Commit 223419a8 authored by Dick Hollenbeck's avatar Dick Hollenbeck

documentation clarity

parent 141f3fed
......@@ -35,10 +35,11 @@ wxDynamicLibrary KIWAY::s_pcb_dso;
memset( &m_dso_players, 0, sizeof( m_dso_players ) );
memset( &m_kiface, 0, sizeof( m_kiface ) );
const wxString KIWAY::dso_name( FACE_T aFaceId )
switch( aFaceId )
......@@ -51,6 +52,7 @@ const wxString KIWAY::dso_name( FACE_T aFaceId )
return wxEmptyString;
PROJECT& KIWAY::Prj() const
......@@ -65,10 +67,8 @@ KIFACE* KIWAY::KiFACE( FACE_T aFaceId, bool doLoad )
case FACE_SCH:
case FACE_PCB:
//case FACE_LIB:
//case FACE_MOD:
if( m_dso_players[aFaceId] )
return m_dso_players[aFaceId];
if( m_kiface[aFaceId] )
return m_kiface[aFaceId];
wxASSERT_MSG( 0, wxT( "caller has a bug, passed a bad aFaceId" ) );
......@@ -86,8 +86,6 @@ KIFACE* KIWAY::KiFACE( FACE_T aFaceId, bool doLoad )
case FACE_PCB:
//case FACE_LIB:
//case FACE_MOD:
......@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ struct KIFACE
* should do process level initialization here, not project specific since there
* will be multiple projects open eventually.
* @param aProcess is the process block: PGM_BASE*
* @param aProgram is the process block: PGM_BASE*
* @return bool - true if DSO initialized OK, false if not. When returning
* false, the loader may optionally decide to terminate the process or not,
......@@ -173,8 +173,6 @@ struct KIFACE
* Function OnKifaceEnd
* is called just once just before the DSO is to be unloaded. It is called
* before static C++ destructors are called. A default implementation is supplied.
* @param aProcess is the process block: PGM_BASE*
VTBL_ENTRY void OnKifaceEnd() = 0;
......@@ -197,7 +195,8 @@ struct KIFACE
* @param aCtlBits consists of bit flags from the set of KFCTL_* \#defines above.
* @return wxWindow* - and if not NULL, should be cast into the known type using
* dynamic_cast<>().
* and old school cast. dynamic_cast is problemenatic since it needs typeinfo probably
* not contained in the caller's link image.
VTBL_ENTRY wxWindow* CreateWindow( wxWindow* aParent, int aClassId,
KIWAY* aKIWAY, int aCtlBits = 0 ) = 0;
......@@ -232,7 +231,7 @@ struct KIFACE
* are used to hold function pointers and eliminate the need to link to specific
* object code libraries, speeding development and encouraging clearly defined
* interface design. Unlike Microsoft COM, which is a multi-vendor design supporting
* DLL's built at various points in time. The KIWAY alchemy is single project, with
* DLL's built at various points in time, the KIWAY alchemy is single project, with
* all components being built at the same time. So one should expect solid compatibility
* between all KiCad components, as long at they are compiled at the same time.
* <p>
......@@ -290,15 +289,17 @@ public:
/// Get the name of the DSO holding the requested FACE_T.
static const wxString dso_name( FACE_T aFaceId );
// one for each FACE_T
static wxDynamicLibrary s_sch_dso;
static wxDynamicLibrary s_pcb_dso;
//static wxDynamicLibrary s_cvpcb_dso; // will get merged into pcbnew
KIFACE* m_dso_players[FACE_COUNT];
PROJECT m_project; // do not assume this is here, use Prj().
......@@ -308,19 +309,18 @@ private:
* Function Pointer KIFACE_GETTER_FUNC
* points to the one and only KIFACE export. The export's address
* is looked up via symbolic string and should be extern "C" to avoid name
* mangling. That function can also implement process initialization functionality,
* things to do once per process that is DSO resident. This function will only be
* called one time. The DSO itself however may be asked to support multiple
* Top windows, i.e. multiple projects within its lifetime.
* mangling. This function will only be called one time. The DSO itself however
* may be asked to support multiple Top windows, i.e. multiple projects
* within its lifetime.
* @param aKIFACEversion is where to put the API version implemented by the KIFACE.
* @param aKIWAYversion tells the KIFACE what KIWAY version will be available.
* @param aProcess is a pointer to the PGM_BASE for this process.
* @return KIFACE* - unconditionally.
* @param aProgram is a pointer to the PGM_BASE for this process.
* @return KIFACE* - unconditionally, cannot fail.
typedef KIFACE* KIFACE_GETTER_FUNC( int* aKIFACEversion, int aKIWAYversion, PGM_BASE* aProgram );
/// No name mangling. Each TOPMOD will implement this once.
/// No name mangling. Each KIFACE (DSO/DLL) will implement this once.
extern "C" KIFACE* KIFACE_GETTER( int* aKIFACEversion, int aKIWAYversion, PGM_BASE* aProgram );
#endif // KIWAY_H_
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