Commit 2884d125 authored by stambaughw's avatar stambaughw

Replace library editor pin properties dialog box and minor update.

* Replaced library pin properties dialog with wxFormBuilder version.
* Remove DialogBlocks version of pin properties dialog.
* Add pin properties dialog support code to pin object.
* Create single event handler for displaying pin properties dialog.
* Remove left over DialogBlocks project file for annotate dialog.
* Fixed escape key bug in library editor new component dialog.
* Add GetUnitsLabel() to get human readable units for dialog labels.
* Translate French comments in all modified files.
* Some minor clean up of Doxygen comments.
parent 29e217d3
......@@ -73,10 +73,7 @@ int g_DebugLevel;
int g_MouseOldButtons;
int g_KeyPressed;
// Nom (full file name) du file Configuration par defaut (
wxString g_Prj_Default_Config_FullFilename;
// Nom du file Configuration local (<curr projet>.pro)
wxString g_Prj_Config_LocalFilename;
// Handle the preferd editor for browsing report files:
......@@ -257,6 +254,31 @@ wxString ReturnUnitSymbol( int Units )
wxString GetUnitsLabel( int units )
wxString label;
switch( units )
case INCHES:
label = _( "inches" );
label = _( "millimeters" );
label = _( "centimeters" );
label = _( "Unknown" );
return label;
* Add string " (mm):" or " ("):" to the static text Stext.
* Used in dialog boxes for entering values depending on selected units
......@@ -669,17 +691,6 @@ void WinEDA_TextFrame::OnClose( wxCloseEvent& event )
* Routine d'affichage d'un parametre.
* pos_X = cadrage horizontal
* si pos_X < 0 : la position horizontale est la derniere
* valeur demandee >= 0
* texte_H = texte a afficher en ligne superieure.
* si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
* texte_L = texte a afficher en ligne inferieure.
* si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
* color = couleur d'affichage
void Affiche_1_Parametre( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, int pos_X,
const wxString& texte_H, const wxString& texte_L,
......@@ -693,10 +704,6 @@ void Affiche_1_Parametre( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame, int pos_X,
int GetTimeStamp()
* Retourne une identification temporelle (Time stamp) differente a chaque appel
static int OldTimeStamp, NewTimeStamp;
......@@ -708,16 +715,12 @@ int GetTimeStamp()
* TODO replace this obsolete funtion by ReturnStringFromValue
* Retourne pour affichage la valeur d'un parametre, selon type d'unites choisies
* entree : valeur en mils , buffer de texte
* retourne en buffer : texte : valeur exprimee en pouces ou millimetres
* suivie de " ou mm
/* Returns to display the value of a parameter, by type of units selected
* Input: value in mils, buffer text
* Returns to buffer: text: value expressed in inches or millimeters
* Followed by " or mm
const wxString& valeur_param( int valeur, wxString& buf_texte )
if( g_UnitMetric )
......@@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ set(EESCHEMA_SRCS
# dialog_find.cpp
......@@ -97,7 +99,6 @@ set(EESCHEMA_SRCS
# pinedit-dialog.cpp
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<string name="type">"html-document"</string>
<string name="filename">""</string>
<string name="icon-name">"bitmapsfolder"</string>
<long name="is-transient">1</long>
<long name="owns-file">1</long>
<long name="title-mode">0</long>
<long name="locked">1</long>
......@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ LIB_TEXT::LIB_TEXT(LIB_COMPONENT * aParent) :
bool LIB_TEXT::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_TEXT::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
wxString text = m_Text;
......@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ bool CMP_LIB_ENTRY::SaveDoc( FILE* aFile )
if( m_Doc.IsEmpty() && m_KeyWord.IsEmpty() && m_DocFile.IsEmpty() )
return true;
/* Generation des lignes utiles */
if( fprintf( aFile, "#\n$CMP %s\n", CONV_TO_UTF8( m_Name ) ) < 0 )
return false;
......@@ -427,6 +426,27 @@ void LIB_COMPONENT::GetPins( LIB_PIN_LIST& pins, int unit, int convert )
LIB_PIN* LIB_COMPONENT::GetPin( const wxString& number, int unit, int convert )
wxString pNumber;
GetPins( pinList, unit, convert );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
wxASSERT( pinList[i]->Type() == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE );
pinList[i]->ReturnPinStringNum( pNumber );
if( number == pNumber )
return pinList[i];
return NULL;
bool LIB_COMPONENT::Save( FILE* aFile )
size_t i;
......@@ -930,7 +950,7 @@ LIB_FIELD& LIB_COMPONENT::GetReferenceField( void )
* lit date et time de modif composant sous le format:
* Read date and time of component in the format:
* "Ti yy/mm/jj hh:mm:ss"
bool LIB_COMPONENT::SaveDateAndTime( FILE* file )
......@@ -964,7 +984,7 @@ bool LIB_COMPONENT::LoadDateAndTime( char* Line )
year = mon = day = hour = min = sec = 0;
text = strtok( Line, " \r\t\n" );
text = strtok( NULL, " \r\t\n" ); // text pointe donnees utiles
text = strtok( NULL, " \r\t\n" );
if (sscanf( Line, "%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d",
&year, &mon, &day, &hour, &min, &sec ) != 6 )
......@@ -69,8 +69,7 @@ public:
* Write the entry document information to a FILE in "*.dcm" format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
* @return True if success writing else false.
bool SaveDoc( FILE* aFile );
......@@ -157,8 +156,7 @@ public:
* Write the data structures out to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
* @return True if success writing else false.
bool Save( FILE* aFile );
......@@ -169,8 +167,7 @@ public:
* @param line - The first line of the component definition.
* @param lineNum - The current line number in the file.
* @param errorMsg - Description of error on load failure.
* @return bool - Result of the load, false if there was an error.
* @return True if the load was successful, false if there was an error.
bool Load( FILE* file, char* line, int* lineNum, wxString& errorMsg );
bool LoadField( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
......@@ -198,9 +195,7 @@ public:
* Return pointer to the requested field.
* @param id - Id of field to return.
* @return LIB_FIELD* - Pointer to field if found. NULL is returned if
* field not found.
* @return The field if found, otherwise NULL.
LIB_FIELD* GetField( int id );
......@@ -220,7 +215,7 @@ public:
* @param convert - Component conversion (DeMorgan) if available.
* @param drawMode - Device context drawing mode, see wxDC.
* @param color - Color to draw component.
* @param transformMatrix - Cooridinate adjustment settings.
* @param transformMatrix - Coordinate adjustment settings.
* @param showPinText - Show pin text if true.
* @param drawFields - Draw field text if true otherwise just draw
* body items (useful to draw a body in schematic,
......@@ -264,16 +259,14 @@ public:
WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel = NULL,
wxDC* dc = NULL );
/** GetNextDrawItem()
* Return the next draw object pointer.
* @param item - Pointer to the current draw item. Setting item NULL
* with return the first item of type in the list.
* @param type - type of searched item (filter).
* if TYPE_NOT_INIT search for all items types
* @return - Pointer to the next drawing object in the list if found,
* otherwise NULL.
* @return - The next drawing object in the list if found, otherwise NULL.
......@@ -286,9 +279,7 @@ public:
* @param item - Pointer to the previous pin item, or NULL to get the
* first pin in the draw object list.
* @return - Pointer to the next pin object in the list if found,
* otherwise NULL.
* @return - The next pin object in the list if found, otherwise NULL.
LIB_PIN* GetNextPin( LIB_PIN* item = NULL )
......@@ -312,6 +303,18 @@ public:
void GetPins( LIB_PIN_LIST& pins, int unit = 0, int convert = 0 );
* Return pin object with the requested pin number.
* @param number - Number of the pin to find.
* @param unit - Unit of the component to find. Set to 0 if a specific
* unit number is not required.
* @param convert - Alternate body style filter (DeMorgan). Set to 0 if
* no alternate body style is required.
* @return The pin object if found. Otherwise NULL.
LIB_PIN* GetPin( const wxString& number, int unit = 0, int convert = 0 );
* Move the component offset.
......@@ -327,7 +330,7 @@ public:
* Test if component has more than one body conversion type (DeMorgan).
* @return bool - True if component has more than one conversion.
* @return True if component has more than one conversion.
bool HasConversion() const;
......@@ -337,8 +340,7 @@ public:
* Alias name comparisons are case insensitive.
* @param name - Name of alias.
* @return bool - True if alias name in alias list.
* @return True if alias name in alias list.
bool HasAlias( const wxChar* name )
......@@ -362,9 +364,8 @@ public:
* @param convert - Are the draw items being selected a conversion.
* @param editPinByPin - Used to ignore pin selections when in edit pin
* by pin mode is enabled.
* @return int - The number of draw object found inside the block select
* rectangle.
* @return The number of draw objects found inside the block select
* rectangle.
int SelectItems( EDA_Rect& rect, int unit, int convert,
bool editPinByPin );
......@@ -378,7 +379,7 @@ public:
* Deletes the select draw items marked by a block select.
* The name and reference field will not be deleted. They are the
* minimum drawing items required for any component. Thier properties
* minimum drawing items required for any component. Their properties
* can be changed but the cannot be removed.
void DeleteSelectedItems( void );
......@@ -411,9 +412,7 @@ public:
* @param convert - Body style of draw item.
* @param type - Draw object type, set to 0 to search for any type.
* @param pt - Coordinate for hit testing.
* @return LIB_DRAW_ITEM - Pointer the the draw object if found.
* Otherwise NULL.
* @return The draw object if found. Otherwise NULL.
LIB_DRAW_ITEM* LocateDrawItem( int unit, int convert, KICAD_T type,
const wxPoint& pt );
......@@ -426,9 +425,7 @@ public:
* @param type - Draw object type, set to 0 to search for any type.
* @param pt - Coordinate for hit testing.
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @return LIB_DRAW_ITEM - Pointer the the draw object if found.
* Otherwise NULL.
* @return The draw object if found. Otherwise NULL.
LIB_DRAW_ITEM* LocateDrawItem( int unit, int convert, KICAD_T type,
const wxPoint& pt,
......@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ void LIB_FIELD::Init( int id )
bool LIB_FIELD::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_FIELD::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
int hjustify, vjustify;
wxString text = m_Text;
......@@ -144,14 +144,13 @@ bool LIB_FIELD::Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg )
return false;
/* Recherche du debut des donnees (debut du texte suivant) */
/* Search the beginning of the data. */
while( *line != 0 )
while( *line == 0 )
/* recherche du texte */
while( *line && (*line != '"') )
......@@ -161,7 +160,7 @@ bool LIB_FIELD::Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg )
text = line;
/* recherche fin de texte */
/* Find end of text. */
while( *line && (*line != '"') )
......@@ -63,18 +63,18 @@ public:
int GetPenSize( );
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* Writes field object out to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
* @return True if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
/** Function Copy
* copy parameters of this to Target. Pointers are not copied
* @param aTarget = the LIB_FIELD to set with "this" values
* Copy parameters of this field to another field. Pointers are not copied.
* @param aTarget = Target field to copy values to.
void Copy( LIB_FIELD* aTarget ) const;
......@@ -87,26 +87,25 @@ public:
* Return the bounding rectangle of the field text.
* @return EDA_Rect - Bounding rectangle.
* @return Bounding rectangle.
virtual EDA_Rect GetBoundingBox();
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param refPos A wxPoint to test, in Field coordinate system
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param refPos A point to test in field coordinate system
* @return True if a hit, else false
bool HitTest( const wxPoint& refPos );
* Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @return True if the point aPosRef is near this object
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
......@@ -135,8 +134,7 @@ public:
* the string U?A will be returned for unit = 1.
* @param unit - The package unit number. Only effects reference field.
* @return wxString - Field text.
* @return Field text.
wxString GetFullText( int unit = 1 );
......@@ -18,8 +18,78 @@
#include "class_libentry.h"
extern void PlotPinSymbol( PLOTTER* plotter, const wxPoint& pos,
int len, int orient, int Shape );
* Note: The following name lists are sentence capitalized per the GNOME UI
* standards for list controls. Please do not change the capitalization
* of these strings unless the GNOME UI standards are changed.
static const wxString pin_orientation_names[] =
_( "Right" ),
_( "Left" ),
_( "Up" ),
_( "Down" )
static const int pin_orientation_codes[] =
#define PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT ( sizeof( pin_orientation_names ) / \
sizeof( wxString* ) )
static const wxString pin_style_names[] =
_( "Line" ),
_( "Inverted" ),
_( "Clock" ),
_( "Inverted clock" ),
_( "Input low" ),
_( "Clock low" ),
_( "Output low" )
#define PIN_STYLE_CNT ( sizeof( pin_style_names ) / sizeof( wxString* ) )
static const int pin_style_codes[] =
static const wxString pin_electrical_type_names[] =
_( "Input" ),
_( "Output" ),
_( "Bidirectional" ),
_( "Tri-state" ),
_( "Passive" ),
_( "Unspecified" ),
_( "Power input" ),
_( "Power output" ),
_( "Open collector" ),
_( "Open emitter" ),
_( "Not connected" )
#define PIN_ELECTRICAL_TYPE_CNT ( sizeof( pin_electrical_type_names ) / \
sizeof( wxString* ) )
const wxChar* MsgPinElectricType[] =
......@@ -37,12 +107,17 @@ const wxChar* MsgPinElectricType[] =
wxT( "?????" )
extern void PlotPinSymbol( PLOTTER* plotter, const wxPoint& pos,
int len, int orient, int Shape );
m_PinLen = 300; /* default Pin len */
m_Orient = PIN_RIGHT; /* Pin oprient: Up, Down, Left, Right */
m_PinShape = NONE; /* Bit a bit: Pin shape (voir enum prec) */
m_PinShape = NONE; /* Pin shape, bitwise. */
m_PinType = PIN_UNSPECIFIED; /* electrical type of pin */
m_Attributs = 0; /* bit 0 != 0: pin invisible */
m_PinNum = 0; /* pin number ( i.e. 4 codes ASCII ) */
......@@ -77,6 +152,343 @@ LIB_PIN::LIB_PIN( const LIB_PIN& pin ) : LIB_DRAW_ITEM( pin )
void LIB_PIN::SetName( const wxString& name )
wxString tmp = ( name.IsEmpty() ) ? wxT( "~" ) : name;
tmp.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
if( m_PinName != tmp )
m_PinName = tmp;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_PinName == m_PinName )
pinList[i]->m_PinName = m_PinName;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetNameTextSize( int size )
if( size != m_PinNameSize )
m_PinNameSize = size;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_PinNameSize == size )
pinList[i]->m_PinNameSize = size;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetNumber( const wxString& number )
wxString tmp = ( number.IsEmpty() ) ? wxT( "~" ) : number;
tmp.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
long oldNumber = m_PinNum;
SetPinNumFromString( tmp );
if( m_PinNum != oldNumber )
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_PinNum == m_PinNum )
pinList[i]->m_PinNum = m_PinNum;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetNumberTextSize( int size )
if( size != m_PinNumSize )
m_PinNumSize = size;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_PinNumSize == size )
pinList[i]->m_PinNumSize = size;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetOrientation( int orientation )
if( m_Orient != orientation )
m_Orient = orientation;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_Orient == orientation )
pinList[i]->m_Orient = orientation;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetDrawStyle( int style )
if( m_PinShape != style )
m_PinShape = style;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_PinShape == style )
pinList[i]->m_PinShape = style;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetElectricalType( int type )
if( m_PinType != type )
m_PinType = type;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_PinType == type )
pinList[i]->m_PinType = type;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetLength( int length )
if( m_PinLen != length )
m_PinLen = length;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->m_Convert != m_Convert
|| pinList[i]->m_PinLen == length )
pinList[i]->m_PinLen = length;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::SetPartNumber( int part )
if( m_Unit == part )
m_Unit = part;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( m_Unit == 0 )
LIB_PIN* pin;
LIB_PIN* tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin();
while( tmp != NULL )
pin = tmp;
tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin( pin );
if( pin->m_Flags == 0 || pin == this
|| ( m_Convert && ( m_Convert != pin->m_Convert ) )
|| ( m_Pos != pin->m_Pos )
|| ( pin->m_Orient != m_Orient ) )
GetParent()->RemoveDrawItem( (LIB_DRAW_ITEM*) pin );
void LIB_PIN::SetConversion( int style )
if( m_Convert == style )
m_Convert = style;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( style == 0 )
LIB_PIN* pin;
LIB_PIN* tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin();
while( tmp != NULL )
pin = tmp;
tmp = GetParent()->GetNextPin( pin );
if( ( pin->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| ( pin == this )
|| ( m_Unit && ( m_Unit != pin->m_Unit ) )
|| ( m_Pos != pin->m_Pos )
|| ( pin->m_Orient != m_Orient ) )
GetParent()->RemoveDrawItem( (LIB_DRAW_ITEM*) pin );
void LIB_PIN::SetVisible( bool visible )
if( visible == IsVisible() )
if( visible )
m_Attributs &= ~PINNOTDRAW;
m_Attributs |= PINNOTDRAW;
m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| pinList[i]->IsVisible() == visible )
if( visible )
pinList[i]->m_Attributs &= ~PINNOTDRAW;
pinList[i]->m_Attributs |= PINNOTDRAW;
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_CHANGED;
void LIB_PIN::EnableEditMode( bool enable, bool editPinByPin )
if( GetParent() == NULL )
GetParent()->GetPins( pinList );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
if( pinList[i] == this )
if( ( pinList[i]->m_Pos == m_Pos )
&& ( pinList[i]->m_Orient == m_Orient )
&& ( !( m_Flags & IS_NEW ) )
&& !editPinByPin == false
&& enable )
pinList[i]->m_Flags |= IS_LINKED | IN_EDIT;
pinList[i]->m_Flags &= ~( IS_LINKED | IN_EDIT );
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
......@@ -110,7 +522,7 @@ bool LIB_PIN::HitTest( wxPoint aRefPos, int aThreshold,
bool LIB_PIN::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_PIN::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
wxString StringPinNum;
int Etype;
......@@ -204,6 +616,8 @@ bool LIB_PIN::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
if( fprintf( ExportFile, "\n" ) < 0 )
return false;
m_Flags &= ~IS_CHANGED;
return true;
......@@ -363,7 +777,7 @@ void LIB_PIN::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aPanel,
/* Calculate the pin position */
wxPoint pos1 = TransformCoordinate( aTransformMatrix, m_Pos ) + aOffset;
/* Dessin de la pin et du symbole special associe */
/* Drawing from the pin and the special symbol combination */
DrawPinSymbol( aPanel, aDC, pos1, orient, aDrawMode, aColor );
if( DrawPinText )
......@@ -554,6 +968,7 @@ void LIB_PIN::DrawPinSymbol( WinEDA_DrawPanel* aPanel,
* Current Zoom factor is taken into account.
* If TextInside then the text is been put inside,otherwise all is drawn outside.
* Pin Name: substring beteween '~' is negated
* DrawMode = GR_OR, XOR ...
void LIB_PIN::DrawPinTexts( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC,
......@@ -564,7 +979,6 @@ void LIB_PIN::DrawPinTexts( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
bool DrawPinName,
int Color,
int DrawMode )
/* DrawMode = GR_OR, XOR ... */
int x, y, x1, y1;
wxString StringPinNum;
......@@ -803,7 +1217,8 @@ void LIB_PIN::PlotPinTexts( PLOTTER *plotter,
if( m_PinName.IsEmpty() )
DrawPinName = FALSE;
if( TextInside ) /* Draw the text inside, but the pin numbers outside. */
/* Draw the text inside, but the pin numbers outside. */
if( TextInside )
if( (orient == PIN_LEFT) || (orient == PIN_RIGHT) ) /* Its an horizontal line. */
......@@ -944,12 +1359,9 @@ void LIB_PIN::PlotPinTexts( PLOTTER *plotter,
wxPoint LIB_PIN::ReturnPinEndPoint()
/* return the pin end position, for a component in normal orient
/* return the pin end position, for a component in normal orient */
wxPoint LIB_PIN::ReturnPinEndPoint()
wxPoint pos = m_Pos;
......@@ -997,7 +1409,8 @@ int LIB_PIN::ReturnPinDrawOrient( const int TransMat[2][2] )
end.x = 1; break;
end = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, end ); // = pos of end point, according to the component orientation
// = pos of end point, according to the component orientation
end = TransformCoordinate( TransMat, end );
orient = PIN_UP;
if( end.x == 0 )
......@@ -1026,6 +1439,7 @@ void LIB_PIN::ReturnPinStringNum( wxString& aStringBuffer ) const
aStringBuffer = ReturnPinStringNum( m_PinNum );
/** Function ReturnPinStringNum (static function)
* Pin num is coded as a long or 4 ascii chars
* @param aPinNum = a long containing a pin num
......@@ -1044,6 +1458,12 @@ wxString LIB_PIN::ReturnPinStringNum( long aPinNum )
wxString LIB_PIN::GetNumber( void )
return ReturnPinStringNum( m_PinNum );
/** Function LIB_PIN::SetPinNumFromString()
* fill the buffer with pin num as a wxString
* Pin num is coded as a long
......@@ -1067,9 +1487,7 @@ void LIB_PIN::SetPinNumFromString( wxString& buffer )
LIB_PIN* newpin = new LIB_PIN( GetParent() );
......@@ -1178,59 +1596,35 @@ void LIB_PIN::DoPlot( PLOTTER* plotter, const wxPoint& offset, bool fill,
void LIB_PIN::DisplayInfo( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
wxString Text;
int ii;
LIB_DRAW_ITEM::DisplayInfo( frame );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Pin name" ), m_PinName, DARKCYAN );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Name" ), m_PinName, DARKCYAN );
if( m_PinNum == 0 )
Text = wxT( "?" );
ReturnPinStringNum( Text );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Pin number" ), Text, DARKCYAN );
ii = m_PinType;
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Pin type" ), MsgPinElectricType[ii],
RED );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Number" ), Text, DARKCYAN );
ii = m_Attributs;
if( ii & 1 )
Text = _( "Not visible" );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Type" ),
pin_electrical_type_names[ m_PinType ], RED );
Text = pin_style_names[ GetStyleCodeIndex( m_PinShape ) ];
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Style" ), Text, BLUE );
if( IsVisible() )
Text = _( "Yes" );
Text = _( "Visible" );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Display" ), Text, DARKGREEN );
Text = _( "No" );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Visible" ), Text, DARKGREEN );
/* Display pin length */
Text = ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, m_PinLen,
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Length" ), Text, MAGENTA );
switch( m_Orient )
case PIN_UP:
Text = _( "Up" );
case PIN_DOWN:
Text = _( "Down" );
case PIN_LEFT:
Text = _( "Left" );
Text = _( "Right" );
Text = _( "Unknown" );
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Orientation" ), Text, MAGENTA );
Text = pin_orientation_names[ GetOrientationCodeIndex( m_Orient ) ];
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Orientation" ), Text, DARKMAGENTA );
......@@ -1245,3 +1639,67 @@ EDA_Rect LIB_PIN::GetBoundingBox()
return EDA_Rect( pt, wxSize( 1, 1 ) );
wxArrayString LIB_PIN::GetOrientationNames( void )
return wxArrayString( PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT, pin_orientation_names );
int LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCode( int index )
if( index >= 0 && index < (int) PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT )
return pin_orientation_codes[ index ];
return PIN_RIGHT;
int LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCodeIndex( int code )
size_t i;
for( i = 0; i < PIN_ORIENTATION_CNT; i++ )
if( pin_orientation_codes[i] == code )
return (int) i;
return wxNOT_FOUND;
wxArrayString LIB_PIN::GetStyleNames( void )
return wxArrayString( PIN_STYLE_CNT, pin_style_names );
int LIB_PIN::GetStyleCode( int index )
if( index >= 0 && index < (int) PIN_STYLE_CNT )
return pin_style_codes[ index ];
return NONE;
int LIB_PIN::GetStyleCodeIndex( int code )
size_t i;
for( i = 0; i < PIN_STYLE_CNT; i++ )
if( pin_style_codes[i] == code )
return (int) i;
return wxNOT_FOUND;
wxArrayString LIB_PIN::GetElectricalTypeNames( void )
return wxArrayString( PIN_ELECTRICAL_TYPE_CNT, pin_electrical_type_names );
......@@ -178,8 +178,8 @@ void SCH_COMPONENT::Init( const wxPoint& pos )
* Routine to draw the given part at given position, transformed/mirror as *
* specified, and in the given drawing mode. Only this one is visible... *
* Routine to draw the given part at given position, transformed/mirror as *
* specified, and in the given drawing mode. Only this one is visible... *
void SCH_COMPONENT::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
const wxPoint& offset, int DrawMode, int Color,
......@@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ void SCH_COMPONENT::Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC,
* Function AddHierarchicalReference
* adds a full hierachical reference (path + local reference)
* adds a full hierarchical reference (path + local reference)
* @param aPath = hierarchical path (/<sheet timestamp>/component timestamp>
* like /05678E50/A23EF560)
* @param aRef = local reference like C45, R56
......@@ -408,7 +408,7 @@ void SCH_COMPONENT::SetRef( DrawSheetPath* sheet, const wxString& ref )
rf->m_Text = ref; // for drawing.
// Reinit the m_PrefixString member if needed
wxString prefix = ref;
while( prefix.Last() == '?' or isdigit(prefix.Last()) )
......@@ -525,6 +525,19 @@ void SCH_COMPONENT::AddField( const SCH_CMP_FIELD& aField )
LIB_PIN* SCH_COMPONENT::GetPin( const wxString& number )
LIB_COMPONENT* Entry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryComponent( m_ChipName );
if( Entry == NULL )
return NULL;
wxASSERT( Entry->Type == ROOT );
return Entry->GetPin( number, m_Multi, m_Convert );
EDA_Rect SCH_COMPONENT::GetBoundaryBox() const
LIB_COMPONENT* Entry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryComponent( m_ChipName );
......@@ -663,7 +676,7 @@ void SCH_COMPONENT::ClearAnnotation( DrawSheetPath* aSheet )
path = GetPath( aSheet );
for( unsigned int ii = 0; ii < m_PathsAndReferences.GetCount(); ii++ )
// Break hierachical reference in path, ref and multi selection:
// Break hierarchical reference in path, ref and multi selection:
reference_fields = wxStringTokenize( m_PathsAndReferences[ii],
separators );
if( aSheet == NULL || reference_fields[0].Cmp( path ) == 0 )
......@@ -882,9 +895,9 @@ int SCH_COMPONENT::GetRotationMiroir()
* Renvoie la coordonn�e du point coord, en fonction de l'orientation
* du composant (rotation, miroir).
* Les coord sont toujours relatives a l'ancre (coord 0,0) du composant
* Returns the coordinated point, depending on the orientation of the
* component (rotation, mirror).
* The coordinates are always relative to the anchor position of the component.
wxPoint SCH_COMPONENT::GetScreenCoord( const wxPoint& coord )
......@@ -986,7 +999,7 @@ bool SCH_COMPONENT::Save( FILE* f ) const
if( fprintf( f, "L %s %s\n", Name2, Name1 ) == EOF )
return false;
/* Generation de numero d'unit, convert et Time Stamp*/
/* Generate unit number, convert and time stamp*/
if( fprintf( f, "U %d %d %8.8lX\n", m_Multi, m_Convert,
m_TimeStamp ) == EOF )
return false;
......@@ -998,7 +1011,7 @@ bool SCH_COMPONENT::Save( FILE* f ) const
/* If this is a complex hierarchy; save hierarchical references.
* but for simple hierarchies it is not necessary.
* the reference inf is already saved
* this is usefull for old eeschema version compatibility
* this is useful for old eeschema version compatibility
if( m_PathsAndReferences.GetCount() > 1 )
......@@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ WX_DECLARE_OBJARRAY( DrawSheetPath, ArrayOfSheetLists );
* Struct Error
* is a holder of an error message and may be thrown from functions.
* Holder of an error message and may be thrown from functions.
struct Error
......@@ -87,7 +86,7 @@ public:
* first non-digits in the reference
* fields. */
int m_Convert; /* Handle mutiple shape (for instance
int m_Convert; /* Handle multiple shape (for instance
* De Morgan conversion) */
int m_Transform[2][2]; /* The rotation/mirror transformation
* matrix. */
......@@ -101,7 +100,7 @@ private:
* format is
* path reference multi
* with:
* path = /<timestamp1>/<timestamp2> (subsheet path, = / for the root scheet)
* path = /<timestamp1>/<timestamp2> (subsheet path, = / for the root sheet)
* reference = reference for this path (C23, R5, U78 ... )
* multi = part selection in multi parts per package (0 or 1 for one part per package)
......@@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ public:
* @param libComponent - Component library object to create schematic
* component from.
* @param sheet - Schemitic sheet the component is place into.
* @param sheet - Schematic sheet the component is place into.
* @param unit - Part for components that have multiple parts per
* package.
* @param convert - Use the alternate body style for the schematic
......@@ -249,6 +248,14 @@ public:
int GetFieldCount() const { return (int) m_Fields.size(); }
* Find a component pin by number.
* @param number - The number of the pin to find.
* @return Pin object if found, otherwise NULL.
LIB_PIN* GetPin( const wxString& number );
virtual void Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
wxDC* DC,
const wxPoint& offset,
......@@ -310,7 +317,7 @@ public:
// Geometric transforms (used in block operations):
/** virtual function Move
* move item to a new position.
* @param aMoveVector = the deplacement vector
* @param aMoveVector = the displacement vector
virtual void Move(const wxPoint& aMoveVector)
......@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@ void LIB_DRAW_ITEM::DisplayInfo( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame )
frame->AppendMsgPanel( _( "Type" ), m_typeName, CYAN );
/* Affichage de l'appartenance */
if( m_Unit == 0 )
msg = _( "All" );
......@@ -147,7 +146,7 @@ LIB_ARC::LIB_ARC( const LIB_ARC& arc ) : LIB_DRAW_ITEM( arc )
* A centre_posx centre_posy rayon start_angle end_angle unit convert
* fill('N', 'F' ou 'f') startx starty endx endy
bool LIB_ARC::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_ARC::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
int x1 = m_t1;
......@@ -559,7 +558,7 @@ LIB_CIRCLE::LIB_CIRCLE( const LIB_CIRCLE& circle ) :
bool LIB_CIRCLE::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_CIRCLE::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
if( fprintf( ExportFile, "C %d %d %d %d %d %d %c\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y,
m_Radius, m_Unit, m_Convert, m_Width, fill_tab[m_Fill] ) < 0 )
......@@ -825,7 +824,7 @@ LIB_RECTANGLE::LIB_RECTANGLE( const LIB_RECTANGLE& rect ) :
bool LIB_RECTANGLE::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_RECTANGLE::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
if( fprintf( ExportFile, "S %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %c\n", m_Pos.x, m_Pos.y,
m_End.x, m_End.y, m_Unit, m_Convert, m_Width,
......@@ -1110,7 +1109,7 @@ LIB_SEGMENT::LIB_SEGMENT( const LIB_SEGMENT& segment ) :
bool LIB_SEGMENT::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_SEGMENT::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
if( fprintf( ExportFile, "L %d %d %d", m_Unit, m_Convert, m_Width ) )
return false;
......@@ -1330,7 +1329,7 @@ LIB_POLYLINE::LIB_POLYLINE( const LIB_POLYLINE& polyline ) :
bool LIB_POLYLINE::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_POLYLINE::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
int ccount = GetCornerCount();
......@@ -1705,7 +1704,7 @@ LIB_BEZIER::LIB_BEZIER( const LIB_BEZIER& bezier ) : LIB_DRAW_ITEM( bezier )
bool LIB_BEZIER::Save( FILE* ExportFile ) const
bool LIB_BEZIER::Save( FILE* ExportFile )
int ccount = GetCornerCount();
......@@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ class LIB_PIN;
* Enum ElectricPinType
* is the set of schematic pin types, used in ERC tests.
* The component library pin object electrical types used in ERC tests.
enum ElectricPinType
......@@ -54,16 +53,15 @@ enum ElectricPinType
PIN_NMAX /* End of List (no used as pin type) */
/* Messages d'affichage du type electrique */
/* Electrical pin type names. */
extern const wxChar* MsgPinElectricType[];
/* Autres bits: bits du membre .Flag des Pins */
#define PINNOTDRAW 1 /* si 1: pin invisible */
/* Pin visibility flag bit. */
#define PINNOTDRAW 1 /* Set makes pin invisible */
* Enum DrawPinShape
* is the set of shapes allowed for pins.
* The component library pin object drawing shapes.
enum DrawPinShape
......@@ -76,10 +74,9 @@ enum DrawPinShape
* Enum DrawPinOrient
* is the set of orientations allowed for pins.
* The component library pin object orientations.
enum DrawPinOrient
enum DrawPinOrient
......@@ -110,17 +107,25 @@ typedef std::vector< LIB_PIN* > LIB_PIN_LIST;
/* class LIB_DRAW_ITEM : Basic class for items used in a library component
* Base class for drawable items used in library components.
* (graphic shapes, texts, fields, pins)
class LIB_DRAW_ITEM : public EDA_BaseStruct
int m_Unit; /* Unit identification (for multi part per package)
* 0 if the item is common to all units */
int m_Convert; /* Shape identification (for parts which have a convert
* shape) 0 if the item is common to all shapes */
* Unit identification for multiple parts per package. Set to 0 if the
* item is common to all units.
int m_Unit;
* Shape identification for alternate body styles. Set 0 if the item
* is common to all body styles. This is commonly referred to as
* DeMorgan style and this is typically how it is used in Kicad.
int m_Convert;
* has meaning only for some items */
wxString m_typeName; /* Name of object displayed in the message panel. */
......@@ -137,40 +142,38 @@ public:
virtual ~LIB_DRAW_ITEM() { }
* Function Draw (virtual pure)
* Draw A body item
* @param aPanel = DrawPanel to use (can be null) mainly used for clipping
* @param aPanel - DrawPanel to use (can be null) mainly used for clipping
* purposes
* @param aDC = Device Context (can be null)
* @param aOffset = offset to draw
* @param aColor = -1 to use the normal body item color, or use this color
* @param aDC - Device Context (can be null)
* @param aOffset - offset to draw
* @param aColor - -1 to use the normal body item color, or use this color
* if >= 0
* @param aDrawMode = GR_OR, GR_XOR, ...
* @param aData = value or pointer used to pass others parameters,
* @param aDrawMode - GR_OR, GR_XOR, ...
* @param aData - value or pointer used to pass others parameters,
* depending on body items. used for some items to force
* to force no fill mode ( has meaning only for items what
* can be filled ). used in printing or moving objects mode
* or to pass reference to the lib component for pins
* @param aTransformMatrix = Transform Matrix (rotation, mirror ..)
* @param aTransformMatrix - Transform Matrix (rotation, mirror ..)
virtual void Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel * aPanel, wxDC * aDC,
const wxPoint &aOffset, int aColor, int aDrawMode,
void* aData, const int aTransformMatrix[2][2] ) = 0;
/** Function GetPenSize virtual pure
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( ) = 0;
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* Write draw item object to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const = 0;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) = 0;
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg ) = 0;
......@@ -179,8 +182,8 @@ public:
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* Tests if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param refPos A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
......@@ -189,17 +192,17 @@ public:
return false; // derived classes should override this function
/** Function HitTest (overlaid)
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* @param aPosRef - a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold - max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @param aTransMat - the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] ) = 0;
/** Function GetBoundingBox
* @return the boundary box for this, in library coordinates
virtual EDA_Rect GetBoundingBox()
......@@ -223,7 +226,6 @@ public:
* Test LIB_DRAW_ITEM objects for equivalence.
* @param other - Object to test against.
* @return bool - True if object is identical to this object.
bool operator==( const LIB_DRAW_ITEM& other ) const;
......@@ -236,7 +238,6 @@ public:
* Test if another draw item is less than this draw object.
* @param other - Draw item to compare against.
* @return bool - True if object is less than this object.
bool operator<( const LIB_DRAW_ITEM& other) const;
......@@ -255,7 +256,6 @@ public:
* DoTestInside method for each derived object type.
* @param rect - Rectangle to check against.
* @return bool - True if object is inside rectangle.
bool Inside( EDA_Rect& rect ) { return DoTestInside( rect ); }
......@@ -313,6 +313,21 @@ public:
bool IsFillable( void ) { return m_isFillable; }
* Return the modified status of the draw object.
* @return bool - True if the draw object has been modified.
bool IsModified( void ) { return ( m_Flags & IS_CHANGED ) != 0; }
* Return the new item status of the draw object.
* @return bool - True if the draw item has been added to the
* parent component.
bool IsNew( void ) { return ( m_Flags & IS_NEW ) != 0; }
virtual LIB_DRAW_ITEM* DoGenCopy() = 0;
......@@ -388,30 +403,29 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* Write pin object to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* @param aPosRef - a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold - max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @param aTransMat - the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
......@@ -422,15 +436,19 @@ public:
int ReturnPinDrawOrient( const int TransMat[2][2] );
/** Function ReturnPinStringNum
* fill a buffer with pin num as a wxString
* Pin num is coded as a long or 4 ASCII chars
* Used to print/draw the pin num
* @param aStringBuffer = the wxString to store the pin num as an unicode
* string
* Fill a string buffer with pin number.
* Pin numbers are coded as a long or 4 ASCII characters. Used to print
* or draw the pin number.
* @param aStringBuffer - the wxString to store the pin num as an unicode
* string
void ReturnPinStringNum( wxString& aStringBuffer ) const;
wxString GetNumber( void );
/** Function ReturnPinStringNum (static function)
* Pin num is coded as a long or 4 ascii chars
* @param aPinNum = a long containing a pin num
......@@ -441,10 +459,144 @@ public:
void SetPinNumFromString( wxString& buffer );
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
* Set the pin name.
* This will also all of the pin names marked by EnableEditMode().
* @param name - New pin name.
virtual int GetPenSize( );
void SetName( const wxString& name );
* Set the size of the pin name text.
* This will also update the text size of the name of the pins marked
* by EnableEditMode().
* @param size - The text size of the pin name in schematic units ( mils ).
void SetNameTextSize( int size );
* Set the pin number.
* This will also all of the pin numbers marked by EnableEditMode().
* @param number - New pin number.
void SetNumber( const wxString& number );
* Set the size of the pin number text.
* This will also update the text size of the number of the pins marked
* by EnableEditMode().
* @param size - The text size of the pin number in schematic
* units ( mils ).
void SetNumberTextSize( int size );
* Set orientation on the pin.
* This will also update the orientation of the pins marked by
* EnableEditMode().
* @param orientation - The orientation of the pin.
void SetOrientation( int orientation );
* Set the draw style of the pin.
* This will also update the draw style of the pins marked by
* EnableEditMode().
* @param style - The draw style of the pin.
void SetDrawStyle( int style );
* Set the electrical type of the pin.
* This will also update the electrical type of the pins marked by
* EnableEditMode().
* @param type - The electrical type of the pin.
void SetElectricalType( int style );
* Set the pin length.
* This will also update the length of the pins marked by EnableEditMode().
* @param size - The length of the pin in mils.
void SetLength( int length );
* Set the pin part number.
* If the pin is changed from not common to common to all parts, any
* linked pins will be removed from the parent component.
* @param part - Number of the part the pin belongs to. Set to zero to
* make pin common to all parts in a multi-part component.
void SetPartNumber( int part );
* Set the body style (conversion) of the pin.
* If the pin is changed from not common to common to all body styles, any
* linked pins will be removed from the parent component.
* @param conversion - Body style of the pin. Set to zero to make pin
* common to all body styles.
void SetConversion( int conversion );
* Set or clear the visibility flag for the pin.
* This will also update the visibility of the pins marked by
* EnableEditMode().
* @param visible - True to make the pin visible or false to hide the pin.
void SetVisible( bool visible );
* Enable or clear pin editing mode.
* The pin editing mode marks or unmarks all pins common to this
* pin object for further editing. If any of the pin modifcation
* methods are called after enabling the editing mode, all pins
* marked for editing will have the same attribute changed. The
* only case were this is not true making this pin common to all
* parts or body styles in the component. See SetCommonToAllParts()
* and SetCommonToAllBodyStyles() for more information.
* @params enable - True marks all common pins for editing mode. False
* clears the editing mode.
* @params editpinByPin - Enables the edit pin by pin mode.
void EnableEditMode( bool enable, bool pinByPin = false );
* Return the visibility status of the draw object.
* @return bool - True if draw object is visible otherwise false.
bool IsVisible( void ) { return ( m_Attributs & PINNOTDRAW ) == 0; }
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item.
virtual int GetPenSize();
void Draw( WinEDA_DrawPanel * aPanel, wxDC * aDC, const wxPoint &aOffset,
int aColor, int aDrawMode, void* aData,
......@@ -467,6 +619,62 @@ public:
bool DrawPinNameint,
int aWidth );
* Get a list of pin orientation names.
* @return wxArrayString - List of valid pin orientation names.
static wxArrayString GetOrientationNames( void );
* Get the orientation code by index used to set the pin orientation.
* @param index - The index of the orientation code to look up.
* @return int - Orientation code if index is valid. Returns right
* orientation on index error.
static int GetOrientationCode( int index );
* Get the index of the orientation code.
* @param code - The orientation code to look up.
* @return int - The index of the orientation code if found. Otherwise,
* return wxNOT_FOUND.
static int GetOrientationCodeIndex( int code );
* Get a list of pin draw style names.
* @return wxArrayString - List of valid pin draw style names.
static wxArrayString GetStyleNames( void );
* Get the pin draw style code by index used to set the pin draw style.
* @param index - The index of the pin draw style code to look up.
* @return int - Pin draw style code if index is valid. Returns NONE
* style on index error.
static int GetStyleCode( int index );
* Get the index of the pin draw style code.
* @param code - The pin draw style code to look up.
* @return int - The index of the pin draw style code if found. Otherwise,
* return wxNOT_FOUND.
static int GetStyleCodeIndex( int code );
* Get a list of pin electrical type names.
* @return wxArrayString - List of valid pin electrical type names.
static wxArrayString GetElectricalTypeNames( void );
virtual LIB_DRAW_ITEM* DoGenCopy();
......@@ -500,12 +708,11 @@ class LIB_ARC : public LIB_DRAW_ITEM
int m_Radius;
int m_t1;
int m_t2; /* position des 2 extremites de l'arc en 0.1 degres */
int m_t1; /* First radius angle of the arc in 0.1 degrees. */
int m_t2; /* Second radius angle of the arc in 0.1 degrees. */
wxPoint m_ArcStart;
wxPoint m_ArcEnd; /* position des 2 extremites de l'arc en coord reelles*/
wxPoint m_Pos; /* Position or centre (Arc and Circle) or start point
* (segments) */
wxPoint m_ArcEnd; /* Arc end position. */
wxPoint m_Pos; /* Radius center point. */
int m_Width; /* Line width */
......@@ -519,29 +726,28 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* Save arc object to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* Tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* @param aPosRef - a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold - max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @param aTransMat - the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
......@@ -552,7 +758,7 @@ public:
virtual EDA_Rect GetBoundingBox();
virtual void DisplayInfo( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame );
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( );
......@@ -604,34 +810,33 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* Write circle object to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos A wxPoint to test
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos - A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @param aPosRef - a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold - max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat - the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( );
......@@ -687,37 +892,37 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* Write text object out to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param refPos A wxPoint to test
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param refPos - A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& refPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near a segment
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test, in eeschema coordinates
* @param aThreshold = max distance to a segment
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test, in eeschema coordinates
* @param aThreshold = max distance to a segment
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near a segment
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
* Function HitTest (overlayed)
* tests if the given EDA_Rect intersect this object.
* Test if the given rectangle intersects this object.
* For now, an ending point must be inside this rect.
* @param refArea : the given EDA_Rect
* @param refArea - the given EDA_Rect
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( EDA_Rect& refArea )
......@@ -725,7 +930,7 @@ public:
return TextHitTest( refArea );
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( );
......@@ -786,34 +991,33 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* Write rectangle object out to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos A wxPoint to test
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos - A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* @param aPosRef - a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold - max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @param aTransMat - the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( );
......@@ -857,8 +1061,7 @@ class LIB_SEGMENT : public LIB_DRAW_ITEM
wxPoint m_End;
wxPoint m_Pos; /* Position or centre (Arc and Circle) or start point
* (segments) */
wxPoint m_Pos; /* Segment start point */
int m_Width; /* Line width */
......@@ -872,34 +1075,33 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* Writes segment object out to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos A wxPoint to test
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos - A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to this object (usually the half
* thickness of a line)
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near this object
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( );
......@@ -957,45 +1159,44 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* Write polyline object out to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
void AddPoint( const wxPoint& point );
/** Function GetCornerCount
* @return the number of corners
unsigned GetCornerCount() const { return m_PolyPoints.size(); }
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos A wxPoint to test
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos - A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near a segment
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to a segment
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near a segment
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
/** Function GetBoundingBox
* @return the boundary box for this, in library coordinates
virtual EDA_Rect GetBoundingBox();
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( );
......@@ -1051,45 +1252,44 @@ public:
* Function Save
* writes the data structures for this object out to a FILE in "*.brd"
* format.
* @param aFile The FILE to write to.
* Write bezier curve object out to a FILE in "*.lib" format.
* @param aFile - The FILE to write to.
* @return bool - true if success writing else false.
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile ) const;
virtual bool Save( FILE* aFile );
virtual bool Load( char* line, wxString& errorMsg );
void AddPoint( const wxPoint& point );
/** Function GetCornerCount
* @return the number of corners
unsigned GetCornerCount() const { return m_PolyPoints.size(); }
* Function HitTest
* tests if the given wxPoint is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos A wxPoint to test
* Test if the given point is within the bounds of this object.
* @param aRefPos - A wxPoint to test
* @return bool - true if a hit, else false
virtual bool HitTest( const wxPoint& aRefPos );
/** Function HitTest
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near a segment
* @param aPosRef = a wxPoint to test
* @param aThreshold = max distance to a segment
* @param aTransMat = the transform matrix
* @return true if the point aPosRef is near a segment
virtual bool HitTest( wxPoint aPosRef, int aThreshold,
const int aTransMat[2][2] );
/** Function GetBoundingBox
* @return the boundary box for this, in library coordinates
virtual EDA_Rect GetBoundingBox();
/** Function GetPenSize
* @return the size of the "pen" that be used to draw or plot this item
virtual int GetPenSize( );
......@@ -3,5 +3,6 @@
SetDefaultItem( m_sdbSizerOK );
/* Required to make escape key work correctly in wxGTK. */
......@@ -161,7 +161,7 @@ enum id_eeschema_frm
/* Library editor context menu IDs */
......@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ SCH_ITEM* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindComponentAndItem(
case 1: // find a pin
pos = pSch->m_Pos; // temporary: will be changed if the pin is found
pin = LocatePinByNumber( text_to_find, pSch );
pin = pSch->GetPin( text_to_find );
if( pin == NULL )
NotFound = FALSE;
......@@ -167,10 +167,10 @@ SCH_ITEM* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindComponentAndItem(
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.x ),
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.y ) );
// calcul des coord curseur avec origine = screen
// Calculating cursor position with original screen.
curpos -= GetScreen()->m_StartVisu;
/* Il y a peut-etre necessite de recadrer le dessin: */
/* There may be need to reframe the drawing */
#define MARGIN 30
if( (curpos.x <= MARGIN) || (curpos.x >= DrawAreaSize.x - MARGIN)
|| (curpos.y <= MARGIN) || (curpos.y >= DrawAreaSize.y - MARGIN) )
......@@ -342,7 +342,6 @@ SCH_ITEM* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindMarker( int SearchType )
sheet->LastScreen()->m_Curseur = pos;
curpos = DrawPanel->CursorScreenPosition();
// calcul des coord curseur avec origine = screen
DrawPanel->GetViewStart( &m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu.x,
&m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu.y );
curpos.x -= m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu.x;
......@@ -511,7 +510,7 @@ SCH_ITEM* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindSchematicItem(
if( s_ItemsCount >= StartCount )
NotFound = TRUE; /* Continue recherche de l'element suivant */
NotFound = TRUE; /* Continue search of the next element */
......@@ -573,10 +572,9 @@ SCH_ITEM* WinEDA_SchematicFrame::FindSchematicItem(
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.x ),
&( GetScreen()->m_StartVisu.y ) );
// calcul des coord curseur avec origine = screen
curpos -= m_CurrentSheet->LastScreen()->m_StartVisu;
/* Il y a peut-etre necessite de recadrer le dessin: */
/* There may be need to reframe the drawing */
#define MARGIN 30
if( (curpos.x <= MARGIN) || (curpos.x >= DrawAreaSize.x - MARGIN)
|| (curpos.y <= MARGIN) || (curpos.y >= DrawAreaSize.y - MARGIN) )
......@@ -633,7 +633,10 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnHotKey( wxDC* DC, int hotkey,
m_drawItem = LocateItemUsingCursor();
if( m_drawItem && m_drawItem->Type() == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE )
InstallPineditFrame( this, DC, MousePos );
GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );
......@@ -194,10 +194,12 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos )
switch( DrawEntry->Type() )
if( DrawEntry->m_Flags == 0 )
InstallPineditFrame( this, DC, pos );
wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );
GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );
......@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@ void AddMenusForPin( wxMenu* PopMenu,
wxString msg;
msg = AddHotkeyName( _( "Edit Pin " ), s_Libedit_Hokeys_Descr, HK_EDIT_PIN );
ADD_MENUITEM( PopMenu, ID_LIBEDIT_EDIT_PIN, msg, edit_xpm );
if( not_in_move )
......@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ public:
void OnViewEntryDoc( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnSelectBodyStyle( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnEditPin( wxCommandEvent& event );
void OnUpdateEditingPart( wxUpdateUIEvent& event );
void OnUpdateNotEditingPart( wxUpdateUIEvent& event );
......@@ -69,7 +70,7 @@ public:
void ReCreateVToolbar();
void OnLeftClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos );
bool OnRightClick( const wxPoint& MousePos, wxMenu* PopMenu );
int BestZoom(); // Retourne le meilleur zoom
int BestZoom(); // Returns the best zoom
void OnLeftDClick( wxDC* DC, const wxPoint& MousePos );
SCH_SCREEN* GetScreen() { return (SCH_SCREEN*) GetBaseScreen(); }
......@@ -146,17 +147,17 @@ private:
void GetComponentFromUndoList( wxCommandEvent& event );
void GetComponentFromRedoList( wxCommandEvent& event );
// Edition des Pins:
// Editing pins
void CreatePin( wxDC* DC );
void DeletePin( wxDC* DC,
LIB_PIN* Pin );
void StartMovePin( wxDC* DC );
// Edition de l'ancre
// Editing anchor
void PlaceAncre();
// Edition des graphismes:
// Editing graphic items
LIB_DRAW_ITEM* CreateGraphicItem( LIB_COMPONENT* LibEntry, wxDC* DC );
void GraphicItemBeginDraw( wxDC* DC );
void StartMoveDrawSymbol( wxDC* DC );
......@@ -181,10 +182,9 @@ public:
int HandleBlockEnd( wxDC* DC );
void PlacePin( wxDC* DC );
void InitEditOnePin();
void GlobalSetPins( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* MasterPin, int id );
// Repetition automatique de placement de pins
// Automatic placement of pins
void RepeatPinItem( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* Pin );
......@@ -109,7 +109,9 @@ BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_LibeditFrame, WinEDA_DrawFrame )
WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions )
/* Context menu events and commands. */
WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions )
......@@ -155,8 +157,8 @@ WinEDA_LibeditFrame::WinEDA_LibeditFrame( wxWindow* father,
WinEDA_DrawFrame( father, LIBEDITOR_FRAME, title, pos, size, style )
m_FrameName = wxT( "LibeditFrame" );
m_Draw_Axis = true; // true pour avoir les axes dessines
m_Draw_Grid = true; // true pour avoir la axes dessinee
m_Draw_Axis = true; // true to draw axis
m_Draw_Grid = true; // true to draw grid
m_ConfigPath = wxT( "LibraryEditor" );
SetShowDeMorgan( false );
m_drawSpecificConvert = true;
......@@ -579,10 +581,10 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxGetMousePosition( &pos.x, &pos.y );
pos.y += 20;
switch( id ) // Arret de la commande de d�placement en cours
switch( id ) // Stop placement commands before handling new command.
......@@ -626,10 +628,6 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
g_EditPinByPinIsOn = g_EditPinByPinIsOn ? false : true;
InstallPineditFrame( this, &dc, pos );
if( m_component )
......@@ -638,7 +636,9 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::Process_Special_Functions( wxCommandEvent& event )
SetToolID( id, wxCURSOR_ARROW, _( "Set pin options" ) );
InstallPineditFrame( this, &dc, pos );
wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );
GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );
SetToolID( 0, wxCURSOR_ARROW, wxEmptyString );
/* Routines de localisation d'un element d'un schema. */
/* Routines for locating an element of a schematic. */
#include "fctsys.h"
......@@ -480,8 +480,8 @@ bool DrawStructInBox( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, SCH_ITEM* DrawStruct )
#undef STRUCT
#define STRUCT ( (SCH_LABEL*) DrawStruct )
dx = STRUCT->m_Size.x * ( STRUCT->GetLength() + 1); /* longueur totale */
dy = STRUCT->m_Size.y / 2; /* Demi hauteur */
dx = STRUCT->m_Size.x * ( STRUCT->GetLength() + 1); /* total length */
dy = STRUCT->m_Size.y / 2; /* half height */
xt1 = xt2 = STRUCT->m_Pos.x;
yt1 = yt2 = STRUCT->m_Pos.y;
......@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@ bool DrawStructInBox( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, SCH_ITEM* DrawStruct )
#undef STRUCT
#define STRUCT ( (DrawSheetStruct*) DrawStruct )
/* Recalcul des coordonnees de l'encadrement du composant */
/* Recalculate the coordinates of the worksheet component */
xt1 = STRUCT->m_Pos.x;
yt1 = STRUCT->m_Pos.y;
xt2 = STRUCT->m_Pos.x + STRUCT->m_Size.x;
......@@ -556,12 +556,12 @@ static bool IsBox1InBox2( int StartX1, int StartY1, int EndX1, int EndY1,
int StartX2, int StartY2, int EndX2, int EndY2 )
/* Routine detectant que le rectangle 1 (Box1) et le rectangle 2 (Box2) se
* recouvrent.
* Retourne TRUE ou FALSE.
/* Routine detects that the rectangle 1 (Box1) and the rectangle 2 (Box2) is
* Overlap.
* Returns TRUE or FALSE.
* On Considere ici qu'il y a recouvrement si l'un au moins des coins
* d'un 'Box' est compris dans l'autre
* These assume that there is recovery if at least one corner
* A 'Box' is included in the other
int cX, cY;
......@@ -575,87 +575,52 @@ static bool IsBox1InBox2( int StartX1, int StartY1, int EndX1, int EndY1,
if( StartY2 > EndY2 )
EXCHG( StartY2, EndY2 );
/* Tst des 4 coins du rectangle 1 */
cX = StartX1; cY = StartY1; /* 1er coin */
/* Test the 4 corners of the rectangle 1 */
cX = StartX1;
cY = StartY1;
if( (cX >= StartX2) && (cX <= EndX2) && (cY >= StartY2) && (cY <= EndY2) )
return TRUE;
cX = EndX1; cY = StartY1; /* 2er coin */
cX = EndX1;
cY = StartY1;
if( (cX >= StartX2) && (cX <= EndX2) && (cY >= StartY2) && (cY <= EndY2) )
return TRUE;
cX = EndX1; cY = EndY1; /* 3eme coin */
cX = EndX1;
cY = EndY1;
if( (cX >= StartX2) && (cX <= EndX2) && (cY >= StartY2) && (cY <= EndY2) )
return TRUE;
cX = StartX1; cY = EndY1; /* 4eme coin */
cX = StartX1;
cY = EndY1;
if( (cX >= StartX2) && (cX <= EndX2) && (cY >= StartY2) && (cY <= EndY2) )
return TRUE;
/* Tst des 4 coins du rectangle 2 */
cX = StartX2; cY = StartY2; /* 1er coin */
/* Test the 4 corners of the rectangle 2 */
cX = StartX2;
cY = StartY2;
if( (cX >= StartX1) && (cX <= EndX1) && (cY >= StartY1) && (cY <= EndY1) )
return TRUE;
cX = EndX2; cY = StartY2; /* 2er coin */
cX = EndX2;
cY = StartY2;
if( (cX >= StartX1) && (cX <= EndX1) && (cY >= StartY1) && (cY <= EndY1) )
return TRUE;
cX = EndX2; cY = EndY2; /* 3er coin */
cX = EndX2;
cY = EndY2;
if( (cX >= StartX1) && (cX <= EndX1) && (cY >= StartY1) && (cY <= EndY1) )
return TRUE;
cX = StartX2; cY = EndY2; /* 4er coin */
cX = StartX2;
cY = EndY2;
if( (cX >= StartX1) && (cX <= EndX1) && (cY >= StartY1) && (cY <= EndY1) )
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
* Find a PIN in a component by pin number.
* @param ePin_Number - pin number to locate.
* @param eComponent - schematic component object to search.
* @return a pointer to the located the pin, or NULL if not found
LIB_PIN* LocatePinByNumber( const wxString& ePin_Number,
SCH_COMPONENT* eComponent )
int Unit, Convert;
Entry = CMP_LIBRARY::FindLibraryComponent( eComponent->m_ChipName );
if( Entry == NULL )
return NULL;
wxASSERT( Entry->Type == ROOT );
Unit = eComponent->m_Multi;
Convert = eComponent->m_Convert;
Entry->GetPins( pinList, Unit, Convert );
for( size_t i = 0; i < pinList.size(); i++ )
wxASSERT( pinList[i]->Type() == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE );
wxString pNumber;
pinList[i]->ReturnPinStringNum( pNumber );
if( ePin_Number == pNumber )
return pinList[i];
return NULL;
Hierarchical_PIN_Sheet_Struct* LocateSheetLabel( DrawSheetStruct* Sheet,
const wxPoint& pos )
// Name: pinedit-dialog.cpp
// Purpose:
// Author: jean-pierre Charras
// Modified by:
// Created: 11/02/2006 13:30:59
// RCS-ID:
// Copyright: License GNU
// Licence:
// Generated by DialogBlocks (unregistered), 11/02/2006 13:30:59
////@begin includes
////@end includes
#include "confirm.h"
#include "pinedit-dialog.h"
////@begin XPM images
////@end XPM images
void InstallPineditFrame( WinEDA_LibeditFrame* parent, wxDC* DC,
const wxPoint & pos )
wxPoint MousePos = parent->GetScreen()->m_Curseur;
int accept = TRUE;
if ( ( parent->GetDrawItem() == NULL )
|| ( parent->GetDrawItem()->Type() == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE ) )
LIB_PIN* Pin = (LIB_PIN*) parent->GetDrawItem();
WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame dlg( parent );
accept = dlg.ShowModal();
if ( !accept && Pin && ( Pin->m_Flags & IS_NEW ) )
if ( parent->DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur && DC )
parent->DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur( parent->DrawPanel,
DC );
DisplayError( parent, wxT( "Error: Not a Pin!" ) );
parent->GetScreen()->m_Curseur = MousePos;
* WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame type definition
IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_CLASS( WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame, wxDialog )
* WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame event table definition
BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame, wxDialog )
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame event table entries
EVT_SPIN_UP( ID_SPINBUTTON_INC_DEC_PINSIZE, WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnSpinbuttonIncDecPinsizeUp )
EVT_SPIN_DOWN( ID_SPINBUTTON_INC_DEC_PINSIZE, WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnSpinbuttonIncDecPinsizeDown )
EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnCancelClick )
EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnOkClick )
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame event table entries
* WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame constructors
WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame( )
WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame( WinEDA_LibeditFrame* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style )
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) parent->GetDrawItem();
m_Parent = parent;
if ( CurrentPin )
Create(parent, id, caption, pos, size, style);
/* Init dialog pin name and pin name size values */
SetValuesInDialog( );
* WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame creator
bool WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::Create( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id, const wxString& caption, const wxPoint& pos, const wxSize& size, long style )
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame member initialisation
m_PinNameCtrl = NULL;
m_PinNumCtrl = NULL;
m_PinSizeCtrl = NULL;
m_PinSizeIncDecButton = NULL;
m_PinSizeText = NULL;
m_CommonUnit = NULL;
m_CommonConvert = NULL;
m_NoDraw = NULL;
m_PinNameSizeText = NULL;
m_PinNameSizeCtrl = NULL;
m_PinNumSizeText = NULL;
m_PinNumSizeCtrl = NULL;
m_PinOrient = NULL;
m_btClose = NULL;
m_PinShape = NULL;
m_PinElectricalType = NULL;
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame member initialisation
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame creation
wxDialog::Create( parent, id, caption, pos, size, style );
if (GetSizer())
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame creation
return true;
* Control creation for WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::CreateControls()
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame content construction
// Generated by DialogBlocks, 01/05/2009 16:19:57 (unregistered)
WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame* itemDialog1 = this;
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer2 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer3 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer3, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxStaticText* itemStaticText4 = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC, _("Pin Name :"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemStaticText4, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
m_PinNameCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL_PINNAME, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer3->Add(m_PinNameCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxStaticText* itemStaticText6 = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC, _("Pin Num :"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemStaticText6, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
m_PinNumCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL_PINNUM, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer3->Add(m_PinNumCtrl, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
itemBoxSizer3->Add(5, 5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
wxStaticBox* itemStaticBoxSizer9Static = new wxStaticBox(itemDialog1, wxID_ANY, _(" Pin Options :"));
wxStaticBoxSizer* itemStaticBoxSizer9 = new wxStaticBoxSizer(itemStaticBoxSizer9Static, wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer3->Add(itemStaticBoxSizer9, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer10 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(itemBoxSizer10, 0, wxGROW, 5);
m_PinSizeCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL_PINSIZE, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer10->Add(m_PinSizeCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
m_PinSizeIncDecButton = new wxSpinButton( itemDialog1, ID_SPINBUTTON_INC_DEC_PINSIZE, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxSP_VERTICAL );
m_PinSizeIncDecButton->SetRange(0, 2000);
itemBoxSizer10->Add(m_PinSizeIncDecButton, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxRIGHT, 5);
m_PinSizeText = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC, _("Pin Lenght"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(m_PinSizeText, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
m_CommonUnit = new wxCheckBox( itemDialog1, ID_CHECKBOX_COMMON_UNITS, _("Common to Units"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_2STATE );
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(m_CommonUnit, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
m_CommonConvert = new wxCheckBox( itemDialog1, ID_CHECKBOX_COMMON_CONVERT, _("Common to convert"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_2STATE );
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(m_CommonConvert, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
m_NoDraw = new wxCheckBox( itemDialog1, ID_CHECKBOX_NOT_DRAWN, _("No Draw"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, wxCHK_2STATE );
itemStaticBoxSizer9->Add(m_NoDraw, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer17 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer17, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
m_PinNameSizeText = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC, _("Size"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_PinNameSizeText, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
m_PinNameSizeCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL_PINNAME_SIZE, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_PinNameSizeCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
m_PinNumSizeText = new wxStaticText( itemDialog1, wxID_STATIC, _("Size"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_PinNumSizeText, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxLEFT|wxRIGHT|wxTOP|wxADJUST_MINSIZE, 5);
m_PinNumSizeCtrl = new wxTextCtrl( itemDialog1, ID_TEXTCTRL_PINNUM_SIZE, _T(""), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_PinNumSizeCtrl, 0, wxALIGN_LEFT|wxALL, 5);
itemBoxSizer17->Add(5, 5, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
wxArrayString m_PinOrientStrings;
m_PinOrient = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_RADIOBOX, _("Pin Orient:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_PinOrientStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
itemBoxSizer17->Add(m_PinOrient, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_HORIZONTAL|wxALL, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer24 = new wxBoxSizer(wxVERTICAL);
itemBoxSizer2->Add(itemBoxSizer24, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer25 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
itemBoxSizer24->Add(itemBoxSizer25, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
m_btClose = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_CANCEL, _("&Cancel"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer25->Add(m_btClose, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxButton* itemButton27 = new wxButton( itemDialog1, wxID_OK, _("&OK"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
itemBoxSizer25->Add(itemButton27, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxBoxSizer* itemBoxSizer28 = new wxBoxSizer(wxHORIZONTAL);
itemBoxSizer24->Add(itemBoxSizer28, 0, wxGROW|wxALL, 5);
wxArrayString m_PinShapeStrings;
m_PinShapeStrings.Add(_("clock inv"));
m_PinShapeStrings.Add(_("low in"));
m_PinShapeStrings.Add(_("low clock"));
m_PinShapeStrings.Add(_("low out"));
m_PinShape = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_RADIOBOX1, _("Pin Shape:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_PinShapeStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
itemBoxSizer28->Add(m_PinShape, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
wxArrayString m_PinElectricalTypeStrings;
m_PinElectricalTypeStrings.Add(_("3 States"));
m_PinElectricalTypeStrings.Add(_("Power In"));
m_PinElectricalTypeStrings.Add(_("Power Out"));
m_PinElectricalTypeStrings.Add(_("Open coll"));
m_PinElectricalTypeStrings.Add(_("Open emit"));
m_PinElectricalType = new wxRadioBox( itemDialog1, ID_RADIOBOX2, _("Electrical Type:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_PinElectricalTypeStrings, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
itemBoxSizer28->Add(m_PinElectricalType, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL|wxALL, 5);
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame content construction
* Should we show tooltips?
bool WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::ShowToolTips()
return true;
* Get bitmap resources
wxBitmap WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name )
// Bitmap retrieval
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame bitmap retrieval
return wxNullBitmap;
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame bitmap retrieval
* Get icon resources
wxIcon WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::GetIconResource( const wxString& name )
// Icon retrieval
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame icon retrieval
return wxNullIcon;
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame icon retrieval
* wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for wxID_OK
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event )
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::SetValuesInDialog(void)
wxString number;
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
wxString msg;
int tmp, ii;
// Init values and texts for pin name:
if ( CurrentPin ) msg = CurrentPin->m_PinName;
else msg = wxEmptyString;
tmp = CurrentPin ? CurrentPin->m_PinNameSize : LastPinNameSize;
msg = ReturnStringFromValue(g_UnitMetric, tmp, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits);
msg = m_PinNameSizeText->GetLabel() + ReturnUnitSymbol();
/* Init dialog pin num and pin num size values */
if ( CurrentPin ) CurrentPin->ReturnPinStringNum(msg);
else msg = wxEmptyString;
tmp = CurrentPin ? CurrentPin->m_PinNumSize : LastPinNumSize;
msg = ReturnStringFromValue(g_UnitMetric, tmp, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits);
msg = m_PinNumSizeText->GetLabel() + ReturnUnitSymbol();
/* init dialog pin size */
msg = m_PinSizeText->GetLabel() + ReturnUnitSymbol();
int pinsize = CurrentPin ? CurrentPin->m_PinLen : LastPinSize;
msg = ReturnStringFromValue(g_UnitMetric, pinsize, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits);
/* init pin options */
if ( CurrentPin )
if ( CurrentPin->m_Unit == 0 ) m_CommonUnit->SetValue(TRUE);
else m_CommonUnit->SetValue(LastPinCommonUnit);
if ( CurrentPin )
if ( CurrentPin->m_Convert == 0 ) m_CommonConvert->SetValue(TRUE);
else m_CommonConvert->SetValue(LastPinCommonConvert);
if ( CurrentPin )
if ( CurrentPin->m_Attributs & PINNOTDRAW ) m_NoDraw->SetValue(TRUE);
else m_NoDraw->SetValue(LastPinNoDraw);
tmp = CurrentPin ? CurrentPin->m_Orient : LastPinOrient;
switch ( tmp )
case PIN_LEFT:
case PIN_UP:
case PIN_DOWN:
tmp = CurrentPin ? CurrentPin->m_PinShape : LastPinShape;
m_PinShape->SetSelection( 0 );
for ( ii = 0; ii < NBSHAPES; ii++ )
if ( CodeShape[ii] == tmp )
m_PinShape->SetSelection( ii ); break ;
tmp = CurrentPin ? CurrentPin->m_PinShape : LastPinShape;
m_PinShape->SetSelection( 0 );
for ( ii = 0; ii < NBSHAPES; ii++ )
if ( CodeShape[ii] == tmp )
m_PinShape->SetSelection( ii ); break ;
m_PinElectricalType->SetSelection( CurrentPin ? CurrentPin->m_PinType : LastPinType);
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnSpinbuttonIncDecPinsizeUp( wxSpinEvent& event )
int pinsize;
wxString msg;
// Get the new value, which can be edited by hand, so the value can not match the spin button value
msg = m_PinSizeCtrl->GetValue();
pinsize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, msg, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
pinsize += 10;
if ( pinsize < 0 ) pinsize = 0;
if ( pinsize > 2000 ) pinsize = 2000;
msg = ReturnStringFromValue(g_UnitMetric, pinsize, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits);
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::OnSpinbuttonIncDecPinsizeDown( wxSpinEvent& event )
int pinsize;
wxString msg;
// Get the new value, which can be edited by hand, so the value can not match the spin button value
msg = m_PinSizeCtrl->GetValue();
pinsize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, msg, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
pinsize -= 10;
if ( pinsize < 0 ) pinsize = 0;
if ( pinsize > 2000 ) pinsize = 2000;
msg = ReturnStringFromValue(g_UnitMetric, pinsize, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits);
// Name: pinedit-dialog.h
// Purpose:
// Author: jean-pierre Charras
// Modified by:
// Created: 11/02/2006 13:30:59
// RCS-ID:
// Copyright: License GNU
// Licence:
// Generated by DialogBlocks (unregistered), 11/02/2006 13:30:59
/* #if defined(__GNUG__) && !defined(NO_GCC_PRAGMA) */
/* #pragma interface "pinedit-dialog.h" */
/* #endif */
* Includes
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "general.h"
#include "eeschema_id.h"
#include "libeditfrm.h"
#include "protos.h"
////@begin includes
#include "wx/spinbutt.h"
////@end includes
* Forward declarations
////@begin forward declarations
class wxSpinButton;
////@end forward declarations
* Control identifiers
////@begin control identifiers
#define ID_DIALOG 10000
#define ID_TEXTCTRL_PINNUM 10002
#define ID_RADIOBOX 10009
#define ID_RADIOBOX1 10012
#define ID_RADIOBOX2 10013
////@end control identifiers
* Compatibility
#ifndef wxCLOSE_BOX
#define wxCLOSE_BOX 0x1000
* WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame class declaration
class WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame: public wxDialog
/// Constructors
WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame( );
/// Creation
/// Creates the controls and sizers
void CreateControls();
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame event handler declarations
void OnSpinbuttonIncDecPinsizeUp( wxSpinEvent& event );
void OnSpinbuttonIncDecPinsizeDown( wxSpinEvent& event );
/// wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for wxID_CANCEL
void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
/// wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED event handler for wxID_OK
void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event );
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame event handler declarations
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame member function declarations
/// Retrieves bitmap resources
wxBitmap GetBitmapResource( const wxString& name );
/// Retrieves icon resources
wxIcon GetIconResource( const wxString& name );
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame member function declarations
/// Should we show tooltips?
static bool ShowToolTips();
void SetValuesInDialog(void);
void PinPropertiesAccept(wxCommandEvent& event);
void SetPinName(const wxString & newname, int newsize);
void SetPinNum(const wxString & newnum, int newsize);
void NewSizePin(int newsize);
void SetPinShape( int newshape);
void SetPinType(int newtype);
void SetPinOrientation(int neworient);
void SetPinAttributes(bool draw, bool unit, bool convert);
////@begin WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame member variables
wxTextCtrl* m_PinNameCtrl;
wxTextCtrl* m_PinNumCtrl;
wxTextCtrl* m_PinSizeCtrl;
wxSpinButton* m_PinSizeIncDecButton;
wxStaticText* m_PinSizeText;
wxCheckBox* m_CommonUnit;
wxCheckBox* m_CommonConvert;
wxCheckBox* m_NoDraw;
wxStaticText* m_PinNameSizeText;
wxTextCtrl* m_PinNameSizeCtrl;
wxStaticText* m_PinNumSizeText;
wxTextCtrl* m_PinNumSizeCtrl;
wxRadioBox* m_PinOrient;
wxButton* m_btClose;
wxRadioBox* m_PinShape;
wxRadioBox* m_PinElectricalType;
////@end WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame member variables
WinEDA_LibeditFrame * m_Parent;
This source diff could not be displayed because it is too large. You can view the blob instead.
......@@ -3,151 +3,121 @@
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "class_drawpanel.h"
#include "confirm.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "libeditfrm.h"
#include "eeschema_id.h"
#include "class_libentry.h"
#include "general.h"
#include "protos.h"
#include "pinedit-dialog.h"
#include "dialog_display_info_HTML_base.h"
#include "dialog_lib_edit_pin.h"
static int CodeOrient[4] =
#define NBSHAPES 7
static wxString shape_list[NBSHAPES] =
_( "line" ), _( "invert" ), _( "clock" ), _( "clock inv" ),
_( "low in" ), _( "low clock" ), _( "low out" )
int CodeShape[NBSHAPES] =
/* Routines locales */
static void CreateImagePins( LIB_PIN* Pin, int unit, int convert,
bool asDeMorgan );
static void AbortPinMove( WinEDA_DrawPanel* Panel, wxDC* DC );
static void DrawMovePin( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase );
/* Variables importees */
/* Variables locales */
static wxPoint OldPos, PinPreviousPos;
static int LastPinType = PIN_INPUT,
LastPinOrient = PIN_RIGHT,
LastPinShape = NONE,
LastPinSize = 300,
LastPinNameSize = 50,
LastPinNumSize = 50,
LastPinCommonConvert = false,
LastPinCommonUnit = false,
LastPinNoDraw = false;
static wxPoint OldPos;
static wxPoint PinPreviousPos;
static int LastPinType = PIN_INPUT;
static int LastPinOrient = PIN_RIGHT;
static int LastPinShape = NONE;
static int LastPinLength = 300;
static int LastPinNameSize = 50;
static int LastPinNumSize = 50;
static bool LastPinCommonConvert = false;
static bool LastPinCommonUnit = false;
static bool LastPinVisible = true;
#include "pinedit-dialog.cpp"
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::PinPropertiesAccept( wxCommandEvent& event )
/* Met a jour les differents parametres pour le composant en cours d'�dition
void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnEditPin( wxCommandEvent& event )
wxString msg;
LastPinType = m_PinElectricalType->GetSelection();
LastPinShape = CodeShape[m_PinShape->GetSelection()];
LastPinOrient = CodeOrient[m_PinOrient->GetSelection()];
LastPinCommonConvert = m_CommonConvert->GetValue();
LastPinCommonUnit = m_CommonUnit->GetValue();
LastPinNoDraw = m_NoDraw->GetValue();
msg = m_PinSizeCtrl->GetValue();
LastPinSize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, msg,
m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
msg = m_PinNameSizeCtrl->GetValue();
LastPinNameSize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, msg,
m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
msg = m_PinNumSizeCtrl->GetValue();
LastPinNumSize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, msg,
m_Parent->m_InternalUnits );
LIB_DRAW_ITEM* item = m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
if( item == NULL )
if( m_drawItem == NULL || m_drawItem->Type() != COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE )
if( !( item->m_Flags & IS_NEW ) ) // if IS_NEW, copy for undo is done before place
m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( item->GetParent() );
SetPinName( m_PinNameCtrl->GetValue(), LastPinNameSize );
msg = m_PinNumCtrl->GetValue();
if( msg.IsEmpty() )
msg = wxT( "~" );
SetPinNum( msg, LastPinNumSize );
NewSizePin( LastPinSize );
SetPinShape( LastPinShape );
SetPinType( LastPinType );
SetPinOrientation( LastPinOrient );
// Set all attributes (visibility, common to units and common to
// convert options)
SetPinAttributes( true, true, true );
item->DisplayInfo( m_Parent );
* Called when installing the edit pin dialog frame
* Set pins flags (.m_Flags pins member) to ensure a correctins edition:
* If 2 or more pins are on the same location (and the same orientation) they
* are all moved or resized.
* This is usefull for components which have more than one part per package
* In this case all parts can be edited at once.
* Note: if the option "Edit Pin per Pin" (tool of the main toolbar) is
* activated, only the current part is edited.
void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::InitEditOnePin()
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_drawItem;
if( m_component == NULL || CurrentPin == NULL
|| m_drawItem->Type() != COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE )
LIB_PIN* pin = (LIB_PIN*) m_drawItem;
DIALOG_LIB_EDIT_PIN dlg( this );
wxString units = GetUnitsLabel( g_UnitMetric );
dlg.SetOrientationList( LIB_PIN::GetOrientationNames() );
dlg.SetOrientation( LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCodeIndex( pin->m_Orient ) );
dlg.SetStyleList( LIB_PIN::GetStyleNames() );
dlg.SetStyle( LIB_PIN::GetStyleCodeIndex( pin->m_PinShape ) );
dlg.SetElectricalTypeList( LIB_PIN::GetElectricalTypeNames() );
dlg.SetElectricalType( pin->m_PinType );
dlg.SetName( pin->m_PinName );
dlg.SetNameTextSize( ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric,
m_InternalUnits ) );
dlg.SetNameTextSizeUnits( units );
dlg.SetNumber( pin->GetNumber() );
dlg.SetNumberTextSize( ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric,
m_InternalUnits ) );
dlg.SetNumberTextSizeUnits( units );
dlg.SetLength( ReturnStringFromValue( g_UnitMetric, pin->m_PinLen,
m_InternalUnits ) );
dlg.SetLengthUnits( units );
dlg.SetAddToAllParts( pin->m_Unit == 0 );
dlg.SetAddToAllBodyStyles( pin->m_Convert == 0 );
dlg.SetVisible( pin->IsVisible() );
if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL )
if( pin->IsNew() )
for( Pin = m_component->GetNextPin(); Pin != NULL;
Pin = m_component->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
/* Save the pin properties to use for the next new pin. */
LastPinNameSize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric,
m_InternalUnits );
LastPinNumSize = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric,
m_InternalUnits );
LastPinOrient = LIB_PIN::GetOrientationCode( dlg.GetOrientation() );
LastPinLength = ReturnValueFromString( g_UnitMetric, dlg.GetLength(),
m_InternalUnits );
LastPinShape = LIB_PIN::GetStyleCode( dlg.GetStyle() );
LastPinType = dlg.GetElectricalType();
LastPinCommonConvert = dlg.GetAddToAllBodyStyles();
LastPinCommonUnit = dlg.GetAddToAllParts();
LastPinVisible = dlg.GetVisible();
pin->EnableEditMode( true, g_EditPinByPinIsOn );
pin->SetName( dlg.GetName() );
pin->SetNameTextSize( LastPinNameSize );
pin->SetNumber( dlg.GetNumber() );
pin->SetNumberTextSize( LastPinNumSize );
pin->SetOrientation( LastPinOrient );
pin->SetLength( LastPinLength );
pin->SetElectricalType( LastPinType );
pin->SetDrawStyle( LastPinShape );
pin->SetConversion( ( LastPinCommonConvert ) ? 0 : m_convert );
pin->SetPartNumber( ( LastPinCommonUnit ) ? 0 : m_unit );
pin->SetVisible( LastPinVisible );
if( pin->IsModified() || pin->IsNew() )
if( Pin == CurrentPin )
if( ( Pin->m_Pos == CurrentPin->m_Pos )
&& ( Pin->m_Orient == CurrentPin->m_Orient )
&& ( !( CurrentPin->m_Flags & IS_NEW ) )
&& ( g_EditPinByPinIsOn == false ) )
Pin->m_Flags |= IS_LINKED | IN_EDIT;
Pin->m_Flags = 0;
if( !pin->IsNew() )
SaveCopyInUndoList( pin->GetParent() );
pin->DisplayInfo( this );
CurrentPin->DisplayInfo( this );
pin->EnableEditMode( false, g_EditPinByPinIsOn );
......@@ -224,7 +194,7 @@ another pin. Continue?" ) );
CurrentPin->m_Pos = newpos;
if( CurrentPin->m_Flags & IS_NEW )
if( CurrentPin->IsNew() )
LastPinOrient = CurrentPin->m_Orient;
LastPinType = CurrentPin->m_PinType;
......@@ -236,7 +206,7 @@ another pin. Continue?" ) );
/* Put linked pins in new position, and clear flags */
for( Pin = m_component->GetNextPin(); Pin != NULL;
Pin = m_component->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
Pin = m_component->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( Pin->m_Flags == 0 )
......@@ -254,36 +224,11 @@ another pin. Continue?" ) );
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::SetPinOrientation( int neworient )
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
LIB_PIN* Pin, * RefPin = CurrentPin;
if( CurrentPin == NULL || CurrentPin->GetParent() == NULL || RefPin == NULL )
/* Rotation */
RefPin->m_Orient = neworient;
Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( Pin->m_Flags == 0 )
Pin->m_Orient = RefPin->m_Orient;
if( CurrentPin == NULL )
Pin->m_Flags = 0;
* Prepare le deplacement d'une pin :
* Localise la pin pointee par le curseur, et si elle existe active
* la fonction de gestion curseur ( DrawMovePin() ).
* Prepare the displacement of a pin
* Locate the pin pointed to by the cursor, and set the cursor management
* function move the pin.
void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::StartMovePin( wxDC* DC )
......@@ -291,7 +236,7 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::StartMovePin( wxDC* DC )
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_drawItem;
wxPoint startPos;
/* Marquage des pins a traiter */
/* Mark pins for moving. */
Pin = m_component->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = m_component->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
......@@ -321,10 +266,8 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::StartMovePin( wxDC* DC )
/* Routine de deplacement de la Pin courante selon position du curseur souris */
/* Routine normalement appelee par la routine de gestion du curseur */
/* Move pin to the current mouse position. This function is called by the
* cursor management code. */
static void DrawMovePin( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase )
WinEDA_LibeditFrame* parent = (WinEDA_LibeditFrame*) panel->GetParent();
......@@ -341,7 +284,7 @@ static void DrawMovePin( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase )
bool showPinText = true;
/* Erase pin in old position */
if( erase || ( CurrentPin->m_Flags & IS_NEW ) )
if( erase || CurrentPin->IsNew() )
wxLogDebug( _( "Initial pin position (%d, %d)" ),
PinPreviousPos.x, PinPreviousPos.y );
......@@ -360,159 +303,20 @@ static void DrawMovePin( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, bool erase )
/* Keep the original position for existing pin (for Undo command)
* and the current position for a new pin */
if( ( CurrentPin->m_Flags & IS_NEW ) == 0 )
if( !CurrentPin->IsNew() )
CurrentPin->m_Pos = pinpos;
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::SetPinShape( int newshape )
/* Changement de la forme de la pin courante.
* Le changement est egalement fait sur les autres pins correspondantes
* des autres unites de la seule forme convert courante
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
if( CurrentPin )
CurrentPin->m_PinShape = newshape;
CurrentPin->DisplayInfo( m_Parent );
Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( Pin->m_Flags == 0 || Pin->m_Convert != CurrentPin->m_Convert )
Pin->m_PinShape = newshape;
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::SetPinType( int newtype )
/* Changement du type electrique de la pin courante.
* Le changement est egalement fait sur les autres pins correspondantes
* des autres unites du boitier
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
if( CurrentPin == NULL || CurrentPin->GetParent() == NULL )
CurrentPin->m_PinType = newtype;
Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( Pin->m_Flags == 0 )
Pin->m_PinType = newtype;
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::SetPinName( const wxString& newname, int newsize )
/* Met a jour le nom et la taille de ce nom de la pin courante
* si newname == NULL, pas de changement de nom
* si newsize < 0 : pas de changement de taille
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
wxString buf;
if( CurrentPin == NULL || CurrentPin->GetParent() == NULL )
buf = newname;
buf.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
if( newsize >= 0 )
CurrentPin->m_PinNameSize = newsize;
CurrentPin->m_PinName = buf;
/* Traitement des autres pins */
Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( (Pin->m_Flags & IS_LINKED) == 0 )
if( newsize >= 0 )
Pin->m_PinNameSize = newsize;
Pin->m_PinName = buf;
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::SetPinNum( const wxString& newnum, int newsize )
/* Changement du numero de la pin courante.
* Le changement est egalement fait sur les autres pins correspondantes
* a la forme convertie
* Si newnum == NULL: pas de changement de numero
* Si newsize < 0 ) pase de changement de taille
* Delete pin at the current mouse position.
* If g_EditPinByPinIsOn == false:
* All pins at the same position will be erased.
* Otherwise only the pin of the current unit and convert will be erased.
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
wxString buf;
buf = newnum;
buf.Replace( wxT( " " ), wxT( "_" ) );
if( CurrentPin == NULL || CurrentPin->GetParent() == NULL )
CurrentPin->m_PinNum = 0;
if( newsize >= 0 )
CurrentPin->m_PinNumSize = newsize;
CurrentPin->SetPinNumFromString( buf );
Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( ( Pin->m_Flags & IS_LINKED ) == 0
|| Pin->m_Unit != CurrentPin->m_Unit )
if( newsize >= 0 )
Pin->m_PinNumSize = newsize;
Pin->m_PinNum = CurrentPin->m_PinNum;
void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::DeletePin( wxDC* DC,
LIB_PIN* Pin )
/* Routine d'effacement de la pin pointee par la souris
* Si g_EditPinByPinIsOn == false :
* toutes les pins de meme coordonnee seront effacees.
* Sinon seule la pin de l'unite en convert courante sera effacee
LIB_PIN* tmp;
wxPoint PinPos;
......@@ -523,7 +327,6 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::DeletePin( wxDC* DC,
PinPos = Pin->m_Pos;
LibEntry->RemoveDrawItem( (LIB_DRAW_ITEM*) Pin, DrawPanel, DC );
/* Effacement des autres pins de meme coordonnees */
if( g_EditPinByPinIsOn == false )
tmp = LibEntry->GetNextPin();
......@@ -549,214 +352,68 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::DeletePin( wxDC* DC,
void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::CreatePin( wxDC* DC )
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin;
LIB_PIN* pin;
bool showPinText = true;
if( m_component == NULL )
/* Effacement des flags */
CurrentPin = new LIB_PIN( m_component );
m_drawItem = CurrentPin;
pin = new LIB_PIN( m_component );
if( CurrentPin == NULL || CurrentPin->Type() != COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE )
if( pin == NULL )
CurrentPin->m_Flags = IS_NEW;
CurrentPin->m_Unit = m_unit;
CurrentPin->m_Convert = m_convert;
m_drawItem = pin;
pin->m_Flags = IS_NEW;
pin->m_Unit = m_unit;
pin->m_Convert = m_convert;
/* Flag pins to consider */
if( g_EditPinByPinIsOn == false )
CurrentPin->m_Flags |= IS_LINKED;
CurrentPin->m_Pos.x = GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x;
CurrentPin->m_Pos.y = -GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y;
CurrentPin->m_PinLen = LastPinSize;
CurrentPin->m_Orient = LastPinOrient;
CurrentPin->m_PinType = LastPinType;
CurrentPin->m_PinShape = LastPinShape;
CurrentPin->m_PinNameSize = LastPinNameSize;
CurrentPin->m_PinNumSize = LastPinNumSize;
pin->m_Flags |= IS_LINKED;
pin->m_Pos.x = GetScreen()->m_Curseur.x;
pin->m_Pos.y = -GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y;
pin->m_PinLen = LastPinLength;
pin->m_Orient = LastPinOrient;
pin->m_PinType = LastPinType;
pin->m_PinShape = LastPinShape;
pin->m_PinNameSize = LastPinNameSize;
pin->m_PinNumSize = LastPinNumSize;
if( LastPinCommonConvert )
CurrentPin->m_Convert = 0;
pin->m_Convert = 0;
CurrentPin->m_Convert = m_convert;
pin->m_Convert = m_convert;
if( LastPinCommonUnit )
CurrentPin->m_Unit = 0;
pin->m_Unit = 0;
CurrentPin->m_Unit = m_unit;
if( LastPinNoDraw )
CurrentPin->m_Attributs |= PINNOTDRAW;
pin->m_Unit = m_unit;
if( LastPinVisible )
pin->m_Attributs &= ~PINNOTDRAW;
CurrentPin->m_Attributs &= ~PINNOTDRAW;
pin->m_Attributs |= PINNOTDRAW;
if( DC )
CurrentPin->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), -1, wxCOPY,
&showPinText, DefaultTransformMatrix );
pin->Draw( DrawPanel, DC, wxPoint( 0, 0 ), -1, wxCOPY, &showPinText,
DefaultTransformMatrix );
PinPreviousPos = CurrentPin->m_Pos;
PinPreviousPos = pin->m_Pos;
wxLogDebug( _( "Initial pin position (%d, %d)" ),
PinPreviousPos.x, PinPreviousPos.y );
DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = true;
InstallPineditFrame( this, DC, wxPoint( -1, -1 ) );
wxCommandEvent cmd( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED );
GetEventHandler()->ProcessEvent( cmd );
DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = false;
DrawPanel->ManageCurseur = DrawMovePin;
DrawPanel->ForceCloseManageCurseur = AbortPinMove;
CurrentPin->DisplayInfo( this );
/* si draw == true
* - Ajuste le flag visible / invisible (.U.Pin.Flags bit 0 ) de la pin
* editee
* si unit == true
* - Modifie l'attribut Commun / Particulier U.Pin.Unit = 0 ou Num Unite
* de la pin editee
* si convert == true
* - Modifie l'attribut Commun / Particulier U.Pin.Convert = 0 ou Num Unite
* de la pin editee
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::SetPinAttributes( bool draw, bool unit,
bool convert )
LIB_PIN* tmp;
LIB_PIN* CurrentPin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
if( CurrentPin == NULL )
if( unit )
if( LastPinCommonUnit )
CurrentPin->m_Unit = 0;
CurrentPin->m_Unit = m_Parent->GetUnit();
if( CurrentPin->m_Unit == 0 )
tmp = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
while( tmp != NULL )
Pin = tmp;
tmp = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin );
if( Pin->m_Flags == 0 || Pin == CurrentPin )
if( CurrentPin->m_Convert
&& ( CurrentPin->m_Convert != Pin->m_Convert ) )
if( CurrentPin->m_Pos != Pin->m_Pos )
if( Pin->m_Orient != CurrentPin->m_Orient )
CurrentPin->GetParent()->RemoveDrawItem( (LIB_DRAW_ITEM*) Pin );
} // end if unit
if( convert )
if( LastPinCommonConvert )
CurrentPin->m_Convert = 0;
CurrentPin->m_Convert = m_Parent->GetConvert();
if( CurrentPin->m_Convert == 0 ) /* Effacement des pins redondantes */
tmp = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
while( tmp != NULL )
Pin = tmp;
tmp = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin );
if( Pin->m_Flags == 0 )
if( Pin == CurrentPin )
if( CurrentPin->m_Unit && ( CurrentPin->m_Unit != Pin->m_Unit ) )
if( CurrentPin->m_Pos != Pin->m_Pos )
if( Pin->m_Orient != CurrentPin->m_Orient )
CurrentPin->GetParent()->RemoveDrawItem( (LIB_DRAW_ITEM*) Pin );
} // end if convert
if( draw )
if( LastPinNoDraw )
CurrentPin->m_Attributs |= PINNOTDRAW;
CurrentPin->m_Attributs &= ~PINNOTDRAW;
Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = CurrentPin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( Pin->m_Flags == 0 )
if( LastPinNoDraw )
Pin->m_Attributs |= PINNOTDRAW;
Pin->m_Attributs &= ~PINNOTDRAW;
void WinEDA_PinPropertiesFrame::NewSizePin( int newsize )
/* Fonction permettant la mise aux dimensions courantes:
* - longueur, dimension des textes
* de la pin courante
LIB_PIN* RefPin, * Pin = (LIB_PIN*) m_Parent->GetDrawItem();
if( Pin == NULL || Pin->GetParent() == NULL )
Pin->m_PinLen = newsize;
Pin->DisplayInfo( m_Parent );
RefPin = Pin;
if( g_EditPinByPinIsOn == false )
Pin = Pin->GetParent()->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = Pin->GetParent()->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( Pin->m_Pos != RefPin->m_Pos )
if( Pin->m_Orient != RefPin->m_Orient )
if( Pin->m_Convert == RefPin->m_Convert )
Pin->m_PinLen = newsize;
......@@ -774,7 +431,7 @@ static void CreateImagePins( LIB_PIN* Pin, int unit, int convert,
if( asDeMorgan && ( Pin->m_Convert != 0 ) )
CreateConv = true;
/* Creation de la pin " convert " pour la part courante */
/* Create "convert" pin at the current position. */
if( CreateConv == true )
NewPin = (LIB_PIN*) Pin->GenCopy();
......@@ -788,16 +445,14 @@ static void CreateImagePins( LIB_PIN* Pin, int unit, int convert,
for( ii = 1; ii <= Pin->GetParent()->GetPartCount(); ii++ )
if( ii == unit || Pin->m_Unit == 0 )
continue; /* Pin commune a toutes les unites */
continue; /* Pin common to all units. */
/* Creation pour la representation "normale" */
NewPin = (LIB_PIN*) Pin->GenCopy();
if( convert != 0 )
NewPin->m_Convert = 1;
NewPin->m_Unit = ii;
Pin->GetParent()->AddDrawItem( NewPin );
/* Creation pour la representation "Convert" */
if( CreateConv == false )
......@@ -865,10 +520,8 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::GlobalSetPins( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* MasterPin, int id )
/* Create a new pin based on the previous pin with an incremented pin number. */
void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::RepeatPinItem( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* SourcePin )
/* Creation d'une nouvelle pin par copie de la pr�c�dente ( fct REPEAT) */
wxString msg;
......@@ -885,8 +538,7 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::RepeatPinItem( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* SourcePin )
Pin->m_Pos.x += g_RepeatStep.x;
ox = Pin->m_Pos.x;
Pin->m_Pos.y += -g_RepeatStep.y;
oy = Pin->m_Pos.y; // ici axe Y comme en math
/*** Increment du numero de label ***/
oy = Pin->m_Pos.y;
IncrementLabelMember( Pin->m_PinName );
Pin->ReturnPinStringNum( msg );
......@@ -895,7 +547,6 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::RepeatPinItem( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* SourcePin )
m_drawItem = Pin;
/* Marquage des pins a traiter */
if( g_EditPinByPinIsOn == false )
Pin->m_Flags |= IS_LINKED;
......@@ -905,8 +556,6 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::RepeatPinItem( wxDC* DC, LIB_PIN* SourcePin )
GetScreen()->m_Curseur.y = -Pin->m_Pos.y;
PlacePin( DC );
GetScreen()->m_Curseur = savepos;
// DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema();
DrawPanel->CursorOn( DC );
Pin->DisplayInfo( this );
......@@ -938,23 +587,17 @@ bool sort_by_pin_number( const LIB_PIN* ref, const LIB_PIN* tst )
void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
#define MIN_GRID_SIZE 25
int dup_error;
int offgrid_error;
wxString msg;
wxString aux_msg;
int dup_error;
int offgrid_error;
wxString msg;
wxString aux_msg;
if( m_component == NULL )
// Build the pin list:
std::vector <LIB_PIN* >PinList;
Pin = m_component->GetNextPin();
for( ; Pin != NULL; Pin = m_component->GetNextPin( Pin ) )
if( Pin->Type() == COMPONENT_PIN_DRAW_TYPE )
PinList.push_back( Pin );
m_component->GetPins( PinList );
if( PinList.size() == 0 )
......@@ -968,8 +611,11 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
// Test for duplicates:
dup_error = 0;
DIALOG_DISPLAY_HTML_TEXT_BASE error_display( this, wxID_ANY, _( "Marker Info" ),
wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 750, 600 ) );
DIALOG_DISPLAY_HTML_TEXT_BASE error_display( this, wxID_ANY,
_( "Marker Information" ),
wxSize( 750, 600 ) );
for( unsigned ii = 1; ii < PinList.size(); ii++ )
wxString stringPinNum, stringCurrPinNum;
......@@ -985,15 +631,16 @@ void WinEDA_LibeditFrame::OnCheckComponent( wxCommandEvent& event )
Pin->ReturnPinStringNum( stringPinNum );
curr_pin->ReturnPinStringNum( stringCurrPinNum );
msg.Printf( _(
"<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b> conflicts \
with pin %s \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
msg.Printf( _( "<b>Duplicate pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, \
%.3f)</b> conflicts with pin %s \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
GetChars( stringCurrPinNum ),
GetChars( curr_pin->m_PinName ),
(float) curr_pin->m_Pos.x / 1000.0, (float) -curr_pin->m_Pos.y / 1000.0,
(float) curr_pin->m_Pos.x / 1000.0,
(float) -curr_pin->m_Pos.y / 1000.0,
GetChars( stringPinNum ),
GetChars( Pin->m_PinName ),
(float) Pin->m_Pos.x / 1000.0, (float) -Pin->m_Pos.y / 1000.0 );
(float) Pin->m_Pos.x / 1000.0,
(float) -Pin->m_Pos.y / 1000.0 );
if( m_component->GetPartCount() > 1 )
......@@ -1027,11 +674,12 @@ with pin %s \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>"
wxString stringPinNum;
Pin->ReturnPinStringNum( stringPinNum );
msg.Printf( _( "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>" ),
msg.Printf( _( "<b>Off grid pin %s</b> \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, \
%.3f)</b>" ),
GetChars( stringPinNum ),
GetChars( Pin->m_PinName ),
(float) Pin->m_Pos.x / 1000.0, (float) -Pin->m_Pos.y / 1000.0
(float) Pin->m_Pos.x / 1000.0,
(float) -Pin->m_Pos.y / 1000.0 );
if( m_component->GetPartCount() > 1 )
......@@ -1052,7 +700,8 @@ with pin %s \"%s\" at location <b>(%.3f, %.3f)</b>"
if( !dup_error && !offgrid_error )
DisplayInfoMessage( this, _( "No off grid or duplicate pins were found." ) );
DisplayInfoMessage( this,
_( "No off grid or duplicate pins were found." ) );
/* prototypage des fonctions de EESchema */
#ifndef __PROTOS_H__
#define __PROTOS_H__
......@@ -58,7 +55,6 @@ bool MapAngles( int* Angle1,
* @param aTransformMatrix = rotation, mirror .. matrix
* @param aPosition = the position to transform
* @return the new coordinate
wxPoint TransformCoordinate( const int aTransformMatrix[2][2],
......@@ -71,10 +67,6 @@ void SnapLibItemPoint( int OrigX,
bool LibItemInBox( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2,
char* StrPurge( char* text );
/* Supprime les caracteres Space en debut de la ligne text
* retourne un pointeur sur le 1er caractere non Space de text */
......@@ -87,13 +79,10 @@ void DeleteStruct( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel,
LIB_PIN* LocatePinByNumber( const wxString& ePin_Number,
SCH_COMPONENT* eComponent );
SCH_COMPONENT* LocateSmallestComponent( SCH_SCREEN* Screen );
/* Recherche du plus petit (en surface) composant pointe par la souris */
/* Find the item within block selection. */
int PickItemsInBlock( BLOCK_SELECTOR& aBlock,
BASE_SCREEN* screen );
......@@ -123,14 +112,10 @@ int PickItemsInBlock( BLOCK_SELECTOR& aBlock,
* Return:
* -Bloc search:
* pointeur sur liste de pointeurs de structures si Plusieurs
* structures selectionnees.
* pointeur sur la structure si 1 seule
* Positon search:
* pointeur sur la structure.
* Si pas de structures selectionnees: retourne NULL */
* Pointer to list of pointers to structures if several items are selected.
* Pointer to the structure if only 1 item is selected.
* NULL if no items are selects.
SCH_ITEM* PickStruct( const wxPoint& refpos,
BASE_SCREEN* screen,
int SearchMask );
......@@ -237,13 +222,14 @@ void InstallPineditFrame( WinEDA_LibeditFrame* parent,
* Function DisplayComponentsNamesInLib
* Routine de selection d'un composant en librairie, par affichage de la
* liste des composants de cette librairie
* Si Library == NULL, selection de librairie demandee
* sinon recherche uniquement dans library
* Retourne
* 1 si composant selectionne
* 0 si commande annulee
* Select component from list of components in this library
* If == NULL Library, selection of library REQUESTED
* If only in research library
* Returns
* 1 if selected component
* 0 if canceled order
int DisplayComponentsNamesInLib( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
......@@ -259,15 +245,13 @@ int DisplayComponentsNamesInLib( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
CMP_LIBRARY* SelectLibraryFromList( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame );
* Function GetNameOfPartToLoad
* Routine de selection du nom d'un composant en librairie pour chargement,
* dans la librairie Library.
* Si Library == NULL, il y aura demande de selection d'une librairie
* Retourne
* 1 si composant selectionne
* 0 si commande annulee
* place le nom du composant a charger, selectionne a partir d'une liste dans
* BufName
* Get the name component from a library to load.
* If no library specified, there will be demand for selection of a library.
* Returns
* 1 if selected component
* 0 if canceled order
* Place the name of the selected component list in BufName
int GetNameOfPartToLoad( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
......@@ -292,9 +276,6 @@ void SchematicCleanUp( SCH_SCREEN* screen, wxDC* DC );
void BreakSegmentOnJunction( SCH_SCREEN* Screen );
/* Routine creant des debuts / fin de segment (BUS ou WIRES) sur les jonctions
* et les raccords */
/* Break a segment ( BUS, WIRE ) int 2 segments at location aBreakpoint,
* if aBreakpoint in on segment segment
* ( excluding ends)
......@@ -65,11 +65,9 @@ enum pseudokeys {
#define TEXT_ORIENT_VERT 900
/* Affichage ou Effacement d'Item */
#define ON 1 /* Affichage */
#define OFF 0 /* Effacement */
#define ON 1
#define OFF 0
/* unites d'affichage sur ecran et autres */
#define INCHES 0
#define MILLIMETRE 1
#define CENTIMETRE 2
......@@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ class LibNameList;
/* Classe pour affichage de textes */
/* Class to display text */
class WinEDA_TextFrame : public wxDialog
......@@ -169,9 +167,9 @@ extern const wxString PdfFileWildcard;
extern const wxString AllFilesWildcard;
// Nom (full file name) du file Configuration par defaut (
// Name of default configuration file. (
extern wxString g_Prj_Default_Config_FullFilename;
// Nom du file Configuration local (<curr projet>.pro)
// Name of local configuration file. (<curr projet>.pro)
extern wxString g_Prj_Config_LocalFilename;
extern int g_UnitMetric; // display units mm = 1, inches = 0, cm = 2
......@@ -273,15 +271,15 @@ wxString GetAboutBuildVersion(); /* Return custom build date for about dialog
* function Affiche_1_Parametre
* Routine d'affichage d'un parametre.
* pos_X = cadrage horizontal
* si pos_X < 0 : la position horizontale est la derniere
* valeur demandee >= 0
* texte_H = texte a afficher en ligne superieure.
* si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
* texte_L = texte a afficher en ligne inferieure.
* si "", par d'affichage sur cette ligne
* color = couleur d'affichage
* Routine to display a parameter.
* = POS_X horizontal framing
* If POS_X <0: horizontal position is the last
* Required value> = 0
* Texte_H = text to be displayed in top line.
* If "by posting on this line
* Texte_L = text to be displayed in bottom line.
* If "by posting on this line
* Color = color display
void Affiche_1_Parametre( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
int pos_X,
......@@ -289,25 +287,34 @@ void Affiche_1_Parametre( WinEDA_DrawFrame* frame,
const wxString& texte_L,
int color );
/* Routine d'affichage de la documentation associee a un composant */
int GetTimeStamp();
/* Retoure une identification temporelle (Time stamp) differente a chaque appel */
int DisplayColorFrame( wxWindow* parent, int OldColor );
int GetCommandOptions( const int argc, const char** argv,
const char* stringtst, const char** optarg,
int* optind );
/* Retourne pour affichage la valeur d'un parametre, selon type d'unites choisies
* entree : valeur en mils , buffer de texte
* retourne en buffer : texte : valeur exprimee en pouces ou millimetres
* suivie de " ou mm
/* Returns to display the value of a parameter, by type of units selected
* Input: value in mils, buffer text
* Returns to buffer: text: value expressed in inches or millimeters
* Followed by " or mm
const wxString& valeur_param( int valeur, wxString& buf_texte );
wxString ReturnUnitSymbol( int Units = g_UnitMetric );
* Get a human readable units string.
* The strings returned are full text name and not abbreviations or symbolic
* representations of units. Set ReturnUnitSymbol() for that.
* @param units - The units text to return.
* @return The human readable units string.
wxString GetUnitsLabel( int units );
int ReturnValueFromString( int Units, const wxString& TextValue,
int Internal_Unit );
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