package com.elphel.imagej.calibration; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Properties; import com.elphel.imagej.cameras.EyesisSubCameraParameters; import com.elphel.imagej.common.WindowTools; import Jama.Matrix; import ij.IJ; import ij.gui.GenericDialog; //import EyesisCameraParameters; //import Distortions.EyesisSubCameraParameters; //import LensDistortionParameters; //import PatternParameters; //import DistortionCalibrationData.GridImageParameters; //import DistortionCalibrationData.GridImageSet; public class LensDistortionParameters { /* * Hugin Rsrc=a*Rdest^4+b*Rdest^3+c*Rdest^2+d*Rdest; d=1-(a+b+c) */ // lens parameters (add more later) final int numInputs= 57; // with neck*, was 53; //27; // with A8...// 24; // parameters in subcamera+... final int numOutputs=42; //16; // with A8...//13; // parameters in a single camera // final // boolean cummulativeCorrection=true; // r_xy, r_od for higher terms are relative to lower ones public int defaultLensDistortionModel=200; public int lensDistortionModel=defaultLensDistortionModel; public int lensDistortionModelType=0; // set from lensDistortionModel boolean cummulativeCorrection=false; //true; // r_xy, r_od for higher terms are relative to lower ones public double focalLength=4.5; public double pixelSize= 2.2; //um public double distortionRadius= 2.8512; // mm - half width of the sensor public double distortionA8=0.0; // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) public double distortionA7=0.0; // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) public double distortionA6=0.0; // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) public double distortionA5=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) public double distortionA=0.0; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) public double distortionB=0.0; // r^3 public double distortionC=0.0; // r^2 // orientation/position parameters public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) public double z0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (away from the camera) public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm public double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels public double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels public boolean flipVertical; // acquired image is mirrored vertically (mirror used) // new non-radial parameters final private double [][] r_xy_dflt={{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}}; // only 6, as for the first term delta x, delta y ==0 final private double [][] r_od_dflt= {{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}}; // ortho public double [][] r_xy=null; // only 6, as for the first term delta x, delta y ==0 public double [][] r_od=null; // ortho public double [][] r_xyod=null; //{x0,y0,ortho, diagonal} // total number of new parameters = 6*2+7+7=26 public int debugLevel=1; // was 2 /* Modifying to accommodate for eccentricity of different terms (2 parameters per term) and elliptical shape (another 2 terms). When all are zeroes, the old parameters are in effect: Rdist/R=A8*R^7+A7*R^6+A6*R^5+A5*R^4+A*R^3+B*R^2+C*R+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)"); Rdist/R=A8*R6^7+A7*R5^6+A6*R4^5+A5*R3^4+A*R2^3+B*R1^2+C*R0+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)"); R[i] depends on px,py and r_xy[i][], r_o[i] (positive - "landscape", negative - "portrait"), r_d (positive - along y=x, negative - along y=-x) R[i] = r0[i]*(1+ (r_od[i][0]*(y[i]**2-x[i]**2)+ 2*r_od[i][1]*x[i]*y[i])/r0[i]**2; r0[i]=sqrt(x[i]**2+y[2]**2) x[i]=pixel_x-px0-((i>0)?r_xy[i-1][0]:0) y[i]=pixel_y-py0-((i>0)?r_xy[i-1][1]:0) */ // intermediate values public double phi, theta,psi,cPH,sPH,cTH,sTH,cPS,sPS; public double [][] rotMatrix=new double[3][3]; // includes mirroring for Y (target coordinates y- down, camera - y up) public void setDistortionModelParameters(){ if (lensDistortionModel<0){ System.out.println("BUG:setDistortionModelParameters() - lensDistortionModel<0"); lensDistortionModel=defaultLensDistortionModel; } this.cummulativeCorrection= (lensDistortionModel==101); if (lensDistortionModel<100){ lensDistortionModelType=0; } else if (lensDistortionModel<200){ lensDistortionModelType=1; } else if (lensDistortionModel<300){ lensDistortionModelType=2; } else { lensDistortionModelType=0; } } public LensDistortionParameters( boolean isTripod, boolean cartesian, double pixelSize, double distortionRadius, double [][] interParameterDerivatives, //partial derivative matrix from subcamera-camera-goniometer to single camera (12x21) if null - just values, no derivatives double [] parVect, boolean [] mask, // calculate only selected derivatives (all parVect values are still int debugLevel ){ this.debugLevel=debugLevel; lensCalcInterParamers( // changed name to move calcInterParamers method from enclosing class this, isTripod, cartesian, pixelSize, distortionRadius, interParameterDerivatives, //partial derivative matrix from subcamera-camera-goniometer to single camera (12x21) if null - just values, no derivatives parVect, mask // calculate only selected derivatives (all parVect values are still ); } public LensDistortionParameters( double focalLength, double pixelSize, //um double distortionRadius, // mm double distortionA8, // r^8 double distortionA7, // r^7 double distortionA6, // r^6 double distortionA5, // r^5 double distortionA, // r^4 double distortionB, // r^3 double distortionC, // r^2 // orientation/position parameters double yaw, // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top double pitch, // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up double roll, // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise double x0, // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) double y0, // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) double z0, // lens axis from pattern center, mm (away from the camera) double distance, // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm double px0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels double py0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels boolean flipVertical, // acquired image is mirrored vertically (mirror used) int lensDistortionModel, double [][] r_xy, double [][] r_od ){ setLensDistortionParameters( focalLength, pixelSize, distortionRadius, distortionA8, distortionA7, distortionA6, distortionA5, distortionA, distortionB, distortionC, yaw, pitch, roll, x0, y0, z0, distance, px0, py0, flipVertical, lensDistortionModel, r_xy, r_od); } public LensDistortionParameters(){ setLensDistortionParameters( 4.5, // focalLength, 2.2, // pixelSize, 2.8512, // distortionRadius, 0.0, // distortionA8, 0.0, // distortionA7, 0.0, // distortionA6, 0.0, // distortionA5, 0.0, // distortionA, 0.0, // distortionB, 0.0, // distortionC, 0.0, // yaw, 0.0, // pitch, 0.0, // roll, 0.0, // x0, 0.0, // y0, 0.0, // z0, 2360.0, // distance, 1296, // px0, 698, // py0, true, // flipVertical, -1, // lensDistortionModel null, // r_xy, null // r_od, ); } @Override public LensDistortionParameters clone() { return new LensDistortionParameters( this.focalLength, this.pixelSize, this.distortionRadius, this.distortionA8, this.distortionA7, this.distortionA6, this.distortionA5, this.distortionA, this.distortionB, this.distortionC, this.yaw, this.pitch, this.roll, this.x0, this.y0, this.z0, this.distance, this.px0, this.py0, this.flipVertical, this.lensDistortionModel, this.r_xy, this.r_od ); } public void setLensDistortionParameters( double focalLength, double pixelSize, //um double distortionRadius, // mm double distortionA8, // r^7 double distortionA7, // r^6 double distortionA6, // r^5 double distortionA5, // r^4 double distortionA, // r^4 double distortionB, // r^3 double distortionC, // r^2 // orientation/position parameters double yaw, // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top double pitch, // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up double roll, // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise double x0, // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) double y0, // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) double z0, // lens axis from pattern center, mm (away) double distance, // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm double px0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels double py0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels boolean flipVertical, // acquired image is mirrored vertically (mirror used) int lensDistortionModel, double [][] r_xy, // per polynomial term center x,y correction only 6, as for the first term delta x, delta y ==0 double [][] r_od // per polynomial term orthogonal+diagonal elongation ){ this.focalLength=focalLength; this.pixelSize=pixelSize; this.distortionRadius=distortionRadius; this.distortionA8=distortionA8; this.distortionA7=distortionA7; this.distortionA6=distortionA6; this.distortionA5=distortionA5; this.distortionA=distortionA; this.distortionB=distortionB; this.distortionC=distortionC; this.yaw=yaw; this.pitch=pitch; this.roll=roll; this.x0=x0; this.y0=y0; this.z0=z0; this.distance=distance; this.px0=px0; this.py0=py0; this.flipVertical=flipVertical; this.lensDistortionModel=(lensDistortionModel>=0)?lensDistortionModel:defaultLensDistortionModel; if (r_xy==null) r_xy=r_xy_dflt; if (r_od==null) r_od=r_od_dflt; this.r_xy=new double [r_xy.length][2]; for (int i=0;i<r_xy.length;i++)this.r_xy[i]=r_xy[i].clone(); this.r_od=new double [r_od.length][2]; for (int i=0;i<r_od.length;i++)this.r_od[i]=r_od[i].clone(); recalcCommons(); } public void setIntrincicFromSubcamera(EyesisSubCameraParameters pars){ setLensDistortionParameters( pars.focalLength, pars.pixelSize, //um pars.distortionRadius, // mm pars.distortionA8, // r^7 pars.distortionA7, // r^6 pars.distortionA6, // r^5 pars.distortionA5, // r^4 pars.distortionA, // r^4 pars.distortionB, // r^3 pars.distortionC, // r^2 // orientation/position parameters this.yaw, // (keep) angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top this.pitch, // (keep) angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up this.roll, // (keep) angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise this.x0, // (keep) lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) this.y0, // (keep) lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) this.z0, // (keep) lens axis from pattern center, mm (away) this.distance, // (keep) distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm pars.px0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels pars.py0, // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels this.flipVertical, // (keep) acquired image is mirrored vertically (mirror used) pars.lensDistortionModel, pars.r_xy, // do not exist yet! pars.r_od // do not exist yet! ); } public void setLensDistortionParameters(LensDistortionParameters ldp ){ setLensDistortionParameters( ldp.focalLength, ldp.pixelSize, ldp.distortionRadius, ldp.distortionA8, ldp.distortionA7, ldp.distortionA6, ldp.distortionA5, ldp.distortionA, ldp.distortionB, ldp.distortionC, ldp.yaw, ldp.pitch, ldp.roll, ldp.x0, ldp.y0, ldp.z0, ldp.distance, ldp.px0, ldp.py0, ldp.flipVertical, ldp.lensDistortionModel, ldp.r_xy, ldp.r_od); } // TODO: Fix for non-radial !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! // just for debugging public void setLensDistortionParameters(LensDistortionParameters ldp, int index, // parameter to add delta, 1..13->14->17 double delta ){ /* this.focalLength=ldp.focalLength+((index==7)?delta:0); this.pixelSize=ldp.pixelSize; this.distortionRadius=ldp.distortionRadius; this.distortionA8=ldp.distortionA8+((index==9)?delta:0); this.distortionA7=ldp.distortionA7+((index==10)?delta:0); this.distortionA6=ldp.distortionA6+((index==11)?delta:0); this.distortionA5=ldp.distortionA5+((index==12)?delta:0); this.distortionA=ldp.distortionA+((index==13)?delta:0); this.distortionB=ldp.distortionB+((index==14)?delta:0); this.distortionC=ldp.distortionC+((index==15)?delta:0); this.yaw=ldp.yaw+((index==1)?delta:0); this.pitch=ldp.pitch+((index==2)?delta:0); this.roll=ldp.roll+((index==3)?delta:0); this.x0=ldp.x0+((index==4)?delta:0); this.y0=ldp.y0+((index==5)?delta:0); this.z0=ldp.z0+((index==6)?delta:0); this.distance=ldp.distance+((index==8)?delta:0); this.px0=ldp.px0+((index==16)?delta:0); this.py0=ldp.py0+((index==17)?delta:0); this.flipVertical=ldp.flipVertical; */ setLensDistortionParameters(ldp); final int index_r_xy=18; final int index_r_od=30; final int index_end=44; switch (index){ case 1: this.yaw+=delta; break; case 2: this.pitch+=delta; break; //=ldp.pitch+((index==2)?delta:0); case 3: this.roll+=delta; break; // =ldp.roll+((index==3)?delta:0); case 4: this.x0+=delta; break; // =ldp.x0+((index==4)?delta:0); case 5: this.y0+=delta; break; // =ldp.y0+((index==5)?delta:0); case 6: this.z0+=delta; break; // =ldp.z0+((index==6)?delta:0); case 7: this.focalLength+=delta; break; // =ldp.focalLength+((index==7)?delta:0); case 8: this.distance+=delta; break; // =ldp.distance+((index==8)?delta:0); case 9: this.distortionA8+=delta; break; // =ldp.distortionA8+((index==9)?delta:0); case 10: this.distortionA7+=delta; break; // =ldp.distortionA7+((index==10)?delta:0); case 11: this.distortionA6+=delta; break; // =ldp.distortionA6+((index==11)?delta:0); case 12: this.distortionA5+=delta; break; // =ldp.distortionA5+((index==12)?delta:0); case 13: this.distortionA+=delta; break; // =ldp.distortionA+((index==13)?delta:0); case 14: this.distortionB+=delta; break; // =ldp.distortionB+((index==14)?delta:0); case 15: this.distortionC+=delta; break; // =ldp.distortionC+((index==15)?delta:0); case 16: this.px0+=delta; break; // =ldp.px0+((index==16)?delta:0); case 17: this.py0+=delta; break; // =ldp.py0+((index==17)?delta:0); default: if ((index>=index_r_xy) && (index<index_r_od)){ this.r_xy[(index-index_r_xy)/2][(index-index_r_xy)%2]+=delta; } else if ((index>=index_r_od) && (index<index_end)){ this.r_od[(index-index_r_od)/2][(index-index_r_od)%2]+=delta; } } recalcCommons(); } // recalculate common (point-invariant) intermediate values (cos, sin, rotation matrix) public void recalcCommons(){ // this.cummulativeCorrection=false; // just debugging // public double phi, theta,psi,cPH,sPH,cTH,sTH,cPS,sPS; // public double [][] rotMatrix=new double[3][3]; this.phi= this.yaw*Math.PI/180; this.theta=this.pitch*Math.PI/180; this.psi= this.roll*Math.PI/180; this.sPH=Math.sin(this.phi); this.cPH=Math.cos(this.phi); this.sTH=Math.sin(this.theta); this.cTH=Math.cos(this.theta); this.sPS=Math.sin(this.psi); this.cPS=Math.cos(this.psi); /* | Xe | | 0 | | cPS*cPH+sPS*sTH*sPH -sPS*cTH -cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH | | Xp | | Ye | = | 0 | + | sPS*cPH-cPS*sTH*sPH cPS*cTH -sPS*sPH-cPS*sTH*cPH | * |-Yp | | Ze | | dist | | cTH*sPH sTH cTH*cPH | | Zp | | PX | =(1000*f)/(Ze*Psz) * | Xe | + | PX0 | | PY | = | -Ye | | PY0 | Xe = (cPS*cPH+sPS*sTH*sPH)*Xp +sPS*cTH*Yp +(-cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH)*Zp Ye = (sPS*cPH-cPS*sTH*sPH)*Xp -cPS*cTH*Yp +(-sPS*sPH-cPS*sTH*cPH)*Zp Ze = (cTH*sPH)*Xp -sTH*Yp +( cTH*cPH)* Zp + dist theta==0, psi==0: Xe = (cPH)*Xp Ye = Yp Ze = cPH* Zp + dist (4) PXmmc =f/(cPH* Zp + dist)* (cPH)*Xp // mm, left from the lens axis intersection with the sensor dPXmmc/dphi= */ this.rotMatrix[0][0]= cPS*cPH+sPS*sTH*sPH; this.rotMatrix[0][1]= sPS*cTH; this.rotMatrix[0][2]=-cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH; this.rotMatrix[1][0]= sPS*cPH-cPS*sTH*sPH; this.rotMatrix[1][1]=-cPS*cTH; this.rotMatrix[1][2]=-sPS*sPH-cPS*sTH*cPH; this.rotMatrix[2][0]= cTH*sPH; this.rotMatrix[2][1]=-sTH; this.rotMatrix[2][2]= cTH*cPH; if (this.debugLevel>2){ System.out.println("recalcCommons():this.rotMatrix:"); (new Matrix(this.rotMatrix)).print(10, 5); } // this.r_xyod=new double [this.r_od.length][4]; //{x0,y0,ortho, diagonal} this.r_xyod[0][0]=0.0; // this.px0; // this.r_xyod[0][1]=0.0; // this.py0; this.r_xyod[0][2]=this.r_od[0][0]; this.r_xyod[0][3]=this.r_od[0][1]; setDistortionModelParameters(); if (cummulativeCorrection){ for (int i=1;i<this.r_xyod.length;i++){ this.r_xyod[i][0]=this.r_xyod[i-1][0]+this.r_xy[i-1][0]; this.r_xyod[i][1]=this.r_xyod[i-1][1]+this.r_xy[i-1][1]; this.r_xyod[i][2]=this.r_xyod[i-1][2]+this.r_od[i][0]; this.r_xyod[i][3]=this.r_xyod[i-1][3]+this.r_od[i][1]; } } else { for (int i=1;i<this.r_xyod.length;i++){ this.r_xyod[i][0]=this.r_xy[i-1][0]; // this.px0+this.r_xy[i-1][0]; this.r_xyod[i][1]=this.r_xy[i-1][1]; // this.py0+this.r_xy[i-1][1]; this.r_xyod[i][2]=this.r_od[i][0]; this.r_xyod[i][3]=this.r_od[i][1]; } } } private String [][] descriptions= { {"distance", "Distance from the intersection of the lens axis with z=0 target plane to the camera lens entrance pupil", "mm", "e"}, {"x0", "Lens axis from pattern center, (to the right)", "mm","e"}, {"y0", "Lens axis from pattern center, (down)", "mm","e"}, {"yaw", "Angle from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top", "degrees","e"}, {"pitch", "Angle from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up", "degrees","e"}, {"roll", "Angle around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise", "degrees","e"}, {"focalLength", "Lens focal length", "mm","i"}, {"px0", "horizontal (left to right) pixel number of the lens axis intersection with the sensor", "pix","i"}, {"py0", "vertical (up to down) pixel number of the lens axis intersection with the sensor", "pix","i"}, {"distortionA8","Lens distortion coefficient for r^8 (r0=half sensor width)", "r0","i"}, {"distortionA7","Lens distortion coefficient for r^7 (r0=half sensor width)", "r0","i"}, {"distortionA6","Lens distortion coefficient for r^6 (r0=half sensor width)", "r0","i"}, {"distortionA5","Lens distortion coefficient for r^5 (r0=half sensor width)", "r0","i"}, {"distortionA", "Lens distortion coefficient for r^4 (r0=half sensor width)", "r0","i"}, {"distortionB", "Lens distortion coefficient for r^3 (r0=half sensor width)", "r0","i"}, {"distortionC", "Lens distortion coefficient for r^2 (r0=half sensor width)", "r0","i"}, {"elong_C_o", "Orthogonal elongation for r^2", "rel","i"}, {"elong_C_d", "Diagonal elongation for r^2", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_B_x", "Distortion center shift X for r^3", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_B_y", "Distortion center shift Y for r^3", "rel","i"}, {"elong_B_o", "Orthogonal elongation for r^3", "rel","i"}, {"elong_B_d", "Diagonal elongation for r^3", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A_x", "Distortion center shift X for r^4", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A_y", "Distortion center shift Y for r^4", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A_o", "Orthogonal elongation for r^4", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A_d", "Diagonal elongation for r^4", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A5_x", "Distortion center shift X for r^5", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A5_y", "Distortion center shift Y for r^5", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A5_o", "Orthogonal elongation for r^5", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A5_d", "Diagonal elongation for r^5", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A6_x", "Distortion center shift X for r^6", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A6_y", "Distortion center shift Y for r^6", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A6_o", "Orthogonal elongation for r^6", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A6_d", "Diagonal elongation for r^6", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A7_x", "Distortion center shift X for r^7", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A7_y", "Distortion center shift Y for r^7", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A7_o", "Orthogonal elongation for r^7", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A7_d", "Diagonal elongation for r^7", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A8_x", "Distortion center shift X for r^8", "rel","i"}, {"eccen_A8_y", "Distortion center shift Y for r^8", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A8_o", "Orthogonal elongation for r^8", "rel","i"}, {"elong_A8_d", "Diagonal elongation for r^8", "rel","i"} }; private int numberIntExtrisic(String type){ int num=0; for (int i=0;i<this.descriptions.length;i++) if (type.indexOf(descriptions[i][3].charAt(0))>=0) num++; return num; } /** * Verifies that the camera is looking towards the target * @return true if looking to the target, false - if away */ public boolean isTargetVisible(boolean verbose){ if (verbose) System.out.println("isTargetVisible(): this.distance="+this.distance+", this.yaw="+this.yaw+", this.pitch="+this.pitch); if (this.distance <=0.0) return false; if (Math.cos(this.yaw*Math.PI/180)<0.0) return false; if (Math.cos(this.pitch*Math.PI/180)<0.0) return false; return true; } public double [] getExtrinsicVector(){ double [] extVector = { this.distance, this.x0, this.y0, this.yaw, this.pitch, this.roll }; return extVector; } public double [] getIntrinsicVector(){ double [] intVector = { this.focalLength, this.px0, this.py0, this.distortionA8, this.distortionA7, this.distortionA6, this.distortionA5, this.distortionA, this.distortionB, this.distortionC, this.r_od[0][0], this.r_od[0][1], this.r_xy[0][0], this.r_xy[0][1], this.r_od[1][0], this.r_od[1][1], this.r_xy[1][0], this.r_xy[1][1], this.r_od[2][0], this.r_od[2][1], this.r_xy[2][0], this.r_xy[2][1], this.r_od[3][0], this.r_od[3][1], this.r_xy[3][0], this.r_xy[3][1], this.r_od[4][0], this.r_od[4][1], this.r_xy[4][0], this.r_xy[4][1], this.r_od[5][0], this.r_od[5][1], this.r_xy[5][0], this.r_xy[5][1], this.r_od[6][0], this.r_od[6][1] }; return intVector; } public double [] getAllVector(){ double [] extVector=getExtrinsicVector(); double [] intVector=getIntrinsicVector(); double [] allVector = new double[extVector.length+intVector.length]; int index=0; for (int i=0;i<extVector.length;i++) allVector[index++]= extVector[i]; for (int i=0;i<intVector.length;i++) allVector[index++]= intVector[i]; return allVector; } public void setAllVector(double [] vector){ if (vector.length!=(getExtrinsicVector().length+getIntrinsicVector().length)){ String msg="Parameter vector should have exactly"+(getExtrinsicVector().length+getIntrinsicVector().length)+" elements"; IJ.showMessage("Error",msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg); } this.distance= vector[ 0]; this.x0= vector[ 1]; this.y0= vector[ 2]; this.yaw= vector[ 3]; this.pitch= vector[ 4]; this.roll= vector[ 5]; this.focalLength= vector[ 6]; this.px0= vector[ 7]; this.py0= vector[ 8]; this.distortionA8=vector[ 9]; this.distortionA7=vector[10]; this.distortionA6=vector[11]; this.distortionA5=vector[12]; this.distortionA= vector[13]; this.distortionB= vector[14]; this.distortionC= vector[15]; int index=16; for (int i=0;i<this.r_od.length;i++){ if (i>0) { this.r_xy[i-1][0]=vector[index++]; this.r_xy[i-1][1]=vector[index++]; } this.r_od[i][0]=vector[index++]; this.r_od[i][1]=vector[index++]; } /* for (int i=0;i<this.r_xy.length;i++){ this.r_xy[i][0]=vector[index++]; this.r_xy[i][1]=vector[index++]; } for (int i=0;i<this.r_od.length;i++){ this.r_od[i][0]=vector[index++]; this.r_od[i][1]=vector[index++]; } */ recalcCommons(); } public String [] getExtrinsicNames() {return getDescriptionStrings("e", 0);} public String [] getExtrinsicDescriptions(){return getDescriptionStrings("e", 1);} public String [] getExtrinsicUnits() {return getDescriptionStrings("e", 2);} public String [] getIntrinsicNames() {return getDescriptionStrings("i", 0);} public String [] getIntrinsicDescriptions(){return getDescriptionStrings("i", 1);} public String [] getIntrinsicUnits() {return getDescriptionStrings("i", 2);} public String [] getAllNames() {return getDescriptionStrings("ei", 0);} public String [] getAllDescriptions() {return getDescriptionStrings("ei", 1);} public String [] getAllUnits() {return getDescriptionStrings("ei", 2);} public String [] getAllFlags() {return getDescriptionStrings("ei", 3);} private String [] getDescriptionStrings(String type, int var){ String [] s=new String [numberIntExtrisic(type)]; int num=0; for (int i=0;i<this.descriptions.length;i++) if (type.indexOf(descriptions[i][3].charAt(0))>=0) s[num++]=this.descriptions[i][var]; return s; } /* * Calculate pixel value of projection from the pattern point [xp,yp,zp] using current distortion/position parameters (1) Xe = (cPS*cPH+sPS*sTH*sPH)*(Xp-X0) +sPS*cTH*(Yp-Y0) +(-cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH)*(Zp-Z0) (2) Ye = (sPS*cPH-cPS*sTH*sPH)*(Xp-X0) -cPS*cTH*(Yp-Y0) +(-sPS*sPH-cPS*sTH*cPH)*(Zp-Z0) (3) Ze = (cTH*sPH)*(Xp-X0) -sTH*(Yp-Y0) +( cTH*cPH)* (Zp-Z0) + dist (4) PXmmc =f/Ze* Xe // mm, left from the lens axis intersection with the sensor (5) PYmmc =f/Ze* Ye // mm, up from the lens axis intersection with the sensor (6) r=sqrt(PXmmc^2+PYmmc^2) // distance from the image point to the lens axis intersection with the sensor (pinhole model) (7) kD=(Da*(r/r0)^3+Db*(r/r0)^2+Dc*(r/r0)^1+(1-Da-Db-Dc)) correction to the actual distance from the image point to the lens axis due to distortion (8) xDist = kD * PXmmc // horisontal distance (mm) from the lens axis on the sensor to the image point, mm (positive - right) (9) yDist = kD * PYmmc // vertical distance (mm) from the lens axis on the sensor to the image point, mm (positive - up) (10) PX = 1000/Psz*( xDist) + PX0 // horizontal pixel of the image (positive - right) (11) PY = 1000/Psz*(-yDist) + PY0 // vertical pixel of the image (positive - down) */ public double [] patternToPixels( double xp, // target point horizontal, positive - right, mm double yp, // target point vertical, positive - down, mm double zp // target point horizontal, positive - away from camera, mm ){ return calcPartialDerivatives(xp,yp,zp,false)[0]; } /* 0 public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) 1 public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) 2 public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm 3 public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top 4 public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up 5 public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise 6 public double focalLength=4.5; 7 public double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 8 public double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels public double distortionRadius= 2.8512; // mm - half width of the sensor 9 public double distortionA8=0.0; // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 10 public double distortionA7=0.0; // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 11 public double distortionA6=0.0; // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 12 public double distortionA5=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 13 public double distortionA=0.0; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 14 public double distortionB=0.0; // r^3 15 public double distortionC=0.0; // r^2 */ /** * extract needed ones, and reorder partial derivatives to match lensCalcInterParamers (LDP1862) * @param srcDerivatives - values and 15 derivatives for px, py */ public double [][] reorderPartialDerivatives (double [][] srcDerivatives){ int [] order={ 4, // 0 public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) 5, // 1 public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) 8, // 2 public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm 1, // 3 public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top 2, // 4 public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up 3, // 5 public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise 7, // 6 public double focalLength=4.5; 16, // 7 public double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 17, // 8 public double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels // public double distortionRadius= 2.8512; // mm - half width of the sensor 9, // 9 public double distortionA8=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 10, // 10 public double distortionA7=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 11, // 11 public double distortionA6=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 12, // 12 public double distortionA5=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 13, // 13 public double distortionA=0.0; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 14, // 14 public double distortionB=0.0; // r^3 15, // 15 public double distortionC=0.0; // r^2 18, // 16 Orthogonal elongation for r^2" 19, // 17 Diagonal elongation for r^2" 20, // 18 Distortion center shift X for r^3" 21, // 19 Distortion center shift Y for r^3" 22, // 20 Orthogonal elongation for r^3" 23, // 21 Diagonal elongation for r^3" 24, // 22 Distortion center shift X for r^4" 25, // 23 Distortion center shift Y for r^4" 26, // 24 Orthogonal elongation for r^4" 27, // 25 Diagonal elongation for r^4" 28, // 26 Distortion center shift X for r^5" 29, // 27 Distortion center shift Y for r^5" 30, // 28 Orthogonal elongation for r^5" 31, // 29 Diagonal elongation for r^5" 32, // 30 Distortion center shift X for r^6" 33, // 31 Distortion center shift Y for r^6" 34, // 32 Orthogonal elongation for r^6" 35, // 33 Diagonal elongation for r^6" 36, // 34 Distortion center shift X for r^7" 37, // 35 Distortion center shift Y for r^7" 38, // 36 Orthogonal elongation for r^6" 39, // 37 Diagonal elongation for r^6" 40, // 38 Distortion center shift X for r^8" 41, // 29 Distortion center shift Y for r^8" 42, // 40 Orthogonal elongation for r^8" 43 // 41 Diagonal elongation for r^8" }; double [][] result = new double [order.length][2]; for (int i=0; i<order.length;i++){ result[i][0]=srcDerivatives[order[i]][0]; result[i][1]=srcDerivatives[order[i]][1]; } return result; } /* * result = {{srcDerivatives[4][0],srcDerivatives[4][1]}, - X0 * {srcDerivatives[5][0],srcDerivatives[5][1]} - Y0 * {srcDerivatives[8][0],srcDerivatives[8][1]} - dist * ... */ /** * Reorder to match the sequence of names - seems to be different :-( * @param srcDerivatives values and 15 derivatives for px, py * @return */ public double [][] reorderPartialDerivativesAsNames (double [][] srcDerivatives){ int [] order={ 8, // 2 public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm 4, // 0 public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) 5, // 1 public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) 1, // 3 public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top 2, // 4 public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up 3, // 5 public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise 7, // 6 public double focalLength=4.5; 16, // 7 public double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 17, // 8 public double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 9, // 9 public double distortionA8=0.0; // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 10, // 10 public double distortionA7=0.0; // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 11, // 11 public double distortionA6=0.0; // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 12, // 12 public double distortionA5=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 13, // 13 public double distortionA=0.0; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 14, // 14 public double distortionB=0.0; // r^3 15, // 15 public double distortionC=0.0; // r^2 18, // 16 Orthogonal elongation for r^2" 19, // 17 Diagonal elongation for r^2" 20, // 18 Distortion center shift X for r^3" 21, // 19 Distortion center shift Y for r^3" 22, // 20 Orthogonal elongation for r^3" 23, // 21 Diagonal elongation for r^3" 24, // 22 Distortion center shift X for r^4" 25, // 23 Distortion center shift Y for r^4" 26, // 24 Orthogonal elongation for r^4" 27, // 25 Diagonal elongation for r^4" 28, // 26 Distortion center shift X for r^5" 29, // 27 Distortion center shift Y for r^5" 30, // 28 Orthogonal elongation for r^5" 31, // 29 Diagonal elongation for r^5" 32, // 30 Distortion center shift X for r^6" 33, // 31 Distortion center shift Y for r^6" 34, // 32 Orthogonal elongation for r^6" 35, // 33 Diagonal elongation for r^6" 36, // 34 Distortion center shift X for r^7" 37, // 35 Distortion center shift Y for r^7" 38, // 36 Orthogonal elongation for r^6" 39, // 37 Diagonal elongation for r^6" 40, // 38 Distortion center shift X for r^8" 41, // 29 Distortion center shift Y for r^8" 42, // 40 Orthogonal elongation for r^8" 43 // 41 Diagonal elongation for r^8" }; double [][] result = new double [order.length][2]; for (int i=0; i<order.length;i++){ result[i][0]=srcDerivatives[order[i]][0]; result[i][1]=srcDerivatives[order[i]][1]; } return result; } /** * Calculate lens center location in target coordinates * @return lens center coordinates */ public double [] getLensCenterCoordinates(){ double [] p={ this.x0-this.distance*this.rotMatrix[2][0], -this.y0-this.distance*this.rotMatrix[2][1], // this.y0 - up? this.z0-this.distance*this.rotMatrix[2][2]}; /* Matrix MR=new Matrix(this.rotMatrix); Matrix MRT=MR.transpose(); Matrix E=MR.times(MRT); System.out.println("===MR=="); MR.print(8, 5);System.out.println(""); System.out.println("===MRT=="); MRT.print(8, 5);System.out.println(""); System.out.println("===E==="); E.print(8, 5);System.out.println(""); System.out.println("x0="+IJ.d2s(this.x0,1)+" y0="+IJ.d2s(this.y0,1)+" z0="+IJ.d2s(this.z0,1)+" this.distance="+IJ.d2s(this.distance,1)); System.out.println("phi="+IJ.d2s(this.phi,4)+" theta="+IJ.d2s(this.theta,4)+" psi="+IJ.d2s(this.psi,4)); System.out.println("|"+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[0][0],4)+" "+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[0][1],4)+" "+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[0][2],4)+"|"); System.out.println("|"+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[1][0],4)+" "+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[1][1],4)+" "+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[1][2],4)+"|"); System.out.println("|"+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[2][0],4)+" "+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[2][1],4)+" "+IJ.d2s(this.rotMatrix[2][2],4)+"|"); */ return p; } /* * Calculate pixel value and partial derivatives for different parameters * of projection from the pattern point [xp,yp,zp] using current distortion/position parameters * [0][0] - pixel x - NaN if looking away * [1][ 0] - pixel y- NaN if looking away * [*][ 1] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for phi (yaw) * [*][ 2] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for theta (pitch) * [*][ 3] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for psi (roll) * [*][ 4] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for X0 (intersection of the lens axis with zp==Z0 plane of the target) * [*][ 5] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Y0 (intersection of the lens axis with zp==Z0 plane of the target) * [*][ 6] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Z0 (intersection of the lens axis with zp==Z0 plane of the target) - not used * [*][ 7] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for f (focal length) * [*][ 8] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for dist (distance from [X0,Y0,Z0] to the lens entrance pupil * [*][ 9] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Da8 (distortion coefficient for r^8) * [*][10] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Da7 (distortion coefficient for r^7) * [*][11] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Da6 (distortion coefficient for r^6) * [*][12] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Da5 (distortion coefficient for r^5) * [*][13] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Da (distortion coefficient for r^4) * [*][14] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Db (distortion coefficient for r^3) * [*][15] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for Dc (distortion coefficient for r^2) * [*][16] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for PX0 (lens axis on the sensor, horizontal, right,in pixels) * [*][17] - pixel x[or y] partial derivative for PY0 (lens axis on the sensor, vertical, down, in pixels) * [*][18] - Orthogonal elongation for r^2" * [*][19] - Diagonal elongation for r^2" * [*][20] - Distortion center shift X for r^3" * [*][21] - Distortion center shift Y for r^3" * [*][22] - Orthogonal elongation for r^3" * [*][23] - Diagonal elongation for r^3" * [*][24] - Distortion center shift X for r^4" * [*][25] - Distortion center shift Y for r^4" * [*][26] - Orthogonal elongation for r^4" * [*][27] - Diagonal elongation for r^4" * [*][28] - Distortion center shift X for r^5" * [*][29] - Distortion center shift Y for r^5" * [*][30] - Orthogonal elongation for r^5" * [*][31] - Diagonal elongation for r^5" * [*][32] - Distortion center shift X for r^6" * [*][33] - Distortion center shift Y for r^6" * [*][34] - Orthogonal elongation for r^6" * [*][35] - Diagonal elongation for r^6" * [*][36] - Distortion center shift X for r^7" * [*][37] - Distortion center shift Y for r^7" * [*][38] - Orthogonal elongation for r^7" * [*][39] - Diagonal elongation for r^7" * [*][40] - Distortion center shift X for r^8" * [*][41] - Distortion center shift Y for r^8" * [*][42] - Orthogonal elongation for r^8" * [*][43] - Diagonal elongation for r^8" */ /* * TODO: minimaize calculations for individual {xp,yp,zp} */ public double ipow(double a, int b){ switch (b) { case 1: return a; case 2: return a*a; case 3: return a*a*a; case 0: return 1.0; default: if (b<0) { return 1.0/ipow(a,-b); } else { int b1=b>>1; return ipow(a,b1)*ipow(a,b-b1); } } } public double [][] calcPartialDerivatives( double xp, // target point horizontal, positive - right, mm double yp, // target point vertical, positive - down, mm double zp, // target point horizontal, positive - away from camera, mm boolean calculateAll){ // calculate derivatives, false - values only double maxRelativeRadius=2.0; return calcPartialDerivatives(xp,yp,zp,maxRelativeRadius,calculateAll); } public double [][] calcPartialDerivatives( double xp, // target point horizontal, positive - right, mm double yp, // target point vertical, positive - down, mm double zp, // target point horizontal, positive - away from camera, mm double maxRelativeRadius, // make configurable? boolean calculateAll){ // calculate derivatives, false - values only // maxRelativeRadius *= 1.3; // REMOVE me! switch (this.lensDistortionModelType){ case 0: case 1: return calcPartialDerivatives_type1(xp,yp,zp,maxRelativeRadius,calculateAll); case 2: return calcPartialDerivatives_type2(xp,yp,zp,maxRelativeRadius,calculateAll); default: return calcPartialDerivatives_type1(xp,yp,zp,maxRelativeRadius,calculateAll); } } public double [][] calcPartialDerivatives_type1( double xp, // target point horizontal, positive - right, mm double yp, // target point vertical, positive - down, mm double zp, // target point horizontal, positive - away from camera, mm double maxRelativeRadius, boolean calculateAll){ // calculate derivatives, false - values only // this.cummulativeCorrection=false; // just debugging // TODO - add reduced calculations for less terms? // final int numDerivatives=44; // 18+6*2+7*2; // 18 for radial and 26 more for non-radial final int numRadialDerivatives=18; final int numNonRadialDerivatives=26; final int distortionCIndex=15; // a8->9, a7->10, a6->11, a5->12, a->13, b->14, c->15 double partDeriv[][] = new double [calculateAll?(numRadialDerivatives+numNonRadialDerivatives):1][2]; // double [] XYZ= {xp-this.x0, yp-this.y0, zp-this.z0}; double [] XYZ= {xp-this.x0, yp+this.y0, zp-this.z0}; // Y - "down" (as in images), not up double [] XeYeZe={ this.rotMatrix[0][0]*XYZ[0] + this.rotMatrix[0][1]*XYZ[1] + this.rotMatrix[0][2]*XYZ[2], this.rotMatrix[1][0]*XYZ[0] + this.rotMatrix[1][1]*XYZ[1] + this.rotMatrix[1][2]*XYZ[2], this.rotMatrix[2][0]*XYZ[0] + this.rotMatrix[2][1]*XYZ[1] + this.rotMatrix[2][2]*XYZ[2]+this.distance }; // PXYmmc - pinhole (non-distorted) projection coordinates. metric (in mm) double [] PXYmmc={this.focalLength/XeYeZe[2]*XeYeZe[0],this.focalLength/XeYeZe[2]*XeYeZe[1]}; // now each term has individual radius // double [] rr=new double [r_xyod.length]; // Geometric - get to pinhole coordinates on the sensor double [][] dXeYeZe=null; //[14]; double [][] dPXYmmc=null; /* Modifying to accommodate for eccentricity of different terms (2 parameters per term) and elliptical shape (another 2 terms). When all are zeroes, the old parameters are in effect: Rdist/R=A8*R^7+A7*R^6+A6*R^5+A5*R^4+A*R^3+B*R^2+C*R+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)"); Rdist/R=A8*R6^7+A7*R5^6+A6*R4^5+A5*R3^4+A*R2^3+B*R1^2+C*R0+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)"); R[i] depends on px,py and r_xy[i][], r_o[i] (positive - "landscape", negative - "portrait"), r_d (positive - along y=x, negative - along y=-x) R[i] = r0[i]*(1+ (r_od[i][0]*(y[i]**2-x[i]**2)+ 2*r_od[i][1]*x[i]*y[i])/r0[i]**2; r0[i]=sqrt(x[i]**2+y[2]**2) x[i]=pixel_x-px0-((i>0)?r_xy[i-1][0]:0) y[i]=pixel_y-py0-((i>0)?r_xy[i-1][1]:0) */ double [] a={this.distortionC,this.distortionB,this.distortionA,this.distortionA5,this.distortionA6,this.distortionA7,this.distortionA8}; double deltaX=0.0,deltaY=0.0; // difference between distorted and non-distorted as a fraction of this.distortionRadius double xmmc=PXYmmc[0]/this.distortionRadius; double ymmc=PXYmmc[1]/this.distortionRadius; double dDeltaX_dxmmc=0.0, dDeltaX_dymmc=0.0, dDeltaY_dxmmc=0.0, dDeltaY_dymmc=0; if (calculateAll){ for (double [] r:partDeriv) Arrays.fill(r, 0.0); // will fill the [0] (value) too, should be done before calculation of these 2 values // Geometric - get to pinhole coordinates on the sensor dXeYeZe=new double[9][3]; //[14]; // Geometric - get to pinhole coordinates on the sensor dXeYeZe[0][0]=XeYeZe[0]; dXeYeZe[0][1]=XeYeZe[1]; dXeYeZe[0][2]=XeYeZe[2]; // /dphi dXeYeZe[1][0]=(-cPS*sPH + sPS*sTH*cPH)*XYZ[0] +(-cPS*cPH-sPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[1][1]=(-sPS*sPH-cPS*sTH*cPH) *XYZ[0] +(-sPS*cPH+cPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[1][2]=(cTH*cPH)*XYZ[0] -cTH*sPH* XYZ[2]; // /dtheta dXeYeZe[2][0]=(sPS*cTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] -sPS*sTH*XYZ[1] +(sPS*cTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[2][1]=(-cPS*cTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] +cPS*sTH*XYZ[1] +(-cPS*cTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[2][2]=(-sTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] -cTH*XYZ[1] -sTH*cPH* XYZ[2]; // /dpsi dXeYeZe[3][0]=(-sPS*cPH+cPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] +cPS*cTH*XYZ[1] +(sPS*sPH+cPS*sTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[3][1]=(cPS*cPH+ sPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] +sPS*cTH*XYZ[1] +(-cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[3][2]=0.0; // /dX0 // dXeYeZe[4][0]=-cPS*cPH+sPS*sTH*sPH; // bad? dXeYeZe[4][0]=-cPS*cPH-sPS*sTH*sPH; // bad? dXeYeZe[4][1]=-sPS*cPH+cPS*sTH*sPH; dXeYeZe[4][2]=-cTH*sPH; // /dY0 // dXeYeZe[5][0]=-sPS*cTH; // dXeYeZe[5][1]= cPS*cTH; // dXeYeZe[5][2]= sTH; dXeYeZe[5][0]=+sPS*cTH; dXeYeZe[5][1]=-cPS*cTH; dXeYeZe[5][2]=-sTH; // /dZ0 // dXeYeZe[6][0]= cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH; //bad? dXeYeZe[6][0]= cPS*sPH-sPS*sTH*cPH; //bad? dXeYeZe[6][1]= sPS*sPH+cPS*sTH*cPH; dXeYeZe[6][2]=-cTH*cPH; // /df dXeYeZe[7][0]=0.0; dXeYeZe[7][1]=0.0; dXeYeZe[7][2]=0.0; // /ddist dXeYeZe[8][0]=0.0; dXeYeZe[8][1]=0.0; dXeYeZe[8][2]=1.0; dPXYmmc=new double[9][2]; //[14]; // TODO: move up // double [][] dPXYmmc=new double[9][2]; //[14]; dPXYmmc[0][0]=PXYmmc[0]; // is it needed? probably not used dPXYmmc[0][1]=PXYmmc[1]; //(4) PXmmc =f/Ze* Xe // mm, left from the lens axis intersection with the sensor //dPXmmc/dphi = f/Ze * dXe/dphi - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dphi dPXYmmc[1][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[1][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[1][2]); //dPXmmc/dtheta = f/Ze * dXe/dtheta - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dtheta dPXYmmc[2][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[2][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[2][2]); //dPXmmc/dpsi = f/Ze * dXe/dpsi - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dpsi dPXYmmc[3][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[3][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[3][2]); //dPXmmc/dX0 = f/Ze * dXe/dX0 - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dX0 dPXYmmc[4][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[4][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[4][2]); //dPXmmc/dY0 = f/Ze * dXe/dY0 - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dY0 dPXYmmc[5][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[5][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[5][2]); //dPXmmc/dZ0 = f/Ze * dXe/dZ0 - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dZ0 dPXYmmc[6][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[6][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[6][2]); //bad? //dPXmmc/df = Xe/Ze dPXYmmc[7][0]=dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]; //dPXmmc/ddist = - f*Xe/Ze^2 dPXYmmc[8][0]=-this.focalLength*dXeYeZe[0][0]/(dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[0][2]); //(5) PYmmc =f/Ze* Ye // mm, up from the lens axis intersection with the sensor //dPYmmc/dphi = f/Ze * dYe/dphi - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dphi dPXYmmc[1][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[1][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[1][2]); //dPYmmc/dtheta = f/Ze * dYe/dtheta - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dtheta dPXYmmc[2][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[2][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[2][2]); //dPYmmc/dpsi = f/Ze * dYe/dpsi - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dpsi dPXYmmc[3][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[3][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[3][2]); //dPYmmc/dX0 = f/Ze * dYe/dX0 - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dX0 dPXYmmc[4][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[4][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[4][2]); //dPYmmc/dY0 = f/Ze * dYe/dY0 - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dY0 dPXYmmc[5][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[5][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[5][2]); //dPYmmc/dZ0 = f/Ze * dYe/dZ0 - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dZ0 dPXYmmc[6][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[6][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[6][2]); // good? //dPYmmc/df = Ye/Ze dPXYmmc[7][1]=dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]; //dPYmmc/ddist = - f*Ye/Ze^2 dPXYmmc[8][1]=-this.focalLength*dXeYeZe[0][1]/(dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[0][2]); } // conversion coefficient from relative (to distortionRadius) to pixels // negate for y! double rel_to_pix=this.distortionRadius*1000.0/this.pixelSize; //TODO: seems that rr[i] can be just a single running variable, not an array for (int i=0;i<r_xyod.length;i++){ double x=xmmc-r_xyod[i][0]; // relative X-shift of this term center double y=ymmc-r_xyod[i][1]; // relative X-shift of this term center double x2=x*x; // relative squared X-shift from this term center double y2=y*y; // relative squared Y-shift from this term center double r2=x2+y2; // relative squared distance from this term center // effective distance from this term center corrected for elongation double rr=Math.sqrt(r2+ r_xyod[i][2]*(y2-x2)+ 2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*x*y ); if (rr<0.00000001*this.distortionRadius) rr=0.00000001*this.distortionRadius; // avoid 1/0.0 -// Added 3 zeros (old comment) double rr_pow_i=ipow(rr,i); // double ki=a[i]*(Math.pow(rr,i+1)-1.0); // double ki=a[i]*(ipow(rr,i+1)-1.0); double ki=a[i]*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // scaling of distorted distance from this term's center (does not include pinhole center shift itself) deltaX+=x*ki; // relative distorted distance from the center deltaY+=y*ki; // if ((debugLevel>2) && ((r_xyod[i][0]!=0.0) || (r_xyod[i][0]!=0.0))){ // System.out.println ("i="+i+" r_xyod[i][0]="+r_xyod[i][0]+" r_xyod[i][1]="+r_xyod[i][1]+" a[0]="+a[0]+" a[1]="+a[1]+" a[2]="+a[2]+" a[3]="+a[3]); // } if (calculateAll) { double csi=rel_to_pix*a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i; // double dx2_dxmmc=2*x, dy2_dymmc=2*y, dr2_dxmmc=2*x, dr2_dymmc=2*y; // double drr_dxmmc=0.5/rr*(dr2_dxmmc+ r_xyod[i][2]*(-dx2_dxmmc)+2*r_xyod[i][3]*y)=0.5/rr*(2*x - 2*x*r_xyod[i][2]+2*r_xyod[i][3]*y)= // = (x*(1.0-r_xyod[i][2])+y*r_xyod[i][3])/rr // double drr_dymmc= (y*(1.0+r_xyod[i][2])+x*r_xyod[i][3])/rr // double ki=a[i]*(rr^(i+1)-1.0); // double dki_dxmmc=a[i]*(i+1)*rr^i*(x*(1.0-r_xyod[i][2])+y*r_xyod[i][3])/rr // double dki_dymmc=a[i]*(i+1)*rr^i*(y*(1.0+r_xyod[i][2])+x*r_xyod[i][3])/rr // double dki_dxmmc=a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i*(x*(1.0-r_xyod[i][2])+y*r_xyod[i][3])/rr // double dki_dymmc=a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i*(y*(1.0+r_xyod[i][2])+x*r_xyod[i][3])/rr double ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i= a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i; double dki_dxmmc= ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i*(x*(1.0-r_xyod[i][2])+y*r_xyod[i][3])/rr; double dki_dymmc= ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i*(y*(1.0+r_xyod[i][2])+x*r_xyod[i][3])/rr; // the following 4 shifts are "extra", on top of non-distorted (pinhole) - pinhole should be added to the per-term sum double dDeltaXi_dxmmc = ki+x*dki_dxmmc; // here dDelta*_d*mmc are relative (both I/O are fractions of distortionRadius) double dDeltaXi_dymmc = x*dki_dymmc; double dDeltaYi_dxmmc = y*dki_dxmmc; double dDeltaYi_dymmc = ki+y*dki_dymmc; dDeltaX_dxmmc += dDeltaXi_dxmmc; // here dDelta*_d*mmc are relative (both I/O are fractions of distortionRadius) dDeltaX_dymmc += dDeltaXi_dymmc; dDeltaY_dxmmc += dDeltaYi_dxmmc; dDeltaY_dymmc += dDeltaYi_dymmc; // dependence on eccentricity // dDeltaX_d_r_xyod0 = dDeltaXi_dxmmc * dxmmc_d_r_xyod0 = -dDeltaXi_dxmmc // dDeltaY_d_r_xyod0 = dDeltaYi_dxmmc * dxmmc_d_r_xyod0 = -dDeltaYi_dxmmc // dDeltaX_d_r_xyod1 = dDeltaXi_dymmc * dymmc_d_r_xyod1 = -dDeltaXi_dymmc // dDeltaY_d_r_xyod1 = dDeltaYi_dymmc * dymmc_d_r_xyod1 = -dDeltaYi_dymmc int index=numRadialDerivatives-2+4*i; if (i>0){ // eccentricity is not applicabe to the first (C) term partDeriv[index ][0]= -rel_to_pix*(dDeltaXi_dxmmc-0.0); // dPx_dr_xyod0 partDeriv[index ][1]= rel_to_pix* dDeltaYi_dxmmc; // dPy_dr_xyod0 partDeriv[index+1][0]= -rel_to_pix* dDeltaXi_dymmc; // dPx_dr_xyod1 partDeriv[index+1][1]= rel_to_pix*(dDeltaYi_dymmc-0.0); // dPy_dr_xyod1 } // d/dai // ki=a[i]*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // double dki_dai=(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // double dpx_dai= rel_to_pix*x*(dki_dai)=rel_to_pix*x*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0) // double dpy_dai=-rel_to_pix*y*(dki_dai)=rel_to_pix*y*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0) // final int distortionCIndex=15; // a8->9, a7->10, a6->11, a5->12, a->13, b->14, c->15 index= distortionCIndex-i; // reverse order, // a8->9, a7->10, a6->11, a5->12, a->13, b->14, c->15 partDeriv[index][0]= rel_to_pix*x*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // OK partDeriv[index][1]=-rel_to_pix*y*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // OK // d/dr_xyod[0] (x shift of the center // rr=Math.sqrt(r2+ r_xyod[i][2]*(y2-x2)+ 2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*x*y ); // ki=a[i]*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // dx_dr_xyod0=-1.0 // dy_dr_xyod1=-1.0 // dx2_dr_xyod0=-2*x // dy2_dr_xyod1=-2*y // dr2_dr_xyod0=-2*x // dr2_dr_xyod1=-2*y // dxy_dr_xyod0=-y // dxy_dr_xyod1=-x // dri_dr_xyod[0]=0.5*(dr2_dr_xyod0 -r_xyod[i][2]*dx2_dr_xyod0 + 2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*dxy_dr_xyod0)/rr= // 0.5*(-2*x -r_xyod[i][2]*(-2*x) + 2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*(-y))/rr= // (-x +r_xyod[i][2]*x -r_xyod[i][3]*y)/rr= // (x*(r_xyod[i][2]-1.0) -r_xyod[i][3]*y)/rr // double dri_dr_xyod0 = (x*(r_xyod[i][2]-1.0) -r_xyod[i][3]*y)/rr; // dri_dr_xyod[1]=0.5*(dr2_dr_xyod1 -r_xyod[i][2]*dx2_dr_xyod1 + 2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*dxy_dr_xyod1)/rr= // 0.5*(-2*y +r_xyod[i][2]*(-2*y) + 2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*(-x))/rr= // (-y -r_xyod[i][2]*y -r_xyod[i][3]*x)/rr= // (-y*(r_xyod[i][2]+1.0) -r_xyod[i][3]*x)/rr // double dri_dr_xyod1 = (-y*(r_xyod[i][2]+1.0) -r_xyod[i][3]*x)/rr; // dri_dr_xyod[2]=0.5*(y2-x2)/rr double dri_dr_xyod2 = 0.5*(y2-x2)/rr; // dri_dr_xyod[3]=(y*x)/rr double dri_dr_xyod3 = (y*x)/rr; //-------------------- // double ki=a[i]*(rr^(i+1)-1.0); // double ki=a[i]*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // deltaX+=x*ki; // deltaY+=y*ki; // dki_dri=a[i]*(i+1)*rr^i = a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i // dDeltaX_dri=x*a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i // dDeltaY_dri=y*a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i // dPx_dri= rel_to_pix*x*a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i = csi*x // dPy_dri=-rel_to_pix*y*a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i = -csi*y // dPx_dr_xyod0= dPx_dri*dri_dr_xyod0= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod0; // dPx_dr_xyod1= dPx_dri*dri_dr_xyod1= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod1; // dPx_dr_xyod2= dPx_dri*dri_dr_xyod2= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod2; // dPx_dr_xyod3= dPx_dri*dri_dr_xyod3= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod3; // dPy_dr_xyod0= dPy_dri*dri_dr_xyod0=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod0; // dPy_dr_xyod1= dPy_dri*dri_dr_xyod1=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod1; // dPy_dr_xyod2= dPy_dri*dri_dr_xyod2=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod2; // dPy_dr_xyod3= dPy_dri*dri_dr_xyod3=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod3; index=numRadialDerivatives-2+4*i; /* if (i>0){ // eccentricity is not applicabe to the first (C) term partDeriv[index ][0]= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod0; // dPx_dr_xyod0 partDeriv[index ][1]=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod0; // dPy_dr_xyod0 partDeriv[index+1][0]= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod1; // dPx_dr_xyod1 partDeriv[index+1][1]=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod1; // dPy_dr_xyod1 } */ partDeriv[index+2][0]= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod2; // dPx_dr_xyod2 partDeriv[index+2][1]=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod2; // dPy_dr_xyod2 partDeriv[index+3][0]= csi*x*dri_dr_xyod3; // dPx_dr_xyod3 partDeriv[index+3][1]=-csi*y*dri_dr_xyod3; // dPy_dr_xyod3 } } double [] xyDist={PXYmmc[0]+this.distortionRadius*deltaX,PXYmmc[1]+this.distortionRadius*deltaY}; // convert to sensor pixels coordinates partDeriv[0][0]= 1000.0/this.pixelSize*xyDist[0] + this.px0; partDeriv[0][1]= -1000.0/this.pixelSize*xyDist[1] + this.py0; if (!calculateAll) { // TODO: how to deal with it when calculating Jacobian??? // TODO: Looking away from the target, trying only with no dervatives. Do the same for derivatives too? if ((XeYeZe[2]<0.0) || ((xmmc*xmmc+ymmc*ymmc)>maxRelativeRadius*maxRelativeRadius)){ // non-distorted too far from the axis partDeriv[0][0]=Double.NaN; partDeriv[0][1]=Double.NaN; } return partDeriv; } // correct parameter derivatives to cumulative version if (this.cummulativeCorrection){ for (int i=r_xyod.length-2;i>=0;i--){ int index=numRadialDerivatives-2+4*i; if (i>0){ // eccentricity is not applicabe to the first (C) term partDeriv[index ][0]+=partDeriv[index+4][0]; // oob=36 partDeriv[index ][1]+=partDeriv[index+4][1]; partDeriv[index+1][0]+=partDeriv[index+5][0]; partDeriv[index+1][1]+=partDeriv[index+5][1]; } partDeriv[index+2][0]+=partDeriv[index+6][0]; partDeriv[index+2][1]+=partDeriv[index+6][1]; partDeriv[index+3][0]+=partDeriv[index+7][0]; partDeriv[index+3][1]+=partDeriv[index+7][1]; } } // convert dDelta*_d*mmc from relative/relative to pix/mm (invert pixel Y direction) // added 1.0 to account for non-distorted (pinhole) shift double dPx_dPinholeX= (1.0+dDeltaX_dxmmc)*1000.0/this.pixelSize; double dPx_dPinholeY= dDeltaX_dymmc*1000.0/this.pixelSize; double dPy_dPinholeX= -dDeltaY_dxmmc*1000.0/this.pixelSize; double dPy_dPinholeY=-(1.0+dDeltaY_dymmc)*1000.0/this.pixelSize; if (this.debugLevel>2){ System.out.println(" deltaX="+deltaX+" deltaY="+deltaY+" xyDist[0]="+xyDist[0]+" xyDist[1]="+xyDist[1]); System.out.println(" PXYmmc[0]="+PXYmmc[0]+" PXYmmc[1]="+PXYmmc[1]+" xmmc="+xmmc+" ymmc"+ymmc); System.out.println(" dDeltaX_dxmmc="+dDeltaX_dxmmc+" dDeltaX_dymmc="+dDeltaX_dymmc+" dDeltaY_dxmmc="+dDeltaY_dxmmc+" dDeltaY_dymmc"+dDeltaY_dymmc); System.out.println(" dPx_dPinholeX="+dPx_dPinholeX+" dPx_dPinholeY="+dPx_dPinholeY+" dPy_dPinholeX="+dPy_dPinholeX+" dPy_dPinholeY"+dPy_dPinholeY); } double K=Math.PI/180; // multiply all derivatives my angles // dPX/dphi = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dphi partDeriv[ 1][0]= K*(dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[1][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[1][1]); partDeriv[ 1][1]= K*(dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[1][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[1][1]); // dPX/dtheta = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dtheta partDeriv[ 2][0]= K*(dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[2][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[2][1]); partDeriv[ 2][1]= K*(dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[2][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[2][1]); // dPX/dpsi = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dpsi partDeriv[ 3][0]= K*(dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[3][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[3][1]); partDeriv[ 3][1]= K*(dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[3][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[3][1]); // dPX/dX0 = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dX0 partDeriv[ 4][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[4][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[4][1]; partDeriv[ 4][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[4][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[4][1]; // dPX/dY0 = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dY0 partDeriv[ 5][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[5][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[5][1]; partDeriv[ 5][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[5][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[5][1]; // dPX/dZ0 = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dZ0 partDeriv[ 6][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[6][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[6][1]; partDeriv[ 6][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[6][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[6][1]; // dPX/df = 1000/Psz* dxDist/df partDeriv[ 7][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[7][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[7][1]; partDeriv[ 7][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[7][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[7][1]; // dPX/ddist = 1000/Psz* dxDist/ddist partDeriv[ 8][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[8][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[8][1]; partDeriv[ 8][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[8][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[8][1]; // dPX/dPX0 = 1 // dPY/dPX0 = 0 partDeriv[16][0]= 1.0; partDeriv[16][1]= 0.0; // dPX/dPY0 = 0 // dPY/dPY0 = 1 partDeriv[17][0]= 0.0; partDeriv[17][1]= 1.0; return partDeriv; } public double [][] calcPartialDerivatives_type2( double xp, // target point horizontal, positive - right, mm double yp, // target point vertical, positive - down, mm double zp, // target point horizontal, positive - away from camera, mm double maxRelativeRadius, boolean calculateAll){ // calculate derivatives, false - values only // this.cummulativeCorrection=false; // just debugging // TODO - add reduced calculations for less terms? // final int numDerivatives=44; // 18+6*2+7*2; // 18 for radial and 26 more for non-radial final int numRadialDerivatives=18; final int numNonRadialDerivatives=26; final int distortionCIndex=15; // a8->9, a7->10, a6->11, a5->12, a->13, b->14, c->15 double partDeriv[][] = new double [calculateAll?(numRadialDerivatives+numNonRadialDerivatives):1][2]; // double [] XYZ= {xp-this.x0, yp-this.y0, zp-this.z0}; double [] XYZ= {xp-this.x0, yp+this.y0, zp-this.z0}; // Y - "down" (as in images), not up double [] XeYeZe={ this.rotMatrix[0][0]*XYZ[0] + this.rotMatrix[0][1]*XYZ[1] + this.rotMatrix[0][2]*XYZ[2], this.rotMatrix[1][0]*XYZ[0] + this.rotMatrix[1][1]*XYZ[1] + this.rotMatrix[1][2]*XYZ[2], this.rotMatrix[2][0]*XYZ[0] + this.rotMatrix[2][1]*XYZ[1] + this.rotMatrix[2][2]*XYZ[2]+this.distance }; // PXYmmc - pinhole (non-distorted) projection coordinates. metric (in mm) double [] PXYmmc={this.focalLength/XeYeZe[2]*XeYeZe[0],this.focalLength/XeYeZe[2]*XeYeZe[1]}; // now each term has individual radius // double [] rr=new double [r_xyod.length]; // Geometric - get to pinhole coordinates on the sensor double [][] dXeYeZe=null; //[14]; double [][] dPXYmmc=null; /* Modifying to accommodate for eccentricity of different terms (2 parameters per term) and elliptical shape (another 2 terms). When all are zeroes, the old parameters are in effect: Rdist/R=A8*R^7+A7*R^6+A6*R^5+A5*R^4+A*R^3+B*R^2+C*R+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)"); Rdist/R=A8*R6^7+A7*R5^6+A6*R4^5+A5*R3^4+A*R2^3+B*R1^2+C*R0+(1-A6-A7-A6-A5-A-B-C)"); R[i] depends on px,py and r_xy[i][], r_o[i] (positive - "landscape", negative - "portrait"), r_d (positive - along y=x, negative - along y=-x) R[i] = r0[i]*(1+ (r_od[i][0]*(y[i]**2-x[i]**2)+ 2*r_od[i][1]*x[i]*y[i])/r0[i]**2; r0[i]=sqrt(x[i]**2+y[2]**2) x[i]=pixel_x-px0-((i>0)?r_xy[i-1][0]:0) y[i]=pixel_y-py0-((i>0)?r_xy[i-1][1]:0) */ double [] a={this.distortionC,this.distortionB,this.distortionA,this.distortionA5,this.distortionA6,this.distortionA7,this.distortionA8}; double deltaX=0.0,deltaY=0.0; // difference between distorted and non-distorted as a fraction of this.distortionRadius double x=PXYmmc[0]/this.distortionRadius; // was xmmc double y=PXYmmc[1]/this.distortionRadius; // was ymmc double dDeltaX_dx=0.0, dDeltaX_dy=0.0, dDeltaY_dx=0.0, dDeltaY_dy=0; if (calculateAll){ for (double [] r:partDeriv) Arrays.fill(r, 0.0); // will fill the [0] (value) too, should be done before calculation of these 2 values // Geometric - get to pinhole coordinates on the sensor dXeYeZe=new double[9][3]; //[14]; // Geometric - get to pinhole coordinates on the sensor dXeYeZe[0][0]=XeYeZe[0]; dXeYeZe[0][1]=XeYeZe[1]; dXeYeZe[0][2]=XeYeZe[2]; // /dphi dXeYeZe[1][0]=(-cPS*sPH + sPS*sTH*cPH)*XYZ[0] +(-cPS*cPH-sPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[1][1]=(-sPS*sPH-cPS*sTH*cPH) *XYZ[0] +(-sPS*cPH+cPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[1][2]=(cTH*cPH)*XYZ[0] -cTH*sPH* XYZ[2]; // /dtheta dXeYeZe[2][0]=(sPS*cTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] -sPS*sTH*XYZ[1] +(sPS*cTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[2][1]=(-cPS*cTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] +cPS*sTH*XYZ[1] +(-cPS*cTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[2][2]=(-sTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] -cTH*XYZ[1] -sTH*cPH* XYZ[2]; // /dpsi dXeYeZe[3][0]=(-sPS*cPH+cPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] +cPS*cTH*XYZ[1] +(sPS*sPH+cPS*sTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[3][1]=(cPS*cPH+ sPS*sTH*sPH)*XYZ[0] +sPS*cTH*XYZ[1] +(-cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH)*XYZ[2]; dXeYeZe[3][2]=0.0; // /dX0 // dXeYeZe[4][0]=-cPS*cPH+sPS*sTH*sPH; // bad? dXeYeZe[4][0]=-cPS*cPH-sPS*sTH*sPH; // bad? dXeYeZe[4][1]=-sPS*cPH+cPS*sTH*sPH; dXeYeZe[4][2]=-cTH*sPH; // /dY0 // dXeYeZe[5][0]=-sPS*cTH; // dXeYeZe[5][1]= cPS*cTH; // dXeYeZe[5][2]= sTH; dXeYeZe[5][0]=+sPS*cTH; dXeYeZe[5][1]=-cPS*cTH; dXeYeZe[5][2]=-sTH; // /dZ0 // dXeYeZe[6][0]= cPS*sPH+sPS*sTH*cPH; //bad? dXeYeZe[6][0]= cPS*sPH-sPS*sTH*cPH; //bad? dXeYeZe[6][1]= sPS*sPH+cPS*sTH*cPH; dXeYeZe[6][2]=-cTH*cPH; // /df dXeYeZe[7][0]=0.0; dXeYeZe[7][1]=0.0; dXeYeZe[7][2]=0.0; // /ddist dXeYeZe[8][0]=0.0; dXeYeZe[8][1]=0.0; dXeYeZe[8][2]=1.0; dPXYmmc=new double[9][2]; //[14]; // TODO: move up // double [][] dPXYmmc=new double[9][2]; //[14]; dPXYmmc[0][0]=PXYmmc[0]; // is it needed? probably not used dPXYmmc[0][1]=PXYmmc[1]; //(4) PXmmc =f/Ze* Xe // mm, left from the lens axis intersection with the sensor //dPXmmc/dphi = f/Ze * dXe/dphi - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dphi dPXYmmc[1][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[1][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[1][2]); //dPXmmc/dtheta = f/Ze * dXe/dtheta - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dtheta dPXYmmc[2][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[2][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[2][2]); //dPXmmc/dpsi = f/Ze * dXe/dpsi - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dpsi dPXYmmc[3][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[3][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[3][2]); //dPXmmc/dX0 = f/Ze * dXe/dX0 - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dX0 dPXYmmc[4][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[4][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[4][2]); //dPXmmc/dY0 = f/Ze * dXe/dY0 - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dY0 dPXYmmc[5][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[5][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[5][2]); //dPXmmc/dZ0 = f/Ze * dXe/dZ0 - f*Xe/Ze^2 * dZe/dZ0 dPXYmmc[6][0]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[6][0]-dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[6][2]); //bad? //dPXmmc/df = Xe/Ze dPXYmmc[7][0]=dXeYeZe[0][0]/dXeYeZe[0][2]; //dPXmmc/ddist = - f*Xe/Ze^2 dPXYmmc[8][0]=-this.focalLength*dXeYeZe[0][0]/(dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[0][2]); //(5) PYmmc =f/Ze* Ye // mm, up from the lens axis intersection with the sensor //dPYmmc/dphi = f/Ze * dYe/dphi - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dphi dPXYmmc[1][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[1][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[1][2]); //dPYmmc/dtheta = f/Ze * dYe/dtheta - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dtheta dPXYmmc[2][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[2][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[2][2]); //dPYmmc/dpsi = f/Ze * dYe/dpsi - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dpsi dPXYmmc[3][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[3][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[3][2]); //dPYmmc/dX0 = f/Ze * dYe/dX0 - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dX0 dPXYmmc[4][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[4][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[4][2]); //dPYmmc/dY0 = f/Ze * dYe/dY0 - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dY0 dPXYmmc[5][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[5][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[5][2]); //dPYmmc/dZ0 = f/Ze * dYe/dZ0 - f*Ye/Ze^2 * dZe/dZ0 dPXYmmc[6][1]=this.focalLength/dXeYeZe[0][2]*(dXeYeZe[6][1]-dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[6][2]); // good? //dPYmmc/df = Ye/Ze dPXYmmc[7][1]=dXeYeZe[0][1]/dXeYeZe[0][2]; //dPYmmc/ddist = - f*Ye/Ze^2 dPXYmmc[8][1]=-this.focalLength*dXeYeZe[0][1]/(dXeYeZe[0][2]*dXeYeZe[0][2]); } // conversion coefficient from relative (to distortionRadius) to pixels // negate for y! double rel_to_pix=this.distortionRadius*1000.0/this.pixelSize; double x2=x*x; // relative squared X-shift from this term center double y2=y*y; // relative squared Y-shift from this term center double r2=x2+y2; // relative squared distance from this term center double xy=x*y; double rr=Math.sqrt(r2); //TODO: seems that rr[i] can be just a single running variable, not an array for (int i=0;i<r_xyod.length;i++){ // effective distance from this term center corrected for elongation // double rr=Math.sqrt(r2+ r_xyod[i][2]*(y2-x2)+ 2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*x*y ); if (rr<0.00000001*this.distortionRadius) rr=0.00000001*this.distortionRadius; // avoid 1/0.0 -// Added 3 zeros (old comment) double rr_pow_i_minus_1,rr_pow_i,rr_pow_i_plus_1; if (i==0){ rr_pow_i_minus_1=1.0/rr; rr_pow_i=1.0; }else{ rr_pow_i_minus_1=ipow(rr,i-1); rr_pow_i=rr_pow_i_minus_1*rr; } rr_pow_i_plus_1=rr_pow_i*rr; double ki1= r_xyod[i][0]*x+r_xyod[i][1]*y; double ki2= r_xyod[i][2]*(y2-x2)+2.0*r_xyod[i][3]*xy; double ki=a[i]*(rr_pow_i_plus_1-1.0)+ki1*rr_pow_i+ki2*rr_pow_i_minus_1; // scaling of distorted distance from this term's center (does not include pinhole center shift itself) // double ki=a[i]*(rr_pow_i*rr-1.0); // scaling of distorted distance from this term's center (does not include pinhole center shift itself) deltaX+=x*ki; // relative distorted distance from the center deltaY+=y*ki; // if ((debugLevel>2) && ((r_xyod[i][0]!=0.0) || (r_xyod[i][0]!=0.0))){ // System.out.println ("i="+i+" r_xyod[i][0]="+r_xyod[i][0]+" r_xyod[i][1]="+r_xyod[i][1]+" a[0]="+a[0]+" a[1]="+a[1]+" a[2]="+a[2]+" a[3]="+a[3]); // } if (calculateAll) { // double csi=rel_to_pix*a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i; // drr_dx=x/rr, drr_dy=y/r // ki=a[i]*(rr^(i+1-1.0) +ki1*rr^i+ki2*rr^(i-1) // dki_dx=a[i]*(i+1)*(rr^i)*x/rr+ (dki1_dx*rr^i+ ki1*i* rr^(i-1)*x/r) + (dki2_dx+ ki2*(i-1)*rr^(i-2)*x/r)= // (WAS) // dki_dx=a[i]*(i+1)*(rr^i)+ (dki1_dx*rr^i+ ki1*i* rr^(i-1)*x/r) + (dki2_dx*rr^(i-1) + ki2*(i-1)*rr^(i-2)*x/r)= // (CORRECTED) // (a[i]*(i+1)*(rr^i)/rr)*x + // OK // (axi*r^(i-1) + (axi*x+ayi*y)/r*i)) * x + // (WAS) // (axi*r^i + (axi*x+ayi*y)*i*rr^(i-2) * x) + // (CORRECTED) // 2*(adi*y - aoi*x)*rr^(i-1)+ // OK // (aoi*(y^2-x^2)+2*adi*x*y)*(i-1)/r^3 * x // (WAS) // (aoi*(y^2-x^2)+2*adi*x*y)*(i-1)*r^(i-3) * x // (CORRECTED) // dki_dy= // (a[i]*(i+1)*(rr^i)/rr)*y + // OK // (ayi*r^(i-1)*y + (axi*x+ayi*y)/r*i)) * y + // (WAS) // (ayi*r^i + (axi*x+ayi*y)*i*rr^(i-2) * x) + // (CORRECTED) // 2*(adi*x + aoi*y)*rr^(i-1)+ // OK // (aoi*(y^2-x^2)+2*adi*x*y)*(i-1)/r^3 * y // (WAS) // (aoi*(y^2-x^2)+2*adi*x*y)*(i-1)*r^(i-3) * x // (CORRECTED) // Below may speed up by branching for i==0, i==1 - starting with commonn code double ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i_minus_1= a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i_minus_1; double rr_pow_i_minus_2=rr_pow_i_minus_1/rr; // double ki1_div_r_mul_i=i*ki1/rr; double ki1_r_pow_im2_mul_i=i*ki1*rr_pow_i_minus_2; // (axi*x+ayi*y)*i*rr^(i-2) // double ki2_div_r3_mul_im1=(i-1)*ki2/(rr*rr*rr); double ki2_r_pow_im3_mul_im1=(i-1)*ki2*rr_pow_i_minus_2/rr; // (aoi*(y^2-x^2)+2*adi*x*y)* (i-1)*r^(i-3) // double dki_dx= x*(ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i_minus_1 + // r_xyod[i][0]*rr_pow_i_minus_1 + ki1_div_r_mul_i+ki2_div_r3_mul_im1)+ // 2*(r_xyod[i][3]*y - r_xyod[i][2]*x)/rr_pow_i_minus_1; double dki_dx= x*(ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i_minus_1 + ki1_r_pow_im2_mul_i + ki2_r_pow_im3_mul_im1)+ // r_xyod[i][0]*rr_pow_i_minus_1 + r_xyod[i][0]*rr_pow_i + 2*(r_xyod[i][3]*y - r_xyod[i][2]*x)*rr_pow_i_minus_1; // double dki_dy= y*(ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i_minus_1 + // r_xyod[i][1]*rr_pow_i_minus_1 + ki1_div_r_mul_i + ki2_div_r3_mul_im1)+ // 2*(r_xyod[i][3]*x + r_xyod[i][2]*y)/rr_pow_i_minus_1; double dki_dy= y*(ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i_minus_1 + ki1_r_pow_im2_mul_i + ki2_r_pow_im3_mul_im1)+ // r_xyod[i][1]*rr_pow_i_minus_1 + r_xyod[i][1]*rr_pow_i + 2*(r_xyod[i][3]*x + r_xyod[i][2]*y)*rr_pow_i_minus_1; // double ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i= a[i]*(i+1)*rr_pow_i; // double dki_dxmmc= ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i*(x*(1.0-r_xyod[i][2])+y*r_xyod[i][3])/rr; // double dki_dymmc= ai_iplus1_rr_pow_i*(y*(1.0+r_xyod[i][2])+x*r_xyod[i][3])/rr; // the following 4 shifts are "extra", on top of non-distorted (pinhole) - pinhole should be added to the per-term sum double dDeltaXi_dx = ki+x*dki_dx; // mmc; // here dDelta*_d*mmc are relative (both I/O are fractions of distortionRadius) double dDeltaXi_dy = x*dki_dy; // mmc; double dDeltaYi_dx = y*dki_dx; // mmc; double dDeltaYi_dy = ki+y*dki_dy; // mmc; dDeltaX_dx += dDeltaXi_dx; // here dDelta*_d*mmc are relative (both I/O are fractions of distortionRadius) dDeltaX_dy += dDeltaXi_dy; dDeltaY_dx += dDeltaYi_dx; dDeltaY_dy += dDeltaYi_dy; //dpx_dai, dpi_dai - same as before int index= distortionCIndex-i; // reverse order, // a8->9, a7->10, a6->11, a5->12, a->13, b->14, c->15 partDeriv[index][0]= rel_to_pix*x*(rr_pow_i_plus_1-1.0); // OK partDeriv[index][1]=-rel_to_pix*y*(rr_pow_i_plus_1-1.0); // OK // dpx_daxi,dpy_daxi,dpx_dayi,dpy_dayi // dpx_daxi= x^2*r^i; // dpy_daxi=-x*y*r^i; // dpx_dayi= x*y*r^i; // dpy_dayi=-y^2*r^i; index=numRadialDerivatives-2+4*i; double rel_to_pix_mul_rr_pow_i=rel_to_pix*rr_pow_i; if (i>0){ // eccentricity is not applicabe to the first (C) term partDeriv[index ][0]= rel_to_pix_mul_rr_pow_i*x2; partDeriv[index ][1]= -rel_to_pix_mul_rr_pow_i*xy; partDeriv[index+1][0]= rel_to_pix_mul_rr_pow_i*xy; partDeriv[index+1][1]= -rel_to_pix_mul_rr_pow_i*y2; } // dpx_daoi,dpy_daoi,dpx_dadi,dpy_dadi // dpx_daoi= x*(y^2-x^2)*r^(i-1); // dpY_daoi=-y*(y^2-x^2)*r^(i-1); // dpx_daDi= 2*x*xy*r^(i-1); // dpy_daDi=-2*y*xy*r^(i-1); double rel_to_pix_mul_y2_minus_x2_mul_rr_pow_i_minus_1=rel_to_pix* (y2-x2)*rr_pow_i_minus_1; double rel_to_pix_mul_2xy_mul_rr_pow_i_minus_1=rel_to_pix*2.0*xy*rr_pow_i_minus_1; index=numRadialDerivatives-2+4*i; partDeriv[index+2][0]= x*rel_to_pix_mul_y2_minus_x2_mul_rr_pow_i_minus_1; partDeriv[index+2][1]=-y*rel_to_pix_mul_y2_minus_x2_mul_rr_pow_i_minus_1; partDeriv[index+3][0]= x*rel_to_pix_mul_2xy_mul_rr_pow_i_minus_1; partDeriv[index+3][1]=-y*rel_to_pix_mul_2xy_mul_rr_pow_i_minus_1; } } double [] xyDist={PXYmmc[0]+this.distortionRadius*deltaX,PXYmmc[1]+this.distortionRadius*deltaY}; // convert to sensor pixels coordinates partDeriv[0][0]= 1000.0/this.pixelSize*xyDist[0] + this.px0; partDeriv[0][1]= -1000.0/this.pixelSize*xyDist[1] + this.py0; if (!calculateAll) { // TODO: how to deal with it when calculating Jacobian??? // TODO: Looking away from the target, trying only with no dervatives. Do the same for derivatives too? if ((XeYeZe[2]<0.0) || (r2>maxRelativeRadius*maxRelativeRadius)){ // non-distorted too far from the axis partDeriv[0][0]=Double.NaN; partDeriv[0][1]=Double.NaN; } return partDeriv; } // correct parameter derivatives to cumulative version if (this.cummulativeCorrection){ for (int i=r_xyod.length-2;i>=0;i--){ int index=numRadialDerivatives-2+4*i; if (i>0){ // eccentricity is not applicabe to the first (C) term partDeriv[index ][0]+=partDeriv[index+4][0]; // oob=36 partDeriv[index ][1]+=partDeriv[index+4][1]; partDeriv[index+1][0]+=partDeriv[index+5][0]; partDeriv[index+1][1]+=partDeriv[index+5][1]; } partDeriv[index+2][0]+=partDeriv[index+6][0]; partDeriv[index+2][1]+=partDeriv[index+6][1]; partDeriv[index+3][0]+=partDeriv[index+7][0]; partDeriv[index+3][1]+=partDeriv[index+7][1]; } } // convert dDelta*_d* from relative/relative to pix/mm (invert pixel Y direction) // added 1.0 to account for non-distorted (pinhole) shift double dPx_dPinholeX= (1.0+dDeltaX_dx)*1000.0/this.pixelSize; double dPx_dPinholeY= dDeltaX_dy*1000.0/this.pixelSize; double dPy_dPinholeX= -dDeltaY_dx*1000.0/this.pixelSize; double dPy_dPinholeY=-(1.0+dDeltaY_dy)*1000.0/this.pixelSize; if (this.debugLevel>2){ System.out.println(" deltaX="+deltaX+" deltaY="+deltaY+" xyDist[0]="+xyDist[0]+" xyDist[1]="+xyDist[1]); System.out.println(" PXYmmc[0]="+PXYmmc[0]+" PXYmmc[1]="+PXYmmc[1]+" x="+x+" y"+y); System.out.println(" dDeltaX_dxmmc="+dDeltaX_dx+" dDeltaX_dymmc="+dDeltaX_dy+" dDeltaY_dxmmc="+dDeltaY_dx+" dDeltaY_dymmc"+dDeltaY_dy); System.out.println(" dPx_dPinholeX="+dPx_dPinholeX+" dPx_dPinholeY="+dPx_dPinholeY+" dPy_dPinholeX="+dPy_dPinholeX+" dPy_dPinholeY"+dPy_dPinholeY); } double K=Math.PI/180; // multiply all derivatives my angles // dPX/dphi = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dphi partDeriv[ 1][0]= K*(dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[1][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[1][1]); partDeriv[ 1][1]= K*(dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[1][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[1][1]); // dPX/dtheta = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dtheta partDeriv[ 2][0]= K*(dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[2][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[2][1]); partDeriv[ 2][1]= K*(dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[2][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[2][1]); // dPX/dpsi = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dpsi partDeriv[ 3][0]= K*(dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[3][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[3][1]); partDeriv[ 3][1]= K*(dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[3][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[3][1]); // dPX/dX0 = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dX0 partDeriv[ 4][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[4][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[4][1]; partDeriv[ 4][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[4][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[4][1]; // dPX/dY0 = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dY0 partDeriv[ 5][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[5][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[5][1]; partDeriv[ 5][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[5][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[5][1]; // dPX/dZ0 = 1000/Psz* dxDist/dZ0 partDeriv[ 6][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[6][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[6][1]; partDeriv[ 6][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[6][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[6][1]; // dPX/df = 1000/Psz* dxDist/df partDeriv[ 7][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[7][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[7][1]; partDeriv[ 7][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[7][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[7][1]; // dPX/ddist = 1000/Psz* dxDist/ddist partDeriv[ 8][0]= dPx_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[8][0]+dPx_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[8][1]; partDeriv[ 8][1]= dPy_dPinholeX*dPXYmmc[8][0]+dPy_dPinholeY*dPXYmmc[8][1]; // dPX/dPX0 = 1 // dPY/dPX0 = 0 partDeriv[16][0]= 1.0; partDeriv[16][1]= 0.0; // dPX/dPY0 = 0 // dPY/dPY0 = 1 partDeriv[17][0]= 0.0; partDeriv[17][1]= 1.0; return partDeriv; } public void setProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ properties.setProperty(prefix+"focalLength",this.focalLength+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"pixelSize",this.pixelSize+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionRadius",this.distortionRadius+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionA8",this.distortionA8+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionA7",this.distortionA7+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionA6",this.distortionA6+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionA5",this.distortionA5+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionA",this.distortionA+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionB",this.distortionB+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distortionC",this.distortionC+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"yaw",this.yaw+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"pitch",this.pitch+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"roll",this.roll+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"x0",this.x0+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"y0",this.y0+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"z0",this.z0+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"distance",this.distance+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"px0",this.px0+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"py0",this.py0+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"flipVertical",this.flipVertical+""); for (int i=0;i<this.r_xy.length;i++){ properties.setProperty(prefix+"r_xy_"+i+"_x",this.r_xy[i][0]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"r_xy_"+i+"_y",this.r_xy[i][1]+""); } for (int i=0;i<this.r_od.length;i++){ properties.setProperty(prefix+"r_od_"+i+"_o",this.r_od[i][0]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"r_od_"+i+"_d",this.r_od[i][1]+""); } } public void setDefaultNonRadial(){ r_od=new double [r_od_dflt.length][2]; for (int i=0;i<r_od.length;i++) r_od[i]=r_od_dflt[i].clone(); r_xy=new double [r_xy_dflt.length][2]; for (int i=0;i<r_xy.length;i++) r_xy[i]=r_xy_dflt[i].clone(); } public void getProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"focalLength")!=null) this.focalLength=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"focalLength")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pixelSize")!=null) this.pixelSize=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pixelSize")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionRadius")!=null) this.distortionRadius=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionRadius")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA8")!=null) this.distortionA8=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA8")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA7")!=null) this.distortionA7=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA7")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA6")!=null) this.distortionA6=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA6")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA5")!=null) this.distortionA5=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA5")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA")!=null) this.distortionA=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionA")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionB")!=null) this.distortionB=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionB")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionC")!=null) this.distortionC=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distortionC")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"yaw")!=null) this.yaw=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"yaw")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"pitch")!=null) this.pitch=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"pitch")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"roll")!=null) this.roll=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"roll")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"x0")!=null) this.x0=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"x0")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"y0")!=null) this.y0=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"y0")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"z0")!=null) this.z0=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"z0")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"distance")!=null) this.distance=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"distance")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"px0")!=null) this.px0=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"px0")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"py0")!=null) this.py0=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"py0")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"flipVertical")!=null) this.flipVertical=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"flipVertical")); setDefaultNonRadial(); for (int i=0;i<this.r_xy.length;i++){ if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_xy_"+i+"_x")!=null) this.r_xy[i][0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_xy_"+i+"_x")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_xy_"+i+"_y")!=null) this.r_xy[i][1]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_xy_"+i+"_y")); } for (int i=0;i<this.r_od.length;i++){ if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_od_"+i+"_o")!=null) this.r_od[i][0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_od_"+i+"_o")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_od_"+i+"_d")!=null) this.r_od[i][1]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"r_od_"+i+"_d")); } recalcCommons(); } public boolean showDialog() { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Lens distortion, location and orientation"); gd.addNumericField("Lens focal length", this.focalLength, 3,6,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Sensor pixel period", this.pixelSize, 3,6,"um"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion radius (halw width)", this.distortionRadius, 5,8,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A8(r^5)", this.distortionA8, 6,8,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A7(r^5)", this.distortionA7, 6,8,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A6(r^5)", this.distortionA6, 6,8,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A5(r^5)", this.distortionA5, 6,8,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A (r^4)", this.distortionA, 6,8,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion B (r^3)", this.distortionB, 6,8,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion C (r^2)", this.distortionC, 6,8,""); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis from perpendicular to the pattern, positive - clockwise (from top)", this.yaw, 2,6,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis from perpendicular to the pattern, positive - up", this.pitch, 2,6,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Rotation around lens axis, positive - clockwise (looking to pattern)", this.roll, 2,6,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis from the pattern center, (to the right)", this.x0, 1,6,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis from the pattern center, (down)", this.y0, 1,6,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis from the pattern center, (away from camera, normally 0.0)", this.z0, 1,6,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis",this.distance, 1,6,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis on the sensor (horizontal, from left edge)", this.px0, 1,6,"pixels"); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis on the sensor (vertical, from top edge)", this.py0, 1,6,"pixels"); gd.addCheckbox ("Camera looks through the mirror", this.flipVertical); gd.addMessage("=== non-radial model parameters ==="); gd.addMessage("For r^2 (Distortion C):"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^2", 100*this.r_od[0][0], 3,7,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^2", 100*this.r_od[0][1], 3,7,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^3 (Distortion B):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^3", 100*this.r_xy[0][0], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^3", 100*this.r_xy[0][1], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^3", 100*this.r_od[1][0], 3,7,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^3", 100*this.r_od[1][1], 3,7,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^4 (Distortion A):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^4", 100*this.r_xy[1][0], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^4", 100*this.r_xy[1][1], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^4", 100*this.r_od[2][0], 3,7,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^4", 100*this.r_od[2][1], 3,7,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^5 (Distortion A5):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^5", 100*this.r_xy[2][0], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^5", 100*this.r_xy[2][1], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^5", 100*this.r_od[3][0], 3,7,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^5", 100*this.r_od[3][1], 3,7,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^6 (Distortion A6:"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^6", 100*this.r_xy[3][0], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^6", 100*this.r_xy[3][1], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^6", 100*this.r_od[4][0], 3,7,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^6", 100*this.r_od[4][1], 3,7,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^7 (Distortion A7):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^7", 100*this.r_xy[4][0], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^7", 100*this.r_xy[4][1], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^7", 100*this.r_od[5][0], 3,7,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^7", 100*this.r_od[5][1], 3,7,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^8 (Distortion A8):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^8", 100*this.r_xy[5][0], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^8", 100*this.r_xy[5][1], 1,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^8", 100*this.r_od[6][0], 3,7,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^8", 100*this.r_od[6][1], 3,7,"%"); WindowTools.addScrollBars(gd); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; this.focalLength= gd.getNextNumber(); this.pixelSize= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionRadius=gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionA8= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionA7= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionA6= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionA5= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionA= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionB= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distortionC= gd.getNextNumber(); this.yaw= gd.getNextNumber(); this.pitch= gd.getNextNumber(); this.roll= gd.getNextNumber(); this.x0= gd.getNextNumber(); this.y0= gd.getNextNumber(); this.z0= gd.getNextNumber(); this.distance= gd.getNextNumber(); this.px0= gd.getNextNumber(); this.py0= gd.getNextNumber(); this.flipVertical= gd.getNextBoolean(); this.r_od[0][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[0][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[0][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[0][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[1][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[1][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[1][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[1][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[2][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[2][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[2][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[2][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[3][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[3][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[3][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[3][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[4][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[4][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[4][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[4][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[5][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[5][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[5][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_xy[5][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[6][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.r_od[6][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); return true; } /** * Calculate/set this.lensDistortionParameters and this.interParameterDerivatives * UPDATE - Modifies lensDistortionParameters, not "this" for multi-threaded * @param parVect 21-element vector for eyesis sub-camera, including common and individual parameters * @param mask -mask - which partial derivatives are needed to be calculated (others will be null) * @param calculateDerivatives calculate array of partial derivatives, if false - just the values */ public void lensCalcInterParamers( LensDistortionParameters lensDistortionParameters, boolean isTripod, boolean cartesian, double pixelSize, double distortionRadius, double [][] interParameterDerivatives, //partial derivative matrix from subcamera-camera-goniometer to single camera (12x21) if null - just values, no derivatives double [] parVect, boolean [] mask // calculate only selected derivatives (all parVect values are still ){ boolean calculateDerivatives=(interParameterDerivatives!=null); // calculate this.interParameterDerivatives -derivatives array (false - just this.values) // change meaning of goniometerHorizontal (tripod vertical) and goniometerAxial (tripod horizontal) // Alternative variables for cartesian/cylindrical modes double azimuth_cyl= cartesian? Double.NaN: parVect[0]; double right_cart= cartesian? parVect[0] : Double.NaN; double radius_cyl= cartesian? Double.NaN: parVect[1]; double forward_cart= cartesian? parVect[1]: Double.NaN; double height= parVect[2]; double phi_cyl= cartesian? Double.NaN: parVect[3]; double heading_cart= cartesian? parVect[3]: Double.NaN; double theta= parVect[4]; double psi= parVect[5]; double goniometerHorizontal= parVect[6]; double goniometerAxial= parVect[7]; double interAxisDistance= parVect[8]; double interAxisAngle= parVect[9]; double horAxisErrPhi= parVect[10]; double horAxisErrPsi= parVect[11]; double entrancePupilForward= parVect[12]; double centerAboveHorizontal= parVect[13]; double GXYZ0= parVect[14]; double GXYZ1= parVect[15]; double GXYZ2= parVect[16]; double neck_right = parVect[17]; double neck_back = parVect[18]; double neck_x = parVect[19]; double neck_z = parVect[20]; double cPS= Math.cos(psi*Math.PI/180); // subCam.psi double sPS= Math.sin(psi*Math.PI/180); // subCam.psi double cTH= Math.cos(theta*Math.PI/180); // subCam.theta double sTH= Math.sin(theta*Math.PI/180); // subCam.theta double cAZP= Math.cos((cartesian?heading_cart:(azimuth_cyl+phi_cyl))*Math.PI/180); //subCam.azimuth+subCam.phi double sAZP= Math.sin((cartesian?heading_cart:(azimuth_cyl+phi_cyl))*Math.PI/180); //subCam.azimuth+subCam.phi // renaming the following 2 to be replaced for cartesian coordinates double cAZ_cyl= Math.cos(azimuth_cyl*Math.PI/180); //subCam.azimuth double sAZ_cyl= Math.sin(azimuth_cyl*Math.PI/180); //subCam.azimuth double cGA= Math.cos(goniometerAxial*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.goniometerAxial double sGA= Math.sin(goniometerAxial*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.goniometerAxial double cGH= Math.cos(goniometerHorizontal*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.goniometerHorizontal double sGH= Math.sin(goniometerHorizontal*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.goniometerHorizontal double cGIAA= Math.cos(interAxisAngle*Math.PI/180); // eyesisCameraParameters.interAxisAngle double sGIAA= Math.sin(interAxisAngle*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.interAxisAngle double cHAEPH=Math.cos(horAxisErrPhi*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.horAxisErrPhi double sHAEPH=Math.sin(horAxisErrPhi*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.horAxisErrPhi double cHAEPS=Math.cos(horAxisErrPsi*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.horAxisErrPsi double sHAEPS=Math.sin(horAxisErrPsi*Math.PI/180); //eyesisCameraParameters.horAxisErrPsi double cNR= Math.cos(neck_right*Math.PI/180); double sNR= Math.sin(neck_right*Math.PI/180); double cNB= Math.cos(neck_back*Math.PI/180); double sNB= Math.sin(neck_back*Math.PI/180); /* 0) Translate by distance to entrance pupil (lens center) | Xc0 | | 0 | |Xc| | Yc0 | = | 0 | + |Yc| | Zc0 | | entrancePupilForward | |Zc| */ double [][] aT0={{0.0},{0.0},{entrancePupilForward}}; Matrix T0=new Matrix(aT0); /* Converting from the sub-camera coordinates to the target coordinates 1) rotate by -psi around CZ: Vc1= R1*Vc | Xc1 | | cos(psi) sin(psi) 0 | |Xc0| | Yc1 | = |-sin(psi) cos(psi) 0 | * |Yc0| | Zc1 | | 0 0 1 | |Zc0| */ double [][] aR1={{cPS,sPS,0.0},{-sPS,cPS,0.0},{0.0,0.0,1.0}}; Matrix R1=new Matrix(aR1); /* 2) rotate by - theta around C1X:Vc2= R2*Vc1 | Xc2 | | 1 0 0 | |Xc1| | Yc2 | = | 0 cos(theta) sin(theta) | * |Yc1| | Zc2 | | 0 -sin(theta) cos(theta) | |Zc1| */ double [][] aR2={{1.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,cTH,sTH},{0.0,-sTH,cTH}}; Matrix R2=new Matrix(aR2); /* 3) rotate by -(azimuth+phi) around C2Y:Vc3= R3*Vc2 | Xc3 | | cos(azimuth+phi) 0 sin(azimuth+phi) | |Xc2| | Yc3 | = | 0 1 0 | * |Yc2| | Zc3 | | -sin(azimuth+phi) 0 cos(azimuth+phi) | |Zc2| */ double [][] aR3={{cAZP,0.0,sAZP},{0.0,1.0,0.0},{-sAZP,0.0,cAZP}}; Matrix R3=new Matrix(aR3); /** 4) Now axes are aligned, just translate to get to eyesis coordinates: Vey= T1+Vc3 | Xey | | r * sin (azimuth) | |Xc3| | Yey | = | height+centerAboveHorizontal | + |Yc3| | Zey | | r * cos (azimuth) | |Zc3| adding neck shift: | Xey | | r * sin (azimuth) + neck_x | |Xc3| | Yey | = | height+centerAboveHorizontal | + |Yc3| | Zey | | r * cos (azimuth) + neck_z | |Zc3| // to target */ double [][] aT1_cyl= {{radius_cyl*sAZ_cyl + neck_x}, {(height+centerAboveHorizontal)}, {radius_cyl*cAZ_cyl + neck_z}}; // {{subCam.radius*sAZ},{subCam.height},{subCam.radius*cAZ}}; double [][] aT1_cart={{right_cart + neck_x}, {(height+centerAboveHorizontal)}, {forward_cart + neck_z}}; // {{subCam.radius*sAZ},{subCam.height},{subCam.radius*cAZ}}; double [][] aT1= cartesian ? aT1_cart : aT1_cyl; Matrix T1=new Matrix(aT1); /** * Rotate camera neck around Z (right tilt) */ double [][] aRNR = {{ cNR, sNR, 0.0}, {-sNR, cNR, 0.0}, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; Matrix RNR=new Matrix(aRNR); /** * Rotate camera neck around X (back tilt) */ double [][] aRNB = {{ 1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, { 0.0, cNB, sNB}, { 0.0,-sNB, cNB}}; Matrix RNB=new Matrix(aRNB); /* 5) rotate around moving goniometer axis, by (-goniometerAxial) - same as around EY: Vgm1=R4*Vey | Xgm1 | | 1 0 0 | |Xey| | Ygm1 | = | 0 cos(goniometerAxial) sin(goniometerAxial) | * |Yey| | Zgm1 | | 0 -sin(goniometerAxial) cos(goniometerAxial) | |Zey| */ double [][] aR4_tripod= {{1.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,cGA,sGA},{0.0,-sGA,cGA}}; /* 5) rotate around moving goniometer axis, by (-goniometerAxial) - same as around EY: Vgm1=R4*Vey | Xgm1 | | cos(goniometerAxial) 0 sin(goniometerAxial) | |Xey| | Ygm1 | = | 0 1 0 | * |Yey| | Zgm1 | |-sin(goniometerAxial) 0 cos(goniometerAxial) | |Zey| */ double [][] aR4_goniometer={{cGA,0.0,sGA},{0.0,1.0,0.0},{-sGA,0.0,cGA}}; Matrix R4=new Matrix(isTripod?aR4_tripod:aR4_goniometer); /* 6) move to the goniometer horizontal axis:Vgm2=T2+Vgm1 | Xgm2 | | 0 | |Xgm1| | Ygm2 | = | 0 | + |Ygm1| | Zgm2 | | interAxisDistance | |Zgm1| */ double [][] aT2={{0.0},{0.0},{interAxisDistance}}; //eyesisCameraParameters.interAxisDistance Matrix T2=new Matrix(aT2); /* 7) rotate around Zgm2 by -interAxisAngle, so Xgm3 axis is the same as horizontal goniometer axis: Vgm3=R5*Vgm2 | Xgm3 | | cos(interAxisAngle) sin(interAxisAngle) 0 | |Xgm2| | Ygm3 | = |-sin(interAxisAngle) cos(interAxisAngle) 0 | * |Ygm2| | Zgm3 | | 0 0 1 | |Zgm2| */ double [][] aR5={{cGIAA,sGIAA,0.0},{-sGIAA,cGIAA,0.0},{0.0,0.0,1.0}}; Matrix R5=new Matrix(aR5); /* 8) rotate around goniometer horizontal axis (Xgm3) by -goniometerHorizontal: Vgm4=R6*Vgm3 | Xgm4 | | cos(goniometerHorizontal) 0 sin(goniometerHorizontal) | |Xgm3| | Ygm4 | = | 0 1 0 | * |Ygm3| | Zgm4 | | -sin(goniometerHorizontal) 0 cos(goniometerHorizontal) | |Zgm3| */ double [][] aR6_tripod= {{cGH,0.0,sGH},{0.0,1.0,0.0},{-sGH,0.0,cGH}}; /* 8) rotate around goniometer horizontal axis (Xgm3) by -goniometerHorizontal: Vgm4=R6*Vgm3 | Xgm4 | | 1 0 0 | |Xgm3| | Ygm4 | = | 0 cos(goniometerHorizontal) sin(goniometerHorizontal) | * |Ygm3| | Zgm4 | | 0 -sin(goniometerHorizontal) cos(goniometerHorizontal) | |Zgm3| */ double [][] aR6_goniometer={{1.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,cGH,sGH},{0.0,-sGH,cGH}}; Matrix R6=new Matrix(isTripod?aR6_tripod:aR6_goniometer); /* 9) Correct roll error of the goniometer horizontal axis - rotate by -horAxisErrPsi around Zgm4: Vgm5=R7*Vgm4 | Xgm5 | | cos(horAxisErrPsi) sin(horAxisErrPsi) 0 | |Xgm4| | Ygm5 | = |-sin(horAxisErrPsi) cos(horAxisErrPsi) 0 | * |Ygm4| | Zgm5 | | 0 0 1 | |Zgm4| */ double [][] aR7={{cHAEPS,sHAEPS,0.0},{-sHAEPS,cHAEPS,0.0},{0.0,0.0,1.0}}; Matrix R7=new Matrix(aR7); /* 10) Correct azimuth error of the goniometer hoirizontal axis - rotate by -horAxisErrPhi around Ygm5: Vgm6=R8*Vgm5 | Xgm6 | | cos(horAxisErrPhi) 0 sin(horAxisErrPhi) | |Xgm5| | Ygm6 | = | 0 1 0 | * |Ygm5| | Zgm6 | |-sin(horAxisErrPhi) 0 cos(horAxisErrPhi) | |Zgm5| For Tripod - rotate around X-axis (like theta) | Xgm6 | | 1 0 0 | |Xgm5| | Ygm6 | = | 0 cos(horAxisErrPhi) sin(horAxisErrPhi) | * |Ygm5| | Zgm6 | | 0 -sin(horAxisErrPhi) cos(horAxisErrPhi) | |Zgm5| */ double [][] aR8_tripod= {{1.0, 0.0, 0.0},{0.0,cHAEPH,sHAEPH},{0.0, -sHAEPH,cHAEPH}}; double [][] aR8_goniometer={{cHAEPH,0.0,sHAEPH},{0.0, 1.0, 0.0},{-sHAEPH, 0.0,cHAEPH}}; Matrix R8=new Matrix(isTripod?aR8_tripod:aR8_goniometer); /* 11) translate to the target zero point: Vt= T3+Vgm6 | Xt | | GXYZ[0] | |Xgm6| | Yt | = |-GXYZ[1] | + |Ygm6| // Y - up positive | Zt | |-GXYZ[2] | |Zgm6| // Z - away positive */ // double [][] aT3={{parVect[12]},{-parVect[13]},{-parVect[14]}};//{{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[0]},{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[1]},{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[2]}}; double [][] aT3={{GXYZ0},{-GXYZ1},{-GXYZ2}};//{{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[0]},{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[1]},{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[2]}}; // double [][] aT3={{parVect[12]},{ parVect[13]},{-parVect[14]}};//{{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[0]},{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[1]},{eyesisCameraParameters.GXYZ[2]}}; Matrix T3=new Matrix(aT3); // MA=R8*R7*R6*R5*R4*R3*R2*R1; // MB=T3+(R8*R7*R6*R5*(T2+R4*(T1+R3*R2*R1*T0))); // Matrix MA=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))); // before neck Matrix MA=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); // Matrix ))))))); // before neck Matrix; Matrix; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("MA:"); MA.print(10, 5); System.out.println("MB:"); MB.print(10, 5); System.out.println("T3:"); T3.print(10, 5); // System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[0]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[0])); } double [] extrinsicParams=parametersFromMAMB(MA,MB); // [6] all after 6 are 0; lensDistortionParameters.pixelSize = pixelSize; lensDistortionParameters.distortionRadius = distortionRadius; lensDistortionParameters.distance=extrinsicParams[2]; lensDistortionParameters.x0=extrinsicParams[0]; lensDistortionParameters.y0=extrinsicParams[1]; lensDistortionParameters.z0=0.0; // used here lensDistortionParameters.pitch=extrinsicParams[4]; lensDistortionParameters.yaw= extrinsicParams[3]; lensDistortionParameters.roll= extrinsicParams[5]; // offsetting by 4 for neck parameters lensDistortionParameters.focalLength= parVect[21]; //[17]; //subCam.focalLength; lensDistortionParameters.px0= parVect[22]; //[18]; //subCam.px0; lensDistortionParameters.py0= parVect[23]; //[19]; //subCam.py0; lensDistortionParameters.distortionA8=parVect[24]; //[20]; //subCam.distortion5; lensDistortionParameters.distortionA7=parVect[25]; //[21]; //subCam.distortion5; lensDistortionParameters.distortionA6=parVect[26]; //[22]; //subCam.distortion5; lensDistortionParameters.distortionA5=parVect[27]; //[23]; //subCam.distortion5; lensDistortionParameters.distortionA= parVect[28]; //[24]; //subCam.distortionA; lensDistortionParameters.distortionB= parVect[29]; //[25]; //subCam.distortionB; lensDistortionParameters.distortionC= parVect[30]; //[26]; //subCam.distortionC; lensDistortionParameters.r_xy=new double [6][2]; lensDistortionParameters.r_od=new double [7][2]; int index= 31; // before neck*: 27; // index in parVect for (int i=0;i<lensDistortionParameters.r_od.length;i++){ if (i>0){ lensDistortionParameters.r_xy[i-1][0]=parVect[index++]; lensDistortionParameters.r_xy[i-1][1]=parVect[index++]; } lensDistortionParameters.r_od[i][0]=parVect[index++]; lensDistortionParameters.r_od[i][1]=parVect[index++]; } lensDistortionParameters.recalcCommons(); // uncluding lensDistortionParameters.r_xyod if (this.debugLevel>2){ System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.recalcCommons()"); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distance="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distance, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.x0="+ IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.x0, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.y0="+ IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.y0, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.z0="+ IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.z0, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.pitch="+ IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.pitch, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.yaw="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.yaw, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.roll="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.roll, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.focalLength="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.focalLength, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.px0="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.px0, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.py0="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.py0, 3)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distortionA8="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distortionA8, 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distortionA7="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distortionA7, 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distortionA6="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distortionA6, 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distortionA5="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distortionA5, 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distortionA="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distortionA, 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distortionB="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distortionB, 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.distortionC="+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.distortionC, 5)); for (int i=0;i<lensDistortionParameters.r_xy.length;i++){ System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.r_xy["+i+"][0]"+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.r_xy[i][0], 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.r_xy["+i+"][1]"+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.r_xy[i][1], 5)); } for (int i=0;i<lensDistortionParameters.r_od.length;i++){ System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.r_od["+i+"][0]"+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.r_od[i][0], 5)); System.out.println("lensDistortionParameters.r_od["+i+"][1]"+IJ.d2s(lensDistortionParameters.r_od[i][1], 5)); } } if (!calculateDerivatives) return; /* Calculate all derivativs as a matrix. * Input parameters (columns): 0 public double azimuth; // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 1 public double radius; // mm, distance from the rotation axis 2 public double height; // mm, up (was downwards?) - from the origin point 3 public double phi; // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 4 public double theta; // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 5 public double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 6 public double goniometerHorizontal; // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) 7 public double goniometerAxial; // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive 8 public double interAxisDistance; // distance in mm between two goniometer axes 9 public double interAxisAngle; // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated 10 public double horAxisErrPhi; // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) 11 public double horAxisErrPsi; // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around moving X axis (up) Two new parameters 12 public double entrancePupilForward; // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil 13 public double centerAboveHorizontal; // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to 14(12) x public double [] GXYZ=null; // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system 15(13) y 16(14) z 17 double neck_right = parVect[17]; 18 double neck_back = parVect[18]; 19 double neck_x = parVect[19]; 20 double neck_z = parVect[20]; 21 17(15) public double focalLength=4.5; 22 18(16) public double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 23 19(17) public double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 24 20(18) public double distortionA8=0.0; // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 25 21(19) public double distortionA7=0.0; // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 26 22(20) public double distortionA6=0.0; // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 27 23(21) public double distortionA5=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 28 24(22) public double distortionA=0.0; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 29 25(23) public double distortionB=0.0; // r^3 30 26(24) public double distortionC=0.0; // r^2 31 27 Distortion center shift X for r^3" 32 28 Distortion center shift Y for r^3" 33 29 Distortion center shift X for r^4" 34 30 Distortion center shift Y for r^4" 35 31 Distortion center shift X for r^5" 36 32 Distortion center shift Y for r^5" 37 33 Distortion center shift X for r^6" 38 34 Distortion center shift Y for r^6" 39 35 Distortion center shift X for r^7" 40 36 Distortion center shift Y for r^7" 41 37 Distortion center shift X for r^8" 42 38 Distortion center shift Y for r^8" 43 39 Orthogonal elongation for r^2" 44 40 Diagonal elongation for r^2" 45 41 Orthogonal elongation for r^3" 46 42 Diagonal elongation for r^3" 47 43 Orthogonal elongation for r^4" 48 44 Diagonal elongation for r^4" 49 45 Orthogonal elongation for r^5" 50 46 Diagonal elongation for r^5" 51 47 Orthogonal elongation for r^6" 52 48 Diagonal elongation for r^6" 53 49 Orthogonal elongation for r^7" 54 50 Diagonal elongation for r^7" 55 51 Orthogonal elongation for r^8" 56 52 Diagonal elongation for r^8" * Output parameters (rows): 0 public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) 1 public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) 2 public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm 3 public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top 4 public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up 5 public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise 6 public double focalLength=4.5; 7 public double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 8 public double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels public double distortionRadius= 2.8512; // mm - half width of the sensor 9 public double distortionA8=0.0; // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 10 public double distortionA7=0.0; // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 11 public double distortionA6=0.0; // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 12 public double distortionA5=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 13 public double distortionA=0.0; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 14 public double distortionB=0.0; // r^3 15 public double distortionC=0.0; // r^2 16 Distortion center shift X for r^3" 17 Distortion center shift Y for r^3" 18 Distortion center shift X for r^4" 19 Distortion center shift Y for r^4" 20 Distortion center shift X for r^5" 21 Distortion center shift Y for r^5" 22 Distortion center shift X for r^6" 23 Distortion center shift Y for r^6" 24 Distortion center shift X for r^7" 25 Distortion center shift Y for r^7" 26 Distortion center shift X for r^8" 27 Distortion center shift Y for r^8" 28 Orthogonal elongation for r^2" 29 Diagonal elongation for r^2" 30 Orthogonal elongation for r^3" 31 Diagonal elongation for r^3" 32 Orthogonal elongation for r^4" 33 Diagonal elongation for r^4" 34 Orthogonal elongation for r^5" 35 Diagonal elongation for r^5" 36 Orthogonal elongation for r^6" 37 Diagonal elongation for r^6" 38 Orthogonal elongation for r^7" 39 Diagonal elongation for r^7" 40 Orthogonal elongation for r^8" 41 Diagonal elongation for r^8" */ // interParameterDerivatives=new double[getNumInputs()][]; //partial derivative matrix from subcamera-camera-goniometer to single camera (12x21) //calculate dMA_azimuth //calculate dMB_azimuth /* Before neck // MA=R8*R7*R6*R5*R4*R3*R2*R1; // MB=T3+(R8*R7*R6*R5*(T2+R4*T1)); - old // MB=T3+(R8*R7*R6*R5*(T2+R4*(T1+R3*R2*R1*T0))); Matrix MA=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))); Matrix; old Matrix ))))))); After neck // MA=R8*R7*R6*R5*R4*RNB*RNR*R3*R2*R1; // MB=T3+(R8*R7*R6*R5*(T2+R4*RN*(T1+R3*R2*R1*T0))); Matrix MA=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1)))))))); Matrix ))))))))); 3) rotate by -(azimuth+phi) around C2Y:Vc3= R3*Vc2 | Xc3 | | cos(azimuth+phi) 0 sin(azimuth+phi) | |Xc2| | Yc3 | = | 0 1 0 | * |Yc2| | Zc3 | | -sin(azimuth+phi) 0 cos(azimuth+phi) | |Zc2| double [][] aR3={{cAZP,0.0,sAZP},{0.0,1.0,0.0},{-sAZP,0.0,cAZP}}; Matrix R3=new Matrix(aR3); 4) Now axes are aligned, just translate to get to eyesis coordinates: Vey= T1+Vc3 | Xey | | r * sin (azimuth) | |Xc3| | Yey | = | height | + |Yc3| | Zey | | r * cos (azimuth) | |Zc3| double [][] aT1={{subCam.radius*sAZ},{subCam.height},{subCam.radius*cAZ}}; Matrix T1=new Matrix(aT1); Matrix // Make a function MA, MB - >parameters (column) - reuse it above and for each interParameterDerivatives row Matrix dMA_azimuth=R8*R7*R6*R5*R4*dR3_azimuth*R2*R1; Matrix dMB_azimuth=T3+(R8*R7*R6*R5*(R4*dT1_azimuth)); Use extrinsicParams=parametersFromMAMB(dMA_azimuth,dMB_azimuth); if (this.debugLevel>3) { System.out.println("calculateFxAndJacobian->calcPartialDerivatives("+IJ.d2s(targetXYZ[fullIndex][0],2)+","+ IJ.d2s(targetXYZ[fullIndex][1],2)+","+ IJ.d2s(targetXYZ[fullIndex][2],2)+" ("+calcJacobian+") -> "+ IJ.d2s(derivatives14[0][0],2)+"/"+IJ.d2s(derivatives14[0][1],2)); } Which parameters affect which matrices R1 | R2 | R3 | RNR | RNB | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 || T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | 0 public double azimuth_cyl; // | | + | | | | | | | || | + | | | 1 public double radius_cyl; // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | 0 public double right_cart; // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | 1 public double forward_cart; // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | 2 public double height; // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | 3 public double phi_cyl; // | | + | | | | | | | || | | | | 3 public double head_cart; // | | + | | | | | | | || | | | | 4 public double theta; // | + | | | | | | | | || | | | | 5 public double psi; // + | | | | | | | | | || | | | | 6 public double goniometerHorizontal; // | | | | | | | + | | || | | | | 7 public double goniometerAxial; // | | | | | + | | | | || | | | | 8 public double interAxisDistance; // | | | | | | | | | || | | + | | 9 public double interAxisAngle; // | | | | | | + | | | || | | | | 10 public double horAxisErrPhi; // | | | | | | | | | + || | | | | 11 public double horAxisErrPsi; // | | | | | | | | + | || | | | | 12 public double entrancePupilForward // | | | | | | | | | || + | | | | 13 public double centerAboveHorizontal // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | 14 x public double [] GXYZ=null; // | | | | | | | | | || | | | + | 15 y // | | | | | | | | | || | | | + | 16 z // | | | | | | | | | || | | | + | 17 neckRight // | | | + | | | | | | || | | | | 18 neckBack // | | | | + | | | | | || | | | | 19 neckXZ[0] (X) +common right // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | 20 neckXZ[1] (Z) -common forward // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | // MA=R8*R7*R6*R5*R4*RNB*RNR*R3*R2*R1; // MB=T3+(R8*R7*R6*R5*(T2+R4*RN*(T1+R3*R2*R1*T0))); Matrix MA=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1)))))))); Matrix ))))))))); */ // Below can be optimized with common intermediate results if (this.debugLevel>2) { for (int i=0;i<parVect.length;i++){ System.out.println("calcInterParamers(): parVect["+i+"]="+parVect[i]); } } //0 public double right_cart; // right displacement of the lens entrance pupil center, mm if (mask[0]) { if (cartesian) { double [][] adT1_right_cart={{1.0},{0.0},{0.0}}; Matrix dT1_right_cart=new Matrix(adT1_right_cart); Matrix dMA_right_cart=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); // zero Matrix dMB_right_cart=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_right_cart))))))); interParameterDerivatives[0]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_right_cart,dMB_right_cart,MA,MB,false); if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_right_cart:"); dMA_right_cart.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_right_cart:"); dMB_right_cart.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[0]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[0])); } } else { //0 public double azimuth; // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top double [][] adR3_azimuth_cyl={{-sAZP,0.0,cAZP},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{-cAZP,0.0,-sAZP}}; Matrix dR3_azimuth_cyl=new Matrix(adR3_azimuth_cyl); double [][] adT1_azimuth_cyl={{radius_cyl*cAZ_cyl},{0.0},{-radius_cyl*sAZ_cyl}}; //{{subCam.radius*cAZ},{subCam.height},{-subCam.radius*sAZ}} Matrix dT1_azimuth_cyl=new Matrix(adT1_azimuth_cyl); Matrix dMA_azimuth_cyl=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dR3_azimuth_cyl.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); Matrix dMB0_azimuth_cyl=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_azimuth_cyl))))))); Matrix; // new term interParameterDerivatives[0]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_azimuth_cyl,dMB_azimuth_cyl,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_azimuth_cyl:"); dMA_azimuth_cyl.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_azimuth_cyl:"); dMB_azimuth_cyl.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[0]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[0])); } } } else interParameterDerivatives[0]=null; //1 public double radius; // mm, distance from the rotation axis if (mask[1]) { if (cartesian) { double [][] adT1_forward_cart={{0.0},{0.0},{1.0}}; //{{subCam.radius*sAZ},{0.0},{subCam.radius*cAZ}} Matrix dT1_forward_cart=new Matrix(adT1_forward_cart); Matrix dMA_forward_cart=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_forward_cart=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_forward_cart))))))); interParameterDerivatives[1]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_forward_cart,dMB_forward_cart,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_forward_cart:"); dMA_forward_cart.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_forward_cart:"); dMB_forward_cart.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[1]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[1])); } } else { double [][] adT1_radius_cyl={{sAZ_cyl},{0.0},{cAZ_cyl}}; //{{subCam.radius*sAZ},{0.0},{subCam.radius*cAZ}} Matrix dT1_radius_cyl=new Matrix(adT1_radius_cyl); Matrix dMA_radius_cyl=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_radius_cyl=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_radius_cyl))))))); interParameterDerivatives[1]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_radius_cyl,dMB_radius_cyl,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_radius_cyl:"); dMA_radius_cyl.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_radius_cyl:"); dMB_radius_cyl.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[1]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[1])); } } } else interParameterDerivatives[1]=null; //2 public double height; // mm, downwards - from the origin point if (mask[2]) { double [][] adT1_height={{0.0},{1.0},{0.0}}; Matrix dT1_height=new Matrix(adT1_height); Matrix dMA_height=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_height=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_height))))))); interParameterDerivatives[2]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_height,dMB_height,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_height:"); dMA_height.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_height:"); dMB_height.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[2]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[2])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[2]=null; //3 public double phi; // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise if (mask[3]) { // here the same for cartesian double [][] adR3_phi={{-sAZP,0.0,cAZP},{0.0,0.0,0.0},{-cAZP,0.0,-sAZP}}; // same as adR3_azimuth Matrix dR3_phi=new Matrix(adR3_phi); // same as dR3_azimuth Matrix dMA_phi=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dR3_phi.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); //same as dMA_azimuth Matrix dMB_phi=dMA_phi.times(T0); // new term interParameterDerivatives[3]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_phi,dMB_phi,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_phi:"); dMA_phi.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_phi:"); dMB_phi.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[3]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[3])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[3]=null; //4 public double theta; // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up if (mask[4]) { double [][] adR2_theta={{0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,-sTH,cTH},{0.0,-cTH,-sTH}}; Matrix dR2_theta=new Matrix(adR2_theta); Matrix dMA_theta=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(dR2_theta.times(R1))))))))); Matrix dMB_theta=dMA_theta.times(T0); // new term interParameterDerivatives[4]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_theta,dMB_theta,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_theta:"); dMA_theta.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_theta:"); dMB_theta.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[4]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[4])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[4]=null; //5 public double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target if (mask[5]) { double [][] adR1_psi={{-sPS,cPS,0.0},{-cPS,-sPS,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0}}; Matrix dR1_psi=new Matrix(adR1_psi); Matrix dMA_psi=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(dR1_psi))))))))); Matrix dMB_psi=dMA_psi.times(T0); // new term interParameterDerivatives[5]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_psi,dMB_psi,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { /* System.out.print("R1:"); R1.print(10, 5); System.out.print("dR1_psi:"); dR1_psi.print(10, 5); Matrix R82_psi=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(R3.times(R2)))))); System.out.print("R82_psi:"); R82_psi.print(10, 5); */ System.out.print("dMA_psi:"); dMA_psi.print(10, 5); System.out.print("dMB_psi:"); dMB_psi.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[5]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[5])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[5]=null; //6 public double goniometerHorizontal; // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) if (mask[6]) { /* define for isTripod */ double [][] adR6_goniometerHorizontal_tripod= {{-sGH,0.0,cGH},{0.0, 0.0,0.0},{-cGH, 0.0,-sGH}}; double [][] adR6_goniometerHorizontal_goniometer={{ 0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,-sGH,cGH},{ 0.0,-cGH,-sGH}}; Matrix dR6_goniometerHorizontal=new Matrix(isTripod?adR6_goniometerHorizontal_tripod:adR6_goniometerHorizontal_goniometer); Matrix dMA_goniometerHorizontal=R8.times(R7.times(dR6_goniometerHorizontal.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); // Matrix dMB_goniometerHorizontal=R8.times(R7.times(dR6_goniometerHorizontal.times(R5.times(; // Bug noticed 05/31/2021, using T1M Matrix dMB_goniometerHorizontal=R8.times(R7.times(dR6_goniometerHorizontal.times(R5.times(; interParameterDerivatives[6]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_goniometerHorizontal,dMB_goniometerHorizontal,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_goniometerHorizontal:"); dMA_goniometerHorizontal.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_goniometerHorizontal:"); dMB_goniometerHorizontal.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[6]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[6])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[6]=null; //7 public double goniometerAxial; // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive if (mask[7]) { // define for isTripod double [][] adR4_goniometerAxial_tripod= {{ 0.0,0.0,0.0},{0.0,-sGA,cGA},{ 0.0,-cGA,-sGA}}; double [][] adR4_goniometerAxial_goniometer={{-sGA,0.0,cGA},{0.0, 0.0,0.0},{-cGA, 0.0,-sGA}}; Matrix dR4_goniometerAxial=new Matrix(isTripod?adR4_goniometerAxial_tripod:adR4_goniometerAxial_goniometer); Matrix dMA_goniometerAxial=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(dR4_goniometerAxial.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); // Matrix dMB_goniometerAxial=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(dR4_goniometerAxial.times(T1 ))))); // Bug noticed 05/31/2021 Matrix dMB_goniometerAxial=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(dR4_goniometerAxial.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(T1M))))))); interParameterDerivatives[7]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_goniometerAxial,dMB_goniometerAxial,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_goniometerAxial:"); dMA_goniometerAxial.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_goniometerAxial:"); dMB_goniometerAxial.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[7]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[7])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[7]=null; //8 public double interAxisDistance; // distance in mm between two goniometer axes if (mask[8]) { double [][] adT2_interAxisDistance={{0.0},{0.0},{1.0}}; Matrix dT2_interAxisDistance=new Matrix(adT2_interAxisDistance); Matrix dMA_interAxisDistance=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_interAxisDistance=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(dT2_interAxisDistance)))); interParameterDerivatives[8]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_interAxisDistance,dMB_interAxisDistance,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_interAxisDistance:"); dMA_interAxisDistance.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_interAxisDistance:"); dMB_interAxisDistance.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[8]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[8])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[8]=null; //9 public double interAxisAngle; // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated if (mask[9]) { double [][] adR5_interAxisAngle={{-sGIAA,cGIAA,0.0},{-cGIAA,-sGIAA,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0}}; Matrix dR5_interAxisAngle=new Matrix(adR5_interAxisAngle); Matrix dMA_interAxisAngle=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(dR5_interAxisAngle.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); Matrix dMB_interAxisAngle=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(dR5_interAxisAngle.times(; interParameterDerivatives[9]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_interAxisAngle,dMB_interAxisAngle,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_interAxisAngle:"); dMA_interAxisAngle.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_interAxisAngle:"); dMB_interAxisAngle.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[9]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[9])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[9]=null; //10 public double horAxisErrPhi; // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) // change sHAEPH to rotate like theta /1 0 0 /0 c s/ 0 -s c/ (derivative -/0 0 0 /0 -s c/ 0 -c -s/ if (mask[10]) { double [][] adR8_horAxisErrPhi_tripod= {{0.0, 0.0, 0.0},{0.0,-sHAEPH,cHAEPH},{ 0.0,-cHAEPH,-sHAEPH}}; double [][] adR8_horAxisErrPhi_goniometer={{-sHAEPH,0.0,cHAEPH},{0.0, 0.0, 0.0},{-cHAEPH, 0.0,-sHAEPH}}; Matrix dR8_horAxisErrPhi=new Matrix(isTripod?adR8_horAxisErrPhi_tripod:adR8_horAxisErrPhi_goniometer); Matrix dMA_horAxisErrPhi=dR8_horAxisErrPhi.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); Matrix dMB_horAxisErrPhi=dR8_horAxisErrPhi.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(; interParameterDerivatives[10]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_horAxisErrPhi,dMB_horAxisErrPhi,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_horAxisErrPhi:"); dMA_horAxisErrPhi.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_horAxisErrPhi:"); dMB_horAxisErrPhi.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[10]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[10])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[10]=null; //11 public double horAxisErrPsi; // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around moving X axis (up) if (mask[11]) { double [][] adR7_horAxisErrPsi={{-sHAEPS,cHAEPS,0.0},{-cHAEPS,-sHAEPS,0.0},{0.0,0.0,0.0}}; Matrix dR7_horAxisErrPsi=new Matrix(adR7_horAxisErrPsi); Matrix dMA_horAxisErrPsi=R8.times(dR7_horAxisErrPsi.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); Matrix dMB_horAxisErrPsi=R8.times(dR7_horAxisErrPsi.times(R6.times(R5.times(; interParameterDerivatives[11]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_horAxisErrPsi,dMB_horAxisErrPsi,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_horAxisErrPsi:"); dMA_horAxisErrPsi.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_horAxisErrPsi:"); dMB_horAxisErrPsi.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[11]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[11])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[11]=null; // R1 | R2 | R3 | RNR | RNB | R4 | R5 | R6 | R7 | R8 || T0 | T1 | T2 | T3 | // 12 public double entrancePupilForward // | | | | | | | | | || + | | | | // 13 public double centerAboveHorizontal // | | | | | | | | | || | + | | | if (mask[12]) { double [][] adT0_entrancePupilForward={{0.0},{0.0},{1.0}}; Matrix dT0_entrancePupilForward=new Matrix(adT0_entrancePupilForward); Matrix dMA_entrancePupilForward=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_entrancePupilForward=MA.times(dT0_entrancePupilForward); interParameterDerivatives[12]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_entrancePupilForward,dMB_entrancePupilForward,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_centerAboveHorizontal:"); dMA_entrancePupilForward.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_centerAboveHorizontal:"); dMB_entrancePupilForward.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[12]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[12])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[12]=null; if (mask[13]) { double [][] adT1_centerAboveHorizontal={{0.0},{1.0},{0.0}}; Matrix dT1_centerAboveHorizontal=new Matrix(adT1_centerAboveHorizontal); Matrix dMA_centerAboveHorizontal=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_centerAboveHorizontal=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_centerAboveHorizontal))))))); interParameterDerivatives[13]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_centerAboveHorizontal,dMB_centerAboveHorizontal,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_centerAboveHorizontal:"); dMA_centerAboveHorizontal.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_centerAboveHorizontal:"); dMB_centerAboveHorizontal.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[13]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[13])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[13]=null; //14 x public double [] GXYZ=null; // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system if (mask[14]) { double [][] adT3_GXYZ0={{1.0},{0.0},{0.0}}; Matrix dMA_GXYZ0=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_GXYZ0=new Matrix(adT3_GXYZ0); interParameterDerivatives[14]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_GXYZ0,dMB_GXYZ0,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_GXYZ0:"); dMA_GXYZ0.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMA_GXYZ0:"); dMB_GXYZ0.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[14]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[14])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[14]=null; //15 y if (mask[15]) { // double [][] adT3_GXYZ1={{0.0},{1.0},{0.0}}; double [][] adT3_GXYZ1={{0.0},{-1.0},{0.0}}; // up - positive // double [][] adT3_GXYZ1={{0.0},{ 1.0},{0.0}}; // up - positive Matrix dMA_GXYZ1=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_GXYZ1=new Matrix(adT3_GXYZ1); interParameterDerivatives[15]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_GXYZ1,dMB_GXYZ1,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_GXYZ1:"); dMA_GXYZ1.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_GXYZ1:"); dMB_GXYZ1.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[15]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[15])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[15]=null; //16 z if (mask[16]) { // double [][] adT3_GXYZ2={{0.0},{0.0},{1.0}}; double [][] adT3_GXYZ2={{0.0},{0.0},{-1.0}}; // away - positive Matrix dMA_GXYZ2=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_GXYZ2=new Matrix(adT3_GXYZ2); interParameterDerivatives[16]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_GXYZ2,dMB_GXYZ2,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_GXYZ2:"); dMA_GXYZ2.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_GXYZ2:"); dMB_GXYZ2.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[16]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[16])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[16]=null; // 17 neckRight if (mask[17]) { double [][] adRNR_neckRight={ {-sNR, cNR, 0.0}, {-cNR,-sNR, 0.0}, { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}}; Matrix dRNR_neckRight=new Matrix(adRNR_neckRight); Matrix dMA_neckRight=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(dRNR_neckRight.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); Matrix dMB_neckRight=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(dRNR_neckRight.times(T1M))))))); interParameterDerivatives[17]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_neckRight,dMB_neckRight,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_neckRight:"); dMA_neckRight.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_neckRight:"); dMB_neckRight.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[17]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[17])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[17]=null; // 18 neckBack if (mask[18]) { double [][] adRNB_neckBack={ { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, { 0.0,-sNB, cNB}, { 0.0,-cNB,-sNB}}; Matrix dRNB_neckBack=new Matrix(adRNB_neckBack); Matrix dMA_neckBack=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(dRNB_neckBack.times(RNR.times(R3.times(R2.times(R1))))))))); Matrix dMB_neckBack=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(dRNB_neckBack.times(RNR.times(T1M))))))); interParameterDerivatives[18]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_neckBack,dMB_neckBack,MA,MB,true); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_neckBack:"); dMA_neckBack.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_neckBack:"); dMB_neckBack.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[18]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[18])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[18]=null; // 19 neckX if (mask[19]) { double [][] adT1_neckX={{1.0},{0.0},{0.0}}; Matrix dT1_neckX=new Matrix(adT1_neckX); Matrix dMA_neckX=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_neckX=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_neckX))))))); interParameterDerivatives[19]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_neckX,dMB_neckX,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_neckX:"); dMA_neckX.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_neckX:"); dMB_neckX.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[19]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[19])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[19]=null; // 20 neckZ if (mask[20]) { double [][] adT1_neckZ={{0.0},{0.0},{1.0}}; Matrix dT1_neckZ=new Matrix(adT1_neckZ); Matrix dMA_neckZ=new Matrix(3,3,0.0); Matrix dMB_neckZ=R8.times(R7.times(R6.times(R5.times(R4.times(RNB.times(RNR.times(dT1_neckZ))))))); interParameterDerivatives[20]=d_parametersFromMAMB(dMA_neckZ,dMB_neckZ,MA,MB,false); // all after 6 are 0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("dMA_neckZ:"); dMA_neckZ.print(10, 5); System.out.println("dMB_neckZ:"); dMB_neckZ.print(10, 5); System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives[20]="+sprintfArray(interParameterDerivatives[20])); } } else interParameterDerivatives[20]=null; // now fill the rest, unchanged parameters /* int numInputs=22; //was 21 parameters in subcamera+... int numOutputs=13; //was 12 parameters in a single camera */ // 21 17 (15) public double focalLength=4.5; // 22 18 (16) public double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels // 23 19 (17) public double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels // 24 20 (18) public double distortionA8=0.0; // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) // 25 21 (19) public double distortionA7=0.0; // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) // 26 22 (20) public double distortionA6=0.0; // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) // 27 23 (21) public double distortionA5=0.0; // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) // 28 24 (22) public double distortionA=0.0; // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) // 29 25 (23) public double distortionB=0.0; // r^3 // 30 26 (24) public double distortionC=0.0; // r^2 // 31..56 27..52 - non-radial parameters // for (int inpPar=15; inpPar<getNumInputs(); inpPar++){ // for (int inpPar=17; inpPar<getNumInputs(); inpPar++){ // OK with A8. Should be OK with non-radial parameters ((27..52) also for (int inpPar=21; inpPar<getNumInputs(); inpPar++){ // added neck parameters, offset by 4 if (mask[inpPar]){ interParameterDerivatives[inpPar]=new double[getNumOutputs()]; for (int outPar=0; outPar<getNumOutputs(); outPar++){ interParameterDerivatives[inpPar][outPar]=((getNumOutputs()-outPar)==(getNumInputs()-inpPar))?1.0:0.0; if (this.debugLevel>2) { System.out.println("interParameterDerivatives["+inpPar+"]["+outPar+"]="+interParameterDerivatives[inpPar][outPar]); } } } else interParameterDerivatives[inpPar]=null; } } public double [] parametersFromMAMB(Matrix MA, Matrix MB){ double [] result= new double [getNumOutputs()]; // only first 6 are used for (int i=6; i<getNumOutputs();i++) result[i]=0.0; /* 0 public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) 1 public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) 2 public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm 3 public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top 4 public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up 5 public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise Vt=MB+MA*Vc calculate X0,Y0 (Z0==0), dist, phi, theta, psi from MB and MA | MA00 MA01 MA02 | | MA10 MA11 MA12 | | MA20 MA21 MA22 | =================== | MB0 | | MB1 | | MB2 | Take point Pc on a sub-camera axis and on the target Zt=0 plane: [0,0,dist] MA*Pc+MB= dist*[MA02,MA12,MA22]+MB =[Tx0,Ty0,0] MA02*dist+MB0=Tx0 MA12*dist+MB1=Ty0 MA22*dist+MB2=0 dist=-MB2/MA22; Tx0=MA02*(-MB2/MA22)+MB0 Ty0=MA12*(-MB2/MA22)+MB1 Tx0=MB0-MB2*MA02/MA22 Ty0=MB1-MB2*MA12/MA22 */ result[2]=-MB.get(2,0)/MA.get(2,2); // distance result[0]= MB.get(0,0)-MB.get(2,0)*MA.get(0,2)/MA.get(2,2); // x0 result[1]= MB.get(1,0)-MB.get(2,0)*MA.get(1,2)/MA.get(2,2); // y0 /* // now find phi, theta, psi MA - rotation from camera to target, transp(MA) - rotation from target to camera - same as rot(phi, theta,psi) MT=transp(MA), */ /* MA[1,2]= sin(theta) MA[0,2]= cos(theta)*sin(phi) MA[2,2]= cos(theta)*cos(phi) MA[1,0]=-cos(theta)*sin(psi) MA[1,1]= cos(theta)*cos(psi) theta=arcsin(MA[1,2]) phi= atan2(MA[0,2],MA[2,2]) psi= -atan2(MA[1,0],MA[1,1]) */ result[4]=180.0/Math.PI* Math.asin(MA.get(1, 2)); //pitch result[3]= 180.0/Math.PI* Math.atan2(MA.get(0,2),MA.get(2, 2));//yaw result[5]=-180.0/Math.PI* Math.atan2(MA.get(1, 0),MA.get(1, 1));//roll return result; } /** * * @param d_MA differential of the rotational matrix MA by some parameter * @param d_MB differential of the translational matrix MB by some parameter * @param MA - rotation matrix * @param MB - translation matrix * @param isAngle - when true, the partial derivative is for angles, d_MA, d_MB should be divided by 180/pi * @return differentials of the {x0,y0,dist,phi,theta,psi} by that parameter */ public double [] d_parametersFromMAMB(Matrix d_MA, Matrix d_MB, Matrix MA, Matrix MB, boolean isAngle){ double [] result= new double [getNumOutputs()]; // only first 6 are used, rest are 0 Arrays.fill(result,6, result.length, 0.0); // for (int i=6; i<getNumOutputs();i++) result[i]=0.0; /* 0 public double x0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (to the right) 1 public double y0=0; // lens axis from pattern center, mm (down) 2 public double distance=2360; // distance from the lens input pupil to the pattern plane along the camera axis, mm 3 public double yaw=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - clockwise from top 4 public double pitch=0.0; // angle in degrees from perpendicular to the pattern, 0 - towards wall, positive - up 5 public double roll=0.0; // angle in degrees rotation around camera optical axis (perpendicular to pattern if yaw==0, pitch==0), positive - clockwise Vt=MB+MA*Vc calculate X0,Y0 (Z0==0), dist, phi, theta, psi from MB and MA | MA00 MA01 MA02 | | MA10 MA11 MA12 | | MA20 MA21 MA22 | =================== | MB0 | | MB1 | | MB2 | Take point Pc on a sub-camera axis and on the target Zt=0 plane: [0,0,dist] MA*Pc+MB= dist*[MA02,MA12,MA22]+MB =[Tx0,Ty0,0] MA02*dist+MB0=Tx0 MA12*dist+MB1=Ty0 MA22*dist+MB2=0 dist=-MB2/MA22; Tx0=MB0-MB2*MA02/MA22 Ty0=MB1-MB2*MA12/MA22 */ // result[2]=-MB.get(2,0)/MA.get(2,2); // distance /* d_dist=-(d_MB2/MA22 - d_MA22*MB2/(MA22^2) ; */ double K=isAngle?(Math.PI/180):1.0; result[2]=K*(-d_MB.get(2,0)/MA.get(2,2)+ d_MA.get(2,2)*MB.get(2,0)/(MA.get(2,2)*MA.get(2,2))); // d_distance /* Tx0=MB0-MB2*MA02/MA22 d_Tx0=d_MB0 - d_MB2*MA02/MA22 -d_MA02*MB2/MA22 +d_MA22*MB2*MA02/(MA22^2) */ result[0]= K*(d_MB.get(0,0) - d_MB.get(2,0)*MA.get(0,2)/MA.get(2,2) - d_MA.get(0,2)*MB.get(2,0)/MA.get(2,2) + d_MA.get(2,2)*MB.get(2,0)*MA.get(0,2)/(MA.get(2,2)*MA.get(2,2))); // x0 /* Ty0=MB0-MB2*MA02/MA22 d_Ty0=d_MB1 - d_MB2*MA12/MA22 -d_MA12*MB2/MA22 +d_MA22*MB2*MA12/(MA22^2) */ result[1]= K*(d_MB.get(1,0) - d_MB.get(2,0)*MA.get(1,2)/MA.get(2,2) - d_MA.get(1,2)*MB.get(2,0)/MA.get(2,2) + d_MA.get(2,2)*MB.get(2,0)*MA.get(1,2)/(MA.get(2,2)*MA.get(2,2))); // y0 /* // now find phi, theta, psi MA - rotation from camera to target, transp(MA) - rotation from target to camera - same as rot(phi, theta,psi) MT=transp(MA), */ /* MA[1,2]= sin(theta) MA[0,2]= cos(theta)*sin(phi) MA[2,2]= cos(theta)*cos(phi) MA[1,0]=-cos(theta)*sin(psi) MA[1,1]= cos(theta)*cos(psi) theta=arcsin(MA[1,2]) phi= atan2(MA[0,2],MA[2,2]) psi= -atan2(MA[1,0],MA[1,1]) arcsin(x)'= 1/sqrt(1-x^2) arccos(x)'=-1/sqrt(1-x^2) arctan(x)'= 1/sqrt(1+x^2) */ /* theta=arcsin(MA12) d_theta=d_MA12/sqrt(1-MA12^2) */ result[4]=K*d_MA.get(1, 2)*180.0/Math.PI/Math.sqrt(1.0-MA.get(1, 2)*MA.get(1, 2)); //pitch /* phi= atan2(MA02,MA22) d_phi=(d_MA02*MA22-d_MA22*MA02) / (MA22^2+MA02^2) */ result[3]= K*180.0/Math.PI*(d_MA.get(0,2)*MA.get(2,2) - d_MA.get(2,2)*MA.get(0,2)) / ((MA.get(2,2)*MA.get(2,2)) + (MA.get(0,2)*MA.get(0,2)));//yaw /* psi= -atan2(MA10,MA11) d_psi=-(d_MA10*MA11-d_MA11*MA10) / (MA10^2+MA11^2) */ result[5]= -K* 180.0/Math.PI*(d_MA.get(1,0)*MA.get(1,1) - d_MA.get(1,1)*MA.get(1,0)) / ((MA.get(1,1)*MA.get(1,1)) + (MA.get(1,0)*MA.get(1,0)));//roll return result; } public String sprintfArray(double []arr){ String result=""; for (int i=0;i<arr.length;i++) result+= ((i>0)?", ":"")+arr[i]; return "["+result+"]"; } public int getNumInputs(){return numInputs;} public int getNumOutputs(){return numOutputs;} }