Commit 76765f22 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

more eagle plugin work

parent 43caa734
......@@ -140,14 +140,14 @@ public:
MODULE* GetParentModule() const;
const std::vector<wxPoint>& GetBezierPoints() const { return m_BezierPoints; };
const std::vector<wxPoint>& GetPolyPoints() const { return m_PolyPoints; };
const std::vector<wxPoint>& GetPolyPoints() const { return m_PolyPoints; };
void SetBezierPoints( std::vector<wxPoint>& aPoints )
void SetBezierPoints( const std::vector<wxPoint>& aPoints )
m_BezierPoints = aPoints;
void SetPolyPoints( std::vector<wxPoint>& aPoints )
void SetPolyPoints( const std::vector<wxPoint>& aPoints )
m_PolyPoints = aPoints;
......@@ -46,6 +46,16 @@ reporting.
User can load the source XML file into firefox or other xml browser and follow
our error message.
Load() TODO's
*) finish xpath support
*) set layer counts, types and names into BOARD
*) fix text twisting and final location issues.
*) net info
*) netclass info?
*) code factoring, for polygon at least
#include <errno.h>
......@@ -65,10 +75,12 @@ our error message.
#include <class_module.h>
#include <class_track.h>
#include <class_edge_mod.h>
#include <class_zone.h>
#include <class_pcb_text.h>
using namespace boost::property_tree;
typedef PTREE::const_assoc_iterator CA_ITER;
typedef PTREE::const_iterator CITER;
......@@ -93,6 +105,18 @@ struct EWIRE
int layer;
/// Eagle via
struct EVIA
double x;
double y;
int layer_start; /// < extent
int layer_end; /// < inclusive
double drill;
opt_double diam;
opt_string shape;
/// Eagle circle
struct ECIRCLE
......@@ -103,6 +127,18 @@ struct ECIRCLE
int layer;
/// Eagle XML rectangle in binary
struct ERECT
double x1;
double y1;
double x2;
double y2;
int layer;
/// Eagle rotation
struct EROT
......@@ -135,6 +171,34 @@ struct EATTR
/// Eagle text element
struct ETEXT
std::string text;
double x;
double y;
double size;
int layer;
opt_string font;
opt_double ratio;
opt_erot erot;
opt_int align;
enum {
// opposites are -1 * above:
/// Assemble a MODULE factory key as a simple concatonation of library name and
/// package name, using '\x02' as a separator.
......@@ -144,6 +208,12 @@ static inline std::string makePkgKey( const std::string& aLibName, const std::st
return key;
/// Make a unique time stamp, in this case from a unique tree memory location
static inline unsigned long timeStamp( CPTREE& aTree )
return (unsigned long)(void*) &aTree;
......@@ -176,6 +246,14 @@ int inline EAGLE_PLUGIN::kicad( double d ) const
wxSize inline EAGLE_PLUGIN::kicad_fontz( double d ) const
// texts seem to better match eagle when scaled down by 0.95
int kz = kicad( d ) * 95 / 100;
return wxSize( kz, kz );
BOARD* EAGLE_PLUGIN::Load( const wxString& aFileName, BOARD* aAppendToMe, PROPERTIES* aProperties )
LOCALE_IO toggle; // toggles on, then off, the C locale.
......@@ -267,43 +345,6 @@ std::string EAGLE_PLUGIN::fmtBIU( BIU aValue ) const
return std::string( temp, len );
double EAGLE_PLUGIN::dblParse( const char* aValue, const std::string& aXpath )
char* nptr;
errno = 0;
double fval = strtod( aValue, &nptr );
if( errno )
wxString emsg = wxString::Format(
_( "invalid float number:'%s' in XML document at '%s'" ),
aValue, aXpath.c_str() );
if( aValue == nptr )
wxString emsg = wxString::Format(
_( "missing float number:'%s' in XML document at '%s'" ),
aValue, aXpath.c_str() );
return fval;
BIU EAGLE_PLUGIN::biuParse( const char* aValue, const std::string& aXpath )
double mm = dblParse( aValue, aXpath );
return BIU( KiROUND( mm * biu_per_mm ) );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadAllSections( CPTREE& aEagleBoard, const std::string& aXpath, bool aAppendToMe )
......@@ -331,17 +372,13 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadAllSections( CPTREE& aEagleBoard, const std::string& aXpa
xpath = aXpath + '.' + "signals";
CPTREE& signals = aEagleBoard.get_child( "signals" );
loadNetsAndTracks( signals, xpath );
loadSignals( signals, xpath );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics, const std::string& aXpath )
time_t now = time( NULL );
// (polygon | wire | text | circle | rectangle | frame | hole)*
for( CITER gr = aGraphics.begin(); gr != aGraphics.end(); ++gr )
......@@ -352,7 +389,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics, const std::string& aXpath )
DRAWSEGMENT* dseg = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_board );
m_board->Add( dseg, ADD_APPEND );
dseg->SetTimeStamp( now );
dseg->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( gr->second ) );
dseg->SetLayer( kicad_layer( w.layer ) );
dseg->SetStart( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x1 ), kicad_y( w.y1 ) ) );
dseg->SetEnd( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x2 ), kicad_y( w.y2 ) ) );
......@@ -360,6 +397,90 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics, const std::string& aXpath )
else if( !gr-> "text" ) )
double ratio = 6;
int sign = 1;
#if defined(DEBUG)
if( !gr-> "designed by" ) )
int breakhere = 1;
(void) breakhere;
ETEXT t = etext( gr->second );
TEXTE_PCB* pcbtxt = new TEXTE_PCB( m_board );
m_board->Add( pcbtxt, ADD_APPEND );
pcbtxt->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( gr->second ) );
pcbtxt->SetText( FROM_UTF8( t.text.c_str() ) );
pcbtxt->SetPosition( wxPoint( kicad_x( t.x ), kicad_y( t.y ) ) );
pcbtxt->SetLayer( kicad_layer( t.layer ) );
pcbtxt->SetSize( kicad_fontz( t.size ) );
if( t.ratio )
ratio = *t.ratio;
pcbtxt->SetThickness( kicad( t.size * ratio / 100 ) );
if( t.erot )
// eagles does not rotate text spun to 180 degrees unless spin is set.
if( t.erot->spin || t.erot->degrees != 180 )
pcbtxt->SetOrientation( t.erot->degrees * 10 );
else // 180 degree no spin text, flip the justification to opposite
sign = -1;
pcbtxt->SetMirrored( t.erot->mirror );
int align = t.align ? *t.align : ETEXT::BOTTOM_LEFT;
switch( align * sign ) // if negative, opposite is chosen
// this was the default in pcbtxt's constructor
pcbtxt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
pcbtxt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
pcbtxt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
pcbtxt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
pcbtxt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
pcbtxt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
pcbtxt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
pcbtxt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
pcbtxt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
pcbtxt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
pcbtxt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
pcbtxt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
else if( !gr-> "circle" ) )
......@@ -369,14 +490,51 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadPlain( CPTREE& aGraphics, const std::string& aXpath )
m_board->Add( dseg, ADD_APPEND );
dseg->SetShape( S_CIRCLE );
dseg->SetTimeStamp( now );
dseg->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( gr->second ) );
dseg->SetLayer( kicad_layer( c.layer ) );
dseg->SetStart( wxPoint( kicad_x( c.x ), kicad_y( c.y ) ) );
dseg->SetEnd( wxPoint( kicad_x( c.x + c.radius ), kicad_y( c.y ) ) );
dseg->SetWidth( kicad( c.width ) );
// This seems to be a simplified rectangular [copper] zone, cannot find any
// net related info on it from the DTD.
else if( !gr-> "rectangle" ) )
#if 0
ERECT r = erect( gr->second );
int layer = kicad_layer( r.layer );
// hope the angle of rotation is zero.
// might be better off making this into a ZONE:
if( IsValidCopperLayerIndex( layer ) )
auto_ptr<DRAWSEGMENT> dseg = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_board );
dseg->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( gr->second ) );
dseg->SetLayer( layer );
dseg->SetShape( S_POLYGON );
dseg->SetWidth( Mils2iu( 12 ) );
std::vector<wxPoint> pts;
pts.push_back( wxPoint( kicad_x( r.x1 ), kicad_y( r.y1 ) ) );
pts.push_back( wxPoint( kicad_x( r.x2 ), kicad_y( r.y1 ) ) );
pts.push_back( wxPoint( kicad_x( r.x2 ), kicad_y( r.y2 ) ) );
pts.push_back( wxPoint( kicad_x( r.x1 ), kicad_y( r.y2 ) ) );
dseg->SetPolyPoints( pts );
m_board->Add( dseg.release(), ADD_APPEND );
#elif 0
auto_ptr<ZONE_CONTAINER> zone = new ZONE_CONTAINER( m_board );
m_board->Add( zone.release(), ADD_APPEND );
else if( !gr-> "hole" ) )
......@@ -408,6 +566,14 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadLibraries( CPTREE& aLibs, const std::string& aXpath )
const std::string& pack_name = package->second.get<std::string>( "<xmlattr>.name" );
#if defined(DEBUG)
if( ! "TO220H" ) )
int breakhere = 1;
(void) breakhere;
std::string key = makePkgKey( lib_name, pack_name );
MODULE* m = makeModule( package->second, pack_name );
......@@ -439,7 +605,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements, const std::string& aXpath )
if( it-> "element" ) )
CPTREE& attrs = it->second.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
CPTREE& attrs = it->second.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
......@@ -464,6 +630,14 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements, const std::string& aXpath )
std::string package = attrs.get<std::string>( "package" );
std::string value = attrs.get<std::string>( "value" );
#if 1 && defined(DEBUG)
if( ! "GROUND" ) )
int breakhere = 1;
(void) breakhere;
double x = attrs.get<double>( "x" );
double y = attrs.get<double>( "y" );
......@@ -483,12 +657,25 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements, const std::string& aXpath )
// copy constructor to clone the template
MODULE* m = new MODULE( *mi->second );
m_board->Add( m, ADD_APPEND );
m->SetPosition( wxPoint( kicad_x( x ), kicad_y( y ) ) );
m->SetReference( FROM_UTF8( name.c_str() ) );
m->SetValue( FROM_UTF8( value.c_str() ) );
// m->Value().SetVisible( false );
if( rot )
EROT r = erot( *rot );
m->SetOrientation( r.degrees * 10 );
if( r.mirror )
m->Flip( m->GetPosition() );
// VALUE and NAME can have something like our text "effects" overrides
// in SWEET and new schematic. Eagle calls these XML elements "attribute".
// There can be one for NAME and/or VALUE both.
......@@ -498,16 +685,16 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements, const std::string& aXpath )
double ratio = 6;
EATTR a = eattr( ait->second );
if( ! "NAME" ) )
t = &m->Reference();
txt = &m->Reference();
else // "VALUE" or else our understanding of file format is incomplete.
t = &m->Value();
txt = &m->Value();
if( a.value )
t->SetText( FROM_UTF8( a.value->c_str() ) );
txt->SetText( FROM_UTF8( a.value->c_str() ) );
if( a.x && a.y ) // boost::optional
......@@ -515,8 +702,8 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements, const std::string& aXpath )
wxPoint pos( kicad_x( *a.x ), kicad_y( *a.y ) );
wxPoint pos0 = pos - m->GetPosition();
t->SetPosition( pos );
t->SetPos0( pos0 );
txt->SetPosition( pos );
txt->SetPos0( pos0 );
if( a.ratio )
......@@ -524,42 +711,37 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadElements( CPTREE& aElements, const std::string& aXpath )
if( a.size )
double z = *a.size;
int h = kicad( z );
int w = (h * 8)/10;
int lw = int( h * ratio / 100.0 );
wxSize fontz = kicad_fontz( *a.size );
txt->SetSize( fontz );
t->SetSize( wxSize( w, h ) );
t->SetThickness( lw );
int lw = int( fontz.y * ratio / 100.0 );
txt->SetThickness( lw );
if( a.erot )
t->SetOrientation( a.erot->degrees * 10 );
double angle = a.erot->degrees * 10;
if( angle != 1800 )
angle -= m->GetOrientation(); // subtract module's angle
txt->SetOrientation( angle );
txt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
txt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
if( rot )
EROT r = erot( *rot );
m->SetOrientation( r.degrees * 10 );
if( r.mirror )
// m->Flip();
m_board->Add( m );
EWIRE EAGLE_PLUGIN::ewire( CPTREE& aWire ) const
CPTREE& attribs = aWire.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
CPTREE& attribs = aWire.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
w.x1 = attribs.get<double>( "x1" );
w.y1 = attribs.get<double>( "y1" );
......@@ -571,10 +753,42 @@ EWIRE EAGLE_PLUGIN::ewire( CPTREE& aWire ) const
EVIA EAGLE_PLUGIN::evia( CPTREE& aVia ) const
CPTREE& attribs = aVia.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
x %Coord; #REQUIRED
y %Coord; #REQUIRED
extent %Extent; #REQUIRED
drill %Dimension; #REQUIRED
diameter %Dimension; "0"
shape %ViaShape; "round"
alwaysstop %Bool; "no"
v.x = attribs.get<double>( "x" );
v.y = attribs.get<double>( "y" );
std::string ext = attribs.get<std::string>( "extent" );
sscanf( ext.c_str(), "%u-%u", &v.layer_start, &v.layer_end );
v.drill = attribs.get<double>( "drill" );
v.diam = attribs.get_optional<double>( "diameter" );
v.shape = attribs.get_optional<std::string>( "shape" );
return v;
ECIRCLE EAGLE_PLUGIN::ecircle( CPTREE& aCircle ) const
CPTREE& attribs = aCircle.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
CPTREE& attribs = aCircle.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
c.x = attribs.get<double>( "x" );
c.y = attribs.get<double>( "y" );
......@@ -585,12 +799,104 @@ ECIRCLE EAGLE_PLUGIN::ecircle( CPTREE& aCircle ) const
ERECT EAGLE_PLUGIN::erect( CPTREE& aRect ) const
CPTREE& attribs = aRect.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
<!ELEMENT rectangle EMPTY>
<!ATTLIST rectangle
x1 %Coord; #REQUIRED
y1 %Coord; #REQUIRED
x2 %Coord; #REQUIRED
y2 %Coord; #REQUIRED
layer %Layer; #REQUIRED
rot %Rotation; "R0"
r.x1 = attribs.get<double>( "x1" );
r.y1 = attribs.get<double>( "y1" );
r.x2 = attribs.get<double>( "x2" );
r.y2 = attribs.get<double>( "y2" );
r.layer = attribs.get<int>( "layer" );
// @todo: hoping that rot is not used
return r;
ETEXT EAGLE_PLUGIN::etext( CPTREE& aText ) const
CPTREE& attribs = aText.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
<!ATTLIST text
x %Coord; #REQUIRED
y %Coord; #REQUIRED
size %Dimension; #REQUIRED
layer %Layer; #REQUIRED
font %TextFont; "proportional"
ratio %Int; "8"
rot %Rotation; "R0"
align %Align; "bottom-left"
t.text =;
t.x = attribs.get<double>( "x" );
t.y = attribs.get<double>( "y" );
t.size = attribs.get<double>( "size" );
t.layer = attribs.get<int>( "layer" );
t.font = attribs.get_optional<std::string>( "font" );
t.ratio = attribs.get_optional<double>( "ratio" );
opt_string rot = attribs.get_optional<std::string>( "rot" );
if( rot )
t.erot = erot( *rot );
opt_string align = attribs.get_optional<std::string>( "align" );
if( align )
// (bottom-left | bottom-center | bottom-right | center-left |
// center | center-right | top-left | top-center | top-right)
if( !align->compare( "center" ) )
*t.align = ETEXT::CENTER;
else if( !align->compare( "center-right" ) )
else if( !align->compare( "top-left" ) )
*t.align = ETEXT::TOP_LEFT;
else if( !align->compare( "top-center" ) )
*t.align = ETEXT::TOP_CENTER;
else if( !align->compare( "top-right" ) )
*t.align = ETEXT::TOP_RIGHT;
else if( !align->compare( "bottom-left" ) )
*t.align = ETEXT::BOTTOM_LEFT;
else if( !align->compare( "bottom-center" ) )
else if( !align->compare( "bottom-right" ) )
else if( !align->compare( "center-left" ) )
*t.align = ETEXT::CENTER_LEFT;
return t;
EROT EAGLE_PLUGIN::erot( const std::string& aRot ) const
EROT rot;
rot.spin = aRot[0] == 'S';
rot.mirror = aRot[0] == 'M';
rot.spin = aRot.find( 'S' ) != aRot.npos;
rot.mirror = aRot.find( 'M' ) != aRot.npos;
rot.degrees = strtod( aRot.c_str() + 1 + int( rot.spin || rot.mirror ), NULL );
return rot;
......@@ -599,8 +905,8 @@ EROT EAGLE_PLUGIN::erot( const std::string& aRot ) const
EATTR EAGLE_PLUGIN::eattr( CPTREE& aAttribute ) const
CPTREE& attribs = aAttribute.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
CPTREE& attribs = aAttribute.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
<!ELEMENT attribute EMPTY>
......@@ -669,7 +975,7 @@ MODULE* EAGLE_PLUGIN::makeModule( CPTREE& aPackage, const std::string& aPkgName
CPTREE& t = it->second;
if( !it-> "wire " ) )
if( it-> "wire" ) == 0 )
packageWire( m.get(), t );
else if( !it-> "pad" ) )
......@@ -698,29 +1004,32 @@ MODULE* EAGLE_PLUGIN::makeModule( CPTREE& aPackage, const std::string& aPkgName
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageWire( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageWire( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
aModule->m_Drawings.PushBack( dwg );
EWIRE w = ewire( aTree );
int layer = kicad_layer( w.layer );
EWIRE w = ewire( aTree );
if( IsValidNonCopperLayerIndex( layer ) ) // skip copper package wires
wxPoint start( kicad_x( w.x1 ), kicad_y( w.y1 ) );
wxPoint end( kicad_x( w.x2 ), kicad_y( w.y2 ) );
int width = kicad( w.width );
wxPoint start( kicad_x( w.x1 ), kicad_y( w.y1 ) );
wxPoint end( kicad_x( w.x2 ), kicad_y( w.x2 ) );
int layer = kicad_layer( w.layer );
int width = kicad( w.width );
aModule->m_Drawings.PushBack( dwg );
dwg->SetStart0( start );
dwg->SetEnd0( end );
dwg->SetLayer( layer );
dwg->SetWidth( width );
dwg->SetStart0( start );
dwg->SetEnd0( end );
dwg->SetLayer( layer );
dwg->SetWidth( width );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packagePad( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packagePad( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
// pay for this tree traversal only once
CPTREE attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
CPTREE& attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
/* from <ealge>/doc/eagle.dtd
......@@ -794,6 +1103,10 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packagePad( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
else if( !shape->compare( "long" ) )
pad->SetShape( PAD_OVAL );
wxSize z = pad->GetSize();
z.x *= 2;
pad->SetSize( z );
else if( !shape->compare( "square" ) )
......@@ -811,43 +1124,130 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packagePad( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageText( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageText( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
CPTREE attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
int sign = 1;
double ratio = 6;
ETEXT t = etext( aTree );
if( ! ">NAME" ) )
txt = &aModule->Reference();
else if( ! ">VALUE" ) )
txt = &aModule->Value();
txt->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( aTree ) );
txt->SetText( FROM_UTF8( t.text.c_str() ) );
wxPoint pos( kicad_x( t.x ), kicad_y( t.y ) );
txt->SetPosition( pos );
txt->SetPos0( pos - aModule->GetPosition() );
txt->SetLayer( kicad_layer( t.layer ) );
txt->SetSize( kicad_fontz( t.size ) );
if( t.ratio )
ratio = *t.ratio;
txt->SetThickness( kicad( t.size * ratio / 100 ) );
if( t.erot )
if( t.erot->spin || t.erot->degrees != 180 )
txt->SetOrientation( t.erot->degrees * 10 );
else // 180 degrees, reverse justification below, don't spin
sign = -1;
txt->SetMirrored( t.erot->mirror );
int align = t.align ? *t.align : ETEXT::BOTTOM_LEFT; // bottom-left is eagle default
switch( align * sign ) // when negative, opposites are chosen
// this was the default in pcbtxt's constructor
txt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
txt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
txt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
txt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
txt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
txt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
txt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP );
txt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
txt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT );
txt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
txt->SetHorizJustify( GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT );
txt->SetVertJustify( GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageRectangle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageRectangle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
CPTREE attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
ERECT r = erect( aTree );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packagePolygon( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packagePolygon( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
CPTREE attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
// CPTREE& attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageCircle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageCircle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
CPTREE attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
// CPTREE& attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageHole( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageHole( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
CPTREE attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
// CPTREE& attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageSMD( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageSMD( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const
// pay for this tree traversal only once
CPTREE attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
/* from <ealge>/doc/eagle.dtd
CPTREE& attrs = aTree.get_child( "<xmlattr>" );
name %String; #REQUIRED
x %Coord; #REQUIRED
......@@ -892,9 +1292,7 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageSMD( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
pad->SetLayer( kicad_layer( layer ) );
pad->SetLayerMask( 0x00888000 );
// these are optional according to DTD, and the weak XML parser does not
// provide defaults from a DTD.
// Optional according to DTD
opt_double roundness = attrs.get_optional<double>( "roundness" );
opt_string rot = attrs.get_optional<std::string>( "rot" );
opt_string stop = attrs.get_optional<std::string>( "stop" );
......@@ -922,80 +1320,80 @@ void EAGLE_PLUGIN::packageSMD( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const
<package name="2X03">
<description>&lt;b&gt;PIN HEADER&lt;/b&gt;</description>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.905" x2="-3.175" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.905" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="-1.905" x2="-0.635" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="-2.54" x2="1.27" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="-1.905" x2="-3.81" y2="1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.81" y1="1.905" x2="-3.175" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.175" y1="2.54" x2="-1.905" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.905" y1="2.54" x2="-1.27" y2="1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="1.905" x2="-0.635" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="2.54" x2="0.635" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="0.635" y1="2.54" x2="1.27" y2="1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-1.27" y1="1.905" x2="-1.27" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="1.905" x2="1.27" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-0.635" y1="-2.54" x2="0.635" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="-3.175" y1="-2.54" x2="-1.905" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="-1.905" x2="1.905" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="-2.54" x2="3.81" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.27" y1="1.905" x2="1.905" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="2.54" x2="3.175" y2="2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.175" y1="2.54" x2="3.81" y2="1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="3.81" y1="1.905" x2="3.81" y2="-1.905" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<wire x1="1.905" y1="-2.54" x2="3.175" y2="-2.54" width="0.1524" layer="21"/>
<pad name="1" x="-2.54" y="-1.27" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
<pad name="2" x="-2.54" y="1.27" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
<pad name="3" x="0" y="-1.27" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
<pad name="4" x="0" y="1.27" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
<pad name="5" x="2.54" y="-1.27" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
<pad name="6" x="2.54" y="1.27" drill="1.016" shape="octagon"/>
<text x="-3.81" y="3.175" size="1.27" layer="25" ratio="10">&gt;NAME</text>
<text x="-3.81" y="-4.445" size="1.27" layer="27">&gt;VALUE</text>
<rectangle x1="-2.794" y1="-1.524" x2="-2.286" y2="-1.016" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-2.794" y1="1.016" x2="-2.286" y2="1.524" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="1.016" x2="0.254" y2="1.524" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="-0.254" y1="-1.524" x2="0.254" y2="-1.016" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="1.016" x2="2.794" y2="1.524" layer="51"/>
<rectangle x1="2.286" y1="-1.524" x2="2.794" y2="-1.016" layer="51"/>
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadNetsAndTracks( CPTREE& aSignals, const std::string& aXpath )
void EAGLE_PLUGIN::loadSignals( CPTREE& aSignals, const std::string& aXpath )
int netCode = 1;
time_t now = time( NULL );
for( CITER nit = aSignals.begin(); nit != aSignals.end(); ++nit, ++netCode )
for( CITER net = aSignals.begin(); net != aSignals.end(); ++net, ++netCode )
wxString netName = FROM_UTF8( nit->second.get<std::string>( "<xmlattr>.name" ).c_str() );
wxString netName = FROM_UTF8( net->second.get<std::string>( "<xmlattr>.name" ).c_str() );
m_board->AppendNet( new NETINFO_ITEM( m_board, netName, netCode ) );
CA_ITER_RANGE wires = nit->second.equal_range( "wire" );
for( CA_ITER wit = wires.first; wit != wires.second; ++wit )
// (contactref | polygon | wire | via)*
for( CITER it = net->second.begin(); it != net->second.end(); ++it )
EWIRE w = ewire( wit->second );
if( !it-> "wire" ) )
EWIRE w = ewire( it->second );
TRACK* t = new TRACK( m_board );
t->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( it->second ));
t->SetPosition( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x1 ), kicad_y( w.y1 ) ) );
t->SetEnd( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x2 ), kicad_y( w.y2 ) ) );
t->SetWidth( kicad( w.width ) );
t->SetLayer( kicad_layer( w.layer ) );
t->SetNet( netCode );
m_board->m_Track.Insert( t, NULL );
TRACK* t = new TRACK( m_board );
else if( !it-> "via" ) )
EVIA v = evia( it->second );
int layer_start = kicad_layer( v.layer_start );
int layer_end = kicad_layer( v.layer_end );
int drill = kicad( v.drill );
SEGVIA* via = new SEGVIA( m_board );
via->SetLayerPair( layer_start, layer_end );
if( v.diam )
int kidiam = kicad( *v.diam );
via->SetWidth( kidiam );
via->SetDrill( drill );
via->SetTimeStamp( timeStamp( it->second ) );
t->SetTimeStamp( now );
wxPoint pos( kicad_x( v.x ), kicad_y( v.y ) );
t->SetPosition( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x1 ), kicad_y( w.y1 ) ) );
t->SetEnd( wxPoint( kicad_x( w.x2 ), kicad_y( w.y2 ) ) );
via->SetPosition( pos );
via->SetEnd( pos );
t->SetWidth( kicad( w.width ) );
t->SetLayer( kicad_layer( w.layer ) );
t->SetNet( netCode );
// via->SetWidth( width );
// via->SetShape( shape );
via->SetNet( netCode );
// via->SetState( flags, ON );
m_board->m_Track.Insert( t, NULL );
via->SetShape( S_SEGMENT );
D(printf("wire:%s\n", wit->first.c_str() );)
m_board->m_Track.Insert( via, NULL );
else if( !it-> "contactref" ) )
else if( !it-> "polygon" ) )
......@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
#include <boost/property_tree/ptree_fwd.hpp>
#include <boost/ptr_container/ptr_map.hpp>
#include <time.h>
class MODULE;
typedef boost::ptr_map< std::string, MODULE > MODULE_MAP;
......@@ -56,9 +58,12 @@ typedef boost::property_tree::ptree PTREE;
typedef const PTREE CPTREE;
struct EWIRE;
struct EVIA;
struct EROT;
struct EATTR;
struct ECIRCLE;
struct ETEXT;
struct ERECT;
......@@ -117,6 +122,8 @@ private:
int kicad( double d ) const;
int kicad_y( double y ) const { return -kicad( y ); }
int kicad_x( double x ) const { return kicad( x ); }
wxSize kicad_fontz( double d ) const;
static int kicad_layer( int aLayer );
......@@ -126,49 +133,6 @@ private:
#if 0
* Function dblParse
* parses an ASCII decimal floating point value and reports any error by throwing
* an exception using the xpath in the error message text.
* @param aValue is the ASCII value in C locale form with possible leading whitespace
* @param aXpath tells where the value is within the XML document.
* @return double - aValue in binary, not scaled.
static double dblParse( const char* aValue, const std::string& aXpath );
* Function biuParse
* parses an ASCII decimal floating point value and scales it into a BIU
* according to the current mm_per_biu. This fuction is the complement of
* fmtBIU(). One has to know what the other is doing.
* @param aValue is the ASCII value in C locale form with possible leading whitespace
* @param aXpath tells where the value is within the XML document.
* @return BIU - the converted Board Internal Unit.
BIU biuParse( const char* aValue, const std::string& aXpath );
* Function degParse
* parses an ASCII decimal floating point value which is certainly an angle. This
* is a dedicated function for encapsulating support for the migration from
* tenths of degrees to degrees in floating point. This function is the complement of
* fmtDEG(). One has to know what the other is doing.
* @param aValue is the ASCII value in C locale form with possible leading whitespace
* @param nptrptr may be NULL, but if not, then it tells where to put a
* pointer to the next unconsumed input text. See "man strtod" for more information.
* @return double - the string converted to a primitive double type
double degParse( const char* aValue, const char** nptrptr = NULL );
/// encapsulate the BIU formatting tricks in one place.
int biuSprintf( char* buf, BIU aValue ) const;
......@@ -199,7 +163,7 @@ private:
void loadPlain( CPTREE& aPlain, const std::string& aXpath );
void loadNetsAndTracks( CPTREE& aSignals, const std::string& aXpath );
void loadSignals( CPTREE& aSignals, const std::string& aXpath );
void loadLibraries( CPTREE& aLibs, const std::string& aXpath );
......@@ -212,7 +176,11 @@ private:
EWIRE ewire( CPTREE& aWire ) const;
EVIA evia( CPTREE& aVia ) const;
ECIRCLE ecircle( CPTREE& aCircle ) const;
ETEXT etext( CPTREE& aText ) const;
ERECT erect( CPTREE& aRect ) const;
EROT erot( const std::string& aRot ) const;
......@@ -238,14 +206,14 @@ private:
MODULE* makeModule( CPTREE& aPackage, const std::string& aPkgName ) const;
void packageWire( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packagePad( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageText( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageRectangle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packagePolygon( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageCircle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageHole( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageSMD( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE aTree ) const;
void packageWire( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
void packagePad( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
void packageText( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
void packageRectangle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
void packagePolygon( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
void packageCircle( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
void packageHole( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
void packageSMD( MODULE* aModule, CPTREE& aTree ) const;
......@@ -1786,14 +1786,14 @@ void LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadPCB_TEXT()
if( TESTLINE( "Te" ) ) // Text line (or first line for multi line texts)
ReadDelimitedText( text, line + 2, sizeof(text) );
ReadDelimitedText( text, line + SZ( "Te" ), sizeof(text) );
pcbtxt->SetText( FROM_UTF8( text ) );
else if( TESTLINE( "nl" ) ) // next line of the current text
ReadDelimitedText( text, line + SZ( "nl" ), sizeof(text) );
pcbtxt->SetText( pcbtxt->GetText() + '\n' + FROM_UTF8( text ) );
pcbtxt->SetText( pcbtxt->GetText() + wxChar( '\n' ) + FROM_UTF8( text ) );
else if( TESTLINE( "Po" ) )
......@@ -1874,7 +1874,6 @@ void LEGACY_PLUGIN::loadPCB_TEXT()
pcbtxt->SetLayer( layer );
else if( TESTLINE( "$EndTEXTPCB" ) )
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