Commit 4ee4f83d authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck

move polar coordinates display to status field 2, so that field 0 persists.

parent 0261ab71
......@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ void WinEDA_DrawFrame::Affiche_Message( const wxString& message )
* Display the message on the bottom the frame
SetStatusText( message );
SetStatusText( message, 0 );
......@@ -336,22 +336,21 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::UpdateStatusBar()
* Update the status bar information.
wxString Line;
int dx, dy;
double theta, ro;
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen();
if( DisplayOpt.DisplayPolarCood ) // display polar coordinates
BASE_SCREEN* screen = GetBaseScreen();
if( !screen )
wxString Line;
double theta, ro;
dx = screen->m_Curseur.x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
dy = screen->m_Curseur.y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
int dx = screen->m_Curseur.x - screen->m_O_Curseur.x;
int dy = screen->m_Curseur.y - screen->m_O_Curseur.y;
if( DisplayOpt.DisplayPolarCood ) /* Display coordonnee polaire */
if( (dx == 0) && (dy == 0) )
if( dx==0 && dy==0 )
theta = 0.0;
theta = atan2( (double) -dy, (double) dx );
......@@ -362,9 +361,17 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::UpdateStatusBar()
Line.Printf( g_UnitMetric ? wxT( "Ro %.3f Th %.1f" ) : wxT( "Ro %.4f Th %.1f" ),
To_User_Unit( g_UnitMetric, ro, m_InternalUnits ),
theta );
// overwrite the absolute cartesian coordinates
SetStatusText( Line, 2 );
/* not this, because status field no. 0 is reserved for actual fleeting
status information. If this is enabled, then that text is erased on
every DrawPanel redraw. Field no. 0 is set with Affiche_Message() and it
should persist until called again.
SetStatusText( Line, 0 );
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