Commit 05ee03d6 authored by Maciej Suminski's avatar Maciej Suminski

Recursive copy constructor for CONTEXT_MENU.

parent 089e99b9
......@@ -29,41 +29,32 @@
#include <cassert>
m_titleSet( false ), m_selected( -1 ), m_handler( this ), m_tool( NULL )
m_titleSet( false ), m_selected( -1 ), m_tool( NULL )
m_menu.Connect( wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, wxEventHandler( CMEventHandler::onEvent ),
NULL, &m_handler );
m_menu.Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxEventHandler( CMEventHandler::onEvent ),
NULL, &m_handler );
// Workaround for the case when mouse cursor never reaches menu (it hangs up tools using menu)
wxMenuEvent menuEvent( wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, -1, &m_menu );
m_menu.AddPendingEvent( menuEvent );
m_titleSet( aMenu.m_titleSet ), m_selected( -1 ), m_handler( this ), m_tool( aMenu.m_tool )
m_titleSet( aMenu.m_titleSet ), m_selected( -1 ), m_tool( aMenu.m_tool )
m_menu.Connect( wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, wxEventHandler( CMEventHandler::onEvent ),
NULL, &m_handler );
m_menu.Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxEventHandler( CMEventHandler::onEvent ),
NULL, &m_handler );
// Workaround for the case when mouse cursor never reaches menu (it hangs up tools using menu)
wxMenuEvent menuEvent( wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, -1, &m_menu );
m_menu.AddPendingEvent( menuEvent );
// Copy all the menu entries
for( unsigned i = 0; i < aMenu.m_menu.GetMenuItemCount(); ++i )
wxMenuItem* item = aMenu.m_menu.FindItemByPosition( i );
m_menu.Append( new wxMenuItem( &m_menu, item->GetId(), item->GetItemLabel(),
wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ) );
copyMenu( &aMenu, this );
// Copy tool actions that are available to choose from context menu
m_toolActions = aMenu.m_toolActions;
void CONTEXT_MENU::setupEvents()
Connect( wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, wxEventHandler( CONTEXT_MENU::onMenuEvent ),
NULL, this );
Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED, wxEventHandler( CONTEXT_MENU::onMenuEvent ),
NULL, this );
// Workaround for the case when mouse cursor never reaches menu (it hangs up tools using menu)
wxMenuEvent menuEvent( wxEVT_MENU_HIGHLIGHT, -1, this );
AddPendingEvent( menuEvent );
......@@ -71,15 +62,16 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::SetTitle( const wxString& aTitle )
// TODO handle an empty string (remove title and separator)
// Unfortunately wxMenu::SetTitle() does nothing..
// Unfortunately wxMenu::SetTitle() does nothing.. (at least wxGTK)
if( m_titleSet )
m_menu.FindItemByPosition( 0 )->SetItemLabel( aTitle );
FindItemByPosition( 0 )->SetItemLabel( aTitle );
m_menu.InsertSeparator( 0 );
m_menu.Insert( 0, new wxMenuItem( &m_menu, -1, aTitle, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ) );
InsertSeparator( 0 );
Insert( 0, new wxMenuItem( this, -1, aTitle, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ) );
m_titleSet = true;
......@@ -89,11 +81,11 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const wxString& aLabel, int aId )
#ifdef DEBUG
if( m_menu.FindItem( aId ) != NULL )
if( FindItem( aId ) != NULL )
wxLogWarning( wxT( "Adding more than one menu entry with the same ID may result in"
"undefined behaviour" ) );
m_menu.Append( new wxMenuItem( &m_menu, aId, aLabel, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ) );
Append( new wxMenuItem( this, aId, aLabel, wxEmptyString, wxITEM_NORMAL ) );
......@@ -102,7 +94,7 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction )
/// ID numbers for tool actions need to have a value higher than m_actionId
int id = m_actionId + aAction.GetId();
wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( &m_menu, id,
wxMenuItem* item = new wxMenuItem( this, id,
wxString( aAction.GetMenuItem().c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ),
wxString( aAction.GetDescription().c_str(), wxConvUTF8 ), wxITEM_NORMAL );
......@@ -123,7 +115,7 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction )
item->SetAccel( &accel );
m_menu.Append( item );
Append( item );
m_toolActions[id] = &aAction;
......@@ -133,14 +125,14 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::Clear()
m_titleSet = false;
// Remove all the entries from context menu
for( unsigned i = 0; i < m_menu.GetMenuItemCount(); ++i )
m_menu.Destroy( m_menu.FindItemByPosition( 0 ) );
for( unsigned i = 0; i < GetMenuItemCount(); ++i )
Destroy( FindItemByPosition( 0 ) );
void CONTEXT_MENU::CMEventHandler::onEvent( wxEvent& aEvent )
void CONTEXT_MENU::onMenuEvent( wxEvent& aEvent )
wxEventType type = aEvent.GetEventType();
......@@ -155,21 +147,83 @@ void CONTEXT_MENU::CMEventHandler::onEvent( wxEvent& aEvent )
else if( type == wxEVT_COMMAND_MENU_SELECTED )
// Store the selected position
m_menu->m_selected = aEvent.GetId();
m_selected = aEvent.GetId();
// Check if there is a TOOL_ACTION for the given ID
if( m_menu->m_toolActions.count( aEvent.GetId() ) == 1 )
if( m_toolActions.count( aEvent.GetId() ) == 1 )
evt = m_menu->m_toolActions[aEvent.GetId()]->MakeEvent();
evt = m_toolActions[aEvent.GetId()]->MakeEvent();
OPT_TOOL_EVENT custom = handleCustomEvent( aEvent );
evt = *custom;
else {
// Handling non-action menu entries (e.g. items in clarification list)
// forward the action/update event to the TOOL_MANAGER
if( m_menu->m_tool )
m_menu->m_tool->GetManager()->ProcessEvent( evt );
if( m_tool )
m_tool->GetManager()->ProcessEvent( evt );
void CONTEXT_MENU::copyMenu( const CONTEXT_MENU* aParent, CONTEXT_MENU* aTarget ) const
// Copy all the menu entries
for( unsigned i = 0; i < aParent->GetMenuItemCount(); ++i )
wxMenuItem* item = aParent->FindItemByPosition( i );
if( item->IsSubMenu() )
#ifdef DEBUG
// Submenus of a CONTEXT_MENU are supposed to be CONTEXT_MENUs as well
assert( dynamic_cast<CONTEXT_MENU*>( item->GetSubMenu() ) );
copyMenu( static_cast<const CONTEXT_MENU*>( item->GetSubMenu() ), menu );
aTarget->AppendSubMenu( menu, item->GetItemLabel(), wxT( "" ) );
wxMenuItem* newItem = new wxMenuItem( aTarget, item->GetId(), item->GetItemLabel(),
wxEmptyString, item->GetKind() );
aTarget->Append( newItem );
copyItem( item, newItem );
// Copy tool actions that are available to choose from context menu
aTarget->m_toolActions = aParent->m_toolActions;
void CONTEXT_MENU::copyItem( const wxMenuItem* aSource, wxMenuItem* aDest ) const
assert( !aSource->IsSubMenu() );
aDest->SetKind( aSource->GetKind() );
aDest->SetHelp( aSource->GetHelp() );
aDest->Enable( aSource->IsEnabled() );
if( aSource->IsCheckable() )
aDest->Check( aSource->IsChecked() );
if( aSource->GetKind() == wxITEM_NORMAL )
aDest->SetBitmap( aSource->GetBitmap() );
if( aSource->IsSubMenu() )
copyMenu( static_cast<const CONTEXT_MENU*>( aSource->GetSubMenu() ), newMenu );
aDest->SetSubMenu( newMenu );
......@@ -308,8 +308,6 @@ int TOOL_MANAGER::GetPriority( int aToolId ) const
for( std::deque<int>::const_iterator it = m_activeTools.begin(),
itEnd = m_activeTools.end(); it != itEnd; ++it )
std::cout << FindTool( *it )->GetName() << std::endl;
if( *it == aToolId )
return priority;
......@@ -497,7 +495,7 @@ bool TOOL_MANAGER::ProcessEvent( TOOL_EVENT& aEvent )
st->contextMenuTrigger = CMENU_OFF;
boost::scoped_ptr<CONTEXT_MENU> menu( new CONTEXT_MENU( *st->contextMenu ) );
GetEditFrame()->PopupMenu( menu->GetMenu() );
GetEditFrame()->PopupMenu( menu.get() );
// If nothing was chosen from the context menu, we must notify the tool as well
if( menu->GetSelected() < 0 )
......@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ class TOOL_INTERACTIVE;
* Defines the structure of a context (usually right-click) popup menu
* for a given tool.
class CONTEXT_MENU : public wxMenu
///> Default constructor
......@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@ public:
void Add( const TOOL_ACTION& aAction );
* Function Clear()
* Removes all the entries from the menu (as well as its title). It leaves the menu in the
......@@ -89,32 +90,32 @@ public:
return m_selected;
* Function GetMenu()
* Returns the instance of wxMenu object used to display the menu.
wxMenu* GetMenu() const
virtual OPT_TOOL_EVENT handleCustomEvent ( wxEvent& aEvent )
return const_cast<wxMenu*>( &m_menu );
return OPT_TOOL_EVENT();
///> Class CMEventHandler takes care of handling menu events. After reception of particular
///> events, it translates them to TOOL_EVENTs that may control tools.
class CMEventHandler : public wxEvtHandler
///> Default constructor
///> aMenu is the CONTEXT_MENU instance for which it handles events.
CMEventHandler( CONTEXT_MENU* aMenu ) : m_menu( aMenu ) {};
* Function copyMenu
* Copies recursively all entries and submenus.
* @param aParent is the source.
* @param aTarget is the destination.
void copyMenu( const CONTEXT_MENU* aParent, CONTEXT_MENU* aTarget ) const;
///> Handler for menu events.
void onEvent( wxEvent& aEvent );
* Function copyItem
* Copies all properties of a menu entry.
void copyItem( const wxMenuItem* aSource, wxMenuItem* aDest ) const;
///> CONTEXT_MENU instance for which it handles events.
void setupEvents();
///> Event handler.
void onMenuEvent( wxEvent& aEvent );
friend class TOOL_INTERACTIVE;
......@@ -131,14 +132,11 @@ private:
///> Flag indicating that the menu title was set up.
bool m_titleSet;
///> Instance of wxMenu used for display of the context menu.
wxMenu m_menu;
///> Stores the id number of selected item.
int m_selected;
///> Instance of menu event handler.
CMEventHandler m_handler;
//CMEventHandler m_handler;
///> Creator of the menu
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