Commit 79eca85b authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck


parent c254c13e
......@@ -221,10 +221,10 @@ BOARD_ITEM* WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay( int aHotKeyCode )
* Function Join
* finds the point where b0+x*(b1-b0) intersects with a0+y*(a1-a0).
* If that point would be outside of a0-a1, the respective endpoint is used.
* finds the point where line segment (b1,b0) intersects with segment (a1,a0).
* If that point would be outside of (a0,a1), the respective endpoint is used.
* Join returns the point in "res" and "true" if a suitable point was found,
* "false" if both lines are parallel.
* "false" if both lines are parallel or if the length of either segment is zero.
static bool Join( wxPoint* res, wxPoint a0, wxPoint a1, wxPoint b0, wxPoint b1 )
......@@ -236,8 +236,16 @@ static bool Join( wxPoint* res, wxPoint a0, wxPoint a1, wxPoint b0, wxPoint b1 )
double denom;
double t;
// if either segment is zero length
if( a1.x==a0.x && a1.y==a0.y )
return false;
if( b1.x==b0.x && b1.y==b0.y )
return false;
a1 -= a0;
b1 -= b0;
b0 -= a0;
denom = (double) b1.y * a1.x - (double) b1.x * a1.y;
......@@ -290,131 +298,177 @@ bool Project( wxPoint* res, wxPoint on_grid, const TRACK* track )
* "curpos". If yes, then curpos is adjusted appropriately according to that
* near magnetic item and true is returned.
* @param curpos The initial position, and what to adjust if a change is needed.
* @return bool - true if the position was adjusted magnetically, else false.
static bool Magnetize( BOARD* m_Pcb, WinEDA_PcbFrame* frame,
int aCurrentTool, wxSize grid, wxPoint on_grid, wxPoint* curpos )
D_PAD* pad;
TRACK* curr = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
TRACK* via;
TRACK* track;
int layer, layer_mask;
bool doCheckNet = g_MagneticPadOption != capture_always && Drc_On;
bool doTrack = false;
bool doPad = false;
bool amMovingVia = false;
if( frame->GetCurItem() != curr )
curr = NULL;
TRACK* currTrack = g_CurrentTrackSegment;
BOARD_ITEM* currItem = frame->GetCurItem();
// D( printf( "currTrack=%p currItem=%p currTrack->Type()=%d currItem->Type()=%d\n", currTrack, currItem, currTrack ? currTrack->Type() : 0, currItem ? currItem->Type() : 0 ); )
bool pad_ok = false;
if( g_MagneticPadOption == capture_always )
pad_ok = true;
bool track_ok = false;
if( g_MagneticTrackOption == capture_always )
track_ok = true;
if( aCurrentTool == ID_TRACK_BUTT )
int q = capture_cursor_in_track_tool;
if( g_MagneticPadOption == q )
pad_ok = true;
if( g_MagneticTrackOption == q )
track_ok = true;
if(!pad_ok && !track_ok) //then nothing magnetic to do
return false;
pad = Locate_Any_Pad( m_Pcb, CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE, TRUE );
if( pad && pad_ok)
if( !currTrack && currItem && currItem->Type()==TYPEVIA && currItem->m_Flags )
if( doCheckNet && curr && curr->GetNet() != pad->GetNet() )
return false;
// moving a VIA
currTrack = (TRACK*) currItem;
amMovingVia = true;
*curpos = pad->m_Pos;
return true;
return false; // comment this return out and play with it.
else if( currItem != currTrack )
currTrack = NULL;
layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) ActiveScreen )->m_Active_Layer;
via = Locate_Via_Area( m_Pcb, *curpos, layer );
if( via && track_ok) //vias are part of tracks...?
if( g_MagneticPadOption == capture_always )
doPad = true;
if( g_MagneticTrackOption == capture_always )
doTrack = true;
if( aCurrentTool == ID_TRACK_BUTT || amMovingVia )
if( doCheckNet && curr && curr->GetNet() != via->GetNet() )
return false;
int q = capture_cursor_in_track_tool;
*curpos = via->m_Start;
return true;
if( g_MagneticPadOption == q )
doPad = true;
if( g_MagneticTrackOption == q )
doTrack = true;
layer_mask = g_TabOneLayerMask[layer];
D(printf("doPad=%d doTrack=%d aCurrentTool=%d amMovingVia=%d\n", doPad, doTrack, aCurrentTool, amMovingVia );)
// The search precedence order is pads, then tracks/vias
if( !curr && track_ok)
if( doPad )
track = Locate_Pistes( m_Pcb->m_Track, layer_mask, CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE );
if( !track || track->Type() != TYPETRACK )
return false;
D_PAD* pad = Locate_Any_Pad( m_Pcb, CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE, TRUE );
if( pad )
if( doCheckNet && currTrack && currTrack->GetNet() != pad->GetNet() )
return false;
return Project( curpos, on_grid, track );
*curpos = pad->m_Pos;
return true;
* In two segment mode, ignore the final segment if it's inside a grid
* square.
if( curr && g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild && curr->Back()
&& curr->m_Start.x - grid.x < curr->m_End.x
&& curr->m_Start.x + grid.x > curr->m_End.x
&& curr->m_Start.y - grid.y < curr->m_End.y
&& curr->m_Start.y + grid.y > curr->m_End.y )
// after pads, only track & via tests remain, skip them if not desired
if( doTrack )
curr = curr->Back();
int layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) ActiveScreen )->m_Active_Layer;
for( track = m_Pcb->m_Track; track && track_ok; track = track->Next() )
if( track->Type() != TYPETRACK )
for( TRACK* via = m_Pcb->m_Track;
via && (via = Locate_Via_Area( via, *curpos, layer )) != NULL;
via = via->Next() )
if( via != currTrack ) // a via cannot influence itself
if( doCheckNet && currTrack && currTrack->GetNet() != via->GetNet() )
return false;
if( doCheckNet && curr->GetNet() != track->GetNet() )
*curpos = via->m_Start;
D(printf("via hit\n");)
return true;
D( printf( "skipping self\n" ); )
if( (g_DesignSettings.m_LayerColor[track->GetLayer()] & ITEM_NOT_SHOW) )
if( !currTrack )
int layer_mask = g_TabOneLayerMask[layer];
if( !track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
TRACK* track = Locate_Pistes( m_Pcb->m_Track, layer_mask, CURSEUR_OFF_GRILLE );
if( !track || track->Type() != TYPETRACK )
return false;
// @todo, this should be a track overlap test, not a mouse on track test.
// The former would consider the new track's width.
if( !track->HitTest( *curpos ) )
D( printf( "Project\n" ); )
return Project( curpos, on_grid, track );
if( Join( curpos, track->m_Start, track->m_End, curr->m_Start, curr->m_End ) )
* In two segment mode, ignore the final segment if it's inside a grid
* square.
if( !amMovingVia && currTrack && g_TwoSegmentTrackBuild && currTrack->Back()
&& currTrack->m_Start.x - grid.x < currTrack->m_End.x
&& currTrack->m_Start.x + grid.x > currTrack->m_End.x
&& currTrack->m_Start.y - grid.y < currTrack->m_End.y
&& currTrack->m_Start.y + grid.y > currTrack->m_End.y )
return true;
currTrack = currTrack->Back();
if( aCurrentTool == ID_TRACK_BUTT )
for( TRACK* track = m_Pcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
// At this point we have a drawing mouse on a track, we are drawing
// a new track and that new track is parallel to the track the
// mouse is on. Find the nearest end point of the track under mouse
// to the mouse and return that.
double distStart = hypot( double( curpos->x - track->m_Start.x ),
double( curpos->y - track->m_Start.y ));
double distEnd = hypot( double( curpos->x - track->m_End.x ),
double( curpos->y - track->m_End.y ));
if( distStart < distEnd )
*curpos = track->m_Start;
*curpos = track->m_End;
return true;
if( track->Type() != TYPETRACK )
if( doCheckNet && currTrack && currTrack->GetNet() != track->GetNet() )
if( (g_DesignSettings.m_LayerColor[track->GetLayer()] & ITEM_NOT_SHOW) )
// omit the layer check if moving a via
if( !amMovingVia && !track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
if( !track->HitTest( *curpos ) )
if( Join( curpos, track->m_Start, track->m_End, currTrack->m_Start, currTrack->m_End ) )
D(printf( "join currTrack->Type()=%d\n", currTrack->Type() );)
return true;
if( aCurrentTool == ID_TRACK_BUTT || amMovingVia )
// At this point we have a drawing mouse on a track, we are drawing
// a new track and that new track is parallel to the track the
// mouse is on. Find the nearest end point of the track under mouse
// to the mouse and return that.
double distStart = hypot( double( curpos->x - track->m_Start.x ),
double( curpos->y - track->m_Start.y ));
double distEnd = hypot( double( curpos->x - track->m_End.x ),
double( curpos->y - track->m_End.y ));
// if track not via, or if its a via dragging but not with its adjacent track
if( currTrack->Type() != TYPEVIA
|| ( currTrack->m_Start!=track->m_Start && currTrack->m_Start!=track->m_End ))
if( distStart <= currTrack->m_Width/2 )
D(printf("nearest end is start\n");)
*curpos = track->m_Start;
return true;
if( distEnd <= currTrack->m_Width/2 )
D(printf("nearest end is end\n");)
*curpos = track->m_End;
return true;
// @todo otherwise confine curpos such that it stays centered
// within "track"
......@@ -42,51 +42,47 @@ TRACK* Locate_Via( BOARD* Pcb, const wxPoint& pos, int layer )
* (TRACK*) adresse de la via
TRACK* Track;
TRACK* track;
for( Track = Pcb->m_Track; Track != NULL; Track = Track->Next() )
for( track = Pcb->m_Track; track; track = track->Next() )
if( Track->Type() != TYPEVIA )
if( track->Type() != TYPEVIA )
if( Track->m_Start != pos )
if( track->m_Start != pos )
if( Track->GetState( BUSY | DELETED ) )
if( track->GetState( BUSY | DELETED ) )
if( layer < 0 )
return Track;
if( Track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
return Track;
if( track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
return NULL;
return track;
TRACK* Locate_Via_Area( BOARD* Pcb, const wxPoint& pos, int layer )
TRACK* Locate_Via_Area( TRACK* aStart, const wxPoint& pos, int layer )
* Like Locate_Via, but finds any via covering the cursor position
TRACK* Track;
TRACK* track;
for( Track = Pcb->m_Track; Track != NULL; Track = Track->Next() )
for( track = aStart; track; track = track->Next() )
if( Track->Type() != TYPEVIA )
if( track->Type() != TYPEVIA )
if( !track->HitTest(pos) )
if( Track->GetState( BUSY | DELETED ) )
if( track->GetState( BUSY | DELETED ) )
if( layer < 0 )
return Track;
if( Track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
return Track;
if( track->IsOnLayer( layer ) )
return NULL;
return track;
......@@ -77,7 +77,15 @@ void Trace_Pads_Only( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, MODULE* Module, int ox,
TRACK* Locate_Via( BOARD* Pcb, const wxPoint& pos, int layer = -1 );
TRACK* Locate_Via_Area( BOARD* Pcb, const wxPoint& pos, int layer = -1 );
* Function Locate_Via_Area
* finds the first SEGVIA which covers the given aPos with a matching layer.
* @param aStart The starting TRACK or SEGVIA in the BOARD's list.
* @param aPos The wxPoint to HitTest() against.
* @param aLayer The layer to match, pass -1 for a don't care.
* @return TRACK* - actually a SEGVIA* if found, else NULL.
TRACK* Locate_Via_Area( TRACK* aStart, const wxPoint& aPos, int aLayer = -1 );
TRACK* Fast_Locate_Via( TRACK* start_adr, TRACK* end_adr,
const wxPoint& pos, int masquelayer );
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