Commit 42f1b9e4 authored by henner zeller's avatar henner zeller Committed by jean-pierre charras

commit patch from henner zeller (make EDA_LIST_DIALOG resizable)

parent 40c5a46f
......@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ EDA_LIST_DIALOG::EDA_LIST_DIALOG( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aParent, const wxString& aTitl
wxSize( 300, 200 ), 0, NULL,
GeneralBoxSizer->Add( m_listBox, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
GeneralBoxSizer->Add( m_listBox, 2, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
InsertItems( aItemList, 0 );
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ EDA_LIST_DIALOG::EDA_LIST_DIALOG( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aParent, const wxString& aTitl
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( -1, 60 ),
GeneralBoxSizer->Add( m_messages, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
GeneralBoxSizer->Add( m_messages, 1, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 );
wxSizer* buttonSizer = CreateButtonSizer( wxOK | wxCANCEL );
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