package com.elphel.imagej.calibration; import; import; import; import; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import ij.IJ; import; public class CalibrationFileManagement { public static String DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=null; /* public String getLatestName(FileFilter filter, String dirPath){ File dFile=new File(dirPath); if (!dFile.isDirectory()) { String msg="Could not find directory with saved SFE configuration: "+dirPath; // IJ.showMessage(msg); System.out.println("Error: "+msg); return null; } File [] files=dFile.listFiles(filter); } */ /* ======================================================================== */ public static String selectDirectory(boolean save, String title, String button, FileFilter filter, String defaultPath) { return selectDirectoryOrFile(false, save,true, title, button, filter,defaultPath); // always open dialog } /** * * @param smart if true, and defaultPath matches criteria, return it and do not open dialog * @param save file/directory for writing, new OK * @param title Dialog title * @param button Name on the Button * @param filter Selection filter * @param defaultPath default path * @return selected directory name */ public static String selectDirectory(boolean smart, boolean save, String title, String button, FileFilter filter, String defaultPath) { return selectDirectoryOrFile(smart, save,true, title, button, filter,defaultPath); } public static String [] selectDirectories(boolean save, String title, String button, FileFilter filter, String [] defaultPaths) { return selectDirectoriesOrFiles(save,true, title, button, filter, defaultPaths); } public static String selectFile(boolean save, String title, String button, FileFilter filter, String defaultPath) { return selectDirectoryOrFile(false, save,false, title, button, filter, defaultPath ); // always open dialog } public static String selectFile(boolean smart, boolean save, String title, String button, FileFilter filter, String defaultPath) { return selectDirectoryOrFile(smart, save,false, title, button, filter, defaultPath ); } public static String [] selectFiles(boolean save, String title, String button, FileFilter filter, String [] defaultPaths) { return selectDirectoriesOrFiles(save,false, title, button, filter, defaultPaths ); } /* ======================================================================== */ public static String [] selectDirectoriesOrFiles(boolean save, boolean directory, String title, String button, FileFilter filter, String [] defaultPaths) { File dir=null; String defaultPath=null; File [] files=null; int fileNum; if ((defaultPaths!=null) && (defaultPaths.length>0)) { File [] tfiles=new File [defaultPaths.length]; int nf=defaultPaths.length; for (fileNum=0;fileNum0) && (!defaultPaths[0].equals(""))) { defaultPath=defaultPaths[0]; dir = new File(defaultPath); } if ((dir==null) || (!dir.exists())) { if (DEFAULT_DIRECTORY!=null) { defaultPath = DEFAULT_DIRECTORY; dir = new File(defaultPath); } } if ((dir==null) || (!dir.exists())) { defaultPath = OpenDialog.getDefaultDirectory(); if (defaultPath!=null) dir = new File(defaultPath); } if ((dir!=null) && (!dir.exists())) dir=null; if ((dir!=null) && (!dir.isDirectory())){ dir=dir.getParentFile(); } //getSelectedFiles JFileChooser fc= new JFileChooser(); fc.setFileSelectionMode(directory?JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY:JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(true); if ((title!=null) && (title.length()>0)) fc.setDialogTitle(title); if ((button!=null) && (button.length()>0)) fc.setApproveButtonText(button); if (filter!=null) fc.setFileFilter(filter) ; if (dir!=null) fc.setCurrentDirectory(dir); fc.setSelectedFiles(files); int returnVal = save?(fc.showSaveDialog(IJ.getInstance())):(fc.showOpenDialog(IJ.getInstance())); if (returnVal!=JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return null; DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=fc.getCurrentDirectory().getPath(); files=fc.getSelectedFiles(); if (files.length<1) return null; String [] filenames=new String[files.length]; // for (int nFile=0;nFile0)) { dir = new File(defaultPath); } // If directory is specified, smart=true, save is enabled, but it does not exist - try to create it if (smart && directory && (dir!=null) && (defaultPath.length()>1) && // skip "/" save && !dir.exists()) dir.mkdirs(); // see if defaultPath matches if (smart && (dir!=null) && (defaultPath.length()>1) && // skip "/" (dir.exists()) && (dir.isDirectory() ^ (!directory)) && // directory if requested directory, file if requested file (dir.isDirectory() || filter.accept(dir))){ // don't care for directory, match filter if file return defaultPath; } if ((dir==null) || (!dir.exists())) { if (DEFAULT_DIRECTORY!=null) { defaultPath = DEFAULT_DIRECTORY; dir = new File(defaultPath); } } if ((dir==null) || (!dir.exists())) { defaultPath = OpenDialog.getDefaultDirectory(); if (defaultPath!=null) dir = new File(defaultPath); } if ((dir!=null) && (!dir.exists())) dir=null; if ((dir!=null) && (!dir.isDirectory())){ dir=dir.getParentFile(); } JFileChooser fc= new JFileChooser(); fc.setFileSelectionMode(directory?JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY:JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); fc.setMultiSelectionEnabled(false); if ((title!=null) && (title.length()>0)) fc.setDialogTitle(title); if ((button!=null) && (button.length()>0)) fc.setApproveButtonText(button); if (filter!=null) fc.setFileFilter(filter) ; if (dir!=null) fc.setCurrentDirectory(dir); int returnVal = save?(fc.showSaveDialog(IJ.getInstance())):(fc.showOpenDialog(IJ.getInstance())); if (returnVal!=JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) return null; DEFAULT_DIRECTORY=fc.getCurrentDirectory().getPath(); return fc.getSelectedFile().getPath(); } public static void saveStringToFile (String path,String data){ BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( path)); writer.write( data); } catch ( IOException e) { String msg = e.getMessage(); if (msg==null || msg.equals("")) msg = ""+e; IJ.showMessage("Error",msg); throw new IllegalArgumentException (msg); } finally { try { if ( writer != null) writer.close( ); } catch ( IOException e) { } } } }