package com.elphel.imagej.gpu; import static jcuda.driver.CUfunction_attribute.CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuCtxSynchronize; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuLaunchKernel; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuMemAlloc; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuMemAllocPitch; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuMemFree; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuMemcpy2D; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuMemcpyDtoH; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuMemcpyHtoD; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuModuleGetGlobal; import static jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuFuncSetAttribute; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.CorrVector; import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.Correlation2d; import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.DttRad2; import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.GeometryCorrection; import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.ImageDtt; import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.QuadCLT; import Jama.Matrix; import ij.IJ; import jcuda.Pointer; import jcuda.Sizeof; import jcuda.driver.CUDA_MEMCPY2D; import jcuda.driver.CUdeviceptr; import jcuda.driver.CUmemorytype; public class GpuQuad{ // quad camera description /** * */ private final GPUTileProcessor gpuTileProcessor; // rectilinear mode for comparing synthetic rectilinear (not physical sensor) images public final boolean rectilinear; public QuadCLT quadCLT; public final int img_width; public final int img_height; public final int kernels_hor; // int kernels_hor, public final int kernels_vert; // int kernels_vert); public final int num_cams; public final int num_colors; // maybe should always be 3? public final int kern_tiles; public final int kern_size; // public final GPUTileProcessor gPUTileProcessor; // CPU arrays of pointers to GPU memory // These arrays may go to methods, they are here just to be able to free GPU memory if needed private CUdeviceptr [] gpu_kernels_h; private CUdeviceptr [] gpu_kernel_offsets_h; private CUdeviceptr [] gpu_bayer_h; private CUdeviceptr [] gpu_clt_h = null; private CUdeviceptr [] gpu_clt_ref_h = null; private CUdeviceptr [] gpu_corr_images_h = null; // GPU pointers to array of GPU pointers private CUdeviceptr gpu_kernels; private CUdeviceptr gpu_kernel_offsets; private CUdeviceptr gpu_bayer; private CUdeviceptr gpu_ftasks=null; private int gpu_ftasks_len = 0; private CUdeviceptr gpu_active_tiles=null; // will be re-allocated with gpu_ftasks private CUdeviceptr gpu_corrs; private CUdeviceptr gpu_corr_weights; private CUdeviceptr gpu_corrs_td; private CUdeviceptr gpu_corrs_combo; private CUdeviceptr gpu_corrs_combo_td; private CUdeviceptr gpu_textures; private CUdeviceptr gpu_clt = null; private CUdeviceptr gpu_clt_ref = null; // will be allocated when first needed? private CUdeviceptr gpu_4_images = null; // may actually be 16 /// will store w,h (in pixels) when allocating /reallocating memory private int [] gpu_clt_wh = null; private int [] gpu_clt_ref_wh = null; private int [] gpu_4_images_wh = null; private CUdeviceptr gpu_corr_indices; private CUdeviceptr gpu_corr_combo_indices; private CUdeviceptr gpu_num_corr_tiles; private CUdeviceptr gpu_texture_indices_ovlp; private CUdeviceptr gpu_num_texture_ovlp; private CUdeviceptr gpu_texture_indices; private CUdeviceptr gpu_texture_indices_len; private CUdeviceptr gpu_diff_rgb_combo; private CUdeviceptr gpu_color_weights; private CUdeviceptr gpu_generate_RBGA_params; private CUdeviceptr gpu_woi; private CUdeviceptr gpu_num_texture_tiles; private CUdeviceptr gpu_textures_rgba; private CUdeviceptr gpu_correction_vector; private CUdeviceptr gpu_rot_deriv; private CUdeviceptr gpu_geometry_correction; private CUdeviceptr gpu_rByRDist; // private CUdeviceptr gpu_active_tiles; private CUdeviceptr gpu_num_active_tiles; private int mclt_stride; private int corr_stride; private int corr_stride_td; private int corr_stride_combo; private int corr_stride_combo_td; private int imclt_stride; private int texture_stride; private int texture_stride_rgba; public int num_task_tiles; private int num_corr_tiles; private final int num_all_pairs; // = 6; // number of correlation pairs per tile (should match tasks) private int num_corr_combo_tiles; private int num_texture_tiles; private boolean geometry_correction_set = false; private boolean geometry_correction_vector_set = false; private int gpu_debug_level = 0; // 1; // private boolean [] corr_mask_boolean; // to keep selected correlations between correlation in TD and processing of those correlations private int [] corr_mask_int = new int [4]; // to keep selected correlations between correlation in TD and processing of those correlations private int sensor_mask_inter = -1; private int [] corr_mask_indices = null; private int [] sensor_mask_inter_indices = null; private int [] sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs = null; public int getNumCorrTiles() { return num_corr_tiles; } public boolean [] getCorrMask() { boolean [] corr_mask_boolean = new boolean [num_all_pairs]; for (int i = 0; i < num_all_pairs; i++) { corr_mask_boolean[i] = ((corr_mask_int[i>>5] >> (i & 31)) & 1) != 0; } return corr_mask_boolean; } public void setCorrMask(int [] mask) { corr_mask_int = new int[4]; for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) { corr_mask_int[i] = mask[i]; } setCorrMaskIndices(); } public void setCorrMask(boolean [] mask) { corr_mask_int = new int [4]; for (int i = 0; i < mask.length; i++) if (mask[i]){ corr_mask_int[i >> 5] |= (1 << (i & 31)); } setCorrMaskIndices(); } private void setCorrMaskIndices() { corr_mask_indices = new int[getNumUsedPairs()]; int indx = 0; for (int np = 0; np < corr_mask_int.length*32; np++) { if ((corr_mask_int[np >> 5] & (1 << (np & 31))) != 0) { corr_mask_indices[indx++] = np; } } } public int getNumUsedPairs() { int np = 0; for (int i = 0; i < corr_mask_int.length; i++) { np += Integer.bitCount(corr_mask_int[i]); } return np; } public int getCorrPair(int indx) { return corr_mask_indices[indx]; } public int [] getUsedPairsList() { int [] pairs_list = new int [getNumUsedPairs()]; boolean [] mask = getCorrMask(); int indx = 0; for (int i =0; i < mask.length; i++) if (mask[i]){ pairs_list[indx++] = i; } return pairs_list; } public int [] getReversedPairsList() { int [] pairs_list = getUsedPairsList(); int [] reverse_list = new int[num_all_pairs]; Arrays.fill(reverse_list,-1); for (int i = 0; i < pairs_list.length; i++) { reverse_list[pairs_list[i]] = i; } return reverse_list; } static int host_get_textures_shared_size( // in bytes //__device__ int get_textures_shared_size( // in bytes int num_cams, // actual number of cameras int num_colors, // actual number of colors: 3 for RGB, 1 for LWIR/mono int [] offsets){ // in floats int DTT_SIZE1 = GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE + 1; int DTT_SIZE2 = 2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int DTT_SIZE21 = DTT_SIZE2 + 1; int offs = 0; if (offsets != null) offsets[0] = offs; offs += num_cams * num_colors * 2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE21; //float mclt_tiles [NUM_CAMS][NUM_COLORS][2*DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE21] if (offsets != null) offsets[1] = offs; offs += num_cams * num_colors * 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE1; // float clt_tiles [NUM_CAMS][NUM_COLORS][4][DTT_SIZE][DTT_SIZE1] if (offsets != null) offsets[2] = offs; int mclt_tmp_size = num_cams * num_colors * DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE21; // [NUM_CAMS][NUM_COLORS][DTT_SIZE2][DTT_SIZE21] int rgbaw_size = (2* (num_colors + 1) + num_cams) * DTT_SIZE2 * DTT_SIZE21; // [NUM_COLORS + 1 + NUM_CAMS + NUM_COLORS + 1][DTT_SIZE2][DTT_SIZE21] offs += (rgbaw_size > mclt_tmp_size) ? rgbaw_size : mclt_tmp_size; if (offsets != null) offsets[3] = offs; offs += num_cams * 2; // float port_offsets [NUM_CAMS][2]; if (offsets != null) offsets[4] = offs; offs += num_colors * num_cams; // float ports_rgb_shared [NUM_COLORS][NUM_CAMS]; if (offsets != null) offsets[5] = offs; offs += num_cams; // float max_diff_shared [NUM_CAMS]; if (offsets != null) offsets[6] = offs; offs += num_cams * GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE; // float max_diff_tmp [NUM_CAMS][TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE] if (offsets != null) offsets[7] = offs; offs += num_colors * num_cams * GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE; //float ports_rgb_tmp [NUM_COLORS][NUM_CAMS][TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE]; if (offsets != null) offsets[8] = offs; return Sizeof.INT * offs; // shared_floats; } // should only be updated with the same cameras instance public void updateQuadCLT(final QuadCLT quadCLT) { this.quadCLT = quadCLT; resetGeometryCorrection(); resetGeometryCorrectionVector(); this.gpuTileProcessor.bayer_set = false; } public void resetBayer() { this.gpuTileProcessor.bayer_set = false; } public QuadCLT getQuadCLT( ) { return this.quadCLT; } public int getTaskSize() { if (rectilinear) return TpTask.getSize(1); return TpTask.getSize(quadCLT.getNumSensors()); } public GpuQuad( GPUTileProcessor gpuTileProcessor, final QuadCLT quadCLT, int debug_level ) { this.rectilinear = false; setGpu_debug_level(debug_level); this.gpuTileProcessor = gpuTileProcessor; this.quadCLT = quadCLT; int [] wh = quadCLT.getGeometryCorrection().getSensorWH(); this.img_width = wh[0]; // img_width; this.img_height = wh[1]; // img_height; this.num_cams = quadCLT.getNumSensors(); this.num_all_pairs = Correlation2d.getNumPairs(num_cams); this.num_colors = quadCLT.isMonochrome()?1:3; //num_colors; // maybe should always be 3? this.kernels_hor = quadCLT.getCLTKernels()[0][0][0].length; // kernels_hor; this.kernels_vert = quadCLT.getCLTKernels()[0][0].length; // kernels_vert; this.kern_tiles = kernels_hor * kernels_vert * num_colors; this.kern_size = kern_tiles * 4 * 64; if (debug_level >= 100) { return; } setSensorMaskInter(-1); // CPU arrays of pointers to GPU memory // These arrays may go to methods, they are here just to be able to free GPU memory if needed gpu_kernels_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_kernel_offsets_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_bayer_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_clt_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_corr_images_h= new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; // GPU pointers to array of GPU pointers gpu_kernels = new CUdeviceptr(); gpu_kernel_offsets = new CUdeviceptr(); gpu_bayer = new CUdeviceptr(); /// gpu_ftasks = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * getTaskSize() * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * NUM_PAIRS * CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corr_weights = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * NUM_PAIRS * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs_td = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * NUM_PAIRS * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs_combo = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs_combo_td = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_textures = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * ? * 256 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corr_indices = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT // May add separate gpu_corr_indices_td here gpu_corr_combo_indices = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_num_corr_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_texture_indices_ovlp =new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_num_texture_ovlp = new CUdeviceptr(); // 8 ints gpu_texture_indices = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_texture_indices_len = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_diff_rgb_combo = new CUdeviceptr(); // 1 int gpu_color_weights = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate 3 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_generate_RBGA_params =new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate 5 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_woi = new CUdeviceptr(); // 4 integers (x, y, width, height) Rectangle - in tiles gpu_num_texture_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // 8 integers gpu_textures_rgba = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * ? * 256 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_correction_vector= new CUdeviceptr(); gpu_rot_deriv= new CUdeviceptr(); // used internally by device, may be read to CPU for testing gpu_geometry_correction= new CUdeviceptr(); gpu_rByRDist= new CUdeviceptr(); // calculated once for the camera distortion model in CPU (move to GPU?) /// gpu_active_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // TILESX*TILESY*sizeof(int) gpu_num_active_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // 1 int // Init data arrays for all kernels int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; long [] device_stride = new long [1]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_kernels_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernels_h[ncam],kern_size * Sizeof.FLOAT ); // public static int cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr dptr, long bytesize) gpu_kernel_offsets_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernel_offsets_h[ncam],kern_tiles * GPUTileProcessor.CLTEXTRA_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT ); // public static int cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr dptr, long bytesize) gpu_bayer_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_bayer_h[ncam], // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, img_width * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, img_height, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) mclt_stride = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); } // now create device arrays pointers if (Sizeof.POINTER != Sizeof.LONG) { String msg = "Sizeof.POINTER != Sizeof.LONG"; IJ.showMessage("Error", msg); new IllegalArgumentException (msg); } cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernels, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernel_offsets, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); cuMemAlloc(gpu_bayer, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); long [] gpu_kernels_l = new long [num_cams]; long [] gpu_kernel_offsets_l = new long [num_cams]; long [] gpu_bayer_l = new long [num_cams]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) gpu_kernels_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_kernels_h[ncam]); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_kernels,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) gpu_kernel_offsets_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_kernel_offsets_h[ncam]); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_kernel_offsets,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) gpu_bayer_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_bayer_h[ncam]); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_bayer,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); // Set GeometryCorrection data cuMemAlloc(gpu_geometry_correction, GeometryCorrection.arrayLength(GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS) * Sizeof.FLOAT); // always maximal number of cameras (sparse) cuMemAlloc(gpu_rByRDist, GPUTileProcessor.RBYRDIST_LEN * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_rot_deriv, 5*GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS*3*3 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // always maximal number of cameras (sparse) cuMemAlloc(gpu_correction_vector, GPUTileProcessor.CORR_VECTOR_MAX_LENGTH * Sizeof.FLOAT); // update CORR_VECTOR_LENGTH to fit // Set task array // cuMemAlloc(gpu_ftasks, tilesX * tilesY * getTaskSize() * Sizeof.FLOAT); // checkAllocateGpuFtasks((tilesX+4) * (tilesY+4)); // +4 - "a little more" (will reallocate if needed) checkAllocateGpuFtasks(tilesX * tilesY); // +4 - "a little more" (will reallocate if needed) //=========== Seems that in many places Sizeof.POINTER (==8) is used instead of Sizeof.FLOAT !!! ============ // Set corrs array int num_pairs = Correlation2d.getNumPairs(quadCLT.getNumSensors()); cuMemAlloc(gpu_corr_indices, tilesX * tilesY * num_pairs * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_corr_combo_indices, tilesX * tilesY * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_corr_tiles, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); //#define TILESYA ((TILESY +3) & (~3)) int tilesYa = (tilesY + 3) & ~3; cuMemAlloc(gpu_texture_indices, tilesX * tilesYa * Sizeof.FLOAT); // for non-overlap tiles cuMemAlloc(gpu_texture_indices_ovlp,tilesX * tilesYa * Sizeof.FLOAT); // for overlapped tiles cuMemAlloc(gpu_diff_rgb_combo, tilesX * tilesYa * num_cams* (num_colors + 1) * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_color_weights, 3 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_generate_RBGA_params, 5 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_woi, 4 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_texture_tiles, 8 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_texture_ovlp, 8 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_texture_indices_len, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // will be dynamically allocated with gpu_ftasks // cuMemAlloc(gpu_active_tiles, tilesX * tilesY * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_active_tiles, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_corr_weights, num_pairs* tilesX * tilesY * Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for pixel-domain correlations (6 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, GPUTileProcessor.CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, num_pairs * tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for transform-domain correlations (6 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs_td, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT,// long WidthInBytes, num_pairs * tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride_td = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for pixel-domain combined correlations (1 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs_combo, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, GPUTileProcessor.CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride_combo = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for transform-domain combined correlations (1 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs_combo_td, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT,// long WidthInBytes, tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride_combo_td = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); int max_texture_size = (num_colors + 1 + (num_cams + num_colors + 1)) * (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)* (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_textures, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, max_texture_size * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) texture_stride = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); int max_rgba_width = (tilesX + 1) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int max_rgba_height = (tilesY + 1) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // int max_rbga_slices = num_colors + 1; // num_cams int max_rbga_slices = num_colors + 1 + (num_colors * num_cams); // colors, alpha, colors per channel cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_textures_rgba, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, max_rgba_width * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, max_rgba_height * max_rbga_slices, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) texture_stride_rgba = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); } // Constructor for rectilinear synthetic images public GpuQuad( GPUTileProcessor gpuTileProcessor, /// final QuadCLT quadCLT, // should treat differently! final int max_width, final int max_height, // final int kernels_hor, // final int kernels_vert, // final int num_cams, final int num_colors, // normally 1? int debug_level ) { this.rectilinear = true; setGpu_debug_level(debug_level); this.gpuTileProcessor = gpuTileProcessor; /// this.quadCLT = quadCLT; // should treat differently! // int [] wh = quadCLT.getGeometryCorrection().getSensorWH(); this.img_width = max_width; this.img_height = max_height; this.num_cams = 1; // single camera, only interscene correlations this.num_all_pairs = 0; this.num_colors = num_colors; // maybe should always be 3? this.kernels_hor = 0; this.kernels_vert = 0; this.kern_tiles = 0; this.kern_size = 0; setSensorMaskInter(-1); // CPU arrays of pointers to GPU memory // These arrays may go to methods, they are here just to be able to free GPU memory if needed gpu_kernels_h = null; // new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_kernel_offsets_h = null; // new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_bayer_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_clt_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; gpu_corr_images_h= new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; // GPU pointers to array of GPU pointers gpu_kernels = null; // new CUdeviceptr(); // make them nulls? gpu_kernel_offsets = null; // new CUdeviceptr(); gpu_bayer = new CUdeviceptr(); /// gpu_ftasks = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * getTaskSize() * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * NUM_PAIRS * CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corr_weights = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * NUM_PAIRS * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs_td = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * NUM_PAIRS * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs_combo = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corrs_combo_td = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 4 * DTT_SIZE * DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_textures = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * ? * 256 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_corr_indices = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT // May add separate gpu_corr_indices_td here gpu_corr_combo_indices = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_num_corr_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_texture_indices_ovlp =new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_num_texture_ovlp = new CUdeviceptr(); // 8 ints gpu_texture_indices = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_texture_indices_len = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * 6 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_diff_rgb_combo = new CUdeviceptr(); // 1 int gpu_color_weights = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate 3 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_generate_RBGA_params =new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate 5 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_woi = new CUdeviceptr(); // 4 integers (x, y, width, height) Rectangle - in tiles gpu_num_texture_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // 8 integers gpu_textures_rgba = new CUdeviceptr(); // allocate tilesX * tilesY * ? * 256 * Sizeof.FLOAT gpu_correction_vector= new CUdeviceptr(); gpu_rot_deriv= new CUdeviceptr(); // used internally by device, may be read to CPU for testing gpu_geometry_correction= new CUdeviceptr(); gpu_rByRDist= new CUdeviceptr(); // calculated once for the camera distortion model in CPU (move to GPU?) /// gpu_active_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // TILESX*TILESY*sizeof(int) gpu_num_active_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); // 1 int // Init data arrays for all kernels int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; long [] device_stride = new long [1]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { /** gpu_kernels_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernels_h[ncam],kern_size * Sizeof.FLOAT ); // public static int cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr dptr, long bytesize) gpu_kernel_offsets_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernel_offsets_h[ncam],kern_tiles * GPUTileProcessor.CLTEXTRA_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT ); // public static int cuMemAlloc(CUdeviceptr dptr, long bytesize) */ gpu_bayer_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_bayer_h[ncam], // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, img_width * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, img_height, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) mclt_stride = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); } // now create device arrays pointers if (Sizeof.POINTER != Sizeof.LONG) { String msg = "Sizeof.POINTER != Sizeof.LONG"; IJ.showMessage("Error", msg); new IllegalArgumentException (msg); } /** cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernels, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); cuMemAlloc(gpu_kernel_offsets, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); */ cuMemAlloc(gpu_bayer, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); /** long [] gpu_kernels_l = new long [num_cams]; long [] gpu_kernel_offsets_l = new long [num_cams]; */ long [] gpu_bayer_l = new long [num_cams]; /** for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) gpu_kernels_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_kernels_h[ncam]); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_kernels,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) gpu_kernel_offsets_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_kernel_offsets_h[ncam]); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_kernel_offsets,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); */ for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) gpu_bayer_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_bayer_h[ncam]); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_bayer,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); // Set GeometryCorrection data // tests many - skip it? cuMemAlloc(gpu_geometry_correction, GeometryCorrection.arrayLength(GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS) * Sizeof.FLOAT); // always maximal number of cameras (sparse) cuMemAlloc(gpu_rByRDist, GPUTileProcessor.RBYRDIST_LEN * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_rot_deriv, 5*GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS*3*3 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // always maximal number of cameras (sparse) cuMemAlloc(gpu_correction_vector, GPUTileProcessor.CORR_VECTOR_MAX_LENGTH * Sizeof.FLOAT); // update CORR_VECTOR_LENGTH to fit // Set task array // cuMemAlloc(gpu_ftasks, tilesX * tilesY * getTaskSize() * Sizeof.FLOAT); // checkAllocateGpuFtasks((tilesX+4) * (tilesY+4)); // +4 - "a little more" (will reallocate if needed) checkAllocateGpuFtasks(tilesX * tilesY); // +4 - "a little more" (will reallocate if needed) //=========== Seems that in many places Sizeof.POINTER (==8) is used instead of Sizeof.FLOAT !!! ============ // Set corrs array PROBABLY NOT USED - only interscene ! // TODO: Find correct num_pairs for inter. Should it contain individual, "combo" (same) and neighbors? int num_pairs = 3; // Correlation2d.getNumPairs(quadCLT.getNumSensors()); // int num_pairs = Correlation2d.getNumPairs(num_cams); cuMemAlloc(gpu_corr_indices, tilesX * tilesY * num_pairs * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_corr_combo_indices, tilesX * tilesY * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_corr_tiles, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); //#define TILESYA ((TILESY +3) & (~3)) int tilesYa = (tilesY + 3) & ~3; cuMemAlloc(gpu_texture_indices, tilesX * tilesYa * Sizeof.FLOAT); // for non-overlap tiles cuMemAlloc(gpu_texture_indices_ovlp,tilesX * tilesYa * Sizeof.FLOAT); // for overlapped tiles cuMemAlloc(gpu_diff_rgb_combo, tilesX * tilesYa * num_cams* (num_colors + 1) * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_color_weights, 3 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_generate_RBGA_params, 5 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_woi, 4 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_texture_tiles, 8 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_texture_ovlp, 8 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_texture_indices_len, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // will be dynamically allocated with gpu_ftasks // cuMemAlloc(gpu_active_tiles, tilesX * tilesY * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_num_active_tiles, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemAlloc(gpu_corr_weights, num_pairs* tilesX * tilesY * Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for pixel-domain correlations (6 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, GPUTileProcessor.CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, num_pairs * tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for transform-domain correlations (6 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs_td, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT,// long WidthInBytes, num_pairs * tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride_td = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for pixel-domain combined correlations (1 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs_combo, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, GPUTileProcessor.CORR_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride_combo = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); // allocate space for transform-domain combined correlations (1 per tile) cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corrs_combo_td, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT,// long WidthInBytes, tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) corr_stride_combo_td = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); int max_texture_size = (num_colors + 1 + (num_cams + num_colors + 1)) * (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)* (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_textures, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, max_texture_size * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, tilesX * tilesY, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) texture_stride = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); int max_rgba_width = (tilesX + 1) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int max_rgba_height = (tilesY + 1) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // int max_rbga_slices = num_colors + 1; // num_cams int max_rbga_slices = num_colors + 1 + (num_colors * num_cams); // colors, alpha, colors per channel cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_textures_rgba, // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, max_rgba_width * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, max_rgba_height * max_rbga_slices, // long Height, Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) texture_stride_rgba = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); } private void checkAllocateGpuFtasks(int max_tasks) { /* * Got jcuda.CudaException: CUDA_ERROR_MISALIGNED_ADDRESS at jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.checkResult( at jcuda.driver.JCudaDriver.cuCtxSynchronize( at com.elphel.imagej.gpu.GpuQuad.execConvertDirect( Will try rounding to multiple of smth (was 0x80) */ max_tasks = (max_tasks + 0x7f) & ~0x7f; if (max_tasks > gpu_ftasks_len) { if (gpu_ftasks != null) { cuMemFree (gpu_ftasks); } if (gpu_active_tiles != null) { cuMemFree (gpu_active_tiles); } gpu_ftasks = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_ftasks, max_tasks * getTaskSize() * Sizeof.FLOAT); gpu_active_tiles = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_active_tiles, max_tasks * Sizeof.FLOAT); gpu_ftasks_len = max_tasks; } } public int getTilesX() { return getImageWidth() / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; } public int getTilesY() { return getImageHeight() / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; } public void resetGeometryCorrection() { geometry_correction_set = false; geometry_correction_vector_set = false; if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======resetGeometryCorrection()"); } } public void resetGeometryCorrectionVector() { geometry_correction_vector_set = false; if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======resetGeometryCorrectionVector()"); } } // public int getImageWidth() {return this.img_width;} // public int getImageHeight() {return this.img_height;} public int getImageWidth() {return (gpu_4_images_wh== null) ? getSensorWidth(): gpu_4_images_wh[0];} public int getImageHeight() {return (gpu_4_images_wh== null) ? getSensorHeight(): gpu_4_images_wh[1];} // valid after last IMCLT public int getSensorWidth() {return this.img_width;} public int getSensorHeight() {return this.img_height;} public static int getDttSize() {return GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE;} // public int getNumCams() {return GPUTileProcessor.NUM_CAMS;} public int getSensorMaskInter() {return sensor_mask_inter;} public void setSensorMaskInter(int mask) { sensor_mask_inter = mask & ((1 << num_cams) -1); sensor_mask_inter_indices = new int [getNumCamsInter()+1]; sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs = new int [getNumCamsInter()+2]; int indx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_cams; i++) { if ((sensor_mask_inter & (1 << (i & 31))) != 0) { sensor_mask_inter_indices[indx++] = i; } } sensor_mask_inter_indices[indx] = 0xff; // sum sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs[indx++] = 0xff; // sum sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs[indx++] = 0xfe; // sumof neibs } public int getNumCamsInter() { return Integer.bitCount(sensor_mask_inter); } public int getSensInter(int indx) { return sensor_mask_inter_indices[indx]; } public int [] getSensInter() { return sensor_mask_inter_indices; } /* public int getSensInterNeib(int indx) { // not used return sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs[indx]; } */ public int [] getSensInterNeib() { return sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs; } public int [] getSensInterNeib(boolean full) { return full? sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs : (new int [] { sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs[sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs.length -2], sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs[sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs.length -1]}); } /* public int getSensInterNeib(int indx, boolean full) { return full? sensor_mask_inter_indices_neibs[indx] : getSensInterNeib(false)[indx]; } */ public void setGeometryCorrection() { // will reset geometry_correction_set when running GPU kernel // if (geometry_correction_set) return; setGeometryCorrection( quadCLT.getGeometryCorrection(), false); } public void setGeometryCorrectionVector() { // will reset geometry_correction_vector_set when running GPU kernel setExtrinsicsVector( // expand to maximal numer of sensors quadCLT.getGeometryCorrection().expandSensors(GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS).getCorrVector()); if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======setGeometryCorrectionVector()"); } } // Use NUM_CAMS = 16 gc.expandSensors(NUM_CAMS) here public void setGeometryCorrection(GeometryCorrection gc, boolean use_java_rByRDist) { // false - use newer GPU execCalcReverseDistortions // float [] fgc = gc.toFloatArray(); float [] fgc = gc.expandSensors(GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS).toFloatArray(); if (use_java_rByRDist) { double [] rByRDist = gc.getRByRDist(); float [] fFByRDist = new float [rByRDist.length]; for (int i = 0; i < rByRDist.length; i++) { fFByRDist[i] = (float) rByRDist[i]; } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_rByRDist,, fFByRDist.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_geometry_correction,, fgc.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); /// Already allocated ! /// cuMemAlloc (gpu_rot_deriv, 5 * GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS *3 *3 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // NCAM of 3x3 rotation matrices, plus 4 derivative matrices for each camera if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======setGeometryCorrection()"); } } float [] getRbyRDist() { // read back to verify calculation float [] frByRDist = new float [GPUTileProcessor.RBYRDIST_LEN]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_rByRDist, frByRDist.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); return frByRDist; } public double maxRbyRDistErr() { double [] rByRDist = quadCLT.getGeometryCorrection().getRByRDist(); float [] frByRDist = getRbyRDist(); // read from GPU double max_err=0; int worst_index = -1; for (int i = 0; (i < rByRDist.length) && (i < frByRDist.length); i++){ double e = Math.abs(rByRDist[i] - frByRDist[i]); if (e > max_err) { max_err = e; worst_index = i; } } if (max_err > 0.001) { System.out.println("Maximal R-by-RDist error = "+ max_err+", at index = "+worst_index); } return max_err; } /** * Copy extrinsic correction vector to the GPU memory * @param cv correction vector */ public void setExtrinsicsVector(CorrVector cv) { // expanded to maximal number of sensors double [] dcv = cv.toFullRollArray(); float [] fcv = new float [dcv.length]; for (int i = 0; i < dcv.length; i++) { fcv[i] = (float) dcv[i]; } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_correction_vector,, fcv.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======setExtrinsicsVector()"); } } /** * Copy array of CPU-prepared tasks to the GPU memory * @param tile_tasks array of TpTask prepared by the CPU (before geometry correction is applied) * @param use_aux Use second (aux) camera * @param verify correct data */ public void setTasks( TpTask [] tile_tasks, boolean use_aux, // while is it in class member? - just to be able to free boolean verify ) { if (verify) checkTasks(tile_tasks); num_task_tiles = tile_tasks.length; // only place that modifies num_task_tiles and may require allocation checkAllocateGpuFtasks(num_task_tiles); int task_size = getTaskSize(); float [] ftasks = new float [task_size * num_task_tiles]; for (int i = 0; i < num_task_tiles; i++) { tile_tasks[i].task |= 511; // &= 0x1f; //############## Testing tile_tasks[i].asFloatArray(ftasks, i, use_aux); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_ftasks,, task_size * num_task_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======setTasks()"); } } /** * Update tp_tasks from the GPU after derived coordinates are calculated * @param tile_tasks tile_tasks array of TpTask prepared by the CPU, will be updated with * GPU-calculated geometry data * @param use_aux Use second (aux) camera (not used now) */ public void updateTasks( TpTask [] tile_tasks, boolean use_aux // while is it in class member? - just to be able to free ) { num_task_tiles = tile_tasks.length; // does not require re-allocation, as tile_tasks should be already set to GPU int task_size = getTaskSize(); float [] ftasks = new float [task_size * num_task_tiles]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_ftasks, task_size * num_task_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); for (int i = 0; i < num_task_tiles; i++) { tile_tasks[i] = new TpTask(quadCLT.getNumSensors(), ftasks, i, use_aux); } if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======updateTasks()"); } } public TpTask [] readbackTasks( int num_tasks, int num_sensors, boolean use_aux // while is it in class member? - just to be able to free ) { num_task_tiles = num_tasks; TpTask [] tile_tasks = new TpTask[num_task_tiles]; int task_size = getTaskSize(); float [] ftasks = new float [task_size * num_task_tiles]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_ftasks, task_size * num_task_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); for (int i = 0; i < num_task_tiles; i++) { tile_tasks[i] = new TpTask(num_sensors, ftasks, i, use_aux); } if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======readbackTasks()"); } return tile_tasks; } static void checkTasks (TpTask [] tile_tasks) { float min_disp = tile_tasks[0].target_disparity; float max_disp = min_disp; int min_ty = tile_tasks[0].ty; int min_tx = tile_tasks[0].tx; int max_ty = min_ty; int max_tx = min_tx; int max_task = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tile_tasks.length; i++) { if (Float.isNaN(tile_tasks[i].target_disparity)) { System.out.println(String.format("Disparity=NaN for tY=%d, tX=%d, task = 0x%x", tile_tasks[i].ty, tile_tasks[i].tx, tile_tasks[i].task)); System.out.println("Setting disparity and tas to 0"); tile_tasks[i].target_disparity = 0f; tile_tasks[i].task = 0; } if (tile_tasks[i].task != 0) { if (tile_tasks[i].target_disparity < min_disp ) min_disp = tile_tasks[i].target_disparity; if (tile_tasks[i].target_disparity > max_disp ) max_disp = tile_tasks[i].target_disparity; if (tile_tasks[i].task > max_task ) max_task = tile_tasks[i].task; if (tile_tasks[i].ty < min_ty ) min_ty = tile_tasks[i].ty; if (tile_tasks[i].ty > max_ty ) max_ty = tile_tasks[i].ty; if (tile_tasks[i].tx < min_tx ) min_tx = tile_tasks[i].tx; if (tile_tasks[i].tx > max_tx ) max_tx = tile_tasks[i].tx; } } System.out.println(String.format("---Disparity=[%f..%f] task=[0..0x%x] ty=[%d..%d] tx=[%d..%d] ---", min_disp,max_disp, max_task, min_ty, max_ty, min_tx, max_tx)); } public TpTask [] getTasks (boolean use_aux) { int task_size = TpTask.getSize(quadCLT.getNumSensors()); float [] ftasks = new float [task_size * num_task_tiles]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_ftasks, task_size * num_task_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); TpTask [] tile_tasks = new TpTask[num_task_tiles]; for (int i = 0; i < num_task_tiles; i++) { tile_tasks[i] = new TpTask(quadCLT.getNumSensors(), ftasks, i, use_aux); } return tile_tasks; } public int [] getTextureIndices() { float [] ftexture_indices_len = new float[1]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_texture_indices_len, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); int num_tiles = Float.floatToIntBits(ftexture_indices_len[0]); float [] ftexture_indices = new float [num_tiles]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_texture_indices, num_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); int [] texture_indices = new int [num_tiles]; for (int i = 0; i < num_tiles; i++) { texture_indices[i] = Float.floatToIntBits(ftexture_indices[i]); } num_texture_tiles = num_tiles; //TODO: was it missing? return texture_indices; } public void setConvolutionKernel( float [] kernel, // [tileY][tileX][color][..] float [] kernel_offsets, int ncam) { cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_kernels_h[ncam],, kern_size * Sizeof.FLOAT); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_kernel_offsets_h[ncam],, kern_tiles * GPUTileProcessor.CLTEXTRA_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT); } /** * Set CLT kernels in GPU memory reading them using quadCLT instance * @param clt_kernels - [num_cameras==4][num_colors][tilesY][tilesX][quadrants==4][elements==8*8==64] * @param force re-set kernels even if they were already set */ public void setConvolutionKernels( boolean force) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.kernels_set && ! force) { return; } setConvolutionKernels(quadCLT.getCLTKernels(), true); } /** * Set CLT kernels in GPU memory * @param clt_kernels - [num_cameras==4][num_colors][tilesY][tilesX][quadrants==4][elements==8*8==64] * @param force re-set kernels even if they were already set */ public void setConvolutionKernels( double [][][][][][] clt_kernels, boolean force) { boolean transpose = true; if (this.gpuTileProcessor.kernels_set && ! force) { return; } int num_kernels = clt_kernels[0][0].length * //tilesY clt_kernels[0][0][0].length * //tilesX clt_kernels[0].length; //colors int kernel_length = num_kernels * 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [] fkernel = new float [kernel_length]; float [] foffsets = new float [num_kernels * GPUTileProcessor.CLTEXTRA_SIZE]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < clt_kernels.length; ncam++) { int indx=0; for (int ty = 0; ty < clt_kernels[ncam][0].length; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < clt_kernels[ncam][0][ty].length; tx++) { for (int col = 0; col < clt_kernels[ncam].length; col++) { for (int p = 0; p < 4; p++) { double [] pa = clt_kernels[ncam][col][ty][tx][p]; for (int i0 = 0; i0 < 64; i0++) { int i; if (transpose) { i = ((i0 & 7) << 3) + ((i0 >>3) & 7); } else { i = i0; } fkernel[indx++] = (float)pa[i]; } } } } } indx = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < clt_kernels[ncam][0].length; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < clt_kernels[ncam][0][ty].length; tx++) { for (int col = 0; col < clt_kernels[ncam].length; col++) { double [] pa = clt_kernels[ncam][col][ty][tx][4]; for (int i = 0; i < pa.length; i++) { foffsets[indx++] = (float)pa[i]; } } } } setConvolutionKernel( fkernel, // float [] kernel, // [tileY][tileX][color][..] foffsets, // float [] kernel_offsets, ncam); // int ncam) } this.gpuTileProcessor.kernels_set = true; if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======setConvolutionKernels()"); } } public void setBayerImage( float [] bayer_image, int ncam) { CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyH2D = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyH2D.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyH2D.srcHost =; copyH2D.srcPitch = img_width*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyH2D.dstDevice = gpu_bayer_h[ncam]; // src_dpointer; copyH2D.dstPitch = mclt_stride *Sizeof.FLOAT; // device_stride[0]; copyH2D.WidthInBytes = img_width*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.Height = img_height; // /4; cuMemcpy2D(copyH2D); } /** * Readback source image data (for testing) * @param bayer_image * @param ncam */ public void getBayerImage( float [] bayer_image, int ncam) { CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_bayer_h[ncam]; // src_dpointer; copyD2H.srcPitch = mclt_stride *Sizeof.FLOAT; // device_stride[0]; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =; copyD2H.dstPitch = img_width*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = img_width*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyD2H.Height = img_height; // /4; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy } public int getCltSize(boolean use_ref) { // per camera, in floats int [] wh = use_ref ? gpu_clt_ref_wh : gpu_clt_wh; int tilesX = wh[0] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = wh[1] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; return tilesY*tilesX*num_colors* 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; } public float [][] getCltData( // only for color=0 boolean use_ref){ CUdeviceptr [] gpu_sel_clt_h = use_ref ? gpu_clt_ref_h : gpu_clt_h; int [] wh = use_ref ? gpu_clt_ref_wh : gpu_clt_wh; int tilesX = wh[0] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = wh[1] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tile_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_tiles = tilesY*tilesX*num_colors; float [][] fclt = new float [num_cams][num_tiles* tile_size_td]; for (int ncam=0;ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_sel_clt_h[ncam]; copyD2H.srcPitch = tile_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =[ncam]); copyD2H.dstPitch = tile_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = tile_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.Height = num_tiles; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy } return fclt; } public float [][] presentCltData(boolean use_ref){ float [][] fclt = getCltData(use_ref); float [][] pfclt = new float [fclt.length][fclt[0].length]; int [] wh = use_ref ? gpu_clt_ref_wh : gpu_clt_wh; int tilesX = wh[0] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = wh[1] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_tiles = tilesY*tilesX; // *num_colors; int quad_size = GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE*GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { for (int ntile=0; ntile < num_tiles; ntile++) { for (int nquad = 0; nquad < 4; nquad++) { for (int row = 0; row < GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; row++ ) { int src = ((ntile * num_colors) * 4 + nquad) * quad_size + row * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int dst_tx = ntile % tilesX; int dst_ty = ntile / tilesX; int dst_qx = nquad % 2; int dst_qy = nquad / 2; int dst = ((dst_ty * 2 + dst_qy) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE + row) * (wh[0]*2)+ (dst_tx*2 +dst_qx)*GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; System.arraycopy( fclt[ncam], src, pfclt[ncam], dst, GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); } } } } return pfclt; } public void setCltData( // for testing only float [][] fclt, // boolean use_ref){ int clt_size = getCltSize(use_ref); if ((fclt.length != num_cams) || (fclt[0].length != clt_size)) { System.out.println("getCltData(): wrong array size: got ["+fclt.length+"]["+fclt[0].length+"], "+ "should be ["+num_cams+"]["+clt_size+"]"); return; } CUdeviceptr [] gpu_sel_clt_h = use_ref ? gpu_clt_ref_h : gpu_clt_h; int [] wh = use_ref ? gpu_clt_ref_wh : gpu_clt_wh; int tilesX = wh[0] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = wh[1] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tile_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_tiles = tilesY*tilesX*num_colors; for (int ncam=0;ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyH2D = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyH2D.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyH2D.srcHost =[ncam]); copyH2D.srcPitch = tile_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyH2D.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyH2D.dstDevice = gpu_sel_clt_h[ncam]; copyH2D.dstPitch = tile_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyH2D.WidthInBytes = tile_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyH2D.Height = num_tiles; cuMemcpy2D(copyH2D); // run copy } return; } /* public void setBayerImage( float [] bayer_image, int ncam) { CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyH2D = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyH2D.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyH2D.srcHost =; copyH2D.srcPitch = img_width*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyH2D.dstDevice = gpu_bayer_h[ncam]; // src_dpointer; copyH2D.dstPitch = mclt_stride *Sizeof.FLOAT; // device_stride[0]; copyH2D.WidthInBytes = img_width*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.Height = img_height; // /4; cuMemcpy2D(copyH2D); } */ /** * Copy a set of images to the GPU (if they are new) * @param force set even if there is no new Bayer data available */ public void setBayerImages( boolean force) { if (!force && this.gpuTileProcessor.bayer_set && !quadCLT.hasNewImageData()) { return; } double [][][] bayer_data = quadCLT.getImageData(); // resets hasNewImageData() setBayerImages( bayer_data, true); } /** * Copy a set of Bayer images to the GPU * @param bayer_data per camera a set of split-color images [4][3][w*h], may be [4][1][w*h] * @param force copy regardless of if it was copied before */ // combines 3 bayer channels into one and transfers to GPU memory public void setBayerImages( double [][][] bayer_data, boolean force) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.bayer_set && !force) { return; } float [] fbayer = new float [bayer_data[0][0].length]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < bayer_data.length; ncam++) { if (bayer_data[ncam][0] == null) { System.out.println("BUG!! bayer_data["+ncam+"][0] == null"); continue; } for (int i = 0; i < bayer_data[ncam][0].length; i++) { fbayer[i] = (float) (bayer_data[ncam][0][i]); // + bayer_data[ncam][1][i] + bayer_data[ncam][2][i]); for (int j = 1; j < bayer_data[ncam].length; j++) { fbayer[i] += (float) (bayer_data[ncam][j][i]); } } setBayerImage( fbayer, // float [] bayer_image, ncam); // int ncam) } this.gpuTileProcessor.bayer_set = true; if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======setBayerImages()"); } } // prepare tasks for full frame, same dispaity. // need to run setTasks(TpTask [] tile_tasks, boolean use_aux) to format/transfer to GPU memory /** * CPU-side preparation of per-tile tasks , will need GPU kernel run to finalize * @param woi - rectangle WOI in tiles (x,y,w,h) to process, normally full window (may provide null for full frame, faster) * @param round_woi - debug feature - use round (elliptic) WOI, ignored for woi == null * @param target_disparity - same disparity for all tiles * @param disparity_corr - add to all disparities (minus disparity at infinity) * @param out_image from which camera channels to generate image (currently 0/1) * @param corr_mask from which correlation pairs to generate (0x3f - all 6) * @param THREADS_MAX - historic * @param debugLevel - not yet used * @return per-tile array of TpTask instances (need to be finalized by the GPU kernel) */ public TpTask [] setFullFrameImages( Rectangle woi, boolean round_woi, float target_disparity, // apply same disparity to all tiles float disparity_corr, // add to disparity (at infinity) int out_image, // from which tiles to generate image (currently 0/1) int corr_mask, // which correlation pairs to generate (maybe later - reduce size from 15x15) // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final int debugLevel) { int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [] target_disparities = new float [tilesX * tilesY]; int [] out_images = new int [tilesX * tilesY]; int [] corr_masks = new int [tilesX * tilesY]; if (target_disparity != 0.0) { for (int i = 0; i <target_disparities.length; i++ ) target_disparities[i] = target_disparity; } for (int i = 0; i <out_images.length; i++ ) { out_images[i] = out_image; // 0xf; // all 4 images corr_masks[i] = corr_mask; // 0x3f; // all 6 correlations } return setFullFrameImages( woi, // Rectangle woi, round_woi, // boolean round_woi, target_disparities, // should be tilesX*tilesY long disparity_corr, // float disparity_corr, // add to disparity (at infinity) out_images, // int [] out_images, // from which tiles to generate image (currently 0/1) corr_masks, // int [] corr_mask, // which correlation pairs to generate (maybe later - reduce size from 15x15) // threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch debugLevel); } /** * CPU-side preparation of per-tile tasks, will need GPU kernel run to finalize * @param woi - rectangle woi in tiles (x,y,w,h) to process, normally full window (may provide null for full frame, faster) * @param round_woi - debug feature - use round (elliptic) WOI, ignored for woi == null * @param target_disparities 1D array [tilesX*tilesY] of target disparities * @param disparity_corr - add to all disparities (minus disparity at infinity) * @param out_images per-tile array [tilesX*tilesY] from which tiles to generate image (currently 0/1) * @param corr_mask per-tile array [tilesX*tilesY] from which correlation pairs to generate (0x3f - all 6) * @param THREADS_MAX - historic * @param debugLevel - not yet used * @return per-tile array of TpTask instances (need to be finalized by the GPU kernel) */ public TpTask [] setFullFrameImages( Rectangle woi, // or null boolean round_woi, float [] target_disparities, // should be tilesX*tilesY long float disparity_corr, // add to disparity (at infinity) int [] out_images, // from which tiles to generate image (currently 0/1) int [] corr_mask, // which correlation pairs to generate (maybe later - reduce size from 15x15) final int debugLevel) { int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; boolean [] mask = new boolean[tilesX*tilesY]; int num_tiles = 0; if (woi == null) { round_woi = false; woi = new Rectangle(0,0,tilesX,tilesY); num_tiles = tilesX*tilesY; for (int i = 0; i < num_tiles; i++) { mask[i] = true; } } else { // mostly for debug if (woi.x < 0) woi.x = 0; if (woi.y < 0) woi.y = 0; if (woi.x > (tilesX - 2)) woi.x = tilesX - 2; if (woi.y > (tilesY - 2)) woi.y = tilesY - 2; if ((woi.x + woi.width) > tilesX) woi.width = tilesX - woi.x; if ((woi.y + woi.height) > tilesY) woi.height = tilesY - woi.y; double rx = 0.5*woi.width; double ry = 0.5*woi.height; double xc = woi.x + rx - 0.5; double yc = woi.y + ry - 0.5; for (int ty = woi.y; ty < (woi.y +woi.height); ty++) { double ry2 = (ty - yc) / ry; ry2*=ry2; for (int tx = woi.x; tx < (woi.x +woi.width); tx++) { double rx2 = (tx - xc) / rx; rx2*=rx2; if (!round_woi || ((rx2+ry2) < 1.0)) { mask[ty * tilesX + tx] = true; num_tiles ++; } } } } TpTask [] tp_tasks = new TpTask[num_tiles]; int indx = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx++) { int nt = ty * tilesX + tx; if (mask[nt]) { // Only generate for non-empty tasks, use 1 empty empty as a terminator? tp_tasks[indx] = new TpTask(num_cams, tx, ty, target_disparities[indx]+disparity_corr, ((out_images[nt] & 0x0f) << 0) | ((corr_mask [nt] & 0x3f) << 4) ); // task == 1 for now // Old code, enabling all options tp_tasks[indx]. setTextureEnable(true); tp_tasks[indx]. setIntraCorrelationEnable(true); tp_tasks[indx]. setInterCorrelationEnable(true); indx++; } } } return tp_tasks; } public TpTask [] setFullFrameImages_dbg( // keeping debug features boolean calc_offsets, // old way, now not needed with GPU calculation Rectangle woi, // or null boolean round_woi, float [] target_disparities, // should be tilesX*tilesY long int [] out_images, // from which tiles to generate image (currently 0/1) int [] corr_mask, // which correlation pairs to generate (maybe later - reduce size from 15x15) boolean use_master, boolean use_aux, final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_aux, // if null, will only calculate offsets fro the main camera final double [][][] ers_delay, // if not null - fill with tile center acquisition delay final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final int debugLevel) { int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; if (woi == null) { woi = new Rectangle(0,0,tilesX,tilesY); } if (woi.x < 0) woi.x = 0; if (woi.y < 0) woi.y = 0; if (woi.x > (tilesX - 2)) woi.x = tilesX - 2; if (woi.y > (tilesY - 2)) woi.y = tilesY - 2; if ((woi.x + woi.width) > tilesX) woi.width = tilesX - woi.x; if ((woi.y + woi.height) > tilesY) woi.height = tilesY - woi.y; double rx = 0.5*woi.width; double ry = 0.5*woi.height; double xc = woi.x + rx - 0.5; double yc = woi.y + ry - 0.5; boolean dbg1 = false; // true; double dbg_frac = 0.0; // 0.25; boolean [] mask = new boolean[tilesX*tilesY]; int num_tiles = 0; for (int ty = woi.y; ty < (woi.y +woi.height); ty++) { double ry2 = (ty - yc) / ry; ry2*=ry2; for (int tx = woi.x; tx < (woi.x +woi.width); tx++) { double rx2 = (tx - xc) / rx; rx2*=rx2; if (!round_woi || ((rx2+ry2) < 1.0)) { mask[ty * tilesX + tx] = true; num_tiles ++; } } } if (dbg_frac > 0) { Random rnd = new Random(0); int num_final = (int) Math.round(num_tiles * (1.0 - dbg_frac)); while (num_tiles > num_final) { int tx = woi.x + rnd.nextInt(woi.width); int ty = woi.y + rnd.nextInt(woi.height); int indx = ty * tilesX + tx; if (mask[indx]) { mask[indx] = false; num_tiles--; } } // filter out with no neighbors for (int indx = 0; indx < mask.length; indx++) if (mask[indx]) { int ix = indx % tilesX; int iy = indx / tilesX; int num_neib = 0; if ((ix > 0) && mask[indx-1]) num_neib++; if ((ix < (tilesX-1)) && mask[indx+1]) num_neib++; if ((iy > 0) && mask[indx-tilesX]) num_neib++; if ((iy < (tilesY-1)) && mask[indx+tilesX]) num_neib++; if (num_neib == 0) { mask[indx] = false; num_tiles--; } } //nextInt(int bound) } if (dbg1) { mask[(woi.y+woi.height) * tilesX + (woi.x+woi.width)] = true; num_tiles += 1; // 2; } TpTask [] tp_tasks = new TpTask[num_tiles]; int indx = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < tilesY; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < tilesX; tx++) if (mask[ty * tilesX + tx]) { // Only generate for non-empty tasks, use 1 empty empty as a terminator? tp_tasks[indx] = new TpTask(num_cams, tx, ty, target_disparities[indx], ((out_images[indx] & 0x0f) << 0) | ((corr_mask [indx] & 0x3f) << 4) ); // task == 1 for now // Old code, enabling all options tp_tasks[indx]. setTextureEnable(true); tp_tasks[indx]. setIntraCorrelationEnable(true); tp_tasks[indx]. setInterCorrelationEnable(true); indx++; } } if (calc_offsets) { getTileSubcamOffsets( tp_tasks, // final TpTask[] tp_tasks, // will use // modify to have offsets for 8 cameras (use_master? geometryCorrection_main: null), // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, (use_aux? geometryCorrection_aux: null), // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_aux, // if null, will only calculate offsets fro the main camera ers_delay, // final double [][][] ers_delay, // if not null - fill with tile center acquisition delay threadsMax, // final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch debugLevel); // final int debugLevel) } return tp_tasks; } public TpTask[] setTpTask( // final GPUTileProcessor.GpuQuad gpuQuad, final double [][] disparity_array, // [tilesY][tilesX] - individual per-tile expected disparity final double disparity_corr, final boolean [] need_corrs, // should be initialized to boolean[1] or null final int [][] tile_op, // [tilesY][tilesX] - what to do - 0 - nothing for this tile final int corr_mask, // <0 - use corr mask from the tile tile_op, >=0 - overwrite all with non-zero corr_mask_tp final int threadsMax) // maximal number of threads to launch { final int tilesX = tile_op[0].length; //getTilesX(); final int tilesY = tile_op.length; // getTilesY(); if (tilesY > tile_op.length) { System.out.println("BUG!!!! tilesX="+tilesX+", tilesY="+tilesY+", tile_op.length="+ tile_op.length+", tile_op[0].length="+tile_op[0].length); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicBoolean acorrs = new AtomicBoolean(false); final List<TpTask> task_list = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<TpTask>(); final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tilesX * tilesY; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int tileY = nTile /tilesX; int tileX = nTile % tilesX; // tIndex = tileY * tilesX + tileX; if (tile_op[tileY][tileX] == 0) continue; // nothing to do for this tile // which images to use int img_mask = ImageDtt.getImgMask(tile_op[tileY][tileX]); // which pairs to combine in the combo: 1 - top, 2 bottom, 4 - left, 8 - right int corr_mask_tp = ImageDtt.getPairMask(tile_op[tileY][tileX]); // limited to 4 bits only! if (corr_mask_tp != 0) { if (corr_mask >=0) { corr_mask_tp = corr_mask; } if (corr_mask_tp != 0) { acorrs.set(true); } } TpTask tptask = new TpTask( num_cams, tileX, tileY, (float) (disparity_array[tileY][tileX] + disparity_corr), ((img_mask & 0x0f) << 0) | ((corr_mask_tp & 0x3f) << 4) ); // task == 1 for now // Old code, guessing options if (img_mask != 0) tptask. setTextureEnable(true); if (corr_mask_tp != 0) tptask. setIntraCorrelationEnable(true); if (corr_mask_tp != 0) tptask. setInterCorrelationEnable(true); task_list.add(tptask); // mask out pairs that use missing channels } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); if (need_corrs != null) { need_corrs[0] = acorrs.get(); } return task_list.toArray(new TpTask[task_list.size()]); } /** * Set a single task (partial setup for GPU when geometryCorrection == null) * @param num_cams number of sensors in a system * @param task_code task code (need to be re-defined, currently is mostly zero/non-zero * @param tileX integer tile X coordinate * @param tileY integer tile X coordinate * @param target_disparity target disparity (should include disparity_corr if used) * @param corr_rots Array of rotational matrices, may be null, but it is more efficient to calculate it once. Not used for GPU when geometryCorrection == null * @param geometryCorrection instance of GeometryCorrection class for the scene. 12/2021 null - rely on GPU for .xy, disp_dist, does not need cor_rots * @return TpTask instance, compatible with both CPU and GPU processing */ public static TpTask setTask( // sets .xy that can be set inside GPU - fix to remove @Deprecated int num_cams, int task_code, int tileX, int tileY, double target_disparity, // include disparity_corr // use geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().getRotMatrices(); once per whole image set Matrix [] corr_rots, // if null, will be calculated GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection) { int dbg_tile_x = 32; int dbg_tile_y = 88; if ((corr_rots == null) && (geometryCorrection != null)) { corr_rots = geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().getRotMatrices(); // get array of per-sensor rotation matrices } if ((tileX == dbg_tile_x) && (tileY == dbg_tile_y)) { System.out.println("Debugging setTask(): tileX="+tileX+", tileY="+tileY); System.out.println("Debugging setTask(): tileX="+tileX+", tileY="+tileY); } TpTask tp_task = new TpTask(num_cams, tileX, tileY); tp_task.task = task_code; tp_task.target_disparity = (float) target_disparity; // will it be used? int transform_size = GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; double centerX = tileX * transform_size + transform_size/2; double centerY = tileY * transform_size + transform_size/2; tp_task.setCenterXY(new double [] {centerX, centerY}); // this pair of coordinates will be used by GPU to set tp_task.xy and task.disp_dist! if (geometryCorrection != null) { double [][] disp_dist = new double[num_cams][]; // used to correct 3D correlations (not yet used here) double [][] centersXY_main = geometryCorrection.getPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives( geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection gc_main, false, // boolean use_rig_offsets, corr_rots, // Matrix [] rots, null, // Matrix [][] deriv_rots, null, // double [][] pXYderiv, disp_dist, // used to correct 3D correlations centerX, centerY, tp_task.target_disparity); // + disparity_corr); tp_task.setDispDist(disp_dist); tp_task.xy = new float [centersXY_main.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < centersXY_main.length; i++) { tp_task.xy[i][0] = (float) centersXY_main[i][0]; tp_task.xy[i][1] = (float) centersXY_main[i][1]; } } return tp_task; } /** * Set up an array of TpTask. Only partial initialization when GPU is used, provide geometryCorrection == null for that case * @param num_cams number of sensors in a system * @param disparity_array array of target disparities {tiliY][tileX] * @param disparity_corr disparity correction - add to all disparity values * @param tile_op tile operation * @param geometryCorrection geometry correction or null for GPU processing * @param threadsMax maximal number of threads * @return array of prepared TpTask instances */ public static TpTask[] setTasks( // sets .xy that can be set inside GPU - fix to remove @Deprecated final int num_cams, final double [][] disparity_array, // [tilesY][tilesX] - individual per-tile expected disparity final double disparity_corr, final int [][] tile_op, // [tilesY][tilesX] - what to do - 0 - nothing for this tile, null - use non-NaN in disparity_array final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, final int threadsMax) // maximal number of threads to launch { final int tilesY = disparity_array.length; int op = ImageDtt.setImgMask(0, 0xf); // use if tile_op is not provided op = ImageDtt.setPairMask(op,0xf); op = ImageDtt.setForcedDisparity(op,true); // setting new (11/18/2022) bits op |= (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_CORR_EN) | (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_INTER_EN) | (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_TEXT_EN); final int fop = op; int tx = -1; for (int i = 0; i < disparity_array.length; i++) if (disparity_array[i] != null) { tx = disparity_array[i].length; break; } if (tx < 0) { return new TpTask[0]; } final int tilesX = tx; final Matrix [] corr_rots = (geometryCorrection == null) ? null: geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().getRotMatrices(); // get array of per-sensor rotation matrices final TpTask[] tp_tasks_xy = new TpTask[tilesY * tilesX]; final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger anum_tiles = new AtomicInteger(0); final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int iTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); iTile < tp_tasks_xy.length; iTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int tileY = iTile /tilesX; int tileX = iTile % tilesX; int op = fop; if (tile_op != null) { op = tile_op[tileY][tileX]; } if ((op != 0) && !Double.isNaN(disparity_array[tileY][tileX])) { tp_tasks_xy[iTile] = setTask( num_cams, // int num_cams, // transform_size, // int transform_size, op, // int task_code, tileX, // int tileX, tileY, // int tileY, disparity_array[tileY][tileX] + disparity_corr, // double target_disparity, // include disparity_corr corr_rots, // Matrix [] corr_rots, // if null, will be calculated geometryCorrection); // GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection) anum_tiles.getAndIncrement(); } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); final TpTask[] tp_tasks = new TpTask[anum_tiles.get()]; int indx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < tp_tasks_xy.length; i++) if (tp_tasks_xy[i] != null) { tp_tasks[indx++] = tp_tasks_xy[i]; } return tp_tasks; } /** * Calculate rotation matrices and their derivatives * Needed after extrinsics changed * gpu_correction_vector should be set in GPU memory * gpu_rot_deriv will contain results after running */ public void execRotDerivs() { if (geometry_correction_vector_set) return; if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_ROT_DERIV_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_ROT_DERIV_kernel"); return; } setGeometryCorrectionVector(); // kernel parameters: pointer to pointers int [] GridFullWarps = {num_cams, 1, 1}; // round up int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {3, 3, 3}; Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector, // union trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv); ); cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_ROT_DERIV_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // remove later geometry_correction_vector_set = true; if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execRotDerivs()"); } } /** * Calculate reverse radial distortion table from gpu_geometry_correction * Needed once during initialization of GeometryCorrection * gpu_geometry_correction should be set in GPU memory * gpu_rByRDist will contain results after running */ public void execCalcReverseDistortions() { if (geometry_correction_set) return; if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CALC_REVERSE_DISTORTION_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CALC_REVERSE_DISTORTION_kernel"); return; } setGeometryCorrection(); // kernel parameters: pointer to pointers // int [] GridFullWarps = {num_cams, 1, 1}; // round up int [] GridFullWarps = {GPUTileProcessor.MAX_NUM_CAMS, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {3, 3, 3}; Pointer kernelParameters =, // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,; // float * gpu_rByRDist) // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CALC_REVERSE_DISTORTION_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // remove later geometry_correction_set = true; if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execCalcReverseDistortions()"); } } /** * Calculate tiles offsets (before each direct conversion run) * * @param uniform_grid - true to calculate uniform tile grid, false - use pre-calculated tile centers */ public void execSetTilesOffsets(boolean uniform_grid) { execCalcReverseDistortions(); // will check if it is needed first execRotDerivs(); // will check if it is needed first if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CALCULATE_TILES_OFFSETS_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CALCULATE_TILES_OFFSETS_kernel"); return; } int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; // 4,8,1 Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { uniform_grid ? 1 : 0 }), // int uniform_grid, //==0: use provided centers (as for interscene) , !=0 calculate uniform grid int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // float * gpu_ftasks, int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list, // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction,, // struct corr_vector * gpu_correction_vector,, // float * gpu_rByRDist) // length should match RBYRDIST_LEN; // trot_deriv * gpu_rot_deriv); cuCtxSynchronize(); cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CALCULATE_TILES_OFFSETS_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // remove later if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execSetTilesOffsets(), num_task_tiles="+num_task_tiles+", uniform_grid="+uniform_grid); } } /** * Direct CLT conversion and aberration correction */ public void execConvertDirect(int erase_clt) { execConvertDirect( false, null, erase_clt); } /** * Convert and save TD representation in either normal or reference scene. Reference scene TD representation * is used for interscene correlation (for "IMU") * @param ref_scene save result into a separate buffer for interscene correlation when true. * @param wh window width, height (or null) * @param erase_clt erase CLT data. Only needed before execImcltRbgAll() if not all the * tiles are converted. <0 - do not erase, 0 - erase to 0, 1 - erase to NaN */ public void execConvertDirect( boolean ref_scene, int [] wh, int erase_clt) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CONVERT_DIRECT_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CONVERT_DIRECT_kernel"); return; } if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_ERASE_CLT_TILES_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_ERASE_CLT_TILES_kernel"); return; } if (wh == null) { wh = new int[] {img_width, img_height}; } if (!rectilinear) { setConvolutionKernels(false); // set kernels if they are not set already setBayerImages(false); // set Bayer images if this.quadCLT instance has new ones } // kernel parameters: pointer to pointers int tilesX = wh[0] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = wh[1] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // De-allocate if size mismatch, allocate if needed. Now it is the only place where clt is allocated if (ref_scene) { if ((gpu_clt_ref_wh != null) && ((gpu_clt_ref_wh[0] != wh[0]) || (gpu_clt_ref_wh[1] != wh[1]))) { for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { cuMemFree (gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam]); } cuMemFree (gpu_clt_ref); gpu_clt_ref = null; gpu_clt_ref_wh = null; } if (gpu_clt_ref == null) { // Allocate memory, create pointers for reference scene TD representation long [] gpu_clt_ref_l = new long [num_cams]; gpu_clt_ref_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam], tilesY * tilesX * num_colors * 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT ); } gpu_clt_ref = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt_ref, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_ref_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam]); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_clt_ref,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); gpu_clt_ref_wh = wh.clone(); } } else { // same for main (not ref) memory if ((gpu_clt_wh != null) && ((gpu_clt_wh[0] != wh[0]) || (gpu_clt_wh[1] != wh[1]))) { for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { cuMemFree (gpu_clt_h[ncam]); } cuMemFree (gpu_clt); gpu_clt = null; gpu_clt_wh = null; } if (gpu_clt == null) { // Allocate memory, create pointers for reference scene TD representation long [] gpu_clt_l = new long [num_cams]; gpu_clt_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt_h[ncam], tilesY * tilesX * num_colors * 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT ); } gpu_clt = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_clt_h[ncam]); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_clt,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); gpu_clt_wh = wh.clone(); } } CUdeviceptr gpu_clt_selected = ref_scene ? gpu_clt_ref : gpu_clt; int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; if (erase_clt >= 0) { float fill_data = (erase_clt > 0) ? Float.NaN : 0.0f; Pointer kernelParametersEraseClt = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams, int[] { num_colors}), // int num_colors, int[] { tilesX}), // int tiles_x, int[] { tilesY}), // int tiles_y,, // float ** gpu_clt,// [num_cams][tiles_y][tiles_x][num_colors][4*DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE] float[] { fill_data})); // float fill_data cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_ERASE_CLT_TILES_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParametersEraseClt, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // remove later CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execConvertDirect(): erased CLT"); } } Pointer kernelParameters; if (rectilinear) { kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams, int[] { num_colors}), // int num_colors,, // gpu_kernel_offsets), // just a legal pointer to gpu memory, will not be used, // gpu_kernels), // just a legal pointer to gpu memory, will not be used,,, // gpu_clt), // select which one int[] { mclt_stride }), // should be input image stride (in floats), not mclt! int[] { num_task_tiles }), // move lpf to 4-image generator kernel - DONE int[] { 0 }), // lpf_mask int[] { wh[0]}), // img_width}), // int woi_width, int[] { wh[1]}), // img_height}), // int woi_height, int[] { 0}), // int kernels_hor, int[] { 0}), // int kernels_vert);,, int[] { tilesX }) ); } else {// !rectilinear (normal way) kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams, int[] { num_colors}), // int num_colors,,,,,, // gpu_clt), // select which one int[] { mclt_stride }), // should be input image stride (in floats), not mclt! int[] { num_task_tiles }), // move lpf to 4-image generator kernel - DONE int[] { 0 }), // lpf_mask int[] { wh[0]}), // img_width}), // int woi_width, int[] { wh[1]}), // img_height}), // int woi_height, int[] { kernels_hor}), // int kernels_hor, int[] { kernels_vert}), // int kernels_vert);,, int[] { tilesX }) ); } cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CONVERT_DIRECT_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // remove later CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execConvertDirect("+ref_scene+", "+erase_clt+")"); } } public boolean reAllocateClt( int [] wh, boolean ref_scene) { boolean allocated = false; if (wh == null) { wh = new int[] {img_width, img_height}; } int tilesX = wh[0] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = wh[1] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // De-allocate if size mismatch, allocate if needed. Now it is the only place where clt is allocated if (ref_scene) { if ((gpu_clt_ref_wh != null) && ((gpu_clt_ref_wh[0] != wh[0]) || (gpu_clt_ref_wh[1] != wh[1]))) { for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { cuMemFree (gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam]); } cuMemFree (gpu_clt_ref); gpu_clt_ref = null; gpu_clt_ref_wh = null; } if (gpu_clt_ref == null) { // Allocate memory, create pointers for reference scene TD representation long [] gpu_clt_ref_l = new long [num_cams]; gpu_clt_ref_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam], tilesY * tilesX * num_colors * 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT ); } gpu_clt_ref = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt_ref, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_ref_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_clt_ref_h[ncam]); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_clt_ref,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); gpu_clt_ref_wh = wh.clone(); allocated = true; } } else { // same for main (not ref) memory if ((gpu_clt_wh != null) && ((gpu_clt_wh[0] != wh[0]) || (gpu_clt_wh[1] != wh[1]))) { for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { cuMemFree (gpu_clt_h[ncam]); } cuMemFree (gpu_clt); gpu_clt = null; gpu_clt_wh = null; } if (gpu_clt == null) { // Allocate memory, create pointers for reference scene TD representation long [] gpu_clt_l = new long [num_cams]; gpu_clt_h = new CUdeviceptr[num_cams]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt_h[ncam], tilesY * tilesX * num_colors * 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * Sizeof.FLOAT ); } gpu_clt = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_clt, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_clt_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_clt_h[ncam]); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_clt,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); gpu_clt_wh = wh.clone(); allocated = true; } } return allocated; } /** * Generate corrected image(s) from the CLT representation created by execConvertDirect() * @param is_mono monochrome image (false - RGB) */ public void execImcltRbgAll( boolean is_mono) { execImcltRbgAll( is_mono, false, null ); //int [] wh } public void deallocate4Images(int [] wh) { if (gpu_4_images_wh != null) { if (wh == null) { wh = new int[] {img_width, img_height}; } if ((gpu_4_images_wh[0] != wh[0]) || (gpu_4_images_wh[1] != wh[1])) { deallocate4Images(); } } } public void deallocate4Images() { if (gpu_4_images_wh != null) { for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { cuMemFree (gpu_corr_images_h[ncam]); } cuMemFree (gpu_4_images); gpu_4_images = null; gpu_4_images_wh = null; } } public void execImcltRbgAll( // Now allocates/re-allocates GPU memory boolean is_mono, boolean ref_scene, int [] wh) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_IMCLT_ALL_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_IMCLT_ALL_kernel"); return; } if (wh == null) { wh = new int[] {img_width, img_height}; } int apply_lpf = 1; /// int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; /// int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesX = wh[0] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = wh[1] / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // Free if allocated but size mismatch deallocate4Images(wh); /* if ((gpu_4_images_wh != null) && ((gpu_4_images_wh[0] != wh[0]) || (gpu_4_images_wh[1] != wh[1]))) { for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { cuMemFree (gpu_corr_images_h[ncam]); } cuMemFree (gpu_4_images); gpu_4_images = null; gpu_4_images_wh = null; }*/ // Allocate if was not allocated or was freed if (gpu_4_images == null) { // Allocate memory, create pointers.first time was null long [] device_stride = new long [1]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) { gpu_corr_images_h[ncam] = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAllocPitch ( gpu_corr_images_h[ncam], // CUdeviceptr dptr, device_stride, // long[] pPitch, // (img_width + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE) * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, (wh[0] + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE) * Sizeof.FLOAT, // long WidthInBytes, // 3*(img_height + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE),// long Height, 3*(wh[1] + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE),// long Height, //FIXME*** No need for 3x? **** Sizeof.FLOAT); // int ElementSizeBytes) imclt_stride = (int)(device_stride[0] / Sizeof.FLOAT); } gpu_4_images = new CUdeviceptr(); cuMemAlloc(gpu_4_images, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); long [] gpu_4_images_l = new long [num_cams]; for (int ncam = 0; ncam < num_cams; ncam++) gpu_4_images_l[ncam] = GPUTileProcessor.getPointerAddress(gpu_corr_images_h[ncam]); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_4_images,, num_cams * Sizeof.POINTER); gpu_4_images_wh = wh.clone(); } CUdeviceptr gpu_clt_selected = ref_scene ? gpu_clt_ref : gpu_clt; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams][TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE], // float ** gpu_corr_images, // [num_cams][WIDTH, 3 * HEIGHT] int[] { apply_lpf }), // int apply_lpf, int[] { is_mono ? 1 : num_colors }), // int colors, int[] { tilesX }), // int woi_twidth, int[] { tilesY }), // int woi_theight, int[] { imclt_stride }) // const size_t dstride); // in floats (pixels) ); cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_IMCLT_ALL_kernel, // failed with LWIR GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execImcltRbgAll("+is_mono+","+ref_scene+")"); } } /** * Generate 2D phase correlations from the CLT representation * @param scales R,G,B weights * @param fat_zero - absolute fat zero - add to correlations before normalization * @param corr_radius - correlation result size (maximal 7 for 15x15) */ public void execCorr2D( boolean [] pair_select, double [] scales, double fat_zero, int corr_radius) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORRELATE2D_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CORRELATE2D_kernel"); return; } double fat_zero2 = fat_zero * fat_zero; int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // int num_colors = scales.length; int num_colors = this.num_colors; if (num_colors > 3) num_colors = 3; float fscale0 = (num_colors >1)?((float) scales[0]):1.0f; float fscale1 = (num_colors >1)?((float) scales[1]):0.0f; float fscale2 = (num_colors >2)?((float) scales[2]):0.0f; // int num_pairs = getNumPairs(); setCorrMask (pair_select); int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams, int[] { corr_mask_int[0]}), // int sel_pairs0, // unused bits should be 0 int[] { corr_mask_int[1]}), // int sel_pairs1 // unused bits should be 0 int[] { corr_mask_int[2]}), // int sel_pairs2, // unused bits should be 0 int[] { corr_mask_int[3]}), // int sel_pairs3, // unused bits should be 0, // float ** gpu_clt, int[] { num_colors }), // int colors, // number of colors (3/1) float[] {fscale0 }), // float scale0, // scale for R float[] {fscale1 }), // float scale1, // scale for B float[] {fscale2 }), // float scale2, // scale for G float[] {(float) fat_zero2}),// float fat_zero, // here - absolute, // float * gpu_tasks, int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles // number of tiles in task int[] { tilesX }), // int tilesx, // number of tile rows, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair, // int * pnum_corr_tiles, // pointer to a number of tiles to process long[] { corr_stride }), // const size_t corr_stride, // in floats int[] { corr_radius }), // int corr_radius, // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15) // float * gpu_corrs); // correlation output data ); cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORRELATE2D_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); } /** * Generate 2D correlations from the CLT representation in transform domain, no normalization * @param scales R,G,B weights */ public void execCorr2D_TD( double [] scales, int [] sel_pairs_in // [4] ) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORRELATE2D_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CORRELATE2D_kernel"); return; } setCorrMask(sel_pairs_in); // set corr_mask_int int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_colors = this.num_colors; if (num_colors > 3) num_colors = 3; float fscale0 = (num_colors >1)?((float) scales[0]):1.0f; float fscale1 = (num_colors >1)?((float) scales[1]):0.0f; float fscale2 = (num_colors >2)?((float) scales[2]):0.0f; int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams, // number of colors (3/1) int[] { corr_mask_int[0] }), // int sel_pairs0 // unused bits should be 0 int[] { corr_mask_int[1] }), // int sel_pairs1 // unused bits should be 0 int[] { corr_mask_int[2] }), // int sel_pairs2 // unused bits should be 0 int[] { corr_mask_int[3] }), // int sel_pairs3 // unused bits should be 0, // float ** gpu_clt, int[] { num_colors }), // int colors, // number of colors (3/1) float[] {fscale0 }), // float scale0, // scale for R float[] {fscale1 }), // float scale1, // scale for B float[] {fscale2 }), // float scale2, // scale for G float[] {(float) 0.0 }), // float fat_zero, // here - absolute does nolt matter if TD (corr_radius==0), // float * gpu_ftasks, int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles // number of tiles in task int[] { tilesX }), // int tilesx, // number of tile rows, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair, // int * pnum_corr_tiles, // pointer to a number of tiles to process long[] { corr_stride_td }), // const size_t corr_stride, // in floats int[] { 0 }), // generate TD // int corr_radius, // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15) // float * gpu_corrs); // correlation output data ); cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORRELATE2D_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execCorr2D_TD()"); } } /** * Generate interscene 2D correlations from the CLT representations in transform domain, * no normalization. Sensor mask (if not all) should be set prior to calling with * setSensorMaskInter(int mask) * @param scales R,G,B weights */ public void execCorr2D_inter_TD( double [] scales ) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORRELATE2D_INTER_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CORRELATE2D_INTER_kernel"); return; } if (gpu_clt_ref == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "Reference scene TD data is not allocated (needs execConvertDirrect(true))"); return; } // setSensorMaskInter(sel_sensors); // setCorrMask(sel_pairs_in); // set corr_mask_int int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_colors = this.num_colors; if (num_colors > 3) num_colors = 3; float fscale0 = (num_colors >1)?((float) scales[0]):1.0f; float fscale1 = (num_colors >1)?((float) scales[1]):0.0f; float fscale2 = (num_colors >2)?((float) scales[2]):0.0f; int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams, // number of colors (3/1) int[] {getSensorMaskInter()}),// int sel_sensors // unused bits should be 0, // float ** gpu_clt,, // float ** gpu_clt_ref, int[] { num_colors }), // int colors, // number of colors (3/1) float[] {fscale0 }), // float scale0, // scale for R float[] {fscale1 }), // float scale1, // scale for B float[] {fscale2 }), // float scale2, // scale for G, // float * gpu_ftasks, int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles // number of tiles in task int[] { tilesX }), // int tilesx, // number of tile rows, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair, // int * pnum_corr_tiles, // pointer to a number of tiles to process long[] { corr_stride_td }), // const size_t corr_stride, // in floats // float * gpu_corrs); // correlation output data ); cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function error here with rectilinear cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORRELATE2D_INTER_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execCorr2D_inter_TD()"); } } /** * Combine intra-scene correlations in transform domain (possible to accumulate more) * @param init_corr - true: init output to 0 before accumulating, false: add to current value * @param num_pairs_in - typically ==6 - number of pairs per tile (tile task should have same number per each tile). * This number should match correlations in tasks * @param pairs_mask - selected pairs (0x3 - horizontal, 0xc - vertical, 0xf - quad, 0x30 - cross) */ @Deprecated public void execCorr2D_combine( boolean init_corr, // initialize output tiles (false - add to current) int num_pairs_in, // typically 6 - number of pairs per tile (tile task should have same number per each tile int pairs_mask) // selected pairs (0x3 - horizontal, 0xc - vertical, 0xf - quad, 0x30 - cross) { execCorr2D_combine (init_corr, num_pairs_in, pairs_mask, false); } /** * Combine intra-scene correlations in transform domain (possible to accumulate more) * @param init_corr - true: init output to 0 before accumulating, false: add to current value * @param num_pairs_in - typically ==6 - number of pairs per tile (tile task should have same number per each tile). * This number should match correlations in tasks * @param pairs_mask - selected pairs (0x3 - horizontal, 0xc - vertical, 0xf - quad, 0x30 - cross) * @param no_transpose_vertical - do not transpose vertical/diagonal */ @Deprecated // broken public void execCorr2D_combine( boolean init_corr, // initialize output tiles (false - add to current) int num_pairs_in, // typically 6 - number of pairs per tile (tile task should have same number per each tile int pairs_mask, // selected pairs (0x3 - horizontal, 0xc - vertical, 0xf - quad, 0x30 - cross) boolean no_transpose_vertical ) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORR2D_COMBINE_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CORR2D_COMBINE_kernel"); return; } int num_pairs = getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; float [] fnum_corrs = new float[1]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_num_corr_tiles, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); num_corr_combo_tiles = Float.floatToIntBits(fnum_corrs[0])/num_pairs; // number of correlation tiles calculated int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int init_corr_combo = (init_corr ? 1 : 0) + (no_transpose_vertical ? 2 : 0); Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_corr_combo_tiles }), // num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles // number of tiles in task int[] { num_pairs }), // int num_pairs, // num pairs per tile (should be the same) int[] { init_corr_combo }), // int init_output, // 1- reset output tiles to zero before accumulating int[] { pairs_mask }), // int pairs_mask, // selected pairs, // int * gpu_corr_indices, // packed tile+pair, // int * gpu_combo_indices, // output if not null: packed tile+pairs_mask long[] { corr_stride_td }), // const size_t corr_stride, // (in floats) stride for the input TD correlations, // float * gpu_corrs, // input correlation tiles long[] { corr_stride_combo_td }), // const size_t corr_stride_combo, // (in floats) stride for the output TD; // float * gpu_corrs_combo); // combined correlation output (one per tile) cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORR2D_COMBINE_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); } /** * Normalize 2D correlations, transform and unfold * For interscene - use same with combo = false; * @param combo - normalize combo correlations (false - per-pair ones). Typically - false * @param fcorr_weights - null or one per correlation tile (num_corr_tiles) to divide fat_zero2 * @param fat_zero - absolute fat zero - add to correlations before normalization * @param corr_radius - correlation result size (maximal 7 for 15x15) */ public void execCorr2D_normalize( boolean combo, // normalize combo correlations (false - per-pair ones) double fat_zero, float [] fcorr_weights, // null or one per correlation tile (num_corr_tiles) to divide fat zero2 int corr_radius) { if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORR2D_NORMALIZE_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_CORR2D_NORMALIZE_kernel"); return; } float fat_zero2 = (float) (fat_zero * fat_zero); Pointer pFcorr_weights int[] {0}); int num_ctiles = combo? num_corr_combo_tiles : num_corr_tiles; if (fcorr_weights != null) { cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_corr_weights,, num_ctiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); pFcorr_weights =; } int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; Pointer kernelParameters; if (combo) { kernelParameters = int[] { num_corr_combo_tiles }), // num_task_tiles }), // int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process long[] { corr_stride_combo_td }),// const size_t corr_stride_td, // in floats, // float * gpu_corrs_combo); // combined correlation output (one per tile) pFcorr_weights, long[] { corr_stride_combo }), // const size_t corr_stride, // in floats, // float * gpu_corrs, // correlation output data (pixel domain) float[] {fat_zero2}), // float fat_zero2, // here - absolute int[] { corr_radius })); // int corr_radius, // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15) } else { kernelParameters = int[] { num_corr_tiles }), // num_task_tiles }), // int num_corr_tiles, // number of correlation tiles to process long[] { corr_stride_td }), // const size_t corr_stride_td, // in floats, // float * gpu_corrs_combo); // combined correlation output (one per tile) pFcorr_weights, long[] { corr_stride }), // const size_t corr_stride, // in floats, // float * gpu_corrs, // correlation output data (pixel domain) float[] {fat_zero2}), // float fat_zero2, // here - absolute int[] { corr_radius })); // int corr_radius, // radius of the output correlation (7 for 15x15) } cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CORR2D_NORMALIZE_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); } public void execRBGA( double [] color_weights, boolean is_lwir, double min_shot, // 10.0 double scale_shot, // 3.0 double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) boolean dust_remove, int keep_weights) { if (GPUTileProcessor.USE_DS_DP) { execRBGA_DP( color_weights, // double [] color_weights, is_lwir, // boolean is_lwir, min_shot, // double min_shot, // 10.0 scale_shot, // double scale_shot, // 3.0 diff_sigma, // double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change diff_threshold, // double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change min_agree, // double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) dust_remove, // boolean dust_remove); keep_weights); // int keep_weights) } else { execRBGA_noDP( color_weights, // double [] color_weights, is_lwir, // boolean is_lwir, min_shot, // double min_shot, // 10.0 scale_shot, // double scale_shot, // 3.0 diff_sigma, // double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change diff_threshold, // double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change min_agree, // double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) dust_remove, // boolean dust_remove); keep_weights); // int keep_weights) } } /** * Generate combined (overlapping) texture * @param color_weights - [3] (RGB) or [1] (mono) color weights for matching * @param is_lwir ignore shot noise normalization * @param min_shot - minimal value to use sqrt() for shot noise normalization (default - 10) * @param scale_shot scale shot noise (3.0) * @param diff_sigma pixel value/pixel change (1.5) - normalize channel values difference by the offsets of the cameras * @param diff_threshold - never used? * @param min_agree minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages * @param dust_remove do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average * @param keep_weights (since 11/13/2022). Now 2 separate bits: +1 - generate channel weights and combo metrics. * +2 replace port_weights with raw per-channel (+1 is not used here for overlapping) */ public void execRBGA_DP( double [] color_weights, boolean is_lwir, double min_shot, // 10.0 double scale_shot, // 3.0 double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) boolean dust_remove, int keep_weights) { execCalcReverseDistortions(); // will check if it is needed first if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_RBGA_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_TEXTURES_kernel"); return; } // int num_colors = color_weights.length; int num_colors = is_lwir? 1 : color_weights.length; if (num_colors > 3) num_colors = 3; float [] fcolor_weights = new float[3]; fcolor_weights[0] = (float) color_weights[0]; fcolor_weights[1] = (num_colors >1)?((float) color_weights[1]):0.0f; fcolor_weights[2] = (num_colors >2)?((float) color_weights[2]):0.0f; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_color_weights,, fcolor_weights.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); float [] generate_RBGA_params = { (float) min_shot, // 10.0 (float) scale_shot, // 3.0 (float) diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change (float) diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change (float) min_agree // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) }; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_generate_RBGA_params,, generate_RBGA_params.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); int iis_lwir = (is_lwir)? 1:0; int idust_remove = (dust_remove)? 1 : 0; // uses dynamic parallelization, top kernel is a single-thread one int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; cuFuncSetAttribute(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_RBGA_kernel, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, 65536); Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16 int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list // declare arrays in device code?, // int * gpu_texture_indices_ovlp,// packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7), // int * num_texture_tiles, // number of texture tiles to process (8 elements), // int * woi, // x,y,width,height of the woi // set smaller for LWIR - it is used to reduce work aread int[] {img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE}), // int width, // <= TILESX, use for faster processing of LWIR images (should be actual + 1) int[] {img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE}), // int height); // <= TILESY, use for faster processing of LWIR images // Parameters for the texture generation, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams] ->[TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE], // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction, int[] {num_colors}), // int colors, // number of colors (3/1) int[] {iis_lwir}), // int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction, // float generate_RBGA_params[5],, // float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G int[] { idust_remove }), // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average int[] {keep_weights}), // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA int[] { texture_stride_rgba }), // const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats; // float * gpu_texture_tiles) // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_RBGA_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); } /** * Generate combined (overlapping) texture * Version w/o Dynamic Parallelism to pass shared memory size. May be removed if maximal SM issue will be resolved * @param color_weights - [3] (RGB) or [1] (mono) color weights for matching * @param is_lwir ignore shot noise normalization * @param min_shot - minimal value to use sqrt() for shot noise normalization (default - 10) * @param scale_shot scale shot noise (3.0) * @param diff_sigma pixel value/pixel change (1.5) - normalize channel values difference by the offsets of the cameras * @param diff_threshold - never used? * @param min_agree minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages * @param dust_remove do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average * @param keep_weights (since 11/13/2022). Now 2 separate bits: +1 - generate channel weights and combo metrics. * +2 replace port_weights with raw per-channel (+1 is not used here for overlapping) */ public void execRBGA_noDP( double [] color_weights, boolean is_lwir, double min_shot, // 10.0 double scale_shot, // 3.0 double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) boolean dust_remove, int keep_weights) { execCalcReverseDistortions(); // will check if it is needed first if ( (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CLEAR_TEXTURE_LIST_kernel == null) && (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_MARK_TEXTURE_LIST_kernel == null) && (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_MARK_TEXTURE_NEIGHBOR_kernel == null) && (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_GEN_TEXTURE_LIST_kernel == null) && (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CLEAR_TEXTURE_RBGA_kernel == null) && (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_ACCUMULATE_kernel == null)) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel(s)"); return; } boolean DEBUG8A = false; // true; // false; int num_colors = is_lwir? 1 : color_weights.length; if (num_colors > 3) num_colors = 3; float [] fcolor_weights = new float[3]; fcolor_weights[0] = (float) color_weights[0]; fcolor_weights[1] = (num_colors >1)?((float) color_weights[1]):0.0f; fcolor_weights[2] = (num_colors >2)?((float) color_weights[2]):0.0f; double sw = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < fcolor_weights.length; i++) sw+= fcolor_weights[i]; for (int i = 0; i < fcolor_weights.length; i++) fcolor_weights[i]/=sw; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_color_weights,, fcolor_weights.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); float [] generate_RBGA_params = { (float) min_shot, // 10.0 (float) scale_shot, // 3.0 (float) diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change (float) diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change (float) min_agree // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) }; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_generate_RBGA_params,, generate_RBGA_params.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); int iis_lwir = (is_lwir)? 1:0; int idust_remove = (dust_remove)? 1 : 0; int width = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int height = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // Testing parameters TpTask [] test_tasks0 = null; float [] test_ftasks0 = null; int [] cpu_texture_indices_ovlp = null; if (DEBUG8A) { test_tasks0 = new TpTask[width * height]; test_ftasks0 = new float [test_tasks0.length * getTaskSize()]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_ftasks, test_ftasks0.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); for (int i = 0; i < test_tasks0.length; i++) { test_tasks0[i] = new TpTask(num_cams, test_ftasks0, i, false); } } // woi.x = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[0]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // woi.y = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[1]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // woi.width = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[2]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // woi.height = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[3]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int blocks_x = (width + ((1 << GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS) - 1)) >> GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS; int [] blocks0 = {blocks_x, height, 1}; int [] threads0 = {(1 << GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS), 1, 1}; /* clear_texture_list<<<blocks0,threads0>>>( gpu_texture_indices, width, height); */ Pointer kp_clear_texture_list =, // gpu_texture_indices, int[] {width}), int[] {height})); cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CLEAR_TEXTURE_LIST_kernel, blocks0[0], blocks0[1], blocks0[2], // Grid dimension threads0[0], threads0[1], threads0[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_clear_texture_list, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); int blocks_t = (num_task_tiles + ((1 << GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS)) -1) >> GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS;// int [] blocks = {blocks_t, 1, 1}; int [] threads = {(1 << GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS), 1, 1}; // mark used tiles in gpu_texture_indices memory /* mark_texture_tiles <<<blocks,threads>>>( num_cams, // int num_cams, gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16 num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list width, // number of tiles in a row gpu_texture_indices); // packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7) */ Pointer kp_mark_texture_tiles = int[] {num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16 int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list int[] {width}),; // gpu_texture_indices, cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_MARK_TEXTURE_LIST_kernel, blocks[0], blocks[1], blocks[2], // Grid dimension threads[0], threads[1], threads[2], // Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_mark_texture_tiles, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); int [] cpu_woi = new int[4]; int [] cpu_num_texture_tiles = new int[8]; // cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_woi, cpu_woi.length * Sizeof.INT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed cpu_woi[0] = width; // larger than any x cpu_woi[1] = height; // larger than any y cpu_woi[2] = 0; // smaller or equal than any x cpu_woi[3] = 0; // smaller or equal than any y cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_woi,, cpu_woi.length * Sizeof.INT); // cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_woi, cpu_woi.length * Sizeof.INT); //just for testing /* // TODO: create gpu_woi to pass (copy from woi) // set lower 4 bits in each gpu_ftasks task mark_texture_neighbor_tiles <<<blocks,threads>>>( num_cams, // int num_cams, gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16 num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list width, // number of tiles in a row height, // number of tiles rows gpu_texture_indices, // packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7) gpu_woi); // min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); */ Pointer kp_mark_texture_neighbor_tiles = int[] {num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16 int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list int[] {width}), // int width, // number of tiles in a row int[] {height}), // int height, // number of tiles rows, // int * gpu_texture_indices, // packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7); // int * woi, // min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_MARK_TEXTURE_NEIGHBOR_kernel, blocks[0], blocks[1], blocks[2], // Grid dimension threads[0], threads[1], threads[2], // Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_mark_texture_neighbor_tiles, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // int [] cpu_num_texture_tiles = new int[8]; Arrays.fill(cpu_num_texture_tiles, 0); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_num_texture_tiles,, cpu_num_texture_tiles.length * Sizeof.INT); /* gen_texture_list <<<blocks,threads>>>( num_cams, // int num_cams, gpu_ftasks, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 27 floats for quad EO, 99 floats for LWIR16 num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list width, // number of tiles in a row height, // int height, // number of tiles rows gpu_texture_indices, // packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7) gpu_num_texture_tiles, // number of texture tiles to process gpu_woi); // x,y, here woi[2] = max_X, woi[3] - max-Y checkCudaErrors(cudaDeviceSynchronize()); // not needed yet, just for testing */ // cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_woi,, cpu_woi.length * Sizeof.INT); // just for testing // Testing parameters if (DEBUG8A) { TpTask [] test_tasks = new TpTask[width * height]; float [] test_ftasks = new float [test_tasks.length * getTaskSize()]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_ftasks, test_ftasks.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); for (int i = 0; i < test_tasks.length; i++) { test_tasks[i] = new TpTask(num_cams, test_ftasks, i, false); } cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_num_texture_tiles, cpu_num_texture_tiles.length * Sizeof.INT); cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_woi, cpu_woi.length * Sizeof.INT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed int tilesX = width; int tilesY = height; int tilesYa = (tilesY + 3) & ~3; cpu_texture_indices_ovlp = new int [tilesX * tilesYa]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_texture_indices_ovlp, cpu_texture_indices_ovlp.length * Sizeof.INT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_texture_indices_ovlp,, cpu_texture_indices_ovlp.length * Sizeof.INT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed } Pointer kp_gen_texture_list = int[] {num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16 int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list int[] {width}), // int width, // number of tiles in a row int[] {height}), // int height, // number of tiles rows, // int * gpu_texture_indices, // packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7), // int * gpu_num_texture_tiles, // number of texture tiles to process; // int * woi, // min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_GEN_TEXTURE_LIST_kernel, blocks[0], blocks[1], blocks[2], // Grid dimension threads[0], threads[1], threads[2], // Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_gen_texture_list, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // copy gpu_woi back to host woi // float [] fcpu_woi = new float [4]; // cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_woi, 4 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_woi, cpu_woi.length * Sizeof.INT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed cpu_woi[2] += 1 - cpu_woi[0]; // width (was min and max) cpu_woi[3] += 1 - cpu_woi[1]; // height (was min and max) // copy host-modified data back to GPU cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_woi,, cpu_woi.length * Sizeof.INT); // copy gpu_num_texture_tiles back to host cpu_num_texture_tiles for processing by the CPU code cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_num_texture_tiles, cpu_num_texture_tiles.length * Sizeof.INT); // Testing parameters if (DEBUG8A) { cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_texture_indices_ovlp, cpu_texture_indices_ovlp.length * Sizeof.INT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed } // Zero output textures. Trim // texture_rbga_stride int texture_width = (cpu_woi[2] + 1) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int texture_tiles_height = (cpu_woi[3] + 1) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int texture_slices = num_colors + 1; if ((keep_weights & 2) != 0) { texture_slices += num_colors * num_cams; } int blocks_x2 = ((texture_width + ((1 << (GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE_LOG2 )) - 1)) >> (GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE_LOG2)); int [] blocks2 = {blocks_x2, texture_tiles_height * texture_slices, 1}; // each thread - 8 vertical int [] threads2 = {(1 << GPUTileProcessor.THREADS_DYNAMIC_BITS), 1, 1}; /* clear_texture_rbga<<<blocks2,threads2>>>( // illegal value error texture_width, texture_tiles_height * texture_slices, // int texture_slice_height, texture_rbga_stride, // const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats 8*stride gpu_texture_tiles) ; // float * gpu_texture_tiles); */ Pointer kp_clear_texture_rbga = int[] {texture_width}), // int texture_width, int[] {texture_tiles_height * texture_slices}),// int texture_slice_height, int[] { texture_stride_rgba }), // const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats 8*stride; // float * gpu_texture_tiles) // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CLEAR_TEXTURE_RBGA_kernel, blocks2[0], blocks2[1], blocks2[2], // Grid dimension threads2[0], threads2[1], threads2[2], // Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_clear_texture_rbga, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); // Testing parameters if (DEBUG8A) { cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_texture_indices_ovlp, cpu_texture_indices_ovlp.length * Sizeof.INT); // hope that Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_indices[i]) is not needed } // Run 8 times - first 4 1-tile offsets inner tiles (w/o verifying margins), then - 4 times with verification and ignoring 4-pixel // oversize (border 16x 16 tiles overhang by 4 pixels) int tilesya = ((height +3) & (~3)); //#define TILES-YA ((TILES-Y +3) & (~3)) for (int pass = 0; pass < 8; pass++){ int num_cams_per_thread = GPUTileProcessor.NUM_THREADS / GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE; // 4 cameras parallel, then repeat int[] threads_texture = {GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE, num_cams_per_thread, 1}; // TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK, 1); int border_tile = (pass >> 2); int ntt = cpu_num_texture_tiles[((pass & 3) << 1) + border_tile]; if (ntt > 0) { int [] grid_texture = {(ntt + GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK-1) / GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK,1,1}; // TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK = 1 int ti_offset = (pass & 3) * (width * (tilesya >> 2)); // (TILES-X * (TILES-YA >> 2)); // 1/4 if (border_tile != 0){ ti_offset += width * (tilesya >> 2) - ntt; // TILES-X * (TILES-YA >> 2) - ntt; } int shared_size = host_get_textures_shared_size( // in bytes num_cams, // int num_cams, // actual number of cameras num_colors, // int num_colors, // actual number of colors: 3 for RGB, 1 for LWIR/mono null); // int * offsets); // in floats if (DEBUG8A) { System.out.println("shared_size = "+shared_size+" ntt="+ntt); System.out.println(String.format("generate_RBGA() pass= %d, border_tile= %d, ti_offset= %d, ntt=%d", pass, border_tile,ti_offset, ntt)); // System.out.println(String.format("generate_RBGA() gpu_texture_indices= %p, gpu_texture_indices + ti_offset= %p\n", // (void *) gpu_texture_indices, (void *) (gpu_texture_indices + ti_offset)); System.out.println(String.format("\ngenerate_RBGA() grid_texture={%d, %d, %d)\n", grid_texture[0], grid_texture[1], grid_texture[2])); System.out.println(String.format("\ngenerate_RBGA() threads_texture={%d, %d, %d)\n", threads_texture[0], threads_texture[1], threads_texture[2])); System.out.println ("pass="+pass); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++){ int indx0 = ti_offset + i; if (indx0 < cpu_texture_indices_ovlp.length) { int indx = cpu_texture_indices_ovlp[indx0]; System.out.println(String.format("%05x | %02d: %4x %3d %3d %2x",indx0, i,indx>>8, (indx>>8) / 80, (indx >> 8) % 80, indx&0xff)); } } System.out.println ("\n\n"); } cuFuncSetAttribute(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_ACCUMULATE_kernel, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, 65536); Pointer kp_textures_accumulate = int[] {num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // int * woi, // min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams] ->[TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE] int[] {ntt}), // size_t num_texture_tiles,// number of texture tiles to process int[] {ti_offset}), // size_t num_texture_tiles,// number of texture tiles to process, // gpu_texture_indices_offset,// add to gpu_texture_indices, // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction, int[] {num_colors}), // int colors, // number of colors (3/1) int[] {iis_lwir}), // int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction float[] {(float) min_shot}), // float min_shot, // 10.0 float[] {(float) scale_shot}), // float scale_shot, // 3.0 float[] {(float) diff_sigma}), // float diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change float[] {(float) diff_threshold}),// float diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change float[] {(float) min_agree}), // float min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages), // float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G (or {1.0,0.0,0.0} int[] {idust_remove}), // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average int[] {keep_weights}), // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA // combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null ) int[] { texture_stride_rgba }), // const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats, // float * gpu_texture_tiles) // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles int[] {0}), // size_t texture_stride, // in floats (now 256*4 = 1024) int[] {0}), // gpu_texture_tiles, // float * gpu_texture_tiles); // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles int[] {0}), // 1, // int linescan_order, // if !=0 then output gpu_diff_rgb_combo in linescan order, else - in gpu_texture_indices order int[] {0}), //);//gpu_diff_rgb_combo); // float * gpu_diff_rgb_combo) // diff[num_cams], R[num_cams], B[num_cams],G[num_cams] int[] {width})); cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_ACCUMULATE_kernel, // jcuda.CudaException: CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE grid_texture[0], grid_texture[1], grid_texture[2], // Grid dimension threads_texture[0], threads_texture[1], threads_texture[2], // Block dimension shared_size, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_textures_accumulate, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); } } } /** * Generate non-overlapping (16x16) texture tiles * @param color_weights - [3] (RGB) or [1] (mono) color weights for matching * @param is_lwir ignore shot noise normalization * @param min_shot - minimal value to use sqrt() for shot noise normalization (default - 10) * @param scale_shot scale shot noise (3.0) * @param diff_sigma pixel value/pixel change (1.5) - normalize channel values difference by the offsets of the cameras * @param diff_threshold - never used? * @param min_agree minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages * @param dust_remove do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average * @param keep_weights (since 11/13/2022). Now 2 separate bits: +1 - generate channel weights and combo metrics. * +2 replace port_weights with raw per-channel * @param calc_textures calculate textures (false for macro-only output) * @param calc_extra calculate extra output - low-res for macro */ public void execTextures( double [] color_weights, boolean is_lwir, double min_shot, // 10.0 double scale_shot, // 3.0 double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) boolean dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average int keep_weights, // 2 bits now, move to parameters boolean calc_textures, boolean calc_extra, boolean linescan_order ) { if (GPUTileProcessor.USE_DS_DP) { execTextures_DP( color_weights, is_lwir, min_shot, // 10.0 scale_shot, // 3.0 diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average keep_weights, // int keep_weights, // 2 bits now, move to parameters calc_textures, calc_extra, linescan_order); } else { execTextures_noDP( // CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE color_weights, is_lwir, min_shot, // 10.0 scale_shot, // 3.0 diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average keep_weights, // int keep_weights, // 2 bits now, move to parameters calc_textures, calc_extra, linescan_order); } } public void execTextures_DP( double [] color_weights, boolean is_lwir, double min_shot, // 10.0 double scale_shot, // 3.0 double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) boolean dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average int keep_weights, // 2 bits now, move to parameters boolean calc_textures, boolean calc_extra, boolean linescan_order) { execCalcReverseDistortions(); // will check if it is needed first if (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_kernel == null) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel: GPU_TEXTURES_kernel"); return; } int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_colors = color_weights.length; if (num_colors > 3) num_colors = 3; float [] fcolor_weights = new float[3]; fcolor_weights[0] = (float) color_weights[0]; fcolor_weights[1] = (num_colors >1)?((float) color_weights[1]):0.0f; fcolor_weights[2] = (num_colors >2)?((float) color_weights[2]):0.0f; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_color_weights,, fcolor_weights.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); float [] generate_RBGA_params = { (float) min_shot, // 10.0 (float) scale_shot, // 3.0 (float) diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change (float) diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change (float) min_agree // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) }; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_generate_RBGA_params,, generate_RBGA_params.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); int iis_lwir = (is_lwir)? 1:0; int ilinescan_order = linescan_order? 1 : 0; int idust_remove = (dust_remove)? 1 : 0; // int keep_weights = 0; // 2 bits now, move to parameters int [] GridFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; int [] ThreadsFullWarps = {1, 1, 1}; // CUdeviceptr gpu_diff_rgb_combo_local = calc_extra ? gpu_diff_rgb_combo : null; cuFuncSetAttribute(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_kernel, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, 65536); Pointer kernelParameters = int[] { num_cams}), // int num_cams,, // float * gpu_ftasks, int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list // declare arrays in device code?, // int * gpu_texture_indices,// packed tile + bits (now only (1 << 7), // Parameters for the texture generation, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams] ->[TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE], // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction, int[] { num_colors }), int[] { iis_lwir }),, // float generate_RBGA_params[5],, // float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G int[] { idust_remove }), int[] { keep_weights }), // +1 : "keep_weights", +2 - replace port_weights with channel output int[] {calc_textures? texture_stride : 0}),, int[] {ilinescan_order}), // 1, // int linescan_order, // if !=0 then output gpu_diff_rgb_combo in linescan order, else - in gpu_texture_indices order calc_extra ? : int[] { 0 }), int[] { tilesX })); cuCtxSynchronize(); // Call the kernel function cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_kernel, GridFullWarps[0], GridFullWarps[1], GridFullWarps[2], // Grid dimension ThreadsFullWarps[0], ThreadsFullWarps[1],ThreadsFullWarps[2],// Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kernelParameters, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); } public void execTextures_noDP( double [] color_weights, boolean is_lwir, double min_shot, // 10.0 double scale_shot, // 3.0 double diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change double diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change double min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages) boolean dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differs much from the average int keep_weights, // 2 bits now, move to parameters boolean calc_textures, boolean calc_extra, boolean linescan_order) { if (num_task_tiles == 0) { System.out.println("execTextures_noDP(): num_task_tiles=0!"); return; } execCalcReverseDistortions(); // will check if it is needed first if ( (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CREATE_NONOVERLAP_LIST_kernel == null) && (this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_ACCUMULATE_kernel == null)) { IJ.showMessage("Error", "No GPU kernel(s)"); return; } int keep_texture_weights = keep_weights; // pass as parameter? int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_colors = is_lwir? 1 : color_weights.length; if (num_colors > 3) num_colors = 3; float [] fcolor_weights = new float[3]; fcolor_weights[0] = (float) color_weights[0]; fcolor_weights[1] = (num_colors >1)?((float) color_weights[1]):0.0f; fcolor_weights[2] = (num_colors >2)?((float) color_weights[2]):0.0f; double sw = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < fcolor_weights.length; i++) sw+= fcolor_weights[i]; for (int i = 0; i < fcolor_weights.length; i++) fcolor_weights[i]/=sw; int iis_lwir = (is_lwir)? 1:0; int ilinescan_order = linescan_order? 1 : 0; int idust_remove = (dust_remove)? 1 : 0; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_color_weights,, fcolor_weights.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); int CONVERT_DIRECT_INDEXING_THREADS_LOG2 = 5; int CONVERT_DIRECT_INDEXING_THREADS = (1 << CONVERT_DIRECT_INDEXING_THREADS_LOG2); // 32 int [] threads0 = {CONVERT_DIRECT_INDEXING_THREADS, 1, 1}; int [] blocks0 = {(num_task_tiles + CONVERT_DIRECT_INDEXING_THREADS -1) >> CONVERT_DIRECT_INDEXING_THREADS_LOG2,1, 1}; int [] cpu_pnum_texture_tiles = {0}; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_texture_indices_len,, 1 * Sizeof.INT); Pointer kp_create_nonoverlap_list = int[] {num_cams}), // int num_cams, // number of sensors, // float * gpu_ftasks, // flattened tasks, 29 floats for quad EO, 101 floats for LWIR16 int[] { num_task_tiles }), // int num_tiles, // number of tiles in task list int[] {tilesX}), // int width, // number of tiles in a row, // int * nonoverlap_list, // pointer to the calculated number of non-zero tiles; // int * pnonoverlap_length) // indices to gpu_tasks // should be initialized to zero if (getGpu_debug_level() > -1) { System.out.println("======execTextures_noDP(), num_task_tiles="+num_task_tiles); } cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_CREATE_NONOVERLAP_LIST_kernel, //CUDA_ERROR_INVALID_VALUE blocks0[0], blocks0[1], blocks0[2], // Grid dimension threads0[0], threads0[1], threads0[2], // Block dimension 0, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_create_nonoverlap_list, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_texture_indices_len, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); int num_cams_per_thread = GPUTileProcessor.NUM_THREADS / GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE; // 4 cameras parallel, then repeat int[] threads_texture = {GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_THREADS_PER_TILE, num_cams_per_thread, 1}; // TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK, 1); int[] grid_texture = {(cpu_pnum_texture_tiles[0] + GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK-1) / GPUTileProcessor.TEXTURE_TILES_PER_BLOCK,1,1}; int shared_size = host_get_textures_shared_size( // in bytes num_cams, // int num_cams, // actual number of cameras num_colors, // int num_colors, // actual number of colors: 3 for RGB, 1 for LWIR/mono null); // int * offsets); // in floats cuFuncSetAttribute(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_ACCUMULATE_kernel, CU_FUNC_ATTRIBUTE_MAX_DYNAMIC_SHARED_SIZE_BYTES, 65536); Pointer kp_textures_accumulate = int[] {num_cams}), // int num_cams, int[] {0}), //, // int * woi, // min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y, // float ** gpu_clt, // [num_cams] ->[TILESY][TILESX][num_colors][DTT_SIZE*DTT_SIZE] int[] {cpu_pnum_texture_tiles[0]}), // size_t num_texture_tiles,// number of texture tiles to process int[] {0}), // size_t num_texture_tiles,// number of texture tiles to process, // int * nonoverlap_list, // pointer to the calculated number of non-zero tiles, // struct gc * gpu_geometry_correction, int[] {num_colors}), // int colors, // number of colors (3/1) int[] {iis_lwir}), // int is_lwir, // do not perform shot correction float[] {(float) min_shot}), // float min_shot, // 10.0 float[] {(float) scale_shot}), // float scale_shot, // 3.0 float[] {(float) diff_sigma}), // float diff_sigma, // pixel value/pixel change float[] {(float) diff_threshold}),// float diff_threshold, // pixel value/pixel change float[] {(float) min_agree}), // float min_agree, // minimal number of channels to agree on a point (real number to work with fuzzy averages), // float weights[3], // scale for R,B,G (or {1.0,0.0,0.0} int[] {idust_remove}), // int dust_remove, // Do not reduce average weight when only one image differes much from the average int[] {keep_texture_weights}), // int keep_weights, // return channel weights after A in RGBA // combining both non-overlap and overlap (each calculated if pointer is not null ) int[] {0}), // const size_t texture_rbga_stride, // in floats int[] {0}), // float * gpu_texture_tiles) // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles int[] {calc_textures? texture_stride : 0}), // size_t texture_stride, // in floats (now 256*4 = 1024), // gpu_texture_tiles, // float * gpu_texture_tiles); // (number of colors +1 + ?)*16*16 rgba texture tiles int[] {ilinescan_order}), // 1, // int linescan_order, // if !=0 then output gpu_diff_rgb_combo in linescan order, else - in gpu_texture_indices order calc_extra ? : int[] { 0 }), int[] { tilesX })); cuLaunchKernel(this.gpuTileProcessor.GPU_TEXTURES_ACCUMULATE_kernel, grid_texture[0], grid_texture[1], grid_texture[2], // Grid dimension threads_texture[0], threads_texture[1], threads_texture[2], // Block dimension shared_size, null, // Shared memory size and stream (shared - only dynamic, static is in code) kp_textures_accumulate, null); // Kernel- and extra parameters cuCtxSynchronize(); } public int getNumPairs() {return num_all_pairs;} /** * Generating correlation sequence by CPU to correlate all tiles provided in linescan order. * Additionally, if both (num_acc != null) and (pfcorr_weights !=null), pfcorr_weights[0] * will return array of the same length as indices_trim (ntiles * num_pairs) to use as weights * to modulate fat_zero2 (the more tiles accumulated - the lower fat_zero2 is) * @param corr_tiles transform domain correlation tile in linescan order [tilesY][tilesX][used_pairs][4*64] * @param num_acc number or tiles accumulated for the same tileX,tileX,pair or null * @param fcorr_weights input - null or [1][], output: null or [1][ntiles * num_pairs] weights * @return [ntiles * num_pairs] correlation instructions:24 MSb - tile number, 8 low bits - pair numbers */ public int [] setCorrTilesTd( final float [][][][] corr_tiles, // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] int [][][] num_acc, // number of accumulated tiles [tilesY][tilesX][pair] (or null) float [][] pfcorr_weights) // null or one per correlation tile (num_corr_tiles) to divide fat zero2 { int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_pairs = getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; // 3-rd index of corr_tiles should be getNumUsedPairs(); int tilesX = corr_tiles[0].length; int tilesY = corr_tiles.length; int [] indices = new int [tilesY * tilesX * num_pairs]; // as if all tiles are not null float [] fdata = new float [tilesY * tilesX * corr_size_td* num_pairs]; // as if all tiles are not null boolean use_fcorr_weights = ((num_acc != null) && (pfcorr_weights != null)); float [] fcorr_weights = use_fcorr_weights ? (new float[tilesY * tilesX * num_pairs]) : null; int ntile = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < corr_tiles.length; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < corr_tiles[0].length; tx++) { if (corr_tiles[ty][tx]!= null) { for (int pair = 0; pair < num_pairs; pair++) { int corr_pair = ntile * num_pairs + pair; indices[corr_pair]= // ntile * num_pairs + pair] = ((ty * tilesX + tx) << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) + (pair & ((1 << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) -1) ); if (fcorr_weights != null) { fcorr_weights[corr_pair] = num_acc[ty][tx][pair]; } // System.arraycopy(corr_tiles[ty][tx][pair], 0, fdata, (ntile*num_pairs + pair) * corr_size_td, corr_size_td); System.arraycopy(corr_tiles[ty][tx][pair], 0, fdata, corr_pair * corr_size_td, corr_size_td); } ntile++; } } } setCorrIndicesTdData( ntile * num_pairs, // int num_tiles, // corr_indices, fdata may be longer than needed indices, // int [] corr_indices, fdata); // float [] fdata); // trim indices int [] indices_trim = new int [ntile * num_pairs]; System.arraycopy(indices, 0, indices_trim, 0 , indices_trim.length); if (fcorr_weights != null) { pfcorr_weights[0] = new float [indices_trim.length]; System.arraycopy(fcorr_weights, 0, pfcorr_weights[0], 0 , indices_trim.length); } return indices_trim; } /** * Generating correlation sequence by CPU to correlate all tiles provided in linescan order. * This versions follows order of tiles in tp_task array, filling gaps (should be none) with zeros * Additionally, if both (num_acc != null) and (pfcorr_weights !=null), pfcorr_weights[0] * will return array of the same length as indices_trim (ntiles * num_pairs) to use as weights * to modulate fat_zero2 (the more tiles accumulated - the lower fat_zero2 is) * @param tp_tasks - array of TpTask, should be updated from GPU * @param inter_mode - true - interscene mode (for motion vectors) , false - intrascene * @param corr_tiles transform domain correlation tile in linescan order [tilesY][tilesX][used_pairs][4*64] * @param num_acc number or tiles accumulated for the same tileX,tileX,pair or null * @param fcorr_weights input - null or [1][], output: null or [1][ntiles * num_pairs] weights * @return [ntiles * num_pairs] correlation instructions:24 MSb - tile number, 8 low bits - pair numbers */ public int [] setCorrTilesTd( final TpTask [] tp_tasks, // data from the reference frame - will be applied to LMW for the integrated correlations final boolean inter_mode, // interscene mode // only listed tiles will be processed final float [][][][] corr_tiles, // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] float [][][] num_acc, // number of accumulated tiles [tilesY][tilesX][pair] (or null) float [][] pfcorr_weights) // null or one per correlation tile (num_corr_tiles) to divide fat zero2 { int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // "+1" - for sum int num_pairs = inter_mode?(getNumCamsInter() + 1): getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; // 3-rd index of corr_tiles should be getNumUsedPairs(); int [] indices = new int [tp_tasks.length * num_pairs]; // as if all tiles are not null float [] fdata = new float [indices.length * corr_size_td]; // as if all tiles are not null boolean use_fcorr_weights = ((num_acc != null) && (pfcorr_weights != null)); float [] fcorr_weights = use_fcorr_weights ? (new float[indices.length]) : null; if (fcorr_weights != null) { pfcorr_weights[0] = fcorr_weights; // new float [indices.length]; } int tilesX = corr_tiles[0].length; for (int ntile = 0; ntile < tp_tasks.length; ntile++) { int ty = tp_tasks[ntile].ty; int tx = tp_tasks[ntile].tx; for (int ipair = 0; ipair < num_pairs; ipair++) { int pair = inter_mode?getSensInter(ipair): getCorrPair(ipair); // 0xff for accumulated int corr_pair = ntile * num_pairs + ipair; // Below was an error (not visible if all selected, using index of the pair, not an absolute pair ) indices[corr_pair]= // ntile * num_pairs + pair] = // low 8 bits - pair, 0xff for sum of all channels ((ty * tilesX + tx) << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) + (pair & ((1 << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) -1) ); if (fcorr_weights != null) { fcorr_weights[corr_pair] = num_acc[ty][tx][ipair]; } if (corr_tiles[ty][tx]!= null) { System.arraycopy(corr_tiles[ty][tx][ipair], 0, fdata, corr_pair * corr_size_td, corr_size_td); } else { // fill with zeros Arrays.fill(fdata, corr_pair * corr_size_td, (corr_pair + 1) * corr_size_td, 0.0f); if (fcorr_weights != null) { fcorr_weights[corr_pair] = 1; } } } } setCorrIndicesTdData( indices.length, // ntile * num_pairs, // int num_tiles, // corr_indices, fdata may be longer than needed indices, // int [] corr_indices, fdata); // float [] fdata); return indices; } /* public int getSensorMaskInter() {return sensor_mask_inter;} public void setSensorMaskInter(int mask) { sensor_mask_inter = mask & ((1 << num_cams) -1); } public int getNumCamsInter() { return Integer.bitCount(sensor_mask_inter); } /** * Generating correlation sequence by CPU to correlate all tiles provided in linescan order. * This versions follows order of tiles in tp_task array, filling gaps (should be none) with zeros * Additionally, if both (num_acc != null) and (pfcorr_weights !=null), pfcorr_weights[0] * will return array of the same length as indices_trim (ntiles * num_pairs) to use as weights * to modulate fat_zero2 (the more tiles accumulated - the lower fat_zero2 is) * @param tp_tasks - array of TpTask, should be updated from GPU * @param inter_mode - true - interscene mode (for motion vectors) , false - intrascene * @param corr_tiles transform domain correlation tile in linescan order [tilesY][tilesX][used_pairs][4*64] * @param dcorr_weight number or tiles accumulated for the index of tp_tasks or null (matching weights for CPU) * @param fcorr_weights input - null or [1][], output: null or [1][ntiles * num_pairs] weights * @return [ntiles * num_pairs] correlation instructions:24 MSb - tile number, 8 low bits - pair numbers */ public int [] setCorrTilesTd( final TpTask [] tp_tasks, // data from the reference frame - will be applied to LMW for the integrated correlations final boolean inter_mode, // interscene mode // only listed tiles will be processed final float [][][][] corr_tiles, // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] double [] dcorr_weight, // num_acc, // [ntile] (or null) float [][] pfcorr_weights) // null or one per correlation tile (num_corr_tiles) to divide fat zero2 { int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // int num_pairs = getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; // "+1" - for sum int num_pairs = inter_mode?(getNumCamsInter() + 1): getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs // 3-rd index of corr_tiles should be getNumUsedPairs(); int [] indices = new int [tp_tasks.length * num_pairs]; // as if all tiles are not null float [] fdata = new float [indices.length * corr_size_td]; // as if all tiles are not null boolean use_fcorr_weights = ((dcorr_weight != null) && (pfcorr_weights != null)); float [] fcorr_weights = use_fcorr_weights ? (new float[indices.length]) : null; if (fcorr_weights != null) { pfcorr_weights[0] = fcorr_weights; // new float [indices.length]; } int tilesX = corr_tiles[0].length; for (int ntile = 0; ntile < tp_tasks.length; ntile++) { int ty = tp_tasks[ntile].ty; int tx = tp_tasks[ntile].tx; for (int ipair = 0; ipair < num_pairs; ipair++) { int pair = inter_mode?getSensInter(ipair): getCorrPair(ipair); int corr_pair = ntile * num_pairs + ipair; indices[corr_pair]= // ntile * num_pairs + pair] = ((ty * tilesX + tx) << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) + (pair & ((1 << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) -1) ); if (fcorr_weights != null) { fcorr_weights[corr_pair] = (float) dcorr_weight[ntile];// num_acc[ty][tx][pair]; } if (corr_tiles[ty][tx]!= null) { System.arraycopy(corr_tiles[ty][tx][ipair], 0, fdata, corr_pair * corr_size_td, corr_size_td); } else { // fill with zeros Arrays.fill(fdata, corr_pair * corr_size_td, (corr_pair + 1) * corr_size_td, 0.0f); if (fcorr_weights != null) { fcorr_weights[corr_pair] = 1; } } } } setCorrIndicesTdData( indices.length, // ntile * num_pairs, // int num_tiles, // corr_indices, fdata may be longer than needed indices, // int [] corr_indices, fdata); // float [] fdata); return indices; } // Generating correlation sequence by CPU to correlate all tiles provided in linescan order @Deprecated public int [] setCorrTilesTd( final float [][][][] corr_tiles, // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] int [][] pairs_map) // typically {{0,0},{1,1},{2,2},{3,3},{4,4},{5,5} [0] - 3rd index in corr_tiles, [1] - { int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // num_pairs = pairs_map.length; // set global num_pairs int num_pairs = getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; int tilesX = corr_tiles[0].length; int tilesY = corr_tiles.length; int [] indices = new int [tilesY * tilesX * num_pairs]; // as if all tiles are not null float [] fdata = new float [tilesY * tilesX * corr_size_td* num_pairs]; // as if all tiles are not null int ntile = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < corr_tiles.length; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < corr_tiles[0].length; tx++) { if (corr_tiles[ty][tx]!= null) { for (int pair = 0; pair < num_pairs; pair++) { indices[ntile * num_pairs + pair] = ((ty * tilesX + tx) << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) + pairs_map[pair][1]; System.arraycopy(corr_tiles[ty][tx][pairs_map[pair][0]], 0, fdata, (ntile*num_pairs + pair) * corr_size_td, corr_size_td); } ntile++; } } } setCorrIndicesTdData( ntile * num_pairs, // int num_tiles, // corr_indices, fdata may be longer than needed indices, // int [] corr_indices, fdata); // float [] fdata); // trim indices int [] indices_trim = new int [ntile * num_pairs]; System.arraycopy(indices, 0, indices_trim, 0 , indices_trim.length); return indices_trim; } /* public float [][][][] getCorrTilesTd() // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] , read all available pairs { int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [][][][] corr_tiles = new float[tilesY][tilesX][][]; // num_pairs return getCorrTilesTd(corr_tiles); } */ public float [][][][] getCorrTilesTd( // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] , read all available pairs float [][][][] corr_tiles){ return getCorrTilesTd( // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] , read all available pairs false, corr_tiles); } public float [][][][] getCorrTilesTd( // [tileY][tileX][pair][4*64] , read all available pairs boolean inter, float [][][][] corr_tiles) { int num_pairs = inter? (getNumCamsInter() + 1 + 0): getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; final int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int [] indices = getCorrIndices(); // also sets num_corr_tiles float [] fdata = getCorrTdData(); final int num_tiles = num_corr_tiles / num_pairs; int width = corr_tiles[0].length; for (int nt = 0; nt < num_tiles; nt++ ) { int nTile = (indices[nt * num_pairs] >> GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT); int ty = nTile / width; int tx = nTile % width; corr_tiles[ty][tx] = new float [num_pairs][corr_size_td]; for (int pair = 0; pair < num_pairs; pair++) { System.arraycopy( fdata, (nt * num_pairs + pair) * corr_size_td, corr_tiles[ty][tx][pair], 0, corr_size_td); } } return corr_tiles; } public float [][] getCorrTilesTdInterCombo( final float [][] corr_tiles_combo){ // initialized to new float [numer_of_image_tiles][] int num_pairs = getNumCamsInter() + 1; int index_combo = num_pairs - 1; final int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; final int [] indices = getCorrIndices(); // also sets num_corr_tiles final float [] fdata = getCorrTdData(); int num_tiles = num_corr_tiles / num_pairs; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(ImageDtt.THREADS_MAX); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { public void run() { for (int nt = ai.getAndIncrement(); nt < num_tiles; nt = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int nTile = (indices[nt * num_pairs] >> GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT); corr_tiles_combo[nTile] = new float [corr_size_td]; System.arraycopy( fdata, (nt * num_pairs + index_combo) * corr_size_td, corr_tiles_combo[nTile], 0, corr_size_td); } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); return corr_tiles_combo; } /** * Read GPU correlation data to the sparse array [tilesY][tilesX][] for a single correlation pair (usually a combo one) * @param inter true for interscene correlations, false - for the intrascene ones * @param pair correlation pair index to read * @return an array of transform-domain correlations mapped to tiles [tilesY][tilesX]. Each tile data is either null * or [4*64] float array */ public float [][][] getCorrTilesLayerTD( boolean inter, int pair) { int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_pairs = inter? (getNumCamsInter() + 1 + 0): getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; final int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int [] indices = getCorrIndices(); // also sets num_corr_tiles float [] fdata = getCorrTdData(); int num_tiles = num_corr_tiles / num_pairs; float [][][] corr_tiles = new float [tilesY][tilesX][]; for (int nt = 0; nt < num_tiles; nt++ ) { int nTile = (indices[nt * num_pairs] >> GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT); int ty = nTile / tilesX; int tx = nTile % tilesX; corr_tiles[ty][tx] = new float [corr_size_td]; System.arraycopy( fdata, (nt * num_pairs + pair) * corr_size_td, corr_tiles[ty][tx], 0, corr_size_td); } return corr_tiles; } public float [][][] getCorrTilesLayerTD( int [] indices, float [] fdata, boolean inter, int pair) { int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int num_pairs = inter? (getNumCamsInter() + 1 + 0): getNumUsedPairs();// Number of used pairs num_pairs = num_pairs_in; final int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; // int [] indices = getCorrIndices(); // also sets num_corr_tiles // float [] fdata = getCorrTdData(); int num_tiles = num_corr_tiles / num_pairs; float [][][] corr_tiles = new float [tilesY][tilesX][]; for (int nt = 0; nt < num_tiles; nt++ ) { int nTile = (indices[nt * num_pairs] >> GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT); int ty = nTile / tilesX; int tx = nTile % tilesX; corr_tiles[ty][tx] = new float [corr_size_td]; System.arraycopy( fdata, (nt * num_pairs + pair) * corr_size_td, corr_tiles[ty][tx], 0, corr_size_td); } return corr_tiles; } public int [] setCorrTilesComboTd( // not used? final float [][][] corr_tiles, // [tileY][tileX][4*64] int ipair) // just to set in the index low bits { int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesX = corr_tiles[0].length; int tilesY = corr_tiles.length; int [] indices = new int [tilesY * tilesX]; // as if all tiles are not null float [] fdata = new float [tilesY * tilesX * corr_size_td]; // as if all tiles are not null int ntile = 0; for (int ty = 0; ty < corr_tiles.length; ty++) { for (int tx = 0; tx < corr_tiles[0].length; tx++) { if (corr_tiles[ty][tx]!= null) { indices[ntile] = ((ty * tilesX + tx) << GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT) + ipair; System.arraycopy(corr_tiles[ty][tx], 0, fdata, ntile * corr_size_td, corr_size_td); ntile++; } } } setCorrComboIndicesTdData( ntile, // int num_tiles, // corr_indices, fdata may be longer than needed indices, // int [] corr_indices, fdata); // float [] fdata); int [] indices_trim = new int [ntile]; System.arraycopy(indices, 0, indices_trim, 0 , indices_trim.length); return indices_trim; } public float [][][] getCorrTilesComboTd() // [tileY][tileX][4*64] , read all available pairs // not used? { int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [][][] corr_tiles = new float[tilesY][tilesX][]; // num_pairs return getCorrTilesComboTd(corr_tiles); } public float [][][] getCorrTilesComboTd( // [tileY][tileX][4*64] , read all available pairs float [][][] corr_tiles // should be initialized as [tilesX][tilesY][] ) { final int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int [] indices = getCorrComboIndices(); // num_corr_combo_tiles should be set earlier (from setCorrTilesComboTd or) float [] fdata = getCorrComboTdData(); int width = corr_tiles[0].length; for (int nt = 0; nt < num_corr_combo_tiles; nt++ ) { int nTile = (indices[nt] >> GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT); int ty = nTile / width; int tx = nTile % width; corr_tiles[ty][tx] = new float[corr_size_td]; System.arraycopy(fdata, nt * corr_size_td, corr_tiles[ty][tx], 0, corr_size_td); } return corr_tiles; } public void setCorrIndicesTdData( int num_tiles, // corr_indices, fdata may be longer than needed int [] corr_indices, float [] fdata) { num_corr_tiles = num_tiles; // corr_indices.length; float [] fcorr_indices = new float [num_corr_tiles]; for (int i = 0; i < num_corr_tiles; i++) { fcorr_indices[i] = Float.intBitsToFloat(corr_indices[i]); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_corr_indices,, num_corr_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); float [] fnum_corr_tiles = {(float) num_corr_tiles}; cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_num_corr_tiles,, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // copy the correlation data int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyH2D = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyH2D.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyH2D.srcHost =; copyH2D.srcPitch = corr_size_td*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyH2D.dstDevice = gpu_corrs_td; // src_dpointer; copyH2D.dstPitch = corr_stride_td *Sizeof.FLOAT; // device_stride[0]; copyH2D.WidthInBytes = corr_size_td*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.Height = num_corr_tiles; // /4; cuMemcpy2D(copyH2D); } public int [] getCorrIndices() { int [] inum_corrs = new int[1]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_num_corr_tiles, 1 * Sizeof.INT); int num_corrs = inum_corrs[0]; int [] corr_indices = new int [num_corrs]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_corr_indices, num_corrs * Sizeof.INT); num_corr_tiles = num_corrs; return corr_indices; } public float [] getCorrTdData(){ int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [] cpu_corrs = new float [ num_corr_tiles * corr_size_td]; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_corrs_td; copyD2H.srcPitch = corr_stride_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =; copyD2H.dstPitch = corr_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = corr_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.Height = num_corr_tiles; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy return cpu_corrs; } public void setCorrComboIndicesTdData( int num_tiles, // corr_combo_indices, fdata may be longer than needed int [] corr_combo_indices, float [] fdata) { num_corr_combo_tiles = num_tiles; // corr_combo_indices.length; float [] fcorr_combo_indices = new float [num_corr_combo_tiles]; for (int i = 0; i < num_corr_combo_tiles; i++) { fcorr_combo_indices[i] = Float.intBitsToFloat(corr_combo_indices[i]); } cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_corr_indices,, num_corr_combo_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); // float [] fnum_corr_tiles = {(float) num_corr_tiles}; // cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_num_corr_tiles,, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // copy the correlation data int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyH2D = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyH2D.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyH2D.srcHost =; copyH2D.srcPitch = corr_size_td*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyH2D.dstDevice = gpu_corrs_combo_td; // src_dpointer; copyH2D.dstPitch = corr_stride_combo_td *Sizeof.FLOAT; // device_stride[0]; copyH2D.WidthInBytes = corr_size_td*Sizeof.FLOAT; // width_in_bytes; copyH2D.Height = num_corr_combo_tiles; // /4; cuMemcpy2D(copyH2D); } public int [] getCorrComboIndices() { // float [] fnum_corrs = new float[1]; // cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_num_corr_tiles, 1 * Sizeof.FLOAT); // int num_corrs = Float.floatToIntBits(fnum_corrs[0]); float [] fcorr_combo_indices = new float [num_corr_combo_tiles]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_corr_combo_indices, num_corr_combo_tiles * Sizeof.FLOAT); int [] corr_combo_indices = new int [num_corr_combo_tiles]; for (int i = 0; i < num_corr_combo_tiles; i++) { corr_combo_indices[i] = Float.floatToIntBits(fcorr_combo_indices[i]); } return corr_combo_indices; } public float [] getCorrComboTdData(){ int corr_size_td = 4 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [] cpu_corrs = new float [ num_corr_combo_tiles * corr_size_td]; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_corrs_combo_td; copyD2H.srcPitch = corr_stride_combo_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =; copyD2H.dstPitch = corr_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = corr_size_td * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.Height = num_corr_combo_tiles; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy return cpu_corrs; } public void eraseGpuCorrs() { // temporary // float [] erase_buf = new float [corr_stride * num_corr_tiles]; float [] erase_buf = new float [corr_stride * 120*80*64]; Arrays.fill(erase_buf, 0.0f); cuMemcpyHtoD(gpu_corrs,, erase_buf.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); } public float [][] getCorr2D(int corr_rad){ int corr_size = (2 * corr_rad + 1) * (2 * corr_rad + 1); float [] cpu_corrs = new float [ num_corr_tiles * corr_size]; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_corrs; copyD2H.srcPitch = corr_stride * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =; copyD2H.dstPitch = corr_size * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = corr_size * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.Height = num_corr_tiles; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy float [][] corrs = new float [num_corr_tiles][ corr_size]; for (int ncorr = 0; ncorr < num_corr_tiles; ncorr++) { System.arraycopy(cpu_corrs, ncorr*corr_size, corrs[ncorr], 0, corr_size); } return corrs; } public float [][] getCorr2DCombo(int corr_rad){ int corr_size = (2 * corr_rad + 1) * (2 * corr_rad + 1); float [] cpu_corrs = new float [ num_corr_combo_tiles * corr_size]; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_corrs_combo; copyD2H.srcPitch = corr_stride_combo * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =; copyD2H.dstPitch = corr_size * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = corr_size * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.Height = num_corr_combo_tiles; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy float [][] corrs = new float [num_corr_combo_tiles][ corr_size]; for (int ncorr = 0; ncorr < num_corr_combo_tiles; ncorr++) { System.arraycopy(cpu_corrs, ncorr*corr_size, corrs[ncorr], 0, corr_size); } return corrs; } // /** * Read extra data for macro generation: 4 DIFFs, 4 of R, 4 of B, 4 of G * Available after texture * @return [ num_cams*(num_colors+1)][tilesX*tilesY] array for macro generation */ public float [][] getExtra(){ int [] texture_indices = getTextureIndices(); int num_tile_extra = num_cams*(num_colors+1); float [] diff_rgb_combo = new float[texture_indices.length * num_tile_extra]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_diff_rgb_combo, diff_rgb_combo.length * Sizeof.FLOAT); int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int tilesY = img_height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [][] extra = new float[num_tile_extra][tilesX*tilesY]; for (int i = 0; i < texture_indices.length; i++) { if (((texture_indices[i] >> GPUTileProcessor.LIST_TEXTURE_BIT) & 1) != 0) { int ntile = (texture_indices[i] >> GPUTileProcessor.TEXT_NTILE_SHIFT); for (int l = 0; l < num_tile_extra; l++) { extra[l][ntile] = diff_rgb_combo[i * num_tile_extra + l]; } } } return extra; } /** * Get woi and RBGA image from the GPU after execRBGA call as 2/4 slices. * device array has 4 pixels margins on each side, skip them here * @param num_colors number of colors (1 or 3) * @param woi should be initialized as Rectangle(). x,y,width, height will be populated (in pixels,) * @return RBGA slices, last (alpha) in 0.0... 1.0 range, colors match input range */ public float [][] getRBGA( int num_colors, Rectangle woi) { // will update to woi // first - read woi float [] fwoi = new float[4]; cuMemcpyDtoH(, gpu_woi, 4 * Sizeof.FLOAT); woi.x = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[0]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; woi.y = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[1]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; woi.width = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[2]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; woi.height = Float.floatToIntBits(fwoi[3]) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; float [][] rslt = new float[num_colors + 1][woi.width * woi.height]; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copy_rbga = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copy_rbga.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copy_rbga.srcDevice = gpu_textures_rgba; copy_rbga.srcPitch = texture_stride_rgba * Sizeof.FLOAT; copy_rbga.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copy_rbga.dstPitch = woi.width * Sizeof.FLOAT; copy_rbga.WidthInBytes = woi.width * Sizeof.FLOAT; copy_rbga.Height = woi.height; copy_rbga.srcXInBytes = 4 * Sizeof.FLOAT; for (int ncol = 0; ncol<= num_colors; ncol++ ) { copy_rbga.dstHost =[ncol]); copy_rbga.srcY = 4 + (woi.height +GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE) * ncol; cuMemcpy2D(copy_rbga); // run copy } return rslt; } public float [] getFlatTextures( int num_tiles, int num_colors, boolean keep_weights){ int texture_slices = (num_colors + 1 + (keep_weights?(num_cams + num_colors + 1):0)); // number of texture slices int texture_slice_size = (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)* (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); // number of (float) elements in a single slice of a tile int texture_tile_size = texture_slices * texture_slice_size; // number of (float) elements in a multi-slice tile int texture_size = texture_tile_size * num_texture_tiles; // number of (float) elements in the whole texture float [] cpu_textures = new float [texture_size]; CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_textures; copyD2H.srcPitch = texture_stride * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =; copyD2H.dstPitch = texture_tile_size * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = texture_tile_size * Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.Height = num_tiles; // num_texture_tiles; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy return cpu_textures; } public float [][][] getTextures( // todo - get rid of copying by multiple CUDA_MEMCPY2D? int num_tiles, int num_colors, boolean keep_weights){ int texture_slices = (num_colors + 1 + (keep_weights?(num_cams + num_colors + 1):0)); int texture_slice_size = (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)* (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); int texture_tile_size = texture_slices * texture_slice_size; // int texture_size = texture_tile_size * num_texture_tiles; float [] cpu_textures = getFlatTextures( num_tiles, num_colors, keep_weights); float [][][] textures = new float [num_texture_tiles][texture_slices][texture_tile_size]; for (int ntile = 0; ntile < num_texture_tiles; ntile++) { for (int slice = 0; slice < texture_slices; slice++) { System.arraycopy( cpu_textures, // src ntile * texture_tile_size + slice * texture_slice_size, // src offset textures[ntile][slice], // dst 0, // dst offset texture_slice_size); // length to copy } } return textures; } /* public static double [][][][] doubleTextures( // not used Rectangle woi, int [] indices, float [][][] ftextures, int full_width, int num_slices ){ int texture_slice_size = (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)* (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); double [][][][] textures = new double [woi.height][woi.width][num_slices][texture_slice_size]; for (int indx = 0; indx < indices.length; indx++) if ((indices[indx] & (1 << GPUTileProcessor.LIST_TEXTURE_BIT)) != 0){ int tile = indices[indx] >> GPUTileProcessor.CORR_NTILE_SHIFT; int tileX = tile % full_width; int tileY = tile / full_width; int wtileX = tileX - woi.x; int wtileY = tileY - woi.y; if ((wtileX < woi.width) && (wtileY < woi.height)) { for (int slice = 0; slice < num_slices; slice++) { for (int i = 0; i < texture_slice_size; i++) { textures[wtileY][wtileX][slice][i] = ftextures[indx][slice][i]; } } } } return textures; } */ public static double [][][][] doubleTextures( // may be accelerated with multithreading if needed. Rectangle woi, // null or width and height match texture_tiles double [][][][] texture_tiles, // null or [tilesY][tilesX] int [] indices, float [] ftextures, int full_width, int num_slices, int num_src_slices ){ if (num_slices > num_src_slices) { num_slices =num_src_slices; } int texture_slice_size = (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)* (2 * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); int texture_tile_size = texture_slice_size * num_src_slices ; if ((woi == null) && (texture_tiles==null)) { System.out.println("doubleTextures(): woi and texture_tiles can not be simultaneously null"); return null; } if (texture_tiles == null) { texture_tiles = new double [woi.height][woi.width][][]; } else { woi.height = texture_tiles.length; woi.width = texture_tiles[0].length; } // double [][][][] textures = new double [woi.height][woi.width][num_slices][texture_slice_size]; for (int indx = 0; indx < indices.length; indx++) if ((indices[indx] & (1 << GPUTileProcessor.LIST_TEXTURE_BIT)) != 0){ int tile = (indices[indx] >> GPUTileProcessor.TEXT_NTILE_SHIFT); int tileX = tile % full_width; int tileY = tile / full_width; int wtileX = tileX - woi.x; int wtileY = tileY - woi.y; if ((tileY >= texture_tiles.length) || (tileX >= texture_tiles[0].length)) { System.out.println("BUG!!!! tileX="+tileX+", tileY="+tileY+", tile_op.length="+ texture_tiles.length+", tile_op[0].length="+texture_tiles[0].length); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); System.out.println(); } texture_tiles[tileY][tileX] = new double [num_slices][texture_slice_size]; if ((wtileX >=0 ) && (wtileX < woi.width) && (wtileY >= 0) && (wtileY < woi.height)) { for (int slice = 0; slice < num_slices; slice++) { for (int i = 0; i < texture_slice_size; i++) { texture_tiles[wtileY][wtileX][slice][i] = ftextures[indx * texture_tile_size + slice * texture_slice_size + i]; } } } } return texture_tiles; } public float [][] getRBG (int ncam){ int out_width = getImageWidth();// + gpuQuad.getDttSize(); // 2022/05/12 removed margins from gpuQuad.getRBG(ncam); int out_height = getImageHeight(); // + gpuQuad.getDttSize(); // 2022/05/12 removed margins from gpuQuad.getRBG(ncam); /// int gpu_height = (img_height + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); /// int gpu_width = (img_width + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); int gpu_height = (out_height + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); int gpu_width = (out_width + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); int gpu_img_size = gpu_width * gpu_height; /// int rslt_img_size = img_height * img_width; // width * height; int rslt_img_size = out_height * out_width; // width * height; float [] cpu_corr_image = new float [ num_colors * gpu_img_size]; int gpu_width_in_bytes = gpu_width *Sizeof.FLOAT; // for copying results to host CUDA_MEMCPY2D copyD2H = new CUDA_MEMCPY2D(); copyD2H.srcMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_DEVICE; copyD2H.srcDevice = gpu_corr_images_h[ncam]; // ((test & 1) ==0) ? src_dpointer : dst_dpointer; // copy same data copyD2H.srcPitch = imclt_stride*Sizeof.FLOAT; copyD2H.dstMemoryType = CUmemorytype.CU_MEMORYTYPE_HOST; copyD2H.dstHost =; copyD2H.dstPitch = gpu_width_in_bytes; copyD2H.WidthInBytes = gpu_width_in_bytes; copyD2H.Height = num_colors * gpu_height; // /2; cuMemcpy2D(copyD2H); // run copy float [][] fimg = new float [num_colors][ rslt_img_size]; for (int ncol = 0; ncol < num_colors; ncol++) { int tl_offset = (GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE/2) * (gpu_width + 1) + ncol*gpu_img_size; // for (int nrow=0; nrow < img_height; nrow++) { for (int nrow=0; nrow < out_height; nrow++) { // System.arraycopy(cpu_corr_image, tl_offset + (gpu_width * nrow), fimg[ncol], img_width * nrow, img_width); System.arraycopy(cpu_corr_image, tl_offset + (gpu_width * nrow), fimg[ncol], out_width * nrow, out_width); } } return fimg; } @Deprecated public void getTileSubcamOffsets( final TpTask[] tp_tasks, // will use // modify to have offsets for 8 cameras final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_main, final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection_aux, // if null, will only calculate offsets from the main camera final double [][][] ers_delay, // if not null - fill with tile center acquisition delay final int threadsMax, // maximal number of threads to launch final int debugLevel) { final int quad_main = (geometryCorrection_main != null)? num_cams:0; final int quad_aux = (geometryCorrection_aux != null)? num_cams:0; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(0); final Matrix [] corr_rots_main = geometryCorrection_main.getCorrVector().getRotMatrices(); // get array of per-sensor rotation matrices Matrix [] corr_rots_aux0 = null; if (geometryCorrection_aux != null) { Matrix rigMatrix = geometryCorrection_aux.getRotMatrix(true); corr_rots_aux0 = geometryCorrection_aux.getCorrVector().getRotMatrices(rigMatrix); // get array of per-sensor rotation matrices } final Matrix [] corr_rots_aux = corr_rots_aux0; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { int tileY,tileX; // , chn; // showDoubleFloatArrays sdfa_instance = new showDoubleFloatArrays(); // just for debugging? double centerX; // center of aberration-corrected (common model) tile, X double centerY; // double disparity_main; double disparity_aux = 0.0; for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tp_tasks.length; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { tileY = tp_tasks[nTile].ty; tileX = tp_tasks[nTile].tx; if (tp_tasks[nTile].task == 0) { continue; // nothing to do for this tile } centerX = tileX * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE/2; // - shiftX; centerY = tileY * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE + GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE/2; // - shiftY; disparity_main = tp_tasks[nTile].target_disparity; if (geometryCorrection_aux != null) { disparity_aux = disparity_main * geometryCorrection_aux.getDisparityRadius()/geometryCorrection_main.getDisparityRadius(); } // TODO: move port coordinates out of color channel loop double [][] centersXY_main = null; double [][] centersXY_aux = null; double [][] disp_dist_main = new double[quad_main][]; // used to correct 3D correlations double [][] disp_dist_aux = new double[quad_aux][]; // used to correct 3D correlations if (geometryCorrection_main != null) { centersXY_main = geometryCorrection_main.getPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives( geometryCorrection_main, // GeometryCorrection gc_main, false, // boolean use_rig_offsets, corr_rots_main, // Matrix [] rots, null, // Matrix [][] deriv_rots, null, // double [][] pXYderiv, // if not null, should be double[8][] disp_dist_main, // used to correct 3D correlations centerX, centerY, disparity_main); // + disparity_corr); tp_tasks[nTile].xy = new float [centersXY_main.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < centersXY_main.length; i++) { tp_tasks[nTile].xy[i][0] = (float) centersXY_main[i][0]; tp_tasks[nTile].xy[i][1] = (float) centersXY_main[i][1]; } } if (geometryCorrection_aux != null) { centersXY_aux = geometryCorrection_aux.getPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives( geometryCorrection_main, // GeometryCorrection gc_main, true, // boolean use_rig_offsets, corr_rots_aux, // Matrix [] rots, null, // Matrix [][] deriv_rots, null, // double [][] pXYderiv, // if not null, should be double[8][] disp_dist_aux, // used to correct 3D correlations centerX, centerY, disparity_aux); // + disparity_corr); tp_tasks[nTile].xy_aux = new float [centersXY_aux.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < centersXY_aux.length; i++) { tp_tasks[nTile].xy_aux[i][0] = (float) centersXY_aux[i][0]; tp_tasks[nTile].xy_aux[i][1] = (float) centersXY_aux[i][1]; } } // acquisition time of the tiles centers in scanline times if (ers_delay != null) { for (int i = 0; i < quad_main; i++) ers_delay[0][i][nTile] = centersXY_main[i][1]-geometryCorrection_main.woi_tops[i]; for (int i = 0; i < quad_aux; i++) ers_delay[1][i][nTile] = centersXY_aux[i][1]- geometryCorrection_aux.woi_tops[i]; } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); } /** * Prepare GPU tasks for interscene accumulation - instead of the uniform grid, pixel coordinates and disparity are provided * by the caller. They are calculated by recalculating from the reference scene after appropriate transformation (shift, rotation * and ERS correction) * @param calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives - calculate port coordinates when using CPU mode. GPU calculates them * @param pXpYD Array of per-tile pX, pY and disparity triplets (or nulls for undefined tiles). * @param geometryCorrection GeometryCorrection instance for the camera. * @param disparity_corr Disparity correction at infinity * @param margin Skip tile if at least one channel tile center is closer to the image edge than this margin. * @param valid_tiles Optional (if not null) should be initialized as boolean [tiles] - will contain valid tiles * @param threadsMax Maximal number of threads to run concurrently. * @return Array of TpTask instances (fully prepared) to be fed to the GPU */ public TpTask[] setInterTasks( // not used 2023.08.04 final boolean calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives, // GPU can calculate them centreXY final double [][] pXpYD, // per-tile array of pX,pY,disparity triplets (or nulls) final boolean [] selection, // may be null, if not null do not process unselected tiles final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, final double disparity_corr, final int margin, // do not use tiles if their centers are closer to the edges final boolean [] valid_tiles, final int threadsMax) // maximal number of threads to launch { return setInterTasks( num_cams, // final int num_cams, img_width, // final int img_width, calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives, // final boolean calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives, // GPU can calculate them centreXY pXpYD, // final double [][] pXpYD, // per-tile array of pX,pY,disparity triplets (or nulls) selection, // final boolean [] selection, // may be null, if not null do not process unselected tiles geometryCorrection, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, disparity_corr, // final double disparity_corr, margin, // final int margin, // do not use tiles if their centers are closer to the edges valid_tiles, // final boolean [] valid_tiles, threadsMax); // final int threadsMax); // maximal number of threads to launch } public static TpTask[] setInterTasks( final int num_cams, final int img_width, // should match pXpYD final boolean calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives, // GPU can calculate them centreXY final double [][] pXpYD, // per-tile array of pX,pY,disparity triplets (or nulls) final boolean [] selection, // may be null, if not null do not process unselected tiles final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, final double disparity_corr, final int margin, // do not use tiles if their centers are closer to the edges final boolean [] valid_tiles, final int threadsMax) // maximal number of threads to launch { int num_pairs = Correlation2d.getNumPairs(num_cams); //change to fixed 511? // final int task_code = ((1 << num_pairs)-1) << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_CORR_BITS; // correlation only final int task_code = (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_CORR_EN) | (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_INTER_EN); final double min_px = margin; final double max_px = geometryCorrection.getSensorWH()[0] - 1 - margin; // sensor width here, not window width final double [] min_py = new double[num_cams] ; final double [] max_py = new double[num_cams] ; for (int i = 0; i < num_cams; i++) { min_py [i] = margin + (calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives? geometryCorrection.getWOITops()[i] : 0); // camera_heights array is only set during conditionImageSet(), not called by the intersceneAccumulate() // That was correct, as all scenes should be conditioned max_py [i] = geometryCorrection.getSensorWH()[1] - 1 - margin; // same for all channels? //.getSensorWH()[0] } if (valid_tiles!=null) { Arrays.fill(valid_tiles, false); } final int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; final int tiles = pXpYD.length; final Matrix [] corr_rots = geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().getRotMatrices(); // get array of per-sensor rotation matrices final int quad_main = (geometryCorrection != null)? num_cams:0; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(00); final AtomicInteger aTiles = new AtomicInteger(0); final TpTask[] tp_tasks = new TpTask[tiles]; // aTiles.get()]; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if ((pXpYD[nTile] != null) && ((selection == null) || selection[nTile])) { int tileY = nTile / tilesX; int tileX = nTile % tilesX; TpTask tp_task = new TpTask(num_cams, tileX, tileY); tp_task.task = task_code; double disparity = pXpYD[nTile][2] + disparity_corr; tp_task.target_disparity = (float) disparity; // will it be used? double [] centerXY = pXpYD[nTile]; tp_task.setCenterXY(centerXY); // this pair of coordinates will be used by GPU to set tp_task.xy and task.disp_dist! boolean bad_margins = false; if (calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives) { double [][] disp_dist = new double[quad_main][]; // used to correct 3D correlations (not yet used here) double [][] centersXY_main = geometryCorrection.getPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives( geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection gc_main, false, // boolean use_rig_offsets, corr_rots, // Matrix [] rots, null, // Matrix [][] deriv_rots, null, // double [][] pXYderiv, // if not null, should be double[8][] disp_dist, // used to correct 3D correlations pXpYD[nTile][0], pXpYD[nTile][1], disparity); // + disparity_corr); tp_task.setDispDist(disp_dist); tp_task.xy = new float [centersXY_main.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < centersXY_main.length; i++) { if ( (centersXY_main[i][0] < min_px) || (centersXY_main[i][0] > max_px) || (centersXY_main[i][1] < min_py[i]) || (centersXY_main[i][1] > max_py[i])) { bad_margins = true; break; } tp_task.xy[i][0] = (float) centersXY_main[i][0]; tp_task.xy[i][1] = (float) centersXY_main[i][1]; } } else { // only check center for margins if ( (centerXY[0] < min_px) || (centerXY[0] > max_px) || (centerXY[1] < min_py[0]) || (centerXY[1] > max_py[0])) { bad_margins = true; // break; } } if (bad_margins) { continue; } tp_tasks[aTiles.getAndIncrement()] = tp_task; if (valid_tiles!=null) { valid_tiles[nTile] = true; } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); final TpTask[] tp_tasks_out = new TpTask[aTiles.get()]; System.arraycopy(tp_tasks, 0, tp_tasks_out, 0, tp_tasks_out.length); return tp_tasks_out; } public static TpTask[][] setInterTasksMotionBlur( final int num_cams, final int img_width, // should match pXpYD final boolean calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives, // GPU can calculate them centreXY final double [][] pXpYD, // per-tile array of pX,pY,disparity triplets (or nulls) final boolean [] selection, // may be null, if not null do not process unselected tiles // motion blur compensation final double mb_tau, // 0.008; // time constant, sec final double mb_max_gain, // 5.0; // motion blur maximal gain (if more - move second point more than a pixel final double [][] mb_vectors, // final GeometryCorrection geometryCorrection, final double disparity_corr, final int margin, // do not use tiles if their centers are closer to the edges final boolean [] valid_tiles, final int threadsMax) // maximal number of threads to launch { final double min_sub = 1e-12; final double min_len = 0.001; // pix was 0.1 int num_pairs = Correlation2d.getNumPairs(num_cams); //change to fixed 511? // final int task_code = ((1 << num_pairs)-1) << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_CORR_BITS; // correlation only final int task_code = (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_CORR_EN) | (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_INTER_EN); final double min_px = margin; final double max_px = geometryCorrection.getSensorWH()[0] - 1 - margin; // sensor width here, not window width final double [] min_py = new double[num_cams] ; final double [] max_py = new double[num_cams] ; for (int i = 0; i < num_cams; i++) { min_py [i] = margin + (calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives? geometryCorrection.getWOITops()[i] : 0); // camera_heights array is only set during conditionImageSet(), not called by the intersceneAccumulate() // That was correct, as all scenes should be conditioned max_py [i] = geometryCorrection.getSensorWH()[1] - 1 - margin; // same for all channels? //.getSensorWH()[0] } if (valid_tiles!=null) { Arrays.fill(valid_tiles, false); } final int tilesX = img_width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; final int tiles = pXpYD.length; final Matrix [] corr_rots = geometryCorrection.getCorrVector().getRotMatrices(); // get array of per-sensor rotation matrices final int quad_main = num_cams; // (geometryCorrection != null)? num_cams:0; final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(threadsMax); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(00); final AtomicInteger aTiles = new AtomicInteger(0); final TpTask[][] tp_tasks = new TpTask[2][tiles]; // aTiles.get()]; // [0] - main, [1] - shifted final double mb_len_scale = -Math.log(1.0 - 1.0/mb_max_gain); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) if ((pXpYD[nTile] != null) && !Double.isNaN(mb_vectors[0][nTile]) && !Double.isNaN(mb_vectors[1][nTile]) && ((selection == null) || selection[nTile])) { int tileY = nTile / tilesX; int tileX = nTile % tilesX; TpTask tp_task = new TpTask(num_cams, tileX, tileY); TpTask tp_task_sub = new TpTask(num_cams, tileX, tileY); tp_task.task = task_code; tp_task_sub.task = task_code; double disparity = pXpYD[nTile][2] + disparity_corr; tp_task.target_disparity = (float) disparity; // will it be used? tp_task_sub.target_disparity = tp_task.target_disparity; // will it be used? double [] centerXY = pXpYD[nTile]; tp_task.setCenterXY(centerXY); // this pair of coordinates will be used by GPU to set tp_task.xy and task.disp_dist! // calculate offset for the secondary tile and weigh double dx = mb_vectors[0][nTile]; double dy = mb_vectors[1][nTile]; double mb_len = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); // in pixels/s -> 0 double [] centerXY_sub = centerXY; if (mb_len < min_len) { tp_task.setScale(1.0); tp_task_sub.task = 0; // disable tp_task_sub.setScale(-min_sub); tp_task_sub.setCenterXY(centerXY); } else { dx /= mb_len; // unit vector dy /= mb_len; mb_len *= mb_tau; // now in pixels double mb_offs = 1.0; // try 1 pixel. Maybe adjust for non-ortho, e.g. sqrt(2) for diagonal? double min_offs = mb_len_scale * mb_len; if (mb_offs < min_offs) { mb_offs = min_offs; } dx *= mb_offs; dy *= mb_offs; centerXY_sub = new double[] {centerXY[0]+dx,centerXY[1]+dy}; tp_task_sub.setCenterXY(centerXY_sub); double exp_offs = Math.exp(-mb_offs/mb_len); double gain = 1.0/(1.0 - exp_offs); double gain_sub = -gain * exp_offs; if (gain_sub > -min_sub) { gain_sub = -min_sub; } tp_task.setScale(gain); tp_task_sub.setScale(gain_sub); } boolean bad_margins = false; if (calcPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives) { // for non-GPU? double [][] disp_dist = new double[quad_main][]; // used to correct 3D correlations (not yet used here) double [][] centersXY_main = geometryCorrection.getPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives( geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection gc_main, false, // boolean use_rig_offsets, corr_rots, // Matrix [] rots, null, // Matrix [][] deriv_rots, null, // double [][] pXYderiv, // if not null, should be double[8][] disp_dist, // used to correct 3D correlations centerXY[0], centerXY[1], disparity); // + disparity_corr); tp_task.setDispDist(disp_dist); tp_task.xy = new float [centersXY_main.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < centersXY_main.length; i++) { if ( (centersXY_main[i][0] < min_px) || (centersXY_main[i][0] > max_px) || (centersXY_main[i][1] < min_py[i]) || (centersXY_main[i][1] > max_py[i])) { bad_margins = true; break; } tp_task.xy[i][0] = (float) centersXY_main[i][0]; tp_task.xy[i][1] = (float) centersXY_main[i][1]; } // same for the second entry double [][] disp_dist_sub = new double[quad_main][]; // used to correct 3D correlations (not yet used here) double [][] centersXY_main_sub = geometryCorrection.getPortsCoordinatesAndDerivatives( geometryCorrection, // GeometryCorrection gc_main, false, // boolean use_rig_offsets, corr_rots, // Matrix [] rots, null, // Matrix [][] deriv_rots, null, // double [][] pXYderiv, // if not null, should be double[8][] disp_dist_sub, // used to correct 3D correlations centerXY_sub[0], centerXY_sub[1], disparity); // + disparity_corr); tp_task_sub.setDispDist(disp_dist); tp_task_sub.xy = new float [centersXY_main.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < centersXY_main.length; i++) { if ( (centersXY_main[i][0] < min_px) || (centersXY_main[i][0] > max_px) || (centersXY_main[i][1] < min_py[i]) || (centersXY_main[i][1] > max_py[i])) { bad_margins = true; break; } tp_task_sub.xy[i][0] = (float) centersXY_main_sub[i][0]; tp_task_sub.xy[i][1] = (float) centersXY_main_sub[i][1]; } } else { // only check center for margins if ( (centerXY[0] < min_px) || (centerXY[0] > max_px) || (centerXY[1] < min_py[0]) || (centerXY[1] > max_py[0]) || (centerXY_sub[0] < min_px) || (centerXY_sub[0] > max_px) || (centerXY_sub[1] < min_py[0]) || (centerXY_sub[1] > max_py[0])) { bad_margins = true; // break; } } if (bad_margins) { continue; } int tp_task_index = aTiles.getAndIncrement(); tp_tasks[0][tp_task_index] = tp_task; tp_tasks[1][tp_task_index] = tp_task_sub; if (valid_tiles!=null) { valid_tiles[nTile] = true; } } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); final TpTask[][] tp_tasks_out = new TpTask[2][aTiles.get()]; System.arraycopy(tp_tasks[0], 0, tp_tasks_out[0], 0, tp_tasks_out[0].length); System.arraycopy(tp_tasks[1], 0, tp_tasks_out[1], 0, tp_tasks_out[1].length); return tp_tasks_out; } public static TpTask[][] setRectilinearInterTasks( final float [][] fpixels, // to check for empty final int img_width, Rectangle woi, final double [][][] affine // [2][2][3] affine coefficients to translate common to 2 images ){ final int img_height = fpixels[0].length/img_width; if (woi == null) { woi = new Rectangle(0,0,img_width,img_height); } else { int x0 = ((int) Math.floor(1.0*woi.x/GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE))*GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; int y0 = ((int) Math.floor(1.0*woi.y/GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE))*GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; woi.width += woi.x-x0; woi.height += woi.y-y0; woi.width = ((int) Math.ceil(1.0*woi.width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; woi.height = ((int) Math.ceil(1.0*woi.height/ GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE)) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; woi.x = x0; woi.y = y0; } final Rectangle tiles_woi = new Rectangle ( woi.x / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE, woi.y / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE, woi.width / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE, woi.height / GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE); final int tiles = tiles_woi.width*tiles_woi.height; final int task_code = (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_CORR_EN) | (1 << GPUTileProcessor.TASK_INTER_EN); final TpTask[][] tp_tasks_full = new TpTask[2][tiles]; // sparse, rfirst index - image # final Thread[] threads = ImageDtt.newThreadArray(); final AtomicInteger ai = new AtomicInteger(00); final AtomicInteger aTiles = new AtomicInteger(0); final int margin = GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE/2 + 1; // 5 for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { double [][] cxy = new double [2][2]; // image number, {x,y} int [][] icxy = new int [2][2]; for (int nTile = ai.getAndIncrement(); nTile < tiles; nTile = ai.getAndIncrement()) { int tileY = nTile / tiles_woi.width + tiles_woi.y; int tileX = nTile % tiles_woi.width + tiles_woi.x; double [] cxy0 = { (tileX + 0.5) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE, (tileY + 0.5) * GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE}; boolean good_tile = false; check_good_tiles:{ for (int n = 0; n < affine.length; n++) { for (int i = 0; i < affine[n].length; i++) { cxy[n][i] = affine[n][i][0]*cxy0[0] + affine[n][i][1]*cxy0[1] + affine[n][i][2]; if (cxy[n][i] < margin) { break check_good_tiles; } icxy[n][i] = (int) Math.round(cxy[n][i]); } if ((icxy[n][0] >= (img_width-margin)) || (icxy[n][1] >= (img_height-margin))) { break check_good_tiles; } if (Float.isNaN(fpixels[n][icxy[n][0] + img_width * icxy[n][1]])) { break check_good_tiles; // center pixel is NaN, consider bad tile } } good_tile = true; } if (!good_tile) { continue; } // check just TpTask tp_task1 = new TpTask(1, tileX, tileY); TpTask tp_task2 = new TpTask(1, tileX, tileY); tp_task1.scale = 0.0f; tp_task2.scale = 0.0f; tp_task1.task = task_code; tp_task2.task = task_code; tp_task1.setCenterXY(cxy0); // this pair of coordinates will be used by GPU... not yet tp_task2.setCenterXY(cxy0); // this pair of coordinates will be used by GPU... not yet tp_task1.xy=new float [1][2]; tp_task2.xy=new float [1][2]; // see where task.disp_dist is used - only in GeometryCorrection, when calculating .xy tp_task1.xy[0][0] = (float) cxy[0][0]; tp_task1.xy[0][1] = (float) cxy[0][1]; tp_task2.xy[0][0] = (float) cxy[1][0]; tp_task2.xy[0][1] = (float) cxy[1][1]; int iTile = aTiles.getAndIncrement(); tp_tasks_full[0][iTile] = tp_task1; tp_tasks_full[1][iTile] = tp_task2; } } }; } ImageDtt.startAndJoin(threads); final TpTask[][] tp_tasks = new TpTask[2][aTiles.get()]; System.arraycopy(tp_tasks_full[0], 0, tp_tasks[0], 0, tp_tasks[0].length); System.arraycopy(tp_tasks_full[1], 0, tp_tasks[1], 0, tp_tasks[1].length); return tp_tasks; } public void setLpfRbg( float [][] lpf_rbg, // 4 64-el. arrays: r,b,g,m boolean debug) { int l = lpf_rbg[0].length; // 64 float [] lpf_flat = new float [lpf_rbg.length * l]; for (int i = 0; i < lpf_rbg.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { lpf_flat[j + i * l] = lpf_rbg[i][j]; } } CUdeviceptr constantMemoryPointer = new CUdeviceptr(); long constantMemorySizeArray[] = { 0 }; cuModuleGetGlobal(constantMemoryPointer, constantMemorySizeArray, this.gpuTileProcessor.module, "lpf_data"); //CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_ADDRESS after re-run int constantMemorySize = (int)constantMemorySizeArray[0]; if (debug) System.out.println("constantMemoryPointer: " + constantMemoryPointer); if (debug) System.out.println("constantMemorySize: " + constantMemorySize); cuMemcpyHtoD(constantMemoryPointer,, constantMemorySize); if (debug) System.out.println(); /* if (debug) { for (int i = 0; i < lpf_flat.length; i++) { System.out.print(String.format("%8.5f", lpf_flat[i])); if (((i+1) % 16) == 0) { System.out.println(); } } } */ } public void setLpfCorr( String const_name, // "lpf_corr" float [] lpf_flat, boolean debug) { CUdeviceptr constantMemoryPointer = new CUdeviceptr(); long constantMemorySizeArray[] = { 0 }; cuModuleGetGlobal(constantMemoryPointer, constantMemorySizeArray, this.gpuTileProcessor.module, const_name); int constantMemorySize = (int)constantMemorySizeArray[0]; if (debug) System.out.println("constantMemoryPointer: " + constantMemoryPointer); if (debug) System.out.println("constantMemorySize: " + constantMemorySize); cuMemcpyHtoD(constantMemoryPointer,, constantMemorySize); if (debug) System.out.println(); /* if (debug) { for (int i = 0; i < lpf_flat.length; i++) { System.out.print(String.format("%8.5f", lpf_flat[i])); if (((i+1) % 16) == 0) { System.out.println(); } } } */ } public void printConstMem( String const_name, // "lpf_corr" boolean flt) { CUdeviceptr constantMemoryPointer = new CUdeviceptr(); long constantMemorySizeArray[] = { 0 }; cuModuleGetGlobal(constantMemoryPointer, constantMemorySizeArray, this.gpuTileProcessor.module, const_name); int constantMemorySize = (int)constantMemorySizeArray[0]; if (constantMemorySize > 0) { System.out.println ("costant memory "+const_name+" contains "+constantMemorySize+" bytes"); if (flt) { float [] fdata = new float [constantMemorySize/4]; cuMemcpyDtoH(,constantMemoryPointer, constantMemorySize); for (int i = 0; i < fdata.length; i++) { if ((i % 8) == 0) System.out.println(); System.out.print(String.format("%12.6f, ",fdata[i])); } } else { int [] idata = new int [constantMemorySize/4]; cuMemcpyDtoH(,constantMemoryPointer, constantMemorySize); for (int i = 0; i < idata.length; i++) { if ((i % 8) == 0) System.out.println(); System.out.print(String.format("0x%08x, ",idata[i])); } } System.out.println(); } } public float [] floatSetCltLpfFd( double sigma) { int dct_size = GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; DttRad2 dtt = new DttRad2(dct_size); double [] clt_fd = dtt.dttt_iiie(setCltLpf(sigma)); int l = dct_size*dct_size; float [] lpf_flat = new float [l]; for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { lpf_flat[j] = (float) (clt_fd[j]*2*dct_size); } return lpf_flat; } public double [] doubleSetCltLpfFd( double sigma) { int dct_size = GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; DttRad2 dtt = new DttRad2(dct_size); double [] clt_fd = dtt.dttt_iiie(setCltLpf(sigma)); int l = dct_size*dct_size; double [] lpf_flat = new double [l]; for (int j = 0; j < l; j++) { lpf_flat[j] = (float) (clt_fd[j]*2*dct_size); } return lpf_flat; } public double [] setCltLpf( double sigma) { int dct_size = GPUTileProcessor.DTT_SIZE; double [] lpf = new double [dct_size*dct_size]; int dct_len = dct_size * dct_size; if (sigma == 0.0f) { lpf[0] = 1.0f; for (int i = 1; i < dct_len; i++){ lpf[i] = 0.0f; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < dct_size; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < dct_size; j++){ lpf[i*dct_size+j] = (float) Math.exp(-(i*i+j*j)/(2*sigma)); } } // normalize double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < dct_size; i++){ for (int j = 0; j < dct_size; j++){ double d = lpf[i*dct_size+j]; d*=Math.cos(Math.PI*i/(2*dct_size))*Math.cos(Math.PI*j/(2*dct_size)); if (i > 0) d*= 2.0; if (j > 0) d*= 2.0; sum +=d; } } for (int i = 0; i< dct_len; i++){ lpf[i] /= sum; } } return lpf; } public int getGpu_debug_level() { return gpu_debug_level; } public void setGpu_debug_level(int gpu_debug_level) { this.gpu_debug_level = gpu_debug_level; } } // end of public class GpuQuad