m_checkLockItems=newwxCheckBox(this,wxID_ANY,_("Units in package locked (cannot be swapped)"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,0);
m_checkLockItems=newwxCheckBox(this,wxID_ANY,_("Units are not &interchangeable"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,0);
m_checkLockItems->SetToolTip(_("Check this option if Eeschema cannot change parts selections inside a given package\nThis happens when parts are different in this package.\nWhen this option is not checked, Eeschema automatically choose the parts in packages to minimize packages count"));
m_checkLockItems->SetToolTip(_("Check this option if Eeschema cannot change parts selections inside a given package\nThis happens when parts are different in this package.\nWhen this option is not checked, Eeschema automatically choose the parts in packages to minimize packages count"));