package com.elphel.imagej.calibration; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import com.elphel.imagej.common.DoubleGaussianBlur; import com.elphel.imagej.common.ShowDoubleFloatArrays; import ij.IJ; /* ** ** - Generate simulated pattern ** ** Copyright (C) 2010-2011 Elphel, Inc. ** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <>. ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** */ public class SimulationPattern { // private double [] bPattern; // pattern bitmap (does not change) // private double[][] barray; // high resolution boolean pattern array (specific to distortions in each area) public double [] bPattern=null; // pattern bitmap (does not change) public int bPatternSize=0; /// public double[][] barray; // high resolution boolean pattern array (specific to distortions in each area) public double[] barray; // high resolution boolean pattern array (specific to distortions in each area) public double bPatternSigma=0.0; public double barraySigma=0.0; public int debugLevel=2; private DoubleGaussianBlur gb = new DoubleGaussianBlur(); private ShowDoubleFloatArrays SDFA_INSTANCE= new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? public SimulationPattern (){ this.bPattern=null; } public SimulationPattern (double [] bPattern){ // reuse the same barray this.bPattern=bPattern; } public SimulationPattern( SimulParameters simulParameters ) { this.bPatternSigma=simulParameters.bPatternSigma; this.barraySigma=simulParameters.barraySigma; patternGenerator(simulParameters); } public SimulationPattern( int size, int patternNumber, double patternModifier) { patternGenerator(size,patternNumber,patternModifier); } /* ======================================================================== */ public double [] patternGenerator( SimulParameters simulParameters ) { return patternGenerator( simulParameters.patternSize, simulParameters.pattern_type, simulParameters.pattern_modifier); } public double [] patternGenerator(int size, int patternNumber, double patternModifier) { this.bPattern=new double [size*size]; this.bPatternSize=size; int i,j,index,k; double p; double a,r,r2,h; double qSize=size/4; switch (patternNumber) { case 1: a=patternModifier*(Math.sqrt(2)-1.0); r=(a*a+1)/(2*a)*qSize; r2=r*r; h=Math.sqrt(r2-qSize*qSize); if (a>1.0) h=-h; double [][] pattern1Centers={{qSize, -h}, { size+h, qSize}, { size-qSize, size+h}, {-h, size-qSize}}; index=0; for (i=0;i<size;i++) for (j=0;j<size;j++) { p=1.0; for (k=0;k<pattern1Centers.length;k++) if ((((i-pattern1Centers[k][1])*(i-pattern1Centers[k][1])+(j-pattern1Centers[k][0])*(j-pattern1Centers[k][0])))<r2) p=0.0; this.bPattern[index++]=p; } break; case 2: index=0; for (i=0;i<size;i++) for (j=0;j<size;j++) { p= ((i>=0.3*size) && (i<0.7*size) && (j>=0.3*size) && (j<0.7*size))?1.0:0.0; this.bPattern[index++]=p; } break; case 3: index=0; for (i=0;i<size;i++) for (j=0;j<size;j++) { p= ((i>=0.1*size) && (i<0.9*size) && (j>=0.1*size) && (j<0.9*size))?1.0:0.0; this.bPattern[index++]=p; } break; default: for (index=0;index<this.bPattern.length;index++) this.bPattern[index]=1.0; } // blur pattern if (this.bPatternSigma>0) { if (this.bPatternSigma>0.25) this.bPatternSigma=0.25; // 1 - add margins around the pattern int i1,j1; int margin= (int) Math.ceil(3*size*this.bPatternSigma); int sizeM=size+2*margin; boolean invertY,invertX; double [] bPatternM=new double [sizeM*sizeM]; for (i=0;i<sizeM;i++) { i1= (i+size-margin)%size; invertY=(((i+size-margin)/size)&1)==0; for (j=0;j<sizeM;j++) { invertX=(((j+size-margin)/size)&1)==0; j1= (j+size-margin)%size; bPatternM[i*sizeM+j]= (invertX ^ invertY)?(1.0-this.bPattern[i1*size+j1]):this.bPattern[i1*size+j1]; } } // apply blur if (this.debugLevel>3) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(bPatternM,sizeM,sizeM, "bPatternM");,sizeM,sizeM,size*this.bPatternSigma,size*this.bPatternSigma, 0.01); if (this.debugLevel>3) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(bPatternM,sizeM,sizeM, "bPatternM-blured"); // remove margins for (i=0;i<size;i++) for (j=0;j<size;j++) { this.bPattern[i*size+j]= bPatternM[(i+margin)*sizeM+(j+margin)]; } } return this.bPattern; } /* ======================================================================== */ public void simulatePatternFullPattern( double freqX1, double freqY1, double phase1, double freqX2, double freqY2, double phase2, double [] corr, int subdiv, int size, boolean center_for_g2, boolean mono) {// takes precedence over center_for_g2, makes symmetrical around center of array (between pixels) this.barray=simulatePatternFullPatternSafe( freqX1, freqY1, phase1, freqX2, freqY2, phase2, corr, subdiv, size, center_for_g2, mono); } public double [] simulatePatternFullPatternSafe( double freqX1, double freqY1, double phase1, double freqX2, double freqY2, double phase2, double [] corr, int subdiv, int size, boolean center_for_g2, boolean mono) {// takes precedence over center_for_g2, makes symmetrical around center of array (between pixels) int patternSize= (this.bPattern!=null)?((int) Math.sqrt(this.bPattern.length)):0; double twicePatternSize=2*patternSize; int i,j; int fullSize=subdiv*(size+4)*2; double [] localBarray=new double [fullSize*fullSize]; double xl,yl; //,x,y;//,p1,p2; double [][] xy2uv= {{freqX1,freqY1}, {freqX2,freqY2}}; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("simulatePatternFullPattern:"); System.out.println(" Ax="+IJ.d2s(corr[0],5)+" Bx="+IJ.d2s(corr[1],5)+" Cx="+IJ.d2s(corr[2],5)+" Dx="+IJ.d2s(corr[6],5)+" Ex="+IJ.d2s(corr[7],5)); System.out.println(" Ay="+IJ.d2s(corr[3],5)+" By="+IJ.d2s(corr[4],5)+" Cy="+IJ.d2s(corr[5],5)+" Dy="+IJ.d2s(corr[8],5)+" Ey="+IJ.d2s(corr[9],5)); } if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("simulatePatternFullPattern: xy2uv[0][0]="+IJ.d2s(xy2uv[0][0],4)+" xy2uv[0][1]="+IJ.d2s(xy2uv[0][1],4)); System.out.println("simulatePatternFullPattern: xy2uv[1][0]="+IJ.d2s(xy2uv[1][0],4)+" xy2uv[1][1]="+IJ.d2s(xy2uv[1][1],4)); } double []uv, xy; xy=new double [2]; double [] phases={phase1/(Math.PI*2)+0.25,phase2/(Math.PI*2)+0.25}; // period=1.0; int iu,iv; boolean invert; double offset = mono? 0.0: ((center_for_g2?0.5:1.0)); double center = 0.5*fullSize; // +(mono?-0.5: 0.0); // see if it is needed! // in mono mode result barray is symmetrical around [fullSize/2,fullSize/2], but // after extractSimulMono result will be symmetrical around [size/2-0.5, size/2 - 0.5] for (i=0; i<fullSize; i++) { yl=(i - center) / subdiv - offset; // center in the middle of Bayer for (j=0; j<fullSize; j++) { xl=(j - center) / subdiv - offset; // center in the middle of Bayer /* apply second order polynomial correction to x,y x=xl+Ax*xl^2+Bx*yl^2+2*Cx*xl*yl; y=xl+Ay*xl^2+By*yl^2+2*Cy*xl*yl; */ if (corr==null) { xy[0]=xl; xy[1]=yl; } else { xy[0]=xl + corr[0]*xl*xl + corr[1]*yl*yl + 2* corr[2]*xl*yl + corr[6]*xl + corr[7]*yl; xy[1]=yl + corr[3]*xl*xl + corr[4]*yl*yl + 2* corr[5]*xl*yl + corr[8]*xl + corr[9]*yl; } uv= matrix2x2_mul(xy2uv, xy); uv= vector_add(uv,phases); uv[0]-=Math.floor(uv[0]); uv[1]-=Math.floor(uv[1]); invert=false; if (uv[0]>=0.5){ invert=!invert; uv[0]-=0.5; } if (uv[1]>=0.5){ invert=!invert; uv[1]-=0.5; } if (this.bPattern==null) { localBarray[i*fullSize+j]=invert?0.0:1.0; //!invert; } else { iu= (int) Math.round(uv[0]*twicePatternSize); iv= (int) Math.round(uv[1]*twicePatternSize); if ((iu<0) || (iu>=patternSize)) { invert=!invert; iu=(iu+patternSize)% patternSize; } if ((iv<0) || (iv>=patternSize)) { invert=!invert; iv=(iv+patternSize)% patternSize; } localBarray[i*fullSize+j]=invert?(1.0-this.bPattern[iv*patternSize + iu]): this.bPattern[iv*patternSize + iu]; } } } // Blur barray pattern if sigma >0 if (this.barraySigma>0) { double sigma=this.barraySigma*subdiv; //*/ 2? if (this.debugLevel>3) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(localBarray, "localBarray");,fullSize,fullSize,sigma,sigma, 0.01); if (this.debugLevel>3) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(localBarray, "localBarray-blured"); } return localBarray; } /* ======================================================================== */ public double [] recursiveFillPixels ( // invert pattern in the caller, return signed value (-1..1 - pattern is 0..1) SimulParameters simulParameters, double [] xy, // top-left corner double [] dxy, // increments to other corners double [][][] cornersXY, // xy pairs for the 4 corners of the square in UV (pattern) coordinates (u0v0,u1v0,u0v1,u1v1) double [] uv, // UV value for the top-left corner (matching cornersXY[0][0]) double [] duv, // distances to the opposite corner in UV // final boolean maskOnly, // just mark defined cells int debug ){ //use this.bPattern, this.bPatternSize (side of the square) double [][][] cornersUV=new double [2][2][]; double [] xy4=new double[2]; double [] result ={0.0,0.0}; int numInside=0; for (int i=0;i<2;i++) for (int j=0;j<2;j++) { xy4[0]=xy[0]+j*dxy[0]; xy4[1]=xy[1]+i*dxy[1]; cornersUV[i][j]=bilinearXY2UV(cornersXY,xy4,debug); if ((cornersUV[i][j][0]>=0.0) && (cornersUV[i][j][0]<=1.0) && (cornersUV[i][j][1]>=0.0) && (cornersUV[i][j][1]<=1.0)) numInside++; } if (debug>21){ String dbgStr=""; // IJ.d2s(quarter_patterns[iq][0][0],4) dbgStr+="xy={"+IJ.d2s(xy[0],2)+","+IJ.d2s(xy[1],2)+"} "; dbgStr+=" dxy={"+IJ.d2s(dxy[0],2)+","+IJ.d2s(dxy[1],2)+"} "; dbgStr+=" uv={"+IJ.d2s(uv[0],2)+","+IJ.d2s(uv[1],2)+"} "; dbgStr+=" duv={"+IJ.d2s(duv[0],2)+","+IJ.d2s(duv[1],2)+"} "; dbgStr+=" cornersXY={{{"+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[0][0][0],5)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[0][0][1],5)+"},"; dbgStr+= "{"+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[0][1][0],5)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[0][1][1],5)+"}},"; dbgStr+= "{{"+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[1][0][0],5)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[1][0][1],5)+"},"; dbgStr+= "{"+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[1][1][0],5)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersXY[1][1][1],5)+"}}}"; dbgStr+=" cornersUV={{{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][0][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][0][1],3)+"},"; dbgStr+= "{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][1][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][1][1],3)+"}},"; dbgStr+= "{{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][0][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][0][1],3)+"},"; dbgStr+= "{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][1][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][1][1],3)+"}}}"; dbgStr+=" numInside="+numInside; System.out.println(dbgStr); } if (numInside==0) return result; // all corners outside of the (sub)pattern cell // if (maskOnly) { if (simulParameters==null) { result[1]=dxy[0]*dxy[1]; result[0]=result[1]; return result; } // recalculate to the full uv boolean cornersInvert; double [][] cornerValue=new double [2][2]; int [] iPat=new int [2]; double min=1.0,max=-1.0; for (int i=0;i<2;i++) for (int j=0;j<2;j++) { // cornersUV[i][j][0]=uv[0]+j*cornersUV[i][j][0]*duv[0]; // cornersUV[i][j][1]=uv[1]+i*cornersUV[i][j][1]*duv[1]; cornersUV[i][j][0]=uv[0]+cornersUV[i][j][0]*duv[0]; cornersUV[i][j][1]=uv[1]+cornersUV[i][j][1]*duv[1]; cornersInvert=false; for (int k=0;k<2;k++) { // iPat[k] = (int) Math.floor(cornersUV[i][j][k]*this.bPatternSize*2.0); // 0.5 ->bPatternSize iPat[k] = (int) Math.floor(cornersUV[i][j][k]*this.bPatternSize); // 1.0 ->bPatternSize if (iPat[k]<0){ iPat[k]+=this.bPatternSize; cornersInvert=!cornersInvert; } else if (iPat[k]>=this.bPatternSize){ iPat[k]-=this.bPatternSize; cornersInvert=!cornersInvert; } if ((iPat[k]<0) || (iPat[k]>=this.bPatternSize)) { if (debug>0) System.out.println("Too far, cornersUV["+i+"]["+j+"]["+k+"]="+cornersUV[i][j][k]); return result; // {0,0} here } } cornerValue[i][j]=(2.0*this.bPattern[this.bPatternSize*iPat[1]+iPat[0]]-1.0)*(cornersInvert?1.0:-1.0); if (max<cornerValue[i][j]) max=cornerValue[i][j]; if (min>cornerValue[i][j]) min=cornerValue[i][j]; } if (((max-min)>simulParameters.bitmapNonuniforityThreshold) && (dxy[0]>simulParameters.smallestSubPix) && (dxy[1]>simulParameters.smallestSubPix)) { // divide this square into 4 quadrants, return sum of the recursively called method on them double [][] quadrants={{0.0,0.0},{0.5,0.0},{0.0,0.5},{0.5,0.5}}; double [] subResult; double [] subxy=new double [2]; double [] subdxy={0.5*dxy[0],0.5*dxy[1]}; if (debug>1){ System.out.println("---> Subdividing into "+subdxy[0]+"x"+subdxy[0]+" (max="+IJ.d2s(max,3)+" min="+IJ.d2s(min,3)+ " max-min="+IJ.d2s(max-min,3)+ " cornerValue: [0][0]="+IJ.d2s(cornerValue[0][0],3)+ " [0][1]="+IJ.d2s(cornerValue[0][1],3)+ " [1][0]="+IJ.d2s(cornerValue[1][0],3)+ " [1][1]="+IJ.d2s(cornerValue[1][1],3)+ " cornersUV={{{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][0][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][0][1],3)+"},"+ "{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][1][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[0][1][1],3)+"}},"+ "{{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][0][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][0][1],3)+"},"+ "{"+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][1][0],3)+","+IJ.d2s(cornersUV[1][1][1],3)+"}}}"); } for (int i=0;i<quadrants.length;i++) { subxy[0]=xy[0]+dxy[0]*quadrants[i][0]; subxy[1]=xy[1]+dxy[1]*quadrants[i][1]; subResult= recursiveFillPixels ( // invert pattern in the caller, return signed value (-1..1 - pattern is 0..1) simulParameters, subxy, // top-left corner subdxy, // increments to other corners cornersXY, // xy pairs for the 4 corners of the square in UV (pattern) coordinates (u0v0,u1v0,u0v1,u1v1) uv, // UV value for the top-left corner (matching cornersXY[0][0]) duv, // distances to the opposite corner in UV // maskOnly, // just mark defined cells //always false - will never get here debug ); result[0]+=subResult[0]; result[1]+=subResult[1]; } if (debug>1){ if (result[1]==0.0) System.out.println("<--- Combined results "+IJ.d2s(result[0],3)+" / "+IJ.d2s(result[1],3)); else System.out.println("<--- Combined results "+IJ.d2s(result[0],3)+" / "+IJ.d2s(result[1],3)+"="+IJ.d2s(result[0]/result[1],3)); } } else { // no more subdivisions - calculate average value, taking into account partial pixels for (int i=0;i<2;i++) for (int j=0;j<2;j++) result[0]+=0.25*cornerValue[i][j]; result[1]=dxy[0]*dxy[1]; result[0]*=result[1]; if (numInside <4) { double f=((double) numInside)/4; // estimate fraction of the pixel - start with simple number of corners result[0]*=f; result[1]*=f; } if (debug>1){ if (result[1]==0.0)System.out.println("< === Returnimg "+IJ.d2s(result[0],3)+" / "+IJ.d2s(result[1],3)+" ("+numInside+" corners inside)"); else System.out.println("< === Returning "+IJ.d2s(result[0],5)+" / "+IJ.d2s(result[1],5)+"="+IJ.d2s(result[0]/result[1],3)+" ("+numInside+" corners inside)"); } } return result; } /* ======================================================================== */ /** * @param cornersXY first index V, second index U, third index:0 - x, 1-y * @param xy 0-x,1-y of the point, for which UV should be generated * @return UV pair */ public double [] bilinearXY2UV( double [][][] cornersXY, // first index V, second index U, third index:0 - x, 1-y double [] xy, // 0-x,1-y of the point, for which int debug ) { return bilinearXY2UV( cornersXY, // first index V, second index U, third index:0 - x, 1-y xy, // 0-x,1-y of the point, for which 1E-6, debug); } /** * @param cornersXY first index V, second index U, third index:0 - x, 1-y * @param xy 0-x,1-y of the point, for which UV should be generated * @param quadThreshold if abs(4*a*c)/b^2 is less than this, use linear, not quadratic equations * @return UV pair */ public double [] bilinearXY2UV( double [][][] cornersXY, // first index V, second index U, third index:0 - x, 1-y double [] xy, // 0-x,1-y of the point, for which double quadThreshold, // if abs(4*a*c)/b^2 is less than this, use linear, not quadratic equations int debug ) { /* x,y -> u,v (1) x= v*u*Ax + v*Bx + u*Cx + Dx (2) y= v*u*Ay + v*By + u*Cy + Dy Ax=x11-x10-x01+x00 Bx=x10-x00 Cx=x01-x00 Dx=x00 Ay=y11-y10-y01+y00 By=y10-y00 Cy=y01-y00 Dy=y00 u*u*(Cy*Ax-Cx*Ay)+u*((-Cx*By-Ay*Dx+Cy*Bx+Ax*Dy)+Ay*x-Ax*y)+(By*x-Bx*y)+(-By*Dx+Bx*Dy)=0 Au*u*u+Bu*u+Cu=0 Av*v*v+Bv*v+Cv=0 Au=(Cy*Ax-Cx*Ay) Bu=((-Cx*By-Ay*Dx+Cy*Bx+Ax*Dy)+Ay*x-Ax*y) Cu=(By*x-Bx*y)+(-By*Dx+Bx*Dy) Av=(By*Ax-Bx*Ay) Bv=((-Bx*Cy-Ay*Dx+By*Cx+Ax*Dy)+Ay*x-Ax*y) Cv=(Cy*x-Cx*y)+(-Cy*Dx+Cx*Dy) */ double Ax=cornersXY[1][1][0]-cornersXY[1][0][0]-cornersXY[0][1][0]+cornersXY[0][0][0]; double Bx=cornersXY[1][0][0]-cornersXY[0][0][0]; double Cx=cornersXY[0][1][0]-cornersXY[0][0][0]; double Dx=cornersXY[0][0][0]; double Ay=cornersXY[1][1][1]-cornersXY[1][0][1]-cornersXY[0][1][1]+cornersXY[0][0][1]; double By=cornersXY[1][0][1]-cornersXY[0][0][1]; double Cy=cornersXY[0][1][1]-cornersXY[0][0][1]; double Dy=cornersXY[0][0][1]; double Au=(Cy*Ax-Cx*Ay); double Bu=((-Cx*By-Ay*Dx+Cy*Bx+Ax*Dy)+Ay*xy[0]-Ax*xy[1]); double Cu=(By*xy[0]-Bx*xy[1])+(-By*Dx+Bx*Dy); double Av=(By*Ax-Bx*Ay); double Bv=((-Bx*Cy-Ay*Dx+By*Cx+Ax*Dy)+Ay*xy[0]-Ax*xy[1]); double Cv=(Cy*xy[0]-Cx*xy[1])+(-Cy*Dx+Cx*Dy); // double [] UV={-Cv/Bv,-Cu/Bu}; // linear solution - use for linear grid double [] UV={-Cu/Bu,-Cv/Bv}; // linear solution - use for linear grid double au=0.0,bu=0.0,av=0.0,bv=0.0; if (Math.abs(Au*Cu)/(Bu*Bu)>quadThreshold) { // use quadratic equation for U au=-Bu/(2*Au); bu=Math.sqrt(Bu*Bu-4*Au*Cu)/Math.abs(2*Au); // Use solution that is closer to linear one if (UV[0]>au) UV[0]=au+bu; else UV[0]=au-bu; } if (Math.abs(Av*Cv)/(Bv*Bv)>quadThreshold) { // use quadratic equation for V av=-Bv/(2*Av); bv=Math.sqrt(Bv*Bv-4*Av*Cv)/Math.abs(2*Av); // Use solution that is closer to linear one if (UV[1]>av) UV[1]=av+bv; else UV[1]=av-bv; } if (debug>2){ String dbgStr=""; // IJ.d2s(quarter_patterns[iq][0][0],4) dbgStr+=" Ax="+IJ.d2s(Ax,5)+", Bx="+IJ.d2s(Bx,5)+", Cx="+IJ.d2s(Cx,5)+", Dx="+IJ.d2s(Dx,5); dbgStr+=" Ay="+IJ.d2s(Ay,5)+", By="+IJ.d2s(By,5)+", Cy="+IJ.d2s(Cy,5)+", Dy="+IJ.d2s(Dy,5); dbgStr+=" Au="+IJ.d2s(Au,5)+", Bu="+IJ.d2s(Bu,5)+", Cu="+IJ.d2s(Cu,5); dbgStr+=" Av="+IJ.d2s(Av,5)+", Bv="+IJ.d2s(Bv,5)+", Cv="+IJ.d2s(Cv,5); dbgStr+=" LinU="+IJ.d2s(-Cu/Bu,3)+", LinV="+IJ.d2s(-Cv/Bv,5); dbgStr+=" au="+IJ.d2s(au,5)+", bu="+IJ.d2s(bu,5); dbgStr+=" av="+IJ.d2s(av,5)+", bv="+IJ.d2s(bv,5); System.out.println(dbgStr); } return UV; } /* ======================================================================== */ private boolean isCellValid( double [][][][] grid, int [] uv){ if ((uv[1]>=0) && (uv[0]>=0) && (uv[1]<grid.length) && (uv[0]<grid[uv[1]].length)) { double [][] cell = grid[uv[1]][uv[0]]; return ((cell!=null) && (cell.length>1)); } return false; } /* private boolean isCellDefined( double [][][][] grid, int [] uv){ return ((uv[1]>=0) && (uv[0]>=0) && (uv[1]<grid.length) && (uv[0]<grid[uv[1]].length) && (grid[uv[1]][uv[0]]!=null) && (grid[uv[1]][uv[0]][0]!=null)); } */ public float [] combineWithCanvas( double canvasFill, int width, int height, Rectangle woi, float [] selection ){ float []canvas=new float[width*height]; for (int i=0;i<canvas.length;i++)canvas[i]= (float) canvasFill; return combineWithCanvas(canvas, width, woi, selection ); } public float [] combineWithCanvas( float [] canvas, int width, Rectangle woi, float [] selection ){ // debug if (selection==null) System.out.println("combineWithCanvas(): selection==null"); if (woi==null) System.out.println("combineWithCanvas(): woi==null"); if (selection.length!=(woi.width*woi.height)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("selection.length="+selection.length+", woi.width="+woi.width+", woi.height="+woi.height); int i0=0; int i1=width*woi.y+woi.x; for (int y=0;y<woi.height;y++){ for (int x=0;x<woi.width;x++){ if ((i1>canvas.length) ||(i0>=selection.length)){ System.out.println("canvas.length="+canvas.length+" width="+width+" selection.length="+selection.length+" y="+y+" x="+x+" i0="+i0+" i1="+i1+ " woi.x="+woi.x+" woi.y="+woi.y+" woi.width="+woi.width+" woi.height="+woi.height); } canvas[i1++]=selection[i0++]; // OOB 18720 } i1+=(width-woi.width); } return canvas; } public double [] combineWithCanvas( double canvasFill, int width, int height, Rectangle woi, double [] selection ){ double []canvas=new double[width*height]; for (int i=0;i<canvas.length;i++)canvas[i]= canvasFill; return combineWithCanvas(canvas, width, woi, selection ); } public double [] combineWithCanvas( double [] canvas, int width, Rectangle woi, double [] selection ){ if (selection.length!=(woi.width*woi.height)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("selection.length="+selection.length+", woi.width="+woi.width+", woi.height="+woi.height); int i0=0; int i1=width*woi.y+woi.x; for (int y=0;y<woi.height;y++){ for (int x=0;x<woi.width;x++) canvas[i1++]=selection[i0++]; i1+=(width-woi.width); } return canvas; } //===================== Moved from Aberration_Calibration public float[][] simulateGridAll ( int width, // extend to full image, width, height - original (not scaled) image size int height, MatchSimulatedPattern matchSimulatedPattern, // double [][][][] patternGrid, // should be aligned to gridFrac int gridFrac, // number of grid steps per pattern full period SimulParameters simulParameters, int threadsMax, boolean updateStatus, int globalDebugLevel, int debug_level){// debug level used inside loops // SimulationPattern simulationPattern=new SimulationPattern(simulParameters); float [][] simArray0=simulateGridAll ( matchSimulatedPattern, // patternGrid, // should be aligned to gridFrac gridFrac, // number of grid steps per pattern full period simulParameters, // simulationPattern, threadsMax, updateStatus, globalDebugLevel, debug_level); Rectangle woi=matchSimulatedPattern.getWOI(); if ((woi.x==0) && (woi.y==0) && (woi.width==width) && (woi.height==height)) return simArray0; int k=simulParameters.subdiv/2; Rectangle scaledWoi=new Rectangle(k*woi.x, k*woi.y, k*woi.width, k*woi.height); float [][] simArray=new float [2][]; simArray[0]=(new SimulationPattern(simulParameters)).combineWithCanvas(0.0, k*width, k*height, scaledWoi,simArray0[0]); simArray[1]=(new SimulationPattern(simulParameters)).combineWithCanvas(0.0, k*width, k*height, scaledWoi,simArray0[1]); if (globalDebugLevel>0) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(simArray,width*k,height*k,true, "full-simulation"); return simArray; } public float[][] simulateGridAll ( MatchSimulatedPattern matchSimulatedPattern, // double [][][][] patternGrid, // should be aligned to gridFrac int gridFrac, // number of grid steps per pattern full period SimulationPattern.SimulParameters simulParameters, // SimulationPattern simulationPattern, // or null int threadsMax, boolean updateStatus, int globalDebugLevel, int debug_level){// debug level used inside loops long startTime=System.nanoTime(); double [][] xy0={{simulParameters.offsetX,simulParameters.offsetY},{simulParameters.offsetX-0.5,simulParameters.offsetY-0.5}} ; // if (simulationPattern==null) simulationPattern=new SimulationPattern(simulParameters); float[][] simArray=new float[2][]; simArray[0]= simulateGrid ( matchSimulatedPattern.getDArray(), 2, // gridFrac, // number of grid steps per pattern full period simulParameters, matchSimulatedPattern.getWOI(), simulParameters.subdiv/2, xy0[0], // add to patterGrid xy threadsMax, updateStatus, debug_level); // debug level simArray[1]= simulateGrid ( matchSimulatedPattern.getDArray(), 2, // gridFrac, // number of grid steps per pattern full period simulParameters, matchSimulatedPattern.getWOI(), simulParameters.subdiv/2, xy0[1], // add to patterGrid xy threadsMax, updateStatus, debug_level); // debug level if (globalDebugLevel>2) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(simArray,matchSimulatedPattern.getWOI().width*simulParameters.subdiv/2,matchSimulatedPattern.getWOI().height*simulParameters.subdiv/2,true, "a-simulation"); if (globalDebugLevel>1) System.out.println("Grid simulation is finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); return simArray; } //======================== public float [] simulateGrid ( final double [][][][] patternGrid, // should be aligned to gridFrac final int gridFrac, // number of grid steps per pattern full period: black+white final SimulParameters simulParameters, // Try to use null here for maskOnly final Rectangle woi, final int subdiv, // subdivide output array from woi (normally 2) double[] shift_xy, // add to patterGrid xy, null OK // final boolean maskOnly, // just mark defined cells final int threadsMax, final boolean updateStatus, final int debug_level){// debug level used inside loops double []xy_zero={0.0,0.0}; if (patternGrid==null) return null; final double [] xy0=(shift_xy==null)?xy_zero:shift_xy; if ((simulParameters!=null) && (this.bPattern==null)){ System.out.println("simulateGrid(), running patternGenerator(simulParameters )"); patternGenerator(simulParameters ); // generate bPattern if it was not done yet } final Rectangle woiOut=new Rectangle(subdiv*woi.x,subdiv*woi.y,subdiv*woi.width,subdiv*woi.height); final float [] pixels=new float[woiOut.width*woiOut.height]; final float [] pixelsDenom=new float[woiOut.width*woiOut.height]; for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++ ){ pixels[i]= 0.0F; pixelsDenom[i]= 0.0F; } final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger cellNum = new AtomicInteger(0); final int [] series = new int[1]; final int uvhwidth=(patternGrid[0].length+1)/2; final int uvwidth= patternGrid[0].length; final int uvhheight=(patternGrid.length+1)/2; final int numInSeries=(uvhwidth-1)*(uvhheight-1); final AtomicInteger debugCellNum = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger finishedAtomic = new AtomicInteger(1); final int cellsToProcess=numInSeries*4; final int debugCellNum0=0; IJ.showStatus("Generating simulated pattern..."); for (series[0]=0;series[0]<4;series[0]++) { // split processing in 4 series (odd/even row/column to avoid races between threads if (debug_level>2)System.out.println("**** series[0]="+series[0]); cellNum.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // String dbgStr=""; int [][][] iUV=new int [2][2][2]; double [][][] dUV=new double [2][2][2]; double [][][] xy=new double [2][2][2]; boolean invPattern; double [] pixDXY={1.0,1.0}; for (int ncell=cellNum.getAndIncrement(); ncell<numInSeries;ncell=cellNum.getAndIncrement()){ iUV[0][0][0]=2*(ncell%(uvhwidth-1))+ (series[0] & 1); iUV[0][0][1]=2*(ncell/(uvhwidth-1))+ ((series[0]>>1) & 1); if ((updateStatus) && (debugLevel>1)) IJ.showStatus("Generating simulated pattern, series "+series[0]+" (of 4), row "+(iUV[0][0][1]/2+1)+"(of "+(uvhheight-1)+")"); if (debugLevel>2) System.out.println("Generating pattern, series "+series[0]+" (of 4), row "+(iUV[0][0][1]/2+1)+"(of "+(uvhheight-1)+")"); iUV[0][1][0]=iUV[0][0][0]+1; iUV[0][1][1]=iUV[0][0][1]; iUV[1][0][0]=iUV[0][0][0]; iUV[1][0][1]=iUV[0][0][1]+1; iUV[1][1][0]=iUV[0][0][0]+1; iUV[1][1][1]=iUV[0][0][1]+1; if ((isCellValid(patternGrid,iUV[0][0])) && (isCellValid(patternGrid,iUV[0][1])) && (isCellValid(patternGrid,iUV[1][0])) && (isCellValid(patternGrid,iUV[1][1]))){ // All 4 corners are valid invPattern=((iUV[0][0][0]%gridFrac)>=(gridFrac/2))^((iUV[0][0][1]%gridFrac)>=(gridFrac/2)); if (debug_level>2)System.out.println("iUV[0][0][1]="+iUV[0][0][1]+" iUV[0][0][0]="+iUV[0][0][0]+" invert="+invPattern); for (int i=0;i<2;i++) for (int j=0;j<2;j++) for (int k=0;k<2;k++) { xy[i][j][k]=subdiv*patternGrid[iUV[i][j][1]][iUV[i][j][0]][0][k]+xy0[k]; } for (int k=0;k<2;k++) { dUV[0][0][k]=((double) (iUV[0][0][k]%(gridFrac/2)))/(gridFrac/2); } dUV[0][1][0]=dUV[0][0][0]+1.0/(gridFrac/2); dUV[0][1][1]=dUV[0][0][1]; dUV[1][0][0]=dUV[0][0][0]; dUV[1][0][1]=dUV[0][0][1]+1.0/(gridFrac/2); dUV[1][1][0]=dUV[0][1][0]; dUV[1][1][1]=dUV[1][0][1]; double [] minXY={xy[0][0][0],xy[0][0][1]}; double [] maxXY={xy[0][0][0],xy[0][0][1]}; for (int i=0;i<2;i++) for (int j=0;j<2;j++) for (int k=0;k<2;k++) { if (minXY[k]>xy[i][j][k]) minXY[k]=xy[i][j][k]; if (maxXY[k]<xy[i][j][k]) maxXY[k]=xy[i][j][k]; } Rectangle rcell=new Rectangle((int)minXY[0], // contains all pixels (int)minXY[1], ((int) Math.ceil(maxXY[0]))-((int)minXY[0]) , ((int) Math.ceil(maxXY[1]))-((int)minXY[1])); double [] cornersDUV={1.0/(gridFrac/2),1.0/(gridFrac/2)}; boolean debugNow=debugCellNum.getAndIncrement()==debugCellNum0; if (woiOut.intersects (rcell)) // do not bother if no for (int iy=rcell.y;iy<(rcell.y+rcell.height);iy++) for (int ix=rcell.x;ix<(rcell.x+rcell.width);ix++) if (woiOut.contains (ix,iy)) { double [] pixXY={ix,iy}; double [] pixData=recursiveFillPixels ( // invert pattern in the caller, return signed value (-1..1 - pattern is 0..1) simulParameters, pixXY, // top-left corner pixDXY, // increments to other corners xy, // xy pairs for the 4 corners of the square in UV (pattern) coordinates (u0v0,u1v0,u0v1,u1v1) dUV[0][0], // UV value for the top-left corner (matching cornersXY[0][0]) cornersDUV, // distances to the opposite corner in UV // maskOnly, // just mark defined cells debugNow?debug_level: debug_level-2 ); // int index=woiOut.width*iy+ix; int index=woiOut.width*(iy-woiOut.y)+(ix-woiOut.x); // pixels[index]+=((invPattern || maskOnly)?1.0:-1.0)*pixData[0]; if (index>pixels.length){ // final float [] pixels=new float[woiOut.width*woiOut.height]; System.out.println("simulateGrid(), pixels.length="+pixels.length+ " index="+index+ " iy="+iy+" ix="+ix+ " ncell="+ncell+ " subdiv="+subdiv+ " woiOut.x="+woiOut.x+ " woiOut.y="+woiOut.y+ " woiOut.width="+woiOut.width+ " woiOut.height="+woiOut.height+ " woi.x="+woi.x+ " woi.y="+woi.y+ " woi.width="+woi.width+ " woi.height="+woi.height+ " rcell.x="+rcell.x+ " rcell.y="+rcell.y+ " rcell.width="+rcell.width+ " rcell.height="+rcell.height); } // if (maskOnly) pixels[index]=patternGrid.length*iUV[0][0][1]+iUV[0][0][0]; // out of bounds // OLD NASTY BUG! // if (maskOnly) pixels[index]=uvwidth*iUV[0][0][1]+iUV[0][0][0]; // Should be width, not height! if (simulParameters==null) pixels[index]=uvwidth*iUV[0][0][1]+iUV[0][0][0]; // Should be width, not height! else pixels[index]+=(invPattern?1.0:-1.0)*pixData[0]; pixelsDenom[index]+=pixData[1]; } } final int numFinished=finishedAtomic.getAndIncrement(); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { IJ.showProgress(numFinished,cellsToProcess); } }); } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); } for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++ ) { // /(simulParameters!=null) // if (maskOnly) { if (simulParameters==null) { if (pixelsDenom[i]==0.0F) pixels[i]=-1; } else { if (pixelsDenom[i]!=0.0F){ pixels[i]/= pixelsDenom[i]; pixels[i]=(float) ((pixels[i]+1.0)/2); // convert from -1..+1 to 0..1.0 } } } return pixels; } /* Create a Thread[] array as large as the number of processors available. * From Stephan Preibisch's class. See: *;f=mpi/fruitfly/general/;hb=HEAD */ private Thread[] newThreadArray(int maxCPUs) { int n_cpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); if (n_cpus>maxCPUs)n_cpus=maxCPUs; return new Thread[n_cpus]; } /* Start all given threads and wait on each of them until all are done. * From Stephan Preibisch's class. See: *;f=mpi/fruitfly/general/;hb=HEAD */ private static void startAndJoin(Thread[] threads) { for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread) { threads[ithread].setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); threads[ithread].start(); } try { for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread) threads[ithread].join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new RuntimeException(ie); } } /* ======================================================================== */ /* make it faster when outSubdiv =2*n (usually so) */ /* TODO: cleanup shifts - they seem now to work correctly */ public double [][] extractSimulPatterns ( SimulParameters simulParameters, int outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels int size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) double x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) double y0) { return extractSimulPatterns ( this.barray, simulParameters, outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) y0); } public double [][] extractSimulPatterns ( double [] localbArray, SimulParameters simulParameters, int outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels int size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) double x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) double y0) { int sampleWidth=(int) (Math.sqrt(simulParameters.fill)*simulParameters.subdiv); int sampleN=sampleWidth*sampleWidth; if (sampleWidth<1) sampleWidth=1; else if (sampleWidth>simulParameters.subdiv)sampleWidth=simulParameters.subdiv; double sampleAverage=0.5*sampleN; int n,i,j; int fullSize=(int) Math.sqrt(localbArray.length); double [][] simul_pixels=new double [5][size*size]; int ix,iy, iy0,ix0,px,py; double bx,by; double s; double span=((double) size)/outSubdiv; int sampLow=-sampleWidth/2; int sampHigh=sampLow+sampleWidth; for (n=0;n<4;n++) { bx=(n&1)-0.5+0.5; // last 0.5 to make same center as for dual greens by=((n>>1) & 1)-0.5-0.5;// last 0.5 to make same center as for dual greens for (iy=0;iy<size;iy++) { iy0=(fullSize/2) + (int) ((-span+y0+by +1.5 +2.0*iy/outSubdiv)*simulParameters.subdiv); for (ix=0;ix<size;ix++) { ix0=(fullSize/2) + (int) ((-span+x0+bx+0.5 +2.0*ix/outSubdiv)*simulParameters.subdiv); s=0.0; for (py=iy0+sampLow;py<iy0+sampHigh;py++) for (px=ix0+sampLow;px<ix0+sampHigh;px++) { try { s+=localbArray[py*fullSize+px]; } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("Bug in extractSimulPatterns(): px="+px+" py="+py+" fullSize="+fullSize+" size="+size+" x0="+x0+" y0="+y0); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } simul_pixels[n][iy*size+ix]= (s-sampleAverage)/sampleAverage; } } } if (outSubdiv>1) { if (this.debugLevel>2)System.out.println("Generating combined greens pattern greens from scratch"); n=4; bx=0.0; by=0.0; for (iy=0;iy<size;iy++) { for (ix=0;ix<size;ix++) { iy0=(fullSize/2) + (int) ((-span+y0+by-1+1.5 +1.0*(size+iy-ix)/outSubdiv)*simulParameters.subdiv); ix0=(fullSize/2) + (int) ((-span+x0+bx +0.5 +1.0*(iy+ix)/outSubdiv)*simulParameters.subdiv); s=0.0; for (py=iy0+sampLow;py<iy0+sampHigh;py++) for (px=ix0+sampLow;px<ix0+sampHigh;px++) { s+=localbArray[py*fullSize+px]; } simul_pixels[n][iy*size+ix]= (s-sampleAverage)/sampleAverage; } } } else { // just reuse available greens if (this.debugLevel>2)System.out.println("Generating combined greens pattern from individual greens"); /* now combine greens - same as in splitBayer() */ int base, base_b; base_b=0; for (i=0;i<size/2; i++){ base=size*size/2+ i* (size+1); for (j=0; j<size/2; j++) { simul_pixels[4][base_b++]=simul_pixels[0][base]; base-=size; simul_pixels[4][base_b++]=simul_pixels[3][base++]; } base=size*size/2+ i* (size+1); for (j=0; j<size/2; j++) { //System.out.println("2:y="+y+" x="+x+" base_b="+base_b+" base="+base); simul_pixels[4][base_b++]=simul_pixels[3][base++]; simul_pixels[4][base_b++]=simul_pixels[0][base]; base-=size; } } } if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("extractSimulPatterns, x0="+x0+" y0="+y0+" fullSize="+fullSize+" size="+size+" subdiv="+simulParameters.subdiv+" outSubdiv="+outSubdiv); System.out.println(" sampLow="+sampLow+" sampHigh="+sampHigh+" span="+span+" size="+size); for (n=0;n<simul_pixels.length;n++) { s=0.0; for (i=0;i<simul_pixels[n].length;i++) s+=simul_pixels[n][i]; System.out.println(" component="+i+" sum of pixels="+s); } } if (this.debugLevel>2) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(simul_pixels,size,size, "SIMUL"); return simul_pixels; } public double [] extractSimulMono ( SimulParameters simulParameters, int outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels int size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) double x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) double y0) { return extractSimulMono ( this.barray, simulParameters, outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) y0); } public double [] extractSimulMono ( // TODO: can use twice smaller barray double [] localbArray, SimulParameters simulParameters, int outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels - now 4 int size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) double x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) double y0) { return extractSimulMono ( // TODO: can use twice smaller barray localbArray, false, // boolean invert, simulParameters, outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels - now 4 size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) y0); } public double [] extractSimulMono ( // TODO: can use twice smaller barray double [] localbArray, boolean invert, SimulParameters simulParameters, int outSubdiv, // subdivide output pixels - now 4 int size, // number of Bayer cells in width of the square selection (half number of pixels) double x0, // selection center, X (in pixels) double y0) { double pattern_sign = invert? -1.0 : 1.0; int sampleWidth=(int) (Math.sqrt(simulParameters.fill)*simulParameters.subdiv); int sampleN=sampleWidth*sampleWidth; if (sampleWidth<1) sampleWidth=1; else if (sampleWidth>simulParameters.subdiv)sampleWidth=simulParameters.subdiv; double sampleAverage=0.5*sampleN; int fullSize=(int) Math.sqrt(localbArray.length); double [] simul_pixels=new double [size*size]; int ix,iy, iy0,ix0,px,py; double s; double span=((double) size)/outSubdiv; int sampLow=-sampleWidth/2; int sampHigh=sampLow+sampleWidth; for (iy=0;iy<size;iy++) { iy0=(fullSize/2) + (int) (( -span/2 + y0 + 0.5 + 1.0 * iy / outSubdiv)*simulParameters.subdiv); for (ix=0;ix<size;ix++) { ix0=(fullSize/2) + (int) ((-span/2 + x0 + 0.5 + 1.0 * ix / outSubdiv)*simulParameters.subdiv); s=0.0; for (py=iy0+sampLow;py<iy0+sampHigh;py++) for (px=ix0+sampLow;px<ix0+sampHigh;px++) { try { s+=localbArray[py*fullSize+px]; } catch (Exception e){ System.out.println("Bug in extractSimulMono(): px="+px+" py="+py+" fullSize="+fullSize+" size="+size+" x0="+x0+" y0="+y0); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } simul_pixels[iy*size+ix]= pattern_sign * (s - sampleAverage) / sampleAverage; } } if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("extractSimulMono, x0="+x0+" y0="+y0+" fullSize="+fullSize+" size="+size+" subdiv="+simulParameters.subdiv+" outSubdiv="+outSubdiv); System.out.println(" sampLow="+sampLow+" sampHigh="+sampHigh+" span="+span+" size="+size); s=0.0; for (int i=0;i<simul_pixels.length;i++) s+=simul_pixels[i]; System.out.println("sum of pixels="+s); } if (this.debugLevel>2) SDFA_INSTANCE.showArrays(simul_pixels,size,size, "SIMUL"); return simul_pixels; } private double [] matrix2x2_mul(double [][] a, double [] b ){ double [] rslt={a[0][0]*b[0]+a[0][1]*b[1], a[1][0]*b[0]+a[1][1]*b[1]}; return rslt; } private double [] vector_add(double [] a, double [] b ){ double [] rslt= new double [a.length]; int i; for (i=0;i<rslt.length;i++) rslt[i]=a[i]+b[i]; return rslt; } // colorComp == -1 = mono, positive, colorComp == -2 - mono, negative public double[] extractBayerSim ( float [][] spixels, // [0] - regular pixels, [1] - shifted by 1/2 diagonally, for checker greens int full_width, Rectangle woi, int bayerPeriod, // 4 int colorComp) { Rectangle r=new Rectangle(woi); // clone int full_height=spixels[0].length/full_width; // full image height if (debugLevel>10) IJ.showMessage("splitBayer","r.width="+r.width+ "\nr.height="+r.height+ "\nr.x="+r.x+ "\nr.y="+r.y+ "\nlength="+spixels[0].length); if ((debugLevel>2) && ((r.x<0) || (r.y<0) || ((r.x+r.width)>=full_width) || ((r.y+r.height)>=full_height))) System.out.println("r.width="+r.width+ " r.height="+r.height+ " r.x="+r.x+ " r.y="+r.y); if (colorComp==5) colorComp=0; // for compatibility, combined grees and green 0 generate the same result double []result=new double[r.width*r.height]; int index; if (colorComp==4) { // checkerboard greens r.y+=r.width/2; // now it is the "top left" corner of the diagonal greens for (index=0;index<result.length;index++){ // int iy=r.y+(index / r.width); // int ix=r.x+(index % r.width); int iyi=index / r.width; int ixi=index % r.width; int iy=r.y+(iyi+ixi)/2 -ixi; int ix=r.x+(iyi+ixi)/2; if (iy<0) iy=0; else if (iy>=full_height) iy=full_height-1; if (ix<0) ix=0; else if (ix>=full_width) iy=full_width-1; result[index]=spixels[(ixi+iyi) & 1][iy*full_width+ix]; } } else { // components 0..3 int ser; double pattern_sign = (colorComp == -2)? -1.0: 1.0; if (colorComp < 0) { ser = 1; // offset by 1/2 pix? should it be so? // FIXME: verify and fix if needed - compare to extractSimulMono() } else { ser = 0; r.x+=(bayerPeriod/2)*(colorComp &1); r.y+=(bayerPeriod/2)*((colorComp>>1) &1); } if (debugLevel>2) System.out.println(">>> r.width="+r.width+ " r.height="+r.height+ " r.x="+r.x+ " r.y="+r.y+ " colorComp="+colorComp); for (index=0;index<result.length;index++){ int iy = r.y + (index / r.width); int ix = r.x + (index % r.width); if (iy < 0) iy = 0; else if (iy >= full_height) iy = full_height - 1; if (ix < 0) ix = 0; else if (ix >= full_width) iy = full_width - 1; result[index] = pattern_sign * spixels[ser][iy * full_width + ix]; } } return result; } //===================== public static class SimulParameters { public int patternSize; public int pattern_type; public double pattern_modifier; public double freq_x1; public double freq_y1; public double phase1; public double freq_x2; public double freq_y2; public double phase2; public int subdiv; public double fill; public boolean center_for_g2; public double bPatternSigma; // blur bPattern with this sigma public double barraySigma; // blur barray with this sigma, multiplied by subdiv public double smallestSubPix; // subdivide pixels down to that fraction when simulating public double bitmapNonuniforityThreshold; // subdivide pixels until difference between the corners is below this value public double offsetX; // debug - add to X during simulation, in pixels public double offsetY; // debug - add to Y during simulation, in pixels public SimulParameters( int patternSize, int pattern_type, double pattern_modifier, double freq_x1, double freq_y1, double phase1, double freq_x2, double freq_y2, double phase2, int subdiv, double fill, boolean center_for_g2, double bPatternSigma, // blur bPattern with this sigma double barraySigma, // blur barray with this sigma, multiplied by subdiv double smallestSubPix, // subdivide pixels down to that fraction when simulating double bitmapNonuniforityThreshold, // subdivide pixels until difference between the corners is below this value double offsetX, // debug - add to X during simulation, in pixels double offsetY // debug - add to Y during simulation, in pixels ) { this.patternSize= patternSize; this.pattern_type= pattern_type; this.pattern_modifier=pattern_modifier; this.freq_x1= freq_x1; this.freq_y1= freq_y1; this.phase1= phase1; this.freq_x2= freq_x2; this.freq_y2= freq_y2; this.phase2= phase2; this.subdiv= subdiv; this.fill= fill; this.center_for_g2= center_for_g2; this.bPatternSigma= bPatternSigma; this.barraySigma=barraySigma; this.smallestSubPix= smallestSubPix; this.bitmapNonuniforityThreshold=bitmapNonuniforityThreshold; this.offsetX= offsetX; this.offsetY= offsetY; } @Override public SimulParameters clone() { return new SimulParameters( this.patternSize, this.pattern_type, this.pattern_modifier, this.freq_x1, this.freq_y1, this.phase1, this.freq_x2, this.freq_y2, this.phase2, this.subdiv, this.fill, this.center_for_g2, this.bPatternSigma, this.barraySigma, this.smallestSubPix, this.bitmapNonuniforityThreshold, this.offsetX, this.offsetY ); } public void setProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ properties.setProperty(prefix+"patternSize",this.patternSize+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"pattern_type",this.pattern_type+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"pattern_modifier",this.pattern_modifier+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"freq_x1",this.freq_x1+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"freq_y1",this.freq_y1+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"phase1",this.phase1+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"freq_x2",this.freq_x2+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"freq_y2",this.freq_y2+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"phase2",this.phase2+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"subdiv",this.subdiv+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"fill",this.fill+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"center_for_g2",this.center_for_g2+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"bPatternSigma",this.bPatternSigma+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"barraySigma",this.barraySigma+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"smallestSubPix",this.smallestSubPix+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"bitmapNonuniforityThreshold",this.bitmapNonuniforityThreshold+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"offsetX",this.offsetX+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"offsetY",this.offsetY+""); } public void getProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"patternSize")!=null) this.patternSize=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"patternSize")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pattern_type")!=null) this.pattern_type=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pattern_type")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pattern_modifier")!=null) this.pattern_modifier=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pattern_modifier")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_x1")!=null) this.freq_x1=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_x1")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_y1")!=null) this.freq_y1=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_y1")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"phase1")!=null) this.phase1=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"phase1")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_x2")!=null) this.freq_x2=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_x2")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_y2")!=null) this.freq_y2=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"freq_y2")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"phase2")!=null) this.phase2=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"phase2")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"subdiv")!=null) this.subdiv=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"subdiv")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"fill")!=null) this.fill=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"fill")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"center_for_g2")!=null) this.center_for_g2=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"center_for_g2")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"bPatternSigma")!=null) this.bPatternSigma=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"bPatternSigma")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"barraySigma")!=null) this.barraySigma=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"barraySigma")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"smallestSubPix")!=null) this.smallestSubPix=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"smallestSubPix")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"bitmapNonuniforityThreshold")!=null) this.bitmapNonuniforityThreshold=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"bitmapNonuniforityThreshold")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"offsetX")!=null) this.offsetX=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"offsetX")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"offsetY")!=null) this.offsetY=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"offsetY")); } } }