Commit 9c0c8925 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Make hotkeys editor titles translatable.

parent 79af0c45
for( section = m_hotkeys; section->m_HK_InfoList; section++ )
m_hotkeySectionPages.push_back( new HOTKEY_SECTION_PAGE( this, m_hotkeySections,
_( *section->m_Title ),
wxGetTranslation( *section->m_Title ),
section ) );
......@@ -52,11 +52,11 @@ wxString g_LibEditSectionTag( wxT( "[libedit]" ) );
wxString g_BoardEditorSectionTag( wxT( "[pcbnew]" ) );
wxString g_ModuleEditSectionTag( wxT( "[footprinteditor]" ) );
wxString g_CommonSectionTitle( wxT( "Common" ) );
wxString g_SchematicSectionTitle( wxT( "Schematic Editor" ) );
wxString g_LibEditSectionTitle( wxT( "Library Editor" ) );
wxString g_BoardEditorSectionTitle( wxT( "Board Editor" ) );
wxString g_ModuleEditSectionTitle( wxT( "Footprint Editor" ) );
wxString g_CommonSectionTitle( _HKI( "Common" ) );
wxString g_SchematicSectionTitle( _HKI( "Schematic Editor" ) );
wxString g_LibEditSectionTitle( _HKI( "Library Editor" ) );
wxString g_BoardEditorSectionTitle( _HKI( "Board Editor" ) );
wxString g_ModuleEditSectionTitle( _HKI( "Footprint Editor" ) );
/* Class to handle hotkey commnands. hotkeys have a default value
......@@ -167,8 +167,10 @@ EDA_HOTKEY* common_Hotkey_List[] =
// list of sections and corresponding hotkey list for Kicad
// (used to create an hotkey config file, and edit hotkeys )
// here we have only one section.
wxString sectionTitle( _HKI( "Kicad Manager Hotkeys" ) );
struct EDA_HOTKEY_CONFIG kicad_Manager_Hokeys_Descr[] = {
{ &g_CommonSectionTag, common_Hotkey_List, &g_CommonSectionTitle },
{ &g_CommonSectionTag, common_Hotkey_List, &sectionTitle },
///////////// End hotkeys management ///////////////////////////////////////
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