/** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** LwirReaderParameters.java ** ** Parameters handling for LwirReader class ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2019 Elphel, Inc. ** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** LwirReaderParameters.java is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** */ package com.elphel.imagej.lwir; import java.io.File; import java.io.FilenameFilter; import java.util.Properties; import com.elphel.imagej.common.GenericJTabbedDialog; import com.elphel.imagej.readers.EyesisTiff; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.Prefs; public class LwirReaderParameters { public final static String NAME_TALON= "Talon"; public final static String NAME_LWIR16= "LWIR16"; public final static String [] CAMERA_NAMES= {NAME_TALON,NAME_LWIR16}; public final static int [] BOSON_FFC_FRAMES= {2,4,8,16}; public final static int [] FFC_GROUPS= {1,2,4}; public static final String [] SENSOR_TYPES = {"EO","LWIR"}; public static final String SENSOR_TYPE = "SENSOR_TYPE"; public final static int TYPE_EO= 0; public final static int TYPE_LWIR= 1; protected static int MAX_LWIR_WIDTH = 1024; // private boolean parameters_updated = false; protected String camera_name = "Talon"; // "LWIR16"; protected int avg_number = 4; // number of LWIR measurements to average protected int avg_number_eo = 1; // number of EO measurements to average protected int num_frames = 7; // misses images if high quality large size? protected boolean lwir_ffc = true; protected int ffc_frames = 8; protected int ffc_wait_frames = 10; // extra wait after FFC finished (2xffc_frames) protected int ffc_groups = 2; // 1/2/4 - do not run FFC on all channels simultaneously (43 failed) protected double acquire_delay = 3.0; // seconds. Schedule later from the master channel current time to start all cameras protected boolean avg_all = true; // protected String lwir_ip = ""; protected String[] lwir_ips = {"","","",""}; // first - master protected String eo_ip = ""; protected int [] lwir_channels = {0, 1, 2 ,3}; protected int [] eo_channels = {0, 1, 2 ,3}; protected boolean lwir_telemetry = true; protected boolean eo_full_window = true; protected double eo_quality = 98.0; protected boolean eo_scale = false; // restore sensor pixel values, undo camera white balancing protected boolean eo_autoexp = false; protected double eo_max_autoexp_ms = 20.0; protected double eo_exposure_ms = 5.0; protected boolean eo_whitebal = false; protected double eo_gain_g = 2.0; protected double eo_gain_rg = 0.7705; // 1.116; halogen/fluorescent protected double eo_gain_bg = 2.401; // 1.476; protected boolean [] selected_channels = {true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true}; /* protected double [] eo_exp_corr = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; protected double [] eo_gcorr_rbgb = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; */ protected double [] eo_exp_corr = { 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}; protected double [] eo_gcorr_rbgb = { // example after autobalance for with halogen lamps 1.0, 1.0, 0.9743, 1.0668, 1.1055, 1.0006, 1.1533, 1.0780, 1.0015, 0.9966, 1.0445, 1.0023}; protected int lwir_trig_dly = 9000000; //in 100MHz clock cycle, current FPGA requires >0 (used 1000) protected int eo_lag = 2;//1; // frames protected double max_mismatch_ms = 0.05; protected int max_frame_diff = 2;// 1; // 2; protected int debug_level = 0;//-3: OFF, -2:Fatal, -1:ERROR, 0:WARN, 1:INFO,2:DEBUG protected boolean show_images = false; protected int lwir_chn0 = 0; // not configurable // protected int eo_chn0 = 4; // not configurable public LwirReaderParameters() { } public int [] getLwirChannels(boolean absolote) { int [] absolute_chn = new int [lwir_channels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < absolute_chn.length; i++) { absolute_chn[i] = lwir_channels[i] + (absolote? getLwirChn0() : 0); } return absolute_chn; } public int [] getEoChannels(boolean absolote) { int [] absolute_chn = new int [eo_channels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < absolute_chn.length; i++) { absolute_chn[i] = eo_channels[i] + (absolote? getEoChn0():0); } return absolute_chn; } // protected int [] lwir_channels = {0, 1, 2 ,3}; // protected int [] eo_channels = {0, 1, 2 ,3}; public LwirReaderParameters(String name) { if (NAME_TALON.equals(name)) camera_name = NAME_TALON; else if (NAME_LWIR16.equals(name)) camera_name = NAME_LWIR16; } public static boolean is_LWIR(String type) { return ((type != null) && type.equals(SENSOR_TYPES[1])); } public static boolean is_EO(String type) { return ((type != null) && type.equals(SENSOR_TYPES[1])); } public static String sensorName(boolean lwir) { return SENSOR_TYPES[lwir?1:0]; } // --- interface methods public int getAvgNumberLwir() { return avg_number; } public int getAvgNumberEO() { return avg_number_eo; } public String getCameraName() { return this.camera_name; } public int getNumFrames() { return num_frames; } public int getLwirChn0() { return lwir_chn0; } public int getEoChn0() { return isLwir16() ? 16:4;// eo_chn0; } public int getNumChannels() { return isLwir16()?20:8; } public int [] getTypeMap() { // eo - 0, lwir - 1 int [] types = new int [getNumChannels()]; for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) { types[i] = (i >= getEoChn0())? TYPE_EO : TYPE_LWIR; } return types; } public static boolean is_LWIR(int width) { return width <= MAX_LWIR_WIDTH; } public static boolean is_LWIR(ImagePlus imp){ // See if image has LwirReaderParameters.SENSOR_TYPE property, then use is_LWIR(String property_value), // if not - use old width property if (imp.getProperty("WOI_WIDTH")==null) { EyesisTiff.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp); } if (imp.getProperty(SENSOR_TYPE)!=null) { return is_LWIR((String) imp.getProperty(SENSOR_TYPE)); } return is_LWIR(imp.getWidth()); } public static int sensorType(ImagePlus imp) { if (imp.getProperty("WOI_WIDTH")==null) { EyesisTiff.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp); } if (imp.getProperty(SENSOR_TYPE)!=null) { return (is_LWIR((String) imp.getProperty(SENSOR_TYPE)))? 1:0; } return is_LWIR(imp.getWidth())? TYPE_LWIR : TYPE_EO; } public int getDebugLevel() { return this.debug_level; } public void setDebugLevel(int level) { this.debug_level = level; } public boolean isShowImages() { return show_images; } public String getLwirIP() { return lwir_ips[0]; } public String getLwirIP(int n) { return lwir_ips[n]; } public String [] getLwirIPs() { return lwir_ips; } public String getEOIP() { return eo_ip; } public String [] getAllIPs() { String [] all_ips = new String [lwir_ips.length+1]; int i = 0; for (i = 0; i < lwir_ips.length; i++) { all_ips[i] = lwir_ips[i]; } all_ips[i] = eo_ip; return all_ips; } boolean [] getSelectedChannels() { return selected_channels; } // call after switch from Lwir16 to Talon public boolean isLwir16() { return camera_name.equals(NAME_LWIR16) || ((lwir_channels != null) && (lwir_channels.length == 16)); } public int getFFCFrames() { return ffc_frames; } public int getFFCGroups() { return ffc_groups; } public int getFFCWaitFrames() { return ffc_wait_frames; } public double getAcquireDelay() { return acquire_delay; } public boolean runFFCBeforeMeasurments() { return lwir_ffc; } public void setDefaultChannels() { boolean[] old_selected = selected_channels; if (isLwir16()) { lwir_ips = new String[]{"","","",""}; lwir_channels = new int[] {0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,12,14,15}; eo_ip = ""; } else { lwir_ips = new String[]{""}; lwir_channels = new int[] {0,1,2,3}; eo_ip = ""; } selected_channels = new boolean[lwir_channels.length + eo_channels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < selected_channels.length; i++) { if (i < old_selected.length) { selected_channels[i] = old_selected[i]; } else { selected_channels[i] = true; } } } public void setProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ properties.setProperty(prefix+"camera_name", this.camera_name+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"avg_number", this.avg_number+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"avg_number_eo", this.avg_number_eo+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"num_frames", this.num_frames+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"lwir_ffc", this.lwir_ffc+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"ffc_frames", this.ffc_frames+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"ffc_wait_frames", this.ffc_wait_frames+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"ffc_groups", this.ffc_groups+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"acquire_delay", this.acquire_delay+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"avg_all", this.avg_all+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"lwir_ips", arr_to_str(this.lwir_ips)); // this.lwir_ip+"");; this.lwir_ip+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_ip", this.eo_ip+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"lwir_channels", arr_to_str(this.lwir_channels)); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_channels", arr_to_str(this.eo_channels)); properties.setProperty(prefix+"lwir_telemetry", this.lwir_telemetry+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_full_window", this.eo_full_window+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_quality", this.eo_quality+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_scale", this.eo_scale+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_autoexp", this.eo_autoexp+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_max_autoexp_ms", this.eo_max_autoexp_ms+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_exposure_ms", this.eo_exposure_ms+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_whitebal", this.eo_whitebal+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_g", this.eo_gain_g+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_rg", this.eo_gain_rg+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_bg", this.eo_gain_bg+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_exp_corr", arr_to_str(this.eo_exp_corr)); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_gcorr_rbgb", arr_to_str(this.eo_gcorr_rbgb)); properties.setProperty(prefix+"lwir_trig_dly", this.lwir_trig_dly+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"eo_lag", this.eo_lag+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"max_mismatch_ms", this.max_mismatch_ms+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"max_frame_diff", this.max_frame_diff+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"debug_level", this.debug_level+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"selected_channels", arr_to_str(this.selected_channels)); properties.setProperty(prefix+"show_images", this.show_images+""); } public void getProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ String old_camera_name = this.camera_name; if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"camera_name")!=null) { this.camera_name = properties.getProperty(prefix+"camera_name"); } else { this.camera_name = NAME_TALON; // old configs } if (!this.camera_name.equals(old_camera_name)) { setDefaultChannels(); // modifies lwir_IPs, eo_ip, channels, } if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_ip")!=null) this.eo_ip= properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_ip"); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_channels")!=null) this.eo_channels=str_to_iarr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_channels")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_quality")!=null) this.eo_quality=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_quality")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_scale")!=null) this.eo_scale= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_scale")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_autoexp")!=null) this.eo_autoexp= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_autoexp")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_max_autoexp_ms")!=null) this.eo_max_autoexp_ms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_max_autoexp_ms")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_exposure_ms")!=null) this.eo_exposure_ms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_exposure_ms")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_whitebal")!=null) this.eo_whitebal= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_whitebal")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gain_g")!=null) this.eo_gain_g=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gain_g")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gain_rg")!=null) this.eo_gain_rg=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gain_rg")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gain_bg")!=null) this.eo_gain_bg=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gain_bg")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_exp_corr")!=null) this.eo_exp_corr=str_to_darr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_exp_corr")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gcorr_rbgb")!=null) this.eo_gcorr_rbgb=str_to_darr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_gcorr_rbgb")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_lag")!=null) this.eo_lag=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"vnir_lag")); // old version if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"avg_number")!=null) this.avg_number=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"avg_number")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"avg_number_eo")!=null) this.avg_number_eo=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"avg_number_eo")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"num_frames")!=null) this.num_frames=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"num_frames")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_ffc")!=null) this.lwir_ffc= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_ffc")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ffc_frames")!=null) this.ffc_frames=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ffc_frames")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ffc_wait_frames")!=null) this.ffc_wait_frames=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ffc_wait_frames")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"ffc_groups")!=null) this.ffc_groups=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"ffc_groups")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"acquire_delay")!=null) this.acquire_delay=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"acquire_delay")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"avg_all")!=null) this.avg_all= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"avg_all")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_ip")!=null) this.lwir_ips[0]= properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_ip"); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_ips")!=null) this.lwir_ips= str_to_sarr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_ips")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_ip")!=null) this.eo_ip= properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_ip"); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_channels")!=null) this.lwir_channels=str_to_iarr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_channels")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_channels")!=null) this.eo_channels=str_to_iarr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_channels")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_telemetry")!=null) this.lwir_telemetry= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_telemetry")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_full_window")!=null) this.eo_full_window= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_full_window")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_quality")!=null) this.eo_quality=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_quality")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_scale")!=null) this.eo_scale= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_scale")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_autoexp")!=null) this.eo_autoexp= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_autoexp")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_max_autoexp_ms")!=null) this.eo_max_autoexp_ms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_max_autoexp_ms")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_exposure_ms")!=null) this.eo_exposure_ms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_exposure_ms")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_whitebal")!=null) this.eo_whitebal= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_whitebal")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_g")!=null) this.eo_gain_g=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_g")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_rg")!=null) this.eo_gain_rg=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_rg")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_bg")!=null) this.eo_gain_bg=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gain_bg")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_exp_corr")!=null) this.eo_exp_corr=str_to_darr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_exp_corr")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gcorr_rbgb")!=null) this.eo_gcorr_rbgb=str_to_darr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_gcorr_rbgb")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_trig_dly")!=null) this.lwir_trig_dly=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lwir_trig_dly")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_lag")!=null) this.eo_lag=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"eo_lag")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"max_mismatch_ms")!=null) this.max_mismatch_ms=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"max_mismatch_ms")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"max_frame_diff")!=null) this.max_frame_diff=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"max_frame_diff")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"debug_level")!=null) this.debug_level=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"debug_level")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"selected_channels")!=null) this.selected_channels=str_to_barr(properties.getProperty(prefix+"selected_channels")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"show_images")!=null) this.show_images= Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"show_images")); parameters_updated = true; } @Override public LwirReaderParameters clone() { // throws CloneNotSupportedException { LwirReaderParameters lrp = new LwirReaderParameters(); lrp.camera_name = this.camera_name; lrp.avg_number= this.avg_number; lrp.avg_number_eo= this.avg_number_eo; lrp.num_frames= this.num_frames; lrp.lwir_ffc= this.lwir_ffc; lrp.ffc_frames= this.ffc_frames; lrp.ffc_wait_frames= this.ffc_wait_frames; lrp.ffc_groups= this.ffc_groups; lrp.acquire_delay= this.acquire_delay; lrp.avg_all= this.avg_all; lrp.lwir_ips= this.lwir_ips.clone(); lrp.eo_ip= this.eo_ip; lrp.lwir_channels= this.lwir_channels.clone(); lrp.eo_channels= this.eo_channels.clone(); lrp.lwir_telemetry= this.lwir_telemetry; lrp.eo_full_window= this.eo_full_window; lrp.eo_quality= this.eo_quality; lrp.eo_scale= this.eo_scale; lrp.eo_autoexp= this.eo_autoexp; lrp.eo_max_autoexp_ms= this.eo_max_autoexp_ms; lrp.eo_exposure_ms= this.eo_exposure_ms; lrp.eo_whitebal= this.eo_whitebal; lrp.eo_gain_g= this.eo_gain_g; lrp.eo_gain_rg= this.eo_gain_rg; lrp.eo_gain_bg= this.eo_gain_bg; lrp.eo_exp_corr= this.eo_exp_corr.clone(); lrp.eo_gcorr_rbgb= this.eo_gcorr_rbgb.clone(); lrp.lwir_trig_dly= this.lwir_trig_dly; lrp.eo_lag= this.eo_lag; lrp.max_mismatch_ms= this.max_mismatch_ms; lrp.max_frame_diff= this.max_frame_diff; lrp.debug_level= this.debug_level; lrp.selected_channels = this.selected_channels.clone(); lrp.show_images = this.show_images; return lrp; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (o == this) { return true; } if (!(o instanceof LwirReaderParameters)) { return false; } LwirReaderParameters lrp = (LwirReaderParameters) o; boolean all_ips_eq = lrp.lwir_ips.length == this.lwir_ips.length; if (all_ips_eq) { for (int i = 0; (i < lrp.lwir_ips.length) && all_ips_eq; i++) { all_ips_eq &= (lrp.lwir_ips[i].equals(this.lwir_ips[i])); } } return (lrp.camera_name.equals(this.camera_name)) && (lrp.avg_number == this.avg_number) && (lrp.avg_number_eo == this.avg_number_eo) && (lrp.lwir_ffc == this.lwir_ffc) && (lrp.ffc_frames == this.ffc_frames) && (lrp.ffc_wait_frames == this.ffc_wait_frames) && (lrp.ffc_groups == this.ffc_groups) && (lrp.acquire_delay == this.acquire_delay) && (lrp.avg_all == this.avg_all) && all_ips_eq && //(lrp.lwir_ip.equals(this.lwir_ip)) && (lrp.eo_ip.equals(this.eo_ip)) && (java.util.Arrays.equals(lrp.lwir_channels, this.lwir_channels)) && (java.util.Arrays.equals(lrp.eo_channels, this.eo_channels)) && (lrp.lwir_telemetry == this.lwir_telemetry) && (lrp.eo_full_window == this.eo_full_window) && (lrp.eo_quality == this.eo_quality) && (lrp.eo_scale == this.eo_scale) && (lrp.eo_autoexp == this.eo_autoexp) && (lrp.eo_max_autoexp_ms == this.eo_max_autoexp_ms) && (lrp.eo_exposure_ms == this.eo_exposure_ms) && (lrp.eo_whitebal == this.eo_whitebal) && (lrp.eo_gain_g == this.eo_gain_g) && (lrp.eo_gain_rg == this.eo_gain_rg) && (lrp.eo_gain_bg == this.eo_gain_bg) && (java.util.Arrays.equals(lrp.eo_exp_corr, this.eo_exp_corr)) && (java.util.Arrays.equals(lrp.eo_gcorr_rbgb, this.eo_gcorr_rbgb)) && (lrp.lwir_trig_dly == this.lwir_trig_dly) && (lrp.eo_lag == this.eo_lag) && (lrp.max_mismatch_ms == this.max_mismatch_ms) && (lrp.max_frame_diff == this.max_frame_diff) && // (lrp.debug_level == this.debug_level) && (java.util.Arrays.equals(lrp.selected_channels, this.selected_channels)); // && (lrp.show_images == this.show_images); } @Override public int hashCode() { int prime = 31; int result = 1; result = prime * result + camera_name.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Integer) avg_number).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Integer) avg_number_eo).hashCode(); result = prime * result + (lwir_ffc?1:0); result = prime * result + ((Integer) ffc_frames).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Integer) ffc_wait_frames).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Integer) ffc_groups).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Double) acquire_delay).hashCode(); result = prime * result + (avg_all?1:0); for (String ip:lwir_ips) { result = prime * result + ip.hashCode(); } result = prime * result + eo_ip.hashCode(); result = prime * result + arr_to_str(lwir_channels).hashCode(); result = prime * result + arr_to_str(eo_channels).hashCode(); result = prime * result + (lwir_telemetry?1:0); result = prime * result + (eo_full_window?1:0); result = prime * result + ((Double) eo_quality).hashCode(); result = prime * result + (eo_scale?1:0); result = prime * result + (eo_autoexp?1:0); result = prime * result + ((Double) eo_max_autoexp_ms).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Double) eo_exposure_ms).hashCode(); result = prime * result + (eo_whitebal?1:0); result = prime * result + ((Double) eo_gain_g).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Double) eo_gain_rg).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Double) eo_gain_bg).hashCode(); result = prime * result + arr_to_str(eo_exp_corr).hashCode(); result = prime * result + arr_to_str(eo_gcorr_rbgb).hashCode(); result = prime * result + ((Integer) lwir_trig_dly).hashCode(); result = prime * result + arr_to_str(selected_channels).hashCode(); // next are not needed to be programmed to the cameras // result = prime * result + (new Integer(eo_lag)).hashCode(); // result = prime * result + (new Double(max_mismatch_ms)).hashCode(); // result = prime * result + (new Integer(max_frame_diff)).hashCode(); return 0; } public void dialogQuestions(GenericJTabbedDialog gd) { // TODO: separate parameters into common and type -specific gd. addChoice("Camera name", CAMERA_NAMES, camera_name, "Camera type - now Talon (4*Lepton+4*MT9P006) and LWIR16 (16xBoson+4*MT9P006"); gd.addNumericField("Number to average LWIR",this.avg_number, 0,3,"","Number of acquired consecutive LWIR images to average"); gd.addNumericField("Number to average EO", this.avg_number_eo, 0,3,"","Number of acquired consecutive EO images to average"); gd.addNumericField("Number of sets to acquire",this.num_frames, 0,3,"","Total number, may be limited by EO quality/frame size (last will be missed/null)"); gd.addCheckbox ("Run FFC", this.lwir_ffc, "Perform calibration before each measurements to average (Lepton takes ~1.6 sec, 15 frames), Boson - twice ffc_frames"); String [] sffc_frames = new String [BOSON_FFC_FRAMES.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sffc_frames.length; i++) sffc_frames[i]=""+BOSON_FFC_FRAMES[i]; gd. addChoice ("FFC frames", sffc_frames, ""+ffc_frames,"Number of frames to integrate during FFC (Full FFC takes 2x this number of frames)" ); gd.addNumericField("FFC wait frames",this.ffc_wait_frames, 0,3,"","Wait this number of frames after FFC is supposed to finish"); String [] sffc_groups = new String [FFC_GROUPS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sffc_groups.length; i++) sffc_groups[i]=""+FFC_GROUPS[i]; gd. addChoice ("FFC groups", sffc_groups, ""+ffc_groups,"Split FFC actions in groups to limit power consumption" ); gd.addNumericField("Acquire delay", this.acquire_delay, 3,6,"s", "Schedule synchronous acquisition ahead of current master camera time"); gd.addCheckbox ("Average all", this.avg_all, "Average all simultaneously acquired images (unchecked - only requested number to average)"); // gd.addStringField ("LWIR IP", this.lwir_ip, 20, "LWIR camera IP address"); for (int i = 0; i < this.lwir_ips.length; i++) { gd.addStringField ("LWIR IP"+i, this.lwir_ips[i], 20, "LWIR camera "+(i+((i==0)?" (master)":""))+" IP address"); } gd.addStringField ("EO IP", this.eo_ip, 20, "Visible range high resolution camera IP address"); gd.addStringField ("LWIR channels", arr_to_str(this.lwir_channels), 40, "Space-separated list of used LWIR camera channels, such as '0 1 2 3'"); gd.addStringField ("EO channels", arr_to_str(this.eo_channels), 20, "Space-separated list of used visible range camera channels, such as '0 1 2 3'"); gd.addCheckbox ("LWIR telemetry",this.lwir_telemetry, "Set LWIR sesnors to provide telemetry data in the last 2 lines (may become mandatory later)"); gd.addCheckbox ("EO full window",this.eo_full_window, "Set EO to full window, disregarding preset margins (need reset to restore original)"); gd.addNumericField("EO quality", this.eo_quality, 3,6,"%", "Visible range camera JPEG compression quality (all channels)"); gd.addCheckbox ("EO undo white balance", this.eo_scale, "Undo in-camera white balancing"); gd.addCheckbox ("EO autoexposure",this.eo_autoexp, "Enable autoexposure for the visible range camera"); gd.addNumericField("EO eo_max_autoexp_ms", this.eo_max_autoexp_ms, 3,6,"ms", "Visible range camera maximal exposure in autoexposure mode"); gd.addNumericField("EO exposure", this.eo_exposure_ms, 3,6,"ms", "Visible range camera exposure time (all channels)"); gd.addCheckbox ("EO white balance", this.eo_whitebal, "Enable automatic white balancing for the visible range camera"); gd.addNumericField("EO gain G", this.eo_gain_g, 3,6,"","Analog gain for green channel for all visible range camera channels (normally 2.0)"); gd.addNumericField("EO gain R/G", this.eo_gain_rg, 3,6,"","Red to green gain ratio for all visible range camera channels"); gd.addNumericField("EO gain B/G", this.eo_gain_bg, 3,6,"","Blue to green gain ratio for all visible range camera channels"); gd.addStringField ("EO exposure corrections", arr_to_str(this.eo_exp_corr), 50, "Fine corrections of channel exposures (4 channel relative exposures)"); gd.addStringField ("EO gain corrections", arr_to_str(this.eo_gcorr_rbgb), 100, "Fine corrections to per channel, per color gains:'r0 b0 gb0 r1 b1 gb1 ...'"); gd.addNumericField("LWIR trig dly", this.lwir_trig_dly, 0,10,"x10ns","Output trigger delay, should eventually match Lepton+FPGA latency to trigger EO exactly 1 frame after LWIR. 0 does not work with current FPGA - usec do not match sec in transmitted timestamp"); gd.addNumericField("EO lag", this.eo_lag, 0,3,"","Visible camera lag (in frames) relative to LWIR one"); gd.addNumericField("Max mismatch", this.max_mismatch_ms, 3,6,"ms","Maximal mismatch between image timestamps. Larger mismatch requires LWIR sinsor reinitialization"); gd.addNumericField("Max frame diff",this.max_frame_diff, 0,3,"","Maximal difference in frames between simultaneously acquired channels as calculated from the timestamps"); gd.addNumericField("Debug level", this.debug_level, 0,3,"","Image acquisition log level: -3: OFF, -2:FATAL, -1:ERROR, 0:WARN, 1:INFO, 2:DEBUG"); gd.addStringField ("Selected channels", arr_to_str(this.selected_channels), 40, "Space-separated channel selection (1 - selected, 0 - unselected)"); gd.addCheckbox ("Show images", this.show_images, "Show acquired images after averaging)"); } public void dialogAnswers(GenericJTabbedDialog gd) { String new_camera_name = CAMERA_NAMES[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()]; this.avg_number = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.avg_number_eo = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.num_frames = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.lwir_ffc = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.ffc_frames = BOSON_FFC_FRAMES[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()]; this.ffc_wait_frames = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.ffc_groups = FFC_GROUPS[gd.getNextChoiceIndex()]; this.acquire_delay = gd.getNextNumber(); this.avg_all = gd.getNextBoolean(); // this.lwir_ip = gd.getNextString(); for (int i = 0; i < this.lwir_ips.length; i++) { this.lwir_ips[i] = gd.getNextString(); } this.eo_ip = gd.getNextString(); this.lwir_channels = str_to_iarr(gd.getNextString()); this.eo_channels = str_to_iarr(gd.getNextString()); this.lwir_telemetry = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.eo_full_window = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.eo_quality = gd.getNextNumber(); this.eo_scale = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.eo_autoexp = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.eo_max_autoexp_ms = gd.getNextNumber(); this.eo_exposure_ms = gd.getNextNumber(); this.eo_whitebal = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.eo_gain_g = gd.getNextNumber(); this.eo_gain_rg = gd.getNextNumber(); this.eo_gain_bg = gd.getNextNumber(); this.eo_exp_corr = str_to_darr(gd.getNextString()); this.eo_gcorr_rbgb = str_to_darr(gd.getNextString()); this.lwir_trig_dly = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.eo_lag = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.max_mismatch_ms = gd.getNextNumber(); this.max_frame_diff = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.debug_level = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.selected_channels = str_to_barr(gd.getNextString()); this.show_images = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (!this.camera_name.equals(new_camera_name)) { this.camera_name = new_camera_name; // in the very end to to disturb the number of items setDefaultChannels(); // modifies lwir_IPs, eo_ip, channels, } parameters_updated = true; } public boolean showJDialog() { GenericJTabbedDialog gd = new GenericJTabbedDialog("Set LWIR/EO parameters",800,900); // gd.addTab ("General", "General parameters"); dialogQuestions(gd); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; dialogAnswers(gd); return true; } public boolean is_updated() { return parameters_updated; } public void reset_updated() { parameters_updated = false; } public boolean [] getSelected(){ return selected_channels; } public boolean [] getSelectedLwir(){ boolean [] sel = selected_channels.clone(); for (int i = lwir_channels.length; i < sel.length; i++ ) { sel[i] = false; } return sel; } public boolean [] getSelectedEo(){ boolean [] sel = selected_channels.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < lwir_channels.length; i++ ) { sel[i] = false; } return sel; } public String [] getSourceFilesFlat(String [] sets, boolean[] channels) { int num_sel = 0; for (boolean s: channels) if (s) num_sel++; String [] files = new String [sets.length * num_sel]; int indx = 0; for (String set:sets) { for (int i = 0; i < channels.length; i++) if (channels[i]) { String file_base = set; if (set.indexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()) >=0) { file_base = set.substring(set.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())+1); } files[indx++] =set + Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ file_base+"_"+i+".tiff"; } } return files; } // Image set may have different timestamps, only lwir0 matches public String [][] getSourceFiles(String [] sets, boolean[] channels) { String [][] files = new String [sets.length][channels.length]; for (int nset= 0; nset < sets.length; nset++) { // read all files in the directory File set_dir = new File(sets[nset]); File [] channel_files = set_dir.listFiles(new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File current, String name) { if (!(new File(current, name).isFile()) || !name.endsWith(".tiff")) return false; String base = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf(".tiff")); int undr = base.lastIndexOf("_"); if (undr < 0) return false; int chn = -1; try { chn = Integer.parseInt(base.substring(undr + 1)); } catch (Exception e) { } return chn >= 0; } }); for (File f: channel_files) { String base = f.getName().substring(0, f.getName().lastIndexOf(".tiff")); int undr = base.lastIndexOf("_"); int chn = Integer.parseInt(base.substring(undr + 1)); if ((chn >= 0) && (chn < channels.length) && channels[chn]) { files[nset][chn] = f.getPath(); } } } return files; } // --- internal methods private String arr_to_str(int [] arr) { String s = ""; for (int c:arr) s+=c+" "; return s.trim(); } private String arr_to_str(double [] arr) { String s = ""; for (double c:arr) s+=c+" "; return s.trim(); } private String arr_to_str(boolean [] arr) { String s = ""; for (boolean c:arr) s+= (c?1:0)+" "; return s.trim(); } private String arr_to_str(String [] arr) { String s = ""; for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { s += arr[i].trim(); if (i < (arr.length - 1)){ s += ","; } } return s; } private boolean [] str_to_barr(String s) { int [] iarr = str_to_iarr(s); if (iarr == null) return null; boolean [] barr = new boolean [iarr.length]; for (int i = 0; i < barr.length; i++) { barr[i] = iarr[i] != 0; } return barr; } private int [] str_to_iarr(String s) { String [] sa; if (s.indexOf(",") >= 0) { sa = s.trim().split(","); } else { sa = s.trim().split(" "); } int [] iarr = new int [sa.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { iarr[i]=Integer.parseInt(sa[i].trim()); } return iarr; } private double [] str_to_darr(String s) { String [] sa; if (s.indexOf(",") >= 0) { sa = s.trim().split(","); } else { sa = s.trim().split(" "); } double [] darr = new double [sa.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { darr[i]=Double.parseDouble(sa[i].trim()); } return darr; } private String [] str_to_sarr(String s) { String [] sa; if (s.indexOf(",") >= 0) { sa = s.trim().split(","); } else { sa = s.trim().split(" "); } String [] sarr = new String [sa.length]; for (int i = 0; i < sa.length; i++) { sarr[i]=sa[i].trim(); } return sarr; } public boolean [] selectSourceChannels(){ return selectSourceChannels(selected_channels); } public boolean [] selectSourceChannels(boolean [] sel) { GenericJTabbedDialog gd = new GenericJTabbedDialog("Set CLT parameters",300,500); for (int i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { gd.addCheckbox ("Channel "+i, sel[i], "Enable processing camera channel "+i); } gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return null; for (int i = 0; i < sel.length; i++) { sel[i] = gd.getNextBoolean(); } return sel; } }