Commit 04c74c37 authored by dickelbeck's avatar dickelbeck

side step and illegal filename

parent 3a74c74c
/* XPM */
#ifndef XPMMAIN
extern const char* options_all_tracks_and_vias_xpm[];
const char * options_all_tracks_and_vias_xpm[] = {
"16 16 49 1",
" c None",
". c #007D00",
"+ c #D62D2D",
"@ c #BC2828",
"# c #D02C2C",
"$ c #B82727",
"% c #004000",
"& c #D72E2E",
"* c #007700",
"= c #8A1D1D",
"- c #C52A2A",
"; c #CA2B2B",
"> c #005800",
", c #007C00",
"' c #004900",
") c #006900",
"! c #000000",
"~ c #F0F0F0",
"{ c #DEDEDE",
"] c #DFDFDF",
"^ c #010000",
"/ c #BFBFBF",
"( c #C0C0C0",
"_ c #C42929",
": c #BB2828",
"< c #979797",
"[ c #989898",
"} c #E3E3E3",
"| c #DDDDDD",
"1 c #C8C8C8",
"2 c #656565",
"3 c #838383",
"4 c #878787",
"5 c #888888",
"6 c #AFAFAF",
"7 c #A3A3A3",
"8 c #F1F1F1",
"9 c #CECECE",
"0 c #ABABAB",
"a c #EEEEEE",
"b c #EDEDED",
"c c #E9E9E9",
"d c #D9D9D9",
"e c #881D1D",
"f c #C1C1C1",
"g c #B5B5B5",
"h c #757575",
"i c #6B6B6B",
"j c #777777",
".......... +@ ",
"........... #$ ",
" %.. +#&",
" *. =-;",
"....... >.. ",
"........ ,. ",
" '.. ).....",
" !!!!!!!!!!!!",
" !~{]]]]]]]]]]",
"&& ^]//////(((((",
" :^]/!}|1!23456",
" #^]/!|(7!!!!!8",
" !](ghi2j5!!!["};
......@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@
#include "../bitmaps/Net_UnLocked.xpm"
#include "../bitmaps/New_FootPrint.xpm"
#include "../bitmaps/New_Module.xpm"
#include "../bitmaps/Options_All_Tracks&Vias.xpm"
#include "../bitmaps/options_all_tracks_and_vias.xpm"
#include "../bitmaps/Options_All_Tracks.xpm"
#include "../bitmaps/Options_All_Vias.xpm"
#include "../bitmaps/Options_Module.xpm"
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