Commit 657325be authored by charras's avatar charras

Changed some c_str and GetData functions to GetChars in .Printf functions

parent b1a8a074
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ int S3D_MASTER:: ReadData()
if( FullFilename.IsEmpty() )
wxLogDebug( _( "3D part library <%s> could not be found." ),
fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
return -1;
......@@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ void WinEDA_BasicFrame::GetKicadHelp( wxCommandEvent& event )
msg.Printf( _( "Help file %s not found" ), wxGetApp().m_HelpFileName.GetData() );
msg.Printf( _( "Help file %s not found" ), GetChars( wxGetApp().m_HelpFileName ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
......@@ -268,7 +268,7 @@ void WinEDA_BasicFrame::GetKicadHelp( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( !helpFile )
msg.Printf( _( "Help file %s could not be found." ),
wxGetApp().m_HelpFileName.c_str() );
GetChars( wxGetApp().m_HelpFileName ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
......@@ -469,7 +469,7 @@ wxString GenDate()
time( &buftime );
Date = gmtime( &buftime );
string_date.Printf( wxT( "%d %s %d" ), Date->tm_mday,
GetChars( mois[Date->tm_mon] ),
Date->tm_year + 1900 );
return string_date;
......@@ -907,7 +907,7 @@ void wxSVGFileDC::DoDrawBitmap( const class wxBitmap& bmp,
int h = myBitmap.GetHeight();
sTmp.Printf( wxT( " <image x=\"%d\" y=\"%d\" width=\"%dpx\" height=\"%dpx\" " ), x, y, w, h );
s = s + sTmp;
sTmp.Printf( wxT( " xlink:href=\"%s\"> \n" ), sPNG.c_str() );
sTmp.Printf( wxT( " xlink:href=\"%s\"> \n" ), GetChars( sPNG ) );
s = s + sTmp + wxT( "<title>Image from wxSVG</title> </image>" ) + newline;
if( m_OK && bPNG_OK )
......@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ void DIALOG_LOAD_ERROR::ListSet(const wxString &list)
void DIALOG_LOAD_ERROR::MessageSet(const wxString &message)
wxString message_value;
message_value.Printf(wxT("<b>%s</b><br>"), message.GetData() );
message_value.Printf(wxT("<b>%s</b><br>"), GetChars( message ) );
m_htmlWindow->AppendToPage( message_value );
......@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ void WinEDAListBox::ClickOnList( wxCommandEvent& event )
text = m_List->GetStringSelection();
m_MoveFct( text );
m_WinMsg->WriteText( text.GetData() );
m_WinMsg->WriteText( text );
......@@ -190,7 +190,7 @@ bool GetAssociatedDocument( wxFrame* aFrame,
if( !success )
msg.Printf( _( "Unknown MIME type for doc file <%s>" ),
fullfilename.GetData() );
GetChars( fullfilename ) );
DisplayError( aFrame, msg );
......@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ int ExecuteFile( wxWindow* frame, const wxString& ExecFile,
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "Command <%s> could not found" ), ExecFile.c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "Command <%s> could not found" ), GetChars( ExecFile ) );
DisplayError( frame, msg, 20 );
return -1;
......@@ -209,12 +209,12 @@ void WinEDA_MsgPanel::showItem( wxDC& dc, const MsgItem& aItem )
if( !aItem.m_UpperText.IsEmpty() )
dc.DrawText( aItem.m_UpperText.GetData(), aItem.m_X, aItem.m_UpperY );
dc.DrawText( aItem.m_UpperText, aItem.m_X, aItem.m_UpperY );
if( !aItem.m_LowerText.IsEmpty() )
dc.DrawText( aItem.m_LowerText.GetData(), aItem.m_X, aItem.m_LowerY );
dc.DrawText( aItem.m_LowerText, aItem.m_X, aItem.m_LowerY );
......@@ -92,18 +92,16 @@ void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::AssocieModule( wxCommandEvent& event )
msg.Printf( _( "Footprint alias library file <%s> could not be \
found in the default search paths." ),
fn.GetFullName().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullName() ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, titleLibLoadError, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Opening footprint alias file: %s." ), tmp.c_str() );
file = wxFopen( tmp, wxT( "rt" ) );
if( file == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Error opening alias library <%s>." ), tmp.c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "Error opening alias library <%s>." ), GetChars( tmp ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, titleLibLoadError, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
......@@ -128,8 +126,6 @@ found in the default search paths." ),
alias = new FOOTPRINT_ALIAS();
alias->m_Name = value;
alias->m_FootprintName = footprint;
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Adding alias %s for footprint %s" ),
value.c_str(), footprint.c_str() );
aliases.push_back( alias );
......@@ -168,8 +164,8 @@ found in the default search paths." ),
msg.Printf( _( "Component %s: footprint %s not found in \
any of the project footprint libraries." ),
alias.m_FootprintName.c_str() );
GetChars( component.m_Reference ),
GetChars( alias.m_FootprintName ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, _( "CVPcb Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR,
this );
......@@ -49,8 +49,8 @@ void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::SetNewPkg( const wxString& package )
Component->m_Module = package;
Line.Printf( CMP_FORMAT, NumCmp + 1,
Component->m_Reference.GetData(), Component->m_Value.GetData(),
Component->m_Module.GetData() );
GetChars( Component->m_Reference ), GetChars( Component->m_Value ),
GetChars( Component->m_Module ) );
m_modified = true;
if( isUndefined )
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ bool WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::ReadNetList()
if( error_level < 0 )
msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> does not appear to be a valid Kicad net list file." ),
m_NetlistFileName.GetFullPath().c_str() );
GetChars( m_NetlistFileName.GetFullPath() ) );
::wxMessageBox( msg, _( "File Error" ), wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
return false;
......@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ bool WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::ReadNetList()
BOOST_FOREACH( COMPONENT& component, m_components )
msg.Printf( CMP_FORMAT, m_ListCmp->GetCount() + 1,
component.m_Module.GetData() );
GetChars( component.m_Reference ),
GetChars( component.m_Value ),
GetChars( component.m_Module ) );
m_ListCmp->AppendLine( msg );
if( component.m_Module.IsEmpty() )
m_undefinedComponentCnt += 1;
......@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ MODULE* WinEDA_DisplayFrame::Get_Module( const wxString& CmpName )
msg.Printf( _( "PCB foot print library file <%s> could not be \
found in the default search paths." ),
fn.GetFullName().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullName() ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, titleLibLoadError, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
......@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ found in the default search paths." ),
if( file == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Could not open PCB foot print library file <%s>." ),
tmp.c_str() );
GetChars( tmp ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, titleLibLoadError, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
......@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ found in the default search paths." ),
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
msg.Printf( _( "<%s> is not a valid Kicad PCB foot print library." ),
tmp.c_str() );
GetChars( tmp ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, titleLibLoadError, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
fclose( file );
return NULL;
......@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ bool LoadComponentFile( const wxString& fileName, COMPONENT_LIST& list )
if( source == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Cannot open component library <%s>." ),
fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, titleComponentLibErr, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
return false;
......@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ bool LoadComponentFile( const wxString& fileName, COMPONENT_LIST& list )
if( fgets( Line, 79, source ) == 0 )
msg.Printf( _( " <%s> does not appear to be a valid Kicad component library." ),
fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, titleComponentLibErr, wxOK | wxICON_ERROR );
fclose( source );
return false;
......@@ -54,15 +54,11 @@ static void RemoveDuplicatePins( COMPONENT& component )
if( !same_pin_net( pin1, pin2 ) )
msg.Printf( _( "Component %s %s pin %s : Different Nets" ),
GetChars( component.m_Reference ),
GetChars( component.m_Value ),
pin1->m_Number.GetData() );
DisplayError( NULL, msg, 60 );
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Removing duplicate pin %s from component %s: %s" ),
pin1->m_Number.c_str(), component.m_Reference.c_str(),
component.m_Value.c_str() );
pin1 = pin2;
i = component.m_Pins.erase( i );
delete pin2;
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ bool LIB_FIELD::Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg )
if( cnt < 5 )
errorMsg.Printf( _( "field %d does not have the correct number of \
errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "field %d does not have the correct number of \
parameters" ),
m_FieldId );
return false;
......@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ parameters" ),
errorMsg.Printf( _( "field %d text orientation parameter <%c> is \
errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "field %d text orientation parameter <%c> is \
not valid" ),
textOrient );
return false;
......@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ not valid" ),
m_Attributs |= TEXT_NO_VISIBLE;
errorMsg.Printf( _( "field %d text visible parameter <%c> is not \
errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "field %d text visible parameter <%c> is not \
valid" ),
textVisible );
return false;
......@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ valid" ),
errorMsg.Printf( _( "field %d text horizontal justification \
errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "field %d text horizontal justification \
parameter <%c> is not valid" ),
textHJustify );
return false;
......@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ parameter <%c> is not valid" ),
errorMsg.Printf( _( "field %d text vertical justification \
errorMsg.Printf( wxT( "field %d text vertical justification \
parameter <%c> is not valid" ),
textVJustify[0] );
return false;
......@@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ int WinEDA_SchematicFrame::LoadOneEEProject( const wxString& FileName,
wxString errMsg;
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Load schematic cache library file <%s>" ),
fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
msg = wxT( "Load " ) + fn.GetFullPath();
CMP_LIBRARY* LibCache = CMP_LIBRARY::LoadLibrary( fn, errMsg );
......@@ -201,7 +201,7 @@ static void LoadDCodeFile( WinEDA_GerberFrame* frame, const wxString& FullFileNa
if( !fn.IsOk() )
wildcard.Printf( _( "Gerber DCODE files (%s)|*.%s" ),
g_PenFilenameExt.c_str(), g_PenFilenameExt.c_str());
GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ), GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ));
wildcard += AllFilesWildcard;
fn = frame->GetScreen()->m_FileName;
fn.SetExt( g_PenFilenameExt );
......@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ bool WinEDA_GerberFrame::SaveGerberFile( const wxString& FullFileName, wxDC* DC
fn = GetScreen()->m_FileName;
wildcard.Printf( _( "Gerber DCODE files (%s)|*.%s" ),
g_PenFilenameExt.c_str(), g_PenFilenameExt.c_str());
GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ), GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ));
wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Gerber File" ), fn.GetPath(),
fn.GetFullName(), wildcard,
......@@ -104,9 +104,6 @@ bool WinEDA_App::OnInit()
fn = wxFileName( argv[i] );
fn.SetExt( g_PhotoFilenameExt );
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Opening file <%s> in GerbView." ),
fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
if( fn.FileExists() )
( (PCB_SCREEN*) frame->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer = i - 1;
......@@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ bool WinEDA_GerberFrame::Read_GERBER_File( wxDC* DC,
fn = GERBER_FullFileName;
fn.SetExt( g_PenFilenameExt );
wildcard.Printf( _( "Gerber DCODE files (%s)|*.%s" ),
g_PenFilenameExt.c_str(), g_PenFilenameExt.c_str());
GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ), GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ));
wildcard += AllFilesWildcard;
wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Load GERBER DCODE File" ),
No preview for this file type
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kicad\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-10 15:08+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-10 15:10+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-10-11 20:11+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2009-10-11 20:14+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: kicad team <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -216,15 +216,15 @@ msgstr "OK"
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: pcbnew/class_marker_pcb.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/class_marker_pcb.cpp:65
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
#: pcbnew/class_marker_pcb.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/class_marker_pcb.cpp:65
msgid "Marker"
msgstr "Marqueur"
#: pcbnew/class_marker_pcb.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/class_marker_pcb.cpp:69
msgid "ErrType"
msgstr "Type Err"
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ msgid "Unable to create file "
msgstr "Impossible de créer le fichier "
#: pcbnew/plotdxf.cpp:33
#: pcbnew/plotgerb.cpp:68
#: pcbnew/plotgerb.cpp:67
msgid "File"
msgstr "Fichier"
......@@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ msgstr "Créer Gap MicroOnde "
msgid "Gap (inch):"
msgstr "Gap (inch):"
#: pcbnew/plotgerb.cpp:55
#: pcbnew/plotgerb.cpp:54
msgid "unable to create file "
msgstr "Impossible de créer fichier "
......@@ -1666,41 +1666,41 @@ msgstr "Ecriture fichier CI: "
msgid "Failed to create "
msgstr "Impossible de créer fichier "
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:237
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:238
msgid "COTATION"
msgstr "COTATION"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:240
msgid "PCB Text"
msgstr "Texte PCB"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:241
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:497
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Couche"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:247
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:485
msgid "No"
msgstr "Non"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:249
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:248
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:487
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:252
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:506
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:251
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:505
msgid "Orient"
msgstr "Orient"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:258
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:512
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:257
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:511
msgid "H Size"
msgstr "Taille H"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:261
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:515
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:260
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:514
msgid "V Size"
msgstr "Taille V"
......@@ -1841,11 +1841,11 @@ msgid "Value"
msgstr "Valeur"
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:467
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:476
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:477
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texte"
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:473
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:474
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Module"
......@@ -2069,19 +2069,19 @@ msgstr "Le circuit actuel sera perdu et cette opération ne pourra pas être ann
msgid "Current Footprint will be lost and this operation cannot be undone. Continue ?"
msgstr "Le module actuel sera perdu et cette opération ne pourra pas être annulée. Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:236
msgid "Seg"
msgstr "Seg"
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:237
msgid "Graphic Item"
msgstr "Element Graphique"
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:243
msgid "TimeStamp"
msgstr "TimeStamp"
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:244
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:245
msgid "Mod Layer"
msgstr "Couche Mod."
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:247
msgid "Seg Layer"
msgstr "Couche Seg."
......@@ -2253,11 +2253,11 @@ msgstr "Valeur entrée incorrecte. Annulation"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:106
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:161
msgid "Too many values in list (max count reached). Aborted"
msgstr ""
msgstr "trop de valeurs en liste (compte maxi. atteint). Abandon"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:136
msgid "Enter new track size value:"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Entrer la nouvelle valeur le la largeur de piste:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options_base.cpp:32
msgid "Vias:"
......@@ -2967,27 +2967,27 @@ msgstr "Autoplace modules: Pas de contours sur pcb. Impossible de placer les mod
msgid "This is the default net class."
msgstr "Ceci est la Netclass par défaut"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:600
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:594
msgid "Vias"
msgstr "Vias"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:603
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:597
msgid "Nodes"
msgstr "Nodes"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:606
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:600
msgid "Nets"
msgstr "Nets"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:614
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:608
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Liens"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:617
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:611
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:620
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:614
msgid "NoConn"
msgstr "Non Conn"
......@@ -3130,44 +3130,44 @@ msgstr "Contour de Zone"
msgid "(Cutout)"
msgstr "(Cutout)"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:941
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:938
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:163
msgid "Not Found"
msgstr " Non Trouvé"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:944
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:941
msgid "NetName"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:947
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:944
msgid "Non Copper Zone"
msgstr "Zone non Cuivre"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:952
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:948
msgid "NetCode"
msgstr "NetCode"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:960
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:954
msgid "Corners"
msgstr "Sommets"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:964
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:957
msgid "Segments"
msgstr "Segments"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:966
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:959
msgid "Polygons"
msgstr "Polygones"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:967
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:960
msgid "Fill mode"
msgstr "Mode de remplissage"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:972
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:964
msgid "Hatch lines"
msgstr "Lignes de Hachure"
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:978
#: pcbnew/class_zone.cpp:969
msgid "Corners in DrawList"
msgstr "Sommets en Liste de dessin"
......@@ -4000,19 +4000,19 @@ msgstr "Sauver Fichier Projet"
msgid "Error: Unexpected end of file !"
msgstr "Erreur: Fin de fichier inattendue !"
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:373
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:374
msgid "Shape"
msgstr "Forme"
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:384
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:385
msgid "Angle"
msgstr "Angle"
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:387
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:388
msgid "Curve"
msgstr "Courbe"
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:391
#: pcbnew/class_drawsegment.cpp:392
msgid "Segment"
msgstr "Segment"
......@@ -4656,15 +4656,15 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "NETCLASS: '%s' has uVia Drill:%s which is less than global:%s"
msgstr ""
#: pcbnew/class_netinfo_item.cpp:142
#: pcbnew/class_netinfo_item.cpp:143
msgid "Net Name"
msgstr "Nom Equipot"
#: pcbnew/class_netinfo_item.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/class_netinfo_item.cpp:146
msgid "Net Code"
msgstr "Net Code"
#: pcbnew/class_netinfo_item.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/class_netinfo_item.cpp:178
msgid "Net Length"
msgstr "Long. Net"
......@@ -5366,7 +5366,7 @@ msgid "Diam"
msgstr "Diam"
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:993
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:577
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:566
msgid "Drill"
msgstr "Perçage"
......@@ -5394,23 +5394,23 @@ msgstr "Long. Piste"
msgid "Unknown Pad shape"
msgstr "Forme Pad inconnue"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:466
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:465
msgid "RefP"
msgstr "RefP"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:469
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:467
msgid "Net"
msgstr "Net"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:585
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:574
msgid "Drill X / Y"
msgstr "Perçage X/Y"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:600
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:587
msgid "X Pos"
msgstr "X Pos"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:604
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:590
msgid "Y pos"
msgstr "Y pos"
......@@ -6074,27 +6074,27 @@ msgstr "Designation"
msgid "Supplier and ref"
msgstr "Fournisseur et ref"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:824
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:822
msgid "Last Change"
msgstr "Last Change"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:830
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:827
msgid "Netlist path"
msgstr "Chemin Netliste "
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:868
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:858
msgid "No 3D shape"
msgstr "Pas de forme 3D"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:869
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:859
msgid "3D-Shape"
msgstr "Forme 3D"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:872
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:861
msgid "Doc: "
msgstr "Doc: "
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:873
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:862
msgid "KeyW: "
msgstr "KeyW: "
......@@ -7092,89 +7092,89 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Component or alias name \"%s\" not found in library \"%s\"."
msgstr "Composant ou alias \"%s\" non trouvé en librairie \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:170
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:171
#, c-format
msgid "Could not create copy of part <%s> in library <%s>."
msgstr "Ne peut créer une copie de l'élément <%s> en librairie <%s>."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:251
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:252
msgid "Include last component changes?"
msgstr "Inclure les dernières modifications du composant"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:263
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:264
msgid "Modify library file \""
msgstr "Modifier le fichier Librairie \""
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:263
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:264
msgid "\"?"
msgstr "\"?"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:274
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:275
msgid "Error while saving library file \""
msgstr "Erreur en sauvant le fichier librairie \""
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:275
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:276
msgid "\"."
msgstr "\"."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:281
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:282
msgid "Library file \""
msgstr "Fichier librairie \""
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:283
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:284
msgid "Document file \""
msgstr "Fichier de doc \""
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:306
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:307
msgid "Part"
msgstr "Part"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:318
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:319
msgid "Alias"
msgstr "Alias"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:323
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:324
msgid "Unit"
msgstr "Unité"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:326
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:327
msgid "Convert"
msgstr "Convert"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:330
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:331
msgid "Body"
msgstr "Body"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:333
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:334
msgid "Power Symbol"
msgstr "Symbole d'Alimentation"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:335
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:336
msgid "Component"
msgstr "Composant"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:344
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:345
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Description"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:351
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:352
msgid "Key words"
msgstr "Mots clé"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:385
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:386
msgid "Please select a component library."
msgstr "SVP sélectionner une librairie de composants."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:394
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:395
#, c-format
msgid "Component library <%s> is empty."
msgstr "Fichier librairie de composants <%s> vide"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:396
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:397
msgid "Delete Entry Error"
msgstr "Erreur en suppression d'élément"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:401
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:402
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Select 1 of %d components to delete\n"
......@@ -7183,50 +7183,54 @@ msgstr ""
"Selection 1 de %d composants a supprimer\n"
"de la librairie <%s>."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:405
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:406
msgid "Delete Component"
msgstr "Suppression Composant"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:414
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:415
#, c-format
msgid "Entry <%s> not found in library <%s>."
msgstr "Element <%s> non trouvé en librairie <%s>."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:421
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:422
#, c-format
msgid "Delete component \"%s\" from library \"%s\"?"
msgstr "Supprimer composant \"%s\" de la librairie \"%s\"?"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:441
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:442
msgid "The component being deleted has been modified. All changes will be lost. Discard changes?"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:496
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:497
msgid ""
"All changes to the current component will be lost!\n"
"Clear the current component from the screen?"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:518
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:511
msgid "This new component has no name and cannot be created. Aborted"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:522
#, c-format
msgid "Component \"%s\" already exists in library \"%s\"."
msgstr "Composant \"%s\" déjà existant en librairie \"%s\"."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:570
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:587
msgid "No component to save."
msgstr "Pas de composant à sauver."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:579
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:596
msgid "No library specified."
msgstr "Pas de librairie spécifiée."
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:589
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:606
#, c-format
msgid "Component \"%s\" exists. Change it?"
msgstr "Le composant \" %s\" existe, Le changer ?"
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:607
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:624
#, c-format
msgid "Component %s saved in library %s"
msgstr "Composant %s sauvé en librairie %s"
......@@ -7399,7 +7403,7 @@ msgstr "Navigateur"
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Racine"
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:236
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:237
msgid ""
"Component was modified!\n"
"Discard changes?"
......@@ -7407,7 +7411,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Le composant a été modifié\n"
"Perdre les changements"
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:250
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid ""
"Library \"%s\" was modified!\n"
......@@ -7416,7 +7420,7 @@ msgstr ""
"Librairie \"%s\" modifiée!\n"
"Perdre les changements ?"
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:360
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:361
#, c-format
msgid "Part %c"
msgstr "Composant %c"
......@@ -8265,8 +8269,8 @@ msgid "Create component as power &symbol"
msgstr "Créer composant comme &symbole d'alimentation"
#: eeschema/dialog_lib_new_component_base.cpp:121
msgid "Parts in package cannot be swapped"
msgstr "Les parts du boitier ne peuvent pas être interchangées"
msgid "Parts in package locked (cannot be swapped)"
msgstr "Les parts du boitier sont verroulliées (ne peuvent pas être interchangées)"
#: eeschema/dialog_lib_new_component_base.cpp:130
msgid "Global Pin Settings"
......@@ -8288,6 +8292,10 @@ msgstr "Afficher le &numéro de pin"
msgid "Show pin name te&xt"
msgstr "Afficher le N&om de Pin"
#: eeschema/dialog_lib_new_component_base.cpp:190
msgid "Pin name &inside"
msgstr "Nom de pin à l'&intérieur"
#: eeschema/eeconfig.cpp:281
msgid "Save Project Settings"
msgstr "Sauver Optionsr Projet"
......@@ -8318,7 +8326,7 @@ msgstr "Cette feuille utilise des données partagées dans une hiérarchie compl
msgid "Do we convert it in a simple hierarchical sheet (otherwise delete current sheet data)"
msgstr "Doit on la convertir en une feuille de hiérarchie simple (autrement supprimer les données courantes)"
#: eeschema/class_drawsheet.cpp:703
#: eeschema/class_drawsheet.cpp:704
msgid "FileName"
msgstr "Nom Fichier"
......@@ -8819,7 +8827,7 @@ msgstr "Propriétés du label"
msgid "Text Properties"
msgstr "Propriétés du Texte"
#: eeschema/class_sch_component.cpp:1032
#: eeschema/class_sch_component.cpp:1034
msgid "Ref"
msgstr "Ref"
......@@ -9230,99 +9238,74 @@ msgstr "Copie dans Presse papier"
#: eeschema/class_libentry_fields.cpp:134
msgid "invalid field number defined"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/class_libentry_fields.cpp:173
#, c-format
msgid "field %d does not have the correct number of parameters"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/class_libentry_fields.cpp:188
#, c-format
msgid "field %d text orientation parameter <%c> is not valid"
msgstr "champ %d parametre d'orientation de texte<%c> non valide"
#: eeschema/class_libentry_fields.cpp:200
#, c-format
msgid "field %d text visible parameter <%c> is not valid"
msgstr "champ %d parametre de visibilité de texte<%c> non valide"
#: eeschema/class_libentry_fields.cpp:219
#, c-format
msgid "field %d text horizontal justification parameter <%c> is not valid"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/class_libentry_fields.cpp:233
#, c-format
msgid "field %d text vertical justification parameter <%c> is not valid"
msgstr ""
msgstr "numéro de champ défini invalide"
#: eeschema/class_libentry_fields.cpp:552
msgid "Datasheet"
msgstr "Documentation"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:139
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:145
#, c-format
msgid "Alias <%s> not found for component <%s> in library <%s>."
msgstr "Alias <%s> non trouvé pour le component <%s> en librairie <%s>."
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:144
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:150
msgid "Component Library Error"
msgstr "Erreur en Librairie de Composanr"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:264
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:334
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:275
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:345
#, c-format
msgid "Alias <%s> cannot be removed while it is being edited!"
msgstr "L'alias <%s> ne peut être supprimé tant qu'il est en cours d'édition!"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:273
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:284
msgid "Remove all aliases from list?"
msgstr "Supprimer tous les alias de la liste?"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:298
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:309
msgid "New alias:"
msgstr "Noveau alias"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:299
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:310
msgid "Component Alias"
msgstr "Alias de Composant"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:309
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:320
#, c-format
msgid "Alias or component name <%s> already exists in library <%s>."
msgstr "Alias ou nom de composant <%s> déjà existant en librairie <%s>."
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:363
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:374
msgid "Delete extra parts from component?"
msgstr "Supprimer les parts supplémentaires du composant?"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:383
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:395
msgid "Add new pins for alternate body style ( DeMorgan ) to component?"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:391
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:402
msgid "Delete alternate body style (DeMorgan) draw items from component?"
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:415
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:426
msgid "Doc Files"
msgstr "Fichiers de Doc"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:446
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:457
msgid "Ok to Delete FootprintFilter LIST"
msgstr "Ok pour effacer la LISTE des filtres de modules"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:469
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:480
msgid "Add Footprint Filter"
msgstr "Ajouter Filtre Modules"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:469
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:211
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:480
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:214
msgid "Footprint Filter"
msgstr "Filtrage Modules"
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:482
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:493
#, c-format
msgid "Foot print filter <%s> is already defined."
msgstr ""
......@@ -9528,17 +9511,17 @@ msgid "Show Pin Number"
msgstr "Montrer Numéro de Pin"
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:241
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:39
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:40
msgid "Show Pin Name"
msgstr "Montre Nom de Pin"
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:245
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:45
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:47
msgid "Pin Name Inside"
msgstr "Nom de pin à l'intérieur"
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:249
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:74
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:77
msgid "Skew:"
msgstr "Décalage:"
......@@ -9560,25 +9543,25 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Show Pin Num"
msgstr "Montre Numéro de Pin"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:35
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:36
msgid "Show or hide pin numbers"
msgstr "Affichage ou non des numéroes de pins"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:41
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:43
msgid "Show or hide pin names"
msgstr "Affichage ou non des noms des pins"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:47
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:50
msgid ""
"Check this option to have pin names inside the body and pin number outside.\n"
"If not checked pins names and pins numbers are outside."
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:62
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:65
msgid "Number of Units:"
msgstr "Nombre de Parts:"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:90
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:93
msgid ""
"Check this option for power symbols.\n"
"Power symbols have specific properties"
......@@ -9586,42 +9569,42 @@ msgstr ""
"Activer cete option pour les symboles d'alimentation.\n"
"Les symboles d'alimentation ont des propriétés spécifiques"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:96
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:99
msgid ""
"Check this option if Eeschema cannot change parts selections inside a given package\n"
"This happens when parts are different in this package."
msgstr ""
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:108
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:111
msgid "Description:"
msgstr "Description:"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:115
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:118
msgid "Keywords:"
msgstr "Mots Clés:"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:122
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:125
msgid "DocFileName:"
msgstr "Fichier de Doc:"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:132
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:135
msgid "Copy Doc"
msgstr "Copie Doc"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:135
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:138
msgid "Browse DocFiles"
msgstr "Examen Fichiers de Doc"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:151
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:154
msgid "Alias List:"
msgstr "Liste des Alias:"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:169
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:203
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:172
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:206
msgid "Delete All"
msgstr "Tout Supprimer"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:185
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib_base.cpp:188
msgid "Footprints"
msgstr "Modules"
......@@ -12300,6 +12283,14 @@ msgstr "DCodes id."
msgid "Page Settings"
msgstr "Ajustage opt Page"
#~ msgid "field %d does not have the correct number of parameters"
#~ msgstr "le champ %d n'a pas le nombre correct de parametres"
#~ msgid "field %d text orientation parameter <%c> is not valid"
#~ msgstr "champ %d parametre d'orientation de texte<%c> non valide"
#~ msgid "field %d text visible parameter <%c> is not valid"
#~ msgstr "champ %d parametre de visibilité de texte<%c> non valide"
#~ msgid "Seg"
#~ msgstr "Seg"
#~ msgid "Change track width (entire NET) ?"
#~ msgstr "Change largeur piste ( NET complet) ?"
#~ msgid "Edit All Via Sizes"
......@@ -278,8 +278,6 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::OnRunEeschema( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxFileName fn( m_ProjectFileName );
fn.SetExt( SchematicFileExtension );
wxLogDebug( wxT( "Loading EESchema with file <%s>." ),
fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
ExecuteFile( this, EESCHEMA_EXE, QuoteFullPath( fn ) );
......@@ -105,15 +105,15 @@ void DIALOG_DESIGN_RULES::PrintCurrentSettings( )
// Display min values:
value = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, g_DesignSettings.m_TrackMinWidth, internal_units, true );
msg.Printf(_("Minimum value for tracks width: <b>%s</b><br>\n"), value.c_str( ) );
msg.Printf(_("Minimum value for tracks width: <b>%s</b><br>\n"), GetChars( value ) );
value = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, g_DesignSettings.m_ViasMinSize, internal_units, true );
msg.Printf(_("Minimum value for vias diameter: <b>%s</b><br>\n"), value.c_str( ) );
msg.Printf(_("Minimum value for vias diameter: <b>%s</b><br>\n"), GetChars( value ) );
value = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, g_DesignSettings.m_MicroViasMinSize, internal_units, true );
msg.Printf(_("Minimum value for microvias diameter: <b>%s</b><br>\n"), value.c_str( ) );
msg.Printf(_("Minimum value for microvias diameter: <b>%s</b><br>\n"), GetChars( value ) );
......@@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Edit_Net_Width( wxDC* DC, int aNetcode )
wxString netClassName = netClass->GetName();
msg.Printf( _(
"Set tracks and vias sizes to the Netclass \"%s\"default value (entire NET \"%s\") ?" ),
netClassName.c_str(), netName.c_str() );
GetChars( netClassName ), GetChars( netName ) );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
......@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ MODULE* WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Import_Module( wxDC* DC )
if( file == NULL )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> not found" ), dlg.GetPath().GetData() );
msg.Printf( _( "File <%s> not found" ), GetChars( dlg.GetPath() ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return NULL;
......@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Export_Module( MODULE* ptmod, bool createlib )
/* Generation du fichier Empreinte */
if( ( file = wxFopen( fn.GetFullPath(), wxT( "wt" ) ) ) == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create <%s>" ), fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create <%s>" ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
......@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Export_Module( MODULE* ptmod, bool createlib )
fputs( "$EndLIBRARY\n", file );
fclose( file );
msg.Printf( _( "Module exported in file <%s>" ), fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "Module exported in file <%s>" ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
DisplayInfoMessage( this, msg );
......@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Delete_Module_In_Library( const
/* Confirmation */
msg.Printf( _( "Ok to delete module %s in library %s" ),
CmpName.GetData(), aLibname.GetData() );
GetChars( CmpName ), GetChars( aLibname ) );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
......@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Delete_Module_In_Library( const
if( NoFound )
fclose( lib_module );
msg.Printf( _( "Module [%s] not found" ), CmpName.GetData() );
msg.Printf( _( "Module [%s] not found" ), GetChars( CmpName ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
......@@ -379,8 +379,8 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::Delete_Module_In_Library( const
msg.Printf( _( "Component %s deleted in library %s" ), CmpName.GetData(),
oldFileName.GetFullPath().c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "Component %s deleted in library %s" ), GetChars( CmpName ),
GetChars( oldFileName.GetFullPath() ) );
Affiche_Message( msg );
CreateDocLibrary( oldFileName.GetFullPath() );
......@@ -430,7 +430,7 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Archive_Modules( const wxString& LibName,
if( !NewModulesOnly && file_exists )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "File %s exists, OK to replace ?" ), fileName.c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "File %s exists, OK to replace ?" ), GetChars( fileName ) );
if( !IsOK( this, msg ) )
......@@ -509,7 +509,7 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Save_Module_In_Library( const wxString& aLibName,
if( !wxFileExists( aLibName ) )
msg.Printf( _( "Library %s not found" ), aLibName.GetData() );
msg.Printf( _( "Library %s not found" ), GetChars( aLibName ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
......@@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Save_Module_In_Library( const wxString& aLibName,
if( ( lib_module = wxFopen( aLibName, wxT( "rt" ) ) ) == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to open %s" ), aLibName.GetData() );
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to open %s" ), GetChars( aLibName ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
......@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Save_Module_In_Library( const wxString& aLibName,
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
fclose( lib_module );
msg.Printf( _( "File %s is not a eeschema library" ), aLibName.GetData() );
msg.Printf( _( "File %s is not a eeschema library" ), GetChars( aLibName ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
return 0;
......@@ -218,7 +218,7 @@ MODULE* WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Get_Librairie_Module( const wxString& aLibraryFullF
if ( aDisplayMessageError )
msg.Printf( _( "PCB footprint library file <%s> not found in search paths." ),
fn.GetFullName().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullName() ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Library Load Error" ),
wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
......@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ MODULE* WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Get_Librairie_Module( const wxString& aLibraryFullF
if( file == NULL )
msg.Printf( _( "Could not open PCB footprint library file <%s>." ),
tmp.c_str() );
GetChars( tmp ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Library Load Error" ),
wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
msg.Printf( _( "Scan Lib: %s" ), tmp.c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "Scan Lib: %s" ), GetChars( tmp ) );
Affiche_Message( msg );
/* lecture entete chaine definie par ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE */
......@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@ MODULE* WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Get_Librairie_Module( const wxString& aLibraryFullF
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
msg.Printf( _( "<%s> is not a valid Kicad PCB footprint library file." ),
tmp.c_str() );
GetChars( tmp ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Library Load Error" ),
wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
fclose( file );
......@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ MODULE* WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Get_Librairie_Module( const wxString& aLibraryFullF
if( aDisplayMessageError )
msg.Printf( _( "Module <%s> not found" ), aModuleName.c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "Module <%s> not found" ), GetChars( aModuleName ) );
DisplayError( NULL, msg );
......@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ wxString WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Select_1_Module_From_List(
if( !tmp )
msg.Printf( _( "PCB footprint library file <%s> not found in search paths." ),
fn.GetFullName().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullName() ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Library Load Error" ),
wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
......@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ wxString WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::Select_1_Module_From_List(
if( strnicmp( Line, ENTETE_LIBRAIRIE, L_ENTETE_LIB ) != 0 )
msg.Printf( _( "<%s> is not a valid Kicad PCB footprint library file." ),
tmp.c_str() );
GetChars( tmp ) );
wxMessageBox( msg, _( "Library Load Error" ),
wxOK | wxICON_ERROR, this );
fclose( file );
......@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ void WinEDA_PcbFrame::Process_Config( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( !wxFileExists( dlg.GetPath() ) )
wxString msg;
msg.Printf( _( "File %s not found" ), dlg.GetPath().c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "File %s not found" ), GetChars( dlg.GetPath() ) );
DisplayError( this, msg );
......@@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ bool WinEDA_App::OnInit()
wxLogDebug( wxT( "PcbNew file <%s> has the wrong extension. \
Changing extension to .brd." ),
fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
fn.SetExt( BoardFileExtension );
......@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ int DIALOG_EXCHANGE_MODULE::Maj_ListeCmp( const wxString& reference,
if( ShowError )
msg.Printf( _( "file %s not found" ), fn.GetFullPath().c_str() );
msg.Printf( _( "file %s not found" ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
m_WinMessages->AppendText( msg );
return 1;
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ int DIALOG_EXCHANGE_MODULE::Maj_ListeCmp( const wxString& reference,
if( ShowError )
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create file %s" ),
tmpFileName.GetFullPath().c_str() );
GetChars( tmpFileName.GetFullPath() ) );
m_WinMessages->AppendText( msg );
return 1;
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