Commit 9c3d5bd9 authored by CHARRAS's avatar CHARRAS

eschema, pcbnew and cvpcb did not find libraries when they were in the default...

eschema, pcbnew and cvpcb did not find libraries when they were in the default library path, but in a subdirectory
parent b9049c50
......@@ -4,6 +4,16 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2007-Nov-032 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
solved: eeschema, pcbnew and cvpcb did not find libraries when they were
in the default library path, but in a subdirectory
(this is because the default path was not added to the name if the name had
already a path)
2007-Nov-02 UPDATE Geoff Harland <>
+ pcbnew
......@@ -85,17 +85,18 @@ wxString MakeReducedFileName( const wxString& fullfilename,
const wxString& default_ext )
/* Calcule le nom "reduit" d'un fichier d'apres les chaines
* fullfilename = nom complet
* default_path = prefixe (chemin) par defaut
* default_ext = extension par defaut
/** Function MakeReducedFileName
* Calculate the "reduced" filename from
* @param fullfilename = full filename
* @param default_path = default path
* @param default_ext = default extension
* retourne le nom reduit, c'est a dire:
* sans le chemin si le chemin est default_path
* avec ./ si si le chemin est le chemin courant
* sans l'extension si l'extension est default_ext
* @return the "reduced" filename, i.e.:
* without path if it is default_path
* wiht ./ if the path is the current path
* without extension if extension is default_ext
* Renvoie un chemin en notation unix ('/' en separateur de repertoire)
* the new flename is in unix like notation ('/' as path separator)
wxString reduced_filename = fullfilename;
......@@ -111,18 +112,19 @@ wxString MakeReducedFileName( const wxString& fullfilename,
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
// names are case insensitive under windows
// Si le fichier est dans chemin par defaut -> suppression du chemin par defaut
// if the path is "default_path" -> remove it
wxString root_path = path.Left( Cwd.Length() );
if( root_path == Cwd )
reduced_filename.Remove( 0, Cwd.Length() );
else // Si fichier dans repertoire courant -> chemin = ./
else // if the path is the current path -> change path to ./
Cwd = wxGetCwd() + UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP;
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
......@@ -130,14 +132,14 @@ wxString MakeReducedFileName( const wxString& fullfilename,
if( path == Cwd )
{ // lib est dans rpertoire courant -> Chemin = "./"
{ // the path is the current path -> path = "./"
reduced_filename.Remove( 0, Cwd.Length() );
wxString tmp = wxT( "./" ) + reduced_filename;
reduced_filename = tmp;
// Suppression extension standard:
// remove extension if == default_ext:
if( !ext.IsEmpty() && reduced_filename.Contains( ext ) )
reduced_filename.Truncate( reduced_filename.Length() - ext.Length() );
......@@ -150,15 +152,14 @@ wxString MakeFileName( const wxString& dir,
const wxString& shortname, const wxString& ext )
/* Calcule le nom complet d'un fichier d'apres les chaines
* dir = prefixe (chemin) (peut etre "")
* shortname = nom avec ou sans chemin ou extension
* ext = extension (peut etre "")
* si shortname possede deja un chemin ou une extension, elles
* ne seront pas modifiees
* retourne la chaine calculee
/** Function MakeFileName
* Calculate the full file name from dir, shortname and ext
* @param dir = path (can be empty)
* @param shortname = filename with or without path and/or extension
* @param ext = extension (can be empty)
* If shortname has an absolute path, or a path start by ./ , the path will not be modified
* If shortname has an extension, it will not be modified
* @return full filename
wxString fullfilename;
......@@ -166,31 +167,34 @@ wxString MakeFileName( const wxString& dir,
if( !dir.IsEmpty() )
if( !shortname.Contains( UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP ) && !shortname.Contains( WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP )
&& !shortname.Contains( wxT( ":" ) ) )
{ /* aucun chemin n'est donne */
if( !wxIsAbsolutePath( shortname ) )
wxString left = shortname.Left(2);
if( left != wxT("./") )
{ /* no absolute path in shortname */
fullfilename = dir;
fullfilename += shortname;
fullfilename.Replace( WIN_STRING_DIR_SEP, UNIX_STRING_DIR_SEP );
/* Placement de l'extension s'il n'y en a pas deja une */
/* Add an extension if shortname has no extension */
if( ext.IsEmpty() )
return fullfilename;
/* Recherche d'une eventuelle extension */
ii = fullfilename.Length(); /* Pointe la fin du texte */
/* search for an extension */
ii = fullfilename.Length(); /* Get the end of name */
for( ; ii >= 0; ii-- )
if( fullfilename.GetChar( ii ) == '/' )
/* Pas d'extension: placement de l'extension standard */
/* not extension: add ext */
fullfilename += ext;
if( fullfilename.GetChar( ii ) == '.' ) /* extension trouvee */
if( fullfilename.GetChar( ii ) == '.' ) /* extension exists, do nothing */
......@@ -202,7 +206,10 @@ wxString MakeFileName( const wxString& dir,
void ChangeFileNameExt( wxString& FullFileName, const wxString& NewExt )
/* Change l'extension du "filename FullFileName" en NewExt.
/** Function ChangeFileNameExt
* change the extension of FullFileName to NewExt.
* @param FullFileName = filename to modify
* @param NewExt = new extension for FullFileName
wxString FileName;
......@@ -223,7 +230,9 @@ void ChangeFileNameExt( wxString& FullFileName, const wxString& NewExt )
void AddDelimiterString( wxString& string )
/* ajoute un " en debut et fin de string s'il n'y en a pas deja.
/** Function AddDelimiterString
* Add un " to the start and the end of string (if not already done).
* @param string = string to modify
wxString text;
......@@ -237,9 +246,9 @@ void AddDelimiterString( wxString& string )
/* Fonction de selection de Repertoires */
/* Selection Directory dialog box: */
bool EDA_DirectorySelector( const wxString& Title, /* Titre de la fenetre */
wxString& Path, /* Chemin par defaut */
......@@ -300,7 +309,7 @@ wxString EDA_FileSelector( const wxString& Title, /* Dialog ti
flag,/* options d'affichage (wxFD_OPEN, wxFD_SAVE .. */
flag,/* open mode wxFD_OPEN, wxFD_SAVE .. */
Pos.x, Pos.y );
......@@ -314,9 +323,9 @@ wxString EDA_FileSelector( const wxString& Title, /* Dialog ti
wxString FindKicadHelpPath()
/* Find absolute path for kicad/help (or kicad/help/<language>) */
/* Find path kicad/help/xx/ ou kicad/help/:
/** Function FindKicadHelpPath
* Find an absolute path for kicad/help (or kicad/help/<language>)
* Find path kicad/help/xx/ ou kicad/help/:
* from BinDir
* else from environment variable KICAD
* else from one of s_HelpPathList
/* Module to handle libraries (first part - file and io). */
/* Functions to handle component library files : read functions */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
......@@ -13,10 +13,7 @@
#include "protos.h"
/* Variables Locales */
/* Fonctions locales */
/* pour librairies de composants */
/* Local Functions */
static LibEDA_BaseStruct* GetDrawEntry( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, FILE* f,
char* Line, int* LineNum );
static bool GetLibEntryField( EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry, char* line );
......@@ -27,22 +24,18 @@ static bool ReadLibEntryDateAndTime( EDA_LibComponentStruct* Lib
static int AddFootprintFilterList( EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntryLibEntry,
FILE* f, char* Line, int* LineNum );
/* pour doc librairies */
/* Routines de lecture des librairies de composants */
* Routine to load the given library name. FullLibName should hold full path *
* of file name to open, while LibName should hold only its name. *
* IF library already exists, it is NOT reloaded. *
* return: new lib or NULL *
LibraryStruct* LoadLibraryName( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
const wxString& FullLibName, const wxString& LibName )
/** Function LoadLibraryName
* Routine to load the given library name. FullLibName should hold full path
* of file name to open, while LibName should hold only its name.
* IF library already exists, it is NOT reloaded.
* @return : new lib or NULL
int NumOfParts;
FILE* f;
......@@ -103,8 +96,9 @@ LibraryStruct* LoadLibraryName( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
void LoadLibraries( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
/* Delete toutes les librairies chargees et recree toutes les librairies
* donnes dans la liste g_LibName_List
/* Function LoadLibraries
* Clear all alredy loaded librries and load all librairies
* given in g_LibName_List
wxString FullLibName, msg;
......@@ -140,6 +134,7 @@ void LoadLibraries( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
FullLibName = MakeFileName( g_RealLibDirBuffer, LibName, g_LibExtBuffer );
msg = wxT( "Loading " ) + FullLibName;
frame->PrintMsg( msg );
if( LoadLibraryName( frame, FullLibName, LibName ) )
msg += wxT( " OK" );
......@@ -161,7 +156,7 @@ void LoadLibraries( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
LibraryStruct** libs =
(LibraryStruct**) MyZMalloc( sizeof(LibraryStruct *) * (NumOfLibs + 2) );
(LibraryStruct**) MyZMalloc( sizeof(LibraryStruct*) * (NumOfLibs + 2) );
int jj = 0;
for( ii = 0; ii < g_LibName_List.GetCount(); ii++ )
......@@ -198,10 +193,13 @@ void LoadLibraries( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
* Routine to free a library from the current loaded libraries. *
void FreeCmpLibrary( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& LibName )
/** Function FreeCmpLibrary
* Routine to remove and free a library from the current loaded libraries.
int NumOfLibs = NumOfLibraries();
LibraryStruct* Lib, * TempLib;
......@@ -234,7 +232,8 @@ void FreeCmpLibrary( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& LibName )
delete Lib;
/* La librairie supprimee est peut etre celle selectee dans libedit */
/* The removed librairy can be the current library in libedit.
* If so, clear the current library in libedit */
if( Lib == CurrentLib )
CurrentLib = NULL;
......@@ -244,7 +243,8 @@ void FreeCmpLibrary( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& LibName )
const wxChar** GetLibNames()
/* Routine to return pointers to all library names.
/** GetLibNames()
* Routine to return pointers to all library names.
* User is responsible to deallocate memory
......@@ -252,7 +252,7 @@ const wxChar** GetLibNames()
const wxChar** Names;
LibraryStruct* Lib;
Names = (const wxChar**) MyZMalloc( sizeof(wxChar *) * (NumOfLibs + 1) );
Names = (const wxChar**) MyZMalloc( sizeof(wxChar*) * (NumOfLibs + 1) );
for( ii = 0, Lib = g_LibraryList; Lib != NULL; Lib = Lib->m_Pnext, ii++ )
Names[ii] = Lib->m_Name.GetData();
......@@ -264,10 +264,10 @@ const wxChar** GetLibNames()
* Routine to compare two EDA_LibComponentStruct for the PriorQue module. *
* Comparison (insensitive case) is based on Part name. *
/** Function LibraryEntryCompare
* Routine to compare two EDA_LibComponentStruct for the PriorQue module.
* Comparison (insensitive case) is based on Part name.
int LibraryEntryCompare( EDA_LibComponentStruct* LE1, EDA_LibComponentStruct* LE2 )
return LE1->m_Name.m_Text.CmpNoCase( LE2->m_Name.m_Text );
......@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@ EDA_LibComponentStruct* Read_Component_Definition( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, char
return NULL;
else /* Mise a jour des infos de la ligne "DEF" */
else /* Update infos read from the line "DEF" */
LibEntry->m_DrawPinNum = (drawnum == 'N') ? FALSE : TRUE;
LibEntry->m_DrawPinName = (drawname == 'N') ? FALSE : TRUE;
......@@ -433,11 +433,11 @@ EDA_LibComponentStruct* Read_Component_Definition( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, char
/* Analyse lignes suivantes */
/* Read next lines */
while( GetLine( f, Line, LineNum, 1024 ) )
p = strtok( Line, " \t\n" );
Res = TRUE; /* Pour test d'erreur (Res = FALSE = erreur) */
Res = TRUE; /* This is the error flag ( if an error occurs, Res = FALSE) */
if( (Line[0] == 'T') && (Line[1] == 'i') )
......@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ EDA_LibComponentStruct* Read_Component_Definition( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, char
frame->PrintMsg( Msg );
/* Fin analyse de la ligne ou block: test de l'info lue */
/* End line or block analysis: test for an error */
if( !Res )
{ /* Something went wrong there. */
Msg.Printf( wxT( " Error Line %d, Library not loaded" ), *LineNum );
......@@ -545,12 +545,12 @@ static LibEDA_BaseStruct* GetDrawEntry( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, FILE* f, char*
if( nbarg >= 13 ) // Coord reelles des extremites de l'arc lues
if( nbarg >= 13 ) // Actual Coordinates of arc ends are read from file
Arc->m_ArcStart.x = startx; Arc->m_ArcStart.y = starty;
Arc->m_ArcEnd.x = endx; Arc->m_ArcEnd.y = endy;
else // Actual Coordinates of arc ends are not read from file (old library), calculate them
Arc->m_ArcStart.x = Arc->m_Rayon; Arc->m_ArcStart.y = 0;
Arc->m_ArcEnd.x = Arc->m_Rayon; Arc->m_ArcEnd.y = 0;
......@@ -716,7 +716,6 @@ static LibEDA_BaseStruct* GetDrawEntry( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, FILE* f, char*
......@@ -987,7 +986,7 @@ static void InsertAlias( PriorQue** PQ, EDA_LibComponentStruct* LibEntry,
unsigned ii;
if( LibEntry->m_AliasList.GetCount() == 0 )
return;/* No alias for this component */
return; /* No alias for this component */
for( ii = 0; ii < LibEntry->m_AliasList.GetCount(); ii++ )
......@@ -1128,14 +1127,14 @@ void EDA_LibComponentStruct::SortDrawItems()
BufentryBase =
(LibEDA_BaseStruct**) MyZMalloc( (nbitems + 1) * sizeof(LibEDA_BaseStruct *) );
(LibEDA_BaseStruct**) MyZMalloc( (nbitems + 1) * sizeof(LibEDA_BaseStruct*) );
/* memorisation du chainage : */
for( Entry = m_Drawings, ii = 0; Entry != NULL; Entry = Entry->Next() )
BufentryBase[ii++] = Entry;
/* Tri du chainage */
qsort( BufentryBase, nbitems, sizeof(LibEDA_BaseStruct *), SortItemsFct );
qsort( BufentryBase, nbitems, sizeof(LibEDA_BaseStruct*), SortItemsFct );
/* Mise a jour du chainage. Remarque:
* le dernier element de BufEntryBase (BufEntryBase[nbitems]) est NULL*/
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