Commit 3b381cf8 authored by jean-pierre charras's avatar jean-pierre charras

Remove *.ico files and used only xpm or new pgn bitmaps for icons under Window.

Fix minor other issues.
Remove unused files.
parent eae7f37b
......@@ -36,7 +36,9 @@
#include "potracelib.h"
#include "bitmap_io.h"
#include "bitmap2component.xpm"
#include "icon_bitmap2component.xpm"
#include "colors_selection.h"
#include "build_version.h"
......@@ -98,11 +100,10 @@ BM2CMP_FRAME::BM2CMP_FRAME() : BM2CMP_FRAME_BASE( NULL )
m_Config->Read( KEYWORD_LAST_INPUT_FILE, &m_BitmapFileName );
m_Config->Read( KEYWORD_LAST_OUTPUT_FILE, &m_ConvertedFileName );
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
SetIcon( wxICON( bitmap2component_icon ) );
SetIcon( wxICON( bitmap2component ) );
// Give an icon
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_bitmap2component_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
bitmap2component_icon ICON bitmap2component.ico
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
/* XPM */
const char *bitmap2component_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"32 32 16 1",
"@ c #592904",
"# c #974704",
"$ c #5455D0",
"o c #090915",
"- c #2E1604",
"+ c #4B4BB5",
"* c #222352",
"X c #0F1128",
": c #BE5904",
" c #0CFA0C",
"% c #FC7A04",
"= c #323378",
"; c #753704",
"O c #3C3B8F",
"& c #DF6904",
". c #050204",
/* pixels */
" . ..",
" .",
" ",
"........................ .. ",
"........................ .. ",
" X.oO ... ",
"+++X@#.X+ $ ... .",
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"....@%%%#-..-#;.... ........",
"....@%%&%&-.#%%-.... .......",
"....@%%%%;..;%&......====O+$ ",
"....@%%:-....o..............= ",
"....@&@.... +*O ......%%%%&#.X ",
"....-..... .....%%&%%%:...",
"OO O=+ . *.%%%%%&%@X ",
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"XXXo@%;.X+ +*=$ ... ..",
" X-.oO ... .",
" X.= ... ",
"........................ .. ",
"........................ .. ",
" ",
" .",
" . .."
/* XPM */
const char *bitmap2component_16x16_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"16 16 16 1",
"& c #128B26",
" c #0CFA0C",
"# c #A75104",
"@ c #22204C",
"O c #050304",
"; c #191327",
"X c #054306",
"* c #F27504",
"o c #0C7E0C",
": c #1ACC2E",
"$ c #51280C",
"- c #391E07",
". c #0CBE0C",
"% c #289F55",
"= c #703505",
"+ c #1C563C",
/* pixels */
" . X",
"oooooooooooo .. ",
"oXO+ooooooXO .. ",
"@@#$+%+& XX X",
"OO#*#O#=OX XOOO",
"OO#*=O$-OO;@@@: ",
"%:% X. ;***#X",
"ooooo . .o;***#;",
"OO#*#O#$OOX+o&: ",
"OO#*=O=-OX XOOO",
"&X=;& %% XX X",
"oX;oooooooXO .. ",
"oooooooooooo .. ",
" . X"
/* XPM */
const char *icon_bitmap2component_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"32 32 427 2",
"^X c #DDDDDC",
"qX c #70726F",
"_X c Black",
"5 c #DDDDDD",
"#. c #E0E1E1",
"e c #E6E6E6",
"cO c #7C7F7D",
"- c #7C7C7C",
"G c #EFEFEF",
"mX c #828482",
"dO c #828483",
"u. c #858585",
"8X c #888988",
"#o c #8B8D8C",
"g. c #8B9090",
"EX c #A0A3A0",
"K c #A0A0A0",
"OO c #A3A4A2",
"Lo c #36393A",
"So c #ACADAB",
"-O c #ACADAC",
"M. c #A9ACAC",
"!X c #B2B2B0",
"d. c #ACADAF",
";o c #AFB1B1",
"b. c #ACADB0",
"Z c #B2B2B2",
":o c #B5B6B5",
"{X c #B5B6B6",
" o c #BBBBBA",
"A c #BBBBBB",
"dX c #BBBEBD",
"jo c #BEBFBD",
"*X c #C4C4C0",
"fX c #C1C3C2",
"]X c #C4C4C3",
"+o c #515757",
"-X c #C4C4C4",
"2. c #5A5A5A",
"[. c #D0D1D0",
"w. c #5D6162",
"4o c #D6D6D4",
"XX c #D6D6D5",
"b c #D6D6D6",
"8o c #452358",
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";. c #D9DADA",
"% c #6C6C6C",
")o c #DFDFDE",
"D. c #E2E3E0",
"a c #DFDFDF",
"B. c #6C7272",
"xX c #727473",
"$. c #E2E3E3",
"S. c #E8E8E6",
"bO c #7B7D7B",
"t c #E8E8E8",
"jO c #7E817F",
"I. c #7E7E7E",
"|. c #7E8181",
"iO c #848684",
"E c #F1F1F1",
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"0. c #878A8B",
"<O c #999C99",
"~ c #999999",
"4O c #A5A6A3",
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"$o c #A5A6A5",
"tO c #383838",
"oO c #ABABA9",
"^o c #AEAFAC",
"9O c #AEAFAD",
"a. c #A8AAAC",
"!o c #AEAFAE",
"{. c #ABAEAE",
"l. c #AEAFB1",
">X c #B1B3B3",
"n c #B4B4B4",
"6o c #B7B8B6",
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"@X c #BABCB9",
"@O c #BDBDBB",
"V c #BDBDBD",
"%o c #C3C5C1",
"/. c #C6C6C4",
"6. c #505556",
"L c #C6C6C6",
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"7. c #595E5F",
"QX c #5F6361",
"Zo c #5C6262",
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"Y. c #D2D3D2",
"yO c #656867",
"_. c #DEE0D8",
"<. c #D8D8D9",
"wX c #717271",
"K. c #E1E1DF",
"Fo c #E1E1E0",
"8 c #E1E1E1",
"Yo c #EAEAE8",
"xO c #7D7F7D",
"m. c #777A7C",
"c c #EAEAEA",
"<X c #7A7E7E",
"fO c #808381",
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"sO c #838483",
"{o c #F3F3F1",
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"1. c #898989",
"Io c #8C908E",
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"Go c #A7A8A4",
"@o c #A4A7A4",
"1O c #A7A8A5",
"Qo c #A4A7A5",
"D c #A4A4A4",
"mo c #ADB0AC",
"Co c #AAACAC",
"W c #ADADAD",
"Eo c #B0B1AF",
"f. c #AAACAE",
"Ho c #B3B5B3",
"OX c #B3B5B4",
"KX c #B3B5B5",
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"2 c #676767",
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"& c #707070",
"*. c #DDDEDE",
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"Ko c #2A3036",
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"UX c #A9AAA8",
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"Oo c #302F3E",
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"HX c #B5B7B6",
"VX c #BEC0BF",
"%X c #C1C1C0",
"&X c #C4C5C2",
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"5. c #4E5455",
"1X c #C4C5C4",
"~. c #515557",
"bX c #5A5B5B",
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"kX c #CDCECB",
"S c #CACACA",
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"Q. c #D3D3D1",
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"(. c #DCDCD9",
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"F c #EEEEEE",
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"6O c #A2A3A1",
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"0O c #A5A7A4",
"XO c #ABACA9",
"l c #A8A8A8",
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"n. c #ABACAD",
"yo c #AEB0AF",
"s. c #ABACAE",
"ro c #B4B5B2",
"C c #B1B1B1",
"ao c #B4B5B3",
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"bo c #444648",
"9o c #6F178A",
"DX c #B7B9B8",
"v c #BABABA",
"Uo c #BDBEBC",
"X c #505050",
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"Mo c #C6C7C3",
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"=X c #C6C7C5",
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"h c #CCCCCC",
"Po c #5C6060",
"MO c #5F6161",
"q. c #5C6061",
"co c #352050",
"NX c #D5D5D3",
"Q c #D5D5D5",
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"T c #6B6B6B",
"*O c #DEDEDC",
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"@. c #E1E2E2",
"* c #747474",
"NO c #0A0A0A",
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"sX c #747A7A",
"zO c #7D807D",
"lO c #7D807E",
"aO c #838583",
"P c #F0F0F0",
"pO c #838584",
"TX c #838586",
"< c #8F8F8F",
"Do c #989898",
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"BO c #2E3131",
"eO c #A4A5A2",
"VO c #2E3134",
"wO c #A4A5A3",
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"x. c #A7A9A8",
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"v. c #ADAEB0",
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"7o c #B9BBB9",
"jX c #B9BBBA",
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"3. c #555959",
"iX c #C8C9C9",
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"YX c #767977",
"AX c #707476",
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"p c #F2F2F2",
"zo c #8B8F8D",
" . c #919191",
"k. c #8E9091",
"lX c #949593",
"8. c #919494",
"rO c #979997",
"IX c #A0A29B",
"go c #A0A29F",
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"JX c #A6A7A5",
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"Ao c #A9ABAA",
"5X c #ACACAC",
"yX c #AFB0AF",
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"O. c #485050",
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"N. c #818181",
"N c #F4F4F4",
"h. c #818486",
"1 c #939393",
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"LX c #A2A4A4",
"~o c #AEAEAD",
"I c #AEAEAE",
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"r. c #5C6162",
"3 c #D2D2D2",
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"$ c #686868",
"io c #626668",
"H c #DBDBDB",
"&. c #DEDFDF",
"J. c #E4E4E1",
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"CX c #747878",
"nO c #7A7D7B",
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"Z. c #EDEDEB",
"No c #EDEDEC",
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"M c #EDEDED",
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"!. c #8C8F8E",
"j. c #898B8D",
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"E. c #9B9D9A",
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"Y c #9E9E9E",
"Jo c #282D32",
"Bo c #A1A2A1",
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"qO c #A4A6A3",
"&o c #A1A2A2",
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"RX c #AAABA9",
"qo c #2E353B",
"Ro c #ADAFAC",
"MX c #B3B4B1",
"9. c #B0B0B0",
"Vo c #B3B4B2",
"c. c #ADAFB1",
"k c #B9B9B9",
"lo c #BCBDBC",
"vX c #494D4E",
"hX c #BFC1C0",
"no c #4C5152",
"To c #C2C2C1",
"| c #C2C2C2",
"O c #585858",
"do c #C8CAC7",
"gX c #C8CAC9",
"Wo c #585E5E",
"J c #CBCBCB",
"&O c #CECFCE",
"e. c #5B5F60",
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"uo c #5E6363",
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"m c #D4D4D4",
"wo c #676C6A",
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"i c #6A6A6A",
"9X c #6D6E6C",
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This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -339,9 +339,11 @@ void DisplayHotkeyList( EDA_DRAW_FRAME* aFrame,
wxString keyname;
Ki_HotkeyInfo** List;
wxString msg = _( "<html><body>" );
wxString msg = wxT( "<html><body>" );
msg += wxT( "<H3>");
msg += _("Hotkeys List") + wxT("</H3> <table cellpadding=\"0\">");
msg += _( "<H3>Hotkeys List</H3> <table cellpadding=\"0\">");
for( ; aDescList->m_HK_InfoList != NULL; aDescList++ )
List = aDescList->m_HK_InfoList;
......@@ -100,11 +100,9 @@ CVPCB_MAINFRAME::CVPCB_MAINFRAME( const wxString& title, long style ) :
// Give an icon
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
SetIcon( wxICON( a_icon_cvpcb ) );
SetIcon( wxICON( icon_cvpcb ) );
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_cvpcb_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
SetAutoLayout( true );
a_icon_cvpcb ICON "cvpcb.ico"
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
a_icon_eeschema ICON eeschema.ico
libsch ICON libedit_icon.ico
viewlibs ICON viewlibs_icon.ico
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
......@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ LIB_EDIT_FRAME::LIB_EDIT_FRAME( SCH_EDIT_FRAME* aParent,
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( libedit_xpm ) );
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( libedit_icon_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
......@@ -179,18 +179,16 @@ SCH_EDIT_FRAME::SCH_EDIT_FRAME( wxWindow* father,
// Give an icon
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
SetIcon( wxICON( a_icon_eeschema ) );
SetIcon( wxICON( icon_eeschema ) );
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_eeschema_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
m_itemToRepeat = NULL;
/* Get config */
// Internalize grid id to a default value if not found in config or bad:
// Initialize grid id to a default value if not found in config or bad:
if( (m_LastGridSizeId <= 0)
|| ( m_LastGridSizeId < (ID_POPUP_GRID_USER - ID_POPUP_GRID_LEVEL_1000) ) )
......@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include "common.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "macros.h"
#include "kicad_string.h"
#include "gestfich.h"
#include "trigo.h"
......@@ -57,6 +58,7 @@ GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::~GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER()
/* Export data in pcbnew format
* remember Pcbnew uses a Y reversed axis, so we must negate all Y coordinates
void GERBVIEW_FRAME::ExportDataInPcbnewFormat( wxCommandEvent& event )
......@@ -260,6 +262,10 @@ void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::export_non_copper_item( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aGbrItem, in
// Reverse Y axis:
NEGATE( drawitem->m_Start.y );
NEGATE( drawitem->m_End.y );
m_pcb->Add( drawitem );
......@@ -291,6 +297,11 @@ void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::export_segline_copper_item( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aGbrItem
newtrack->m_Start = aGbrItem->m_Start;
newtrack->m_End = aGbrItem->m_End;
newtrack->m_Width = aGbrItem->m_Size.x;
// Reverse Y axis:
NEGATE( newtrack->m_Start.y );
NEGATE( newtrack->m_End.y );
m_pcb->Add( newtrack );
......@@ -323,6 +334,9 @@ void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::export_segarc_copper_item( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aGbrItem,
RotatePoint( &curr_end, aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre, rot );
newtrack->m_End = curr_end;
newtrack->m_Width = aGbrItem->m_Size.x;
// Reverse Y axis:
NEGATE( newtrack->m_Start.y );
NEGATE( newtrack->m_End.y );
m_pcb->Add( newtrack );
curr_start = curr_end;
......@@ -333,6 +347,9 @@ void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::export_segarc_copper_item( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aGbrItem,
newtrack->m_Start = curr_start;
newtrack->m_End = end;
newtrack->m_Width = aGbrItem->m_Size.x;
// Reverse Y axis:
NEGATE( newtrack->m_Start.y );
NEGATE( newtrack->m_End.y );
m_pcb->Add( newtrack );
......@@ -352,5 +369,8 @@ void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::export_flashed_copper_item( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aGbrItem
newtrack->m_Start = newtrack->m_End = aGbrItem->m_Start;
newtrack->m_Width = (aGbrItem->m_Size.x + aGbrItem->m_Size.y) / 2;
// Reverse Y axis:
NEGATE( newtrack->m_Start.y );
NEGATE( newtrack->m_End.y );
m_pcb->Add( newtrack );
a_icon_gerbview ICON "gerbview.ico"
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
......@@ -50,11 +50,9 @@ GERBVIEW_FRAME::GERBVIEW_FRAME( wxWindow* father,
DrawPanel->m_Block_Enable = true;
// Give an icon
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
SetIcon( wxICON( a_icon_gerbview ) );
SetIcon( wxICON( icon_gerbview ) );
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_gerbview_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
SetScreen( ScreenPcb );
......@@ -2,7 +2,11 @@
#ifndef BITMAPS_H_
#define BITMAPS_H_
#include <wx/bitmap.h>
//FIXME: cannot include only this file in wxWidgets 2.9.3
// test if it works under stable release
// #include <wx/bitmap.h> // only to define wxBitmap
class wxBitmap; // only to define wxBitmap
#include "config.h"
......@@ -7,28 +7,34 @@
#include "kicad.h"
#include "../bitmap2component/bitmap2component.xpm"
#include "../pcb_calculator/bitmaps/pcb_calculator.xpm"
#include "../bitmap2component/icon_bitmap2component.xpm"
#include "../pcb_calculator/bitmaps/icon_pcbcalculator.xpm"
wxSashLayoutWindow( parent, wxID_ANY )
#define BUTTON_HEIGHT 32
m_Parent = parent;
m_DialogWin = NULL;
m_MessagesBox = NULL;
m_ButtPanel = new wxPanel( this, wxID_ANY );
m_bitmapButtons_maxHeigth = 0;
m_ButtonSeparation = 10; // control of command buttons position
m_ButtonsListPosition.x = 10;
m_ButtonsListPosition.y = 35 + BUTTON_HEIGHT;
m_ButtonsListPosition.x = m_ButtonSeparation;
m_ButtonsListPosition.y = m_ButtonSeparation;
m_ButtonLastPosition = m_ButtonsListPosition;
m_ButtonsPanelHeight = m_ButtonsListPosition.y + 10;
// Add bitmap buttons to launch Kicad utilities:
m_DialogWin = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString,
m_ButtonsPanelHeight = m_ButtonsListPosition.y + m_bitmapButtons_maxHeigth + 10;
// Add the wxTextCtrl showaing all messages from Kicad:
m_MessagesBox = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString,
wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
void RIGHT_KM_FRAME::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event )
#define EXTRA_MARGE 4
......@@ -36,16 +42,16 @@ void RIGHT_KM_FRAME::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event )
wsize.x -= EXTRA_MARGE;
wsize.y -= m_ButtonsPanelHeight + EXTRA_MARGE;
wxPoint wpos;
wpos.x = EXTRA_MARGE/2;
wpos.y = m_ButtonsPanelHeight + (EXTRA_MARGE/2);
if( m_DialogWin )
wpos.x = EXTRA_MARGE / 2;
wpos.y = m_ButtonsPanelHeight + (EXTRA_MARGE / 2);
if( m_MessagesBox )
m_DialogWin->SetSize( wsize );
m_DialogWin->SetPosition(wpos );
m_MessagesBox->SetSize( wsize );
m_MessagesBox->SetPosition( wpos );
wpos.y = EXTRA_MARGE/2;
m_ButtPanel->SetPosition(wpos );
wpos.y = EXTRA_MARGE / 2;
m_ButtPanel->SetPosition( wpos );
wsize.y -= m_ButtonsPanelHeight - EXTRA_MARGE;
m_ButtPanel->SetSize( wsize );
......@@ -59,14 +65,11 @@ EVT_SIZE( RIGHT_KM_FRAME::OnSize )
void RIGHT_KM_FRAME::CreateCommandToolbar( void )
* Function CreateCommandToolbar
* create the buttons to call eescheman cvpcb, pcbnew and gerbview
void RIGHT_KM_FRAME::CreateCommandToolbar( void )
wxBitmapButton* btn;
......@@ -83,7 +86,8 @@ void RIGHT_KM_FRAME::CreateCommandToolbar( void )
btn->SetToolTip( _( "GerbView (Gerber viewer)" ) );
btn = AddBitmapButton( ID_TO_BITMAP_CONVERTER, KiBitmap( icon_bitmap2component_xpm ) );
btn->SetToolTip( _( "Bitmap2Component (a tool to build a logo from a bitmap)\n\
btn->SetToolTip( _(
"Bitmap2Component (a tool to build a logo from a bitmap)\n\
Creates a component (for Eeschema) or a footprint (for Pcbnew) that shows a B&W picture" ) );
btn = AddBitmapButton( ID_TO_PCB_CALCULATOR, KiBitmap( icon_pcbcalculator_xpm ) );
......@@ -97,15 +101,19 @@ Creates a component (for Eeschema) or a footprint (for Pcbnew) that shows a B&W
* @param aId = the button id
* @param aBitmap = the wxBitmap used to create the button
wxBitmapButton* RIGHT_KM_FRAME::AddBitmapButton( wxWindowID aId, const wxBitmap & aBitmap )
wxBitmapButton* RIGHT_KM_FRAME::AddBitmapButton( wxWindowID aId, const wxBitmap& aBitmap )
wxPoint buttPos = m_ButtonLastPosition;
wxSize buttSize;
int btn_margin = 10;
int btn_margin = 0; // extra margin around the bitmap.
buttSize.x = aBitmap.GetWidth() + btn_margin;
buttSize.y = aBitmap.GetHeight() + btn_margin;
buttPos.y -= buttSize.y;
wxBitmapButton* btn = new wxBitmapButton( m_ButtPanel, aId, aBitmap, buttPos, buttSize);
if( m_bitmapButtons_maxHeigth < buttSize.y )
m_bitmapButtons_maxHeigth = buttSize.y;
wxBitmapButton* btn = new wxBitmapButton( m_ButtPanel, aId, aBitmap, buttPos, buttSize );
m_ButtonLastPosition.x += buttSize.x + m_ButtonSeparation;
return btn;
......@@ -71,9 +71,7 @@ public:
int m_LeftWin_Width;
KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title,
public: KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title,
const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size );
......@@ -174,9 +172,9 @@ enum TreeFileType {
class RIGHT_KM_FRAME : public wxSashLayoutWindow
wxTextCtrl* m_DialogWin;
wxTextCtrl* m_MessagesBox;
KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME* m_Parent; // a wxTextCtrl to displays messages frm Kicad
int m_ButtonsPanelHeight;
wxPanel* m_ButtPanel;
int m_ButtonSeparation; // button distance in pixels
......@@ -184,20 +182,22 @@ private:
* of the first bitmap button
wxPoint m_ButtonLastPosition; // position of the last button in the window
int m_bitmapButtons_maxHeigth; // height of bigger bitmap buttons
// Used to calculate the height of the panel.
void OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event );
* Function CreateCommandToolbar
* creates the main tool bar buttons (fast launch buttons)
void CreateCommandToolbar( void );
wxBitmapButton* AddBitmapButton( wxWindowID aId, const wxBitmap & aBitmap );
wxBitmapButton* AddBitmapButton( wxWindowID aId, const wxBitmap& aBitmap );
a_kicad_icon ICON kicad.ico
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
......@@ -48,11 +48,9 @@ KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME( wxWindow* parent,
SetStatusWidths( 3, dims );
// Give an icon
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
SetIcon( wxICON( a_kicad_icon ) );
SetIcon( wxICON( icon_kicad ) );
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_kicad_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
clientsize = GetClientSize();
......@@ -105,7 +103,7 @@ KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::~KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME()
void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::PrintMsg( const wxString& aText )
m_RightWin->m_DialogWin->AppendText( aText );
m_RightWin->m_MessagesBox->AppendText( aText );
......@@ -256,7 +254,7 @@ void KICAD_MANAGER_FRAME::OnRefresh( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* XPM */
const char *icon_pcbcalculator_xpm[] = {
/* columns rows colors chars-per-pixel */
"32 32 16 1",
"+ c #F2F3F2",
". c #BEBCBB",
": c #E49E64",
"X c #E6E5E5",
"; c #B07038",
"@ c #978E74",
"# c #A0A97C",
"* c #95918D",
"$ c #7F7B78",
"= c #8C524C",
" c None",
"% c #686361",
"o c #A9A6A2",
"O c #BAC096",
"& c #494949",
"- c #887A64",
/* pixels */
" ",
" ",
" .........oX OOOOOOOOOOOO Xo ",
" XXXXXXXXXo .. .. .. .. o ",
" XXXXXXXXXo $%& &$%*%&.=-= o ",
" XXXXXXX Xo o%% %%*o%% -%$ * ",
" XXXXXX .Xo o%% %%*o%%.$%* * ",
" X XXXX. Xo $$&.&$%$%&.%$- * ",
" X.XXXX. Xo..*o.o*o.**.ooo.* ",
" .XXXXXX. Xo.$%&.&%%*&&.%$%.* ",
" .XXXXXX. Xo.$%&.&%-*%%.--$.* ",
" .+XXXXX .Xo.o$$.*$oo$@.*@*.* ",
" .+XXXXXX.X*.%$&.%-%$**o;:;.* ",
" .+XX+X+X X*.o%-.@$*o$$.@-*.$ ",
" .+ XXX+X + *ooooooooooooo*** ",
" .X.XX X++X..........$oooo ",
" .+XXX.X+++++++++++++++* ",
" .+X ++++++++++++++++* ",
" .+XX ++++++++++++++++* ",
" .+XXX. X++++ ++ ++* ",
" .+XXX .oX+++ X+ ++* ",
" .o+XX+++X ++++++ ++++++*. ",
" .o+XX++X .X+++++X++++++*. ",
" .*XXXXXXXXX++++++++++++$. ",
" .o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o. ",
" ..................... ",
" "
This diff is collapsed.
pcb_calculator_icon ICON pcb_calculator.ico
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
......@@ -27,7 +27,12 @@
#include "pcb_calculator.h"
#include "UnitSelector.h"
#include "pcb_calculator.xpm"
#include "bitmaps.h"
#include "icon_pcbcalculator.xpm"
#define KEYWORD_FRAME_POSX wxT( "Pcb_calculator_Pos_x" )
#define KEYWORD_FRAME_POSY wxT( "Pcb_calculator_Pos_y" )
......@@ -85,11 +90,10 @@ PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME::PCB_CALCULATOR_FRAME( wxWindow * parent ) :
ElectricalSpacingUpdateData( m_ElectricalSpacingUnitsSelector->GetUnitScale() );
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
SetIcon( wxICON( pcb_calculator_icon ) );
SetIcon( wxICON( pcb_calculator ) );
// Give an icon
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_pcbcalculator_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
......@@ -153,45 +153,45 @@ static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkTrackDisplayMode( wxT( "Track Display Mode" ),
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkAddModule( wxT( "Add Module" ), HK_ADD_MODULE, 'O' );
/* Record and play macros */
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros0( wxT( "Record Macros 0" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_0, GR_KB_CTRL+'0' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros0( wxT( "Record Macro 0" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_0, GR_KB_CTRL+'0' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros0( wxT( "Call Macross 0" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_0, '0' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros0( wxT( "Call Macro 0" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_0, '0' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros1( wxT( "Record Macros 1" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_1, GR_KB_CTRL+'1' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros1( wxT( "Record Macro 1" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_1, GR_KB_CTRL+'1' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros1( wxT( "Call Macross 1" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_1, '1' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros1( wxT( "Call Macro 1" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_1, '1' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros2( wxT( "Record Macros 2" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_2, GR_KB_CTRL+'2' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros2( wxT( "Record Macro 2" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_2, GR_KB_CTRL+'2' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros2( wxT( "Call Macross 2" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_2, '2' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros2( wxT( "Call Macro 2" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_2, '2' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros3( wxT( "Record Macros 3" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_3, GR_KB_CTRL+'3' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros3( wxT( "Record Macro 3" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_3, GR_KB_CTRL+'3' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros3( wxT( "Call Macross 3" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_3, '3' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros3( wxT( "Call Macro 3" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_3, '3' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros4( wxT( "Record Macros 4" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_4, GR_KB_CTRL+'4' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros4( wxT( "Record Macro 4" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_4, GR_KB_CTRL+'4' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros4( wxT( "Call Macross 4" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_4, '4' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros4( wxT( "Call Macro 4" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_4, '4' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros5( wxT( "Record Macros 5" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_5, GR_KB_CTRL+'5' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros5( wxT( "Record Macro 5" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_5, GR_KB_CTRL+'5' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros5( wxT( "Call Macross 5" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_5, '5' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros5( wxT( "Call Macro 5" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_5, '5' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros6( wxT( "Record Macros 6" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_6, GR_KB_CTRL+'6' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros6( wxT( "Record Macro 6" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_6, GR_KB_CTRL+'6' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros6( wxT( "Call Macross 6" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_6, '6' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros6( wxT( "Call Macro 6" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_6, '6' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros7( wxT( "Record Macros 7" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_7, GR_KB_CTRL+'7' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros7( wxT( "Record Macro 7" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_7, GR_KB_CTRL+'7' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros7( wxT( "Call Macross 7" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_7, '7' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros7( wxT( "Call Macro 7" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_7, '7' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros8( wxT( "Record Macros 8" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_8, GR_KB_CTRL+'8' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros8( wxT( "Record Macro 8" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_8, GR_KB_CTRL+'8' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros8( wxT( "Call Macross 8" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_8, '8' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros8( wxT( "Call Macro 8" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_8, '8' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros9( wxT( "Record Macros 9" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_9, GR_KB_CTRL+'9' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkRecordMacros9( wxT( "Record Macro 9" ), HK_RECORD_MACROS_9, GR_KB_CTRL+'9' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros9( wxT( "Call Macross 9" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_9, '9' );
static Ki_HotkeyInfo HkCallMacros9( wxT( "Call Macro 9" ), HK_CALL_MACROS_9, '9' );
// List of common hotkey descriptors
Ki_HotkeyInfo* common_Hotkey_List[] =
......@@ -120,7 +120,9 @@ FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME::FOOTPRINT_EDIT_FRAME( wxWindow* father,
m_HotkeysZoomAndGridList = g_Module_Editor_Hokeys_Descr;
// Give an icon
SetIcon( wxICON( icon_modedit ) );
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_modedit_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
......@@ -307,7 +307,6 @@ PCB_EDIT_FRAME::PCB_EDIT_FRAME( wxWindow* parent, const wxString& title,
wxIcon icon;
icon.CopyFromBitmap( KiBitmap( icon_pcbnew_xpm ) );
SetIcon( icon );
m_InternalUnits = PCB_INTERNAL_UNIT; // Unites internes = 1/10000 inch
a_icon_pcbnew ICON "icon_pcbnew.ico"
icon_w3d ICON "icon_w3d.ico"
icon_modedit ICON "icon_modedit.ico"
#include "wx/msw/wx.rc"
......@@ -39,15 +39,15 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::ListNetsAndSelect( wxCommandEvent& event )
if( netFilter.IsEmpty() )
wxString Line;
for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < GetBoard()->m_NetInfo->GetCount(); ii++ )
net = GetBoard()->m_NetInfo->GetNetItem( ii );
wxString Line;
if( !WildCompareString( netFilter, net->GetNetname(), false ) )
Line.Printf( wxT( "net_code = %3.3d [%.16s] " ), net->GetNet(),
Line.Printf( wxT( "net %3.3d: %s" ), net->GetNet(),
GetChars( net->GetNetname() ) );
list.Add( Line );
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