Commit 79d35367 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Fixed autopanning for POINT_EDITOR.

parent a55d2580
......@@ -210,14 +210,12 @@ int POINT_EDITOR::OnSelectionChange( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
if( point )
controls->ShowCursor( true );
controls->SetAutoPan( true );
controls->SetSnapping( true );
controls->ForceCursorPosition( true, point->GetPosition() );
controls->ShowCursor( false );
controls->SetAutoPan( false );
controls->SetSnapping( false );
controls->ForceCursorPosition( false );
......@@ -240,6 +238,7 @@ int POINT_EDITOR::OnSelectionChange( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
editFrame->SaveCopyInUndoList( selection.items, UR_CHANGED );
controls->ForceCursorPosition( false );
m_original = *m_dragPoint; // Save the original position
controls->SetAutoPan( true );
modified = true;
......@@ -267,6 +266,7 @@ int POINT_EDITOR::OnSelectionChange( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
else if( evt->IsMouseUp( BUT_LEFT ) )
controls->SetAutoPan( false );
setAltConstraint( false );
modified = false;
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