Commit 7c3f47ec authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

fixes for plugins

parent f80357cb
......@@ -377,8 +377,8 @@ wxString BOARD::GetLayerName( int aLayerIndex, bool aTranslate ) const
// Default layer names are statically initialized,
// because we want the English name and the translation
// The English name is stored here, and to get the tranlation
// wxGetTranslation must be called explicitely
// The English name is stored here, and to get the translation
// wxGetTranslation must be called explicitly
static const wxChar * layer_FRONT_name = _( "Front" );
static const wxChar * layer_INNER1_name = _( "Inner1" );
static const wxChar * layer_INNER2_name = _( "Inner2" );
......@@ -1004,29 +1004,29 @@ void ERULES::parse( CPTREE& aRules )
for( CITER it = aRules.begin(); it != aRules.end(); ++it )
if( it-> "param" ) )
if( it->first != "param" )
CPTREE& attribs = it->second.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
const std::string& name = attribs.get<std::string>( "name" );
if( ! "psElongationLong" ) )
if( name == "psElongationLong" )
psElongationLong = attribs.get<int>( "value" );
else if( ! "psElongationOffset" ) )
else if( name == "psElongationOffset" )
psElongationOffset = attribs.get<int>( "value" );
else if( ! "rvPadTop" ) )
else if( name == "rvPadTop" )
rvPadTop = attribs.get<double>( "value" );
else if( ! "rlMinPadTop" ) )
else if( name == "rlMinPadTop" )
rlMinPadTop = parseEagle( attribs.get<std::string>( "value" ) );
else if( ! "rlMaxPadTop" ) )
else if( name == "rlMaxPadTop" )
rlMaxPadTop = parseEagle( attribs.get<std::string>( "value" ) );
else if( ! "rvViaOuter" ) )
else if( name == "rvViaOuter" )
rvViaOuter = attribs.get<double>( "value" );
else if( ! "rlMinViaOuter" ) )
else if( name == "rlMinViaOuter" )
rlMinViaOuter = parseEagle( attribs.get<std::string>( "value" ) );
else if( ! "rlMaxViaOuter" ) )
else if( name == "rlMaxViaOuter" )
rlMaxViaOuter = parseEagle( attribs.get<std::string>( "value" ) );
......@@ -1260,26 +1260,30 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics )
// (polygon | wire | text | circle | rectangle | frame | hole)*
for( CITER gr = aGraphics.begin(); gr != aGraphics.end(); ++gr )
if( !gr-> "wire" ) )
if( gr->first == "wire" )
m_xpath->push( "wire" );
EWIRE w( gr->second );
int layer = kicad_layer( w.layer );
if( layer != -1 )
DRAWSEGMENT* dseg = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_board );
m_board->Add( dseg, ADD_APPEND );
dseg->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( gr->second ) );
dseg->SetLayer( kicad_layer( w.layer ) );
dseg->SetLayer( layer );
dseg->SetStart( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x1 ), kicad_y( w.y1 ) ) );
dseg->SetEnd( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x2 ), kicad_y( w.y2 ) ) );
dseg->SetWidth( kicad( w.width ) );
else if( !gr-> "text" ) )
else if( gr->first == "text" )
#if defined(DEBUG)
if( !gr-> "ATMEGA328" ) )
if( gr-> == "ATMEGA328" )
int breakhere = 1;
(void) breakhere;
......@@ -1289,6 +1293,8 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics )
ETEXT t( gr->second );
int layer = kicad_layer( t.layer );
if( layer != -1 ) // supported layer
TEXTE_PCB* pcbtxt = new TEXTE_PCB( m_board );
m_board->Add( pcbtxt, ADD_APPEND );
......@@ -1367,29 +1373,34 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics )
pcbtxt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
else if( !gr-> "circle" ) )
else if( gr->first == "circle" )
m_xpath->push( "circle" );
ECIRCLE c( gr->second );
int layer = kicad_layer( c.layer );
if( layer != -1 ) // unsupported layer
DRAWSEGMENT* dseg = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_board );
m_board->Add( dseg, ADD_APPEND );
dseg->SetShape( S_CIRCLE );
dseg->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( gr->second ) );
dseg->SetLayer( kicad_layer( c.layer ) );
dseg->SetLayer( layer );
dseg->SetStart( wxPoint( kicad_x( c.x ), kicad_y( c.y ) ) );
dseg->SetEnd( wxPoint( kicad_x( c.x + c.radius ), kicad_y( c.y ) ) );
dseg->SetWidth( kicad( c.width ) );
// This seems to be a simplified rectangular [copper] zone, cannot find any
// net related info on it from the DTD.
else if( !gr-> "rectangle" ) )
else if( gr->first == "rectangle" )
m_xpath->push( "rectangle" );
ERECT r( gr->second );
......@@ -1421,7 +1432,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics )
else if( !gr-> "hole" ) )
else if( gr->first == "hole" )
m_xpath->push( "hole" );
EHOLE e( gr->second );
......@@ -1464,11 +1475,11 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics )
else if( !gr-> "frame" ) )
else if( gr->first == "frame" )
// picture this
else if( !gr-> "polygon" ) )
else if( gr->first == "polygon" )
// could be on a copper layer, could be on another layer.
// copper layer would be done using netCode=0 type of ZONE_CONTAINER.
......@@ -1504,7 +1515,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadLibraries( CPTREE& aLibs )
const std::string& pack_name = package->second.get<std::string>( "<xmlattr>.name" );
#if defined(DEBUG)
if( ! "TO220H" ) )
if( pack_name == "TO220H" )
int breakhere = 1;
(void) breakhere;
......@@ -1552,7 +1563,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements )
for( CITER it = aElements.begin(); it != aElements.end(); ++it )
if( it-> "element" ) )
if( it->first != "element" )
EELEMENT e( it->second );
......@@ -1563,14 +1574,6 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements )
m_xpath->Value( );
#if 1 && defined(DEBUG)
if( ! "LP2985-33DBVR" ) )
int breakhere = 1;
(void) breakhere;
std::string key = makeKey( e.library, e.package );
MODULE_CITER mi = m_templates.find( key );
......@@ -1584,7 +1587,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements )
#if defined(DEBUG)
if( ! "IC3" ) )
if( == "ARM_C8" )
int breakhere = 1;
(void) breakhere;
......@@ -1624,17 +1627,17 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements )
// So the logic is a bit different than in packageText() and in plain text.
for( CITER ait = it->second.begin(); ait != it->second.end(); ++ait )
if( ait-> "attribute" ) )
if( ait->first != "attribute" )
EATTR a( ait->second );
if( ! "NAME" ) )
if( == "NAME" )
name = a;
nameAttr = &name;
else if( ! "VALUE" ) )
else if( == "VALUE" )
value = a;
valueAttr = &value;
......@@ -1657,8 +1660,11 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::orientModuleAndText( MODULE* m, const EELEMENT& e,
if( e.rot->mirror )
double orientation = e.rot->degrees + 180.0;
m->SetOrientation( orientation * 10 );
m->Flip( m->GetPosition() );
m->SetOrientation( e.rot->degrees * 10 );
......@@ -1744,6 +1750,12 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::orientModuleText( MODULE* m, const EELEMENT& e,
txt->SetOrientation( sign * orient * 10 );
orient = 90 + degrees - m->GetOrientation() / 10;
txt->SetOrientation( sign * orient * 10 );
switch( align )
......@@ -1765,7 +1777,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::orientModuleText( MODULE* m, const EELEMENT& e,
double degrees = ( txt->GetOrientation() + m->GetOrientation() ) / 10;
// @todo there are a few more cases than theses to contend with:
// @todo there are a few more cases than these to contend with:
if( (!txt->IsMirrored() && ( abs( degrees ) == 180 || abs( degrees ) == 270 ))
|| ( txt->IsMirrored() && ( degrees == 360 ) ) )
......@@ -1791,28 +1803,28 @@ MODULE* EAGLE_PLUGIN::makeModule( CPTREE& aPackage, const std::string& aPkgName
CPTREE& t = it->second;
if( it-> "wire" ) == 0 )
if( it->first == "wire" )
packageWire( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "pad" ) )
else if( it->first == "pad" )
packagePad( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "text" ) )
else if( it->first == "text" )
packageText( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "rectangle" ) )
else if( it->first == "rectangle" )
packageRectangle( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "polygon" ) )
else if( it->first == "polygon" )
packagePolygon( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "circle" ) )
else if( it->first == "circle" )
packageCircle( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "hole" ) )
else if( it->first == "hole" )
packageHole( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "smd" ) )
else if( it->first == "smd" )
packageSMD( m.get(), t );
......@@ -1934,9 +1946,9 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageText( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
if( ! ">NAME" ) || ! ">name" ) )
if( t.text == ">NAME" || t.text == ">name" )
txt = &aModule->Reference();
else if( ! ">VALUE" ) || ! ">value" ) )
else if( t.text == ">VALUE" || t.text == ">value" )
txt = &aModule->Value();
......@@ -2096,7 +2108,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packagePolygon( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
for( CITER vi = aTree.begin(); vi != aTree.end(); ++vi )
if( vi-> "vertex" ) ) // skip <xmlattr> node
if( vi->first != "vertex" ) // skip <xmlattr> node
EVERTEX v( vi->second );
......@@ -2245,7 +2257,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadSignals( CPTREE& aSignals )
// (contactref | polygon | wire | via)*
for( CITER it = net->second.begin(); it != net->second.end(); ++it )
if( !it-> "wire" ) )
if( it->first == "wire" )
m_xpath->push( "wire" );
EWIRE w( it->second );
......@@ -2274,7 +2286,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadSignals( CPTREE& aSignals )
else if( !it-> "via" ) )
else if( it->first == "via" )
m_xpath->push( "via" );
EVIA v( it->second );
......@@ -2327,7 +2339,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadSignals( CPTREE& aSignals )
else if( !it-> "contactref" ) )
else if( it->first == "contactref" )
m_xpath->push( "contactref" );
// <contactref element="RN1" pad="7"/>
......@@ -2345,7 +2357,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadSignals( CPTREE& aSignals )
else if( !it-> "polygon" ) )
else if( it->first == "polygon" )
m_xpath->push( "polygon" );
EPOLYGON p( it->second );
......@@ -2367,7 +2379,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadSignals( CPTREE& aSignals )
bool first = true;
for( CITER vi = it->second.begin(); vi != it->second.end(); ++vi )
if( vi-> "vertex" ) ) // skip <xmlattr> node
if( vi->first != "vertex" ) // skip <xmlattr> node
EVERTEX v( vi->second );
......@@ -2488,7 +2500,7 @@ int EAGLE_PLUGIN::kicad_layer( int aEagleLayer )
int kiLayer;
// eagle copper layer:
if( aEagleLayer >=1 && aEagleLayer <= 16 )
if( aEagleLayer >= 1 && aEagleLayer <= 16 )
kiLayer = LAYER_N_FRONT - ( aEagleLayer - 1 );
......@@ -523,10 +523,20 @@ void PCB_IO::format( EDGE_MODULE* aModuleDrawing, int aNestLevel ) const
m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(fp_poly (pts" );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < aModuleDrawing->GetPolyPoints().size(); ++i )
m_out->Print( 0, " (xy %s)",
FMT_IU( aModuleDrawing->GetPolyPoints()[i] ).c_str() );
int nestLevel = 0;
m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
if( i && !(i%4) ) // newline every 4(pts)
nestLevel = aNestLevel + 1;
m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );
m_out->Print( nestLevel, "%s(xy %s)",
nestLevel ? "" : " ",
FMT_IU( aModuleDrawing->GetPolyPoints()[i] ).c_str() );
m_out->Print( 0, ")" );
case S_CURVE: // Bezier curve
......@@ -984,8 +984,10 @@ void PCB_PARSER::parseNETINFO_ITEM() throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR )
wxT( "Cannot parse " ) + GetTokenString( CurTok() ) + wxT( " as net." ) );
int number = parseInt( "net number" );
wxString name = FromUTF8();
// net 0 should be already in list, so store this net
......@@ -1049,7 +1051,7 @@ void PCB_PARSER::parseNETCLASS() throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR )
case T_add_net:
nc->Add( FromUTF8() );
......@@ -2090,7 +2092,7 @@ D_PAD* PCB_PARSER::parseD_PAD() throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR )
case T_net:
pad->SetNet( parseInt( "net number" ) );
pad->SetNetname( FromUTF8() );
......@@ -524,9 +524,9 @@ PADSTACK* SPECCTRA_DB::makePADSTACK( BOARD* aBoard, D_PAD* aPad )
snprintf( name, sizeof(name), "Trapz%sPad_%.6gx%.6g_%c%.6gx%c%.6g_um",
uniqifier.c_str(), IU2um( aPad->GetSize().x ), IU2um( aPad->GetSize().y ),
aPad->GetDelta().x < 0 ? 'n' : 'p',
abs( IU2um( aPad->GetDelta().x )),
std::abs( IU2um( aPad->GetDelta().x )),
aPad->GetDelta().y < 0 ? 'n' : 'p',
abs( IU2um( aPad->GetDelta().y ) )
std::abs( IU2um( aPad->GetDelta().y ) )
name[ sizeof(name)-1 ] = 0;
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