package com.elphel.imagej.cameras; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.configuration.XMLConfiguration; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.CalibrationFileManagement; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.DistortionCalibrationData; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.Distortions; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.EyesisAberrations; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.Goniometer; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.LensDistortionParameters; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.MultipleExtensionsFileFilter; import com.elphel.imagej.common.GenericJTabbedDialog; import com.elphel.imagej.common.WindowTools; import Jama.Matrix; import ij.IJ; /* ** ** ** ** Copyright (C) 2011-2014 Elphel, Inc. ** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <>. ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** */ import ij.gui.GenericDialog; public class EyesisCameraParameters{ final public String [] distortionModelDescriptions= { "Radial model", "Non radial with shift/elongation, non cummulative", "Non radial with shift/elongation, cummulative", "With non-radial polynomial terms" }; final int [] distortionModels={0,100,101,200}; public int defaultLensDistortionModel=200; public double [] goniometerHorizontal; // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) public double [] goniometerAxial; // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive public EyesisSubCameraParameters [][] eyesisSubCameras=null; public double [] interAxisDistance; // distance in mm between two goniometer axes public double [] interAxisAngle; // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated // clockwise when eyesis is in 'normal' position, looking to the target public double [] horAxisErrPhi; // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) public double [] horAxisErrPsi; // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around moving X axis (up) public double [] entrancePupilForward; // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil public double [] centerAboveHorizontal; // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each SFE) public double [][] GXYZ=null; // [numStations]{x,y,z} coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system public double [] neckRight; // angle in degrees of the camera as a whole rotated clockwise around axis to the target public double [] neckBack; // angle in degrees of the camera as a whole rotated clockwise around axis to the target public double [][] neckXZ=null; // optical head offset in mm relative to the mount point (centerAboveHorizontal as Y) // non-adjustable parameters, not parts of vector public int numStations; public double [] stationWeight; // reprojection error weights (close station - relax errors) private boolean is_tripod= false; // when true - make goniometerHorizontal rotation around "vertical" axis and "goniometerAxial" - around private boolean cartesian=false; // // rotated horizontal. private int defaultSensorWidth= 2592; private int defaultSensorHeight= 1936; private int defaultDecimateMasks= 1; public int shrinkGridForMask=4; //2; //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks public double maskBlurSigma= -3; //2.0; // blur sensor masks (>0 - pixels, <0 - in grid units) public boolean replaceBad = false; // fix bad nodes x/y, false - keep (2020) public boolean removeWorst = false; // remove completely locally worst nodes public double weightBad = 0.3; // reduce contrast of bad nodes public double weightWorst = 0.05; // reduce contrast of bad, local worst nodes public double badNodeThreshold=0.1; // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels public double badNodeThresholdLWIR=0.2; // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels public int maxBadNeighb= 1; // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix public int minimalValidNodes=10; // do not use images with less than this number of non-zero nodes (after all applicable weight masks) public int weightMultiImageMode=1; // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set to weightMultiExponent power) public double weightMultiExponent= 1.0; public double weightDiameterExponent=1.0; // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image public double weightYtoX=1.0; // relative Y-to-X errors weight (to somewhat compensate for rectabular shape of the sensor) public double gridMarginScale = 0.2; // apply -scaled maximal to grid margins (_extra) for masks public double minimalGridContrast=0.4; // (normally max ~0.8) public double shrinkBlurSigma = 4.0; public double shrinkBlurLevel = 0.5; public double balanceChannelWeightsMode=-1.0; // <0 - use defaults, 0 - keep, >0 balance by number of points to this power public double removeOverRMS=2.0; // error is multiplied by weight function before comparison (more permissive on the borders public double removeOverRMSNonweighted=4.0; // error is not multiplied (no more permissions on tyhe borders public boolean invertUnmarkedLwirGrid = true; // LWIR grid currently is saved shifted (not compensating color inversion) public int [] extrinsicIndices={6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16}; //support variations public double [][] variationsDefaults={ null, // 0 null, // 1 null, // 2 null, // 3 null, // 4 null, // 5 {10.0,0.1,0.0,1.0}, // 6 goniometerHorizontal {10.0,0.1,0.0,1.0}, // 7 goniometerAxial {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0}, // 8 interAxisDistance {10.0,0.2,0.0,1.0}, // 9 interAxisAngle {10.0,0.2,0.0,1.0}, // 10 horAxisErrPhi {10.0,0.2,0.0,1.0}, // 11 horAxisErrPsi {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0}, // 12 entrancePupilForward {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0}, // 13 centerAboveHorizontal {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0}, // 14 GXYZ0 {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0}, // 15 GXYZ1 {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0}, // 16 GXYZ2 {10.0,0.2,0.0,1.0}, // 17 neckRight {10.0,0.2,0.0,1.0}, // 18 neckBack {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0}, // 19 neckXZ0 {10.0,2.0,0.0,1.0} // 20 neckXZ0 }; public boolean isTripod() { return is_tripod; } public boolean isCartesian() { return cartesian; } public boolean isLwirUnmarkedInverted() { return invertUnmarkedLwirGrid; } public int tiltIndex=6; private ParameterVariationCosts [] parameterVariationCosts=null; public boolean isExtrinsic (int index){ for (int i=0;i<this.extrinsicIndices.length; i++) if (this.extrinsicIndices[i]==index) return true; return false; } public boolean isTilt (int index){ return (index==this.tiltIndex); } public boolean isVarianceCostSet(int index){ return (parameterVariationCosts!=null) && (index< parameterVariationCosts.length) && (parameterVariationCosts[index]!=null); } public double varianceCostScale(int index){ if (!isVarianceCostSet(index)) return -1.0; return parameterVariationCosts[index].scale; } public double varianceCostVariationAbs(int index){ if (!isVarianceCostSet(index)) return -1.0; return parameterVariationCosts[index].variationAbs; } public double varianceCostVariationDiff(int index){ if (!isVarianceCostSet(index)) return -1.0; return parameterVariationCosts[index].variationDiff; } public double varianceCostVariationExponent(int index){ if (!isVarianceCostSet(index)) return -1.0; return parameterVariationCosts[index].exponent; } public String varianceCostVariationName(int index){ if (!isVarianceCostSet(index)) return null; return parameterVariationCosts[index].parName; } public int getVarParsLength(){ return parameterVariationCosts.length; } public boolean editCostProperties( int index, String parameterName, String parameterDescription, String parameterUnits) { if (!isExtrinsic(index)) return false; // does not have varaince parameters getVariationCosts(); if (parameterVariationCosts[index]==null) parameterVariationCosts[index]=new ParameterVariationCosts( this.variationsDefaults[index][0], this.variationsDefaults[index][1], this.variationsDefaults[index][2], this.variationsDefaults[index][3]); return parameterVariationCosts[index].showVarianceDialog( parameterName, parameterDescription, parameterUnits); } private ParameterVariationCosts [] getVariationCosts(){ if (this.parameterVariationCosts==null){ int max=0; for (int i=0;i<this.extrinsicIndices.length; i++) if (this.extrinsicIndices[i]>max) max=this.extrinsicIndices[i]; this.parameterVariationCosts=new ParameterVariationCosts [max+1]; for (int i=0;i<this.parameterVariationCosts.length;i++) this.parameterVariationCosts[i]=null; } return this.parameterVariationCosts; } public void getCostsPropertiesXML(String prefix,XMLConfiguration hConfig){ getVariationCosts(); for (int i=0;i<this.extrinsicIndices.length;i++){ int index=this.extrinsicIndices[i]; // System.out.println("getCostsPropertiesXML("+prefix+",hconfig) index="+index); if (hConfig.configurationsAt(prefix+"varianceCosts_"+index).size()!=0){ // System.out.println("hConfig.configurationAt(prefix+\"varianceCosts_\"+index).isEmpty()=false"); this.parameterVariationCosts[index]=new ParameterVariationCosts( this.variationsDefaults[index][0], this.variationsDefaults[index][1], this.variationsDefaults[index][2], this.variationsDefaults[index][3]); boolean isSet= this.parameterVariationCosts[index].getPropertiesXML(prefix+"varianceCosts_"+index+".", hConfig); if (!isSet) this.parameterVariationCosts[index]=null; } } } public void setCostsPropertiesXML(String prefix,XMLConfiguration hConfig){ if (this.parameterVariationCosts==null) return; for (int i=0;i<this.extrinsicIndices.length;i++){ int index=this.extrinsicIndices[i]; if (this.parameterVariationCosts[index]!=null) { hConfig.addProperty(prefix+"varianceCosts_"+index,""); this.parameterVariationCosts[index].setPropertiesXML(prefix+"varianceCosts_"+index+".", hConfig); } } } private class ParameterVariationCosts{ public double scale = 1.0; // 1 pixel public double variationAbs =0.0; // variation of the parameter to cost 1 pixel public double variationDiff =0.0; // variation of the parameter to cost 1 pixel public double exponent= 1.0; // 1.0 - square diff public String parName=null; // public ParameterVariationCosts(){} public ParameterVariationCosts( double scale, double variationAbs, double variationDiff, double exponent, String parName){ this.scale=scale; this.variationAbs=variationAbs; this.variationDiff=variationDiff; this.exponent=exponent; this.parName=parName; } public ParameterVariationCosts( double scale, double variationAbs, double variationDiff, double exponent){ this.scale=scale; this.variationAbs=variationAbs; this.variationDiff=variationDiff; this.exponent=exponent; } @Override public ParameterVariationCosts clone(){ return new ParameterVariationCosts( this.scale, this.variationAbs, this.variationDiff, this.exponent, this.parName); } public void setPropertiesXML(String prefix,XMLConfiguration hConfig){ hConfig.addProperty(prefix+"scale",this.scale+""); hConfig.addProperty(prefix+"variationAbs",this.variationAbs+""); hConfig.addProperty(prefix+"variationDiff",this.variationDiff+""); hConfig.addProperty(prefix+"exponent",this.exponent+""); if (this.parName!=null) hConfig.addProperty(prefix+"parName",this.parName+""); } public boolean getPropertiesXML(String prefix,XMLConfiguration hConfig){ // System.out.println("getPropertiesXML("+prefix+",hconfig)"); boolean isSet=false; if (hConfig.getString(prefix+"scale")!=null){ // System.out.println("getPropertiesXML("+prefix+",hconfig), hConfig.getString(prefix+\"scale\")!=null"); this.scale=Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString(prefix+"scale")); isSet=true; } if (hConfig.getString(prefix+"variationAbs")!=null){ // System.out.println("getPropertiesXML("+prefix+",hconfig), hConfig.getString(prefix+\"variationAbs\")!=null"); this.variationAbs=Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString(prefix+"variationAbs")); isSet=true; } if (hConfig.getString(prefix+"variationDiff")!=null){ // System.out.println("getPropertiesXML("+prefix+",hconfig), hConfig.getString(prefix+\"variationDiff\")!=null"); this.variationDiff=Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString(prefix+"variationDiff")); isSet=true; } if (hConfig.getString(prefix+"exponent")!=null){ // System.out.println("getPropertiesXML("+prefix+",hconfig), hConfig.getString(prefix+\"exponent\")!=null"); this.exponent=Double.parseDouble(hConfig.getString(prefix+"exponent")); isSet=true; } if (hConfig.getString(prefix+"parName")!=null){ // System.out.println("getPropertiesXML("+prefix+",hconfig), hConfig.getString(prefix+\"parName\")!=null"); this.parName=hConfig.getString(prefix+"parName"); isSet=true; } return isSet; } public boolean showVarianceDialog( String parameterName, String parameterDescription, String parameterUnits) { String title="Setup costs for image set variance of "+parameterName; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title); gd.addMessage("Parameter: "+parameterName+" - "+parameterDescription); gd.addNumericField("Effective cost of the image set when the "+parameterName+" variance reaches value below",this.scale, 2,4,"pix"); gd.addNumericField("Variance amount from the average of "+parameterName+" to result in the specified cost", this.variationAbs, 3,8,parameterUnits); gd.addNumericField("Variance amount from the p to result in the specified cost", this.variationDiff, 3,8,parameterUnits); gd.addNumericField("Exponent of the cost vs. variance (1.0 - squared err "+parameterName+" to result in the specified cost", this.exponent, 3,8,""); WindowTools.addScrollBars(gd); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; this.scale= gd.getNextNumber(); this.variationAbs= gd.getNextNumber(); this.variationDiff= gd.getNextNumber(); this.exponent= gd.getNextNumber(); this.parName=parameterName; return true; } } public int getNumStations() {return this.numStations;} public int getNumChannels() { return getNumChannels(0); } public int getNumChannels(int numStation) { return this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation].length; } // this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation].length public EyesisCameraParameters () {} // just create new instance, all parameters data will be provided additionally public EyesisCameraParameters ( int numStations, boolean isTripod, boolean cartesian, double goniometerHorizontal, // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) double goniometerAxial, // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive int numSubCameras, double interAxisDistance, // distance in mm between two goniometer axes, positive if the vertical axis (when Eyesis is head up) is closer to the target double interAxisAngle, // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated // clockwise when eyesis is in 'normal' position, looking to the target double horAxisErrPhi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) double horAxisErrPsi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around moving Z axis (CW looking at target) double entrancePupilForward, // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil double centerAboveHorizontal, // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each double GXYZ_0, // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system double GXYZ_1, // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system double GXYZ_2, // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system double neck_right, double neck_back, double neck_x, double neck_z, int sensorWidth, int sensorHeight, int shrinkGridForMask, //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks double maskBlurSigma, // blur sensor masks (in grid units) int decimateMasks, // reduce masks resolution boolean replaceBad, boolean removeWorst, double weightBad, double weightWorst, double badNodeThreshold, // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels double badNodeThresholdLWIR, // same for the low-res sensors int maxBadNeighb, // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix int minimalValidNodes, int weightMultiImageMode, // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set) double weightMultiExponent, double weightDiameterExponent, // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image double weightYtoX, double gridMarginScale, double minimalGridContrast, double shrinkBlurSigma, double shrinkBlurLevel, double balanceChannelWeightsMode, double removeOverRMS, double removeOverRMSNonweighted, boolean invertUnmarkedLwirGrid ){ double [] GXYZ={GXYZ_0,GXYZ_1,GXYZ_2}; double [] neck_xz= {neck_x, neck_z}; setSameEyesisCameraParameters ( numStations, isTripod, cartesian, goniometerHorizontal, // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) goniometerAxial, // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive numSubCameras, interAxisDistance, // distance in mm between two goniometer axes interAxisAngle, // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated // clockwise when eyesis is in 'normal' position, looking to the target horAxisErrPhi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) horAxisErrPsi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated moving Z axis (CW looking at target) entrancePupilForward, // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil centerAboveHorizontal, // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each GXYZ, // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system neck_right, neck_back, neck_xz, sensorWidth, sensorHeight, shrinkGridForMask, //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks maskBlurSigma, // blur sensor masks (in grid units) decimateMasks, // reduce masks resolution replaceBad, removeWorst, weightBad, weightWorst, badNodeThreshold, // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels badNodeThresholdLWIR, // same for the low-res sensors maxBadNeighb, // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix minimalValidNodes, weightMultiImageMode, // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set) weightMultiExponent, weightDiameterExponent, // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image weightYtoX, gridMarginScale, minimalGridContrast, shrinkBlurSigma, shrinkBlurLevel, balanceChannelWeightsMode, removeOverRMS, removeOverRMSNonweighted, invertUnmarkedLwirGrid ); } public EyesisCameraParameters ( int numStations, boolean isTripod, boolean cartesiam, double goniometerHorizontal, // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) double goniometerAxial, // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive int numSubCameras, double interAxisDistance, // distance in mm between two goniometer axes double interAxisAngle, // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated // clockwise when eyesis is in 'normal' position, looking to the target double horAxisErrPhi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) double horAxisErrPsi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated moving Z axis (CW looking at target) double entrancePupilForward, // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil double centerAboveHorizontal, // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each double [] GXYZ, // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system double neck_right, double neck_back, double [] neck_xz, int sensorWidth, int sensorHeight, int shrinkGridForMask, //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks double maskBlurSigma, // blur sensor masks (in grid units) int decimateMasks, // reduce masks resolution boolean replaceBad, boolean removeWorst, double weightBad, double weightWorst, double badNodeThreshold, // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels double badNodeThresholdLWIR, // same for the low-res sensors int maxBadNeighb, // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix int minimalValidNodes, int weightMultiImageMode, // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set) double weightMultiExponent, double weightDiameterExponent, // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image double weightYtoX, double gridMarginScale, double minimalGridContrast, double shrinkBlurSigma, double shrinkBlurLevel, double balanceChannelWeightsMode, double removeOverRMS, double removeOverRMSNonweighted, boolean invertUnmarkedLwirGrid ){ setSameEyesisCameraParameters ( numStations, isTripod, cartesian, goniometerHorizontal, // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) goniometerAxial, // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive numSubCameras, interAxisDistance, // distance in mm between two goniometer axes interAxisAngle, // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated // clockwise when eyesis is in 'normal' position, looking to the target horAxisErrPhi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) horAxisErrPsi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated moving Z axis (CW looking at target) entrancePupilForward, // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil centerAboveHorizontal, // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each GXYZ, // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system neck_right, neck_back, neck_xz, sensorWidth, sensorHeight, shrinkGridForMask, //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks maskBlurSigma, // blur sensor masks (in grid units) decimateMasks, // reduce masks resolution replaceBad, removeWorst, weightBad, weightWorst, badNodeThreshold, // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels badNodeThresholdLWIR, // same for the low-res sensors maxBadNeighb, // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix minimalValidNodes, weightMultiImageMode, // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set) weightMultiExponent, weightDiameterExponent, // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image weightYtoX, gridMarginScale, minimalGridContrast, shrinkBlurSigma, shrinkBlurLevel, balanceChannelWeightsMode, removeOverRMS, removeOverRMSNonweighted, invertUnmarkedLwirGrid ); } void setSameEyesisCameraParameters ( int numStations, boolean isTripod, boolean cartesian, double goniometerHorizontal, // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) double goniometerAxial, // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive int numSubCameras, double interAxisDistance, // distance in mm between two goniometer axes double interAxisAngle, // angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated // clockwise when eyesis is in 'normal' position, looking to the target double horAxisErrPhi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) double horAxisErrPsi, // angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated moving Z axis (CW looking at target) double entrancePupilForward, // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil double centerAboveHorizontal, // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each double [] GXYZ, // coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system double neck_right, double neck_back, double [] neck_xz, int defaultSensorWidth, int defaultSensorHeight, int shrinkGridForMask, //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks double maskBlurSigma, // blur sensor masks (in grid units) int defaultDecimateMasks, // reduce masks resolution boolean replaceBad, boolean removeWorst, double weightBad, double weightWorst, double badNodeThreshold, // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels double badNodeThresholdLWIR, // same for the low-res sensors int maxBadNeighb, // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix int minimalValidNodes, int weightMultiImageMode, // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set) double weightMultiExponent, double weightDiameterExponent, // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image double weightYtoX, double gridMarginScale, double minimalGridContrast, double shrinkBlurSigma, double shrinkBlurLevel, double balanceChannelWeightsMode, double removeOverRMS, double removeOverRMSNonweighted, boolean invertUnmarkedLwirGrid ){ this.numStations=numStations; this.is_tripod=isTripod; this.cartesian = cartesian; // Need to set each subcamera? this.defaultSensorWidth=defaultSensorWidth; this.defaultSensorHeight=defaultSensorHeight; this.shrinkGridForMask=shrinkGridForMask; //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks this.maskBlurSigma=maskBlurSigma; // blur sensor masks (in grid units) this.defaultDecimateMasks=defaultDecimateMasks; this.replaceBad = replaceBad; this.removeWorst = removeWorst; this.weightBad = weightBad; this.weightWorst = weightWorst; this.badNodeThreshold=badNodeThreshold; // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels this.badNodeThresholdLWIR=badNodeThresholdLWIR; // same for the low-res sensors this.maxBadNeighb=maxBadNeighb; // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix this.minimalValidNodes=minimalValidNodes; this.weightMultiImageMode=weightMultiImageMode; // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set) this.weightMultiExponent=weightMultiExponent; this.weightDiameterExponent=weightDiameterExponent; // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image this.weightYtoX=weightYtoX; this.gridMarginScale=gridMarginScale; this.minimalGridContrast=minimalGridContrast; this.goniometerHorizontal=new double[numStations]; this.goniometerAxial=new double[numStations]; this.interAxisDistance=new double[numStations]; this.interAxisAngle=new double[numStations]; this.horAxisErrPhi=new double[numStations]; this.horAxisErrPsi=new double[numStations]; this.entrancePupilForward=new double[numStations]; // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil this.centerAboveHorizontal=new double[numStations]; // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each this.GXYZ=new double[numStations][3]; this.neckRight=new double[numStations]; this.neckBack=new double[numStations]; this.neckXZ=new double[numStations][2]; if (numSubCameras>0) this.eyesisSubCameras=new EyesisSubCameraParameters[numStations][]; this.stationWeight=new double[numStations]; for (int numStation=0;numStation<numStations;numStation++) { this.stationWeight[numStation]=1.0; this.goniometerHorizontal[numStation]=goniometerHorizontal; this.goniometerAxial[numStation]=goniometerAxial; this.interAxisDistance[numStation]=interAxisDistance; this.interAxisAngle[numStation]=interAxisAngle; this.horAxisErrPhi[numStation]=horAxisErrPhi; this.horAxisErrPsi[numStation]=horAxisErrPsi; this.entrancePupilForward[numStation]=entrancePupilForward; // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil this.centerAboveHorizontal[numStation]=centerAboveHorizontal; // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each for (int i=0;i<3;i++) this.GXYZ[numStation][i]=GXYZ[i]; this.neckRight[numStation]=neck_right; this.neckBack[numStation]= neck_back; for (int i=0;i<2;i++) this.neckXZ[numStation][i]=neck_xz[i]; if (numSubCameras>0) initSubCameras(numStation,numSubCameras); } } @Override public EyesisCameraParameters clone() { EyesisCameraParameters result= new EyesisCameraParameters (); copyData( this.numStations, this, result); return result; } /** * Copy parameters from source EysesisCamerParameters to destination, trimming/expanding number of stations * @param newNumStations new number of stations * @param source source EysesisCamerParameters * @param destination destination EysesisCamerParameters */ public void copyData( int newNumStations, EyesisCameraParameters source, EyesisCameraParameters destination) { destination.numStations=newNumStations; destination.is_tripod=source.is_tripod; destination.defaultSensorWidth=source.defaultSensorWidth; destination.defaultSensorHeight=source.defaultSensorHeight; destination.shrinkGridForMask=source.shrinkGridForMask; //shrink detected grids by one point for/vert this number of times before calculating masks destination.maskBlurSigma=source.maskBlurSigma; // blur sensor masks (in grid units) destination.defaultDecimateMasks=source.defaultDecimateMasks; destination.replaceBad = source.replaceBad; destination.removeWorst = source.removeWorst; destination.weightBad = source.weightBad; destination.weightWorst = source.weightWorst; destination.badNodeThreshold=source.badNodeThreshold; // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels destination.badNodeThresholdLWIR=source.badNodeThresholdLWIR; // filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors in pixels destination.maxBadNeighb=source.maxBadNeighb; // maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix destination.minimalValidNodes=source.minimalValidNodes; destination.weightMultiImageMode=source.weightMultiImageMode; // increase weight for multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set) destination.weightMultiExponent= source.weightMultiExponent; // if( >0) use grid diameter to scale weights of this image destination.weightDiameterExponent=source.weightDiameterExponent; destination.weightYtoX=source.weightYtoX; destination.gridMarginScale=source.gridMarginScale; destination.minimalGridContrast=source.minimalGridContrast; destination.shrinkBlurSigma=source.shrinkBlurSigma; destination.shrinkBlurLevel=source.shrinkBlurLevel; destination.balanceChannelWeightsMode=source.balanceChannelWeightsMode; destination.removeOverRMSNonweighted=source.removeOverRMSNonweighted; destination.invertUnmarkedLwirGrid=source.invertUnmarkedLwirGrid; destination.goniometerHorizontal=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.goniometerAxial=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.interAxisDistance=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.interAxisAngle=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.horAxisErrPhi=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.horAxisErrPsi=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.entrancePupilForward=new double[destination.numStations]; // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil destination.centerAboveHorizontal=new double[destination.numStations]; // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each destination.GXYZ=new double[destination.numStations][3]; destination.neckRight=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.neckBack=new double[destination.numStations]; destination.neckXZ=new double[destination.numStations][2]; if (source.eyesisSubCameras!=null) destination.eyesisSubCameras=new EyesisSubCameraParameters[destination.numStations][]; else destination.eyesisSubCameras=null; destination.stationWeight=new double[destination.numStations]; for (int numStation=0;numStation<destination.numStations;numStation++) { int srcNumStation=(numStation<source.numStations)?numStation:(source.numStations-1); // 0-1 ! if (srcNumStation < 0) break; // source does not have any stations? destination.stationWeight[numStation]=source.stationWeight[srcNumStation]; destination.goniometerHorizontal[numStation]=source.goniometerHorizontal[srcNumStation]; destination.goniometerAxial[numStation]=source.goniometerAxial[srcNumStation]; destination.interAxisDistance[numStation]=source.interAxisDistance[srcNumStation]; destination.interAxisAngle[numStation]=source.interAxisAngle[srcNumStation]; destination.horAxisErrPhi[numStation]=source.horAxisErrPhi[srcNumStation]; destination.horAxisErrPsi[numStation]=source.horAxisErrPsi[srcNumStation]; destination.entrancePupilForward[numStation]=source.entrancePupilForward[srcNumStation]; // common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil destination.centerAboveHorizontal[numStation]=source.centerAboveHorizontal[srcNumStation]; // camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each for (int i=0;i<3;i++) destination.GXYZ[numStation][i]=source.GXYZ[srcNumStation][i]; destination.neckRight[numStation]=source.neckRight[srcNumStation]; destination.neckBack[numStation]= source.neckBack[srcNumStation]; for (int i=0;i<2;i++) destination.neckXZ[numStation][i]=source.neckXZ[srcNumStation][i]; if (destination.eyesisSubCameras!=null){ destination.eyesisSubCameras[numStation]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters[source.eyesisSubCameras[srcNumStation].length]; for (int i=0; i<destination.eyesisSubCameras[numStation].length;i++) if (source.eyesisSubCameras[srcNumStation][i]!=null){ destination.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][i]=source.eyesisSubCameras[srcNumStation][i].clone(); } } } destination.cartesian = source.cartesian; } public void setProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ properties.setProperty(prefix+"isTripod",this.is_tripod+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"cartesian",this.cartesian+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"defaultSensorWidth",this.defaultSensorWidth+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"defaultSensorHeight",this.defaultSensorHeight+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"shrinkGridForMask",this.shrinkGridForMask+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"maskBlurSigma",this.maskBlurSigma+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"defaultDecimateMasks",this.defaultDecimateMasks+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"replaceBad", this.replaceBad+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"removeWorst", this.removeWorst+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"weightBad", this.weightBad+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"weightWorst",this.weightWorst+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"badNodeThreshold",this.badNodeThreshold+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"badNodeThresholdLWIR",this.badNodeThresholdLWIR+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"maxBadNeighb",this.maxBadNeighb+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"minimalValidNodes",this.minimalValidNodes+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"weightMultiImageMode",this.weightMultiImageMode+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"weightMultiExponent",this.weightMultiExponent+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"weightDiameterExponent",this.weightDiameterExponent+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"weightYtoX",this.weightYtoX+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"gridMarginScale",this.gridMarginScale+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"minimalGridContrast",this.minimalGridContrast+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"shrinkBlurSigma",this.shrinkBlurSigma+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"shrinkBlurLevel",this.shrinkBlurLevel+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"balanceChannelWeightsMode",this.balanceChannelWeightsMode+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"removeOverRMS",this.removeOverRMS+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"removeOverRMSNonweighted",this.removeOverRMSNonweighted+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"invertUnmarkedLwirGrid",this.invertUnmarkedLwirGrid+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"numSubCameras",this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"numStations",this.numStations+""); for (int numStation=0;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++){ properties.setProperty(prefix+"stationWeight_"+numStation,this.stationWeight[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"goniometerHorizontal_"+numStation,this.goniometerHorizontal[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"goniometerAxial_"+numStation,this.goniometerAxial[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"interAxisDistance_"+numStation,this.interAxisDistance[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"interAxisAngle_"+numStation,this.interAxisAngle[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPhi_"+numStation,this.horAxisErrPhi[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPsi_"+numStation,this.horAxisErrPsi[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"entrancePupilForward_"+numStation,this.entrancePupilForward[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"centerAboveHorizontal_"+numStation,this.centerAboveHorizontal[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_0_"+numStation,this.GXYZ[numStation][0]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_1_"+numStation,this.GXYZ[numStation][1]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_2_"+numStation,this.GXYZ[numStation][2]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"neckRight_"+numStation,this.neckRight[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"neckBack_"+numStation,this.neckBack[numStation]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"neckX_"+numStation,this.neckXZ[numStation][0]+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"neckZ_"+numStation,this.neckXZ[numStation][1]+""); for (int i=0;i<this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation].length;i++) { this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][i].setProperties(prefix+numStation+"_subCamera_"+i+'.',properties); } } // setCostsProperties(prefix,properties); } public void getProperties(String prefix,Properties properties){ if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"isTripod")!=null) this.is_tripod=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"isTripod")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"cartesian")!=null) this.cartesian=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"cartesian")); // For old compatibility if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"decimateMasks")!=null) this.defaultDecimateMasks=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"decimateMasks")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"sensorWidth")!=null) this.defaultSensorWidth=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"sensorWidth")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"sensorHeight")!=null) this.defaultSensorHeight=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"sensorHeight")); // New version if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"defaultDecimateMasks")!=null) this.defaultDecimateMasks=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"defaultDecimateMasks")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"defaultSensorWidth")!=null) this.defaultSensorWidth=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"defaultSensorWidth")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"defaultSensorHeight")!=null) this.defaultSensorHeight=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"defaultSensorHeight")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"shrinkGridForMask")!=null) this.shrinkGridForMask=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"shrinkGridForMask")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"maskBlurSigma")!=null) this.maskBlurSigma=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"maskBlurSigma")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"replaceBad")!=null) this.replaceBad=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"replaceBad")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"removeWorst")!=null) this.removeWorst=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"removeWorst")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightBad")!=null) this.weightBad=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightBad")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightWorst")!=null) this.weightWorst=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightWorst")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"badNodeThreshold")!=null) this.badNodeThreshold=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"badNodeThreshold")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"badNodeThresholdLWIR")!=null) this.badNodeThresholdLWIR=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"badNodeThresholdLWIR")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"maxBadNeighb")!=null) this.maxBadNeighb=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"maxBadNeighb")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"minimalValidNodes")!=null) this.minimalValidNodes=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"minimalValidNodes")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightMultiImageMode")!=null) this.weightMultiImageMode=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightMultiImageMode")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightMultiExponent")!=null) this.weightMultiExponent=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightMultiExponent")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightDiameterExponent")!=null) this.weightDiameterExponent=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightDiameterExponent")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightYtoX")!=null) this.weightYtoX=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"weightYtoX")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"gridMarginScale")!=null) this.gridMarginScale=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"gridMarginScale")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"minimalGridContrast")!=null) this.minimalGridContrast=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"minimalGridContrast")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"shrinkBlurSigma")!=null) this.shrinkBlurSigma=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"shrinkBlurSigma")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"shrinkBlurLevel")!=null) this.shrinkBlurLevel=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"shrinkBlurLevel")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"balanceChannelWeightsMode")!=null) this.balanceChannelWeightsMode=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"balanceChannelWeightsMode")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"removeOverRMS")!=null) this.removeOverRMS=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"removeOverRMS")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"removeOverRMSNonweighted")!=null) this.removeOverRMSNonweighted=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"removeOverRMSNonweighted")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"invertUnmarkedLwirGrid")!=null) this.invertUnmarkedLwirGrid=Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(prefix+"invertUnmarkedLwirGrid")); boolean multiStation=true; // new default int newNumStations=1; int numSubCameras=0; if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"numSubCameras")!=null) numSubCameras=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"numSubCameras")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"numStations")!=null){ newNumStations=Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"numStations")); }else { multiStation=false; // old config format } // TODO: trim/expand stations updateNumstations (newNumStations); // this.numStations // read old/new format data // this.numStations=newNumStations; if (multiStation){ for (int numStation=0;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++){ if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"stationWeight_"+numStation)!=null) this.stationWeight[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"stationWeight_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerHorizontal_"+numStation)!=null) this.goniometerHorizontal[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerHorizontal_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerAxial_"+numStation)!=null) this.goniometerAxial[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerAxial_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisDistance_"+numStation)!=null) this.interAxisDistance[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisDistance_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisAngle_"+numStation)!=null) this.interAxisAngle[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisAngle_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPhi_"+numStation)!=null) this.horAxisErrPhi[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPhi_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPsi_"+numStation)!=null) this.horAxisErrPsi[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPsi_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"entrancePupilForward_"+numStation)!=null) this.entrancePupilForward[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"entrancePupilForward_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"centerAboveHorizontal_"+numStation)!=null) this.centerAboveHorizontal[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"centerAboveHorizontal_"+numStation)); if (this.GXYZ[numStation] == null) { this.GXYZ[numStation] = new double[3]; } if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_0_"+numStation)!=null) this.GXYZ[numStation][0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_0_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_1_"+numStation)!=null) this.GXYZ[numStation][1]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_1_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_2_"+numStation)!=null) this.GXYZ[numStation][2]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_2_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckRight_"+numStation)!=null) this.neckRight[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckRight_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckBack_"+numStation)!=null) this.neckBack[numStation]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckBack_"+numStation)); if (this.neckXZ[numStation] == null) { this.neckXZ[numStation] = new double[2]; } if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckX_"+numStation)!=null) this.neckXZ[numStation][0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckX_"+numStation)); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckZ_"+numStation)!=null) this.neckXZ[numStation][1]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckZ_"+numStation)); if (numSubCameras>0) { initSubCameras(numStation, numSubCameras); // set array with default parameters for (int i=0;i<numSubCameras;i++){ this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][i].getProperties(prefix+numStation+"_subCamera_"+i+'.',properties,i); } } } } else { // read old format if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerHorizontal")!=null) this.goniometerHorizontal[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerHorizontal")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerAxial")!=null) this.goniometerAxial[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"goniometerAxial")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisDistance")!=null) this.interAxisDistance[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisDistance")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisAngle")!=null) this.interAxisAngle[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"interAxisAngle")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPhi")!=null) this.horAxisErrPhi[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPhi")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPsi")!=null) this.horAxisErrPsi[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"horAxisErrPsi")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"entrancePupilForward")!=null) this.entrancePupilForward[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"entrancePupilForward")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"centerAboveHorizontal")!=null) this.centerAboveHorizontal[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"centerAboveHorizontal")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_0")!=null) this.GXYZ[0][0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_0")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_1")!=null) this.GXYZ[0][1]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_1")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_2")!=null) this.GXYZ[0][2]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"GXYZ_2")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckRight")!=null) this.neckRight[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckRight")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckBack")!=null) this.neckBack[0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckBack")); if (this.neckXZ[0] == null) { this.neckXZ[0] = new double[2]; } if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckX")!=null) this.neckXZ[0][0]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckX")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckZ")!=null) this.neckXZ[0][1]=Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"neckZ")); System.out.println(" === numSubCameras="+numSubCameras); if (numSubCameras>0) { initSubCameras(0, numSubCameras); // set array with default parameters for (int i=0;i<numSubCameras;i++){ System.out.println("this.eyesisSubCameras[0]["+i+"].getProperties("+prefix+"subCamera_"+i+".,properties);"); this.eyesisSubCameras[0][i].getProperties(prefix+"subCamera_"+i+'.',properties); } } } // getCostsProperties(prefix,properties); } public void updateNumstations (int newNumStations){ // System.out.println("updateNumstations("+newNumStations+"), was "+this.numStations); if (newNumStations==this.numStations) return; System.out.println("updateNumstations("+newNumStations+"), was "+this.numStations); EyesisCameraParameters newData=this.clone(); copyData( newNumStations, newData, this); System.out.println("updateNumstations() after copyData() this.numStations="+this.numStations); } // returns -1 - canceled, 0 - done, >0 - number of sub-camera to edit private int subShowDialog(String title, int nextSubCamera) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title); // public double goniometerHorizontal; // goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) // public double goniometerAxial; // goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive //this.isTripod gd.addCheckbox("Cartesian coordinates for subcamera (false - cylindrical)", this.cartesian); String [] modelChoice=new String [distortionModelDescriptions.length+1]; modelChoice[0]="--- keep current ---"; for (int i=0;i<distortionModelDescriptions.length;i++) modelChoice[i+1]=distortionModelDescriptions[i]; gd.addChoice("Change camera distortion model for all channels", modelChoice, modelChoice[0]); gd.addCheckbox("Tripod mode (first vertical axis, then horizontal), changes meaning of the next 2 fields",this.is_tripod); gd.addMessage("=== Camera parameters to be fitted ==="); for (int numStation=0;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++) { if (this.numStations>1){ gd.addMessage("--- Station number "+numStation+" ---"); gd.addNumericField("Station reprojection errors weight", 100*this.stationWeight[numStation], 1,5,"%"); } if (this.is_tripod) { gd.addNumericField("Tripod rotation around vertical axis (clockwise from top - positive)",this.goniometerHorizontal[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Tripod rotation around horizontal axis (camera up - positive)", this.goniometerAxial[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); } else { gd.addNumericField("Goniometer rotation around 'horizontal' axis (tilting from the target - positive)",this.goniometerHorizontal[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Rotation around Eyesis main axis (clockwise in plan - positive)", this.goniometerAxial[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); } gd.addNumericField("Distance between goniometer axes", this.interAxisDistance[numStation], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Angle error between goniometer axes (<0 if vertical axis rotated CW )",this.interAxisAngle[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); if (this.is_tripod) { gd.addNumericField("Vertical tripod axis tilt from true vertical", this.horAxisErrPhi[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Vertical tripod axis roll error from true vertical", this.horAxisErrPsi[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); } else { gd.addNumericField("Horizontal axis azimuth error (CW in plan)", this.horAxisErrPhi[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Horizontal axis roll error (CW looking to target)", this.horAxisErrPsi[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); } gd.addNumericField("Distance between the lens entrace pupil and the sensor", this.entrancePupilForward[numStation], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Camera center above goniometer horizontal axis", this.centerAboveHorizontal[numStation], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Goniometer reference point position X (target coordinates, left)", this.GXYZ[numStation][0], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Goniometer reference point position Y (target coordinates, up)", this.GXYZ[numStation][1], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Goniometer reference point position Z (target coordinates, away)", this.GXYZ[numStation][2], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Camera \"neck\" tilt right", this.neckRight[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Camera \"neck\" tilt back", this.neckBack[numStation], 3,7,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Camera \"neck\" shift in target X for vertical camera", this.neckXZ[numStation][0], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Camera \"neck\" shift in target Z for vertical camera", this.neckXZ[numStation][1], 3,7,"mm"); gd.addMessage("Camera \"neck\" shift in target Y is the same as \"Camera center above goniometer horizontal axis\""); } gd.addMessage("=== Other parameters ==="); gd.addNumericField("Image sensor width (maximal if different)", this.defaultSensorWidth, 0,4,"pix"); gd.addNumericField("Image sensor height (maximal if different)", this.defaultSensorHeight, 0,4,"pix"); gd.addNumericField("Shrink detected grid by this number of nodes (half/periods) for masks",this.shrinkGridForMask, 0,4,"grid nodes"); gd.addNumericField("Gaussian blur masks for the sensors (positive - pixels, negative - grid half-periods)", this.maskBlurSigma, 2,6,"pix"); gd.addNumericField("Reduce sensor resolution when calculating masks", this.defaultDecimateMasks, 0); gd.addCheckbox ("Replace bad/locally worst nodes by interpolation", this.replaceBad); gd.addCheckbox ("Rremove completely locally worst nodes ", this.removeWorst); gd.addNumericField("Scale weight of bad nodes", this.weightBad, 3,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Scale weight of bad, locally worst nodes", this.weightWorst, 3,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Filter out grid nodes with difference from quadratically predicted from 8 neighbors", this.badNodeThreshold, 2,6,"pix"); gd.addNumericField("Same for the low-res (LWIR) sensors", this.badNodeThresholdLWIR, 2,6,"pix"); gd.addNumericField("Maximal number of bad nodes around the corrected one to fix", this.maxBadNeighb, 0); gd.addNumericField("Minimal number of valid (with all filters applied) nodes in each image",this.minimalValidNodes, 0); gd.addNumericField("Increase weight of the multi-image sets (0 - do not increase, 1 - multiply by number of images in a set (to power ), 2 - same but remove single-image ",this.weightMultiImageMode, 0); gd.addNumericField("Increase weight of the multi-image sets power (used with mode above)", this.weightMultiExponent, 2,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Increase weight of the images by the power of their diameters", this.weightDiameterExponent, 2,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Increase weight Y-error with respect to X-error", 100.0*this.weightYtoX, 2,6,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Apply -scaled maximal to grid margins (_extra) for masks", this.gridMarginScale, 2,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Filter out grid nodes with the contrast less than this value (maximal is ~0.8) ", this.minimalGridContrast, 2,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Shrink-blur detected grids alpha", this.shrinkBlurSigma, 2,6,"grid nodes"); gd.addNumericField("Shrink-blur detected grids level (-1..+1)", this.shrinkBlurLevel, 2,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Channel balace mode: <0 - use specified defaults, 0 - keep curent, >0 - exponent for correction (1.0 - precise equalization)", this.balanceChannelWeightsMode, 3,6,""); gd.addNumericField("Remove nodes with error greater than scaled RMS in that image, weighted", this.removeOverRMS, 2,6,"xRMS"); gd.addNumericField("Same, not weghted (not more permissive near the borders with low weight)", this.removeOverRMSNonweighted, 2,6,"xRMS"); gd.addCheckbox ("Unmared grid files for LWIR is saved invereted", this.invertUnmarkedLwirGrid); gd.addNumericField("Number of sub-camera modules", this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length, 0,2,""); gd.addNumericField("Number of sub-camera module to edit (<=0 - none)", nextSubCamera, 0,2,""); gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "Done"); WindowTools.addScrollBars(gd); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return -1; boolean newCartesian = gd.getNextBoolean(); int modelIndex=gd.getNextChoiceIndex()-1; if (modelIndex>=0){ for (EyesisSubCameraParameters [] esps:this.eyesisSubCameras){ for (EyesisSubCameraParameters esp:esps){ esp.lensDistortionModel=distortionModels[modelIndex]; } } } this.is_tripod= gd.getNextBoolean(); for (int numStation=0;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++) { if (this.numStations>1){ this.stationWeight[numStation]=0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); } this.goniometerHorizontal[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.goniometerAxial[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.interAxisDistance[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.interAxisAngle[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.horAxisErrPhi[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.horAxisErrPsi[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.entrancePupilForward[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.centerAboveHorizontal[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.GXYZ[numStation][0]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.GXYZ[numStation][1]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.GXYZ[numStation][2]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.neckRight[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.neckBack[numStation]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.neckXZ[numStation][0]= gd.getNextNumber(); this.neckXZ[numStation][1]= gd.getNextNumber(); } this.defaultSensorWidth= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.defaultSensorHeight= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.shrinkGridForMask= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.maskBlurSigma= gd.getNextNumber(); this.defaultDecimateMasks=(int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.replaceBad = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.removeWorst = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.weightBad= gd.getNextNumber(); this.weightWorst= gd.getNextNumber(); this.badNodeThreshold= gd.getNextNumber(); this.badNodeThresholdLWIR= gd.getNextNumber(); this.maxBadNeighb= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.minimalValidNodes= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.weightMultiImageMode=(int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.weightMultiExponent= gd.getNextNumber(); this.weightDiameterExponent= gd.getNextNumber(); this.weightYtoX= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); this.gridMarginScale= gd.getNextNumber(); this.minimalGridContrast= gd.getNextNumber(); this.shrinkBlurSigma = gd.getNextNumber(); this.shrinkBlurLevel = gd.getNextNumber(); this.balanceChannelWeightsMode= gd.getNextNumber(); this.removeOverRMS = gd.getNextNumber(); this.removeOverRMSNonweighted= gd.getNextNumber(); this.invertUnmarkedLwirGrid = gd.getNextBoolean(); int numSubCams= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); int numSubCam= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); if (numSubCams!=this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length){ this.eyesisSubCameras=new EyesisSubCameraParameters[this.numStations][]; for (int numStation=0;numStation<numStations;numStation++) { initSubCameras(numStation,numSubCams); // re-initialize from defaults, discard current! } } if (numSubCam<0)numSubCam=0; if (newCartesian != this.cartesian){ this.cartesian = newCartesian; updateCartesian(); } return gd.wasOKed()?numSubCam:-1; } public boolean showSubcameraDialog( int numSubCam, String title) { GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog(title); if (this.numStations > 1) gd.addCheckbox ("Propagate first station parameters to other stations ",false); for (int numStation=0;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++) { EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][numSubCam]; if (subCam!=null) { gd.addMessage("Channel weight "+subCam.channelWeightCurrent); if (numStation==0){ gd.addNumericField("Channel "+numSubCam+" default weight", subCam.channelWeightDefault, 5,8,""); } if (this.numStations>1) gd.addMessage("--- Station number "+numStation+" ---"); gd.addNumericField("Subcamera lens distortion model", subCam.lensDistortionModel, 8,0,""); gd.addCheckbox ("Enable matching w/o laser pointers", subCam.enableNoLaser); if (numStation == 0) { gd.addNumericField("Image sensor width", this.getSensorWidth (numSubCam), 0,4,"pix"); gd.addNumericField("Image sensor height", this.getSensorHeight(numSubCam), 0,4,"pix"); } if (subCam.cartesian) { gd.addNumericField("Subcamera right from the axis", subCam.right, 5,9,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Subcamera forward from the rotation axis", subCam.forward, 5,9,"mm"); } else { gd.addNumericField("Subcamera azimuth", subCam.azimuth, 5,9,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Subcamera distance from the axis", subCam.radius, 5,9,"mm"); } gd.addNumericField("Subcamera height from the 'equator'", subCam.height, 5,9,"mm"); if (subCam.cartesian) { gd.addNumericField("Optical axis heading (absulute, CW positive)", subCam.heading, 5,9,"degrees"); } else { gd.addNumericField("Optical axis heading (relative to azimuth)", subCam.phi, 5,9,"degrees"); } gd.addNumericField("Optical axis elevation (up from equator)", subCam.theta, 5,9,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Camera roll, positive CW looking to the target",subCam.psi, 5,9,"degrees"); gd.addNumericField("Lens focal length", subCam.focalLength, 5,8,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Sensor pixel period", subCam.pixelSize, 5,8,"um"); gd.addNumericField("Sensor line time (us): 36.38 5MPix, 27.778 Boson, 78(?) Lepton ", (1E6*subCam.lineTime), 5,8,"us"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion radius (half width)", subCam.distortionRadius, 6,8,"mm"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A8 (r^8)", subCam.distortionA8, 8,10,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A7 (r^7)", subCam.distortionA7, 8,10,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A6 (r^6)", subCam.distortionA6, 8,10,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A5 (r^5)", subCam.distortionA5, 8,10,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion A (r^4)", subCam.distortionA, 8,10,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion B (r^3)", subCam.distortionB, 8,10,""); gd.addNumericField("Distortion C (r^2)", subCam.distortionC, 8,10,""); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis on the sensor (horizontal, from left edge)", subCam.px0, 4,9,"pixels"); gd.addNumericField("Lens axis on the sensor (vertical, from top edge)", subCam.py0, 4,9,"pixels"); gd.addMessage("=== non-radial model parameters ==="); gd.addMessage("For r^2 (Distortion C):"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^2", 100*subCam.r_od[0][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^2", 100*subCam.r_od[0][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^3 (Distortion B):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^3", 100*subCam.r_xy[0][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^3", 100*subCam.r_xy[0][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^3", 100*subCam.r_od[1][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^3", 100*subCam.r_od[1][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^4 (Distortion A):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^4", 100*subCam.r_xy[1][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^4", 100*subCam.r_xy[1][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^4", 100*subCam.r_od[2][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^4", 100*subCam.r_od[2][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^5 (Distortion A5):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^5", 100*subCam.r_xy[2][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^5", 100*subCam.r_xy[2][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^5", 100*subCam.r_od[3][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^5", 100*subCam.r_od[3][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^6 (Distortion A6:"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^6", 100*subCam.r_xy[3][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^6", 100*subCam.r_xy[3][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^6", 100*subCam.r_od[4][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^6", 100*subCam.r_od[4][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^7 (Distortion A7):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^7", 100*subCam.r_xy[4][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^7", 100*subCam.r_xy[4][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^7", 100*subCam.r_od[5][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^7", 100*subCam.r_od[5][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addMessage("For r^8 (Distortion A8):"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift X for r^8", 100*subCam.r_xy[5][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Distortion center shift Y for r^8", 100*subCam.r_xy[5][1], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Orthogonal elongation for r^8", 100*subCam.r_od[6][0], 8,10,"%"); gd.addNumericField("Diagonal elongation for r^8", 100*subCam.r_od[6][1], 8,10,"%"); } } gd.enableYesNoCancel("OK", "Done"); WindowTools.addScrollBars(gd); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; double channelWeightDefault=1.0; boolean propagateFirstStation = (this.numStations > 1) ? gd.getNextBoolean() : false; for (int numStation=0;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++) { EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][numSubCam]; if (subCam!=null) { if (numStation==0){ gd.addMessage("Channel weight "+subCam.channelWeightCurrent); channelWeightDefault=gd.getNextNumber(); } subCam.channelWeightDefault= channelWeightDefault; // assign to all stations subCam.lensDistortionModel= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.enableNoLaser = gd.getNextBoolean(); if (numStation == 0) { this.setSensorWidth (numSubCam,(int) gd.getNextNumber()); this.setSensorHeight(numSubCam,(int) gd.getNextNumber()); } if (subCam.cartesian) { subCam.right= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.forward= gd.getNextNumber(); } else { subCam.azimuth= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.radius= gd.getNextNumber(); } subCam.height= gd.getNextNumber(); if (subCam.cartesian) { subCam.heading= gd.getNextNumber(); }else { subCam.phi= gd.getNextNumber(); } subCam.theta= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.psi= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.focalLength= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.pixelSize= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.lineTime = 1E-6*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionRadius=gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionA8= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionA7= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionA6= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionA5= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionA= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionB= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.distortionC= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.px0= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.py0= gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[0][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[0][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[0][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[0][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[1][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[1][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[1][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[1][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[2][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[2][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[2][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[2][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[3][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[3][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[3][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[3][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[4][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[4][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[4][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[4][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[5][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[5][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[5][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_xy[5][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[6][0]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); subCam.r_od[6][1]= 0.01*gd.getNextNumber(); } } if (propagateFirstStation){ EyesisSubCameraParameters first=this.eyesisSubCameras[0][numSubCam]; if (first != null){ for (int numStation=1;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++) { EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][numSubCam]; if (subCam!=null) { this.setSensorWidth (numSubCam,first.getSensorWidth ()); this.setSensorHeight(numSubCam,first.getSensorHeight ()); if (subCam.cartesian) { subCam.right= first.right; subCam.forward= first.forward; } else { subCam.azimuth= first.azimuth; subCam.radius= first.radius; } subCam.height= first.height; if (subCam.cartesian) { subCam.heading= first.heading; }else { subCam.phi= first.phi; } subCam.theta= first.theta; subCam.psi= first.psi; subCam.focalLength= first.focalLength; subCam.pixelSize= first.pixelSize; subCam.lineTime= first.lineTime; subCam.distortionRadius=first.distortionRadius; subCam.distortionA8= first.distortionA8; subCam.distortionA7= first.distortionA7; subCam.distortionA6= first.distortionA6; subCam.distortionA5= first.distortionA5; subCam.distortionA= first.distortionA; subCam.distortionB= first.distortionB; subCam.distortionC= first.distortionC; subCam.px0= first.px0; subCam.py0= first.py0; subCam.r_od[0][0]= subCam.r_od[0][0]; subCam.r_od[0][1]= subCam.r_od[0][1]; subCam.r_xy[0][0]= subCam.r_xy[0][0]; subCam.r_xy[0][1]= subCam.r_xy[0][1]; subCam.r_od[1][0]= subCam.r_od[1][0]; subCam.r_od[1][1]= subCam.r_od[1][1]; subCam.r_xy[1][0]= subCam.r_xy[1][0]; subCam.r_xy[1][1]= subCam.r_xy[1][1]; subCam.r_od[2][0]= subCam.r_od[2][0]; subCam.r_od[2][1]= subCam.r_od[2][1]; subCam.r_xy[2][0]= subCam.r_xy[2][0]; subCam.r_xy[2][1]= subCam.r_xy[2][1]; subCam.r_od[3][0]= subCam.r_od[3][0]; subCam.r_od[3][1]= subCam.r_od[3][1]; subCam.r_xy[3][0]= subCam.r_xy[3][0]; subCam.r_xy[3][1]= subCam.r_xy[3][1]; subCam.r_od[4][0]= subCam.r_od[4][0]; subCam.r_od[4][1]= subCam.r_od[4][1]; subCam.r_xy[4][0]= subCam.r_xy[4][0]; subCam.r_xy[4][1]= subCam.r_xy[4][1]; subCam.r_od[5][0]= subCam.r_od[5][0]; subCam.r_od[5][1]= subCam.r_od[5][1]; subCam.r_xy[5][0]= subCam.r_xy[5][0]; subCam.r_xy[5][1]= subCam.r_xy[5][1]; subCam.r_od[6][0]= subCam.r_od[6][0]; subCam.r_od[6][1]= subCam.r_od[6][1]; } } } } for (int numStation=0;numStation<this.numStations;numStation++) { EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][numSubCam]; if (subCam!=null) { subCam.updateCartesian(); } } return gd.wasOKed(); } // TODO: make subcameras show numbers from 0 public boolean showDialog(String title) { System.out.println("this.eyesisSubCameras.length="+this.eyesisSubCameras.length); System.out.println("this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length="+this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length); int subCam=1; while (subCam<=this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length) { System.out.println("subCam="+subCam); subCam=subShowDialog(title, subCam); if (subCam<0) return false; if (subCam==0) return true; while (subCam<=this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length) { // if (!this.eyesisSubCameras[subCam-1].showDialog(title+": subcamera "+subCam)) break; if (!showSubcameraDialog(subCam-1,title+": subcamera "+subCam+" ("+(subCam-1)+")")) break; subCam++; } } return true; } public int getLensDistortionModel(int stationNumber,int subCamNumber){ if ( (this.eyesisSubCameras==null) || (this.numStations<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras.length<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber].length<=subCamNumber)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Nonexistent subcamera "+subCamNumber+ " and/or station number="+stationNumber+" this.numStations="+this.numStations+" this.eyesisSubCameras.length="+this.eyesisSubCameras.length); EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber][subCamNumber]; return subCam.lensDistortionModel; } public boolean getEnableNoLaser(int stationNumber,int subCamNumber){ if ( (this.eyesisSubCameras==null) || (this.numStations<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras.length<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber].length<=subCamNumber)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Nonexistent subcamera "+subCamNumber+ " and/or station number="+stationNumber+" this.numStations="+this.numStations+" this.eyesisSubCameras.length="+this.eyesisSubCameras.length); EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber][subCamNumber]; return subCam.enableNoLaser; } /** * Get number of the first high-res camera * @return */ public int getFirstHighRes() { int sensor_max_width = 0; int first_high_res = 0; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < eyesisSubCameras[0].length; ncam ++) { if (eyesisSubCameras[0][ncam].sensorWidth > sensor_max_width) { sensor_max_width = eyesisSubCameras[0][ncam].sensorWidth; first_high_res = ncam; } } return first_high_res; } public boolean isLWIR(int ncam) { return eyesisSubCameras[0][ncam].isLWIR(); } public int getSensorType(int ncam) { return eyesisSubCameras[0][ncam].isLWIR()? 1 : 0; } /** * Setting default camera geometry parameters for LWIR16 prototype system * @return false if number of cameras is not 20 */ public boolean setLwir16Geometry() { if (this.eyesisSubCameras[0].length != 20) { IJ.showMessage("Requires number of subcameras to be set to 20 before running this command"); return false; } double CENTER_FORWARD = 110.1; // mm from middle 1/4-20 "high" mount double CENTER_UP = 72.35; // mm from middle 1/4-20 "high" mount double EO_FORWARD = 47.89; // mm outer lens element center (maybe later replace with entr. pupil location? double EO_HORVERT = 113.3; // mm 1/sqrt(radius) double LWIR_RADIUS = 110.0; // mm radius of LWIR ring double LWIR_FORWARD = 46.83; // mm outer lens element center (maybe later replace with entr. pupil location? double CENTER_ABOVE_HORIZONTAL = 175; // mm camera mount (middle 1/4-20 "high" mount) above goniomneter horizontal axis int [][] eo_ru = {{-1,1},{1,1},{-1,-1},{1,-1}}; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < eyesisSubCameras[0].length; ncam ++) { boolean isLWIR = ncam < 16; for (int nstation = 0; nstation < eyesisSubCameras.length; nstation++) { eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].cartesian= true; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].cartesian= true; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].subcamera= ncam / 4; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].sensor_port= ncam % 4; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].sensor_port= 0; // or ncam? eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].sensorWidth= isLWIR ? 640 : 2592; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].sensorHeight= isLWIR ? 512 : 1936; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].focalLength= isLWIR ? 14.0 : 4.5; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].pixelSize= isLWIR ? 12.0 : 2.2; if (eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].pixelSize < 5.0) { eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].lineTime = 3.638E-5; } else if (eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].sensorWidth == 640){ // Boson eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].lineTime = 2.7778e-05; // 12um pixel, Boson } else { eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].lineTime = 7.8e-05; // 12um pixel, Lepton (may be wrong) } eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].distortionRadius= isLWIR ? 3.24 : 2.8512; // mm - half width of the sensor eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].px0= isLWIR ? 320.0 : 1296.0; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].py0= isLWIR ? 256.0 : 968.0; if (isLWIR) { eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].forward = CENTER_FORWARD+LWIR_FORWARD; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].height = CENTER_UP + LWIR_RADIUS * Math.cos(Math.PI/8 * ncam); eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].right = LWIR_RADIUS * Math.sin(Math.PI/8 * ncam); } else { int ieo = ncam-16; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].forward = CENTER_FORWARD+EO_FORWARD; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].height = CENTER_UP + EO_HORVERT * eo_ru[ieo][1]; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].right = EO_HORVERT * eo_ru[ieo][0]; } eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].phi = 0.0; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].theta = 0.0; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].psi = 0.0; eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].updateCartesian(); eyesisSubCameras[nstation][ncam].lwir = isLWIR; } } for (int nstation = 0; nstation < centerAboveHorizontal.length; nstation++) { centerAboveHorizontal[nstation] = CENTER_ABOVE_HORIZONTAL; } IJ.showMessage("Camera geometry is set to LWIR16 design (16 LWIR + 4 EO), neck* parameters are not updated"); return true; } /** * * @param eyesisCameraParameters current parameters of the Eyesis camera, subcameras and goniometer * @param subCamNumber number of sub-camera (from 0) * @return array of the parameters (both individual sub-camera and common to all sub-cameras) * */ public double [] getParametersVector( int stationNumber, int subCamNumber // ){ if ( (this.eyesisSubCameras==null) || (this.numStations<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras.length<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber].length<=subCamNumber)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Nonexistent subcamera "+subCamNumber+ " and/or station number="+stationNumber+" this.numStations="+this.numStations+" this.eyesisSubCameras.length="+this.eyesisSubCameras.length); EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber][subCamNumber]; // System.out.println("getParametersVector("+stationNumber+","+subCamNumber+"), subCam is "+((subCam==null)?"null":"NOT null")); double [] parVect={ (subCam.cartesian?subCam.right: subCam.azimuth), // 0 azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top (subCam.cartesian?subCam.forward:subCam.radius), // 1 mm, distance from the rotation axis subCam.height, // 2 mm, up (was downwards?) - from the origin point (subCam.cartesian?subCam.heading:subCam.phi), // 3 degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise subCam.theta, // 4 degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up subCam.psi, // 5 degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target this.goniometerHorizontal[stationNumber], // 6 goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) this.goniometerAxial[stationNumber], // 7 goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive this.interAxisDistance[stationNumber], // 8 distance in mm between two goniometer axes this.interAxisAngle[stationNumber], // 9 angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated this.horAxisErrPhi[stationNumber], //10 angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) this.horAxisErrPsi[stationNumber], //11 angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around moving X axis (up) this.entrancePupilForward[stationNumber], //12 common to all lenses - distance from the sensor to the lens entrance pupil this.centerAboveHorizontal[stationNumber],//13 camera center distance along camera axis above the closest point to horizontal rotation axis (adds to height of each this.GXYZ[stationNumber][0], //14 (12) coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system this.GXYZ[stationNumber][1], //15 (13) y this.GXYZ[stationNumber][2], //16 (14) z this.neckRight[stationNumber], // 17 this.neckBack[stationNumber], // 18 this.neckXZ[stationNumber][0], // 19 this.neckXZ[stationNumber][1], // 20 // new indices after adding neck* parameters subCam.focalLength, // 21 17 (15) lens focal length subCam.px0, // 22 18 (16) center of the lens on the sensor, pixels subCam.py0, // 23 19 (17) center of the lens on the sensor, pixels subCam.distortionA8, // 24 20 (18) r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) subCam.distortionA7, // 25 21 (19) r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) subCam.distortionA6, // 26 22 (20) r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) subCam.distortionA5, // 27 23 (21) r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) subCam.distortionA, // 28 24 (22) r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) subCam.distortionB, // 29 25 (23) r^3 subCam.distortionC, // 30 26 (24) r^2 subCam.r_od[0][0], // 31 subCam.r_od[0][1], // 32 subCam.r_xy[0][0], // 33 subCam.r_xy[0][1], // 34 subCam.r_od[1][0], // 35 subCam.r_od[1][1], // 36 subCam.r_xy[1][0], // 37 subCam.r_xy[1][1], // 38 subCam.r_od[2][0], // 39 subCam.r_od[2][1], // 40 subCam.r_xy[2][0], // 41 subCam.r_xy[2][1], // 42 subCam.r_od[3][0], // 43 subCam.r_od[3][1], // 44 subCam.r_xy[3][0], // 45 subCam.r_xy[3][1], // 46 subCam.r_od[4][0], // 47 subCam.r_od[4][1], // 48 subCam.r_xy[4][0], // 49 subCam.r_xy[4][1], // 50 subCam.r_od[5][0], // 51 subCam.r_od[5][1], // 52 subCam.r_xy[5][0], // 53 subCam.r_xy[5][1], // 54 subCam.r_od[6][0], // 55 subCam.r_od[6][1] // 56 was 53 before neck* }; // Global parameters, not adjusted - just copied once when camera is selected // or should they stay fixed and not copied at all? // this.lensDistortionParameters.pixelSize=subCam.pixelSize; // has to be set separately // this.lensDistortionParameters.distortionRadius=subCam.distortionRadius; return parVect; } // public int getNumSubCameras (){return (this.eyesisSubCameras==null)?0:this.eyesisSubCameras.length;} public int getGoniometerHorizontalIndex(){return 6;} public int getGoniometerAxialIndex(){return 7;} public int getInterAxisAngleIndex(){return 9;} @Deprecated public int getSensorWidth() { return this.defaultSensorWidth;} @Deprecated public int getSensorHeight() { return this.defaultSensorHeight;} @Deprecated public int getDecimateMasks() { return this.defaultDecimateMasks;} @Deprecated public void setSensorWidth(int v) { this.defaultSensorWidth = v;} @Deprecated public void setSensorHeight(int v) { this.defaultSensorHeight = v;} @Deprecated public void setDecimateMasks(int v) { this.defaultDecimateMasks = v;} public int getSensorWidth(int subCam) { return this.eyesisSubCameras[0][subCam].getSensorWidth();} // for the future? different sensors public int getSensorHeight(int subCam) { return this.eyesisSubCameras[0][subCam].getSensorHeight();}// for the future? different sensors public int [] getSensorWidthHeight(int subCam) { int [] wh = {getSensorWidth( subCam), getSensorHeight( subCam)}; return wh; } public int getDecimateMasks(int subCam) { return this.eyesisSubCameras[0][subCam].getDecimateMasks();}// for the future? different sensors public void setSensorWidth(int subCam, int v) { for (int station = 0; station < this.eyesisSubCameras.length; station++) { this.eyesisSubCameras[station][subCam].setSensorWidth(v); } } public void setSensorHeight(int subCam, int v) { for (int station = 0; station < this.eyesisSubCameras.length; station++) { this.eyesisSubCameras[station][subCam].setSensorHeight(v); } } public void setDecimateMasks(int subCam, int v) { for (int station = 0; station < this.eyesisSubCameras.length; station++) { this.eyesisSubCameras[station][subCam].setDecimateMasks(v); } } public int [] getSensorWidths() { int [] v = new int [eyesisSubCameras[0].length]; for (int subCam = 0; subCam < v.length; subCam++) v[subCam] = getSensorWidth(subCam); return v; } // for the future? different sensors public int [] getSensorHeights() { int [] v = new int [eyesisSubCameras[0].length]; for (int subCam = 0; subCam < v.length; subCam++) v[subCam] = getSensorHeight(subCam); return v; }// for the future? different sensors public int [] getAllMasks() { int [] v = new int [eyesisSubCameras[0].length]; for (int subCam = 0; subCam < v.length; subCam++) v[subCam] = getDecimateMasks(subCam); return v; }// for the future? different sensors public double getPixelSize(int subCamNumber){return this.eyesisSubCameras[0][subCamNumber].pixelSize;} // use station 0's pixel size public double getDistortionRadius(int subCamNumber){return this.eyesisSubCameras[0][subCamNumber].distortionRadius;} public void setParametersVectorAllStations( double [] parVect, boolean [] update, int subCamNumber // ){ for (int stationNumber=0;stationNumber<this.numStations;stationNumber++){ setParametersVector( parVect, update, stationNumber, subCamNumber ); } } /** * Set camera/subcamera parameters from the parameters vector * @param parVect array of the parameters (both individual sub-camera and common to all sub-cameras) * @param update - which parameter of the vector to update * @param eyesisCameraParameters current parameters of the Eyesis camera, subcameras and goniometer * @param subCamNumber number of sub-camera (from 0) */ public void setParametersVector( double [] parVect, boolean [] update, int stationNumber, int subCamNumber // ){ // if (parVect.length!=27) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Wrong length of the parameters vector: "+parVect.length+"(should be 27)"); if (parVect.length!=57) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Wrong length of the parameters vector: "+parVect.length+"(should be 57)"); if ( (this.eyesisSubCameras==null) || (this.numStations<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras.length<=stationNumber) || (this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber].length<=subCamNumber)) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Nonexistent subcamera "+subCamNumber+ " and/or station number="+stationNumber); EyesisSubCameraParameters subCam=this.eyesisSubCameras[stationNumber][subCamNumber]; if (subCam.cartesian){ if (update[0]) subCam.right=parVect[0]; // 0 mm, right of the camera axis from goniometer vertical rotation center to the target if (update[1]) subCam.forward=parVect[1]; // 1 mm, forward from the goniometer vertical rotation center } else { if (update[0]) subCam.azimuth=parVect[0]; // 0 azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top if (update[1]) subCam.radius=parVect[1]; // 1 mm, distance from the rotation axis } if (update[2]) subCam.height=parVect[2]; // 2 mm, up (was downwards?) - from the origin point if (subCam.cartesian){ if (update[2]) subCam.heading=parVect[3]; // 3 degrees, optical axis from Z (to target), clockwise } else { if (update[2]) subCam.phi=parVect[3]; // 3 degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise } if (update[4]) subCam.theta=parVect[4]; // 4 degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up if (update[5]) subCam.psi=parVect[5]; // 5 degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target if (update[6]) this.goniometerHorizontal[stationNumber]=parVect[6]; // 6 goniometer rotation around "horizontal" axis (tilting from the target - positive) if (update[7]) this.goniometerAxial[stationNumber]=parVect[7]; // 7 goniometer rotation around Eyesis axis (clockwise in plan - positive if (update[8]) this.interAxisDistance[stationNumber]=parVect[8]; // 8 distance in mm between two goniometer axes if (update[9]) this.interAxisAngle[stationNumber]=parVect[9]; // 9 angle in degrees between two goniometer axes minus 90. negative if "vertical" axis is rotated if (update[10]) this.horAxisErrPhi[stationNumber]=parVect[10]; //10 angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around target Y axis from target X axis (CW) if (update[11]) this.horAxisErrPsi[stationNumber]=parVect[11]; //11 angle in degrees "horizontal" goniometer axis is rotated around moving X axis (up) if (update[12]) this.entrancePupilForward[stationNumber]=parVect[12]; //12 coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system if (update[13]) this.centerAboveHorizontal[stationNumber]=parVect[13]; //13 y if (update[14]) this.GXYZ[stationNumber][0]=parVect[14]; //14 coordinates (in mm) of the goniometer horizontal axis closest to the moving one in target system if (update[15]) this.GXYZ[stationNumber][1]=parVect[15]; //15 y if (update[16]) this.GXYZ[stationNumber][2]=parVect[16]; //16 z // neck* parameters if (update[17]) this.neckRight[stationNumber]= parVect[17]; //17 whole camera tilt right at the "neck" if (update[18]) this.neckBack[stationNumber]= parVect[18]; //18 whole camera tilt back at the "neck" if (update[19]) this.neckXZ[stationNumber][0]= parVect[19]; //19 whole camera shift X at the "neck" if (update[20]) this.neckXZ[stationNumber][1]= parVect[20]; //20 whole camera shift Z at the "neck" if (update[21]) subCam.focalLength= parVect[21]; // was 17 lens focal length if (update[22]) subCam.px0= parVect[22]; // was 18 center of the lens on the sensor, pixels if (update[23]) subCam.py0= parVect[23]; // was 19 center of the lens on the sensor, pixels if (update[24]) subCam.distortionA8=parVect[24]; // was 20 r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) if (update[25]) subCam.distortionA7=parVect[25]; // was 21 r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) if (update[26]) subCam.distortionA6=parVect[26]; // was 22 r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) if (update[27]) subCam.distortionA5=parVect[27]; // was 23 r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) if (update[28]) subCam.distortionA= parVect[28]; // was 24 r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) if (update[29]) subCam.distortionB= parVect[29]; // was 25 r^3 if (update[30]) subCam.distortionC= parVect[30]; // was 26 r^2 if (update[31]) subCam.r_od[0][0]= parVect[31]; if (update[32]) subCam.r_od[0][1]= parVect[32]; if (update[33]) subCam.r_xy[0][0]= parVect[33]; if (update[34]) subCam.r_xy[0][1]= parVect[34]; if (update[35]) subCam.r_od[1][0]= parVect[35]; if (update[36]) subCam.r_od[1][1]= parVect[36]; if (update[37]) subCam.r_xy[1][0]= parVect[37]; if (update[38]) subCam.r_xy[1][1]= parVect[38]; if (update[39]) subCam.r_od[2][0]= parVect[39]; if (update[40]) subCam.r_od[2][1]= parVect[40]; if (update[41]) subCam.r_xy[2][0]= parVect[41]; if (update[42]) subCam.r_xy[2][1]= parVect[42]; if (update[43]) subCam.r_od[3][0]= parVect[43]; if (update[44]) subCam.r_od[3][1]= parVect[44]; if (update[45]) subCam.r_xy[3][0]= parVect[45]; if (update[46]) subCam.r_xy[3][1]= parVect[46]; if (update[47]) subCam.r_od[4][0]= parVect[47]; if (update[48]) subCam.r_od[4][1]= parVect[48]; if (update[49]) subCam.r_xy[4][0]= parVect[49]; if (update[50]) subCam.r_xy[4][1]= parVect[50]; if (update[51]) subCam.r_od[5][0]= parVect[51]; if (update[52]) subCam.r_od[5][1]= parVect[52]; if (update[53]) subCam.r_xy[5][0]= parVect[53]; if (update[54]) subCam.r_xy[5][1]= parVect[54]; if (update[55]) subCam.r_od[6][0]= parVect[55]; if (update[56]) subCam.r_od[6][1]= parVect[56]; } public void updateCartesian(){ for (int numStation = 0; numStation < this.eyesisSubCameras.length; numStation++){ for (int numSub = 0; numSub < this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation].length; numSub++){ this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][numSub].setCartesian(this.cartesian); } } } public void initSubCameras( int numStation, int numSubCameras){ System.out.println("initSubCameras("+numStation+","+numSubCameras+")"); if ((this.eyesisSubCameras == null) || (this.eyesisSubCameras.length != this.numStations)) { this.eyesisSubCameras = new EyesisSubCameraParameters[this.numStations][]; } this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters[numSubCameras]; for (int i=0;i<numSubCameras;i++) this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][i]=null; if (numSubCameras==3) { this.cartesian = false; // change? this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][0]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 0.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 52.53, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 34.64, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 180.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][1]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 30.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 60.0, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -17.32, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -30.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 180.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][2]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -30.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 60.0, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -17.32, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 30.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 180.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir } else if (numSubCameras==1) { this.cartesian = false; this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][0]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 0.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 0.0, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 0.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 0.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir } else if (numSubCameras == 21) { // ================ // PHG21 parameters // this.cartesian = false; // change this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][0]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 0.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 46.57, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 0.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][1]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 21.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 50.36, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -15.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -53.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][2]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -21.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 50.36, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -15.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 53.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][3]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 0.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 46.57, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 70.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][4]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 21.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 50.36, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 55.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -53.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][5]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -21.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 50.36, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 55.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 53.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][6]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 52.47, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 76.45, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 35.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -52.47, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][7]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 59.13, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 91.65, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 20.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -91.13, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][8]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 42.16, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 63.43, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 20.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -10.16, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][9]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 52.47, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 76.45, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -35.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -52.47, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][10]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 59.13, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 91.65, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -50.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -91.13, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][11]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 42.16, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 63.43, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -50.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -10.16, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][12]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 0.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 46.57, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -70.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][13]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 21.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 50.36, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -85.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point -53.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][14]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -21.0, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 50.36, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -85.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 53.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][15]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -52.47, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 76.45, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -35.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 52.47, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][16]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -42.16, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 63.43, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -50.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 10.16, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][17]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -59.13, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 91.65, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -50.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 91.13, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][18]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -52.47, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 76.45, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 35.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 52.47, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][19]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -42.16, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 63.43, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 20.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 10.16, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][20]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( //TODO: modify for lens adjustment defaults? this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading -59.13, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 91.65, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 20.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 91.13, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 5.4, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir // // end of PHG21 parameters // ======================= } else { // default setup for the 26 sub-cameras for (int i=0;i<8;i++) if (i<numSubCameras) this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][i]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( // top 8 cameras this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 45.0*i, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 41.540, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 42.883, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards?) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 60.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir for (int i=8;i<16;i++) if (i<numSubCameras) this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][i]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( // middle 8 cameras this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 45.0*(i-8), // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 54.525, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis 0.0, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir for (int i=16;i<24;i++) if (i<numSubCameras) this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][i]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( // bottom eight cameras this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, true, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 45.0*(i-16), // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 41.540, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -42.883, // double height, // mm, up (was downwards?) - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise -60.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 1.0, //channelWeightDefault 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir if (24<numSubCameras) this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][24]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, false, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 90, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 12.025, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -807.0, // double height, // mm, up - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up 90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 8.0, //channelWeightDefault (was 4) 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir if (25<numSubCameras) this.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][25]=new EyesisSubCameraParameters( this.defaultSensorWidth, this.defaultSensorHeight, this.defaultDecimateMasks, this.cartesian, defaultLensDistortionModel, false, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, // cartesian righ/forward/heading 270, // double azimuth, // azimuth of the lens entrance pupil center, degrees, clockwise looking from top 12.025, // double radius, // mm, distance from the rotation axis -841.0, // double height, // mm, up - from the origin point 0.0, // double phi, // degrees, optical axis from azimuth/r vector, clockwise 0.0, //double theta, // degrees, optical axis from the eyesis horizon, positive - up -90.0, //double psi; // degrees, rotation (of the sensor) around the optical axis. Positive if camera is rotated clockwise looking to the target 4.5, // double focalLength 2.2, // double pixelSize (um) 3.638E-5, // double lineTime 2.8512, //double distortionRadius mm - half width of the sensor 0.0, // double distortionA8 // r^8 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA7 // r^7 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA6 // r^6 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA5 // r^5 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionA // r^4 (normalized to focal length or to sensor half width?) 0.0, // double distortionB // r^3 0.0, // double distortionC // r^2 1296.0, // double px0=1296.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels 968.0, // double py0=968.0; // center of the lens on the sensor, pixels null, // eccentricity for b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 null, // elongation for c,b,a,a5,a6,a7,a8 8.0, //channelWeightDefault (was 4) 0, // public int subcamera 0, // public int sensor_port 0, // public int subchannel false); // lwir } } // TODO: add similar for neck* public void recenterVertically(boolean [] subcams, boolean [] stations){ boolean sameCenterAboveHorizontal=true; double cah=Double.NaN; for (int i=0;i<stations.length;i++){ if (stations[i]) { if (Double.isNaN(cah)) cah=this.centerAboveHorizontal[i]; else if (cah!=this.centerAboveHorizontal[i]) sameCenterAboveHorizontal=false; } } if (Double.isNaN(cah)){ System.out.println("No stations enabled, nothing to do for vertical centering"); return; } System.out.println("centerAboveHorizontal "+ (sameCenterAboveHorizontal?"is common for all stations":"differs between stations")); if (sameCenterAboveHorizontal){ System.out.println("Re-centering vertically for centerAboveHorizontal common for all stations "); double sumWeightedHeights=0.0; double sumWeights=0.0; for (int i=0;i<stations.length;i++) if (stations[i]) { for (int subIndex=0; subIndex<subcams.length;subIndex++) if (subcams[subIndex]){ System.out.println("Averaging station "+i+", subcamera "+subIndex); sumWeights+=stationWeight[i]; sumWeightedHeights+=stationWeight[i]*eyesisSubCameras[i][subIndex].height; } } if (sumWeights==0.0){ System.out.println("No subcams are enabled, nothing to do for vertical centering"); return; } sumWeightedHeights/=sumWeights; for (int i=0;i<stations.length;i++) if (stations[i]) { for (int subIndex=0; subIndex<subcams.length;subIndex++) { // need to update all channels, not only averaged eyesisSubCameras[i][subIndex].height-=sumWeightedHeights; } this.centerAboveHorizontal[i]+=sumWeightedHeights; } } else { System.out.println("Re-centering vertically for centerAboveHorizontal individual for each station"); for (int i=0;i<stations.length;i++) if (stations[i]) { double sumWeightedHeights=0.0; double sumWeights=0.0; for (int subIndex=0; subIndex<subcams.length;subIndex++) if (subcams[subIndex]){ System.out.println("Averaging station "+i+", subcamera "+subIndex); sumWeights+=stationWeight[i]; sumWeightedHeights+=stationWeight[i]*eyesisSubCameras[i][subIndex].height; } if (sumWeights==0.0){ System.out.println("No subcams are enabled, nothing to do for vertical centering"); return; } sumWeightedHeights/=sumWeights; for (int subIndex=0; subIndex<subcams.length;subIndex++) { // need to update all channels, not only averaged eyesisSubCameras[i][subIndex].height-=sumWeightedHeights; } this.centerAboveHorizontal[i]+=sumWeightedHeights; } } } public class SubsystemOffsets { public boolean use_first_station = true; // import data from first station, duplicate to all public int offset_channel = 4; // 0; public int new_subcam = 1; // new subcamera number public double offset_height = 50.8; public double offset_right = -35.0; //eo -35., lwir +35.0 public double offset_forward = 15.0; //eo +??, lwir -?? public double offset_heading = 0.0; public double offset_elevation = 0.0; public double offset_roll = 0.0; public boolean update_sensor_files = true; // Update an re-write sensor files public void dialogQuestions(GenericJTabbedDialog gd) { gd.addCheckbox ("Use first station", this.use_first_station, "Import data for the first station only, clone for all current ones"); gd.addNumericField("Channel offset", this.offset_channel, 0,3,"","Add this to the sensor number after impofrt"); gd.addNumericField("New subcamera", this.new_subcam, 0,3,"","New subcamera number ater import"); gd.addNumericField("Offset height", this.offset_height, 3,6,"mm", "Place imported sub camera above composite camera center"); gd.addNumericField("Offset right", this.offset_right, 3,6,"mm", "Visible range camera exposure time (all channels)"); gd.addNumericField("Offset forward", this.offset_forward, 3,6,"mm", "Visible range camera exposure time (all channels)"); gd.addNumericField("Offset heading", this.offset_heading, 3,6,"°", "Visible range camera exposure time (all channels)"); gd.addNumericField("Offset elevation", this.offset_elevation, 3,6,"°", "Visible range camera exposure time (all channels)"); gd.addNumericField("Offset roll", this.offset_roll, 3,6,"°", "Visible range camera exposure time (all channels)"); gd.addCheckbox ("Transform sensor files", this.update_sensor_files, "Import sesnor files (ifavailable), re-write them for new extrinsics/channels"); } public void dialogAnswers(GenericJTabbedDialog gd) { this.use_first_station = gd.getNextBoolean(); this.offset_channel = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.new_subcam = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); this.offset_height = gd.getNextNumber(); this.offset_right = gd.getNextNumber(); this.offset_forward = gd.getNextNumber(); this.offset_heading = gd.getNextNumber(); this.offset_elevation = gd.getNextNumber(); this.offset_roll = gd.getNextNumber(); this.update_sensor_files = gd.getNextBoolean(); } public boolean dialogOffests() { GenericJTabbedDialog gd = new GenericJTabbedDialog("Set camera subsystem offsets",250,500); dialogQuestions(gd); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; dialogAnswers(gd); return true; } } public EyesisSubCameraParameters offsetSubCamera(SubsystemOffsets offsets, EyesisSubCameraParameters sub_camera) { sub_camera.updateCartesian(); EyesisSubCameraParameters new_sub = sub_camera.clone(); double psi= Math.PI/180*offsets.offset_roll; // radians double theta=Math.PI/180*offsets.offset_elevation; // radians double phi= Math.PI/180*offsets.offset_heading; // radians double psi_s= Math.PI/180*sub_camera.heading; // radians double theta_s=Math.PI/180*sub_camera.theta; // radians double phi_s= Math.PI/180*sub_camera.psi; // radians double [][] asub_c = {{sub_camera.right},{sub_camera.height},{sub_camera.forward}}; // subcamera center // rotate by -psi around Z double [][] aRz={ { Math.cos(psi),Math.sin(psi), 0.0}, {-Math.sin(psi),Math.cos(psi), 0.0}, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; // rotate by -psi around x double [][] aRx={ {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, Math.cos(theta),Math.sin(theta)}, {0.0,-Math.sin(theta),Math.cos(theta)}}; // rotate by -phi around y double [][] aRy={ {Math.cos(phi), 0.0, Math.sin(phi)}, {0.0,1.0,0.0}, {-Math.sin(phi), 0.0, Math.cos(phi)}}; double [][] aoffs = {{offsets.offset_right},{offsets.offset_height},{offsets.offset_forward}}; // rotate by -psi around Z double [][] aRz_s={ { Math.cos(psi_s),Math.sin(psi_s), 0.0}, {-Math.sin(psi_s),Math.cos(psi_s), 0.0}, { 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}}; // rotate by -psi around x double [][] aRx_s={ {1.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, Math.cos(theta_s),Math.sin(theta_s)}, {0.0,-Math.sin(theta_s),Math.cos(theta_s)}}; // rotate by -phi around y double [][] aRy_s={ {Math.cos(phi_s), 0.0, Math.sin(phi_s)}, {0.0,1.0,0.0}, {-Math.sin(phi_s), 0.0, Math.cos(phi_s)}}; Matrix sub_c=new Matrix(asub_c); Matrix Rz= new Matrix(aRz); Matrix Rx= new Matrix(aRx); Matrix Ry= new Matrix(aRy); Matrix offs= new Matrix(aoffs); Matrix R = Ry.times(Rx.times(Rz)); Matrix Rz_s= new Matrix(aRz_s); Matrix Rx_s= new Matrix(aRx_s); Matrix Ry_s= new Matrix(aRy_s); Matrix R_s = Ry_s.times(Rx_s.times(Rz_s)); double [] rhf =; /* System.out.println("R="); R.print(8, 3); System.out.println("\nR_s="); R_s.print(8, 3); */ Matrix R_t = R.times(R_s); /* System.out.println("\nR_t="); R_t.print(8, 3); */ new_sub.cartesian = true; new_sub.right = rhf[0]; new_sub.height = rhf[1]; new_sub.forward = rhf[2]; // projection of camera axis (z) on XZ plane double min_cos = 0.001; double zXZ = Math.sqrt(R_t.get(0, 2)*R_t.get(0, 2) + R_t.get(2, 2)*R_t.get(2, 2)); if (zXZ < min_cos) { System.out.append("zXZ = "+zXZ); } double new_phi = Math.atan2(R_t.get(0, 2), R_t.get(2, 2)); double new_theta = Math.atan2(R_t.get(1, 2), zXZ); double new_psi = Math.atan2(R_t.get(0, 1), R_t.get(1, 1)); new_sub.heading = 180.0/Math.PI*new_phi; new_sub.theta = 180.0/Math.PI*new_theta; new_sub.psi = 180.0/Math.PI*new_psi; new_sub.updateCartesian(); return new_sub; } public boolean importSystem( Properties properties, String prefix, SubsystemOffsets subsystemOffsets, Distortions systemDistortions, DistortionCalibrationData system_distortionCalibrationData, Goniometer.GoniometerParameters goniometerParameters, String calibration_directory) { EyesisCameraParameters sub_system = new EyesisCameraParameters(); sub_system.getProperties(prefix, properties); if (subsystemOffsets == null) { subsystemOffsets = new SubsystemOffsets(); } if (!subsystemOffsets.dialogOffests()) { return false; } System.out.println( "use_first_stationl=" + subsystemOffsets.use_first_station + "offset_channel=" + subsystemOffsets.offset_channel + "\noffset_height=" + subsystemOffsets.offset_height + "\noffset_right=" + subsystemOffsets.offset_right + "\noffset_forward=" + subsystemOffsets.offset_forward + "\noffset_heading=" + subsystemOffsets.offset_heading + "\noffset_elevation=" + subsystemOffsets.offset_elevation + "\noffset_roll=" + subsystemOffsets.offset_roll); // remove all but first imported station if instructed so if (subsystemOffsets.use_first_station) { sub_system.updateNumstations (1); } // Import sensor files String sensors_path = null; Distortions sub_distortions = null; DistortionCalibrationData sub_distortionCalibrationData = null; EyesisAberrations.AberrationParameters sub_aberrationParameters = null; LensDistortionParameters sub_lensDistortionParameters = null; // TODO: check sub_distortions != null if (subsystemOffsets.update_sensor_files) { sub_aberrationParameters=new EyesisAberrations.AberrationParameters(); sub_aberrationParameters.getProperties("ABERRATIONS_PARAMETERS.", properties); sub_lensDistortionParameters = new LensDistortionParameters(); sub_lensDistortionParameters.getProperties("LENS_DISTORTION_PARAMETERS.", properties); sensors_path = sub_aberrationParameters.sensorsPath; System.out.println("sensors_path = "+sensors_path); /// String [][] stationFilenames = new String[sub_system.numStations][0]; sub_distortionCalibrationData = new DistortionCalibrationData( sub_system, // EyesisCameraParameters eyesisCameraParameters goniometerParameters ); // now read all sensor files if ((sensors_path !=null) && (sensors_path != "")){ // load sensor sub_distortions = new Distortions( sub_lensDistortionParameters, // LensDistortionParameters lensDistortionParameters, null, // PatternParameters patternParameters, null, // RefineParameters refineParameters, null //AtomicInteger stopRequested ); // sub_distortions.lensDistortionParameters is null! sub_distortions.setDistortionFromImageStack( sub_distortionCalibrationData, sub_system, // EYESIS_CAMERA_PARAMETERS, // use null for old version - in fitting strategy instance sensors_path, sub_aberrationParameters.autoRestoreSensorOverwriteOrientation, sub_aberrationParameters.autoRestoreSensorOverwriteDistortion ); } else { System.out.println("Sensor files are not specified"); // update_sensor_files = false; } } // TODO:recalculate extrinsics before import for (int ns = 0; ns < sub_system.eyesisSubCameras.length; ns++) { for (int nc = 0; nc < sub_system.eyesisSubCameras[ns].length; nc++) { sub_system.eyesisSubCameras[ns][nc] = offsetSubCamera(subsystemOffsets,sub_system.eyesisSubCameras[ns][nc]); sub_system.eyesisSubCameras[ns][nc].subcamera = subsystemOffsets.new_subcam; } } // increase number of stations if needed to match existing if (this.getNumStations() > sub_system.getNumStations()){ sub_system.updateNumstations (this.getNumStations()); } // increase number of this stations if needed if (!subsystemOffsets.use_first_station && (this.getNumStations() < sub_system.getNumStations())){ updateNumstations (sub_system.getNumStations()); } for (int numStation = 0; numStation < this.getNumStations(); numStation++) { // increase number of cameras if needed to accommodate import if (this.getNumChannels(numStation) < (sub_system.getNumChannels(numStation) + subsystemOffsets.offset_channel)) { EyesisSubCameraParameters [] stationCameras = eyesisSubCameras[numStation]; int new_channels = sub_system.getNumChannels(numStation) + subsystemOffsets.offset_channel; eyesisSubCameras[numStation] = new EyesisSubCameraParameters[new_channels]; for (int nc = 0; nc <stationCameras.length; nc++) { eyesisSubCameras[numStation][nc] = stationCameras[nc]; } } for (int nc = 0; nc < sub_system.getNumChannels(); nc++) { eyesisSubCameras[numStation][nc+subsystemOffsets.offset_channel] = sub_system.eyesisSubCameras[numStation][nc]; } } if (sub_distortions !=null) { boolean saveNonCalibrated= true; int new_channels = sub_system.getNumChannels() + subsystemOffsets.offset_channel; // expand arrays if needed if (systemDistortions.pathNames == null) { systemDistortions.pathNames = new String[new_channels]; } else if (systemDistortions.pathNames.length < new_channels) { String [] tmpNames = systemDistortions.pathNames; systemDistortions.pathNames = new String[new_channels]; for (int i = 0; i < tmpNames.length; i++ ) systemDistortions.pathNames[i] = tmpNames[i]; } if (systemDistortions.pixelCorrection == null) { systemDistortions.pixelCorrection = new double[new_channels][][]; } else if (systemDistortions.pixelCorrection.length < new_channels) { double [][][] tmpPixelCorrection = systemDistortions.pixelCorrection; systemDistortions.pixelCorrection = new double[new_channels][][]; for (int i = 0; i < tmpPixelCorrection.length; i++ ) systemDistortions.pixelCorrection[i] = tmpPixelCorrection[i]; } if (system_distortionCalibrationData == null) { system_distortionCalibrationData = new DistortionCalibrationData (this, goniometerParameters); } if (system_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks == null) { system_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks = new double [new_channels][]; } else if (system_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks.length < new_channels) { double [][] tmp_masks = system_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks; system_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks = new double [new_channels][]; for (int i = 0; i < tmp_masks.length; i++ ) system_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks[i] = tmp_masks[i]; } // now copy data over, update the path names? /// String imported_name=sub_distortions.pathNames[0]; /// int last_sep = imported_name.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()); /// if (last_sep>=0) imported_name = imported_name.substring(last_sep + 1); /// int indexPeriod=imported_name.lastIndexOf('.'); /// int indexSuffix=indexPeriod; /// String digits="0123456789"; /// for (int i=1;i<=2;i++) if (digits.indexOf(imported_name.charAt(indexSuffix-1))>=0) indexSuffix--; // remove 1 or 2 digits before period /// boolean hadSuffix= (imported_name.charAt(indexSuffix-1)=='-'); for (int nc = 0; nc < sub_system.getNumChannels(); nc++) { int chn = nc+subsystemOffsets.offset_channel; // systemDistortions.pathNames[chn]=calibration_directory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+((hadSuffix?imported_name.substring(0,indexSuffix):(imported_name.substring(0,indexPeriod)+"-"))+ // String.format("%02d",chn)+imported_name.substring(indexPeriod)); systemDistortions.pixelCorrection[chn] = sub_distortions.pixelCorrection[nc]; system_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks[chn] = sub_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks[nc]; } // systemDistortions.pathnames // systemDistortions.pixelCorrection // sub_distortionCalibrationData.sensorMasks String [] extensions={".calib-tiff"}; MultipleExtensionsFileFilter parFilter = new MultipleExtensionsFileFilter("",extensions,"distortion calibration .calib-tiff files"); String pathname=CalibrationFileManagement.selectFile(true, "Save distortion calibration for sensor (will add channel number when saving all)", "Save", parFilter, systemDistortions.getSensorPath(-1)); //String defaultPath if ((pathname==null) || (pathname=="")) return true; /// int last_sep = pathname.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()); /// if (last_sep>=0) pathname = pathname.substring(last_sep + 1); int indexPeriod=pathname.lastIndexOf('.'); int indexSuffix=indexPeriod; String digits="0123456789"; for (int i=1;i<=2;i++) if (digits.indexOf(pathname.charAt(indexSuffix-1))>=0) indexSuffix--; // remove 1 or 2 digits before period boolean hadSuffix= (pathname.charAt(indexSuffix-1)=='-'); for (int nc = 0; nc < sub_system.getNumChannels(); nc++) { int chn = nc+subsystemOffsets.offset_channel; // Make systemDistortions.pathNames[chn] from pathname replacing channel systemDistortions.pathNames[chn]= // calibration_directory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ ((hadSuffix?pathname.substring(0,indexSuffix):(pathname.substring(0,indexPeriod)+"-"))+ String.format("%02d",chn)+pathname.substring(indexPeriod)); systemDistortions.saveDistortionAsImageStack( system_distortionCalibrationData, null, // camerasInterface, // to save channel map "sensor_calibration", // title, systemDistortions.pathNames[chn], // channelPath, chn, saveNonCalibrated); } } return true; } }