m_staticTextKeywords->SetToolTip(_("Enter keys words that can be used to select this composant\nkeys words cannot have spaces and are separated by a space"));
m_staticTextKeywords->SetToolTip(_("Enter keys words that can be used to select this composant.\nKey words cannot have spaces and are separated by a space."));
<propertyname="tooltip">Enter keys words that can be used to select this composant
keys words cannot have spaces and are separated by a space</property>
<propertyname="tooltip">Enter keys words that can be used to select this composant.
Key words cannot have spaces and are separated by a space.</property>
m_checkHVOrientation=newwxCheckBox(m_panel1,wxID_ANY,_("Allow buses and wires to be placed in H or V &orientation only"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,0);
m_checkHVOrientation=newwxCheckBox(m_panel1,wxID_ANY,_("Allow buses and wires to be placed in H or V &orientation only"),wxDefaultPosition,wxDefaultSize,0);