Commit 06377c15 authored by Jerry Jacobs's avatar Jerry Jacobs

Rework on icons, and more OS X updates

parent cc1327b4
...@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ make ...@@ -47,6 +47,11 @@ make
sudo make install sudo make install
Move the old Mac OS X wxconfig and symlink it to the new compiled 2.9
sudo mv /usr/bin/wx-config /usr/bin/wx-config.osx
sudo ln -s /opt/wxwidgets-svn/bin/wx-config /usr
Building KiCad Building KiCad
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Extract the sources or get them from subversion. Extract the sources or get them from subversion.
...@@ -113,3 +118,14 @@ Installing rosetta and xcode with all architectures fixes this "problem" ...@@ -113,3 +118,14 @@ Installing rosetta and xcode with all architectures fixes this "problem"
ld: warning: in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks//QuickTime.framework/QuickTime, missing required architecture x86_64 in file ld: warning: in /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.6.sdk/System/Library/Frameworks//QuickTime.framework/QuickTime, missing required architecture x86_64 in file
You get this error because the QuickTime 10.6 framework is not build with 64bit support. This not a real issue for KiCad because we don't use it anyway. You get this error because the QuickTime 10.6 framework is not build with 64bit support. This not a real issue for KiCad because we don't use it anyway.
Undefined symbols:
"TestForIntersectionOfStraightLineSegments(int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int*, int*, double*)", referenced from:
clipLine(EDA_Rect*, int&, int&, int&, int&)in libcommon.a(gr_basic.cpp.o)
Make sure you marked the build type Release:
//Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or
// CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel.
\ No newline at end of file
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This diff is collapsed.
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No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
...@@ -148,8 +148,6 @@ if(APPLE) ...@@ -148,8 +148,6 @@ if(APPLE)
set(EESCHEMA_RESOURCES eeschema.icns eeschema_doc.icns) set(EESCHEMA_RESOURCES eeschema.icns eeschema_doc.icns)
set_source_files_properties("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/eeschema.icns" set_source_files_properties("${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/eeschema.icns"
set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE eeschema.icns) set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_ICON_FILE eeschema.icns)
set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER org.kicad-eda.eeschema) set(MACOSX_BUNDLE_GUI_IDENTIFIER org.kicad-eda.eeschema)
endif(APPLE) endif(APPLE)
...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ ...@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
<string>sch</string> <string>sch</string>
</array> </array>
<key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key> <key>CFBundleTypeIconFile</key>
<string>eeschema_doc.icns</string> <string>eeschema.icns</string>
<key>CFBundleTypeName</key> <key>CFBundleTypeName</key>
<string>eeschema document</string> <string>eeschema document</string>
<key>LSHandlerRank</key> <key>LSHandlerRank</key>
No preview for this file type
...@@ -128,7 +128,11 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM( wxMenu* menu, int id, ...@@ -128,7 +128,11 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM( wxMenu* menu, int id,
wxMenuItem* l_item; wxMenuItem* l_item;
l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text ); l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
l_item->SetBitmap( icon ); l_item->SetBitmap( icon );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
menu->Append( l_item ); menu->Append( l_item );
}; };
...@@ -140,7 +144,11 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_HELP( wxMenu* menu, int id, ...@@ -140,7 +144,11 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_HELP( wxMenu* menu, int id,
wxMenuItem* l_item; wxMenuItem* l_item;
l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text, help ); l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text, help );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
l_item->SetBitmap( icon ); l_item->SetBitmap( icon );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
menu->Append( l_item ); menu->Append( l_item );
}; };
...@@ -182,7 +190,11 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_SUBMENU( wxMenu* menu, wxMenu* submenu, ...@@ -182,7 +190,11 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_SUBMENU( wxMenu* menu, wxMenu* submenu,
l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text ); l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text );
l_item->SetSubMenu( submenu ); l_item->SetSubMenu( submenu );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
l_item->SetBitmap( icon ); l_item->SetBitmap( icon );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
menu->Append( l_item ); menu->Append( l_item );
}; };
...@@ -197,16 +209,20 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_HELP_AND_SUBMENU( wxMenu* menu, ...@@ -197,16 +209,20 @@ static inline void ADD_MENUITEM_WITH_HELP_AND_SUBMENU( wxMenu* menu,
l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text, help ); l_item = new wxMenuItem( menu, id, text, help );
l_item->SetSubMenu( submenu ); l_item->SetSubMenu( submenu );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
l_item->SetBitmap( icon ); l_item->SetBitmap( icon );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
menu->Append( l_item ); menu->Append( l_item );
}; };
#endif #endif
#ifdef __WINDOWS__ #ifdef __WINDOWS__
#define SETBITMAPS( icon ) item->SetBitmaps( apply_xpm, (icon) ) # define SETBITMAPS( icon ) item->SetBitmaps( apply_xpm, (icon) )
#else #else
#define SETBITMAPS( icon ) # define SETBITMAPS( icon )
#endif #endif
#endif /* ifdef MACRO_H */ #endif /* ifdef MACRO_H */
No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
No preview for this file type
...@@ -88,7 +88,11 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -88,7 +88,11 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
/* Open */ /* Open */
item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_LOAD_PROJECT, _( "&Open\tCtrl+O" ), item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_LOAD_PROJECT, _( "&Open\tCtrl+O" ),
_( "Open an existing project" ) ); _( "Open an existing project" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( open_project_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( open_project_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
filesMenu->Append( item ); filesMenu->Append( item );
/* Open Recent submenu */ /* Open Recent submenu */
...@@ -102,13 +106,21 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -102,13 +106,21 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
/* New */ /* New */
item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_NEW_PROJECT, _( "&New\tCtrl+N" ), item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_NEW_PROJECT, _( "&New\tCtrl+N" ),
_( "Start a new project" ) ); _( "Start a new project" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( new_project_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( new_project_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
filesMenu->Append( item ); filesMenu->Append( item );
/* Save */ /* Save */
item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_SAVE_PROJECT, _( "&Save\tCtrl+S" ), item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_SAVE_PROJECT, _( "&Save\tCtrl+S" ),
_( "Save current project" ) ); _( "Save current project" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( save_project_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( save_project_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
filesMenu->Append( item ); filesMenu->Append( item );
/* Separator */ /* Separator */
...@@ -117,13 +129,21 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -117,13 +129,21 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
/* Archive */ /* Archive */
item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_SAVE_AND_ZIP_FILES, _( "&Archive" ), item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_SAVE_AND_ZIP_FILES, _( "&Archive" ),
_( "Archive project files in zip archive" ) ); _( "Archive project files in zip archive" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( zip_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( zip_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
filesMenu->Append( item ); filesMenu->Append( item );
/* Unarchive */ /* Unarchive */
item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_READ_ZIP_ARCHIVE, _( "&Unarchive" ), item = new wxMenuItem( filesMenu, ID_READ_ZIP_ARCHIVE, _( "&Unarchive" ),
_( "Unarchive project files from zip file" ) ); _( "Unarchive project files from zip file" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( unzip_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( unzip_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
filesMenu->Append( item ); filesMenu->Append( item );
/* Quit on all platforms except WXMAC */ /* Quit on all platforms except WXMAC */
...@@ -147,14 +167,20 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -147,14 +167,20 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
/* Text editor */ /* Text editor */
item = new wxMenuItem( browseMenu, ID_TO_EDITOR, _( "Text E&ditor" ), item = new wxMenuItem( browseMenu, ID_TO_EDITOR, _( "Text E&ditor" ),
_( "Open prefered text editor" ) ); _( "Open prefered text editor" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( editor_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( editor_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
browseMenu->Append( item ); browseMenu->Append( item );
/* Browse files */ /* Browse files */
item = new wxMenuItem( browseMenu, ID_BROWSE_AN_SELECT_FILE, item = new wxMenuItem( browseMenu, ID_BROWSE_AN_SELECT_FILE,
_( "&View File" ), _( "&View File" ),
_( "View, read or edit file with a text editor" ) ); _( "View, read or edit file with a text editor" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( browse_files_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( browse_files_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
browseMenu->Append( item ); browseMenu->Append( item );
...@@ -168,7 +194,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -168,7 +194,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
item = new wxMenuItem( PreferencesMenu, ID_SELECT_PREFERED_EDITOR, item = new wxMenuItem( PreferencesMenu, ID_SELECT_PREFERED_EDITOR,
_( "&Text Editor" ), _( "&Text Editor" ),
_( "Select your prefered text editor" ) ); _( "Select your prefered text editor" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( editor_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( editor_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
PreferencesMenu->Append( item ); PreferencesMenu->Append( item );
/** /**
...@@ -183,7 +212,11 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -183,7 +212,11 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
_( "Default" ), _( "Default" ),
_( "Use system default PDF viewer used to browse datasheets" ), _( "Use system default PDF viewer used to browse datasheets" ),
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
SETBITMAPS( datasheet_xpm ); SETBITMAPS( datasheet_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Append( item ); SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Append( item );
SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Check( ID_SELECT_DEFAULT_PDF_BROWSER, SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Check( ID_SELECT_DEFAULT_PDF_BROWSER,
wxGetApp().m_PdfBrowserIsDefault ); wxGetApp().m_PdfBrowserIsDefault );
...@@ -194,7 +227,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -194,7 +227,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
_( "Favourite" ), _( "Favourite" ),
_( "Use your favourite PDF viewer used to browse datasheets" ), _( "Use your favourite PDF viewer used to browse datasheets" ),
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
SETBITMAPS( preference_xpm ); SETBITMAPS( preference_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Append( item ); SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Append( item );
SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->AppendSeparator(); SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->AppendSeparator();
...@@ -205,7 +241,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -205,7 +241,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
_( "PDF Viewer" ), _( "PDF Viewer" ),
_( "Select your favourite PDF viewer used to browse datasheets" ) ); _( "Select your favourite PDF viewer used to browse datasheets" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( datasheet_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( datasheet_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Append( item ); SubMenuPdfBrowserChoice->Append( item );
...@@ -227,7 +266,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar() ...@@ -227,7 +266,10 @@ void WinEDA_MainFrame::ReCreateMenuBar()
/* Contents */ /* Contents */
item = new wxMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_GENERAL_HELP, _( "&Contents" ), item = new wxMenuItem( helpMenu, ID_GENERAL_HELP, _( "&Contents" ),
_( "Open the kicad manual" ) ); _( "Open the kicad manual" ) );
#if !defined( __WXMAC__ )
item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm ); item->SetBitmap( online_help_xpm );
#endif /* !defined( __WXMAC__ ) */
helpMenu->Append( item ); helpMenu->Append( item );
/* About on all platforms except WXMAC */ /* About on all platforms except WXMAC */
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