package com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor; /** ** ** QuadCLT - Process images with CLT-based methods (code specific to ImageJ plugin) ** ** Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel, Inc. ** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <>. ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** */ //import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.nio.file.attribute.PosixFilePermission; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.PixelMapping; import com.elphel.imagej.cameras.EyesisCorrectionParameters; import com.elphel.imagej.common.DoubleGaussianBlur; import com.elphel.imagej.common.ShowDoubleFloatArrays; import com.elphel.imagej.correction.CorrectionColorProc; import com.elphel.imagej.correction.EyesisCorrections; import com.elphel.imagej.jp4.JP46_Reader_camera; import com.elphel.imagej.x3d.export.WavefrontExport; import com.elphel.imagej.x3d.export.X3dOutput; import ij.CompositeImage; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Prefs; import ij.WindowManager; //import ij.gui.Overlay; import; import ij.process.ColorProcessor; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; public class QuadCLT { static String [] fine_corr_coeff_names = {"A","B","C","D","E","F"}; static String [] fine_corr_dir_names = {"X","Y"}; public static String PREFIX = "EYESIS_DCT."; // change later (first on save) public static String PREFIX_AUX = "EYESIS_DCT_AUX."; // change later (first on save) static int QUAD = 4; // number of cameras public Properties properties = null; // public String properties_prefix = "EYESIS_DCT."; public EyesisCorrections eyesisCorrections = null; public EyesisCorrectionParameters.CorrectionParameters correctionsParameters=null; double [][][][][][] clt_kernels = null; public GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection = null; double [] extrinsic_corr = new double [GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES.length]; // extrinsic corrections (needed from properties, before geometryCorrection public int extra_items = 8; // number of extra items saved with kernels (center offset (partial, full, derivatives) public ImagePlus eyesisKernelImage = null; public long startTime; // start of batch processing public long startSetTime; // start of set processing public long startStepTime; // start of step processing public double [][][] fine_corr = new double [4][2][6]; // per port, per x/y, set of 6 coefficient for fine geometric corrections public TileProcessor tp = null; String image_name = null; double [] gps_lla = null; double [][][] image_data = null; boolean [][] saturation_imp = null; // (near) saturated pixels or null boolean is_aux = false; // int [] woi_tops; // used to calculate scanline timing // magic scale should be set before using TileProcessor (calculated disparities depend on it) public void resetGroundTruthByRig() { tp.rig_disparity_strength = null; } public double [][] getGroundTruthByRig(){ if (tp == null) return null; return tp.rig_disparity_strength; } public void setTiles (ImagePlus imp, // set tp.tilesX, tp.tilesY EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, int threadsMax ){ setTiles(clt_parameters, imp.getWidth()/clt_parameters.transform_size, imp.getHeight()/clt_parameters.transform_size, threadsMax); /* if (tp == null){ tp = new TileProcessor(imp.getWidth()/clt_parameters.transform_size, imp.getHeight()/clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.stSize, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, clt_parameters.grow_disp_trust, clt_parameters.max_overexposure, // double maxOverexposure, threadsMax); } */ } public void setTiles ( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, int tilesX, int tilesY, int threadsMax ){ if (tp == null){ tp = new TileProcessor( tilesX, tilesY, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.stSize, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, clt_parameters.grow_disp_trust, clt_parameters.max_overexposure, // double maxOverexposure, threadsMax); } } // used for aux camera public boolean setupImageData( String image_name, String [] sourceFiles, EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, int threadsMax, int debugLevel) { QuadCLT.SetChannels [] set_channels_aux = setChannels(image_name, debugLevel); if ((set_channels_aux == null) || (set_channels_aux.length==0)) { System.out.println("No files for the auxiliary camera match series "+image_name); return false; } double [] referenceExposures_aux = eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) int [] channelFiles_aux = set_channels_aux[0].fileNumber(); // make single boolean [][] saturation_aux = (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0)? new boolean[channelFiles_aux.length][] : null; double [] scaleExposures_aux = new double[channelFiles_aux.length]; ImagePlus [] imp_srcs_aux = conditionImageSet( clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, sourceFiles, // String [] sourceFiles, image_name, // set_channels_aux[0].name(), // String set_name, referenceExposures_aux, // double [] referenceExposures, channelFiles_aux, // int [] channelFiles, scaleExposures_aux, //output // double [] scaleExposures saturation_aux, //output // boolean [][] saturation_imp, debugLevel); // int debugLevel); double [][][] double_stacks_aux = new double [imp_srcs_aux.length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks_aux.length; i++){ double_stacks_aux[i] = eyesisCorrections.bayerToDoubleStack( imp_srcs_aux[i], // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) null); // no margins, no oversample } for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks_aux.length; i++){ for (int j =0 ; j < double_stacks_aux[i][0].length; j++){ double_stacks_aux[i][2][j]*=0.5; // Scale green 0.5 to compensate more pixels than R,B } } setTiles (imp_srcs_aux[0], // set global tp.tilesX, tp.tilesY clt_parameters, threadsMax); this.image_name = image_name; image_data = double_stacks_aux; saturation_imp = saturation_aux; tp.setTrustedCorrelation(clt_parameters.grow_disp_trust); tp.resetCLTPasses(); return true; } public QuadCLT( String prefix, Properties properties, EyesisCorrections eyesisCorrections, EyesisCorrectionParameters.CorrectionParameters correctionsParameters ){ this.eyesisCorrections= eyesisCorrections; this.correctionsParameters = correctionsParameters; = properties; is_aux = prefix.equals(PREFIX_AUX); // this.properties_prefix = prefix; // System.out.println("new QuadCLT(), prefix = "+prefix); getProperties(prefix); } // TODO:Add saving just calibration // public void setProperties(){ // setProperties(this.properties_prefix); // } public void setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties){ // save if (properties == null) { properties =; } // System.out.println("setProperties("+prefix+")"); for (int n = 0; n < fine_corr.length; n++){ for (int d = 0; d < fine_corr[n].length; d++){ for (int i = 0; i < fine_corr[n][d].length; i++){ String name = prefix+"fine_corr_"+n+fine_corr_dir_names[d]+fine_corr_coeff_names[i]; properties.setProperty(name, this.fine_corr[n][d][i]+""); } } } GeometryCorrection gc = geometryCorrection; if (gc == null) { // if it was not yet created gc = new GeometryCorrection(this.extrinsic_corr); } for (int i = 0; i < GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES.length; i++){ String name = prefix+"extrinsic_corr_"+GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES[i]; properties.setProperty(name, gc.getCorrVector().toArray()[i]+""); // System.out.println("setProperties():"+i+": setProperty("+name+","+gc.getCorrVector().toArray()[i]+""); } if (is_aux && (gc.rigOffset != null)) { gc.rigOffset.setProperties(prefix,properties); } } public void copyPropertiesFrom(Properties other_properties, String other_prefix, String this_prefix){ // save // System.out.println("copyPropertiesFrom(other_properties, "+other_prefix+", this_prefix"+")"); for (int n = 0; n < fine_corr.length; n++){ for (int d = 0; d < fine_corr[n].length; d++){ for (int i = 0; i < fine_corr[n][d].length; i++){ String other_name = other_prefix+"fine_corr_"+n+fine_corr_dir_names[d]+fine_corr_coeff_names[i]; String this_name = this_prefix+"fine_corr_"+n+fine_corr_dir_names[d]+fine_corr_coeff_names[i]; if (other_properties.getProperty(other_name)!=null) { this.fine_corr[n][d][i]=Double.parseDouble(other_properties.getProperty(other_name)); properties.setProperty(this_name, this.fine_corr[n][d][i]+""); } } } } GeometryCorrection gc = geometryCorrection; if (gc == null) { // if it was not yet created gc = new GeometryCorrection(this.extrinsic_corr); } for (int i = 0; i < GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES.length; i++){ String other_name = other_prefix+"extrinsic_corr_"+GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES[i]; if (other_properties.getProperty(other_name)!=null) { this.extrinsic_corr[i] = Double.parseDouble(other_properties.getProperty(other_name)); if (geometryCorrection != null){ geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().toArray()[i] = this.extrinsic_corr[i]; } } String this_name = this_prefix+"extrinsic_corr_"+GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES[i]; properties.setProperty(this_name, gc.getCorrVector().toArray()[i]+""); // System.out.println("copyPropertiesFrom():"+i+": setProperty("+this_name+","+gc.getCorrVector().toArray()[i]+""); } // System.out.println("Done copyPropertiesFrom"); } public GeometryCorrection getGeometryCorrection() { return geometryCorrection; } public double [][][][][][] getCLTKernels(){ return clt_kernels; } public void listGeometryCorrection(boolean full){ GeometryCorrection gc = geometryCorrection; if (gc == null) { // if it was not yet created gc = new GeometryCorrection(this.extrinsic_corr); } gc.listGeometryCorrection(full); } public void getProperties(String prefix){ // restore // System.out.println("getProperties("+prefix+")"); for (int n = 0; n < fine_corr.length; n++){ for (int d = 0; d < fine_corr[n].length; d++){ for (int i = 0; i < fine_corr[n][d].length; i++){ String name = prefix+"fine_corr_"+n+fine_corr_dir_names[d]+fine_corr_coeff_names[i]; if (properties.getProperty(name)!=null) this.fine_corr[n][d][i]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(name)); } } } // always set extrinsic_corr for (int i = 0; i < GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES.length; i++){ String name = prefix+"extrinsic_corr_"+GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES[i]; if (properties.getProperty(name)!=null) { this.extrinsic_corr[i] = Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(name)); // System.out.println("getProperties():"+i+": getProperty("+name+") -> "+properties.getProperty(name)+""); if (geometryCorrection != null){ geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().toArray()[i] = this.extrinsic_corr[i]; } } } // if (is_aux && (geometryCorrection != null)) { // geometryCorrection.setRigOffsetFromProperies(prefix, properties); // } if (geometryCorrection == null) { geometryCorrection = new GeometryCorrection(this.extrinsic_corr); } if (is_aux) { geometryCorrection.setRigOffsetFromProperies(prefix, properties); } } public void setKernelImageFile(ImagePlus img_kernels){ eyesisKernelImage = img_kernels; } public boolean kernelImageSet(){ return eyesisKernelImage != null; } public boolean CLTKernelsAvailable(){ return clt_kernels != null; } public boolean geometryCorrectionAvailable(){ return (geometryCorrection != null) && geometryCorrection.isInitialized(); } public boolean initGeometryCorrection(int debugLevel){ // keep rig offsets if edited if (geometryCorrection == null) { geometryCorrection = new GeometryCorrection(extrinsic_corr); } PixelMapping.SensorData [] sensors = eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.sensors; // verify that all sensors have the same distortion parameters int numSensors = sensors.length; for (int i = 1; i < numSensors; i++){ if ( (sensors[0].focalLength != sensors[i].focalLength) || // null pointer (sensors[0].distortionC != sensors[i].distortionC) || (sensors[0].distortionB != sensors[i].distortionB) || (sensors[0].distortionA != sensors[i].distortionA) || (sensors[0].distortionA5 != sensors[i].distortionA5) || (sensors[0].distortionA6 != sensors[i].distortionA6) || (sensors[0].distortionA7 != sensors[i].distortionA7) || (sensors[0].distortionA8 != sensors[i].distortionA8) || (sensors[0].distortionRadius != sensors[i].distortionRadius) || (sensors[0].pixelCorrectionWidth != sensors[i].pixelCorrectionWidth) || (sensors[0].pixelCorrectionHeight != sensors[i].pixelCorrectionHeight) || (sensors[0].pixelSize != sensors[i].pixelSize)){ System.out.println("initGeometryCorrection(): All sensors have to have the same distortion model, but channels 0 and "+i+" mismatch"); return false; } } // set common distportion parameters geometryCorrection.setDistortion( sensors[0].focalLength, sensors[0].distortionC, sensors[0].distortionB, sensors[0].distortionA, sensors[0].distortionA5, sensors[0].distortionA6, sensors[0].distortionA7, sensors[0].distortionA8, sensors[0].distortionRadius, sensors[0].pixelCorrectionWidth, // virtual camera center is at (pixelCorrectionWidth/2, pixelCorrectionHeight/2) sensors[0].pixelCorrectionHeight, sensors[0].pixelSize); // set other/individual sensor parameters for (int i = 1; i < numSensors; i++){ if ( (sensors[0].theta != sensors[i].theta) || // elevation (sensors[0].heading != sensors[i].heading)){ System.out.println("initGeometryCorrection(): All sensors have to have the same elevation and heading, but channels 0 and "+i+" mismatch"); return false; } } double [] forward = new double[numSensors]; double [] right = new double[numSensors]; double [] height = new double[numSensors]; double [] roll = new double[numSensors]; double [][] pXY0 = new double[numSensors][2]; for (int i = 0; i < numSensors; i++){ forward[i] = sensors[i].forward; right[i] = sensors[i].right; height[i] = sensors[i].height; roll[i] = sensors[i].psi; pXY0[i][0] = sensors[i].px0; pXY0[i][1] = sensors[i].py0; } geometryCorrection.setSensors( numSensors, sensors[0].theta, sensors[0].heading, forward, right, height, roll, pXY0); geometryCorrection.planeProjectLenses(); // project all lenses to the common plane // calcualte reverse distortion as a table to be linear intr4epolated geometryCorrection.calcReverseDistortionTable(); if (numSensors == 4){ geometryCorrection.adustSquare(); System.out.println("Adjusted camera to orient X Y along the sides of a square"); } else { System.out.println("============= Cannot adustSquare() as it requires exactly 4 sensors, "+numSensors+" provided =========="); return false; } // Print parameters if (debugLevel > 0){ geometryCorrection.listGeometryCorrection(debugLevel > 1); } //listGeometryCorrection return true; } //GeometryCorrection public double [][][][][] calculateCLTKernel ( // per color/per tileY/ per tileX/per quadrant (plus offset as 5-th)/per pixel final PixelMapping.SensorData sensor, // to calculate extra shift final ImageStack kernelStack, // first stack with 3 colors/slices convolution kernels final int kernelSize, // 64 final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int globalDebugLevel) // update status info { if (kernelStack==null) return null; final int kernelWidth=kernelStack.getWidth(); final int kernelNumHor=kernelWidth/kernelSize; final int kernelNumVert=kernelStack.getHeight()/kernelSize; final int nChn=kernelStack.getSize(); final int dtt_size = clt_parameters.transform_size; final int dtt_len = dtt_size* dtt_size; final double [][][][][] clt_kernels = new double [nChn][kernelNumVert][kernelNumHor][5][]; for (int chn = 0; chn < nChn; chn++){ for (int tileY = 0; tileY < kernelNumVert ; tileY++){ for (int tileX = 0; tileX < kernelNumHor ; tileX++){ for (int n = 0; n<4; n++){ clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][n] = new double [dtt_len]; } clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4] = new double [extra_items]; } } } // currently each 64x64 kernel corresponds to 16x16 original pixels tile, 2 tiles margin each side final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int numberOfKernels= kernelNumHor*kernelNumVert*nChn; final int numberOfKernelsInChn=kernelNumHor*kernelNumVert; final double [] norm_sym_weights = clt_parameters.norm_kern ? new double [dtt_size*dtt_size]:null; if (norm_sym_weights != null) { for (int i = 0; i < dtt_size; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < dtt_size; j++){ norm_sym_weights[i*dtt_size+j] = Math.cos(Math.PI*i/(2*dtt_size))*Math.cos(Math.PI*j/(2*dtt_size)); } } } final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel():numberOfKernels="+numberOfKernels); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { float [] kernelPixels= null; // will be initialized at first use NOT yet? double [] kernel= new double[kernelSize*kernelSize]; int centered_len = (2*dtt_size-1) * (2*dtt_size-1); double [] kernel_centered = new double [centered_len + extra_items]; ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); int chn,tileY,tileX; DttRad2 dtt = new DttRad2(dtt_size); ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null; if (globalDebugLevel > -1) sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < numberOfKernels; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { chn=nTile/numberOfKernelsInChn; tileY =(nTile % numberOfKernelsInChn)/kernelNumHor; tileX = nTile % kernelNumHor; if (tileX==0) { if (updateStatus) IJ.showStatus("Processing kernels, channel "+(chn+1)+" of "+nChn+", row "+(tileY+1)+" of "+kernelNumVert); if (globalDebugLevel>2) System.out.println("Processing kernels, channel "+(chn+1)+" of "+nChn+", row "+(tileY+1)+" of "+kernelNumVert+" : "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); } kernelPixels=(float[]) kernelStack.getPixels(chn+1); /* read convolution kernel */ extractOneKernel( kernelPixels, // array of combined square kernels, each kernel, // will be filled, should have correct size before call kernelNumHor, // number of kernels in a row tileX, // horizontal number of kernel to extract tileY); // vertical number of kernel to extract if ((globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)) { int length=kernel.length; int size=(int) Math.sqrt(length); double s =0.0; for (int i=0;i<kernel.length;i++) s+=kernel[i]; System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel(): sum(kernel_raw)="+s); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) sdfa_instance.showArrays( kernel, size, size, "raw_kernel-"+chn+"-X"+(clt_parameters.tileX/2)+"-Y"+(clt_parameters.tileY/2)); } // now has 64x64 image_dtt.clt_convert_double_kernel( // converts double resolution kernel kernel, // double [] src_kernel, // kernel_centered, // double [] dst_kernel, // should be (2*dtt_size-1) * (2*dtt_size-1) + extra_items size - kernel and dx, dy to the nearest 1/2 pixels // also actual full center shifts in sensor pixels kernelSize, // int src_size, // 64 dtt_size); // 8 if ((globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)) { int length=kernel_centered.length; int size=(int) Math.sqrt(length); double s =0.0; int klen = (2*dtt_size-1) * (2*dtt_size-1); for (int i = 0; i < klen; i++) s += kernel_centered[i]; System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel(): sum(kernel_centered)="+s); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) sdfa_instance.showArrays( kernel_centered, size, size, "kernel_centered-"+chn+"-X"+(clt_parameters.tileX/2)+"-Y"+(clt_parameters.tileY/2)); } if (norm_sym_weights != null) { image_dtt.clt_normalize_kernel( // kernel_centered, // double [] kernel, // should be (2*dtt_size-1) * (2*dtt_size-1) + extra_items size (last (2*dtt_size-1) are not modified) norm_sym_weights, // double [] window, // normalizes result kernel * window to have sum of elements == 1.0 dtt_size, (globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)); // 8 if ((globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)) { int length=kernel_centered.length; int size=(int) Math.sqrt(length); double s =0.0; int klen = (2*dtt_size-1) * (2*dtt_size-1); for (int i = 0; i < klen; i++) s += kernel_centered[i]; System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel(): sum(kernel_normalized)="+s); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) sdfa_instance.showArrays( kernel_centered, size, size, "kernel_normalized-"+chn+"-X"+(clt_parameters.tileX/2)+"-Y"+(clt_parameters.tileY/2)); } } image_dtt.clt_symmetrize_kernel( // kernel_centered, // double [] kernel, // should be (2*dtt_size-1) * (2*dtt_size-1) +4 size (last 4 are not modified) clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX], // double [][] sym_kernels, // set of 4 SS, AS, SA, AA kdernels, each dtt_size * dtt_size (may have 5-th with center shift dtt_size); // 8 for (int i = 0; i < extra_items; i++){ clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][i] = kernel_centered [centered_len + i]; } if ((globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)) { double [][] dbg_clt = { clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][0], clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][1], clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][2], clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][3]}; String [] titles = {"CC", "SC", "CS", "SS"}; int length=dbg_clt[0].length; int size=(int) Math.sqrt(length); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) sdfa_instance.showArrays( dbg_clt, size, size, true, "pre_clt_kernels-"+chn, titles); } image_dtt.clt_dtt3_kernel( // clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX], // double [][] kernels, // set of 4 SS, AS, SA, AA kdernels, each dtt_size * dtt_size (may have 5-th with center shift dtt_size, // 8 dtt); if ((globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)) { System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel() - before corr: chn="+chn+" "+ "tileX = "+clt_parameters.tileX+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileX/2)+") "+ "tileY = "+clt_parameters.tileY+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileY/2)+") "+ "center_x = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][0]+", "+ "center_y = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][1]+", "+ "full_dx = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][2]+", "+ "full_dy = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][3]); } // Add sensor geometry correction (optional?) // Kernel center in pixels double kpx0 = (tileX -1 +0.5) * clt_parameters.kernel_step; double kpy0 = (tileY -1 +0.5) * clt_parameters.kernel_step; double [] corrPxPy = sensor.interpolateCorrectionVector(false, kpx0, kpy0); image_dtt.offsetKernelSensor( clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX], // double [][] clt_tile, // clt tile, including [4] - metadata // (corrPxPy[0] - kpx0), // double dx, // (corrPxPy[1] - kpy0)); // double dy) -corrPxPy[0], // double dx, -corrPxPy[1]); // double dy) if ((globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)) { System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel() - after corr: chn="+chn+" "+ "tileX = "+clt_parameters.tileX+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileX/2)+") "+ "tileY = "+clt_parameters.tileY+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileY/2)+") "+ "center_x = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][0]+", "+ "center_y = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][1]+", "+ "full_dx = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][2]+", "+ "full_dy = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][3]); System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel() - after corr: chn="+chn+" "+ "kpx0 = "+kpx0+ "kpy0 = "+kpy0+ "corrPxPy[0] = "+corrPxPy[0]+ "corrPxPy[1] = "+corrPxPy[1]); } if ((globalDebugLevel > 0) && (tileY == clt_parameters.tileY/2) && (tileX == clt_parameters.tileX/2)) { double [][] dbg_clt = { clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][0], clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][1], clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][2], clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][3]}; String [] titles = {"CC", "SC", "CS", "SS"}; int length=dbg_clt[0].length; int size=(int) Math.sqrt(length); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) sdfa_instance.showArrays( dbg_clt, size, size, true, "dbg_clt_kernels-"+chn, titles); System.out.println("calculateCLTKernel() chn="+chn+" "+ "tileX = "+clt_parameters.tileX+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileX/2)+") "+ "tileY = "+clt_parameters.tileY+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileY/2)+") "+ "center_x = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][0]+", "+ "center_y = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][1]+", "+ "full_dx = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][2]+", "+ "full_dy = "+clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][3]); } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Threads done at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); System.out.println("1.Threads done at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); // Calculate differential offsets to interpolate for tiles between kernel centers ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); image_dtt.clt_fill_coord_corr( clt_parameters.kernel_step, // final int kern_step, // distance between kernel centers, in pixels. clt_kernels, // final double [][][][] clt_data, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch globalDebugLevel); return clt_kernels; } public double [][] flattenCLTKernels ( // per color, save 4 kernelas and displacement as (2*dtt_size+1)*(2*dtt_size) tiles in an image (last row - 4 values shift x,y) final double [][][][][] kernels, // per color/per tileY/ per tileX/per quadrant (plus offset as 5-th)/per pixel final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int globalDebugLevel) // update status info { if (kernels==null) return null; final int nChn = kernels.length; final int kernelNumVert=kernels[0].length; final int kernelNumHor=kernels[0][0].length; final int dtt_len = kernels[0][0][0][0].length; final int dtt_size = (int) Math.sqrt(dtt_len); final int tileWidth = 2 * dtt_size; final int tileHeight = 2 * dtt_size + 1; // last row - shift with 0.5 pix steps final int width = tileWidth * kernelNumHor; final int height = tileHeight * kernelNumVert; final double [][] clt_flat = new double [nChn][width * height]; // currently each 64x64 kernel corresponds to 16x16 original pixels tile, 2 tiles margin each side final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int numberOfKernels= kernelNumHor*kernelNumVert*nChn; final int numberOfKernelsInChn=kernelNumHor*kernelNumVert; final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); System.out.println("flattenCLTKernels():numberOfKernels="+numberOfKernels); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int chn,tileY,tileX; for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < numberOfKernels; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { chn=nTile/numberOfKernelsInChn; tileY =(nTile % numberOfKernelsInChn)/kernelNumHor; tileX = nTile % kernelNumHor; for (int i = 0; i < dtt_size; i++){ System.arraycopy( kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][0], i * dtt_size, clt_flat[chn], (tileY*tileHeight + i) * width + (tileX * tileWidth), dtt_size); System.arraycopy( kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][1], i * dtt_size, clt_flat[chn], (tileY*tileHeight + i) * width + (tileX * tileWidth) + dtt_size, dtt_size); System.arraycopy( kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][2], i * dtt_size, clt_flat[chn], (tileY*tileHeight + i + dtt_size) * width + (tileX * tileWidth), dtt_size); System.arraycopy( kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][3], i * dtt_size, clt_flat[chn], (tileY*tileHeight + i + dtt_size) * width + (tileX * tileWidth) + 1 * dtt_size, dtt_size); } System.arraycopy( kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4], // just 2 values 0, clt_flat[chn], (tileY*tileHeight + 2 * dtt_size) * width + (tileX * tileWidth), extra_items); } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Threads done at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); System.out.println("1.Threads done at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); /* prepare result stack to return */ return clt_flat; } public void showCLTKernels( final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int globalDebugLevel) // update status info { for (int chn=0;chn < clt_kernels.length; chn++){ if (clt_kernels[chn]!=null){ // System.out.println("showKernels("+chn+")"); showCLTKernels( chn, threadsMax, updateStatus, globalDebugLevel); } } } public void showCLTKernels( int chn, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int globalDebugLevel) // update status info { double [][] flat_kernels = flattenCLTKernels ( // per color, save 4 kernelas and displacement as (2*dtt_size+1)*(2*dtt_size) tiles in an image (last row - shift x,y) clt_kernels[chn], // per color/per tileY/ per tileX/per quadrant (plus offset as 5-th)/per pixel threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, globalDebugLevel); // update status info int dtt_len = clt_kernels[chn][0][0][0][0].length; int dtt_size= (int)Math.sqrt(dtt_len); String [] titles = {"red", "blue", "green"}; ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); sdfa_instance.showArrays( flat_kernels, clt_kernels[chn][0][0].length*(2*dtt_size), clt_kernels[chn][0].length*(2*dtt_size+1), true, "clt_kernels-"+chn, titles); } public double [][][][][] extractCLTKernels ( // per color, save 4 kernelas and displacement as (2*dtt_size+1)*(2*dtt_size) tiles in an image (last row - shift x,y) final float [][] flat_kernels, // per color/per tileY/ per tileX/per quadrant (plus offset as 5-th)/per pixel final int width, final int dtt_size, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int globalDebugLevel) // update status info { if (flat_kernels==null) return null; final int nChn = flat_kernels.length; final int height = flat_kernels[0].length/width; final int tileWidth = 2 * dtt_size; final int tileHeight = 2 * dtt_size + 1; // last row - shift with 0.5 pix steps final int kernelNumHor = width / tileWidth; final int kernelNumVert = height / tileHeight; final int dtt_len = dtt_size*dtt_size; final double [][][][][] clt_kernels = new double [nChn][kernelNumVert][kernelNumHor][5][]; for (int chn = 0; chn < nChn; chn++){ for (int tileY = 0; tileY < kernelNumVert ; tileY++){ for (int tileX = 0; tileX < kernelNumHor ; tileX++){ for (int n = 0; n<4; n++){ clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][n] = new double [dtt_len]; } clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4] = new double [extra_items]; } } } // currently each 64x64 kernel corresponds to 16x16 original pixels tile, 2 tiles margin each side final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final int numberOfKernels= kernelNumHor*kernelNumVert*nChn; final int numberOfKernelsInChn=kernelNumHor*kernelNumVert; final long startTime = System.nanoTime(); System.out.println("flattenCLTKernels():numberOfKernels="+numberOfKernels); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int chn,tileY,tileX; for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < numberOfKernels; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { chn=nTile/numberOfKernelsInChn; tileY =(nTile % numberOfKernelsInChn)/kernelNumHor; tileX = nTile % kernelNumHor; for (int i = 0; i < dtt_size; i++){ for (int j = 0; j<dtt_size; j++){ int indx = i*dtt_size+j; int baddr = (tileY*tileHeight + i) * width + (tileX * tileWidth) + j; clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][0][indx] = flat_kernels[chn][baddr]; clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][1][indx] = flat_kernels[chn][baddr + dtt_size]; clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][2][indx] = flat_kernels[chn][baddr + dtt_size * width]; clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][3][indx] = flat_kernels[chn][baddr + dtt_size * width + dtt_size]; } } for (int i = 0; i < extra_items; i ++) { clt_kernels[chn][tileY][tileX][4][i] = flat_kernels[chn][(tileY*tileHeight + 2 * dtt_size) * width + (tileX * tileWidth) + i]; } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); if (globalDebugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Threads done at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); System.out.println("1.Threads done at "+IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)); /* prepare result stack to return */ return clt_kernels; } public boolean createCLTKernels( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, int srcKernelSize, int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch boolean updateStatus, int debugLevel ){ // get sensor geometry correction to apply to kernels as extra shifts PixelMapping.SensorData [] sensors = eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.sensors; String [] sharpKernelPaths= correctionsParameters.selectKernelChannelFiles( 0, // 0 - sharp, 1 - smooth eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length, // numChannels, // number of channels eyesisCorrections.debugLevel); if (sharpKernelPaths==null) return false; for (int i=0;i<sharpKernelPaths.length;i++){ System.out.println(i+":"+sharpKernelPaths[i]); } if (clt_kernels == null){ clt_kernels = new double[eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length][][][][][]; for (int chn=0;chn<eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length;chn++){ clt_kernels[chn] = null; } } ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); for (int chn=0;chn<eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length;chn++){ if (eyesisCorrections.usedChannels[chn] && (sharpKernelPaths[chn]!=null) && (clt_kernels[chn]==null)){ ImagePlus imp_kernel_sharp=new ImagePlus(sharpKernelPaths[chn]); if (imp_kernel_sharp.getStackSize()<3) { System.out.println("Need a 3-layer stack with kernels"); sharpKernelPaths[chn]=null; continue; } ImageStack kernel_sharp_stack= imp_kernel_sharp.getStack(); System.out.println("debugLevel = "+debugLevel+" kernel_sharp_stack.getWidth() = "+kernel_sharp_stack.getWidth()+ " kernel_sharp_stack.getHeight() = "+kernel_sharp_stack.getHeight()); double [][][][][] kernels = calculateCLTKernel ( // per color/per tileY/ per tileX/per quadrant (plus offset as 5-th)/per pixel sensors[chn], // to calculate extra shift (kernels are centered around green) kernel_sharp_stack, // final ImageStack kernelStack, // first stack with 3 colors/slices convolution kernels srcKernelSize, // final int kernelSize, // 64 clt_parameters, // final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // update status info double [][] flat_kernels = flattenCLTKernels ( // per color, save 4 kernels and displacement as (2*dtt_size+1)*(2*dtt_size) tiles in an image (last row - shift x,y) kernels, // per color/per tileY/ per tileX/per quadrant (plus offset as 5-th)/per pixel threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // update status info int kernelNumHor=kernels[0][0].length; int dtt_len = kernels[0][0][0][0].length; int dtt_size = (int) Math.sqrt(dtt_len); int tileWidth = 2 * dtt_size; int width = tileWidth * kernelNumHor; int height = flat_kernels[0].length/width; String [] layerNames = {"red_clt_kernels","blue_clt_kernels","green_clt_kernels"}; ImageStack cltStack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( flat_kernels, width, height, layerNames); String cltPath=correctionsParameters.cltKernelDirectory+ Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ correctionsParameters.cltKernelPrefix+ String.format("%02d",chn)+ correctionsParameters.cltSuffix; String msg="Saving CLT convolution kernels to "+cltPath; IJ.showStatus(msg); if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println(msg); ImagePlus imp_clt=new ImagePlus(imp_kernel_sharp.getTitle()+"-clt",cltStack); if (debugLevel > 0) { imp_clt.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax();; } FileSaver fs=new FileSaver(imp_clt); fs.saveAsTiffStack(cltPath); // directory does not exist } } return true; } public boolean readCLTKernels( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch boolean updateStatus, int debugLevel ){ int dtt_size = clt_parameters.transform_size; String [] cltKernelPaths = correctionsParameters.selectCLTChannelFiles( // 0, // 0 - sharp, 1 - smooth eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length, // numChannels, // number of channels eyesisCorrections.debugLevel); if (cltKernelPaths==null) return false; for (int i=0;i<cltKernelPaths.length;i++){ System.out.println(i+":"+cltKernelPaths[i]); // some may be null! } if (clt_kernels == null){ clt_kernels = new double[eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length][][][][][]; for (int chn=0;chn<eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length;chn++){ clt_kernels[chn] = null; } } ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null; if (debugLevel>0){ sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? } for (int chn=0;chn<eyesisCorrections.usedChannels.length;chn++){ if (eyesisCorrections.usedChannels[chn] && (cltKernelPaths[chn]!=null)){ ImagePlus imp_kernel_clt=new ImagePlus(cltKernelPaths[chn]); if (imp_kernel_clt.getStackSize()<3) { System.out.println("Need a 3-layer stack with symmetrical DCT kernels"); cltKernelPaths[chn]=null; continue; } ImageStack kernel_clt_stack= imp_kernel_clt.getStack(); if (debugLevel>0){ System.out.println(" kernel_clt_stack.getWidth() = "+kernel_clt_stack.getWidth()+ " kernel_clt_stack.getHeight() = "+kernel_clt_stack.getHeight()); } int nColors = kernel_clt_stack.getSize(); float [][] flat_kernels = new float [nColors][]; for (int nc = 0; nc < nColors; nc++){ flat_kernels[nc]= (float[]) kernel_clt_stack.getPixels(nc + 1); } clt_kernels[chn] = extractCLTKernels ( // per color, save 4 kernelas and displacement as (2*dtt_size+1)*(2*dtt_size) tiles in an image (last row - shift x,y) flat_kernels, // per color/per tileY/ per tileX/per quadrant (plus offset as 5-th)/per pixel kernel_clt_stack.getWidth(), // final int width, dtt_size, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // update status info if (sdfa_instance != null){ for (int nc = 0; nc < clt_kernels[chn].length; nc++){ double [][] dbg_clt = { clt_kernels[chn][nc][clt_parameters.tileY/2][clt_parameters.tileX/2][0], clt_kernels[chn][nc][clt_parameters.tileY/2][clt_parameters.tileX/2][1], clt_kernels[chn][nc][clt_parameters.tileY/2][clt_parameters.tileX/2][2], clt_kernels[chn][nc][clt_parameters.tileY/2][clt_parameters.tileX/2][3]}; String [] titles = {"CC", "SC", "CS", "SS"}; int length=dbg_clt[0].length; int size=(int) Math.sqrt(length); sdfa_instance.showArrays( dbg_clt, size, size, true, "dbg_clt-"+nc, titles); System.out.println("readCLTKernels() chn="+chn+", color="+nc+" "+ "tileX = "+clt_parameters.tileX+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileX/2)+") "+ "tileY = "+clt_parameters.tileY+" ("+(clt_parameters.tileY/2)+") "+ "center_x = "+clt_kernels[chn][nc][clt_parameters.tileY/2][clt_parameters.tileX/2][4][0]+", "+ "center_y = "+clt_kernels[chn][nc][clt_parameters.tileY/2][clt_parameters.tileX/2][4][1]); } } } } return true; } // mostly for testing //eyesisKernelImage public double [] extractOneKernelFromStack( final int kernelSize, // 64 final int chn, final int xTile, // horizontal number of kernel to extract final int yTile) // vertical number of kernel to extract { if (eyesisKernelImage == null) return null; final ImageStack kernelStack = eyesisKernelImage.getStack(); return extractOneKernelFromStack( kernelStack, // first stack with 3 colors/slices convolution kernels kernelSize, // 64 chn, xTile, // horizontal number of kernel to extract yTile); // vertical number of kernel to extract } public double [] extractOneKernelFromStack( final ImageStack kernelStack, // first stack with 3 colors/slices convolution kernels final int kernelSize, // 64 final int chn, final int xTile, // horizontal number of kernel to extract final int yTile) // vertical number of kernel to extract { final int kernelWidth=kernelStack.getWidth(); final int kernelNumHor=kernelWidth/kernelSize; double [] kernel = new double [kernelSize*kernelSize]; extractOneKernel((float[]) kernelStack.getPixels(chn+1), // array of combined square kernels, each kernel, // will be filled, should have correct size before call kernelNumHor, // number of kernels in a row xTile, // horizontal number of kernel to extract yTile); return kernel; } // to be used in threaded method private void extractOneKernel(float [] pixels, // array of combined square kernels, each double [] kernel, // will be filled, should have correct size before call int numHor, // number of kernels in a row int xTile, // horizontal number of kernel to extract int yTile) { // vertical number of kernel to extract int length=kernel.length; int size=(int) Math.sqrt(length); int i,j; int pixelsWidth=numHor*size; int pixelsHeight=pixels.length/pixelsWidth; int numVert=pixelsHeight/size; /* limit tile numbers - effectively add margins around the known kernels */ if (xTile<0) xTile=0; else if (xTile>=numHor) xTile=numHor-1; if (yTile<0) yTile=0; else if (yTile>=numVert) yTile=numVert-1; int base=(yTile*pixelsWidth+xTile)*size; for (i=0;i<size;i++) for (j=0;j<size;j++) kernel [i*size+j]=pixels[base+i*pixelsWidth+j]; } public double [] reformatKernel( double [] src_kernel,// will be blured in-place int src_size, // typical 64 int dst_size, // typical 15 // destination size int decimation,// typical 2 double sigma) { double [] dst_kernel = new double [dst_size*dst_size]; DoubleGaussianBlur gb = null; if (sigma > 0) gb = new DoubleGaussianBlur(); reformatKernel( src_kernel, dst_kernel, src_size, dst_size, decimation, sigma, gb); return dst_kernel; } // to be used in threaded method private void reformatKernel( double [] src_kernel, // will be blured in-place double [] dst_kernel, int src_size, int dst_size, int decimation, double sigma, DoubleGaussianBlur gb) { if (gb != null) gb.blurDouble(src_kernel, src_size, src_size, sigma, sigma, 0.01); int src_center = src_size / 2; // 32 int dst_center = dst_size / 2; // 7 for (int i = 0; i< dst_size; i++){ int src_i = (i - dst_center)*decimation + src_center; if ((src_i >= 0) && (src_i < src_size)) { for (int j = 0; j< dst_size; j++) { int src_j = (j - dst_center)*decimation + src_center; if ((src_j >= 0) && (src_j < src_size)) { dst_kernel[i*dst_size + j] = src_kernel[src_i*src_size + src_j]; } else { dst_kernel[i*dst_size + j] = 0; } } } else { for (int j = 0; j< dst_size; j++) dst_kernel[i*dst_size + j] = 0; } } } public double []reformatKernel2( // averages by exactly 2 (decimate==2) double [] src_kernel, // int src_size, int dst_size){ double [] dst_kernel = new double [dst_size*dst_size]; reformatKernel2( src_kernel, dst_kernel, src_size, dst_size); return dst_kernel; } private void reformatKernel2( // averages by exactly 2 (decimate==2) double [] src_kernel, // double [] dst_kernel, int src_size, int dst_size) { int decimation = 2; int [] indices = {0,-src_size,-1,1,src_size,-src_size-1,-src_size+1,src_size-1,src_size+1}; double [] weights = {0.25,0.125,0.125,0.125,0.125,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625,0.0625}; int src_center = src_size / 2; // 32 int dst_center = dst_size / 2; // 7 int src_len = src_size*src_size; for (int i = 0; i< dst_size; i++){ int src_i = (i - dst_center)*decimation + src_center; if ((src_i >= 0) && (src_i < src_size)) { for (int j = 0; j< dst_size; j++) { int src_j = (j - dst_center)*decimation + src_center; int dst_index = i*dst_size + j; dst_kernel[dst_index] = 0.0; if ((src_j >= 0) && (src_j < src_size)) { int src_index = src_i*src_size + src_j; for (int k = 0; k < indices.length; k++){ int indx = src_index + indices[k]; // normally source kernel should be larger, these lines just to save from "out of bounds" if (indx < 0) indx += src_len; else if (indx >= src_len) indx -= src_len; dst_kernel[dst_index] += weights[k]*src_kernel[indx]; } } } } else { for (int j = 0; j< dst_size; j++) dst_kernel[i*dst_size + j] = 0; } } } public void resetCLTKernels() // and geometry corection too { clt_kernels = null; geometryCorrection=null; } public ImageStack YPrPbToRGB(double [][] yPrPb, double Kr, // 0.299; double Kb, // 0.114; int width ) { int length = yPrPb[0].length; int height = length/width; float [] fpixels_r= new float [length]; float [] fpixels_g= new float [length]; float [] fpixels_b= new float [length]; double Kg=1.0-Kr-Kb; int i; /** R= Y+ Pr*2.0*(1-Kr) B= Y+ Pb*2.0*(1-Kb) G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg */ double KPrR= 2.0*(1-Kr); double KPbB= 2.0*(1-Kb); double KPrG= -2.0*Kr*(1-Kr)/Kg; double KPbG= -2.0*Kb*(1-Kb)/Kg; double Y,Pr,Pb; for (i=0;i<length;i++) { Pb=yPrPb[2][i]; Pr=yPrPb[1][i]; Y =yPrPb[0][i]; fpixels_r[i]=(float) (Y+ Pr*KPrR); fpixels_b[i]=(float) (Y+ Pb*KPbB); fpixels_g[i]=(float) (Y+ Pr*KPrG + Pb*KPbG); } ImageStack stack=new ImageStack(width,height); stack.addSlice("red", fpixels_r); stack.addSlice("green", fpixels_g); stack.addSlice("blue", fpixels_b); return stack; } public double [][] YPrPbToRBG(double [][] yPrPb, double Kr, // 0.299; double Kb, // 0.114; int width ) { int length = yPrPb[0].length; // int height = length/width; double [][]rbg = new double[3][length]; double Kg=1.0-Kr-Kb; int i; /** R= Y+ Pr*2.0*(1-Kr) B= Y+ Pb*2.0*(1-Kb) G= Y +Pr*(- 2*Kr*(1-Kr))/Kg + Pb*(-2*Kb*(1-Kb))/Kg */ double KPrR= 2.0*(1-Kr); double KPbB= 2.0*(1-Kb); double KPrG= -2.0*Kr*(1-Kr)/Kg; double KPbG= -2.0*Kb*(1-Kb)/Kg; double Y,Pr,Pb; for (i=0;i<length;i++) { Pb=yPrPb[2][i]; Pr=yPrPb[1][i]; Y =yPrPb[0][i]; rbg[0][i]=(float) (Y+ Pr*KPrR); rbg[1][i]=(float) (Y+ Pb*KPbB); rbg[2][i]=(float) (Y+ Pr*KPrG + Pb*KPbG); } return rbg; } public void debayer_rbg( ImageStack stack_rbg){ debayer_rbg(stack_rbg, 1.0); } // Simple in-place debayer by (bi) linear approximation, assumes [0R/00], [00/B0], [G0/0G] slices public void debayer_rbg( ImageStack stack_rbg, double scale) { int width = stack_rbg.getWidth(); int height = stack_rbg.getHeight(); float [] fpixels_r = (float[]) stack_rbg.getPixels(1); float [] fpixels_b = (float[]) stack_rbg.getPixels(2); float [] fpixels_g = (float[]) stack_rbg.getPixels(3); int [][][] av_row = { {{1,1},{-1,1},{-1,-1}}, {{1,1},{-1,1},{-1,-1}}, {{1,1},{-1,1},{-1,-1}}}; int [][][] av_col = { {{ width, width},{ width, width},{ width, width}}, {{-width, width},{-width, width},{-width, width}}, {{-width,-width},{-width,-width},{-width,-width}}}; int [][][] av_xcross = { {{ width+1, width+1, width+1, width+1}, { width-1, width+1, width-1, width+1}, { width-1, width-1, width-1, width-1}}, {{-width+1, width+1,-width+1, width+1}, {-width-1,-width+1, width-1, width+1}, {-width-1,-width-1, width-1, width-1}}, {{-width+1,-width+1,-width+1,-width+1}, {-width-1,-width+1,-width-1,-width+1}, {-width-1,-width-1,-width-1,-width-1}}}; int [][][] av_plus = { {{ width, 1, 1, width}, { width, -1, 1, width }, { width, -1, -1, width }}, {{-width, 1, 1, width}, {-width, -1, 1, width }, {-width, -1, -1, width }}, {{-width, 1, 1,-width}, {-width, -1, 1,-width }, {-width, -1, -1,-width }}}; for (int y = 0; y < height; y++){ boolean odd_row = (y & 1) != 0; int row_type = (y==0)? 0: ((y==(height-1))?2:1); for (int x = 0; x < width; x++){ int indx = y*width+x; boolean odd_col = (x & 1) != 0; int col_type = (x==0)? 0: ((x==(width-1))?2:1); if (odd_row){ if (odd_col){ // GB site fpixels_r[indx] = 0.5f*( fpixels_r[indx+av_col[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_r[indx+av_col[row_type][col_type][1]]); fpixels_b[indx] = 0.5f*( fpixels_b[indx+av_row[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_b[indx+av_row[row_type][col_type][1]]); } else { // !odd col // B site fpixels_r[indx] = 0.25f*( fpixels_r[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_r[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][1]]+ fpixels_r[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][2]]+ fpixels_r[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][3]]); fpixels_g[indx] = 0.25f*( fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][1]]+ fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][2]]+ fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][3]]); } } else { // !odd_row if (odd_col){ // R site fpixels_b[indx] = 0.25f*( fpixels_b[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_b[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][1]]+ fpixels_b[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][2]]+ fpixels_b[indx+av_xcross[row_type][col_type][3]]); fpixels_g[indx] = 0.25f*( fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][1]]+ fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][2]]+ fpixels_g[indx+av_plus[row_type][col_type][3]]); } else { // !odd col // G site fpixels_r[indx] = 0.5f*( fpixels_r[indx+av_row[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_r[indx+av_row[row_type][col_type][1]]); fpixels_b[indx] = 0.5f*( fpixels_b[indx+av_col[row_type][col_type][0]]+ fpixels_b[indx+av_col[row_type][col_type][1]]); } } } } if (scale !=1.0){ for (int i = 0; i< fpixels_r.length; i++){ fpixels_r[i] *= scale; fpixels_b[i] *= scale; fpixels_g[i] *= scale; } } } public void processCLTChannelImages( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.EquirectangularParameters equirectangularParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { this.startTime=System.nanoTime(); String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); boolean [] enabledFiles=new boolean[sourceFiles.length]; for (int i=0;i<enabledFiles.length;i++) enabledFiles[i]=false; int numFilesToProcess=0; int numImagesToProcess=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files // removeUnusedSensorData should be off!? channels=this.eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ if (!enabledFiles[nFile]) numFilesToProcess++; enabledFiles[nFile]=true; numImagesToProcess++; } } } } if (numFilesToProcess==0){ System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return; } else { if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println(numFilesToProcess+ " files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+"), "+numImagesToProcess+" images to process"); } double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) int [][] fileIndices=new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number int index=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files channels=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ fileIndices[index ][0]=nFile; fileIndices[index++][1]=channels[i]; } } } } for (int iImage=0;iImage<fileIndices.length;iImage++){ int nFile=fileIndices[iImage][0]; ImagePlus imp_src=null; // int srcChannel=correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile]); int srcChannel=fileIndices[iImage][1]; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subchannel=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.getSubChannel(srcChannel); if (this.correctionsParameters.swapSubchannels01) { switch (subchannel){ case 0: subchannel=1; break; case 1: subchannel=0; break; } } if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing channel "+fileIndices[iImage][1]+" - subchannel "+subchannel+" of "+sourceFiles[nFile]); ImagePlus "", // path, sourceFiles[nFile], "", //arg - not used in JP46 reader true, // un-apply camera color gains null, // new window false); // do not show imp_src=eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.demuxImage(imp_composite, subchannel); if (imp_src==null) imp_src=imp_composite; // not a composite image // do we need to add any properties? } else { imp_src=new ImagePlus(sourceFiles[nFile]); // (new JP46_Reader_camera(false)).decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_src); // decode existent properties from info eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_src); // decode existent properties from info if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } double scaleExposure=1.0; if (!Double.isNaN(referenceExposures[nFile]) && (imp_src.getProperty("EXPOSURE")!=null)){ scaleExposure=referenceExposures[nFile]/Double.parseDouble((String) imp_src.getProperty("EXPOSURE")); // imp_src.setProperty("scaleExposure", scaleExposure); // it may already have channel if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Will scale intensity (to compensate for exposure) by "+scaleExposure); } imp_src.setProperty("name", correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])); imp_src.setProperty("channel", srcChannel); // it may already have channel imp_src.setProperty("path", sourceFiles[nFile]); // it may already have channel // ImagePlus result=processChannelImage( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown processCLTChannelImage( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_src, // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, // convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 scaleExposure, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // warp result (add support for different color modes) if (this.correctionsParameters.equirectangular){ if (equirectangularParameters.clearFullMap) eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.deleteEquirectangularMapFull(srcChannel); // save memory? //removeUnusedSensorData - no, use equirectangular specific settings if (equirectangularParameters.clearAllMaps) eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.deleteEquirectangularMapAll(srcChannel); // save memory? //removeUnusedSensorData - no, use equirectangular specific settings } //pixelMapping Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing image "+(iImage+1)+" (of "+fileIndices.length+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (eyesisCorrections.stopRequested.get()>0) { System.out.println("User requested stop"); return; } } System.out.println("processCLTChannelImages(): Processing "+fileIndices.length+" files finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public ImagePlus processCLTChannelImage( ImagePlus imp_src, // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" // EyesisCorrectionParameters.DCTParameters dct_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 double scaleExposure, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel){ boolean advanced=this.correctionsParameters.zcorrect || this.correctionsParameters.equirectangular; boolean crop= advanced? true: this.correctionsParameters.crop; boolean rotate= advanced? false: this.correctionsParameters.rotate; double JPEG_scale= advanced? 1.0: this.correctionsParameters.JPEG_scale; boolean toRGB= advanced? true: this.correctionsParameters.toRGB; ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // may use this.StartTime to report intermediate steps execution times String name=(String) imp_src.getProperty("name"); // int channel= Integer.parseInt((String) imp_src.getProperty("channel")); int channel= (Integer) imp_src.getProperty("channel"); String path= (String) imp_src.getProperty("path"); if (this.correctionsParameters.pixelDefects && (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY!=null)&& (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY[channel]!=null)){ // apply pixel correction int numApplied= eyesisCorrections.correctDefects( imp_src, channel, debugLevel); if ((debugLevel>0) && (numApplied>0)) { // reduce verbosity after verified defect correction works System.out.println("Corrected "+numApplied+" pixels in "+path); } } if (this.correctionsParameters.vignetting){ if ((eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection==null) || (channel<0) || (channel>=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection.length) || (eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[channel]==null)){ System.out.println("No vignetting data for channel "+channel); return null; } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_src.getProcessor().getPixels(); if (pixels.length!=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[channel].length){ System.out.println("Vignetting data for channel "+channel+" has "+eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[channel].length+" pixels, image "+path+" has "+pixels.length); return null; } // TODO: Move to do it once: double min_non_zero = 0.0; for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[channel][i]; if ((d > 0.0) && ((min_non_zero == 0) || (min_non_zero > d))){ min_non_zero = d; } } double max_vign_corr = clt_parameters.vignetting_range*min_non_zero; System.out.println("Vignetting data: channel="+channel+", min = "+min_non_zero); for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[channel][i]; if (d > max_vign_corr) d = max_vign_corr; pixels[i]*=d; } // Scale here, combine with vignetting later? int width = imp_src.getWidth(); int height = imp_src.getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= clt_parameters.scale_r; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= clt_parameters.scale_b; } } } else { // assuming GR/BG pattern System.out.println("Applying fixed color gain correction parameters: Gr="+ clt_parameters.novignetting_r+", Gg="+clt_parameters.novignetting_g+", Gb="+clt_parameters.novignetting_b); float [] pixels=(float []) imp_src.getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_src.getWidth(); int height = imp_src.getHeight(); double kr = clt_parameters.scale_r/clt_parameters.novignetting_r; double kg = clt_parameters.scale_g/clt_parameters.novignetting_g; double kb = clt_parameters.scale_b/clt_parameters.novignetting_b; for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= kr; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= kb; } } } if (clt_parameters.gain_equalize){ } String title=name+"-"+String.format("%02d", channel); ImagePlus result=imp_src; if (debugLevel>1) System.out.println("processing: "+path); result.setTitle(title+"RAW"); if (!this.correctionsParameters.split){ eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } // Generate split parameters for DCT processing mode EyesisCorrectionParameters.SplitParameters splitParameters = new EyesisCorrectionParameters.SplitParameters( 1, // oversample; // currently source kernels are oversampled clt_parameters.transform_size/2, // addLeft clt_parameters.transform_size/2, // addTop clt_parameters.transform_size/2, // addRight clt_parameters.transform_size/2 // addBottom ); // Split into Bayer components, oversample, increase canvas double [][] double_stack = eyesisCorrections.bayerToDoubleStack( result, // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) null); // no margins, no oversample // ImageStack stack= eyesisCorrections.bayerToStack( // result, // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) // splitParameters); String titleFull=title+"-SPLIT"; if (debugLevel > -1){ double [] chn_avg = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; int width = imp_src.getWidth(); int height = imp_src.getHeight(); for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++){ for (int i = 0; i<double_stack[c].length; i++){ chn_avg[c] += double_stack[c][i]; } } chn_avg[0] /= width*height/4; chn_avg[1] /= width*height/4; chn_avg[2] /= width*height/2; System.out.println("Split channels averages: R="+chn_avg[0]+", G="+chn_avg[2]+", B="+chn_avg[1]); } String [] rbg_titles = {"Red", "Blue", "Green"}; ImageStack stack; if (!this.correctionsParameters.debayer) { // showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // ImageStack stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack(double_stack, imp_src.getWidth(), imp_src.getHeight(), rbg_titles); result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } // ================= if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println("Showing image BEFORE_CLT_PROC"); sdfa_instance.showArrays(double_stack, imp_src.getWidth(), imp_src.getHeight(), true, "BEFORE_CLT_PROC", rbg_titles); } if (this.correctionsParameters.deconvolve) { // process with DCT, otherwise use simple debayer ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); /* double [][][][][] clt_data = image_dtt.cltStack( stack, channel, clt_parameters, clt_parameters.ishift_x, //final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) clt_parameters.ishift_y, //final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) threadsMax, debugLevel, updateStatus); */ for (int i =0 ; i < double_stack[0].length; i++){ // double_stack[0][i]*=2.0; // Scale red twice to compensate less pixels than green // double_stack[1][i]*=2.0; // Scale blue twice to compensate less pixels than green double_stack[2][i]*=0.5; // Scale blue twice to compensate less pixels than green } double [][][][][] clt_data = image_dtt.clt_aberrations( double_stack, // final double [][] imade_data, imp_src.getWidth(), // final int width, clt_kernels[channel], // final double [][][][][] clt_kernels, // [color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); // updateStatus); System.out.println("clt_data.length="+clt_data.length+" clt_data[0].length="+clt_data[0].length +" clt_data[0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0].length+" clt_data[0][0][0].length="+ clt_data[0][0][0].length+" clt_data[0][0][0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0][0][0].length); /* if (dct_parameters.color_DCT){ // convert RBG -> YPrPb dct_data = image_dtt.dct_color_convert( dct_data,, colorProcParameters.kb, dct_parameters.sigma_rb, // blur of channels 0,1 (r,b) in addition to 2 (g) dct_parameters.sigma_y, // blur of Y from G dct_parameters.sigma_color, // blur of Pr, Pb in addition to Y threadsMax, debugLevel); } else { // just LPF RGB */ if (clt_parameters.corr_sigma > 0){ // no filter at all for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data.length; chn++) { image_dtt.clt_lpf( clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_data[chn], clt_parameters.transform_size, threadsMax, debugLevel); } } /* } */ int tilesY = imp_src.getHeight()/clt_parameters.transform_size; int tilesX = imp_src.getWidth()/clt_parameters.transform_size; if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("--tp.tilesX="+tilesX); System.out.println("--tp.tilesY="+tilesY); } if (debugLevel > 1){ double [][] clt = new double [clt_data.length*4][]; for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data.length; chn++) { double [][] clt_set = image_dtt.clt_dbg( clt_data [chn], threadsMax, debugLevel); for (int ii = 0; ii < clt_set.length; ii++) clt[chn*4+ii] = clt_set[ii]; } if (debugLevel > 0){ sdfa_instance.showArrays(clt, tilesX*clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY*clt_parameters.transform_size, true, result.getTitle()+"-CLT"); } } double [][] iclt_data = new double [clt_data.length][]; for (int chn=0; chn<clt_data.length;chn++){ iclt_data[chn] = image_dtt.iclt_2d( clt_data[chn], // scanline representation of dcd data, organized as dct_size x dct_size tiles clt_parameters.transform_size, // final int clt_parameters.clt_window, // window_type 15, // clt_parameters.iclt_mask, //which of 4 to transform back 0, // clt_parameters.dbg_mode, //which of 4 to transform back threadsMax, debugLevel); } if (debugLevel > -1) sdfa_instance.showArrays( iclt_data, (tilesX + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, result.getTitle()+"-rbg_sigma"); /* } } */ if (debugLevel > 0) sdfa_instance.showArrays(iclt_data, (tilesX + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, result.getTitle()+"-ICLT-RGB"); // convert to ImageStack of 3 slices String [] sliceNames = {"red", "blue", "green"}; stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( iclt_data, (tilesX + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, sliceNames); // or use null to get chn-nn slice names } else { // if (this.correctionsParameters.deconvolve) - here use a simple debayer System.out.println("Bypassing CLT-based aberration correction"); stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack(double_stack, imp_src.getWidth(), imp_src.getHeight(), rbg_titles); debayer_rbg(stack, 0.25); // simple standard 3x3 kernel debayer } if (debugLevel > -1){ double [] chn_avg = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; float [] pixels; int width = stack.getWidth(); int height = stack.getHeight(); for (int c = 0; c <3; c++){ pixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(c+1); for (int i = 0; i<pixels.length; i++){ chn_avg[c] += pixels[i]; } } chn_avg[0] /= width*height; chn_avg[1] /= width*height; chn_avg[2] /= width*height; System.out.println("Processed channels averages: R="+chn_avg[0]+", G="+chn_avg[2]+", B="+chn_avg[1]); } if (!this.correctionsParameters.colorProc){ result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.1"); //Processing colors - changing stack sequence to r-g-b (was r-b-g) if (!eyesisCorrections.fixSliceSequence( stack, debugLevel)){ if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("fixSliceSequence() returned false"); return null; } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.2"); if (debugLevel > 1){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus(imp_src.getTitle()+"-"+channel+"-preColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.3, scaleExposure="+scaleExposure+" scale = "+(255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure)); CorrectionColorProc correctionColorProc=new CorrectionColorProc(eyesisCorrections.stopRequested); double [][] yPrPb=new double [3][]; // if (dct_parameters.color_DCT){ // need to get YPbPr - not RGB here // } else { correctionColorProc.processColorsWeights(stack, // just gamma convert? TODO: Cleanup? Convert directly form the linear YPrPb // 255.0/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/2/2/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) 255.0/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, channel, null, //correctionDenoise.getDenoiseMask(), this.correctionsParameters.blueProc, debugLevel); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Processed colors to YPbPr, total number of slices="+stack.getSize()); if (debugLevel > 1) { ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("procColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } float [] fpixels; int [] slices_YPrPb = {8,6,7}; yPrPb=new double [3][]; for (int n = 0; n < slices_YPrPb.length; n++){ fpixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(slices_YPrPb[n]); yPrPb[n] = new double [fpixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fpixels.length; i++) yPrPb[n][i] = fpixels[i]; } if (toRGB) { if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("correctionColorProc.YPrPbToRGB"); } stack = YPrPbToRGB(yPrPb,, // 0.299; colorProcParameters.kb, // 0.114; stack.getWidth()); title=titleFull; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" titleFull=title+"-RGB-float"; //Trim stack to just first 3 slices if (debugLevel > 1){ // 2){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("YPrPbToRGB",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } while (stack.getSize() > 3) stack.deleteLastSlice(); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Trimming color stack"); } else { title=titleFull; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" titleFull=title+"-YPrPb"; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Using full stack, including YPbPr"); } result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); // Crop image to match original one (scaled to oversampling) if (crop){ // always crop if equirectangular if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("cropping"); stack = eyesisCorrections.cropStack32(stack,splitParameters); if (debugLevel > 2) { // 2){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("cropped",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } } // rotate the result if (rotate){ // never rotate for equirectangular stack=eyesisCorrections.rotateStack32CW(stack); } if (!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg){ // toRGB set for equirectangular if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg - else"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.save32, false, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.JPEG_quality); // save, no show } // convert to RGB48 (16 bits per color component) ImagePlus imp_RGB; stack=eyesisCorrections.convertRGB32toRGB16Stack( stack, rgbParameters); titleFull=title+"-RGB48"; result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); // ImagePlus imp_RGB24; result.updateAndDraw(); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("result.updateAndDraw(), "+titleFull+"-RGB48"); CompositeImage compositeImage=eyesisCorrections.convertToComposite(result); if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced){ // RGB48 was the end result if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced)"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced) - else"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters, this.correctionsParameters.save16, false); // save, no show // eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters, this.correctionsParameters.save16, true); // save, no show } imp_RGB=eyesisCorrections.convertRGB48toRGB24( stack, title+"-RGB24", 0, 65536, // r range 0->0, 65536->256 0, 65536, // g range 0, 65536,// b range 0, 65536);// alpha range if (JPEG_scale!=1.0){ ImageProcessor ip=imp_RGB.getProcessor(); ip.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BICUBIC); ip=ip.resize((int)(ip.getWidth()*JPEG_scale),(int) (ip.getHeight()*JPEG_scale)); imp_RGB= new ImagePlus(imp_RGB.getTitle(),ip); imp_RGB.updateAndDraw(); } eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(imp_RGB, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } // Processing sets of 4 images together public void processCLTSets( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.EquirectangularParameters equirectangularParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { this.startTime=System.nanoTime(); String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); boolean [] enabledFiles=new boolean[sourceFiles.length]; for (int i=0;i<enabledFiles.length;i++) enabledFiles[i]=false; int numFilesToProcess=0; int numImagesToProcess=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files // removeUnusedSensorData should be off!? channels=this.eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ if (!enabledFiles[nFile]) numFilesToProcess++; enabledFiles[nFile]=true; numImagesToProcess++; } } } } if (numFilesToProcess==0){ System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return; } else { if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println(numFilesToProcess+ " files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+"), "+numImagesToProcess+" images to process"); } double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) int [][] fileIndices=new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number int index=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files channels=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ fileIndices[index ][0]=nFile; fileIndices[index++][1]=channels[i]; } } } } ArrayList<String> setNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> setFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int iImage=0;iImage<fileIndices.length;iImage++){ int nFile=fileIndices[iImage][0]; String setName = correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile]); if (!setNames.contains(setName)) { setNames.add(setName); setFiles.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); } setFiles.get(setNames.indexOf(setName)).add(new Integer(nFile)); } int iImage = 0; for (int nSet = 0; nSet < setNames.size(); nSet++){ int maxChn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ int chn = fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]; if (chn > maxChn) maxChn = chn; } int [] channelFiles = new int[maxChn+1]; for (int i =0; i < channelFiles.length; i++) channelFiles[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ channelFiles[fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]] = setFiles.get(nSet).get(i); } ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = new ImagePlus[channelFiles.length]; double [] scaleExposure = new double[channelFiles.length]; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; imp_srcs[srcChannel]=null; if (nFile >=0){ if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subchannel=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.getSubChannel(srcChannel); if (this.correctionsParameters.swapSubchannels01) { switch (subchannel){ case 0: subchannel=1; break; case 1: subchannel=0; break; } } if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing set " + setNames.get(nSet)+" channel "+srcChannel+" - subchannel "+subchannel+" of "+sourceFiles[nFile]); ImagePlus "", // path, sourceFiles[nFile], "", //arg - not used in JP46 reader true, // un-apply camera color gains null, // new window false); // do not show imp_srcs[srcChannel]=eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.demuxImage(imp_composite, subchannel); if (imp_srcs[srcChannel] == null) imp_srcs[srcChannel] = imp_composite; // not a composite image // do we need to add any properties? } else { imp_srcs[srcChannel]=new ImagePlus(sourceFiles[nFile]); // (new JP46_Reader_camera(false)).decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_src); // decode existent properties from info eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_srcs[srcChannel]); // decode existent properties from info if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } scaleExposure[srcChannel] = 1.0; if (!Double.isNaN(referenceExposures[nFile]) && (imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")!=null)){ scaleExposure[srcChannel] = referenceExposures[nFile]/Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")); if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Will scale intensity (to compensate for exposure) by "+scaleExposure); } imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("name", correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])); imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("channel", srcChannel); // it may already have channel imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("path", sourceFiles[nFile]); // it may already have channel if (this.correctionsParameters.pixelDefects && (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY!=null)&& (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY[srcChannel]!=null)){ // apply pixel correction int numApplied= eyesisCorrections.correctDefects( imp_srcs[srcChannel], srcChannel, debugLevel); if ((debugLevel>0) && (numApplied>0)) { // reduce verbosity after verified defect correction works System.out.println("Corrected "+numApplied+" pixels in "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); if (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0){ double [] saturations = { Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_1")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_0")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_3")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_2"))}; saturation_imp[srcChannel] = new boolean[width*height]; System.out.println(String.format("channel %d saturations = %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", srcChannel, saturations[0],saturations[1],saturations[2],saturations[3])); double [] scaled_saturations = new double [saturations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scaled_saturations.length; i++){ scaled_saturations[i] = saturations[i] * clt_parameters.sat_level; } for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ if (pixels[y*width+x ] > scaled_saturations[0]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+ 1] > scaled_saturations[1]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x +1] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width ] > scaled_saturations[2]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width+1] > scaled_saturations[3]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width+1] = true; } } } if (this.correctionsParameters.vignetting){ if ((eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection==null) || (srcChannel<0) || (srcChannel>=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection.length) || (eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel]==null)){ System.out.println("No vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel); return; } /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); if (pixels.length!=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length){ System.out.println("Vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel+" has "+eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length+" pixels, image "+sourceFiles[nFile]+" has "+pixels.length); return; } // TODO: Move to do it once: double min_non_zero = 0.0; for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if ((d > 0.0) && ((min_non_zero == 0) || (min_non_zero > d))){ min_non_zero = d; } } double max_vign_corr = clt_parameters.vignetting_range*min_non_zero; System.out.println("Vignetting data: channel="+srcChannel+", min = "+min_non_zero); for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if (d > max_vign_corr) d = max_vign_corr; pixels[i]*=d; } // Scale here, combine with vignetting later? /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= clt_parameters.scale_r; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= clt_parameters.scale_b; } } } else { // assuming GR/BG pattern System.out.println("Applying fixed color gain correction parameters: Gr="+ clt_parameters.novignetting_r+", Gg="+clt_parameters.novignetting_g+", Gb="+clt_parameters.novignetting_b); /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); double kr = clt_parameters.scale_r/clt_parameters.novignetting_r; double kg = clt_parameters.scale_g/clt_parameters.novignetting_g; double kb = clt_parameters.scale_b/clt_parameters.novignetting_b; for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= kr; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= kb; } } } } } // may need to equalize gains between channels // may need to equalize gains between channels if (clt_parameters.gain_equalize || clt_parameters.colors_equalize){ channelGainsEqualize( clt_parameters.gain_equalize, clt_parameters.colors_equalize, clt_parameters.nosat_equalize, // boolean nosat_equalize, channelFiles, imp_srcs, saturation_imp, // boolean[][] saturated, setNames.get(nSet), // just for debug messeges == setNames.get(nSet) debugLevel); } for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; if (nFile >=0){ processCLTSetImage( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs[srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, // convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 scaleExposure[srcChannel], threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // warp result (add support for different color modes) if (this.correctionsParameters.equirectangular){ if (equirectangularParameters.clearFullMap) eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.deleteEquirectangularMapFull(srcChannel); // save memory? //removeUnusedSensorData - no, use equirectangular specific settings if (equirectangularParameters.clearAllMaps) eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.deleteEquirectangularMapAll(srcChannel); // save memory? //removeUnusedSensorData - no, use equirectangular specific settings } //pixelMapping Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing image "+(iImage+1)+" (of "+fileIndices.length+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (eyesisCorrections.stopRequested.get()>0) { System.out.println("User requested stop"); return; } iImage++; } } } System.out.println("processCLTSets(): processing "+fileIndices.length+" files finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public ImagePlus processCLTSetImage( ImagePlus imp_src, // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 double scaleExposure, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel){ boolean advanced=this.correctionsParameters.zcorrect || this.correctionsParameters.equirectangular; // boolean crop= advanced? true: this.correctionsParameters.crop; boolean rotate= advanced? false: this.correctionsParameters.rotate; double JPEG_scale= advanced? 1.0: this.correctionsParameters.JPEG_scale; boolean toRGB= advanced? true: this.correctionsParameters.toRGB; ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // may use this.StartTime to report intermediate steps execution times String name=(String) imp_src.getProperty("name"); // int channel= Integer.parseInt((String) imp_src.getProperty("channel")); int channel= (Integer) imp_src.getProperty("channel"); String path= (String) imp_src.getProperty("path"); String title=name+"-"+String.format("%02d", channel); ImagePlus result=imp_src; if (debugLevel>1) System.out.println("processing: "+path); result.setTitle(title+"RAW"); if (!this.correctionsParameters.split){ eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } // Generate split parameters for DCT processing mode // Split into Bayer components, oversample, increase canvas double [][] double_stack = eyesisCorrections.bayerToDoubleStack( result, // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) null); // no margins, no oversample String titleFull=title+"-SPLIT"; if (debugLevel > -1){ double [] chn_avg = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; int width = imp_src.getWidth(); int height = imp_src.getHeight(); for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++){ for (int i = 0; i<double_stack[c].length; i++){ chn_avg[c] += double_stack[c][i]; } } chn_avg[0] /= width*height/4; chn_avg[1] /= width*height/4; chn_avg[2] /= width*height/2; System.out.println("Split channels averages: R="+chn_avg[0]+", G="+chn_avg[2]+", B="+chn_avg[1]); } String [] rbg_titles = {"Red", "Blue", "Green"}; ImageStack stack; if (!this.correctionsParameters.debayer) { // showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // ImageStack stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack(double_stack, imp_src.getWidth(), imp_src.getHeight(), rbg_titles); result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } // ================= if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println("Showing image BEFORE_CLT_PROC"); sdfa_instance.showArrays(double_stack, imp_src.getWidth(), imp_src.getHeight(), true, "BEFORE_CLT_PROC", rbg_titles); } if (this.correctionsParameters.deconvolve) { // process with DCT, otherwise use simple debayer ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); /* double [][][][][] clt_data = image_dtt.cltStack( stack, channel, clt_parameters, clt_parameters.ishift_x, //final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) clt_parameters.ishift_y, //final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) threadsMax, debugLevel, updateStatus); */ for (int i =0 ; i < double_stack[0].length; i++){ // double_stack[0][i]*=2.0; // Scale red twice to compensate less pixels than green // double_stack[1][i]*=2.0; // Scale blue twice to compensate less pixels than green double_stack[2][i]*=0.5; // Scale blue twice to compensate less pixels than green } double [][][][][] clt_data = image_dtt.clt_aberrations( double_stack, // final double [][] imade_data, imp_src.getWidth(), // final int width, clt_kernels[channel], // final double [][][][][] clt_kernels, // [color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); // updateStatus); System.out.println("clt_data.length="+clt_data.length+" clt_data[0].length="+clt_data[0].length +" clt_data[0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0].length+" clt_data[0][0][0].length="+ clt_data[0][0][0].length+" clt_data[0][0][0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0][0][0].length); /* if (dct_parameters.color_DCT){ // convert RBG -> YPrPb dct_data = image_dtt.dct_color_convert( dct_data,, colorProcParameters.kb, dct_parameters.sigma_rb, // blur of channels 0,1 (r,b) in addition to 2 (g) dct_parameters.sigma_y, // blur of Y from G dct_parameters.sigma_color, // blur of Pr, Pb in addition to Y threadsMax, debugLevel); } else { // just LPF RGB */ if (clt_parameters.corr_sigma > 0){ // no filter at all for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data.length; chn++) { image_dtt.clt_lpf( clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_data[chn], clt_parameters.transform_size, threadsMax, debugLevel); } } /* } */ int tilesY = imp_src.getHeight()/clt_parameters.transform_size; int tilesX = imp_src.getWidth()/clt_parameters.transform_size; if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("--tilesX="+tilesX); System.out.println("--tilesY="+tilesY); } if (debugLevel > 1){ double [][] clt = new double [clt_data.length*4][]; for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data.length; chn++) { double [][] clt_set = image_dtt.clt_dbg( clt_data [chn], threadsMax, debugLevel); for (int ii = 0; ii < clt_set.length; ii++) clt[chn*4+ii] = clt_set[ii]; } if (debugLevel > 0){ sdfa_instance.showArrays(clt, tilesX*clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY*clt_parameters.transform_size, true, result.getTitle()+"-CLT"); } } double [][] iclt_data = new double [clt_data.length][]; for (int chn=0; chn<clt_data.length;chn++){ iclt_data[chn] = image_dtt.iclt_2d( clt_data[chn], // scanline representation of dcd data, organized as dct_size x dct_size tiles clt_parameters.transform_size, // final int clt_parameters.clt_window, // window_type 15, // clt_parameters.iclt_mask, //which of 4 to transform back 0, // clt_parameters.dbg_mode, //which of 4 to transform back threadsMax, debugLevel); } // if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("Applyed LPF, sigma = "+dct_parameters.dbg_sigma); if (debugLevel > 0) sdfa_instance.showArrays( iclt_data, (tilesX + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 1) * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, result.getTitle()+"-rbg_sigma"); /* } } */ if (debugLevel > 0) sdfa_instance.showArrays(iclt_data, (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, result.getTitle()+"-ICLT-RGB"); // convert to ImageStack of 3 slices String [] sliceNames = {"red", "blue", "green"}; stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( iclt_data, (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, sliceNames); // or use null to get chn-nn slice names } else { // if (this.correctionsParameters.deconvolve) - here use a simple debayer System.out.println("Bypassing CLT-based aberration correction"); stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack(double_stack, imp_src.getWidth(), imp_src.getHeight(), rbg_titles); debayer_rbg(stack, 0.25); // simple standard 3x3 kernel debayer } if (debugLevel > -1){ double [] chn_avg = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; float [] pixels; int width = stack.getWidth(); int height = stack.getHeight(); for (int c = 0; c <3; c++){ pixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(c+1); for (int i = 0; i<pixels.length; i++){ chn_avg[c] += pixels[i]; } } chn_avg[0] /= width*height; chn_avg[1] /= width*height; chn_avg[2] /= width*height; System.out.println("Processed channels averages: R="+chn_avg[0]+", G="+chn_avg[2]+", B="+chn_avg[1]); } if (!this.correctionsParameters.colorProc){ result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.1"); //Processing colors - changing stack sequence to r-g-b (was r-b-g) if (!eyesisCorrections.fixSliceSequence( stack, debugLevel)){ if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("fixSliceSequence() returned false"); return null; } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.2"); if (debugLevel > 1){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus(imp_src.getTitle()+"-"+channel+"-preColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.3, scaleExposure="+scaleExposure+" scale = "+(255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure)); CorrectionColorProc correctionColorProc=new CorrectionColorProc(eyesisCorrections.stopRequested); double [][] yPrPb=new double [3][]; // if (dct_parameters.color_DCT){ // need to get YPbPr - not RGB here // } else { correctionColorProc.processColorsWeights(stack, // just gamma convert? TODO: Cleanup? Convert directly form the linear YPrPb // 255.0/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/2/2/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) 255.0/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, channel, null, //correctionDenoise.getDenoiseMask(), this.correctionsParameters.blueProc, debugLevel); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Processed colors to YPbPr, total number of slices="+stack.getSize()); if (debugLevel > 1) { ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("procColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } float [] fpixels; int [] slices_YPrPb = {8,6,7}; yPrPb=new double [3][]; for (int n = 0; n < slices_YPrPb.length; n++){ fpixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(slices_YPrPb[n]); yPrPb[n] = new double [fpixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fpixels.length; i++) yPrPb[n][i] = fpixels[i]; } if (toRGB) { if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("correctionColorProc.YPrPbToRGB"); } stack = YPrPbToRGB(yPrPb,, // 0.299; colorProcParameters.kb, // 0.114; stack.getWidth()); title=titleFull; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" titleFull=title+"-RGB-float"; //Trim stack to just first 3 slices if (debugLevel > 1){ // 2){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("YPrPbToRGB",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } while (stack.getSize() > 3) stack.deleteLastSlice(); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Trimming color stack"); } else { title=titleFull; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" titleFull=title+"-YPrPb"; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Using full stack, including YPbPr"); } result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); // Crop image to match original one (scaled to oversampling) /* if (crop){ // always crop if equirectangular if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("cropping"); stack = eyesisCorrections.cropStack32(stack,splitParameters); if (debugLevel > 2) { // 2){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("cropped",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } } */ // rotate the result if (rotate){ // never rotate for equirectangular stack=eyesisCorrections.rotateStack32CW(stack); } if (!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg){ // toRGB set for equirectangular if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg - else"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.save32, false, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.JPEG_quality); // save, no show } // convert to RGB48 (16 bits per color component) ImagePlus imp_RGB; stack=eyesisCorrections.convertRGB32toRGB16Stack( stack, rgbParameters); titleFull=title+"-RGB48"; result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); // ImagePlus imp_RGB24; result.updateAndDraw(); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("result.updateAndDraw(), "+titleFull+"-RGB48"); CompositeImage compositeImage=eyesisCorrections.convertToComposite(result); if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced){ // RGB48 was the end result if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced)"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced) - else"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters, this.correctionsParameters.save16, false); // save, no show // eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters, this.correctionsParameters.save16, true); // save, no show } imp_RGB=eyesisCorrections.convertRGB48toRGB24( stack, title+"-RGB24", 0, 65536, // r range 0->0, 65536->256 0, 65536, // g range 0, 65536,// b range 0, 65536);// alpha range if (JPEG_scale!=1.0){ ImageProcessor ip=imp_RGB.getProcessor(); ip.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BICUBIC); ip=ip.resize((int)(ip.getWidth()*JPEG_scale),(int) (ip.getHeight()*JPEG_scale)); imp_RGB= new ImagePlus(imp_RGB.getTitle(),ip); imp_RGB.updateAndDraw(); } eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(imp_RGB, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } public void processCLTQuads( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.EquirectangularParameters equirectangularParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { this.startTime=System.nanoTime(); String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); boolean [] enabledFiles=new boolean[sourceFiles.length]; for (int i=0;i<enabledFiles.length;i++) enabledFiles[i]=false; int numFilesToProcess=0; int numImagesToProcess=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files // removeUnusedSensorData should be off!? channels=this.eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ if (!enabledFiles[nFile]) numFilesToProcess++; enabledFiles[nFile]=true; numImagesToProcess++; } } } } if (numFilesToProcess==0){ System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return; } else { if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println(numFilesToProcess+ " files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+"), "+numImagesToProcess+" images to process"); } double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) int [][] fileIndices=new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number int index=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files channels=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ fileIndices[index ][0]=nFile; fileIndices[index++][1]=channels[i]; } } } } ArrayList<String> setNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> setFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int iImage=0;iImage<fileIndices.length;iImage++){ int nFile=fileIndices[iImage][0]; String setName = correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile]); if (!setNames.contains(setName)) { setNames.add(setName); setFiles.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); } setFiles.get(setNames.indexOf(setName)).add(new Integer(nFile)); } for (int nSet = 0; nSet < setNames.size(); nSet++){ int maxChn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ int chn = fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]; if (chn > maxChn) maxChn = chn; } int [] channelFiles = new int[maxChn+1]; for (int i =0; i < channelFiles.length; i++) channelFiles[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ channelFiles[fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]] = setFiles.get(nSet).get(i); } ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = new ImagePlus[channelFiles.length]; this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops = new int [channelFiles.length]; double [] scaleExposures = new double[channelFiles.length]; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; imp_srcs[srcChannel]=null; if (nFile >=0){ if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subchannel=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.getSubChannel(srcChannel); if (this.correctionsParameters.swapSubchannels01) { switch (subchannel){ case 0: subchannel=1; break; case 1: subchannel=0; break; } } if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing set " + setNames.get(nSet)+" channel "+srcChannel+" - subchannel "+subchannel+" of "+sourceFiles[nFile]); ImagePlus "", // path, sourceFiles[nFile], "", //arg - not used in JP46 reader true, // un-apply camera color gains null, // new window false); // do not show imp_srcs[srcChannel]=eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.demuxImage(imp_composite, subchannel); if (imp_srcs[srcChannel] == null) imp_srcs[srcChannel] = imp_composite; // not a composite image // do we need to add any properties? } else { imp_srcs[srcChannel]=new ImagePlus(sourceFiles[nFile]); // (new JP46_Reader_camera(false)).decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_src); // decode existent properties from info eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_srcs[srcChannel]); // decode existent properties from info if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } imp_srcs[srcChannel] = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.padBayerToFullSize( imp_srcs[srcChannel], // ImagePlus imp_src, eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.sensors[srcChannel].getSensorWH(), true); // boolean replicate); this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops[srcChannel] = Integer.parseInt((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("WOI_TOP")); scaleExposures[srcChannel] = 1.0; if (!Double.isNaN(referenceExposures[nFile]) && (imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")!=null)){ scaleExposures[srcChannel] = referenceExposures[nFile]/Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")); if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Will scale intensity (to compensate for exposure) by "+scaleExposures[srcChannel]); } imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("name", correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])); imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("channel", srcChannel); // it may already have channel imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("path", sourceFiles[nFile]); // it may already have channel if (this.correctionsParameters.pixelDefects && (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY!=null)&& (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY[srcChannel]!=null)){ // apply pixel correction int numApplied= eyesisCorrections.correctDefects( imp_srcs[srcChannel], srcChannel, debugLevel); if ((debugLevel>0) && (numApplied>0)) { // reduce verbosity after verified defect correction works System.out.println("Corrected "+numApplied+" pixels in "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); if (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0){ double [] saturations = { Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_1")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_0")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_3")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_2"))}; saturation_imp[srcChannel] = new boolean[width*height]; System.out.println(String.format("channel %d saturations = %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", srcChannel, saturations[0],saturations[1],saturations[2],saturations[3])); double [] scaled_saturations = new double [saturations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scaled_saturations.length; i++){ scaled_saturations[i] = saturations[i] * clt_parameters.sat_level; } for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ if (pixels[y*width+x ] > scaled_saturations[0]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+ 1] > scaled_saturations[1]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x +1] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width ] > scaled_saturations[2]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width+1] > scaled_saturations[3]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width+1] = true; } } } if (this.correctionsParameters.vignetting){ if ((eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection==null) || (srcChannel<0) || (srcChannel>=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection.length) || (eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel]==null)){ System.out.println("No vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel); return; } /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); if (pixels.length!=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length){ System.out.println("Vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel+" has "+eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length+" pixels, image "+sourceFiles[nFile]+" has "+pixels.length); return; } // TODO: Move to do it once: double min_non_zero = 0.0; for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if ((d > 0.0) && ((min_non_zero == 0) || (min_non_zero > d))){ min_non_zero = d; } } double max_vign_corr = clt_parameters.vignetting_range*min_non_zero; System.out.println("Vignetting data: channel="+srcChannel+", min = "+min_non_zero); for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if (d > max_vign_corr) d = max_vign_corr; pixels[i]*=d; } // Scale here, combine with vignetting later? /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= clt_parameters.scale_r; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= clt_parameters.scale_b; } } } else { // assuming GR/BG pattern System.out.println("Applying fixed color gain correction parameters: Gr="+ clt_parameters.novignetting_r+", Gg="+clt_parameters.novignetting_g+", Gb="+clt_parameters.novignetting_b); /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); double kr = clt_parameters.scale_r/clt_parameters.novignetting_r; double kg = clt_parameters.scale_g/clt_parameters.novignetting_g; double kb = clt_parameters.scale_b/clt_parameters.novignetting_b; for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= kr; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= kb; } } } } } // once per quad here // may need to equalize gains between channels // may need to equalize gains between channels if (clt_parameters.gain_equalize || clt_parameters.colors_equalize){ channelGainsEqualize( clt_parameters.gain_equalize, clt_parameters.colors_equalize, clt_parameters.nosat_equalize, // boolean nosat_equalize, channelFiles, imp_srcs, saturation_imp, // boolean[][] saturated, setNames.get(nSet), // just for debug messeges == setNames.get(nSet) debugLevel); } // once per quad here processCLTQuad( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, // convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 scaleExposures, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+setNames.size()+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (eyesisCorrections.stopRequested.get()>0) { System.out.println("User requested stop"); return; } } System.out.println("processCLTQuads(): processing "+fileIndices.length+" files finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public ImagePlus [] processCLTQuad( ImagePlus [] imp_quad, // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 double [] scaleExposures, // probably not needed here final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel){ boolean advanced=this.correctionsParameters.zcorrect || this.correctionsParameters.equirectangular; // boolean crop= advanced? true: this.correctionsParameters.crop; boolean rotate= advanced? false: this.correctionsParameters.rotate; double JPEG_scale= advanced? 1.0: this.correctionsParameters.JPEG_scale; boolean toRGB= advanced? true: this.correctionsParameters.toRGB; ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // may use this.StartTime to report intermediate steps execution times String name=(String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("name"); // int channel= Integer.parseInt((String) imp_src.getProperty("channel")); int channel= (Integer) imp_quad[0].getProperty("channel"); String path= (String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("path"); ImagePlus [] results = new ImagePlus[imp_quad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { results[i] = imp_quad[i]; results[i].setTitle(results[i].getTitle()+"RAW"); } if (debugLevel>1) System.out.println("processing: "+path); double [][][] double_stacks = new double [imp_quad.length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks.length; i++){ double_stacks[i] = eyesisCorrections.bayerToDoubleStack( imp_quad[i], // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) null); // no margins, no oversample } // String [] rbg_titles = {"Red", "Blue", "Green"}; ImageStack stack; // ================= ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks.length; i++){ for (int j =0 ; j < double_stacks[i][0].length; j++){ double_stacks[i][2][j]*=0.5; // Scale green 0.5 to compensate more pixels than R,B } } double [][][][][][] clt_data = image_dtt.clt_aberrations_quad( clt_parameters.disparity, // final double disparity, double_stacks, // final double [][][] imade_data, // first index - number of image in a quad imp_quad[0].getWidth(), // final int width, geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, clt_kernels, // final double [][][][][][] clt_kernels, // [channel_in_quad][color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); System.out.println("clt_data.length="+clt_data.length+" clt_data[0].length="+clt_data[0].length +" clt_data[0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0].length+" clt_data[0][0][0].length="+ clt_data[0][0][0].length+" clt_data[0][0][0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0][0][0].length+ " clt_data[0][0][0][0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0][0][0][0].length); for (int iQuad = 0; iQuad <clt_data.length; iQuad++){ String title=name+"-"+String.format("%02d", iQuad); String titleFull=title+"-SPLIT"; if (clt_parameters.corr_sigma > 0){ // no filter at all for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data[iQuad].length; chn++) { image_dtt.clt_lpf( clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_data[iQuad][chn], clt_parameters.transform_size, threadsMax, debugLevel); } } int tilesY = imp_quad[iQuad].getHeight()/clt_parameters.transform_size; int tilesX = imp_quad[iQuad].getWidth()/clt_parameters.transform_size; if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("--tp.tilesX="+tilesX); System.out.println("--tp.tilesY="+tilesY); } if (debugLevel > 1){ double [][] clt = new double [clt_data[iQuad].length*4][]; for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data[iQuad].length; chn++) { double [][] clt_set = image_dtt.clt_dbg( clt_data [iQuad][chn], threadsMax, debugLevel); for (int ii = 0; ii < clt_set.length; ii++) clt[chn*4+ii] = clt_set[ii]; } if (debugLevel > 0){ sdfa_instance.showArrays(clt, tilesX*clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY*clt_parameters.transform_size, true, results[iQuad].getTitle()+"-CLT"); } } double [][] iclt_data = new double [clt_data[iQuad].length][]; for (int chn=0; chn<iclt_data.length;chn++){ iclt_data[chn] = image_dtt.iclt_2d( clt_data[iQuad][chn], // scanline representation of dcd data, organized as dct_size x dct_size tiles clt_parameters.transform_size, // final int clt_parameters.clt_window, // window_type 15, // clt_parameters.iclt_mask, //which of 4 to transform back 0, // clt_parameters.dbg_mode, //which of 4 to transform back threadsMax, debugLevel); } if (debugLevel > 0) sdfa_instance.showArrays( iclt_data, (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, results[iQuad].getTitle()+"-rbg_sigma"); if (debugLevel > 0) sdfa_instance.showArrays(iclt_data, (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, results[iQuad].getTitle()+"-ICLT-RGB"); // convert to ImageStack of 3 slices String [] sliceNames = {"red", "blue", "green"}; stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( iclt_data, (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, sliceNames); // or use null to get chn-nn slice names if (debugLevel > -1){ double [] chn_avg = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; float [] pixels; int width = stack.getWidth(); int height = stack.getHeight(); for (int c = 0; c <3; c++){ pixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(c+1); for (int i = 0; i<pixels.length; i++){ chn_avg[c] += pixels[i]; } } chn_avg[0] /= width*height; chn_avg[1] /= width*height; chn_avg[2] /= width*height; System.out.println("Processed channels averages: R="+chn_avg[0]+", G="+chn_avg[2]+", B="+chn_avg[1]); } if (!this.correctionsParameters.colorProc){ results[iQuad]= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( results[iQuad], this.correctionsParameters); continue; // return results; } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.1"); //Processing colors - changing stack sequence to r-g-b (was r-b-g) if (!eyesisCorrections.fixSliceSequence( stack, debugLevel)){ if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("fixSliceSequence() returned false"); return null; } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.2"); if (debugLevel > 1){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus(imp_quad[iQuad].getTitle()+"-"+channel+"-preColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.3, scaleExposure="+scaleExposures[iQuad]+" scale = "+(255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposures[iQuad])); CorrectionColorProc correctionColorProc=new CorrectionColorProc(eyesisCorrections.stopRequested); double [][] yPrPb=new double [3][]; // if (dct_parameters.color_DCT){ // need to get YPbPr - not RGB here // } else { correctionColorProc.processColorsWeights(stack, // just gamma convert? TODO: Cleanup? Convert directly form the linear YPrPb // 255.0/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/2/2/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) 255.0/scaleExposures[iQuad], // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, channel, null, //correctionDenoise.getDenoiseMask(), this.correctionsParameters.blueProc, debugLevel); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Processed colors to YPbPr, total number of slices="+stack.getSize()); if (debugLevel > 1) { ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("procColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } float [] fpixels; int [] slices_YPrPb = {8,6,7}; yPrPb=new double [3][]; for (int n = 0; n < slices_YPrPb.length; n++){ fpixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(slices_YPrPb[n]); yPrPb[n] = new double [fpixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fpixels.length; i++) yPrPb[n][i] = fpixels[i]; } if (toRGB) { if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("correctionColorProc.YPrPbToRGB"); } stack = YPrPbToRGB(yPrPb,, // 0.299; colorProcParameters.kb, // 0.114; stack.getWidth()); title=titleFull; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" titleFull=title+"-RGB-float"; //Trim stack to just first 3 slices if (debugLevel > 1){ // 2){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("YPrPbToRGB",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } while (stack.getSize() > 3) stack.deleteLastSlice(); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Trimming color stack"); } else { title=titleFull; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" titleFull=title+"-YPrPb"; // including "-DECONV" or "-COMBO" if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Using full stack, including YPbPr"); } results[iQuad]= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); // rotate the result if (rotate){ // never rotate for equirectangular stack=eyesisCorrections.rotateStack32CW(stack); } if (!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg){ // toRGB set for equirectangular if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(results[iQuad], this.correctionsParameters); continue; // return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg - else"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(results[iQuad], eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.save32, false, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.JPEG_quality); // save, no show } // convert to RGB48 (16 bits per color component) ImagePlus imp_RGB; stack=eyesisCorrections.convertRGB32toRGB16Stack( stack, rgbParameters); titleFull=title+"-RGB48"; results[iQuad]= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); // ImagePlus imp_RGB24; results[iQuad].updateAndDraw(); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("result.updateAndDraw(), "+titleFull+"-RGB48"); CompositeImage compositeImage=eyesisCorrections.convertToComposite(results[iQuad]); if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced){ // RGB48 was the end result if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced)"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters); continue; // return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced) - else"); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters, this.correctionsParameters.save16, false); // save, no show // eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters, this.correctionsParameters.save16, true); // save, no show } imp_RGB=eyesisCorrections.convertRGB48toRGB24( stack, title+"-RGB24", 0, 65536, // r range 0->0, 65536->256 0, 65536, // g range 0, 65536,// b range 0, 65536);// alpha range if (JPEG_scale!=1.0){ ImageProcessor ip=imp_RGB.getProcessor(); ip.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BICUBIC); ip=ip.resize((int)(ip.getWidth()*JPEG_scale),(int) (ip.getHeight()*JPEG_scale)); imp_RGB= new ImagePlus(imp_RGB.getTitle(),ip); imp_RGB.updateAndDraw(); } eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(imp_RGB, this.correctionsParameters); } return results; } class SetChannels{ String set_name; // set name (timestamp) int [] file_number; // array of file numbers for channels public SetChannels(String name, int[] fn){ set_name = name; file_number = fn; } public String name() { return set_name; } public int [] fileNumber() { return file_number; } public int fileNumber(int i) { return file_number[i]; } } SetChannels [] setChannels( int debugLevel) { return setChannels(null, debugLevel); } SetChannels [] setChannels( String single_set_name, // process only files that contain specified series (timestamp) in the name int debugLevel) { String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); boolean [] enabledFiles=new boolean[sourceFiles.length]; for (int i=0;i<enabledFiles.length;i++) enabledFiles[i]=false; int numFilesToProcess=0; int numImagesToProcess=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1) && ((single_set_name == null) || (sourceFiles[nFile].contains(single_set_name)))) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files // removeUnusedSensorData should be off!? channels=this.eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); // limit here or disable Error } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ if (!enabledFiles[nFile]) numFilesToProcess++; enabledFiles[nFile]=true; numImagesToProcess++; } } } } if (numFilesToProcess==0){ System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return null; } else { if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println(numFilesToProcess+ " files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+"), "+numImagesToProcess+" images to process"); } // double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) int [][] fileIndices=new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number int index=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ // enabledFiles not used anymore? if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1) && ((single_set_name == null) || (sourceFiles[nFile].contains(single_set_name)))) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files channels=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ fileIndices[index ][0]=nFile; fileIndices[index++][1]=channels[i]; } } } } ArrayList<String> setNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> setFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int iImage=0;iImage<fileIndices.length;iImage++){ int nFile=fileIndices[iImage][0]; String setName = correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile]); if (!setNames.contains(setName)) { setNames.add(setName); setFiles.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); } setFiles.get(setNames.indexOf(setName)).add(new Integer(iImage)); } SetChannels [] sc = new SetChannels[setNames.size()]; for (int nSet = 0; nSet < setNames.size(); nSet++){ int maxChn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ int chn = fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]; if (chn > maxChn) maxChn = chn; } int [] channelFiles = new int[maxChn+1]; for (int i =0; i < channelFiles.length; i++) channelFiles[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ channelFiles[fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]] = fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][0]; } sc[nSet] = new SetChannels(setNames.get(nSet), channelFiles); } return sc; } int getTotalFiles(SetChannels [] sc) { int nf = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sc.length; i++) nf+=sc[i].fileNumber().length; return nf; } /** * Conditions images for a single image set * @param clt_parameters various parameters * @param sourceFiles array of source file paths matching indices in channelFiles * @param set_name name of the current image set (normally timestamp with "_" for decimal point * @param referenceExposures array of per-channel reference exposures, data will be scaled using Exif exposure of each file * @param channelFiles array of file indices (in sourceFiles array) for the camera channels ([0] - index of the first channel file) * @param scaleExposures array of per-channel "brightening" of images (reference exposure/ actual exposure * @param saturation_imp per-channel bitmask of the saturated pixels or null. Should be initialized by the caller, will be filled here * @param debugLevel debug (verbosity) level * @return array of per-channel ImagePlus objects to process (with saturation_imp) */ public ImagePlus[] conditionImageSet( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, String [] sourceFiles, String set_name, double [] referenceExposures, int [] channelFiles, double [] scaleExposures, boolean [][] saturation_imp, int debugLevel) { this.image_name = set_name; ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = new ImagePlus[channelFiles.length]; this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops = new int [channelFiles.length]; // double [] scaleExposures = new double[channelFiles.length]; // double [][] dbg_dpixels = new double [channelFiles.length][]; // int [] fullWindowWH = geometryCorrection.getSensorWH(); for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel < channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; // channelFiles[srcChannel]; imp_srcs[srcChannel]=null; if (nFile >=0){ if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subchannel=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.getSubChannel(srcChannel); if (this.correctionsParameters.swapSubchannels01) { switch (subchannel){ case 0: subchannel=1; break; case 1: subchannel=0; break; } } if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing set " + set_name+" channel "+srcChannel+" - subchannel "+subchannel+" of "+sourceFiles[nFile]); ImagePlus "", // path, sourceFiles[nFile], "", //arg - not used in JP46 reader true, // un-apply camera color gains null, // new window false); // do not show imp_srcs[srcChannel]=eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.demuxImage(imp_composite, subchannel); if (imp_srcs[srcChannel] == null) imp_srcs[srcChannel] = imp_composite; // not a composite image // do we need to add any properties? } else { imp_srcs[srcChannel]=new ImagePlus(sourceFiles[nFile]); // (new JP46_Reader_camera(false)).decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_src); // decode existent properties from info eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_srcs[srcChannel]); // decode existent properties from info if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } // imp_srcs[srcChannel].show(); // REMOVE ME! this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops[srcChannel] = Integer.parseInt((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("WOI_TOP")); imp_srcs[srcChannel] = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.padBayerToFullSize( imp_srcs[srcChannel], // ImagePlus imp_src, eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.sensors[srcChannel].getSensorWH(), true); // boolean replicate); scaleExposures[srcChannel] = 1.0; if (!Double.isNaN(referenceExposures[nFile]) && (imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")!=null)){ scaleExposures[srcChannel] = referenceExposures[nFile]/Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")); if (debugLevel > -1) { System.out.println("Will scale intensity (to compensate for exposure) by "+scaleExposures[srcChannel]+ ", EXPOSURE = "+imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")); } } imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("name", correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])); imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("channel", srcChannel); // it may already have channel imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("path", sourceFiles[nFile]); // it may already have channel if (this.correctionsParameters.pixelDefects && (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY!=null)&& (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY[srcChannel]!=null)){ // apply pixel correction int numApplied= eyesisCorrections.correctDefects( imp_srcs[srcChannel], srcChannel, debugLevel); if ((debugLevel>0) && (numApplied>0)) { // reduce verbosity after verified defect correction works System.out.println("Corrected "+numApplied+" pixels in "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); if (debugLevel > -1) { double [] max_pix= {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int y = 0; y < 499; y+=2){ // for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ for (int x = width/2; x < width-1; x+=2){ if (pixels[y*width+x ] > max_pix[0]) max_pix[0] = pixels[y*width+x ]; if (pixels[y*width+x+ 1] > max_pix[1]) max_pix[1] = pixels[y*width+x+ 1]; if (pixels[y*width+x+width ] > max_pix[2]) max_pix[2] = pixels[y*width+x+width ]; if (pixels[y*width+x+width+1] > max_pix[3]) max_pix[3] = pixels[y*width+x+width+1]; } } System.out.println(String.format("channel %d max_pix[] = %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", srcChannel, max_pix[0], max_pix[1], max_pix[2], max_pix[3])); dbg_dpixels[srcChannel] = new double [pixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) dbg_dpixels[srcChannel][i] = pixels[i]; // imp_srcs[srcChannel].show(); } if (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0){ double [] saturations = { Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_1")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_0")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_3")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_2"))}; saturation_imp[srcChannel] = new boolean[width*height]; System.out.println(String.format("channel %d saturations = %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", srcChannel, saturations[0],saturations[1],saturations[2],saturations[3])); double [] scaled_saturations = new double [saturations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scaled_saturations.length; i++){ scaled_saturations[i] = saturations[i] * clt_parameters.sat_level; } for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ if (pixels[y*width+x ] > scaled_saturations[0]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+ 1] > scaled_saturations[1]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x +1] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width ] > scaled_saturations[2]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width+1] > scaled_saturations[3]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width+1] = true; } } } if (this.correctionsParameters.vignetting){ if ((eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection==null) || (srcChannel<0) || (srcChannel>=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection.length) || (eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel]==null)){ System.out.println("No vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel); return null; } /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); if (pixels.length!=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length){ System.out.println("Vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel+" has "+eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length+" pixels, image "+sourceFiles[nFile]+" has "+pixels.length); return null; } // TODO: Move to do it once: double min_non_zero = 0.0; for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if ((d > 0.0) && ((min_non_zero == 0) || (min_non_zero > d))){ min_non_zero = d; } } double max_vign_corr = clt_parameters.vignetting_range*min_non_zero; System.out.println("Vignetting data: channel="+srcChannel+", min = "+min_non_zero); for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if (d > max_vign_corr) d = max_vign_corr; pixels[i]*=d; } // Scale here, combine with vignetting later? /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= clt_parameters.scale_r; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= clt_parameters.scale_b; } } } else { // assuming GR/BG pattern System.out.println("Applying fixed color gain correction parameters: Gr="+ clt_parameters.novignetting_r+", Gg="+clt_parameters.novignetting_g+", Gb="+clt_parameters.novignetting_b); /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); double kr = clt_parameters.scale_r/clt_parameters.novignetting_r; double kg = clt_parameters.scale_g/clt_parameters.novignetting_g; double kb = clt_parameters.scale_b/clt_parameters.novignetting_b; for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= kr; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= kb; } } } } } // temporary applying scaleExposures[srcChannel] here, setting it to all 1.0 System.out.println("Temporarily applying scaleExposures[] here" ); for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++){ pixels[i] *= scaleExposures[srcChannel]; } scaleExposures[srcChannel] = 1.0; } if ((debugLevel > -1) && (saturation_imp != null)){ String [] titles = {"chn0","chn1","chn2","chn3"}; double [][] dbg_satur = new double [saturation_imp.length] [saturation_imp[0].length]; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ for (int i = 0; i < saturation_imp[srcChannel].length; i++){ dbg_satur[srcChannel][i] = saturation_imp[srcChannel][i]? 1.0 : 0.0; } } int width = imp_srcs[0].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[0].getHeight(); (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_satur, width, height, true, "Saturated" , titles); if (debugLevel > -1) { // 0){ double [][] dbg_dpixels_norm = new double [channelFiles.length][]; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChannel] = new double[pixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++){ dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChannel][i] = pixels[i]; } } (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_dpixels, width, height, true, "dpixels" , titles); (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_dpixels_norm, width, height, true, "dpixels_norm" , titles); double [][] dbg_dpixels_split = new double [4 * dbg_dpixels.length][dbg_dpixels[0].length / 4]; String [] dbg_titles = {"g1_0","r_0","b_0","g2_0","g1_2","r_1","b_1","g2_1","g1_2","r_2","b_2","g2_2","g1_3","r_3","b_3","g2_3"}; for (int srcChn = 0; srcChn < 4; srcChn++) { for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ dbg_dpixels_split[ 0 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x ]; dbg_dpixels_split[ 3 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x + width + 1]; dbg_dpixels_split[ 1 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x + 1]; dbg_dpixels_split[ 2 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x + width ]; } } } (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_dpixels_split, width/2, height/2, true, "dpixels_split" , dbg_titles); } } // Overlay ovl = imp_srcs[0].getOverlay(); // once per quad here // may need to equalize gains between channels if (clt_parameters.gain_equalize || clt_parameters.colors_equalize){ channelGainsEqualize( clt_parameters.gain_equalize, clt_parameters.colors_equalize, clt_parameters.nosat_equalize, // boolean nosat_equalize, channelFiles, imp_srcs, saturation_imp, // boolean[][] saturated, set_name, // setNames.get(nSet), // just for debug messages == setNames.get(nSet) debugLevel); } return imp_srcs; } public void processCLTQuadCorrs( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 final boolean apply_corr, // calculate and apply additional fine geometry correction final boolean infinity_corr, // calculate and apply geometry correction at infinity final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { if (infinity_corr && (clt_parameters.z_correction != 0.0)){ System.out.println( "****************************************\n"+ "* Resetting manual infinity correction *\n"+ "****************************************\n"); clt_parameters.z_correction = 0.0; } this.startTime=System.nanoTime(); String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); SetChannels [] set_channels=setChannels(debugLevel); if ((set_channels == null) || (set_channels.length==0)) { System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return; } double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) for (int nSet = 0; nSet < set_channels.length; nSet++){ int [] channelFiles = set_channels[nSet].fileNumber(); boolean [][] saturation_imp = (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0)? new boolean[channelFiles.length][] : null; double [] scaleExposures = new double[channelFiles.length]; ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = conditionImageSet( clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, sourceFiles, // String [] sourceFiles, set_channels[nSet].name(), // String set_name, referenceExposures, // double [] referenceExposures, channelFiles, // int [] channelFiles, scaleExposures, //output // double [] scaleExposures saturation_imp, //output // boolean [][] saturation_imp, debugLevel); // int debugLevel); // once per quad here processCLTQuadCorr( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, debayerParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, // convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 scaleExposures, apply_corr, // calculate and apply additional fine geometry correction infinity_corr, // calculate and apply geometry correction at infinity threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+set_channels.length+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (eyesisCorrections.stopRequested.get()>0) { System.out.println("User requested stop"); System.out.println("Processing "+(nSet + 1)+" file sets (of "+set_channels.length+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); return; } } System.out.println("processCLTQuadCorrs(): processing "+getTotalFiles(set_channels)+" files ("+set_channels.length+" file sets) finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public void channelGainsEqualize( boolean gain_equalize, boolean colors_equalize, boolean nosat_equalize, int [] channelFiles, ImagePlus [] imp_srcs, boolean[][] saturated, String setName, // just for debug messages == setNames.get(nSet) int debugLevel){ boolean use_new = true; // false; if (use_new){ channelGainsEqualize_new( gain_equalize, colors_equalize, nosat_equalize, channelFiles, imp_srcs, saturated, setName, // just for debug messages == setNames.get(nSet) debugLevel); } else { channelGainsEqualize_old( gain_equalize, colors_equalize, nosat_equalize, channelFiles, imp_srcs, saturated, setName, // just for debug messages == setNames.get(nSet) debugLevel); } } public void channelGainsEqualize_old( boolean gain_equalize, boolean colors_equalize, boolean nosat_equalize, int [] channelFiles, ImagePlus [] imp_srcs, boolean[][] saturated, String setName, // just for debug messages == setNames.get(nSet) int debugLevel){ double [][] avr_pix = new double [channelFiles.length][3]; double [] avr_RGB = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; int numChn = 0; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel < channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; if (nFile >=0){ for (int i = 0; i < avr_pix[srcChannel].length; i++) avr_pix[srcChannel][i] = 0; // int [] num_nonsat = {0,0,0}; float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ avr_pix[srcChannel][0] += pixels[y*width+x +1]; avr_pix[srcChannel][2] += pixels[y*width+x+width ]; avr_pix[srcChannel][1] += pixels[y*width+x ]; avr_pix[srcChannel][1] += pixels[y*width+x+width+1]; } } avr_pix[srcChannel][0] /= 0.25*width*height; avr_pix[srcChannel][1] /= 0.5 *width*height; avr_pix[srcChannel][2] /= 0.25*width*height; for (int j=0; j < avr_RGB.length; j++) avr_RGB[j] += avr_pix[srcChannel][j]; numChn++; if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("processCLTSets(): set "+ setName + " channel "+srcChannel+ " R"+avr_pix[srcChannel][0]+" G"+avr_pix[srcChannel][1]+" B"+avr_pix[srcChannel][2]); } } } for (int j=0; j < avr_RGB.length; j++) avr_RGB[j] /= numChn; if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("processCLTSets(): set "+ setName + "average color values: "+ " R="+avr_RGB[0]+" G=" + avr_RGB[1]+" B=" + avr_RGB[2]); } for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel < channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; if (nFile >=0){ double [] scales = new double [avr_RGB.length]; for (int j=0;j < scales.length; j++){ scales[j] = 1.0; if (gain_equalize){ scales[j] *= avr_RGB[1]/avr_pix[srcChannel][1]; // 1 - index of green color } if (colors_equalize){ scales[j] *= avr_RGB[j]/avr_pix[srcChannel][j] / (avr_RGB[1]/avr_pix[srcChannel][1]); } } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); System.out.println("Channel "+srcChannel+ ": scales[] = "+scales[0]+", "+scales[1]+", "+scales[2]); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= scales[1]; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= scales[1]; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= scales[0]; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= scales[2]; } } } } } public void channelGainsEqualize_new( boolean gain_equalize, boolean colors_equalize, boolean nosat_equalize, int [] channelFiles, ImagePlus [] imp_srcs, boolean[][] saturated, String setName, // just for debug messages == setNames.get(nSet) int debugLevel){ double [][] avr_pix = new double [channelFiles.length][4]; double [] avr_RGGB = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}; int numChn = 0; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel < channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; if (nFile >=0){ for (int i = 0; i < avr_pix[srcChannel].length; i++) avr_pix[srcChannel][i] = 0; int [] num_nonsat = {0,0,0,0}; float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); int indx; for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ indx = y * width + (x +1); // R if (!nosat_equalize || (saturated == null) || !saturated[srcChannel][indx]) { avr_pix[srcChannel][0] += pixels[indx]; num_nonsat[0]++; } indx = (y + 1) * width + x; // B if (!nosat_equalize || (saturated == null) || !saturated[srcChannel][indx]) { avr_pix[srcChannel][3] += pixels[indx]; num_nonsat[3]++; } indx = y * width + x; // G1 if (!nosat_equalize || (saturated == null) || !saturated[srcChannel][indx]) { avr_pix[srcChannel][1] += pixels[indx]; num_nonsat[1]++; } indx = (y + 1) * width + (x + 1); // G2 if (!nosat_equalize || (saturated == null) || !saturated[srcChannel][indx]) { avr_pix[srcChannel][2] += pixels[indx]; num_nonsat[2]++; } // avr_pix[srcChannel][0] += pixels[y*width+x +1]; // avr_pix[srcChannel][2] += pixels[y*width+x+width ]; // avr_pix[srcChannel][1] += pixels[y*width+x ]; // avr_pix[srcChannel][1] += pixels[y*width+x+width+1]; } } for (int i = 0; i < num_nonsat.length; i++){ avr_pix[srcChannel][i] /= num_nonsat[i]; } for (int j=0; j < avr_RGGB.length; j++) avr_RGGB[j] += avr_pix[srcChannel][j]; numChn++; if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("processCLTSets(): set "+ setName + " channel "+srcChannel+ " R="+avr_pix[srcChannel][0]+" G1="+avr_pix[srcChannel][1]+" G2="+avr_pix[srcChannel][2]+" B="+avr_pix[srcChannel][3]); } } } for (int j=0; j < avr_RGGB.length; j++) avr_RGGB[j] /= numChn; double avr_G = 0.5 * (avr_RGGB[1] + avr_RGGB[2]); if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("processCLTSets(): set "+ setName + " average color values: "+ " R="+avr_RGGB[0]+" G=" + avr_G+" ("+avr_RGGB[1]+", "+avr_RGGB[2]+") B=" + avr_RGGB[3]); } for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel < channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; if (nFile >=0){ double [] scales = new double [avr_RGGB.length]; double avr_g = 0.5 * (avr_pix[srcChannel][1] + avr_pix[srcChannel][2]); for (int j=0;j < scales.length; j++){ scales[j] = 1.0; if (gain_equalize){ scales[j] *= avr_G/avr_g; } if (colors_equalize){ switch (j) { case 1: // G1 case 2: // G2 // scales[j] *= avr_G/avr_pix[srcChannel][j] / (avr_G/avr_g); scales[j] *= avr_g/avr_pix[srcChannel][j]; break; default: // R, B scales[j] *= avr_RGGB[j]/avr_pix[srcChannel][j] / (avr_G/avr_g); } // scales[j] *= avr_RGGB[j]/avr_pix[srcChannel][j] / (avr_G/avr_g); } } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); System.out.println("Channel "+srcChannel+ ": scales[] = "+scales[0]+", "+scales[1]+", "+scales[2]+", "+scales[3]); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= scales[1]; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= scales[2]; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= scales[0]; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= scales[3]; } } } } } public ImagePlus [] processCLTQuadCorr( ImagePlus [] imp_quad, // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 double [] scaleExposures, // probably not needed here final boolean apply_corr, // calculate and apply additional fine geometry correction final boolean infinity_corr, // calculate and apply geometry correction at infinity final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel){ final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run; //disable any debug images boolean advanced= this.correctionsParameters.zcorrect || this.correctionsParameters.equirectangular; boolean toRGB= advanced? true: this.correctionsParameters.toRGB; ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // may use this.StartTime to report intermediate steps execution times String name=this.correctionsParameters.getModelName((String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("name")); // int channel= Integer.parseInt((String) imp_src.getProperty("channel")); String path= (String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("path"); ImagePlus [] results = new ImagePlus[imp_quad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { results[i] = imp_quad[i]; results[i].setTitle(results[i].getTitle()+"RAW"); } if (debugLevel>1) System.out.println("processing: "+path); double [][][] double_stacks = new double [imp_quad.length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks.length; i++){ double_stacks[i] = eyesisCorrections.bayerToDoubleStack( imp_quad[i], // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) null); // no margins, no oversample } ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks.length; i++){ for (int j =0 ; j < double_stacks[i][0].length; j++){ double_stacks[i][2][j]*=0.5; // Scale green 0.5 to compensate more pixels than R,B } } setTiles (imp_quad[0], // set global tp.tilesX, tp.tilesY clt_parameters, threadsMax); // temporary setting up tile task file (one integer per tile, bitmask // for testing defined for a window, later the tiles to process will be calculated based on previous passes results int [][] tile_op = tp.setSameTileOp(clt_parameters, clt_parameters.tile_task_op, debugLevel); double [][] disparity_array = tp.setSameDisparity(clt_parameters.disparity); // 0.0); // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX] - individual per-tile expected disparity //TODO: Add array of default disparity - use for combining images in force disparity mode (no correlation), when disparity is predicted from other tiles double [][][][] clt_corr_combo = null; double [][][][][] clt_corr_partial = null; // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair][color][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] double [][] clt_mismatch = null; // [3*4][tp.tilesY * tp.tilesX] // transpose unapplied double [][][][] texture_tiles = null; // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]["RGBA".length()][]; // tiles will be 16x16, 2 visualization mode full 16 or overlapped // undecided, so 2 modes of combining alpha - same as rgb, or use center tile only final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); if (clt_parameters.correlate){ // clt_corr_combo = new double [2][tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][]; clt_corr_combo = new double [ImageDtt.TCORR_TITLES.length][tilesY][tilesX][]; texture_tiles = new double [tilesY][tilesX][][]; // ["RGBA".length()][]; for (int i = 0; i < tilesY; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < tilesX; j++){ for (int k = 0; k<clt_corr_combo.length; k++){ clt_corr_combo[k][i][j] = null; } // clt_corr_combo[1][i][j] = null; texture_tiles[i][j] = null; } } if (!infinity_corr && clt_parameters.corr_keep){ clt_corr_partial = new double [tilesY][tilesX][][][]; for (int i = 0; i < tilesY; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < tilesX; j++){ clt_corr_partial[i][j] = null; } } } if (clt_parameters.corr_mismatch || apply_corr || infinity_corr){ // added infinity_corr clt_mismatch = new double [12][]; } } double [][] disparity_map = new double [ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES.length][]; //[0] -residual disparity, [1] - orthogonal (just for debugging) last 4 - max pixel differences // double min_corr_selected = clt_parameters.corr_normalize? clt_parameters.min_corr_normalized: clt_parameters.min_corr; double min_corr_selected = clt_parameters.min_corr; double [][] shiftXY = new double [4][2]; if (!clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore) { double [][] shiftXY0 = { {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3}}; shiftXY = shiftXY0; } // final double disparity_corr = (clt_parameters.z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/clt_parameters.z_correction); double z_correction = clt_parameters.z_correction; if (clt_parameters.z_corr_map.containsKey(name)){ z_correction +=clt_parameters.z_corr_map.get(name); } final double disparity_corr = (z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/z_correction); double [][][][][][] clt_data = image_dtt.clt_aberrations_quad_corr( clt_parameters.img_dtt, // final ImageDttParameters imgdtt_params, // Now just extra correlation parameters, later will include, most others 1, // final int macro_scale, // to correlate tile data instead of the pixel data: 1 - pixels, 8 - tiles tile_op, // per-tile operation bit codes disparity_array, // final double disparity, double_stacks, // final double [][][] imade_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null // correlation results - final and partial clt_corr_combo, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate clt_corr_partial, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair][color][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate clt_mismatch, // [12][tp.tilesY * tp.tilesX] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate disparity_map, // [2][tp.tilesY * tp.tilesX] texture_tiles, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]["RGBA".length()][]; imp_quad[0].getWidth(), // final int width, clt_parameters.fat_zero, // add to denominator to modify phase correlation (same units as data1, data2). <0 - pure sum clt_parameters.corr_sym, clt_parameters.corr_offset, clt_parameters.corr_red, clt_parameters.corr_blue, clt_parameters.corr_sigma, // clt_parameters.corr_mask, clt_parameters.corr_normalize, // normalize correlation results by rms min_corr_selected, // 0.0001; // minimal correlation value to consider valid clt_parameters.max_corr_sigma,// 1.5; // weights of points around global max to find fractional clt_parameters.max_corr_radius, // clt_parameters.enhortho_width, // 2; // reduce weight of center correlation pixels from center (0 - none, 1 - center, 2 +/-1 from center) // clt_parameters.enhortho_scale, // 0.2; // multiply center correlation pixels (inside enhortho_width) clt_parameters.max_corr_double, // Double pass when masking center of mass to reduce preference for integer values clt_parameters.corr_mode, // Correlation mode: 0 - integer max, 1 - center of mass, 2 - polynomial clt_parameters.min_shot, // 10.0; // Do not adjust for shot noise if lower than clt_parameters.scale_shot, // 3.0; // scale when dividing by sqrt ( <0 - disable correction) clt_parameters.diff_sigma, // 5.0;//RMS difference from average to reduce weights (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_threshold, // 5.0; // RMS difference from average to discard channel (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_gauss, // true; // when averaging images, use gaussian around average as weight (false - sharp all/nothing) clt_parameters.min_agree, // 3.0; // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) clt_parameters.dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average clt_parameters.keep_weights, // Add port weights to RGBA stack (debug feature) geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, null, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // if not null correct this camera (aux) to the coordinates of the main clt_kernels, // final double [][][][][][] clt_kernels, // [channel_in_quad][color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, shiftXY, // disparity_corr, // final double disparity_corr, // disparity at infinity (clt_parameters.fcorr_ignore? null: this.fine_corr), clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // still not understood coefficient that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 0.85 clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // -1234, // clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, -1234 will cause port coordinates debug images (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve // (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("clt_data.length="+clt_data.length+" clt_data[0].length="+clt_data[0].length +" clt_data[0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0].length+" clt_data[0][0][0].length="+ clt_data[0][0][0].length); } // +" clt_data[0][0][0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0][0][0].length+ // " clt_data[0][0][0][0][0].length="+clt_data[0][0][0][0][0].length); // visualize texture tiles as RGBA slices double [][] texture_nonoverlap = null; double [][] texture_overlap = null; String [] rgba_titles = {"red","blue","green","alpha"}; String [] rgba_weights_titles = {"red","blue","green","alpha","port0","port1","port2","port3","r-rms","b-rms","g-rms","w-rms"}; if (texture_tiles != null){ if (clt_parameters.show_nonoverlap){ texture_nonoverlap = image_dtt.combineRGBATiles( texture_tiles, // array [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][4][4*transform_size] or [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]{null} clt_parameters.transform_size, false, // when false - output each tile as 16x16, true - overlap to make 8x8 clt_parameters.sharp_alpha, // combining mode for alpha channel: false - treat as RGB, true - apply center 8x8 only threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch debugLevel); sdfa_instance.showArrays( texture_nonoverlap, tilesX * (2 * clt_parameters.transform_size), tilesY * (2 * clt_parameters.transform_size), true, name + "-TXTNOL-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, (clt_parameters.keep_weights?rgba_weights_titles:rgba_titles)); } if (!infinity_corr && (clt_parameters.show_overlap || clt_parameters.show_rgba_color)){ int alpha_index = 3; texture_overlap = image_dtt.combineRGBATiles( texture_tiles, // array [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][4][4*transform_size] or [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]{null} clt_parameters.transform_size, true, // when false - output each tile as 16x16, true - overlap to make 8x8 clt_parameters.sharp_alpha, // combining mode for alpha channel: false - treat as RGB, true - apply center 8x8 only threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch debugLevel); if (clt_parameters.alpha1 > 0){ // negative or 0 - keep alpha as it was double scale = (clt_parameters.alpha1 > clt_parameters.alpha0) ? (1.0/(clt_parameters.alpha1 - clt_parameters.alpha0)) : 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < texture_overlap[alpha_index].length; i++){ double d = texture_overlap[alpha_index][i]; if (d >=clt_parameters.alpha1) d = 1.0; else if (d <=clt_parameters.alpha0) d = 0.0; else d = scale * (d- clt_parameters.alpha0); texture_overlap[alpha_index][i] = d; } } if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_overlap) { sdfa_instance.showArrays( texture_overlap, tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, name + "-TXTOL-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, (clt_parameters.keep_weights?rgba_weights_titles:rgba_titles)); } if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_rgba_color) { // for now - use just RGB. Later add option for RGBA double [][] texture_rgb = {texture_overlap[0],texture_overlap[1],texture_overlap[2]}; double [][] texture_rgba = {texture_overlap[0],texture_overlap[1],texture_overlap[2],texture_overlap[3]}; // ImagePlus img_texture = linearStackToColor( clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, name+"-texture", // String name, "-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, //String suffix, // such as disparity=... toRGB, !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg, // boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result true, // boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally true, // boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) ((clt_parameters.alpha1 > 0)? texture_rgba: texture_rgb), tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY * clt_parameters.transform_size, 1.0, // double scaleExposure, // is it needed? debugLevel ); } } } // visualize correlation results if (clt_corr_combo!=null){ if (disparity_map != null){ if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_map && (debugLevel > -1)){ sdfa_instance.showArrays( disparity_map, tilesX, tilesY, true, name+"-DISP_MAP-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES); } } if (infinity_corr && (disparity_map != null)){ System.out.println("=== applying geometry correction coefficients to correct disparity at infinity ==="); System.out.println("=== Set inf_repeat =0 to disable automatic correction and just generate a data image to correct in offline mode ==="); double [] mismatch_strength = disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX].clone(); int [] strength_indices = {2,5,8,11}; for (int nt = 0; nt < mismatch_strength.length; nt++) { if (Double.isNaN(mismatch_strength[nt])) { mismatch_strength[nt] = 0.0; } else { if (mismatch_strength[nt] > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < strength_indices.length; i++) { if (!(mismatch_strength[nt] < clt_mismatch[strength_indices[i]][nt])) { mismatch_strength[nt] = clt_mismatch[strength_indices[i]][nt]; } // if (nt == 37005) { // System.out.println("breakpoint in processCLTQuadCorr()"); // } } } } } double [][] inf_ds = { // when using with disparity, programmed disparity should be 0 disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM], mismatch_strength}; // disparity_map[ ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX]}; String [] titles = {"disp_cm", "strength"}; if (!batch_mode && (clt_mismatch != null)){ double [][] inf_ds1 = { disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM], mismatch_strength, //disparity_map[ ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX], clt_mismatch[0].clone(), // dx0 clt_mismatch[1].clone(), // dy0 + clt_mismatch[3].clone(), // dx1 clt_mismatch[4].clone(), // dy1 + clt_mismatch[6].clone(), // dx2 + clt_mismatch[7].clone(), // dy2 clt_mismatch[9].clone(), // dx3 + clt_mismatch[10].clone()};// dy3 // restore full d{xy}[i] with subtracted disparity - debugging (otherwise clone() above is not neded) // Add disparity to dx0, dx1, dy2, dy3 pairs if (clt_parameters.inf_restore_disp) { if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("---- Adding disparity to d{xy}[i] ---"); } for (int nTile = 0; nTile < inf_ds1[0].length; nTile++) if (inf_ds1[1][nTile] > 0){ // strength for (int i = 0; i < AlignmentCorrection.INDICES_10_DISP.length; i++) { inf_ds1[AlignmentCorrection.INDICES_10_DISP[i]][nTile] += inf_ds1[AlignmentCorrection.INDEX_10_DISPARITY][nTile]; } } } else { if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("---- d{xy}[i] have disparity canceled, xy_mismatch will only reflect residualvalues---"); } } String [] titles1 = {"disp_cm", "strength", "dx0", "dy0", "dx1", "dy1", "dx2", "dy2", "dx3", "dy3"}; inf_ds = inf_ds1; titles = titles1; } if (clt_parameters.inf_repeat < 1) { System.out.println("=== Generating image to be saved and then used for correction with 'CLT ext infinity corr'==="); // This image can be saved and re-read with "CLT ext infinity corr" command if (!batch_mode && (sdfa_instance != null)){ sdfa_instance.showArrays( inf_ds, tilesX, tilesY, true, name + "-inf_corr", titles ); } } else { // calculate/apply coefficients if (debugLevel + (clt_parameters.fine_dbg ? 1:0) > 0){ // still show image, even as it is not needed if (!batch_mode && (sdfa_instance != null)) { sdfa_instance.showArrays( inf_ds, tilesX, tilesY, true, name + "-inf_corr", titles ); } } AlignmentCorrection ac = new AlignmentCorrection(this); // includes both infinity correction and mismatch correction for the same infinity tiles double [][][] new_corr = ac.infinityCorrection( clt_parameters.ly_poly, // final boolean use_poly, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double min_strenth, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_diff, // final double max_diff, clt_parameters.inf_iters, // 20, // 0, // final int max_iterations, clt_parameters.inf_final_diff, // 0.0001, // final double max_coeff_diff, clt_parameters.inf_far_pull, // 0.0, // 0.25, // final double far_pull, // = 0.2; // 1; // 0.5; clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // 1.0, // final double strength_pow, clt_parameters.inf_smpl_side, // 3, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_num, // 5, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // 0.05, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample // histogram parameters clt_parameters.ih_smpl_step, // 8, // final int hist_smpl_side, // 8 x8 masked, 16x16 sampled clt_parameters.ih_disp_min, // -1.0, // final double hist_disp_min, clt_parameters.ih_disp_step, // 0.05, // final double hist_disp_step, clt_parameters.ih_num_bins, // 40, // final int hist_num_bins, clt_parameters.ih_sigma, // 0.1, // final double hist_sigma, clt_parameters.ih_max_diff, // 0.1, // final double hist_max_diff, clt_parameters.ih_min_samples, // 10, // final int hist_min_samples, clt_parameters.ih_norm_center, // true, // final boolean hist_norm_center, // if there are more tiles that fit than min_samples, replace with clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, inf_ds, // double [][] disp_strength, tilesX, // int tilesX, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // double magic_coeff, // still not understood coefficent that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 8.5 debugLevel + (clt_parameters.fine_dbg ? 1:0)); // int debugLevel) if ((new_corr != null) && (debugLevel > -1)){ System.out.println("process_infinity_corr(): ready to apply infinity correction"); show_fine_corr( new_corr, // double [][][] corr, "");// String prefix) } if (clt_parameters.inf_disp_apply){ apply_fine_corr( new_corr, debugLevel + 2); } } } if (!batch_mode && !infinity_corr && clt_parameters.corr_show && (debugLevel > -1)){ double [][] corr_rslt = new double [clt_corr_combo.length][]; String [] titles = new String[clt_corr_combo.length]; // {"combo","sum"}; for (int i = 0; i< titles.length; i++) titles[i] = ImageDtt.TCORR_TITLES[i]; for (int i = 0; i<corr_rslt.length; i++) { corr_rslt[i] = image_dtt.corr_dbg( clt_corr_combo[i], 2*clt_parameters.transform_size - 1, clt_parameters.corr_border_contrast, threadsMax, debugLevel); } sdfa_instance.showArrays( corr_rslt, tilesX*(2*clt_parameters.transform_size), tilesY*(2*clt_parameters.transform_size), true, name + "-CORR-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, titles ); } if (!batch_mode && !infinity_corr && (clt_corr_partial!=null)){ if (debugLevel > -1){ // -1 String [] allColorNames = {"red","blue","green","combo"}; String [] titles = new String[clt_corr_partial.length]; for (int i = 0; i < titles.length; i++){ titles[i]=allColorNames[i % allColorNames.length]+"_"+(i / allColorNames.length); } double [][] corr_rslt_partial = image_dtt.corr_partial_dbg( clt_corr_partial, 2*clt_parameters.transform_size - 1, //final int corr_size, 4, // final int pairs, 4, // final int colors, clt_parameters.corr_border_contrast, threadsMax, debugLevel); sdfa_instance.showArrays( corr_rslt_partial, tilesX*(2*clt_parameters.transform_size), tilesY*(2*clt_parameters.transform_size), true, name+"-PART_CORR-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, titles); } } } if (!infinity_corr && (clt_parameters.gen_chn_img || clt_parameters.gen_4_img || clt_parameters.gen_chn_stacks)) { ImagePlus [] imps_RGB = new ImagePlus[clt_data.length]; for (int iQuad = 0; iQuad < clt_data.length; iQuad++){ String title=name+"-"+String.format("%02d", iQuad); // String titleFull=title+"-SPLIT-D"+clt_parameters.disparity; if (clt_parameters.corr_sigma > 0){ // no filter at all for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data[iQuad].length; chn++) { image_dtt.clt_lpf( clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_data[iQuad][chn], clt_parameters.transform_size, threadsMax, debugLevel); } } if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("--tilesX="+tilesX); System.out.println("--tilesY="+tilesY); } if (!batch_mode && (debugLevel > 0)){ double [][] clt = new double [clt_data[iQuad].length*4][]; for (int chn = 0; chn < clt_data[iQuad].length; chn++) { double [][] clt_set = image_dtt.clt_dbg( clt_data [iQuad][chn], threadsMax, debugLevel); for (int ii = 0; ii < clt_set.length; ii++) clt[chn*4+ii] = clt_set[ii]; } if (debugLevel > 0){ sdfa_instance.showArrays(clt, tilesX*clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY*clt_parameters.transform_size, true, results[iQuad].getTitle()+"-CLT-D"+clt_parameters.disparity); } } double [][] iclt_data = new double [clt_data[iQuad].length][]; for (int chn=0; chn<iclt_data.length;chn++){ iclt_data[chn] = image_dtt.iclt_2d( clt_data[iQuad][chn], // scanline representation of dcd data, organized as dct_size x dct_size tiles clt_parameters.transform_size, // final int clt_parameters.clt_window, // window_type 15, // clt_parameters.iclt_mask, //which of 4 to transform back 0, // clt_parameters.dbg_mode, //which of 4 to transform back threadsMax, debugLevel); } if (clt_parameters.gen_chn_stacks) sdfa_instance.showArrays(iclt_data, (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, true, results[iQuad].getTitle()+"-ICLT-RGB-D"+clt_parameters.disparity); if (!clt_parameters.gen_chn_img) continue; imps_RGB[iQuad] = linearStackToColor( clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, title, // String name, "-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, //String suffix, // such as disparity=... toRGB, !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg, // boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result !batch_mode, // true, // boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally false, // boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) iclt_data, tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY * clt_parameters.transform_size, scaleExposures[iQuad], // double scaleExposure, // is it needed? debugLevel ); } // end of generating shifted channel images if (clt_parameters.gen_chn_img) { // combine to a sliced color image int [] slice_seq = {0,1,3,2}; //clockwise int width = imps_RGB[0].getWidth(); int height = imps_RGB[0].getHeight(); ImageStack array_stack=new ImageStack(width,height); for (int i = 0; i<slice_seq.length; i++){ if (imps_RGB[slice_seq[i]] != null) { array_stack.addSlice("port_"+slice_seq[i], imps_RGB[slice_seq[i]].getProcessor().getPixels()); } else { array_stack.addSlice("port_"+slice_seq[i], results[slice_seq[i]].getProcessor().getPixels()); } } ImagePlus imp_stack = new ImagePlus(name+"-SHIFTED-D"+clt_parameters.disparity, array_stack); imp_stack.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); if (!batch_mode) { imp_stack.updateAndDraw(); } //imp_stack.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); //; // eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(imp_stack, this.correctionsParameters); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShowEnable( imp_stack, // ImagePlus imp, this.correctionsParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CorrectionParameters correctionsParameters, true, // boolean enableSave, !batch_mode) ;// boolean enableShow); } if (clt_parameters.gen_4_img) { // Save as individual JPEG images in the model directory String x3d_path= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory( name, // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false correctionsParameters.x3dModelVersion, true, // smart, true); //newAllowed, // save for (int sub_img = 0; sub_img < 4; sub_img++){ eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imps_RGB[sub_img], x3d_path, correctionsParameters.png && !clt_parameters.black_back, !batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_textures, correctionsParameters.JPEG_quality, // jpegQuality); // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG (debugLevel > 0) ? debugLevel : 1); // int debugLevel (print what it saves) } } } return results; } double [][] resizeGridTexture( double [][] imgData, int tileSize, int tilesX, int tilesY, Rectangle bounds){ int width = tileSize*bounds.width; int height = tileSize*bounds.height; // Adding row/column of all 0, assuming java zeroes arrays int numSlices = imgData.length; double [][] rslt = new double [numSlices][width*height]; int offset = (tileSize*bounds.y)*tileSize*tilesX + (tileSize*bounds.x); for (int y = 0; y < height; y ++){ for (int x = 0; x < width; x ++){ int indx = width * y + x; int indx_in = indx + offset; for (int i = 0; i < numSlices; i++) { rslt[i][indx] = Double.isNaN(imgData[i][indx_in])? 0.0:imgData[i][indx_in]; } } offset += tilesX * tileSize - width; } return rslt; } // float public ImagePlus linearStackToColor( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, String name, String suffix, // such as disparity=... boolean toRGB, boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) float [][] iclt_data, int width, // int tilesX, int height, // int tilesY, double scaleExposure, int debugLevel ) { ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // convert to ImageStack of 3 slices String [] sliceNames = {"red", "blue", "green"}; float [] alpha = null; // (0..1.0) float [][] rgb_in = {iclt_data[0],iclt_data[1],iclt_data[2]}; if (iclt_data.length > 3) alpha = iclt_data[3]; ImageStack stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( rgb_in, // iclt_data, width, // (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, height, // (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, sliceNames, // or use null to get chn-nn slice names true); // replace NaN with 0.0 return linearStackToColor( clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, name, // String name, suffix, // String suffix, // such as disparity=... toRGB, // boolean toRGB, bpp16, // boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result saveShowIntermediate, // boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally saveShowFinal, // boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) stack, // ImageStack stack, alpha, // float [] alpha_pixels, width, // int width, // int tilesX, height, // int height, // int tilesY, scaleExposure, // double scaleExposure, debugLevel); //int debugLevel } // double data public ImagePlus linearStackToColor( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, String name, String suffix, // such as disparity=... boolean toRGB, boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) double [][] iclt_data, int width, // int tilesX, int height, // int tilesY, double scaleExposure, int debugLevel ) { ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // convert to ImageStack of 3 slices String [] sliceNames = {"red", "blue", "green"}; double [] alpha = null; // (0..1.0) double [][] rgb_in = {iclt_data[0],iclt_data[1],iclt_data[2]}; float [] alpha_pixels = null; if (iclt_data.length > 3) { alpha = iclt_data[3]; if (alpha != null){ alpha_pixels = new float [alpha.length]; for (int i = 0; i <alpha.length; i++){ alpha_pixels[i] = (float) alpha[i]; } } } ImageStack stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( rgb_in, // iclt_data, width, // (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, height, // (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, sliceNames, // or use null to get chn-nn slice names true); // replace NaN with 0.0 return linearStackToColor( clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, name, // String name, suffix, // String suffix, // such as disparity=... toRGB, // boolean toRGB, bpp16, // boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result saveShowIntermediate, // boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally saveShowFinal, // boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) stack, // ImageStack stack, alpha_pixels, // float [] alpha_pixels, width, // int width, // int tilesX, height, // int height, // int tilesY, scaleExposure, // double scaleExposure, debugLevel); //int debugLevel } public ImagePlus linearStackToColor( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, String name, String suffix, // such as disparity=... boolean toRGB, boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) ImageStack stack, float [] alpha_pixels, int width, // int tilesX, int height, // int tilesY, double scaleExposure, int debugLevel ) { // showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? if (debugLevel > -1) { // 0){ double [] chn_avg = {0.0,0.0,0.0}; float [] pixels; for (int c = 0; c <3; c++){ pixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(c+1); for (int i = 0; i<pixels.length; i++){ chn_avg[c] += pixels[i]; } } chn_avg[0] /= width*height; chn_avg[1] /= width*height; chn_avg[2] /= width*height; System.out.println("Processed channels averages: R="+chn_avg[0]+", G="+chn_avg[2]+", B="+chn_avg[1]); } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.1"); // if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("before colors.1"); //Processing colors - changing stack sequence to r-g-b (was r-b-g) if (!eyesisCorrections.fixSliceSequence( stack, debugLevel)){ if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("fixSliceSequence() returned false"); return null; } if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.2"); // if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("before colors.2"); if (saveShowIntermediate && (debugLevel > 1)){ // if (saveShowIntermediate && (debugLevel > -1)){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus(name+"-preColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } // if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("before colors.3, scaleExposure="+scaleExposure+" scale = "+(255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure)); if (debugLevel > -1) System.out.println("before colors.3, scaleExposure="+scaleExposure+" scale = "+(255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure)); CorrectionColorProc correctionColorProc=new CorrectionColorProc(eyesisCorrections.stopRequested); double [][] yPrPb=new double [3][]; // if (dct_parameters.color_DCT){ // need to get YPbPr - not RGB here // } else { correctionColorProc.processColorsWeights(stack, // just gamma convert? TODO: Cleanup? Convert directly form the linear YPrPb // 255.0/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/this.psfSubpixelShouldBe4, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/eyesisCorrections.psfSubpixelShouldBe4/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) // 255.0/2/2/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) 255.0/scaleExposure, // double scale, // initial maximal pixel value (16)) colorProcParameters, null, // channelGainParameters, -1, // channel, null, //correctionDenoise.getDenoiseMask(), this.correctionsParameters.blueProc, debugLevel); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Processed colors to YPbPr, total number of slices="+stack.getSize()); if (saveShowIntermediate && (debugLevel > 1)) { ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("procColors",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } float [] fpixels; int [] slices_YPrPb = {8,6,7}; yPrPb=new double [3][]; for (int n = 0; n < slices_YPrPb.length; n++){ fpixels = (float[]) stack.getPixels(slices_YPrPb[n]); yPrPb[n] = new double [fpixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fpixels.length; i++) yPrPb[n][i] = fpixels[i]; } String titleFull = ""; if (toRGB) { if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("correctionColorProc.YPrPbToRGB"); } stack = YPrPbToRGB(yPrPb,, // 0.299; colorProcParameters.kb, // 0.114; stack.getWidth()); titleFull=name+"-RGB-float"+suffix; //Trim stack to just first 3 slices if (saveShowIntermediate && (debugLevel > 1)){ // 2){ ImagePlus imp_dbg=new ImagePlus("YPrPbToRGB",stack); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_dbg, this.correctionsParameters); } while (stack.getSize() > 3) stack.deleteLastSlice(); if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Trimming color stack"); } else { titleFull=name+"-YPrPb"+suffix; if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("Using full stack, including YPbPr"); } if (alpha_pixels != null){ stack.addSlice("alpha",alpha_pixels); } ImagePlus result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); if (debugLevel> 1){; } if (!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg){ // toRGB set for equirectangular if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg"); if (saveShowIntermediate) eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("!toRGB && !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg - else"); if (saveShowIntermediate) eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, // saves OK with alpha - 32-bit float eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.save32, false, // true, // false, eyesisCorrections.correctionsParameters.JPEG_quality); // save, no show } stack=eyesisCorrections.convertRGB32toRGB16Stack( stack, rgbParameters); titleFull=name+"-RGB48"+suffix; result= new ImagePlus(titleFull, stack); result.updateAndDraw(); if (debugLevel > 1) { // if (debugLevel > -1) { System.out.println("result.updateAndDraw(), "+titleFull+"-RGB48");; } CompositeImage compositeImage=eyesisCorrections.convertToComposite(result); if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && bpp16){ // RGB48 was the end result if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced)"); if (saveShowIntermediate) eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters); return compositeImage; // return result; } else { // that's not the end result, save if required if (debugLevel > 1) System.out.println("if (!this.correctionsParameters.jpeg && !advanced) - else"); if (saveShowIntermediate) eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(compositeImage, this.correctionsParameters, this.correctionsParameters.save16, false); // save, no show } result = eyesisCorrections.convertRGB48toRGB24( stack, // name+"-RGB24"+suffix, name+suffix, 0, 65536, // r range 0->0, 65536->256 0, 65536, // g range 0, 65536,// b range 0, 65536);// alpha range // next will save either JPEG (if no alpha) or RGBA tiff (if alpha is present). ImageJ shows just RGB (no alpha) if (saveShowFinal) eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(result, this.correctionsParameters); return result; } public void apply_fine_corr( double [][][] corr, int debugLevel) { if (debugLevel > 1){ if (debugLevel > 1){ show_fine_corr( this.fine_corr, " was"); } } if (corr==null) { System.out.println("New correction is null (only non-null for poly, not for infinity"); return; } else { if (debugLevel > 1){ show_fine_corr(corr, "added"); } for (int n = 0; n< corr.length; n++){ for (int i = 0; i< corr[n].length; i++){ for (int j = 0; j< corr[n][i].length; j++){ this.fine_corr[n][i][j]+=corr[n][i][j]; } } } if (debugLevel > 0){ show_fine_corr( this.fine_corr, ""); } } } public void show_fine_corr() { show_fine_corr(""); } public void show_fine_corr(String prefix) { show_fine_corr( this.fine_corr, prefix); } public void show_fine_corr( double [][][] corr, String prefix) { String sadd = (prefix.length() > 0)?(prefix+" "):""; for (int n = 0; n< corr.length; n++){ for (int i = 0; i< corr[n].length; i++){ System.out.print(sadd+"port"+n+": "+fine_corr_dir_names[i]+": "); for (int j = 0; j< corr[n][i].length; j++){ System.out.print(fine_corr_coeff_names[j]+"="+corr[n][i][j]+" "); } System.out.println(); } } System.out.println(); String name = (sadd.length() == 0)?"":("("+sadd+")"); showExtrinsicCorr(name); } public void reset_fine_corr() { this.fine_corr = new double [4][2][6]; // reset all coefficients to 0 } public void showExtrinsicCorr(String name) { System.out.println("Extrinsic corrections "+name); if (geometryCorrection == null){ System.out.println("are not set, will be:"); System.out.println(new GeometryCorrection(this.extrinsic_corr).getCorrVector().toString()); } else { System.out.println(geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().toString()); } } public boolean editRig() { if (!is_aux) { System.out.println("Rig offsets can only be edited for the auxiliary camera, not for the main one"); return false; } // GeometryCorrection gc = this.geometryCorrection; if (this.geometryCorrection == null){ System.out.println("geometryCorrection is not set, creating one"); this.geometryCorrection = new GeometryCorrection(this.extrinsic_corr); } boolean edited = this.geometryCorrection.editRig(); // if (edited) { // gc.rigOffset.setProperties(prefix,properties); // } return edited; } /* if (is_aux && (gc.rigOffset != null)) { gc.rigOffset.setProperties(prefix,properties); } */ public void resetExtrinsicCorr( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters) { this.extrinsic_corr = new double [GeometryCorrection.CORR_NAMES.length]; if (geometryCorrection != null){ geometryCorrection.setCorrVector(null); } if (clt_parameters.fine_corr_apply){ clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore = false; } } public void cltDisparityScans( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.EquirectangularParameters equirectangularParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { this.startTime=System.nanoTime(); String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); boolean [] enabledFiles=new boolean[sourceFiles.length]; for (int i=0;i<enabledFiles.length;i++) enabledFiles[i]=false; int numFilesToProcess=0; int numImagesToProcess=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files // removeUnusedSensorData should be off!? channels=this.eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ if (!enabledFiles[nFile]) numFilesToProcess++; enabledFiles[nFile]=true; numImagesToProcess++; } } } } if (numFilesToProcess==0){ System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return; } else { if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println(numFilesToProcess+ " files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+"), "+numImagesToProcess+" images to process"); } double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) int [][] fileIndices=new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number int index=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files channels=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ fileIndices[index ][0]=nFile; fileIndices[index++][1]=channels[i]; } } } } ArrayList<String> setNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> setFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int iImage=0;iImage<fileIndices.length;iImage++){ int nFile=fileIndices[iImage][0]; String setName = correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile]); if (!setNames.contains(setName)) { setNames.add(setName); setFiles.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); } setFiles.get(setNames.indexOf(setName)).add(new Integer(nFile)); } for (int nSet = 0; nSet < setNames.size(); nSet++){ int maxChn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ int chn = fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]; if (chn > maxChn) maxChn = chn; } int [] channelFiles = new int[maxChn+1]; for (int i =0; i < channelFiles.length; i++) channelFiles[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ channelFiles[fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]] = setFiles.get(nSet).get(i); } ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = new ImagePlus[channelFiles.length]; this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops = new int [channelFiles.length]; boolean [][] saturation_imp = (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0)? new boolean[channelFiles.length][] : null; double [] scaleExposures = new double[channelFiles.length]; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; imp_srcs[srcChannel]=null; if (nFile >=0){ if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subchannel=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.getSubChannel(srcChannel); if (this.correctionsParameters.swapSubchannels01) { switch (subchannel){ case 0: subchannel=1; break; case 1: subchannel=0; break; } } if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing set " + setNames.get(nSet)+" channel "+srcChannel+" - subchannel "+subchannel+" of "+sourceFiles[nFile]); ImagePlus "", // path, sourceFiles[nFile], "", //arg - not used in JP46 reader true, // un-apply camera color gains null, // new window false); // do not show imp_srcs[srcChannel]=eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.demuxImage(imp_composite, subchannel); if (imp_srcs[srcChannel] == null) imp_srcs[srcChannel] = imp_composite; // not a composite image // do we need to add any properties? } else { imp_srcs[srcChannel]=new ImagePlus(sourceFiles[nFile]); // (new JP46_Reader_camera(false)).decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_src); // decode existent properties from info eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_srcs[srcChannel]); // decode existent properties from info if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } imp_srcs[srcChannel] = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.padBayerToFullSize( imp_srcs[srcChannel], // ImagePlus imp_src, eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.sensors[srcChannel].getSensorWH(), true); // boolean replicate); this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops[srcChannel] = Integer.parseInt((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("WOI_TOP")); scaleExposures[srcChannel] = 1.0; if (!Double.isNaN(referenceExposures[nFile]) && (imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")!=null)){ scaleExposures[srcChannel] = referenceExposures[nFile]/Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")); if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Will scale intensity (to compensate for exposure) by "+scaleExposures[srcChannel]); } imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("name", correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])); imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("channel", srcChannel); // it may already have channel imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("path", sourceFiles[nFile]); // it may already have channel if (this.correctionsParameters.pixelDefects && (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY!=null)&& (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY[srcChannel]!=null)){ // apply pixel correction int numApplied= eyesisCorrections.correctDefects( imp_srcs[srcChannel], srcChannel, debugLevel); if ((debugLevel>0) && (numApplied>0)) { // reduce verbosity after verified defect correction works System.out.println("Corrected "+numApplied+" pixels in "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); if (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0){ double [] saturations = { Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_1")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_0")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_3")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_2"))}; saturation_imp[srcChannel] = new boolean[width*height]; System.out.println(String.format("channel %d saturations = %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", srcChannel, saturations[0],saturations[1],saturations[2],saturations[3])); double [] scaled_saturations = new double [saturations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scaled_saturations.length; i++){ scaled_saturations[i] = saturations[i] * clt_parameters.sat_level; } for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ if (pixels[y*width+x ] > scaled_saturations[0]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+ 1] > scaled_saturations[1]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x +1] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width ] > scaled_saturations[2]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width+1] > scaled_saturations[3]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width+1] = true; } } } if (this.correctionsParameters.vignetting){ if ((eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection==null) || (srcChannel<0) || (srcChannel>=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection.length) || (eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel]==null)){ System.out.println("No vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel); return; } /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); if (pixels.length!=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length){ System.out.println("Vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel+" has "+eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length+" pixels, image "+sourceFiles[nFile]+" has "+pixels.length); return; } // TODO: Move to do it once: double min_non_zero = 0.0; for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if ((d > 0.0) && ((min_non_zero == 0) || (min_non_zero > d))){ min_non_zero = d; } } double max_vign_corr = clt_parameters.vignetting_range*min_non_zero; System.out.println("Vignetting data: channel="+srcChannel+", min = "+min_non_zero); for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if (d > max_vign_corr) d = max_vign_corr; pixels[i]*=d; } // Scale here, combine with vignetting later? /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= clt_parameters.scale_r; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= clt_parameters.scale_b; } } } else { // assuming GR/BG pattern System.out.println("Applying fixed color gain correction parameters: Gr="+ clt_parameters.novignetting_r+", Gg="+clt_parameters.novignetting_g+", Gb="+clt_parameters.novignetting_b); /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); double kr = clt_parameters.scale_r/clt_parameters.novignetting_r; double kg = clt_parameters.scale_g/clt_parameters.novignetting_g; double kb = clt_parameters.scale_b/clt_parameters.novignetting_b; for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= kr; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= kb; } } } } } System.out.println("Temporarily applying scaleExposures[] here" ); for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++){ pixels[i] *= scaleExposures[srcChannel]; } scaleExposures[srcChannel] = 1.0; } // once per quad here // may need to equalize gains between channels if (clt_parameters.gain_equalize || clt_parameters.colors_equalize){ channelGainsEqualize( clt_parameters.gain_equalize, clt_parameters.colors_equalize, clt_parameters.nosat_equalize, // boolean nosat_equalize, channelFiles, imp_srcs, saturation_imp, // boolean[][] saturated, setNames.get(nSet), // just for debug messeges == setNames.get(nSet) debugLevel); } // once per quad here cltDisparityScan( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, // convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 scaleExposures, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+fileIndices.length+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (eyesisCorrections.stopRequested.get()>0) { System.out.println("User requested stop"); return; } } System.out.println("cltDisparityScans(): processing "+fileIndices.length+" files finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public ImagePlus [] cltDisparityScan( ImagePlus [] imp_quad, // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.NonlinParameters nonlinParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 double [] scaleExposures, // probably not needed here final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel){ ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? // may use this.StartTime to report intermediate steps execution times String name=(String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("name"); // int channel= Integer.parseInt((String) imp_src.getProperty("channel")); String path= (String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("path"); ImagePlus [] results = new ImagePlus[imp_quad.length]; for (int i = 0; i < results.length; i++) { results[i] = imp_quad[i]; results[i].setTitle(results[i].getTitle()+"RAW"); } if (debugLevel>1) System.out.println("processing: "+path); double [][][] double_stacks = new double [imp_quad.length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks.length; i++){ double_stacks[i] = eyesisCorrections.bayerToDoubleStack( imp_quad[i], // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) null); // no margins, no oversample } // ================= ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); for (int i = 0; i < double_stacks.length; i++){ for (int j =0 ; j < double_stacks[i][0].length; j++){ double_stacks[i][2][j]*=0.5; // Scale green 0.5 to compensate more pixels than R,B } } setTiles (imp_quad[0], // set global tp.tilesX, tp.tilesY clt_parameters, threadsMax); final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); // temporary setting up tile task file (one integer per tile, bitmask // for testing defined for a window, later the tiles to process will be calculated based on previous passes results int [][] tile_op = tp.setSameTileOp(clt_parameters, clt_parameters.tile_task_op, debugLevel); //TODO: Add array of default disparity - use for combining images in force disparity mode (no correlation), when disparity is predicted from other tiles // undecided, so 2 modes of combining alpha - same as rgb, or use center tile only double [][][][] clt_corr_combo = new double [ImageDtt.TCORR_TITLES.length][tilesY][tilesX][]; // will only be used inside? double min_corr_selected = clt_parameters.min_corr; double [][][] disparity_maps = new double [clt_parameters.disp_scan_count][ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES.length][]; //[0] -residual disparity, [1] - orthogonal (just for debugging) double [][][] clt_mismatches = new double [clt_parameters.disp_scan_count][12][]; for (int scan_step = 0; scan_step < clt_parameters.disp_scan_count; scan_step++) { double disparity = clt_parameters.disp_scan_start + scan_step * clt_parameters.disp_scan_step; double [][] disparity_array = tp.setSameDisparity(disparity); // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX] - individual per-tile expected disparity double [][] shiftXY = new double [4][2]; if (!clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore) { double [][] shiftXY0 = { {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3}}; shiftXY = shiftXY0; } // final double disparity_corr = (clt_parameters.z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/clt_parameters.z_correction); double z_correction = clt_parameters.z_correction; if (clt_parameters.z_corr_map.containsKey(image_name)){ z_correction +=clt_parameters.z_corr_map.get(image_name); } final double disparity_corr = (z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/z_correction); image_dtt.clt_aberrations_quad_corr( clt_parameters.img_dtt, // final ImageDttParameters imgdtt_params, // Now just extra correlation parameters, later will include, most others 1, // final int macro_scale, // to correlate tile data instead of the pixel data: 1 - pixels, 8 - tiles tile_op, // per-tile operation bit codes disparity_array, // clt_parameters.disparity, // final double disparity, double_stacks, // final double [][][] imade_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null // correlation results - final and partial clt_corr_combo, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate null, // clt_corr_partial, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][quad]color][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate clt_mismatches[scan_step], // null, [12][tilesY * tilesX] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate // Use it with disparity_maps[scan_step]? clt_mismatch, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair]{dx,dy,weight}[(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate disparity_maps[scan_step], // [2][tp.tilesY * tp.tilesX] null, //texture_tiles, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]["RGBA".length()][]; imp_quad[0].getWidth(), // final int width, clt_parameters.fat_zero, // add to denominator to modify phase correlation (same units as data1, data2). <0 - pure sum clt_parameters.corr_sym, clt_parameters.corr_offset, clt_parameters.corr_red, clt_parameters.corr_blue, clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_parameters.corr_normalize, // normalize correlation results by rms min_corr_selected, // 0.0001; // minimal correlation value to consider valid clt_parameters.max_corr_sigma,// 1.5; // weights of points around global max to find fractional clt_parameters.max_corr_radius, // clt_parameters.enhortho_width, // 2; // reduce weight of center correlation pixels from center (0 - none, 1 - center, 2 +/-1 from center) // clt_parameters.enhortho_scale, // 0.2; // multiply center correlation pixels (inside enhortho_width) clt_parameters.max_corr_double, // Double pass when masking center of mass to reduce preference for integer values clt_parameters.corr_mode, // Correlation mode: 0 - integer max, 1 - center of mass, 2 - polynomial clt_parameters.min_shot, // 10.0; // Do not adjust for shot noise if lower than clt_parameters.scale_shot, // 3.0; // scale when dividing by sqrt ( <0 - disable correction) clt_parameters.diff_sigma, // 5.0;//RMS difference from average to reduce weights (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_threshold, // 5.0; // RMS difference from average to discard channel (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_gauss, // true; // when averaging images, use gaussian around average as weight (false - sharp all/nothing) clt_parameters.min_agree, // 3.0; // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) clt_parameters.dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average clt_parameters.keep_weights, // Add port weights to RGBA stack (debug feature) geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, null, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // if not null correct this camera (aux) to the coordinates of the main clt_kernels, // final double [][][][][][] clt_kernels, // [channel_in_quad][color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, shiftXY, // disparity_corr, // final double disparity_corr, // disparity at infinity (clt_parameters.fcorr_ignore? null: this.fine_corr), clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // still not understood coefficient that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 0.85 clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve // (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); } double [][] clt_mismatch = new double [12][tilesX*tilesY]; for (int pair = 0; pair < 4; pair++){ for (int scan_step = 0; scan_step < clt_parameters.disp_scan_count; scan_step++){ for (int i = 0; i < tilesX * tilesY; i++){ double w = clt_mismatches[scan_step][3 * pair + 2][i]; clt_mismatch[3 * pair + 0][i] += clt_mismatches[scan_step][3 * pair + 0][i] * w; clt_mismatch[3 * pair + 1][i] += clt_mismatches[scan_step][3 * pair + 1][i] * w; clt_mismatch[3 * pair + 2][i] += w; } } } for (int pair = 0; pair < 4; pair++){ for (int i = 0; i < tilesX * tilesY; i++){ double w = clt_mismatch[3 * pair + 2][i]; if (w != 0.0){ clt_mismatch[3 * pair + 0][i] /= w; clt_mismatch[3 * pair + 1][i] /= w; } } } if (clt_mismatches != null) { // now always AlignmentCorrection ac = new AlignmentCorrection(this); double [][] scans = ac.combineCltMismatches( clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, clt_mismatches, // double [][][] clt_mismatches, disparity_maps, // double [][][] disparity_maps, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // int disparity_index, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX); // int strength_index) if (clt_parameters.fine_dbg) { ac.showCltMismatches( "clt_mismatches", // String title, clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, scans, // double [][] combo_data, tp.getTilesX(), tp.getTilesY()); if (debugLevel > 1) { ac.showCltMismatch( "clt_mismatch", // String title, clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, clt_mismatch, // double [][][] clt_mismatch) tp.getTilesX(), tp.getTilesY()); } } // TODO: Add automatic run of the lazy eye here if (true) { System.out.println("=== Calculating lazy eye correction ==="); // final int nTiles =tilesX * tilesY; double [][] disp_strength = ac.getFineCorrFromDoubleArray( scans, // double [][] data, tilesX, // int tilesX, debugLevel); // int debugLevel) double [][][] new_corr = ac.lazyEyeCorrection( clt_parameters.ly_poly, // final boolean use_poly, true, // final boolean restore_disp_inf, // Restore subtracted disparity for scan #0 (infinity) clt_parameters.fcorr_radius, // final double fcorr_radius, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double min_strenth, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_diff, // final double max_diff, // 1.3, // final double comp_strength_var, clt_parameters.inf_iters, // 20, // 0, // final int max_iterations, clt_parameters.inf_final_diff, // 0.0001, // final double max_coeff_diff, clt_parameters.inf_far_pull, // 0.0, // 0.25, // final double far_pull, // = 0.2; // 1; // 0.5; clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // 1.0, // final double strength_pow, 0.8*clt_parameters.disp_scan_step, // 1.5, // final double lazyEyeCompDiff, // clt_parameters.fcorr_disp_diff clt_parameters.ly_smpl_side, // 3, // final int lazyEyeSmplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_num, // 5, // final int lazyEyeSmplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // final double lazyEyeSmplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample clt_parameters.ly_disp_var, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispVariation, // 0.2, maximal full disparity difference between tgh tile and 8 neighborxs clt_parameters.ly_disp_rvar, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispRelVariation, // 0.02 Maximal relative full disparity difference to 8 neighbors clt_parameters.ly_norm_disp, // final double ly_norm_disp, // = 5.0; // Reduce weight of higher disparity tiles clt_parameters.inf_smpl_side, // 3, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_num, // 5, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // 0.05, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample // histogram parameters clt_parameters.ih_smpl_step, // 8, // final int hist_smpl_side, // 8 x8 masked, 16x16 sampled clt_parameters.ih_disp_min, // -1.0, // final double hist_disp_min, clt_parameters.ih_disp_step, // 0.05, // final double hist_disp_step, clt_parameters.ih_num_bins, // 40, // final int hist_num_bins, clt_parameters.ih_sigma, // 0.1, // final double hist_sigma, clt_parameters.ih_max_diff, // 0.1, // final double hist_max_diff, clt_parameters.ih_min_samples, // 10, // final int hist_min_samples, clt_parameters.ih_norm_center, // true, // final boolean hist_norm_center, // if there are more tiles that fit than min_samples, replace with clt_parameters.ly_inf_frac, // 0.5, // final double inf_fraction, // fraction of the weight for the infinity tiles clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, disp_strength, // scans, // double [][] disp_strength, null, // double [][] target_disparity, // null or programmed disparity (1 per each 14 entries of scans_14) tilesX, // int tilesX, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // double magic_coeff, // still not understood coefficent that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 8.5 debugLevel + (clt_parameters.fine_dbg ? 1:0)); // int debugLevel) if (clt_parameters.ly_on_scan && clt_parameters.ly_poly && (new_corr != null)) { if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("=== Applying lazy eye correction === "); } apply_fine_corr( new_corr, debugLevel + 2); } else { if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("=== SKIPPING application of the lazy eye correction because \"ly_on_scan\" is not set=== "); } } } } int [] disp_indices = { ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_INT, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_POLY, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_VARIATIONS_INDEX}; String [] disparity_titles = new String [disp_indices.length]; for (int i = 0; i < disparity_titles.length; i++ ) disparity_titles[i] = ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES[i]; // 2,4,6,7}; String [] disparities_titles = new String [disparity_titles.length * clt_parameters.disp_scan_count]; double [][] disparities_maps = new double [disparity_titles.length * clt_parameters.disp_scan_count][]; int indx = 0; for (int scan_step = 0; scan_step < clt_parameters.disp_scan_count; scan_step++) { double disparity = clt_parameters.disp_scan_start + scan_step * clt_parameters.disp_scan_step; for (int i = 0; i < disparity_titles.length; i++){ disparities_titles[indx] = disparity_titles[i]+"_"+disparity; disparities_maps[indx++] = disparity_maps[scan_step][disp_indices[i]]; } } if (!clt_parameters.ly_on_scan) { // do not show if scan ran for the lazy eye correction ImageStack array_stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( disparities_maps, tilesX, tilesY, disparities_titles); ImagePlus imp_stack = new ImagePlus( name+"-DISP_MAPS", array_stack); imp_stack.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); imp_stack.updateAndDraw(); //imp_stack.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); //; eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(imp_stack, this.correctionsParameters); // process scan results double [][] scan_trends = process_disparity_scan( disparities_maps, clt_parameters.disp_scan_step, clt_parameters.disp_scan_start, 0.0); // min_corr_selected); // all what is remaining String [] trend_titles={"b_cm","b_poly","a_cm","a_poly","rms_cm","rms_poly","strength","samples"}; ImageStack trends_stack = sdfa_instance.makeStack( scan_trends, tilesX, tilesY, trend_titles); ImagePlus imp_stack_trends = new ImagePlus( name+"-DISP_TRENDS", trends_stack); imp_stack_trends.getProcessor().resetMinAndMax(); imp_stack_trends.updateAndDraw(); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow(imp_stack_trends, this.correctionsParameters); } return results; } public void process_infinity_corr( //from existing image EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, int debugLevel ) { ImagePlus imp_src = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp_src==null){ IJ.showMessage("Error","14*n-layer file with disparities/strengthspairs measured at infinity is required"); return; } ImageStack disp_strength_stack= imp_src.getStack(); final int tilesX = disp_strength_stack.getWidth(); // tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = disp_strength_stack.getHeight(); // tp.getTilesY(); final int nTiles =tilesX * tilesY; final int num_scans = disp_strength_stack.getSize()/AlignmentCorrection.NUM_ALL_SLICES; final double [][] inf_disp_strength = new double [AlignmentCorrection.NUM_SLICES * num_scans][nTiles]; for (int n = 0; n < disp_strength_stack.getSize(); n++){ float [] fpixels = (float[]) disp_strength_stack.getPixels(n +1); for (int i = 0; i < nTiles; i++){ inf_disp_strength[n][i] = fpixels[i]; } } if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("process_infinity_corr(): proocessing "+num_scans+" disparity/strength pairs"); } AlignmentCorrection ac = new AlignmentCorrection(this); // includes both infinity correction and mismatch correction for the same infinity tiles //FIXME: Here disparity now should be restored in dxy... double [][][] new_corr = ac.infinityCorrection( clt_parameters.ly_poly, // final boolean use_poly, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double min_strenth, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_diff, // final double max_diff, clt_parameters.inf_iters, // 20, // 0, // final int max_iterations, clt_parameters.inf_final_diff, // 0.0001, // final double max_coeff_diff, clt_parameters.inf_far_pull, // 0.0, // 0.25, // final double far_pull, // = 0.2; // 1; // 0.5; clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // 1.0, // final double strength_pow, clt_parameters.inf_smpl_side, // 3, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_num, // 5, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // 0.05, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample // histogram parameters clt_parameters.ih_smpl_step, // 8, // final int hist_smpl_side, // 8 x8 masked, 16x16 sampled clt_parameters.ih_disp_min, // -1.0, // final double hist_disp_min, clt_parameters.ih_disp_step, // 0.05, // final double hist_disp_step, clt_parameters.ih_num_bins, // 40, // final int hist_num_bins, clt_parameters.ih_sigma, // 0.1, // final double hist_sigma, clt_parameters.ih_max_diff, // 0.1, // final double hist_max_diff, clt_parameters.ih_min_samples, // 10, // final int hist_min_samples, clt_parameters.ih_norm_center, // true, // final boolean hist_norm_center, // if there are more tiles that fit than min_samples, replace with clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, inf_disp_strength, // double [][] disp_strength, tilesX, // int tilesX, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // double magic_coeff, // still not understood coefficent that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 8.5 debugLevel + 1); // int debugLevel) if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("process_infinity_corr(): ready to apply infinity correction"); show_fine_corr( new_corr, // double [][][] corr, "");// String prefix) } if (debugLevel > -100){ apply_fine_corr( new_corr, debugLevel + 2); } } public void processLazyEye( boolean dry_run, EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, int debugLevel ) { ImagePlus imp_src = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); if (imp_src==null){ IJ.showMessage("Error","2*n-layer file with disparities/strengthspairs measured at infinity is required"); return; } ImageStack disp_strength_stack= imp_src.getStack(); final int tilesX = disp_strength_stack.getWidth(); // tp.getTilesX(); AlignmentCorrection ac = new AlignmentCorrection(this); double [][] scans = ac.getDoubleFromImage( imp_src, debugLevel); double [][] disp_strength = ac.getFineCorrFromDoubleArray( scans, // double [][] data, tilesX, // int tilesX, debugLevel); // int debugLevel) double [][][] new_corr = ac.lazyEyeCorrection( clt_parameters.ly_poly, // final boolean use_poly, true, // final boolean restore_disp_inf, // Restore subtracted disparity for scan #0 (infinity) clt_parameters.fcorr_radius, // final double fcorr_radius, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double min_strenth, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_diff, // final double max_diff, clt_parameters.inf_iters, // 20, // 0, // final int max_iterations, clt_parameters.inf_final_diff, // 0.0001, // final double max_coeff_diff, clt_parameters.inf_far_pull, // 0.0, // 0.25, // final double far_pull, // = 0.2; // 1; // 0.5; clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // 1.0, // final double strength_pow, 0.8*clt_parameters.disp_scan_step, // clt_parameters.ly_meas_disp, // 1.5, // final double lazyEyeCompDiff, // clt_parameters.fcorr_disp_diff clt_parameters.ly_smpl_side, // 3, // final int lazyEyeSmplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_num, // 5, // final int lazyEyeSmplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // final double lazyEyeSmplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample clt_parameters.ly_disp_var, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispVariation, // 0.2, maximal full disparity difference between tgh tile and 8 neighbors clt_parameters.ly_disp_rvar, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispRelVariation, // 0.02 Maximal relative full disparity difference to 8 neighbors clt_parameters.ly_norm_disp, // final double ly_norm_disp, // = 5.0; // Reduce weight of higher disparity tiles clt_parameters.inf_smpl_side, // 3, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_num, // 5, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // 0.05, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample // histogram parameters clt_parameters.ih_smpl_step, // 8, // final int hist_smpl_side, // 8 x8 masked, 16x16 sampled clt_parameters.ih_disp_min, // -1.0, // final double hist_disp_min, clt_parameters.ih_disp_step, // 0.05, // final double hist_disp_step, clt_parameters.ih_num_bins, // 40, // final int hist_num_bins, clt_parameters.ih_sigma, // 0.1, // final double hist_sigma, clt_parameters.ih_max_diff, // 0.1, // final double hist_max_diff, clt_parameters.ih_min_samples, // 10, // final int hist_min_samples, clt_parameters.ih_norm_center, // true, // final boolean hist_norm_center, // if there are more tiles that fit than min_samples, replace with clt_parameters.ly_inf_frac, // 0.5, // final double inf_fraction, // fraction of the weight for the infinity tiles clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, disp_strength, // scans, // double [][] disp_strength, null, // double [][] target_disparity, // null or programmed disparity (1 per each 14 entries of scans_14) tilesX, // int tilesX, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // double magic_coeff, // still not understood coefficent that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 8.5 debugLevel + (clt_parameters.fine_dbg ? 1:0)); // int debugLevel) if (!dry_run && clt_parameters.ly_poly && (new_corr != null)){ apply_fine_corr( new_corr, debugLevel + 2); } } public double [][] process_disparity_scan( double [][] disparities_maps, double disp_step, double disp_start, double min_strength) { final int num_items = 5; final int index_strength = 3; final int index_cm = 1; final int index_poly = 1; final int ind_b_cm = 0; final int ind_b_poly = 1; final int ind_a_cm = 2; final int ind_a_poly = 3; final int ind_rms_cm = 4; final int ind_rms_poly = 5; final int ind_strength = 6; final int ind_samples = 7; final int num_steps = disparities_maps.length / num_items; // int, cm, poly, strength, variety final int disp_len = disparities_maps[0].length; double [][] rslt = new double [8][disp_len]; for (int i = 0; i < disp_len; i++){ double s0 = 0.0, sx = 0.0, sx2 = 0.0, sy_cm = 0.0, sxy_cm = 0.0, sy_poly = 0.0, sxy_poly = 0.0; int samples = 0; for (int step = 0; step < num_steps; step++ ){ double wi = disparities_maps[num_items*step + index_strength][i]; if (wi > min_strength) { double xi = disp_start + step * disp_step; double yi_cm = disparities_maps[num_items*step + index_cm][i]; double yi_poly = disparities_maps[num_items*step + index_poly][i]; if (Double.isNaN(yi_cm) || Double.isNaN(yi_poly)) continue; s0 += wi; sx += wi*xi; sx2 += wi*xi*xi; sy_cm += wi*yi_cm; sxy_cm += wi*xi*yi_cm; sy_poly += wi*yi_poly; sxy_poly += wi*xi*yi_poly; samples++; } } double denom = (s0*sx2 - sx*sx); rslt[ind_strength][i] = s0; rslt[ind_samples][i] = samples; if (denom != 0.0) { rslt[ind_a_cm][i] = (s0*sxy_cm - sx*sy_cm) / denom; rslt[ind_b_cm][i] = (sy_cm*sx2 - sx*sxy_cm) / denom; rslt[ind_a_poly][i] = (s0*sxy_poly - sx*sy_poly) / denom; rslt[ind_b_poly][i] = (sy_poly*sx2 - sx*sxy_poly) / denom; rslt[ind_rms_cm][i] = 0.0; rslt[ind_rms_poly][i] = 0.0; for (int step = 0; step < num_steps; step++ ){ double wi = disparities_maps[num_items*step + index_strength][i]; if (wi > min_strength) { double xi = disp_start + step * disp_step; double yi_cm = disparities_maps[num_items*step + index_cm][i]; double yi_poly = disparities_maps[num_items*step + index_poly][i]; if (Double.isNaN(yi_cm) || Double.isNaN(yi_poly)) continue; double d_cm = yi_cm - (rslt[ind_a_cm][i]*xi +rslt[ind_b_cm][i]); double d_poly = yi_poly - (rslt[ind_a_poly][i]*xi +rslt[ind_b_poly][i]); rslt[ind_rms_cm][i] += wi*d_cm*d_cm; rslt[ind_rms_poly][i] += wi*d_poly*d_poly; } } rslt[ind_rms_cm][i] = Math.sqrt(rslt[ind_rms_cm][i]/s0); rslt[ind_rms_poly][i] = Math.sqrt(rslt[ind_rms_cm][i]/s0); } else { rslt[ind_a_cm][i] = Double.NaN; rslt[ind_b_cm][i] = Double.NaN; rslt[ind_a_poly][i] = Double.NaN; rslt[ind_b_poly][i] = Double.NaN; rslt[ind_rms_cm][i] = Double.NaN; rslt[ind_rms_poly][i] = Double.NaN; } } return rslt; } public void showCLTPlanes( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { this.startStepTime=System.nanoTime(); if (tp == null){ System.out.println("showCLTPlanes(): tp is null"); return; } if (tp.clt_3d_passes == null){ System.out.println("showCLTPlanes(): tp.clt_3d_passes is null"); return; } tp.showPlanes( clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, threadsMax, updateStatus, // false, // batch_mode debugLevel); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); System.out.println("showCLTPlanes(): processing finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startStepTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public double [][] assignCLTPlanes( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { if (tp == null){ System.out.println("showCLTPlanes(): tp is null"); return null; } if (tp.clt_3d_passes == null){ System.out.println("showCLTPlanes(): tp.clt_3d_passes is null"); return null; } this.startStepTime=System.nanoTime(); double [][] assign_dbg = tp.assignTilesToSurfaces( clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, threadsMax, updateStatus, // false, // boolean batch_mode, debugLevel); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); System.out.println("assignCLTPlanes(): processing finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startStepTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); return assign_dbg; } public void out3d_old( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { if (tp == null){ System.out.println("showCLTPlanes(): tp is null"); return; } if (tp.clt_3d_passes == null){ System.out.println("showCLTPlanes(): tp.clt_3d_passes is null"); return; } tp.showPlanes( clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, threadsMax, updateStatus, // false, // batch_mode debugLevel); // CLTPass3d last_scan = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(tp.clt_3d_passes.size() -1); // get last one } public void processCLTQuads3d( boolean adjust_extrinsics, boolean adjust_poly, TwoQuadCLT twoQuadCLT, //maybe null in no-rig mode, otherwise may contain rig measurements to be used as infinity ground truth EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.EquirectangularParameters equirectangularParameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { this.startTime=System.nanoTime(); String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); SetChannels [] set_channels=setChannels(debugLevel); if ((set_channels == null) || (set_channels.length==0)) { System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return; } double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) for (int nSet = 0; nSet < set_channels.length; nSet++){ int [] channelFiles = set_channels[nSet].fileNumber(); boolean [][] saturation_imp = (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0)? new boolean[channelFiles.length][] : null; double [] scaleExposures = new double[channelFiles.length]; ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = conditionImageSet( clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, sourceFiles, // String [] sourceFiles, set_channels[nSet].name(), // String set_name, referenceExposures, // double [] referenceExposures, channelFiles, // int [] channelFiles, scaleExposures, //output // double [] scaleExposures saturation_imp, //output // boolean [][] saturation_imp, debugLevel); // int debugLevel); // if (adjust_extrinsics && (debugLevel >-2)) { // boolean tmp_exit = (debugLevel > -10); // == true; // System.out.println("processCLTQuads3d(): adjust_extrinsics="+adjust_extrinsics); // if (tmp_exit) { // System.out.println("will now exit. To continue - change variable tmp_exit in debugger" ); // if (tmp_exit) { // return; // } // } // } boolean use_rig = (twoQuadCLT != null) && (twoQuadCLT.getBiScan(0) != null); if (!adjust_extrinsics || !use_rig) { // Difficult to fix: adjust extrinsics for aux - when it is adjusted alone, it will not match tiles to those of a rig! // can use only far tiles with small gradients? // once per quad here preExpandCLTQuad3d( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, debayerParameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // adjust extrinsics here } if (adjust_extrinsics) { if (use_rig) { System.out.println("Adjust extrinsics using rig data here"); extrinsicsCLTfromGT( twoQuadCLT, // TwoQuadCLT twoQuadCLT, //maybe null in no-rig mode, otherwise may contain rig measurements to be used as infinity ground truth clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, adjust_poly, threadsMax, //final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus,// final boolean updateStatus, debugLevel + 2); // final int debugLevel) } else { System.out.println("Adjust extrinsics here"); extrinsicsCLT( // twoQuadCLT, // TwoQuadCLT twoQuadCLT, //maybe null in no-rig mode, otherwise may contain rig measurements to be used as infinity ground truth clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, adjust_poly, threadsMax, //final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus,// final boolean updateStatus, debugLevel); // final int debugLevel) } } else { expandCLTQuad3d( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown clt_parameters, debayerParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); } Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); // if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+setNames.size()+") finished at "+ // IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (debugLevel >-1) System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+set_channels.length+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (eyesisCorrections.stopRequested.get()>0) { System.out.println("User requested stop"); return; } } // System.out.println("Processing "+fileIndices.length+" files finished at "+ // IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); System.out.println("Processing "+getTotalFiles(set_channels)+" files finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public boolean preExpandCLTQuad3d( ImagePlus [] imp_quad, // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { this.startStepTime=System.nanoTime(); final boolean show_init_refine = clt_parameters.show_init_refine; //max_expand String name = (String) imp_quad[0].getProperty("name"); double [][][] image_data = new double [imp_quad.length][][]; for (int i = 0; i < image_data.length; i++){ image_data[i] = eyesisCorrections.bayerToDoubleStack( imp_quad[i], // source Bayer image, linearized, 32-bit (float)) null); // no margins, no oversample } for (int i = 0; i < image_data.length; i++){ for (int j =0 ; j < image_data[i][0].length; j++){ image_data[i][2][j]*=0.5; // Scale green 0.5 to compensate more pixels than R,B } } setTiles (imp_quad[0], // set global tp.tilesX, tp.tilesY clt_parameters, threadsMax); this.image_name = name; this.image_data = image_data; this.saturation_imp = saturation_imp; tp.resetCLTPasses(); tp.setTrustedCorrelation(clt_parameters.grow_disp_trust); CLTPass3d bgnd_data = CLTBackgroundMeas( // measure background image_data, // saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); tp.clt_3d_passes.add(bgnd_data); // if (show_init_refine) if ((debugLevel > -2) && clt_parameters.show_first_bg) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(0), // CLTPass3d scan, "bgnd_data-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); } //TODO: Move away from here? boolean no_image_save = true; ImagePlus imp_bgnd = getBackgroundImage( no_image_save, // boolean no_image, clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, name, // .getTitle(), //String name=(String) imp_src.getProperty("name"); ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // if (debugLevel > -100) { // return null; // } bgnd_data.texture = (imp_bgnd == null)? null: ( imp_bgnd.getTitle()+ (clt_parameters.black_back? ".jpeg" : ".png")); // create x3d file X3dOutput x3dOutput = new X3dOutput( clt_parameters, correctionsParameters, geometryCorrection, tp.clt_3d_passes); x3dOutput.generateBackground(clt_parameters.infinityDistance <= 0.0); // needs just first (background) scan /* */ // refine first measurement int bg_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size() - 1; // 0 int refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1 // final boolean show_init_refine = true; // final boolean show_expand = true; // if (show_init_refine) if (debugLevel > -1) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_bg-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); } // final double weight_var = 1.0; // 1.0; // weight of variance data (old, detects thin wires?) // final double weight_Y = 1.0; // weight of average intensity // final double weight_RBmG = 5.0; // weight of average color difference (0.5*(R+B)-G), shoukld be ~5*weight_Y // TODO: Make double pass - with only weight_var (thin wires) and weight_Y, weight_RBmG - larger objects // just use two instances of MacroCorrelation, run one after another (move code to MacroCorrelation class) // and then join MacroCorrelation mc = new MacroCorrelation( tp, clt_parameters.mc_disp8_trust, clt_parameters.mc_weight_var, // final double weight_var, // weight of variance data (old, detects thin wires?) clt_parameters.mc_weight_Y, // final double weight_Y, // weight of average intensity clt_parameters.mc_weight_RBmG // final double weight_RBmG, // weight of average color difference (0.5*(R+B)-G), shoukld be ~5*weight_Y ); double [][][] input_data = mc.CLTMacroSetData( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity bgnd_data); // final CLTPass3d src_scan, // results of the normal correlations (now expecting infinity) // null); // final double [][][] other_channels, // other channels to correlate, such as average RGB (first index - subcamera, 2-nd - channel, 3-rd - pixel) TileProcessor mtp = mc.CLTMacroScan( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity bgnd_data, // final CLTPass3d src_scan, // results of the normal correlations (now expecting infinity) clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, 0.0, // final double macro_disparity_low, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max / tp.getTileSize(), // final double macro_disparity_high, clt_parameters.mc_disp8_step, // final double macro_disparity_step, debugLevel); // 1); // final int debugLevel){ CLTPass3d macro_combo = mtp.compositeScan( mtp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, 0, // final int firstPass, mtp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, mtp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation, mtp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure, 0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max / tp.getTileSize(), // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.mc_strength, // final double minStrength, Double.NaN, // clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, Double.NaN, // clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, // maybe temporarily? later keep weak? true, // final boolean no_weak, false, // final boolean use_last, // // TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard) false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false true, // final boolean copyDebug) debugLevel); mtp.clt_3d_passes.add(macro_combo); if (clt_parameters.show_macro) { mtp.showScan( macro_combo, // CLTPass3d scan, "macro_combo-"+mtp.clt_3d_passes.size()); } for (int num_try = 0; num_try < 100; num_try++) { CLTPass3d refined_macro = mc.refineMacro( input_data, // final double [][][] input_data, clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, clt_parameters.mc_disp8_trust, // final double trustedCorrelation, 0, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max / tp.getTileSize(), // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.mc_strength, // final double minStrength, clt_parameters.mc_unique_tol, // final double unique_tolerance, 1); // final int debugLevel) if (refined_macro == null) break; mtp.clt_3d_passes.add(refined_macro); if (clt_parameters.show_macro) { mtp.showScan( refined_macro, // CLTPass3d scan, "refined_macro-"+mtp.clt_3d_passes.size()); } } CLTPass3d macro_combo1 = mtp.compositeScan( mtp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, 0, // final int firstPass, mtp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, mtp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation, mtp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure, 0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max / tp.getTileSize(), // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.mc_strength, // final double minStrength, Double.NaN, // clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, Double.NaN, // clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, // maybe temporarily? later keep weak? true, // final boolean no_weak, false, // final boolean use_last, // // TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard) false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false true, // final boolean copyDebug) debugLevel); mtp.clt_3d_passes.add(macro_combo1); if (clt_parameters.show_macro) { mtp.showScan( macro_combo1, // CLTPass3d scan, "macro_combo-"+mtp.clt_3d_passes.size()); } ArrayList <CLTPass3d> new_meas = mc.prepareMeasurementsFromMacro( mtp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> macro_passes, // macro correlation measurements // in pixels 3.0, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.mc_strength, // final double minStrength, clt_parameters.mc_strength, //final double mc_trust_fin, // = 0.3; // When consolidating macro results, exclude high residual disparity clt_parameters.mc_strength, //final double mc_trust_sigma, // = 0.2; // Gaussian sigma to reduce weight of large residual disparity clt_parameters.mc_strength, //final double mc_ortho_weight, // = 0.5; // Weight from ortho neighbor supertiles clt_parameters.mc_strength, //final double mc_diag_weight, // = 0.25; // Weight from diagonal neighbor supertiles clt_parameters.mc_strength, //final double mc_gap, // = 0.4; // Do not remove measurements farther from the kept ones false, // final boolean usePoly, // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false true, // final boolean sort_disparity, // sort results for increasing disparity (false - decreasing strength) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_x, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_y, debugLevel); // final int debugLevel); System.out.println("new_meas.size()="+new_meas.size()); int indx = 0; if (clt_parameters.show_macro) { for (CLTPass3d pass: new_meas) { tp.showScan( pass, // CLTPass3d scan, "meas-"+(indx++)); } } int num_macro_refine = 3; for (CLTPass3d from_macro_pass: new_meas) { for (int nnn = 0; nnn < num_macro_refine; nnn ++){ // refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1 CLTPass3d refined = tp.refinePassSetup( // prepare tile tasks for the refine pass (re-measure disparities) // final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad clt_parameters, clt_parameters.stUseRefine, // use supertiles bg_pass, // disparity range - differences from clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // double disparity_far, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, //double disparity_near, // clt_parameters.ex_strength, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely good clt_parameters.ex_nstrength, // double ex_nstrength, // minimal 4-corr strength divided by channel diff for new (border) tiles clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background clt_parameters.sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd clt_parameters.pt_super_trust, // final double super_trust, // If strength exceeds ex_strength * super_trust, do not apply ex_nstrength and plate_ds // using plates disparity/strength - averaged for small square sets of tiles. If null - just use raw tiles null, // final double [][] plate_ds, // disparity/strength last time measured for the multi-tile squares. Strength =-1 - not measured. May be null true, // final boolean keep_raw_fg, // do not replace raw tiles by the plates, if raw is closer (like poles) 0.0, // final double scale_filtered_strength_pre, // scale plate_ds[1] before comparing to raw strength 0.0, // final double scale_filtered_strength_post,// scale plate_ds[1] when replacing raw (generally plate_ds is more reliable if it exists) ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) geometryCorrection, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); //2); tp.clt_3d_passes.add(refined); /// if (debugLevel > 1) // if (debugLevel > 0) if ((debugLevel > -2) && clt_parameters.show_first_bg) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "before_makeUnique-"+refine_pass); int [] numLeftRemoved = tp.makeUnique( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, 0, // final int firstPass, refine_pass, // - 1, // final int lastPassPlus1, tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d new_scan, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double grow_disp_max, clt_parameters.gr_unique_tol, // final double unique_tolerance, clt_parameters.show_unique); // final boolean show_unique) if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("cycle makeUnique("+refine_pass+") -> left: "+numLeftRemoved[0]+", removed:" + numLeftRemoved[1]); } if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_refinePassSetup-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, //final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, refine_pass, false, // true, // final boolean save_textures, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("CLTMeasure("+refine_pass+")"); } if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_measure-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); if (nnn < (num_macro_refine-1)) { // if (clt_parameters.combine_refine){ CLTPass3d combo_pass = tp.compositeScan( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, bg_pass, // final int firstPass, tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, // tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_pass).getSelected(), // selected , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); // clt_parameters.ex_min_over,// final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation, tp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure, 0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength, clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, false, // final boolean no_weak, false, // final boolean use_last, // // TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard) false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false true, // final boolean copyDebug) debugLevel); if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan( combo_pass, // CLTPass3d scan, "after_compositeScan-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); tp.clt_3d_passes.add(combo_pass); } } // add new scan from macro tp.clt_3d_passes.add(from_macro_pass); CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, //final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, tp.clt_3d_passes.size() -1, // refine_pass, true, // final boolean save_textures, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("CLTMeasure("+refine_pass+")"); } if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_measure_macro-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); } /// Refining after all added if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("---- Refining after all added ----"); } // first ("before_makeUnique-41-" was empty) for (int nnn = 0; nnn < num_macro_refine; nnn ++){ // refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // 1 CLTPass3d refined = tp.refinePassSetup( // prepare tile tasks for the refine pass (re-measure disparities) // final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad clt_parameters, clt_parameters.stUseRefine, // use supertiles bg_pass, // disparity range - differences from clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // double disparity_far, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, //double disparity_near, // clt_parameters.ex_strength, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely good clt_parameters.ex_nstrength, // double ex_nstrength, // minimal 4-corr strength divided by channel diff for new (border) tiles clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background clt_parameters.sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd clt_parameters.pt_super_trust, // final double super_trust, // If strength exceeds ex_strength * super_trust, do not apply ex_nstrength and plate_ds // using plates disparity/strength - averaged for small square sets of tiles. If null - just use raw tiles null, // final double [][] plate_ds, // disparity/strength last time measured for the multi-tile squares. Strength =-1 - not measured. May be null true, // final boolean keep_raw_fg, // do not replace raw tiles by the plates, if raw is closer (like poles) 0.0, // final double scale_filtered_strength_pre, // scale plate_ds[1] before comparing to raw strength 0.0, // final double scale_filtered_strength_post,// scale plate_ds[1] when replacing raw (generally plate_ds is more reliable if it exists) ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) geometryCorrection, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); //2); tp.clt_3d_passes.add(refined); /// if (debugLevel > 1) if (debugLevel > 0) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "before_makeUnique-"+refine_pass); int [] numLeftRemoved = tp.makeUnique( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, 0, // final int firstPass, refine_pass, // - 1, // final int lastPassPlus1, tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d new_scan, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double grow_disp_max, clt_parameters.gr_unique_tol, // final double unique_tolerance, clt_parameters.show_unique); // final boolean show_unique) if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("cycle makeUnique("+refine_pass+") -> left: "+numLeftRemoved[0]+", removed:" + numLeftRemoved[1]); } if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_refinePassSetup-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, //final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, refine_pass, true, // final boolean save_textures, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevel); // if (debugLevel > -1){ if (debugLevel > -2){ System.out.println("?.CLTMeasure("+refine_pass+")"); } if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_measure-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); // if (nnn < (num_macro_refine-1)) { // if (clt_parameters.combine_refine){ CLTPass3d combo_pass = tp.compositeScan( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, bg_pass, // final int firstPass, tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, // tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_pass).getSelected(), // selected , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); // clt_parameters.ex_min_over,// final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation, tp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure, 0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength, clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, false, // final boolean no_weak, false, // final boolean use_last, // // TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard) false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false true, // final boolean copyDebug) debugLevel); if (show_init_refine) tp.showScan( combo_pass, // CLTPass3d scan, "after_compositeScan-"+tp.clt_3d_passes.size()); tp.clt_3d_passes.add(combo_pass); } ///// Refining after all added - end Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); System.out.println("preExpandCLTQuad3d(): processing finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startStepTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); return true; } // public ImagePlus expandCLTQuad3d( public boolean extrinsicsCLT( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, boolean adjust_poly, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run; int debugLevelInner = batch_mode ? -5: debugLevel; boolean update_disp_from_latest = clt_parameters.lym_update_disp ; // true; int max_tries = clt_parameters.lym_iter; // 25; double min_sym_update = clt_parameters.lym_change; // 4e-6; // stop iterations if no angle changes more than this double min_poly_update = clt_parameters.lym_poly_change; // Parameter vector difference to exit from polynomial correction int bg_scan = 0; int combo_scan= tp.clt_3d_passes.size()-1; if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_extrinsic && (debugLevel >-1)) { // if (!batch_mode && (debugLevel >-1)) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan), // CLTPass3d scan, "bg_scan"); //String title) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan), // CLTPass3d scan, "combo_scan-"+combo_scan); //String title) } boolean [] bg_sel = null; boolean [] bg_use = null; double [] combo_disp = null; double [] combo_str = null; boolean [] combo_use = null; double [] combo_overexp = null; int num_combo = 0; double [][] filtered_bgnd_disp_strength = tp.getFilteredDisparityStrength( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity bg_scan, // final int measured_scan_index, // will not look at higher scans 0, // final int start_scan_index, null , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); 0.0, // whatever as null above // clt_parameters.ex_min_over,// final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // final int disp_index, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX, // final int str_index, null, // final double [] tiltXY, // null - free with limit on both absolute (2.0?) and relative (0.2) values 0.5, // clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_diff, // tp.getTrustedCorrelation(),// final double trustedCorrelation, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double strength_floor, clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // final double strength_pow, clt_parameters.ly_smpl_side, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_num, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_rms, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample 0.0, // smplRelRms, // final double smplRelRms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms clt_parameters.fds_smpl_wnd, // final boolean smplWnd, // clt_parameters.fds_abs_tilt, // final double max_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile clt_parameters.fds_rel_tilt, // final double max_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile clt_parameters.tileX, // dbg_x, // final int dbg_x, clt_parameters.tileX, // dbg_y, // final int dbg_y, debugLevelInner); // final int debugLevel) // prepare re-measurements of background bg_sel = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).getSelected(); bg_use = new boolean [bg_sel.length]; // double [] bg_disp = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).getDisparity(0); double [] bg_str = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).getStrength(); double [] bg_overexp = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).getOverexposedFraction(); for (int nTile = 0 ; nTile < bg_use.length; nTile++) { if (bg_sel[nTile] && (filtered_bgnd_disp_strength[1][nTile] > 0.0) && (bg_str[nTile] > clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength) && ((bg_overexp == null) || (bg_overexp[nTile] < clt_parameters.lym_overexp)) ){ bg_use[nTile] = true; } } int num_bg = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).setTileOpDisparity( // other minimal strength? bg_use, // boolean [] selection, null); // double [] disparity); // null for 0 // Prepare measurement of combo-scan - remove low strength and what was used for background combo_disp = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getDisparity(0); combo_str = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getStrength(); combo_use = new boolean [bg_sel.length]; combo_overexp = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getOverexposedFraction(); for (int nTile = 0 ; nTile < bg_use.length; nTile++) { if (!bg_use[nTile] && (combo_str[nTile] > clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength) && ((combo_overexp == null) || (combo_overexp[nTile] < clt_parameters.lym_overexp)) ){ // other minimal strength? combo_use[nTile] = true; } } num_combo = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).setTileOpDisparity( combo_use, // boolean [] selection, combo_disp); // double [] disparity); if (debugLevel > -1) { System.out.println("Number of background tiles = " + num_bg+", number of lazy eye tiles = " + num_combo); } // measure combo CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, combo_scan, false, // final boolean save_textures, true, // final boolean save_corr, null, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] tp.threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch false, // updateStatus, debugLevelInner - 1); if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_extrinsic && (debugLevel >-1)) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan), // CLTPass3d scan, "bg_scan_post"); //String title) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan), // CLTPass3d scan, "combo_scan-"+combo_scan+"_post"); //String title) } double [][] filtered_combo_scand_isp_strength = tp.getFilteredDisparityStrength( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity combo_scan, // final int measured_scan_index, // will not look at higher scans 0, // final int start_scan_index, null , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); 0.02, // whatever as null above // clt_parameters.ex_min_over,// final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // final int disp_index, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX, // final int str_index, null, // final double [] tiltXY, // null - free with limit on both absolute (2.0?) and relative (0.2) values tp.getTrustedCorrelation(),// final double trustedCorrelation, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double strength_floor, clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // final double strength_pow, clt_parameters.ly_smpl_side, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_num, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_rms, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample 0.0, // smplRelRms, // final double smplRelRms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms clt_parameters.fds_smpl_wnd, // final boolean smplWnd, // clt_parameters.fds_abs_tilt, // final double max_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile clt_parameters.fds_rel_tilt, // final double max_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile clt_parameters.tileX, // dbg_x, // final int dbg_x, clt_parameters.tileX, // dbg_y, // final int dbg_y, debugLevelInner); // final int debugLevel) // update selection after filtering combo_disp = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getDisparity(0); combo_str = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getStrength(); combo_use = new boolean [bg_sel.length]; combo_overexp = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getOverexposedFraction(); for (int nTile = 0 ; nTile < bg_use.length; nTile++) { if (!bg_use[nTile] && (combo_str[nTile] > clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength) && (filtered_combo_scand_isp_strength[1][nTile] > 0) && ((combo_overexp == null) || (combo_overexp[nTile] < clt_parameters.lym_overexp)) ){ // other minimal strength? combo_use[nTile] = true; } } int num_combo1 = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).setTileOpDisparity( combo_use, // boolean [] selection, combo_disp); // double [] disparity); if (debugLevel > -1) { System.out.println("Updated number of lazy eye tiles = " + num_combo1+" (was "+num_combo+")"); } if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_extrinsic && (debugLevel >-1)) { String [] titles = {"bgnd_disp","bgnd_str","combo_disp","combo_str","bg_sel","bg_use","combo_use"}; double [] dbg_bg_sel = new double [bg_sel.length]; double [] dbg_bg_use = new double [bg_sel.length]; double [] dbg_combo_use = new double [bg_sel.length]; for (int i= 0; i < bg_sel.length; i++) { dbg_bg_sel[i] = bg_sel[i]? 1.0:0.0; //only sky, no far mountains (too high disparity!) dbg_bg_use[i] = bg_use[i]? 1.0:0.0; dbg_combo_use[i] = combo_use[i]? 1.0:0.0; } double [][]dbg_img = { filtered_bgnd_disp_strength[0], filtered_bgnd_disp_strength[1], filtered_combo_scand_isp_strength[0], filtered_combo_scand_isp_strength[1], dbg_bg_sel, dbg_bg_use, // too few dbg_combo_use}; (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_img, tp.getTilesX(), tp.getTilesY(), true, "extrinsics_bgnd_combo",titles); } AlignmentCorrection ac = new AlignmentCorrection(this); // iteration steps double comp_diff = min_sym_update + 1; // (> min_sym_update) for (int num_iter = 0; num_iter < max_tries; num_iter++){ if (update_disp_from_latest) { tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).updateDisparity(); } double [][] bg_mismatch = new double[12][]; double [][] combo_mismatch = new double[12][]; CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, bg_scan, false, // final boolean save_textures, true, // final boolean save_corr, bg_mismatch, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] tp.threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch false, // updateStatus, debugLevelInner - 1); CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, combo_scan, false, // final boolean save_textures, true, // final boolean save_corr, combo_mismatch, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] tp.threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch false, // updateStatus, debugLevelInner - 1); double [][] scans14 = new double [28][]; scans14[14 * 0 + 0] = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM]; // .getDisparity(0); scans14[14 * 0 + 1] = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).getStrength(); scans14[14 * 1 + 0] = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM]; scans14[14 * 1 + 1] = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getStrength(); for (int i = 0; i < bg_mismatch.length; i++) { scans14[14 * 0 + 2 + i] = bg_mismatch[i]; scans14[14 * 1 + 2 + i] = combo_mismatch[i]; } if (debugLevelInner > 0) { (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(scans14, tp.getTilesX(), tp.getTilesY(), true, "scans_14"); // , titles); } if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_extrinsic && (debugLevel > 1)) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan), // CLTPass3d scan, "bg_scan_iter"); //String title) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan), // CLTPass3d scan, "combo_scan-"+combo_scan+"_iter"); //String title) } double [][] target_disparity = {tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_scan).getDisparity(0), tp.clt_3d_passes.get(combo_scan).getDisparity(0)}; // TODO: fix above for using GT // use lazyEyeCorrectionFromGT(..) when ground truth data is available double [][][] new_corr = ac.lazyEyeCorrection( adjust_poly, // final boolean use_poly, true, // final boolean restore_disp_inf, // Restore subtracted disparity for scan #0 (infinity) clt_parameters.fcorr_radius, // final double fcorr_radius, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double min_strenth, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_diff, // final double max_diff, // 1.3, // final double comp_strength_var, clt_parameters.inf_iters, // 20, // 0, // final int max_iterations, clt_parameters.inf_final_diff, // 0.0001, // final double max_coeff_diff, clt_parameters.inf_far_pull, // 0.0, // 0.25, // final double far_pull, // = 0.2; // 1; // 0.5; clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // 1.0, // final double strength_pow, 0.8*clt_parameters.disp_scan_step, // 1.5, // final double lazyEyeCompDiff, // clt_parameters.fcorr_disp_diff clt_parameters.ly_smpl_side, // 3, // final int lazyEyeSmplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_num, // 5, // final int lazyEyeSmplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // final double lazyEyeSmplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample clt_parameters.ly_disp_var, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispVariation, // 0.2, maximal full disparity difference between tgh tile and 8 neighborxs clt_parameters.ly_disp_rvar, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispRelVariation, // 0.02 Maximal relative full disparity difference to 8 neighbors clt_parameters.ly_norm_disp, // final double ly_norm_disp, // = 5.0; // Reduce weight of higher disparity tiles clt_parameters.inf_smpl_side, // 3, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_num, // 5, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // 0.05, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample // histogram parameters clt_parameters.ih_smpl_step, // 8, // final int hist_smpl_side, // 8 x8 masked, 16x16 sampled clt_parameters.ih_disp_min, // -1.0, // final double hist_disp_min, clt_parameters.ih_disp_step, // 0.05, // final double hist_disp_step, clt_parameters.ih_num_bins, // 40, // final int hist_num_bins, clt_parameters.ih_sigma, // 0.1, // final double hist_sigma, clt_parameters.ih_max_diff, // 0.1, // final double hist_max_diff, clt_parameters.ih_min_samples, // 10, // final int hist_min_samples, clt_parameters.ih_norm_center, // true, // final boolean hist_norm_center, // if there are more tiles that fit than min_samples, replace with clt_parameters.ly_inf_frac, // 0.5, // final double inf_fraction, // fraction of the weight for the infinity tiles clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, scans14, // disp_strength, // scans, // double [][] disp_strength, target_disparity, // double [][] target_disparity, // null or programmed disparity (1 per each 14 entries of scans_14) tp.getTilesX(), // int tilesX, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // double magic_coeff, // still not understood coefficent that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 8.5 debugLevelInner - 1); // + (clt_parameters.fine_dbg ? 1:0)); // int debugLevel) comp_diff = 0.0; int num_pars = 0; if (adjust_poly) { apply_fine_corr( new_corr, debugLevelInner + 2); for (int n = 0; n < new_corr.length; n++){ for (int d = 0; d < new_corr[n].length; d++){ for (int i = 0; i < new_corr[n][d].length; i++){ comp_diff += new_corr[n][d][i] * new_corr[n][d][i]; num_pars++; } } } comp_diff = Math.sqrt(comp_diff/num_pars); if (debugLevel > -2) { if ((debugLevel > -1) || (comp_diff < min_poly_update)) { System.out.println("#### fine correction iteration step = "+(num_iter + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+") change = "+ comp_diff + " ("+min_poly_update+")"); } } if (comp_diff < min_poly_update) { // add other parameter to exit from poly break; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < new_corr[0][0].length; i++){ comp_diff += new_corr[0][0][i] * new_corr[0][0][i]; } comp_diff = Math.sqrt(comp_diff); if (debugLevel > -10) { // should work even in batch mode System.out.println("#### extrinsicsCLT(): iteration step = "+(num_iter + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+") change = "+ comp_diff + " ("+min_sym_update+"), previous RMS = " + new_corr[0][1][0]+ " (debugLevel = "+debugLevel+")"); } if (debugLevel > -2) { if ((debugLevel > -1) || (comp_diff < min_sym_update)) { // System.out.println("#### extrinsicsCLT(): iteration step = "+(num_iter + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+") change = "+ // comp_diff + " ("+min_sym_update+"), previous RMS = " + new_corr[0][1][0]); System.out.println("New extrinsic corrections:"); System.out.println(geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().toString()); } } if (comp_diff < min_sym_update) { break; } } } return (comp_diff < (adjust_poly ? min_poly_update : min_sym_update)); } public boolean extrinsicsCLTfromGT( TwoQuadCLT twoQuadCLT, //maybe null in no-rig mode, otherwise may contain rig measurements to be used as infinity ground truth EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, boolean adjust_poly, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final boolean filter_ds = clt_parameters.lyr_filter_ds; // = false; // true; final boolean filter_lyf = clt_parameters.lyr_filter_lyf; // = false; // ~clt_parameters.lyf_filter, but may be different, now off for a single cameras final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run; int debugLevelInner = batch_mode ? -5: debugLevel; int max_tries = clt_parameters.lym_iter; // 25; double min_sym_update = clt_parameters.lym_change; // 4e-6; // stop iterations if no angle changes more than this double min_poly_update = clt_parameters.lym_poly_change; // Parameter vector difference to exit from polynomial correction if ((twoQuadCLT == null) || (twoQuadCLT.getBiScan(0) == null)){ System.out.println("Rig data is not available, aborting"); return false; } BiScan scan = twoQuadCLT.getBiScan(0); double [][] rig_disp_strength = scan.getDisparityStrength( true, // final boolean only_strong, true, // final boolean only_trusted, true) ; // final boolean only_enabled); if (debugLevel > 20) { boolean tmp_exit = true; System.out.println("extrinsicsCLTfromGT()"); if (tmp_exit) { System.out.println("will now exit. To continue - change variable tmp_exit in debugger" ); if (tmp_exit) { return false; } } } GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main = null; if (geometryCorrection.getRotMatrix(true) != null) { geometryCorrection_main = twoQuadCLT.quadCLT_main.getGeometryCorrection(); double disparityScale = geometryCorrection.getDisparityRadius()/geometryCorrection_main.getDisparityRadius(); for (int i = 0; i < rig_disp_strength[0].length; i++) { rig_disp_strength[0][i] *= disparityScale; } if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("This is an AUX camera, using MAIN camera coordinates"); } } CLTPass3d comboScan = tp.compositeScan( rig_disp_strength[0], // final double [] disparity, rig_disp_strength[1], // final double [] strength, null, // final boolean [] selected, debugLevel); // final int debugLevel) // comboScan will remain the same through iterations, no need to update disparity (maybe shrink selection? AlignmentCorrection ac = new AlignmentCorrection(this); // iteration steps double comp_diff = min_sym_update + 1; // (> min_sym_update) for (int num_iter = 0; num_iter < max_tries; num_iter++){ double [][] combo_mismatch = new double[12][]; CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, comboScan, // final CLTPass3d scan, false, // final boolean save_textures, true, // final boolean save_corr, combo_mismatch, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] geometryCorrection_main, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // If not null - covert to main camera coordinates tp.threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch false, // updateStatus, debugLevelInner - 1); double [][] scans14 = new double [14][]; scans14[14 * 0 + 0] = comboScan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM]; // .getDisparity(0); scans14[14 * 0 + 1] = comboScan.getStrength(); for (int i = 0; i < combo_mismatch.length; i++) { scans14[14 * 0 + 2 + i] = combo_mismatch[i]; } if (debugLevelInner > 0) { (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(scans14, tp.getTilesX(), tp.getTilesY(), true, "scans_14"); // , titles); } if (!batch_mode && clt_parameters.show_extrinsic && (debugLevel > 1)) { tp.showScan( comboScan, // CLTPass3d scan, "combo_scan-"+num_iter+"_iter"); //String title) } double [][][] new_corr; // final double inf_max_disparity = 2.0; double [][][] gt_disparity_strength = {rig_disp_strength}; new_corr = ac.lazyEyeCorrectionFromGT( geometryCorrection_main, //final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // if not null - this is an AUX camera of a rig adjust_poly, // final boolean use_poly, true, // final boolean restore_disp_inf, // Restore subtracted disparity for scan #0 (infinity) clt_parameters.fcorr_radius, // final double fcorr_radius, clt_parameters.fcorr_inf_strength, // final double min_strenth, clt_parameters.inf_str_pow, // 1.0, // final double strength_pow, 0.8*clt_parameters.disp_scan_step, // 1.5, // final double lazyEyeCompDiff, // clt_parameters.fcorr_disp_diff clt_parameters.ly_smpl_side, // 3, // final int lazyEyeSmplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_num, // 5, // final int lazyEyeSmplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.ly_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // final double lazyEyeSmplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample clt_parameters.ly_disp_var, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispVariation, // 0.2, maximal full disparity difference between tgh tile and 8 neighborxs clt_parameters.ly_disp_rvar, // 0.2, // final double lazyEyeDispRelVariation, // 0.02 Maximal relative full disparity difference to 8 neighbors clt_parameters.ly_norm_disp, // final double ly_norm_disp, // = 5.0; // Reduce weight of higher disparity tiles clt_parameters.inf_smpl_side, // 3, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_num, // 5, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) clt_parameters.inf_smpl_rms, // 0.1, // 0.05, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample // histogram parameters clt_parameters.ih_smpl_step, // 8, // final int hist_smpl_side, // 8 x8 masked, 16x16 sampled clt_parameters.ih_disp_min, // -1.0, // final double hist_disp_min, clt_parameters.ih_disp_step, // 0.05, // final double hist_disp_step, clt_parameters.ih_num_bins, // 40, // final int hist_num_bins, clt_parameters.ih_sigma, // 0.1, // final double hist_sigma, clt_parameters.ih_max_diff, // 0.1, // final double hist_max_diff, clt_parameters.ih_min_samples, // 10, // final int hist_min_samples, clt_parameters.ih_norm_center, // true, // final boolean hist_norm_center, // if there are more tiles that fit than min_samples, replace with clt_parameters.ly_inf_frac, // 0.5, // final double inf_fraction, // fraction of the weight for the infinity tiles clt_parameters.ly_inf_max_disparity, // inf_max_disparity, // final double inf_max_disparity, // use all smaller disparities as inf_fraction clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, scans14, // disp_strength, // scans, // double [][] disp_strength, gt_disparity_strength, // double [][][] gt_disparity_strength, // 1 pair for each 14 entries of scans_14 (normally - just 1 scan filter_ds, // final boolean filter_ds, // filter_lyf, // final boolean filter_lyf, // ~clt_parameters.lyf_filter, but may be different, now off for a single cameras tp.getTilesX(), // int tilesX, clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // double magic_coeff, // still not understood coefficent that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 8.5 debugLevelInner - 1); // + (clt_parameters.fine_dbg ? 1:0)); // int debugLevel) comp_diff = 0.0; int num_pars = 0; if (adjust_poly) { apply_fine_corr( new_corr, debugLevelInner + 2); for (int n = 0; n < new_corr.length; n++){ for (int d = 0; d < new_corr[n].length; d++){ for (int i = 0; i < new_corr[n][d].length; i++){ comp_diff += new_corr[n][d][i] * new_corr[n][d][i]; num_pars++; } } } comp_diff = Math.sqrt(comp_diff/num_pars); if (debugLevel > -2) { if ((debugLevel > -1) || (comp_diff < min_poly_update)) { System.out.println("#### fine correction iteration step = "+(num_iter + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+") change = "+ comp_diff + " ("+min_poly_update+")"); } } if (comp_diff < min_poly_update) { // add other parameter to exit from poly break; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < new_corr[0][0].length; i++){ comp_diff += new_corr[0][0][i] * new_corr[0][0][i]; } comp_diff = Math.sqrt(comp_diff); if (debugLevel > -10) { // should work even in batch mode System.out.println("#### extrinsicsCLTfromGT(): iteration step = "+(num_iter + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+") change = "+ comp_diff + " ("+min_sym_update+"), previous RMS = " + new_corr[0][1][0]+ " (debugLevel = "+debugLevel+")"); } if (debugLevel > -2) { if ((debugLevel > -1) || (comp_diff < min_sym_update)) { // System.out.println("#### extrinsicsCLT(): iteration step = "+(num_iter + 1) + " ( of "+max_tries+") change = "+ // comp_diff + " ("+min_sym_update+"), previous RMS = " + new_corr[0][1][0]); System.out.println("New extrinsic corrections:"); System.out.println(geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().toString()); } } if (comp_diff < min_sym_update) { break; } } } return (comp_diff < (adjust_poly ? min_poly_update : min_sym_update)); } public boolean expandCLTQuad3d( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run; //disable any debug images final int debugLevelInner = batch_mode ? -3: debugLevel; final double trustedCorrelation = tp.getTrustedCorrelation(); final int max_expand = 500; // 150; // 30; final boolean show_retry_far = clt_parameters.show_retry_far && false; // (max_expand <= 10); boolean show_expand = false; // clt_parameters.show_expand && (max_expand <= 10); final int disp_index = ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM; final int str_index = ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX; final double strength_floor = clt_parameters.fds_str_floor; // 0.6* clt_parameters.combine_min_strength; // TODO: make parameters final double strength_pow = clt_parameters.fds_str_pow ; // 1.0; final int smplSide = clt_parameters.fds_smpl_side ; // 5; // 3; // Sample size (side of a square) final int smplNum = clt_parameters.fds_smpl_num ; // 10; // 13; // 5; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) final double smplRms = clt_parameters.fds_smpl_rms ; // 0.15; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample final double smplRelRms = clt_parameters.fds_smpl_rel_rms ; // 0.01; // 05; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms final boolean smplWnd = clt_parameters.fds_smpl_wnd ; // true; // final double max_abs_tilt = clt_parameters.fds_abs_tilt ; // 2.0; // pix per tile final double max_rel_tilt = clt_parameters.fds_rel_tilt ; // 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile final int bg_pass = 0; final int dbg_x = 155; final int dbg_y = 207; int num_extended = -1; // process once more to try combining of processed boolean last_pass = false; // for (int num_expand = 0; (num_expand < 4) && (num_extended != 0); num_expand++) { boolean over_infinity = false; int dbg_start_pass = 4; // 10; // 20; int dbg_end_pass = -20; // 12; // -29; // final int dbg_x0 = 73; // // final int dbg_y0 = 195; // double [][] filtered_bgnd_disp_strength = tp.getFilteredDisparityStrength( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity bg_pass, // tp.clt_3d_passes.size() - 1, // final int measured_scan_index, // will not look at higher scans 0, // final int start_scan_index, null , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); 0.0, // whatever as null above // clt_parameters.ex_min_over,// final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles disp_index, // final int disp_index, str_index, // final int str_index, null, // final double [] tiltXY, // null - free with limit on both absolute (2.0?) and relative (0.2) values trustedCorrelation, // final double trustedCorrelation, strength_floor, // final double strength_floor, strength_pow, // final double strength_pow, smplSide, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) smplNum, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) smplRms, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample smplRelRms, // final double smplRelRms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms smplWnd, // final boolean smplWnd, // max_abs_tilt, // final double max_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile max_rel_tilt, // final double max_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile dbg_x, // final int dbg_x, dbg_y, // final int dbg_y, debugLevelInner); // final int debugLevel) for (int num_expand = 0; num_expand < max_expand; num_expand++) { boolean dbg_pass = (num_expand >= dbg_start_pass) && (num_expand <= dbg_end_pass); show_expand = (clt_parameters.show_expand && (max_expand <= 10)) || dbg_pass; // Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); // runtime.gc(); // System.out.println("--- Free memory="+runtime.freeMemory()+" (of "+runtime.totalMemory()+")"); num_extended = zMapExpansionStep( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity clt_parameters, //final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, // for refinePassSetup() 0, // final int firstPass, tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, bg_pass, // final int bg_index, true, // final boolean refine, // now always should be true ? clt_parameters.gr_new_expand, // final boolean expand_neibs, // expand from neighbors !clt_parameters.gr_new_expand, // final boolean expand_legacy, // old mode of growing tiles (using max scanned). If both true, will try only if expand_neibs fails // Filtering by background data: filtered_bgnd_disp_strength, // final double [][] filtered_bgnd_ds, // if not null, will filter results not to have low disparity new tiles over supposed bgnd // for legacy expansion it is not used, but just checked for null, so double [0][] should work too clt_parameters.ex_min_over , // final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles clt_parameters.gr_ovrbg_filtered , // final double str_over_bg, // Minimal filtered strength when replacing background data clt_parameters.gr_ovrbg_cmb , // final double str_over_bg_combo, // Minimal combined strength when replacing background data clt_parameters.gr_ovrbg_cmb_hor , // final double str_over_bg_combo_hor, // Minimal combined strength when replacing background data clt_parameters.gr_ovrbg_cmb_vert, // final double str_over_bg_combo_vert, // Minimal combined strength when replacing background data // Refine parameters use directly some clt_parameters, others below clt_parameters.stUseRefine, // final boolean stUseRefine, // use supertiles (now false) clt_parameters.bgnd_range, //final double bgnd_range, // double disparity_far, clt_parameters.ex_strength, // final double ex_strength, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely good clt_parameters.ex_nstrength, //final double ex_nstrength, // double ex_nstrength, // minimal 4-corr strength divided by channel diff for new (border) tiles clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // final double bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background clt_parameters.sure_smth, // final double sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd clt_parameters.pt_super_trust, //final double pt_super_trust, // final double super_trust, // If strength exceeds ex_strength * super_trust, do not apply ex_nstrength and plate_ds // using plates disparity/strength - averaged for small square sets of tiles. If null - just use raw tiles clt_parameters.pt_keep_raw_fg, // final boolean pt_keep_raw_fg, // final boolean keep_raw_fg, // do not replace raw tiles by the plates, if raw is closer (like poles) clt_parameters.pt_scale_pre, // final double pt_scale_pre, // final double scale_filtered_strength_pre, // scale plate_ds[1] before comparing to raw strength clt_parameters.pt_scale_post, // final double pt_scale_post, // final double scale_filtered_strength_post,// scale plate_ds[1] when replacing raw (generally plate_ds is more reliable if it exists) // Composite scan parameters clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength, clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, //getFilteredDisparityStrength parameters // Consider separate parameters for FDS? clt_parameters.fds_str_floor, // final double fds_str_floor, clt_parameters.fds_str_pow, // final double fds_str_pow, clt_parameters.fds_smpl_side, // final int fds_smpl_size, // == 5 clt_parameters.fds_smpl_num, // final int fds_smpl_points, // == 3 clt_parameters.fds_smpl_rms, // final double fds_abs_rms, clt_parameters.fds_smpl_rel_rms, // final double fds_rel_rms, clt_parameters.fds_smpl_wnd, // final boolean fds_use_wnd, // use window function fro the neighbors 0.001, // final double fds_tilt_damp, clt_parameters.fds_abs_tilt, // final double fds_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile clt_parameters.fds_rel_tilt, // final double fds_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile // expansion from neighbors parameters: clt_parameters.gr_min_new , // final int gr_min_new, // discard variant if there are less new tiles clt_parameters.gr_steps_over, // final int gr_steps_over, // how far to extend clt_parameters.gr_var_new_sngl , // final boolean gr_var_new_sngl, clt_parameters.gr_var_new_fg , // final boolean gr_var_new_fg, clt_parameters.gr_var_all_fg , // final boolean gr_var_all_fg, clt_parameters.gr_var_new_bg , // final boolean gr_var_new_bg, clt_parameters.gr_var_all_bg , // final boolean gr_var_all_bg, clt_parameters.gr_var_next , // final boolean gr_var_next, clt_parameters.gr_smpl_size , // final int gr_smpl_size , // 5, // final int smpl_size, // == 5 clt_parameters.gr_min_pnts , // final int gr_min_pnts , // 5, // 4, // 3, // final int min_points, // == 3 clt_parameters.gr_use_wnd , // final boolean gr_use_wnd , // true, // final boolean use_wnd, // use window function fro the neighbors clt_parameters.gr_tilt_damp , // final double gr_tilt_damp , // 0.001, // final double tilt_cost, clt_parameters.gr_split_rng , // final double gr_split_rng , // 5.0, // final double split_threshold, // if full range of the values around the cell higher, need separate fg, bg clt_parameters.gr_same_rng , // final double gr_same_rng , // 3.0, // final double same_range, // modify clt_parameters.gr_diff_cont , // final double gr_diff_cont , // 2.0, // final double diff_continue, // maximal difference from the old value (for previously defined tiles clt_parameters.gr_abs_tilt , // final double gr_abs_tilt , // 2.0, // final double max_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile clt_parameters.gr_rel_tilt , // final double gr_rel_tilt , // 0.2, // final double max_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile clt_parameters.gr_smooth , // final int gr_smooth , // 50, // final int max_tries, // maximal number of smoothing steps clt_parameters.gr_fin_diff , // final double gr_fin_diff , // 0.01, // final double final_diff, // maximal change to finish iterations clt_parameters.gr_unique_pretol , // final double gr_unique_pretol , // 1.0, // final double unique_pre_tolerance, // usually larger than clt_parameters.unique_tolerance // legacy expansion clt_parameters.grow_min_diff , // final double grow_min_diff, // = 0.5; // Grow more only if at least one channel has higher variance from others for the tile clt_parameters.grow_retry_far , // final boolean grow_retry_far, // final boolean grow_retry_far, // Retry tiles around known foreground that have low max_tried_disparity clt_parameters.grow_pedantic , // final boolean grow_pedantic, // final boolean grow_pedantic, // Scan full range between max_tried_disparity of the background and known foreground clt_parameters.grow_retry_inf , // final boolean grow_retry_inf, // final boolean grow_retry_inf, // Retry border tiles that were identified as infinity earlier // common expansion clt_parameters.gr_num_steps, // final int gr_num_steps, // how far to extend clt_parameters.gr_unique_tol , // final double gr_unique_tol, 0.0, // clt_parameters.grow_disp_min , // final double grow_disp_min, // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max , // final double grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.grow_disp_step , // final double grow_disp_step, // = 6.0; // Increase disparity (from maximal tried) if nothing found in that tile // TODO: handle enclosed dips? // for debug level > 1, just corresponding clt_parameters.* will work, otherwise following 3 can override last_pass, // final boolean last_pass, // just for more debug? true, // final boolean remove_non_measurement, // save memory, true is OK show_expand, // final boolean show_expand, clt_parameters. show_unique, // final boolean show_unique, show_retry_far, // final boolean show_retry_far, dbg_x, dbg_y, // final int dbg_y, debugLevelInner + 2); // final int debugLevel) if (last_pass) { break; } else if (num_extended == 0){ System.out.println("**** processCLTQuad3d(): nothing to expand ***"); System.out.println("!clt_parameters.ex_over_bgnd="+clt_parameters.ex_over_bgnd+" over_infinity="+over_infinity); if (!clt_parameters.ex_over_bgnd || over_infinity) last_pass = true; else { over_infinity = true; if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("===== processCLTQuad3d(): trying to expand over previously identified background (may be by error)===="); } } } } show_expand = (clt_parameters.show_expand && (max_expand <= 10)); if (debugLevelInner > -1) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(tp.clt_3d_passes.size()-2), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_pre_last_combo_pass-"+(tp.clt_3d_passes.size()-2)); //String title) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(tp.clt_3d_passes.size()-1), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_last_combo_pass-"+(tp.clt_3d_passes.size()-1)); //String title) } /// int refine_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // refinePassSetup() will add one - not anymore! /// int next_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // tp.secondPassSetup( // prepare tile tasks for the second pass based on the previous one(s) clt_parameters, clt_parameters.stUsePass2, // use supertiles bg_pass, // disparity range - differences from clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // double disparity_far, // -0.5, // 0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, //double disparity_near, // clt_parameters.ex_strength, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely good clt_parameters.ex_nstrength, // double ex_nstrength, // minimal 4-corr strength divided by channel diff for new (border) tiles clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background clt_parameters.sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd clt_parameters.pt_super_trust, // super_trust, // If strength exceeds ex_strength * super_trust, do not apply ex_nstrength and plate_ds ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) geometryCorrection, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevelInner); // Save tp.clt_3d_passes.size() to roll back without restarting the program tp.saveCLTPasses(false); // not rig, and reset rig data Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); runtime.gc(); System.out.println("--- Free memory="+runtime.freeMemory()+" (of "+runtime.totalMemory()+")"); return true; // null; } //+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ // called after composite scan is added to the list? composite scan is inside public int zMapExpansionStep( final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, // for refinePassSetup() final int firstPass, final int lastPassPlus1, final int bg_index, final boolean refine, // now always should be true ? final boolean expand_neibs, // expand from neighbors final boolean expand_legacy, // old mode of growing tiles (using max scanned). If both true, will try only if expand_neibs fails // Filtering by background data: final double [][] filtered_bgnd_ds, // if not null, will filter results not to have low disparity new tiles over supposed bgnd // for legacy expansion it is not used, but just checked for null, so double [0][] should work too final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles final double str_over_bg, // Minimal filtered strength when replacing background data final double str_over_bg_combo, // Minimal combined strength when replacing background data final double str_over_bg_combo_hor, // Minimal combined strength when replacing background data final double str_over_bg_combo_vert, // Minimal combined strength when replacing background data // Refine parameters use directly some clt_parameters, others below final boolean stUseRefine, // use supertiles final double bgnd_range, // double disparity_far, final double ex_strength, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely good final double ex_nstrength, // double ex_nstrength, // minimal 4-corr strength divided by channel diff for new (border) tiles final double bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background final double sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd final double pt_super_trust, // final double super_trust, // If strength exceeds ex_strength * super_trust, do not apply ex_nstrength and plate_ds // using plates disparity/strength - averaged for small square sets of tiles. If null - just use raw tiles final boolean pt_keep_raw_fg, // final boolean keep_raw_fg, // do not replace raw tiles by the plates, if raw is closer (like poles) final double pt_scale_pre, // final double scale_filtered_strength_pre, // scale plate_ds[1] before comparing to raw strength final double pt_scale_post, // final double scale_filtered_strength_post,// scale plate_ds[1] when replacing raw (generally plate_ds is more reliable if it exists) // Composite scan parameters final double combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength, final double combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, final double combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, //getFilteredDisparityStrength parameter final double fds_str_floor, final double fds_str_pow, final int fds_smpl_size, // == 5 final int fds_smpl_points, // == 3 final double fds_abs_rms, final double fds_rel_rms, final boolean fds_use_wnd, // use window function fro the neighbors final double fds_tilt_damp, final double fds_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile final double fds_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile // expansion from neighbors parameters: final int gr_min_new, // discard variant if there are less new tiles final int gr_steps_over, // how far to extend final boolean gr_var_new_sngl, final boolean gr_var_new_fg, final boolean gr_var_all_fg, final boolean gr_var_new_bg, final boolean gr_var_all_bg, final boolean gr_var_next, final int gr_smpl_size , // 5, // final int smpl_size, // == 5 final int gr_min_pnts , // 5, // 4, // 3, // final int min_points, // == 3 final boolean gr_use_wnd , // true, // final boolean use_wnd, // use window function fro the neighbors final double gr_tilt_damp , // 0.001, // final double tilt_cost, final double gr_split_rng , // 5.0, // final double split_threshold, // if full range of the values around the cell higher, need separate fg, bg final double gr_same_rng , // 3.0, // final double same_range, // modify final double gr_diff_cont , // 2.0, // final double diff_continue, // maximal difference from the old value (for previously defined tiles final double gr_abs_tilt , // 2.0, // final double max_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile final double gr_rel_tilt , // 0.2, // final double max_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile final int gr_smooth , // 50, // final int max_tries, // maximal number of smoothing steps final double gr_fin_diff , // 0.01, // final double final_diff, // maximal change to finish iterations final double gr_unique_pretol , // 1.0, // final double unique_pre_tolerance, // usually larger than clt_parameters.unique_tolerance // legacy expansion final double grow_min_diff, // = 0.5; // Grow more only if at least one channel has higher variance from others for the tile final boolean grow_retry_far, // final boolean grow_retry_far, // Retry tiles around known foreground that have low max_tried_disparity final boolean grow_pedantic, // final boolean grow_pedantic, // Scan full range between max_tried_disparity of the background and known foreground final boolean grow_retry_inf, // final boolean grow_retry_inf, // Retry border tiles that were identified as infinity earlier // common expansion final int gr_num_steps, // how far to extend final double gr_unique_tol, final double grow_disp_min, // final double disp_near, final double grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near, final double grow_disp_step, // = 6.0; // Increase disparity (from maximal tried) if nothing found in that tile // TODO: handle enclosed dips? // for debug level > 1, just corresponding clt_parameters.* will work, otherwise following 3 can override final boolean last_pass, // just for more debug? final boolean remove_non_measurement, // save memory, true is OK final boolean show_expand, final boolean show_unique, final boolean show_retry_far, final int dbg_x, final int dbg_y, final int debugLevel) { boolean dbg_pass = debugLevel > 1; final CLTPass3d bg_scan = passes.get(bg_index); // background scan data, null - ignore background Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); runtime.gc(); System.out.println("--- Free memory="+runtime.freeMemory()+" (of "+runtime.totalMemory()+")"); // Get filtered (by flexible "plates" that can tilt to accommodate tiles disparity/strength map, that uses data from all previous // disparity "measurements". This data will be combined with individual tiles, quad, hor and vert correlation results double [][] filtered_disp_strength = tp.getFilteredDisparityStrength( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity lastPassPlus1 - 1, // final int measured_scan_index, // will not look at higher scans 0, // final int start_scan_index, bg_scan.getSelected(), // selected , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); ex_min_over, // final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // final int disp_index, ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX, // final int str_index, null, // final double [] tiltXY, // null - free with limit on both absolute (2.0?) and relative (0.2) values tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation, fds_str_floor, // final double strength_floor, fds_str_pow, // final double strength_pow, fds_smpl_size, // final int smplSide, // = 2; // Sample size (side of a square) fds_smpl_points, // final int smplNum, // = 3; // Number after removing worst (should be >1) fds_abs_rms, // final double smplRms, // = 0.1; // Maximal RMS of the remaining tiles in a sample fds_rel_rms, // final double smplRelRms, // = 0.005; // Maximal RMS/disparity in addition to smplRms fds_use_wnd, // final boolean smplWnd, // fds_abs_tilt, // final double max_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile fds_rel_tilt, // final double max_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile dbg_x, // final int dbg_x, dbg_y, // final int dbg_y, debugLevel+1); // final int debugLevel) // Optionally filter by background data to avoid far objects in the areas already identified as bgnd if (filtered_bgnd_ds != null) { tp.filterOverBackground( filtered_disp_strength, // final double [][] ds, filtered_bgnd_ds[1], // final double [] bg_strength, bg_scan.getSelected(), // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); str_over_bg, // final double minStrength, ex_min_over); // final double ex_min_over // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles } int refine_pass = passes.size() - 1; // last index plus 1 // refine pass uses hor/vert thresholds inside // Now always start with refine - it will set disparity to improve previous results where residual disparity was significant if (refine) { // currently is broken if !refine CLTPass3d refined = tp.refinePassSetup( // prepare tile tasks for the refine pass (re-measure disparities), add it to the list clt_parameters, stUseRefine, // use supertiles bg_index, // bg_scan bg_pass, // disparity range - differences from bgnd_range, // double disparity_far, grow_disp_max, // other_range, //double disparity_near, // ex_strength, // double this_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely good ex_nstrength, // double ex_nstrength, // minimal 4-corr strength divided by channel diff for new (border) tiles bgnd_maybe, // double this_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background sure_smth, // sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd pt_super_trust, // final double super_trust, // If strength exceeds ex_strength * super_trust, do not apply ex_nstrength and plate_ds // using plates disparity/strength - averaged for small square sets of tiles. If null - just use raw tiles filtered_disp_strength, // final double [][] plate_ds, // disparity/strength last time measured for the multi-tile squares. Strength =-1 - not measured. May be null pt_keep_raw_fg, // final boolean keep_raw_fg, // do not replace raw tiles by the plates, if raw is closer (like poles) pt_scale_pre, // final double scale_filtered_strength_pre, // scale plate_ds[1] before comparing to raw strength pt_scale_post, // final double scale_filtered_strength_post,// scale plate_ds[1] when replacing raw (generally plate_ds is more reliable if it exists) ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) geometryCorrection, tp.threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch false, // updateStatus, debugLevel); passes.add(refined); // adding new scan, not yet measured refine_pass ++; // tp.refinePassSetup adds to the list if (show_expand || (clt_parameters.show_expand && dbg_pass)) { tp.showScan( passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_refine-"+refine_pass); } } // Maybe it will not be used later, still calculate tp.calcMaxTried( passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, bg_index, // final int firstPass, refine_pass, // may add 1 to include current (for future?) // final int lastPassPlus1, passes.get(refine_pass)); // final int lastPassPlus1, // repeated composite scan may be replaced by just a clone CLTPass3d extended_pass = tp.compositeScan( passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, bg_index, // final int firstPass, passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, // tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bg_pass).getSelected(), // selected , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); // clt_parameters.ex_min_over,// final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation, tp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure, 0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near, combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength, combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, false, // final boolean no_weak, true, // false, // final boolean use_last, // // TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard) false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false true, // final boolean copyDebug) debugLevel - 1); if (show_expand || (clt_parameters.show_expand && last_pass)) tp.showScan( passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_refine-combine0-"+(passes.size() - 1)); // TODO: Verify that IMG_DIFF0_INDEX has combined data if (filtered_bgnd_ds != null) { tp.filterOverBackground( extended_pass, // final CLTPass3d pass, str_over_bg_combo, // final double minStrength, str_over_bg_combo_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, str_over_bg_combo_vert, //final double minStrengthVert, bg_scan.getSelected(), // selected , // final boolean [] bg_tiles, // get from selected in clt_3d_passes.get(0); ex_min_over, // final double ex_min_over, // when expanding over previously detected (by error) background, disregard far tiles filtered_disp_strength); } if (show_expand || (clt_parameters.show_expand && last_pass)) tp.showScan( passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_refine-combine1-"+(passes.size() - 1)); if (show_expand || (clt_parameters.show_expand && last_pass)) { final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); String [] titles = {"disp","strength", "disp_combined","str_combined","max_tried","selected"}; String title = "FDS_"+(passes.size() - 1); double [][] dbg_img = new double [titles.length][]; dbg_img[0] = filtered_disp_strength[0]; dbg_img[1] = filtered_disp_strength[1]; dbg_img[2] = extended_pass.getDisparity(); dbg_img[3] = extended_pass.getStrength(); double [][] max_tried_disparity = extended_pass.getMaxTriedDisparity(); if (max_tried_disparity != null){ dbg_img[4] = new double [tilesX * tilesY]; for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty++){ for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx++){ dbg_img[4][ty*tilesX + tx] = max_tried_disparity[ty][tx]; } } } boolean [] s_selected = extended_pass.selected; boolean [] s_border = extended_pass.border_tiles; if ((s_selected != null) && (s_border != null)){ dbg_img[5] = new double [tilesX * tilesY]; for (int i = 0; i < dbg_img[5].length; i++){ dbg_img[5][i] = 1.0 * ((s_selected[i]?1:0) + (s_border[i]?2:0)); } } (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_img, tilesX, tilesY, true, title,titles); } int [] numLeftRemoved = {0, 0}; int num_extended = 0; if (expand_neibs) { // show_expand){ // use new mode if (last_pass){ System.out.println("+++++++++++ Last pass ++++++++++++"); } // public boolean [] tp.dbg_filtered_disp_strength = filtered_disp_strength; // to be shown inside boolean [] variants_flags = { gr_var_new_sngl, gr_var_new_fg, gr_var_all_fg, gr_var_new_bg, gr_var_all_bg, gr_var_next}; numLeftRemoved = tp.prepareExpandVariant( extended_pass, // final CLTPass3d scan, // combined scan with max_tried_disparity, will be modified to re-scan passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d last_scan, // last prepared tile - can use last_scan.disparity, .border_tiles and .selected /*null, // */ passes.get(bg_index), // final CLTPass3d bg_scan, // background scan data passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity 0, // final int firstPass, passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, gr_min_new , // 20, // final int min_new, // discard variant if there are less new tiles variants_flags, // 0x1e, // 0x1f, // final int variants_mask, gr_num_steps , // 8, // final int num_steps, // how far to extend gr_steps_over , // 8, // 4, // final int num_steps_disc, // how far to extend gr_smpl_size , // 5, // final int smpl_size, // == 5 gr_min_pnts , // 5, // 4, // 3, // final int min_points, // == 3 gr_use_wnd , // true, // final boolean use_wnd, // use window function fro the neighbors gr_tilt_damp , // 0.001, // final double tilt_cost, gr_split_rng , // 5.0, // final double split_threshold, // if full range of the values around the cell higher, need separate fg, bg gr_same_rng , // 3.0, // final double same_range, // modify gr_diff_cont , // 2.0, // final double diff_continue, // maximal difference from the old value (for previously defined tiles gr_abs_tilt , // 2.0, // final double max_abs_tilt, // = 2.0; // pix per tile gr_rel_tilt , // 0.2, // final double max_rel_tilt, // = 0.2; // (pix / disparity) per tile gr_smooth , // 50, // final int max_tries, // maximal number of smoothing steps gr_fin_diff , // 0.01, // final double final_diff, // maximal change to finish iterations grow_disp_min, // final double grow_disp_min, grow_disp_max, // final double grow_disp_max, grow_disp_step, // final double grow_disp_step, gr_unique_pretol , // 1.0, // final double unique_pre_tolerance, // usually larger than clt_parameters.unique_tolerance // last_pass? gr_unique_tol : gr_unique_pretol, // final double unique_tolerance, gr_unique_tol, // last_pass? clt_parameters.gr_unique_tol : clt_parameters.gr_unique_pretol, // final double unique_tolerance, show_expand, // final boolean show_expand, show_unique, // final boolean show_unique, dbg_x, dbg_y, debugLevel); num_extended = numLeftRemoved[0]; if (clt_parameters.show_expand || (clt_parameters.show_variant && (numLeftRemoved[1] > 1 ))) tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "prepareExpandVariant-"+numLeftRemoved[1]+"-"+refine_pass); //String title) } if ((num_extended == 0) && expand_legacy) { // if both are on, will use legacy if neighbors failed boolean show_ex_debug = show_retry_far || (clt_parameters.show_retry_far && last_pass) || dbg_pass; num_extended = tp.setupExtendDisparity( extended_pass, // final CLTPass3d scan, // combined scan with max_tried_disparity, will be modified to re-scan passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d last_scan, // last prepared tile - can use last_scan.disparity, .border_tiles and .selected (filtered_bgnd_ds != null)? null: passes.get(bg_index), // final CLTPass3d bg_scan, // background scan data gr_num_steps, // clt_parameters.grow_sweep, // 8; // Try these number of tiles around known ones grow_disp_max, // = 50.0; // Maximal disparity to try 0.5 * tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // clt_parameters.grow_disp_trust, // = 4.0; // Trust measured disparity within +/- this value grow_disp_step, // = 6.0; // Increase disparity (from maximal tried) if nothing found in that tile // TODO: handle enclosed dips? grow_min_diff, // = 0.5; // Grow more only if at least one channel has higher variance from others for the tile grow_retry_far, // final boolean grow_retry_far, // Retry tiles around known foreground that have low max_tried_disparity grow_pedantic, // final boolean grow_pedantic, // Scan full range between max_tried_disparity of the background and known foreground grow_retry_inf, // final boolean grow_retry_inf, // Retry border tiles that were identified as infinity earlier clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, show_ex_debug, // true, // final boolean show_debug, tp.threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch false, // updateStatus, debugLevel); //TODO: break if nothing wanted? - no, there are some left to be refined if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("=== setupExtendDisparity() added "+num_extended+" new tiles to scan"); } numLeftRemoved = tp.makeUnique( passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, 0, // final int firstPass, refine_pass, // - 1, // final int lastPassPlus1, extended_pass, // tp.clt_3d_passes.get(refine_pass), // final CLTPass3d new_scan, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double grow_disp_max, clt_parameters.gr_unique_tol, // final double unique_tolerance, clt_parameters.show_unique); // final boolean show_unique) num_extended = numLeftRemoved[0]; if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("last makeUnique("+refine_pass+") -> left: "+numLeftRemoved[0]+", removed:" + numLeftRemoved[1]); } // num_extended = numLeftRemoved[0]; //TODO: break if nothing wanted? - here yes, will make sense } refine_pass = passes.size(); // 1 passes.add(extended_pass); if (show_expand) tp.showScan( passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "before_measure-"+refine_pass); //String title) // num_extended = numLeftRemoved[0]; CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, //final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, refine_pass, false, // final boolean save_textures, tp.threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch false, // updateStatus, debugLevel - 1); if (remove_non_measurement) { if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.print("Removing non-measurement(derivative) scan data, current list size = "+passes.size()); } tp.removeNonMeasurement(); refine_pass = passes.size() - 1; if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println(", new size = "+passes.size()); } } if (show_expand || (clt_parameters.show_expand && last_pass)) { tp.showScan( passes.get(refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_measure-"+refine_pass); //String title) } if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("extending: CLTMeasure("+refine_pass+"), num_extended = "+num_extended); } //num_expand == 9 CLTPass3d combo_pass = tp.compositeScan( passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes, bg_index, // final int firstPass, passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, tp.getTrustedCorrelation(), // final double trustedCorrelation, tp.getMaxOverexposure(), // final double max_overexposure, -0.5, // 0.0, // clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // final double disp_far, // limit results to the disparity range clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // final double disp_near, clt_parameters.combine_min_strength, // final double minStrength, clt_parameters.combine_min_hor, // final double minStrengthHor, clt_parameters.combine_min_vert, // final double minStrengthVert, false, // final boolean no_weak, false, // final boolean use_last, // // TODO: when useCombo - pay attention to borders (disregard) false, // final boolean usePoly) // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false true, // final boolean copyDebug) // (num_expand == 9)? 2: debugLevel); debugLevel -1); passes.add(combo_pass); if (show_expand || (clt_parameters.show_expand && last_pass)) tp.showScan( passes.get(passes.size() -1), // refine_pass), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_combo_pass-"+(passes.size() -1)); // (refine_pass)); //String title) return num_extended; // [0]; } // Separate method to detect and remove periodic structures public boolean showPeriodic( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final boolean usePoly = false; // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false double [][] periodics = tp.getPeriodics( tp.clt_3d_passes, // final ArrayList <CLTPass3d> passes,// List, first, last - to search for the already tried disparity 0, // final int firstPass, tp.clt_3d_passes.size(), // final int lastPassPlus1, clt_parameters.per_trustedCorrelation,// final double trustedCorrelation, clt_parameters.per_initial_diff, // final double initial_diff, // initial disparity difference to merge to maximum clt_parameters.per_strength_floor, // final double strength_floor, clt_parameters.per_strength_max_over, // final double strength_max_over, // maximum should have strength by this more than the floor clt_parameters.per_min_period, // final double min_period, clt_parameters.per_min_num_periods, // final int min_num_periods, // minimal number of periods clt_parameters.per_disp_tolerance, // final double disp_tolerance, // maximal difference between the average of fundamental and 2-nd and first // TODO: replace next parameter clt_parameters.per_disp_tolerance, // final double disp_tol_center, // tolerance to match this (center) tile ds to that of the merged with neighbors - should be < min_period/2 clt_parameters.per_disp_match, // final double disp_match, // disparity difference to match neighbors clt_parameters.per_strong_match_inc, // final double strong_match_inc, // extra strength to treat match as strong (for hysteresis) usePoly, // final boolean usePoly, // use polynomial method to find max), valid if useCombo == false clt_parameters.tileX, // final int dbg_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int dbg_tileY, threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, debugLevel+3); // final int debugLevel) // update status info tp.periodics = periodics; String [] dbg_titles= {"fundamental","period", "strength", "num_layers"}; double [][] dbg_img = new double [4][tp.getTilesX()*tp.getTilesY()]; for (int n = 0; n < periodics.length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < dbg_img.length; i++) { dbg_img[i][n]= (periodics[n] == null) ? Double.NaN : periodics[n][i]; } } (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays( dbg_img, tp.getTilesX(), tp.getTilesY(), true, image_name+"-PERIODIC", dbg_titles); return true; } //***************************************************************** // public ImagePlus output3d( public boolean output3d( EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run; this.startStepTime=System.nanoTime(); final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); if (this.image_data == null){ return false; } double infinity_disparity = geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(clt_parameters.infinityDistance); X3dOutput x3dOutput = null; WavefrontExport wfOutput = null; if (clt_parameters.remove_scans){ System.out.println("Removing all scans but the first(background) and the last to save memory"); System.out.println("Will need to re-start the program to be able to output differently"); CLTPass3d latest_scan = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(tp.clt_3d_passes.size() - 1); tp.trimCLTPasses(1); tp.clt_3d_passes.add(latest_scan); // put it back } int next_pass = tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); // tp.thirdPassSetupSurf( // prepare tile tasks for the second pass based on the previous one(s) // needs last scan clt_parameters, //FIXME: make a special parameter? infinity_disparity, //0.25 * clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // double disparity_far, clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, //double disparity_near, // geometryCorrection, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, 0); // final int debugLevel) if (!batch_mode && (debugLevel > -1)) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(next_pass-1), // CLTPass3d scan, "after_pass3-"+(next_pass-1)); //String title) } String x3d_path= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory( // for x3d and obj correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name), // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false correctionsParameters.x3dModelVersion, true, // smart, true); //newAllowed, // save // create x3d file if (clt_parameters.output_x3d) { x3dOutput = new X3dOutput( clt_parameters, correctionsParameters, geometryCorrection, tp.clt_3d_passes); } if (clt_parameters.output_obj && (x3d_path != null)) { try { wfOutput = new WavefrontExport( x3d_path, correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name), clt_parameters, correctionsParameters, geometryCorrection, tp.clt_3d_passes); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Failed to open Wavefront files for writing"); // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); // do nothing, just keep } } if (x3dOutput != null) { x3dOutput.generateBackground(clt_parameters.infinityDistance <= 0.0); // needs just first (background) scan } int bgndIndex = 0; // it already exists? CLTPass3d bgndScan = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(bgndIndex); // boolean [] bgnd_sel = bgndScan.getSelected().clone(); // int num_bgnd = 0; // for (int i = 0; i < bgnd_sel.length; i++) if (bgnd_sel[i]) num_bgnd++; // if (num_bgnd >= clt_parameters.min_bgnd_tiles) { // TODO: same for the backdrop too // double infinity_disparity = geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(clt_parameters.infinityDistance); if (bgndScan.texture != null) { // TODO: same for the backdrop too if (clt_parameters.infinityDistance > 0.0){ // generate background as a billboard // grow selection, then grow once more and create border_tiles // create/rstore, probably not needed boolean [] bg_sel_backup = bgndScan.getSelected().clone(); boolean [] bg_border_backup = (bgndScan.getBorderTiles() == null) ? null: bgndScan.getBorderTiles().clone(); boolean [] bg_selected = bgndScan.getSelected(); // tp.growTiles( // 2, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more // bg_selected, // null); // prohibit boolean [] border_tiles = bg_selected.clone(); tp.growTiles( 2, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more bg_selected, null); // prohibit // for (int) for (int i = 0; i < border_tiles.length; i++){ border_tiles[i] = !border_tiles[i] && bg_selected[i]; } // update texture_tiles (remove what is known not to be background for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty++){ for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx++){ if (!bg_selected[tx + tilesX*ty]){ bgndScan.texture_tiles[ty][tx] = null; } } } bgndScan.setBorderTiles(border_tiles); // updates selection from non-null texture tiles String texturePath = getPassImage( // get image from a single pass clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name)+"-img_infinity", // +scanIndex, bgndIndex, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, batch_mode ? -5: debugLevel); double [] scan_disparity = new double [tilesX * tilesY]; int indx = 0; // boolean [] scan_selected = scan.getSelected(); for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty ++) for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx ++){ scan_disparity[indx++] = infinity_disparity; } // tp.showScan( // scan, // CLTPass3d scan, // "infinityDistance"); boolean showTri = false; // ((scanIndex < next_pass + 1) && clt_parameters.show_triangles) ||((scanIndex - next_pass) == 73); try { generateClusterX3d( x3dOutput, wfOutput, // output WSavefront if not null texturePath, "INFINITY", // id (scanIndex - next_pass), // id "INFINITY", // class bgndScan.getTextureBounds(), bgndScan.selected, scan_disparity, // scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM], clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.correct_distortions, // requires backdrop image to be corrected also showTri, // (scanIndex < next_pass + 1) && clt_parameters.show_triangles, infinity_disparity, // 0.3 clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, // 2.0 'other_range - difference from the specified (*_CM) clt_parameters.maxDispTriangle); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } // maybe not needed bgndScan.setBorderTiles(bg_border_backup); bgndScan.setSelected(bg_sel_backup); } } for (int scanIndex = next_pass; scanIndex < tp.clt_3d_passes.size(); scanIndex++){ if (debugLevel > 0){ System.out.println("FPGA processing scan #"+scanIndex); } /// CLTPass3d scan = CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad // saturation_imp, //final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, scanIndex, true, // final boolean save_textures, false, // final boolean save_corr, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, batch_mode ? -5: debugLevel); } // TEMPORARY EXIT // if (tp.clt_3d_passes.size() > 0) return null; // just to fool compiler // int scan_limit = 10; for (int scanIndex = next_pass; (scanIndex < tp.clt_3d_passes.size()) && (scanIndex < clt_parameters.max_clusters); scanIndex++){ // just temporary limiting if (debugLevel > -1){ System.out.println("Generating cluster images (limit is set to "+clt_parameters.max_clusters+") largest, scan #"+scanIndex); } // ImagePlus cluster_image = getPassImage( // get image form a single pass String texturePath = getPassImage( // get image from a single pass clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name)+"-img"+scanIndex, scanIndex, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, batch_mode ? -5: debugLevel); CLTPass3d scan = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(scanIndex); /* if ((scanIndex == 73) ) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(scanIndex), // CLTPass3d scan, "SELECTED-"+scanIndex); } */ // TODO: use new updated disparity, for now just what was forced for the picture double [] scan_disparity = new double [tilesX * tilesY]; int indx = 0; // boolean [] scan_selected = scan.getSelected(); for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty ++) for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx ++){ // scan_selected[indx] = scan.tile_op[ty][tx] != 0; scan_disparity[indx++] = scan.disparity[ty][tx]; } if (clt_parameters.avg_cluster_disp){ double sw = 0.0, sdw = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i< scan_disparity.length; i++){ if (scan.selected[i] && !scan.border_tiles[i]){ double w = scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_STRENGTH_INDEX][i]; sw +=w; sdw += scan_disparity[i]*w; } } sdw/=sw; for (int i = 0; i< scan_disparity.length; i++){ scan_disparity[i] = sdw; } } /* if ((scanIndex == 73)) { tp.showScan( tp.clt_3d_passes.get(scanIndex), // CLTPass3d scan, "X3D-"+scanIndex); } */ // boolean showTri = ((scanIndex < next_pass + 1) && clt_parameters.show_triangles) ||(scanIndex < 3); boolean showTri = !batch_mode && (debugLevel > -1) && (((scanIndex < next_pass + 1) && clt_parameters.show_triangles) ||((scanIndex - next_pass) == 73)); // boolean showTri = ((scanIndex < next_pass + 1) && clt_parameters.show_triangles) ||(scanIndex == 49) || (scanIndex == 54); try { generateClusterX3d( x3dOutput, wfOutput, // output WSavefront if not null texturePath, "shape_id-"+(scanIndex - next_pass), // id null, // class scan.getTextureBounds(), scan.selected, scan_disparity, // scan.disparity_map[ImageDtt.DISPARITY_INDEX_CM], clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.correct_distortions, // requires backdrop image to be corrected also showTri, // (scanIndex < next_pass + 1) && clt_parameters.show_triangles, // FIXME: make a separate parameter: infinity_disparity, // 0.25 * clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // 0.3 clt_parameters.grow_disp_max, // other_range, // 2.0 'other_range - difference from the specified (*_CM) clt_parameters.maxDispTriangle); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } // now generate and save texture files (start with full, later use bounding rectangle?) if ((x3d_path != null) && (x3dOutput != null)){ // x3d_path+=Prefs.getFileSeparator()+correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name)+".x3d"; // x3dOutput.generateX3D(x3d_path); x3dOutput.generateX3D(x3d_path+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name)+".x3d"); } if (wfOutput != null){ wfOutput.close(); System.out.println("Wavefront object file saved to "+wfOutput.obj_path); System.out.println("Wavefront material file saved to "+wfOutput.mtl_path); } // Save KML and ratings files if they do not exist (so not to overwrite edited ones), make them world-writable writeKml (debugLevel); writeRatingFile (debugLevel); Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); System.out.println("output3d(): generating 3d output files finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startStepTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); return true; } public void generateClusterX3d( X3dOutput x3dOutput, // output x3d if not null WavefrontExport wfOutput, // output WSavefront if not null String texturePath, String id, String class_name, Rectangle bounds, boolean [] selected, double [] disparity, // if null, will use min_disparity int tile_size, boolean correctDistortions, // requires backdrop image to be corrected also boolean show_triangles, double min_disparity, double max_disparity, double maxDispTriangle ) throws IOException { int [][] indices = tp.getCoordIndices( // starting with 0, -1 - not selected bounds, selected); double [][] texCoord = tp.getTexCoords( // get texture coordinates for indices indices); double [][] worldXYZ = tp.getCoords( // get world XYZ in meters for indices disparity, min_disparity, max_disparity, bounds, indices, tile_size, correctDistortions, // requires backdrop image to be corrected also this.geometryCorrection); double [] indexedDisparity = tp.getIndexedDisparities( // get disparity for each index disparity, min_disparity, max_disparity, bounds, indices, tile_size); int [][] triangles = tp.triangulateCluster( indices); triangles = tp.filterTriangles( triangles, indexedDisparity, // disparities per vertex index maxDispTriangle); // maximal disparity difference in a triangle if (show_triangles) { double [] ddisp = (disparity == null)?(new double[1]):disparity; if (disparity == null) { ddisp[0] = min_disparity; } tp.testTriangles( texturePath, bounds, selected, ddisp, // disparity, // if disparity.length == 1 - use for all tile_size, indices, triangles); } if (x3dOutput != null) { x3dOutput.addCluster( texturePath, id, class_name, texCoord, worldXYZ, triangles); } if (wfOutput != null) { wfOutput.addCluster( texturePath, id, // class_name, texCoord, worldXYZ, triangles); } } public ImagePlus getBackgroundImage( boolean no_image_save, EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, String name, int disparity_index, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) // int strength_index, // index of strength data in disparity map ==6 int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch boolean updateStatus, int debugLevel ) { final boolean new_mode = false; final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null; if (clt_parameters.debug_filters && (debugLevel > -1)) // if ((debugLevel > -1)) sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? CLTPass3d bgnd_data = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(0); double [][][][] texture_tiles = bgnd_data.texture_tiles; boolean [] bgnd_tiles = tp.getBackgroundMask( // which tiles do belong to the background clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // disparity range to be considered background clt_parameters.bgnd_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely background clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background clt_parameters.sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd clt_parameters.min_clstr_seed, // number of tiles in a cluster to seed (just background?) clt_parameters.min_clstr_block,// number of tiles in a cluster to block (just non-background?) disparity_index, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) clt_parameters.show_bgnd_nonbgnd, (clt_parameters.debug_filters ? (debugLevel) : -1)); boolean [] bgnd_tiles_new = tp.getBackgroundMask_new( // which tiles do belong to the background clt_parameters.bgnd_range, // disparity range to be considered background clt_parameters.bgnd_sure, // minimal strength to be considered definitely background clt_parameters.bgnd_maybe, // maximal strength to ignore as non-background clt_parameters.sure_smth, // if 2-nd worst image difference (noise-normalized) exceeds this - do not propagate bgnd clt_parameters.min_clstr_seed, // number of tiles in a cluster to seed (just background?) clt_parameters.min_clstr_block,// number of tiles in a cluster to block (just non-background?) disparity_index, // index of disparity value in disparity_map == 2 (0,2 or 4) clt_parameters.show_bgnd_nonbgnd, (clt_parameters.debug_filters ? (debugLevel) : -1)); boolean [] bgnd_dbg = bgnd_tiles.clone(); // only these have non 0 alpha // TODO: fix mess - after modifying getBackgroundMask() to getBackgroundMask_new (before road with tractor was identified as a background because of a double // tile glitch, the background was wrong. So temporarily both old/new are used and combined (new is grown twice) // still does not work - using old variant for now // background selections (slightly) influences the plane mertging / connections for (int i = 0; i < bgnd_tiles.length; i++){ // bgnd_tiles[i] &= bgnd_tiles_new[i]; } boolean [] bgnd_strict = bgnd_tiles.clone(); // only these have non 0 alpha tp.growTiles( clt_parameters.bgnd_grow, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more bgnd_tiles, null); // prohibit boolean [] bgnd_tiles_grown = bgnd_tiles.clone(); // only these have non 0 alpha tp.growTiles( 2, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more bgnd_tiles, null); // prohibit // hacking - grow bgnd texture even more, without changing selection boolean [] bgnd_tiles_grown2 = bgnd_tiles_grown.clone(); // only these have non 0 alpha bgnd_data.selected = bgnd_tiles_grown; // selected for background w/o extra transparent layer tp.growTiles( 2, // grow tile selection by 1 over non-background tiles 1: 4 directions, 2 - 8 directions, 3 - 8 by 1, 4 by 1 more bgnd_tiles_grown2, null); // prohibit if (sdfa_instance!=null){ double [][] dbg_img = new double[5][tilesY * tilesX]; String [] titles = {"old","new","strict","grown","more_grown"}; for (int i = 0; i<dbg_img[0].length;i++){ // dbg_img[0][i] = bgnd_dbg[i]?1:0; dbg_img[1][i] = bgnd_tiles_new[i]?1:0; dbg_img[2][i] = bgnd_strict[i]?1:0; dbg_img[3][i] = bgnd_tiles_grown[i]?1:0; dbg_img[4][i] = bgnd_tiles[i]?1:0; } sdfa_instance.showArrays(dbg_img, tilesX, tilesY, true, "strict_grown",titles); } int num_bgnd = 0; double [][][][] texture_tiles_bgnd = new double[tilesY][tilesX][][]; double [] alpha_zero = new double [4*clt_parameters.transform_size*clt_parameters.transform_size]; int alpha_index = 3; for (int i = 0; i < alpha_zero.length; i++) alpha_zero[i]=0.0; if (new_mode) { for (int tileY = 0; tileY < tilesY; tileY++){ for (int tileX = 0; tileX < tilesX; tileX++){ texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX]= null; if ((texture_tiles[tileY][tileX] != null) && bgnd_tiles_grown2[tileY * tilesX + tileX]) { if (bgnd_tiles[tileY * tilesX + tileX]) { texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX]= texture_tiles[tileY][tileX]; num_bgnd++; }else{ texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX]= texture_tiles[tileY][tileX].clone(); texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX][alpha_index] = alpha_zero; } } } } } else { for (int tileY = 0; tileY < tilesY; tileY++){ for (int tileX = 0; tileX < tilesX; tileX++){ texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX]= null; if ((texture_tiles[tileY][tileX] != null) && bgnd_tiles[tileY * tilesX + tileX]) { if (bgnd_tiles_grown2[tileY * tilesX + tileX]) { texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX]= texture_tiles[tileY][tileX]; num_bgnd++; }else{ texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX]= texture_tiles[tileY][tileX].clone(); texture_tiles_bgnd[tileY][tileX][alpha_index] = alpha_zero; } } } } } if (num_bgnd < clt_parameters.min_bgnd_tiles){ return null; // no background to generate } ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); double [][] texture_overlap = image_dtt.combineRGBATiles( texture_tiles_bgnd, // texture_tiles, // array [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][4][4*transform_size] or [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]{null} clt_parameters.transform_size, true, // when false - output each tile as 16x16, true - overlap to make 8x8 clt_parameters.sharp_alpha, // combining mode for alpha channel: false - treat as RGB, true - apply center 8x8 only threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch debugLevel); if (clt_parameters.alpha1 > 0){ // negative or 0 - keep alpha as it was double scale = (clt_parameters.alpha1 > clt_parameters.alpha0) ? (1.0/(clt_parameters.alpha1 - clt_parameters.alpha0)) : 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < texture_overlap[alpha_index].length; i++){ double d = texture_overlap[alpha_index][i]; if (d >=clt_parameters.alpha1) d = 1.0; else if (d <=clt_parameters.alpha0) d = 0.0; else d = scale * (d- clt_parameters.alpha0); texture_overlap[alpha_index][i] = d; } } // for now - use just RGB. Later add oprion for RGBA double [][] texture_rgb = {texture_overlap[0],texture_overlap[1],texture_overlap[2]}; double [][] texture_rgba = {texture_overlap[0],texture_overlap[1],texture_overlap[2],texture_overlap[3]}; // ImagePlus img_texture = ImagePlus imp_texture_bgnd = linearStackToColor( clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, name+"-texture-bgnd", // String name, "", //String suffix, // such as disparity=... true, // toRGB, !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg, // boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result true, // boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally false, //true, // boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) ((clt_parameters.alpha1 > 0)? texture_rgba: texture_rgb), tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesY * clt_parameters.transform_size, 1.0, // double scaleExposure, // is it needed? debugLevel); // resize for backdrop here! // public double getFOVPix(){ // get ratio of 1 pixel X/Y to Z (distance to object) ImagePlus imp_texture_bgnd_ext = resizeForBackdrop( imp_texture_bgnd, clt_parameters.black_back, // boolean fillBlack, clt_parameters.black_back, // boolean noalpha, debugLevel); String path= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory( //TODO: Which one to use - name or this.image_name ? correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name), // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false correctionsParameters.x3dModelVersion, // name, // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false true, // smart, true); //newAllowed, // save // only show/save original size if debug or debug_filters) int jpegQuality = clt_parameters.black_back ? 90: -1; if (clt_parameters.debug_filters || (debugLevel > 0)) { eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_texture_bgnd, path, correctionsParameters.png && !clt_parameters.black_back, clt_parameters.show_textures, jpegQuality); // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG } if (!no_image_save) { eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_texture_bgnd_ext, path, correctionsParameters.png && !clt_parameters.black_back, clt_parameters.show_textures, jpegQuality); // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG } return imp_texture_bgnd_ext; } public String getPassImage( // get image form a single pass, return relative path for x3d EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, String name, int scanIndex, int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch boolean updateStatus, int debugLevel) { final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); ShowDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = null; if (debugLevel > -1) sdfa_instance = new ShowDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? CLTPass3d scan = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(scanIndex); boolean [] borderTiles = scan.border_tiles; double [][][][] texture_tiles = scan.texture_tiles; scan.updateSelection(); // update .selected field (all selected, including border) and Rectangle bounds double [][]alphaFade = tp.getAlphaFade(clt_parameters.transform_size); if ((debugLevel > 0) && (scanIndex == 1)) { String [] titles = new String[16]; for (int i = 0; i<titles.length;i++) titles[i]=""+i; sdfa_instance.showArrays(alphaFade, 2*clt_parameters.transform_size,2*clt_parameters.transform_size,true,"alphaFade",titles); } double [][][][] texture_tiles_cluster = new double[tilesY][tilesX][][]; double [] alpha_zero = new double [4*clt_parameters.transform_size*clt_parameters.transform_size]; int alpha_index = 3; for (int i = 0; i < alpha_zero.length; i++) alpha_zero[i]=0.0; for (int tileY = 0; tileY < tilesY; tileY++){ for (int tileX = 0; tileX < tilesX; tileX++){ texture_tiles_cluster[tileY][tileX]= null; if (texture_tiles[tileY][tileX] != null) { if (borderTiles[tileY * tilesX + tileX]) { texture_tiles_cluster[tileY][tileX]= texture_tiles[tileY][tileX].clone(); if (clt_parameters.shAggrFade) { texture_tiles_cluster[tileY][tileX][alpha_index] = alpha_zero; } else { if ((debugLevel > -1) && (scanIndex == 1)) { System.out.println("getPassImage(): tileY="+tileY+", tileX = "+tileX+", tileY="+tileY); } int fade_mode=0; if ((tileY > 0) && (texture_tiles[tileY - 1][tileX] != null) && !borderTiles[(tileY - 1) * tilesX + tileX]) fade_mode |= 1; if ((tileX < (tilesX -1)) && (texture_tiles[tileY][tileX + 1] != null) && !borderTiles[tileY * tilesX + tileX + 1]) fade_mode |= 2; if ((tileY < (tilesY -1)) && (texture_tiles[tileY + 1][tileX] != null) && !borderTiles[(tileY + 1) * tilesX + tileX]) fade_mode |= 4; if ((tileX > 0) && (texture_tiles[tileY][tileX - 1] != null) && !borderTiles[tileY * tilesX + tileX - 1]) fade_mode |= 8; texture_tiles_cluster[tileY][tileX][alpha_index] = alphaFade[fade_mode]; // alpha_zero; } }else{ texture_tiles_cluster[tileY][tileX]= texture_tiles[tileY][tileX]; } } } } ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); double [][] texture_overlap = image_dtt.combineRGBATiles( texture_tiles_cluster, // texture_tiles, // array [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][4][4*transform_size] or [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]{null} clt_parameters.transform_size, true, // when false - output each tile as 16x16, true - overlap to make 8x8 clt_parameters.sharp_alpha, // combining mode for alpha channel: false - treat as RGB, true - apply center 8x8 only threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch debugLevel); if (clt_parameters.alpha1 > 0){ // negative or 0 - keep alpha as it was double scale = (clt_parameters.alpha1 > clt_parameters.alpha0) ? (1.0/(clt_parameters.alpha1 - clt_parameters.alpha0)) : 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < texture_overlap[alpha_index].length; i++){ double d = texture_overlap[alpha_index][i]; if (d >=clt_parameters.alpha1) d = 1.0; else if (d <=clt_parameters.alpha0) d = 0.0; else d = scale * (d- clt_parameters.alpha0); texture_overlap[alpha_index][i] = d; } } // for now - use just RGB. Later add oprion for RGBA double [][] texture_rgb = {texture_overlap[0],texture_overlap[1],texture_overlap[2]}; double [][] texture_rgba = {texture_overlap[0],texture_overlap[1],texture_overlap[2],texture_overlap[3]}; double [][] texture_rgbx = ((clt_parameters.alpha1 > 0)? texture_rgba: texture_rgb); boolean resize = true; if (resize) { texture_rgbx = resizeGridTexture( texture_rgbx, clt_parameters.transform_size, tilesX, tilesY, scan.getTextureBounds()); } int width = resize ? (clt_parameters.transform_size * scan.getTextureBounds().width): (clt_parameters.transform_size * tilesX); int height = resize ? (clt_parameters.transform_size * scan.getTextureBounds().height): (clt_parameters.transform_size * tilesY); ImagePlus imp_texture_cluster = linearStackToColor( clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, name+"-texture", // String name, "", //String suffix, // such as disparity=... true, // toRGB, !this.correctionsParameters.jpeg, // boolean bpp16, // 16-bit per channel color mode for result true, // boolean saveShowIntermediate, // save/show if set globally false, //true, // boolean saveShowFinal, // save/show result (color image?) texture_rgbx, width, //tp.tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, height, //tp.tilesY * clt_parameters.transform_size, 1.0, // double scaleExposure, // is it needed? debugLevel); String path= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory( //TODO: Which one to use - name or this.image_name ? correctionsParameters.getModelName(this.image_name), // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false correctionsParameters.x3dModelVersion, true, // smart, true); //newAllowed, // save // only show/save original size if debug or debug_filters) eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_texture_cluster, path, correctionsParameters.png, clt_parameters.show_textures, -1); // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG return imp_texture_cluster.getTitle()+".png"; // imp_texture_cluster; } public ImagePlus resizeForBackdrop( ImagePlus imp, boolean fillBlack, boolean noalpha, // only with fillBlack, otherwize ignored int debugLevel) { double backdropPixels = 2.0/geometryCorrection.getFOVPix(); if (debugLevel > -1) { System.out.println("backdropPixels = "+backdropPixels); } // TODO: currently - just adding pixels, no rescaling (add later). Alternatively - just modify geometry earlier int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); int h_margin = (int) Math.round((backdropPixels - width)/2); int v_margin = (int) Math.round((backdropPixels - height)/2); int width2 = width + 2 * h_margin; int height2 = height + 2 * v_margin; if (debugLevel > -1) { System.out.println("backdropPixels = "+backdropPixels+" h_margin = "+h_margin+" v_margin = "+v_margin); } int [] src_pixels = (int []) imp.getProcessor().getPixels(); int [] pixels = new int [width2* height2]; int black = noalpha ? 0 : 0xff000000; int mask = noalpha ? 0xffffff : 0xffffffff; if (fillBlack) { for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++){ pixels[i] = black; } } int indx = 0; int offset = v_margin * width2 + h_margin; if (fillBlack) { for (int i = 0; i < height; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < width; j++){ int a = (src_pixels[indx] >> 24) & 0xff; if (a == 255) { pixels[offset+ i * width2 + j] = src_pixels[indx] & mask; } else if (a == 0) { pixels[offset+ i * width2 + j] = black; } else { int r = (src_pixels[indx] >> 16) & 0xff; //' maybe - swap with b? int g = (src_pixels[indx] >> 8) & 0xff; int b = (src_pixels[indx] >> 0) & 0xff; r = (r * a) / 255; g = (g * a) / 255; b = (b * a) / 255; pixels[offset+ i * width2 + j] = black | (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b; } indx++; } } } else { for (int i = 0; i < height; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < width; j++){ pixels[offset+ i * width2 + j] = src_pixels[indx++]; } } } ColorProcessor cp=new ColorProcessor(width2,height2); cp.setPixels(pixels); ImagePlus imp_ext=new ImagePlus(imp.getTitle()+"-ext",cp); return imp_ext; } //[tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]["RGBA".length()][] //linearStackToColor public CLTPass3d CLTBackgroundMeas( // measure background // final String image_name, final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); // CLTPass3d scan_rslt = CLTPass3d(tp); CLTPass3d scan_rslt = new CLTPass3d(tp); int d = ImageDtt.setImgMask(0, 0xf); d = ImageDtt.setPairMask(d,0xf); d = ImageDtt.setForcedDisparity(d,true); int [][] tile_op = tp.setSameTileOp(clt_parameters, d, debugLevel); double [][] disparity_array = tp.setSameDisparity(0.0); // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX] - individual per-tile expected disparity // undecided, so 2 modes of combining alpha - same as rgb, or use center tile only double [][][][] clt_corr_combo = new double [ImageDtt.TCORR_TITLES.length][tilesY][tilesX][]; // will only be used inside? // double min_corr_selected = clt_parameters.corr_normalize? clt_parameters.min_corr_normalized: clt_parameters.min_corr; double min_corr_selected = clt_parameters.min_corr; double [][] disparity_map = new double [ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES.length][]; //[0] -residual disparity, [1] - orthogonal (just for debugging) double [][] shiftXY = new double [4][2]; if (!clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore) { double [][] shiftXY0 = { {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3}}; shiftXY = shiftXY0; } double [][][][] texture_tiles = new double [tilesY][tilesX][][]; // ["RGBA".length()][]; ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); // final double disparity_corr = (clt_parameters.z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/clt_parameters.z_correction); double z_correction = clt_parameters.z_correction; if (clt_parameters.z_corr_map.containsKey(image_name)){ z_correction +=clt_parameters.z_corr_map.get(image_name); } final double disparity_corr = (z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/z_correction); image_dtt.clt_aberrations_quad_corr( clt_parameters.img_dtt, // final ImageDttParameters imgdtt_params, // Now just extra correlation parameters, later will include, most others 1, // final int macro_scale, // to correlate tile data instead of the pixel data: 1 - pixels, 8 - tiles tile_op, // per-tile operation bit codes disparity_array, // clt_parameters.disparity, // final double disparity, image_data, // final double [][][] imade_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null // correlation results - final and partial clt_corr_combo, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate null, // clt_corr_partial, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][quad]color][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate null, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair]{dx,dy,weight}[(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate // Use it with disparity_maps[scan_step]? clt_mismatch, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair]{dx,dy,weight}[(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate disparity_map, // [12][tp.tilesY * tp.tilesX] texture_tiles, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]["RGBA".length()][]; tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, // imp_quad[0].getWidth(), // final int width, clt_parameters.fat_zero, // add to denominator to modify phase correlation (same units as data1, data2). <0 - pure sum clt_parameters.corr_sym, clt_parameters.corr_offset, clt_parameters.corr_red, clt_parameters.corr_blue, clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_parameters.corr_normalize, // normalize correlation results by rms min_corr_selected, // 0.0001; // minimal correlation value to consider valid clt_parameters.max_corr_sigma,// 1.5; // weights of points around global max to find fractional clt_parameters.max_corr_radius, // clt_parameters.enhortho_width, // 2; // reduce weight of center correlation pixels from center (0 - none, 1 - center, 2 +/-1 from center) // clt_parameters.enhortho_scale, // 0.2; // multiply center correlation pixels (inside enhortho_width) clt_parameters.max_corr_double, // Double pass when masking center of mass to reduce preference for integer values clt_parameters.corr_mode, // Correlation mode: 0 - integer max, 1 - center of mass, 2 - polynomial clt_parameters.min_shot, // 10.0; // Do not adjust for shot noise if lower than clt_parameters.scale_shot, // 3.0; // scale when dividing by sqrt ( <0 - disable correction) clt_parameters.diff_sigma, // 5.0;//RMS difference from average to reduce weights (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_threshold, // 5.0; // RMS difference from average to discard channel (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_gauss, // true; // when averaging images, use gaussian around average as weight (false - sharp all/nothing) clt_parameters.min_agree, // 3.0; // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) clt_parameters.dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average clt_parameters.keep_weights, // Add port weights to RGBA stack (debug feature) geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, null, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // if not null correct this camera (aux) to the coordinates of the main clt_kernels, // final double [][][][][][] clt_kernels, // [channel_in_quad][color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, shiftXY, // disparity_corr, // final double disparity_corr, // disparity at infinity (clt_parameters.fcorr_ignore? null: this.fine_corr), clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // still not understood coefficient that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 0.85 clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve // (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); scan_rslt.disparity = disparity_array; scan_rslt.tile_op = tile_op; scan_rslt.disparity_map = disparity_map; scan_rslt.texture_tiles = texture_tiles; scan_rslt.is_measured = true; scan_rslt.is_combo = false; scan_rslt.resetProcessed(); return scan_rslt; } public CLTPass3d CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int scanIndex, final boolean save_textures, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { return CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, scanIndex, // final int scanIndex, save_textures, // final boolean save_textures, true, // final boolean save_corr, null, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, debugLevel); // final int debugLevel); } public CLTPass3d CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int scanIndex, final boolean save_textures, final boolean save_corr, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { return CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, scanIndex, // final int scanIndex, save_textures, // final boolean save_textures, save_corr, // final boolean save_corr, null, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, debugLevel); // final int debugLevel); } public CLTPass3d CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int scanIndex, final boolean save_textures, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { return CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad null, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, scanIndex, // final int scanIndex, save_textures, // final boolean save_textures, true, // final boolean save_corr, null, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, debugLevel); // final int debugLevel); } public CLTPass3d CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int scanIndex, final boolean save_textures, final boolean save_corr, final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { return CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity image_data, // final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad null, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, scanIndex, // final int scanIndex, save_textures, // final boolean save_textures, save_corr, // final boolean save_corr, null, // final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, debugLevel); // final int debugLevel); } public CLTPass3d CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity // final String image_name, final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int scanIndex, final boolean save_textures, final boolean save_corr, final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final int dbg_x = -295-debugLevel; final int dbg_y = -160-debugLevel; final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); CLTPass3d scan = tp.clt_3d_passes.get(scanIndex); int [][] tile_op = scan.tile_op; double [][] disparity_array = scan.disparity; // undecided, so 2 modes of combining alpha - same as rgb, or use center tile only double [][][][] clt_corr_combo = new double [ImageDtt.TCORR_TITLES.length][tilesY][tilesX][]; // will only be used inside? if (debugLevel > -1){ int numTiles = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < tile_op.length; ty ++) for (int tx = 0; tx < tile_op[ty].length; tx ++){ if (tile_op[ty][tx] != 0) numTiles ++; } System.out.println("CLTMeasure("+scanIndex+"): numTiles = "+numTiles); if ((dbg_y >= 0) && (dbg_x >= 0) && (tile_op[dbg_y][dbg_x] != 0)){ System.out.println("CLTMeasure("+scanIndex+"): tile_op["+dbg_y+"]["+dbg_x+"] = "+tile_op[dbg_y][dbg_x]); } } double min_corr_selected = clt_parameters.min_corr; double [][] disparity_map = save_corr ? new double [ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES.length][] : null; //[0] -residual disparity, [1] - orthogonal (just for debugging) double [][] shiftXY = new double [4][2]; if (!clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore) { double [][] shiftXY0 = { {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3}}; shiftXY = shiftXY0; } double [][][][] texture_tiles = save_textures ? new double [tilesY][tilesX][][] : null; // ["RGBA".length()][]; ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); // final double disparity_corr = (clt_parameters.z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/clt_parameters.z_correction); double z_correction = clt_parameters.z_correction; if (clt_parameters.z_corr_map.containsKey(image_name)){ z_correction +=clt_parameters.z_corr_map.get(image_name); } final double disparity_corr = (z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/z_correction); image_dtt.clt_aberrations_quad_corr( clt_parameters.img_dtt, // final ImageDttParameters imgdtt_params, // Now just extra correlation parameters, later will include, most others 1, // final int macro_scale, // to correlate tile data instead of the pixel data: 1 - pixels, 8 - tiles tile_op, // per-tile operation bit codes disparity_array, // clt_parameters.disparity, // final double disparity, image_data, // final double [][][] imade_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null // correlation results - final and partial clt_corr_combo, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate null, // clt_corr_partial, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][quad]color][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate mismatch, // null, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair]{dx,dy,weight}[(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate // Use it with disparity_maps[scan_step]? clt_mismatch, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair]{dx,dy,weight}[(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate disparity_map, // [12][tp.tilesY * tp.tilesX] texture_tiles, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]["RGBA".length()][]; tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, // imp_quad[0].getWidth(), // final int width, clt_parameters.fat_zero, // add to denominator to modify phase correlation (same units as data1, data2). <0 - pure sum clt_parameters.corr_sym, clt_parameters.corr_offset, clt_parameters.corr_red, clt_parameters.corr_blue, clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_parameters.corr_normalize, // normalize correlation results by rms min_corr_selected, // 0.0001; // minimal correlation value to consider valid clt_parameters.max_corr_sigma,// 1.5; // weights of points around global max to find fractional clt_parameters.max_corr_radius, // clt_parameters.enhortho_width, // 2; // reduce weight of center correlation pixels from center (0 - none, 1 - center, 2 +/-1 from center) // clt_parameters.enhortho_scale, // 0.2; // multiply center correlation pixels (inside enhortho_width) clt_parameters.max_corr_double, // Double pass when masking center of mass to reduce preference for integer values clt_parameters.corr_mode, // Correlation mode: 0 - integer max, 1 - center of mass, 2 - polynomial clt_parameters.min_shot, // 10.0; // Do not adjust for shot noise if lower than clt_parameters.scale_shot, // 3.0; // scale when dividing by sqrt ( <0 - disable correction) clt_parameters.diff_sigma, // 5.0;//RMS difference from average to reduce weights (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_threshold, // 5.0; // RMS difference from average to discard channel (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_gauss, // true; // when averaging images, use gaussian around average as weight (false - sharp all/nothing) clt_parameters.min_agree, // 3.0; // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) clt_parameters.dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average clt_parameters.keep_weights, // Add port weights to RGBA stack (debug feature) geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, null, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // if not null correct this camera (aux) to the coordinates of the main clt_kernels, // final double [][][][][][] clt_kernels, // [channel_in_quad][color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, shiftXY, // disparity_corr, // final double disparity_corr, // disparity at infinity (clt_parameters.fcorr_ignore? null: this.fine_corr), clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // still not understood coefficient that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 0.85 clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve // (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); scan.disparity_map = disparity_map; scan.texture_tiles = texture_tiles; scan.is_measured = true; scan.is_combo = false; scan.resetProcessed(); return scan; } public CLTPass3d CLTMeasure( // perform single pass according to prepared tiles operations and disparity final double [][][] image_data, // first index - number of image in a quad final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final CLTPass3d scan, final boolean save_textures, final boolean save_corr, final double [][] mismatch, // null or double [12][] final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // If not null - covert to main camera coordinates final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final int dbg_x = -295-debugLevel; final int dbg_y = -160-debugLevel; final int tilesX = tp.getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tp.getTilesY(); double [] disparity = scan.getDisparity(); double [] strength = scan.getStrength(); boolean [] selection = scan.getSelected(); if (selection == null) { selection = new boolean[tilesX*tilesY]; for (int nTile = 0; nTile < selection.length; nTile++) { selection[nTile] = !Double.isNaN(disparity[nTile]) && (strength[nTile] > 0.0); } scan.setSelected(selection); } if ((scan.disparity == null) || (scan.tile_op == null)) { scan.setTileOpDisparity( scan.getSelected(), // boolean [] selection, scan.getDisparity()); // double [] disparity) } int [][] tile_op = scan.tile_op; double [][] disparity_array = scan.disparity; // undecided, so 2 modes of combining alpha - same as rgb, or use center tile only double [][][][] clt_corr_combo = new double [ImageDtt.TCORR_TITLES.length][tilesY][tilesX][]; // will only be used inside? if (debugLevel > -1){ int numTiles = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < tile_op.length; ty ++) for (int tx = 0; tx < tile_op[ty].length; tx ++){ if (tile_op[ty][tx] != 0) numTiles ++; } System.out.println("CLTMeasure(): numTiles = "+numTiles); if ((dbg_y >= 0) && (dbg_x >= 0) && (tile_op[dbg_y][dbg_x] != 0)){ System.out.println("CLTMeasure(): tile_op["+dbg_y+"]["+dbg_x+"] = "+tile_op[dbg_y][dbg_x]); } } double min_corr_selected = clt_parameters.min_corr; double [][] disparity_map = save_corr ? new double [ImageDtt.DISPARITY_TITLES.length][] : null; //[0] -residual disparity, [1] - orthogonal (just for debugging) double [][] shiftXY = new double [4][2]; if (!clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore) { double [][] shiftXY0 = { {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3}}; shiftXY = shiftXY0; } double [][][][] texture_tiles = save_textures ? new double [tilesY][tilesX][][] : null; // ["RGBA".length()][]; ImageDtt image_dtt = new ImageDtt(); double z_correction = clt_parameters.z_correction; if (clt_parameters.z_corr_map.containsKey(image_name)){ z_correction +=clt_parameters.z_corr_map.get(image_name); } final double disparity_corr = (z_correction == 0) ? 0.0 : geometryCorrection.getDisparityFromZ(1.0/z_correction); image_dtt.clt_aberrations_quad_corr( clt_parameters.img_dtt, // final ImageDttParameters imgdtt_params, // Now just extra correlation parameters, later will include, most others 1, // final int macro_scale, // to correlate tile data instead of the pixel data: 1 - pixels, 8 - tiles tile_op, // per-tile operation bit codes disparity_array, // clt_parameters.disparity, // final double disparity, image_data, // final double [][][] imade_data, // first index - number of image in a quad saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null // correlation results - final and partial clt_corr_combo, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate null, // clt_corr_partial, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][quad]color][(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // if null - will not calculate mismatch, // null, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair]{dx,dy,weight}[(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate // Use it with disparity_maps[scan_step]? clt_mismatch, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX][pair]{dx,dy,weight}[(2*transform_size-1)*(2*transform_size-1)] // transpose unapplied. null - do not calculate disparity_map, // [12][tp.tilesY * tp.tilesX] texture_tiles, // [tp.tilesY][tp.tilesX]["RGBA".length()][]; tilesX * clt_parameters.transform_size, // imp_quad[0].getWidth(), // final int width, clt_parameters.fat_zero, // add to denominator to modify phase correlation (same units as data1, data2). <0 - pure sum clt_parameters.corr_sym, clt_parameters.corr_offset, clt_parameters.corr_red, clt_parameters.corr_blue, clt_parameters.corr_sigma, clt_parameters.corr_normalize, // normalize correlation results by rms min_corr_selected, // 0.0001; // minimal correlation value to consider valid clt_parameters.max_corr_sigma,// 1.5; // weights of points around global max to find fractional clt_parameters.max_corr_radius, clt_parameters.max_corr_double, // Double pass when masking center of mass to reduce preference for integer values clt_parameters.corr_mode, // Correlation mode: 0 - integer max, 1 - center of mass, 2 - polynomial clt_parameters.min_shot, // 10.0; // Do not adjust for shot noise if lower than clt_parameters.scale_shot, // 3.0; // scale when dividing by sqrt ( <0 - disable correction) clt_parameters.diff_sigma, // 5.0;//RMS difference from average to reduce weights (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_threshold, // 5.0; // RMS difference from average to discard channel (~ 1.0 - 1/255 full scale image) clt_parameters.diff_gauss, // true; // when averaging images, use gaussian around average as weight (false - sharp all/nothing) clt_parameters.min_agree, // 3.0; // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) clt_parameters.dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average clt_parameters.keep_weights, // Add port weights to RGBA stack (debug feature) geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, geometryCorrection_main, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, // if not null correct this camera (aux) to the coordinates of the main clt_kernels, // final double [][][][][][] clt_kernels, // [channel_in_quad][color][tileY][tileX][band][pixel] , size should match image (have 1 tile around) clt_parameters.kernel_step, clt_parameters.transform_size, clt_parameters.clt_window, shiftXY, // disparity_corr, // final double disparity_corr, // disparity at infinity (clt_parameters.fcorr_ignore? null: this.fine_corr), clt_parameters.corr_magic_scale, // still not understood coefficient that reduces reported disparity value. Seems to be around 0.85 clt_parameters.shift_x, // final int shiftX, // shift image horizontally (positive - right) - just for testing clt_parameters.shift_y, // final int shiftY, // shift image vertically (positive - down) clt_parameters.tileX, // final int debug_tileX, clt_parameters.tileY, // final int debug_tileY, (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 64) != 0, // no fract shift (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 128) != 0, // no convolve // (clt_parameters.dbg_mode & 256) != 0, // transpose convolve threadsMax, debugLevel); scan.disparity_map = disparity_map; scan.texture_tiles = texture_tiles; scan.is_measured = true; scan.is_combo = false; scan.resetProcessed(); return scan; } public ImagePlus [] conditionImageSetBatch( // used in batchCLT3d final int nSet, // index of the 4-image set final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, final int [][] fileIndices, // =new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number final ArrayList<String> setNames, // = new ArrayList<String>(); final ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> setFiles, // = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); final double [] referenceExposures, // =eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) final double [] scaleExposures, // = new double[channelFiles.length]; // final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // = (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0)? new boolean[channelFiles.length][] : null; final int debugLevel) { final boolean batch_mode = clt_parameters.batch_run; //disable any debug images String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); int maxChn = 0; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ int chn = fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]; if (chn > maxChn) maxChn = chn; } int [] channelFiles = new int[maxChn+1]; for (int i =0; i < channelFiles.length; i++) channelFiles[i] = -1; for (int i = 0; i < setFiles.get(nSet).size(); i++){ channelFiles[fileIndices[setFiles.get(nSet).get(i)][1]] = setFiles.get(nSet).get(i); } ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = new ImagePlus[channelFiles.length]; this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops = new int [channelFiles.length]; double [][] dbg_dpixels = batch_mode? null : (new double [channelFiles.length][]); for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ int nFile=channelFiles[srcChannel]; imp_srcs[srcChannel]=null; if (nFile >=0){ if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subchannel=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.getSubChannel(srcChannel); if (this.correctionsParameters.swapSubchannels01) { switch (subchannel){ case 0: subchannel=1; break; case 1: subchannel=0; break; } } if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing set " + setNames.get(nSet)+" channel "+srcChannel+" - subchannel "+subchannel+" of "+sourceFiles[nFile]); ImagePlus "", // path, sourceFiles[nFile], "", //arg - not used in JP46 reader true, // un-apply camera color gains null, // new window false); // do not show imp_srcs[srcChannel]=eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.demuxImage(imp_composite, subchannel); if (imp_srcs[srcChannel] == null) imp_srcs[srcChannel] = imp_composite; // not a composite image // do we need to add any properties? } else { imp_srcs[srcChannel]=new ImagePlus(sourceFiles[nFile]); // (new JP46_Reader_camera(false)).decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_src); // decode existent properties from info eyesisCorrections.JP4_INSTANCE.decodeProperiesFromInfo(imp_srcs[srcChannel]); // decode existent properties from info if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println("Processing "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } imp_srcs[srcChannel] = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.padBayerToFullSize( imp_srcs[srcChannel], // ImagePlus imp_src, eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.sensors[srcChannel].getSensorWH(), true); // boolean replicate); this.geometryCorrection.woi_tops[srcChannel] = Integer.parseInt((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("WOI_TOP")); scaleExposures[srcChannel] = 1.0; if (!Double.isNaN(referenceExposures[nFile]) && (imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")!=null)){ scaleExposures[srcChannel] = referenceExposures[nFile]/Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")); if (debugLevel > -1) { System.out.println("Will scale intensity (to compensate for exposure) by "+scaleExposures[srcChannel]+ ", EXPOSURE = "+imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("EXPOSURE")); } } imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("name", correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])); imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("channel", srcChannel); // it may already have channel imp_srcs[srcChannel].setProperty("path", sourceFiles[nFile]); // it may already have channel if (this.correctionsParameters.pixelDefects && (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY!=null)&& (eyesisCorrections.defectsXY[srcChannel]!=null)){ // apply pixel correction int numApplied= eyesisCorrections.correctDefects( imp_srcs[srcChannel], srcChannel, debugLevel); if ((debugLevel>0) && (numApplied>0)) { // reduce verbosity after verified defect correction works System.out.println("Corrected "+numApplied+" pixels in "+sourceFiles[nFile]); } } float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); if (!batch_mode && (debugLevel > -1)) { double [] max_pix= {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}; // for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int y = 0; y < 499; y+=2){ // for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ for (int x = width/2; x < width-1; x+=2){ if (pixels[y*width+x ] > max_pix[0]) max_pix[0] = pixels[y*width+x ]; if (pixels[y*width+x+ 1] > max_pix[1]) max_pix[1] = pixels[y*width+x+ 1]; if (pixels[y*width+x+width ] > max_pix[2]) max_pix[2] = pixels[y*width+x+width ]; if (pixels[y*width+x+width+1] > max_pix[3]) max_pix[3] = pixels[y*width+x+width+1]; } } System.out.println(String.format("channel %d max_pix[] = %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", srcChannel, max_pix[0], max_pix[1], max_pix[2], max_pix[3])); dbg_dpixels[srcChannel] = new double [pixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) dbg_dpixels[srcChannel][i] = pixels[i]; // imp_srcs[srcChannel].show(); } if (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0){ double [] saturations = { Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_1")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_0")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_3")), Double.parseDouble((String) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProperty("saturation_2"))}; saturation_imp[srcChannel] = new boolean[width*height]; System.out.println(String.format("channel %d saturations = %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f %6.2f", srcChannel, saturations[0],saturations[1],saturations[2],saturations[3])); double [] scaled_saturations = new double [saturations.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scaled_saturations.length; i++){ scaled_saturations[i] = saturations[i] * clt_parameters.sat_level; } for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ if (pixels[y*width+x ] > scaled_saturations[0]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+ 1] > scaled_saturations[1]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x +1] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width ] > scaled_saturations[2]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width ] = true; if (pixels[y*width+x+width+1] > scaled_saturations[3]) saturation_imp[srcChannel][y*width+x+width+1] = true; } } } if (this.correctionsParameters.vignetting){ if ((eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection==null) || (srcChannel<0) || (srcChannel>=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection.length) || (eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel]==null)){ System.out.println("No vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel); return null; } /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); if (pixels.length!=eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length){ System.out.println("Vignetting data for channel "+srcChannel+" has "+eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel].length+" pixels, image "+sourceFiles[nFile]+" has "+pixels.length); return null; } // TODO: Move to do it once: double min_non_zero = 0.0; for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if ((d > 0.0) && ((min_non_zero == 0) || (min_non_zero > d))){ min_non_zero = d; } } double max_vign_corr = clt_parameters.vignetting_range*min_non_zero; System.out.println("Vignetting data: channel="+srcChannel+", min = "+min_non_zero); for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++){ double d = eyesisCorrections.channelVignettingCorrection[srcChannel][i]; if (d > max_vign_corr) d = max_vign_corr; pixels[i]*=d; } // Scale here, combine with vignetting later? /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= clt_parameters.scale_g; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= clt_parameters.scale_r; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= clt_parameters.scale_b; } } } else { // assuming GR/BG pattern System.out.println("Applying fixed color gain correction parameters: Gr="+ clt_parameters.novignetting_r+", Gg="+clt_parameters.novignetting_g+", Gb="+clt_parameters.novignetting_b); /// float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); /// int width = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getWidth(); /// int height = imp_srcs[srcChannel].getHeight(); double kr = clt_parameters.scale_r/clt_parameters.novignetting_r; double kg = clt_parameters.scale_g/clt_parameters.novignetting_g; double kb = clt_parameters.scale_b/clt_parameters.novignetting_b; for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ pixels[y*width+x ] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x+width+1] *= kg; pixels[y*width+x +1] *= kr; pixels[y*width+x+width ] *= kb; } } } } } // temporary applying scaleExposures[srcChannel] here, setting it to all 1.0 System.out.println("Temporarily applying scaleExposures[] here" ); for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++){ pixels[i] *= scaleExposures[srcChannel]; } scaleExposures[srcChannel] = 1.0; } // may need to equalize gains between channels if (clt_parameters.gain_equalize || clt_parameters.colors_equalize){ channelGainsEqualize( clt_parameters.gain_equalize, clt_parameters.colors_equalize, clt_parameters.nosat_equalize, // boolean nosat_equalize, channelFiles, imp_srcs, saturation_imp, // boolean[][] saturated, setNames.get(nSet), // just for debug messages == setNames.get(nSet) debugLevel); } if (!batch_mode && (debugLevel > -1) && (saturation_imp != null)){ String [] titles = {"chn0","chn1","chn2","chn3"}; double [][] dbg_satur = new double [saturation_imp.length] [saturation_imp[0].length]; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ for (int i = 0; i < saturation_imp[srcChannel].length; i++){ dbg_satur[srcChannel][i] = saturation_imp[srcChannel][i]? 1.0 : 0.0; } } int width = imp_srcs[0].getWidth(); int height = imp_srcs[0].getHeight(); (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_satur, width, height, true, "Saturated" , titles); if (debugLevel > -1) { // 0){ double [][] dbg_dpixels_norm = new double [channelFiles.length][]; for (int srcChannel=0; srcChannel<channelFiles.length; srcChannel++){ float [] pixels=(float []) imp_srcs[srcChannel].getProcessor().getPixels(); dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChannel] = new double[pixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++){ dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChannel][i] = pixels[i]; } } (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_dpixels, width, height, true, "dpixels" , titles); (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_dpixels_norm, width, height, true, "dpixels_norm" , titles); double [][] dbg_dpixels_split = new double [4 * dbg_dpixels.length][dbg_dpixels[0].length / 4]; String [] dbg_titles = {"g1_0","r_0","b_0","g2_0","g1_2","r_1","b_1","g2_1","g1_2","r_2","b_2","g2_2","g1_3","r_3","b_3","g2_3"}; for (int srcChn = 0; srcChn < 4; srcChn++) { for (int y = 0; y < height-1; y+=2){ for (int x = 0; x < width-1; x+=2){ dbg_dpixels_split[ 0 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x ]; dbg_dpixels_split[ 3 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x + width + 1]; dbg_dpixels_split[ 1 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x + 1]; dbg_dpixels_split[ 2 + 4 * srcChn][ y*width/4 +x/2 ] = dbg_dpixels_norm[srcChn][y * width + x + width ]; } } } (new ShowDoubleFloatArrays()).showArrays(dbg_dpixels_split, width/2, height/2, true, "dpixels_split" , dbg_titles); } } return imp_srcs; } public void batchCLT3d( TwoQuadCLT twoQuadCLT, //maybe null in no-rig mode, otherwise may contain rig measurements to be used as infinity ground truth EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.DebayerParameters debayerParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, CorrectionColorProc.ColorGainsParameters channelGainParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, EyesisCorrectionParameters.EquirectangularParameters equirectangularParameters, // int convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final boolean updateStatus, final int debugLevel) { final int debugLevelInner=clt_parameters.batch_run? -2: debugLevel; this.startTime=System.nanoTime(); String [] sourceFiles=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); boolean [] enabledFiles=new boolean[sourceFiles.length]; for (int i=0;i<enabledFiles.length;i++) enabledFiles[i]=false; int numFilesToProcess=0; int numImagesToProcess=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files // removeUnusedSensorData should be off!? channels=this.eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ if (!enabledFiles[nFile]) numFilesToProcess++; enabledFiles[nFile]=true; numImagesToProcess++; } } } } if (numFilesToProcess==0){ System.out.println("No files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+")"); return; } else { if (debugLevel>0) System.out.println(numFilesToProcess+ " files to process (of "+sourceFiles.length+"), "+numImagesToProcess+" images to process"); } double [] referenceExposures=eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevelInner); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) int [][] fileIndices=new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number int index=0; for (int nFile=0;nFile<enabledFiles.length;nFile++){ if ((sourceFiles[nFile]!=null) && (sourceFiles[nFile].length()>1)) { int [] channels={correctionsParameters.getChannelFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile])}; if (correctionsParameters.isJP4()){ int subCamera= channels[0]- correctionsParameters.firstSubCamera; // to match those in the sensor files channels=eyesisCorrections.pixelMapping.channelsForSubCamera(subCamera); } if (channels!=null){ for (int i=0;i<channels.length;i++) if (eyesisCorrections.isChannelEnabled(channels[i])){ fileIndices[index ][0]=nFile; fileIndices[index++][1]=channels[i]; } } } } ArrayList<String> setNames = new ArrayList<String>(); ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> setFiles = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); for (int iImage=0;iImage<fileIndices.length;iImage++){ int nFile=fileIndices[iImage][0]; String setName = correctionsParameters.getNameFromSourceTiff(sourceFiles[nFile]); if (!setNames.contains(setName)) { setNames.add(setName); setFiles.add(new ArrayList<Integer>()); } setFiles.get(setNames.indexOf(setName)).add(new Integer(nFile)); } // enable debug for single-image when clt_batch_dbg1 is on if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_dbg1 && (setNames.size() < 2)) { clt_parameters.batch_run = false; // disable batch_run for single image if clt_batch_dbg1 is on } // Do per 4-image set processing int nSet = 0; for (nSet = 0; nSet < setNames.size(); nSet++){ if ((nSet > 0) &&(debugLevel > -2)) { System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+0)+" (of "+setNames.size()+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startSetTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } this.startSetTime = System.nanoTime(); boolean [][] saturation_imp = (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0)? new boolean[QUAD][] : null; double [] scaleExposures = new double[QUAD]; // ImagePlus [] imp_srcs = conditionImageSetBatch( nSet, // final int nSet, // index of the 4-image set clt_parameters, // final EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, fileIndices, // final int [][] fileIndices, // =new int [numImagesToProcess][2]; // file index, channel number setNames, // final ArrayList<String> setNames, // = new ArrayList<String>(); setFiles, // final ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>> setFiles, // = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Integer>>(); referenceExposures, //final double [] referenceExposures, // =eyesisCorrections.calcReferenceExposures(debugLevel); // multiply each image by this and divide by individual (if not NaN) scaleExposures, // final double [] scaleExposures, // = new double[channelFiles.length]; // saturation_imp, // final boolean [][] saturation_imp, // = (clt_parameters.sat_level > 0.0)? new boolean[channelFiles.length][] : null; debugLevelInner); // final int debugLevel) // once per quad here if (imp_srcs == null) continue; // creating GeometryCorrection instance for applyPixelShift() if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_apply_man) { boolean fine_corr_set = !clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore; if (fine_corr_set) { boolean nz = false; double [][] shiftXY = { {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3}}; for (int i = 0; i < shiftXY.length; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < shiftXY[i].length; j++){ if (shiftXY[i][j] != 0.0) { nz = true; break; } } } if (nz) { geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().applyPixelShift( shiftXY); // double [][] pXY_shift) clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore = true; System.out.println("Detected non-zero manual pixel correction, applying it to extrinsics (azimuth, tilt) and disabling"); } } } else if (!clt_parameters.fine_corr_ignore){ // temporary? Remove DC from the manual correction double [][] shiftXY = { {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2}, {clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3,clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3}}; double [] pXY_avg = {0.0,0.0}; for (int i = 0; i < shiftXY.length; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { pXY_avg[j] += shiftXY[i][j]/shiftXY.length; } } for (int i = 0; i < shiftXY.length; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { shiftXY[i][j] -= pXY_avg[j]; } } clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_0 = shiftXY[0][0]; clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_0 = shiftXY[0][1]; clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_1 = shiftXY[1][0]; clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_1 = shiftXY[1][1]; clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_2 = shiftXY[2][0]; clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_2 = shiftXY[2][1]; clt_parameters.fine_corr_x_3 = shiftXY[3][0]; clt_parameters.fine_corr_y_3 = shiftXY[3][1]; } if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_extrinsic) { if (tp != null) tp.resetCLTPasses(); boolean ok = preExpandCLTQuad3d( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, // channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevelInner); if (ok) { System.out.println("Adjusting extrinsics"); extrinsicsCLT( // twoQuadCLT, // TwoQuadCLT twoQuadCLT, //maybe null in no-rig mode, otherwise may contain rig measurements to be used as infinity ground truth clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, false, // adjust_poly, threadsMax, //final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, debugLevelInner); // final int debugLevel) } } if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_poly) { if (tp != null) tp.resetCLTPasses(); boolean ok = preExpandCLTQuad3d( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, // channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevelInner); if (ok) { System.out.println("Adjusting polynomial fine crorection"); extrinsicsCLT( // twoQuadCLT, // TwoQuadCLT twoQuadCLT, //maybe null in no-rig mode, otherwise may contain rig measurements to be used as infinity ground truth clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, true, // adjust_poly, threadsMax, //final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, debugLevelInner); // final int debugLevel) } } if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_4img){ processCLTQuadCorr( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, // convolveFFTSize, // 128 - fft size, kernel size should be size/2 scaleExposures, false, // apply_corr, // calculate and apply additional fine geometry correction false, // infinity_corr, // calculate and apply geometry correction at infinity threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevelInner); } if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_explore) { if (tp != null) tp.resetCLTPasses(); boolean ok = preExpandCLTQuad3d( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" saturation_imp, // boolean [][] saturation_imp, // (near) saturated pixels or null clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, // channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevelInner); if (ok) { System.out.println("Explore 3d space"); expandCLTQuad3d( // returns ImagePlus, but it already should be saved/shown // imp_srcs, // [srcChannel], // should have properties "name"(base for saving results), "channel","path" clt_parameters, debayerParameters, // nonlinParameters, colorProcParameters, channelGainParameters, rgbParameters, threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, debugLevelInner); } else continue; } else continue; // if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_explore) if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_surf) { tp.showPlanes( clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, threadsMax, updateStatus, debugLevelInner); } else continue; // if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_surf) if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_assign) { double [][] assign_dbg = tp.assignTilesToSurfaces( clt_parameters, geometryCorrection, threadsMax, updateStatus, debugLevelInner); if (assign_dbg == null) continue; } else continue; // if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_assign) if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_gen3d) { boolean ok = output3d( clt_parameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.CLTParameters clt_parameters, colorProcParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.ColorProcParameters colorProcParameters, rgbParameters, // EyesisCorrectionParameters.RGBParameters rgbParameters, threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch updateStatus, // final boolean updateStatus, // !clt_parameters.batch_run, // !batch_dbg, // final boolean batch_mode, debugLevelInner); // final int debugLevel) if (!ok) continue; } else continue; // if (correctionsParameters.clt_batch_gen3d) Runtime.getRuntime().gc(); // if (debugLevel > -2) System.out.println("Processing set "+(nSet+1)+" (of "+fileIndices.length+") finished at "+ // IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startSetTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); if (eyesisCorrections.stopRequested.get()>0) { System.out.println("User requested stop"); System.out.println("Processing "+(nSet + 1)+" file sets (of "+setNames.size()+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); return; } } if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("Processing set "+nSet+" (of "+setNames.size()+") finished at "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startSetTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } System.out.println("Processing "+fileIndices.length+" files ("+setNames.size()+" file sets) finished in "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-this.startTime),3)+" sec, --- Free memory="+Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory()+" (of "+Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory()+")"); } public boolean setGpsLla( String source_file) { ImagePlus imp=(new JP46_Reader_camera(false)).open( "", // path, source_file, "", //arg - not used in JP46 reader true, // un-apply camera color gains null, // new window false); // do not show if (imp.getProperty("LATITUDE") != null){ gps_lla = new double[3]; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { gps_lla[i] = Double.NaN; } if (imp.getProperty("LATITUDE") != null) gps_lla[0] =Double.parseDouble((String) imp.getProperty("LATITUDE")); if (imp.getProperty("LONGITUDE") != null) gps_lla[1] =Double.parseDouble((String) imp.getProperty("LONGITUDE")); if (imp.getProperty("ALTITUDE") != null) gps_lla[2] =Double.parseDouble((String) imp.getProperty("ALTITUDE")); return true; } return false; } public boolean writeKml( int debugLevel ) { String [] sourceFiles_main=correctionsParameters.getSourcePaths(); SetChannels [] set_channels = setChannels(image_name,debugLevel); // only for specified image timestamp ArrayList<String> path_list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < set_channels.length; i++) { for (int fn:set_channels[i].file_number) { path_list.add(sourceFiles_main[fn]); } } for (String fname:path_list) { if (setGpsLla(fname)) { break; } } if (gps_lla != null) { String kml_copy_dir= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory( image_name, // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false null, true, // smart, true); //newAllowed, // save double ts = Double.parseDouble(image_name.replace('_', '.')); (new X3dOutput()).generateKML( kml_copy_dir+ Prefs.getFileSeparator()+image_name+".kml", // String path, false, // boolean overwrite, "", // String icon_path, //<href>x3d/1487451413_967079.x3d</href> ? ts, // double timestamp, gps_lla); // double [] lla) } else { if (debugLevel > -2) { System.out.println("GPS data not available, skipping KML file generation (TODO: maybe make some default LLA?)"); } } return true; } public boolean createThumbNailImage( ImagePlus imp, String dir, String name, int debugLevel) { String thumb_path = dir + Prefs.getFileSeparator() + name+".jpeg"; if (new File(thumb_path).exists()) { System.out.println("file "+thumb_path+" exists, skipping thumbnail generation"); return false; } int image_width = imp.getWidth(); int image_height = imp.getHeight(); double scale_h = 1.0 * (correctionsParameters.thumb_width + 1)/image_width; double scale_v = 1.0 * (correctionsParameters.thumb_height + 1)/image_height; double scale = ((scale_h > scale_v) ? scale_h : scale_v) / correctionsParameters.thumb_size; ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor().duplicate(); ip.setInterpolationMethod(ImageProcessor.BICUBIC); ip.blurGaussian(2.0); ip.scale(scale, scale); int lm = (int) Math.round (((image_width*scale)-correctionsParameters.thumb_width)* correctionsParameters.thumb_h_center + (0.5*image_width*(1.0-scale))); int tm = (int) Math.round (((image_height*scale)-correctionsParameters.thumb_height)* correctionsParameters.thumb_v_center + (0.5*image_height*(1.0-scale))); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(lm,tm,correctionsParameters.thumb_width,correctionsParameters.thumb_height); ip.setRoi(r); ImageProcessor ip2 = ip.crop(); ImagePlus ip_thumb = new ImagePlus(name,ip2); eyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( ip_thumb, dir, false, false, correctionsParameters.JPEG_quality, // jpegQuality); // jpegQuality){// <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG (debugLevel > -2) ? debugLevel : 1); // int debugLevel (print what it saves) return true; } public boolean writeRatingFile( int debugLevel ) { String set_name = image_name; if (set_name == null ) { QuadCLT.SetChannels [] set_channels = setChannels(debugLevel); set_name = set_channels[0].set_name; } String model_dir= correctionsParameters.selectX3dDirectory( set_name, // quad timestamp. Will be ignored if correctionsParameters.use_x3d_subdirs is false null, true, // smart, true); //newAllowed, // save String fname = model_dir+ Prefs.getFileSeparator()+"rating.txt"; File rating_file = new File(fname); if (rating_file.exists()) { if (debugLevel > -2){ System.out.println("file "+rating_file.getPath()+" exists, skipping overwrite"); } return false; } List<String> lines = Arrays.asList(correctionsParameters.default_rating+""); Path path = Paths.get(fname); try { Files.write(path,lines, Charset.forName("UTF-8")); } catch (IOException e1) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e1.printStackTrace(); return false; } try { Path fpath = Paths.get(rating_file.getCanonicalPath()); Set<PosixFilePermission> perms = Files.getPosixFilePermissions(fpath); perms.add(PosixFilePermission.OTHERS_WRITE); Files.setPosixFilePermissions(fpath, perms); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); return false; } return true; } }