Commit 59b4c5ba authored by CHARRAS's avatar CHARRAS

New hotkeys in eeschema (the hotkey ? display the current existing hotkeys)

parent bbcf6ae1
......@@ -4,6 +4,12 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2007-aug-09 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
+ eeschema
Some new hotkeys (see hotkeys.cpp).
Now, the key ? display the current existing hotkeys
2007-Aug-08 UPDATE Dick Hollenbeck <>
......@@ -23,25 +23,53 @@
void WinEDA_SchematicFrame::OnHotKey(wxDC * DC, int hotkey,
EDA_BaseStruct * DrawStruct)
/* Gestion des commandes rapides (Raccourcis claviers) concernant l'element
sous le courseur souris
Les majuscules/minuscules sont indifferenciees
touche DELETE: Effacement (tout element)
touche R: Rotation (composant ou label)
touche X: Miroir X (composant)
touche Y: Miroir Y (composant)
touche N: Orient 0 (composant)
touche M: Start Move composant
/* Hot keys. Some commands are relatives to the item under the mouse cursor
Commands are case insensitive
Zoom commands are not managed here
/* Hotkey list: */
static wxString s_Hotkey_List[] =
wxT("key F1: Zoom in"), // general zoom hotkey, not managed here
wxT("key F2: Zoom out"), // general zoom hotkey, not managed here
wxT("key F5: Zoom Redraw"), // general zoom hotkey, not managed here
wxT("key F4: Zoom Center"), // general zoom hotkey, not managed here
wxT("key F5: Next search"),
wxT("key DELETE: delete item"),
wxT("key R: Rotation (component or label)"),
wxT("key X: Mirror X (component)"),
wxT("key Y: Mirror Y (component)"),
wxT("key N: Orient 0 (component)"),
wxT("key M: Start Move component"),
wxT("key A: Add new component"),
wxT("key W: begin new Wire"),
wxT("") // End of list, do not change
bool PopupOn = m_CurrentScreen->m_CurrentItem &&
bool RefreshToolBar = FALSE; // We must refresh tool bar when the undo/redo tool state is modified
if ( hotkey == 0 ) return;
wxPoint MousePos = m_CurrentScreen->m_MousePosition;
switch (hotkey)
case '?': // Display Current hotkey list
wxString msg = _("Current hotkey list:\n\n");
for ( unsigned int ii = 0; ; ii++ )
if ( s_Hotkey_List[ii].IsEmpty() ) break;
msg += s_Hotkey_List[ii]; msg += wxT("\n");
DisplayInfo(this, msg);
if ( PopupOn ) break;
......@@ -56,6 +84,33 @@ bool RefreshToolBar = FALSE; // We must refresh tool bar when the undo/redo tool
else FindSchematicItem(wxEmptyString, 2);
case 'a':
case 'A': // Add component
if ( DrawStruct && DrawStruct->m_Flags ) break;
// switch to m_ID_current_state = ID_COMPONENT_BUTT;
if ( m_ID_current_state != ID_COMPONENT_BUTT ) SetToolID( ID_COMPONENT_BUTT, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _("Add Component"));
OnLeftClick(DC, MousePos);
case 'w':
case 'W': // Add wire
if ( DrawStruct ) // An item is selected. If edited and not a wire, a new command is not possible
if ( DrawStruct->m_Flags ) // Item selected and edition in progress
if (DrawStruct->m_StructType == DRAW_SEGMENT_STRUCT_TYPE )
EDA_DrawLineStruct * segment = (EDA_DrawLineStruct *)DrawStruct;
if ( segment->m_Layer != LAYER_WIRE ) break;
else break;
// switch to m_ID_current_state = ID_WIRE_BUTT;
if ( m_ID_current_state != ID_WIRE_BUTT ) SetToolID( ID_WIRE_BUTT, wxCURSOR_PENCIL, _("Add Wire"));
OnLeftClick(DC, MousePos);
case 'r': // Rotation
case 'R':
if ( DrawStruct == NULL )
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
COMMON_GLOBL wxString g_BuildVersion
#ifdef EDA_BASE
No preview for this file type
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kicad\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-02 10:01+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-08-08 11:30+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: kicad team <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
......@@ -36,73 +36,80 @@ msgstr "Editer TOUTES Vias"
msgid "Edit All Track Sizes"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Pistes"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:56
msgid "Recovery file "
msgstr "Fichier de secours "
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:165
msgid "Graphic not autorized on Copper layers"
msgstr "Graphique non autoris sur couches cuivre"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:190
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:113
#: eeschema/find.cpp:423
#: gerbview/dcode.cpp:260
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:141
#: common/eda_doc.cpp:144
msgid " not found"
msgstr " non trouv"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:189
msgid "Tracks on Copper layers only "
msgstr "Pistes sur couches cuivre seulement"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:62
msgid "Ok to load Recovery file "
msgstr "Ok pour charger le fichier de secours"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:267
msgid "Cotation not autorized on Copper layers"
msgstr "Cotation non autorise sur couches cuivre"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:141
msgid "Board Modified: Continue ?"
msgstr "Circuit imprim modifi, Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:466
#: pcbnew/editmod.cpp:43
msgid "Module Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir Editeur de modules"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:159
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:251
msgid "Board files:"
msgstr "Fichiers C.I.:"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:546
msgid "Add Tracks"
msgstr "Addition de pistes"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:62
#: cvpcb/readschematicnetlist.cpp:51
#: cvpcb/rdpcad.cpp:45
#, c-format
msgid "File <%s> not found"
msgstr " fichier %s non trouv"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:555
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:420
msgid "Add Zones"
msgstr "Addition de Zones"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:285
msgid "Warning: unable to create bakfile "
msgstr "Attention: Impossible de crer fichier backup "
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:557
msgid "Warning: Display Zone is OFF!!!"
msgstr "Attention: Affichage zones dsactiv !!!"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:300
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:240
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:377
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:518
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:712
#: pcbnew/export_gencad.cpp:79
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:93
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/plothpgl.cpp:65
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:388
#: eeschema/plothpgl.cpp:560
#: cvpcb/genequiv.cpp:42
#: gerbview/export_to_pcbnew.cpp:53
msgid "Unable to create "
msgstr "Impossible de crer "
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:564
msgid "Add Mire"
msgstr "Ajouter Mires de superposition"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:318
msgid "Backup file: "
msgstr "Fichier backup: "
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:568
msgid "Adjust Zero"
msgstr "Ajuster Zro"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:322
msgid "Write Board file: "
msgstr "Ecriture fichier CI: "
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:574
msgid "Add Graphic"
msgstr "Addition lments graphiques"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:323
msgid "Failed to create "
msgstr "Impossible de crer fichier "
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:578
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:437
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:170
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:309
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:487
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:361
msgid "Add Text"
msgstr "Ajout de Texte"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:582
msgid "Add Modules"
msgstr "Addition de Modules"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:586
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:442
msgid "Add Cotation"
msgstr "Addition de Cotations"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:594
msgid "Net Highlight"
msgstr "Surbrillance des quipotentielles"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:598
msgid "Local Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu gnral"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:755
#: pcbnew/modedit.cpp:327
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:443
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:554
msgid "Delete item"
msgstr "Suppression d'lments"
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:85
msgid "Change track width (entire NET) ?"
......@@ -301,165 +308,22 @@ msgstr "Fichiers Librairies"
msgid "Library exists! No Change"
msgstr "Librairie existante! Pas de changement"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:142
msgid "Gap"
msgstr "Gap"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:147
msgid "Stub"
msgstr "Stub"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:153
msgid "Arc Stub"
msgstr "Arc Stub"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:168
#: common/common.cpp:48
msgid " (mm):"
msgstr " (mm):"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:175
msgid " (inch):"
msgstr " (pouce):"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:182
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/gen_self.h:226
msgid "Incorrect number, abort"
msgstr "Nombre incorrect, arret"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:191
msgid "Angle (0.1deg):"
msgstr "Angle (0.1deg):"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:325
msgid "Complex shape"
msgstr "Formr complexe"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:342
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:113
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:873
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:119
#: eeschema/fieldedi.cpp:208
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:99
#: eeschema/libedpart.cpp:230
#: eeschema/editpart.cpp:193
#: common/displlst.cpp:102
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:346
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:228
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/globaleditpad.cpp:111
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/swap_layers.cpp:86
#: pcbnew/pcbpiste.cpp:87
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:106
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:124
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:172
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:123
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:250
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:68
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:83
#: eeschema/optionsframe.cpp:155
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:111
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:125
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:104
#: eeschema/options.cpp:114
#: eeschema/libedpart.cpp:219
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:39
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:57
#: gerbview/options.cpp:175
#: gerbview/options.cpp:305
#: gerbview/select_layers_to_pcb.cpp:127
#: common/get_component_dialog.cpp:121
#: common/displlst.cpp:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:350
msgid "Read Shape Descr File"
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:354
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:237
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:279
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:229
#: eeschema/options.cpp:177
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:182
#: eeschema/editpart.cpp:312
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:354
msgid "Symmetrical"
msgstr "Symtrique"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:354
msgid "mirrored"
msgstr "Miroir"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:355
msgid "ShapeOption"
msgstr "Option Forme"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:359
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:128
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:129
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:111
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:166
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:172
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:273
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:279
#: common/wxwineda.cpp:91
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille "
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:417
msgid "Read descr shape file"
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:432
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "fichier non trouv"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:530
msgid "Shape has a null size!"
msgstr "La forme a une taille nulle"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:535
msgid "Shape has no points!"
msgstr "La forme n'a pas de points"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:652
msgid "No pad for this module"
msgstr "Pas de pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:657
msgid "Only one pad for this module"
msgstr "Seulement un pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:671
msgid "Gap (mm):"
msgstr "Gap (mm):"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:677
msgid "Gap (inch):"
msgstr "Gap (inch):"
#: pcbnew/ioascii.cpp:184
msgid "Error: Unexpected end of file !"
msgstr "Erreur: Fin de fichier inattendue !"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:47
msgid "Import Module:"
msgstr "Importer Module:"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:62
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:184
#: cvpcb/readschematicnetlist.cpp:51
#: cvpcb/rdpcad.cpp:45
#, c-format
msgid "File <%s> not found"
msgstr " fichier %s non trouv"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:71
msgid "Not a module file"
msgstr "N'est pas un fichier de Modules"
......@@ -498,6 +362,16 @@ msgstr "Ok pour effacer module %sein librairie %s"
msgid "Library "
msgstr "Librairie "
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:190
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:57
#: eeschema/libedit.cpp:113
#: eeschema/find.cpp:423
#: gerbview/dcode.cpp:260
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:141
#: common/eda_doc.cpp:144
msgid " not found"
msgstr " non trouv"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:201
msgid "Not a Library file"
msgstr "N'est pas un fichier Librairie"
......@@ -507,19 +381,36 @@ msgstr "N'est pas un fichier Librairie"
msgid "Module [%s] not found"
msgstr "Module [%s] non trouv"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:316
#, c-format
msgid "Component %s deleted in library %s"
msgstr "Composant %s supprim en librairie %s"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:341
msgid " No modules to archive!"
msgstr "Pas de Modules a archiver"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:348
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Librairie"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:240
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:377
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:518
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:712
#: pcbnew/export_gencad.cpp:79
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:311
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:93
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/plothpgl.cpp:65
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:388
#: eeschema/plothpgl.cpp:560
#: cvpcb/genequiv.cpp:42
#: gerbview/export_to_pcbnew.cpp:53
msgid "Unable to create "
msgstr "Impossible de crer "
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:316
#, c-format
msgid "Component %s deleted in library %s"
msgstr "Composant %s supprim en librairie %s"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:341
msgid " No modules to archive!"
msgstr "Pas de Modules a archiver"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:348
msgid "Library"
msgstr "Librairie"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:434
#, c-format
msgid "Library %s not found"
......@@ -600,254 +491,160 @@ msgstr "Ajout de stub (arc)"
msgid "Add Polynomial Shape"
msgstr "Ajout Forme polynomiale"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:193
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:88
msgid "Plot"
msgstr "Tracer"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:144
msgid "Plot Format"
msgstr "Format de trac"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:160
msgid "Spot min"
msgstr "Spot min"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:164
msgid "Pen Size"
msgstr "Diam plume"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:168
msgid "Pen Speed (cm/s)"
msgstr "Vitesse plume (cm/s)"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:170
msgid "Set pen speed in cm/s"
msgstr "Ajuster Vitesse plume en centimetres par seconde"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:172
msgid "Pen Ovr"
msgstr "Recouvrement"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:174
msgid "Set plot overlay for filling"
msgstr "Ajuste recouvrement des tracs pour les remplissages"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:176
msgid "Lines Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. lignes"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:178
msgid "Set width for lines in Line plot mode"
msgstr "Ajuster l'paisseur des traits en Mode trac filaire"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:182
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:205
msgid "absolute"
msgstr "Absolu"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:182
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:205
msgid "auxiliary axis"
msgstr "Axe Auxiliaire"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:184
msgid "plot Origine:"
msgstr "Origine des coord de trac"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:128
#: eeschema/fieldedi.cpp:198
#: eeschema/editpart.cpp:171
#: share/zoom.cpp:413
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:201
msgid "Save options"
msgstr "Sauver options"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:205
msgid "Create Drill File"
msgstr "Crer Fichier de percage"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:217
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:150
msgid "X Scale Adjust"
msgstr "Ajustage Echelle X"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:218
#: share/wxprint.cpp:170
msgid "Set X scale adjust for exact scale plotting"
msgstr "Ajuster chelle X pour traage l'chelle exacte"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:219
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:156
msgid "Y Scale Adjust"
msgstr "Ajustage Echelle Y"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:220
#: share/wxprint.cpp:171
msgid "Set Y scale adjust for exact scale plotting"
msgstr "Ajuster chelle Y pour traage l'chelle exacte"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:222
msgid "Plot Negative"
msgstr "Trac en Negatif"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:247
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:190
#: common/svg_print.cpp:197
#: share/svg_print.cpp:200
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:174
msgid "Print Sheet Ref"
msgstr "Imprimer cartouche"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:255
msgid "Print Pads on Silkscreen"
msgstr "Pads sur Srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:258
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot pads on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive trac des pastilles sur les couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:262
msgid "Always Print Pads"
msgstr "Toujour tracer pads"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:264
msgid "Force print/plot pads on ALL layers"
msgstr "Force le trac des pastilles sur TOUTES les couches"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:268
msgid "Print Module Value"
msgstr "Imprimer Valeur Module"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:271
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot module value on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive le trac des textes valeurs des modules sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:274
msgid "Print Module Reference"
msgstr "Imprimer Rfrence Module"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:277
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot module reference on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive le trac des textes rfrence des modules sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:281
msgid "Print other module texts"
msgstr "Imprimer autres textes module"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:149
msgid "Gap"
msgstr "Gap"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:284
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot module field texts on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive le trac des textes des champs des modules sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:154
msgid "Stub"
msgstr "Stub"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:288
msgid "Force Print Invisible Texts"
msgstr "Force trac textes invisibles"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:160
msgid "Arc Stub"
msgstr "Arc Stub"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:291
msgid "Force print/plot module invisible texts on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Force le trac des textes invisibles sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:175
#: common/common.cpp:48
msgid " (mm):"
msgstr " (mm):"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:295
msgid "No Drill mark"
msgstr "Pas de marque"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:182
msgid " (inch):"
msgstr " (pouce):"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:295
msgid "Small mark"
msgstr "Petite marque"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:189
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/gen_self.h:226
msgid "Incorrect number, abort"
msgstr "Nombre incorrect, arret"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:295
msgid "Real Drill"
msgstr "Perage rel"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:198
msgid "Angle (0.1deg):"
msgstr "Angle (0.1deg):"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:297
msgid "Pads Drill Opt"
msgstr "Options perage"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:333
msgid "Complex shape"
msgstr "Formr complexe"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:303
msgid "Auto scale"
msgstr "Ech. auto"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:113
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:873
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:102
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:119
#: eeschema/fieldedi.cpp:208
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:99
#: eeschema/libedpart.cpp:230
#: eeschema/editpart.cpp:193
#: common/displlst.cpp:102
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:303
msgid "Scale 1"
msgstr "Echelle 1"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:355
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:228
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/globaleditpad.cpp:111
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/swap_layers.cpp:86
#: pcbnew/pcbpiste.cpp:87
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:106
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:124
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:172
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:123
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:250
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:68
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:83
#: eeschema/optionsframe.cpp:155
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:111
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:125
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:104
#: eeschema/options.cpp:114
#: eeschema/libedpart.cpp:219
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:39
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:57
#: gerbview/options.cpp:175
#: gerbview/options.cpp:305
#: gerbview/select_layers_to_pcb.cpp:127
#: common/get_component_dialog.cpp:121
#: common/displlst.cpp:106
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:303
msgid "Scale 1.5"
msgstr "Echelle 1,5"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:359
msgid "Read Shape Descr File"
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:303
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:142
msgid "Scale 2"
msgstr "Echelle 2"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:363
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:237
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:279
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:229
#: eeschema/options.cpp:177
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:182
#: eeschema/editpart.cpp:312
msgid "Normal"
msgstr "Normal"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:303
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:143
msgid "Scale 3"
msgstr "Echelle 3"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:363
msgid "Symmetrical"
msgstr "Symtrique"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:305
msgid "Scale Opt"
msgstr "Echelle"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:363
msgid "mirrored"
msgstr "Miroir"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:310
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:264
#: gerbview/options.cpp:323
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Ligne"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:365
msgid "ShapeOption"
msgstr "Option Forme"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:310
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:194
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:224
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:232
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:265
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:168
#: gerbview/options.cpp:310
#: gerbview/options.cpp:323
msgid "Filled"
msgstr "Plein"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:370
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:128
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:129
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:111
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:166
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:172
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:273
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:279
#: common/wxwineda.cpp:91
msgid "Size"
msgstr "Taille "
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:310
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:193
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:266
#: gerbview/options.cpp:310
#: gerbview/options.cpp:323
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Contour"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:432
msgid "Read descr shape file"
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:311
msgid "Plot mode"
msgstr "Mode de Trac"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:448
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "fichier non trouv"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:318
msgid "Plot Mirror"
msgstr "Trac Miroir"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:552
msgid "Shape has a null size!"
msgstr "La forme a une taille nulle"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:323
msgid "Vias on Mask"
msgstr "Vias sur masque"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:557
msgid "Shape has no points!"
msgstr "La forme n'a pas de points"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:326
msgid "Print/plot vias on mask layers. They are in this case not protected"
msgstr "Trace vias sur vernis pargne. Elles seront non protges"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:683
msgid "No pad for this module"
msgstr "Pas de pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:330
msgid "Org = Centre"
msgstr "Org = Centre"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:688
msgid "Only one pad for this module"
msgstr "Seulement un pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:332
msgid "Draw origin ( 0,0 )in on sheet center"
msgstr "Origine des tracs au centre de la feuille"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:702
msgid "Gap (mm):"
msgstr "Gap (mm):"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:708
msgid "Gap (inch):"
msgstr "Gap (inch):"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:152
msgid "Delete unconnected tracks:"
......@@ -974,6 +771,14 @@ msgstr "3:3"
msgid "Precision"
msgstr "Prcision"
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:205
msgid "absolute"
msgstr "Absolu"
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:205
msgid "auxiliary axis"
msgstr "Axe Auxiliaire"
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:207
msgid "Drill Origin:"
msgstr "Origine des coord de percage:"
......@@ -1032,7 +837,7 @@ msgstr "&Ex
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:254
#: pcbnew/dialog_netlist.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:199
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:201
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:207
#: eeschema/netlist_control.cpp:124
#: eeschema/netlist_control.cpp:275
......@@ -1074,7 +879,7 @@ msgstr "Outils"
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:399
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:1008
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:1521
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:792
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:931
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:208
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:210
msgid "Drill"
......@@ -1098,9 +903,14 @@ msgstr ""
"Le trac utilise des cercles pour quelques valeurs "
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:1444
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:347
msgid "Drill Report file"
msgstr "Fichier rapport de perage:"
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.cpp:42
msgid "Pcbnew is already running, Continue?"
msgstr "Pcbnew est est cours d'excution. Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:90
msgid "TextPCB properties"
msgstr "Proprits des textes PCB"
......@@ -1137,242 +947,48 @@ msgstr "Position"
msgid "Orientation"
msgstr "Orientation"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:40
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:100
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:36
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:178
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr "Miroir"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:232
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:119
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:264
#: eeschema/affiche.cpp:85
#: gerbview/options.cpp:182
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:110
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:52
msgid "Net not selected"
msgstr " Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:60
msgid "Module not selected"
msgstr "Module non selectionn"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:68
msgid "Pad not selected"
msgstr "Pad non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:129
msgid "No memory for autorouting"
msgstr "Pas de memoire pour autoroutage"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:134
msgid "Place Cells"
msgstr "Place Cells"
#: pcbnew/hotkeys.cpp:160
msgid "Footprint found, but locked"
msgstr "Module trouv, mais verrouill"
#: pcbnew/hotkeys.cpp:281
msgid "Delete module?"
msgstr "Effacer Module?"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:192
msgid "Graphics:"
msgstr "Elments graphiques;"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:196
msgid "Graphic segm Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. segm graphique"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:202
msgid "Board Edges Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. contour pcb"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:208
msgid "Copper Text Width"
msgstr "Epaisseur Texte sur cuivre"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:214
msgid "Text Size V"
msgstr "Hauteur texte"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:220
msgid "Text Size H"
msgstr "Largeur texte"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:228
msgid "Modules:"
msgstr "Modules: "
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:232
msgid "Edges Module Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. contor module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:238
msgid "Text Module Width"
msgstr "Epaisseur Texte Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:244
msgid "Text Module Size V"
msgstr "Hauteur Texte Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:250
msgid "Text Module Size H"
msgstr "Largeur Texte Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:261
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:213
#: pcbnew/dialog_initpcb.cpp:161
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:280
#: pcbnew/set_grid.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:364
#: eeschema/symbtext.cpp:174
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:274
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:187
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:218
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_label.cpp:176
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:195
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:243
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:178
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:308
#: cvpcb/dialog_cvpcb_config.cpp:135
#: share/setpage.cpp:232
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:265
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:180
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/dialog_initpcb.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:185
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:284
#: pcbnew/set_grid.cpp:176
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:368
#: eeschema/symbtext.cpp:178
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:278
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:183
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:214
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:200
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:182
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:304
#: eeschema/plothpgl.cpp:274
#: share/setpage.cpp:237
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Annuler"
#: pcbnew/basepcbframe.cpp:94
msgid "3D Frame already opened"
msgstr "Fenetre 3D dj ouverte"
#: pcbnew/basepcbframe.cpp:97
msgid "3D Viewer"
msgstr "Visu 3D"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:136
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:138
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:139
msgid "0.00000"
msgstr "0.00000"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:141
msgid "Grid size:"
msgstr "Dim Grille"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:144
msgid "Zone clearance value (mm):"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone (mm):"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:156
msgid "Include Pads"
msgstr "Inclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:157
msgid "Thermal"
msgstr "Thermique"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:158
msgid "Exclude Pads"
msgstr "Exclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:160
msgid "Pad options:"
msgstr "Options pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:164
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:257
#: eeschema/options.cpp:194
msgid "Any"
msgstr "Tout"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:165
msgid "H , V and 45 deg"
msgstr "H, V et 45 deg"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:167
msgid "Zone edges orient:"
msgstr "Direction contours zone:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:175
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:184
msgid "Update Options"
msgstr "Maj Options"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:191
msgid "Zone clearance value:"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:194
msgid "Grid :"
msgstr "Grille:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:336
msgid "New zone segment width: "
msgstr "Nouvelle largeur des segments zone:"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:177
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:118
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:40
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:100
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:36
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:178
msgid "Mirror"
msgstr "Miroir"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:520
msgid "Zone: No net selected"
msgstr "Zone: Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:232
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:119
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:84
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:264
#: eeschema/affiche.cpp:85
#: gerbview/options.cpp:182
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:110
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Affichage"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:562
msgid "Delete Current Zone Edges"
msgstr "Effacer contour zone courant"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:52
msgid "Net not selected"
msgstr " Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:807
msgid "No Net"
msgstr "No Net"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:60
msgid "Module not selected"
msgstr "Module non selectionn"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:809
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:160
msgid "NetName"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:68
msgid "Pad not selected"
msgstr "Pad non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/via_edit.cpp:51
msgid "Incorrect value for Via drill. No via drill change"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour perage.Pas de changement pour la via"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:129
msgid "No memory for autorouting"
msgstr "Pas de memoire pour autoroutage"
#: pcbnew/move-drag_pads.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Delete Pad (module %s %s) "
msgstr "Effacer Pad (module %s %s) "
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:134
msgid "Place Cells"
msgstr "Place Cells"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:49
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:50
msgid ""
"Show active layer selections\n"
"and select layer pair for route and place via"
......@@ -1380,61 +996,61 @@ msgstr ""
"Affiche selections couche active\n"
"et selection paire de couches pour routage and placement via"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:219
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:236
msgid "New Board"
msgstr "Nouveau Circuit Imprim"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:220
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:238
msgid "Open existing Board"
msgstr "Ouvrir C.I. existant"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:239
msgid "Save Board"
msgstr "Sauver Circuit Imprim"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:224
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:243
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:61
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:217
msgid "page settings (size, texts)"
msgstr "Ajustage de la feuille de dessin (dimensions, textes)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:228
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:247
msgid "Open Module Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir Editeur de modules"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:250
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:77
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:228
msgid "Cut selected item"
msgstr "Suppression des lments slectionns"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:234
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:254
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:80
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:233
msgid "Copy selected item"
msgstr "Copie des lments slectionns"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:236
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:256
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:83
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:239
msgid "Paste"
msgstr "Copie des lments sauvegards"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:239
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:259
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:246
msgid "Undelete"
msgstr "Annulation du dernier effacement"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:262
msgid "Print Board"
msgstr "Imprimer C.I."
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:264
#: pcbnew/menubarpcb.cpp:93
msgid "Plot (HPGL, PostScript, or GERBER format)"
msgstr "Tracer en format HPGL, POSTSCRIPT ou GERBER"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:246
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:268
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:111
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:104
#: eeschema/tool_lib.cpp:170
......@@ -1445,7 +1061,7 @@ msgstr "Tracer en format HPGL, POSTSCRIPT ou GERBER"
msgid "zoom + (F1)"
msgstr "zoom + (F1)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:247
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:270
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:114
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:107
#: eeschema/tool_lib.cpp:174
......@@ -1456,7 +1072,7 @@ msgstr "zoom + (F1)"
msgid "zoom - (F2)"
msgstr "zoom - (F2)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:248
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:117
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:110
#: eeschema/tool_lib.cpp:178
......@@ -1467,7 +1083,7 @@ msgstr "zoom - (F2)"
msgid "redraw (F3)"
msgstr "Redessin (F3)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:250
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:120
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:113
#: eeschema/tool_lib.cpp:182
......@@ -1476,97 +1092,97 @@ msgstr "Redessin (F3)"
msgid "auto zoom"
msgstr "Zoom automatique"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:253
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:279
msgid "Find components and texts (Ctrl-F)"
msgstr "Recherche de composants et textes (Ctrl F)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:256
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:283
msgid "Read Netlist"
msgstr "Lire Netliste"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:257
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:285
msgid "Pcb Design Rules Check"
msgstr "Controle des rgles de conception"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:267
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:296
msgid "Mode Module: Manual and Automatic Move or Place for modules"
msgstr "Mode Module: Dplacements ou Placement Manuel ou Automatique des modules"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:269
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:299
msgid "Mode Track and Autorouting"
msgstr "Mode Pistes and Autoroutage"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:291
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:323
msgid "Drc OFF"
msgstr "Drc DESACTIVEE"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:293
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:201
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:246
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:389
msgid "Display Grid OFF"
msgstr "Suppression de l'affichage de la grille"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:295
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:328
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:205
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:395
msgid "Display Polar Coord ON"
msgstr "Activer affichage coord Polaires"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:297
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:330
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:209
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:250
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:399
msgid "Units = Inch"
msgstr "Units = pouce"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:299
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:332
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:213
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:254
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:403
msgid "Units = mm"
msgstr "Units = mm"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:301
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:335
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:219
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:258
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:409
msgid "Change Cursor Shape"
msgstr "Slection de la forme du curseur"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:306
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:340
msgid "Show General Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu gnral"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:309
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:343
msgid "Show Module Ratsnest when moving"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu du module pendant dplacement"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:348
msgid "Enable Auto Del Track"
msgstr "Autoriser l'effacement automatique des pistes"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:317
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:352
#: pcbnew/pcbframe.cpp:384
#: pcbnew/set_color.cpp:387
msgid "Show Zones"
msgstr "Monter Zones"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:322
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:357
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:227
msgid "Show Pads Sketch"
msgstr "Afficher pastilles en contour"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:326
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:361
msgid "Show Tracks Sketch"
msgstr "Afficher pistes en contour"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:330
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:365
#: pcbnew/pcbframe.cpp:399
msgid "Hight Contrast Mode Display"
msgstr "Mode d'affichage Haut Contraste"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:338
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:374
msgid ""
"Display auxiliary vertical toolbar (tools for micro wave applications)\n"
" This is a very experimental feature (under development)"
......@@ -1574,119 +1190,295 @@ msgstr ""
"Affiche toolbar vertical auxiliaire (outils pour applications micro-ondes)\n"
"C'est un outil exprimental (en cours de dveloppement)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:364
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:403
msgid "Net highlight"
msgstr "Surbrillance des quipotentielles"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:368
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:407
msgid "Display local ratsnest (pad or module)"
msgstr "Afficher le chevelu local (pastilles ou modules)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:373
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:412
msgid "Add modules"
msgstr "Addition de Modules"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:377
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:416
msgid "Add Tracks an vias"
msgstr "Ajouter pistes et vias"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:381
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:529
msgid "Add Zones"
msgstr "Addition de Zones"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:386
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:425
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:158
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:216
msgid "Add graphic line or polygon"
msgstr "Addition de lignes ou polygones graphiques"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:390
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:429
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:162
msgid "Add graphic circle"
msgstr "Addition de graphiques (Cercle)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:394
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:433
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:166
msgid "Add graphic arc"
msgstr "Addition de graphiques (Arc de Cercle)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:398
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:552
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:170
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:309
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:487
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:361
msgid "Add Text"
msgstr "Ajout de Texte"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:446
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:354
msgid "Add Mires"
msgstr "Addition de Mires de superposition"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:451
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:180
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:225
#: eeschema/tool_lib.cpp:92
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:369
msgid "Delete items"
msgstr "Suppression d'lments"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:456
msgid "Offset adjust for drill and place files"
msgstr "Ajuste offset pour fichier de perage et placement"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:481
msgid "Create line of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de lignes de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:487
msgid "Create gap of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de gaps de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:495
msgid "Create stub of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de stub de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:501
msgid "Create stub (arc) of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de stub (arc) de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:508
msgid "Create a polynomial shape for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de formes polynomiales (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:558
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:273
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:168
#: share/zoom.cpp:353
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:562
msgid "Zoom "
msgstr "Zoom "
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:576
#: pcbnew/set_color.cpp:378
#: gerbview/set_color.h:246
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Grille"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:592
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:299
msgid "User Grid"
msgstr "Grille perso"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:645
msgid "+/- to switch"
msgstr "+/- pour commuter"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:192
msgid "Graphics:"
msgstr "Elments graphiques;"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:196
msgid "Graphic segm Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. segm graphique"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:202
msgid "Board Edges Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. contour pcb"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:208
msgid "Copper Text Width"
msgstr "Epaisseur Texte sur cuivre"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:214
msgid "Text Size V"
msgstr "Hauteur texte"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:220
msgid "Text Size H"
msgstr "Largeur texte"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:228
msgid "Modules:"
msgstr "Modules: "
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:232
msgid "Edges Module Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. contor module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:238
msgid "Text Module Width"
msgstr "Epaisseur Texte Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:244
msgid "Text Module Size V"
msgstr "Hauteur Texte Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:250
msgid "Text Module Size H"
msgstr "Largeur Texte Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:261
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:213
#: pcbnew/dialog_initpcb.cpp:161
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:280
#: pcbnew/set_grid.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:364
#: eeschema/symbtext.cpp:174
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:274
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:187
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:218
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_label.cpp:176
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:195
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:243
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:178
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:308
#: cvpcb/dialog_cvpcb_config.cpp:135
#: share/setpage.cpp:232
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:265
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:180
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/dialog_initpcb.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:185
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:284
#: pcbnew/set_grid.cpp:176
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:368
#: eeschema/symbtext.cpp:178
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:278
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:183
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:214
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:200
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:182
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:304
#: eeschema/plothpgl.cpp:274
#: share/setpage.cpp:237
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Annuler"
#: pcbnew/basepcbframe.cpp:94
msgid "3D Frame already opened"
msgstr "Fenetre 3D dj ouverte"
#: pcbnew/basepcbframe.cpp:97
msgid "3D Viewer"
msgstr "Visu 3D"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:136
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:138
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:139
msgid "0.00000"
msgstr "0.00000"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:141
msgid "Grid size:"
msgstr "Dim Grille"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:144
msgid "Zone clearance value (mm):"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone (mm):"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:156
msgid "Include Pads"
msgstr "Inclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:157
msgid "Thermal"
msgstr "Thermique"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:158
msgid "Exclude Pads"
msgstr "Exclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:160
msgid "Pad options:"
msgstr "Options pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:164
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:257
#: eeschema/options.cpp:194
msgid "Any"
msgstr "Tout"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:403
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:560
msgid "Add Cotation"
msgstr "Addition de Cotations"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:165
msgid "H , V and 45 deg"
msgstr "H, V et 45 deg"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:407
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:354
msgid "Add Mires"
msgstr "Addition de Mires de superposition"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:167
msgid "Zone edges orient:"
msgstr "Direction contours zone:"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:412
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:180
#: eeschema/tool_sch.cpp:225
#: eeschema/tool_lib.cpp:92
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:369
msgid "Delete items"
msgstr "Suppression d'lments"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:175
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:417
msgid "Offset adjust for drill and place files"
msgstr "Ajuste offset pour fichier de perage et placement"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:184
msgid "Update Options"
msgstr "Maj Options"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:440
msgid "Create line of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de lignes de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:191
msgid "Zone clearance value:"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone:"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:446
msgid "Create gap of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de gaps de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:194
msgid "Grid :"
msgstr "Grille:"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:454
msgid "Create stub of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de stub de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:336
msgid "New zone segment width: "
msgstr "Nouvelle largeur des segments zone:"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:460
msgid "Create stub (arc) of specified length for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de stub (arc) de longueur spcifie (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:520
msgid "Zone: No net selected"
msgstr "Zone: Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:466
msgid "Create a polynomial shape for microwave applications"
msgstr "Creation de formes polynomiales (pour applications micro-ondes)"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:562
msgid "Delete Current Zone Edges"
msgstr "Effacer contour zone courant"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:512
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:273
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:168
#: share/zoom.cpp:353
msgid "Auto"
msgstr "Auto"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:807
msgid "No Net"
msgstr "No Net"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:516
msgid "Zoom "
msgstr "Zoom "
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:809
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:160
msgid "NetName"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:529
#: pcbnew/set_color.cpp:378
#: gerbview/set_color.h:246
msgid "Grid"
msgstr "Grille"
#: pcbnew/via_edit.cpp:51
msgid "Incorrect value for Via drill. No via drill change"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour perage.Pas de changement pour la via"
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:542
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:299
msgid "User Grid"
msgstr "Grille perso"
#: pcbnew/move-drag_pads.cpp:251
#, c-format
msgid "Delete Pad (module %s %s) "
msgstr "Effacer Pad (module %s %s) "
#: pcbnew/tool_pcb.cpp:591
msgid "+/- to switch"
msgstr "+/- pour commuter"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:32
#, c-format
msgid "Track Width: %s Vias Size : %s"
msgstr "Larg. piste: %s Diam Vias : %s"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:135
msgid "Drc error, cancelled"
msgstr "Erreur DRC, annulation"
#: pcbnew/dialog_netlist.cpp:133
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:682
......@@ -1853,105 +1645,186 @@ msgstr "Inclure pistes autorout
msgid "Include Locked Tracks"
msgstr "Inclure pistes verrouilles"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:73
msgid "Look for active routes\n"
msgstr "Recherche des chevelus actifs\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:82
msgid "Unconnected found:\n"
msgstr "Non connect trouv:\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:82
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:87
#, c-format
msgid "%d > Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f and "
msgstr "%d > Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f et "
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:90
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:96
#, c-format
msgid "Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f\n"
msgstr "Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:95
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:102
#, c-format
msgid "Active routes: %d\n"
msgstr "Active routes: %d\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:96
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:103
msgid "OK! (No active routes)\n"
msgstr "OK! (Pas de chevelu actif)\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:122
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:146
#, c-format
msgid "** End Drc: %d errors **\n"
msgstr "** FinDrc: %d erreurs **\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:124
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:148
msgid "** End Drc: No Error **\n"
msgstr "** Fin Drc: Aucune Erreur **\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:198
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:155
#, c-format
msgid "Report file <%s> created\n"
msgstr "Fichier rapport <%s> cr\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:233
msgid "Tst Pad to Pad\n"
msgstr "Tst Pad to Pad\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:237
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:301
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:336
msgid "SegmNb"
msgstr "SegmNb"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:238
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:273
msgid "Track Err"
msgstr "Err Pistes"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:241
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:276
msgid "Tst Tracks\n"
msgstr "Tst Pistes\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:265
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:330
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:300
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:365
#: eeschema/eelayer.cpp:141
msgid "Netname"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:302
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:337
msgid "Zone Err"
msgstr "Err. Zone"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:304
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:339
msgid "Tst Zones\n"
msgstr "Test Zones\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1130
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1165
#, c-format
msgid "%d Drc Err %d %s (net %s)and PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err Drc %d %s (net %s) et PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1145
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1180
#, c-format
msgid "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) and VIA (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) et VIA (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1158
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1193
#, c-format
msgid "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) and track (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) et piste (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1202
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1238
#, c-format
msgid "%d Drc Err: PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d and PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err Drc: PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d et PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:31
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:50
#, c-format
msgid "Track Width: %s Vias Size : %s"
msgstr "Larg. piste: %s Diam Vias : %s"
msgid "Locate module %s %s"
msgstr "Module localis %s %s"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:127
msgid "Drc error, cancelled"
msgstr "Erreur DRC, annulation"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:98
#, c-format
msgid "module %s not found"
msgstr "module %s non trouv"
#: pcbnew/ioascii.cpp:168
msgid "Error: Unexpected end of file !"
msgstr "Erreur: Fin de fichier inattendue !"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:100
#, c-format
msgid "Pin %s (module %s) not found"
msgstr "Pin %s (module %s) non trouve"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:102
#, c-format
msgid "Locate Pin %s (module %s)"
msgstr "Pin localise %s (module %s)"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:729
msgid "Unknown Pad shape"
msgstr "Forme pad inconnue"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:815
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:76
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:266
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1136
#: cvpcb/setvisu.cpp:29
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Module"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:818
msgid "RefP"
msgstr "RefP"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:821
msgid "Net"
msgstr "Net"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:904
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:36
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:91
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:95
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:244
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:230
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1110
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:109
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:102
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Couche"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:921
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:109
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:49
msgid "H Size"
msgstr "Taille H"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:925
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:112
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:52
msgid "V Size"
msgstr "Taille V"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:939
msgid "Drill X / Y"
msgstr "Perage X/Y"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:950
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:47
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:238
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1133
#: eeschema/affiche.cpp:101
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:43
msgid "Orient"
msgstr "Orient"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:954
msgid "X Pos"
msgstr "X Pos"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:958
msgid "Y pos"
msgstr "Y pos"
#: pcbnew/export_gencad.cpp:66
msgid "GenCAD file:"
......@@ -2122,75 +1995,6 @@ msgstr "Effacement contour"
msgid "Set Width"
msgstr "Ajuste Epaiss"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:630
msgid "Unknown Pad shape"
msgstr "Forme pad inconnue"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:698
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:76
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:266
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1060
#: cvpcb/setvisu.cpp:29
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Module"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:701
msgid "RefP"
msgstr "RefP"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:704
msgid "Net"
msgstr "Net"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:770
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:36
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:91
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:95
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:244
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1040
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:230
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:109
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:102
msgid "Layer"
msgstr "Couche"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:782
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:53
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:109
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:49
msgid "H Size"
msgstr "Taille H"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:786
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:56
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:112
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:52
msgid "V Size"
msgstr "Taille V"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:800
msgid "Drill X / Y"
msgstr "Perage X/Y"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:811
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:47
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1057
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:238
#: eeschema/affiche.cpp:101
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:43
msgid "Orient"
msgstr "Orient"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:815
msgid "X Pos"
msgstr "X Pos"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:819
msgid "Y pos"
msgstr "Y pos"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:74
msgid "Pad Position"
msgstr "Position Pad"
......@@ -2236,17 +2040,17 @@ msgid "Alternate Via Drill"
msgstr "Perage vias alternatif"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.h:271
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.h:296
msgid "Blind Via"
msgstr "Via borgne"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:147
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.h:272
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.h:297
msgid "Buried Via"
msgstr "Via enterre"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:148
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.h:273
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.h:298
msgid "Standard Via"
msgstr "Via Standard"
......@@ -2259,7 +2063,7 @@ msgid "Track Width"
msgstr "Epais. Piste"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:143
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:145
msgid "Clearance"
msgstr "Isolation"
......@@ -2289,6 +2093,29 @@ msgstr "Liste
msgid "Tracks and vias"
msgstr "Pistes et vias"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:193
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:242
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:266
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:320
#: gerbview/options.cpp:310
#: gerbview/options.cpp:323
msgid "Sketch"
msgstr "Contour"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:194
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:224
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:232
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:265
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:320
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:168
#: gerbview/options.cpp:310
#: gerbview/options.cpp:323
msgid "Filled"
msgstr "Plein"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:196
msgid "Tracks:"
msgstr "Pistes:"
......@@ -2325,6 +2152,14 @@ msgstr "Montrer trous pour vias"
msgid "Modules"
msgstr "Modules"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:264
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:320
#: gerbview/options.cpp:323
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Ligne"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:227
msgid "Module Texts"
msgstr "Texte module"
......@@ -2403,7 +2238,7 @@ msgstr "Supprimer Module"
msgid "Value "
msgstr "Valeur "
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:139
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:141
#: eeschema/fieldedi.cpp:223
#: eeschema/dialog_erc.cpp:237
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:166
......@@ -2416,54 +2251,54 @@ msgstr "Valeur "
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:151
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:153
msgid "Test Drc:"
msgstr "Test Drc:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:155
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:157
msgid "Include pad to pad test"
msgstr "Inclure test pad pad"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:159
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:161
msgid "Include unconnected"
msgstr "Inclure non connexions"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:163
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:165
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:136
msgid "Include zones"
msgstr "Inclure zones"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:167
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:169
msgid "Create Report file"
msgstr "Crer fichier rapport "
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:180
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:182
msgid "Test Drc"
msgstr "Test Drc"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:184
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:186
msgid "Stop Drc"
msgstr "Stop Drc"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:191
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:193
msgid "Del Markers"
msgstr "Supprimer Marqueurs"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:197
msgid "List Unconn"
msgstr "Liste Non Conn."
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:204
msgid "Report File"
msgstr "Fichier rapport"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:206
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:208
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:375
#: eeschema/dialog_eeschema_config.cpp:227
msgid "Browse"
msgstr "Examiner"
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:213
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:215
#: common/svg_print.cpp:232
#: share/svg_print.cpp:232
msgid "Messages:"
......@@ -2509,83 +2344,83 @@ msgstr "Suppression couches sessin"
msgid "Delete zones"
msgstr "SuppressionZones"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:555
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:556
msgid "Rotate Block"
msgstr "Rotation Bloc"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:569
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:570
msgid "Footprint rotation"
msgstr "Rotation modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:600
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:603
msgid "Track rotation"
msgstr "Rotation pistes"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:621
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:624
msgid "Zone rotation"
msgstr "Rotation Zones"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:640
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:643
msgid "Draw layers rotation"
msgstr "Rotation couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:746
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:750
msgid "Block mirroring"
msgstr "Bloc Miroir"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:759
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:764
msgid "Footprint mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:789
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:795
msgid "Track mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir Pistes"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:815
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:821
msgid "Zone mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir zone"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:835
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:841
msgid "Draw layers mirroring"
msgstr "Draw layers mirroring"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:950
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:957
msgid "Move Block"
msgstr "Dplacer Bloc"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:960
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:968
msgid "Move footprints"
msgstr "Dplacement modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:990
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:999
msgid "Move tracks"
msgstr "Dplacement pistes"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1011
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1020
msgid "Move zones"
msgstr "Dplacement zones"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1030
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1039
msgid "Move draw layers"
msgstr "Dplacement couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1122
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1132
msgid "Copy Block"
msgstr "Copie Bloc"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1132
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1143
msgid "Module copy"
msgstr "Copie Modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1168
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1180
msgid "Track copy"
msgstr "Copie Piste"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1191
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1203
msgid "Zone copy"
msgstr "Copie Zone"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1213
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1225
msgid "Draw layers copy"
msgstr "Cpoie des couches dessin"
......@@ -2645,11 +2480,6 @@ msgstr "Change Per
msgid "Change Orient"
msgstr "Change Orientation"
#: pcbnew/editmod.cpp:43
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:444
msgid "Module Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir Editeur de modules"
#: pcbnew/editmod.cpp:137
msgid "Text is REFERENCE!"
msgstr "Le texte est la REFERENCE!"
......@@ -2688,9 +2518,14 @@ msgstr "Effacement des Modules?"
msgid "Delete Pcb Texts"
msgstr "Effacer Textes Pcb"
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.cpp:42
msgid "Pcbnew is already running, Continue?"
msgstr "Pcbnew est est cours d'excution. Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/hotkeys.cpp:174
#, c-format
msgid "Footprint %s found, but locked"
msgstr "Module %s trouv, mais verrouill"
#: pcbnew/hotkeys.cpp:314
msgid "Delete module?"
msgstr "Effacer Module?"
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:88
msgid "Cotation properties"
......@@ -2784,7 +2619,7 @@ msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:182
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1053
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1129
msgid "Stat"
msgstr "Stat"
......@@ -2805,7 +2640,7 @@ msgid "Seg"
msgstr "Seg"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:271
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1036
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1106
msgid "TimeStamp"
msgstr "TimeStamp"
......@@ -2819,7 +2654,7 @@ msgstr "Couche Seg."
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:302
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:362
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1047
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1121
msgid "Pads"
msgstr "Pads"
......@@ -2954,22 +2789,6 @@ msgstr "Segment en cours d'
msgid "Delete Layer "
msgstr "Effacer Couche"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1030
msgid "Last Change"
msgstr "Last Change"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1063
msgid "3D-Shape"
msgstr "Forme 3D"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1067
msgid "Doc: "
msgstr "Doc: "
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1068
msgid "KeyW: "
msgstr "KeyW: "
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:81
msgid "Mire properties"
msgstr "Proprits des Mires"
......@@ -3087,107 +2906,356 @@ msgstr "Pate
msgid "Solder paste Copper"
msgstr "Pate souder cuivre"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:259
msgid "Silkscreen Cmp"
msgstr "Srigr Cmp"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:259
msgid "Silkscreen Cmp"
msgstr "Srigr Cmp"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:263
msgid "Silkscreen Copper"
msgstr "Srigr Cu "
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:267
msgid "Solder mask Cmp"
msgstr "Masque soudure Cmp"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:271
msgid "Solder mask Copper"
msgstr "Masque soudure cuivre"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:275
msgid "E.C.O.1 layer"
msgstr "couche E.C.O.1"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:279
msgid "E.C.O.2 layer"
msgstr "couche E.C.O.2"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:283
msgid "Draft layer"
msgstr "Couche dessin"
#: pcbnew/solve.cpp:210
msgid "Abort routing?"
msgstr "Stopper routage?"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:80
msgid "Exchange Modules"
msgstr "Echange modules:"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:103
msgid "Change module"
msgstr "Change module"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:108
msgid "Change same modules"
msgstr "Change modules id."
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:113
msgid "Ch. same module+value"
msgstr "Ch. module+valeur id."
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:118
msgid "Change all"
msgstr "Change tous"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:123
msgid "Browse Libs modules"
msgstr "Liste modules"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:128
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:207
#: eeschema/fieldedi.cpp:198
#: eeschema/editpart.cpp:171
#: share/zoom.cpp:413
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Fermer"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:132
msgid "Current Module"
msgstr "Module courant"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:137
msgid "Current Value"
msgstr "Valeur courante"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:142
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:65
msgid "New Module"
msgstr "Nouveau Module"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:208
#, c-format
msgid "file %s not found"
msgstr " fichier %s non trouv"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:222
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create file %s"
msgstr "Impossible de crer fichier <%s>"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:326
#, c-format
msgid "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> (val = %s)?"
msgstr "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> (val = %s)?"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:334
#, c-format
msgid "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> ?"
msgstr "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> ?"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:390
msgid "Change ALL modules ?"
msgstr "Change TOUS les modules ?"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:446
#, c-format
msgid "Change module %s (%s) "
msgstr "Change module %s (%s) "
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:584
msgid "Cmp files:"
msgstr "Fichiers Cmp: "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:57
msgid "Recovery file "
msgstr "Fichier de secours "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:63
msgid "Ok to load Recovery file "
msgstr "Ok pour charger le fichier de secours"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:143
msgid "Board Modified: Continue ?"
msgstr "Circuit imprim modifi, Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:161
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:261
msgid "Board files:"
msgstr "Fichiers C.I.:"
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:297
msgid "Warning: unable to create bakfile "
msgstr "Attention: Impossible de crer fichier backup "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:329
msgid "Backup file: "
msgstr "Fichier backup: "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:334
msgid "Write Board file: "
msgstr "Ecriture fichier CI: "
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:336
msgid "Failed to create "
msgstr "Impossible de crer fichier "
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:114
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:203
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:88
msgid "Plot"
msgstr "Tracer"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:144
msgid "Plot Format"
msgstr "Format de trac"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:170
msgid "Spot min"
msgstr "Spot min"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:174
msgid "Pen Size"
msgstr "Diam plume"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:178
msgid "Pen Speed (cm/s)"
msgstr "Vitesse plume (cm/s)"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:180
msgid "Set pen speed in cm/s"
msgstr "Ajuster Vitesse plume en centimetres par seconde"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:182
msgid "Pen Ovr"
msgstr "Recouvrement"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:184
msgid "Set plot overlay for filling"
msgstr "Ajuste recouvrement des tracs pour les remplissages"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:186
msgid "Lines Width"
msgstr "Epaiss. lignes"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:188
msgid "Set width for lines in Line plot mode"
msgstr "Ajuster l'paisseur des traits en Mode trac filaire"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:192
msgid "Absolute"
msgstr "Absolu"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:192
msgid "Auxiliary axis"
msgstr "Axe Auxiliaire"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:194
msgid "Plot Origin"
msgstr "Origine des coord de trac"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:211
msgid "Save options"
msgstr "Sauver options"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:215
msgid "Create Drill File"
msgstr "Crer Fichier de percage"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:227
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:150
msgid "X Scale Adjust"
msgstr "Ajustage Echelle X"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:228
#: share/wxprint.cpp:170
msgid "Set X scale adjust for exact scale plotting"
msgstr "Ajuster chelle X pour traage l'chelle exacte"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:229
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:156
msgid "Y Scale Adjust"
msgstr "Ajustage Echelle Y"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:230
#: share/wxprint.cpp:171
msgid "Set Y scale adjust for exact scale plotting"
msgstr "Ajuster chelle Y pour traage l'chelle exacte"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:232
msgid "Plot Negative"
msgstr "Trac en Negatif"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:257
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:190
#: common/svg_print.cpp:197
#: share/svg_print.cpp:200
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:174
msgid "Print Sheet Ref"
msgstr "Imprimer cartouche"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:265
msgid "Print Pads on Silkscreen"
msgstr "Pads sur Srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:268
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot pads on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive trac des pastilles sur les couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:272
msgid "Always Print Pads"
msgstr "Toujour tracer pads"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:274
msgid "Force print/plot pads on ALL layers"
msgstr "Force le trac des pastilles sur TOUTES les couches"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:278
msgid "Print Module Value"
msgstr "Imprimer Valeur Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:263
msgid "Silkscreen Copper"
msgstr "Srigr Cu "
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:281
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot module value on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive le trac des textes valeurs des modules sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:267
msgid "Solder mask Cmp"
msgstr "Masque soudure Cmp"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:284
msgid "Print Module Reference"
msgstr "Imprimer Rfrence Module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:271
msgid "Solder mask Copper"
msgstr "Masque soudure cuivre"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:287
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot module reference on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive le trac des textes rfrence des modules sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:275
msgid "E.C.O.1 layer"
msgstr "couche E.C.O.1"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:291
msgid "Print other Module texts"
msgstr "Imprimer autres textes module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:279
msgid "E.C.O.2 layer"
msgstr "couche E.C.O.2"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:294
msgid "Enable/disable print/plot module field texts on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Active/dsactive le trac des textes des champs des modules sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:283
msgid "Draft layer"
msgstr "Couche dessin"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:298
msgid "Force Print Invisible Texts"
msgstr "Force trac textes invisibles"
#: pcbnew/solve.cpp:210
msgid "Abort routing?"
msgstr "Stopper routage?"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:301
msgid "Force print/plot module invisible texts on Silkscreen layers"
msgstr "Force le trac des textes invisibles sur couches de srigraphie"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:80
msgid "Exchange Modules"
msgstr "Echange modules:"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:305
msgid "No Drill mark"
msgstr "Pas de marque"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:103
msgid "Change module"
msgstr "Change module"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:305
msgid "Small mark"
msgstr "Petite marque"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:108
msgid "Change same modules"
msgstr "Change modules id."
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:305
msgid "Real Drill"
msgstr "Perage rel"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:113
msgid "Ch. same module+value"
msgstr "Ch. module+valeur id."
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:307
msgid "Pads Drill Opt"
msgstr "Options perage"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:118
msgid "Change all"
msgstr "Change tous"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:313
msgid "Auto scale"
msgstr "Ech. auto"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:123
msgid "Browse Libs modules"
msgstr "Liste modules"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:313
msgid "Scale 1"
msgstr "Echelle 1"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:132
msgid "Current Module"
msgstr "Module courant"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:313
msgid "Scale 1.5"
msgstr "Echelle 1,5"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:137
msgid "Current Value"
msgstr "Valeur courante"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:313
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:142
msgid "Scale 2"
msgstr "Echelle 2"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:142
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:65
msgid "New Module"
msgstr "Nouveau Module"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:313
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:143
msgid "Scale 3"
msgstr "Echelle 3"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:208
#, c-format
msgid "file %s not found"
msgstr " fichier %s non trouv"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:315
msgid "Scale Opt"
msgstr "Echelle"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:222
#, c-format
msgid "Unable to create file %s"
msgstr "Impossible de crer fichier <%s>"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:321
msgid "Plot Mode"
msgstr "Mode de Trac"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:326
#, c-format
msgid "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> (val = %s)?"
msgstr "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> (val = %s)?"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:328
msgid "Plot Mirror"
msgstr "Trac Miroir"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:334
#, c-format
msgid "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> ?"
msgstr "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> ?"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:333
msgid "Vias on Mask"
msgstr "Vias sur masque"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:390
msgid "Change ALL modules ?"
msgstr "Change TOUS les modules ?"
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:336
msgid "Print/plot vias on mask layers. They are in this case not protected"
msgstr "Trace vias sur vernis pargne. Elles seront non protges"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:446
#, c-format
msgid "Change module %s (%s) "
msgstr "Change module %s (%s) "
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:340
msgid "Org = Centre"
msgstr "Org = Centre"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:584
msgid "Cmp files:"
msgstr "Fichiers Cmp: "
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:342
msgid "Draw origin ( 0,0 ) in sheet center"
msgstr "Origine des tracs au centre de la feuille"
#: pcbnew/menubarpcb.cpp:41
msgid "Load Board Ctrl-O"
......@@ -4122,56 +4190,21 @@ msgstr "Effacer"
msgid "Pcb Text"
msgstr "Texte Pcb"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:154
msgid "Graphic not autorized on Copper layers"
msgstr "Graphique non autoris sur couches cuivre"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:177
msgid "Tracks on Copper layers only "
msgstr "Pistes sur couches cuivre seulement"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:250
msgid "Cotation not autorized on Copper layers"
msgstr "Cotation non autorise sur couches cuivre"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:520
msgid "Add Tracks"
msgstr "Addition de pistes"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:531
msgid "Warning: Display Zone is OFF!!!"
msgstr "Attention: Affichage zones dsactiv !!!"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:538
msgid "Add Mire"
msgstr "Ajouter Mires de superposition"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:542
msgid "Adjust Zero"
msgstr "Ajuster Zro"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:548
msgid "Add Graphic"
msgstr "Addition lments graphiques"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:556
msgid "Add Modules"
msgstr "Addition de Modules"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1100
msgid "Last Change"
msgstr "Last Change"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:568
msgid "Net Highlight"
msgstr "Surbrillance des quipotentielles"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1139
msgid "3D-Shape"
msgstr "Forme 3D"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:572
msgid "Local Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu gnral"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1143
msgid "Doc: "
msgstr "Doc: "
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:720
#: pcbnew/modedit.cpp:327
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:443
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:554
msgid "Delete item"
msgstr "Suppression d'lments"
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1144
msgid "KeyW: "
msgstr "KeyW: "
#: pcbnew/netlist.cpp:95
#, c-format
......@@ -4748,26 +4781,6 @@ msgstr "Ajouter Pastilles"
msgid "Add Drawing"
msgstr "Ajout d'lments graphiques"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:47
#, c-format
msgid "Locate module %s %s"
msgstr "Module localis %s %s"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:88
#, c-format
msgid "module %s not found"
msgstr "module %s non trouv"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:90
#, c-format
msgid "Pin %s (module %s) not found"
msgstr "Pin %s (module %s) non trouve"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:92
#, c-format
msgid "Locate Pin %s (module %s)"
msgstr "Pin localise %s (module %s)"
#: pcbnew/moduleframe.cpp:176
msgid "Module Editor: module modified!, Continue ?"
msgstr "Editeur de Module: module modifi! Continuer ?"
......@@ -9075,7 +9088,7 @@ msgstr "Imprimer photo"
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:285
msgid "Find D Codes"
msgstr "Trouver DCodes"
msgstr "Chercher DCodes"
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:302
msgid "No tool"
......@@ -9626,38 +9639,6 @@ msgstr "Pre&visualisation"
msgid "&Print"
msgstr "Imp&rimer"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:46
msgid "Build Version:"
msgstr "Build Version:"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:61
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Autheur:"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:62
msgid "Based on wxWidgets "
msgstr "Based on wxWidgets "
#: share/infospgm.cpp:67
msgid ""
"GPL License"
msgstr ""
"GPL Licence"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:68
msgid ""
"Web sites:\n"
msgstr ""
"Sites Web:\n"
#: share/setpage.cpp:198
msgid "Size A4"
msgstr "Format A4 "
......@@ -9783,6 +9764,38 @@ msgstr "Redessin"
msgid "Grid Select"
msgstr "Slection Grille"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:46
msgid "Build Version:"
msgstr "Build Version:"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:61
msgid "Author:"
msgstr "Autheur:"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:62
msgid "Based on wxWidgets "
msgstr "Based on wxWidgets "
#: share/infospgm.cpp:67
msgid ""
"GPL License"
msgstr ""
"GPL Licence"
#: share/infospgm.cpp:68
msgid ""
"Web sites:\n"
msgstr ""
"Sites Web:\n"
#: pcbnew/zones.h:53
msgid "Fill Zones Options"
msgstr "Options de remplissage de Zone"
......@@ -9818,7 +9831,7 @@ msgstr "Nbr segm = %d, Longueur = "
#: pcbnew/find.h:38
msgid "Find"
msgstr "Trouver"
msgstr "Chercher"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.h:43
msgid "Pad properties"
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