Commit a0c5e040 authored by charras's avatar charras

Minor changes

parent 3db5876c
......@@ -15,6 +15,19 @@ email address.
for it.
2009-oct-30 UPDATE Wayne Stambaugh <>
Replace library editor pin properties dialog box and minor update.
* Replaced library pin properties dialog with wxFormBuilder version.
* Remove DialogBlocks version of pin properties dialog.
* Add pin properties dialog support code to pin object.
* Create single event handler for displaying pin properties dialog.
* Remove left over DialogBlocks project file for annotate dialog.
* Fixed escape key bug in library editor new component dialog.
* Add GetUnitsLabel() to get human readable units for dialog labels.
* Translate French comments in all modified files.
* Some minor clean up of Doxygen comments.
2009-oct-30 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void DialogLabelEditor::init()
wxString msg;
bool multine = false;
if( m_CurrentText->m_MultilineAllowed )
m_TextLabel = m_textCtrlMultiline;
......@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@ void DialogLabelEditor::onEnterKey( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DialogLabelEditor::OnButtonOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
TextPropertiesAccept( event );
EndModal( wxID_OK );
......@@ -176,6 +177,6 @@ void DialogLabelEditor::OnButtonOKClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void DialogLabelEditor::OnButtonCANCEL_Click( wxCommandEvent& event )
EndModal( -1 );
EndModal( wxID_CANCEL );
......@@ -139,12 +139,15 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::EditSchematicText( SCH_TEXT* TextStruct,
if( TextStruct == NULL )
// Erase old text on screen
DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC );
RedrawOneStruct( DrawPanel, DC, TextStruct, g_XorMode );
DialogLabelEditor::ShowModally( this, TextStruct );
RedrawOneStruct( DrawPanel, DC, TextStruct, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );
// Redraw nex text, if exists
if( ! TextStruct->m_Text.IsEmpty() )
RedrawOneStruct( DrawPanel, DC, TextStruct, GR_DEFAULT_DRAWMODE );
DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC );
......@@ -163,11 +166,11 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::ChangeTextOrient( SCH_TEXT* TextStruct, wxDC* DC )
if( TextStruct->m_Flags == 0 )
SaveCopyInUndoList( TextStruct, UR_CHANGED );
/* Effacement du texte en cours */
/* Erase old text */
DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC );
RedrawOneStruct( DrawPanel, DC, TextStruct, g_XorMode );
/* Rotation du texte */
/* Rot text */
int orient;
switch( TextStruct->Type() )
......@@ -187,7 +190,7 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::ChangeTextOrient( SCH_TEXT* TextStruct, wxDC* DC )
/* Reaffichage */
/* redraw the new tewt */
RedrawOneStruct( DrawPanel, DC, TextStruct, g_XorMode );
DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC );
No preview for this file type
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Dec 29 2008)
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Apr 16 2008)
......@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE::DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID
m_panelNetClassesEditor->SetSizer( bpanelNetClassesSizer );
bpanelNetClassesSizer->Fit( m_panelNetClassesEditor );
m_DRnotebook->AddPage( m_panelNetClassesEditor, _("Net Classes Editor"), true );
m_DRnotebook->AddPage( m_panelNetClassesEditor, _("Net Classes Editor"), false );
m_panelGolbalDesignRules = new wxPanel( m_DRnotebook, wxID_ANY, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSUNKEN_BORDER|wxTAB_TRAVERSAL );
wxBoxSizer* bpanelGlobRulesSizer;
bpanelGlobRulesSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL );
......@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@ DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE::DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID
wxStaticBoxSizer* sViaSizeBox;
sViaSizeBox = new wxStaticBoxSizer( new wxStaticBox( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, wxID_ANY, _("Custom Via Sizes:") ), wxVERTICAL );
m_staticText7 = new wxStaticText( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, wxID_ANY, _("A blank or 0 => default Netclass value"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_staticText7 = new wxStaticText( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, wxID_ANY, _("Drill value: a blank or 0 => default Netclass value"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
m_staticText7->Wrap( -1 );
sViaSizeBox->Add( m_staticText7, 0, wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE::DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID
m_panelGolbalDesignRules->SetSizer( bpanelGlobRulesSizer );
bpanelGlobRulesSizer->Fit( m_panelGolbalDesignRules );
m_DRnotebook->AddPage( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, _("Global Design Rules"), false );
m_DRnotebook->AddPage( m_panelGolbalDesignRules, _("Global Design Rules"), true );
bMainSizer->Add( m_DRnotebook, 1, wxEXPAND | wxALL, 5 );
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
<property name="minimum_size">-1,-1</property>
<property name="name">DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE</property>
<property name="pos"></property>
<property name="size">900,600</property>
<property name="size">900,640</property>
<property name="style">wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER</property>
<property name="subclass"></property>
<property name="title">Design Rules Editor</property>
......@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@
<object class="notebookpage" expanded="1">
<property name="bitmap"></property>
<property name="label">Net Classes Editor</property>
<property name="select">1</property>
<property name="select">0</property>
<object class="wxPanel" expanded="1">
<property name="bg"></property>
<property name="context_help"></property>
......@@ -969,7 +969,7 @@
<object class="notebookpage" expanded="1">
<property name="bitmap"></property>
<property name="label">Global Design Rules</property>
<property name="select">0</property>
<property name="select">1</property>
<object class="wxPanel" expanded="1">
<property name="bg"></property>
<property name="context_help"></property>
......@@ -1895,7 +1895,7 @@
<property name="font"></property>
<property name="hidden">0</property>
<property name="id">wxID_ANY</property>
<property name="label">A blank or 0 =&gt; default Netclass value</property>
<property name="label">Drill value: a blank or 0 =&gt; default Netclass value</property>
<property name="maximum_size"></property>
<property name="minimum_size"></property>
<property name="name">m_staticText7</property>
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Dec 29 2008)
// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Apr 16 2008)
......@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ class DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE : public wxDialog
DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("Design Rules Editor"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 900,600 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("Design Rules Editor"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 900,640 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
......@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@ void DIALOG_GLOBAL_EDIT_TRACKS_AND_VIAS::MyInit()
// Enable/disable the option "copy current to net" if we ause only default netclass values
if( ! board->m_TrackWidthSelector && !board->m_ViaSizeSelector )
if( !board->m_TrackWidthSelector && !board->m_ViaSizeSelector )
m_Net2CurrValueButton->Enable( false );
m_Net2CurrValueText->Enable( false );
// Display current values, and current netclass values:
......@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ void DIALOG_GLOBAL_EDIT_TRACKS_AND_VIAS::MyInit()
msg = _( "Default" );
m_gridDisplayCurrentSettings->SetCellValue( 1, 0, msg );
// recompute the column widths here, after setting texts
value = netclass->GetViaDiameter();
......@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@ void DIALOG_GLOBAL_EDIT_TRACKS_AND_VIAS::MyInit()
m_gridDisplayCurrentSettings->SetReadOnly( ii, jj, true );
m_gridDisplayCurrentSettings->Fit( );
......@@ -136,23 +137,56 @@ void DIALOG_GLOBAL_EDIT_TRACKS_AND_VIAS::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
bool change = false;
switch( event.GetId() )
if( !IsOK( this,
_( "Set current Net tracks and vias sizes and drill to the current values?" ) ) )
wxBusyCursor dummy;
change = m_Parent->Change_Net_Tracks_And_Vias_Sizes( m_Netcode, false );
if( !IsOK( this,
"Set current Net tracks and vias sizes and drill to the Netclass default value?" ) ) )
wxBusyCursor dummy;
change = m_Parent->Change_Net_Tracks_And_Vias_Sizes( m_Netcode, true );
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Set All Tracks and Vias to Netclass value" ) ) )
wxBusyCursor dummy;
change = m_Parent->Reset_All_Tracks_And_Vias_To_Netclass_Values( true, true );
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Set All Via to Netclass value" ) ) )
wxBusyCursor dummy;
change = m_Parent->Reset_All_Tracks_And_Vias_To_Netclass_Values( false, true );
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Set All Track to Netclass value" ) ) )
wxBusyCursor dummy;
change = m_Parent->Reset_All_Tracks_And_Vias_To_Netclass_Values( true, false );
EndModal( 1 );
......@@ -186,24 +186,6 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbFrame::Change_Net_Tracks_And_Vias_Sizes(
if( aNetcode <= 0 )
return false;
NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetBoard()->FindNet( aNetcode );
wxASSERT( net );
wxString netName = net->GetNetname();
wxString msg;
NETCLASS* netClass = net->GetNetClass();
wxASSERT( netClass );
wxString netClassName = netClass->GetName();
if( aUseNetclassValue )
msg.Printf( _(
"Set tracks and vias sizes and drill to the Netclass \"%s\"default value (entire NET \"%s\") ?" ),
GetChars( netClassName ), GetChars( netName ) );
msg.Printf( _(
"Set tracks and vias sizes and drill to the current values (entire NET \"%s\") ?" ),
GetChars( netClassName ), GetChars( netName ) );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
return false;
/* Examine segments */
PICKED_ITEMS_LIST itemsListPicker;
bool change = false;
......@@ -232,22 +214,6 @@ bool WinEDA_PcbFrame::Reset_All_Tracks_And_Vias_To_Netclass_Values(
TRACK* pt_segm;
if( aTrack && aVia )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Set All Tracks and Vias to Netclass value" ) ) )
return false;
else if( aVia )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Set All Via to Netclass value" ) ) )
return false;
else if( aTrack )
if( !IsOK( this, _( "Set All Track to Netclass value" ) ) )
return false;
/* read and edit tracks and vias if required */
PICKED_ITEMS_LIST itemsListPicker;
bool change = false;
......@@ -22,24 +22,32 @@ static void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb );
static void CreateSignalsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb );
static void CreateShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb );
static void CreatePadsShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb );
static void ModuleWriteShape( FILE* File, MODULE* module );
// layer name pour extensions fichiers de tracewxString
static const wxString GenCAD_Layer_Name[32] = {
wxT( "BOTTOM" ), wxT( "INNER1" ), wxT( "INNER2" ), wxT("INNER3" ),
wxT( "INNER4" ), wxT( "INNER5" ), wxT( "INNER6" ), wxT("INNER7" ),
wxT( "INNER8" ), wxT( "INNER9" ), wxT( "INNER10" ), wxT("INNER11" ),
wxT( "INNER12" ), wxT( "INNER13" ), wxT( "INNER14" ), wxT( "TOP" ),
wxT( "adhecu" ), wxT( "adhecmp" ), wxT( "SOLDERPASTE_BOTTOM" ), wxT("SOLDERPASTE_TOP" ),
wxT( "drawings" ), wxT( "comments" ), wxT( "eco1" ), wxT( "eco2" ),
wxT( "edges" ), wxT( "--" ), wxT( "--" ), wxT( "--" )
static void FootprintWriteShape( FILE* File, MODULE* module );
// layer name for Gencad export
static const wxString GenCAD_Layer_Name[32] =
wxT( "BOTTOM" ), wxT( "INNER1" ), wxT( "INNER2" ),
"INNER3" ),
wxT( "INNER4" ), wxT( "INNER5" ), wxT( "INNER6" ), wxT(
"INNER7" ),
wxT( "INNER8" ), wxT( "INNER9" ), wxT( "INNER10" ), wxT(
"INNER11" ),
wxT( "INNER12" ), wxT( "INNER13" ), wxT( "INNER14" ), wxT( "TOP" ),
wxT( "adhecu" ), wxT( "adhecmp" ), wxT( "SOLDERPASTE_BOTTOM" ),wxT(
wxT( "drawings" ), wxT( "comments" ), wxT( "eco1" ), wxT( "eco2" ),
wxT( "edges" ), wxT( "--" ), wxT( "--" ), wxT( "--" )
int offsetX, offsetY;
D_PAD* PadList;
int offsetX, offsetY;
D_PAD* PadList;
/* routines de conversion des coord ( sous GenCAD axe Y vers le haut) */
/* 2 helper functions to calculate coordinates of modules in gencad values ( GenCAD Y axis from bottom to top)
static int mapXto( int x )
return x - offsetX;
......@@ -57,12 +65,12 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event )
* Exporte le board au format GenCAD 1.4
* Creates an Export file (format GenCAD 1.4) from the current borad.
wxFileName fn = GetScreen()->m_FileName;
wxString msg, ext, wildcard;
FILE* file;
wxString msg, ext, wildcard;
FILE* file;
ext = wxT( "gcd" );
wildcard = _( "GenCAD board files (.gcd)|*.gcd" );
......@@ -81,7 +89,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event )
DisplayError( this, msg ); return;
/* Mise a jour des infos PCB: */
/* Update some board data, to ensure a reliable gencad export: */
offsetX = m_Auxiliary_Axis_Position.x;
......@@ -91,9 +99,12 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event )
DrawPanel->PrepareGraphicContext( &dc );
Compile_Ratsnest( &dc, TRUE );
/* Mise des modules vus en miroir en position "normale"
* (necessaire pour decrire les formes sous GenCAD,
* qui sont decrites en vue normale, orientation 0)) */
/* Temporary modification of footprints that are flipped (i.e. on bottom layer)
* to convert them to non flipped footprints.
* This is necessary to easily export shapes to GenCAD,
* that are given as normal orientation (non flipped, rotation = 0))
* these changes will be undone later
MODULE* module;
for( module = GetBoard()->m_Modules; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
......@@ -105,20 +116,20 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Creation de l'entete:
// Create file header:
CreateHeaderInfoData( file, this );
CreateBoardSection( file, GetBoard() );
/* Creation liste des TRACKS
* (section $TRACK) id liste des outils de tracage de pistes */
/* Create TRACKS list
* This is the section $TRACK) (track width sizes) */
CreateTracksInfoData( file, GetBoard() );
/* Creation de la liste des formes utilisees
* (formes des composants principalement */
/* Create the shapes list
* (shapes of pads and footprints */
CreatePadsShapesSection( file, GetBoard() ); // doit etre appele avant CreateShapesSection()
CreateShapesSection( file, GetBoard() );
/* Creation de la liste des equipotentielles: */
/* Create the list of Nets: */
CreateSignalsSection( file, GetBoard() );
CreateDevicesSection( file, GetBoard() );
......@@ -127,7 +138,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event )
fclose( file );
/* Remise en place des modules vus en miroir */
/* Undo the footprints modifications (flipped footprints) */
for( module = GetBoard()->m_Modules; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
if( module->flag )
......@@ -143,8 +154,8 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ExportToGenCAD( wxCommandEvent& event )
static int Pad_list_Sort_by_Shapes( const void* refptr, const void* objptr )
const D_PAD* padref = *(D_PAD**)refptr;
const D_PAD* padcmp = *(D_PAD**)objptr;
const D_PAD* padref = *(D_PAD**) refptr;
const D_PAD* padcmp = *(D_PAD**) objptr;
return D_PAD::Compare( padref, padcmp );
......@@ -154,33 +165,34 @@ static int Pad_list_Sort_by_Shapes( const void* refptr, const void* objptr )
void CreatePadsShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Cree la liste des formes des pads ( 1 forme par pad )
* initialise le membre .GetSubRatsnest de la struct pad, la valeur 1 ..n
* pour les formes de pad PAD1 a PADn
/* Creates the pads shapes list ( 1 shape per pad )
* Uses .GetSubRatsnest member of class D_PAD, to handle the shape id (value 1 ..n)
* for pads shapes PAD1 to PADn
std::vector<D_PAD*> pads;
const char* pad_type;
const char* pad_type;
fputs( "$PADS\n", file );
if( pcb->GetPadsCount() > 0 )
pads.insert( pads.end(), pcb->m_NetInfo->m_PadsFullList.begin(), pcb->m_NetInfo->m_PadsFullList.end() );
pads.insert( pads.end(),
pcb->m_NetInfo->m_PadsFullList.begin(), pcb->m_NetInfo->m_PadsFullList.end() );
qsort( &pads[0], pcb->GetPadsCount(), sizeof( D_PAD* ), Pad_list_Sort_by_Shapes );
D_PAD* old_pad = NULL;
int pad_name_number = 0;
for( unsigned i=0; i<pads.size(); ++i )
D_PAD* old_pad = NULL;
int pad_name_number = 0;
for( unsigned i = 0; i<pads.size(); ++i )
D_PAD* pad = pads[i];
pad->SetSubRatsnest( pad_name_number );
if( old_pad && 0==D_PAD::Compare( old_pad, pad ) )
continue; // Forme deja generee
continue; // already created
old_pad = pad;
......@@ -199,23 +211,23 @@ void CreatePadsShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
pad_type = "ROUND";
fprintf( file, " %s %d\n", pad_type, pad->m_Drill.x );
fprintf( file, "CIRCLE %d %d %d\n",
pad->m_Offset.x, -pad->m_Offset.y, pad->m_Size.x / 2 );
pad->m_Offset.x, -pad->m_Offset.y, dx );
case PAD_RECT:
pad_type = "RECTANGULAR";
fprintf( file, " %s %d\n", pad_type, pad->m_Drill.x );
fprintf( file, "RECTANGLE %d %d %d %d\n",
-dx + pad->m_Offset.x, -dy - pad->m_Offset.y,
dx + pad->m_Offset.x, -pad->m_Offset.y + dy );
pad->m_Offset.x - dx, -(pad->m_Offset.y - dy),
pad->m_Offset.x + dx, -(pad->m_Offset.y + dy) );
case PAD_OVAL: /* description du contour par 2 linges et 2 arcs */
case PAD_OVAL: /* Create outline by 2 lines and 2 arcs */
pad_type = "FINGER";
fprintf( file, " %s %d\n", pad_type, pad->m_Drill.x );
int dr = dx - dy;
if( dr >= 0 ) // ovale horizontal
if( dr >= 0 ) // Horizontal oval
int rayon = dy;
fprintf( file, "LINE %d %d %d %d\n",
......@@ -234,7 +246,7 @@ void CreatePadsShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
-dr + pad->m_Offset.x, -pad->m_Offset.y - rayon,
-dr + pad->m_Offset.x, -pad->m_Offset.y );
else // ovale vertical
else // Vertical oval
dr = -dr;
int rayon = dx;
......@@ -271,11 +283,12 @@ void CreatePadsShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
void CreateShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Creation de la liste des formes des composants.
* Comme la forme de base (module de librairie peut etre modifiee,
* une forme est creee par composant
* La forme est donnee normalisee, c'est a dire orientation 0, position 0 non miroir
* Il y aura donc des formes indentiques redondantes
/* Creates the footprint shape list.
* We must use one shape for identical footprint (i.e. come from the same footprint in lib)
* But because pads shapes and positions can be easily modified on board,
* a shape is created by footprint found.
* (todo : compare footprints shapes and creates only one shape for all footprints found having the same shape)
* The shape is always given in orientation 0, position 0 not flipped
* Syntaxe:
......@@ -288,18 +301,18 @@ void CreateShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
MODULE* module;
D_PAD* pad;
const char* layer;
int orient;
wxString pinname;
const char* mirror = "0";
MODULE* module;
D_PAD* pad;
const char* layer;
int orient;
wxString pinname;
const char* mirror = "0";
fputs( "$SHAPES\n", file );
for( module = pcb->m_Modules; module != NULL; module = module->Next() )
ModuleWriteShape( file, module );
FootprintWriteShape( file, module );
for( pad = module->m_Pads; pad != NULL; pad = pad->Next() )
layer = "ALL";
......@@ -342,11 +355,11 @@ void CreateShapesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
void CreateComponentsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Creation de la section $COMPONENTS (Placement des composants
* Composants cote CUIVRE:
* Les formes sont donnees avec l'option "FLIP", c.a.d.:
* - ils sont decrits en vue normale (comme s'ils etaient sur cote COMPOSANT)
* - leur orientation est donn�e comme s'ils etaient cote composant.
/* Creates the section $COMPONENTS (Footprints placement)
* When a footprint is on bottom side of the board::
* shapes are given with option "FLIP" and "MIRRORX".
* - But shapes remain given like component not mirrored and not flipped
* - orientaion is given like if where not mirrored and not flipped.
MODULE* module = pcb->m_Modules;
......@@ -362,8 +375,8 @@ void CreateComponentsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
int orient = module->m_Orient;
if( module->flag )
mirror = "MIRRORX"; // Miroir selon axe X
flip = "FLIP"; // Description normale ( formes a afficher en miroir X)
mirror = "MIRRORX"; // Mirrored relative to X axis
flip = "FLIP"; // Normal shape description ( gencad viewer must show it flipped and mirrored)
......@@ -385,7 +398,7 @@ void CreateComponentsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
fprintf( file, "SHAPE %s %s %s\n",
CONV_TO_UTF8( module->m_Reference->m_Text ), mirror, flip );
/* Generation des elements textes (ref et valeur seulement) */
/* creates texts (ref and value) */
PtTexte = module->m_Reference;
for( ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++ )
......@@ -407,7 +420,7 @@ void CreateComponentsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
PtTexte = module->m_Value;
// commentaire:
//put a comment:
fprintf( file, "SHEET Part %s %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( module->m_Reference->m_Text ),
CONV_TO_UTF8( module->m_Value->m_Text ) );
......@@ -420,7 +433,7 @@ void CreateComponentsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
void CreateSignalsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Creation de la liste des equipotentielles:
/* Creates the list of Nets:
* SIGNAL <equipot name>
* NODE <component name> <pin name>
......@@ -429,21 +442,21 @@ void CreateSignalsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
wxString msg;
wxString msg;
D_PAD* pad;
MODULE* module;
int NbNoConn = 1;
D_PAD* pad;
MODULE* module;
int NbNoConn = 1;
fputs( "$SIGNALS\n", file );
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pcb->m_NetInfo->GetCount() ; ii++ )
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < pcb->m_NetInfo->GetCount(); ii++ )
net = pcb->m_NetInfo->GetNetItem(ii);
net = pcb->m_NetInfo->GetNetItem( ii );
if( net->GetNetname() == wxEmptyString ) // dummy equipot (non connexion)
wxString msg; msg << wxT( "NoConnection" ) << NbNoConn++;
net->SetNetname(msg); ;
net->SetNetname( msg );;
if( net->GetNet() <= 0 ) // dummy equipot (non connexion)
......@@ -465,7 +478,7 @@ void CreateSignalsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
pad->ReturnStringPadName( padname );
msg.Printf( wxT( "NODE %s %.4s" ),
GetChars( module->m_Reference->m_Text ),
GetChars( padname ) );
GetChars( padname ) );
fputs( CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ), file );
fputs( "\n", file );
......@@ -481,16 +494,16 @@ void CreateSignalsSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
bool CreateHeaderInfoData( FILE* file, WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame )
/* Creation de la section $HEADER ... $ENDHEADER
/* Creates the section $HEADER ... $ENDHEADER
wxString msg;
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*)(frame->GetScreen());
PCB_SCREEN* screen = (PCB_SCREEN*)( frame->GetScreen() );
fputs( "$HEADER\n", file );
fputs( "GENCAD 1.4\n", file );
msg = wxT( "USER " ) + wxGetApp().GetAppName() + wxT( " " ) +
fputs( CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ), file ); fputs( "\n", file );
msg = wxT( "DRAWING " ) + screen->m_FileName;
fputs( CONV_TO_UTF8( msg ), file ); fputs( "\n", file );
......@@ -513,8 +526,8 @@ static int Track_list_Sort_by_Netcode( const void* refptr, const void* objptr )
* Routine de tri de la liste des piste par netcode,
* puis par largeur puis par layer
* Sort function used to sort tracks segments:
* items are sorted by netcode, then by width then by layer
const TRACK* ref, * cmp;
......@@ -522,11 +535,11 @@ static int Track_list_Sort_by_Netcode( const void* refptr, const void* objptr )
ref = *( (TRACK**) refptr );
cmp = *( (TRACK**) objptr );
if( (diff = ref->GetNet() - cmp->GetNet()) )
if( ( diff = ref->GetNet() - cmp->GetNet() ) )
return diff;
if( (diff = ref->m_Width - cmp->m_Width) )
return diff;
if( (diff = ref->GetLayer() - cmp->GetLayer()) )
if( ( diff = ref->GetLayer() - cmp->GetLayer() ) )
return diff;
return 0;
......@@ -537,12 +550,13 @@ static int Track_list_Sort_by_Netcode( const void* refptr, const void* objptr )
void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Creation de la liste des pistes, vias et zones
/* Creates the tracks, vias
* TODO: add zones
* section:
* ...
* Les segments de piste doivent etre regroupes par nets
* Track segments must be sorted by nets
TRACK* track, ** tracklist;
......@@ -550,7 +564,7 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
int old_netcode, old_width, old_layer;
int nbitems, ii;
// Calcul du nombre de segments a ecrire
// Count items
nbitems = 0;
for( track = pcb->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
......@@ -561,7 +575,7 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
tracklist = (TRACK**) MyMalloc( (nbitems + 1) * sizeof(TRACK *) );
tracklist = (TRACK**) MyMalloc( (nbitems + 1) * sizeof(TRACK*) );
nbitems = 0;
for( track = pcb->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
......@@ -575,7 +589,7 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
tracklist[nbitems] = NULL;
qsort( tracklist, nbitems, sizeof(TRACK *), Track_list_Sort_by_Netcode );
qsort( tracklist, nbitems, sizeof(TRACK*), Track_list_Sort_by_Netcode );
fputs( "$ROUTES\n", file );
......@@ -587,7 +601,7 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
old_netcode = track->GetNet();
NETINFO_ITEM* net = pcb->FindNet( track->GetNet() );
wxString netname;
wxString netname;
if( net && (net->GetNetname() != wxEmptyString) )
netname = net->GetNetname();
......@@ -633,8 +647,9 @@ void CreateRoutesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
void CreateDevicesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Creation de la section de description des proprietes des composants
* ( la forme des composants est dans la section shape )
/* Creatthes the section $DEVICES
* This is a list of footprints properties
* ( Shapes are in section $SHAPE )
MODULE* module;
......@@ -667,8 +682,8 @@ void CreateDevicesSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
void CreateBoardSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Creation de la section $BOARD.
* On ne cree ici que le rectangle d'encadrement du Board
/* Creatthe section $BOARD.
* We output here only the board boudary box
fputs( "$BOARD\n", file );
......@@ -693,54 +708,54 @@ void CreateBoardSection( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
void CreateTracksInfoData( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
/* Creation de la section "$TRACKS"
* Cette section definit les largeurs de pistes utilsees
/* Creates the section "$TRACKS"
* This sections give the list of widths (tools) used in tracks and vias
* format:
* TRACK <name> <width>
* on attribue ici comme nom l'epaisseur des traits precede de "TRACK": ex
* pour une largeur de 120 : nom = "TRACK120".
* Each tool name is build like this: "TRACK" + track width.
* For instance for a width = 120 : name = "TRACK120".
TRACK* track;
int last_width = -1;
int last_width = -1;
/* recherche des epaisseurs utilisees pour les traces: */
std::vector <int> trackinfo;
unsigned ii;
unsigned ii;
for( track = pcb->m_Track; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
if( last_width != track->m_Width ) // recherche d'une epaisseur deja utilisee
for ( ii = 0; ii < trackinfo.size(); ii++ )
for( ii = 0; ii < trackinfo.size(); ii++ )
if( trackinfo[ii] == track->m_Width )
if ( ii == trackinfo.size() ) // not found
if( ii == trackinfo.size() ) // not found
trackinfo.push_back( track->m_Width );
last_width = track->m_Width;
for( track = pcb->m_Zone; track != NULL; track = track->Next() )
if( last_width != track->m_Width ) // recherche d'une epaisseur deja utilisee
for ( ii = 0; ii < trackinfo.size(); ii++ )
for( ii = 0; ii < trackinfo.size(); ii++ )
if( trackinfo[ii] == track->m_Width )
if ( ii == trackinfo.size() ) // not found
if( ii == trackinfo.size() ) // not found
trackinfo.push_back( track->m_Width );
last_width = track->m_Width;
......@@ -758,28 +773,28 @@ void CreateTracksInfoData( FILE* file, BOARD* pcb )
void ModuleWriteShape( FILE* file, MODULE* module )
void FootprintWriteShape( FILE* file, MODULE* module )
/* Sauvegarde de la forme d'un MODULE (section SHAPE)
* La forme est donnee "normalisee" (Orient 0, vue normale ( non miroir)
* Syntaxe:
/* Creates the shape of a footprint (section SHAPE)
* The shape is always given "normal" (Orient 0, not mirrored)
* Syntax:
* SHAPE <shape_name>
* shape_descr (line, arc ..):
* LINE startX startY endX endY
* ARC startX startY endX endY centreX scentreY
* ARC startX startY endX endY centreX centreY
* PAD_CIRCLE centreX scentreY radius
EDA_BaseStruct* PtStruct;
int Yaxis_sign = -1; // Controle changement signe axe Y (selon module normal/miroir et conevtions d'axe)
int Yaxis_sign = -1; // Controle changement signe axe Y (selon module normal/miroir et conventions d'axe)
/* Generation du fichier module: */
/* creates header: */
fprintf( file, "\nSHAPE %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( module->m_Reference->m_Text ) );
/* Attributs du module */
/* creates Attributs */
if( module->m_Attributs != MOD_DEFAULT )
fprintf( file, "ATTRIBUTE" );
......@@ -791,7 +806,7 @@ void ModuleWriteShape( FILE* file, MODULE* module )
/* Generation des elements Drawing modules */
/* creates Drawing */
PtStruct = module->m_Drawings;
for( ; PtStruct != NULL; PtStruct = PtStruct->Next() )
......@@ -814,8 +829,8 @@ void ModuleWriteShape( FILE* file, MODULE* module )
case S_CIRCLE:
int rayon = (int) hypot(
(double) (PtEdge->m_End0.x - PtEdge->m_Start0.x),
(double) (PtEdge->m_End0.y - PtEdge->m_Start0.y) );
(double) ( PtEdge->m_End0.x - PtEdge->m_Start0.x ),
(double) ( PtEdge->m_End0.y - PtEdge->m_Start0.y ) );
fprintf( file, "CIRCLE %d %d %d\n",
PtEdge->m_Start0.x, Yaxis_sign * PtEdge->m_Start0.y,
rayon );
......@@ -838,15 +853,13 @@ void ModuleWriteShape( FILE* file, MODULE* module )
DisplayError( NULL, wxT( "Type Edge Module inconnu" ) );
} /* end switch PtEdge->m_Shape */
/* Fin switch type edge */
} /* End switch Items type */
/* Fin switch gestion des Items draw */
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