Commit 77e1a4c0 authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Initial commit of footprint library table code.

parent 81940461
common/netlist_keywords.* common/netlist_keywords.*
common/netlist_lexer.h common/netlist_lexer.h
common/pcb_plot_params_lexer.h common/pcb_plot_params_lexer.h
include/netlist_lexer.h include/netlist_lexer.h
eeschema/cmp_library_lexer.h eeschema/cmp_library_lexer.h
eeschema/cmp_library_keywords.* eeschema/cmp_library_keywords.*
...@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules) ...@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/CMakeModules)
# KiCad build options should be added below. # KiCad build options should be added below.
# #
# If you add a new build option, please add it's state to the CopyVersionInfoToClipboard() # If you add a new build option, please add it's state to the CopyVersionInfoToClipboard()
# function in common/basicframe.cpp so that build option settings can be includeed in bug # function in common/basicframe.cpp so that build option settings can be included in bug
# reports. # reports.
# #
...@@ -162,8 +162,6 @@ endif(KICAD_SCRIPTING_MODULES) ...@@ -162,8 +162,6 @@ endif(KICAD_SCRIPTING_MODULES)
...@@ -171,7 +169,7 @@ if(USE_WX_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT) ...@@ -171,7 +169,7 @@ if(USE_WX_GRAPHICS_CONTEXT)
# Allow user to override the default settings for adding images to menu items. By default # Allow user to override the default settings for adding images to menu items. By default
# images in menu items are enabled on all plaforms except OSX. This can be over ridden by # images in menu items are enabled on all platforms except OSX. This can be over ridden by
# defining -DUSE_IMAGES_IN_MENUS=ON/OFF to force the preferred behavior. # defining -DUSE_IMAGES_IN_MENUS=ON/OFF to force the preferred behavior.
...@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ set(PCB_COMMON_SRCS ...@@ -124,6 +124,9 @@ set(PCB_COMMON_SRCS
pcb_plot_params_keywords.cpp pcb_plot_params_keywords.cpp
pcb_keywords.cpp pcb_keywords.cpp
../pcbnew/pcb_parser.cpp ../pcbnew/pcb_parser.cpp
) )
...@@ -155,9 +158,15 @@ make_lexer( ...@@ -155,9 +158,15 @@ make_lexer(
make_lexer( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pcb.keywords make_lexer( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pcb.keywords
${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/pcb_lexer.h ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/pcb_lexer.h
${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pcb_keywords.cpp ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/pcb_keywords.cpp
) )
# auto-generate pcbnew s-expression footprint library table code.
make_lexer( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/fp_lib_table.keywords
# The dsntest may not build properly using MS Visual Studio. # The dsntest may not build properly using MS Visual Studio.
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2010 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <cstring>
#include <wx/wx.h> // _()
#include <fp_lib_id.h>
static inline bool isDigit( char c )
return c >= '0' && c <= '9';
const char* EndsWithRev( const char* start, const char* tail, char separator )
bool sawDigit = false;
while( tail > start && isDigit( *--tail ) )
sawDigit = true;
// if sawDigit, tail points to the 'v' here.
if( sawDigit && tail-3 >= start )
tail -= 3;
if( tail[0]==separator && tail[1]=='r' && tail[2]=='e' && tail[3]=='v' )
return tail+1; // omit separator, return "revN[N..]"
return 0;
int RevCmp( const char* s1, const char* s2 )
int r = strncmp( s1, s2, 3 );
if( r || strlen(s1)<4 || strlen(s2)<4 )
return r;
int rnum1 = atoi( s1+3 );
int rnum2 = atoi( s2+3 );
return -(rnum1 - rnum2); // swap the sign, higher revs first
//----<Policy and field test functions>-------------------------------------
// These all return -1 on success, or >= 0 if there is an error at a
// particular character offset into their respective arguments. If >=0,
// then that return value gives the character offset of the error.
static inline int okLogical( const std::string& aField )
// std::string::npos is largest positive number, casting to int makes it -1.
// Returning that means success.
return int( aField.find_first_of( ":/" ) );
static inline int okBase( const std::string& aField )
int offset = int( aField.find_first_of( ":/" ) );
if( offset != -1 )
return offset;
// cannot be empty
if( !aField.size() )
return 0;
return offset; // ie. -1
static int okRevision( const std::string& aField )
char rev[32]; // C string for speed
if( aField.size() >= 4 )
strcpy( rev, "x/" );
strcat( rev, aField.c_str() );
if( EndsWithRev( rev, rev + strlen(rev) ) == rev+2 )
return -1; // success
return 0; // first character position "is in error", is best we can do.
//----</Policy and field test functions>-------------------------------------
void FP_LIB_ID::clear()
int FP_LIB_ID::Parse( const std::string& aId )
const char* rev = EndsWithRev( aId );
size_t revNdx;
size_t partNdx;
size_t baseNdx;
int offset;
if( rev )
revNdx = rev - aId.c_str();
// no need to check revision, EndsWithRev did that.
revision = aId.substr( revNdx );
--revNdx; // back up to omit the '/' which preceeds the rev
revNdx = aId.size();
if( ( partNdx = aId.find( ':' ) ) != aId.npos )
offset = SetLogicalLib( aId.substr( 0, partNdx ) );
if( offset > -1 )
return offset;
++partNdx; // skip ':'
partNdx = 0;
offset = SetBaseName( aId.substr( baseNdx, revNdx - baseNdx ) );
if( offset > -1 )
return offset + baseNdx;
return -1;
FP_LIB_ID::FP_LIB_ID( const std::string& aId ) throw( PARSE_ERROR )
int offset = Parse( aId );
if( offset != -1 )
THROW_PARSE_ERROR( _( "Illegal character found in FP_LIB_ID string" ),
wxString::FromUTF8( aId.c_str() ),
offset );
int FP_LIB_ID::SetLogicalLib( const std::string& aLogical )
int offset = okLogical( aLogical );
if( offset == -1 )
logical = aLogical;
return offset;
int FP_LIB_ID::SetBaseName( const std::string& aBaseName )
int offset = okBase( aBaseName );
if( offset == -1 )
baseName = aBaseName;
return offset;
int FP_LIB_ID::SetFootprintName( const std::string& aFootprintName )
std::string base;
int offset;
int separation = int( aFootprintName.find_first_of( "/" ) );
if( separation != -1 )
base = aFootprintName.substr( separation+1 );
base = aFootprintName;
if( (offset = SetBaseName( base )) != -1 )
return offset + separation + 1;
return -1;
int FP_LIB_ID::SetRevision( const std::string& aRevision )
int offset = okRevision( aRevision );
if( offset == -1 )
revision = aRevision;
return offset;
std::string FP_LIB_ID::Format() const
std::string ret;
if( logical.size() )
ret += logical;
ret += ':';
ret += baseName;
if( revision.size() )
ret += '/';
ret += revision;
return ret;
std::string FP_LIB_ID::GetFootprintNameAndRev() const
std::string ret;
ret += baseName;
if( revision.size() )
ret += '/';
ret += revision;
return ret;
std::string FP_LIB_ID::Format( const std::string& aLogicalLib, const std::string& aFootprintName,
const std::string& aRevision )
throw( PARSE_ERROR )
std::string ret;
int offset;
if( aLogicalLib.size() )
offset = okLogical( aLogicalLib );
if( offset != -1 )
THROW_PARSE_ERROR( _( "Illegal character found in logical lib name" ),
wxString::FromUTF8( aLogicalLib.c_str() ),
offset );
ret += aLogicalLib;
ret += ':';
std::string base;
int separation = int( aFootprintName.find_first_of( "/" ) );
if( separation != -1 )
base = aFootprintName.substr( separation+1 );
base = aFootprintName;
if( (offset = okBase( base )) != -1 )
THROW_PARSE_ERROR( _( "Illegal character found in base name" ),
wxString::FromUTF8( aRevision.c_str() ),
offset + separation + 1 );
ret += base;
if( aRevision.size() )
offset = okRevision( aRevision );
if( offset != -1 )
THROW_PARSE_ERROR( _( "Illegal character found in revision" ),
wxString::FromUTF8( aRevision.c_str() ),
offset );
ret += '/';
ret += aRevision;
return ret;
#if 0 && defined(DEBUG)
// build this with Debug CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE
void FP_LIB_ID::Test()
static const char* lpids[] = {
// most difficult:
for( unsigned i=0; i<sizeof(lpids)/sizeof(lpids[0]); ++i )
// test some round tripping
FP_LIB_ID lpid( lpids[i] ); // parse
// format
printf( "input:'%s' full:'%s' base:'%s' footprintName:'%s' rev:'%s'\n",
lpid.GetRevision().c_str() );
int main( int argc, char** argv )
return 0;
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2010 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#include <set>
#include <io_mgr.h>
#include <fp_lib_table_lexer.h>
#include <fp_lib_table.h>
using namespace FP_LIB_TABLE_T;
fallBack( aFallBackTable )
// not copying fall back, simply search aFallBackTable separately
// if "logicalName not found".
T tok;
while( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_RIGHT )
// (lib (name "LOGICAL")(type "TYPE")(full_uri "FULL_URI")(options "OPTIONS"))
if( tok == T_EOF )
in->Expecting( T_RIGHT );
if( tok != T_LEFT )
in->Expecting( T_LEFT );
if( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_fp_lib )
in->Expecting( T_fp_lib );
// (name "LOGICAL_NAME")
if( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_name )
in->Expecting( T_name );
std::auto_ptr<ROW> row( new ROW( this ) );
row->SetLogicalName( in->CurText() );
// (type "TYPE")
if( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_type )
in->Expecting( T_type );
row->SetType( in->CurText() );
// (uri "FULL_URI")
if( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_full_uri )
in->Expecting( T_full_uri );
row->SetFullURI( in->CurText() );
// (options "OPTIONS")
if( ( tok = in->NextTok() ) != T_options )
in->Expecting( T_options );
row->SetOptions( in->CurText() );
in->NeedRIGHT(); // terminate the (lib..)
// all logicalNames within this table fragment must be unique, so we do not
// use doReplace in InsertRow(). However a fallBack table can have a
// conflicting logicalName and ours will supercede that one since in
// FindLib() we search this table before any fall back.
if( !InsertRow( row ) )
std::string msg;
msg += '\'';
msg += row->logicalName;
msg += '\'';
msg += " is a duplicate logical footprint library name";
void FP_LIB_TABLE::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) const
throw( IO_ERROR )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(fp_lib_table\n" );
for( ROWS_CITER it = rows.begin(); it != rows.end(); ++it )
it->second->Format( out, nestLevel+1 );
out->Print( nestLevel, ")\n" );
void FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW::Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) const
throw( IO_ERROR )
out->Print( nestLevel, "(lib (logical %s)(type %s)(full_uri %s)(options %s))\n",
out->Quotes( logicalName ).c_str(),
out->Quotes( type ).c_str(),
out->Quotes( uri ).c_str(),
out->Quotes( options ).c_str() );
std::vector<std::string> FP_LIB_TABLE::GetLogicalLibs()
// Only return unique logical library names. Use std::set::insert() to
// quietly reject any duplicates, which can happen when encountering a duplicate
// logical lib name from one of the fall back table(s).
std::set<std::string> unique;
std::vector<std::string> ret;
const FP_LIB_TABLE* cur = this;
for( ROWS_CITER it = cur->rows.begin(); it!=cur->rows.end(); ++it )
unique.insert( it->second->logicalName );
} while( ( cur = cur->fallBack ) != 0 );
// return a sorted, unique set of logical lib name std::vector<std::string> to caller
for( std::set<std::string>::const_iterator it = unique.begin(); it!=unique.end(); ++it )
ret.push_back( *it );
return ret;
MODULE* FP_LIB_TABLE::LookupFootprint( const FP_LIB_ID& aFootprintId )
throw( IO_ERROR )
PLUGIN* plugin = lookupLib( aFootprintId );
return plugin->FootprintLoad( wxString( aFootprintId.GetBaseName().c_str() ),
wxString( aFootprintId.GetLogicalLib().c_str() ) );
PLUGIN* FP_LIB_TABLE::lookupLib( const FP_LIB_ID& aFootprintId )
throw( IO_ERROR )
if( aFootprintId.GetLogicalLib().size() )
ROW* row = FindRow( aFootprintId.GetLogicalLib() );
if( !row )
std::string msg = "lib table contains no logical lib '";
msg += aFootprintId.GetLogicalLib();
msg += '\'';
if( !row->lib )
loadLib( row );
assert( row->lib ); // fix loadLib() to throw if cannot load
return row->lib;
std::string msg = "lookupLib() requires logicalLibName";
void FP_LIB_TABLE::loadLib( ROW* aRow ) throw( IO_ERROR )
assert( !aRow->lib ); // caller should know better.
const std::string& type = aRow->GetType();
if( ! "dir" ) )
// @todo Look up plug in here.
else if( ! "schematic" ) )
// @todo code and load SCHEMATIC_LIB_SOURCE
else if( ! "subversion" ) )
// @todo code and load SVN_LIB_SOURCE
else if( ! "http" ) )
// @todo code and load HTTP_LIB_SOURCE
std::string msg = "cannot load unknown footprint library type: '";
msg += type;
msg += '\'';
FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW* FP_LIB_TABLE::FindRow( const std::string& aLogicalName ) const
// this function must be *super* fast, so therefore should not instantiate
// anything which would require using the heap. This function is the reason
// ptr_map<> was used instead of ptr_set<>, which would have required
// instantiating a ROW just to find a ROW.
const FP_LIB_TABLE* cur = this;
ROWS_CITER it = cur->rows.find( aLogicalName );
if( it != cur->rows.end() )
// reference:
return (FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW*) it->second; // found
// not found, search fall back table(s), if any
} while( ( cur = cur->fallBack ) != 0 );
return 0; // not found
bool FP_LIB_TABLE::InsertRow( std::auto_ptr<ROW>& aRow, bool doReplace )
// this does not need to be super fast.
ROWS_CITER it = rows.find( aRow->logicalName );
if( it == rows.end() )
// be careful here, key is needed because aRow can be
// release()ed before logicalName is captured.
const std::string& key = aRow->logicalName;
rows.insert( key, aRow );
return true;
if( doReplace )
rows.erase( aRow->logicalName );
// be careful here, key is needed because aRow can be
// release()ed before logicalName is captured.
const std::string& key = aRow->logicalName;
rows.insert( key, aRow );
return true;
return false;
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2010 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2010 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef _FP_LIB_ID_H_
#define _FP_LIB_ID_H_
#include <richio.h>
* Class FP_LIB_ID
* (aka GUID) is a Logical Part ID and consists of various portions much like a URI.
* It is a container for the separated portions of a logical part id std::string so they
* can be accessed individually. The various portions of an FP_LIB_ID are:
* logicalLibraryName, category, baseName, and revision. Only the baseName is
* mandatory. There is another construct called "footprintName" which consists of
* [category/]baseName. That is the category followed by a slash, but only if
* the category is not empty.
* <p>
* footprintName = [category/]baseName
* <p>
* Example FP_LIB_ID string:
* "smt:R_0805".
* <p>
* <ul>
* <li> "smt" is the logical library name.
* <li> "R" is the footprint name.
* <li> "rev6" is the revision, which is optional. If missing then its
* / delimiter should also not be present. A revision must begin with
* "rev" and be followed by at least one or more decimal digits.
* </ul>
* @author Dick Hollenbeck
class FP_LIB_ID // aka GUID
FP_LIB_ID() {}
* Constructor FP_LIB_ID
* takes \a aId string and parses it. A typical FP_LIB_ID string uses a logical
* library name followed by a footprint name.
* e.g.: "smt:R_0805", or
* e.g.: "mylib:R_0805"
FP_LIB_ID( const std::string& aId ) throw( PARSE_ERROR );
* Function Parse
* [re-]stuffs this FP_LIB_ID with the information from @a aId.
* @return int - minus 1 (i.e. -1) means success, >= 0 indicates the
* character offset into aId at which an error was detected.
int Parse( const std::string& aId );
* Function GetLogicalLib
* returns the logical library portion of a FP_LIB_ID. There is not Set accessor
* for this portion since it comes from the library table and is considered
* read only here.
const std::string& GetLogicalLib() const
return logical;
* Function SetCategory
* overrides the logical lib name portion of the FP_LIB_ID to @a aLogical, and can be empty.
* @return int - minus 1 (i.e. -1) means success, >= 0 indicates the
* character offset into the parameter at which an error was detected, usually
* because it contained '/' or ':'.
int SetLogicalLib( const std::string& aLogical );
* Function GetBaseName
* returns the part name without the category.
const std::string& GetBaseName() const
return baseName;
* Function SetBaseName
* overrides the base name portion of the FP_LIB_ID to @a aBaseName
* @return int - minus 1 (i.e. -1) means success, >= 0 indicates the
* character offset into the parameter at which an error was detected, usually
* because it contained '/' or ':', or is blank.
int SetBaseName( const std::string& aBaseName );
* Function GetFootprintName
* returns the part name, i.e. category/baseName without revision.
const std::string& GetFootprintName() const
return footprintName;
* Function GetFootprintNameAndRev
* returns the part name with revision if any, i.e. baseName[/revN..]
std::string GetFootprintNameAndRev() const;
* Function SetFootprintName
* overrides the part name portion of the FP_LIB_ID to @a aFootprintName
* @return int - minus 1 (i.e. -1) means success, >= 0 indicates the
* character offset into the parameter at which an error was detected, usually
* because it contained more than one '/', or one or more ':', or is blank.
* A single '/' is allowed, since that is used to separate the category from the
* base name.
int SetFootprintName( const std::string& aFootprintName );
* Function GetRevision
* returns the revision portion of the FP_LIB_ID.
const std::string& GetRevision() const
return revision;
* Function SetRevision
* overrides the revision portion of the FP_LIB_ID to @a aRevision and must
* be in the form "rev<num>" where "<num>" is "1", "2", etc.
* @return int - minus 1 (i.e. -1) means success, >= 0 indicates the
* character offset into the parameter at which an error was detected,
* because it did not look like "rev23"
int SetRevision( const std::string& aRevision );
* Function Format
* returns the full text of the FP_LIB_ID.
std::string Format() const;
* Function Format
* returns a std::string in the proper format as an FP_LIB_ID for a combination of
* aLogicalLib, aFootprintName, and aRevision.
* @throw PARSE_ERROR if any of the pieces are illegal.
static std::string Format( const std::string& aLogicalLib, const std::string& aFootprintName,
const std::string& aRevision="" )
throw( PARSE_ERROR );
void clear();
#if defined(DEBUG)
static void Test();
std::string logical; ///< logical lib name or empty
std::string baseName; ///< without category
std::string revision; ///< "revN[N..]" or empty
std::string footprintName; ///< cannot be set directory, set via SetBaseName() & SetCategory()
* Function EndsWithRev
* returns a pointer to the final string segment: "revN[N..]" or NULL if none.
* @param start is the beginning of string segment to test, the partname or
* any middle portion of it.
* @param tail is a pointer to the terminating nul, or one past inclusive end of
* segment, i.e. the string segment of interest is [start,tail)
* @param separator is the separating byte, expected: '.' or '/', depending on context.
const char* EndsWithRev( const char* start, const char* tail, char separator = '/' );
static inline const char* EndsWithRev( const std::string& aFootprintName, char separator = '/' )
return EndsWithRev( aFootprintName.c_str(), aFootprintName.c_str()+aFootprintName.size(),
separator );
* Function RevCmp
* compares two rev strings in a way like strcmp() except that the highest numbered
* revision is considered first in the sort order. The function probably won't work
* unless you give it two rev strings.
* @param s1 is a rev string like "rev10"
* @param s2 is a rev string like "rev1".
* @return int - either negative, zero, or positive depending on whether the revision
* is greater, equal, or less on the left hand side.
int RevCmp( const char* s1, const char* s2 );
#endif // _FP_LIB_ID_H_
* This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
* Copyright (C) 2010 SoftPLC Corporation, Dick Hollenbeck <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 Wayne Stambaugh <>
* Copyright (C) 2012 KiCad Developers, see change_log.txt for contributors.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
* of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, you may find one here:
* or you may search the website for the version 2 license,
* or you may write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA
#ifndef _FP_LIB_TABLE_H_
#define _FP_LIB_TABLE_H_
#include <fp_lib_id.h>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
class MODULE;
* holds FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW records, and can be searched based on logical library name.
* <p>
* This class owns the <b>footprint library table</b>, which is like fstab in concept and maps
* logical library name to the library URI, type, and options. It is heavily based on the SWEET
* parser work done by Dick Hollenbeck and can be seen in new/sch_lib_table.h. A footprint
* library table had the following columns:
* <ul>
* <li> Logical Library Name (Nickname)
* <li> Library Type, used to determine which plugin to load to access the library.
* <li> Library URI. The full URI to the library source, form dependent on Type.
* <li> Options, used for as yet to be defined information such as user names or passwords
* </ul>
* <p>
* The Library Type can be one of:
* <ul>
* <li> "file"
* <li> "ftp"
* <li> "http"
* </ul>
* <p>
* For now, the Library URI types needed to support the various types can be one of those
* shown below, which are typical of each type:
* <ul>
* <li> "file://C:/mylibdir"
* <li> ""
* <li> ""
* </ul>
* <p>
* The footprint library table is built up from several additive entries (table fragments),
* and the final table is a (conceptual) merging of the table fragments. Two
* anticipated sources of the entries are a personal table saved in the KiCad configuration
* and a project resident table that resides in project file. The project footprint table
* entries are considered a higher priority in the final dynamically assembled library table.
* An row in the project file contribution to the library table takes precedence over the
* personal table if there is a collision of logical library names. Otherwise, the entries
* simply combine without issue to make up the applicable library table.
* @author Wayne Stambaugh
* Class ROW
* holds a record identifying a footprint library accessed by the appropriate #PLUGIN
* object in the #FP_LIB_TABLE.
class ROW
friend class FP_LIB_TABLE;
* Function GetLogicalName
* returns the logical name of this library table row.
const std::string& GetLogicalName() const
return logicalName;
* Function GetType
* returns the type of LIB represented by this record.
const std::string& GetType() const
return type;
* Function GetFullURI
* returns the full location specifying URI for the LIB.
const std::string& GetFullURI() const
return uri;
* Function GetOptions
* returns the options string, which may hold a password or anything else needed to
* instantiate the underlying LIB_SOURCE.
const std::string& GetOptions() const
return options;
delete lib;
* Function Format
* serializes this object as utf8 text to an OUTPUTFORMATTER, and tries to
* make it look good using multiple lines and indentation.
* @param out is an #OUTPUTFORMATTER
* @param nestLevel is the indentation level to base all lines of the output.
* Actual indentation will be 2 spaces for each nestLevel.
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) const
throw( IO_ERROR );
ROW( FP_LIB_TABLE* aOwner ) :
owner( aOwner ),
lib( 0 )
* Function SetLogicalName
* changes the logical name of this library, useful for an editor.
void SetLogicalName( const std::string& aLogicalName )
logicalName = aLogicalName;
* Function SetType
* changes the type represented by this record.
void SetType( const std::string& aType )
type = aType;
* Function SetFullURI
* changes the full URI for the library, useful from a library table editor.
void SetFullURI( const std::string& aFullURI )
uri = aFullURI;
* Function SetOptions
* changes the options string for this record, and is useful from
* the library table editor.
void SetOptions( const std::string& aOptions )
options = aOptions;
FP_LIB_TABLE* owner;
std::string logicalName;
std::string type;
std::string uri;
std::string options;
PLUGIN* lib; ///< ownership of the loaded LIB is here
* Constructor FP_LIB_TABLE
* builds a library table by pre-pending this table fragment in front of
* @a aFallBackTable. Loading of this table fragment is done by using Parse().
* @param aFallBackTable is another FP_LIB_TABLE which is searched only when
* a record is not found in this table. No ownership is
* taken of aFallBackTable.
* Function Parse
* fills this table fragment from information in the input stream \a aParser, which
* is a DSNLEXER customized for the grammar needed to describe instances of this object.
* The entire textual element spec is <br>
* <pre>
* (fp_lib_table
* (lib (name LOGICAL)(type TYPE)(uri FULL_URI)(options OPTIONS))
* (lib (name LOGICAL)(type TYPE)(uri FULL_URI)(options OPTIONS))
* (lib (name LOGICAL)(type TYPE)(uri FULL_URI)(options OPTIONS))
* )
* </pre>
* When this function is called, the input token stream given by \a aParser
* is assumed to be positioned at the '^' in the following example, i.e. just
* after the identifying keyword and before the content specifying stuff.
* <br>
* (lib_table ^ (....) )
* @param aParser is the input token stream of keywords and symbols.
void Parse( FP_LIB_TABLE_LEXER* aParser ) throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR );
* Function Format
* serializes this object as utf8 text to an #OUTPUTFORMATTER, and tries to
* make it look good using multiple lines and indentation.
* @param out is an #OUTPUTFORMATTER
* @param nestLevel is the indentation level to base all lines of the output.
* Actual indentation will be 2 spaces for each nestLevel.
void Format( OUTPUTFORMATTER* out, int nestLevel ) const throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function LookupPart
* finds and loads a MODULE, and parses it. As long as the part is
* accessible in any LIB_SOURCE, opened or not opened, this function
* will find it and load it into its containing LIB, even if that means
* having to open a LIB in this table that was not previously opened.
* @param aFootprintId The fully qualified name of the footprint to look up.
* @return MODULE* - this will never be NULL, and no ownership is transferred because
* all MODULEs live in LIBs. You only get to point to them in some LIB. If the MODULE
* cannot be found, then an exception is thrown.
* @throw IO_ERROR if any problem occurs or if the footprint cannot be found.
MODULE* LookupFootprint( const FP_LIB_ID& aFootprintId ) throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function GetLogicalLibs
* returns the logical library names, all of them that are pertinent to
* a lookup done on this FP_LIB_TABLE.
std::vector<std::string> GetLogicalLibs();
//----<read accessors>----------------------------------------------------
// the returning of a const std::string* tells if not found, but might be too
// promiscuous?
* Function GetURI
* returns the full library path from a logical library name.
* @param aLogicalLibraryName is the short name for the library of interest.
* @return const std::string* - or NULL if not found.
const std::string* GetURI( const std::string& aLogicalLibraryName ) const
const ROW* row = FindRow( aLogicalLibraryName );
return row ? &row->uri : 0;
* Function GetType
* returns the type of a logical library.
* @param aLogicalLibraryName is the short name for the library of interest.
* @return const std::string* - or NULL if not found.
const std::string* GetType( const std::string& aLogicalLibraryName ) const
const ROW* row = FindRow( aLogicalLibraryName );
return row ? &row->type : 0;
* Function GetLibOptions
* returns the options string for \a aLogicalLibraryName.
* @param aLogicalLibraryName is the short name for the library of interest.
* @return const std::string* - or NULL if not found.
const std::string* GetLibOptions( const std::string& aLogicalLibraryName ) const
const ROW* row = FindRow( aLogicalLibraryName );
return row ? &row->options : 0;
//----</read accessors>---------------------------------------------------
#if 1 || defined(DEBUG)
/// implement the tests in here so we can honor the privilege levels of the
/// accessors, something difficult to do from int main(int, char**)
void Test();
protected: // only a table editor can use these
* Function InsertRow
* adds aRow if it does not already exist or if doReplace is true. If doReplace
* is not true and the key for aRow already exists, the function fails and returns false.
* The key for the table is the logicalName, and all in this table must be unique.
* @param aRow is the new row to insert, or to forcibly add if doReplace is true.
* @param doReplace if true, means insert regardless of whether aRow's key already
* exists. If false, then fail if the key already exists.
* @return bool - true if the operation succeeded.
bool InsertRow( std::auto_ptr<ROW>& aRow, bool doReplace = false );
* Function FindRow
* returns a #ROW* if aLogicalName is found in this table or in any chained
* fallBack table fragment, else NULL.
ROW* FindRow( const std::string& aLogicalName ) const;
* Function lookupLib
* finds or loads a LIB based on @a aLogicalPartID or @a aFallBackLib.
* If the LIB is already loaded then it is returned as is, else it is loaded.
* @param aLogicalPartID holds the partName and may also hold the logicalLibName. If
* logicalLibName is empty, then @a aFallBackLib should not be NULL.
* @param aFallBackLib is used only if aLogicalPartID has an empty logicalLibName.
* This is for the case when an LPID has no logicalLibName because the LPID is using
* a partName from the same LIB as was the referring content.
* @return PLUGIN* - this will never be NULL, and no ownership is transfered because
* all LIBs live in the FP_LIB_TABLEs. You only get to point to them in some FP_LIB_TABLE.
* If the LIB cannot be found, then an exception is thrown.
* @throw IO_ERROR if any problem occurs or if the LIB cannot be found or cannot be loaded.
PLUGIN* lookupLib( const FP_LIB_ID& aLogicalPartID ) throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function loadLib
* loads a LIB using information in @a aRow. Call only if LIB not
* already loaded.
void loadLib( ROW* aRow ) throw( IO_ERROR );
typedef boost::ptr_map<std::string, ROW> ROWS;
typedef ROWS::iterator ROWS_ITER;
typedef ROWS::const_iterator ROWS_CITER;
ROWS rows;
FP_LIB_TABLE* fallBack;
#endif // _FP_LIB_TABLE_H_
...@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ ...@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
#include <wx/hashmap.h> #include <wx/hashmap.h>
using namespace PCB; using namespace PCB_FILE_T;
class BOARD; class BOARD;
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