Commit a6c60412 authored by Marco Serantoni's avatar Marco Serantoni

OSX: Fixes making bitmap2compoenent work.

parent 2faf4296
......@@ -132,16 +132,28 @@ BM2CMP_FRAME::~BM2CMP_FRAME()
void BM2CMP_FRAME::OnPaint( wxPaintEvent& event )
#ifdef __WXMAC__
// Otherwise fails due: using wxPaintDC without being in a native paint event
wxClientDC pict_dc( m_InitialPicturePanel );
wxClientDC greyscale_dc( m_GreyscalePicturePanel );
wxClientDC nb_dc( m_BNPicturePanel );
wxPaintDC pict_dc( m_InitialPicturePanel );
wxPaintDC greyscale_dc( m_GreyscalePicturePanel );
wxPaintDC nb_dc( m_BNPicturePanel );
m_InitialPicturePanel->PrepareDC( pict_dc );
m_GreyscalePicturePanel->PrepareDC( greyscale_dc );
m_BNPicturePanel->PrepareDC( nb_dc );
// OSX crashes with empty bitmaps (on initial refreshes)
if(m_Pict_Bitmap.IsOk() && m_Greyscale_Bitmap.IsOk() && m_BN_Bitmap.IsOk())
pict_dc.DrawBitmap( m_Pict_Bitmap, 0, 0, false );
greyscale_dc.DrawBitmap( m_Greyscale_Bitmap, 0, 0, false );
nb_dc.DrawBitmap( m_BN_Bitmap, 0, 0, false );
/* Called to load a bitmap file
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