Commit 45cdad8b authored by CHARRAS's avatar CHARRAS

changes in track connectivity computation

parent 28b17187
......@@ -4,6 +4,24 @@ Started 2007-June-11
Please add newer entries at the top, list the date and your name with
email address.
2007-Oct-13 UPDATE Jean-Pierre Charras <>
+ pcbnew:
remove a change for Read VIA because via attributes
(TROUGH VIA, BLIND VIA or BURIED VIA) are autorisations for layer connection,
and are not a real layer indicator.
If a via connect layers from copper to component, it can have a BURIED VIA attribute.
the meaning is for this via the layer pair can be changed for other layer pair
if after editing this via connect 2 tracks which are only int internal layers,
its layer pair can be changed.
If a via has a TROUGH VIA attribute, it connects ALL layers, whenever tracks
connected to it.
Note: curenty: only TROUGH VIA are handled.
Other types (BLIND VIA and BURIED VIA) are only experimental.
A **lot** of code is needed for a full support.
enhancements in connectivity computation
2007-Oct-15 UPDATE Geoff Harland <>
......@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
#define PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT 10000
// Option d'affichage des fenetres de dialogue
// Option for dialog boxes
......@@ -52,10 +52,10 @@ class WinEDA_MainFrame;
class WinEDA_SchematicFrame; // Edition des Schemas
class WinEDA_LibeditFrame; // Edition des composants
class WinEDA_ViewlibFrame; // Visualisation des composants
class WinEDA_GerberFrame; // Visualisation des fichiers GERBER
class WinEDA_SchematicFrame; // Schematic main frame
class WinEDA_LibeditFrame; // Component creation and edition main frame
class WinEDA_ViewlibFrame; // Component viewer main frame
class WinEDA_GerberFrame; // GERBER viewer main frame
class WinEDA_Toolbar;
class WinEDA_CvpcbFrame;
class WinEDA_PcbFrame;
......@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ class WinEDAChoiceBox;
#define WinEDA_Menu wxMenu
#define WinEDA_MenuItem wxMenuItem
// Utilisees mais non definies ici :
// Used but not defined here:
class LibraryStruct;
class EDA_LibComponentStruct;
class LibEDA_BaseStruct;
......@@ -124,10 +124,10 @@ enum id_drawframe {
enum id_toolbar {
TOOLBAR_MAIN = 1, // Toolbar horizontal (main)
TOOLBAR_TOOL, // Toolbar vertical tools
TOOLBAR_OPTION, // Toolbar vertical options
TOOLBAR_MAIN = 1, // Main horizontal Toolbar
TOOLBAR_TOOL, // Rigth vertical Toolbar (list of tools)
TOOLBAR_OPTION, // Left vertical Toolbar (option toolbar
TOOLBAR_AUX // Secondary horizontal Toolbar
......@@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ enum id_toolbar {
/* Classes pour WXWIN */
#define MSG_PANEL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT ( 28 ) // hauteur de la zone d'affichage des infos en bas d'ecran
#define MSG_PANEL_DEFAULT_HEIGHT ( 28 ) // height of the infos display window
/* Class representing the entire Application */
......@@ -143,9 +143,10 @@ enum id_toolbar {
#include "appl_wxstruct.h"
/* classe pour la Fenetre generale de trace */
/* Basic frame for kicad, eeschema, pcbnew and gerbview. */
/* not directly used: the real frames are derived from this class */
class WinEDA_BasicFrame : public wxFrame
......@@ -195,14 +196,14 @@ public:
/* classe pour la Fenetre generale de trace */
/* Basic draw frame for eeschema, pcbnew and gerbview. */
class WinEDA_DrawFrame : public WinEDA_BasicFrame
WinEDA_DrawPanel* DrawPanel; // surface de dessin
WinEDA_DrawPanel* DrawPanel; // Draw area
WinEDA_MsgPanel* MsgPanel; // Zone d'affichage de caracteristiques
WinEDA_Toolbar* m_VToolBar; // Vertical (right side) Toolbar
WinEDA_Toolbar* m_AuxVToolBar; // Auxiliary Vertical (right side) Toolbar
......@@ -213,11 +214,11 @@ public:
WinEDAChoiceBox* m_SelZoomBox; // Dialog box to choose the Zoom value
int m_ZoomMaxValue; // Max zoom value: Draw min scale is 1/m_ZoomMaxValue
BASE_SCREEN* m_CurrentScreen; // SCREEN en cours
BASE_SCREEN* m_CurrentScreen; // current used SCREEN
int m_CurrentCursorShape; // shape for cursor (0 = default cursor)
int m_ID_current_state; ///< Id of active button on the vertical toolbar
int m_HTOOL_current_state; ///< Id of active button on horizontal toolbar
int m_ID_current_state; // Id of active button on the vertical toolbar
int m_HTOOL_current_state; // Id of active button on horizontal toolbar
int m_InternalUnits; // nombre d'unites internes pour 1 pouce
// = 1000 pour schema, = 10000 pour PCB
......@@ -276,18 +277,14 @@ public:
void OnPanning( int direction );
void OnGrid( int grid_type );
void Recadre_Trace( bool ToMouse );
void PutOnGrid( wxPoint* coord ); /* corrige la valeur de la coordonnee coord
* pour etre sur le point de grille le plus proche */
void PutOnGrid( wxPoint* coord ); /* set the coordiante "coord" to the nearest grid coordinate */
void Zoom_Automatique( bool move_mouse_cursor );
/* Affiche le schema au meilleur zoom au meilleur centrage pour le dessin
* de facon a avoir tout le circuit affiche a l'ecran */
/* Set the zoom level to show the area Rect */
void Window_Zoom( EDA_Rect& Rect );
/* Recalcule le zoom et les offsets pour que l'affichage se fasse dans la
* fenetre de coord x0, y0 a x1, y1 */
virtual int BestZoom() = 0; // Retourne le meilleur zoom
/* Return the zoom level which displays the full page on screen */
virtual int BestZoom() = 0;
void ToPrinter( wxCommandEvent& event );
void SVG_Print( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -308,7 +305,7 @@ public:
void Affiche_Status_Box(); /* Affichage des coord curseur, zoom .. */
void DisplayUnitsMsg();
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
/* Handlers for block commands */
virtual int ReturnBlockCommand( int key );
virtual void InitBlockPasteInfos();
virtual bool HandleBlockBegin( wxDC* DC, int cmd_type, const wxPoint& startpos );
......@@ -328,10 +325,9 @@ public:
EVT_ACTIVATE( WinEDA_DrawFrame::OnActivate )
/* class WinEDA_BasePcbFrame: classe de base commune */
/* aux classes d'affichage de PCB, et de l'editeur de Modules */
/* class WinEDA_BasePcbFrame: Basic class for pcbnew and gerbview */
class WinEDA_BasePcbFrame : public WinEDA_DrawFrame
......@@ -339,11 +335,11 @@ public:
BOARD* m_Pcb;
bool m_DisplayPadFill; // How show pads
bool m_DisplayPadNum; // show pads number
bool m_DisplayPadNum; // show pads numbers
int m_DisplayModEdge; // How show module drawings
int m_DisplayModText; // How show module texts
bool m_DisplayPcbTrackFill; /* FALSE = sketch , TRUE = rempli */
bool m_DisplayPcbTrackFill; /* FALSE : tracks are show in sketch mode, TRUE = filled */
WinEDA3D_DrawFrame* m_Draw3DFrame;
......@@ -369,7 +365,7 @@ public:
virtual void ReCreateMenuBar();
PCB_SCREEN* GetScreen() { return (PCB_SCREEN*) m_CurrentScreen; }
int BestZoom(); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
int BestZoom();
void Show3D_Frame( wxCommandEvent& event );
......@@ -396,7 +392,7 @@ public:
int ReadSetup( FILE* File, int* LineNum );
int ReadGeneralDescrPcb( wxDC* DC, FILE* File, int* LineNum );
// Gestion du PCB
// PCB handling
bool Clear_Pcb( wxDC* DC, bool query );
......@@ -436,13 +432,10 @@ public:
// Gestion du curseur
/* Place un repere sur l'ecran au point de coordonnees PCB pos */
void place_marqueur( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos, char* pt_bitmap,
int DrawMode, int color, int type );
/* Place un repere sur l'ecran au point de coordonnees PCB pos */
// Gestion des modules
void InstallModuleOptionsFrame( MODULE* Module,
wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos );
......@@ -454,7 +447,7 @@ public:
MODULE* Select_1_Module_From_BOARD( BOARD* Pcb );
MODULE* GetModuleByName();
// Modules
// Modules (footprints)
MODULE* Create_1_Module( wxDC* DC, const wxString& module_name );
void Edit_Module( MODULE* module, wxDC* DC );
void Rotate_Module( wxDC* DC, MODULE* module, int angle, bool incremental );
......@@ -463,7 +456,7 @@ public:
void InstallExchangeModuleFrame( MODULE* ExchangeModuleModule,
wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos );
// Textes sur modules
// module texts
void RotateTextModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC );
void DeleteTextModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC );
void PlaceTexteModule( TEXTE_MODULE* Text, wxDC* DC );
......@@ -485,7 +478,7 @@ public:
void Global_Import_Pad_Settings( D_PAD* Pad, wxDC* DC );
// Chargement de modules
// loading footprints
MODULE* Get_Librairie_Module( wxWindow* winaff, const wxString& library,
const wxString& ModuleName, bool show_msg_err );
......@@ -495,7 +488,7 @@ public:
MODULE* Load_Module_From_Library( const wxString& library, wxDC* DC );
// Gestion des chevelus (ratsnest)
// ratsnest functions
void Compile_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, bool affiche ); /* Recalcul complet du chevelu */
void ReCompile_Ratsnest_After_Changes( wxDC* DC );
int Test_1_Net_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC, int net_code );
......@@ -504,8 +497,7 @@ public:
void Build_Board_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC );
void DrawGeneralRatsnest( wxDC* DC, int net_code = 0 );
void trace_ratsnest_pad( wxDC* DC );
void recalcule_pad_net_code(); /* Routine de
* calcul et de mise a jour des net_codes des PADS */
void recalcule_pad_net_code(); /* compute and update the PAD net codes */
void build_liste_pads();
int* build_ratsnest_pad( EDA_BaseStruct* ref, const wxPoint& refpos, bool init );
......@@ -537,10 +529,10 @@ public:
void Block_Move( wxDC* DC );
void Block_Duplicate( wxDC* DC );
// Gestion des zones:
// zone handling:
void DelLimitesZone( wxDC* DC, bool Redraw );
// Gestion des layers:
// layerhandling:
// (See pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp for description of why null_layer parameter is provided)
int SelectLayer( int default_layer, int min_layer, int max_layer,
bool null_layer = false );
......@@ -672,7 +664,7 @@ public:
void StartMove_Module( MODULE* module, wxDC* DC );
bool Delete_Module( MODULE* module, wxDC* DC );
// Chargement de modules: voir WinEDA_BasePcbFrame
// loading modules: see WinEDA_BasePcbFrame
// Gestion du PCB
void Erase_Zones( wxDC* DC, bool query );
......@@ -685,7 +677,7 @@ public:
void RemoveStruct( EDA_BaseStruct* Item, wxDC* DC );
void Via_Edit_Control( wxDC* DC, int command_type, SEGVIA* via );
// Mise en surbrillance des nets:
// Hightlight functions:
int Select_High_Light( wxDC* DC );
void Hight_Light( wxDC* DC );
void DrawHightLight( wxDC* DC, int NetCode );
......@@ -716,34 +708,34 @@ public:
void Start_DragTrackSegmentAndKeepSlope( TRACK* track, wxDC* DC );
void SwitchLayer( wxDC* DC, int layer );
// Edition des zones
// zone handling
EDGE_ZONE* Del_SegmEdgeZone( wxDC* DC, EDGE_ZONE* edge_zone );
void CaptureNetName( wxDC* DC );
EDGE_ZONE* Begin_Zone();
void End_Zone( wxDC* DC );
void Fill_Zone( wxDC* DC );
// Edition des mires de centrage
// Target handling
MIREPCB* Create_Mire( wxDC* DC );
void Delete_Mire( MIREPCB* MirePcb, wxDC* DC );
void StartMove_Mire( MIREPCB* MirePcb, wxDC* DC );
void Place_Mire( MIREPCB* MirePcb, wxDC* DC );
void InstallMireOptionsFrame( MIREPCB* MirePcb, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos );
// Gestion des segments de dessin type DRAWSEGMENT:
// Graphic segments type DRAWSEGMENT handling:
DRAWSEGMENT* Begin_DrawSegment( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, int shape, wxDC* DC );
void End_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC );
void Drawing_SetNewWidth( DRAWSEGMENT* DrawSegm, wxDC* DC );
void Delete_Segment_Edge( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC );
void Delete_Drawings_All_Layer( DRAWSEGMENT* Segment, wxDC* DC );
// Gestion des cotations:
// Dimension handling:
void Install_Edit_Cotation( COTATION* Cotation, wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos );
COTATION* Begin_Cotation( COTATION* Cotation, wxDC* DC );
void Delete_Cotation( COTATION* Cotation, wxDC* DC );
// Gestion des netlistes:
// netlist handling:
void InstallNetlistFrame( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& pos );
// Autoplacement:
......@@ -760,20 +752,19 @@ public:
int GenPlaceBoard();
void DrawInfoPlace( wxDC* DC );
// Autoroutage:
// Autorouting:
int Solve( wxDC* DC, int two_sides );
void Reset_Noroutable( wxDC* DC );
void Autoroute( wxDC* DC, int mode );
void ReadAutoroutedTracks( wxDC* DC );
void GlobalRoute( wxDC* DC );
// fonctions generales
// divers
void Show_1_Ratsnest( EDA_BaseStruct* item, wxDC* DC );
void Ratsnest_On_Off( wxDC* DC );
void Clean_Pcb( wxDC* DC );
BOARD_ITEM* SaveItemEfface( BOARD_ITEM* PtItem, int nbitems );
// divers
void InstallFindFrame( const wxPoint& pos, wxDC* DC );
......@@ -784,7 +775,7 @@ public:
void SendMessageToEESCHEMA( BOARD_ITEM* objectToSync );
/* Special micro_ondes */
/* Micro waves functions */
void Edit_Gap( wxDC* DC, MODULE* Module );
MODULE* Create_MuWaveBasicShape( wxDC* DC, const wxString& name, int pad_count );
MODULE* Create_MuWaveComponent( wxDC* DC, int shape_type );
......@@ -840,7 +831,7 @@ public:
void InstallPcbOptionsFrame( const wxPoint& pos, int id );
void InstallPcbGlobalDeleteFrame( const wxPoint& pos );
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
/* handlers for block commands */
int ReturnBlockCommand( int key );
virtual void HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC );
virtual int HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC );
......@@ -872,14 +863,14 @@ public:
/* Fonctions specifiques */
void Trace_Gerber( wxDC* DC, int draw_mode, int printmasklayer );
// Gestion des textes sur pcb
// Copper texts
void Rotate_Texte_Pcb( TEXTE_PCB* TextePcb, wxDC* DC );
TEXTE_PCB* Create_Texte_Pcb( wxDC* DC );
void Delete_Texte_Pcb( TEXTE_PCB* TextePcb, wxDC* DC );
void StartMoveTextePcb( TEXTE_PCB* TextePcb, wxDC* DC );
void Place_Texte_Pcb( TEXTE_PCB* TextePcb, wxDC* DC );
// Gestion du PCB
// PCB handling
bool Clear_Pcb( wxDC* DC, bool query );
void Erase_Current_Layer( wxDC* DC, bool query );
void Erase_Zones( wxDC* DC, bool query );
......@@ -903,7 +894,7 @@ public:
/* class WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame: public WinEDA_DrawFrame */
/* Class de la fenetre d'�dition des modules pour PCB */
/* Class for the footprint editor */
class WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame : public WinEDA_BasePcbFrame
......@@ -937,13 +928,14 @@ public:
void OnSelectOptionToolbar( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey, EDA_BaseStruct* DrawStruct );
/* Gestion generale des operations sur block */
/* handlers for block commands */
int ReturnBlockCommand( int key );
virtual void HandleBlockPlace( wxDC* DC );
virtual int HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC );
BOARD_ITEM* ModeditLocateAndDisplay();
/* Undo and redo functions */
void SaveCopyInUndoList( EDA_BaseStruct* ItemToCopy, int flag_type_command = 0 );
......@@ -953,17 +945,17 @@ private:
// Gestion des modules
// Footprint edition
void Place_Ancre( MODULE* module, wxDC* DC );
void RemoveStruct( EDA_BaseStruct* Item, wxDC* DC );
void Transform( MODULE* module, wxDC* DC, int transform );
// Chargement de modules
// loading Footprint
MODULE* Import_Module( wxDC* DC );
void Export_Module( MODULE* ptmod, bool createlib );
void Load_Module_Module_From_BOARD( MODULE* Module );
// Gestion des contours
// functions to edit footprint edges
void Edit_Edge_Width( EDGE_MODULE* Edge, wxDC* DC );
void Edit_Edge_Layer( EDGE_MODULE* Edge, wxDC* DC );
void Delete_Edge_Module( EDGE_MODULE* Edge, wxDC* DC );
......@@ -973,7 +965,7 @@ public:
void Start_Move_EdgeMod( EDGE_MODULE* drawitem, wxDC* DC );
void Place_EdgeMod( EDGE_MODULE* drawitem, wxDC* DC );
// Gestion des librairies:
// handlers for libraries:
void Delete_Module_In_Library( const wxString& libname );
int Create_Librairie( const wxString& LibName );
void Select_Active_Library();
No preview for this file type
......@@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: kicad\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-12 09:04+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: jp charras <>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2007-10-13 19:18+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: \n"
"Language-Team: kicad team <>\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1\n"
......@@ -21,29 +21,6 @@ msgstr ""
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-6: 3d-viewer\n"
"X-Poedit-SearchPath-7: share\n"
#: pcbnew/editrout.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:117
msgid "Edit All Tracks and Vias Sizes"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Pistes et Vias"
#: pcbnew/editrout.cpp:121
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:122
msgid "Edit All Via Sizes"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Vias"
#: pcbnew/editrout.cpp:126
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:127
msgid "Edit All Track Sizes"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Pistes"
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:85
msgid "Change track width (entire NET) ?"
msgstr "Change largeur piste ( NET complet) ?"
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.cpp:42
msgid "Pcbnew is already running, Continue?"
msgstr "Pcbnew est est cours d'excution. Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/autoplac.cpp:106
msgid "Footprints NOT LOCKED will be moved"
msgstr "Les modules NON FIXES vont tre dplacs"
......@@ -76,9 +53,106 @@ msgstr "It
msgid "Ok to abort ?"
msgstr "Ok pour arrter ?"
#: pcbnew/ioascii.cpp:207
msgid "Error: Unexpected end of file !"
msgstr "Erreur: Fin de fichier inattendue !"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:304
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1127
msgid "Pads"
msgstr "Pads"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:314
#: pcbnew/plotps.cpp:361
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:63
msgid "Vias"
msgstr "Vias"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:317
msgid "Nodes"
msgstr "Nodes"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:320
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Liens"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:323
msgid "Nets"
msgstr "Nets"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:326
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:329
#: eeschema/eelayer.cpp:177
msgid "NoConn"
msgstr "Non Conn"
#: pcbnew/pcbnew.cpp:42
msgid "Pcbnew is already running, Continue?"
msgstr "Pcbnew est est cours d'excution. Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/editmod.cpp:45
msgid "Module Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir Editeur de modules"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:251
msgid "Add Tracks"
msgstr "Addition de pistes"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:260
msgid "Add Zones"
msgstr "Addition de Zones"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:262
msgid "Warning: Display Zone is OFF!!!"
msgstr "Attention: Affichage zones dsactiv !!!"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:269
msgid "Add Layer Alignment Target"
msgstr "Ajouter Mire de superposition"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:273
msgid "Adjust Zero"
msgstr "Ajuster Zro"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:279
msgid "Add Graphic"
msgstr "Addition lments graphiques"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:283
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:180
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:314
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:502
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:383
msgid "Add Text"
msgstr "Ajout de Texte"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:287
msgid "Add Modules"
msgstr "Addition de Modules"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:291
msgid "Add Dimension"
msgstr "Ajout de cotes"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:299
msgid "Net Highlight"
msgstr "Surbrillance des quipotentielles"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:303
msgid "Local Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu gnral"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:461
#: pcbnew/modedit.cpp:344
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:454
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:578
msgid "Delete item"
msgstr "Suppression d'lments"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:172
msgid "Selection Clarification"
msgstr "Clarification de la Slection"
#: pcbnew/modedit.cpp:181
msgid "Unable to find the footprint source on the main board"
......@@ -125,33 +199,6 @@ msgstr "Ajout d'
msgid "Place anchor"
msgstr "Place Ancre"
#: pcbnew/modedit.cpp:344
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:459
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:454
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:578
msgid "Delete item"
msgstr "Suppression d'lments"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:59
msgid "Net not selected"
msgstr " Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:67
msgid "Module not selected"
msgstr "Module non selectionn"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:75
msgid "Pad not selected"
msgstr "Pad non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:136
msgid "No memory for autorouting"
msgstr "Pas de memoire pour autoroutage"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:141
msgid "Place Cells"
msgstr "Place Cells"
#: pcbnew/initpcb.cpp:126
msgid "Current Board will be lost ?"
msgstr "Le C.I. courant sera perdu ?"
......@@ -182,65 +229,25 @@ msgstr "Effacement des Modules?"
msgid "Delete Pcb Texts"
msgstr "Effacer Textes Pcb"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:163
msgid "Delete unconnected tracks:"
msgstr "Suppression Pistes non connectes"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:181
msgid "ViaDef"
msgstr "ViaDef"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:332
msgid "Clean Null Segments"
msgstr "Nettoyage segments nulls"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:420
msgid "Merging Segments:"
msgstr "Associe Segment"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:422
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Merge"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:422
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:186
#: eeschema/dialog_erc.cpp:192
#: eeschema/dialog_erc.cpp:196
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:172
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:435
msgid "Merge: "
msgstr "Merge: "
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:647
msgid "DRC Control:"
msgstr "Controle DRC:"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:652
msgid "NetCtr"
msgstr "NetCtr"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:886
msgid "Centre"
msgstr "Centre"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:59
msgid "Net not selected"
msgstr " Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:886
msgid "0 "
msgstr "0"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:67
msgid "Module not selected"
msgstr "Module non selectionn"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:897
msgid "Pads: "
msgstr "Pastilles: "
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:75
msgid "Pad not selected"
msgstr "Pad non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:900
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:143
msgid "No memory for autorouting"
msgstr "Pas de memoire pour autoroutage"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:902
msgid "Segm"
msgstr "Segm"
#: pcbnew/autorout.cpp:148
msgid "Place Cells"
msgstr "Place Cells"
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:47
msgid "Import Module:"
......@@ -319,10 +326,10 @@ msgstr "Module [%s] non trouv
#: pcbnew/librairi.cpp:712
#: pcbnew/plothpgl.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/files.cpp:314
#: pcbnew/export_gencad.cpp:83
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:87
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:98
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:251
#: pcbnew/export_gencad.cpp:83
#: eeschema/plothpgl.cpp:560
#: eeschema/plotps.cpp:389
#: cvpcb/genequiv.cpp:42
......@@ -424,43 +431,135 @@ msgstr "Ajout de stub (arc)"
msgid "Add Polynomial Shape"
msgstr "Ajout Forme polynomiale"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:127
msgid "Marker found"
msgstr "Marqueur trouv"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:80
msgid "Look for active routes\n"
msgstr "Recherche des chevelus actifs\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:129
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:93
msgid "Unconnected found:\n"
msgstr "Non connect trouv:\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:101
#, c-format
msgid "<%s> Found"
msgstr "<%s> trouv"
msgid "%d > Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f and "
msgstr "%d > Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f et "
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:156
msgid "Marker not found"
msgstr "Marqueur non trouv"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:115
#, c-format
msgid "Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f\n"
msgstr "Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:158
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:125
#, c-format
msgid "<%s> Not Found"
msgstr "<%s> Non trouv"
msgid "Active routes: %d\n"
msgstr "Active routes: %d\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:265
#: eeschema/dialog_find.cpp:107
msgid "Item to find:"
msgstr "Elment a chercher:"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:127
msgid "OK! (No active routes)\n"
msgstr "OK! (Pas de chevelu actif)\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:286
msgid "Find Item"
msgstr "Chercher Item"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:186
#, c-format
msgid "** End Drc: %d errors **\n"
msgstr "** FinDrc: %d erreurs **\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:292
msgid "Find Next Item"
msgstr "Chercher Item Suivant"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:188
msgid "** End Drc: No Error **\n"
msgstr "** Fin Drc: Aucune Erreur **\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:301
msgid "Find Marker"
msgstr "Chercher Marqueur"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:197
#, c-format
msgid "Report file <%s> created\n"
msgstr "Fichier rapport <%s> cr\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:307
msgid "Find Next Marker"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:279
msgid "Tst Pad to Pad\n"
msgstr "Tst Pad to Pad\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:325
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:399
msgid "SegmNb"
msgstr "SegmNb"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:326
msgid "Track Err"
msgstr "Err Pistes"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:330
msgid "Tst Tracks\n"
msgstr "Tst Pistes\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:361
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:439
#: eeschema/eelayer.cpp:141
msgid "Netname"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:400
msgid "Zone Err"
msgstr "Err. Zone"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:403
msgid "Tst Zones\n"
msgstr "Test Zones\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1386
#, c-format
msgid "%d Drc Err %d %s (net %s) and PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err Drc %d %s (net %s) et PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1403
#, c-format
msgid "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) and VIA (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) et VIA (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1419
#, c-format
msgid "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) and track (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) et piste (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1477
#, c-format
msgid "%d Drc Err: PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d and PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err Drc: PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d et PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:127
msgid "Marker found"
msgstr "Marqueur trouv"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:129
#, c-format
msgid "<%s> Found"
msgstr "<%s> trouv"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:156
msgid "Marker not found"
msgstr "Marqueur non trouv"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:158
#, c-format
msgid "<%s> Not Found"
msgstr "<%s> Non trouv"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:265
#: eeschema/dialog_find.cpp:107
msgid "Item to find:"
msgstr "Elment a chercher:"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:286
msgid "Find Item"
msgstr "Chercher Item"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:292
msgid "Find Next Item"
msgstr "Chercher Item Suivant"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:301
msgid "Find Marker"
msgstr "Chercher Marqueur"
#: pcbnew/find.cpp:307
msgid "Find Next Marker"
msgstr "Marqueur Suivant"
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:150
......@@ -468,7 +567,7 @@ msgid "Drill tools"
msgstr "Outils de perage"
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:271
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:272
#: gerbview/options.cpp:184
msgid "millimeters"
msgstr "millimetres"
......@@ -634,9 +733,9 @@ msgstr "Outils"
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:411
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:1098
#: pcbnew/gendrill.cpp:1674
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:974
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:791
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:796
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:995
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:812
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:817
msgid "Drill"
msgstr "Perage"
......@@ -665,135 +764,229 @@ msgstr "Fichier rapport de per
msgid "Incorrect value for Via drill. No via drill change"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour perage.Pas de changement pour la via"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:74
msgid "Pad Position"
msgstr "Position Pad"
#: pcbnew/surbrill.cpp:35
msgid "Filter for net names:"
msgstr "Filtre pour nets:"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:78
msgid "Pad Size"
msgstr "Taille Pad"
#: pcbnew/surbrill.cpp:39
msgid "List Nets"
msgstr "Liste quipots"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:82
msgid "Delta"
msgstr "Delta"
#: pcbnew/plotps.cpp:390
msgid "Tracks"
msgstr "Pistes"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:86
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Offset"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:34
msgid "Net Name"
msgstr "Equipot"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:92
msgid "Pad Drill"
msgstr "Diam perage"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:36
msgid "No Net (not connected)"
msgstr "Pas de Net (non connect)"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:102
msgid "Pad Orient (0.1 deg)"
msgstr "Orient Pad (0.1 deg)"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:39
msgid "Net Code"
msgstr "Net Code"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:333
msgid "Incorrect value for pad drill: pad drill bigger than pad size"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour diametre de perage.percage plus grand que la taille du pad"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:125
msgid "Include Modules"
msgstr "Inclure Modules"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:339
msgid "Incorrect value for pad offset"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour offset du pad"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:129
msgid "Include tracks"
msgstr "Inclure Pistes"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:169
#: pcbnew/editmod.cpp:45
msgid "Module Editor"
msgstr "Ouvrir Editeur de modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:133
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:165
msgid "Include zones"
msgstr "Inclure zones"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:249
msgid "Add Tracks"
msgstr "Addition de pistes"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:138
msgid "Include Text on copper layers"
msgstr "Inclure Texte sur couches cuivre"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:258
msgid "Add Zones"
msgstr "Addition de Zones"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:142
msgid "Include drawings"
msgstr "Inclure tracs"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:260
msgid "Warning: Display Zone is OFF!!!"
msgstr "Attention: Affichage zones dsactiv !!!"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:146
msgid "Include egde layer"
msgstr "Inclure couche Edge"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:267
msgid "Add Layer Alignment Target"
msgstr "Ajouter Mire de superposition"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:157
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:352
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:201
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:233
#: pcbnew/set_color.cpp:280
#: pcbnew/swap_layers.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:121
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:160
#: pcbnew/globaleditpad.cpp:108
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:162
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:320
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:97
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:68
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:83
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:121
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:133
#: cvpcb/dialog_display_options.cpp:194
#: gerbview/set_color.cpp:253
#: gerbview/options.cpp:167
#: gerbview/options.cpp:296
#: gerbview/reglage.cpp:120
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:40
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:59
#: gerbview/select_layers_to_pcb.cpp:171
#: common/selcolor.cpp:147
#: common/displlst.cpp:103
#: common/get_component_dialog.cpp:121
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:271
msgid "Adjust Zero"
msgstr "Ajuster Zro"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:160
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:348
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:111
#: pcbnew/set_color.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/swap_layers.cpp:98
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:117
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:158
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:316
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:93
#: cvpcb/dialog_display_options.cpp:189
#: gerbview/set_color.cpp:249
#: gerbview/options.cpp:163
#: gerbview/options.cpp:292
#: gerbview/reglage.cpp:116
#: gerbview/select_layers_to_pcb.cpp:167
#: common/displlst.cpp:99
#: common/get_component_dialog.cpp:112
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:277
msgid "Add Graphic"
msgstr "Addition lments graphiques"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:453
msgid "Delete Block"
msgstr "Effacer Bloc"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/tool_modedit.cpp:180
#: eeschema/schedit.cpp:314
#: eeschema/libframe.cpp:502
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:383
msgid "Add Text"
msgstr "Ajout de Texte"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:464
msgid "Delete Footprints"
msgstr "Suppression modules"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:285
msgid "Add Modules"
msgstr "Addition de Modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:484
msgid "Delete tracks"
msgstr "Suppression Pistes"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:289
msgid "Add Cotation"
msgstr "Addition de Cotations"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:505
msgid "Delete draw layers"
msgstr "Suppression couches sessin"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:297
msgid "Net Highlight"
msgstr "Surbrillance des quipotentielles"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:570
msgid "Delete zones"
msgstr "SuppressionZones"
#: pcbnew/edit.cpp:301
msgid "Local Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu gnral"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:605
msgid "Rotate Block"
msgstr "Rotation Bloc"
#: pcbnew/plotps.cpp:361
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:63
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:314
msgid "Vias"
msgstr "Vias"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:620
msgid "Footprint rotation"
msgstr "Rotation modules"
#: pcbnew/plotps.cpp:390
msgid "Tracks"
msgstr "Pistes"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:654
msgid "Track rotation"
msgstr "Rotation pistes"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:60
msgid "Unable to create temporary file "
msgstr "Impossible de crer le fichier temporaire "
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:675
msgid "Zone rotation"
msgstr "Rotation Zones"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:65
msgid "Create temporary file "
msgstr "Creation fichier temporaire "
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:696
msgid "Draw layers rotation"
msgstr "Rotation couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:566
msgid "Unable to find data file "
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le fichier de donnes "
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:815
msgid "Block mirroring"
msgstr "Bloc Miroir"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:572
msgid "Reading autorouter data file "
msgstr "Lecture fichier donnes de l'autorouteur"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:830
msgid "Footprint mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir modules"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:163
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:29
msgid "COTATION"
msgstr "COTATION"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:863
msgid "Track mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir Pistes"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:165
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:32
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:889
msgid "Zone mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir zone"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:911
msgid "Draw layers mirroring"
msgstr "Draw layers mirroring"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1038
msgid "Move Block"
msgstr "Dplacer Bloc"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1050
msgid "Move footprints"
msgstr "Dplacement modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1083
msgid "Move tracks"
msgstr "Dplacement pistes"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1104
msgid "Move zones"
msgstr "Dplacement zones"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1125
msgid "Move draw layers"
msgstr "Dplacement couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1230
msgid "Copy Block"
msgstr "Copie Bloc"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1242
msgid "Module copy"
msgstr "Copie Modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1281
msgid "Track copy"
msgstr "Copie Piste"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1305
msgid "Zone copy"
msgstr "Copie Zone"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1330
msgid "Draw layers copy"
msgstr "Cpoie des couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:163
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:29
msgid "COTATION"
msgstr "COTATION"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:165
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:32
msgid "PCB Text"
msgstr "Texte Pcb"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:167
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:951
#: pcbnew/classpcb.cpp:197
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:347
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:351
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:972
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:796
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:234
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:775
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:145
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1116
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:109
msgid "Layer"
......@@ -803,7 +996,7 @@ msgstr "Couche"
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:113
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:358
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:176
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:253
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:252
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:40
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:178
msgid "Mirror"
......@@ -826,8 +1019,8 @@ msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Oui"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:178
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:993
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:361
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:1014
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:245
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1139
#: eeschema/affiche.cpp:117
......@@ -842,8 +1035,8 @@ msgstr "Orient"
#: pcbnew/classpcb.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:364
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:130
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:820
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:297
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:799
#: eeschema/affiche.cpp:188
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:188
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:52
......@@ -852,15 +1045,15 @@ msgid "Width"
msgstr "Epaisseur"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:184
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:964
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:367
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:985
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:55
msgid "H Size"
msgstr "Taille H"
#: pcbnew/class_pcb_text.cpp:187
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:968
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:370
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:989
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:58
msgid "V Size"
msgstr "Taille V"
......@@ -877,20 +1070,6 @@ msgstr "Novelle largeur (1/10000\"):"
msgid "Incorrect number, no change"
msgstr "Nombre incorrect, pas de changement"
#: pcbnew/modules.cpp:81
msgid "Footprint name:"
msgstr "Nom Module: "
#: pcbnew/modules.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:688
msgid "Delete Module"
msgstr "Supprimer Module"
#: pcbnew/modules.cpp:282
#: eeschema/find.cpp:228
msgid "Value "
msgstr "Valeur "
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:156
#, c-format
msgid "Module %s (%s) orient %.1f"
......@@ -922,8 +1101,8 @@ msgstr "Offset Y"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:280
#: pcbnew/set_grid.cpp:171
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:368
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:261
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:364
#: eeschema/symbtext.cpp:174
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:221
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:274
......@@ -933,20 +1112,21 @@ msgstr "Offset Y"
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:243
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:178
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:308
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:339
#: cvpcb/dialog_cvpcb_config.cpp:135
#: share/setpage.cpp:232
msgid "&OK"
msgstr "&OK"
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_mod_text.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:216
#: pcbnew/dialog_initpcb.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:185
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:284
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:216
#: pcbnew/set_grid.cpp:176
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:372
#: pcbnew/dialog_graphic_items_options.cpp:265
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:368
#: eeschema/symbtext.cpp:178
#: eeschema/plothpgl.cpp:274
#: eeschema/sheet.cpp:216
......@@ -955,6 +1135,7 @@ msgstr "&OK"
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:200
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:182
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:304
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:343
#: share/setpage.cpp:237
msgid "&Cancel"
msgstr "&Annuler"
......@@ -1004,91 +1185,6 @@ msgstr "Valeur:"
msgid "Text:"
msgstr "Texte:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:152
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:154
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:155
msgid "0.00000"
msgstr "0.00000"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:159
msgid "Grid size:"
msgstr "Dim Grille"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:164
msgid "Zone clearance value (mm):"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone (mm):"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:181
msgid "Include Pads"
msgstr "Inclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:182
msgid "Thermal"
msgstr "Thermique"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:183
msgid "Exclude Pads"
msgstr "Exclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:187
msgid "Pad options:"
msgstr "Options pads"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:192
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:257
msgid "Any"
msgstr "Tout"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:193
msgid "H , V and 45 deg"
msgstr "H, V et 45 deg"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:197
msgid "Zone edges orient:"
msgstr "Direction contours zone:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:209
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:223
msgid "Update Options"
msgstr "Maj Options"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:232
msgid "Zone clearance value:"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:235
msgid "Grid :"
msgstr "Grille:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:400
msgid "New zone segment width: "
msgstr "Nouvelle largeur des segments zone:"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:601
msgid "Zone: No net selected"
msgstr "Zone: Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:646
msgid "Delete Current Zone Edges"
msgstr "Effacer contour zone courant"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:914
msgid "No Net"
msgstr "No Net"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:916
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:734
msgid "NetName"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:984
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
#: pcbnew/netlist.cpp:96
#, c-format
msgid "Netlist file %s not found"
......@@ -1252,66 +1348,25 @@ msgstr "Fichiers Librairies"
msgid "Library exists! No Change"
msgstr "Librairie existante! Pas de changement"
#: pcbnew/editrout.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:117
msgid "Edit All Tracks and Vias Sizes"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Pistes et Vias"
#: pcbnew/editrout.cpp:121
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:122
msgid "Edit All Via Sizes"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Vias"
#: pcbnew/editrout.cpp:126
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:127
msgid "Edit All Track Sizes"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Pistes"
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:85
msgid "Dimension properties"
msgstr "Proprits des Cotes"
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:105
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:99
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:348
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:156
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:111
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:158
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:309
#: pcbnew/set_color.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/swap_layers.cpp:98
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:117
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:93
#: cvpcb/dialog_display_options.cpp:189
#: gerbview/set_color.cpp:249
#: gerbview/options.cpp:163
#: gerbview/options.cpp:292
#: gerbview/reglage.cpp:116
#: gerbview/select_layers_to_pcb.cpp:167
#: common/displlst.cpp:99
#: common/get_component_dialog.cpp:112
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:109
#: pcbnew/mirepcb.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:352
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:116
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:162
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:234
#: pcbnew/set_color.cpp:280
#: pcbnew/swap_layers.cpp:103
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:121
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:160
#: pcbnew/globaleditpad.cpp:108
#: eeschema/sheetlab.cpp:97
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:68
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:83
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:121
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:133
#: cvpcb/dialog_display_options.cpp:194
#: gerbview/set_color.cpp:253
#: gerbview/options.cpp:167
#: gerbview/options.cpp:296
#: gerbview/reglage.cpp:120
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:40
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:59
#: gerbview/select_layers_to_pcb.cpp:171
#: common/selcolor.cpp:147
#: common/displlst.cpp:103
#: common/get_component_dialog.cpp:121
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: pcbnew/cotation.cpp:113
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:360
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:176
......@@ -1341,7 +1396,7 @@ msgid "Layer:"
msgstr "Couche:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_netlist.cpp:133
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:67
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:76
#: eeschema/eelayer.cpp:99
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:164
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:317
......@@ -1363,9 +1418,9 @@ msgid "Keep"
msgstr "Garder"
#: pcbnew/dialog_netlist.cpp:141
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:613
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:720
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:817
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:612
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:719
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:816
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:239
#: eeschema/edit_component_in_lib.cpp:320
#: cvpcb/dialog_cvpcb_config.cpp:166
......@@ -1502,13 +1557,13 @@ msgid "Hight Contrast Mode Display"
msgstr "Mode d'affichage Haut Contraste"
#: pcbnew/pcbframe.cpp:442
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:127
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:708
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:140
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:729
msgid "Track"
msgstr "Piste"
#: pcbnew/pcbframe.cpp:474
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:154
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:170
msgid "Via"
msgstr "Via"
......@@ -1865,6 +1920,10 @@ msgstr "Inclure pistes autorout
msgid "Include Locked Tracks"
msgstr "Inclure pistes verrouilles"
#: pcbnew/deltrack.cpp:153
msgid "Delete NET ?"
msgstr "Supprimer Net ?"
#: pcbnew/dialog_track_options.cpp:125
msgid "Via Size"
msgstr "Diametre Via"
......@@ -1950,7 +2009,7 @@ msgstr "Pistes:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:200
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:210
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:354
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:357
msgid "Always"
msgstr "Toujours"
......@@ -1960,7 +2019,7 @@ msgstr "Nouvelle piste"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:208
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:352
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:355
msgid "Never"
msgstr "Jamais"
......@@ -1984,7 +2043,7 @@ msgstr "Modules"
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:231
#: pcbnew/dialog_display_options.cpp:264
#: pcbnew/pcbplot.cpp:330
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:91
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:99
#: gerbview/options.cpp:316
msgid "Line"
msgstr "Ligne"
......@@ -2023,6 +2082,66 @@ msgstr "Afficher autres
msgid "Show page limits"
msgstr " Afficher limites de page"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:163
msgid "Delete unconnected tracks:"
msgstr "Suppression Pistes non connectes"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:181
msgid "ViaDef"
msgstr "ViaDef"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:332
msgid "Clean Null Segments"
msgstr "Nettoyage segments nulls"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:420
msgid "Merging Segments:"
msgstr "Associe Segment"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:422
msgid "Merge"
msgstr "Merge"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:422
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:186
#: eeschema/dialog_erc.cpp:192
#: eeschema/dialog_erc.cpp:196
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:172
msgid "0"
msgstr "0"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:435
msgid "Merge: "
msgstr "Merge: "
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:647
msgid "DRC Control:"
msgstr "Controle DRC:"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:652
msgid "NetCtr"
msgstr "NetCtr"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:886
msgid "Centre"
msgstr "Centre"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:886
msgid "0 "
msgstr "0"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:897
msgid "Pads: "
msgstr "Pastilles: "
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:900
msgid "Max"
msgstr "Max"
#: pcbnew/clean.cpp:902
msgid "Segm"
msgstr "Segm"
#: pcbnew/plotgerb.cpp:72
msgid "unable to create file "
msgstr "Impossible de crer fichier "
......@@ -2032,108 +2151,106 @@ msgstr "Impossible de cr
msgid "unable to reopen file <%s>"
msgstr "Ne peut pas rouvrir fichier <%s>"
#: pcbnew/solve.cpp:229
msgid "Abort routing?"
msgstr "Stopper routage?"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:149
msgid "Gap"
msgstr "Gap"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:60
msgid "Unable to create temporary file "
msgstr "Impossible de crer le fichier temporaire "
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:154
msgid "Stub"
msgstr "Stub"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:65
msgid "Create temporary file "
msgstr "Creation fichier temporaire "
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:160
msgid "Arc Stub"
msgstr "Arc Stub"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:566
msgid "Unable to find data file "
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le fichier de donnes "
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:175
#: common/common.cpp:52
msgid " (mm):"
msgstr " (mm):"
#: pcbnew/router.cpp:572
msgid "Reading autorouter data file "
msgstr "Lecture fichier donnes de l'autorouteur"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:182
msgid " (inch):"
msgstr " (pouce):"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:152
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:154
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:155
msgid "0.00000"
msgstr "0.00000"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:189
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/gen_self.h:231
msgid "Incorrect number, abort"
msgstr "Nombre incorrect, arret"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:159
msgid "Grid size:"
msgstr "Dim Grille"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:198
msgid "Angle (0.1deg):"
msgstr "Angle (0.1deg):"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:164
msgid "Zone clearance value (mm):"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone (mm):"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:330
msgid "Complex shape"
msgstr "Formr complexe"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:181
msgid "Include Pads"
msgstr "Inclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:356
msgid "Read Shape Descr File..."
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme..."
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:182
msgid "Thermal"
msgstr "Thermique"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:360
msgid "Symmetrical"
msgstr "Symtrique"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:183
msgid "Exclude Pads"
msgstr "Exclure Pads"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:360
msgid "Mirrored"
msgstr "Miroir"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:187
msgid "Pad options:"
msgstr "Options pads"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:362
msgid "Shape Option"
msgstr "Option Forme"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:192
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:257
msgid "Any"
msgstr "Tout"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:428
msgid "Read descr shape file"
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:193
msgid "H , V and 45 deg"
msgstr "H, V et 45 deg"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:444
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "fichier non trouv"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:197
msgid "Zone edges orient:"
msgstr "Direction contours zone:"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:548
msgid "Shape has a null size!"
msgstr "La forme a une taille nulle"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:209
msgid "Fill"
msgstr "Remplissage"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:553
msgid "Shape has no points!"
msgstr "La forme n'a pas de points"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:223
msgid "Update Options"
msgstr "Maj Options"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:679
msgid "No pad for this module"
msgstr "Pas de pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:232
msgid "Zone clearance value:"
msgstr "Valeur isolation zone:"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:684
msgid "Only one pad for this module"
msgstr "Seulement un pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:235
msgid "Grid :"
msgstr "Grille:"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:698
msgid "Gap (mm):"
msgstr "Gap (mm):"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:400
msgid "New zone segment width: "
msgstr "Nouvelle largeur des segments zone:"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:704
msgid "Gap (inch):"
msgstr "Gap (inch):"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:601
msgid "Zone: No net selected"
msgstr "Zone: Net non slectionn"
#: pcbnew/deltrack.cpp:153
msgid "Delete NET ?"
msgstr "Supprimer Net ?"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:646
msgid "Delete Current Zone Edges"
msgstr "Effacer contour zone courant"
#: pcbnew/editedge.cpp:167
msgid "Copper layer global delete not allowed!"
msgstr " Effacement global sur couche cuivre non autoris"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:914
msgid "No Net"
msgstr "No Net"
#: pcbnew/editedge.cpp:173
msgid "Segment is being edited"
msgstr "Segment en cours d'dition"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:916
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:755
msgid "NetName"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/editedge.cpp:177
msgid "Delete Layer "
msgstr "Effacer Couche"
#: pcbnew/zones.cpp:984
msgid "Ok"
msgstr "Ok"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:80
msgid "Exchange Modules"
......@@ -2198,169 +2315,129 @@ msgstr "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> (val = %s)?"
msgid "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> ?"
msgstr "Change modules <%s> -> <%s> ?"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:418
msgid "Change ALL modules ?"
msgstr "Change TOUS les modules ?"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:480
#, c-format
msgid "Change module %s (%s) "
msgstr "Change module %s (%s) "
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:614
#: pcbnew/automove.cpp:208
msgid "No Modules!"
msgstr "Pas de Modules"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:626
msgid "Cmp files:"
msgstr "Fichiers Cmp: "
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:34
msgid "Net Name"
msgstr "Equipot"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:36
msgid "No Net (not connected)"
msgstr "Pas de Net (non connect)"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:39
msgid "Net Code"
msgstr "Net Code"
#: pcbnew/affiche.cpp:52
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:304
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1127
msgid "Pads"
msgstr "Pads"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:121
msgid "Include Modules"
msgstr "Inclure Modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:125
msgid "Include tracks"
msgstr "Inclure Pistes"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:129
#: pcbnew/dialog_drc.cpp:165
msgid "Include zones"
msgstr "Inclure zones"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:418
msgid "Change ALL modules ?"
msgstr "Change TOUS les modules ?"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:134
msgid "Include Text on copper layers"
msgstr "Inclure Texte sur couches cuivre"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:480
#, c-format
msgid "Change module %s (%s) "
msgstr "Change module %s (%s) "
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:138
msgid "Include drawings"
msgstr "Inclure tracs"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:614
#: pcbnew/automove.cpp:208
msgid "No Modules!"
msgstr "Pas de Modules"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:142
msgid "Include egde layer"
msgstr "Inclure couche Edge"
#: pcbnew/xchgmod.cpp:626
msgid "Cmp files:"
msgstr "Fichiers Cmp: "
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:449
msgid "Delete Block"
msgstr "Effacer Bloc"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:149
msgid "Gap"
msgstr "Gap"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:460
msgid "Delete Footprints"
msgstr "Suppression modules"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:154
msgid "Stub"
msgstr "Stub"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:480
msgid "Delete tracks"
msgstr "Suppression Pistes"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:160
msgid "Arc Stub"
msgstr "Arc Stub"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:500
msgid "Delete draw layers"
msgstr "Suppression couches sessin"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:175
#: common/common.cpp:52
msgid " (mm):"
msgstr " (mm):"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:565
msgid "Delete zones"
msgstr "SuppressionZones"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:182
msgid " (inch):"
msgstr " (pouce):"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:600
msgid "Rotate Block"
msgstr "Rotation Bloc"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:189
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:202
#: pcbnew/gen_self.h:231
msgid "Incorrect number, abort"
msgstr "Nombre incorrect, arret"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:615
msgid "Footprint rotation"
msgstr "Rotation modules"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:198
msgid "Angle (0.1deg):"
msgstr "Angle (0.1deg):"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:649
msgid "Track rotation"
msgstr "Rotation pistes"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:330
msgid "Complex shape"
msgstr "Formr complexe"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:670
msgid "Zone rotation"
msgstr "Rotation Zones"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:356
msgid "Read Shape Descr File..."
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme..."
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:691
msgid "Draw layers rotation"
msgstr "Rotation couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:360
msgid "Symmetrical"
msgstr "Symtrique"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:810
msgid "Block mirroring"
msgstr "Bloc Miroir"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:360
msgid "Mirrored"
msgstr "Miroir"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:825
msgid "Footprint mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir modules"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:362
msgid "Shape Option"
msgstr "Option Forme"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:858
msgid "Track mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir Pistes"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:428
msgid "Read descr shape file"
msgstr "Lire fichier de description de forme"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:884
msgid "Zone mirroring"
msgstr "Miroir zone"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:444
msgid "File not found"
msgstr "fichier non trouv"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:906
msgid "Draw layers mirroring"
msgstr "Draw layers mirroring"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:548
msgid "Shape has a null size!"
msgstr "La forme a une taille nulle"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1033
msgid "Move Block"
msgstr "Dplacer Bloc"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:553
msgid "Shape has no points!"
msgstr "La forme n'a pas de points"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1045
msgid "Move footprints"
msgstr "Dplacement modules"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:679
msgid "No pad for this module"
msgstr "Pas de pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1078
msgid "Move tracks"
msgstr "Dplacement pistes"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:684
msgid "Only one pad for this module"
msgstr "Seulement un pad dans ce module"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1099
msgid "Move zones"
msgstr "Dplacement zones"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:698
msgid "Gap (mm):"
msgstr "Gap (mm):"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1120
msgid "Move draw layers"
msgstr "Dplacement couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/muonde.cpp:704
msgid "Gap (inch):"
msgstr "Gap (inch):"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1225
msgid "Copy Block"
msgstr "Copie Bloc"
#: pcbnew/solve.cpp:229
msgid "Abort routing?"
msgstr "Stopper routage?"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1237
msgid "Module copy"
msgstr "Copie Modules"
#: pcbnew/editedge.cpp:167
msgid "Copper layer global delete not allowed!"
msgstr " Effacement global sur couche cuivre non autoris"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1276
msgid "Track copy"
msgstr "Copie Piste"
#: pcbnew/editedge.cpp:173
msgid "Segment is being edited"
msgstr "Segment en cours d'dition"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1300
msgid "Zone copy"
msgstr "Copie Zone"
#: pcbnew/editedge.cpp:177
msgid "Delete Layer "
msgstr "Effacer Couche"
#: pcbnew/block.cpp:1325
msgid "Draw layers copy"
msgstr "Cpoie des couches dessin"
#: pcbnew/ioascii.cpp:207
msgid "Error: Unexpected end of file !"
msgstr "Erreur: Fin de fichier inattendue !"
#: pcbnew/set_grid.cpp:147
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:270
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:271
#: gerbview/options.cpp:183
msgid "Inches"
msgstr "Pouces"
......@@ -2391,6 +2468,38 @@ msgstr "Module %s trouv
msgid "Delete module?"
msgstr "Effacer Module?"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:77
msgid "Pad Position"
msgstr "Position Pad"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:84
msgid "Pad Size"
msgstr "Taille Pad"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:91
msgid "Delta"
msgstr "Delta"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:98
msgid "Offset"
msgstr "Offset"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:107
msgid "Pad Drill"
msgstr "Diam perage"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:119
msgid "Pad Orient (0.1 deg)"
msgstr "Orient Pad (0.1 deg)"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:389
msgid "Incorrect value for pad drill: pad drill bigger than pad size"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour diametre de perage.percage plus grand que la taille du pad"
#: pcbnew/editpads.cpp:395
msgid "Incorrect value for pad offset"
msgstr "Valeur incorrecte pour offset du pad"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:157
msgid "Pad Num :"
msgstr "Num Pad :"
......@@ -2402,8 +2511,8 @@ msgstr "NetName Pad:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:176
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:196
#: pcbnew/classpcb.cpp:186
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:100
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:745
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:108
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:766
msgid "Circle"
msgstr "Cercle"
......@@ -2440,7 +2549,7 @@ msgid "Pad Orient:"
msgstr "Orient pad:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:198
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:94
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:102
msgid "Rect"
msgstr "Rect"
......@@ -2453,7 +2562,7 @@ msgid "Pad Shape:"
msgstr "Forme Pad:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_pad_edit.cpp:205
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:747
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:768
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
......@@ -2534,9 +2643,19 @@ msgstr "couche E.C.O.2"
msgid "Draft layer"
msgstr "Couche dessin"
#: pcbnew/controle.cpp:172
msgid "Selection Clarification"
msgstr "Clarification de la Slection"
#: pcbnew/modules.cpp:81
msgid "Footprint name:"
msgstr "Nom Module: "
#: pcbnew/modules.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:687
msgid "Delete Module"
msgstr "Supprimer Module"
#: pcbnew/modules.cpp:282
#: eeschema/find.cpp:228
msgid "Value "
msgstr "Valeur "
#: pcbnew/pcbcfg.cpp:68
#: eeschema/eeconfig.cpp:58
......@@ -2590,43 +2709,10 @@ msgstr "Librairie: "
msgid "Modules (%d items)"
msgstr "Modules (%d lments)"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:776
msgid "Unknown Pad shape"
msgstr "Forme pad inconnue"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:862
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:328
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:285
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1142
#: cvpcb/setvisu.cpp:30
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Module"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:865
msgid "RefP"
msgstr "RefP"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:868
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:35
msgid "Net"
msgstr "Net"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:982
msgid "Drill X / Y"
msgstr "Perage X/Y"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:997
msgid "X Pos"
msgstr "X Pos"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:1001
msgid "Y pos"
msgstr "Y pos"
#: pcbnew/classpcb.cpp:181
#: pcbnew/classpcb.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:337
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:719
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:740
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:93
msgid "Type"
msgstr "Type"
......@@ -2640,12 +2726,12 @@ msgid " Arc "
msgstr " Arc "
#: pcbnew/classpcb.cpp:195
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:743
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:764
msgid "Segment"
msgstr "Segment"
#: pcbnew/classpcb.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:182
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:198
msgid "Marker"
msgstr "Marqueur"
......@@ -2910,7 +2996,7 @@ msgid "Ref."
msgstr "Ref."
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:80
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:286
#: eeschema/eelayer.cpp:105
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:55
......@@ -2921,117 +3007,121 @@ msgstr "Valeur"
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:331
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:76
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:85
msgid "Text"
msgstr "Texte"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:80
msgid "Look for active routes\n"
msgstr "Recherche des chevelus actifs\n"
#: pcbnew/class_text_mod.cpp:328
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:883
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:285
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1142
#: cvpcb/setvisu.cpp:30
msgid "Module"
msgstr "Module"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:92
msgid "Unconnected found:\n"
msgstr "Non connect trouv:\n"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:88
msgid "TextPCB properties"
msgstr "Proprits des textes PCB"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:97
#, c-format
msgid "%d > Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f and "
msgstr "%d > Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f et "
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:134
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:108
#, c-format
msgid "Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f\n"
msgstr "Pad %s (%s) @ %.4f,%.4f\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:263
#: gerbview/options.cpp:173
msgid "No Display"
msgstr "Pas d'affichage"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:117
#, c-format
msgid "Active routes: %d\n"
msgstr "Active routes: %d\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:267
#: gerbview/options.cpp:175
msgid "Display Polar Coord"
msgstr "Affichage coord Polaires"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:119
msgid "OK! (No active routes)\n"
msgstr "OK! (Pas de chevelu actif)\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:275
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:248
#: gerbview/options.cpp:185
msgid "Units"
msgstr "Units"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:171
#, c-format
msgid "** End Drc: %d errors **\n"
msgstr "** FinDrc: %d erreurs **\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:280
#: gerbview/options.cpp:191
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Petit"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:173
msgid "** End Drc: No Error **\n"
msgstr "** Fin Drc: Aucune Erreur **\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:281
#: gerbview/options.cpp:191
msgid "Big"
msgstr "Grand"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:182
#, c-format
msgid "Report file <%s> created\n"
msgstr "Fichier rapport <%s> cr\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:284
#: gerbview/options.cpp:192
msgid "Cursor"
msgstr "Curseur"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:264
msgid "Tst Pad to Pad\n"
msgstr "Tst Pad to Pad\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:291
msgid "Number of Layers:"
msgstr "Nombre de Couches:"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:309
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:382
msgid "SegmNb"
msgstr "SegmNb"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:298
msgid "Max Links:"
msgstr "Liens max:"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:310
msgid "Track Err"
msgstr "Err Pistes"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:305
msgid "Auto Save (minuts):"
msgstr "Sauveg. Auto (min)"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:314
msgid "Tst Tracks\n"
msgstr "Tst Pistes\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:315
#: eeschema/netlist_control.cpp:94
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:151
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:282
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:167
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Options :"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:344
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:420
#: eeschema/eelayer.cpp:141
msgid "Netname"
msgstr "NetName"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:319
msgid "Drc ON"
msgstr "Drc ACTIVE"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:383
msgid "Zone Err"
msgstr "Err. Zone"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:324
msgid "Show Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu gnral"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:386
msgid "Tst Zones\n"
msgstr "Test Zones\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:328
msgid "Show Mod Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu du module"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1367
#, c-format
msgid "%d Drc Err %d %s (net %s) and PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err Drc %d %s (net %s) et PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:332
msgid "Tracks Auto Del"
msgstr "Auto Supp. Pistes"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1384
#, c-format
msgid "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) and VIA (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) et VIA (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:336
msgid "Track 45 Only"
msgstr "Pistes 45 seulement"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1400
#, c-format
msgid "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) and track (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err type %d: %s (net %s) et piste (net %s) @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:340
msgid "Segments 45 Only"
msgstr "Segments 45 seulement"
#: pcbnew/drc.cpp:1458
#, c-format
msgid "%d Drc Err: PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d and PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
msgstr "%d Err Drc: PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d et PAD %s (%s) net %s @ %d,%d\n"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:344
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:239
msgid "Auto PAN"
msgstr "Auto PAN"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:88
msgid "TextPCB properties"
msgstr "Proprits des textes PCB"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:349
msgid "Double Segm Track"
msgstr "2 segments pour piste"
#: pcbnew/pcbtexte.cpp:134
msgid "Position"
msgstr "Position"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:356
msgid "When creating tracks"
msgstr "En creation de pistes"
#: pcbnew/surbrill.cpp:35
msgid "Filter for net names:"
msgstr "Filtre pour nets:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:360
msgid "Magnetic Pads"
msgstr " Pads magntiques"
#: pcbnew/surbrill.cpp:39
msgid "List Nets"
msgstr "Liste quipots"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:362
msgid "control the capture of the pcb cursor when the mouse cursor enters a pad area"
msgstr "Controle la capture du curseur pcb quand le curseuir souris est sur le pad"
#: pcbnew/editmod.cpp:144
msgid "Text is REFERENCE!"
......@@ -3422,37 +3512,103 @@ msgstr "&3D Visu"
msgid "&Help"
msgstr "&Aide"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:92
msgid "Select Layer:"
msgstr "Selection couche:"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:36
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:889
msgid "Net"
msgstr "Net"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:137
msgid "(Deselect)"
msgstr "(Deselection)"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:41
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:56
msgid "Footprint"
msgstr "Module"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:238
msgid "Less than two copper layers are being used."
msgstr "Il y a moins de 2 couches cuivre utilises."
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:47
msgid "Pad"
msgstr "Pad"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:239
msgid "Hence Layer Pairs cannot be specified."
msgstr "Donc les paires de couche ne peuvent pas tre spcifies"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:50
msgid "all copper layers"
msgstr "Toutes Couches Cuivre"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:256
msgid "Select Layer Pair:"
msgstr "Selection paire de couches"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:52
msgid "copper layer"
msgstr "Couche Cuivre"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:287
msgid "Top Layer"
msgstr "Couche Sup."
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:54
msgid "cmp layer"
msgstr "Couche Cmp"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:292
msgid "Bottom Layer"
msgstr "Couche Inf."
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:55
msgid "???"
msgstr "???"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:351
msgid "The Top Layer and Bottom Layer must differ"
msgstr "Les couches dessus et dessous doivent diffrer"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:56
msgid ") of "
msgstr ") de "
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:60
msgid "Pcb Graphic"
msgstr "Pcb Graphic"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:60
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:69
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:146
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:164
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:191
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:213
msgid " on "
msgstr " sur "
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:64
msgid "Pcb Text"
msgstr "Texte Pcb"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:80
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:86
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:130
msgid " of "
msgstr " de "
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:93
msgid "Graphic"
msgstr "Graphique"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:105
msgid "Arc"
msgstr "Arc"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:147
msgid "Net:"
msgstr "Net:"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:148
msgid "Length:"
msgstr "Long.:"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:153
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:733
msgid "Zone"
msgstr "Zone"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:174
msgid "Blind"
msgstr "Enterre"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:176
msgid "Buried"
msgstr "Borgne"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:202
msgid "Dimension"
msgstr "Dimension"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:206
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Mire"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:213
msgid "Edge Zone"
msgstr "Contour Zone"
#: pcbnew/automove.cpp:212
msgid "Move Modules ?"
......@@ -3467,6 +3623,26 @@ msgstr "Autoplace modules: pas de contours sur pcb, impossible de placer les mod
msgid "Ok to set module orientation to %d degrees ?"
msgstr "Ok pour orientation module %d degrs ?"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:797
msgid "Unknown Pad shape"
msgstr "Forme pad inconnue"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:886
msgid "RefP"
msgstr "RefP"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:1003
msgid "Drill X / Y"
msgstr "Perage X/Y"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:1018
msgid "X Pos"
msgstr "X Pos"
#: pcbnew/class_pad.cpp:1022
msgid "Y pos"
msgstr "Y pos"
#: pcbnew/basepcbframe.cpp:119
msgid "3D Frame already opened"
msgstr "Fenetre 3D dj ouverte"
......@@ -3475,7 +3651,7 @@ msgstr "Fenetre 3D d
msgid "3D Viewer"
msgstr "Visu 3D"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:206
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:205
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:151
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:73
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:125
......@@ -3483,161 +3659,161 @@ msgstr "Visu 3D"
msgid "End Tool"
msgstr "Fin Outil"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:216
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:495
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:215
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:494
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:252
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:581
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:51
msgid "Cancel Block"
msgstr "Annuler Bloc"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:218
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:497
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:217
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:496
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:52
msgid "Zoom Block (Midd butt drag)"
msgstr "Zoom Bloc (drag+bouton milieu)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:221
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:500
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:220
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:499
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:260
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:589
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:54
msgid "Place Block"
msgstr "Place Bloc"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:223
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:502
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:222
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:501
#: eeschema/libedit_onrightclick.cpp:266
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:598
msgid "Copy Block (shift + drag mouse)"
msgstr "Copie Bloc (shift + drag mouse)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:225
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:224
msgid "Mirror Block (alt + drag mouse)"
msgstr "Bloc Miroir (alt + drag mouse)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:227
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:506
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:226
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:505
msgid "Rotate Block (ctrl + drag mouse)"
msgstr "Rotation Bloc (ctrl + drag mouse)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:229
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:508
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:228
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:507
msgid "Delete Block (shift+ctrl + drag mouse)"
msgstr "Effacement Bloc (shift+ctrl + drag mouse)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:251
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:714
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:811
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:250
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:713
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:810
msgid "Rotate"
msgstr "Rotation"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:255
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:254
msgid "Scale"
msgstr "Echelle"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:256
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:255
msgid "Scale X"
msgstr "Echelle X"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:257
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:256
msgid "Scale Y"
msgstr "Echelle Y"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:260
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:259
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:185
msgid "Edit Module"
msgstr "Edit Module"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:263
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:262
msgid "Transform Module"
msgstr "Transforme Module"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:271
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:270
msgid "Move Pad"
msgstr "Dplace Pad"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:273
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:753
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:272
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:752
msgid "Edit Pad"
msgstr "Edit Pad"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:275
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:757
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:274
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:756
msgid "New Pad Settings"
msgstr "Nouvelles Caract. Pads"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:277
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:759
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:276
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:758
msgid "Export Pad Settings"
msgstr "Exporte Caract. Pads"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:279
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:278
msgid "delete Pad"
msgstr "Supprimer Pad"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:284
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:764
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:283
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:763
msgid "Global Pad Settings"
msgstr "Edition Globale des pads"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:292
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:291
msgid "Move Text Mod."
msgstr "Move Texte Mod."
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:295
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:294
msgid "Rotate Text Mod."
msgstr "Rot. Texte Mod."
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:297
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:296
msgid "Edit Text Mod."
msgstr "Edit Texte Mod."
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:300
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:299
msgid "Delete Text Mod."
msgstr "Supprimer Texte Mod."
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:307
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:306
msgid "End edge"
msgstr "Fin contour"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:310
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:309
msgid "Move edge"
msgstr "Dplace contour"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:312
msgid "Place edge"
msgstr "Place contour"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:316
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:682
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:716
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:813
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:315
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:681
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:715
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:812
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:312
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Editer"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:318
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:317
msgid "Edit Width (Current)"
msgstr "Edit Epaisseur (Courant)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:320
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:319
msgid "Edit Width (All)"
msgstr "Edit Epaisseur (Tous)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:322
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:321
msgid "Edit Layer (Current)"
msgstr "Edit Couche (Courant)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:324
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:323
msgid "Edit Layer (All)"
msgstr "Edit Couche (Tous)"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:326
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:325
msgid "Delete edge"
msgstr "Effacement contour"
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:367
#: pcbnew/modedit_onclick.cpp:366
msgid "Set Width"
msgstr "Ajuste Epaiss"
......@@ -3808,10 +3984,6 @@ msgstr "Hauteur Texte Module"
msgid "Text Module Size H"
msgstr "Largeur Texte Module"
#: pcbnew/export_gencad.cpp:69
msgid "GenCAD file:"
msgstr "Fichier GenCAD:"
#: pcbnew/swap_layers.cpp:59
msgid "Swap Layers:"
msgstr "Permutte couches"
......@@ -3841,6 +4013,19 @@ msgstr "Deselection"
msgid "Deselect this layer to restore its No Change state"
msgstr "Deselectionner cette couche pour restorer l'option Pas de Changement"
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:760
msgid "NetCode"
msgstr "NetCode"
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:780
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1135
msgid "Stat"
msgstr "Stat"
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:804
msgid "Diam"
msgstr "Diam"
#: pcbnew/dialog_edit_module.cpp:39
msgid "Module properties"
msgstr "Proprits du Module"
......@@ -3998,72 +4183,6 @@ msgstr "R
msgid "Delete [%s]"
msgstr "Supprimer [%s]"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:40
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:56
msgid "Footprint"
msgstr "Module"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:45
msgid "Pad"
msgstr "Pad"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:45
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:71
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:77
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:122
msgid " of "
msgstr " de "
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:50
msgid "Pcb Graphic"
msgstr "Pcb Graphic"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:50
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:59
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:133
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:148
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:175
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:197
msgid " on "
msgstr " sur "
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:54
msgid "Pcb Text"
msgstr "Texte Pcb"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:85
msgid "Graphic"
msgstr "Graphique"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:97
msgid "Arc"
msgstr "Arc"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:137
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:712
msgid "Zone"
msgstr "Zone"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:158
msgid "Blind"
msgstr "Enterre"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:160
msgid "Buried"
msgstr "Borgne"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:186
msgid "Dimension"
msgstr "Dimension"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:190
msgid "Target"
msgstr "Mire"
#: pcbnew/class_board_item.cpp:197
msgid "Edge Zone"
msgstr "Contour Zone"
#: pcbnew/class_edge_mod.cpp:283
msgid "Seg"
msgstr "Seg"
......@@ -4081,13 +4200,9 @@ msgstr "Couche Mod."
msgid "Seg Layer"
msgstr "Couche Seg."
#: pcbnew/move_or_drag_track.cpp:709
msgid "Unable to drag this segment: too many segments connected"
msgstr "Impossible de drag ce segment: trop de segments connects"
#: pcbnew/move_or_drag_track.cpp:762
msgid "Unable to drag this segment: two collinear segments"
msgstr "Impossible de drag ce segment: 2 segments aligns"
#: pcbnew/moduleframe.cpp:177
msgid "Module Editor: module modified!, Continue ?"
msgstr "Editeur de Module: module modifi! Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/cross-probing.cpp:51
#, c-format
......@@ -4109,23 +4224,6 @@ msgstr "Pin %s (module %s) non trouv
msgid "Locate Pin %s (module %s)"
msgstr "Pin localise %s (module %s)"
#: pcbnew/moduleframe.cpp:177
msgid "Module Editor: module modified!, Continue ?"
msgstr "Editeur de Module: module modifi! Continuer ?"
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:739
msgid "NetCode"
msgstr "NetCode"
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:759
#: pcbnew/class_module.cpp:1135
msgid "Stat"
msgstr "Stat"
#: pcbnew/class_track.cpp:783
msgid "Diam"
msgstr "Diam"
#: pcbnew/gen_modules_placefile.cpp:76
msgid "No Modules for Automated Placement"
msgstr "Pas de Module pour placement Automatis"
......@@ -4162,344 +4260,344 @@ msgstr "Via %.1f"
msgid "Via %.3f"
msgstr "Via %.3f"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:235
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:234
msgid "Lock Module"
msgstr "Verrouiller Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:243
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:242
msgid "Unlock Module"
msgstr "Dverrouiller Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:251
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:250
msgid "Auto place Module"
msgstr "Auto place Module"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:257
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:256
msgid "Autoroute"
msgstr "Autoroute"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:273
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:272
msgid "Move Drawing"
msgstr "Dplace Trac"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:278
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:277
msgid "End Drawing"
msgstr "Fin trac"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:280
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:279
msgid "Edit Drawing"
msgstr "Edit Trac"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:281
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:280
msgid "Delete Drawing"
msgstr "Supprimer Trac"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:288
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:287
msgid "End edge zone"
msgstr "Fin contour Zone"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:291
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:290
msgid "Delete edge zone"
msgstr "Supprimer Contour Zone"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:306
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:305
msgid "Edit Zone"
msgstr "Editer Zone"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:308
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:307
msgid "Delete Zone"
msgstr "Supprimer Zone"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:313
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:312
msgid "Delete Marker"
msgstr "Effacer Marqueur"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:320
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:319
msgid "Edit Dimension"
msgstr "Edit Cote"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:323
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:322
msgid "Delete Dimension"
msgstr "Suppression Cote"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:330
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:329
msgid "Move Target"
msgstr "Dplacer Mire"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:333
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:332
msgid "Edit Target"
msgstr "Editer Mire"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:335
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:334
msgid "Delete Target"
msgstr "Supprimer Mire"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:362
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:361
msgid "Get and Move Footprint"
msgstr "Sel et Dpl.t module"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:374
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:373
msgid "Fill zone"
msgstr "Remplir zone"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:382
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:381
msgid "Select Net"
msgstr "Slection Net"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:387
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:386
msgid "Delete Zone Limit"
msgstr "Supprimer Limite de Zone"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:392
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:403
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:416
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:477
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:391
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:402
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:415
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:476
msgid "Select Working Layer"
msgstr "Slection de la couche de travail"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:401
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:474
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:400
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:473
msgid "Select Track Width"
msgstr "Slection Epais. Piste"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:405
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:404
msgid "Select layer pair for vias"
msgstr "Selection couple de couches pour Vias"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:422
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:421
msgid "Footprint documentation"
msgstr "Documentation des modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:432
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:431
msgid "Glob Move and Place"
msgstr "Move et Place Globaux"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:434
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:433
msgid "Unlock All Modules"
msgstr "Dverrouiller tous les Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:436
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:435
msgid "Lock All Modules"
msgstr "Verrouiller tous les Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:439
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:438
msgid "Move All Modules"
msgstr "Dplace tous les Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:440
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:439
msgid "Move New Modules"
msgstr "Dplace nouveaux Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:442
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:441
msgid "Autoplace All Modules"
msgstr "Autoplace Tous Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:443
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:442
msgid "Autoplace New Modules"
msgstr "AutoPlace nouveaux Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:444
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:443
msgid "Autoplace Next Module"
msgstr "Autoplace Module suivant"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:447
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:446
msgid "Orient All Modules"
msgstr "Oriente Tous Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:454
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:453
msgid "Global Autoroute"
msgstr "Autoroutage global"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:456
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:455
msgid "Select layer pair"
msgstr "Selection couple de couches"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:458
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:457
msgid "Autoroute All Modules"
msgstr "Autoroute Tous Modules"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:460
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:459
msgid "Reset Unrouted"
msgstr "Rinit Non routs"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:465
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:464
msgid "Global AutoRouter"
msgstr "Autorouteur Global"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:467
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:466
msgid "Read Global AutoRouter Data"
msgstr "Lire Donnes de L'autorouteur global"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:504
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:503
msgid "Flip Block (alt + drag mouse)"
msgstr "Inversion Bloc (alt + drag mouse)"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:527
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:526
msgid "Drag Via"
msgstr "Drag Via"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:531
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:530
msgid "Edit Via"
msgstr "Edit Via"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:533
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:532
msgid "Set via hole to Default"
msgstr "Ajuste perage via dfaut"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:535
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:534
msgid "Set via hole to alt value"
msgstr "Ajuste perage via valeur alternative"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:537
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:536
msgid "Set the via hole alt value"
msgstr "Ajuste la valeur alt. perage via"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:539
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:538
msgid "Export Via hole to alt value"
msgstr "Exporte perage via valeur alt."
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:541
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:540
msgid "Export via hole to others id vias"
msgstr "Exporte perage via aux autres semblables."
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:543
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:542
msgid "Set ALL via holes to default"
msgstr "Ajuste perage TOUTES vias au dfaut"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:556
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:555
msgid "Move Node"
msgstr "Dplace Noeud"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:561
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:560
msgid "Drag Segments, keep slope"
msgstr "Drag Segments, garder direction"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:563
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:562
msgid "Drag Segment"
msgstr "Drag Segment"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:566
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:565
msgid "Move Segment"
msgstr "Dplace Segment"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:569
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:568
msgid "Break Track"
msgstr "Briser piste"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:576
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:575
msgid "Place Node"
msgstr "Place noeud"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:583
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:582
msgid "End Track"
msgstr "Terminer Piste"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:586
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:585
msgid "Place Via"
msgstr "Place Via"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:593
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:592
msgid "Change Width"
msgstr "Change Largeur"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:595
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:594
msgid "Edit Segment"
msgstr "Edit Segment"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:599
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:598
msgid "Edit Track"
msgstr "Editer Piste"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:601
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:600
msgid "Edit Net"
msgstr "Edit Net"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:603
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:602
msgid "Edit ALL Tracks and Vias"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Pistes et Vias"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:605
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:604
msgid "Edit ALL Vias (no track)"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Vias (pas les pistes)"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:607
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:606
msgid "Edit ALL Tracks (no via)"
msgstr "Editer TOUTES Pistes (pas les vias)"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:614
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:613
msgid "Delete Segment"
msgstr "SupprimerSegment"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:619
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:618
msgid "Delete Track"
msgstr "Effacer Piste"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:623
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:622
msgid "Delete Net"
msgstr "Supprimer Net"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:628
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:627
msgid "Set Flags"
msgstr "Ajust. Flags"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:629
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:628
msgid "Locked: Yes"
msgstr "Verrou: Oui"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:630
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:629
msgid "Locked: No"
msgstr "Verrou: Non"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:640
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:639
msgid "Track Locked: Yes"
msgstr "Piste verrouille: Oui"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:641
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:640
msgid "Track Locked: No"
msgstr "Piste verrouille: Non"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:643
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:642
msgid "Net Locked: Yes"
msgstr "Net verrouill: Oui"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:644
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:643
msgid "Net Locked: No"
msgstr "Net verrouill: Non"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:666
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:711
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:749
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:808
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:665
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:710
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:748
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:807
msgid "Move"
msgstr "Move"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:669
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:751
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:668
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:750
msgid "Drag"
msgstr "Drag"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:673
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:672
msgid "Rotate +"
msgstr "Rotation +"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:677
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:676
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:300
msgid "Rotate -"
msgstr "Rotation -"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:678
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:677
msgid "Flip"
msgstr "Change ct"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:768
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:767
msgid "delete"
msgstr "Effacer"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:775
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:774
msgid "Autoroute Pad"
msgstr "Autoroute Pad"
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:776
#: pcbnew/onrightclick.cpp:775
msgid "Autoroute Net"
msgstr "Autoroute Net"
......@@ -4571,26 +4669,62 @@ msgstr "Change Per
msgid "Change Orient"
msgstr "Change Orientation"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:317
msgid "Nodes"
msgstr "Nodes"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:92
msgid "Select Layer:"
msgstr "Selection couche:"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:320
msgid "Links"
msgstr "Liens"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:137
msgid "(Deselect)"
msgstr "(Deselection)"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:323
msgid "Nets"
msgstr "Nets"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:238
msgid "Less than two copper layers are being used."
msgstr "Il y a moins de 2 couches cuivre utilises."
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:326
msgid "Connect"
msgstr "Connect"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:239
msgid "Hence Layer Pairs cannot be specified."
msgstr "Donc les paires de couche ne peuvent pas tre spcifies"
#: pcbnew/class_board.cpp:329
#: eeschema/eelayer.cpp:177
msgid "NoConn"
msgstr "Non Conn"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:263
msgid "Select Layer Pair:"
msgstr "Selection paire de couches"
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:294
msgid "Top Layer"
msgstr "Couche Sup."
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:299
msgid "Bottom Layer"
msgstr "Couche Inf."
#: pcbnew/sel_layer.cpp:358
msgid "The Top Layer and Bottom Layer must differ"
msgstr "Les couches dessus et dessous doivent diffrer"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:32
#, c-format
msgid "Track Width: %s Vias Size : %s"
msgstr "Larg. piste: %s Diam Vias : %s"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:135
msgid "Drc error, cancelled"
msgstr "Erreur DRC, annulation"
#: pcbnew/edit_track_width.cpp:85
msgid "Change track width (entire NET) ?"
msgstr "Change largeur piste ( NET complet) ?"
#: pcbnew/move_or_drag_track.cpp:709
msgid "Unable to drag this segment: too many segments connected"
msgstr "Impossible de drag ce segment: trop de segments connects"
#: pcbnew/move_or_drag_track.cpp:762
msgid "Unable to drag this segment: two collinear segments"
msgstr "Impossible de drag ce segment: 2 segments aligns"
#: pcbnew/export_gencad.cpp:69
msgid "GenCAD file:"
msgstr "Fichier GenCAD:"
#: pcbnew/move-drag_pads.cpp:251
#, c-format
......@@ -4618,7 +4752,6 @@ msgstr "KeyW: "
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_lib.cpp:166
#: eeschema/dialog_create_component.cpp:176
#: eeschema/dialog_edit_component_in_schematic.cpp:204
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:279
#: cvpcb/dialog_display_options.h:43
msgid "Options"
msgstr "Options"
......@@ -4669,15 +4802,6 @@ msgstr "Messages:"
msgid "DRC Report file"
msgstr "Fichier rapport de contrle DRC:"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:32
#, c-format
msgid "Track Width: %s Vias Size : %s"
msgstr "Larg. piste: %s Diam Vias : %s"
#: pcbnew/editrack-part2.cpp:135
msgid "Drc error, cancelled"
msgstr "Erreur DRC, annulation"
#: pcbnew/cleaningoptions_dialog.cpp:146
msgid "Static"
msgstr "Static"
......@@ -4702,101 +4826,6 @@ msgstr "Connection aux pads"
msgid "Clean pcb"
msgstr "Nettoyage PCB"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:263
#: gerbview/options.cpp:173
msgid "No Display"
msgstr "Pas d'affichage"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:266
#: gerbview/options.cpp:175
msgid "Display Polar Coord"
msgstr "Affichage coord Polaires"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:273
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:248
#: gerbview/options.cpp:185
msgid "Units"
msgstr "Units"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:278
#: gerbview/options.cpp:191
msgid "Small"
msgstr "Petit"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:279
#: gerbview/options.cpp:191
msgid "Big"
msgstr "Grand"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:281
#: gerbview/options.cpp:192
msgid "Cursor"
msgstr "Curseur"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:288
msgid "Number of Layers:"
msgstr "Nombre de Couches:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:295
msgid "Max Links:"
msgstr "Liens max:"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:302
msgid "Auto Save (minuts):"
msgstr "Sauveg. Auto (min)"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:312
#: eeschema/netlist_control.cpp:94
#: eeschema/dialog_cmp_graphic_properties.cpp:151
#: share/dialog_print.cpp:167
msgid "Options:"
msgstr "Options :"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:316
msgid "Drc ON"
msgstr "Drc ACTIVE"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:321
msgid "Show Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu gnral"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:325
msgid "Show Mod Ratsnest"
msgstr "Monter le chevelu du module"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:329
msgid "Tracks Auto Del"
msgstr "Auto Supp. Pistes"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:333
msgid "Track 45 Only"
msgstr "Pistes 45 seulement"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:337
msgid "Segments 45 Only"
msgstr "Segments 45 seulement"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:341
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:239
msgid "Auto PAN"
msgstr "Auto PAN"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:346
msgid "Double Segm Track"
msgstr "2 segments pour piste"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:353
msgid "When creating tracks"
msgstr "En creation de pistes"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:356
msgid "Magnetic Pads"
msgstr " Pads magntiques"
#: pcbnew/dialog_general_options.cpp:358
msgid "control the capture of the pcb cursor when the mouse cursor enters a pad area"
msgstr "Controle la capture du curseur pcb quand le curseuir souris est sur le pad"
#: eeschema/annotate.cpp:181
msgid "Previous Annotation will be deleted. Continue ?"
msgstr "La numrotation existante va tre dtruite, continuer?"
......@@ -4896,86 +4925,43 @@ msgstr "Ajout Composant"
msgid "Add Power"
msgstr "Add Alims"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:301
msgid "Annotation Required!"
msgstr "Numrotation requise!"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:403
msgid "ERC file:"
msgstr "Fichier ERC:"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:556
#, c-format
msgid "Warning GLabel %s not connected to SheetLabel"
msgstr "Warning GLabel %s non connect a SheetLabel"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:560
#, c-format
msgid "Warning SheetLabel %s not connected to GLabel"
msgstr "Warning SheetLabel %s non connect a GLabel"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:574
#, c-format
msgid "Warning Pin %s Unconnected"
msgstr "Warning Pin %s Non connecte"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:583
#, c-format
msgid "Warning Pin %s not driven (Net %d)"
msgstr "Warning Pin %s non pilote (Net %d)"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:593
msgid "Warning More than 1 Pin connected to UnConnect symbol"
msgstr "Warning: plus que 1 Pin connecte a un symbole de non connexion"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:603
#: common/confirm.cpp:79
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avertissement"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:606
#: common/confirm.cpp:82
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:612
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Pin %s connected to Pin %s (net %d)"
msgstr "%s: Pin %s connecte a Pin %s (net %d)"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:157
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:191
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:268
msgid "List"
msgstr "Liste"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:729
msgid "ERC control"
msgstr "Controle ERC"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:179
msgid "No component"
msgstr "Pas de composants"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:739
#, c-format
msgid ""
"***** Sheet %d (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"***** feuille %d (%s)\n"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:200
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:305
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:343
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:364
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:379
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Fini"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:741
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:616
#: eeschema/hierarch.cpp:134
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1009
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Racine"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:203
msgid "NbItems"
msgstr "NbItems"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:757
#, c-format
msgid "ERC: %s (X= %2.3f inches, Y= %2.3f inches\n"
msgstr "ERC: %s (X= %2.3f pouces, Y= %2.3f pouces\n"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:310
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Labels"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:766
#, c-format
msgid ""
" >> Errors ERC: %d\n"
msgstr ""
" >> Erreurs ERC: %d\n"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:346
msgid "Hierar."
msgstr "Hirar."
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:367
msgid "Sorting"
msgstr "Tri"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:808
msgid "Bad Bus Label: "
msgstr "Mauvais label de Bus: "
#: eeschema/symbtext.cpp:130
msgid " Text : "
......@@ -5222,12 +5208,6 @@ msgstr "Forme Pin de hi
msgid "No New Global Label found"
msgstr "Pas de nouveau Global Label trouv"
#: eeschema/netform.cpp:55
#: eeschema/netform.cpp:254
#: eeschema/save_schemas.cpp:94
msgid "Failed to create file "
msgstr "Impossible de crer le fichier "
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:140
#: eeschema/dialog_options.cpp:288
msgid "Delta Step X"
......@@ -5515,7 +5495,6 @@ msgid "&Del Markers"
msgstr "&Supprimer Marqueurs"
#: eeschema/dialog_erc.cpp:218
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:336
msgid "&Quit"
msgstr "&Quitter"
......@@ -5527,133 +5506,85 @@ msgstr "erc"
msgid "Reset"
msgstr "Dfaut"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:101
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.h:58
msgid "List of Material"
msgstr "Liste du Matriel"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:123
msgid " List items: "
msgstr " Liste lments: "
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:126
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:244
msgid "Components by Reference"
msgstr "Composants par rfrence"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:129
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:252
msgid "Components by Value"
msgstr "Composants par valeur"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:301
msgid "Annotation Required!"
msgstr "Numrotation requise!"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:132
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:248
msgid "Sub Components (i.e U2A, U2B..)"
msgstr "Sous Composants (i.e U2A, U2B..)"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:403
msgid "ERC file:"
msgstr "Fichier ERC:"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:135
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:256
msgid "Hierachy Pins by name"
msgstr "Pins de hierarchie par nom"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:556
#, c-format
msgid "Warning GLabel %s not connected to SheetLabel"
msgstr "Warning GLabel %s non connect a SheetLabel"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:138
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:260
msgid "Hierachy Pins by Sheets"
msgstr "Pins de hirarchie par feuilles"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:560
#, c-format
msgid "Warning SheetLabel %s not connected to GLabel"
msgstr "Warning SheetLabel %s non connect a GLabel"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:144
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:331
msgid "&Create List"
msgstr "&Crer Liste"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:574
#, c-format
msgid "Warning Pin %s Unconnected"
msgstr "Warning Pin %s Non connecte"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:149
#: 3d-viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:116
msgid "&Exit"
msgstr "&Quitter"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:583
#, c-format
msgid "Warning Pin %s not driven (Net %d)"
msgstr "Warning Pin %s non pilote (Net %d)"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:172
msgid "List of material:"
msgstr "Liste du Matriel:"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:593
msgid "Warning More than 1 Pin connected to UnConnect symbol"
msgstr "Warning: plus que 1 Pin connecte a un symbole de non connexion"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:214
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:481
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:533
msgid "Failed to open file "
msgstr "Erreur ouverture "
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:603
#: common/confirm.cpp:79
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Avertissement"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:277
msgid ""
"#Glob labels ( order = Sheet Number )\n"
msgstr ""
"#Glob labels ( ordre = Numro de feuille )\n"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:606
#: common/confirm.cpp:82
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:287
msgid ""
"#Glob labels ( order = Alphab. )\n"
msgstr ""
"#Glob labels ( ordre = Alphab. )\n"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:612
#, c-format
msgid "%s: Pin %s connected to Pin %s (net %d)"
msgstr "%s: Pin %s connecte a Pin %s (net %d)"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:294
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:614
msgid ""
"#End List\n"
msgstr ""
"#End List\n"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:729
msgid "ERC control"
msgstr "Controle ERC"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:584
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:974
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:739
#, c-format
msgid ""
"#Cmp ( order = Reference )"
"***** Sheet %d (%s)\n"
msgstr ""
"#Cmp ( ordre = Reference )"
"***** feuille %d (%s)\n"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:585
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:640
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:975
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1041
msgid " (with SubCmp)"
msgstr "avec sub-composants"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:741
#: eeschema/hierarch.cpp:134
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1174
msgid "Root"
msgstr "Racine"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:623
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:672
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1023
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1075
msgid "#End Cmp\n"
msgstr "#End Cmp\n"
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:757
#, c-format
msgid "ERC: %s (X= %2.3f inches, Y= %2.3f inches\n"
msgstr "ERC: %s (X= %2.3f pouces, Y= %2.3f pouces\n"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:639
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1040
#: eeschema/erc.cpp:766
#, c-format
msgid ""
"#Cmp ( order = Value )"
" >> Errors ERC: %d\n"
msgstr ""
"#Cmp ( ordre = Valeur )"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:697
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1100
#, c-format
msgid "> %-28.28s Global (Sheet %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
msgstr "> %-28.28s Global (feuille %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:713
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1116
#, c-format
msgid "> %-28.28s Sheet %-7.7s (Sheet %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
msgstr "> %-28.28s Sheet %-7.7s (feuille %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
#: eeschema/genliste.cpp:726
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1129
msgid "#End labels\n"
msgstr "#End labels\n"
" >> Erreurs ERC: %d\n"
#: eeschema/find.cpp:220
msgid "Pin "
......@@ -6194,6 +6125,12 @@ msgstr "Taille "
msgid "Schematic files:"
msgstr "Fichiers schmatiques:"
#: eeschema/save_schemas.cpp:94
#: eeschema/netform.cpp:55
#: eeschema/netform.cpp:254
msgid "Failed to create file "
msgstr "Impossible de crer le fichier "
#: eeschema/save_schemas.cpp:99
msgid "Save file "
msgstr "Sauver fichier "
......@@ -6893,44 +6830,6 @@ msgstr "Fond Plein"
msgid "Fill:"
msgstr "Remplissage:"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:157
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:191
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:265
msgid "List"
msgstr "Liste"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:179
msgid "No component"
msgstr "Pas de composants"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:200
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:305
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:343
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:364
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:379
msgid "Done"
msgstr "Fini"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:203
msgid "NbItems"
msgstr "NbItems"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:310
msgid "Labels"
msgstr "Labels"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:346
msgid "Hierar."
msgstr "Hirar."
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:367
msgid "Sorting"
msgstr "Tri"
#: eeschema/netlist.cpp:808
msgid "Bad Bus Label: "
msgstr "Mauvais label de Bus: "
#: eeschema/files-io.cpp:57
msgid "Clear SubHierarchy ?"
msgstr "Supprimer la sous hirarchie?"
......@@ -7114,130 +7013,27 @@ msgstr "3 Etats"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:336
msgid "Unspecified"
msgstr "Non specifi"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:337
msgid "Power In"
msgstr "Power In"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:338
msgid "Power Out"
msgstr "Power Out"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:339
msgid "Open coll"
msgstr "Coll ouvert"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:340
msgid "Open emit"
msgstr "Emetteur ouv."
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:342
msgid "Electrical Type:"
msgstr "Type lectrique:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:240
msgid "List items : "
msgstr "Liste lments:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:266
msgid "Text for spreadsheet import"
msgstr "Texte pour import dans tableur:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:267
msgid "Output format:"
msgstr "Format de sortie"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:272
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tab"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:273
msgid ";"
msgstr ";"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:274
msgid ","
msgstr ","
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:275
msgid "Field separator for spreadsheet import:"
msgstr "Separateur de champ pour import dans tableu:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:283
msgid "Launch list browser"
msgstr "Lancer le visualisateur de liste"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:290
msgid "Fields to Add"
msgstr "Champ ajouterr"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:294
msgid "Add Field 1"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 1"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:298
msgid "Add Field 2"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 2"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:302
msgid "Add Field 3"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 3"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:306
msgid "Add Field 4"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 4"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:310
msgid "Add Field 5"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 5"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:314
msgid "Add Field 6"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 6"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:318
msgid "Add Field 7"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 7"
msgstr "Non specifi"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:322
msgid "Add Field 8"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 8"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:337
msgid "Power In"
msgstr "Power In"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:437
msgid "Bill of material:"
msgstr "Liste du materiel:"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:338
msgid "Power Out"
msgstr "Power Out"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:597
#, c-format
msgid ""
"#Glob labels ( order = Sheet Number ) count = %d\n"
msgstr ""
"#Glob labels ( ordre = Numro de feuiller ) nombre = %d\n"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:339
msgid "Open coll"
msgstr "Coll ouvert"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:607
#, c-format
msgid ""
"#Glob labels ( order = Alphab. ) count = %d\n"
msgstr ""
"#Glob labels ( ordre = Alphab. ) nombre = %d\n"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:340
msgid "Open emit"
msgstr "Emetteur ouv."
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:967
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:58
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:59
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:60
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:61
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:62
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:63
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:64
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:65
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Champ"
#: eeschema/pinedit-dialog.cpp:342
msgid "Electrical Type:"
msgstr "Type lectrique:"
#: eeschema/lib_export.cpp:39
msgid "Import part:"
......@@ -7423,6 +7219,18 @@ msgstr "Effacement Bloc (shift+ctrl + drag mouse)"
msgid "Library browser"
msgstr "Visualisateur des librairies"
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:58
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:59
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:60
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:61
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:62
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:63
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:64
#: eeschema/component_class.cpp:65
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1118
msgid "Field"
msgstr "Champ"
#: eeschema/onrightclick.cpp:142
msgid "Leave Sheet"
msgstr "Quitter sous-feuille"
......@@ -7840,6 +7648,178 @@ msgstr "R
msgid "Value needed !, No change"
msgstr "Valeur NECESSAIRE: changement refus"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:243
msgid "List items:"
msgstr " Liste lments: "
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:247
msgid "Components by Reference"
msgstr "Composants par rfrence"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:251
msgid "Sub Components (i.e. U2A, U2B ...)"
msgstr "Sous Composants (i.e U2A, U2B...)"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:255
msgid "Components by Value"
msgstr "Composants par valeur"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:259
msgid "Hierachy Pins by Name"
msgstr "Pins de hierarchie par Nom"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:263
msgid "Hierachy Pins by Sheets"
msgstr "Pins de hirarchie par feuilles"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:269
msgid "Text for spreadsheet import"
msgstr "Texte pour import dans tableur:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:270
msgid "Output format:"
msgstr "Format de sortie"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:275
msgid "Tab"
msgstr "Tab"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:276
msgid ";"
msgstr ";"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:277
msgid ","
msgstr ","
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:278
msgid "Field separator for spreadsheet import:"
msgstr "Separateur de champ pour import dans tableu:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:286
msgid "Launch list browser"
msgstr "Lancer le visualisateur de liste"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:293
msgid "Fields to add:"
msgstr "Champ ajouter:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:297
msgid "Add Field 1"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 1"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:301
msgid "Add Field 2"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 2"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:305
msgid "Add Field 3"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 3"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:309
msgid "Add Field 4"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 4"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:313
msgid "Add Field 5"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 5"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:317
msgid "Add Field 6"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 6"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:321
msgid "Add Field 7"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 7"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:325
msgid "Add Field 8"
msgstr "Ajouter Champ 8"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:331
msgid "Create &List"
msgstr "Crer &Liste"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:347
msgid "&Apply"
msgstr "&Appliquer"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:552
msgid "Bill of material:"
msgstr "Liste du materiel:"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:602
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:658
msgid "Failed to open file "
msgstr "Erreur ouverture "
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:730
#, c-format
msgid ""
"#Glob labels ( order = Sheet Number ) count = %d\n"
msgstr ""
"#Glob labels ( ordre = Numro de feuiller ) nombre = %d\n"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:741
#, c-format
msgid ""
"#Glob labels ( order = Alphab. ) count = %d\n"
msgstr ""
"#Glob labels ( ordre = Alphab. ) nombre = %d\n"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:748
msgid ""
"#End List\n"
msgstr ""
"#End List\n"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1126
msgid ""
"#Cmp ( order = Reference )"
msgstr ""
"#Cmp ( ordre = Reference )"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1129
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1209
msgid " (with SubCmp)"
msgstr "avec sub-composants"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1189
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1250
msgid "#End Cmp\n"
msgstr "#End Cmp\n"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1206
msgid ""
"#Cmp ( order = Value )"
msgstr ""
"#Cmp ( ordre = Valeur )"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1275
#, c-format
msgid "> %-28.28s Global (Sheet %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
msgstr "> %-28.28s Global (feuille %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1294
#, c-format
msgid "> %-28.28s Sheet %-7.7s (Sheet %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
msgstr "> %-28.28s Sheet %-7.7s (feuille %.2d) pos: %3.3f, %3.3f\n"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.cpp:1308
msgid "#End labels\n"
msgstr "#End labels\n"
#: eeschema/annotate_dialog.cpp:122
msgid "Hierarchy"
msgstr "Hirarchie"
......@@ -8662,35 +8642,14 @@ msgstr "Commande <%c%c> ignor
msgid "Too many include files!!"
msgstr "Trop de fichiers inclus!!"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:34
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:311
msgid "Layer "
msgstr "Couche "
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:96
msgid "Tool"
msgstr "Outils"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:101
msgid "D CODE"
msgstr "D CODE"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:103
msgid "D type"
msgstr "D type"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:104
msgid "????"
msgstr "????"
#: gerbview/block.cpp:267
msgid "Ok to delete block ?"
msgstr "Ok pour effacer le bloc"
#: gerbview/edit.cpp:246
msgid "No layer selected"
msgstr "Pas de couche slectionne"
#: gerbview/block.cpp:267
msgid "Ok to delete block ?"
msgstr "Ok pour effacer le bloc"
#: gerbview/initpcb.cpp:34
msgid "Current Data will be lost ?"
msgstr "Les donnes courante seront perdues ?"
......@@ -8712,6 +8671,37 @@ msgstr "Gerbview: Couleur des couches"
msgid "List D codes"
msgstr "Liste D-Codes"
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%d errors while reading Gerber file [%s]"
msgstr "%d erreurs pendant lecture fichier gerber [%s]"
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:265
#: gerbview/files.cpp:183
msgid "D codes files:"
msgstr "Fichiers D-Codes:"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:34
#: gerbview/tool_gerber.cpp:311
msgid "Layer "
msgstr "Couche "
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:96
msgid "Tool"
msgstr "Outils"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:101
msgid "D CODE"
msgstr "D CODE"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:103
msgid "D type"
msgstr "D type"
#: gerbview/affiche.cpp:104
msgid "????"
msgstr "????"
#: gerbview/options.cpp:147
msgid "Gerbview Options"
msgstr "Gerbview Options "
......@@ -8761,11 +8751,6 @@ msgstr "non encore disponible"
msgid "Gerber files:"
msgstr "Fichiers Gerber:"
#: gerbview/files.cpp:183
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:265
msgid "D codes files:"
msgstr "Fichiers D-Codes:"
#: gerbview/onrightclick.cpp:55
msgid "Copy Block (shift mouse)"
msgstr "Copie Bloc (shift mouse)"
......@@ -8787,11 +8772,6 @@ msgstr "Couche modifi
msgid "Save config file"
msgstr "Sauver config"
#: gerbview/readgerb.cpp:247
#, c-format
msgid "%d errors while reading Gerber file [%s]"
msgstr "%d erreurs pendant lecture fichier gerber [%s]"
#: gerbview/select_layers_to_pcb.cpp:80
msgid "Layer selection:"
msgstr "Slection couche:"
......@@ -9489,6 +9469,10 @@ msgstr "Cr
msgid "Create Image (jpeg format)"
msgstr "Crer fichier Image (format jpeg)"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:116
msgid "&Exit"
msgstr "&Quitter"
#: 3d-viewer/3d_toolbar.cpp:122
msgid "Choose background color"
msgstr "Choix Couleur du fond"
......@@ -9897,6 +9881,10 @@ msgstr "Num
msgid "EESchema Locate"
msgstr "Recherche"
#: eeschema/dialog_build_BOM.h:60
msgid "List of Material"
msgstr "Liste du Matriel"
#: eeschema/sheet.h:43
msgid "Sheet properties"
msgstr "Proprits de la feuille"
......@@ -49,9 +49,9 @@ wxString BOARD_ITEM::MenuText( const BOARD* aPcb ) const
if ( (pad->m_Masque_Layer & ALL_CU_LAYERS) == ALL_CU_LAYERS )
text << _("all copper layers");
else if( (pad->m_Masque_Layer & CUIVRE_LAYER) == CUIVRE_LAYER )
text << _("copper layers");
text << _("copper layer");
else if( (pad->m_Masque_Layer & CMP_LAYER) == CMP_LAYER )
text << _("cmp layers");
text << _("cmp layer");
else text << _("???");
text << _( ") of " ) << ( (MODULE*) GetParent() )->GetReference();
......@@ -7,15 +7,17 @@
#include "base_struct.h"
/* Type des Vias (shape)*/
/* Forme des Vias ( parametre .shape ) */
#define VIA_NORMALE 3 /* type via : traversante (throught via) */
#define VIA_ENTERREE 2 /* type via : enterree ou aveugle (blind via) */
#define VIA_BORGNE 1 /* type via : borgne ou demi-traversante (buried via) */
#define VIA_NOT_DEFINED 0 /* reserved */
#define SQUARE_VIA 0x80000000 /* Flag pour forme carree */
// Via attributes (m_Shape parmeter)
#define THROUGH_VIA 3 /* Always a through hole via */
#define BURIED_VIA 2 /* this via can be on internal layers */
#define BLIND_VIA 1 /* this via which connect from internal layers to an external layer */
#define NOT_DEFINED_VIA 0 /* reserved (unused) */
#define SQUARE_VIA_SHAPE 0x80000000 /* Flag pour forme carree */
......@@ -80,7 +82,7 @@ public:
TRACK* GetBestInsertPoint( BOARD* Pcb );
/* Copie d'un Element d'une chaine de n elements
TRACK* CopyList( int NbSegm = 1 ) const;
* TRACK* CopyList( int NbSegm = 1 ) const;
/* Recherche du debut du net
......@@ -181,11 +183,12 @@ public:
wxString GetClass() const
return wxT("TRACK");
return wxT( "TRACK" );
#if defined(DEBUG)
#if defined (DEBUG)
* Function Show
* is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only.
......@@ -194,6 +197,7 @@ public:
* @param os The ostream& to output to.
void Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os );
......@@ -210,11 +214,11 @@ public:
wxString GetClass() const
return wxT("ZONE");
return wxT( "ZONE" );
SEGZONE* Next() const { return (SEGZONE*) Pnext; }
SEGZONE* Next() const { return (SEGZONE*) Pnext; }
......@@ -249,11 +253,12 @@ public:
wxString GetClass() const
return wxT("VIA");
return wxT( "VIA" );
#if defined(DEBUG)
#if defined (DEBUG)
* Function Show
* is used to output the object tree, currently for debugging only.
......@@ -262,8 +267,8 @@ public:
* @param os The ostream& to output to.
void Show( int nestLevel, std::ostream& os );
......@@ -413,5 +413,5 @@ void WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::GeneralControle( wxDC* DC, wxPoint Mouse )
Affiche_Status_Box(); /* Affichage des coord curseur */
Affiche_Status_Box(); /* Display new cursor coordinates */
......@@ -172,32 +172,11 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ReadListeSegmentDescr( wxDC* DC, FILE* File,
PtSegm->m_Width = width;
// Before specifying the value for any new via's Shape property, check
// the values of its top_layer and bottom_layer properties, to determine
// what value should *really* be assigned to that property (as all
// versions of KiCad up until revision 335 (committed on 2007-Oct-13)
// could sometimes assign an inappropriate value to that property).
if( makeType == TYPEVIA )
int b_layer = (layer >> 4) & 15;
int t_layer = layer & 15;
if( ( ( b_layer == COPPER_LAYER_N ) && ( t_layer == CMP_N ) )
|| ( ( b_layer == CMP_N ) && ( t_layer == COPPER_LAYER_N ) ) )
// The via is really of a "standard" (through-hole) type
shape = VIA_NORMALE;
else if( ( b_layer == COPPER_LAYER_N ) || ( t_layer == CMP_N )
|| ( b_layer == CMP_N ) || ( t_layer == COPPER_LAYER_N ) )
// The via is really of a "blind" type
shape = VIA_BORGNE;
// The via is really of a "buried" type
// a THROUGH HOLE VIA always connects all layers
if ( shape == THROUGH_VIA )
layer = (COPPER_LAYER_N << 4) + LAYER_CMP_N;
PtSegm->m_Shape = shape;
......@@ -221,11 +200,11 @@ int WinEDA_BasePcbFrame::ReadListeSegmentDescr( wxDC* DC, FILE* File,
DisplayActivity( PerCent, wxT( "Tracks:" ) );
DisplayActivity( PerCent, _( "Tracks:" ) );
DisplayActivity( PerCent, wxT( "Zones:" ) );
DisplayActivity( PerCent, _( "Zones:" ) );
......@@ -663,6 +663,21 @@ TEXTE_MODULE* LocateTexteModule( BOARD* Pcb, MODULE** PtModule, int typeloc )
inline int Dist(wxPoint & p1, wxPoint & p2)
return the dist min between p1 and p2
int dist;
dist = abs(p1.x - p2.x) + abs (p1.y - p2.y);
dist *= 7;
dist /= 10;
return dist;
TRACK* Locate_Piste_Connectee( TRACK* PtRefSegm, TRACK* pt_base,
TRACK* pt_lim, int extr )
......@@ -686,6 +701,7 @@ TRACK* Locate_Piste_Connectee( TRACK* PtRefSegm, TRACK* pt_base,
int Reflayer;
wxPoint pos_ref;
int ii;
int min_dist;
if( extr == START )
pos_ref = PtRefSegm->m_Start;
......@@ -708,13 +724,16 @@ TRACK* Locate_Piste_Connectee( TRACK* PtRefSegm, TRACK* pt_base,
goto suite;
if( PtSegmN == PtRefSegm )
goto suite;
if( pos_ref == PtSegmN->m_Start )
min_dist = (PtSegmN->m_Width + PtRefSegm->m_Width)/2;
if( Dist(pos_ref, PtSegmN->m_Start) < min_dist )
{ /* Test des couches */
if( Reflayer & PtSegmN->ReturnMaskLayer() )
return PtSegmN;
if( pos_ref == PtSegmN->m_End )
if( Dist(pos_ref, PtSegmN->m_End) < min_dist )
{ /* Test des couches */
if( Reflayer & PtSegmN->ReturnMaskLayer() )
return PtSegmN;
......@@ -732,13 +751,16 @@ suite:
goto suite1;
if( PtSegmB == PtRefSegm )
goto suite1;
if( pos_ref == PtSegmB->m_Start )
min_dist = (PtSegmB->m_Width + PtRefSegm->m_Width)/2;
if( Dist(pos_ref, PtSegmB->m_Start) < min_dist )
{ /* Test des couches */
if( Reflayer & PtSegmB->ReturnMaskLayer() )
return PtSegmB;
if( pos_ref == PtSegmB->m_End )
if( Dist(pos_ref, PtSegmB->m_End) < min_dist )
{ /* Test des couches */
if( Reflayer & PtSegmB->ReturnMaskLayer() )
return PtSegmB;
......@@ -769,13 +791,16 @@ suite1:
if( pos_ref == PtSegmN->m_Start )
min_dist = (PtSegmN->m_Width + PtRefSegm->m_Width)/2;
if( Dist(pos_ref,PtSegmN->m_Start) < min_dist )
{ /* Test des couches */
if( Reflayer & PtSegmN->ReturnMaskLayer() )
return PtSegmN;
if( pos_ref == PtSegmN->m_End )
if( Dist(pos_ref, PtSegmN->m_End) < min_dist )
{ /* Test des couches */
if( Reflayer & PtSegmN->ReturnMaskLayer() )
return PtSegmN;
......@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@
void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
/* Traite les commandes declenche par le bouton gauche de la souris,
* quand un outil est deja selectionn
/* Handle the left click in footprint editor
BOARD_ITEM* DrawStruct = GetCurItem();
......@@ -39,7 +38,7 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
DrawPanel->CursorOff( DC );
if( m_ID_current_state == 0 )
if( DrawStruct && DrawStruct->m_Flags ) // Commande "POPUP" en cours
if( DrawStruct && DrawStruct->m_Flags ) // Command in progress
switch( DrawStruct->Type() )
......@@ -75,7 +74,7 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
DrawStruct = GetCurItem();
if( !DrawStruct || (DrawStruct->m_Flags == 0) )
DrawStruct = (BOARD_ITEM*) ModeditLocateAndDisplay();
DrawStruct = ModeditLocateAndDisplay();
SetCurItem( DrawStruct );
......@@ -177,9 +176,9 @@ bool WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos,
wxMenu* PopMenu )
/* Prepare le menu PullUp affich par un click sur le bouton droit
* de la souris.
* Ce menu est ensuite complt par la liste des commandes de ZOOM
/* Handle the right click in the footprint editor:
* Create the pull up menu
* After this menu is built, the standart ZOOM menu is added
BOARD_ITEM* DrawStruct = GetCurItem();
......@@ -376,9 +375,8 @@ bool WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos,
void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
/* Appel sur un double click:
* pour un lment editable (textes, composant):
* appel de l'editeur correspondant.
/* Handle the double click in the footprin editor:
* If the double clicked item is editable: call the corresponding editor.
BOARD_ITEM* DrawStruct = GetCurItem();
......@@ -392,13 +390,13 @@ void WinEDA_ModuleEditFrame::OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
case 0:
if( (DrawStruct == NULL) || (DrawStruct->m_Flags == 0) )
DrawStruct = PcbGeneralLocateAndDisplay();
DrawStruct = ModeditLocateAndDisplay();
if( (DrawStruct == NULL) || (DrawStruct->m_Flags != 0) )
// Element localis
// Item found
SetCurItem( DrawStruct );
switch( DrawStruct->Type() )
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ static bool DisplayRastnestInProgress; // Enable the display of the ratsnes
* Build_Board_Ratsnest( wxDC* DC ) Create this rastnest
* for each net:
* First:
* we create links (and therefore a logical block) between 2 pad. This is achieved by:
* we create a link (and therefore a logical block) between 2 pad. This is achieved by:
* search for a pad without link.
* search its nearest pad
* link these 2 pads (i.e. create a ratsnest item)
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