package com.elphel.imagej.ims; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.LocalDateTime; import java.util.Properties; import com.elphel.imagej.tileprocessor.IntersceneMatchParameters; public abstract class Did_ins <T extends Did_ins <T>>{ final static LocalDateTime DT_01_06_1980 = LocalDateTime.of(1980,1,6,0,0); final static int WEEK_SECONDS = 7 * 24 * 3600; /** GPS number of weeks since January 6th, 1980 */ public int week; // uint32_t /** GPS time of week (since Sunday morning) in seconds */ public double timeOfWeek; /** INS status flags (eInsStatusFlags). Copy of DID_SYS_PARAMS.insStatus */ public int insStatus; // uint32_t /** Hardware status flags (eHdwStatusFlags). Copy of DID_SYS_PARAMS.hdwStatus */ public int hdwStatus; // uint32_t /** WGS84 latitude, longitude, height above ellipsoid (degrees,degrees,meters) */ public double [] lla = new double [3]; /** for DID_INS verification */ public static int eHdwStatusFlags_mask = 0xffffffd0; public static int eHdwStatusFlags_data = 0x0008007f; // public static int eInsStatusFlags_mask = 0x8c0059ee; // public static int eInsStatusFlags_mask = 0x8c00596e; // once in 300-400 - GPS aided heading public static int eInsStatusFlags_mask = 0x8800596e; // once in 300-400 - INS_STATUS_RTK_COMPASSING_VALID // public static int eInsStatusFlags_data = 0x00635177; public static int MIN_WEEK = 1766; // -10 yrs public static int MAX_WEEK = 2806; // +10 yrs static int interpolateInt(double frac, int v_this, int v_next) { return (int) Math.round(frac * v_next + (1.0 - frac) * v_this); } static float interpolateFloat(double frac, float v_this, float v_next) { return (float) (frac * v_next + (1.0 - frac) * v_this); } static double interpolateDouble(double frac, double v_this, double v_next) { return frac * v_next + (1.0 - frac) * v_this; } public double getDoubleTime() { return ((double) week) * WEEK_SECONDS + timeOfWeek; } public int [] getWeekTimeMs() { // for compatibility with DID_STROBE_IN_TIME return new int [] { week, (int)Math.round(timeOfWeek * 1000.0)}; } public static LocalDateTime getLocalDateTime(int week, double tow) { /** GPS number of weeks since January 6th, 1980 */ /** GPS time of week (since Sunday morning) in seconds */ int seconds = (int) Math.floor(tow); int nanos = (int) Math.floor((tow-seconds)*1E9); return DT_01_06_1980.plusWeeks(week). plusSeconds(seconds).plusNanos(nanos); } public LocalDateTime getLocalDateTime() { return getLocalDateTime(week, timeOfWeek); } public boolean isDidSane() { if ((week < MIN_WEEK) || (week > MAX_WEEK)) { System.out.println("isDidSane(): bad week = "+week+ " - should be in range ["+MIN_WEEK+","+MAX_WEEK+"]"); return false; } if ((timeOfWeek < 0) || (timeOfWeek > WEEK_SECONDS)) { System.out.println("isDidSane(): bad timeOfWeek = "+timeOfWeek+ " - should be in range [0,"+WEEK_SECONDS+"]"); return false; } if (((hdwStatus ^ eHdwStatusFlags_data) & eHdwStatusFlags_mask) != 0) { System.out.println(String.format("isDidSane(): bad hdwStatus=0x%08x"+ " (0x%08x ^ 0x%08x) & 0x%08x = 0x%08x", hdwStatus, hdwStatus, eHdwStatusFlags_data,eHdwStatusFlags_mask, (hdwStatus ^ eHdwStatusFlags_data) & eHdwStatusFlags_mask)); return false; } if (((insStatus ^ eInsStatusFlags_data) & eInsStatusFlags_mask) != 0) { System.out.println(String.format("isDidSane(): bad insStatus=0x%08x"+ " (0x%08x ^ 0x%08x) & 0x%08x = 0x%08x", insStatus, insStatus, eInsStatusFlags_data,eInsStatusFlags_mask, (insStatus ^ eInsStatusFlags_data) & eInsStatusFlags_mask)); return false; } if ( (lla[0] <-90) || (lla[0] > 90) || // latitude (lla[1] <-90) || (lla[1] > 90) || // longitude (lla[2] <-10) || (lla[1] > 20000)) { // altitude System.out.println("isDidSane(): bad lla=["+ lla[0]+", "+lla[1]+", "+lla[2]+"], timeOfWeek="+timeOfWeek); return false; } return true; } // public void interpolateBase(double frac, T next_did, T new_did) { new_did.week = this.week; double tow_next = next_did.timeOfWeek; if (next_did.week > this.week) { tow_next += (next_did.week - this.week) *7 * 24 * 3600; // week in seconds } new_did.timeOfWeek = interpolateDouble ( frac, this.timeOfWeek, tow_next); while (new_did.timeOfWeek >= WEEK_SECONDS) { new_did.timeOfWeek -= WEEK_SECONDS; new_did.week ++; } new_did.insStatus = this.insStatus; new_did.hdwStatus = this.hdwStatus; for (int i = 0; i < lla.length; i++) { new_did.lla[i] = interpolateDouble(frac, lla[i], next_did.lla[i]) ; } } public void getProperties(String prefix, Properties properties) { if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"week")!=null) this.week= Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"week")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"timeOfWeek")!=null) this.timeOfWeek= Double.parseDouble(properties.getProperty(prefix+"timeOfWeek")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"insStatus")!=null) this.insStatus= Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"insStatus")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"hdwStatus")!=null) this.hdwStatus= Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(prefix+"hdwStatus")); if (properties.getProperty(prefix+"lla")!=null) this.lla= IntersceneMatchParameters.StringToDoubles(properties.getProperty(prefix+"lla"),3); } public Properties setProperties(String prefix, Properties properties){ // save // USED in lwir if (properties == null) { properties = new Properties(); } properties.setProperty(prefix+"week", this.week+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"timeOfWeek", this.timeOfWeek+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"insStatus", this.insStatus+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"hdwStatus", this.hdwStatus+""); properties.setProperty(prefix+"lla", IntersceneMatchParameters.doublesToString(this.lla)); return properties; } }