Commit a273b7bd authored by Vladimir Ur's avatar Vladimir Ur

Work on internal (nano)metric length units started.

Added configuartion option KICAD_NANOMETRIC for this.
* With option set to false: *
- it should work and compile as usual
- some values are saved with decimal point (which should be backward/forward compatible as old versions should just drop fractional part)
* With option set to true: *
- lengths in Global Design Rules should be settable 1nm steps.
FROM/TO_LEGACY_LU(_DBL) macros introduced for easy interconnection between old and new units.
parent 311a8186
......@@ -29,6 +29,9 @@ option(KICAD_GOST "enable/disable building using GOST notation for multiple gate
#for those who bored with uppercase
option(KICAD_KEEPCASE "turn-off automatic component name conversion to uppercase if selected")
#highly experimetnal option
option(KICAD_NANOMETRE "set length quantum to 1 nm for PCB")
"Use wxGraphicsContext for rendering (default OFF). Warning, this is experimental")
......@@ -99,6 +102,10 @@ if(KICAD_KEEPCASE)
......@@ -441,6 +441,133 @@ int ReturnValueFromString( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit, const wxString& TextValue,
*New common length functions
const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC g_MillimetreDesc =
_(" mm"),
const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC g_InchDesc =
_(" \""),
const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC g_MilDesc =
_(" mil"),
const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC g_UnscaledDesc = /* stub */
const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *UnitDescription( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit ) {
switch(aUnit) {
case INCHES:
return &g_InchDesc;
return &g_MillimetreDesc;
return &g_UnscaledDesc; /* should not be reached */
wxString LengthToString( const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *aUnit, LENGTH_DEF aValue,
bool aAdd_unit_symbol ) {
wxString StringValue;
double value_to_print;
value_to_print = LENGTH<double>(aValue) / LENGTH<double>(aUnit->m_Value);
StringValue.Printf( wxT( "%.*f" ), aUnit->m_Precision, value_to_print);
if( aAdd_unit_symbol ) {
StringValue += aUnit->m_Postfix;
return StringValue;
LENGTH_DEF StringToLength( const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *aUnit, const wxString& TextValue )
double dtmp = 0;
/* Acquire the 'right' decimal point separator */
const struct lconv* lc = localeconv();
wxChar decimal_point = lc->decimal_point[0];
wxString buf( TextValue.Strip( wxString::both ) );
/* Convert the period in decimal point */
buf.Replace( wxT( "." ), wxString( decimal_point, 1 ) );
// An ugly fix needed by WxWidgets 2.9.1 that sometimes
// back to a point as separator, although the separator is the comma
// TODO: remove this line if WxWidgets 2.9.2 fixes this issue
buf.Replace( wxT( "," ), wxString( decimal_point, 1 ) );
/* Find the end of the numeric part */
unsigned brk_point = 0;
while( brk_point < buf.Len() )
wxChar ch = buf[brk_point];
if( !( (ch >= '0' && ch <='9') || (ch == decimal_point)
|| (ch == '-') || (ch == '+') ) )
/* Extract the numeric part */
buf.Left( brk_point ).ToDouble( &dtmp );
/* Check the optional unit designator (2 ch significant) */
wxString unit( buf.Mid( brk_point ).Strip( wxString::leading ).Left( 2 ).Lower() );
if( unit == wxT( "in" ) || unit == wxT( "\"" ) )
aUnit = &g_InchDesc;
else if( unit == wxT( "mm" ) )
aUnit = &g_MillimetreDesc;
else if( unit == wxT( "mi" ) || unit == wxT( "th" ) ) /* Mils or thous */
aUnit = &g_MilDesc;
Value = LENGTH_DEF( dtmp * LENGTH< double, 1 >( aUnit->m_Value ) );
return Value;
void LengthToTextCtrl( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, LENGTH_DEF Value ) {
wxString msg = LengthToString( UnitDescription( g_UserUnit ), Value );
TextCtr.SetValue( msg );
LENGTH_DEF LengthFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr )
wxString msg = TextCtr.GetValue();
value = StringToLength( UnitDescription( g_UserUnit ), msg );
return value;
* Function wxStringSplit
* Split a String to a String List when founding 'splitter'
......@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
#include "pcbstruct.h" // NB_COLORS
#include "lengthpcb.h"
// Class for handle current printed board design settings
......@@ -22,11 +24,11 @@ public:
int m_EdgeSegmentWidth; // current graphic line width (EDGE layer only)
int m_PcbTextWidth; // current Pcb (not module) Text width
wxSize m_PcbTextSize; // current Pcb (not module) Text size
int m_TrackMinWidth; // track min value for width ((min copper size value
int m_ViasMinSize; // vias (not micro vias) min diameter
int m_ViasMinDrill; // vias (not micro vias) min drill diameter
int m_MicroViasMinSize; // micro vias (not vias) min diameter
int m_MicroViasMinDrill; // micro vias (not vias) min drill diameter
LENGTH_PCB m_TrackMinWidth; // track min value for width ((min copper size value
LENGTH_PCB m_ViasMinSize; // vias (not micro vias) min diameter
LENGTH_PCB m_ViasMinDrill; // vias (not micro vias) min drill diameter
LENGTH_PCB m_MicroViasMinSize; // micro vias (not vias) min diameter
LENGTH_PCB m_MicroViasMinDrill; // micro vias (not vias) min drill diameter
// Global mask margins:
int m_SolderMaskMargin; // Solder mask margin
......@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
#include "wx/confbase.h"
#include "wx/fileconf.h"
#include "length.h"
class wxAboutDialogInfo;
......@@ -321,6 +326,7 @@ wxString ReturnStringFromValue( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit,
int aInternal_Unit,
bool aAdd_unit_symbol = false );
void AddUnitSymbol( wxStaticText& Stext, EDA_UNITS_T aUnit = g_UserUnit );
/* Add string " (mm):" or " ("):" to the static text Stext.
......@@ -334,6 +340,27 @@ void PutValueInLocalUnits( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, int Value,
int ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr,
int Internal_Unit );
wxString m_Postfix;
wxString m_IntlSymbol;
int m_Precision;
extern const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC g_MillimetreDesc, g_InchDesc, g_MilDesc;
const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *UnitDescription( EDA_UNITS_T aUnit );
LENGTH_DEF StringToLength( const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *aUnit, const wxString& TextValue );
wxString LengthToString( const LENGTH_UNIT_DESC *aUnit, LENGTH_DEF aValue,
bool aAdd_unit_symbol = false );
void LengthToTextCtrl( wxTextCtrl& TextCtr, LENGTH_DEF Value );
LENGTH_DEF LengthFromTextCtrl( const wxTextCtrl& TextCtr );
/* return a String List from a string, with a specific splitter*/
wxArrayString* wxStringSplit( wxString txt, wxChar splitter );
* The physical length library. Made for nanometer scale.
* @file length.h
* @brief The physical length library. Made for nanometer scale.
/* sorry it is not styled correctly, i'll work on it further */
/* sorry if it is not styled correctly, i'll work on it further */
#include "limited_int.h"
/* type to be used by length units by default */
typedef int DEF_LENGTH_VALUE;
* Length template class
* Length template class.
* @param T actual type holding a value (be aware of precision and range!)
* @param P power of length unit: 1 - length, 2 - area, 3 - volume, -1 - lin. density etc...
* This class check length dimension in compile time. In runtime it behaves
......@@ -47,6 +49,8 @@ typedef int DEF_LENGTH_VALUE;
template < typename T = DEF_LENGTH_VALUE, int P = 1 > class LENGTH;
* Length units contained in this class
......@@ -61,6 +65,38 @@ template < typename T, int P > struct LENGTH_TRAITS
typedef LENGTH<T, P> flat;
template < typename T > struct LENGTH_CASTS
template< typename X > static T cast( const X x )
return T( x );
template <> struct LENGTH_CASTS < int >
static int cast( const double x )
return floor( x + 0.5 );
template <> struct LENGTH_CASTS < long >
static long cast( const double x )
return floor( x + 0.5 );
template < typename T > struct LENGTH_CASTS < LIMITED_INT< T > >
static LIMITED_INT< T > cast( const double x )
return LIMITED_INT< T > ( floor( x + 0.5 ) );
template < typename T > struct LENGTH_TRAITS< T, 0 >
/* length dimension to power 0 is just a number, so LENGTH<T, 0> should be automatically converted to T */
......@@ -92,7 +128,8 @@ public:
dimension = P
LENGTH( const LENGTH <T, P> &orig ) : m_U( orig.m_U )
template< typename U > LENGTH( const LENGTH< U, P > &orig )
: m_U( LENGTH_CASTS < T >::cast( orig.m_U ) )
LENGTH( void ) : m_U()
......@@ -104,14 +141,20 @@ public:
return T(0);
/* Do not use this, please */
static LENGTH<T, P> quantum ( void )
return T(1);
LENGTH<T, P> & operator = ( const LENGTH<T, P> & y )
this->m_U = y.m_U;
return *this;
template<typename Y> operator LENGTH< Y, P > ( void )
template< typename Y > operator LENGTH< Y, P > ( void )
return this->m_U;
return LENGTH< Y, P >( this->m_U );
/* comparisons and tests */
......@@ -231,6 +274,9 @@ public:
* to get numeric value of length in specific units you should use a division
* length/LENGTH_UNITS::metre() gives number of metres in length
* legnth/LENGTH_UNITS::foot() gives number of feet in length
* Really these units are used in NEWPCB and printing routines, as EESCHEMA
* is going to use relative units.
template < typename T = DEF_LENGTH_VALUE > class LENGTH_UNITS {
......@@ -275,4 +321,4 @@ template < typename T, int D > class LENGTH_UNITS< LENGTH< T, D > >: public LENG
#endif /* def LENGTH_H_INCLUDED */
* @file lengthpcb.h
* @brief Length definitions for PCBNEW.
#include "length.h"
/* switched type! */
typedef LENGTH< LIMITED_INT< int >, 1 > LENGTH_PCB;
typedef LENGTH< double, 1 > LENGTH_PCB_DBL;
/* Transition macros. they are used for unit conversion between
* nanometre scale and old (0.1 mil) scale */
#define TO_LEGACY_LU( x ) \
#define TO_LEGACY_LU_DBL( x ) \
static LENGTH_PCB from_legacy_lu( int x ) {
static LENGTH_PCB from_legacy_lu( double x ) {
static LENGTH_PCB_DBL from_legacy_lu_dbl( double x ) {
#define FROM_LEGACY_LU( x ) ( from_legacy_lu( x ) )
#define FROM_LEGACY_LU_DBL( x ) ( from_legacy_lu_dbl( x ) )
typedef int LENGTH_PCB;
typedef double LENGTH_PCB_DBL;
/* transition macro stubs */
#define TO_LEGACY_LU( x ) ( x )
#define TO_LEGACY_LU_DBL( x ) ( double( x ) )
#define FROM_LEGACY_LU( x ) ( x )
#define FROM_LEGACY_LU_DBL( x ) ( double( x ) )
#endif /* def LENGTHPCB_H_INCLUDED */
* @file limited_int.h
* @brief Integer class catching overflows.
/* sorry if it is not styled correctly, i'll work on it further */
#include <limits>
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
template < typename T = int > class LIMITED_INT {
T m_Value;
LIMITED_INT( void ) : m_Value() {
template<typename V> LIMITED_INT( const LIMITED_INT< V >& orig )
: m_Value( orig.m_Value )
assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::min() <= orig.m_Value);
assert(orig.m_Value <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
template<typename V> LIMITED_INT( const double v )
: m_Value( floor(v+0.5) )
assert(std::numeric_limits<T>::min() <= v);
assert(v <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max());
LIMITED_INT( T v ): m_Value( v )
operator T( void ) const
return m_Value;
operator double( void ) const
return ( double )m_Value;
LIMITED_INT<T> & operator = ( LIMITED_INT< T > src )
m_Value = src.m_Value;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT<T> & operator = ( T src )
m_Value = src;
return *this;
/* comparisons and tests */
bool operator ! (void) const {
return !m_Value;
bool operator == ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
return m_Value == y.m_Value;
bool operator == ( const T y ) const
return m_Value == y;
friend bool operator == ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x == y.m_Value;
bool operator != ( const LIMITED_INT<T> &y ) const
return m_Value != y.m_Value;
bool operator != ( const T y ) const
return m_Value != y;
friend bool operator != ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x != y.m_Value;
bool operator < ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
return m_Value < y.m_Value;
bool operator < ( const T y ) const
return m_Value < y;
friend bool operator < ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x < y.m_Value;
bool operator >= ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
return m_Value >= y.m_Value;
bool operator >= ( const T y ) const
return m_Value >= y;
friend bool operator >= ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT<T> &y )
return x >= y.m_Value;
bool operator > ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
return m_Value > y.m_Value;
bool operator > ( const T y ) const
return m_Value > y;
friend bool operator > ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x > y.m_Value;
bool operator <= ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
return m_Value <= y.m_Value;
bool operator <= ( const T y ) const
return m_Value <= y;
friend bool operator <= ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x <= y.m_Value;
/* basic arithmetic */
LIMITED_INT< T > operator + ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
assert( !( 0 < m_Value ) || y.m_Value <= std::numeric_limits< T >::max() - m_Value );
assert( !( m_Value < 0 ) || std::numeric_limits< T >::min() - m_Value <= y.m_Value );
return m_Value + y.m_Value;
LIMITED_INT< T > operator + ( const T y ) const
return *this + LIMITED_INT< T >( y );
friend LIMITED_INT< T > operator + ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return LIMITED_INT< T >( x ) + y;
double operator + ( const double y ) const
return double( m_Value ) + y;
friend double operator + ( const double x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x + double( y.m_Value );
LIMITED_INT< T > operator - ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
assert( !( 0 < m_Value ) || m_Value - std::numeric_limits< T >::max() <= y.m_Value );
assert( !( m_Value < 0 ) || y.m_Value <= m_Value - std::numeric_limits< T >::min() );
return m_Value - y.m_Value;
LIMITED_INT< T > operator - ( const T y ) const
return *this - LIMITED_INT< T >( y );
friend LIMITED_INT< T > operator - ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return LIMITED_INT< T >( x ) - y;
double operator - ( const double y ) const
return double( m_Value ) - y;
friend double operator - ( const double x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x - double( y.m_Value );
LIMITED_INT< T > operator * ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y ) const
assert( !( 0 < m_Value && 0 < y.m_Value )
|| y.m_Value <= std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / m_Value );
assert( !( 0 < m_Value && y.m_Value < 0 )
|| std::numeric_limits<T>::min() / m_Value <= y.m_Value );
assert( !( m_Value < 0 && 0 < y.m_Value )
|| std::numeric_limits<T>::min() / y.m_Value <= m_Value );
assert( !( m_Value < 0 && y.m_Value < 0 )
|| std::numeric_limits<T>::max() / m_Value <= y.m_Value );
return m_Value * y.m_Value;
LIMITED_INT<T> operator * ( const T y) const
return *this * LIMITED_INT< T >( y );
friend LIMITED_INT< T > operator *( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return LIMITED_INT< T >( x ) * y;
double operator * ( const double y ) const
return double( m_Value ) * y;
friend double operator * ( const double x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x * double( y.m_Value );
LIMITED_INT<T> operator / ( const LIMITED_INT<T> &y ) const
assert( !( -1 == y.m_Value )
|| -std::numeric_limits< T >::max() <= m_Value );
return m_Value / y.m_Value;
LIMITED_INT<T> operator / ( const T y ) const
return *this / LIMITED_INT<T>(y);
friend LIMITED_INT< T > operator / ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return LIMITED_INT< T >( x ) / y;
double operator / ( const double y ) const
return double( m_Value ) / y;
friend double operator / ( const double x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return x / double( y.m_Value );
LIMITED_INT<T> operator % ( const LIMITED_INT<T> &y ) const
return m_Value % y.m_Value;
LIMITED_INT<T> operator % ( const T y ) const
return *this % LIMITED_INT<T>(y);
friend LIMITED_INT< T > operator % ( const T x, const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
return LIMITED_INT< T >( x ) % y;
/* assignment arithmetic */
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator += ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
*this = *this + y;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator += ( const T y )
*this = *this + y;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator ++ ( void )
*this = *this + 1;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator -= ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
*this = *this - y;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator -= ( const T y )
*this = *this - y;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator -- ( void )
*this = *this - 1;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator *= ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
*this = *this * y;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator *= ( const T y )
*this = *this * y;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator /= ( const LIMITED_INT< T > &y )
*this = *this / y;
return *this;
LIMITED_INT< T >& operator /= ( const T y )
*this = *this / y;
return *this;
#endif /* def LIMITED_INT_H_INCLUDED*/
m_EdgeSegmentWidth = 100; // current graphic line width (EDGE layer only)
m_PcbTextWidth = 100; // current Pcb (not module) Text width
m_PcbTextSize = wxSize( 500, 500 ); // current Pcb (not module) Text size
m_TrackMinWidth = 80; // track min value for width ((min copper size value
m_ViasMinSize = 350; // vias (not micro vias) min diameter
m_ViasMinDrill = 200; // vias (not micro vias) min drill diameter
m_MicroViasMinSize = 200; // micro vias (not vias) min diameter
m_MicroViasMinDrill = 50; // micro vias (not vias) min drill diameter
m_TrackMinWidth = FROM_LEGACY_LU( 80 ); // track min value for width ((min copper size value
m_ViasMinSize = FROM_LEGACY_LU( 350 ); // vias (not micro vias) min diameter
m_ViasMinDrill = FROM_LEGACY_LU( 200 ); // vias (not micro vias) min drill diameter
m_MicroViasMinSize = FROM_LEGACY_LU( 200 ); // micro vias (not vias) min diameter
m_MicroViasMinDrill = FROM_LEGACY_LU( 50 ); // micro vias (not vias) min drill diameter
// Global mask margins:
m_SolderMaskMargin = 150; // Solder mask margin
......@@ -75,9 +75,9 @@ void NETCLASS::SetParams( const NETCLASS* defaults )
// TODO: see how change that.
const BOARD_DESIGN_SETTINGS& g = boardDesignSettings;
SetTrackWidth( g.m_TrackMinWidth );
SetViaDiameter( g.m_ViasMinSize );
SetuViaDiameter(g.m_MicroViasMinSize );
SetTrackWidth( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_TrackMinWidth ) );
SetViaDiameter( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_ViasMinSize ) );
SetuViaDiameter( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_MicroViasMinSize ) );
// Use default values for next parameters:
......@@ -412,27 +412,27 @@ bool NETCLASS::ReadDescr( LINE_READER* aReader )
int NETCLASS::GetTrackMinWidth() const
return m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth;
return TO_LEGACY_LU( m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth );
int NETCLASS::GetViaMinDiameter() const
return m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize;
return TO_LEGACY_LU( m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize );
int NETCLASS::GetViaMinDrill() const
return m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinDrill;
return TO_LEGACY_LU( m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinDrill );
int NETCLASS::GetuViaMinDiameter() const
return m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize;
return TO_LEGACY_LU( m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize );
int NETCLASS::GetuViaMinDrill() const
return m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinDrill;
return TO_LEGACY_LU( m_Parent->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinDrill );
......@@ -213,18 +213,21 @@ void DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES::PrintCurrentSettings()
// Display min values:
value = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit,
TO_LEGACY_LU( m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth ),
true );
msg.Printf( _( "Minimum value for tracks width: <b>%s</b><br>\n" ), GetChars( value ) );
m_MessagesList->AppendToPage( msg );
value = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit, m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize, internal_units, true );
value = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit,
TO_LEGACY_LU( m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize ),
true );
msg.Printf( _( "Minimum value for vias diameter: <b>%s</b><br>\n" ), GetChars( value ) );
m_MessagesList->AppendToPage( msg );
value = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UserUnit,
TO_LEGACY_LU( m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize ),
true );
msg.Printf( _( "Minimum value for microvias diameter: <b>%s</b><br>\n" ), GetChars( value ) );
......@@ -291,21 +294,35 @@ void DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES::InitGlobalRules()
AddUnitSymbol( *m_TrackMinWidthTitle );
int Internal_Unit = m_Parent->m_InternalUnits;
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetViasMinSizeCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize, Internal_Unit );
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_SetViasMinSizeCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize );
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_SetViasMinDrillCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinDrill );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetViasMinSizeCtrl,
Internal_Unit );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetViasMinDrillCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinDrill, Internal_Unit );
if( m_BrdSettings->m_CurrentViaType != VIA_THROUGH )
m_OptViaType->SetSelection( 1 );
m_AllowMicroViaCtrl->SetSelection( m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasAllowed ? 1 : 0 );
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize );
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinDrill );
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl,
Internal_Unit );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl,
TO_LEGACY_LU( m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinDrill ),
Internal_Unit );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl, m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth, Internal_Unit );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl,
Internal_Unit );
// Initialize Vias and Tracks sizes lists.
// note we display only extra values, never the current netclass value.
......@@ -609,23 +626,40 @@ void DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES::CopyGlobalRulesToBoard()
if( m_OptViaType->GetSelection() > 0 )
m_BrdSettings->m_CurrentViaType = VIA_BLIND_BURIED;
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasAllowed = m_AllowMicroViaCtrl->GetSelection() == 1;
// Update vias minimum values for DRC
m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetViasMinSizeCtrl );
m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinDrill =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetViasMinDrillCtrl );
// Update microvias minimum values for DRC
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl );
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinDrill =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl );
// Update tracks minimum values for DRC
m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl );
// Update vias minimum values for DRC
m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetViasMinSizeCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinDrill =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetViasMinDrillCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasAllowed = m_AllowMicroViaCtrl->GetSelection() == 1;
// Update microvias minimum values for DRC
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinDrill =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
// Update tracks minimum values for DRC
m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
......@@ -213,7 +213,6 @@ DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE::DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID
fgMinValuesSizer->Add( m_MicroViaMinSizeTitle, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxTOP|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl->SetMaxLength( 6 );
fgMinValuesSizer->Add( m_SetMicroViasMinSizeCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxTOP|wxRIGHT|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_MicroViaMinDrillTitle = new wxStaticText( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, wxID_ANY, _("Min uvia drill dia"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
......@@ -221,7 +220,6 @@ DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE::DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID
fgMinValuesSizer->Add( m_MicroViaMinDrillTitle, 0, wxALIGN_RIGHT|wxTOP|wxBOTTOM|wxLEFT, 5 );
m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl->SetMaxLength( 6 );
fgMinValuesSizer->Add( m_SetMicroViasMinDrillCtrl, 0, wxEXPAND|wxALL, 5 );
sbMinSizesSizer->Add( fgMinValuesSizer, 0, wxEXPAND, 5 );
......@@ -130,12 +130,21 @@ void DIALOG_DRC_CONTROL::InitValues()
void DIALOG_DRC_CONTROL::SetDrcParmeters( )
m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl );
m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetViaMinSizeCtrl );
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize =
LengthFromTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViakMinSizeCtrl );
m_BrdSettings->m_TrackMinWidth =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
m_BrdSettings->m_ViasMinSize =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetViaMinSizeCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
m_BrdSettings->m_MicroViasMinSize =
ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_SetMicroViakMinSizeCtrl, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
......@@ -54,15 +54,24 @@ void DRC::ShowDialog()
// copy data retained in this DRC object into the m_ui DrcPanel:
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_ui->m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl,
m_pcb->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth );
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_ui->m_SetViaMinSizeCtrl,
m_pcb->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize );
LengthToTextCtrl( *m_ui->m_SetMicroViakMinSizeCtrl,
m_pcb->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ui->m_SetTrackMinWidthCtrl,
TO_LEGACY_LU( m_pcb->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth ),
m_mainWindow->m_InternalUnits );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ui->m_SetViaMinSizeCtrl,
TO_LEGACY_LU( m_pcb->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize ),
m_mainWindow->m_InternalUnits );
PutValueInLocalUnits( *m_ui->m_SetMicroViakMinSizeCtrl,
TO_LEGACY_LU( m_pcb->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize ),
m_mainWindow->m_InternalUnits );
m_ui->m_CreateRptCtrl->SetValue( m_doCreateRptFile );
m_ui->m_RptFilenameCtrl->SetValue( m_rptFilename );
......@@ -313,12 +322,12 @@ bool DRC::doNetClass( NETCLASS* nc, wxString& msg )
if( nc->GetTrackWidth() < g.m_TrackMinWidth )
if( nc->GetTrackWidth() < TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_TrackMinWidth ) )
msg.Printf( _( "NETCLASS: '%s' has TrackWidth:%s which is less than global:%s" ),
GetChars( nc->GetName() ),
FmtVal( nc->GetTrackWidth() ),
FmtVal( g.m_TrackMinWidth )
FmtVal( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_TrackMinWidth ) )
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( DRCE_NETCLASS_TRACKWIDTH, msg, m_currentMarker );
......@@ -327,12 +336,12 @@ bool DRC::doNetClass( NETCLASS* nc, wxString& msg )
ret = false;
if( nc->GetViaDiameter() < g.m_ViasMinSize )
if( nc->GetViaDiameter() < TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_ViasMinSize ) )
msg.Printf( _( "NETCLASS: '%s' has Via Dia:%s which is less than global:%s" ),
GetChars( nc->GetName() ),
FmtVal( nc->GetViaDiameter() ),
FmtVal( g.m_ViasMinSize )
FmtVal( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_ViasMinSize ) )
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( DRCE_NETCLASS_VIASIZE, msg, m_currentMarker );
......@@ -341,12 +350,12 @@ bool DRC::doNetClass( NETCLASS* nc, wxString& msg )
ret = false;
if( nc->GetViaDrill() < g.m_ViasMinDrill )
if( nc->GetViaDrill() < TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_ViasMinDrill ) )
msg.Printf( _( "NETCLASS: '%s' has Via Drill:%s which is less than global:%s" ),
GetChars( nc->GetName() ),
FmtVal( nc->GetViaDrill() ),
FmtVal( g.m_ViasMinDrill )
FmtVal( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_ViasMinDrill ) )
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( DRCE_NETCLASS_VIADRILLSIZE, msg, m_currentMarker );
......@@ -355,12 +364,12 @@ bool DRC::doNetClass( NETCLASS* nc, wxString& msg )
ret = false;
if( nc->GetuViaDiameter() < g.m_MicroViasMinSize )
if( nc->GetuViaDiameter() < TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_MicroViasMinSize ) )
msg.Printf( _( "NETCLASS: '%s' has uVia Dia:%s which is less than global:%s" ),
GetChars( nc->GetName() ),
FmtVal( nc->GetuViaDiameter() ),
FmtVal( g.m_MicroViasMinSize )
FmtVal( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_MicroViasMinSize ) )
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( DRCE_NETCLASS_uVIASIZE, msg, m_currentMarker );
......@@ -369,12 +378,12 @@ bool DRC::doNetClass( NETCLASS* nc, wxString& msg )
ret = false;
if( nc->GetuViaDrill() < g.m_MicroViasMinDrill )
if( nc->GetuViaDrill() < TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_MicroViasMinDrill ) )
msg.Printf( _( "NETCLASS: '%s' has uVia Drill:%s which is less than global:%s" ),
GetChars( nc->GetName() ),
FmtVal( nc->GetuViaDrill() ),
FmtVal( g.m_MicroViasMinDrill )
FmtVal( TO_LEGACY_LU( g.m_MicroViasMinDrill ) )
m_currentMarker = fillMarker( DRCE_NETCLASS_uVIADRILLSIZE, msg, m_currentMarker );
......@@ -449,7 +449,8 @@ int PCB_BASE_FRAME::ReadSetup( LINE_READER* aReader )
if( stricmp( line, "TrackMinWidth" ) == 0 )
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth = atoi( data );
double width = atof( data );
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth = FROM_LEGACY_LU( width );
......@@ -478,7 +479,8 @@ int PCB_BASE_FRAME::ReadSetup( LINE_READER* aReader )
if( stricmp( line, "ViaMinSize" ) == 0 )
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize = atoi( data );
double diameter = atof( data );
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize = FROM_LEGACY_LU( diameter );
......@@ -489,7 +491,8 @@ int PCB_BASE_FRAME::ReadSetup( LINE_READER* aReader )
if( stricmp( line, "MicroViaMinSize" ) == 0 )
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize = atoi( data );
double diameter = atof( data );
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize = FROM_LEGACY_LU( diameter );
......@@ -519,7 +522,8 @@ int PCB_BASE_FRAME::ReadSetup( LINE_READER* aReader )
if( stricmp( line, "ViaMinDrill" ) == 0 )
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinDrill = atoi( data );
double diameter = atof( data );
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinDrill = FROM_LEGACY_LU( diameter );
......@@ -532,8 +536,8 @@ int PCB_BASE_FRAME::ReadSetup( LINE_READER* aReader )
if( stricmp( line, "MicroViaMinDrill" ) == 0 )
int diameter = atoi( data );
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinDrill = diameter;
double diameter = atof( data );
GetBoard()->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinDrill = FROM_LEGACY_LU( diameter );
......@@ -694,7 +698,9 @@ static int WriteSetup( FILE* aFile, PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame, BOARD* aBoard )
fprintf( aFile, "TrackClearence %d\n", netclass_default->GetClearance() );
fprintf( aFile, "ZoneClearence %d\n", g_Zone_Default_Setting.m_ZoneClearance );
fprintf( aFile, "TrackMinWidth %d\n", aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth );
fprintf( aFile,
"TrackMinWidth %f\n",
TO_LEGACY_LU_DBL( aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_TrackMinWidth ) );
fprintf( aFile, "DrawSegmWidth %d\n", aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_DrawSegmentWidth );
fprintf( aFile, "EdgeSegmWidth %d\n", aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_EdgeSegmentWidth );
......@@ -702,8 +708,12 @@ static int WriteSetup( FILE* aFile, PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame, BOARD* aBoard )
// Save current default via size, for compatibility with older Pcbnew version;
fprintf( aFile, "ViaSize %d\n", netclass_default->GetViaDiameter() );
fprintf( aFile, "ViaDrill %d\n", netclass_default->GetViaDrill() );
fprintf( aFile, "ViaMinSize %d\n", aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize );
fprintf( aFile, "ViaMinDrill %d\n", aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinDrill );
fprintf( aFile,
"ViaMinSize %f\n",
TO_LEGACY_LU_DBL( aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinSize ) );
fprintf( aFile,
"ViaMinDrill %f\n",
TO_LEGACY_LU_DBL( aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_ViasMinDrill ) );
// Save custom vias diameters list (the first is not saved here: this is
// the netclass value
......@@ -719,11 +729,11 @@ static int WriteSetup( FILE* aFile, PCB_EDIT_FRAME* aFrame, BOARD* aBoard )
"MicroViasAllowed %d\n",
aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasAllowed );
fprintf( aFile,
"MicroViaMinSize %d\n",
aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize );
"MicroViaMinSize %f\n",
TO_LEGACY_LU_DBL( aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinSize ) );
fprintf( aFile,
"MicroViaMinDrill %d\n",
aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinDrill );
"MicroViaMinDrill %f\n",
TO_LEGACY_LU_DBL( aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_MicroViasMinDrill ) );
fprintf( aFile, "TextPcbWidth %d\n", aBoard->GetBoardDesignSettings()->m_PcbTextWidth );
fprintf( aFile,
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