package com.elphel.imagej.calibration; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Rectangle; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Paths; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import com.elphel.imagej.calibration.DistortionCalibrationData.GridImageParameters; import com.elphel.imagej.cameras.ThermalColor; import com.elphel.imagej.common.ShowDoubleFloatArrays; import com.elphel.imagej.correction.EyesisCorrections; import com.elphel.imagej.lwir.LwirReaderParameters; import com.elphel.imagej.readers.ImagejJp4Tiff; import ij.IJ; import ij.ImagePlus; import ij.ImageStack; import ij.Prefs; import ij.gui.Line; import ij.process.ImageProcessor; import loci.formats.FormatException; public class CalibrationIllustration { public static final int MAX_THREADS = 100; // combine from all classes? public static final int CONTRAST_INDEX = 2; public static final String FOOTAGE_DIR = "footage"; EyesisAberrations eyesisAberrations; Distortions distortions; CalibrationIllustrationParameters illustrationParameters; LwirReaderParameters lwirReaderParameters; AtomicInteger stopRequested; int debug_level; int numStations; int numSubCameras; String [][] gridFileDirs; // = new String [numStations][]; boolean [][][] gridUseChn; // = new boolean [numStations][][]; // channels to use in each scene String [] sourceStationDirs; // = new String [numStations]; // directories of the source files per station String [] grid_extensions={".tiff"}; String [] src_extensions={".tiff"}; double [][] offs_scale;// [chn][0] - offset to subtract to normalize, [chn][1] - scale to divide by to normalize public CalibrationIllustration ( LwirReaderParameters lwirReaderParameters, CalibrationIllustrationParameters illustrationParameters, EyesisAberrations eyesisAberrations, Distortions distortions, AtomicInteger stopRequested, int debug_level) { this.lwirReaderParameters = lwirReaderParameters; this.illustrationParameters = illustrationParameters; this.eyesisAberrations = eyesisAberrations; this.distortions = distortions; this.stopRequested = stopRequested; this.debug_level = debug_level; offs_scale = new double[lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap().length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < offs_scale.length; i++) { offs_scale[i][0] = 0.0; offs_scale[i][1] = 1.0; } } public CalibrationIllustrationParameters getIllustrationParameters() { return illustrationParameters; } public void plotGrid( int numImg, int line_width, ImagePlus imp, Color color_grid, Color color_grid_weak, Color color_grid_extra, // at least one end points to extra (unreliable) nodes (may be null) double weak_threshold ) { if (numImg == 2276) { System.out.println(">>>numImg="+numImg); } // int line_width = 3; // DistortionCalibrationData dcd = distortions.fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData; GridImageParameters gip = dcd.gIP[numImg]; int [][] pUV = gip.pixelsUV; int [][] pUV_extra = gip.pixelsUV_extra; double [][] pXY = gip.pixelsXY; double [][] pXY_extra = gip.pixelsXY_extra; if ((pUV == null) || (pUV.length==0)) { return; } int minU=pUV[0][0],maxU=minU,minV=pUV[0][1],maxV=minV; for (int i = 0; i < pUV.length; i++) { if (pUV[i][0] < minU) minU = pUV[i][0]; else if (pUV[i][0] > maxU) maxU = pUV[i][0]; if (pUV[i][1] < minV) minV = pUV[i][1]; else if (pUV[i][1] > maxV) maxV = pUV[i][1]; } if (color_grid_extra != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pUV_extra.length; i++) { if (pUV_extra[i][0] < minU) minU = pUV_extra[i][0]; else if (pUV_extra[i][0] > maxU) maxU = pUV_extra[i][0]; if (pUV_extra[i][1] < minV) minV = pUV_extra[i][1]; else if (pUV_extra[i][1] > maxV) maxV = pUV_extra[i][1]; } } Rectangle dimsUV= new Rectangle(minU-1, minV-1, maxU-minU+2, maxV-minV+2); int [] grid = new int [dimsUV.height * dimsUV.width]; Arrays.fill(grid, -1); int main_len = pUV.length; for (int i = 0; i < main_len; i++) { int indx = (pUV[i][0]-dimsUV.x) + (pUV[i][1]-dimsUV.y)* dimsUV.width; grid[indx] = i; } if (color_grid_extra != null) { for (int i = 0; i < pUV_extra.length; i++) { int indx = (pUV_extra[i][0]-dimsUV.x) + (pUV_extra[i][1]-dimsUV.y)* dimsUV.width; grid[indx] = i + main_len; } } ImageProcessor ip = imp.getProcessor(); ip.setLineWidth(line_width); // only use stroke for line_width>1 /* BasicStroke stroke = null; if (line_width>1) { stroke = new BasicStroke(line_width, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); } */ // BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(line_width, BasicStroke.CAP_BUTT, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); // BasicStroke stroke = new BasicStroke(line_width, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); // roi.setStrokeColor(new Color(red, green, blue, alpha)); // roi.setStroke(stroke); // int upper = dimsUV.width * (dimsUV.height-1); int upper = dimsUV.width * dimsUV.height; for (int indx = dimsUV.width + 1; indx < upper; indx++) if (grid[indx] >= 0){ // try to the right and down int g0 = grid[indx]; if ((numImg == 2276) && (g0 == 78)) { System.out.println(">>>g0="+g0); } for (int dir = 0; dir <2; dir++) { // 90 - right, 1 - down int indx1 = indx + ((dir > 0) ? dimsUV.width : 1); if (indx1 < grid.length) { int g1 = grid[indx1]; if (g1 >= 0) { double [] pXY0 = (g0 < main_len) ? pXY[g0] : pXY_extra[g0 - main_len]; double [] pXY1 = (g1 < main_len) ? pXY[g1] : pXY_extra[g1 - main_len]; // Line line = new Line(pXY0[0], pXY0[1], pXY1[0],pXY1[1]); if ((g0 < main_len) && (g1 < main_len)) { if ((pXY0[CONTRAST_INDEX] >= weak_threshold) && (pXY1[CONTRAST_INDEX] >= weak_threshold)) { if (color_grid == null) { continue; } ip.setColor(color_grid); } else { if (color_grid_weak == null) { continue; } if ((pXY0[CONTRAST_INDEX] == 0.0) && (pXY1[CONTRAST_INDEX] == 0.0)) { // treat strength==0 as extra if (color_grid_extra == null) { continue; } ip.setColor(color_grid_extra); // should not get here with color_grid_extra==null } else { ip.setColor(color_grid_weak); } } } else { if (color_grid_extra == null) { continue; } ip.setColor(color_grid_extra); // should not get here with color_grid_extra==null } /* if (stroke != null) { if ((g0 < main_len) && (g1 < main_len)) { line.setStrokeColor(color_grid); } else { line.setStrokeColor(color_grid_extra); // should not get here with color_grid_extra==null } line.setStroke(stroke); } line.setStrokeWidth(1.0); */ for (int dy = -line_width+1; dy < line_width; dy+=2) { for (int dx = -line_width+1; dx < line_width; dx+=2) { Line line = new Line(pXY0[0] + 0.5*dx, pXY0[1] + 0.5*dy, pXY1[0] + 0.5*dx,pXY1[1] + 0.5*dy); line.drawPixels(ip); } } // Line line = new Line(pXY0[0], pXY0[1], pXY1[0],pXY1[1]); // line.drawPixels(ip); /* for (double lw = 0.5; lw <= line_width; lw+=0.5) { line.setStrokeWidth(lw); line.drawPixels(ip); } */ } } } } } public boolean convertKernels( int dsize, // direct kernel size int rsize // inverse kernel size ) { long startTime=System.nanoTime(); // restart timer after possible interactive dialogs boolean same_size_inv = true; // final boolean [] selectedChannels = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.getChannelSelection(distortions); final boolean [] selectedChannels = illustrationParameters.getSelectedChannels(); // final DistortionCalibrationData dcd = distortions.fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData; // final MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter = // new MultipleExtensionsFileFilter("",src_extensions,"Source calibration images"); // final int lwir0 = illustrationParameters.getLwirReaderParameters().getLwirChn0(); // final int eo0 = illustrationParameters.getLwirReaderParameters().getEoChn0(); int [][] whall = new int [selectedChannels.length][2]; String illustrations_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory; String partial_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.partialKernelDirectory; String direct_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.psfKernelDirectory; String inverted_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.aberrationsKernelDirectory; String partial_dest = illustrations_dir+ (illustrations_dir.endsWith(Prefs.getFileSeparator())?"":Prefs.getFileSeparator())+"partial"; String direct_dest = illustrations_dir+ (illustrations_dir.endsWith(Prefs.getFileSeparator())?"":Prefs.getFileSeparator())+"direct"; String inverted_dest = illustrations_dir+ (illustrations_dir.endsWith(Prefs.getFileSeparator())?"":Prefs.getFileSeparator())+"inverted"; if (illustrationParameters.kernel_process_partial) { convertPartial( selectedChannels, dsize, partial_dir, // String source_dir, partial_dest); } if (illustrationParameters.kernel_process_direct) { convertDirect( selectedChannels, dsize, direct_dir, // String source_dir, direct_dest, whall); } if (illustrationParameters.kernel_process_inverse) { if (!same_size_inv) { whall = null; } convertInverted( selectedChannels, rsize, inverted_dir, // String source_dir, inverted_dest, whall); } System.out.println("All done in "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)+" sec."); return true; } public boolean convertPartial( final boolean [] selectedChannels, int src_step, String source_dir, String dest_dir) { String partialSuffix= eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.partialSuffix; // .".ppsf-tiff"; File destDir= new File (dest_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+dest_dir); return false; } } String [][] src_files = new String [selectedChannels.length][]; for (int nChn = 0; nChn < src_files.length; nChn++) if (selectedChannels[nChn]) { MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter = new MultipleExtensionsFileFilter("",new String[] {String.format("%02d", nChn)+partialSuffix},"partial kernels"); src_files[nChn] = (new File(source_dir)).list(sourceFilter); // are these full files? } // create list of partial kernel files // partial-1623732618_112155-00.ppsf-tiff final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int iChn = 0; iChn < src_files.length; iChn++) if (src_files[iChn]!=null) { final int nChn=iChn; indxAtomic.set(0); int sensor_type = distortions.fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData.eyesisCameraParameters.getSensorType(nChn); int decimate = (sensor_type==1) ? illustrationParameters.kernel_decimate_direct_lwir : illustrationParameters.kernel_decimate_direct_eo; int kernel_widh = (sensor_type==1) ? illustrationParameters.kernel_dia_direct_lwir : illustrationParameters.kernel_dia_direct_eo; // String illustrations_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory; final String chn_ill_dir = dest_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist final File destChnDir= new File (chn_ill_dir); if (!destChnDir.exists()){ if (!destChnDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_ill_dir); continue; } } for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // for (int nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nChn < selectedChannels.length; nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) if (selectedChannels[nChn]) { // iterate through all image set (some grids may be missing) for (int nImg = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nImg < src_files[nChn].length; nImg = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { // for (int nImg=0; nImg < src_files[nChn].length; nImg++) { ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(source_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+src_files[nChn][nImg]); String title = imp.getTitle(); if (title.endsWith(partialSuffix)) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } int [] wh = new int [2]; double [][] dpixels = getDecimatedStack( imp, // ImagePlus imp, wh, // int [] wh, // will return width, height src_step, // int src_step, // margins == src_step/2 decimate, // 1 - no decimation kernel_widh, 0.0001); // if none kernel pixel above - return null if (dpixels == null) { continue; // no kernels } ImagePlus imp_ill; if (sensor_type==1) { imp_ill = normalizeColorizeLWIRKernels( title+"-ill", // String title, dpixels[0], // double [] dpixels, wh[0], // int width, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_lwir_min, // double mn, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_lwir_max, // double mx, illustrationParameters.kernel_lwir_palette); // int palette); } else { imp_ill = normalizeColorizeEOKernels( title+"-ill", // String title, dpixels, // double [] dpixels, wh[0], // int width, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_red_min, // double mnR, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_red_max, // double mxR, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_green_min, // double mnG, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_green_max, // double mxG, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_blue_min, // double mnB, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_blue_max); // double mnB, } // save result EyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_ill, chn_ill_dir, illustrationParameters.usePNG(), false, // show illustrationParameters.JPEG_quality, // <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG 0); // debug_level); // return true; // temporarily } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); } ///imp_psf.getStack() //int sensor_type = dcd.eyesisCameraParameters.getSensorType(nChn); return true; } public boolean convertDirect( final boolean [] selectedChannels, final int src_step, final String source_dir, final String dest_dir, final int [][] whall) { // null or per-channel String directSuffix= eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.psfSuffix; // .".psf-tiff"; File destDir= new File (dest_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+dest_dir); return false; } } String [][] src_files = new String [selectedChannels.length][]; // should be one file per channel for (int nChn = 0; nChn < src_files.length; nChn++) if (selectedChannels[nChn]) { MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter = new MultipleExtensionsFileFilter("",new String[] {String.format("%02d", nChn)+directSuffix},"direct kernels"); src_files[nChn] = (new File(source_dir)).list(sourceFilter); // are these full files? } // create list of partial kernel files // partial-1623732618_112155-00.ppsf-tiff for (int iChn = 0; iChn < src_files.length; iChn++) if (src_files[iChn]!=null) { final int nChn=iChn; int sensor_type = distortions.fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData.eyesisCameraParameters.getSensorType(nChn); int decimate = (sensor_type==1) ? illustrationParameters.kernel_decimate_direct_lwir : illustrationParameters.kernel_decimate_direct_eo; int kernel_widh = (sensor_type==1) ? illustrationParameters.kernel_dia_direct_lwir : illustrationParameters.kernel_dia_direct_eo; /* // String illustrations_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory; final String chn_ill_dir = dest_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist final File destChnDir= new File (chn_ill_dir); if (!destChnDir.exists()){ if (!destChnDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_ill_dir); continue; } } */ // for (int nImg=0; nImg < src_files[nChn].length; nImg++) { ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(source_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+src_files[nChn][0]); String title = imp.getTitle(); if (title.endsWith(directSuffix)) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } int [] wh = (whall == null) ? new int [2]: whall[nChn]; double [][] dpixels = getDecimatedStack( imp, // ImagePlus imp, wh, // int [] wh, // will return width, height src_step, // int src_step, // margins == src_step/2 decimate, // 1 - no decimation kernel_widh, 0.0); // if none kernel pixel above - return null (here it is not needed) ImagePlus imp_ill; if (sensor_type==1) { imp_ill = normalizeColorizeLWIRKernels( title+"-ill", // String title, dpixels[0], // double [] dpixels, wh[0], // int width, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_lwir_min, // double mn, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_lwir_max, // double mx, illustrationParameters.kernel_lwir_palette); // int palette); } else { imp_ill = normalizeColorizeEOKernels( title+"-ill", // String title, dpixels, // double [] dpixels, wh[0], // int width, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_red_min, // double mnR, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_red_max, // double mxR, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_green_min, // double mnG, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_green_max, // double mxG, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_blue_min, // double mnB, illustrationParameters.kernel_direct_blue_max); // double mnB, } // save result EyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_ill, dest_dir, // chn_ill_dir, illustrationParameters.usePNG(), false, // show illustrationParameters.JPEG_quality, // <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG 0); // debug_level); // return true; // temporarily } //int sensor_type = dcd.eyesisCameraParameters.getSensorType(nChn); return true; } public boolean convertInverted( final boolean [] selectedChannels, final int src_step, final String source_dir, final String dest_dir, final int [][] whall) { // null or per-channel String invertedSuffix= eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.aberrationsSuffix; // .".psf-tiff"; File destDir= new File (dest_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+dest_dir); return false; } } String [][] src_files = new String [selectedChannels.length][]; // should be one file per channel for (int nChn = 0; nChn < src_files.length; nChn++) if (selectedChannels[nChn]) { MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter = new MultipleExtensionsFileFilter("",new String[] {String.format("%02d", nChn)+invertedSuffix},"inverted kernels"); src_files[nChn] = (new File(source_dir)).list(sourceFilter); // are these full files? } // create list of partial kernel files // partial-1623732618_112155-00.ppsf-tiff for (int iChn = 0; iChn < src_files.length; iChn++) if (src_files[iChn]!=null) { final int nChn=iChn; int sensor_type = distortions.fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData.eyesisCameraParameters.getSensorType(nChn); int decimate = (sensor_type==1) ? illustrationParameters.kernel_decimate_inverse_lwir : illustrationParameters.kernel_decimate_inverse_eo; int kernel_widh = (sensor_type==1) ? illustrationParameters.kernel_dia_inverse_lwir : illustrationParameters.kernel_dia_inverse_eo; ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(source_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+src_files[nChn][0]); String title = imp.getTitle(); if (title.endsWith(invertedSuffix)) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } // int [] wh = new int [2]; int [] wh = (whall == null) ? new int [2]: whall[nChn]; double [][] dpixels = getDecimatedStack( imp, // ImagePlus imp, wh, // int [] wh, // will return width, height src_step, // int src_step, // margins == src_step/2 decimate, // 1 - no decimation kernel_widh, 0.0); // if none kernel pixel above - return null (here it is not needed) ImagePlus imp_ill; if (sensor_type==1) { imp_ill = normalizeColorizeLWIRKernels( title+"-ill", // String title, dpixels[0], // double [] dpixels, wh[0], // int width, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_lwir_min, // double mn, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_lwir_max, // double mx, illustrationParameters.kernel_lwir_palette); // int palette); } else { imp_ill = normalizeColorizeEOKernels( title+"-ill", // String title, dpixels, // double [] dpixels, wh[0], // int width, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_red_min, // double mnR, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_red_max, // double mxR, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_green_min, // double mnG, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_green_max, // double mxG, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_blue_min, // double mnB, illustrationParameters.kernel_inverse_blue_max); // double mnB, } // save result EyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_ill, dest_dir, // chn_ill_dir, illustrationParameters.usePNG(), false, // show illustrationParameters.JPEG_quality, // <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG 0); // debug_level); // return true; // temporarily } //int sensor_type = dcd.eyesisCameraParameters.getSensorType(nChn); return true; } public double [][] getDecimatedStack( ImagePlus imp, int [] wh, // will return width, height. If wh[0]!=0, will adjust to it int src_step, // margins == src_step/2 int decimate, // 1 - no decimation int out_kernel_widh, double mingood){ // minimal value to ne considered non-empty kernel int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); ImageStack stack=imp.getStack(); float [][] pixels=new float[stack.getSize()][]; // now - 8 (x,y,u,v,contrast, vignR,vignG,vignB for (int i=0;i<pixels.length;i++) pixels[i]= (float[]) stack.getPixels(i+1); // pixel X : negative - no grid here int khor = width / src_step; // number of available kernels in a row int kvert = height / src_step; // number of available kernels in a column int thor = khor / decimate; int tvert = kvert / decimate; // int margin_left = (src_step + (thor % decimate)) / 2; // with decimation will be increased to make more center-symmetrical // int margin_top = (src_step +(tvert % decimate)) / 2; // int margin_left = src_step/2 + src_step*((thor % decimate) / 2); // with decimation will be increased to make more center-symmetrical // int margin_top = src_step/2 + src_step*((tvert % decimate) / 2); if ((wh[0] > 0) && (wh[1]>0)) { thor = wh[0] / out_kernel_widh; tvert = wh[1] / out_kernel_widh; } int margin_left = src_step/2 + src_step * ((khor - ((thor-1) * decimate + 1))/2); int margin_top = src_step/2 + src_step * ((kvert - ((tvert -1) * decimate + 1))/2); wh[0] = thor * out_kernel_widh; wh[1] = tvert * out_kernel_widh; double [][] rslt = new double [pixels.length][wh[0]*wh[1]]; // for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { // Arrays.fill(rslt[i], Double.NaN); // } boolean nonzero = mingood <= 0; // 0 - do not check for (int slice=0; slice < pixels.length; slice++) { for (int tileY=0; tileY < tvert; tileY ++) { int sbase = width* (margin_top + tileY*src_step*decimate - out_kernel_widh / 2); int dbase = wh[0]* (tileY*out_kernel_widh); for (int tileX=0; tileX < thor; tileX ++) { int sindex = sbase + (margin_left + tileX*src_step*decimate - out_kernel_widh / 2); int dindex = dbase + (tileX * out_kernel_widh); for (int i = 0; i < out_kernel_widh; i++) { if (!nonzero) { for (int j = 0; j < out_kernel_widh; j++) { double d = pixels[slice][sindex++]; rslt[slice][dindex++] = d; nonzero |= (d > mingood); } } else { // no need to check, faster for (int j = 0; j < out_kernel_widh; j++) { rslt[slice][dindex++] = pixels[slice][sindex++]; } } sindex+=(width-out_kernel_widh); dindex+=(wh[0]-out_kernel_widh); } } } } return nonzero ? rslt : null; } public ImagePlus normalizeColorizeLWIRKernels( String title, double [] dpixels, int width, double mn, double mx, int palette) { double [][] pseudo_pixels = new double [4] [dpixels.length]; ThermalColor tc = new ThermalColor( illustrationParameters.getPalette(), // public int lwir_palette = 0; // 0 - white - hot, 1 - black - hot, 2+ - colored mn, mx, 255.0); for (int i = 0; i < dpixels.length; i++) { double [] rgb = tc.getRGB((double) dpixels[i]); pseudo_pixels[0][i] = rgb[0]; // red pseudo_pixels[1][i] = rgb[1]; // green pseudo_pixels[2][i] = rgb[2]; // blue pseudo_pixels[3][i] = 1.0; // alpha } String [] rgb_titles = {"red","green","blue","alpha"}; ImageStack stack = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeStack( pseudo_pixels, width, dpixels.length/width, rgb_titles, true); // replace NaN with 0.0 ImagePlus imp = EyesisCorrections.convertRGBAFloatToRGBA32( stack, // ImageStack stackFloat, //r,g,b,a // name+"ARGB"+suffix, // String title, title, // String title, 0.0, // double r_min, 255.0, // double r_max, 0.0, // double g_min, 255.0, // double g_max, 0.0, // double b_min, 255.0, // double b_max, 0.0, // double alpha_min, 1.0); // double alpha_max) return imp; } public ImagePlus normalizeColorizeEOKernels( String title, double [][] dpixels, // slices: R,B,G int width, double mnR, double mxR, double mnG, double mxG, double mnB, double mxB) { double [][] pseudo_pixels = new double [4] [dpixels[0].length]; double kR = 255.0/(mxR-mnR); double kG = 255.0/(mxG-mnG); double kB = 255.0/(mxB-mnB); for (int i = 0; i < dpixels[0].length; i++) { pseudo_pixels[0][i] = kR * (dpixels[0][i] - mnR); // red pseudo_pixels[1][i] = kG * (dpixels[2][i] - mnG); // green pseudo_pixels[2][i] = kB * (dpixels[1][i] - mnB); // blue pseudo_pixels[3][i] = 1.0; // alpha } String [] rgb_titles = {"red","green","blue","alpha"}; ImageStack stack = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeStack( pseudo_pixels, width, dpixels[0].length/width, rgb_titles, true); // replace NaN with 0.0 ImagePlus imp = EyesisCorrections.convertRGBAFloatToRGBA32( stack, // ImageStack stackFloat, //r,g,b,a // name+"ARGB"+suffix, // String title, title, // String title, 0.0, // double r_min, 255.0, // double r_max, 0.0, // double g_min, 255.0, // double g_max, 0.0, // double b_min, 255.0, // double b_max, 0.0, // double alpha_min, 1.0); // double alpha_max) return imp; } public boolean addMissingAsLinks() { String footage_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+FOOTAGE_DIR; File f_footage_dir=new File(footage_dir); if (!f_footage_dir.isDirectory()) { String msg="Directory "+footage_dir+" does not exist, aborting"; IJ.showMessage("Warning",msg); System.out.println("Warning: "+msg); return false; } int ref_chn = 0; // assume // 1627878701_134650_14-footage.png // 1627878701_134650_16-footage.jpeg // String chn_foot_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); //file:///home/eyesis/lwir16-proc/captures/floras_lake/footage-illustrations/footage/chn_00/1627878701_134650_0-footage.png String ref_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", ref_chn); File f_ref_dir=new File(ref_dir); File[] ref_files=f_ref_dir.listFiles(); // all files // String[] ref_ts = new String [ref_files.length]; ArrayList<String> ref_ts_list = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < ref_files.length; i++) { String p = ref_files[i].getPath(); int [] start_end = getStartEndTS(p); if (start_end != null) { ref_ts_list.add(p.substring(start_end[0],start_end[1])); } } Collections.sort(ref_ts_list); String [] ref_ts = ref_ts_list.toArray(new String[0]); boolean [] selectedChannels = illustrationParameters.getSelectedChannels(); for (int nChn = 0; nChn < selectedChannels.length; nChn++) if (selectedChannels[nChn] && (lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap()[nChn]==LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_EO)) { String eo_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); File f_eo_dir=new File(eo_dir); File[] eo_files=f_eo_dir.listFiles(); // all files String [] eo_paths = new String [eo_files.length]; for (int i = 0; i < eo_files.length; i++) { eo_paths[i] = eo_files[i].getPath(); } Arrays.sort(eo_paths); // assuming single directory String last_path = eo_paths[0]; int chn_indx = 0; for (int ref_indx = 0; ref_indx < ref_ts.length; ref_indx++) { int [] start_end = null; String chn_ts = ""; //eo_paths[chn_indx]; if (chn_indx < eo_paths.length) { start_end = getStartEndTS(eo_paths[chn_indx]); } if (start_end != null) { chn_ts =eo_paths[chn_indx].substring(start_end[0],start_end[1]); } if (ref_ts[ref_indx].equals(chn_ts)) { if (! Files.isSymbolicLink(Paths.get(eo_paths[chn_indx]))) { last_path = eo_paths[chn_indx]; } chn_indx++; } else { start_end = getStartEndTS(last_path); String linked_path = last_path.substring(0,start_end[0])+ref_ts[ref_indx]+last_path.substring(start_end[1]); Path newLink = Paths.get(linked_path); Path target = Paths.get(last_path); try { Files.createSymbolicLink(newLink, target); } catch (IOException x) { System.out.println(x); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException x) { // Some file systems do not support symbolic links. System.err.println(x); } } } } return true; } public static int [] getStartEndTS(String p) { int istart = p.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()); if (istart < 0) { istart = 0; } else { istart++; } int iend = p.indexOf('_', istart); if (iend > 0) { iend = p.indexOf('_', iend+1); // second "_" if (iend > 0) { return new int[] {istart,iend}; } } return null; } public boolean convertCapturedLwirFiles() { long startTime=System.nanoTime(); // restart timer after possible interactive dialogs final boolean [] selectedChannels = illustrationParameters.getSelectedChannels(); boolean has_lwir = false; for (int iChn = 0; iChn < selectedChannels.length; iChn++) { if (selectedChannels[iChn] && (lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap()[iChn]==LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR)) { has_lwir = true; break; } } if (!has_lwir) { System.out.println("No LWIR channels to process"); return false; } final CapturedScene [] captured_scenes = listCapturedScenes( eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.capturedDirectory, // String captured_path, illustrationParameters.getMin_ts(),// double min_ts, illustrationParameters.getMax_ts(),// double max_ts, illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all_lwir(), illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all_eo(), illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all()); // optionally perform balancing double [][] windows = null; if (illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain) { CapturedScene [] balancing_scenes = captured_scenes; if ( (illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_ts < illustrationParameters.getMin_ts()) || ((illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_ts + illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_dur) > illustrationParameters.getMax_ts())) { balancing_scenes = listCapturedScenes( eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.capturedDirectory, // String captured_path, illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_ts,// double min_ts, illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_ts + illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_dur,// double max_ts, illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all_lwir(), illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all_eo(), illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all()); } // read once scene to find width/height ImagePlus[] imps = getImagesMultithreaded( balancing_scenes[0].getImages(), // final String [] image_paths, (1 << LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR), // final int types_mask, // +1 - TYPE_EO, +2 - TYPE_LWIR null); // final double [][] pixels) // if not null - will fill windows = getWindows (imps,illustrationParameters.auto_range_wnd_type); double [][] offs_gains = balanceOffsGains( balancing_scenes, // CapturedScene [] scenes, windows, // double [][] window, illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_ts,// double min_ts, illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_ts + illustrationParameters.calib_offs_gain_dur,// double max_ts, illustrationParameters.min_sigma, // double min_sigma, // do not use images with small sigma (noise will be a dominant factor illustrationParameters.noise_sigma); // noise_sigma); // estimate of sigma in noise-only images (OK to use 0) illustrationParameters.setLWIROffsetGains(offs_gains); // will not overwrite unused channels // return false; // temporarily } double [][] offs_gains = illustrationParameters.getLWIROffsetGains(); // create directories before threads for (int nChn = 0; nChn < selectedChannels.length; nChn++) if (selectedChannels[nChn] && (lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap()[nChn]==LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR)) { // for (int nChn = 0; nChn < selectedChannels.length; nChn++) if (selectedChannels[nChn]) { String footage_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+FOOTAGE_DIR; String chn_foot_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_foot_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_foot_dir); continue; } } } final double [][] dpixels = new double [selectedChannels.length][]; double [][] min_max = new double [selectedChannels.length][]; double percentile_min = illustrationParameters.percentile_min; double percentile_max = illustrationParameters.percentile_max; double max_range = illustrationParameters.max_range; double hot_importance = illustrationParameters.hot_importance; boolean auto_range = illustrationParameters.auto_range; boolean auto_lim_range = illustrationParameters.auto_lim_range; double autorange_offs_up = illustrationParameters.autorange_offs_up; // 0.2; // shift range up (fraction of new value) double autorange_offs_down = illustrationParameters.autorange_offs_down; // 0.05; // shift range down (fraction of new value) double autorange_range_up = illustrationParameters.autorange_range_up; // 0.1; // increase range (fraction of new value) double autorange_range_down = illustrationParameters.autorange_range_down; // 0.02; // decrease range (fraction of new value) final int captures_palette = illustrationParameters.captures_palette; double prev_lim_high = 0; double prev_lim_range = 0; for (int iScene = 0; iScene < captured_scenes.length; iScene++) { final int nScene = iScene; final ImagePlus[] imps = getImagesMultithreaded( captured_scenes[nScene].getImages(), // final String [] image_paths, (1 << LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR), // final int types_mask, // +1 - TYPE_EO, +2 - TYPE_LWIR dpixels); // final double [][] pixels) // if not null - will fill // TODO: Make sure all images are read in, continue if any failed !!!\ boolean has_bad_images = false; int sensor_types[] = lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap(); // eo - 0, lwir - 1 for (int nChn = 0; nChn < captured_scenes[nScene].getImages().length; nChn++) { if ((captured_scenes[nScene].getImages()[nChn] != null) && ((sensor_types[nChn] & (1 << LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR)) != 0) && (imps[nChn] == null)) { has_bad_images = true; System.out.println("***** Failed to read image "+captured_scenes[nScene].getImages()[nChn]+", will skip this scene *****"); } } if (has_bad_images) { continue; } // double lim_low = illustrationParameters.lwir_ranges[nChn][0]; // double lim_high = illustrationParameters.lwir_ranges[nChn][1]; final double [][] lim_low_high = new double [illustrationParameters.lwir_ranges.length][2]; for (int i = 0; i < lim_low_high.length; i++) { lim_low_high[i][0] = illustrationParameters.lwir_ranges[i][0]; // per channel min/max limits lim_low_high[i][1] = illustrationParameters.lwir_ranges[i][1]; } if (auto_range) { if (windows == null) { windows = getWindows (imps,illustrationParameters.auto_range_wnd_type); } double [][] histograms = getMultiHistograms( // calculate min, max and normalized histogram (assuming input data are actually integer dpixels, // final double [][] dpixels, windows, // final double [][] windows, min_max); // final double [][] min_max) // histogram bin [0] corresponds to [(int) min, (int) min +1) // Normalize and combine min_max double mn=Double.NaN, mx= Double.NaN; for (int nChn = 0; nChn < min_max.length; nChn++) if (min_max[nChn] != null) { double scaled_mn = min_max[nChn][0]/offs_gains[nChn][1] - offs_gains[nChn][0]; double scaled_mx = min_max[nChn][1]/offs_gains[nChn][1] - offs_gains[nChn][0]; if (!(mn <= scaled_mn)) mn = scaled_mn; if (!(mx >= scaled_mx)) mx = scaled_mx; } // now got common min and max int ioffs = (int) mn - 1; // extra 1 to avoid checking limits int hist_len = (int) Math.ceil(mx) - ioffs +1; //range is +2 to avoid checkin limits double [] histogram = new double[hist_len]; for (int nChn = 0; nChn < min_max.length; nChn++) if (min_max[nChn] != null) { double scale = 1.0/offs_gains[nChn][1]; // double offs_add = -offs_gains[nChn][0] - ioffs + 1; // to get common bin > double offs_add = (((int) min_max[nChn][0])*scale - offs_gains[nChn][0] - (ioffs+1)); for (int i = 0; i < histograms[nChn].length; i++) { int b = (int) (offs_add + i* scale); histogram[b]+=histograms[nChn][i]; } } double sum_hist = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) { sum_hist += histogram[i]; } // normalize, sum(hist) == 1.0; double k = 1.0/sum_hist; for (int b = 0; b < histogram.length; b++) { histogram[b] *= k; } // Find desired limits (or low and range) double lim_low = ioffs; // first bin double lim_high = ioffs + histogram.length -1; // last bin if ((percentile_min + percentile_max) >= 1.0) { percentile_min /= (percentile_min + percentile_max); percentile_max = 1.0 - percentile_min; } if (percentile_min > 0) { double pix_low = percentile_min; // * ipixels.length * double cumul = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) { cumul += histogram[i]; if (cumul > pix_low) { break; } } if (i >=histogram.length) { // should never happen lim_low = ioffs + histogram.length -1; } else { double lo = cumul - histogram[i]; double kk = (pix_low - lo) / histogram[i]; lim_low = ioffs + i - 0.5 + kk; } } if (percentile_max > 0) { double pix_hi = percentile_max; // * ipixels.length double cumul = 0.0; int i; for (i = histogram.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cumul += histogram[i]; if (cumul > pix_hi) { break; } } if (i < 0) { // should never happen lim_high = ioffs; } else { double lo = cumul - histogram[i]; double kk = (pix_hi - lo) / histogram[i]; lim_high = ioffs + i + 0.5 - kk; } } if (auto_lim_range && ((lim_high - lim_low) > max_range)) { double [] weighted_cumul = new double [histogram.length]; double wc = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < histogram.length; i++) { double w = i + (1.0 - hot_importance) * lim_low; wc+= w * histogram[i]; weighted_cumul[i] = wc; } int irange = (int) max_range; int ibest = 0; double best = weighted_cumul[irange]; for (int i = 1; i < (histogram.length - irange); i++) { double w = weighted_cumul[irange + i] - weighted_cumul[i]; if (w > best) { best = w; ibest = i; } } lim_low = ioffs + ibest; lim_high = lim_low + irange; } double lim_range = lim_high - lim_low; if (nScene > 0) { // lpf if (lim_high > prev_lim_high) { lim_high = lim_high * autorange_offs_up + prev_lim_high * (1.0 - autorange_offs_up); } else { lim_high = lim_high * autorange_offs_down + prev_lim_high * (1.0 - autorange_offs_down); } if (lim_range > prev_lim_range) { lim_range = lim_range * autorange_range_up + prev_lim_range * (1.0 - autorange_range_up); } else { lim_range = lim_range * autorange_range_down + prev_lim_range * (1.0 - autorange_range_down); } lim_low = lim_high - lim_range; } prev_lim_high = lim_high; prev_lim_range = lim_range; // Now apply shifts/scales to find individual limits for (int nChn = 0; nChn < lim_low_high.length; nChn++) { lim_low_high[nChn][0] = (lim_low + offs_gains[nChn][0]) * offs_gains[nChn][1]; lim_low_high[nChn][1] = (lim_high + offs_gains[nChn][0]) * offs_gains[nChn][1]; } System.out.println(String.format("---- Scene: %s, lim_low=%8.2f, lim_high=%8.2f, lim_range=%8.2f", captured_scenes[nScene].getName(),lim_low,lim_high,lim_range)); } // if (auto_range) final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); // final ImagePlus[] imp_array = new ImagePlus[image_paths.length]; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nChn < imps.length; nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) if (imps[nChn] != null) { // imp_array[nChn] = null; // important to set for unused sensor types // dpixels int width = imps[nChn].getWidth(); int height = imps[nChn].getHeight(); String title = imps[nChn].getTitle(); if (title.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } if (title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()) > 0) { title = title.substring(title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())+1); } String title_footage = title+"-footage"; ImageStack stack = null; double [][] pseudo_pixels; // int line_width = 1; // illustrationParameters.getLineWidthLwir();; pseudo_pixels = new double [4] [dpixels[nChn].length]; ThermalColor tc = new ThermalColor( captures_palette, // public int lwir_palette = 0; // 0 - white - hot, 1 - black - hot, 2+ - colored lim_low_high[nChn][0], lim_low_high[nChn][1], 255.0); for (int i = 0; i < dpixels[nChn].length; i++) { double [] rgb = tc.getRGB(dpixels[nChn][i]); pseudo_pixels[0][i] = rgb[0]; // red pseudo_pixels[1][i] = rgb[1]; // green pseudo_pixels[2][i] = rgb[2]; // blue pseudo_pixels[3][i] = 1.0; // alpha } String [] rgb_titles = {"red","green","blue","alpha"}; stack = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeStack( pseudo_pixels, // iclt_data, width, // (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, height, // (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, rgb_titles, // or use null to get chn-nn slice names true); // replace NaN with 0.0 ImagePlus imp_out = EyesisCorrections.convertRGBAFloatToRGBA32( stack, // ImageStack stackFloat, //r,g,b,a // name+"ARGB"+suffix, // String title, title_footage, // String title, 0.0, // double r_min, 255.0, // double r_max, 0.0, // double g_min, 255.0, // double g_max, 0.0, // double b_min, 255.0, // double b_max, 0.0, // double alpha_min, 1.0); // double alpha_max) if (imp_out == null) { continue; } if (illustrationParameters.captures_annotate) { String scene_title = captured_scenes[nScene].getName(); if (scene_title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()) > 0) { scene_title = scene_title.substring(scene_title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())+1); } ImageProcessor ip = imp_out.getProcessor(); int posX= width - 119; // 521; int posY= height + 1; // 513; // int posX=521; // int posY=513; Font font = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12); ip.setColor(illustrationParameters.color_annotate); // Color.BLUE); ip.setFont(font); ip.drawString(scene_title, posX, posY,Color.BLACK); } String footage_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+FOOTAGE_DIR; String chn_foot_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_foot_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_foot_dir); continue; } } EyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_out, chn_foot_dir, illustrationParameters.usePNG(), false, // show illustrationParameters.JPEG_quality, // <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG ((nChn==0)?1:0)); // print only for channel 0 } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); } // for (int nScene = 0; nScene < captured_scenes.length; nScene++) { /* final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int iChn = 0; iChn < selectedChannels.length; iChn++) if (selectedChannels[iChn] && (lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap()[iChn]==LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR)) { final int nChn=iChn; indxAtomic.set(0); // Create directory before threads String footage_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+FOOTAGE_DIR; String chn_foot_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_foot_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_foot_dir); continue; } } for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff = new ImagejJp4Tiff(); for (int nScene = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nScene < captured_scenes.length; nScene = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { ImagePlus imp_out = convertCapturedLWIR( imagejJp4Tiff, // ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff,, captured_scenes[nScene].images[nChn], // String src_path, illustrationParameters.lwir_ranges[nChn][0], // double abs_min, illustrationParameters.lwir_ranges[nChn][1], // double abs_max, illustrationParameters.percentile_min, // double percentile_min, illustrationParameters.percentile_max, // double percentile_max, illustrationParameters.max_range, // double max_range, illustrationParameters.hot_importance, // double hot_importance, illustrationParameters.auto_range, // boolean auto_range, illustrationParameters.auto_lim_range, // boolean auto_lim_range, illustrationParameters.captures_annotate, // boolean captures_annotate, illustrationParameters.color_annotate, // Color color_annotate, illustrationParameters.captures_palette); // int captures_palette) if (imp_out == null) { continue; } if (illustrationParameters.captures_annotate) { String scene_title = captured_scenes[nScene].name; if (scene_title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()) > 0) { scene_title = scene_title.substring(scene_title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())+1); } ImageProcessor ip = imp_out.getProcessor(); // int posX=521; // int posY=513; int width = imp_out.getWidth(); int height = imp_out.getHeight(); int posX= width - 119; // 521; int posY= height + 1; // 513; Font font = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12); ip.setColor(illustrationParameters.color_annotate); // Color.BLUE); ip.setFont(font); ip.drawString(scene_title, posX, posY,Color.BLACK); } String footage_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+FOOTAGE_DIR; String chn_foot_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_foot_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_foot_dir); continue; } } EyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_out, chn_foot_dir, illustrationParameters.usePNG(), false, // show illustrationParameters.JPEG_quality, // <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG 0); // debug_level); } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); } */ System.out.println("All done in "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)+" sec."); return true; } public boolean convertCapturedEoFiles() { long startTime=System.nanoTime(); // restart timer after possible interactive dialogs final boolean [] selectedChannels = illustrationParameters.getSelectedChannels(); boolean has_eo = false; for (int iChn = 0; iChn < selectedChannels.length; iChn++) { if (selectedChannels[iChn] && (lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap()[iChn]==LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_EO)) { has_eo = true; break; } } if (!has_eo) { System.out.println("No EO channels to process"); return false; } final CapturedScene [] captured_scenes = listCapturedScenes( // will return only scenes that have all 4 EO channels eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.capturedDirectory, // String captured_path, illustrationParameters.getMin_ts(),// double min_ts, illustrationParameters.getMax_ts(),// double max_ts, illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all_lwir(), illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all_eo(), illustrationParameters.isCaptures_all()); // true); // illustrationParameters.captures_all_lwir); // illustrationParameters.captures_all); final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); final int eo0 = illustrationParameters.getLwirReaderParameters().getEoChn0(); for (int iChn = 0; iChn < selectedChannels.length; iChn++) if (selectedChannels[iChn] && (lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap()[iChn]==LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_EO)) { final int nChn=iChn; indxAtomic.set(0); // Create directory before threads String footage_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+FOOTAGE_DIR; String chn_foot_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_foot_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_foot_dir); continue; } } for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff = new ImagejJp4Tiff(); for (int nScene = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nScene < captured_scenes.length; nScene = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { ImagePlus imp_out = convertCapturedEO( imagejJp4Tiff, // ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff, captured_scenes[nScene].getImages()[nChn], // String src_path, nChn - eo0, // int eo_chn, illustrationParameters.eo_rb2g_hi, // double [][] eo_rb2g_hi, illustrationParameters.getSaturation(), // double saturation, illustrationParameters.getGamma(), // double gamma, illustrationParameters.getMinLin()); // double minlin_gamma, // do not apply gamma to lower values if (imp_out == null) { continue; } if (illustrationParameters.captures_annotate) { String scene_title = captured_scenes[nScene].getName(); if (scene_title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()) > 0) { scene_title = scene_title.substring(scene_title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())+1); } ImageProcessor ip = imp_out.getProcessor(); int width = imp_out.getWidth(); int height = imp_out.getHeight(); int posX= width - 119; // 521; int posY= height + 1; // 513; Font font = new Font("Monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12); ip.setColor(illustrationParameters.color_annotate); // Color.BLUE); ip.setFont(font); ip.drawString(scene_title, posX, posY,Color.BLACK); } String footage_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+FOOTAGE_DIR; String chn_foot_dir = footage_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_foot_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_foot_dir); continue; } } EyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_out, chn_foot_dir, illustrationParameters.usePNG_EO(), false, // show illustrationParameters.JPEG_quality, // <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG 0); // debug_level); } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); } System.out.println("All done in "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)+" sec."); return true; } ImagePlus convertCapturedLWIR( // not used ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff, String src_path, double abs_min, double abs_max, double percentile_min, double percentile_max, double max_range, double hot_importance, boolean auto_range, boolean auto_lim_range, boolean captures_annotate, Color color_annotate, int captures_palette) { // read source image ImagePlus imp_src = null; try { imp_src= imagejJp4Tiff.readTiffJp4(src_path); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("convertCapturedLWIR IOException " + src_path); } catch (FormatException e) { System.out.println("convertCapturedLWIR FormatException " + src_path); } if (imp_src == null) { return null; } int width = imp_src.getWidth(); int height = imp_src.getHeight(); String title = imp_src.getTitle(); if (title.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } if (title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()) > 0) { title = title.substring(title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())+1); } String title_footage = title+"-footage"; double lim_low = abs_min; double lim_high = abs_max; float [] fpixels = (float[]) imp_src.getProcessor().getPixels(); if (auto_range) { // got float processor, but actual values arde int16 int imin = 0xffff; int imax = 0; int [] ipixels = new int [fpixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < ipixels.length; i++) { int d = (int) fpixels[i]; if (d < imin) imin=d; else if (d > imax) imax=d; ipixels[i] = d; } int [] hist = new int [imax -imin +1]; Arrays.fill(hist, 0); for (int i = 0; i < ipixels.length; i++) { hist[ipixels[i]-imin]++; } lim_low = imin; lim_high = imax; if ((percentile_min + percentile_max) >= 1.0) { percentile_min /= (percentile_min + percentile_max); percentile_max = 1.0 - percentile_min; } if (percentile_min > 0) { double pix_low = ipixels.length * percentile_min; double cumul = 0.0; int i; for (i = 0; i < hist.length; i++) { cumul += hist[i]; if (cumul > pix_low) { break; } } if (i >=hist.length) { // should never happen lim_low = imax; } else { double lo = cumul - hist[i]; double k = (pix_low - lo) / hist[i]; lim_low = imin + i - 0.5 + k; } } if (percentile_max > 0) { double pix_hi = ipixels.length * percentile_max; double cumul = 0.0; int i; for (i = hist.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cumul += hist[i]; if (cumul > pix_hi) { break; } } if (i < 0) { // should never happen lim_high = imin; } else { double lo = cumul - hist[i]; double k = (pix_hi - lo) / hist[i]; lim_high = imin + i + 0.5 - k; } } if (auto_lim_range && ((lim_high - lim_low) > max_range)) { double [] weighted_cumul = new double [hist.length]; double wc = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < hist.length; i++) { double w = i + (1.0 - hot_importance) * lim_low; wc+= w * hist[i]; weighted_cumul[i] = wc; } int irange = (int) max_range; int ibest = 0; double best = weighted_cumul[irange]; for (int i = 1; i < (hist.length - irange); i++) { double w = weighted_cumul[irange + i] - weighted_cumul[i]; if (w > best) { best = w; ibest = i; } } lim_low = imin + ibest; lim_high = lim_low + irange; } } ImageStack stack = null; double [][] pseudo_pixels; // int line_width = 1; // illustrationParameters.getLineWidthLwir();; pseudo_pixels = new double [4] [fpixels.length]; ThermalColor tc = new ThermalColor( captures_palette, // public int lwir_palette = 0; // 0 - white - hot, 1 - black - hot, 2+ - colored lim_low, lim_high, 255.0); for (int i = 0; i < fpixels.length; i++) { double [] rgb = tc.getRGB((double) fpixels[i]); pseudo_pixels[0][i] = rgb[0]; // red pseudo_pixels[1][i] = rgb[1]; // green pseudo_pixels[2][i] = rgb[2]; // blue pseudo_pixels[3][i] = 1.0; // alpha } String [] rgb_titles = {"red","green","blue","alpha"}; stack = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeStack( pseudo_pixels, // iclt_data, width, // (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, height, // (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, rgb_titles, // or use null to get chn-nn slice names true); // replace NaN with 0.0 ImagePlus imp_footage = EyesisCorrections.convertRGBAFloatToRGBA32( stack, // ImageStack stackFloat, //r,g,b,a // name+"ARGB"+suffix, // String title, title_footage, // String title, 0.0, // double r_min, 255.0, // double r_max, 0.0, // double g_min, 255.0, // double g_max, 0.0, // double b_min, 255.0, // double b_max, 0.0, // double alpha_min, 1.0); // double alpha_max) return imp_footage; } ImagePlus convertCapturedEO( ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff, String src_path, int eo_chn, double [][] eo_rb2g_hi, double saturation, double gamma, double minlin_gamma) { // do not apply gamma to lower values // boolean captures_annotate, // Color color_annotate) { // read source image ImagePlus imp_src = null; try { imp_src= imagejJp4Tiff.readTiffJp4(src_path); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("convertCapturedEO IOException " + src_path); } catch (FormatException e) { System.out.println("convertCapturedEO FormatException " + src_path); } if (imp_src == null) { return null; } int width = imp_src.getWidth(); int height = imp_src.getHeight(); String title = imp_src.getTitle(); if (title.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } if (title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()) > 0) { title = title.substring(title.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())+1); } String title_footage = title+"-footage"; ImageStack stack = null; double [][] pseudo_pixels; // int line_width = 1; // illustrationParameters.getLineWidthLwir(); double [][] drgb = MatchSimulatedPattern.simpleDemosaic( imp_src, eo_rb2g_hi[eo_chn][0], // r2g, eo_rb2g_hi[eo_chn][1], // b2g, saturation, // saturation, gamma, // gamma, minlin_gamma, //minlin_gamma, // do not apply gamma to lower values eo_rb2g_hi[eo_chn][2]); // ,rgb_hi); // map to 255, gamma will preserve pseudo_pixels = new double [4][]; for (int i = 0; i < drgb.length; i++) { pseudo_pixels[i] = drgb[i]; } pseudo_pixels[3] = new double [pseudo_pixels[0].length]; Arrays.fill(pseudo_pixels[3], 1.0); String [] rgb_titles = {"red","green","blue","alpha"}; stack = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeStack( pseudo_pixels, // iclt_data, width, // (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, height, // (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, rgb_titles, // or use null to get chn-nn slice names true); // replace NaN with 0.0 ImagePlus imp_footage = EyesisCorrections.convertRGBAFloatToRGBA32( stack, // ImageStack stackFloat, //r,g,b,a // name+"ARGB"+suffix, // String title, title_footage, // String title, 0.0, // double r_min, 255.0, // double r_max, 0.0, // double g_min, 255.0, // double g_max, 0.0, // double b_min, 255.0, // double b_max, 0.0, // double alpha_min, 1.0); // double alpha_max) return imp_footage; } public class CapturedScene{ private String name; private String[] images; // indexed by channel int [] src_dir_index; double ts; CapturedScene (String name, String [] images, double ts){ this.setName(name); this.setImages(images); this.ts = ts; this.src_dir_index = new int [this.getImages().length]; Arrays.fill(this.src_dir_index, -1); } public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public String[] getImages() { return images; } public void setImages(String[] images) { this.images = images; } } public CapturedScene [] listCapturedScenes( String captured_path, double min_ts, double max_ts, boolean captures_all_lwir, boolean captures_all_eo, boolean captures_all) { return listCapturedScenes( captured_path, // String result_path, (new String[] {captured_path}), // String captured_paths, // if both (seq_len <= 0) && (seq_gap <= 0) will create a single-level directories 0, // int seq_len, // sequence fixed length (or 0) 0.0, // double seq_gap, // start a new sequence after gap longer than min_ts, // double min_ts, max_ts, // double max_ts, captures_all_lwir, // boolean captures_all_lwir, captures_all_eo, // boolean captures_all_eo, captures_all); // boolean captures_all) } public CapturedScene [] listCapturedScenes( String result_path, String [] captured_paths, // if both (seq_len <= 0) && (seq_gap <= 0) will create a single-level directories int seq_len, // sequence fixed length (or 0) double seq_gap, // start a new sequence after gap longer than double min_ts, double max_ts, boolean captures_all_lwir, boolean captures_all_eo, boolean captures_all) { boolean two_level_dirs = (seq_len > 0) || (seq_gap > 0.0); int sensor_types[] = lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap(); // eo - 0, lwir - 1 int num_sensors[] = {0,0}; int num_all_sensors = 0; for (int st:sensor_types) { num_sensors[st]++; num_all_sensors++; } if (!result_path.endsWith(Prefs.getFileSeparator())) { result_path += Prefs.getFileSeparator(); } String [][] scenePaths = new String[captured_paths.length][]; for (int si = 0; si < captured_paths.length;si++) if ((captured_paths[si] != null) && (captured_paths[si].trim().length() > 0)){ File dFile=new File(captured_paths[si].trim()); File[] scenesFiles=dFile.listFiles(); // all files scenePaths[si] = new String [scenesFiles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < scenesFiles.length; i++) { scenePaths[si][i] = scenesFiles[i].getPath(); } Arrays.sort(scenePaths[si]); // Filter by number of files } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") ArrayList<CapturedScene> [] partial_lists = new ArrayList[scenePaths.length]; // for (File sceneDir: scenesFiles) { for (int si = 0; si < scenePaths.length;si++) { partial_lists[si] = new ArrayList<CapturedScene>(); if (scenePaths[si] != null) { for (String scenePath: scenePaths[si]) { int basename_start = scenePath.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator()); if (basename_start >= 0) { basename_start++; } else { basename_start = 0; } // double ts = Double.parseDouble(sceneDir.getPath().replace('_','.')); String sts = scenePath.substring(basename_start); double ts = Double.parseDouble(sts.replace('_','.')); if (ts < min_ts) { continue; } if (ts > max_ts) { continue; } File sceneDir = new File(scenePath); File [] sFiles = sceneDir.listFiles(); String [] images = new String [num_all_sensors]; for (File ifile: sFiles) { int chn = DistortionCalibrationData.getChannelFromPath(ifile.getPath()); images[chn] = ifile.getPath(); } partial_lists[si].add(new CapturedScene(sts, images, ts)); } } } // combine partial lists int [] lists_indices = new int [partial_lists.length]; ArrayList<CapturedScene> filteredScenesList = new ArrayList<CapturedScene>(); int last_seq_size = 0; double last_ts = 0.0; String seq_name = ""; while (true) { boolean some_left = false; for (int si = 0; si < scenePaths.length;si++) { if (lists_indices[si] < partial_lists[si].size()) { some_left = true; break; } } if (!some_left) { break; } double early_ts = Double.NaN; int first_earliet_ts = -1; for (int si = 0; si < scenePaths.length;si++) if (lists_indices[si] < partial_lists[si].size()){ if (!(partial_lists[si].get(lists_indices[si]).ts >= early_ts)) { early_ts = partial_lists[si].get(lists_indices[si]).ts; // first earliest timestamp of remaining lists first_earliet_ts=si; } } CapturedScene cs = partial_lists[first_earliet_ts].get(lists_indices[first_earliet_ts]); lists_indices[first_earliet_ts]++; // combine with all remaining partial list of the same timestamp; int ns[] = {0,0}; int nsa = 0; for (int chn = 0; chn < cs.getImages().length; chn++) if (cs.getImages()[chn] != null) { cs.src_dir_index[chn] = first_earliet_ts; ns[sensor_types[chn]]++; nsa++; } for (int si = first_earliet_ts +1; si < scenePaths.length; si++) if (lists_indices[si] < partial_lists[si].size()){ CapturedScene cs1 = partial_lists[si].get(lists_indices[si]); if (cs1.ts == early_ts) { lists_indices[si]++; for (int chn = 0; chn < cs1.getImages().length; chn++) if ((cs.getImages()[chn] == null) && (cs1.getImages()[chn] != null)) { cs.getImages()[chn] = cs1.getImages()[chn]; cs.src_dir_index[chn] = si; ns[sensor_types[chn]]++; nsa++; } } } if (captures_all && (nsa < num_all_sensors)) { continue; } if (captures_all_lwir && // (ns[LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR] > 0 ) && (ns[LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR] < num_sensors[LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR])) { continue; } if (captures_all_eo && ((ns[LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_EO] > 0 ) || captures_all) && // captures_all - zero is not an option (ns[LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_EO] < num_sensors[LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_EO])) { continue; } if (two_level_dirs) { last_seq_size ++; if (filteredScenesList.isEmpty() || ((seq_len > 0) && (last_seq_size >= seq_len)) || ((seq_gap > 0.0) && ((cs.ts - last_ts) >= seq_gap)) ) { seq_name = cs.getName(); } last_ts = cs.ts; cs.setName(result_path + seq_name + Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ cs.getName()); } else { cs.setName(result_path + cs.getName()); } filteredScenesList.add(cs); // modified version } System.out.println("Selected "+(filteredScenesList.size())+" scenes"); return filteredScenesList.toArray(new CapturedScene[0]); } static double [][] getNewMeanSigma( final double [][] pixels, final double [][] wnd, final double noise_sigma) // estimation of sigma with noise only { final double [][] new_mean_sigma = new double [pixels.length][]; final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { for (int nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nChn < new_mean_sigma.length; nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { double [] pix = pixels[nChn]; if (pix != null) { double s0=0.0, sx=0.0, sx2=0.0; for (int i = 0; i < pix.length; i++) { double w = (wnd == null)? 1.0:wnd[nChn][i]; s0+= w; double d = pix[i]; double wx = w * d; sx += wx; sx2+= wx * pix[i]; } new_mean_sigma[nChn] = new double[2]; new_mean_sigma[nChn][0] = sx/s0; // mean double sigma2 = (s0*sx2 - sx*sx) /s0/s0; // - (noise_sigma * noise_sigma); if (noise_sigma > 0.0) { sigma2 -= noise_sigma * noise_sigma; sigma2 = Math.max(sigma2, 0.0); } new_mean_sigma[nChn][1] = Math.sqrt(sigma2); // sigma } } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); return new_mean_sigma; } ImagePlus[] getImagesMultithreaded( final String [] image_paths, final int types_mask, // +1 - TYPE_EO, +2 - TYPE_LWIR final double [][] pixels) // if not null - will fill { int sensor_types[] = lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap(); // eo - 0, lwir - 1 final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); final ImagePlus[] imp_array = new ImagePlus[image_paths.length]; for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff = new ImagejJp4Tiff(); for (int nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nChn < image_paths.length; nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { imp_array[nChn] = null; // important to set for unused sensor types if (((1 << sensor_types[nChn]) & types_mask) != 0) { try { imp_array[nChn]= imagejJp4Tiff.readTiffJp4(image_paths[nChn]); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("getImagesMultithreaded IOException " + image_paths[nChn]); } catch (FormatException e) { System.out.println("getImagesMultithreaded FormatException " + image_paths[nChn]); } if (imp_array[nChn] != null) { if (pixels != null) { float [] fpixels = (float[]) imp_array[nChn].getProcessor().getPixels(); pixels[nChn] = new double[fpixels.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fpixels.length; i++) { pixels[nChn][i] = fpixels[i]; } } } } } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); return imp_array; } double [][] getMultiHistograms( // calculate min, max and normalized histogram (assuming input data are actually integer final double [][] dpixels, final double [][] windows, final double [][] min_max) // histogram bin [0] corresponds to [(int) min, (int) min +1) { final double [][] histograms = new double[dpixels.length][]; final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { ImagejJp4Tiff imagejJp4Tiff = new ImagejJp4Tiff(); for (int nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nChn < dpixels.length; nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { double [] pixels = dpixels[nChn]; if (pixels == null) { histograms[nChn] = null; min_max[nChn] = null; } else { double [] window = windows[nChn]; double mn = pixels[0], mx = pixels[0]; for (int i = 1; i < pixels.length; i++) { if (mn > pixels[i]) mn = pixels[i]; else if (mx < pixels[i]) mx = pixels[i]; } int offs = (int) mn; int hist_len = (int) Math.ceil(mx) - offs + 1; double sum_hist = 0.0; double [] histogram = new double[hist_len]; for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { int b = (int) pixels[i] - offs; double w = window[i]; histogram[b] += w; sum_hist += w; } // noprmailize, sum(hist) == 1.0; double k = 1.0/sum_hist; for (int b = 0; b < histogram.length; b++) { histogram[b] *= k; } histograms[nChn] = histogram; min_max[nChn] = new double[] {mn,mx}; } } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); return histograms; } double [][] balanceOffsGains( CapturedScene [] scenes, double [][] window, double min_ts, // if not overlapping, will need separate listCapturedScenes() run double max_ts, double min_sigma, // do not use images with small sigma (noise will be a dominant factor // so use large thresholds/good contrast images double noise_sigma) { // estimate of sigma in noise-only images (OK to use 0) // double [][] offs_scale;// [chn][0] - offset to subtract to normalize, [chn][1] - scale to divide by to normalize int sensor_types[] = lwirReaderParameters.getTypeMap(); // eo - 0, lwir - 1 double [][] offs_scale = new double [sensor_types.length][2]; int num_imgs[] = new int[sensor_types.length]; double [][] dpixels = new double [sensor_types.length][]; for (CapturedScene scene: scenes) { if ((scene.ts >= min_ts) && (scene.ts <= max_ts)) { ImagePlus [] imps = getImagesMultithreaded( scene.getImages(), // final String [] image_paths, (1 << LwirReaderParameters.TYPE_LWIR), // final int types_mask, // +1 - TYPE_EO, +2 - TYPE_LWIR dpixels); // final double [][] pixels) // if not null - will fill double [][] mean_sigmas = getNewMeanSigma( dpixels, // final double [][] pixels, window, // final double [] wnd); noise_sigma); // final double noise_sigma); for (int i = 0; i < mean_sigmas.length; i++) { if (mean_sigmas[i] != null) { if (mean_sigmas[i][1] >= min_sigma) { num_imgs[i]++; offs_scale[i][0] += mean_sigmas[i][0]; offs_scale[i][1] += mean_sigmas[i][1]; } } } } } double mean_sigma_log = 0.0; int num_avg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_imgs.length; i++) { if (num_imgs[i] > 0) { offs_scale[i][0] /= num_imgs[i]; offs_scale[i][1] /= num_imgs[i]; num_avg++; mean_sigma_log += Math.log(offs_scale[i][1]); } } mean_sigma_log /= num_avg; double mean_offs = 0; double mean_sigma = Math.exp(mean_sigma_log); // replace with logs! for (int i = 0; i < num_imgs.length; i++) { if (num_imgs[i] > 0) { offs_scale[i][1] /= mean_sigma; offs_scale[i][0] /= offs_scale[i][1]; // normalize gain mean_offs += offs_scale[i][0]; } } mean_offs /= num_avg; for (int i = 0; i < num_imgs.length; i++) { if (num_imgs[i] > 0) { offs_scale[i][0] -= mean_offs; } else { offs_scale[i] = null; } } return offs_scale; // first scale, then shift } /* double mean_offs = 0; double mean_sigma_log = 0.0; int num_avg = 0; for (int i = 0; i < num_imgs.length; i++) { if (num_imgs[i] > 0) { offs_scale[i][0] /= num_imgs[i]; offs_scale[i][1] /= num_imgs[i]; num_avg++; mean_offs += offs_scale[i][0]; mean_sigma_log += Math.log(offs_scale[i][1]); } } mean_offs /= num_avg; mean_sigma_log /= num_avg; double mean_sigma = Math.exp(mean_sigma_log); // replace with logs! for (int i = 0; i < num_imgs.length; i++) { if (num_imgs[i] > 0) { offs_scale[i][0] -= mean_offs; offs_scale[i][1] /= mean_sigma; } else { offs_scale[i] = null; } } */ double [][] getWindows (ImagePlus [] imps, int wnd_type) { double [][] windows = new double [imps.length][]; int i0 = -1; int width = 0; int height = 0; for (int i = 0; i < imps.length; i++) { if (imps[i] != null) { width = imps[i].getWidth(); height = imps[i].getWidth(); if ((i0 < 0) || (width*height != windows[i0].length)) { // Does not handle different image sizes - possible if needed i0 = i; windows[i] = getWindow ( width, height, wnd_type); // 3; // 0 - piramid, 1 half-sin, 2-piramid squared, 3 - sin^2 } else { windows[i] = windows[i0]; // by reference } } } return windows; } double [] getWindow (int width, int height, int type) { double [] wnd = new double [width * height]; double sy, sx; double kyl = 2.0/height; double kxl = 2.0/width; boolean lin = (type == 0) || (type == 2); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { if (lin) { sy = kyl * ((y >= height / 2) ? (height - y) : (y+1)); } else { sy = Math.sin(Math.PI * y / height); } for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) { if (lin) { sx = kxl * ((x >= width / 2) ? (width - y) : (y+1)); } else { sx = Math.sin(Math.PI * x / width); } wnd[width*y + x] = sy * sx; } } if ((type == 1) || (type == 3)){ // squared for (int i = 0; i < wnd.length; i++) { wnd[i] *= wnd[i]; } } return wnd; } public boolean convertSourceFiles() { long startTime=System.nanoTime(); // restart timer after possible interactive dialogs // final boolean [] selectedChannels = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.getChannelSelection(distortions); final boolean [] selectedChannels = illustrationParameters.getSelectedChannels(); final DistortionCalibrationData dcd = distortions.fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData; final MultipleExtensionsFileFilter sourceFilter = new MultipleExtensionsFileFilter("",src_extensions,"Source calibration images"); final int lwir0 = illustrationParameters.getLwirReaderParameters().getLwirChn0(); final int eo0 = illustrationParameters.getLwirReaderParameters().getEoChn0(); final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int iChn = 0; iChn < selectedChannels.length; iChn++) if (selectedChannels[iChn]) { final int nChn=iChn; indxAtomic.set(0); // Create directory before threads String illustrations_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory; String chn_ill_dir = illustrations_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_ill_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_ill_dir); continue; } } for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // for (int nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nChn < selectedChannels.length; nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) if (selectedChannels[nChn]) { // iterate through all image set (some grids may be missing) for (int nSet = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nSet < dcd.gIS.length; nSet = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { if (nSet == 679) { System.out.println("Debug Set="+nSet); } int station = dcd.gIS[nSet].getStationNumber(); if (illustrationParameters.useStation(station)) { // some stations only // construct source file name String srcPath = null; int numImg = -1; if (dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet[nChn] != null) { srcPath = dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet[nChn].source_path; numImg = dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet[nChn].getImageNumber(); } else { // find other non-null for (int i = 0; i < dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet.length; i++) { if (dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet[i] != null) { String other_path = dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet[i].source_path; String set_path = other_path.substring(0,other_path.lastIndexOf(Prefs.getFileSeparator())); File set_dir = new File(set_path); String [] sfiles = set_dir.list(sourceFilter); for (String spath:sfiles) { int chn = DistortionCalibrationData.pathToChannel(spath); if (chn == nChn) { srcPath = (new File(set_dir,spath)).getPath(); break; } } break; } } } // open 32-bit image if (srcPath == null) { System.out.println ("Source image for set "+nSet+", channel "+nChn+" does not exist"); continue; } ImagePlus imp = new ImagePlus(srcPath); // convert to 8-bit color? int width = imp.getWidth(); int height = imp.getHeight(); float [] pixels = (float[]) imp.getProcessor().getPixels(); String title = imp.getTitle(); if (title.lastIndexOf(".") > 0) { title = title.substring(0, title.lastIndexOf(".")); } String title_annot = title+"-annot"; if (illustrationParameters.useStationInFilenames()) { title_annot = "station-"+station+"_"+title_annot; } if (numImg >=0) { // check if it is a bad image int num_above = 0; GridImageParameters gip = dcd.gIP[numImg]; double [][] pXY = gip.pixelsXY; for (int i = 0; i < pXY.length; i++ ) { if (pXY[i][CONTRAST_INDEX] > illustrationParameters.getThresholdContrast()) num_above++; } if (num_above < illustrationParameters.getThresholdNumber()) { title_annot += "-BAD"; } } else { title_annot += "-EMPTY"; } int sensor_type = dcd.eyesisCameraParameters.getSensorType(nChn); ImageStack stack = null; double [][] pseudo_pixels; int line_width = 1; if (sensor_type == 1) { pseudo_pixels = new double [4] [pixels.length]; ThermalColor tc = new ThermalColor( illustrationParameters.getPalette(), // public int lwir_palette = 0; // 0 - white - hot, 1 - black - hot, 2+ - colored illustrationParameters.getLwirRange(nChn- lwir0)[0], illustrationParameters.getLwirRange(nChn- lwir0)[1], 255.0); for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { double [] rgb = tc.getRGB((double) pixels[i]); pseudo_pixels[0][i] = rgb[0]; // red pseudo_pixels[1][i] = rgb[1]; // green pseudo_pixels[2][i] = rgb[2]; // blue pseudo_pixels[3][i] = 1.0; // alpha } line_width = illustrationParameters.getLineWidthLwir(); } else { // eo double [][] drgb = MatchSimulatedPattern.simpleDemosaic( imp, illustrationParameters.eo_rb2g_hi[nChn-eo0][0], // r2g, illustrationParameters.eo_rb2g_hi[nChn-eo0][1], // b2g, illustrationParameters.getSaturation(), // saturation, illustrationParameters.getGamma(), // gamma, illustrationParameters.getMinLin(), //minlin_gamma, // do not apply gamma to lower values illustrationParameters.eo_rb2g_hi[nChn-eo0][2]); // ,rgb_hi); // map to 255, gamma will preserve pseudo_pixels = new double [4][]; for (int i = 0; i < drgb.length; i++) { pseudo_pixels[i] = drgb[i]; } pseudo_pixels[3] = new double [pseudo_pixels[0].length]; Arrays.fill(pseudo_pixels[3], 1.0); line_width = illustrationParameters.getLineWidthEo(); } String [] rgb_titles = {"red","green","blue","alpha"}; stack = ShowDoubleFloatArrays.makeStack( pseudo_pixels, // iclt_data, width, // (tilesX + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, height, // (tilesY + 0) * clt_parameters.transform_size, rgb_titles, // or use null to get chn-nn slice names true); // replace NaN with 0.0 ImagePlus imp_annot = EyesisCorrections.convertRGBAFloatToRGBA32( stack, // ImageStack stackFloat, //r,g,b,a // name+"ARGB"+suffix, // String title, title_annot, // String title, 0.0, // double r_min, 255.0, // double r_max, 0.0, // double g_min, 255.0, // double g_max, 0.0, // double b_min, 255.0, // double b_max, 0.0, // double alpha_min, 1.0); // double alpha_max) if (numImg >=0) { if (numImg == 2276) { System.out.println(">>>numImg="+numImg); } plotGrid(numImg, line_width, imp_annot, illustrationParameters.getGridColor(), // new Color(250, 0, 0), // color_grid, illustrationParameters.getGridWeakColor(), // new Color(250, 0, 0), // color_grid, illustrationParameters.getGridExtraColor(), // new Color(200, 200,0) // null // //at least one end points to extra (unreliable) nodes illustrationParameters.getThresholdContrast() ); } String illustrations_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory; String chn_ill_dir = illustrations_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_ill_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ // Should be created before threads ! if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_ill_dir+". *** It should be already created! ***"); continue; } } EyesisCorrections.saveAndShow( imp_annot, chn_ill_dir, illustrationParameters.usePNG(), false, // show illustrationParameters.JPEG_quality, // <0 - keep current, 0 - force Tiff, >0 use for JPEG 0); // debug_level); } } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); } System.out.println("All done in "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)+" sec."); return true; } public boolean removeBadGrids() { long startTime=System.nanoTime(); // restart timer after possible interactive dialogs // final boolean [] selectedChannels = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.getChannelSelection(distortions); final boolean [] selectedChannels = illustrationParameters.getSelectedChannels(); final DistortionCalibrationData dcd = distortions.fittingStrategy.distortionCalibrationData; final Thread[] threads = newThreadArray(MAX_THREADS); final AtomicInteger indxAtomic = new AtomicInteger(0); final AtomicInteger numRemoved = new AtomicInteger(0); for (int iChn = 0; iChn < selectedChannels.length; iChn++) if (selectedChannels[iChn]) { final int nChn=iChn; indxAtomic.set(0); // Create directory before threads String illustrations_dir = eyesisAberrations.aberrationParameters.illustrationsDirectory; String chn_ill_dir = illustrations_dir+Prefs.getFileSeparator()+ illustrationParameters.getChannelPrefix()+String.format("%02d", nChn); // create directory if it does not exist File destDir= new File (chn_ill_dir); if (!destDir.exists()){ if (!destDir.mkdirs()) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Failed to create results directory "+chn_ill_dir); continue; } } for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ithread++) { threads[ithread] = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { // for (int nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nChn < selectedChannels.length; nChn = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) if (selectedChannels[nChn]) { // iterate through all image set (some grids may be missing) for (int nSet = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement(); nSet < dcd.gIS.length; nSet = indxAtomic.getAndIncrement()) { int station = dcd.gIS[nSet].getStationNumber(); if (illustrationParameters.useStation(station)) { // some stations only // construct source file name if (dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet[nChn] != null) { int numImg = dcd.gIS[nSet].imageSet[nChn].getImageNumber(); int num_above = 0; GridImageParameters gip = dcd.gIP[numImg]; double [][] pXY = gip.pixelsXY; for (int i = 0; i < pXY.length; i++ ) { if (pXY[i][CONTRAST_INDEX] > illustrationParameters.getThresholdContrast()) num_above++; } if (num_above < illustrationParameters.getThresholdNumber()) { String grid_path = dcd.getImagePath(numImg); System.out.println("Removing bad grid file: "+grid_path); new File(dcd.getImagePath(numImg)).delete(); numRemoved.getAndIncrement(); } } } } } }; } startAndJoin(threads); } System.out.println("Removed "+(numRemoved.get())+" bad grid files in "+ IJ.d2s(0.000000001*(System.nanoTime()-startTime),3)+" sec."); return true; } /* Create a Thread[] array as large as the number of processors available. * From Stephan Preibisch's class. See: *;f=mpi/fruitfly/general/;hb=HEAD */ private static Thread[] newThreadArray(int maxCPUs) { int n_cpus = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); if (n_cpus>maxCPUs)n_cpus=maxCPUs; return new Thread[n_cpus]; } /* Start all given threads and wait on each of them until all are done. * From Stephan Preibisch's class. See: *;f=mpi/fruitfly/general/;hb=HEAD */ private static void startAndJoin(Thread[] threads) { for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread) { threads[ithread].setPriority(Thread.NORM_PRIORITY); threads[ithread].start(); } try { for (int ithread = 0; ithread < threads.length; ++ithread) threads[ithread].join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new RuntimeException(ie); } } }