -21,15 +20,6 @@ So use a very recent version (>= 2.8.10 (that also solve other bugs)
wxWidgets patch:
wxMSW, version 2.8.x
Some zoom values smaller than 3 to 5 create artifacts on screen, mainly values < 1.
(corresponding to draw scale factor > 1 )
See (and 11669).
This is fixed in version 2.9.3
wxWidgets 2.9.1 (all platforms)
Has a problem when using the built in string to double conversion:
In countries using a comm instead of a point as floating number separator
......@@ -41,7 +31,7 @@ Use a version >= 2.9.3
wxGTK version: All
wxGTK version: All before wxWidgets 3.0
Patch for printing wide traces that were shown with missing rounded end caps.
Without this patch, printing boards and schematics under Linux, and perhaps OSX
......@@ -57,3 +47,10 @@ Add after this line:
PsPrint( "1 setlinecap\n" );
Known bug on Windows:
Postscript printers print tracks like tin line.
It happens only for PS drivers, and PDF printer.
Other drivers (PCL for instance) work fine,
so it is unlikely a bug inside Kicad/wxWidgets
m_canUpdate = false;
m_parent = aParent;
m_currentPad = aPad; // aPad can be NULL, if the dialog is calleg
// from the modoule editor to set default pad characteristics
m_currentPad = aPad; // aPad can be NULL, if the dialog is called
// from the module editor to set default pad characteristics
m_board = m_parent->GetBoard();
m_dummyPad = new D_PAD( (MODULE*) NULL );
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