Commit 312254bc authored by Wayne Stambaugh's avatar Wayne Stambaugh

Fix minor version information text formmatting error.

parent b4f02306
......@@ -504,9 +504,7 @@ void EDA_BASE_FRAME::CopyVersionInfoToClipboard( wxCommandEvent& event )
tmp << wxT( "Boost version: " ) << ( BOOST_VERSION / 100000 ) << wxT( "." )
<< ( BOOST_VERSION / 100 % 1000 ) << wxT( "." ) << ( BOOST_VERSION % 100 ) << wxT( "\n" );
tmp << wxT( "Options: " );
tmp << wxT( " USE_PCBNEW_NANOMETRES=" );
tmp << wxT( "Options: USE_PCBNEW_NANOMETRES=" );
tmp << wxT( "ON\n" );
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