Commit 4f7c7eb1 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

Make pretty prettier by striving for single line module pads. Add slick...

Make pretty prettier by striving for single line module pads.  Add slick std::string based strprintf(), twice.
parent a0fbe422
......@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ void FP_LIB_TABLE::Parse( FP_LIB_TABLE_LEXER* in ) throw( IO_ERROR, PARSE_ERROR
row.SetOptions( in->FromUTF8() );
// create PROPERTIES* from options, set into the ROW = ParseOptions( in->CurText() ); = ParseOptions( in->CurStr() );
case T_descr:
......@@ -228,9 +228,9 @@ PROPERTIES* FP_LIB_TABLE::ParseOptions( const std::string& aOptionsList )
// Find the end of pair/field
while( cp<end )
while( cp < end )
if( *cp == '\\' && cp+1 < end && cp[1]==OPT_SEP )
if( *cp=='\\' && cp+1<end && cp[1]==OPT_SEP )
++cp; // skip the escape
pair += *cp++; // add the separator
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ PROPERTIES* FP_LIB_TABLE::ParseOptions( const std::string& aOptionsList )
if( props.size() )
return new PROPERTIES( props );
return new PROPERTIES( props ); // the far less probable case
return NULL;
......@@ -35,11 +35,64 @@
// This file defines 3 classes useful for working with DSN text files and is named
// "richio" after its author, Richard Hollenbeck, aka Dick Hollenbeck.
// This file defines 3 classes and some functions useful for working with text files
// and is named "richio" after its author, Richard Hollenbeck, aka Dick Hollenbeck.
int vprint( std::string* result, const char* format, va_list ap )
char msg[512];
size_t len = vsnprintf( msg, sizeof(msg), format, ap );
if( len < sizeof(msg) ) // the output fit into msg
result->append( msg, msg + len );
// output was too big, so now incur the expense of allocating
// a buf for holding suffient characters.
std::vector<char> buf;
buf.reserve( len+1 ); // reserve(), not resize() which writes. +1 for trailing nul.
len = vsnprintf( &buf[0], len+1, format, ap );
result->append( &buf[0], &buf[0] + len );
return len;
int strprintf( std::string* result, const char* format, ... )
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
int ret = vprint( result, format, args );
va_end( args );
return ret;
std::string strprintf( const char* format, ... )
std::string ret;
va_list args;
va_start( args, format );
int ignore = vprint( &ret, format, args );
(void) ignore;
va_end( args );
return ret;
void IO_ERROR::init( const char* aThrowersFile, const char* aThrowersLoc, const wxString& aMsg )
errorText.Printf( IO_FORMAT, aMsg.GetData(),
......@@ -462,6 +462,15 @@ public:
return curText.c_str();
* Function CurStr
* returns a reference to current token in std::string form.
const std::string& CurStr()
return curText;
* Function FromUTF8
* returns the current token text as a wxString, assuming that the input
......@@ -38,6 +38,44 @@
#include <stdio.h>
* Function vprint
* is like vsprintf() but the output is appended to a std::string instead of to a
* character array.
* @param result is the string to append to, previous text is not clear()ed.
* @param format is a printf() style format string.
* @param ap is a va_list argument stack pointer which gives the
* modifying data for the format string.
int vprint( std::string* result, const char* format, va_list ap );
* Function strprintf
* is like sprintf() but the output is appended to a std::string instead of to a
* character array.
* @param result is the string to append to, previous text is not clear()ed.
* @param format is a printf() style format string.
* @param ap is a va_list argument stack pointer which gives the
* modifying data for the format string.
* @return int - the count of bytes appended to the result string, no terminating nul is included.
int strprintf( std::string* result, const char* format, ... );
* Function strprintf
* is like sprintf() but the output is returned in a std::string instead of to a
* character array.
* @param result is the string to append to, previous text is not clear()ed.
* @param format is a printf() style format string.
* @param ap is a va_list argument stack pointer which gives the
* modifying data for the format string.
std::string strprintf( const char* format, ... );
* @ingroup exception_types
* @{
......@@ -648,5 +686,4 @@ protected:
#endif // RICHIO_H_
......@@ -1031,7 +1031,7 @@ void PCB_IO::format( MODULE* aModule, int aNestLevel ) const
// Save pads.
for( D_PAD* pad = aModule->Pads(); pad; pad = pad->Next() )
Format( pad, aNestLevel+1 );
format( pad, aNestLevel+1 );
// Save 3D info.
for( S3D_MASTER* t3D = aModule->Models(); t3D; t3D = t3D->Next() )
......@@ -1067,7 +1067,12 @@ void PCB_IO::format( MODULE* aModule, int aNestLevel ) const
void PCB_IO::formatLayers( LAYER_MSK aLayerMask, int aNestLevel ) const
throw( IO_ERROR )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "(layers" );
std::string output;
if( aNestLevel == 0 )
output += ' ';
output += "(layers";
......@@ -1078,36 +1083,36 @@ void PCB_IO::formatLayers( LAYER_MSK aLayerMask, int aNestLevel ) const
if( ( aLayerMask & cuMask ) == cuMask )
m_out->Print( 0, " *.Cu" );
output += " *.Cu";
aLayerMask &= ~ALL_CU_LAYERS; // clear bits, so they are not output again below
else if( ( aLayerMask & cuMask ) == (LAYER_BACK | LAYER_FRONT) )
m_out->Print( 0, " F&B.Cu" );
output += " F&B.Cu";
aLayerMask &= ~(LAYER_BACK | LAYER_FRONT);
m_out->Print( 0, " *.Adhes" );
output += " *.Adhes";
m_out->Print( 0, " *.Paste" );
output += " *.Paste";
m_out->Print( 0, " *.SilkS" );
output += " *.SilkS";
m_out->Print( 0, " *.Mask" );
output += " *.Mask";
......@@ -1128,11 +1133,12 @@ void PCB_IO::formatLayers( LAYER_MSK aLayerMask, int aNestLevel ) const
else // I am being called from FootprintSave()
layerName = BOARD::GetStandardLayerName( layer );
m_out->Print( 0, " %s", m_out->Quotew( layerName ).c_str() );
output += ' ';
output += m_out->Quotew( layerName );
m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
m_out->Print( aNestLevel, "%s)", output.c_str() );
......@@ -1203,49 +1209,46 @@ void PCB_IO::format( D_PAD* aPad, int aNestLevel ) const
m_out->Print( 0, ")" );
m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );
formatLayers( aPad->GetLayerMask(), 0 );
formatLayers( aPad->GetLayerMask(), aNestLevel+1 );
std::string output;
// Unconnected pad is default net so don't save it.
if( !(m_ctl & CTL_OMIT_NETS) && aPad->GetNet() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(net %d %s)\n",
aPad->GetNet(), m_out->Quotew( aPad->GetNetname() ).c_str() );
strprintf( &output, " (net %d %s)", aPad->GetNet(), m_out->Quotew( aPad->GetNetname() ).c_str() );
if( aPad->GetPadToDieLength() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(die_length %s)\n",
FMT_IU( aPad->GetPadToDieLength() ).c_str() );
strprintf( &output, " (die_length %s)", FMT_IU( aPad->GetPadToDieLength() ).c_str() );
if( aPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(solder_mask_margin %s)\n",
FMT_IU( aPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ).c_str() );
strprintf( &output, " (solder_mask_margin %s)", FMT_IU( aPad->GetLocalSolderMaskMargin() ).c_str() );
if( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(solder_paste_margin %s)\n",
FMT_IU( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ).c_str() );
strprintf( &output, " (solder_paste_margin %s)", FMT_IU( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMargin() ).c_str() );
if( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(solder_paste_margin_ratio %s)\n",
strprintf( &output, " (solder_paste_margin_ratio %s)",
Double2Str( aPad->GetLocalSolderPasteMarginRatio() ).c_str() );
if( aPad->GetLocalClearance() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(clearance %s)\n",
FMT_IU( aPad->GetLocalClearance() ).c_str() );
strprintf( &output, " (clearance %s)", FMT_IU( aPad->GetLocalClearance() ).c_str() );
if( aPad->GetZoneConnection() != UNDEFINED_CONNECTION )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(zone_connect %d)\n", aPad->GetZoneConnection() );
strprintf( &output, " (zone_connect %d)", aPad->GetZoneConnection() );
if( aPad->GetThermalWidth() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(thermal_width %s)\n",
FMT_IU( aPad->GetThermalWidth() ).c_str() );
strprintf( &output, " (thermal_width %s)", FMT_IU( aPad->GetThermalWidth() ).c_str() );
if( aPad->GetThermalGap() != 0 )
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "(thermal_gap %s)\n",
FMT_IU( aPad->GetThermalGap() ).c_str() );
strprintf( &output, " (thermal_gap %s)", FMT_IU( aPad->GetThermalGap() ).c_str() );
m_out->Print( aNestLevel, ")\n" );
if( output.size() )
m_out->Print( 0, "\n" );
m_out->Print( aNestLevel+1, "%s", output.c_str() + 1 ); // +1 skips initial space on first element
m_out->Print( 0, ")\n" );
......@@ -156,7 +156,9 @@ protected:
wxString m_error; ///< for throwing exceptions
BOARD* m_board; ///< which BOARD, no ownership here
const PROPERTIES* m_props; ///< passed via Save() or Load(), no ownership, may be NULL.
PROPERTIES* m_props; ///< passed via Save() or Load(), no ownership, may be NULL.
FP_CACHE* m_cache; ///< Footprint library cache.
LINE_READER* m_reader; ///< no ownership here.
......@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ MODULE* PCB_BASE_FRAME::LoadModuleFromLibrary( const wxString& aLibrary,
bool aUseFootprintViewer,
wxDC* aDC )
MODULE* module;
MODULE* module = NULL;
wxPoint curspos = GetCrossHairPosition();
wxString moduleName, keys;
wxString libName = aLibrary;
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