Commit 9e8fb761 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

touch ups mostly to Marco's draw_gerber_screen patch

parent adb4ad1a
......@@ -103,45 +103,84 @@ void BOARD::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aPanel, wxDC* aDC, int aDrawMode, const wxPo
// Because Images can be negative (i.e with background filled in color) items are drawn
// graphic layer per graphic layer, after the background is filled
int bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight;
aPanel->GetClientSize( &bitmapWidth, &bitmapHeight );
wxBitmap layerBitmap( bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight );
wxMemoryDC memoryDC;
memoryDC.SelectObject( layerBitmap );
wxColour bgColor = MakeColour( g_DrawBgColor );
wxBrush bgBrush( bgColor, wxSOLID );
for( int layer = 0; layer < 32; layer++ )
if( !GetBoard()->IsLayerVisible( layer ) )
GERBER_IMAGE* gerber = g_GERBER_List[layer];
if( gerber == NULL ) // Graphic layer not yet used
/* Draw background negative (i.e. in graphic layer color) for negative images:
* Background is drawn here in GR_OR mode because in COPY mode
* all previous graphics will be erased
* Note: items in background color ("Erased" items) are always drawn in COPY mode
* Some artifacts can happen when more than one gerber file is loaded
// Draw each layer into a bitmap first. Negative Gerber
// layers are drawn in background color.
memoryDC.SetBackground( bgBrush );
if( gerber->m_ImageNegative )
// Draw background negative (i.e. in graphic layer color) for negative images.
int color = GetBoard()->GetLayerColor( layer );
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_OR );
GRSetDrawMode( (wxDC*)&memoryDC, GR_COPY ); // GR_COPY is faster than GR_OR
EDA_Rect* cbox = &aPanel->m_ClipBox;
GRSFilledRect( cbox, aDC, cbox->GetX(), cbox->GetY(),
GRSFilledRect( cbox, (wxDC*)&memoryDC, cbox->GetX(), cbox->GetY(),
cbox->GetRight(), cbox->GetBottom(),
0, color, color );
GRSetDrawMode( aDC, aDrawMode );
GRSetDrawMode( (wxDC*)&memoryDC, aDrawMode );
int dcode_hightlight = 0;
int dcode_highlight = 0;
if( layer == m_PcbFrame->GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer )
dcode_hightlight = gerber->m_Selected_Tool;
BOARD_ITEM* item = GetBoard()->m_Drawings;
for( ; item; item = item->Next() )
dcode_highlight = gerber->m_Selected_Tool;
for( BOARD_ITEM* item = GetBoard()->m_Drawings; item; item = item->Next() )
if( gerb_item->GetLayer()!= layer )
if( gerb_item->GetLayer() != layer )
int drawMode = aDrawMode;
if( dcode_hightlight == gerb_item->m_DCode )
if( dcode_highlight == gerb_item->m_DCode )
drawMode |= GR_SURBRILL;
gerb_item->Draw( aPanel, aDC, drawMode );
gerb_item->Draw( aPanel, (wxDC*)&memoryDC, drawMode );
#if 0
// Use the layer bitmap itself as a mask when blitting.
// The bitmap cannot be referenced by a device context
// when setting the mask.
memoryDC.SelectObject( wxNullBitmap );
layerBitmap.SetMask( new wxMask( layerBitmap, bgColor ) );
memoryDC.SelectObject( layerBitmap );
aDC->Blit( 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
(wxDC*)&memoryDC, 0, 0, wxCOPY, true );
#else // Dick: seems a little faster, crisper
aDC->Blit( 0, 0, bitmapWidth, bitmapHeight,
(wxDC*)&memoryDC, 0, 0, wxOR, false );
......@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ class Ki_PageDescr;
* Enum PlotFormat
* must be kept in order of the radio buttons in the plot panel/window.
* is the set of supported output plot formats. They should be kept in order
* of the radio buttons in the plot panel/windows.
enum PlotFormat {
......@@ -37,7 +38,7 @@ public:
virtual ~PLOTTER()
/* Emergency cleanup */
// Emergency cleanup
if( output_file )
fclose( output_file );
......@@ -94,7 +95,7 @@ public:
virtual void set_viewport( wxPoint offset,
double scale, int orient ) = 0;
/* Standard primitives */
// Standard primitives
virtual void rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, FILL_T fill,
int width = -1 ) = 0;
virtual void circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre, FILL_T fill,
......@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ public:
GRTraceMode tracemode );
virtual void pen_to( wxPoint pos, char plume ) = 0;
/* Flash primitives */
// Flash primitives
virtual void flash_pad_circle( wxPoint pos, int diametre,
GRTraceMode trace_mode ) = 0;
virtual void flash_pad_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient,
......@@ -130,7 +131,7 @@ public:
virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint aPadPos, wxPoint aCorners[4],
int aPadOrient, GRTraceMode aTrace_Mode ) = 0;
/* Convenience functions */
// Convenience functions
void move_to( wxPoint pos )
pen_to( pos, 'U' );
......@@ -152,7 +153,7 @@ public:
void pen_finish()
/* Shortcut */
// Shortcut
pen_to( wxPoint( 0, 0 ), 'Z' );
......@@ -173,16 +174,16 @@ public:
* Function SetLayerPolarity
* sets current Gerber layer polarity to positive or negative
* by writing \%LPD*\% or \%LPC*\% to the Gerber file, respectively.
* param @aPositive = layer polarity, true for positive
* @param aPositive is the layer polarity and true for positive.
virtual void SetLayerPolarity( bool aPositive ) = 0;
/* These are marker subcomponents */
// These are marker subcomponents
void center_square( const wxPoint& position, int diametre, FILL_T fill );
void center_lozenge( const wxPoint& position, int diametre, FILL_T fill );
/* Helper function for sketched filler segment */
// Helper function for sketched filler segment
void segment_as_oval( wxPoint start, wxPoint end, int width,
GRTraceMode tracemode );
void sketch_oval( wxPoint pos, wxSize size, int orient, int width );
......@@ -191,22 +192,22 @@ protected:
virtual void user_to_device_size( wxSize& size );
virtual double user_to_device_size( double size );
/* Plot scale */
// Plot scale
double plot_scale;
/* Device scale (from decimils to device units) */
// Device scale (from decimils to device units)
double device_scale;
/* Plot offset (in decimils) */
// Plot offset (in decimils)
wxPoint plot_offset;
/* Output file */
// Output file
FILE* output_file;
/* Pen handling */
// Pen handling
bool color_mode, negative_mode;
int default_pen_width;
int current_pen_width;
char pen_state;
wxPoint pen_lastpos;
/* Other stuff */
int plot_orient_options; /* For now, mirror plot */
// Other stuff
int plot_orient_options; // For now, mirror plot
wxString creator;
wxString filename;
Ki_PageDescr* sheet;
......@@ -223,10 +224,10 @@ public:
virtual bool start_plot( FILE* fout );
virtual bool end_plot();
/* HPGL doesn't handle line thickness or color */
// HPGL doesn't handle line thickness or color
virtual void set_current_line_width( int width )
/* Handy override */
// Handy override
current_pen_width = wxRound( pen_diameter );
virtual void set_default_line_width( int width ) {};
......@@ -280,7 +281,7 @@ public:
virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint aPadPos, wxPoint aCorners[4],
int aPadOrient, GRTraceMode aTrace_Mode );
virtual void SetLayerPolarity( bool aPositive ) {};
virtual void SetLayerPolarity( bool aPositive ) {}
void pen_control( int plume );
......@@ -291,6 +292,7 @@ protected:
double pen_overlap;
class PS_PLOTTER : public PLOTTER
......@@ -331,7 +333,7 @@ public:
virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint aPadPos, wxPoint aCorners[4],
int aPadOrient, GRTraceMode aTrace_Mode );
virtual void SetLayerPolarity( bool aPositive ) {};
virtual void SetLayerPolarity( bool aPositive ) {}
double plot_scale_adjX, plot_scale_adjY;
......@@ -349,14 +351,15 @@ struct APERTURE
Oval = 4
wxSize size; /* horiz and Vert size*/
Aperture_Type type; /* Type ( Line, rect , circulaire , ovale .. ) */
int D_code; /* code number ( >= 10 ); */
wxSize size; // horiz and Vert size
Aperture_Type type; // Type ( Line, rect , circulaire , ovale .. )
int D_code; // code number ( >= 10 );
/* Trivia question: WHY Gerber decided to use D instead of the usual T for
* tool change? */
......@@ -373,9 +376,9 @@ public:
virtual void set_current_line_width( int width );
virtual void set_default_line_width( int width );
/* RS274X has no dashing, nor colours */
virtual void set_dash( bool dashed ) {};
virtual void set_color( int color ) {};
// RS274X has no dashing, nor colours
virtual void set_dash( bool dashed ) {}
virtual void set_color( int color ) {}
virtual void set_viewport( wxPoint offset,
double scale, int orient );
virtual void rect( wxPoint p1, wxPoint p2, FILL_T fill, int width = -1 );
......@@ -397,8 +400,8 @@ protected:
void select_aperture( const wxSize& size,
APERTURE::Aperture_Type type );
std::vector<APERTURE>::iterator get_aperture( const wxSize& size,
APERTURE::Aperture_Type type );
get_aperture( const wxSize& size, APERTURE::Aperture_Type type );
FILE* work_file, * final_file;
wxString m_workFilename;
......@@ -419,17 +422,19 @@ public:
virtual bool start_plot( FILE* fout );
virtual bool end_plot();
/* For now we don't use 'thick' primitives, so no line width */
// For now we don't use 'thick' primitives, so no line width
virtual void set_current_line_width( int width )
/* Handy override */
// Handy override
current_pen_width = 0;
virtual void set_default_line_width( int width )
/* DXF lines are infinitesimal */
// DXF lines are infinitesimal
default_pen_width = 0;
virtual void set_dash( bool dashed );
virtual void set_color( int color );
......@@ -453,10 +458,10 @@ public:
virtual void flash_pad_trapez( wxPoint aPadPos, wxPoint aCorners[4],
int aPadOrient, GRTraceMode aTrace_Mode );
virtual void SetLayerPolarity( bool aPositive ) {};
virtual void SetLayerPolarity( bool aPositive ) {}
int current_color;
#endif /* __INCLUDE__PLOT_COMMON_H__ */
#endif // __INCLUDE__PLOT_COMMON_H__
......@@ -57,7 +57,8 @@ D_PAD::~D_PAD()
int D_PAD::GetMaxRadius() const
int x, y, radius;
int x, y;
int radius;
switch( m_PadShape & 0x7F )
......@@ -79,6 +80,9 @@ int D_PAD::GetMaxRadius() const
y = m_Size.y + ABS( m_DeltaSize.x ); // Remember: m_DeltaSize.x is the m_Size.y change
radius = 1 + (int) ( sqrt( (double) y * y + (double) x * x ) / 2 );
radius = 0; // quiet compiler
return radius;
......@@ -43,23 +43,26 @@ public:
int PlotPSColorOpt; // True for color Postscript output
bool Plot_PS_Negative; // True to create a negative board ps plot
/* Flags to enable or disable ploting of various PCB elements. */
/// Flags to enable or disable ploting of various PCB elements.
bool Sel_Texte_Reference;
bool Sel_Texte_Valeur;
bool Sel_Texte_Divers;
bool Sel_Texte_Invisible;
bool PlotPadsOnSilkLayer; /* allows pads on silkscreen */
bool PlotPadsOnSilkLayer; ///< allows pads on silkscreen
bool m_SubtractMaskFromSilk;
/* id for plot format (see enum PlotFormat in plot_common.h) */
/// id for plot format (see enum PlotFormat in plot_common.h)
int PlotFormat;
int PlotOrient;
int PlotScaleOpt;
enum DrillShapeOptT {
enum DrillShapeOptT
DrillShapeOptT DrillShapeOpt;
double Scale;
double ScaleAdjX;
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