Commit 95fc3360 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Commit merger from trunk and fixed bug version header file generator.

parents 1c70230e c5e22588
......@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ macro( create_bzr_version_header )
if( NOT ${_bzr_log_result} EQUAL 0 )
message(STATUS "Using <build_version.h> for version string.")
else( NOT ${_bzr_log_result} EQUAL 0 )
string( REGEX REPLACE "^(.*\n)?revno: ([^ ]+).*"
string( REGEX REPLACE "^(.*\n)?revno: ([^ \n]+).*"
"\\2" Kicad_REPO_REVISION "${_bazaar_LAST_CHANGE_LOG}" )
string( REGEX REPLACE "^(.*\n)?committer: ([^\n]+).*"
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ macro( create_bzr_version_header )
set( KICAD_BUILD_VERSION "(${_kicad_bzr_date} BZR ${Kicad_REPO_REVISION})" )
# Definition to conditionally use date and revision returned from the
# Bazaar info command instead of hand coded date and revision in
# Bazaar log command instead of hand coded date and revision in
# "include/build_version.h". If Bazaar is not found then the date
# and version information must be manually edited.
# Directive means bzr build, program version and build version will
......@@ -262,6 +262,7 @@ set(BITMAP_SRCS
/* XPM */
const char *online_help_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 16 1",
"; c #6AAB84",
"- c #449059",
"O c #EF8A8B",
": c #87E78C",
"% c #386BA0",
"= c #36794A",
" c None",
"* c #7C94AC",
". c #DF6162",
"& c #419AED",
"@ c #F5F8F5",
"X c #F27B7C",
"$ c #235257",
"+ c #DCCFCF",
"o c #573639",
"# c #2477CD",
/* pixels */
" ",
" .XXo ",
" oOOXXX.XXo ",
" .XOOXXX.X... ",
" o....XX.X.O++ ",
" oOX....X+@@@+ ",
"o##o.OX..@@@+Xo ",
"$###%$oX.+O.o ",
"$&&##%#%$.*++ ",
" %&&&&%@@@@+%=o ",
" -$%&#@+%$=;+o ",
" :::=$$-;:@@@$ ",
" ;:::::;@@@@:o ",
" o=:::+@@;$ ",
" o--= ",
" "
......@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ void wxSVGFileDC::Init( wxString f, int Width, int Height, float dpi )
write( s );
s.Printf( wxT( " version=\"1.1\"\n" ) );
write( s );
s.Printf( wxT( " width=\"%.2gcm\" height=\"%.2gcm\" viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d \"\n" ),
float (Width) / dpi * 2.54, float (Height) / dpi * 2.54, Width, Height );
s.Printf( wxT( " width=\"%gin\" height=\"%gin\" viewBox=\"0 0 %d %d \"\n" ),
double (Width) / dpi, double (Height) / dpi, Width, Height );
write( s );
s.Printf( wxT( ">\n" ) );
write( s );
......@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;
item = new wxMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_GENERAL_HELP, _( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the cvpcb manual" ) );
item->SetBitmap( help_xpm );
item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm );
helpMenu->Append( item );
/* About on all platforms except WXMAC */
......@@ -230,12 +230,16 @@ bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::DrawSVGPage( WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame,
old_org = screen->m_DrawOrg;
screen->m_DrawOrg.x = screen->m_DrawOrg.y = 0;
screen->m_StartVisu.x = screen->m_StartVisu.y = 0;
SheetSize = screen->ReturnPageSize( );
SheetSize = screen->ReturnPageSize( ); // page size in 1/1000 inch, ie in internal units
screen->SetScalingFactor( 1.0 );
WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel = frame->DrawPanel;
wxSVGFileDC dc( FullFileName, SheetSize.x, SheetSize.y );
SetLocaleTo_C_standard( ); // Switch the locale to standard C (needed
// to print floating point numbers like 1.3)
float dpi = (float)frame->m_InternalUnits;
wxSVGFileDC dc( FullFileName, SheetSize.x, SheetSize.y, dpi );
EDA_Rect tmp = panel->m_ClipBox;
GRResetPenAndBrush( &dc );
......@@ -248,8 +252,6 @@ bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::DrawSVGPage( WinEDA_DrawFrame * frame,
panel->m_ClipBox.SetHeight( 0x7FFFFF0 );
screen->m_IsPrinting = true;
SetLocaleTo_C_standard( ); // Switch the locale to standard C (needed
// to print floating point numbers like 1.3)
frame->PrintPage( &dc, aPrint_Sheet_Ref, 1, false );
SetLocaleTo_Default( ); // revert to the current locale
screen->m_IsPrinting = false;
......@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;
item = new wxMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_GENERAL_HELP, _( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the eeschema manual" ) );
item->SetBitmap( help_xpm );
item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm );
helpMenu->Append( item );
/* About on all platforms except WXMAC */
......@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;
item = new wxMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_GENERAL_HELP, _( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the eeschema manual" ) );
item->SetBitmap( help_xpm );
item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm );
helpMenu->Append( item );
......@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ void WinEDA_GerberFrame::ReCreateMenuBar( void )
_( "Open the gerbview manual" ), help_xpm );
ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_HELP( helpMenu, ID_KICAD_ABOUT, _( "&About Gerbview" ),
_( "About gerbview gerber and drill viewer" ),
info_xpm );
online_help_xpm );
menuBar->Append( filesMenu, _( "&File" ) );
menuBar->Append( configmenu, _( "&Preferences" ) );
......@@ -255,6 +255,7 @@ extern const char* new_txt_xpm[];
extern const char* new_xpm[];
extern const char* noconn_button[];
extern const char* normal_xpm[];
extern const char* online_help_xpm[];
extern const char* open_library_xpm[];
extern const char* open_project_xpm[];
extern const char* open_xpm[];
......@@ -227,7 +227,7 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
/* Contents */
item = new wxMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_GENERAL_HELP, _( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the kicad manual" ) );
item->SetBitmap( help_xpm );
item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm );
helpMenu->Append( item );
/* About on all platforms except WXMAC */
......@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ class DIALOG_SVG_PRINT : public DIALOG_SVG_PRINT_base
WinEDA_BasePcbFrame* m_Parent;
int m_ImageXSize_mm;
wxConfig* m_Config;
long m_PrintMaskLayer;
wxCheckBox* m_BoxSelectLayer[32];
......@@ -90,7 +89,6 @@ void DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::initDialog( )
SetFocus(); // Make ESC key working
m_ImageXSize_mm = 270;
if( m_Config )
m_Config->Read( PLOTSVGMODECOLOR_KEY, &s_Parameters.m_Print_Black_and_White );
......@@ -245,7 +243,7 @@ void DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::PrintSVGDoc( bool aPrintAll, bool aPrint_Frame_Ref )
* Routine actual print
* Actual print function.
bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::DrawPage( const wxString& FullFileName,
BASE_SCREEN* screen,
......@@ -255,7 +253,6 @@ bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::DrawPage( const wxString& FullFileName,
wxPoint tmp_startvisu;
wxSize SheetSize; // Sheet size in internal units
wxPoint old_org;
float dpi;
bool success = true;
/* Change frames and local settings */
......@@ -269,28 +266,31 @@ bool DIALOG_SVG_PRINT::DrawPage( const wxString& FullFileName,
SheetSize.y *= m_Parent->m_InternalUnits / 1000; // size in pixels
screen->SetScalingFactor( 1.0 );
dpi = (float) SheetSize.x * 25.4 / m_ImageXSize_mm;
float dpi = (float)m_Parent->m_InternalUnits;
WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel = m_Parent->DrawPanel;
SetLocaleTo_C_standard(); // Switch the locale to standard C (needed
// to print floating point numbers like 1.3)
wxSVGFileDC dc( FullFileName, SheetSize.x, SheetSize.y, dpi );
EDA_Rect tmp = panel->m_ClipBox;
GRResetPenAndBrush( &dc );
s_Parameters.m_PenDefaultSize = ReturnValueFromTextCtrl( *m_DialogPenWidth,
m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
GRForceBlackPen( m_ModeColorOption->GetSelection() == 0 ? false : true );
s_Parameters.m_DrillShapeOpt = PRINT_PARAMETERS::FULL_DRILL_SHAPE;
panel->m_ClipBox.SetX( 0 ); panel->m_ClipBox.SetY( 0 );
panel->m_ClipBox.SetWidth( 0x7FFFFF0 ); panel->m_ClipBox.SetHeight(
0x7FFFFF0 );
panel->m_ClipBox.SetX( 0 );
panel->m_ClipBox.SetY( 0 );
panel->m_ClipBox.SetWidth( 0x7FFFFF0 );
panel->m_ClipBox.SetHeight( 0x7FFFFF0 );
screen->m_IsPrinting = true;
SetLocaleTo_C_standard(); // Switch the locale to standard C (needed
// to print floating point numbers like 1.3)
int bg_color = g_DrawBgColor;
g_DrawBgColor = WHITE;
m_Parent->PrintPage( &dc, aPrint_Frame_Ref, m_PrintMaskLayer, false, &s_Parameters);
g_DrawBgColor = bg_color;
SetLocaleTo_Default(); // revert to the current locale
screen->m_IsPrinting = false;
panel->m_ClipBox = tmp;
......@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
_( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the pcbnew manual" ) );
item->SetBitmap( help_xpm );
item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm );
helpMenu->Append( item );
......@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
wxMenu* helpMenu = new wxMenu;
item = new wxMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_GENERAL_HELP, _( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the PCBnew manual" ) );
item->SetBitmap( help_xpm );
item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm );
helpMenu->Append( item );
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