Commit 597f6775 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

Change DIR_CACHE by removing the need to cache Sweet strings in the

DIR_LIB_SOURCE.  It only needs to be able to read Sweet strings quickly.
@todo: Change public API regarding part rev string.
parents 020e8759 325a13a7
......@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ endif()
include_directories( ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} )
add_executable( test_dir_lib_source sch_dir_lib_source.cpp ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/common/richio.cpp )
add_executable( test_dir_lib_source sch_dir_lib_source.cpp )
#add_executable( test_dir_lib_source EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL sch_dir_lib_source.cpp )
target_link_libraries( test_dir_lib_source ${wxWidgets_LIBRARIES} )
This diff is collapsed.
......@@ -28,17 +28,35 @@
#include <sch_lib.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
* is a tuple, where the key is partname (prefixed with the category if any),
* and value is pointer to Sweet string which is loaded lazily, so can be NULL
* until loaded.
* struct BY_REV
* is here to provide a custom way to compare STRINGs. Namely, the revN[N..]
* string if present, is collated according to a 'higher revision first', but
* any part string without a revision, is even 'before' that.
typedef std::map< STRING, STRING* > DIR_CACHE;
struct BY_REV
bool operator() ( const STRING& s1, const STRING& s2 ) const;
* holds a set of part names in sorted order, according to the sort
* order given by struct BY_REV.
typedef std::set< STRING, BY_REV > PART_CACHE;
* holds a set of categories in sorted order.
typedef std::set< STRING > NAME_CACHE;
namespace SCH {
......@@ -55,29 +73,40 @@ class DIR_LIB_SOURCE : public LIB_SOURCE
bool useVersioning; ///< use files with extension ".revNNN..", else not
DIR_CACHE sweets; ///< @todo, don't really need to cache the sweets, only the partnames.
/// normal partnames, some of which may be prefixed with a category,
/// and some of which may have legal "revN[N..]" type strings.
PART_CACHE partnames;
/// categories which we expect to find in the set of @a partnames
NAME_CACHE categories;
STRINGS categories;
std::vector<char> readBuffer; ///< used by readSExpression()
* Function cache
* [re-]loads the directory cache(s).
void cache() throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function isPartFileName
* returns true iff aName is a valid part file name.
* Function isCategoryName
* returns true iff aName is a valid category name.
bool isPartFileName( const char* aName );
bool isCategoryName( const char* aName )
return true;
* Function makePartFileName
* Function makePartName
* returns true iff aEntry holds a valid part filename, in the form of
* "someroot.part[.revNNNN]" where NNN are number characters [0-9]
* @param aEntry is the raw directory entry without path information.
* @param aCategory is the last portion of the directory path.
* @param aPartName is where to put a part name, assuming aEntry is legal.
* @param aPartName is where to put a part name, assuming @a aEntry is legal.
* @return bool - true only if aEntry is a legal part file name.
bool makePartFileName( const char* aEntry,
const STRING& aCategory, STRING* aPartName );
bool makePartName( STRING* aPartName, const char* aEntry, const STRING& aCategory );
* Function readSExpression
......@@ -87,14 +116,20 @@ class DIR_LIB_SOURCE : public LIB_SOURCE
* Function doOneDir
* Function cacheOneDir
* loads part names [and categories] from a directory given by
* "sourceURI + '/' + category"
* Categories are only loaded if processing the top most directory because
* only one level of categories are supported. We know we are in the
* top most directory if aCategory is empty.
void doOneDir( const STRING& aCategory ) throw( IO_ERROR );
void cacheOneDir( const STRING& aCategory ) throw( IO_ERROR );
* Function makeFileName
* converts a part name into a filename and returns it.
STRING makeFileName( const STRING& aPartName );
......@@ -112,14 +147,14 @@ public:
* @param doUseVersioning if true means support versioning in the directory tree, otherwise
* only a single version of each part is recognized.
DIR_LIB_SOURCE( const STRING& aDirectoryPath, bool doUseVersioning = false )
DIR_LIB_SOURCE( const STRING& aDirectoryPath, const STRING& aOptions = StrEmpty )
throw( IO_ERROR );
//-----<LIB_SOURCE implementation functions >------------------------------
void ReadPart( STRING* aResult, const STRING& aPartName, const STRING& aRev=StrEmpty )
void ReadPart( STRING* aResult, const STRING& aPartName, const STRING& aRev = StrEmpty )
throw( IO_ERROR );
void ReadParts( STRINGS* aResults, const STRINGS& aPartNames )
......@@ -127,7 +162,7 @@ public:
void GetCategories( STRINGS* aResults ) throw( IO_ERROR );
void GetCategoricalPartNames( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aCategory=StrEmpty )
void GetCategoricalPartNames( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aCategory = StrEmpty )
throw( IO_ERROR );
void GetRevisions( STRINGS* aResults, const STRING& aPartName ) throw( IO_ERROR )
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