Commit 9e35d3ef authored by charras's avatar charras

refined the dialog_freeroute_exchange. See changelog

parent 44751743
......@@ -107,6 +107,8 @@ add_subdirectory(internat)
install(FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/share/kicad.desktop
......@@ -5,6 +5,13 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2008-Mar-20 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
refined the dialog_freeroute_exchange
If possible (i.e. if freeroute.jnlp is found in kicad binary directory) javaws is called insteed of the default browser)
So @todo removed
2008-Mar-19 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -35,7 +42,7 @@ email address.
* how-to-build-for-windows.txt deprecated.
2008-Mar-18 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
2008-Mar-18 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
refined the dialog_freeroute_exchange.pjd file, adding tooltips, wording
No preview for this file type
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -79,8 +79,6 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( dialog_freeroute_exchange, wxDialog )
EVT_TEXT( ID_TEXTCTRL2, dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnTextEditFrUrlUpdated )
EVT_TEXT( ID_TEXTCTRL3, dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnTextEditFrCmdUpdated )
EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnCancelClick )
////@end dialog_freeroute_exchange event table entries
......@@ -158,7 +156,6 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::Init()
m_FreeRouteSetupChanged = false;
m_ExportDSN = NULL;
m_FreerouteURLName = NULL;
m_FreerouteURLCommandString = NULL;
////@end dialog_freeroute_exchange member initialisation
......@@ -170,7 +167,7 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::Init()
void dialog_freeroute_exchange::CreateControls()
////@begin dialog_freeroute_exchange content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, Wed 19 Mar 2008 10:23:32 CDT (unregistered)
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 20/03/2008 09:26:34 (unregistered)
dialog_freeroute_exchange* itemDialog1 = this;
......@@ -192,9 +189,9 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::CreateControls()
m_ExportDSN->SetToolTip(_("Export a Specctra DSN file (to FreeRouter)"));
itemStaticBoxSizer5->Add(m_ExportDSN, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton7 = new wxButton( itemPanel3, ID_BUTTON5, _("Launch FreeRouter via Browser"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
wxButton* itemButton7 = new wxButton( itemPanel3, ID_BUTTON5, _("Launch FreeRouter via Java Web Start"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (dialog_freeroute_exchange::ShowToolTips())
itemButton7->SetToolTip(_("User your browser's Java Web Start function to run FreeRouter via Internet"));
itemButton7->SetToolTip(_("Use Java Web Start function to run FreeRouter via Internet (or your Browser if not found)"));
itemStaticBoxSizer5->Add(itemButton7, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton8 = new wxButton( itemPanel3, ID_BUTTON6, _("Back Import the Specctra Session (*.ses) File"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
......@@ -204,7 +201,7 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::CreateControls()
wxStaticBox* itemStaticBoxSizer9Static = new wxStaticBox(itemPanel3, wxID_ANY, _T(""));
wxStaticBoxSizer* itemStaticBoxSizer9 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(itemStaticBoxSizer9Static, wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer4->Add(itemStaticBoxSizer9, 1, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
itemBoxSizer4->Add(itemStaticBoxSizer9, 1, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton10 = new wxButton( itemPanel3, ID_BUTTON7, _("Visit the Website with your Browser"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (dialog_freeroute_exchange::ShowToolTips())
......@@ -217,23 +214,15 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::CreateControls()
m_FreerouteURLName = new wxTextCtrl( itemPanel3, ID_TEXTCTRL2, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (dialog_freeroute_exchange::ShowToolTips())
m_FreerouteURLName->SetToolTip(_("The URL of the website"));
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(m_FreerouteURLName, 1, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
wxStaticText* itemStaticText13 = new wxStaticText( itemPanel3, wxID_STATIC, _(" Command"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(itemStaticText13, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP, 5);
m_FreerouteURLCommandString = new wxTextCtrl( itemPanel3, ID_TEXTCTRL3, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
if (dialog_freeroute_exchange::ShowToolTips())
m_FreerouteURLCommandString->SetToolTip(_("The URL of the JNLP file which Java Web Start uses to launch the FreeRouter"));
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(m_FreerouteURLCommandString, 1, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(m_FreerouteURLName, 0, wxGROW|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxBOTTOM, 5);
wxStdDialogButtonSizer* itemStdDialogButtonSizer15 = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer;
wxStdDialogButtonSizer* itemStdDialogButtonSizer13 = new wxStdDialogButtonSizer;
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemStdDialogButtonSizer15, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton16 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Close"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemStdDialogButtonSizer13, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton14 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Close"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
////@end dialog_freeroute_exchange content construction
......@@ -243,13 +232,6 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::CreateControls()
m_FreerouteURLName->SetValue( wxT( "" ) );
m_FreerouteURLName->SetValue( msg );
m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Read( FREEROUTE_RUN_KEY, &msg );
if( msg.IsEmpty() )
m_FreerouteURLCommandString->SetValue( wxT(
"" ) );
m_FreerouteURLCommandString->SetValue( msg );
......@@ -317,12 +299,17 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnButton6Click( wxCommandEvent& event )
void dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnButton5Click( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString command = m_FreerouteURLCommandString->GetValue();
wxString FullFileName = FindKicadFile( wxT( "freeroute.jnlp" ) );
wxString command;
if( wxFileExists( FullFileName ) )
command << wxT("javaws") << wxT( " " ) + FullFileName;
wxExecute( command );
// @todo:
// 1) add freeroute.jnlp to the Kicad project
// 2) change this next C++ line simply run $ "javaws freeroute.jnlp" as a system
// command, bypassing the browser altogether. Merely need a PATH to javaws.
command = m_FreerouteURLName->GetValue() + wxT( "/java/freeroute.jnlp" );
wxLaunchDefaultBrowser( command );
......@@ -363,8 +350,6 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnCloseWindow( wxCloseEvent& event )
m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Write( FREEROUTE_URL_KEY,
m_FreerouteURLName->GetValue() );
m_Parent->m_Parent->m_EDA_Config->Write( FREEROUTE_RUN_KEY,
m_FreerouteURLCommandString->GetValue() );
......@@ -381,15 +366,6 @@ void dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnTextEditFrUrlUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event )
void dialog_freeroute_exchange::OnTextEditFrCmdUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_FreeRouteSetupChanged = true;
......@@ -42,7 +42,6 @@
#define ID_BUTTON6 10004
#define ID_BUTTON7 10005
#define ID_TEXTCTRL2 10006
#define ID_TEXTCTRL3 10013
#define SYMBOL_DIALOG_FREEROUTE_EXCHANGE_TITLE _("dialog_freeroute_exchange")
......@@ -100,9 +99,6 @@ public:
void OnTextEditFrUrlUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnTextEditFrCmdUpdated( wxCommandEvent& event );
/// wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for wxID_CANCEL
void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -126,7 +122,6 @@ public:
////@begin dialog_freeroute_exchange member variables
wxButton* m_ExportDSN;
wxTextCtrl* m_FreerouteURLName;
wxTextCtrl* m_FreerouteURLCommandString;
bool m_FreeRouteSetupChanged; // Flag set to true if Freeroute config changed
////@end dialog_freeroute_exchange member variables
......@@ -128,7 +128,6 @@
<long name="locked">0</long>
<string name="template-name">""</string>
<bool name="dirty">1</bool>
<long name="makefile-last-written">-8519680</long>
<string name="Compiler name">""</string>
<string name="Build mode">"Debug"</string>
<string name="Unicode mode">"ANSI"</string>
......@@ -170,8 +169,6 @@
<string name="wxWidgets build command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="wxWidgets clean command">"%AUTO%"</string>
<string name="PATH variable">"%AUTO%"</string>
<bool name="Suppress source rules">0</bool>
<bool name="Enable makefile generation">1</bool>
......@@ -514,10 +511,10 @@
<string name="proxy-Implementation filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Member variable name">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Label">"Launch FreeRouter via Browser"</string>
<string name="proxy-Label">"Launch FreeRouter via Java Web Start"</string>
<bool name="proxy-Default">0</bool>
<string name="proxy-Help text">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Tooltip text">"User your browser's Java Web Start function to run FreeRouter via Internet"</string>
<string name="proxy-Tooltip text">"Use Java Web Start function to run FreeRouter via Internet (or your Browser if not found)"</string>
<string name="proxy-Data variable">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data validator">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data source">""</string>
......@@ -650,7 +647,7 @@
<string name="proxy-Static box class">"wxStaticBox"</string>
<string name="proxy-Orientation">"Vertical"</string>
<string name="proxy-AlignH">"Centre"</string>
<string name="proxy-AlignV">"Expand"</string>
<string name="proxy-AlignV">"Centre"</string>
<long name="proxy-Stretch factor">1</long>
<long name="proxy-Border">5</long>
<bool name="proxy-wxLEFT">1</bool>
......@@ -869,163 +866,10 @@
<long name="proxy-Height">-1</long>
<string name="proxy-AlignH">"Expand"</string>
<string name="proxy-AlignV">"Centre"</string>
<long name="proxy-Stretch factor">1</long>
<long name="proxy-Border">5</long>
<bool name="proxy-wxLEFT">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxRIGHT">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTOP">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxBOTTOM">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSHAPED">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxADJUST_MINSIZE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxFIXED_MINSIZE">0</bool>
<string name="proxy-Custom arguments">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Custom ctor arguments">""</string>
<string name="title">"wxStaticText: wxID_STATIC"</string>
<string name="type">"dialog-control-document"</string>
<string name="filename">""</string>
<string name="icon-name">"statictext"</string>
<long name="is-transient">0</long>
<long name="owns-file">1</long>
<long name="title-mode">0</long>
<long name="locked">0</long>
<string name="created">"19/3/2008"</string>
<string name="proxy-type">"wbStaticTextProxy"</string>
<string name="proxy-Id name">"wxID_STATIC"</string>
<long name="proxy-Id value">5105</long>
<string name="proxy-Name">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Class">"wxStaticText"</string>
<string name="proxy-Base class">"wxStaticText"</string>
<bool name="proxy-External implementation">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Separate files">0</bool>
<string name="proxy-Implementation filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Member variable name">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Label">" Command"</string>
<long name="proxy-Wrapping width">-1</long>
<string name="proxy-Help text">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Tooltip text">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
<string name="proxy-Platform">"&lt;Any platform&gt;"</string>
<string name="proxy-Data variable">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data validator">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data source">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class name">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class implementation filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-wxALIGN_LEFT">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxALIGN_RIGHT">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxALIGN_CENTRE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxST_NO_AUTORESIZE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxNO_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSIMPLE_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxDOUBLE_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSUNKEN_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxRAISED_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSTATIC_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxWANTS_CHARS">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE">0</bool>
<string name="proxy-Custom styles">""</string>
<long name="proxy-X">-1</long>
<long name="proxy-Y">-1</long>
<long name="proxy-Width">-1</long>
<long name="proxy-Height">-1</long>
<string name="proxy-AlignH">"Expand"</string>
<string name="proxy-AlignV">"Centre"</string>
<long name="proxy-Stretch factor">0</long>
<long name="proxy-Border">5</long>
<bool name="proxy-wxLEFT">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxRIGHT">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTOP">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxBOTTOM">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSHAPED">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxADJUST_MINSIZE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxFIXED_MINSIZE">0</bool>
<string name="proxy-Custom arguments">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Custom ctor arguments">""</string>
<string name="title">"wxTextCtrl: ID_TEXTCTRL3"</string>
<string name="type">"dialog-control-document"</string>
<string name="filename">""</string>
<string name="icon-name">"textctrl"</string>
<long name="is-transient">0</long>
<long name="owns-file">1</long>
<long name="title-mode">0</long>
<long name="locked">0</long>
<string name="created">"19/3/2008"</string>
<string name="proxy-type">"wbTextCtrlProxy"</string>
<string name="event-handler-0">"wxEVT_COMMAND_TEXT_UPDATED|OnTextEditFrCmdUpdated|NONE||dialog_freeroute_exchange"</string>
<string name="proxy-Id name">"ID_TEXTCTRL3"</string>
<long name="proxy-Id value">10013</long>
<string name="proxy-Name">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Class">"wxTextCtrl"</string>
<string name="proxy-Base class">"wxTextCtrl"</string>
<bool name="proxy-External implementation">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Separate files">0</bool>
<string name="proxy-Implementation filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Member variable name">"m_FreerouteURLCommandString"</string>
<string name="proxy-Initial value">""</string>
<long name="proxy-Max length">0</long>
<string name="proxy-Help text">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Tooltip text">"The URL of the JNLP file which Java Web Start uses to launch the FreeRouter"</string>
<string name="proxy-Background colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Foreground colour">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Font">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-Hidden">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-Enabled">1</bool>
<string name="proxy-Platform">"&lt;Any platform&gt;"</string>
<string name="proxy-Data variable">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data validator">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data source">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class name">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class implementation filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class header filename">""</string>
<string name="proxy-Data class manager window">""</string>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_MULTILINE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_PROCESS_ENTER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_PROCESS_TAB">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_PASSWORD">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_READONLY">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_RICH">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_RICH2">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_AUTO_URL">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_NOHIDESEL">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_LEFT">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_CENTRE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_RIGHT">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxHSCROLL">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_CHARWRAP">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_WORDWRAP">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTE_CAPITALIZE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxNO_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSIMPLE_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxDOUBLE_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSUNKEN_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxRAISED_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSTATIC_BORDER">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxWANTS_CHARS">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxNO_FULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxFULL_REPAINT_ON_RESIZE">0</bool>
<string name="proxy-Custom styles">""</string>
<long name="proxy-X">-1</long>
<long name="proxy-Y">-1</long>
<long name="proxy-Width">-1</long>
<long name="proxy-Height">-1</long>
<string name="proxy-AlignH">"Expand"</string>
<string name="proxy-AlignV">"Centre"</string>
<long name="proxy-Stretch factor">1</long>
<long name="proxy-Border">5</long>
<bool name="proxy-wxLEFT">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxRIGHT">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxTOP">0</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxBOTTOM">1</bool>
<bool name="proxy-wxSHAPED">0</bool>
/* Low level graphics routines */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#ifdef PCBNEW
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "libcmp.h"
#include "general.h"
#ifdef CVPCB
#include "pcbnew.h"
#include "cvpcb.h"
#include "trigo.h"
#ifndef FILLED
#define FILLED 1
#ifndef EXCHG
#define EXCHG( a, b ) { int __temp__ = (a); (a) = (b); (b) = __temp__; }
/* Variables locales */
static int GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY;
static int Text_Color = LIGHTGRAY;
static int PenMinWidth = 1; /* largeur minimum de la plume (DOIT etre > 0)
* (utile pour trace sur imprimante) */
static int ForceBlackPen; /* si != 0 : traces en noir (utilise pour trace
* sur imprimante */
static int xcliplo = 0,
ycliplo = 0,
xcliphi = 2000,
ycliphi = 2000; /* coord de la surface de trace */
static int lastcolor = -1;
static int lastwidth = -1;
static wxDC* lastDC = NULL;
* Macro de clipping du trace d'une ligne:
* la ligne (x1,y1 x2,y2) est clippee pour rester dans le cadre
* (xcliplo,ycliplo xcliphi,ycliphi) (variables globales,locales a ce fichier)
* Ceci est necessaire sous WIN95 car les coord de trace
* (bien que en int 32bits) sont tronquees en 16 bits (stupide BG)
#ifndef us
#define us unsigned int
static inline int USCALE( us arg, us num, us den )
int ii;
ii = (int) ( ( (float) arg * num ) / den );
return ii;
#ifdef WX_ZOOM
#define GET_ZOOM 1
#define GET_ZOOM ActiveScreen->GetZoom()
static int inline ZoomValue( int value_to_zoom ) {
int zoom = GET_ZOOM;
if( value_to_zoom >= 0 )
return ( value_to_zoom + (zoom >> 1 ) ) / zoom;
return ( value_to_zoom - (zoom >> 1 ) ) / zoom;
/* External reference for the mappings. */
int GRMapX( int x )
int coord = x - ActiveScreen->m_DrawOrg.x;
#ifndef WX_ZOOM
coord = ZoomValue( coord );
coord -= ActiveScreen->m_StartVisu.x;
return coord;
int GRMapY( int y )
int coord = y - ActiveScreen->m_DrawOrg.y;
#ifndef WX_ZOOM
coord = ZoomValue( coord );
coord -= ActiveScreen->m_StartVisu.y;
return coord;
#define WHEN_OUTSIDE return true;
* Function clip_line
* @return bool - true when WHEN_OUTSIDE fires, else false.
static inline bool clip_line( int& x1, int& y1, int& x2, int& y2 )
int temp;
if( x1 > x2 )
EXCHG( x1, x2 );
EXCHG( y1, y2 );
if( (x2 < xcliplo) || (x1 > xcliphi) )
if( y1 < y2 )
if( (y2 < ycliplo) || (y1 > ycliphi) )
if( y1 < ycliplo )
temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (ycliplo - y1), (y2 - y1) );
if( (x1 += temp) > xcliphi )
y1 = ycliplo;
if( y2 > ycliphi )
temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (y2 - ycliphi), (y2 - y1) );
if( (x2 -= temp) < xcliplo )
y2 = ycliphi;
if( x1 < xcliplo )
temp = USCALE( (y2 - y1), (xcliplo - x1), (x2 - x1) );
y1 += temp;
x1 = xcliplo;
if( x2 > xcliphi )
temp = USCALE( (y2 - y1), (x2 - xcliphi), (x2 - x1) );
y2 -= temp;
x2 = xcliphi;
if( (y1 < ycliplo) || (y2 > ycliphi) )
if( y1 > ycliphi )
temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (y1 - ycliphi), (y1 - y2) );
if( (x1 += temp) > xcliphi )
y1 = ycliphi;
if( y2 < ycliplo )
temp = USCALE( (x2 - x1), (ycliplo - y2), (y1 - y2) );
if( (x2 -= temp) < xcliplo )
y2 = ycliplo;
if( x1 < xcliplo )
temp = USCALE( (y1 - y2), (xcliplo - x1), (x2 - x1) );
y1 -= temp;
x1 = xcliplo;
if( x2 > xcliphi )
temp = USCALE( (y1 - y2), (x2 - xcliphi), (x2 - x1) );
y2 += temp;
x2 = xcliphi;
return false;
static void WinClipAndDrawLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC,
int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int Color, int width = 1 )
GRLastMoveToX = x2;
GRLastMoveToY = y2;
if( ClipBox )
xcliplo = ClipBox->GetX();
ycliplo = ClipBox->GetY();
xcliphi = ClipBox->GetRight();
ycliphi = ClipBox->GetBottom();
xcliplo -= width;
ycliplo -= width;
xcliphi += width;
ycliphi += width;
clip_line( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
/* Routine de forcage de la reinit de la plume courante.
* Doit etre appelee par securite apres changement de contexte graphique
* avant tout trace
void GRResetPenAndBrush( wxDC* DC )
lastcolor = -1;
GRSetBrush( DC, BLACK ); // Force no fill
lastDC = NULL;
/* routine d'ajustage de la largeur mini de plume */
void SetPenMinWidth( int minwidth )
PenMinWidth = minwidth;
if( PenMinWidth < 1 )
PenMinWidth = 1;
/* Routine de changement de couleurs et epaisseur de la plume courante */
void GRSetColorPen( wxDC* DC, int Color, int width )
Color &= MASKCOLOR; // Pour 32 couleurs Max
if( width < PenMinWidth )
width = PenMinWidth;
if( ForceBlackPen && Color != WHITE )
Color = BLACK;
if( (lastcolor != Color) || (lastwidth != width) || (lastDC != DC ) )
DrawPen->SetWidth( width );
if( &DC->GetPen() != DrawPen )
DC->SetPen( *DrawPen );
lastcolor = Color; lastwidth = width; lastDC = DC;
void GRSetBrush( wxDC* DC, int Color, int fill )
Color &= MASKCOLOR; // Pour 32 couleurs Max
if( ForceBlackPen && Color != WHITE )
Color = BLACK;
if( fill )
DrawBrush->SetStyle( wxSOLID );
DrawBrush->SetStyle( wxTRANSPARENT );
if( &DC->GetBrush() != DrawBrush )
DC->SetBrush( *DrawBrush );
void GRForceBlackPen( bool flagforce )
ForceBlackPen = flagforce;
/* routines de controle et positionnement du curseur souris */
/* positionne la souris au point de coord pos */
void GRMouseWarp( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, const wxPoint& pos )
if( panel == NULL )
panel->WarpPointer( pos.x, pos.y );
/* Routine pour selectionner le mode de trace */
void GRSetDrawMode( wxDC* DC, int draw_mode )
if( draw_mode & GR_OR )
DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxOR );
else if( draw_mode & GR_XOR )
DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxXOR );
else if( draw_mode & GR_NXOR )
DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxEQUIV );
DC->SetLogicalFunction( wxCOPY );
void GRPutPixel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
GRSPutPixel( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), Color );
void GRSPutPixel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
if( ClipBox ) /* suppression des pixels hors ecran */
if( x < ClipBox->GetX() )
if( y < ClipBox->GetY() )
if( x > ( ClipBox->GetRight() ) )
if( y > ( ClipBox->GetBottom() ) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
DC->DrawPoint( x, y );
/* int GRGetPixel(wxDC * DC, int x, int y) */
int GRGetPixel( wxDC* DC, int x, int y )
wxColour colour;
unsigned char r, g, b;
int ii;
DC->GetPixel( (long) x, (long) y, &colour );
r = colour.Red();
b = colour.Blue();
g = colour.Green();
for( ii = 0; ii < NBCOLOR; ii++ )
if( ( r == ColorRefs[ii].m_Red )
&& ( g == ColorRefs[ii].m_Green )
&& ( b == ColorRefs[ii].m_Blue ) )
return ii;
* Routine to draw a line, in Object spaces. *
void GRLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ), Color );
/* Routine to draw a Dashed line, in Screen space. */
void GRSDashedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
GRLastMoveToX = x2;
GRLastMoveToY = y2;
lastcolor = -1;
DrawPen->SetStyle( wxSHORT_DASH );
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color );
lastcolor = -1;
DrawPen->SetStyle( wxSOLID );
void GRSDashedLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x2, int y2, int Color )
lastcolor = -1;
DrawPen->SetStyle( wxSHORT_DASH );
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, x2, y2, Color );
lastcolor = -1;
DrawPen->SetStyle( wxSOLID );
GRLastMoveToX = x2;
GRLastMoveToY = y2;
* Routine to draw a Dashed line, in Object spaces. *
void GRDashedLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x2, int y2, int Color )
GRSDashedLineTo( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ), Color );
void GRDashedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
GRSDashedLine( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ), Color );
/* Routine to draw a Bus line, in Object spaces. */
void GRBusLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
x1 = GRMapX( x1 ); x2 = GRMapX( x2 );
y1 = GRMapY( y1 ); y2 = GRMapY( y2 );
GRSBusLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color );
* Routine to draw a Bus Line, in Screen (pixels) space. *
void GRSBusLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
GRSFillCSegm( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, 3 * PenMinWidth, Color );
GRLastMoveToX = x2;
GRLastMoveToY = y2;
* Routine to move to a new position, in Object space. *
void GRMoveTo( int x, int y )
GRLastMoveToX = GRMapX( x );
GRLastMoveToY = GRMapY( y );
/* Routine to draw to a new position, in Object space. */
void GRLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
int GRLineToX, GRLineToY;
GRLineToX = GRMapX( x ); GRLineToY = GRMapY( y );
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, GRLineToX, GRLineToY, Color );
/* Routine to draw a Mixed line, in Object space */
void GRMixedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
GRSMixedLine( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ), Color );
/* Routine to draw a Mixed line, in Screen (Pixels) space */
void GRSMixedLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
DrawPen->SetStyle( wxDOT_DASH );
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color );
DrawPen->SetStyle( wxSOLID );
/* Routine to draw a Bus line to a new position, in Object spaces. */
void GRBusLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
int GRLineToX, GRLineToY;
GRLineToX = GRMapX( x ); GRLineToY = GRMapY( y );
GRSBusLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, GRLineToX, GRLineToY,
Color );
GRLastMoveToX = GRLineToX;
GRLastMoveToY = GRLineToY;
* Routine to move to a new position, in Screen (pixels) space. *
void GRSMoveTo( int x, int y )
GRLastMoveToX = x;
GRLastMoveToY = y;
* Routine to draw to a new position, in Screen (pixels) space. *
void GRSLineTo( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, x, y, Color );
GRLastMoveToX = x; GRLastMoveToY = y;
* Routine to draw to a new position, in Screen (pixels) space. *
void GRSLine( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
WinClipAndDrawLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color );
GRLastMoveToX = x2; GRLastMoveToY = y2;
/* Routine to move to a new position relative to current one, as in Object */
/* space. */
void GRMoveRel( int x, int y )
GRLastMoveToX += ZoomValue( x );
GRLastMoveToY += ZoomValue( y );
* Routine to line to a new position relative to current one, as in Object *
* space. *
void GRLineRel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
int GRLineToX = GRLastMoveToX,
GRLineToY = GRLastMoveToY;
GRLineToX += ZoomValue( x );
GRLineToY += ZoomValue( y );
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, GRLineToX, GRLineToY, Color );
* Routine to move to a new position relative to current one, as in Screen *
* space (pixel coords.). *
void GRSMoveRel( int x, int y )
GRLastMoveToX += x;
GRLastMoveToY += y;
* Routine to line to a new position relative to current one, as in Screen *
* space (pixel coords.). *
void GRSLineRel( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int Color )
long GRLineToX = GRLastMoveToX + x,
GRLineToY = GRLastMoveToY + y;
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, GRLastMoveToX, GRLastMoveToY, GRLineToX, GRLineToY, Color );
GRLastMoveToX = GRLineToX;
GRLastMoveToY = GRLineToY;
/* Routine de trace d'un segment a bouts arrondis */
/* Object space = real coords.). */
void GRCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int width, int Color )
GRSCSegm( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ),
ZoomValue( width ), Color );
* Routine de trace d'un segment (plein) a bouts arrondis in Object *
* space (real coords.). *
void GRFillCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int width, int Color )
GRSFillCSegm( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ),
ZoomValue( width ), Color );
/* Routine de trace d'un segment (plein) a bouts arrondis */
/* ( Screen space = pixel coords.). */
void GRSFillCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox,
wxDC* DC,
int x1,
int y1,
int x2,
int y2,
int width,
int Color )
WinClipAndDrawLine( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color, width );
/* Routine de trace d'un segment a bouts arrondis (Mode SKETCH) */
/* Screen space (pixel coords.). */
void GRSCSegm( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int width, int Color )
long rayon, dwx, dwy;
long dx, dy, dwx2, dwy2;
long sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1; /* coord du 1er bord */
long sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2; /* coord du 1eme bord */
bool swap_ends = FALSE;
GRLastMoveToX = x2;
GRLastMoveToY = y2;
if( ClipBox )
xcliplo = ClipBox->GetX();
ycliplo = ClipBox->GetY();
xcliphi = ClipBox->GetRight();
ycliphi = ClipBox->GetHeight();
xcliplo -= width;
ycliplo -= width;
xcliphi += width;
ycliphi += width;
clip_line( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
if( width <= 2 ) /* ligne simple ou epaisse de 2 pixels*/
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
rayon = (width + 1) >> 1;
dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1;
if( dx == 0 ) /* segment vertical */
dwx = rayon;
if( dy >= 0 )
dwx = -dwx;
sx1 = x1 - dwx; sy1 = y1;
ex1 = x2 - dwx; ey1 = y2;
DC->DrawLine( sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 );
sx2 = x1 + dwx; sy2 = y1;
ex2 = x2 + dwx; ey2 = y2;
DC->DrawLine( sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2 );
else if( dy == 0 ) /* segment horizontal */
dwy = rayon;
if( dx < 0 )
dwy = -dwy;
sx1 = x1, sy1 = y1 - dwy;
ex1 = x2; ey1 = y2 - dwy;
DC->DrawLine( sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 );
sx2 = x1; sy2 = y1 + dwy;
ex2 = x2; ey2 = y2 + dwy;
DC->DrawLine( sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2 );
if( ABS( dx ) == ABS( dy ) ) /* segment a 45 degre */
dwx = dwy = ( (width * 5) + 4 ) / 7; // = width/2 * 0.707
if( dy < 0 )
if( dx <= 0 )
dwx = -dwx; swap_ends = TRUE;
if( dx > 0 )
dwy = -dwy; swap_ends = TRUE;
int delta_angle = ArcTangente( dy, dx );
dwx = 0; dwy = width;
RotatePoint( (int*) &dwx, (int*) &dwy, -delta_angle );
dwx2 = dwx >> 1; dwy2 = dwy >> 1;
sx1 = x1 - dwx2; sy1 = y1 - dwy2;
ex1 = x2 - dwx2; ey1 = y2 - dwy2;
DC->DrawLine( sx1, sy1, ex1, ey1 );
sx2 = x1 + dwx2; sy2 = y1 + dwy2;
ex2 = x2 + dwx2; ey2 = y2 + dwy2;
DC->DrawLine( sx2, sy2, ex2, ey2 );
if( swap_ends )
DC->DrawArc( sx2, sy2, sx1, sy1, x1, y1 );
DC->DrawArc( ex1, ey1, ex2, ey2, x2, y2 );
DC->DrawArc( sx1, sy1, sx2, sy2, x1, y1 );
DC->DrawArc( ex2, ey2, ex1, ey1, x2, y2 );
static bool IsGRSPolyDrawable( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, int n, int* Points )
int ii;
int Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax;
Xmin = Xmax = Points[0];
Ymin = Ymax = Points[1];
for( ii = 1; ii < n; ii++ ) // calcul du rectangle d'encadrement
int jj = ii * 2;
Xmin = MIN( Xmin, Points[jj] );
Xmax = MAX( Xmax, Points[jj] );
Ymin = MIN( Ymin, Points[jj + 1] );
Ymax = MAX( Ymax, Points[jj + 1] );
xcliplo = ClipBox->GetX();
ycliplo = ClipBox->GetY();
xcliphi = ClipBox->GetRight();
ycliphi = ClipBox->GetHeight();
if( Xmax < xcliplo )
return FALSE;
if( Xmin > xcliphi )
return FALSE;
if( Ymax < ycliplo )
return FALSE;
if( Ymin > ycliphi )
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
/* Routine to draw a new polyline and fill it if Fill, in screen space. */
void GRSPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, int* Points, int Fill,
int Color, int BgColor )
int startx, starty;
if( !IsGRSPolyDrawable( ClipBox, n, Points ) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
if( Fill && ( n > 2 ) )
GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
DC->DrawPolygon( n, (wxPoint*) Points );
startx = Points[n * 2 - 2]; starty = Points[n * 2 - 1];
GRSetBrush( DC, Color );
DC->DrawLines( n, (wxPoint*) Points );
/* Routine to draw a new polyline (line width = Width), in screen space. */
void GRSPolyLines( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, int* Points,
int Color, int BgColor, int Width )
int startx, starty;
if( !IsGRSPolyDrawable( ClipBox, n, Points ) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, Width );
startx = Points[n * 2 - 2]; starty = Points[n * 2 - 1];
GRSetBrush( DC, Color );
DC->DrawLines( n, (wxPoint*) Points );
/* Routine to draw a new closed polyline and fill it if Fill, in screen space */
void GRSClosedPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, int* Points,
int Fill, int Color, int BgColor )
int startx, starty;
if( !IsGRSPolyDrawable( ClipBox, n, Points ) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
if( Fill && ( n > 2 ) )
GRSMoveTo( Points[n * 2 - 2], Points[n * 2 - 1] );
GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
DC->DrawPolygon( n, (wxPoint*) Points, 0, 0, wxODDEVEN_RULE );
startx = Points[n * 2 - 2]; starty = Points[n * 2 - 1];
GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor );
DC->DrawLines( n, (wxPoint*) Points );
/* Fermeture du polygone */
if( (startx != Points[0]) || (starty != Points[1]) )
GRSLine( ClipBox, DC, Points[0], Points[1], startx, starty, Color );
/* Routine to draw a new polyline and fill it if Fill, in drawing space. */
void GRPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, int* Points,
int Fill, int Color, int BgColor )
int ii, jj;
for( ii = 0; ii < n; ii++ )
jj = ii << 1;
Points[jj] = GRMapX( Points[jj] );
Points[jj] = GRMapY( Points[jj] );
GRSPoly( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, Fill, Color, BgColor );
void GRPolyLines( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, int* Points,
int Color, int BgColor, int width )
int ii, jj;
width = ZoomValue( width );
for( ii = 0; ii < n; ii++ )
jj = ii << 1;
Points[jj] = GRMapX( Points[jj] );
Points[jj] = GRMapY( Points[jj] );
if( width <= 1 )
GRSPoly( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, 0, Color, BgColor );
GRSPolyLines( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, Color, BgColor, width );
/* Routine to draw a closed polyline and fill it if Fill, in object space */
void GRClosedPoly( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int n, int* Points,
int Fill, int Color, int BgColor )
int ii, jj;
for( ii = 0; ii < n; ii++ )
jj = ii << 1;
Points[jj] = GRMapX( Points[jj] );
Points[jj] = GRMapY( Points[jj] );
GRSClosedPoly( ClipBox, DC, n, Points, Fill, Color, BgColor );
/* Routine to draw a circle, in object space. */
void GRCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r, int Color )
int cx = GRMapX( x );
int cy = GRMapY( y );
int rayon = ZoomValue( r );
GRSCircle( ClipBox, DC, cx, cy, rayon, Color );
/* Routine to draw a Filled circle, in object space. */
void GRFilledCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r,
int Color, int BgColor )
r = ZoomValue( r );
GRSFilledCircle( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), r, Color, BgColor );
/* Routine to draw un anneau, epaisseur w, in object space. */
void GRCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r, int width, int Color )
r = ZoomValue( r );
width = ZoomValue( width );
GRSCircle( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ), r, width, Color );
/* Routine to draw a circle, in drawing space. */
void GRSCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r, int Color )
int d = r + r;
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( x < (x0 - r) )
if( y < (y0 - r) )
if( x > (r + xm) )
if( y > (r + ym) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
DC->DrawEllipse( x - r, y - r, d, d );
/* Routine to draw a FILLED circle, in drawing space. */
void GRSFilledCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int r,
int Color, int BgColor )
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( x < (x0 - r) )
if( y < (y0 - r) )
if( x > (r + xm) )
if( y > (r + ym) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
DC->DrawEllipse( x - r, y - r, r + r, r + r );
/* Routine de trace d'un cercle epais ( Screen space = pixel coords.) */
void GRSCircle( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int xc, int yc, int r, int width, int Color )
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( xc < (x0 - r - width) )
if( yc < (y0 - r - width) )
if( xc > (r + xm + width) )
if( yc > (r + ym + width) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
DC->DrawEllipse( xc - r, yc - r, r + r, r + r );
/* Routine to draw an arc, in USER space. */
/* Debut et fin de l'arc donnes par leur coord. */
void GRArc1( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int xc, int yc, int Color )
GRSArc1( ClipBox, DC,
GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ),
GRMapX( xc ), GRMapY( yc ), Color );
/* Routine to draw an arc, width = width in USER space. */
/* Debut et fin de l'arc donnes par leur coord. */
void GRArc1( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int xc, int yc, int width, int Color )
GRSArc1( ClipBox, DC,
GRMapX( x1 ), GRMapY( y1 ), GRMapX( x2 ), GRMapY( y2 ),
GRMapX( xc ), GRMapY( yc ), ZoomValue( width ), Color );
/* Routine to draw an arc, in screen space. */
/* Debut et fin de l'arc donnes par leur coord. */
void GRSArc1( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int xc, int yc, int Color )
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym, r;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
r = (int) hypot( x1 - xc, y1 - yc );
if( xc < (x0 - r) )
if( yc < (y0 - r) )
if( xc > (r + xm) )
if( yc > (r + ym) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
DC->DrawArc( x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc );
/* Routine to draw an arc, width = width, in screen space. */
/* Debut et fin de l'arc donnes par leur coord. */
void GRSArc1( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int xc, int yc, int width, int Color )
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym, r;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
r = (int) hypot( x1 - xc, y1 - yc );
if( xc < (x0 - r) )
if( yc < (y0 - r) )
if( xc > (r + xm) )
if( yc > (r + ym) )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color );
DC->DrawArc( x1, y1, x2, y2, xc, yc );
/* Routine to draw an arc, in screen space. */
/* As the Y axe is inverted the Angles should be inverted as well. */
void GRSArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int xc, int yc,
int StAngle, int EndAngle, int r, int Color )
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( xc < (x0 - r - 1) )
if( yc < (y0 - r - 1) )
if( xc > (r + xm + 1) )
if( yc > (r + ym + 1) )
x1 = r; y1 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, EndAngle );
x2 = r; y2 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x2, &y2, StAngle );
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
DC->DrawArc( xc + x1, yc - y1, xc + x2, yc - y2, xc, yc );
/* Routine to draw an arc, width = width, in screen space. */
/* As the Y axe is inverted the Angles should be inverted as well. */
void GRSArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int xc, int yc, int StAngle, int EndAngle,
int r, int width, int Color )
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( xc < (x0 - r - width) )
if( yc < (y0 - r - width) )
if( xc > (r + xm + width) )
if( yc > (r + ym + width) )
x1 = r; y1 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, EndAngle );
x2 = r; y2 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x2, &y2, StAngle );
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color, width );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color );
DC->DrawArc( xc + x1, yc - y1, xc + x2, yc - y2, xc, yc );
/* Routine to draw an Filled arc, in screen space. */
/* As the Y axes is inverted the Angles should be inverted as well. */
void GRSFilledArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int xc, int yc,
int StAngle, int EndAngle, int r, int Color, int BgColor )
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int x0, y0, xm, ym;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( xc < (x0 - r - 1) )
if( yc < (y0 - r - 1) )
if( xc > (r + xm + 1) )
if( yc > (r + ym + 1) )
x1 = r; y1 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, EndAngle );
x2 = r; y2 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x2, &y2, StAngle );
GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
DC->DrawArc( xc + x1, yc - y1, xc + x2, yc - y2, xc, yc );
/* Routine to draw a Filled arc, in drawing space. */
/* As the Y axes is inverted the Angles should be inverted as well. */
void GRFilledArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y,
int StAngle, int EndAngle, int r, int Color, int BgColor )
GRSFilledArc( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ),
StAngle, EndAngle,
ZoomValue( r ), Color, BgColor );
/* Routine to draw an arc, in drawing space. */
/* As the Y axes is inverted the Angles should be inverted as well. */
void GRArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int xc, int yc, int StAngle,
int EndAngle, int r, int Color )
int x1, y1, x2, y2;
/* suppression des cercles hors ecran */
if( ClipBox )
int rayon = ZoomValue( r ) + 1;
int x0, y0, xm, ym, x, y;
x0 = ClipBox->GetX();
y0 = ClipBox->GetY();
xm = ClipBox->GetRight();
ym = ClipBox->GetBottom();
x = GRMapX( xc ); y = GRMapY( yc );
if( x < (x0 - rayon) )
if( y < (y0 - rayon) )
if( x > (xm + rayon) )
if( y > (ym + rayon) )
x1 = r; y1 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x1, &y1, EndAngle );
x2 = r; y2 = 0;
RotatePoint( &x2, &y2, StAngle );
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
GRSetBrush( DC, Color, FALSE );
DC->DrawArc( GRMapX( xc + x1 ), GRMapY( yc - y1 ),
GRMapX( xc + x2 ), GRMapY( yc - y2 ),
GRMapX( xc ), GRMapY( yc ) );
/* Routine to draw an arc, width = width, in drawing space. */
/* As the Y axes is inverted the Angles should be inverted as well. */
void GRArc( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x, int y, int StAngle, int EndAngle,
int r, int width, int Color )
GRSArc( ClipBox, DC, GRMapX( x ), GRMapY( y ),
StAngle, EndAngle,
ZoomValue( r ),
ZoomValue( width ),
Color );
/* Routine to draw a Rectangle, in drawing space. */
void GRRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
x1 = GRMapX( x1 ); y1 = GRMapY( y1 );
x2 = GRMapX( x2 ); y2 = GRMapY( y2 );
GRSRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color );
void GRFilledRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int Color, int BgColor )
/* Routine to draw a Rectangle (filled with AreaColor), in drawing space. */
x1 = GRMapX( x1 ); y1 = GRMapY( y1 );
x2 = GRMapX( x2 ); y2 = GRMapY( y2 );
GRSFilledRect( ClipBox, DC, x1, y1, x2, y2, Color, BgColor );
/* Routine to draw a Rectangle, in screen space. */
void GRSRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int Color )
if( x1 > x2 )
EXCHG( x1, x2 );
if( y1 > y2 )
EXCHG( y1, y2 );
/* Clipping des coordonnees */
if( ClipBox )
int xmin = ClipBox->GetX();
int ymin = ClipBox->GetY();
int xmax = ClipBox->GetRight();
int ymax = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( x1 > xmax )
if( x2 < xmin )
if( y1 > ymax )
if( y2 < ymin )
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
if( (x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2) )
DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
GRSetBrush( DC, BLACK );
DC->DrawRectangle( x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );
void GRSFilledRect( EDA_Rect* ClipBox, wxDC* DC, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
int Color, int BgColor )
/* Routine to draw a Filled Rectangle, in screen space. */
if( x1 > x2 )
EXCHG( x1, x2 );
if( y1 > y2 )
EXCHG( y1, y2 );
if( ClipBox )
int xmin = ClipBox->GetX();
int ymin = ClipBox->GetY();
int xmax = ClipBox->GetRight();
int ymax = ClipBox->GetBottom();
if( x1 > xmax )
if( x2 < xmin )
if( y1 > ymax )
if( y2 < ymin )
// Clipping des coordonnees
if( x1 < xmin )
x1 = xmin - 1;
if( y1 < ymin )
y1 = ymin - 1;
if( x2 > xmax )
x2 = xmax + 1;
if( y2 > ymax )
y2 = ymax + 1;
GRSetColorPen( DC, Color );
if( (x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2) )
DC->DrawLine( x1, y1, x2, y2 );
GRSetBrush( DC, BgColor, FILLED );
DC->DrawRectangle( x1, y1, x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );
/* Routines relatives au trace de texte */
/* Routine de selection de la fonte courante */
void GRSetFont( wxDC* DC, wxFont* Font )
DC->SetFont( *Font );
/* void GRSetTextFgColor(wxFont * Font, int Color) */
/* Mise a la valeur Color des textes a afficher */
void GRSetTextFgColor( wxDC* DC, int Color )
DC->SetTextForeground( wxColour(
ColorRefs[Color].m_Blue )
/* Mise a la valeur Color des textes a afficher */
void GRSetTextFgColor( wxDC* DC, wxFont*, int Color )
DC->SetTextForeground( wxColour(
ColorRefs[Color].m_Blue )
void GRGetTextExtent( wxDC* DC, const wxChar* Text, long* width, long* height )
/* donne la taille du rectangle d'encadrement du texte Text
long w = 0, h = 0;
if( Text )
DC->GetTextExtent( Text, &w, &h );
if( width )
*width = w;
if( height )
*height = h;
/* void GRReseTextFgColor() */
/* Mise a la couleur par defaut des textes a afficher */
void GRResetTextFgColor( wxDC* DC )
GRSetTextFgColor( DC, Text_Color );
/* void GRSetTextBgColor(wxFont * Font, int Color) */
/* Mise a la valeur Color du fond pour les textes a afficher */
void GRSetTextBgColor( wxDC* DC, int Color )
Color &= MASKCOLOR; // Pour 32 couleurs Max
DC->SetTextBackground( wxColour(
ColorRefs[Color].m_Blue )
void GRSetTextBgColor( wxDC* DC, wxFont*, int Color )
Color &= MASKCOLOR; // Pour 32 couleurs Max
DC->SetTextBackground( wxColour(
ColorRefs[Color].m_Blue )
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