package com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor; /** ** ** TileSurface - handle tile surfaces ** ** Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel, Inc. ** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <>. ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** */ import java.awt.Point; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.elphel.imagej.common.ShowDoubleFloatArrays; public class TileSurface { // public // private int tileSize; private int superTileSize; private int imageTilesX; private int imageTilesY; private int stilesX; private int stilesY; private int [] st_dirs8; private int [] t_dirs8; private double [] window; private int threadsMax = 100; private int [][] tileLayers = null; private TileData [][] tileData = null; private SurfaceData [] surfaceData = null; // result surfaces static int STAT_UNASSIGNED = 0; // index of number of unassigned tiles static int STAT_ASSIGNED = 1; // index of number of assigned tiles static int STAT_PROHIBITED = 2; // index of number of initially prohibited tiles static int STAT_IMPOSSIBLE = 3; // index of number of impossible (like no surfaces at that location) tiles static int STAT_NUM_ML = 4; // index of number of measurement layers used static int STAT_LEN = 5; // number of stat entries static int UNASSIGNED = 0; //tile marked as invalid static int PROHOBITED = -1; //tile marked as invalid static int IMPOSSIBLE = -2; // give up on this tile (as no surface for it) static int NEW_ASSIGNED = 0; // successfully assigned to a surface static int NO_SURF = 1; // no surfaces for this tile cell static int TOO_WEAK = 2; // tile strength is too low static int TOO_STRONG = 3; // tile strength is too high ( for that disparity difference) static int TOO_FAR = 4; // no surface candidates within the allowed disparity range static int NOT_UNIQUE = 5; // multiple surfaces are within range static int REMOVED_TILES = 6; // number of removed tiles in weak clusters static int REMOVED_CLUSTERS = 7; // number of removed weak clusters static int NUM_STATS = 8; static int CLUST_NUM_INDEX = 0; static int CLUST_NUM_TILES = 1; static int CLUST_NUM_LAYERS = 2; static int CLUST_NUM_OVERLAPS = 3; static int CLUST_NUM_MULTI = 4; static int CLUST_NUM_CONFLICTS_A = 5; static int CLUST_NUM_CONFLICTS_B = 6; static int CLUST_NUM_STATS = 7; static int ASGN_DISP = 0; static int ASGN_A_DISP = 1; static int ASGN_A_NAN = 2; static int ASGN_INDX = 3; static int ASGN_STRENGTH = 4; static int ASGN_NG = 5; // private int nsTilesstSize = 0; // 8; GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection = null; public TileSurface( int tileSize, int superTileSize, int tilesX, int tilesY, GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, int threadsMax){ // this.tileSize = tileSize; this.superTileSize = superTileSize; this.geometryCorrection =geometryCorrection; this.imageTilesX = tilesX; this.imageTilesY = tilesY; this.window = getWindow(2*superTileSize); this.threadsMax = threadsMax; stilesX = (tilesX + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize; stilesY = (tilesY + superTileSize -1)/superTileSize; // int [] dirs = {-tilesX, -tilesX + 1, 1, tilesX + 1, tilesX, tilesX - 1, -1, -tilesX - 1}; int [] dirs = {-stilesX, -stilesX + 1, 1, stilesX + 1, stilesX, stilesX - 1, -1, -stilesX - 1}; this.st_dirs8 = dirs; int tx = superTileSize * stilesX; int [] tdirs = {-tx, -tx + 1, 1, tx + 1, tx, tx - 1, -1, -tx - 1}; this.t_dirs8 = tdirs; } public int getThreadsMax(){ return this.threadsMax; } public int getSTilesX(){ return stilesX; } public int getSTilesY(){ return stilesY; } public int getSuperTileSize(){ return superTileSize; } public int [][] getTileLayers() { return this.tileLayers; } public int getImageTilesX(){ return imageTilesX; } public int getImageTilesY(){ return imageTilesY; } public TileData [][] getTileData(){ return this.tileData; } public int [][] getTileLayersCopy() { if (this.tileLayers == null){ return null; } int [][] tl = this.tileLayers.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < tl.length; i++){ if (tl[i] != null){ tl[i] = tl[i].clone(); } } return this.tileLayers; } public void setTileLayers(int [][] tileLayers){ this.tileLayers = tileLayers; } public class TileData{ double [] disp_strength; int indx = 0; int new_index = 0; boolean enable = true; int [] neighbors = {-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1}; int parent_nsTile; int parent_layer; // TilePlanes.PlaneData parent_plane; public TileData ( double disparity, double strength) { setDisparityStrength(disparity,strength); } /* public void setParentPlane (TilePlanes.PlaneData parent_plane) { this.parent_plane = parent_plane; } public TilePlanes.PlaneData getParentPlane () { return this.parent_plane; } */ public String getNeibString() { String s = "["; for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++){ s += (neighbors[dir]>=0) ? neighbors[dir]:"x"; if (dir < 7) s += ", "; } s+= "] "; return s; } @Override public String toString() { String s = " "; s += getNeibString(); s += String.format( "index=%2d(%2d) parent = %3d:%1d disp=%8.5f weight=%8.5f", new_index, indx, parent_nsTile, parent_layer, disp_strength[0], disp_strength[1]); return s; } public void setParentTileLayer (int parent_nsTile, int parent_layer) { this.parent_nsTile = parent_nsTile; this.parent_layer = parent_layer; } public int getParentLayer () { return this.parent_layer; } // public void setParentNsTile(int parent_nsTile) // { // this.parent_nsTile = parent_nsTile; // } public int getParentNsTile() { return this.parent_nsTile; } public void setIndex(int indx) { this.indx = indx; if (indx < 0){ System.out.println("setIndex("+indx+")"); } } public int getIndex() { return this.indx; } public void setNewIndex(int indx) { this.new_index = indx; } public int getNewIndex() { return this.new_index; } public void setNeighbors(int [] neighbors) { this.neighbors = neighbors; } public int [] getNeighbors() { return this.neighbors; } public void setNeighbor(int dir,int neib) { // if (this.neighbors == null) this.neighbors = new int[8]; this.neighbors[dir] = neib; } public int getNeighbor(int dir) { // if (this.neighbors == null) this.neighbors = new int[8]; return this.neighbors[dir]; } public void setEnable(boolean enable) { this.enable = enable; } public boolean getEnable() { return this.enable; } public void setDisparityStrength( double disparity, double strength) { this.disp_strength = new double[2]; this.disp_strength[0] = disparity; this.disp_strength[1] = strength; } public void setDisparity(double disparity) { if (this.disp_strength == null){ this.disp_strength = new double[2]; } this.disp_strength[0] = disparity; } public double getDisparity() { if (this.disp_strength == null){ this.disp_strength = new double[2]; } return this.disp_strength[0]; } public double getDisparity(boolean useNaN) { if (useNaN && (this.disp_strength == null)) return Double.NaN; if (this.disp_strength == null){ this.disp_strength = new double[2]; } if (useNaN && (this.disp_strength[1] == 0.0)) return Double.NaN; return this.disp_strength[0]; } public double getDisparityNaN() { return getDisparity(true); } public void setStrength(double strength) { if (this.disp_strength == null){ this.disp_strength = new double[2]; } this.disp_strength[1] = strength; } public double getStrength() { if (this.disp_strength == null){ this.disp_strength = new double[2]; } return this.disp_strength[1]; } } public int getNStileDir( int nsTile, int dir) { if (dir < 0) return nsTile; int sty = nsTile / stilesX; int stx = nsTile % stilesX; if ((stx > 0) && (sty > 0) && (sty < (stilesY - 1)) && (stx < (stilesX - 1))) return nsTile + st_dirs8[dir]; // most likely case if ((sty == 0) && ((dir < 2) || (dir == 7))) return -1; if ((sty == (stilesY - 1)) && (dir > 2) && (dir < 6)) return -1; if ((stx == 0) && (dir > 4)) return -1; if ((stx == (stilesX - 1)) && (dir > 0) && (dir < 4)) return -1; return nsTile + st_dirs8[dir]; } public int getNtileDir( int nTile, int dir) { if (dir < 0) return nTile; int tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; int tilesY = stilesY * superTileSize; int ty = nTile / tilesX; int tx = nTile % tilesX; if ((tx > 0) && (ty > 0) && (ty < (tilesY - 1)) && (tx < (tilesX - 1))) return nTile + t_dirs8[dir]; // most likely case if ((ty == 0) && ((dir < 2) || (dir == 7))) return -1; if ((ty == (tilesY - 1)) && (dir > 2) && (dir < 6)) return -1; if ((tx == 0) && (dir > 4)) return -1; if ((tx == (tilesX - 1)) && (dir > 0) && (dir < 4)) return -1; return nTile + t_dirs8[dir]; } public int getDirToStile( int nsTile, int nsTile1) { int sty = nsTile / stilesX; int stx = nsTile % stilesX; int sty1 = nsTile1 / stilesX; int stx1 = nsTile1 % stilesX; int dx = stx1 - stx; int dy = sty1 - sty; // int sdx = (dx > 0) ? 1: ( (dx < 0) ? -1 : 0); // int sdy = (dy > 0) ? 1: ( (dy < 0) ? -1 : 0); if ((dy == 0 ) && (dx == 0)) return -1; // same tile if (dy < 0) { if (dx < 0) return 7; if (dx > 0) return 1; return 0; } if (dy > 0) { if (dx < 0) return 5; if (dx > 0) return 3; return 4; } if (dx < 0) return 6; if (dx > 0) return 2; return -1; } /** * Get tile surface number from supertile number, direction (-1 same) and the supertile plane index * @param nsTile number of the supertile * @param dir direction -1 - same supertile, 0 - N (up), 1 - NE, .. 7 - NW * @param np number of the supertile plane * @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null) * @return unique tile surface index, if ((dir == 8) && (np == 0)) returns total number of tile surfaces */ public int getTileSurfaceNumber ( int nsTile, int dir, // direction, or -1 (same) int np, TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes) { if (nsTile < 0) { return -1; } int tsn = (planes[nsTile] == null) ? 0 : planes[nsTile].length; // nsTile = -1 when mesh goes out of the image area if (dir < 0) { if (np >= tsn){ return -1; } return np; } int nsTile1 = -1; for (int d = 0; d < dir; d ++){ nsTile1 = getNStileDir(nsTile, d); if ((nsTile1 >=0) && (planes[nsTile1] != null)){ tsn += planes[nsTile1].length; } } if (dir < 8) { nsTile1 = getNStileDir(nsTile, dir); int last_Length = ((nsTile1< 0) || (planes[nsTile1] == null)) ? 0: planes[nsTile1].length; if (np >= last_Length) { return -1; } } return tsn + np; } /** * Get supertile direction and the plane number that contributeted to a specific tile surface * @param nsTile supertile index * @param tp tile surface index (generated by getTileSurfaceNumber) * @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null) * @return a pair of {dir, plane index}. dir is -1 for the plane in the same supertile, 0..7 for neighbors */ public int [] getSuperTileDirPlane ( int nsTile, int tp, TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes) { int num_planes = (planes[nsTile] == null)? 0: planes[nsTile].length; int [] rslt = {-1, tp}; if (tp < num_planes) return rslt; tp -= num_planes; for (int d = 0; d < st_dirs8.length; d ++){ int nsTile1 = getNStileDir(nsTile, d); num_planes = ((nsTile1 >=0) && (planes[nsTile1] != null))? planes[nsTile1].length : 0; if (tp < num_planes){ rslt[0] = d; rslt[1] = tp; return rslt; } tp -= num_planes; } return null; // error - invalid input } public double [] getWindow ( int size) { double [] wnd1d = new double [size]; for (int i = 0; i < size/2; i++){ wnd1d[i] = 0.5 * (1.0 - Math.cos(2*Math.PI*(i+0.5)/size)); wnd1d[size - i -1] = wnd1d[i]; } double [] wnd = new double [size * size]; int indx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < size; j++){ wnd[indx++] = wnd1d[i]*wnd1d[j]; } } return wnd; } public double [] getWindow() { return window; } /** * TODO: replace misplaced description Calculate per-tile surface data (TileData) including disparity, strength, and 8 neighbors indices * @param use_sel use plane selection (this.sel_mask) to select only some part of the plane * @param divide_by_area divide weights by ellipsoid area * @param scale_projection use plane ellipsoid projection for weight: 0 - do not use, > 0 linearly scale ellipsoid * @param fraction_uni add fraction of the total weight to each tile * @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug supertile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug supertile Y coordinate * @return per-tile (rounded up to contain whole supertiles) sparse array of TileData instances */ public double [][][][] fuseSupertilePlanes ( final boolean use_sel, final boolean divide_by_area, final double scale_projection, final double fraction_uni, final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, // why plane here has weighth == 0.0 ? final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final double [][][][] fused_data = new double [nStiles][][][]; // final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray((debugLevel > 1)? 1 : threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (planes[nsTile] != null) { // int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile == dbg_tile)) ? 3:0; int dl = ((debugLevel > 1) && (nsTile == dbg_tile)) ? 3: debugLevel; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("fuseSupertilePlanes(), nsTile = "+nsTile); } double [][][] disp_strength = new double [planes[nsTile].length][][]; for (int np = 0; np < disp_strength.length; np++){ if ((planes[nsTile][np] != null) && (planes[nsTile][np].getWeight() > 0.0)){ // disregard 0-weight planes disp_strength[np] = planes[nsTile][np].getDoublePlaneDisparityStrength( getWindow(), // double [] window, -1, // int dir (-1 - center, 0- N, 1 - NE, .. 7 - NW false, // use_sel, // boolean use_sel, apply selection to the result divide_by_area, //boolean divide_by_area, scale_projection, // double scale_projection, fraction_uni, // double fraction_uni, debugLevel-1); // int debugLevel) // multiply disparities by strengths to calculate weighted averages double [] disp0 = disp_strength[np][0].clone(); // to use where strength == 0 for (int i = 0; i < disp_strength[np][1].length; i++){ disp_strength[np][0][i] *= disp_strength[np][1][i]; } // } for (int dir = 0; dir < st_dirs8.length; dir++){ int sNeib = planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest(dir); if (sNeib >= 0){ int nsTile1 = getNStileDir(nsTile, dir); // nsTile + ((dir < 0) ? 0: st_dirs8[dir]); if ((nsTile1 >= 0) && (planes[nsTile1] != null)){ // double [][] ds = planes[nsTile1][np].getSinglePlaneDisparityStrength( double [][] ds = planes[nsTile1][sNeib].getDoublePlaneDisparityStrength( getWindow(), // double [] window, dir, // int dir (-1 - center, 0- N, 1 - NE, .. 7 - NW false, // use_sel, // boolean use_sel, apply selection to the result divide_by_area, //boolean divide_by_area, scale_projection, // double scale_projection, fraction_uni, // double fraction_uni, debugLevel-1); // int debugLevel) for (int i = 0; i < disp_strength[np][1].length; i++){ if (ds[1][i] > 0.0){ disp_strength[np][1][i] += ds[1][i]; disp_strength[np][0][i] += ds[1][i] * ds[0][i]; } } } } } // calculate weighted average for each tile for (int i = 0; i < disp_strength[np][1].length; i++){ if (disp_strength[np][1][i] > 0.0){ disp_strength[np][0][i] /= disp_strength[np][1][i]; } else { disp_strength[np][0][i] = disp0[i]; // may have discontinuity } } if (use_sel){ // zero out selection after averaging, apply to this tile boolean [] sel = planes[nsTile][np].getSelMask(); if (sel != null){ for (int i = 0; i < disp_strength[np][1].length; i++){ if (!sel[i]) disp_strength[np][1][i] = 0.0; } } } if ((debugLevel > -1) && (dl>0)){ String str_neib = "fuseSupertilePlanes_"+nsTile+":"+np; for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++){ str_neib += " " + planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest(dir); } System.out.println(str_neib); } } } fused_data[nsTile] = disp_strength; if ((debugLevel > -1) && (dl > 0)){ String[] titles = new String [3 * disp_strength.length]; double [][] dbg_img = new double [titles.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < disp_strength.length; i++) { titles [i + 0 * disp_strength.length] = "disp_" + i; titles [i + 1 * disp_strength.length] = "mdisp_" + i; titles [i + 2 * disp_strength.length] = "str_" + i; if (disp_strength[i] != null) { dbg_img[i + 0 * disp_strength.length] = disp_strength[i][0]; dbg_img[i + 2 * disp_strength.length] = disp_strength[i][1]; dbg_img[i + 1 * disp_strength.length] = disp_strength[i][0].clone(); for (int j = 0; j < disp_strength[i][0].length; j++){ if (disp_strength[i][1][j] == 0.0){ dbg_img[i + 1 * disp_strength.length][j] = Double.NaN; } } } } ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, 2 * superTileSize, 2 * superTileSize, true, "surf_ds_"+nsTile, titles); } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return fused_data; } /** * Prepare topology of the supertiles connections. For each of the 4 quadrants (0, 1 / 2, 3) of each * used supertile plane, get 4 plane indices that contribute to it (also in linescan (0, 1/ 2,3) order * That will tell which of the overlapping 2x supertile planes can be merged * @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug supertile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug supertile Y coordinate * @return per-tile , per plane, per quadrant, per quadrant 4 corners - index of contributing plane (or -1 if none) */ public int [][][][] getSupertilesTopology ( final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; // final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int [][] dir_corn = { { 7, 0, 6, -1}, // 0 (top left) { 0, 1, -1, 2}, // 1 (top right) { 6, -1, 5, 4}, // 2 (bottom left) {-1, 2, 4, 3}}; // 3 (bottom right) final int [][][][] corners = new int [nStiles][][][]; final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (planes[nsTile] != null) { int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile == dbg_tile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("getSupertilesTopology(), nsTile = "+nsTile); } corners[nsTile] = new int [planes[nsTile].length][][]; for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++){ // if (planes[nsTile][np] != null){ if ((planes[nsTile][np] != null) && (planes[nsTile][np].getWeight() > 0.0)){ // disregard 0-weight planes int [] neibs = planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest(); if (neibs == null) { System.out.println("getSupertilesTopology(), nsTile = "+nsTile+" neibs= null"); } else { corners[nsTile][np]= new int [4][4]; for (int i= 0; i < 4; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++){ if (dir_corn[i][j] < 0){ corners[nsTile][np][i][j] = np; } else { corners[nsTile][np][i][j] = neibs[dir_corn[i][j]]; } } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return corners; } /** * Calculate per-tile surface data (TileData) including disparity, strength, and 8 neighbors indices * @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null) * @param corners - topology data generated by getSupertilesTopology() method * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug supertile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug supertile Y coordinate * @return per-tile (rounded up to contain whole supertiles) sparse array of TileData instances */ public int [][][][][] generateOverlappingMeshes ( final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, final int [][][][] corners, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; // final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final int [][][][][] meshes = new int [nStiles][][][][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int ss2 = 2 * superTileSize; final int ss1 = superTileSize; final int sh = superTileSize/2; final int len_st2 = ss2 * ss2 ; final int [][][] quad_check = { // [quadrant 01/23][dir: left, right, diagonal]{dir, quadrant} { // top left quadrant {6, 1}, //left {0, 2}, //right {7, 3} //diagonal }, { // top right quadrant {0, 3}, //left {2, 0}, //right {1, 2} //diagonal }, { // bottom left quadrant {4, 0}, //left {6, 3}, //right {5, 1} //diagonal }, { // bottom right quadrant {2, 2}, //left {4, 1}, //right {3, 0}}};//diagonal final int [][][] cut_ortho = { // [quadrant][left, right][index, width, height} { // quadrant 0 - top left {0, sh, ss1}, // left path {0, ss1, sh } // right path }, { // quadrant 1 - top right {ss1, ss1, sh}, {3 * sh, sh, ss1} }, { // quadrant 2 - bottom left {3 * ss2 * sh, ss1, sh}, {ss1 * ss2, sh, ss1} }, { // quadrant 3 - bottom right {ss1 * ss2 + 3 * sh, sh, ss1}, {3 * sh * ss2 + ss1, ss1, sh} }, }; final TileNeibs tileNeibs = new TileNeibs(2*superTileSize); final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (planes[nsTile] != null) { int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile == dbg_tile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("generateOverlappingMeshes(), nsTile = "+nsTile); } meshes[nsTile] = new int [planes[nsTile].length][][][]; for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++){ // if (planes[nsTile][np] != null){ if ((planes[nsTile][np] != null) && (planes[nsTile][np].getWeight() > 0.0)){ // disregard 0-weight planes int [][] pre_mesh = new int [len_st2][2]; for (int i = 0; i < len_st2; i ++){ pre_mesh[i][0] = nsTile; pre_mesh[i][1] = np; } int [] neibs = planes[nsTile][np].getNeibBest(); for (int quadrant = 0; quadrant <4; quadrant ++) { int [] these_corner_planes = corners[nsTile][np][quadrant]; // int [][] neib_id = new int[3][2]; int [][] neib_id = new int[3][]; for (int arr = 0; arr < 3; arr++){ int dir = quad_check[quadrant][arr][0]; if (neibs[dir] >= 0) { neib_id[arr] = new int [2]; int nsTile1 = nsTile + st_dirs8[dir]; int [] other_corner_planes = corners[nsTile1][neibs[dir]][quad_check[quadrant][arr][1]]; neib_id[arr][0] = nsTile1; neib_id[arr][1] = neibs[dir]; for (int i = 0; i < these_corner_planes.length; i++){ if (other_corner_planes[i] != these_corner_planes[i]){ neib_id[arr] = null; break; } } } } // depending on match values, cut and join mesh with the neighbor // change diagonal first (add corner square later again if (neib_id[2] != null){ switch (quadrant){ case 0: // top left for (int j = 0; j < (ss1 - 1); j++){ for (int i = ss1 - 2 - j; i>=0; i--){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; case 1: // top right for (int j = ss1; j < ss2; j++){ for (int i = j - ss1; i >= 0; i--){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; case 2: // bottom left for (int j = 0; j < (ss1 - 1); j++){ for (int i = ss1 + 1 + j; i < ss2; i++){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; case 3: // bottom right for (int j = ss1; j < ss2; j++){ for (int i = ss2 + ss1 - 1 - j; i < ss2; i++){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; } } // change ortho - on top of diagonal for (int arr = 0; arr < 2; arr++) if (neib_id[arr] != null){ for (int y = 0; y < cut_ortho[quadrant][arr][2]; y++){ for (int x = 0; x < cut_ortho[quadrant][arr][1]; x++){ int indx = cut_ortho[quadrant][arr][0] + y * ss2 + x; pre_mesh[indx] = neib_id[arr]; } } } // add corner square corner on top of possible ortho if (neib_id[2] != null){ switch (quadrant){ case 0: // top left for (int j = 0; j < sh; j++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < sh; i++){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; case 1: // top right for (int j = ss1 + sh; j < ss2; j++){ for (int i = 0; i < sh; i++){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; case 2: // bottom left for (int j = 0; j < sh; j++){ for (int i = ss1 + sh; i < ss2; i++){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; case 3: // bottom right for (int j = ss1 + sh; j < ss2; j++){ for (int i = ss1 + sh; i < ss2; i++){ pre_mesh[i * ss2 + j] = neib_id[2]; } } break; } } } // build mesh , then add cuts if needed meshes[nsTile][np] = new int [len_st2][][]; int [][][] dbg_meshes = meshes[nsTile][np]; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("generateOverlappingMeshes(), dbg_meshes.length = "+dbg_meshes.length); } for (int i = 0; i < len_st2; i ++){ if ((pre_mesh[i] != null) && (pre_mesh[i][0] == nsTile)){ meshes[nsTile][np][i] = new int [8][]; for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) { int ineib = tileNeibs.getNeibIndex(i, dir); if (ineib >= 0) meshes[nsTile][np][i][dir] = pre_mesh[ineib]; } } } // add cuts // up for (int ncut = 0; ncut <8; ncut++){ int indx, dir_go = -1, dir_start = -1; boolean cut_right = false; switch (ncut){ case 0: dir_go = 0; dir_start = 7; cut_right = true; break; case 1: dir_go = 0; dir_start = 0; cut_right = false; break; case 2: dir_go = 2; dir_start = 0; cut_right = true; break; case 3: dir_go = 2; dir_start = -1; cut_right = false; break; case 4: dir_go = 4; dir_start = -1; cut_right = true; break; case 5: dir_go = 4; dir_start = 6; cut_right = false; break; case 6: dir_go = 6; dir_start = 6; cut_right = true; break; case 7: dir_go = 6; dir_start = 7; cut_right = false; break; } int dir_go45 = (dir_go + (cut_right ? 1:7)) % 8; int dir_go90 = (dir_go + (cut_right ? 2:6)) % 8; int dir_go135 = (dir_go + (cut_right ? 3:5)) % 8; int dir_go180 = (dir_go + 4) % 8; indx = ss1 * (ss2 + 1); // center point for (int i = 0; i < sh; i++) indx = tileNeibs.getNeibIndex(indx, dir_go); if (dir_start >= 0) indx = tileNeibs.getNeibIndex(indx, dir_start); int indx1 = tileNeibs.getNeibIndex(indx, dir_go90); // if ((pre_mesh[indx] != null) && (pre_mesh[indx1] == null)){ // there is a cut // if ((pre_mesh[indx][0] == nsTile) && (pre_mesh[indx1][0] != nsTile)){ // there is a cut if ((meshes[nsTile][np][indx] != null) && (meshes[nsTile][np][indx1] == null)){ // there is a cut for (int i = 0; i < sh; i++){ int indx_back = tileNeibs.getNeibIndex(indx, dir_go180); if (meshes[nsTile][np][indx_back] != null) meshes[nsTile][np][indx_back][dir_go45] = null; // NE for N, right if (meshes[nsTile][np][indx] != null) { meshes[nsTile][np][indx][dir_go90] = null; // E for N, right if (i > 0){ meshes[nsTile][np][indx][dir_go135] = null; // SE for N, right } } indx = tileNeibs.getNeibIndex(indx, dir_go); } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return meshes; } /** * Calculate per-tile surface data (TileData) including disparity, strength, and 8 neighbors indices * @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null) * @param fusedSupertilePlanes disparity/strength data generated by fuseSupertilePlanes() method * @param lappingMeshes per super-tile overlapping surface meshes, generateOverlappingMeshes * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug supertile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug supertile Y coordinate * @return per-tile (rounded up to contain whole supertiles) sparse array of TileData instances */ public TileData [][] createTileShells ( final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, final double [][][][] fusedSupertilePlanes, final int [][][][][] lappingMeshes, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; final int tilesY = stilesY * superTileSize; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final TileData [][] tile_data = new TileData [nTiles][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int ss2 = 2 * superTileSize; final int sh = superTileSize/2; final int len2 = ss2 * ss2 ; final TileNeibs tileNeibs = new TileNeibs(2 * superTileSize); final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; // initialize result structure for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile == dbg_tile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("createTileShells():1, nsTile = "+nsTile); } int num_surf = getTileSurfaceNumber ( // maximal number of surfaces in this supertile nsTile, // int nsTile, 8, // int dir, // direction, or -1 (same) 0, // int np, planes); // TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes) if (num_surf > 0) { // 0 - nothing in this supertile, none around - remove if (num_surf > 0) { // 0 - nothing in this supertile, none around int stileY = nsTile / stilesX; int stileX = nsTile % stilesX; for (int ty = 0; ty < superTileSize; ty++){ for (int tx = 0; tx < superTileSize; tx++){ int indx = ((stileY * superTileSize) + ty) * tilesX + ((stileX * superTileSize) + tx); tile_data[indx] = new TileData[num_surf]; } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nStiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (planes[nsTile] != null) { int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nsTile == dbg_tile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("createTileShells():2, nsTile = "+nsTile); } int stileY = nsTile / stilesX; int stileX = nsTile % stilesX; // for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++) if (planes[nsTile][np] != null){ for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++) if ((planes[nsTile][np] != null) && (planes[nsTile][np].getWeight() > 0.0)){ int [][][] src_mesh = lappingMeshes[nsTile][np]; double [][] disp_strength = fusedSupertilePlanes[nsTile][np]; TileData [] dual_mesh = new TileData [len2]; // full overlapping dual-sized mesh if ((planes == null) || (planes[nsTile] == null) || (planes[nsTile][np] == null)){ System.out.println("createTileShells():2, *** NULL here*** nsTile = "+nsTile+" np="+np); continue; } for (int indx = 0 ; indx < len2; indx++){ // src_mesh non-null elements can only be generated by this supertile, while // neighbor links can point to others (connected). // others (connected) should have unique surface index based on their own planes ? if (src_mesh[indx] != null){ if ((dl > 0) && ((indx & 15) == 0)){ System.out.println("createTileShells():3, nsTile = "+nsTile+", indx="+indx); } int [][] src_neibs = src_mesh[indx]; if (src_neibs != null){ int tsegm = tileNeibs.getSegment(indx); int nsTile0 = getNStileDir(nsTile, tsegm); // supertile over which this tile is if ( (tsegm < 0) || // own tile (center square) (nsTile0 >= 0)) { // <0 - out of picture area dual_mesh[indx] = new TileData( // now sets neighbors to -1 disp_strength[0][indx], // disparity disp_strength[1][indx]); // strength // dual_mesh[indx].setParentNsTile(nsTile); dual_mesh[indx].setParentTileLayer(nsTile, np); // dual_mesh[indx].setParentPlane(planes[nsTile][np]); int dirThisfrom0 = getDirToStile(nsTile0, nsTile); // can be -1; int surf0 = getTileSurfaceNumber ( // Number of the surface for the tile itself nsTile0, // int nsTile, dirThisfrom0, // int dir, // direction, or -1 (same) np, // int np, planes); dual_mesh[indx].setIndex(surf0); for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) { if (src_neibs[dir] != null){ int nsTile1 = src_neibs[dir][0]; int np1 = src_neibs[dir][1]; int indx1 = tileNeibs.getNeibIndex(indx,dir); // index of the destination tile // now find tile location - it may be outside of both nsTile and nsTile_1 int segm1 = tileNeibs.getSegment(indx1); int nsTile2 = getNStileDir(nsTile, segm1); // negative segm 1 is OK ? // now: nsTile - this supertile, // nsTile1 - to which supertile surface we switch // nsTile2 - non-overlapping supertile where the destination tile belongs // Unique surface number should be determined for nsTile2, generated by nsTile1, // for direction how nsTile1 is visible from the nsTile2 int dir1from2 = getDirToStile(nsTile2, nsTile1); // can be -1; int surf = getTileSurfaceNumber ( // maximal number of surfaces in this supertile nsTile2, // int nsTile, dir1from2, // int dir, // direction, or -1 (same) np1, // int np, planes); dual_mesh[indx].setNeighbor(dir, surf); } } } } } } // Now we have a double-sized surface with all tiles set with correct absolute indices, now just split it //surf_number = for (int ty = 0; ty < ss2; ty++ ){ for (int tx = 0; tx < ss2; tx++ ){ int indx = ty * ss2 + tx; if (dual_mesh[indx] != null) { // some cells may be missing after merge int ix, iy; ix = (stileX * superTileSize) + tx -sh; iy = (stileY * superTileSize) + ty -sh; if ((ix >= 0) && (ix < tilesX) && (iy >= 0) && (iy < tilesX)) { int tindx = iy * tilesX + ix; tile_data[tindx][dual_mesh[indx].getIndex()] = dual_mesh[indx]; //oob } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return tile_data; } public TileData [][] compactSortShells ( final TileData [][] tileData_src, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final TileData [][] tile_data = new TileData [nTiles][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int dbg_stile = (dbg_Y * superTileSize) * (stilesX * superTileSize) + (dbg_X * superTileSize); final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; final int dbg_tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int dbg_stX = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_stY = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_st = (dbg_stY / superTileSize) * stilesX + (dbg_stX / superTileSize); int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (dbg_st == dbg_stile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("compactSortShells():1, nTile = "+nTile+ ", nsTile = "+dbg_st); } int dls = ((debugLevel > -1) && (nTile == dbg_tile)) ? 3:0; if (tileData_src[nTile] != null){ ArrayList<TileData> tdList = new ArrayList<TileData>(); for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData_src[nTile].length; nl++){ if (tileData_src[nTile][nl] != null){ tdList.add(tileData_src[nTile][nl]); } } Collections.sort(tdList, new Comparator<TileData>() { @Override public int compare(TileData lhs, TileData rhs) { double lhs_d =lhs.getDisparity(); double rhs_d =rhs.getDisparity(); if (Double.isNaN(lhs_d) && Double.isNaN(rhs_d)) return 0; if (Double.isNaN(lhs_d)) return 1; if (Double.isNaN(rhs_d)) return -1; int sgn = (lhs.getDisparity() > rhs.getDisparity()) ? 1 : (lhs.getDisparity() < rhs.getDisparity() ) ? -1 : 0; return sgn; } }); // increasing disparity for (int i = 0; i < tdList.size(); i++){ tdList.get(i).setNewIndex(i); } if (tdList.size() > 0) { tile_data[nTile] = tdList.toArray(new TileData[0] ); } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { TileData [][] tileData_src_dbg= tileData_src; for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int dbg_stX = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_stY = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_st = (dbg_stY / superTileSize) * stilesX + (dbg_stX / superTileSize); int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (dbg_st == dbg_stile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("compactSortShells():2, nTile = "+nTile+ ", nsTile = "+dbg_st); } if (tile_data[nTile] != null){ for (int i = 0; i < tile_data[nTile].length; i++){ int [] neibs = tile_data[nTile][i].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < neibs.length; dir++){ if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = getNtileDir(nTile, dir); if (nTile1 >= 0) { if ((tile_data[nTile1] == null) || (tileData_src[nTile1][neibs[dir]] == null)){ int dbg_sstile = tile_data[nTile][i].getParentNsTile(); int dbg_stileX = dbg_sstile % stilesX; int dbg_stileY = dbg_sstile / stilesX; int dbg_tx = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_ty = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_dx = dbg_tx - (superTileSize * dbg_stileX + superTileSize/2); int dbg_dy = dbg_ty - (superTileSize * dbg_stileY + superTileSize/2); System.out.println("Null tile: "+nTile1+ " from "+nTile+", i="+i+", dir = "+dir+ ", dbg_stX="+dbg_stX+", dbg_stY="+dbg_stY+", dbg_st="+dbg_st+", neibs[dir]="+neibs[dir]+ " dbg_nsTile = "+dbg_sstile +" ("+dbg_stileX+":"+dbg_stileY+")"+ " nTile="+nTile+" ("+dbg_tx+":"+dbg_ty+")"+ ", deltas from src center: "+dbg_dx+":"+dbg_dy); neibs[dir] = -1; } else { // neibs[dir] = tile_data[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getNewIndex(); neibs[dir] = tileData_src[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getNewIndex(); } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return tile_data; } public void checkShellsConnections ( final TileData [][] tileData, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; // final TileData [][] tile_data = new TileData [nTiles][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int dbg_stile = (dbg_Y * superTileSize) * (stilesX * superTileSize) + (dbg_X * superTileSize); // final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; final int dbg_tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int dbg_stX = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_stY = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_st = (dbg_stY / superTileSize) * stilesX + (dbg_stX / superTileSize); int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (dbg_st == dbg_stile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("checkShellsConnections(), nTile = "+nTile+ ", nsTile = "+dbg_st); } if (tileData[nTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData[nTile].length; nl++){ if (tileData[nTile][nl] != null){ int [] neibs = tileData[nTile][nl].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < neibs.length; dir++){ if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = getNtileDir(nTile, dir); if (nTile1 >= 0) { if ((tileData[nTile1] == null) || (tileData[nTile1][neibs[dir]] == null)){ if (debugLevel > -1) { int dbg_sstile = tileData[nTile][nl].getParentNsTile(); int dbg_stileX = dbg_sstile % stilesX; int dbg_stileY = dbg_sstile / stilesX; int dbg_tx = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_ty = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_dx = dbg_tx - (superTileSize * dbg_stileX + superTileSize/2); int dbg_dy = dbg_ty - (superTileSize * dbg_stileY + superTileSize/2); System.out.println("Broken link: "+nTile1+ " from "+nTile+", nl="+nl+", dir = "+dir+ ", dbg_stX="+dbg_stX+", dbg_stY="+dbg_stY+", dbg_st="+dbg_st+", neibs[dir]="+neibs[dir]+ " dbg_nsTile = "+dbg_sstile +" ("+dbg_stileX+":"+dbg_stileY+")"+ " nTile="+nTile+" ("+dbg_tx+":"+dbg_ty+")"+ ", deltas from src center: "+dbg_dx+":"+dbg_dy); } neibs[dir] = -2; // was broken link } else { // check if link is mutual int [] neibs_other = tileData[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getNeighbors(); if (neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8] != nl){ if (debugLevel > -1) { int dbg_sstile = tileData[nTile][nl].getParentNsTile(); int dbg_stileX = dbg_sstile % stilesX; int dbg_stileY = dbg_sstile / stilesX; int dbg_tx = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_ty = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_dx = dbg_tx - (superTileSize * dbg_stileX + superTileSize/2); int dbg_dy = dbg_ty - (superTileSize * dbg_stileY + superTileSize/2); System.out.println("Link not mutual: "+nTile1+ " from "+nTile+", nl="+nl+", dir = "+dir+ ", dbg_stX="+dbg_stX+", dbg_stY="+dbg_stY+", dbg_st="+dbg_st+", neibs[dir]="+neibs[dir]+ " dbg_nsTile = "+dbg_sstile +" ("+dbg_stileX+":"+dbg_stileY+")"+ " nTile="+nTile+" ("+dbg_tx+":"+dbg_ty+")"+ ", deltas from src center: "+dbg_dx+":"+dbg_dy+ ", neibs_other["+((dir + 4) % 8)+"]="+neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8]+ ", dbg_nsTile other="+tileData[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getParentNsTile()); } neibs[dir] = -3; // not a mutual link (break only this side here) } } } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } public void addBackShellsConnections ( final TileData [][] tileData, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; // final TileData [][] tile_data = new TileData [nTiles][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int dbg_stile = (dbg_Y * superTileSize) * (stilesX * superTileSize) + (dbg_X * superTileSize); // final int dbg_tile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; final int dbg_tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int dbg_stX = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_stY = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_st = (dbg_stY / superTileSize) * stilesX + (dbg_stX / superTileSize); int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (dbg_st == dbg_stile)) ? 3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("checkShellsConnections(), nTile = "+nTile+ ", nsTile = "+dbg_st); } if (tileData[nTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData[nTile].length; nl++){ if (tileData[nTile][nl] != null){ int [] neibs = tileData[nTile][nl].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < neibs.length; dir++){ if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = getNtileDir(nTile, dir); if (nTile1 >= 0) { if ((tileData[nTile1] == null) || (tileData[nTile1][neibs[dir]] == null)){ if (debugLevel > 0) { int dbg_sstile = tileData[nTile][nl].getParentNsTile(); int dbg_stileX = dbg_sstile % stilesX; int dbg_stileY = dbg_sstile / stilesX; int dbg_tx = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_ty = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_dx = dbg_tx - (superTileSize * dbg_stileX + superTileSize/2); int dbg_dy = dbg_ty - (superTileSize * dbg_stileY + superTileSize/2); System.out.println("Broken link: "+nTile1+ " from "+nTile+", nl="+nl+", dir = "+dir+ ", dbg_stX="+dbg_stX+", dbg_stY="+dbg_stY+", dbg_st="+dbg_st+", neibs[dir]="+neibs[dir]+ " dbg_nsTile = "+dbg_sstile +" ("+dbg_stileX+":"+dbg_stileY+")"+ " nTile="+nTile+" ("+dbg_tx+":"+dbg_ty+")"+ ", deltas from src center: "+dbg_dx+":"+dbg_dy); } // neibs[dir] = -2; // was broken link } else { // check if link is mutual int [] neibs_other = tileData[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getNeighbors(); if (neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8] != nl){ if (debugLevel > 0) { int dbg_sstile = tileData[nTile][nl].getParentNsTile(); int dbg_stileX = dbg_sstile % stilesX; int dbg_stileY = dbg_sstile / stilesX; int dbg_tx = nTile % dbg_tilesX; int dbg_ty = nTile / dbg_tilesX; int dbg_dx = dbg_tx - (superTileSize * dbg_stileX + superTileSize/2); int dbg_dy = dbg_ty - (superTileSize * dbg_stileY + superTileSize/2); System.out.println("Link not mutual: "+nTile1+ " from "+nTile+", nl="+nl+", dir = "+dir+ ", dbg_stX="+dbg_stX+", dbg_stY="+dbg_stY+", dbg_st="+dbg_st+", neibs[dir]="+neibs[dir]+ " dbg_nsTile = "+dbg_sstile +" ("+dbg_stileX+":"+dbg_stileY+")"+ " nTile="+nTile+" ("+dbg_tx+":"+dbg_ty+")"+ ", deltas from src center: "+dbg_dx+":"+dbg_dy+ ", neibs_other["+((dir + 4) % 8)+"]="+neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8]+ ", dbg_nsTile other="+tileData[nTile1][neibs[dir]].getParentNsTile()); } if (neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8] < 0 ){ neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8] = nl; // adding back link instead of missing one } else { int nTile2 = getNtileDir(nTile1, (dir + 4) % 8); if ( (nTile2 < 0) || (tileData[nTile2] == null) || (tileData[nTile2][neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8]] == null)) { neibs_other[(dir + 4) % 8] = nl; // adding back link instead of broken one } } } } } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } public int getTileLayersNumber ( final TileData [][] tileData) { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tileData.length; i++){ if ((tileData[i] != null) && (tileData[i].length > num )){ num = tileData[i].length; } } return num; } public int [] getTilesWH() { int [] wh = {stilesX*superTileSize, stilesY*superTileSize}; return wh; } public double [][][] getTileDisparityStrengths ( final TileData [][] tileData, final boolean useNaN) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int numLayers = getTileLayersNumber(tileData); final double [][][] disp_strength = new double [numLayers][2][tileData.length]; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (tileData[nTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData[nTile].length; nl++) if (tileData[nTile][nl]!=null){ // only beforfe compacting disp_strength[nl][0][nTile] = tileData[nTile][nl].getDisparity(useNaN); disp_strength[nl][1][nTile] = tileData[nTile][nl].getStrength(); } if (useNaN){ for (int nl = tileData[nTile].length; nl < numLayers; nl++){ disp_strength[nl][0][nTile] = Double.NaN; } } } else if (useNaN){ for (int nl = 0; nl < numLayers; nl++){ disp_strength[nl][0][nTile] = Double.NaN; } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return disp_strength; } public int [][][] getTileConnections ( final TileData [][] tileData) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int numLayers = getTileLayersNumber(tileData); final int [][][] connections = new int [numLayers][tileData.length][8]; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (tileData[nTile] != null) { for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData[nTile].length; nl++) if (tileData[nTile][nl] != null) { for (int indx = 0 ; indx < tileData.length; indx++){ for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir ++){ if (tileData[nTile][nl].getNeighbor(dir) >= 0){ connections[nl][nTile][dir] = tileData[nTile][nl].getNeighbor(dir)+1; } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return connections; } public int [][] getTileGenerator ( final TileData [][] tileData) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int numLayers = getTileLayersNumber(tileData); final int [][] generators = new int [numLayers][tileData.length]; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (tileData[nTile] != null) { for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData[nTile].length; nl++) if (tileData[nTile][nl] != null) { for (int indx = 0 ; indx < tileData.length; indx++){ generators[nl][nTile] = tileData[nTile][nl].getParentNsTile(); } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return generators; } public int [] getNumSurfaces ( final TileData [][] tileData) { final int nStiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int nTiles = nStiles * superTileSize * superTileSize; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int [] surfaces = new int [tileData.length]; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < nTiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (tileData[nTile] != null) { for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData[nTile].length; nl++) if (tileData[nTile][nl] != null) { surfaces[nTile] ++; } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return surfaces; } public void showSurfaceDS ( TileData [][] tileData, String title) { int [] wh = getTilesWH(); double [][][] tds = getTileDisparityStrengths ( tileData, false); // useNaN); double [][][] tds_nan = getTileDisparityStrengths ( tileData, true); // useNaN); int [][] generators = getTileGenerator(tileData); int [] surfaces = getNumSurfaces (tileData); String [] titles = new String [5 * tds.length + 1]; double [][] img_data = new double [titles.length][]; for (int i = 0; i <tds.length; i++){ titles[i + 0 * tds.length] = "disp_"+i; titles[i + 1 * tds.length] = "str_"+i; titles[i + 2 * tds.length] = "mdisp_"+i; titles[i + 3 * tds.length] = "mstr_"+i; titles[i + 4 * tds.length] = "gen_"+i; img_data[i + 0 * tds.length] = tds[i][0]; img_data[i + 1 * tds.length] = tds[i][1]; img_data[i + 2 * tds.length] = tds_nan[i][0]; img_data[i + 3 * tds.length] = tds_nan[i][1]; img_data[i + 4 * tds.length] = new double [generators[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < generators[i].length; j++){ img_data[i + 4 * tds.length][j] = 0.01*generators[i][j]; } } titles[5 * tds.length] = "layers"; img_data[5 * tds.length] = new double [surfaces.length]; for (int j = 0; j < surfaces.length; j++){ img_data[5 * tds.length][j] =surfaces[j]; } ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); sdfa_instance.showArrays(img_data, wh[0], wh[1], true, title, titles); } /** * Calculate per-tile surface data (TileData) including disparity, strength, and 8 neighbors indices * @param use_sel use plane selection (this.sel_mask) to select only some part of the plane * @param divide_by_area divide weights by ellipsoid area * @param scale_projection use plane ellipsoid projection for weight: 0 - do not use, > 0 linearly * scale ellipsoid (enlarge) * @param fraction_uni add fraction of the total weight to each tile * @param planes array of the per-supertile, per plane plane data (each level can be null) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug supertile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug supertile Y coordinate * @return per-tile (rounded up to contain whole supertiles) array of TileData instances */ public TileData [][] createTileShells ( final boolean use_sel, final boolean divide_by_area, final double scale_projection, final double fraction_uni, final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { double [][][][] fused_planes = fuseSupertilePlanes ( // some planes have zero weight that still participate - should they be eliminated? use_sel, // final boolean use_sel, divide_by_area, // final boolean divide_by_area, scale_projection, // final double scale_projection, fraction_uni, // final double fraction_uni, planes, // final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y); int [][][][] surf_topology = getSupertilesTopology ( planes, // final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y); int [][][][][] overlapped_meshes = generateOverlappingMeshes ( planes, // final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, surf_topology , // final int [][][][] corners, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y); TileData [][] tileData = createTileShells ( planes, // final TilePlanes.PlaneData [][] planes, fused_planes, // final double [][][][] fusedSupertilePlanes, overlapped_meshes, // final int [][][][][] lappingMeshes, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y); System.out.println("addBackShellsConnections()"); addBackShellsConnections ( tileData, // final TileData [][] tileData_src, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y); // System.out.println("checkShellsConnections()"); checkShellsConnections ( tileData, // final TileData [][] tileData_src, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y); tileData = compactSortShells ( tileData, // final TileData [][] tileData_src, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y); if (debugLevel >- 2) { showSurfaceDS (tileData, "tileData"); } this.tileData = tileData; return tileData; } public int [] getTilesAssignStats( final int [][] tileLayers) { final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final int numThreads = threads.length; int [] stats = new int [STAT_LEN]; final int [][] stats_all = new int [numThreads][STAT_LEN]; final AtomicInteger ai_numThread = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ final int fml = ml; ai_numThread.set(0); ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int numThread = ai_numThread.getAndIncrement(); // unique number of thread to write to rslt_diffs[numThread] for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tileLayers[fml].length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (tileLayers[fml][nTile] > 0){ // index + 1 stats_all[numThread][STAT_ASSIGNED] ++; } else if (tileLayers[fml][nTile] == UNASSIGNED) { stats_all[numThread][STAT_UNASSIGNED] ++; } else if (tileLayers[fml][nTile] == PROHOBITED) { stats_all[numThread][STAT_PROHIBITED] ++; } else if (tileLayers[fml][nTile] == IMPOSSIBLE) { stats_all[numThread][STAT_IMPOSSIBLE] ++; } else { System.out.println("Bug in getTilesAssignStats(): tileLayers["+fml+"]["+nTile+"]="+tileLayers[fml][nTile]); stats_all[numThread][0] ++; // prohibited } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); stats[STAT_NUM_ML]++; // number of non-null measurement layers } for (int nt = 0; nt < numThreads; nt ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < stats.length; i++ ){ stats[i] += stats_all[nt][i]; } } return stats; } public double getNormDispFromSurface( double disp_tile, double disp_surf, double disp_norm) { double disp_avg = 0.5 * (disp_tile + disp_surf); if (disp_avg <= disp_norm){ return disp_tile - disp_surf; } else { return (disp_tile - disp_surf) * disp_norm / disp_avg; } } /** * Convert from image tile index to the surface tile index (surface tiles are all * full superTileSize), * TODO: update/remove if surface grid will be trimmed to fit image * Currently there are 324 tiles horizontally in the image and 328 in the surfaces * @param nTile image tile index in scan order * @return surface tile index in scan order */ public int getSurfaceTileIndex( int nTile) { // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? int surfaceTilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; return surfaceTilesX * (nTile / imageTilesX) + (nTile % imageTilesX); } /** * Convert from image tile index to the surface supertile index (surface tiles are all * full superTileSize), * TODO: update/remove if surface grid will be trimmed to fit image * Currently there are 324 tiles horizontally in the image and 328 in the surfaces * @param nTile image tile index in scan order * @return surface tile index in scan order */ public int getSurfaceSuperTileIndex( int nTile) { // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? // int surfaceTilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; // return surfaceTilesX * (nTile / imageTilesX) + (nTile % imageTilesX); return stilesX * (nTile / imageTilesX / superTileSize) + (nTile % imageTilesX)/superTileSize; } /** * Convert from surface tile index (surface tiles are all full superTileSize) to * the image tile index * TODO: update/remove if surface grid will be trimmed to fit image * Currently there are 324 tiles horizontally in the image and 328 in the surfaces * @param nSurfTile surface tile index in scan order * @return image tile index in scan order or -1 if outside of the image tiles */ public int getImageTileIndex( int nSurfTile) { // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? int surfaceTilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; int tx = nSurfTile % surfaceTilesX; int ty = nSurfTile / surfaceTilesX; if ((tx >= imageTilesX) || (ty >= imageTilesY)){ return -1; // out of image } return imageTilesX * ty + tx; } /** * Grow around surface tile, without going back. May still produce multi-layer result * that will need to be filtered. Used to fill large flat gaps * @param nsTile0 * @param nl0 * @return */ public boolean [][] growSimpleConnected( int nsTile0, int nl0) { int tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; if ((tileData[nsTile0] == null) || (tileData[nsTile0][nl0] == null)){ return null; // error } TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); boolean [][] simple_surf = new boolean [tileData.length][]; int x0 = nsTile0 % tilesX; int y0 = nsTile0 / tilesX; ArrayList<Point> wave_list = new ArrayList<Point>(); simple_surf[nsTile0] = new boolean [tileData[nsTile0].length]; simple_surf[nsTile0][nl0] = true; wave_list.add(new Point(nsTile0, nl0)); while (!wave_list.isEmpty()){ Point p = wave_list.remove(0); int nsTile = p.x; int nl = p.y; int x = nsTile % tilesX; int y = nsTile / tilesX; int dirs = 0xff; if (x > x0) dirs &= 0x1f; else if (x < x0) dirs &= 0xf1; if (y > y0) dirs &= 0x7c; else if (y < y0) dirs &= 0xc7; int [] neibs = tileData[nsTile][nl].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < neibs.length; dir ++) { int nl1 = neibs[dir]; if ((nl1 >= 0) && ((dirs & (1 << dir)) != 0)){ int nsTile1 = tnSurface.getNeibIndex(nsTile, dir); if ((nsTile1 >= 0) && ((simple_surf[nsTile1] == null) || !simple_surf[nsTile1][nl1])){ if (simple_surf[nsTile1] == null) { simple_surf[nsTile1] = new boolean [tileData[nsTile1].length]; } simple_surf[nsTile1][nl1] = true; wave_list.add(new Point(nsTile1, nl1)); } } } } return simple_surf; } public int [][] growSimpleIConnected( int nsTile0, int nl0) { int tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; if ((tileData[nsTile0] == null) || (tileData[nsTile0][nl0] == null)){ return null; // error } TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); int [][] simple_surf = new int [tileData.length][]; int x0 = nsTile0 % tilesX; int y0 = nsTile0 / tilesX; ArrayList<Point> wave_list = new ArrayList<Point>(); simple_surf[nsTile0] = new int [tileData[nsTile0].length]; simple_surf[nsTile0][nl0] = 1; wave_list.add(new Point(nsTile0, nl0)); while (!wave_list.isEmpty()){ Point p = wave_list.remove(0); int nsTile = p.x; int nl = p.y; int x = nsTile % tilesX; int y = nsTile / tilesX; int dirs = 0xff; if (x > x0) dirs &= 0x1f; else if (x < x0) dirs &= 0xf1; if (y > y0) dirs &= 0x7c; else if (y < y0) dirs &= 0xc7; int [] neibs = tileData[nsTile][nl].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < neibs.length; dir ++) { int nl1 = neibs[dir]; if ((nl1 >= 0) && ((dirs & (1 << dir)) != 0)){ int nsTile1 = tnSurface.getNeibIndex(nsTile, dir); if ((nsTile1 >= 0) && ((simple_surf[nsTile1] == null) || (simple_surf[nsTile1][nl1] == 0))){ if (simple_surf[nsTile1] == null) { simple_surf[nsTile1] = new int [tileData[nsTile1].length]; } simple_surf[nsTile1][nl1] = simple_surf[nsTile][nl]+1; wave_list.add(new Point(nsTile1, nl1)); } } } } return simple_surf; } public double [][] getShowSimpleConnected( int nsTile0, boolean [][] simple_surf) { int numSurfaces = 1; for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < simple_surf.length; nsTile++){ if (simple_surf[nsTile] != null){ int num_filled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < simple_surf[nsTile].length; i++) if (simple_surf[nsTile][i]) num_filled++; if (num_filled > numSurfaces) numSurfaces = num_filled; } } double [][] img_data = new double [numSurfaces][tileData.length]; for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < tileData.length; nsTile++){ if (simple_surf[nsTile] != null){ int ns = 0; for (int nl = 0; nl < simple_surf[nsTile].length; nl++) if (simple_surf[nsTile][nl]){ img_data[ns][nsTile] = tileData[nsTile][nl].getDisparity(); ns++; } for (; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile] = Double.NaN; } else { for (int ns = 0; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile] = Double.NaN; } } // mark start point: for (int ns = 0; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile0] = Double.NaN; return img_data; } public double [][] getShowSimpleConnected( int nsTile0, int [][] simple_surf) { int numSurfaces = 1; for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < simple_surf.length; nsTile++){ if (simple_surf[nsTile] != null){ int num_filled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < simple_surf[nsTile].length; i++) if (simple_surf[nsTile][i] !=0) num_filled++; if (num_filled > numSurfaces) numSurfaces = num_filled; } } double [][] img_data = new double [numSurfaces][tileData.length]; for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < tileData.length; nsTile++){ if (simple_surf[nsTile] != null){ int ns = 0; for (int nl = 0; nl < simple_surf[nsTile].length; nl++) if (simple_surf[nsTile][nl] != 0){ img_data[ns][nsTile] = tileData[nsTile][nl].getDisparity(); ns++; } for (; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile] = Double.NaN; } else { for (int ns = 0; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile] = Double.NaN; } } // mark start point: for (int ns = 0; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile0] = Double.NaN; return img_data; } public double [][] getShowSimpleConnectedDistanceLayer( boolean show_distance, // false - layer number int [][] simple_surf) { int numSurfaces = 1; for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < simple_surf.length; nsTile++){ if (simple_surf[nsTile] != null){ int num_filled = 0; for (int i = 0; i < simple_surf[nsTile].length; i++) if (simple_surf[nsTile][i] !=0) num_filled++; if (num_filled > numSurfaces) numSurfaces = num_filled; } } double [][] img_data = new double [numSurfaces][tileData.length]; for (int nsTile = 0; nsTile < simple_surf.length; nsTile++){ if (simple_surf[nsTile] != null){ int ns = 0; for (int nl = 0; nl < simple_surf[nsTile].length; nl++) if (simple_surf[nsTile][nl] != 0){ img_data[ns][nsTile] = show_distance? simple_surf[nsTile][nl]: nl; ns++; } for (; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile] = Double.NaN; } else { for (int ns = 0; ns < numSurfaces; ns++) img_data[ns][nsTile] = Double.NaN; } } return img_data; } public void testSimpleConnected( int tileX, int tileY) { testSimpleConnected(stilesX * superTileSize * tileY+ tileX); printSurfaceConnections( tileX - 7, // int left, tileY - 7, // int top, 15, // int width, 15, // int height, 1, // int extraH, 1); // int extraV) } public void testSimpleConnected( int nsTile) { ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); double [][][] data = new double [tileData[nsTile].length][][]; double [][][] dist = new double [tileData[nsTile].length][][]; double [][][] layer = new double [tileData[nsTile].length][][]; int [][][] simple_surf = new int [tileData[nsTile].length][][]; int num_layers = 0; for (int nl = 0; nl < tileData[nsTile].length; nl++) if (tileData[nsTile][nl] != null) { simple_surf[nl] = growSimpleIConnected(nsTile, nl); data[nl] = getShowSimpleConnected(nsTile, simple_surf[nl]); dist[nl] = getShowSimpleConnectedDistanceLayer(true,simple_surf[nl]); layer[nl] = getShowSimpleConnectedDistanceLayer(false,simple_surf[nl]); num_layers += data[nl].length; } double [][] img_data = new double [num_layers * 3][]; String [] titles = new String [num_layers * 3]; int indx = 0; for (int nl = 0; nl < data.length; nl++) if (data[nl] != null) { for (int i = 0; i < data[nl].length; i++){ titles[indx + 0 * num_layers] = ""+nl+((data[nl].length>1)?(":"+i):""); titles[indx + 1 * num_layers] = "dist"+nl+((data[nl].length>1)?(":"+i):""); titles[indx + 2 * num_layers] = "layer"+nl+((data[nl].length>1)?(":"+i):""); img_data[indx + 0 * num_layers]= data[nl][i]; img_data[indx + 1 * num_layers]= dist[nl][i]; img_data[indx + 2 * num_layers]= layer[nl][i]; indx++; } } sdfa_instance.showArrays(img_data, stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize, true, "simple_"+nsTile, titles); } public void printSurfaceConnections( int left, int top, int width, int height, int extraH, int extraV) { int tilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; int numSurfaces = 0; for (int tileY = top; tileY < (top + height); tileY++) { for (int tileX = left; tileX < (left + width); tileX++) { int nsTile = tileY * tilesX + tileX; if (tileData[nsTile] != null){ if (tileData[nsTile].length > numSurfaces) numSurfaces = tileData[nsTile].length; } } } String hor_gap = ""; for (int i = 0; i < extraH; i++) hor_gap += " "; String vert_gap = ""; for (int i = 0; i < extraV; i++) vert_gap += "\n"; for (int ns = 0; ns < numSurfaces; ns++){ System.out.println("\n ===== Surface number:"+ns+" ====="); for (int tileY = top; tileY < (top + height); tileY++) { for (int l = 0; l < 3; l++){ for (int tileX = left; tileX < (left + width); tileX++) { int nsTile = tileY * tilesX + tileX; if ((tileData[nsTile]!= null) && (tileData[nsTile].length > ns) && (tileData[nsTile][ns] != null)){ int [] neibs = tileData[nsTile][ns].getNeighbors(); int master_st = tileData[nsTile][ns].getParentNsTile(); switch (l){ case 0: System.out.print(" "+ ((neibs[7] >= 0)?neibs[7]:" ")+ ((neibs[0] >= 0)?neibs[0]:" ")+ ((neibs[1] >= 0)?neibs[1]:" ")+" "); break; case 1: System.out.print(""+ ((neibs[6] >= 0)?neibs[6]:" ")+ ((master_st % stilesX) % 10)+ ("*")+ ((master_st / stilesX) % 10)+ ((neibs[2] >= 0)?neibs[2]:" ")); break; case 2: System.out.print(" "+ ((neibs[5] >= 0)?neibs[5]:" ")+ ((neibs[4] >= 0)?neibs[4]:" ")+ ((neibs[3] >= 0)?neibs[3]:" ")+" "); break; } } else { switch (l){ case 0: case 2: System.out.print(" "); break; case 1: System.out.print(" . "); break; } } if (tileX < (left + width -1)){ System.out.print(hor_gap); } else { System.out.println(); } } } if (tileY < (top + height -1)){ System.out.print(vert_gap); } } } } /** * Assign tiles to a certain disparity surface if there is only one surface candidate * @param noEdge do not assign tiles to the surface edges (can not add border later) * @param maxDiff maximal (normalized) disparity difference * @param minDiffOther minimal disparity difference to closest 2-nd place candidate * @param minStrength minimal processed (floor subtracted) correlation strength of the candidate * @param maxStrength maximal processed (floor subtracted) correlation strength of the candidate * @param moveDirs +1 - allow moving tile closer to the camera (increase disparity, +2 - allow moving away * @param dispNorm disparity normalization - disparity difference with average above it will be scaled down * @param tileLayers measured tiles assignment (will be modified): -1 - prohibited, 0 - unassigned, * >0 - number of surface where this tile is assigned plus 1. * @param tileData per-tile, per layer array of TileData objects specifying surfaces to snap to * @param dispStrength per measurement layer, combined disparity and strength array ([num_ml [2][]) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug tile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug tile Y coordinate * @return */ public int [] assignTilesToSingleCandidate_old( // not used final boolean noEdge, final double maxDiff, final double minDiffOther, final double minStrength, final double maxStrength, final int moveDirs, // 1 increase disparity, 2 - decrease disparity, 3 - both directions final double dispNorm, // disparity normalize (proportionally scale down disparity difference if above final double [][][] dispStrength, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { int [] stats_new = new int [NUM_STATS]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final int numThreads = threads.length; final int [][] stats_all = new int [numThreads][stats_new.length]; final AtomicInteger ai_numThread = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final boolean en_lower = (moveDirs & 1) != 0; final boolean en_higher = (moveDirs & 2) != 0; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ final int fml = ml; ai_numThread.set(0); ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int numThread = ai_numThread.getAndIncrement(); // unique number of thread to write to rslt_diffs[numThread] for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tileLayers[fml].length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (tileLayers[fml][nTile] == 0){ // unassigned only if (dispStrength[fml][1][nTile] < minStrength){ stats_all[numThread][TOO_WEAK] ++; } else if (dispStrength[fml][1][nTile] > maxStrength){ stats_all[numThread][TOO_STRONG] ++; } else { // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); if ((tileData[nSurfTile] == null) || (tileData[nSurfTile].length == 0)){ stats_all[numThread][NO_SURF] ++; tileLayers[fml][nTile] = IMPOSSIBLE; } else { // double [] surf_disp_diff = new double [tileData[nSurfTile].length]; int num_fit = 0; int num_fit_other = 0; int fit = -1; // Eliminate surface edges if prohibited boolean [] bad_surface = new boolean [tileData[nSurfTile].length]; // has less than 8 neighbors if controlled for (int ns = 0; ns < tileData[nSurfTile].length; ns++){ double surf_disp_diff = getNormDispFromSurface ( dispStrength[fml][0][nTile], // double disp_tile, tileData[nSurfTile][ns].getDisparity(), // double disp_surf, dispNorm); //double disp_norm) if (((surf_disp_diff >= 0) && en_higher) || ((surf_disp_diff <= 0) && en_lower)){ // Eliminate surface edges if prohibited if (noEdge){ int []neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][ns].getNeighbors(); for (int i = 0; i < neibs.length; i++){ if (neibs[i] < 0){ bad_surface[ns] = true; } } } if (!bad_surface[ns]) { if (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= maxDiff){ fit = ns; // no rating for fit "quality" here num_fit ++; } if (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= minDiffOther){ num_fit_other ++; } } } } if (num_fit < 1){ stats_all[numThread][TOO_FAR] ++; } else if ((num_fit == 1) && (num_fit_other <= 1)){ // assign tileLayers[fml][nTile] = fit + 1; stats_all[numThread][NEW_ASSIGNED] ++; } else { stats_all[numThread][NOT_UNIQUE] ++; } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } for (int nt = 0; nt < numThreads; nt ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < stats_new.length; i++ ){ stats_new[i] += stats_all[nt][i]; } } return stats_new; } public void compareAssignments( final int [][][] tileAssignments, final int debugLevel) { final int imgTiles = imageTilesX * imageTilesY; final int num_in = tileAssignments.length; String [] titles = new String [num_in + 2]; double [][] img_data = new double [titles.length][imgTiles]; for (int i =0 ; i < num_in; i++){ titles[i] = "inp_"+i; } titles[num_in] = "consensus"; titles[num_in+1] = "conflicts"; int [] combo = new int [imgTiles]; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < imgTiles; nTile++){ int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); HashSet <Integer> alts = new HashSet <Integer>(); boolean invalid = false; for (int n = 0; n < num_in; n++)if (tileAssignments[n] != null){ img_data[n][nTile] = Double.NaN; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileAssignments[n].length; ml++) if ((tileAssignments[n][ml] != null) && (tileAssignments[n][ml][nTile] != 0)){ if (tileAssignments[n][ml][nTile] < 0) { combo[nTile] = tileAssignments[n][ml][nTile]; invalid = true; break; } alts.add(tileAssignments[n][ml][nTile]); img_data[n][nTile] = tileData[nSurfTile][tileAssignments[n][ml][nTile] - 1].getDisparity(); img_data[num_in][nTile] = tileData[nSurfTile][tileAssignments[n][ml][nTile] - 1].getDisparity(); } if (invalid) break; } if (!invalid) { combo[nTile] = alts.size(); } if (combo[nTile] != 1 ){ img_data[num_in][nTile] = Double.NaN; } img_data[num_in+1][nTile] = combo[nTile]; } if (debugLevel > -1) { ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); sdfa_instance.showArrays(img_data, imageTilesX, imageTilesY, true, "consensus",titles); } } public int [][] getConsensusAssignment( final int min_agree, int [][][] opinions_in, // options contain 1-based surface indices final int [][][] tileAssignments) { final int imgTiles = imageTilesX * imageTilesY; final int num_in = tileAssignments.length; final int num_ml = tileAssignments[0].length; // all should have same number of measurement layers final int [][] consensus = new int [num_ml][]; final int [][][] opinions = (opinions_in != null) ? opinions_in : new int [num_ml][][]; for (int ml = 0; ml < num_ml; ml++){ boolean ml_exists = false; for (int n = 0; n < num_in; n++) { if ((tileAssignments[n] != null) && (tileAssignments[n][ml] != null)){ ml_exists = true; break; } } if (ml_exists) { consensus[ml] = new int [imgTiles]; opinions[ml] = new int [imgTiles][]; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < imgTiles; nTile++){ if (nTile== 50109){ System.out.println("getConsensusAssignment(): nTile="+nTile); } int num_agree = 0; ArrayList <Integer> alts = new ArrayList <Integer>(); // elements are 1-based surfaces for (int n = 0; n < num_in; n++)if (tileAssignments[n] != null){ int surf1 = tileAssignments[n][ml][nTile]; if (surf1 != 0){ consensus[ml][nTile] = surf1; if (surf1 < 0) { // prohibited break; } else { // surface if (!alts.contains(surf1)){ alts.add(surf1); } num_agree++; } } } if (((alts.size() > 1) || (num_agree < min_agree)) && (consensus[ml][nTile] > 0)){ consensus[ml][nTile] = 0; // not assigned } if (!alts.isEmpty()){ opinions[ml][nTile] = new int[alts.size()]; int indx = 0; for (Integer i:alts){ opinions[ml][nTile][indx++] = i; } } } } } return consensus; } /** * Assign tiles that were used to generate planes. Only tiles in the center (non-overlapping) part of the supertile * @param force re-assign tile if it was already assigned * @param tileLayers * @param noEdge do not assign tiles to the surface edges (can not add border later) * @param debugLevel * @param dbg_X * @param dbg_Y * @return */ public int [] assignPlanesTiles( final boolean force, final int [][] tileLayers, final TilePlanes.PlaneData[][] planes, final boolean noEdge, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { int [] stats_new = new int [NUM_STATS]; final int nsTiles = stilesX * stilesY; final int imgTiles = imageTilesX * imageTilesY; // final TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); // final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final int debug_stile = dbg_Y * stilesX + dbg_X; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray((debugLevel > 1)? 1 : threadsMax); final int numThreads = threads.length; final int [][] stats_all = new int [numThreads][stats_new.length]; final AtomicInteger ai_numThread = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int numThread = ai_numThread.getAndIncrement(); // unique number of thread to write to rslt_diffs[numThread] for (int nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nsTile < nsTiles; nsTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if (planes[nsTile] != null){ int stx = nsTile % stilesX; int sty = nsTile / stilesX; // int dl = ((debugLevel > 1) && (nsTile == debug_stile)) ? 3: debugLevel; int dl = ((debugLevel > 1) && ((nsTile == debug_stile) || (nsTile == (debug_stile + stilesX)))) ? 3: debugLevel; if (dl > 2){ System.out.println("assignPlanesTiles(): nsTile = " + nsTile); } for (int np = 0; np < planes[nsTile].length; np++) if (planes[nsTile][np] != null){ boolean [][] meas_sel = planes[nsTile][np].getMeasSelection(); // is it needed or is tileLayers already initialized? for (int ml = 0; ml < meas_sel.length; ml++) if (meas_sel[ml] != null){ if (tileLayers[ml] == null){ tileLayers[ml] = new int [imgTiles]; } } for (int dy = 0; dy < superTileSize; dy++){ for (int dx = 0; dx < superTileSize; dx++){ // center (unique) part of the supertilemask int st_index = superTileSize*(superTileSize + 2 * dy) +(superTileSize/2 + dx); // int nl = -1; int nTile = -1; int ns = -1; for (int ml = 0; ml < meas_sel.length; ml++) if (meas_sel[ml] != null){ if (meas_sel[ml][st_index]){ int nSurfTile = -1; if (ns < 0){ // find for the first used ml, if there are more - they will reuse nTile = (superTileSize * sty + dy) * imageTilesX + (superTileSize * stx + dx); nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); for (int i = 0; i < tileData[nSurfTile].length; i ++){ if ( (tileData[nSurfTile][i].getParentNsTile() == nsTile) && (tileData[nSurfTile][i].getParentLayer() == np)) { ns = i; break; } } if (dl > 2){ System.out.println("assignPlanesTiles(): nsTile = " + nsTile+":"+np+ " stx:y="+stx+":"+sty+ " ("+ (superTileSize * stx + dx)+"/"+ (superTileSize * sty + dy)+")" + " dx:y="+dx+":"+dy+" nTile="+nTile+" nSurfTile="+nSurfTile+" ns="+ns); } if (ns < 0) { System.out.println("assignPlanesTiles(): BUG? Could not find a surface with parent supertile "+ nsTile+":"+np+" for image tile = "+nTile+" ("+ (superTileSize * stx + dx)+"/"+ (superTileSize * sty + dy)+")"); } } if ((ns >= 0) && (force || (tileLayers[ml][nTile] == 0))) { boolean bad_edge = noEdge; if (bad_edge) { bad_edge = false; int []neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][ns].getNeighbors(); for (int i = 0; i < neibs.length; i++) if (neibs[i] < 0) { bad_edge = true; break; } } if (bad_edge) { stats_all[numThread][NO_SURF] ++; tileLayers[ml][nTile] = IMPOSSIBLE; } else { tileLayers[ml][nTile] = ns + 1; stats_all[numThread][NEW_ASSIGNED] ++; } } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); for (int nt = 0; nt < numThreads; nt ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < stats_new.length; i++ ){ stats_new[i] += stats_all[nt][i]; } } return stats_new; } /** * Assign tiles to a disparity surface if there is only one surface at all * @param tileLayers per measured layer, per tile: assigned index plus1, 0 - empty, or negative - prohibited * @param noEdge do not assign tiles to the surface edges (can not add border later) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug tile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug tile Y coordinate * @return statistics array */ public int [] assignTilesToSingleSurface( final int [][] tileLayers, final boolean noEdge, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { int [] stats_new = new int [NUM_STATS]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final int numThreads = threads.length; final int [][] stats_all = new int [numThreads][stats_new.length]; final AtomicInteger ai_numThread = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ final int fml = ml; ai_numThread.set(0); ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int numThread = ai_numThread.getAndIncrement(); // unique number of thread to write to rslt_diffs[numThread] for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tileLayers[fml].length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (tileLayers[fml][nTile] == 0){ // unassigned only // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); if ((tileData[nSurfTile] == null) || (tileData[nSurfTile].length == 0)){ stats_all[numThread][NO_SURF] ++; tileLayers[fml][nTile] = IMPOSSIBLE; } else { if (tileData[nSurfTile].length == 1) { boolean bad_edge = noEdge; if (bad_edge) { bad_edge = false; int []neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][0].getNeighbors(); for (int i = 0; i < neibs.length; i++) if (neibs[i] < 0) { bad_edge = true; break; } } if (bad_edge) { stats_all[numThread][NO_SURF] ++; tileLayers[fml][nTile] = IMPOSSIBLE; } else { tileLayers[fml][nTile] = 1; // first and only surface stats_all[numThread][NEW_ASSIGNED] ++; } } else { stats_all[numThread][NOT_UNIQUE] ++; } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } for (int nt = 0; nt < numThreads; nt ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < stats_new.length; i++ ){ stats_new[i] += stats_all[nt][i]; } } return stats_new; } /** * Grow assigned tiles while strength is below maxStrength OR normalized (dispNorm) disparity error is below * maxDiff AND new tile is unassigned. Combines all measured layers, assumes same cell was not assigned to * different surfaces on different measured layers (some assigned, some not is OK) * @param tileLayers per measured layer, per tile: assigned index plus1, 0 - empty, or negative - prohibited * @param conflicts detected conflicts while growing - both strength and disparity errors match requirements, * but the cell is occupied by other assigned tile on different layer. Per tile, a pair of the surface index * plus 0 and direction to offending cell . Outer array should be initialized * @param noEdge do not assign tiles to the surface edges (can not add border later) * (individual per measurement layer) * @param maxStrength maximal processed (floor subtracted) correlation strength to grow over any disparity error * @param minStrengthContinue minimal strength to continue growing with disparity match ( >maxStrength) * if minStrengthContinue is null, any tile above maxStrength will be the last (not spawn any new neighbor ones) * @param maxDiffFar maximal (normalized) disparity difference for strong tiles farther from the camera than the surface * @param maxDiffNear maximal (normalized) disparity difference for strong tiles closer to the camera than the surface * If any of maxDiffFar, maxDiffNear are null, they are ignored and only weak tiles are permitted * TODO: Another option to expand - no valid competitor * @param dispNorm disparity normalization - disparity difference with average above it will be scaled down * @param dispStrength per measurement layer, combined disparity and strength array ([num_ml][2][]) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug tile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug tile Y coordinate * @return statistics array */ public int [] growWeakAssigned( final int [][] tileLayers, final int [][] conflicts, final boolean noEdge, final double [] maxStrength, final double [] minStrengthContinue, final double [] maxDiffFar, final double [] maxDiffNear, final double dispNorm, // disparity normalize (proportionally scale down disparity difference if above final double [][][] dispStrength, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { // final int tiles = stilesX * superTileSize * stilesY * superTileSize; final boolean en_strong = (maxDiffFar != null) && (maxDiffNear != null); // both should be specified final boolean en_continue = minStrengthContinue != null; final int img_tiles = imageTilesX * imageTilesY; // final TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); final TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); final int [] flat_assign = new int [ img_tiles]; final int [] stats = new int [NUM_STATS]; int [] dbg_flat_assign = null; ArrayList<Point> tiles_list = new ArrayList<Point>(); for (int nTile = 0; nTile < img_tiles; nTile++){ for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ if (tileLayers[ml][nTile] != 0) { flat_assign[nTile] = tileLayers[ml][nTile]; break; } } } if (debugLevel > 1) { dbg_flat_assign = flat_assign.clone(); } for (int nTile = 0; nTile < img_tiles; nTile++){ if (flat_assign[nTile] > 0) { for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++){ int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile, dir); if ((nTile1 >= 0) && (flat_assign[nTile1] >=0 ) && (flat_assign[nTile1] != flat_assign[nTile])){ tiles_list.add(new Point(nTile,flat_assign[nTile]-1)); break; } } } } while (!tiles_list.isEmpty()){ // int nTile = tiles_list.remove(0); Point pTile = tiles_list.remove(0); // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(pTile.x); boolean is_weak_start = true; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++) if (dispStrength[ml] != null) { double strength = dispStrength[ml][1][pTile.x]; if (strength > maxStrength[ml]){ is_weak_start = false; break; } } if (!is_weak_start && !en_continue) { continue; // only can grow from weak single candidate planes or in continue mode } int [] neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][pTile.y].getNeighbors(); int [] conflict = {pTile.y,0}; for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir++) if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(pTile.x, dir); // image index, not surface index // check it does not already belong to the same surface if (nTile1 == 49451) { // pTile.x==33324){ System.out.println("growWeakAssigned() nTile1="+nTile1); } if ((nTile1 >= 0) && // (nTile1 >= 0) should always be as it is connected! (flat_assign[nTile1] != (neibs[dir] + 1)) && // not the same surface (flat_assign[nTile1] >= 0)){// not the prohibited surface // if noEdge, check it has all 8 neighbors // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? int nSurfTile1 = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile1); int ns1 = neibs[dir]; if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println("growWeakAssigned(): nTile="+pTile.x+" ns="+pTile.y+" dir = "+dir+ " nSurfTile="+nSurfTile+" nSurfTile1="+nSurfTile1+" ns1="+ns1); } boolean bad_edge = noEdge; if (bad_edge) { bad_edge = false; int [] neibs1 = tileData[nSurfTile1][ns1].getNeighbors(); //oob 1 for (int i = 0; i < neibs1.length; i++) if (neibs1[i] < 0) { bad_edge = true; break; } } if (!bad_edge) { // check if it fits before looking - is it an empty or already or belongs to other surface // for each measurement layer separately double surf_disparity = tileData[nSurfTile1][ns1].getDisparity(); boolean is_good_tile = true; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++) if (dispStrength[ml] != null) { double strength = dispStrength[ml][1][nTile1]; boolean is_weak_new = strength <= maxStrength[ml]; boolean good_disparity = false; if (en_strong && !is_weak_new) { double surf_disp_diff = getNormDispFromSurface ( dispStrength[ml][0][nTile1], // double disp_tile, surf_disparity, // double disp_surf, dispNorm); //double disp_norm) good_disparity = (surf_disp_diff <= maxDiffNear[ml]) && (surf_disp_diff >= -maxDiffFar[ml]); } // Strong tiles can only be near the end of expansion - should not go back to weak after strong // if started from weak, can add any weak or with disparity if (is_weak_start) { if (!is_weak_new && !good_disparity){ is_good_tile = false; break; } // if started from not weak - disparity should match and the tile should be "really strong" ( > minStrengthContinue) }else { if (!good_disparity || !en_continue || (strength < minStrengthContinue[ml])) { is_good_tile = false; break; } } } if (is_good_tile) { // here - OK to add a new tile // is it a conflict? if (flat_assign[nTile1] > 0) { // yes, a conflict conflict[1] |= 1 << dir; } else { // new empty cell - add it flat_assign[nTile1] = ns1 + 1; tiles_list.add(new Point(nTile1, ns1)); stats[NEW_ASSIGNED] ++; } } } } } if (conflict[1] != 0){ conflicts[pTile.x] = conflict; } } //copy assignments to all measured layers for (int nTile = 0; nTile < img_tiles; nTile++){ for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ if (flat_assign[nTile] != 0) { tileLayers[ml][nTile] = flat_assign[nTile]; } } } if (debugLevel > 1){ final String [] titles = {"surf","ini_assign", "assign", "confl_surf", "confl_dirs"}; final double [][] dbg_img = new double [titles.length][img_tiles]; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < img_tiles; nTile++){ dbg_img[1][nTile] = dbg_flat_assign[nTile]; dbg_img[2][nTile] = flat_assign[nTile]; if (flat_assign[nTile] > 0) { double surf_disparity = tileData[getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile)][flat_assign[nTile]-1].getDisparity(); dbg_img[0][nTile] = surf_disparity; } else { dbg_img[0][nTile] = Double.NaN; } if (conflicts[nTile] != null){ dbg_img[3][nTile] = conflicts[nTile][0]; dbg_img[4][nTile] = conflicts[nTile][1]; } } ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, imageTilesX, imageTilesY, true, "only_surface_grow",titles); } return stats; } public void printStats(int []stats) { boolean nothing = true; for (int i = 0; nothing && (i < stats.length); i++){ nothing &= stats[i] == 0; } if (nothing) { System.out.println(" -- no changes --"); } else { if (stats[NEW_ASSIGNED] > 0) System.out.print(" NEW_ASSIGNED = " + stats[NEW_ASSIGNED]); if (stats[NO_SURF] > 0) System.out.print(" NO_SURF = " + stats[NO_SURF]); if (stats[TOO_WEAK] > 0) System.out.print(" TOO_WEAK = " + stats[TOO_WEAK]); if (stats[TOO_STRONG] > 0) System.out.print(" TOO_STRONG = " + stats[TOO_STRONG]); if (stats[TOO_FAR] > 0) System.out.print(" TOO_FAR = " + stats[TOO_FAR]); if (stats[NOT_UNIQUE] > 0) System.out.print(" NOT_UNIQUE = " + stats[NOT_UNIQUE]); if (stats[REMOVED_TILES] > 0) System.out.print(" REMOVED_TILES = " + stats[REMOVED_TILES]); if (stats[REMOVED_CLUSTERS] > 0) System.out.print(" REMOVED_CLUSTERS = " + stats[REMOVED_CLUSTERS]); } System.out.println(); } public boolean makesSensToTry(int [] stats) { return ((stats[NEW_ASSIGNED] > 0) && (stats[NOT_UNIQUE] > 0)); } public int newAssigned(int [] stats) { return stats[NEW_ASSIGNED]; } public void showAssignment( String title, final double [][][] dispStrength) { String [] titles = getTitlesAssignment(dispStrength); double [][] img_data = getShowAssignment(dispStrength); (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(img_data, imageTilesX, imageTilesY, true, title, titles); } public double [][] getShowAssignment( final double [][][] dispStrength) { double [][] img_data = new double [ASGN_NG * tileLayers.length][]; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++){ if (dispStrength[ml] != null) { img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_DISP] = dispStrength[ml][0]; img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_STRENGTH] = dispStrength[ml][1]; img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_A_DISP] = new double [dispStrength[ml][0].length]; img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_A_NAN] = new double [dispStrength[ml][0].length]; img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_INDX] = new double [dispStrength[ml][0].length]; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < dispStrength[ml][0].length; nTile++){ int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); if (tileLayers[ml][nTile] > 0){ img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_A_DISP][nTile] = tileData[nSurfTile][tileLayers[ml][nTile]-1].getDisparity(); img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_A_NAN][nTile] = tileData[nSurfTile][tileLayers[ml][nTile]-1].getDisparity(); } else { img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_A_DISP][nTile] = dispStrength[ml][0][nTile]; img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_A_NAN][nTile] = Double.NaN; } img_data[ASGN_NG * ml + ASGN_INDX][nTile] = tileLayers[ml][nTile]; } } } return img_data; } public String [] getTitlesAssignment( final double [][][] dispStrength) { int ng = 5; String [] titles = new String[ng * tileLayers.length]; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++){ titles[ng * ml + ASGN_DISP] = "disp_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + ASGN_A_DISP] = "a_disp_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + ASGN_A_NAN] = "a_nan_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + ASGN_INDX] = "index_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + ASGN_STRENGTH] = "strength_"+ml; } return titles; } public void showAssignment_old( String title, final double [][][] dispStrength) { int layer_disp = 0; int layer_a_disp = 1; int layer_a_nan = 2; int layer_index = 3; int layer_strength = 4; int ng = 5; String [] titles = new String[ng * tileLayers.length]; double [][] img_data = new double [titles.length][]; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++){ titles[ng * ml + layer_disp] = "disp_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + layer_a_disp] = "a_disp_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + layer_a_nan] = "a_nan_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + layer_index] = "index_"+ml; titles[ng * ml + layer_strength] = "strength_"+ml; } for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++){ if (dispStrength[ml] != null) { img_data[ng * ml + layer_disp] = dispStrength[ml][0]; img_data[ng * ml + layer_strength] = dispStrength[ml][1]; img_data[ng * ml + layer_a_disp] = new double [dispStrength[ml][0].length]; img_data[ng * ml + layer_a_nan] = new double [dispStrength[ml][0].length]; img_data[ng * ml + layer_index] = new double [dispStrength[ml][0].length]; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < dispStrength[ml][0].length; nTile++){ int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); if (tileLayers[ml][nTile] > 0){ img_data[ng * ml + layer_a_disp][nTile] = tileData[nSurfTile][tileLayers[ml][nTile]-1].getDisparity(); img_data[ng * ml + layer_a_nan][nTile] = tileData[nSurfTile][tileLayers[ml][nTile]-1].getDisparity(); } else { img_data[ng * ml + layer_a_disp][nTile] = dispStrength[ml][0][nTile]; img_data[ng * ml + layer_a_nan][nTile] = Double.NaN; } img_data[ng * ml + layer_index][nTile] = tileLayers[ml][nTile]; } } } ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); sdfa_instance.showArrays(img_data, imageTilesX, imageTilesY, true, title, titles); } /** * Unassign tiles that have too few connected other tiles (or total weight of the cluster is too small) * This is a single-threaded method * @param tileLayers integer array of per measurement layer, per tile of assigned surface indices (modifiesd) * @param minSize minimal tiles in the cluster * @param minStrength minimal total strength of the cluster * @param dispStrength per measurement layer, combined disparity and strength array ([num_ml][2][]) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug tile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug tile Y coordinate * @return {number of tiles, number of clusters} removed */ public int [] removeSmallClusters( final int [][] tileLayers, final int minSize, final double minStrength, final double [][][] dispStrength, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { boolean [][] wave_conf = new boolean [tileLayers.length][]; // true when wave or if confirmed int [] stats_new = new int [NUM_STATS]; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ wave_conf[ml] = new boolean[tileLayers[ml].length]; } TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); // TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ for (int nTile0 = 0; nTile0 < tileLayers[ml].length; nTile0++) if ((tileLayers[ml][nTile0] > 0) && !wave_conf[ml][nTile0]){ ArrayList<Point> wave_list = new ArrayList<Point>(); double sum_weight = 0.0; int tailp = 0; // do not remove elements from the list while building the cluster, just advance tail pointer Point p = new Point(nTile0, ml); sum_weight += dispStrength[p.y][1][p.x]; wave_conf[p.y][p.x] = true; wave_list.add(p); while (tailp < wave_list.size()){ Point pt = wave_list.get(tailp++); int nSurfTile1 = getSurfaceTileIndex(pt.x); int nl1 = tileLayers[pt.y][pt.x] - 1; // zero-based from 1-based int [] neibs = tileData[nSurfTile1][nl1].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < tnImage.dirs; dir++) if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(pt.x, dir); if (nTile1 >= 0) { for (int ml1 = 0; ml1 < tileLayers.length; ml1++) { // may be several ml tiles on the same surface - count them all if ((tileLayers[ml1] != null) && (tileLayers[ml1][nTile1] == (neibs[dir] +1)) && !wave_conf[ml1][nTile1]){ Point p1 = new Point(nTile1, ml1); sum_weight += dispStrength[p1.y][1][p1.x]; wave_conf[p1.y][p1.x] = true; wave_list.add(p1); } } } } } // See if it is a good cluster if ((wave_list.size() < minSize) || (sum_weight < minStrength)){ while (wave_list.size() > 0){ Point pt = wave_list.remove(0); tileLayers[pt.y][pt.x] = 0; wave_conf [pt.y][pt.x] = false; // not necessary stats_new[REMOVED_TILES]++; } stats_new[REMOVED_CLUSTERS]++; } else { // it is a strong cluster, nothing to do here (it is already marked in wave_conf[][] } } } return stats_new; } /** * Assign (weak) tile surrounded by assigned one to the disparity of the farthest tile (lowest disparity). * This is a single-threaded method * @param tileLayers integer array of per measurement layer, per tile of assigned surface indices (modifiesd) * @param noEdge do not assign tiles to the surface edges (can not add border later) * @param minNeib minimal number of occupied directions (of 8), several occupied levels count as one * @param maxStrength maximal strength of the tile to assign (strong one may make trust its disparity after all) * @param includeImpossible count impossible (blocked, on the image edge,...) tiles as if assigned towards * the number of occupied directions * @param dispStrength per measurement layer, combined disparity and strength array ([num_ml][2][]) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug tile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug tile Y coordinate * @return {number of tiles, number of clusters} removed */ public int [] assignFromFarthest( final int [][] tileLayers, final boolean noEdge, final int minNeib, final double maxStrength, final boolean includeImpossible, // count prohibited neighbors as assigned final double [][][] dispStrength, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int [][] tileLayers_src = tileLayers.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < tileLayers_src.length; i++){ if (tileLayers_src[i] != null){ tileLayers_src[i] = tileLayers[i].clone(); } } int [] stats_new = new int [NUM_STATS]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final int numThreads = threads.length; final int [][] stats_all = new int [numThreads][stats_new.length]; final AtomicInteger ai_numThread = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); final TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ final int fml = ml; ai_numThread.set(0); ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int numThread = ai_numThread.getAndIncrement(); // unique number of thread to write to rslt_diffs[numThread] for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tileLayers_src[fml].length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { //nTile is in image, not surface coordinates int dbg_tileX = nTile % imageTilesX; int dbg_tileY = nTile / imageTilesX; int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (dbg_tileX == dbg_X ) && (dbg_tileY == dbg_Y ))?3:0; if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("assignFromFarthest, nTile = " + nTile); } if (tileLayers_src[fml][nTile] == 0){ // unassigned only if (dispStrength[fml][1][nTile] > maxStrength){ stats_all[numThread][TOO_STRONG] ++; } else { // find number of tiles around (x,y) that have surface connection to this one // (multiple ml count as one), and which one has the lowest disparity int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); double min_disp = Double.NaN; int best_nSurf = -1; int numNeibs = 0; for (int dir = 0; dir < tnImage.dirs; dir++) { int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile,dir); boolean neib_exists = false; if (nTile1 >= 0){ for (int ml_other = 0; ml_other < tileLayers_src.length; ml_other++) if (tileLayers_src[ml_other] != null){ if (tileLayers_src[ml_other][nTile1] < 0 ) { // neib_exists |= includeImpossible; } else if (tileLayers_src[ml_other][nTile1] > 0 ){ int nSurfTile1 = tnSurface.getNeibIndex(nSurfTile,dir); int nSurf = tileData[nSurfTile1][tileLayers_src[ml_other][nTile1] - 1].getNeighbor(tnSurface.opposite(dir)); if (nSurf >= 0){ neib_exists = true; double disp = tileData[nSurfTile][nSurf].getDisparity(); boolean bad_surface = false; if (noEdge) { int [] neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][nSurf].getNeighbors(); for (int i = 0; i < neibs.length; i++) if (neibs[i] <0) { bad_surface = true; break; } } if (!(disp >= min_disp) && !bad_surface) { best_nSurf = nSurf; min_disp = disp; } } } } } else { neib_exists = includeImpossible; } if (neib_exists){ numNeibs++; } } if ((numNeibs >= minNeib) && (best_nSurf >= 0)){ tileLayers[fml][nTile] = best_nSurf + 1; stats_all[numThread][NEW_ASSIGNED] ++; } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } for (int nt = 0; nt < numThreads; nt ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < stats_new.length; i++ ){ stats_new[i] += stats_all[nt][i]; } } return stats_new; } /** * Assign tiles to a certain disparity surface if there is only one surface candidate * @param tileLayers integer array of per measurement layer, per tile of assigned surface indices (modifiesd) * @param noEdge do not assign tiles to the surface edges (can not add border later) * @param useCenter only assign outside of 8x8 center if no suitable alternative * @param maxDiff maximal (normalized) disparity difference * @param minDiffOther minimal disparity difference to closest 2-nd place candidate * @param minStrength minimal processed (floor subtracted) correlation strength of the candidate * @param maxStrength maximal processed (floor subtracted) correlation strength of the candidate * @param minSurfStrength minimal surface strength at the tile location * @param moveDirs +1 - allow moving tile closer to the camera (increase disparity, +2 - allow moving away * @param enMulti allow assignment when several surfaces fit * @param surfStrPow raise surface strengths ratio to this power when comparing candidates * @param addStrength add to strengths when calculating pull of assigned tiles * @param sigma radius of influence (in tiles) of the previously assigned tiles * @param nSigma maximal relative to radius distance to calculate influence * @param minPull additional pull for no-tile surfaces (to avoid division by zero) * @param minAdvantage minimal ratio of the best surface candidate to the next one to make selection * @param dispNorm disparity normalization - disparity difference with average above it will be scaled down * @param tileLayers measured tiles assignment (will be modified): -1 - prohibited, 0 - unassigned, * >0 - number of surface where this tile is assigned plus 1. * @param tileData per-tile, per layer array of TileData objects specifying surfaces to snap to * @param dispStrength per measurement layer, combined disparity and strength array ([num_ml][2][]) * @param debugLevel debug level * @param dbg_X debug tile X coordinate * @param dbg_Y debug tile Y coordinate * @return statistics array */ public int [] assignTilesToSurfaces( final int [][] tileLayers, final boolean noEdge, final boolean useCenter, final double maxDiff, final double minDiffOther, // should be >= maxDiff final double minStrength, final double maxStrength, final double minSurfStrength, // minimal surface strength at the tile location final int moveDirs, // 1 increase disparity, 2 - decrease disparity, 3 - both directions final boolean enMulti, final double surfStrPow, // surface strength power final double addStrength, // final double sigma, final double nSigma, final double minPull, final double minAdvantage, final double dispNorm, // disparity normalize (proportionally scale down disparity difference if above final double [][][] dispStrength, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int [][] tileLayers_src = tileLayers.clone(); for (int i = 0; i < tileLayers_src.length; i++){ if (tileLayers_src[i] != null){ tileLayers_src[i] = tileLayers[i].clone(); } } int [] stats_new = new int [NUM_STATS]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final int numThreads = threads.length; final int [][] stats_all = new int [numThreads][stats_new.length]; final AtomicInteger ai_numThread = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final boolean en_lower = (moveDirs & 1) != 0; final boolean en_higher = (moveDirs & 2) != 0; final double radius = sigma * nSigma; final double rsigma2 = 1.0 / ( 2.0 * sigma * sigma); final int iradius = (int) Math.round(radius + 0.001); final int field_size = 2 * iradius + 1; final int center_index = iradius * (field_size + 1); final double cost_start = 1.0; final double cost_ortho = 1.0; final double cost_diag = 1.5; // Math.sqrt(2.0); final int surfTilesX = stilesX * superTileSize; final int [] ldirs8 = { -field_size, -field_size + 1, 1, field_size + 1, field_size, field_size - 1, -1, -field_size - 1}; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ final int fml = ml; ai_numThread.set(0); ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int numThread = ai_numThread.getAndIncrement(); // unique number of thread to write to rslt_diffs[numThread] for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tileLayers_src[fml].length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { //nTile is in image, not surface coordinates int dbg_tileX = nTile % imageTilesX; int dbg_tileY = nTile / imageTilesX; int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (dbg_tileX == dbg_X ) && (dbg_tileY == dbg_Y ))?3:0; if (tileLayers_src[fml][nTile] == 0){ // unassigned only if (dispStrength[fml][1][nTile] < minStrength){ stats_all[numThread][TOO_WEAK] ++; } else if (dispStrength[fml][1][nTile] > maxStrength){ stats_all[numThread][TOO_STRONG] ++; } else { // calculate index in tileData (has different dimensions - TODO: trim? int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); int nSurfSuperTile = getSurfaceSuperTileIndex(nTile); if ((tileData[nSurfTile] == null) || (tileData[nSurfTile].length == 0)){ stats_all[numThread][NO_SURF] ++; tileLayers[fml][nTile] = IMPOSSIBLE; } else { // double [] surf_disp_diff = new double [tileData[nSurfTile].length]; int num_fit = 0; int num_fit_other = 0; int fit = -1; int num_fit_center = 0; int num_fit_other_center = 0; int fit_center = -1; boolean [] bad_surface = new boolean [tileData[nSurfTile].length]; // has less than 8 neighbors if controlled boolean [] center_surface = new boolean [tileData[nSurfTile].length]; // is inside the center part for (int ns = 0; ns < tileData[nSurfTile].length; ns++){ double surf_disp_diff = getNormDispFromSurface ( dispStrength[fml][0][nTile], // double disp_tile, tileData[nSurfTile][ns].getDisparity(), // double disp_surf, dispNorm); //double disp_norm) if (((surf_disp_diff >= 0) && en_higher) || ((surf_disp_diff <= 0) && en_lower)){ // Eliminate surface edges if prohibited if (noEdge){ int []neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][ns].getNeighbors(); for (int i = 0; i < neibs.length; i++) if (neibs[i] < 0) { bad_surface[ns] = true; break; } } if (!bad_surface[ns]) { if (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= maxDiff){ fit = ns; // no rating for fit "quality" here num_fit ++; } if (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= minDiffOther){ num_fit_other ++; } // separately calculate for center of the tiles getParentNsTile TileData td = tileData[nSurfTile][ns]; if (tileData[nSurfTile][ns].getParentNsTile() == nSurfSuperTile){ center_surface[ns] = true; if (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= maxDiff){ fit_center = ns; // no rating for fit "quality" here num_fit_center ++; } if (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= minDiffOther){ num_fit_other_center ++; } } } } } if (useCenter && (num_fit_center > 0)) { // use only center if possible fit = fit_center; num_fit = num_fit_center; num_fit_other = num_fit_other_center; for (int i = 0; i < center_surface.length; i++){ if (!center_surface[i]) bad_surface[i] = true; } } if (num_fit < 1){ stats_all[numThread][TOO_FAR] ++; } else if ((num_fit == 1) && (num_fit_other <= 1)){ // assign tileLayers[fml][nTile] = fit + 1; stats_all[numThread][NEW_ASSIGNED] ++; } else if (!enMulti) { stats_all[numThread][NOT_UNIQUE] ++; } else { // multi, enabled int [] candidates = new int [num_fit_other]; boolean [] close_enough = new boolean [num_fit_other]; num_fit_other = 0; for (int ns = 0; ns < tileData[nSurfTile].length; ns++) if (!bad_surface[ns]){ // not all 8 neighbors double surf_disp_diff = getNormDispFromSurface ( dispStrength[fml][0][nTile], // double disp_tile, tileData[nSurfTile][ns].getDisparity(), // double disp_surf, dispNorm); //double disp_norm) if (((surf_disp_diff >= 0) && en_higher) || ((surf_disp_diff <= 0) && en_lower)){ if (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= minDiffOther){ close_enough[num_fit_other] = (Math.abs(surf_disp_diff) <= maxDiff); candidates[num_fit_other++] = ns; } } } if (dl > 0) { System.out.print("assignTilesToSurfaces(): nTile="+nTile+", candidates="); for (int ii = 0; ii < candidates.length; ii++){ System.out.print(" "+candidates[ii]); } System.out.println(); } double [][][] distances = new double [num_fit_other][field_size * field_size ][]; // for each local index get surface tile index int [] surfIndices = new int [field_size * field_size]; int [] imageIndices = new int [field_size * field_size]; int stx0 = (nTile % imageTilesX) - iradius; // int sty0 = (nTile / imageTilesX) - iradius; for (int iy = 0; iy < field_size; iy++){ for (int ix = 0; ix < field_size; ix++){ int indx = iy * field_size + ix; surfIndices[indx] = (sty0 + iy)* surfTilesX + (stx0 + ix); imageIndices[indx] = getImageTileIndex(surfIndices[indx]); } } // calculate distances from the center point for each surface with wave // algorithm, first regardless of who is closer. // later, when comparing pairs only use the same side for (int isurf = 0; isurf < num_fit_other; isurf++){ ArrayList<Point> lwave = new ArrayList<Point>(); Point p0 = new Point(center_index, candidates[isurf]); distances[isurf][p0.x] = new double [tileData[nSurfTile].length]; distances[isurf][p0.x][p0.y] = cost_start; if (dl > 0) { System.out.println("Add: p0.x="+p0.x+", p0.y="+p0.y); } lwave.add(p0); // run wave build radius (plus 1.0) along each surface connections, // until next radius >= radius while (!lwave.isEmpty()){ p0 = lwave.remove(0); TileData [] dbg_tileData = tileData[surfIndices[p0.x]]; int [] neibs = tileData[surfIndices[p0.x]][p0.y].getNeighbors(); if (dl > 0) { System.out.println("Remove: p0.x="+p0.x+", p0.y="+p0.y+" surfIndices[p0.x]="+surfIndices[p0.x]+ " neibs:"+ " [ "+((neibs[0] >= 0)? neibs[0]:"-")+ " | "+((neibs[1] >= 0)? neibs[1]:"-")+ " | "+((neibs[2] >= 0)? neibs[2]:"-")+ " | "+((neibs[3] >= 0)? neibs[3]:"-")+ " | "+((neibs[4] >= 0)? neibs[4]:"-")+ " | "+((neibs[5] >= 0)? neibs[5]:"-")+ " | "+((neibs[6] >= 0)? neibs[6]:"-")+ " | "+((neibs[7] >= 0)? neibs[7]:"-")+ " ]"); } // try ortho directions first double new_dist = distances[isurf][p0.x][p0.y] + cost_ortho; if (new_dist <= (radius + cost_start)) { for (int dir = 0; dir < 8; dir +=2) if ( neibs[dir] >= 0){ Point pn = new Point (p0.x + ldirs8[dir], neibs[dir]); if (distances[isurf][pn.x] == null){ distances[isurf][pn.x] = new double [tileData[surfIndices[pn.x]].length]; } if ((distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y] == 0) || (distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y] > new_dist)){ if (dl > 0) { System.out.println("Add ortho: p0.x="+p0.x+", p0.y="+p0.y+ " distances["+isurf+"]["+pn.x+"]["+pn.y+"]="+distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y]+ ", new_dist="+new_dist); } distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y] = new_dist; lwave.add(pn); } } } // try diagonal directions second new_dist = distances[isurf][p0.x][p0.y] + cost_diag; if (new_dist <= (radius + cost_start)) { for (int dir = 1; dir < 8; dir +=2) if ( neibs[dir] >= 0){ Point pn = new Point (p0.x + ldirs8[dir], neibs[dir]); if (distances[isurf][pn.x] == null){ distances[isurf][pn.x] = new double [tileData[surfIndices[pn.x]].length]; } if ((distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y] == 0) || (distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y] > new_dist)){ if (dl > 0) { System.out.println("Add diag: p0.x="+p0.x+", p0.y="+p0.y+ " distances["+isurf+"]["+pn.x+"]["+pn.y+"]="+distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y]+ ", new_dist="+new_dist); } distances[isurf][pn.x][pn.y] = new_dist; lwave.add(pn); } } } } } if (dl > 0) { for (int cand = 0; cand < distances.length; cand ++){ int num_dist_layers = 0; for (int i = 0; i < distances[cand].length; i++){ if ((distances[cand][i] != null) && (distances[cand][i].length > num_dist_layers)){ num_dist_layers = distances[cand][i].length; } } for (int dist_l = 0; dist_l < num_dist_layers; dist_l++){ System.out.println("Candidate #"+cand+", layer "+dist_l); for (int ddy = 0; ddy < field_size; ddy ++){ for (int ddx = 0; ddx < field_size; ddx ++){ if ((distances[cand][ddy * field_size + ddx] == null) || (distances[cand][ddy * field_size + ddx].length <= dist_l) || (distances[cand][ddy * field_size + ddx][dist_l] == 0)){ System.out.print("--- "); } else { System.out.print(distances[cand][ddy * field_size + ddx][dist_l]+" "); } } System.out.println(); } } } } // pulls belong to pairs, not individual surfaces (difference when they cross) double [][] surface_pulls = new double [num_fit_other][num_fit_other]; // now calculate advantage of each one surface (close_enough) to each other (as a ratio) // and then see if it is above minAdvantage for (int other_ml = 0; other_ml < tileLayers.length; other_ml++) if (tileLayers[other_ml] != null){ for (int lindx = 0; lindx < imageIndices.length; lindx ++){ if (imageIndices[lindx] >= 0) { int nsurf = tileLayers_src[other_ml][imageIndices[lindx]] - 1; // assigned surface number (>=0) if ( nsurf >= 0){ double strength = dispStrength[other_ml][1][imageIndices[lindx]] + addStrength; // add strength so very weak count // see if this tile belongs to any of the considered surfaces int num_found = 0; boolean [] on_surface = new boolean [num_fit_other]; for (int i = 0; i < num_fit_other; i++) { if ((distances[i][lindx] != null) && (distances[i][lindx][nsurf] > 0.0)){ num_found++; on_surface[i] = true; } } if (num_found > 0) { // tile lies on at least one of the considered surfaces for (int is1 = 0; is1 < num_fit_other; is1++) if (on_surface[is1]) { // is2 can be any other candidate, just check it is on the same side // of is1 as in the center (new tile) for (int is2 = 0; is2 < num_fit_other; is2++) if (is2 != is1) { boolean good_pair = true; if (distances[is2][lindx] != null) { // otherwise OK for (int i = 0; i < distances[is2][lindx].length; i++){ if (distances[is2][lindx][i] >= 0){ if ( ((is2 > is1) && (i < nsurf)) || ((is2 < is1) && (i > nsurf))) { good_pair = false; // surfaces cross between break; } } } } if (good_pair){ double r = distances[is1][lindx][nsurf] - cost_start; // pull to is1 when in pair with is2 surface_pulls[is1][is2] += Math.exp(- r * r * rsigma2) * strength ; } } } } } } } } double [][] advantages = new double [num_fit_other][num_fit_other]; for (int is1 = 0; is1 < num_fit_other; is1++){ for (int is2 = is1 + 1; is2 < num_fit_other; is2++){ double ad1 = surface_pulls[is1][is2] + minPull; double ad2 = surface_pulls[is2][is1] + minPull; // normally minPull >0.0, if not - prevent div by zero if ((ad1 == 0) || (ad2 == 0)){ if ((ad1 == 0) && (ad2 == 0)){ ad1 = 1.0; ad2 = 1.0; } else if (ad1 == 0) { ad2 = 2.0 * minAdvantage; ad1 = 1.0; } else { ad1 = 2.0 * minAdvantage; ad2 = 1.0; } } advantages[is1][is2] = ad1/ad2; advantages[is2][is1] = ad2/ad1; if (surfStrPow != 0.0){ // consider surface strength also double str1 = tileData[nSurfTile][candidates[is1]].getStrength(); double str2 = tileData[nSurfTile][candidates[is1]].getStrength(); if ((str1 > 0.0) && (str2 > 0.0)){ advantages[is1][is2] *= Math.pow(str1/str2, surfStrPow); advantages[is2][is1] = 1.0/advantages[is1][is2]; } else if (str1 > 0.0) { advantages[is1][is2] = 2.0 * minAdvantage; // sure will win advantages[is2][is1] = (minAdvantage > 0.0) ? (1.0/advantages[is1][is2]) : 0.0; //minAdvantage } else if (str2 > 0.0) { advantages[is2][is1] = 2.0 * minAdvantage; // sure will win advantages[is1][is2] = (minAdvantage > 0.0) ? (1.0/advantages[is2][is1]) : 0.0; } else { // both zero - do nothing about surface strengths } } } } // Now see if we have a winner that is (2 could not satisfy, look for the first: // a) close enough, and // b) sufficient advantage over all other candidates fit = -1; for (int is1 = 0; is1 < num_fit_other; is1++){ if (close_enough[is1]){ // boolean is_a_winner = true; for (int is2 = is1 + 1; is2 < num_fit_other; is2++){ if (advantages[is1][is2] < minAdvantage){ if (dl > 0) { System.out.println("assignTilesToSurfaces() advantages["+is1+"]["+is2+"]="+advantages[is1][is2]); } is_a_winner = false; if (dl > 0) { System.out.println("assignTilesToSurfaces(): Not a winner, advantages < "+minAdvantage); } break; } } if (is_a_winner){ fit = is1; if (dl > 0) { System.out.println("assignTilesToSurfaces(): "+is1+" is a winner!"); } break; } } } if (fit >= 0) { tileLayers[fml][nTile] = candidates[fit] + 1; stats_all[numThread][NEW_ASSIGNED] ++; } else { stats_all[numThread][NOT_UNIQUE] ++; } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } for (int nt = 0; nt < numThreads; nt ++){ for (int i = 0 ; i < stats_new.length; i++ ){ stats_new[i] += stats_all[nt][i]; } } return stats_new; } boolean isInit() { return this.tileLayers != null; } public int [][] combineTileLayers( final boolean overwrite, final int [][] dst, final int [][] src ){ for (int ml = 0; ml < dst.length; ml++){ if (src[ml] != null){ if (dst[ml] == null) { dst[ml] = src[ml].clone(); } else { for (int i = 0; i < src[ml].length; i++) if ((src[ml][i] != 0) && (overwrite || (dst[ml][i] == 0))){ dst[ml][i] = src[ml][i]; } } } } return dst; } public int [][] newTileLayers( final boolean [][] tileSel ){ int [][] tileLayers = new int [tileSel.length][]; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileSel.length; ml++){ if (tileSel[ml] != null){ tileLayers[ml] = new int [tileSel[ml].length]; for (int i = 0; i < tileSel[ml].length; i++){ tileLayers[ml][i] = tileSel[ml][i] ? 0: -1; // 0 - unassigned, -1 - prohibited } } } return tileLayers; } public int [] InitTilesAssignment( final boolean force, final double [][][] dispStrength, final boolean [][] tileSel, final int debugLevel) { if (force || (this.tileLayers == null)) { this.tileLayers = newTileLayers(tileSel); } int []stats = getTilesAssignStats(tileLayers); if (debugLevel >= -1) { System.out.println("sortTilesToSurfaces(): using "+stats[STAT_NUM_ML] +" measurement layers"+ ", number of assigned tiles: "+stats[STAT_ASSIGNED]+ ", number of unassigned tiles: "+stats[STAT_UNASSIGNED]+ ", number of prohibited tiles: "+stats[STAT_PROHIBITED]+ ", number of impossible tiles: "+stats[STAT_IMPOSSIBLE]); } return stats; } public int [] statTileLayers( final int [][] tileLayers, final boolean [][] tileSel, final int debugLevel) { int []stats = getTilesAssignStats(tileLayers); if (debugLevel >= -1) { System.out.println("sortTilesToSurfaces(): using "+stats[STAT_NUM_ML] +" measurement layers"+ ", number of assigned tiles: "+stats[STAT_ASSIGNED]+ ", number of unassigned tiles: "+stats[STAT_UNASSIGNED]+ ", number of prohibited tiles: "+stats[STAT_PROHIBITED]+ ", number of impossible tiles: "+stats[STAT_IMPOSSIBLE]); } return stats; } public boolean [][] extractSelection( final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { // boolean [][] wave_conf = new boolean [tileLayers.length][]; // true when wave or if confirmed int num_tiles = 0; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml++) if ((tileLayers[ml] != null) && (tileLayers[ml].length > 0)){ num_tiles = tileLayers[ml].length; break; } boolean [][] assigned_tiles = new boolean [num_tiles][]; for (int ml = 0; ml < tileLayers.length; ml ++) if (tileLayers[ml] != null){ for (int nTile0 = 0; nTile0 < tileLayers[ml].length; nTile0++) if (tileLayers[ml][nTile0] > 0) { int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile0); if (tileData[nSurfTile] != null) { int l = tileData[nSurfTile].length; assigned_tiles[nTile0] = new boolean [l]; } assigned_tiles[nTile0][tileLayers[ml][nTile0]-1] = true; } } return assigned_tiles; } public int [][] enumerateClusters( final boolean [][] selection, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { int [][] enum_clust = new int [selection.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < enum_clust.length; i++){ if (selection[i] != null) enum_clust[i] = new int [selection[i].length]; } TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); // TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); int num_cluster = 1; for (int nTile0 = 0; nTile0 <selection.length; nTile0++) if (selection[nTile0] != null) { for (int nl0 = 0; nl0 < selection[nTile0].length; nl0++) if (selection[nTile0][nl0] && ((enum_clust[nTile0][nl0] == 0))) { ArrayList<Point> wave_list = new ArrayList<Point>(); Point p = new Point(nTile0, nl0); // image tile number, surface index (0-based) enum_clust[p.x][p.y] = num_cluster; wave_list.add(p); while (wave_list.size() > 0){ Point pt = wave_list.remove(0); int [] neibs = tileData[getSurfaceTileIndex(pt.x)][pt.y].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < tnImage.dirs; dir++) if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(pt.x, dir); if (nTile1 >= 0) { int nl1 = neibs[dir]; if ((selection[nTile1] != null) && selection[nTile1][nl1] && (enum_clust[nTile1][nl1] == 0) ){ // exists and not yet counted Point p1 = new Point(nTile1, nl1); enum_clust[nTile1][nl1] = num_cluster; wave_list.add(p1); } } } } num_cluster ++; } } num_cluster --; if (debugLevel > -1 ) { System.out.println("enumerateClusters(): found " + num_cluster + " clusters"); } return enum_clust; } public int getNumClusters( int [][] clusters) { int max_number = 0; for (int nTile = 0; nTile <clusters.length; nTile++) if (clusters[nTile] != null) { for (int nl = 0; nl < clusters[nTile].length; nl ++){ if (clusters[nTile][nl] > max_number){ max_number = clusters[nTile][nl]; } } } return max_number; } public int [][] clusterStats( int [][] clusters, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); int max_number = getNumClusters(clusters); if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("clusterStats(): number of clusters: "+max_number); } int [][] stats0 = new int[max_number][CLUST_NUM_STATS]; // number of tiles, overlaps (each pair), conflicts-a (in dir, but connected to dif.), conflicts-b (no link) for (int nTile = 0; nTile <clusters.length; nTile++) if (clusters[nTile] != null) { for (int nl = 0; nl < clusters[nTile].length; nl ++){ int nclust = clusters[nTile][nl]; if (nclust > 0) { stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_TILES]++; int num_same = 0; for (int nl1 = 0; nl1 < clusters[nTile].length; nl1 ++){ if ((nl1 != nl) && (clusters[nTile][nl1] == nclust)){ num_same ++; } } if (stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS] < (num_same + 1)){ stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS] = (num_same + 1); } if (num_same > 0) { stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_OVERLAPS]++; if (num_same > 1) { stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_MULTI]++; } } if (num_same == 0) { // do not bother with overlapping tiles if (stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS] == 0){ stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS] = 1; } int [] neibs = tileData[getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile)][nl].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < tnImage.dirs; dir++) if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile, dir); if ((nTile1 >= 0) && (clusters[nTile1] != null)) { int num_same1 = 0; for (int nl1 = 0; nl1 < clusters[nTile1].length; nl1 ++){ if (clusters[nTile1][nl1] == nclust){ num_same1 ++; } } if (num_same1 > 0){ if (neibs[dir] <0 ){ stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_CONFLICTS_B]++; } else if (clusters[nTile1][neibs[dir]] != nclust){ stats0[nclust - 1][CLUST_NUM_CONFLICTS_A]++; } } } } } } } } // now sort tiles by the number of tiles in it ArrayList<Point> sort_list = new ArrayList<Point>(max_number); for (int nclust = 0 ; nclust < max_number; nclust++) { sort_list.add(new Point(stats0[nclust][CLUST_NUM_TILES], nclust)); } Collections.sort(sort_list, new Comparator<Point>() { @Override public int compare(Point lhs, Point rhs) { // -1 - less than, 1 - greater than, 0 - equal, all inverted for descending return (lhs.x > rhs.x) ? -1 : (lhs.x < rhs.x) ? 1 : 0; } }); int [][] stats = new int[max_number][CLUST_NUM_STATS]; // number of tiles, overlaps (each pair), conflicts-a (in dir, but connected to dif.), conflicts-b (no link) for (int i = 0; i < max_number; i++){ stats[i] = stats0[sort_list.get(i).y]; stats[i][CLUST_NUM_INDEX] = sort_list.get(i).y + 1; // zero-based -> 1-based } return stats; } public void showClusterStats( int [][] cluster_stats, int max_clusters){ System.out.println("Detected "+cluster_stats.length+" clusters"); if (max_clusters == 0){ max_clusters = cluster_stats.length; } for (int i = 0; (i < cluster_stats.length) && (i < max_clusters); i++){ System.out.print(i+": #"+ cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_INDEX]); System.out.print( " tiles: "+ cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_TILES]); System.out.print( " layers: "+ cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS]); System.out.print( " overlaps: "+ cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_OVERLAPS]); System.out.print( " multi-overlaps: "+ cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_MULTI]); System.out.print( " coflicts A: "+ cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_CONFLICTS_A]); System.out.print( " coflicts B: "+ cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_CONFLICTS_B]); System.out.println(); } } public void showClusters( String title, int [][] cluster_stats, int max_clusters, int [][] clusters) { System.out.println("showClusters("+title+"," +max_clusters+"), numClusters = "+cluster_stats.length); // TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); int num_slices = 0; int num_tiles = clusters.length; if (max_clusters == 0){ max_clusters = cluster_stats.length; } if (max_clusters > cluster_stats.length){ max_clusters = cluster_stats.length; } for (int i = 0; i < max_clusters; i++){ num_slices += cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS]; } double [][] img_clust = new double [num_slices][num_tiles]; for (int i = 0; i < num_slices; i ++){ for (int j = 0; j < num_tiles; j ++){ img_clust[i][j] = Double.NaN; } } int [] rev_clust = new int [cluster_stats.length]; for (int i = 0; i < cluster_stats.length; i ++){ rev_clust[cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_INDEX] - 1] = i; } String [] titles = new String [num_slices]; int [] slice_first = new int [num_slices]; int nslice = 0; for (int i = 0; i < max_clusters; i++){ slice_first[i]=nslice; for (int j = 0; j < cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS]; j++){ titles[nslice++] = "cluster-"+i+((cluster_stats[i][CLUST_NUM_LAYERS]>1)?("_"+j):""); } } for (int nTile = 0; nTile < num_tiles; nTile++) if (clusters[nTile] != null){ int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); boolean [] rend = new boolean [clusters[nTile].length]; for (int i = 0; i < rend.length; i++) if (!rend[i] && (clusters[nTile][ i] > 0)) { // if (!rend[i] && (rev_clust[clusters[nTile][ i]] < max_clusters)){ if (((clusters[nTile][ i] -1) >= rev_clust.length) || ((clusters[nTile][ i] -1) < 0)){ System.out.println("showClusters() BUG:, clusters["+nTile+"]["+ i+"]-1 ("+(clusters[nTile][ i] -1)+") >= "+rev_clust.length); } else { if (rev_clust[clusters[nTile][ i] - 1] < max_clusters){ int clust_index = clusters[nTile][ i] -1; int clust_layer = 0; for (int j = i; j < rend.length; j++) if ((clusters[nTile][ j] -1) == clust_index) { rend[j] = true; img_clust[slice_first[rev_clust[clust_index]] + clust_layer][nTile] = tileData[nSurfTile][j].getDisparity(); clust_layer++; } } } } } ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); sdfa_instance.showArrays(img_clust, imageTilesX, imageTilesY, true, title, titles); } public boolean [][] growClusterOnce( // used from inside threads final boolean [][] cluster_local_pure, final int [] window, final int [] img_indices, final int [] surf_indices, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { int num_tiles = img_indices.length; int width = window[2]; int height = window[3]; boolean [][] grown_cluster = new boolean [num_tiles][]; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < num_tiles; neTile++){ if (cluster_local_pure[neTile] != null){ grown_cluster[neTile] = cluster_local_pure[neTile].clone(); } } int dbg_ntiles1 = 0; if (debugLevel > 0) { for (int neTile = 0; neTile < num_tiles; neTile++){ if (grown_cluster[neTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < grown_cluster[neTile].length; nl++){ if (grown_cluster[neTile][nl]) dbg_ntiles1 ++; } } } System.out.println("growClusterOnce(): number of tiles = "+dbg_ntiles1); } final TileNeibs tnWindow = new TileNeibs(width,height); for (int neTile0 = 0; neTile0 < num_tiles; neTile0++) if (cluster_local_pure[neTile0] != null){ for (int nl0 = 0; nl0 < cluster_local_pure[neTile0].length; nl0++){ if (cluster_local_pure[neTile0][nl0]){ // source should be single-layer, but ... int nSurfTile0 = surf_indices[neTile0]; int [] neibs = tileData[nSurfTile0][nl0].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < tnWindow.dirs; dir++) { int nl1 = neibs[dir]; if (nl1 < 0){ if (debugLevel >-1) { System.out.println("growClusterOnce(): Expected 8 neighbors for tile nSurfTile0="+ nSurfTile0+":"+nl0+" neibs["+dir+"] = "+nl1); } } else { int neTile1 = tnWindow.getNeibIndex(neTile0, dir); if (neTile1 >= 0) { if ( ((cluster_local_pure[neTile1] == null) || !cluster_local_pure[neTile1][nl1]) && ((grown_cluster[neTile1] == null) || !grown_cluster[neTile1][nl1])) { if (grown_cluster[neTile1] == null) { int nSurfTile1 = surf_indices[neTile1]; // should never be null as it is connected from nSurfTile0 if (nSurfTile1 >=0) { grown_cluster[neTile1] = new boolean [tileData[nSurfTile1].length]; // out_of_bounds } } if(grown_cluster[neTile1] != null){ grown_cluster[neTile1][nl1] = true; } } } } } } } } if (debugLevel > 0) { int dbg_ntiles2 = 0; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < num_tiles; neTile++){ if (grown_cluster[neTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < grown_cluster[neTile].length; nl++){ if (grown_cluster[neTile][nl]) dbg_ntiles2 ++; } } } System.out.println("growClusterOnce(): new number of tiles = "+dbg_ntiles2+" (was "+dbg_ntiles1+")"); } return grown_cluster; } public void setSurfaceData( final int [][] cluster_groups, final int [][] clusters_pure, // each tile/layer belongs to a single pure cluster final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { if (debugLevel >-1){ System.out.println("setSurfaceData(): groups: "+cluster_groups.length); } final SurfaceData [] sdata = new SurfaceData[cluster_groups.length]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int [] tilesWH = {imageTilesX, imageTilesY}; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int iGClust = ai.getAndIncrement(); iGClust < sdata.length; iGClust = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (iGClust == dbg_X)) ? 1:0; int [] window = getClusterBBox( cluster_groups[iGClust], // final int [] nClust, // 1-based 1, // final int border, clusters_pure); // final int [][] clusters) int [][] tile_indices = getClusterBBoxIndices( window, // final int [] window, 0); // border); // final int border) // maybe 0, actual value just saves time int [] img_tile_indices = tile_indices[0]; int [] surf_tile_indices = tile_indices[1]; boolean [][] combined = new boolean [img_tile_indices.length][]; if (dl > 0){ String dbg_s = ""; for (int indxClust = 0; indxClust < cluster_groups[iGClust].length; indxClust++){ dbg_s += " " +cluster_groups[iGClust][indxClust]; } System.out.println("setSurfaceData(): iGClust = "+iGClust+" window = [ "+window[0]+", "+window[1]+", "+window[2]+", "+window[3]+" ], clusters: ["+dbg_s+"]"); } for (int indxClust = 0; indxClust< cluster_groups[iGClust].length; indxClust++){ if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("setSurfaceData(): cluster_groups["+iGClust+"]["+indxClust+"] = "+cluster_groups[iGClust][indxClust]); } boolean [][] extracted_cluster = extractCluster( cluster_groups[iGClust][indxClust], // final int numToSplit, // 1-based clusters_pure, // final int [][] clusters, window, // final int [] window, img_tile_indices, // final int [] bbox_indices, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y) for (int neTile = 0; neTile < combined.length; neTile++){ if (extracted_cluster[neTile] != null){ if (combined[neTile] == null){ combined[neTile] = extracted_cluster[neTile].clone(); } else { for (int nl = 0; nl < extracted_cluster[neTile].length; nl++){ combined[neTile][nl] |= extracted_cluster[neTile][nl]; } } } } } boolean [] pure_sel = new boolean [combined.length]; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < combined.length; neTile++){ if (combined[neTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < combined[neTile].length; nl++){ if (combined[neTile][nl]) { pure_sel[neTile] = true; break; } } } } boolean [][] grown_combined = growClusterOnce( // used from inside threads combined, // final boolean [][] cluster_local_pure, window, // final int [] window, img_tile_indices, // final int [] bbox_indices, surf_tile_indices, // final int [] surf_indices, 0, // dl, // debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y) boolean [] selected = new boolean [combined.length]; boolean [] border = new boolean [combined.length]; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < grown_combined.length; neTile++){ if (grown_combined[neTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < grown_combined[neTile].length; nl++){ if (grown_combined[neTile][nl]) { selected[neTile] = true; if (!pure_sel[neTile]){ border[neTile] = true; } break; } } } } sdata[iGClust] = new SurfaceData( tilesWH, window); sdata[iGClust].setSelected(selected); sdata[iGClust].setBorder(border); sdata[iGClust].setCluster(cluster_groups[iGClust]); for (int neTile = 0; neTile < grown_combined.length; neTile++){ if (selected[neTile]){ for (int nl = 0; nl < grown_combined[neTile].length; nl++){ if (grown_combined[neTile][nl]){ sdata[iGClust].setDisparity( neTile, tileData[surf_tile_indices[neTile]][nl].getDisparity()); } } } } if (dl > 0){ System.out.println("setSurfaceData(): sdata ["+iGClust+"] prepared"); } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); ArrayList<SurfaceData> sdata_list = new ArrayList<SurfaceData>(); for (int i = 0; i < sdata.length; i++){ sdata_list.add(sdata[i]); } Collections.sort(sdata_list, new Comparator<SurfaceData>() { @Override public int compare(SurfaceData lhs, SurfaceData rhs) { // -1 - less than, 1 - greater than, 0 - equal, all inverted for descending return (lhs.getSize(true) > rhs.getSize(true)) ? -1 : (lhs.getSize(true) < rhs.getSize(true)) ? 1 : 0; } }); this.surfaceData = sdata_list.toArray(new SurfaceData[0] ); if (debugLevel >-1){ if (debugLevel > 0){ for (int i = 0; i < this.surfaceData.length; i++) { System.out.print(i+": "+this.surfaceData[i].getSize(true)+" ("+this.surfaceData[i].getSize(false)+") ["); for (int j = 0; j < this.surfaceData[i].getCluster().length; j++){ System.out.print(this.surfaceData[i].getCluster()[j] +", "); } System.out.println("]"); } } System.out.println("setSurfaceData(): DONE"); } } public SurfaceData getSurfaceData(int indx){ return this.surfaceData[indx]; } public int getSurfaceDataLength(){ return this.surfaceData.length; } public int [][] mergeNoConflict( final int [][] matchedGrown, final int [][] clusters_grown, final int [][] clusters_pure, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("mergeNoConflict(): groups: "+matchedGrown.length); } final int num_grown = matchedGrown.length; final int [][][] pre_merged_subs = new int [num_grown][][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int iGClust = ai.getAndIncrement(); iGClust < num_grown; iGClust = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int num_subs = matchedGrown[iGClust].length; if (num_subs < 2){ // nothing to split pre_merged_subs[iGClust] = new int [num_subs][]; if (num_subs > 0) { // should always be so? pre_merged_subs[iGClust][0] = matchedGrown[iGClust].clone(); } } else { //>= 2 clusters int nGClust = iGClust + 1; int dl = ((debugLevel > -1) && (num_subs > 3)) ? 3: 0; if (dl > 3){ System.out.println("mergeNoConflict(): nGClust: "+nGClust+" num_subs= "+num_subs); } // create window for the grown cluster, it will include all subs int [] window = getClusterBBox( nGClust, // 1-based 0, // border, clusters_grown); int [][] tile_indices = getClusterBBoxIndices( window, // final int [] window, 0); // border); // final int border) // maybe 0, actual value just saves time int [] img_tile_indices = tile_indices[0]; int [] surf_tile_indices = tile_indices[1]; int num_tiles = img_tile_indices.length; int [] clust_sizes = new int [num_subs]; boolean [][][] subs_pure = new boolean [num_subs][][]; boolean [][][] subs_grown = new boolean [num_subs][][]; for (int nSub = 0; nSub < num_subs; nSub++){ subs_pure[nSub] = extractCluster( matchedGrown[iGClust][nSub], // final int numToSplit, // 1-based clusters_pure, // final int [][] clusters, window, // final int [] window, img_tile_indices, // final int [] bbox_indices, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y) subs_grown[nSub] = growClusterOnce( // used from inside threads subs_pure[nSub], // final boolean [][] cluster_local_pure, window, // final int [] window, img_tile_indices, // final int [] bbox_indices, surf_tile_indices, // final int [] surf_indices, 0, // dl, // debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y) } // now build sets of clusters // a) connected to current (and having higher number) // b) conflicting with current (and having higher number) ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> touching_list = new ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>>(); ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> conflict_list = new ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>>(); for (int nSub = 0; nSub < num_subs; nSub++){ touching_list.add(new HashSet<Integer>()); conflict_list.add(new HashSet<Integer>()); } for (int neTile = 0; neTile < num_tiles; neTile++){ for (int nSub = 0; nSub < num_subs; nSub++){ if (subs_grown[nSub][neTile] != null){ for (int nl1 = 0; nl1 < subs_grown[nSub][neTile].length; nl1++){ if (subs_grown[nSub][neTile][nl1]){ clust_sizes[nSub] ++; for (int nSub2 = nSub+1; nSub2 < num_subs; nSub2++) if (subs_grown[nSub2][neTile] != null){ for (int nl2 = 0; nl2 < subs_grown[nSub2][neTile].length; nl2++){ //* if (subs_grown[nSub2][neTile][nl2]){ if (nl1 == nl2) { touching_list.get(nSub).add(new Integer(nSub2)); touching_list.get(nSub2).add(new Integer(nSub)); // both ways } else { conflict_list.get(nSub).add(new Integer(nSub2)); conflict_list.get(nSub2).add(new Integer(nSub)); // both ways } } } } } } } } } ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>> groups_list = new ArrayList<HashSet<Integer>>(); HashSet<Integer> clusters_left = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int nSub = 0; nSub < num_subs; nSub++){ clusters_left.add(new Integer(nSub)); } while (!clusters_left.isEmpty()){ HashSet<Integer> new_group = new HashSet<Integer>(); HashSet<Integer> candidates = new HashSet<Integer>(); HashSet<Integer> conflicts = new HashSet<Integer>(); // HashSet<Integer> touching = new HashSet<Integer>(); // start with the largest of the remaining clusters Integer best_sub = -1; for (Integer sc:clusters_left){ if ((best_sub < 0) || (clust_sizes[best_sub] < clust_sizes[sc])){ best_sub = sc; } } if ( !clusters_left.remove(best_sub)) { System.out.println("mergeNoConflict() bug: can not remove"+best_sub); } new_group.add(best_sub); conflicts.addAll(conflict_list.get(best_sub)); // keep track of all accumulated conflicts candidates.addAll(touching_list.get(best_sub)); // add all clusters that are touching the current selection candidates.removeAll(conflicts); // remove all conflicts while (!candidates.isEmpty()) { // add more clusters if possible // Find the largest one best_sub = -1; for (Integer sc:candidates){ if ((best_sub < 0) || (clust_sizes[best_sub] < clust_sizes[sc])){ best_sub = sc; } } // add that new cluster clusters_left.remove(best_sub); new_group.add(best_sub); conflicts.addAll(conflict_list.get(best_sub)); // keep track of all accumulated conflicts candidates.addAll(touching_list.get(best_sub)); // add all clusters that are touching the current selection candidates.removeAll(conflicts); // remove all conflicts candidates.removeAll(new_group); // remove all what is already included } groups_list.add(new_group); } pre_merged_subs[iGClust] = new int [groups_list.size()][]; for (int ng = 0; ng < groups_list.size(); ng++) { pre_merged_subs[iGClust][ng] = new int [groups_list.get(ng).size()]; int nc = 0; for (Integer cl: groups_list.get(ng)){ pre_merged_subs[iGClust][ng][nc++] = matchedGrown[iGClust][cl]; // cl; } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); // "flatten" pre_merged_subs int num_new_groups = 0; for (int ng = 0; ng < pre_merged_subs.length; ng ++) { num_new_groups += pre_merged_subs[ng].length; } if (debugLevel >-1){ System.out.println("mergeNoConflict(): groups: " + num_new_groups + " (was : "+matchedGrown.length+")"); } final int [][] merged_subs = new int [num_new_groups][]; int indx = 0; for (int ng = 0; ng < pre_merged_subs.length; ng ++) { for (int nc = 0; nc < pre_merged_subs[ng].length; nc ++){ merged_subs[indx++] = pre_merged_subs[ng][nc]; } } if (debugLevel > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num_new_groups; i++){ System.out.print("mergeNoConflict(): "+ (i+1)+" ["); for (int j = 0; j < merged_subs[i].length; j++) { if (j > 0) System.out.print(", "); System.out.print(merged_subs[i][j]); } System.out.println(" ]"); } } return merged_subs; } /** * Grow each of the clusters (encoded as positive cluster numbers per tile per layer) by 1 in each * of 8 directions. As they now may overlap they are encoded in boolean array [cluster][tile][layer] * @param clusters_pure cluster numbers (>0) for each tile, each layer * @param debugLevel * @param dbg_X * @param dbg_Y * @return boolean array [cluster-1][tile][layer] */ public boolean [][][] growEachCluster ( final int [][] clusters_pure, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int num_clusters = getNumClusters(clusters_pure); final boolean [][][] clusters = new boolean [num_clusters][clusters_pure.length][]; final TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int iClust = ai.getAndIncrement(); iClust < num_clusters; iClust = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int nClust = iClust + 1; // 1-based for (int nTile0 = 0; nTile0 < clusters_pure.length; nTile0++) if (clusters_pure[nTile0] != null){ for (int nl0 = 0; nl0 < clusters_pure[nTile0].length; nl0++){ if (clusters_pure[nTile0][nl0] == nClust){ // source should be single-layer, but ... if (clusters[iClust][nTile0]==null) { clusters[iClust][nTile0] = new boolean [clusters_pure[nTile0].length]; } clusters[iClust][nTile0][nl0] = true; int nSurfTile0 = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile0); int [] neibs = tileData[nSurfTile0][nl0].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < tnImage.dirs; dir++) { int nl1 = neibs[dir]; if (nl1 < 0){ if (debugLevel >-1) { System.out.println("growEachCluster(): Expected 8 neighbors for tile nSurfTile0="+ nSurfTile0+":"+nl0+" neibs["+dir+"] = "+nl1); } int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile0, dir); if (nTile1 >= 0) { if ( ((clusters_pure[nTile1] == null) || (clusters_pure[nTile1][nl1] != nClust)) && ((clusters[iClust][nTile1] == null) || !clusters[iClust][nTile1][nl1])) { if (clusters[iClust][nTile1] == null) { int nSurfTile1 = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile1); clusters[iClust][nTile1] = new boolean [tileData[nSurfTile1].length]; } clusters[iClust][nTile1][nl1] = true; } } } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return clusters; } /** * Match grown/merged clusters to the ones they were made of * @param clusters_grown per-tile, per layer array of positive merged cluster numbers (0 - empty) * @param clusters_pure per-tile, per layer array of positive pure cluster numbers (0 - empty) * @param debugLevel * @param dbg_X * @param dbg_Y * @return array for each of the merged clusters array of pure cluster numbers it is made of */ public int [][] matchPureGrown ( final int [][] clusters_grown, final int [][] clusters_pure, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int num_grown = getNumClusters(clusters_grown); final int [][] grown_subs = new int [num_grown][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int iparent = ai.getAndIncrement(); iparent < num_grown; iparent = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int num_parent = iparent + 1; // 1-based HashSet<Integer> subs_set = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int nTile = 0; nTile < clusters_grown.length; nTile++) if (clusters_grown[nTile] != null) { for (int nl = 0; nl < clusters_grown[nTile].length; nl++) if (clusters_grown[nTile][nl] == num_parent){ if (clusters_pure[nTile] != null){ int iclust = clusters_pure[nTile][nl]; if (iclust > 0){ subs_set.add(new Integer(iclust)); } } } } grown_subs[iparent] = new int [subs_set.size()]; int indx = 0; for (Integer s:subs_set){ grown_subs[iparent][indx++] = s; } Arrays.sort(grown_subs[iparent]); } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); if (debugLevel > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < num_grown; i++){ System.out.print("matchPureGrown(): "+ (i+1)+" ["); for (int j = 0; j < grown_subs[i].length; j++) { if (j > 0) System.out.print(", "); System.out.print(grown_subs[i][j]); } System.out.println(" ]"); } } return grown_subs; } public int [] getClusterBBox( final int nClust, // 1-based final int border, final int [][] clusters) { // if (numToSplit == 74) { //177){ // System.out.println("getClusterBBox() numToSplit="+numToSplit); // } int x_max = -1, y_max = -1, x_min = imageTilesX, y_min = imageTilesY; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < clusters.length; nTile++) if (clusters[nTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < clusters[nTile].length; nl++){ if (clusters[nTile][nl] == nClust){ int tX = nTile % imageTilesX; int tY = nTile / imageTilesX; if (tX < x_min) x_min = tX; if (tX > x_max) x_max = tX; if (tY < y_min) y_min = tY; if (tY > y_max) y_max = tY; } } } int x0 = x_min - border; // may be negative int y0 = y_min - border; // may be negative int width = x_max +1 + border - x0; int height = y_max +1 + border - y0; int [] bbox = {x0, y0, width, height}; return bbox; } public int [] getClusterBBox( final int [] nClust, // 1-based final int border, final int [][] clusters) { int x_max = -1, y_max = -1, x_min = imageTilesX, y_min = imageTilesY; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < clusters.length; nTile++) if (clusters[nTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < clusters[nTile].length; nl++){ boolean sel = false; for (int i = 0; i < nClust.length; i++){ if (clusters[nTile][nl] == nClust[i]){ sel = true; break; } } if (sel){ int tX = nTile % imageTilesX; int tY = nTile / imageTilesX; if (tX < x_min) x_min = tX; if (tX > x_max) x_max = tX; if (tY < y_min) y_min = tY; if (tY > y_max) y_max = tY; } } } int x0 = x_min - border; // may be negative int y0 = y_min - border; // may be negative int width = x_max +1 + border - x0; int height = y_max +1 + border - y0; int [] bbox = {x0, y0, width, height}; return bbox; } public int [][] getClusterBBoxIndices( final int [] window, final int border) // maybe 0, actual value just saves time { int x0 = window[0]; int y0 = window[1]; int width = window[2]; int height = window[3]; int [][] bbox_indices = new int [2][width*height]; // [0] - image index, [1] - surface index int wb = width - border; int hb = height - border; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < bbox_indices[0].length; neTile++){ bbox_indices[0][neTile] = -1; bbox_indices[1][neTile] = -1; int bx = neTile % width; int by = neTile / width; if ((by >= border) && (bx >= border) && (by < hb) && (bx < wb)){ int tx = bx + x0; int ty = by + y0; if ((tx >= 0) && (ty >= 0) && (tx < imageTilesX) && (ty < imageTilesY)){ bbox_indices[0][neTile] = ty * imageTilesX + tx; bbox_indices[1][neTile] = ty * stilesX *superTileSize + tx; } } } return bbox_indices; } public boolean [][] extractCluster( final int numToSplit, // 1-based final int [][] clusters, final int [] window, final int [] bbox_indices, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { boolean [][] extracted_cluster = new boolean [bbox_indices.length][]; if (numToSplit == 74) { //177){ System.out.println("extractCluster() numToSplit="+numToSplit); } for (int neTile = 0; neTile < extracted_cluster.length; neTile++){ int nTile = bbox_indices[neTile]; if (nTile >= 0){ if (clusters[nTile] != null) { boolean has_cluster = false; for (int nl = 0; nl< clusters[nTile].length; nl++){ if (clusters[nTile][nl] == numToSplit){ has_cluster =true; break; } } if (has_cluster){ extracted_cluster[neTile] = new boolean[clusters[nTile].length]; for (int nl = 0; nl< clusters[nTile].length; nl++){ extracted_cluster[neTile][nl] = (clusters[nTile][nl] == numToSplit); } } } } } return extracted_cluster; } public int [][] spitConflictClusters( final int [][] clusters, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int num_clusters = getNumClusters(clusters); if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("spitConflictClusters(): number of original clusters = " + num_clusters); } // final int [][] split_windows = new int [num_clusters][]; // x,y,w,h for the cluster that is split final int [][][] split_indices = new int [num_clusters][2][]; // for each tile in the window - number of the corresponding image tile or -1 final int [][][] split_clusters = new int [num_clusters][][]; // for each tile in the window, a stack of layers, each number of a subcluster or 0 final int [] split_number = new int [num_clusters]; // number of sublusters the parent was split to final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int numToSplit = ai.getAndIncrement(); numToSplit < num_clusters; numToSplit = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if ((numToSplit + 1) == 74) { //177){ System.out.println("extractCluster() numToSplit="+numToSplit); } int [] window = getClusterBBox( numToSplit + 1, // 1-based 0, // border, clusters); split_indices[numToSplit] = getClusterBBoxIndices( window, // final int [] window, 0); // border); // final int border) // maybe 0, actual value just saves time boolean [][] extracted_cluster = extractCluster( numToSplit + 1, // final int numToSplit, // 1-based clusters, // final int [][] clusters, window, // final int [] window, split_indices[numToSplit][0], // final int [] bbox_indices, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y) split_clusters[numToSplit] = splitCluster( numToSplit + 1, // final int numToSplit, // 1-based clusters, // final int [][] clusters, window, // final int [] window, split_indices[numToSplit][0], // final int [] bbox_indices, split_indices[numToSplit][1], // final int [] bbox_surf_indices, extracted_cluster, // final boolean [][] extracted_cluster, debugLevel, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, // final int dbg_X, dbg_Y); // final int dbg_Y) split_number[numToSplit] = getNumClusters(split_clusters[numToSplit]); } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); final int [] new_cluster_index = new int [num_clusters]; for (int i = 0; i < num_clusters; i++) { if (i == 0) new_cluster_index[i] = 0; else new_cluster_index[i] = new_cluster_index[i-1] + split_number[i-1]; } int num_new = new_cluster_index[num_clusters - 1] + split_number[num_clusters - 1]; if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("spitConflictClusters(): number of new clusters = " + num_new + " ( was " + num_clusters + ")"); } final int [][] new_clusters = new int [clusters.length][]; for (int i = 0; i < new_clusters.length; i++) if (clusters[i] != null) new_clusters[i] = new int [clusters[i].length]; ai.set(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int numToSplit = ai.getAndIncrement(); numToSplit < num_clusters; numToSplit = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int numToSplit1 = numToSplit+1; if (numToSplit1 == 74) { //177){ System.out.println("extractCluster() numToSplit1="+numToSplit1); } for (int neTile = 0; neTile < split_indices[numToSplit][0].length; neTile++) { int nTile = split_indices[numToSplit][0][neTile] ; if ((nTile >= 0) && (clusters[nTile] != null)){ for (int nl = 0; nl < clusters[nTile].length; nl++){ if (clusters[nTile][nl] == numToSplit1) { new_clusters[nTile][nl] = new_cluster_index[numToSplit] + split_clusters[numToSplit][neTile][nl]; } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("spitConflictClusters(): DONE"); } return new_clusters; } /** * * @param numToSplit * @param clusters * @param window * @param bbox_indices * @param bbox_surf_indices * @param extracted_cluster * @param debugLevel * @param dbg_X * @param dbg_Y * @return for each tile in the window,for each layer in that location number of a subcluster (1-based) or 0 */ public int [][] splitCluster( final int numToSplit, // 1-based final int [][] clusters, final int [] window, final int [] bbox_indices, final int [] bbox_surf_indices, final boolean [][] extracted_cluster, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { int width = window[2]; int height = window[3]; int [][] split_cluster = new int [extracted_cluster.length][]; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < extracted_cluster.length; neTile++){ if (extracted_cluster[neTile] != null){ split_cluster[neTile] = new int [extracted_cluster[neTile].length]; } } final TileNeibs tnCluster = new TileNeibs(width, height); if (numToSplit == 74) { //177){ int num_tiles = 0; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < extracted_cluster.length; neTile++){ if (extracted_cluster[neTile] != null){ for (int i = 0; i < extracted_cluster[neTile].length; i++) { if (extracted_cluster[neTile][i]) num_tiles++; } } } System.out.println("splitCluster() numToSplit="+numToSplit+" num tiles = "+ num_tiles); } int num_cluster = 1; while (true) { int neTile0 = 0; int nl0 = 0; label_loop : { for (; neTile0 < extracted_cluster.length; neTile0++){ if (extracted_cluster[neTile0] != null){ for (nl0 = 0; nl0 < extracted_cluster[neTile0].length; nl0++) if (extracted_cluster[neTile0][nl0]){ break label_loop; } } } } if (neTile0 >= extracted_cluster.length){ break; // nothing left } // run wave from neTile0, nl0 checking for conflicts, filling ArrayList<Point> clust_list = new ArrayList<Point>(); { Point p = new Point(neTile0, nl0); split_cluster[p.x][p.y] = num_cluster; extracted_cluster[p.x][p.y] = false; clust_list.add(p); } int dbg_size = 1; while (!clust_list.isEmpty()){ Point p = clust_list.remove(0); int neTile = p.x; int nl = p.y; int nSurfTile = bbox_surf_indices[neTile]; // WRONG - fixed int [] neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][nl].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < tnCluster.numNeibs(); dir++) { int neTile1 = tnCluster.getNeibIndex(neTile,dir); if ((neTile1 >= 0) && (extracted_cluster[neTile1] != null)) { // it should have original tile there, not yet assigned to a new // check it is empty on all levels boolean tileEmpty = true; if (split_cluster[neTile1] != null) { for (int i = 0; i < split_cluster[neTile1].length; i++ ){ if (split_cluster[neTile1][i] == num_cluster){ tileEmpty = false; break; } } } if (tileEmpty) { if (neibs[dir] < 0){ // should not happen if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println("splitCluster(): existing nSurfTile="+nSurfTile+" surface is not connected in direction "+dir); } } else { int nl1 = neibs[dir]; if (extracted_cluster[neTile1][nl1]) { // verify it does not have connections from assigned tiles to different levels label_no_conflict: { for (int dir1 = 0; dir1 < tnCluster.numNeibs(); dir1++) { int neTile2 = tnCluster.getNeibIndex(neTile1,dir1); if ((neTile2 >= 0) && (split_cluster[neTile2] != null)) { for (int nl2 = 0; nl2 < split_cluster[neTile2].length; nl2++){ if (split_cluster[neTile2][nl2] == num_cluster){ int nl_this = tileData[bbox_surf_indices[neTile2]][nl2].getNeighbor(tnCluster.opposite(dir1)); if ((nl_this >= 0) && (nl_this != nl1)){ break label_no_conflict; } } } } } // no conflicts found, add this tile extracted_cluster[neTile1][nl1] = false; split_cluster[neTile1][nl1] = num_cluster; clust_list.add(new Point(neTile1, nl1)); dbg_size ++; } } } } } } } if (numToSplit == 74) { //177){ System.out.println("splitCluster() numToSplit="+numToSplit+" num_cluster="+num_cluster+" num tiles="+dbg_size); } num_cluster++; } if (numToSplit == 74) { //177){ int num_tiles = 0, num_tiles1= 0; for (int neTile = 0; neTile < extracted_cluster.length; neTile++){ if (extracted_cluster[neTile] != null){ for (int i = 0; i < extracted_cluster[neTile].length; i++) { if (extracted_cluster[neTile][i]) num_tiles++; if (split_cluster[neTile][i] > 0) num_tiles1++; if (extracted_cluster[neTile][i]) { System.out.println("neTile="+neTile+", nl = "+i); } } } } System.out.println("splitCluster() return numToSplit="+numToSplit + " num tiles = "+ num_tiles+ " num tiles1 = "+ num_tiles1); } return split_cluster; } public boolean [][] growSelectionOnce( // int grow, final boolean [][] sel_in, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final boolean [][] selection = new boolean [sel_in.length][]; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); // final TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); ai.set(0); // make sure even empty tiles have surface selection arrays defined for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < sel_in.length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { boolean not_empty = false; boolean [] stack = null; if (sel_in[nTile] != null) { stack = sel_in[nTile].clone(); } int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); if (tileData[nSurfTile] != null) { if (stack == null) { stack = new boolean[tileData[nSurfTile].length]; } for (int nl = 0; nl < stack.length; nl++){ if (stack[nl]) { not_empty = true; } else { int [] neibs = tileData[nSurfTile][nl].getNeighbors(); for (int dir = 0; dir < neibs.length; dir++){ if (neibs[dir] >= 0){ int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile, dir); if ((nTile1 >= 0) && (sel_in[nTile1] != null) && sel_in[nTile1][neibs[dir]]){ stack[nl] = true; not_empty = true; } } } } } } if (not_empty){ selection[nTile] = stack; } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return selection; } public boolean [][] growSelection( int grow, final boolean [][] sel_in, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { final int DIR_RIGHT = 2; final int DIR_LEFT = 6; final int DIR_UP = 0; final int DIR_DOWN = 4; final int [] DIRS = {DIR_LEFT, DIR_RIGHT, DIR_UP, DIR_DOWN}; final boolean [][] selection = sel_in.clone(); final boolean [][] selection_tmp = sel_in.clone(); final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final TileNeibs tnImage = new TileNeibs(imageTilesX, imageTilesY); // final TileNeibs tnSurface = new TileNeibs(stilesX * superTileSize, stilesY * superTileSize); ai.set(0); // make sure even empty tiles have surface selection arrays defined for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < sel_in.length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); if (tileData[nSurfTile] != null) { if (sel_in[nTile] != null){ selection[nTile] = sel_in[nTile].clone(); } else { selection[nTile] = new boolean[tileData[nSurfTile].length]; } // selection_tmp[nTile] = new boolean[tileData[nSurfTile].length]; } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); for (; grow > 0; grow -=2){ for (int dri = 0; dri < DIRS.length; dri++ ){ final int fdri = dri; ai.set(0); // extend to the right for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < sel_in.length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (selection[nTile] != null) { if (fdri == 0) selection_tmp[nTile] = new boolean[selection[nTile].length]; // new, empty int nTile1 = tnImage.getNeibIndex(nTile, DIRS[fdri]); if (nTile1 >= 0){ int nSurfTile = getSurfaceTileIndex(nTile); for (int nl = 0; nl < selection_tmp[nTile].length; nl ++) { if (tileData[nSurfTile][nl] != null){ int nl1 = tileData[nSurfTile][nl].getNeighbor(DIRS[fdri]); if ((nl1 >=0 ) && selection[nTile1][nl1]){ selection_tmp[nTile][nl] = true; } } } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); if (((dri == 1) && (grow > 1)) || (dri == 3)){ // always after both directions, after horizontal if diagonal is enabled // copy results back ai.set(0); // extend to the left for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < sel_in.length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { if (selection_tmp[nTile] != null){ for (int nl = 0; nl < selection_tmp[nTile].length; nl ++) { if (selection_tmp[nTile][nl]) { selection[nTile][nl] = true; } } } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } } } return selection; } public void mergeAndGrow( // TODO: add result final boolean [][] sel_in, final int debugLevel, final int dbg_X, final int dbg_Y) { System.out.println("mergeAndGrow() start"); boolean [][] assigned_sel = extractSelection( debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); int [][] clusters_pure = enumerateClusters( assigned_sel, //final boolean [][] selection, debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); clusters_pure = spitConflictClusters( clusters_pure, // final int [][] clusters, debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); boolean [][] grown_sel = growSelectionOnce( // 2, // int grow, assigned_sel, // final boolean [][] sel_in, debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); int [][] clusters_grown = enumerateClusters( grown_sel, //final boolean [][] selection, debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); int [][] grown_sub_clusters = matchPureGrown ( clusters_grown, clusters_pure, debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); int [][] merged_no_conflict = mergeNoConflict( grown_sub_clusters, clusters_grown, clusters_pure, debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); setSurfaceData( merged_no_conflict, // final int [][] cluster_groups, clusters_pure, // final int [][] clusters_pure, // each tile/layer belongs to a single pure cluster 0, // final int debugLevel, dbg_X, dbg_Y); System.out.println("mergeAndGrow() done"); } }