package com.elphel.imagej.calibration; /** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** ** Measures focus sharpnes at orthogonal directions, differenct colors, ** Displays results for manual focusing/image plane tilting. ** NOTE: Requires special targets ! ** ** Copyright (C) 2010 Elphel, Inc. ** ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** ** is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program. If not, see <>. ** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** ** */ import ij.*; import ij.process.*; import ij.gui.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import ij.plugin.frame.*; import java.util.List; import com.elphel.imagej.jp4.JP46_Reader_camera; import java.util.ArrayList; import ij.text.*; import java.lang.Integer; public class target_points extends PlugInFrame implements ActionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3057496866952930812L; JP46_Reader_camera jp4_instance; // MTF_Bayer MTF_Bayer_instance; Panel panel; static Frame instance; public static int DEBUG_LEVEL = 1; public static int MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL = 1; public static int FFTSize=64; public static int FFTScanStep=8; public static int test_x=FFTSize; public static int test_y=FFTSize; public static int displayWidth=800; public static int displayHeight=600; public static float [][] input_bayer=null; public static float [][] convolved_bayer=null; public static float [][] normalized_convolved_bayer=null; public static float [] target_kernel=null; public static int [][] clusterMaps=null; public static double [][][] targetCoordinates; public static double targetOuterDMin =38; // minimal outer diameter of the target image , in pixels public static double targetOuterDMax =47; // maximal outer diameter of the target image , in pixels public static int numTargetRings = 2; // number of target black rings (notg counting center black circle) public static int pixelsSubdivide =10; // subdivide pixels by this number (each direction) when generating targets public static double deconvInvert = 0.1; // when FFT component is lass than this fraction of the maximal value, replace 1/z with Z public static double filteredRadius= 7.0; //pix - search maximums after convolution in (2*filteredRadius+1) squares public static double backgroundRadius= 15.0; //pix - consider ring area between backgroundRadius and filteredRadius as reference public static double clusterThreshold= 1.0; //1.2; // tested with 0.8 - many extras, but filtered out public static int clusterSize= 20; // cluster size (will be expanded/shrank before finding centroid public static int discrAngularFreq= 2 ; // pixels on FFT image of tragets converted polar (the smaller, the less angular variations) /// these parameters are dependent on targets, use debug mode and manula fft for 64x64 polar coordinates target areas public static int discrRadialMinFreq= 7 ; // pixels on FFT image of targets converted polar (radial component) public static int discrRadialMaxFreq= 9 ; // pixels on FFT image of targets converted polar (radial component) public static double discrThreshold= 0.1; // FFT energy fraction in selecter area should be > this threshold to pass the test public static double maxChromaticDistance= 10.0; // Maximal distance between the same target on different color copmponents public static double[][][] targets; // For each target {averageX, averageY, num_non_zero_components},{X1,Y1,Qulaity1},...,{X4,Y4,Qulaity4} /** discrRadialMinFreq=(size*(2* numTargetRings +1)/targetOuterDMax)-1 discrRadialMaxFreq=(size*(2* numTargetRings +1)/targetOuterDMin)+1 */ private ImagePlus imp_src; public ImageProcessor ip_display; public ImagePlus imp_display; public ImagePlus imp_camera=null; Plot plotResult; public target_points() { super("target_points"); if (IJ.versionLessThan("1.39t")) return; if (instance!=null) { instance.toFront(); return; } instance = this; addKeyListener(IJ.getInstance()); setLayout(new FlowLayout()); panel = new Panel(); addButton("Configure"); addButton("Split Bayer"); addButton("Create Target"); addButton("Split&Convolve"); add(panel); pack();; setVisible(true); initHamming(FFTSize); // initDisplay(); jp4_instance= new JP46_Reader_camera(); } void addButton(String label) { Button b = new Button(label); b.addActionListener(this); b.addKeyListener(IJ.getInstance()); panel.add(b); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { int i,j,ir2, size; String label = e.getActionCommand(); if (label==null) return; if (label.equals("Configure")) { if (showDialog()) { initHamming(FFTSize); } return; } if (label.equals("Create Target")) { DEBUG_LEVEL=MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL; target_kernel=createTargetDialog (); return; } imp_src = WindowManager.getCurrentImage(); String newTitle= imp_src.getTitle(); Rectangle r=new Rectangle(imp_src.getWidth(),imp_src.getHeight()); if (label.equals("Split Bayer")) { DEBUG_LEVEL=MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL; input_bayer=splitBayer (imp_src); showBayers(input_bayer, r.width>>1, r.height>>1, newTitle); return; } if (label.equals("Split&Convolve")) { DEBUG_LEVEL=MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL; input_bayer=splitBayer (imp_src); if (DEBUG_LEVEL>5) showBayers(input_bayer, r.width>>1, r.height>>1, newTitle); if (target_kernel==null) { IJ.showMessage("Error","Target kernel does not exist, please generate one"); return; } size=(int) Math.sqrt(target_kernel.length); //target_kernel /* Convolve Bayer slices with prepared target template */ convolved_bayer=new float[input_bayer.length][]; for (i=0; i<input_bayer.length; i++) { IJ.showStatus("Convolving Bayer "+i); /* Double in convolution works twice faster than float!*/ convolved_bayer[i]=doubleConvolveWithTarget(input_bayer[i], target_kernel, r.width>>1, r.height>>1, size); } if (DEBUG_LEVEL>2) showBayers(convolved_bayer, r.width>>1, r.height>>1, newTitle+"_"+deconvInvert); // // filteredRadius =(int) gd.getNextNumber(); // backgroundRadius =(int) gd.getNextNumber(); /* normalize convolved Bayer slices */ /* prepare pixel mask for the normalization (ring) */ int filtSize= (int) filteredRadius; boolean [][] mask=new boolean[2*filtSize+1][2*filtSize+1]; for (i=0;i<(2*filtSize+1);i++) for (j=0;j<(2*filtSize+1);j++) { ir2=(i-filtSize)*(i-filtSize) + (j-filtSize)*(j-filtSize); mask[i][j]=(ir2>(filteredRadius*filteredRadius)) && (ir2 < (backgroundRadius*backgroundRadius)); } // public static float [][] normalized_convolved_bayer=null; normalized_convolved_bayer=new float[input_bayer.length][]; for (i=0; i<input_bayer.length; i++) { IJ.showStatus("Normalizing Bayer "+i); normalized_convolved_bayer[i]=normalizeAtRing(convolved_bayer[i], r.width>>1, r.height>>1, mask); } if (DEBUG_LEVEL>1) showBayers(normalized_convolved_bayer, r.width>>1, r.height>>1, newTitle+"_"+deconvInvert+"_normalized"); // public static int [][] clusterMaps=null; //clusterThreshold clusterMaps= new int[4][]; targetCoordinates=new double[4][][]; for (i=0; i<input_bayer.length; i++) { IJ.showStatus("Clusterizing Bayer "+i); // clusterMaps[i]=clusteriseTargets(normalized_convolved_bayer[i], r.width>>1, r.height>>1,clusterThreshold,clusterSize); targetCoordinates[i]=clusteriseTargets(normalized_convolved_bayer[i], r.width>>1, r.height>>1,clusterThreshold,clusterSize); } float[][]clusterPixels=new float[4][input_bayer[0].length]; if (DEBUG_LEVEL>2) { // float[][]clusterPixels=new float[4][input_bayer[0].length]; for (i=0; i<clusterPixels.length; i++) { for (j=0; j<clusterPixels[0].length; j++) clusterPixels[i][j]=0.0f; for (j=0;j<targetCoordinates[i].length;j++) { clusterPixels[i][((int)(Math.round(targetCoordinates[i][j][1])*(r.width>>1))) +((int)Math.round(targetCoordinates[i][j][0]))]=1.0f; } } showBayers(clusterPixels, r.width>>1, r.height>>1, newTitle+"_"+deconvInvert+"_clusters"); } float [] rectTarget; ImageProcessor ip_dbg; ImagePlus imp_dbg; double likely; double [] likelyness; int numGoodTargets; double [][] goodTargets; /// x/y/above Threshold double r0=(targetOuterDMin+targetOuterDMax)/(2* numTargetRings +1)/8; /// copmpensate for the center circle twice wider than rings /** discrRadialMinFreq=(size*(2* numTargetRings +1)/targetOuterDMax)-1 discrRadialMaxFreq=(size*(2* numTargetRings +1)/targetOuterDMin)+1 */ for (i=0; i<clusterPixels.length; i++) { likelyness= new double[targetCoordinates[i].length]; numGoodTargets=0; for (j=0;j<targetCoordinates[i].length;j++) { rectTarget=circle2DoubleRect (input_bayer[i], r.width>>1, r.height>>1, size,targetCoordinates[i][j][0],targetCoordinates[i][j][1], r0); likely=likelyTarget(rectTarget, size,discrAngularFreq,discrRadialMinFreq,discrRadialMaxFreq); likelyness[j]=likely; if (DEBUG_LEVEL>2) { System.out.println("Cluster="+j+" x="+targetCoordinates[i][j][0]+" y="+targetCoordinates[i][j][1]+" likely="+likely); } if (DEBUG_LEVEL>3) { if (i==0) { // just to reduce debug clutter ip_dbg=new FloatProcessor(size,size); ip_dbg.setPixels(rectTarget); ip_dbg.resetMinAndMax(); imp_dbg= new ImagePlus(newTitle+"_rect_"+j, ip_dbg);; } } if (likely >=discrThreshold) numGoodTargets++; } goodTargets=new double[numGoodTargets][3]; numGoodTargets=0; for (j=0;j<targetCoordinates[i].length;j++) { if (likelyness[j]>=discrThreshold) { goodTargets[numGoodTargets][2]=likelyness[j]/discrThreshold; goodTargets[numGoodTargets][0]=2*targetCoordinates[i][j][0]+(i&1); // convert to full image, use Bayer shift goodTargets[numGoodTargets][1]=2*targetCoordinates[i][j][1]+((i>>1)&1); // convert to full image, use Bayer shift numGoodTargets++; } } targetCoordinates[i]=goodTargets; } if (DEBUG_LEVEL>1) { for (i=0; i<clusterPixels.length; i++) { for (j=0; j<clusterPixels[0].length; j++) clusterPixels[i][j]=0.0f; for (j=0;j<targetCoordinates[i].length;j++) { clusterPixels[i][((int)(Math.round((targetCoordinates[i][j][1] - ((i>>1)&1))/2) *(r.width>>1))) + ((int)(Math.round((targetCoordinates[i][j][0] - ( i &1))/2)))]=1.0f; System.out.println("Bayer="+i+" Target="+(j+1)+" x="+targetCoordinates[i][j][0]+" y="+targetCoordinates[i][j][1]+" quality="+targetCoordinates[i][j][2]); } } showBayers(clusterPixels, r.width>>1, r.height>>1, newTitle+"_"+deconvInvert+"_clusters"); } /* TODO: Verify that all Bayer components have the same targets (build composite table) */ targets= combineTargets(targetCoordinates, maxChromaticDistance); showTargetsLocationTable(targets, newTitle, 2, (DEBUG_LEVEL>1)); return; } } /* Combine target locations from 4 Bayer components */ double [][][] combineTargets(double[][][] targetCoord, ///[bayer][number][x,y,q>1] double maxDistance) { /// maximal distance between the same target in different Bayer components int [][] targetNumbers=new int[targetCoord.length][]; int i,i1,j,k,n,l,maxLen, bNum, numTargets; double d2=maxDistance*maxDistance; double [][][] targets; double avX,avY; maxLen=0; bNum=-1; for (i=0;i<targetCoord.length;i++) { l=targetCoord[i].length; targetNumbers[i]=new int [l]; for (j=0;j<l;j++) targetNumbers[i][j]=0; if (maxLen<l){ maxLen=l; bNum=i; } } /* assign target number according to the component that has most of the targets (does not mean others do not have that this one is missing */ for (j=0;j<maxLen;j++) targetNumbers[bNum][j]=j+1; numTargets=maxLen; // may increase later /* compare all other color components with the coordinates in the seslected one (not too many to bother with good guess) */ for (i=0;i<targetNumbers.length;i++) if (i!=bNum) { for (j=0;j<targetNumbers[i].length;j++) if (targetNumbers[i][j]==0){ for (k=0;k<targetNumbers[bNum].length;k++) { if (((targetCoord[bNum][k][0]-targetCoord[i][j][0])*(targetCoord[bNum][k][0]-targetCoord[i][j][0])+ (targetCoord[bNum][k][1]-targetCoord[i][j][1])*(targetCoord[bNum][k][1]-targetCoord[i][j][1]))<=d2) { targetNumbers[i][j]=targetNumbers[bNum][k]; break; } } } } /* See if any targets are missing, add them */ for (i=0;i<targetNumbers.length;i++) if (i!=bNum) { for (j=0;j<targetNumbers[i].length;j++) if (targetNumbers[i][j]==0){ numTargets++; targetNumbers[i][j]=numTargets; for (i1=i+1;i1<targetNumbers.length;i1++) if (i1!=bNum) { for (k=0;k<targetNumbers[i1].length;k++) if (targetNumbers[i1][k]==0) { targetNumbers[i1][k]=numTargets; } } } } if (DEBUG_LEVEL>2) { System.out.println("numTargets="+numTargets); for (i=0;i<targetCoord.length;i++) for (j=0;j<targetCoord[i].length;j++) { System.out.println("["+targetNumbers[i][j]+"] "+i+":"+j+" "+targetCoord[i][j][0]+","+targetCoord[i][j][1]+" :"+targetCoord[i][j][2]); } } targets = new double [numTargets][targetNumbers.length+1][3]; for (i=0;i<numTargets;i++) for (j=0;j<targets[i].length;j++) for (k=0;k<3;k++) targets [i][j][k]=0.0; for (i=0;i<targetNumbers.length;i++) for (j=0;j<targetNumbers[i].length;j++) if (targetNumbers[i][j]!=0){ // should be always non-zero k=targetNumbers[i][j]-1; targets[k][i+1][0]=targetCoord[i][j][0]; // x targets[k][i+1][1]=targetCoord[i][j][1]; // y targets[k][i+1][2]=targetCoord[i][j][2]; // quality >1.0 } /* Calculate average values*/ for (i=0;i<numTargets;i++) { avX=0.0; avY=0.0; n=0; for (j=1;j< targets[i].length; j++) if (targets[i][j][2]>0){ avX+=targets[i][j][0]; avY+=targets[i][j][1]; n++; } if (n>0) { targets[i][0][0]=avX/n; targets[i][0][1]=avY/n; targets[i][0][2]=n; } } if (DEBUG_LEVEL>2) { System.out.println("targets"); for (i=0;i<targets.length;i++) { System.out.println(i+" | "+targets[i][0][0]+","+targets[i][0][1]+" :"+targets[i][0][2]+ " | "+targets[i][1][0]+","+targets[i][1][1]+" :"+targets[i][1][2]+ " | "+targets[i][2][0]+","+targets[i][2][1]+" :"+targets[i][2][2]+ " | "+targets[i][3][0]+","+targets[i][3][1]+" :"+targets[i][3][2]+ " | "+targets[i][4][0]+","+targets[i][4][1]+" :"+targets[i][4][2]); } } return targets; } public void showTargetsLocationTable(double[][][] targets, String title, int precision, boolean showQuality) { int i,n; String header="#\tX\tY"; for (i=1;i<targets[0].length;i++) header+="\tdX"+i+"\tdY"+i+(showQuality?("\tQ"+i):""); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (n=0;n<targets.length;n++) { sb.append((n+1)+ "\t"+IJ.d2s(targets[n][0][0],precision)+ // Average X "\t"+IJ.d2s(targets[n][0][1],precision)); // Average Y for (i=1;i<targets[0].length;i++) { if (targets[n][i][2]>0) { sb.append( "\t"+(((targets[n][i][0]-targets[n][0][0])>0)?"+":"")+IJ.d2s(targets[n][i][0]-targets[n][0][0],precision)+ // X "\t"+(((targets[n][i][1]-targets[n][0][1])>0)?"+":"")+IJ.d2s(targets[n][i][1]-targets[n][0][1],precision)); // Y } else { sb.append( "\t---\t---"); } if (showQuality) sb.append("\t"+((targets[n][0][2]>0)?IJ.d2s(targets[n][i][2],precision):"---")); } sb.append( "\n"); } new TextWindow(title+"_Target_Locations_Table", header, sb.toString(), showQuality?900:700,500); } /* determines if it was likely a target of concentric circles, after convertion to polar coordinates expect nearly horizontal b/w bands */ double likelyTarget(float[] pixels, // pixel array int size, // image size (should be square for FFT int hor, // horizontal selection area (half width) int vertMin, int vertMax) // vertical selection area (half height > half width for horizointal bands) { ImageProcessor ip; FHT fht; double[][][] fft; double s1,s2,e; int i,j; ip=new FloatProcessor(size,size); ip.setPixels(pixels); fht = new FHT(ip); // Swapping quadrants, so the center will be 0,0 fht.swapQuadrants(); // get to frequency fht.transform(); // Convert from FHT to complex FFT fft= FHT2FFTHalf (fht); s1=0; s2=0; for (i=0;i<(size/2+1);i++) for (j=0;j<size;j++) { if ((i>0) || (j>0)) { // skip DC e=fft[i][j][0]*fft[i][j][0]+fft[i][j][1]*fft[i][j][1]; if ((i>=vertMin) && (i<=vertMax) && ((j<=hor) || (j>=size-hor))) s1+=e; else s2+=e; } } return s1/(s1+s2); // fraction inside selected area, use as likelyhood of the needed target } float [] circle2DoubleRect (float [] pixels, int width, int height, int size, double x0, double y0, double r0) { float [] outPixels=new float[size*size]; int x,y; double a,r; int px,py; for (y=0;y<size;y++) for (x=0;x<size;x++) { if ((y>(size>>1)) || ((y==(size>>1)) && (x>=(size>>1)))){ r=y-(size>>1); // +0.5? a=size-x-1; } else { r=(size>>1)-y; // -0.5? a=size+x; } r+=r0; /// to match periodic pattern on both sides of zero (center circle is twice wider) a*=Math.PI/size; px=((int)Math.round(x0+r*Math.cos(a)) + width ) % width; py=((int)Math.round(y0+r*Math.sin(a)) + height) % height; outPixels[y*size+x]=pixels[py*width+px]; } return outPixels; } double [][] clusteriseTargets(float [] pixels,int width, int height, double threshold, int clusterSize) { if ((width*height) != pixels.length) { IJ.showMessage("Error in clasteriseTargets","pixels.length ("+pixels.length+") does not match width ("+width+") x height ("+height+") = "+(width*height)); return null; } int x,y,i,j; Integer Index, NewIndex, NextIndex; int clusterNumber=1; int []clusterMap=new int[width*height]; List <Integer> pixelList=new ArrayList<Integer>(100); int [] dirs={1,-width+1,-width,-width-1,-1,+width-1,width,width+1}; int listIndex; float f; boolean first; double cx,cy,cm; // for centroid calculation; int ix,iy; Double [] cxy=null; for (i=0;i<clusterMap.length;i++) clusterMap[i]=0; /// 0 - unused, -1 - "do not use" List <Double[]> Centroids=new ArrayList<Double[]>(100); for (y=0;y<height;y++) for (x=0;x<width;x++) { if ((pixels[y*width+x]>=threshold) && (clusterMap[y*width+x]==0)) { /// mark all connected pixels above the threshold Index=y*width+x; pixelList.clear(); pixelList.add (Index); clusterMap[Index]=clusterNumber; listIndex=0; while (listIndex<pixelList.size() ) { Index=pixelList.get(listIndex++); for (i=0;i<dirs.length;i++) { NewIndex=Index+dirs[i]; if ((NewIndex>=0) && (NewIndex<clusterMap.length) && (clusterMap[NewIndex]==0) && (pixels[NewIndex]>=threshold)) { pixelList.add (NewIndex); clusterMap[NewIndex]=clusterNumber; } } } // while (!pixelList.isEmpty() ) if (DEBUG_LEVEL>2) { System.out.println("Cluster="+clusterNumber+", n="+pixelList.size()+" x="+x+" y="+y); } if (clusterSize>0) { // 0 - leave as is if (pixelList.size()>clusterSize) { // shrink while (pixelList.size()>clusterSize) { i=0; f=pixels[pixelList.get(i)]; for (j=1;j<pixelList.size();j++) if (pixels[pixelList.get(j)]<f){ i=j; f=pixels[pixelList.get(j)]; } clusterMap[pixelList.get(i)]=-1; // Do not use looking for the next cluster pixelList.remove(i); } } else if (pixelList.size()<clusterSize) { // expand while (pixelList.size()<clusterSize) { first=true; f=0.0f; NextIndex=0; for (j=0;j<pixelList.size();j++) { Index= pixelList.get(j); for (i=0;i<dirs.length;i++){ NewIndex=Index+dirs[i]; if ((NewIndex>=0) && (NewIndex<clusterMap.length) && (clusterMap[NewIndex]==0) && (first || (pixels[NewIndex]>f))) { f=pixels[NewIndex]; NextIndex=NewIndex; first=false; } } } pixelList.add (NextIndex); clusterMap[NextIndex]=clusterNumber; } } /* calculate centroid */ cx=0.0; cy=0.0; cm=0.0; for (i=0;i<pixelList.size();i++) { j=pixelList.get(i); iy=j/width; ix=j-width*iy; // System.out.println("j="+j+" x="+ix+" y="+iy); f=pixels[j]; cm+=f; cx+=f*ix; cy+=f*iy; } cx/=cm; cy/=cm; cxy=new Double[2]; cxy[0]=cx; cxy[1]=cy; Centroids.add(cxy); // System.out.println("New cluster size="+pixelList.size()+" x="+cx+" y="+cy); } clusterNumber++; } } double[][] coordList=new double[Centroids.size()][2]; for (i=0;i<coordList.length;i++) { coordList[i][0]=Centroids.get(i)[0]; coordList[i][1]=Centroids.get(i)[1]; } // Double[][] coordList= (Double[][]) Centroids.toArray(); if (DEBUG_LEVEL>2) { for (i=0;i<coordList.length;i++) System.out.println(i+": x="+coordList[i][0]+" y="+coordList[i][1]); } // return clusterMap; return coordList; } //// System.out.println("measureTargets(), N="+N); /* Normalize pixels values as ratios of difference to average in the surrounding ring to variation in the ring*/ /* TODO: don't roll over, limit */ /// BUG: Seems something wrong - if convolution kernel had DC component - generated all "1.0" float [] normalizeAtRing(float [] pixels, int width, int height, boolean[][] mask ) { if ((width*height) != pixels.length) { IJ.showMessage("Error in normalizeAtRing","pixels.length ("+pixels.length+") does not match width ("+width+") x height ("+height+") = "+(width*height)); return null; } int i,j,x,y,x1,y1,x2,y2, pre_x,pre_y; int nFiltPix=0; float [] result=new float [width*height]; double s,s2,d, mean,sigma, meang,sigmag; double min=0.0; double max=0.0; boolean first; int ir=(mask.length-1)>>1; for (i=0;i<mask.length; i++) for (j=0;j<mask[0].length;j++) if (mask[i][j]) nFiltPix++; s= 0.0; s2=0.0; for (y=0;y<height;y++) for (x=0;x<width;x++) { d=pixels[y*width+x]; s+=d; s2+=d*d; } meang= s/(width+height); sigmag=Math.sqrt(s2/(width+height)-meang*meang); for (y=0;y<height;y++) for (x=0;x<width;x++) { s= 0.0; s2=0.0; pre_y=y+ir+height; // preparing for "%", making sure it will be positive pre_x=x+ir+width; // preparing for "%", making sure it will be positive first=true; for (y1=0;y1 < mask.length; y1++) { y2=(pre_y-y1)%height; for (x1=0;x1<mask[0].length;x1++) if (mask[y1][x1]) { x2=(pre_x-x1)%width; d=pixels[y2*width+x2]; if (first) { min=d; max=d; first=false; } if (d>max) max=d; if (d<min) min=d; s+=d; s2+=d*d; } } mean= s/nFiltPix; sigma=Math.sqrt(s2/nFiltPix-mean*mean); sigma=Math.sqrt(sigma*sigmag); // average with image-global sigma // mean=max; // sigma=max-min; d=pixels[y*width+x]; if (sigma>0) { // should always be so result[y*width+x]= (float) ((d-mean)/sigma); } else { result[y*width+x]=1.0f; // any number? } } return result; } /* Convolve image (one Bayer slice) with the inverted target kernel Center should be at size/2, size/2 - will convolve only (size-1)*(size-1) */ /**Which is faster - double or float? Double i TWICE faster!*/ float [] doubleConvolveWithTarget(float [] pixels, float [] kernel_full, int width, int height, int size) { int hsize=size/2; double [] kernel; if ((width*height) != pixels.length) { IJ.showMessage("Error","pixels.length ("+pixels.length+") does not match width ("+width+") x height ("+height+") = "+(width*height)); return null; } if ((size*size) != kernel_full.length) { IJ.showMessage("Error","kernel.length ("+kernel_full.length+") does not match size ("+size+") ^2 = "+(size*size)); return null; } int i,j; double d; // is float faster than double? or opposite (then it makes sesne to convert everything to double first /* if kernel has even dimensions - ignore first (0) row and first (0) column */ if ((size & 1)!=0) { kernel= new double[size*size]; for (i=0;i<kernel.length;i++) kernel[i]=kernel_full[i]; } else { size-=1; hsize-=1; d=0.0f; kernel= new double[size*size]; for (i=0;i<size;i++) for (j=0;j<size;j++) { kernel[i*size+j]=kernel_full[(i+1)*(size+1)+(j+1)]; d+=kernel[i*size+j]; } d/=size*size; // System.out.println("Subtracting average value ("+d+") from the convolution kernel"); for (i=0;i<kernel.length;i++) kernel[i]-=d; } double [] dPixels=new double[pixels.length]; for (i=0;i<pixels.length;i++) dPixels[i]=pixels[i]; if (DEBUG_LEVEL>10) IJ.showMessage("Debug doubleConvolveWithTarget","pixels.length="+pixels.length+"\nwidth="+width+"\nheight="+height+"\nkernel.length="+kernel.length+"\nsize="+size); float [] result=new float [width*height]; /* this is still float - one conversion on tghe output*/ int x,y,x1,y1, x2, y2, pre_y,pre_x; // double d; boolean yMiddle=false; int index_kernel, index_source; for (y=0;y<height;y++) { /**/ yMiddle= (y>=hsize) && (y<(height-hsize)); if (yMiddle) { // calculate faster when no need to care about borders for (x=hsize;x<width-hsize;x++) { d=0; index_kernel=0; index_source=(y+hsize)*width+x+hsize; for (y1=0;y1<size;y1++) { for (x1=0;x1<size;x1++) { // if (index_source<0) System.out.println("index_source="+index_source+" index_kernel="+index_kernel+" x="+x+" y="+y+" x1="+x1+" y1="+y1); d+=dPixels[index_source--]*kernel[index_kernel++]; ///out of bounds: -834 } index_source-=width-size; } result[y*width+x]= (float) d; } } /**/ /* now finish beginnings/ends of the middle lines and process complete first/last lines*/ pre_y=y+hsize+height; // preparing for "%", making sure it will be positive for (x=0;x<width;x++) if ((x<hsize) || (x>=(width-hsize)) || !yMiddle){ d=0; pre_x=x+hsize+width; // preparing for "%", making sure it will be positive for (y1=0;y1<size;y1++) { y2=(pre_y-y1)%height; for (x1=0;x1<size;x1++) { x2=(pre_x-x1)%width; d+=dPixels[y2*width+x2]*kernel[y1*size+x1]; } result[y*width+x]= (float) d; } } } return result; } public void processWindowEvent(WindowEvent e) { super.processWindowEvent(e); if (e.getID()==WindowEvent.WINDOW_CLOSING) { instance = null; } } public boolean showDialog() { int i; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Target Points parameters"); gd.addStringField ("Filename prefix: ", jp4_instance.getTitle(), 20); gd.addNumericField("FFT_Size: ", FFTSize, 0); // gd.addNumericField("Target minimal outer diameter (pix)", targetOuterDMin, 2); // gd.addNumericField("Target maximal outer diameter (pix)", targetOuterDMax, 2); // gd.addNumericField("Number of target rings ", numTargetRings, 0); // gd.addNumericField("Subdivide pixels for target generation ", pixelsSubdivide, 0); gd.addNumericField("Filtered radius (pix) ", filteredRadius, 2); //3; //pix - search maximums after convolution in (2*filteredRadius+1) squares gd.addNumericField("Background radius (pix) ", backgroundRadius, 3); //25; //pix - consider ring area between backgroundRadius and filteredRadius as reference gd.addNumericField("Cluster threshold ", clusterThreshold, 3); //1.5 gd.addNumericField("Cluster size (pix) ", clusterSize, 0); //20 gd.addNumericField("Target discriminator angular freq. ", discrAngularFreq, 0); //2 ; // pixels on FFT image of tragets converted polar (the smaller, the less angular variations) gd.addNumericField("Target discriminator radial min freq ", discrRadialMinFreq, 0); //10 ; // pixels on FFT image of tragets converted polar (radial component) gd.addNumericField("Target discriminator radial max freq ", discrRadialMaxFreq, 0); //10 ; // pixels on FFT image of tragets converted polar (radial component) gd.addNumericField("Target discriminator threshold ", discrThreshold, 3); //0.3; // FFT energy fraction in selecter area should be > this threshold to pass the test gd.addNumericField("Max chromatic aberration (pix) ", maxChromaticDistance, 1); //10.0; // Maximal distance between the same target on different color copmponents gd.addNumericField("Debug Level: ", MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL, 0); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return false; jp4_instance.setTitle(gd.getNextString()); FFTSize=1; for (i= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); i >1; i>>=1) FFTSize <<=1; /* make FFTSize to be power of 2*/ // targetOuterDMin = gd.getNextNumber(); // minimal outer diameter of the target image , in pixels // targetOuterDMax = gd.getNextNumber(); // maximal outer diameter of the target image , in pixels // numTargetRings = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); // number of target black rings (notg counting center black circle) // pixelsSubdivide = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); // Subdivide pixels for target generation filteredRadius = gd.getNextNumber(); backgroundRadius = gd.getNextNumber(); clusterThreshold= gd.getNextNumber(); clusterSize= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); discrAngularFreq= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); discrRadialMinFreq= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); discrRadialMaxFreq= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); discrThreshold= gd.getNextNumber(); maxChromaticDistance= gd.getNextNumber(); MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); return true; } public float []createTargetDialog() { int i; GenericDialog gd = new GenericDialog("Target template parameters"); gd.addNumericField("FFT_Size: ", FFTSize, 0); gd.addNumericField("Target minimal outer diameter (pix)", targetOuterDMin, 2); gd.addNumericField("Target maximal outer diameter (pix)", targetOuterDMax, 2); gd.addNumericField("Number of target rings ", numTargetRings, 0); gd.addNumericField("Subdivide pixels for target generation ", pixelsSubdivide, 0); gd.addNumericField("Invert deconvolution if less than", deconvInvert, 3); // gd.addNumericField("Debug Level: ", MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL, 0); gd.showDialog(); if (gd.wasCanceled()) return null; FFTSize=1; for (i= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); i >1; i>>=1) FFTSize <<=1; /* make FFTSize to be power of 2*/ targetOuterDMin = gd.getNextNumber(); // minimal outer diameter of the target image , in pixels targetOuterDMax = gd.getNextNumber(); // maximal outer diameter of the target image , in pixels numTargetRings = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); // number of target black rings (notg counting center black circle) pixelsSubdivide = (int) gd.getNextNumber(); // Subdivide pixels for target generation deconvInvert= gd.getNextNumber(); //0.05; // when FFT component is lass than this fraction of the maximal value, replace 1/z with Z // MASTER_DEBUG_LEVEL= (int) gd.getNextNumber(); return createTarget(FFTSize,pixelsSubdivide,targetOuterDMin,targetOuterDMax,numTargetRings,deconvInvert); } public float [] createTarget(int size, int subdiv, double DMin, double DMax, int nRings, double deconvInvert) { ImageProcessor ip_target; FHT fht_target; double[][][] fft_target; int hsizeP1= (size>>1)+1; double [][] dpixels=new double [hsizeP1][hsizeP1]; double [] rMinIn= new double[nRings+1]; double [] rMaxIn= new double[nRings+1]; double [] rMinOut= new double[nRings+1]; double [] rMaxOut= new double[nRings+1]; int i,j,i1,j1,n; double x,y,r,ks,ke; double subFraction=1.0/(subdiv*subdiv); double DCLevel=0.0; double a,k,r2,k2; if (DMin>DMax) { x=DMin; DMin=DMax; DMax=x; } for (n=0;n<=nRings;n++) { rMinIn[n]= DMin*(n*2 )/(2*(2*nRings+1)); rMinOut[n]=DMin*(n*2+1)/(2*(2*nRings+1)); rMaxIn[n]= DMax*(n*2 )/(2*(2*nRings+1)); rMaxOut[n]=DMax*(n*2+1)/(2*(2*nRings+1)); } for (i=0;i<hsizeP1; i++) for (j=0;j<hsizeP1; j++) { dpixels[i][j]=0.0; for (i1=0;i1<subdiv; i1++) for (j1=0;j1<subdiv; j1++) { x=j+0.1*j1; y=i+0.1*i1; r=Math.sqrt(x*x+y*y); for (n=0;n<=nRings;n++) if ((rMinIn[n] <= r)&& (rMaxOut[n]>r)){ if (rMaxIn[n]>r) ke=(r-rMinIn[n])/(rMaxIn[n]-rMinIn[n]); else ke=1.0; if (rMinOut[n]<=r) ks=(r-rMinOut[n])/(rMaxOut[n]-rMinOut[n]); else ks=0.0; /// dpixels[i][j]+=subFraction*(ke-ks); dpixels[i][j]-=subFraction*(ke-ks); } } r=dpixels[i][j]; // some piuxels will appear once, some - twice, most - four times if ((i>0) &&(i<(size>>1))) r*=2.0; if ((j>0) &&(j<(size>>1))) r*=2.0; DCLevel+=r; } DCLevel/=(size*size); for (i=0;i<hsizeP1; i++) for (j=0;j<hsizeP1; j++) dpixels[i][j]-=DCLevel; ip_target = new FloatProcessor(FFTSize,FFTSize); for (i=0;i<size; i++) for (j=0;j<size; j++) { // ip_target.putPixelValue(j,i, (float) dpixels[(i>=hsizeP1)?(size-i):i][(j>=hsizeP1)?(size-j):j]); ip_target.putPixelValue(j ^ (size>>1),i ^ (size>>1), (float) dpixels[(i>=hsizeP1)?(size-i):i][(j>=hsizeP1)?(size-j):j]); } ip_target.resetMinAndMax(); if (DEBUG_LEVEL>5) { ImagePlus imp_target= new ImagePlus("Target_direct_"+deconvInvert, ip_target);; } fht_target = new FHT(ip_target); // Swapping quadrants, so the center will be 0,0 fht_target.swapQuadrants(); // get to frequency fht_target.transform(); float [] fht_target_pixels=(float []) fht_target.getPixels(); if (DEBUG_LEVEL>5) { ImageProcessor ip_fht_target = new FloatProcessor(size,size); ip_fht_target.setPixels(fht_target_pixels); ip_fht_target.resetMinAndMax(); ImagePlus imp_fht_target= new ImagePlus("FHT_"+deconvInvert, ip_fht_target);; } // Convert from FHT to complex FFT fft_target= FHT2FFTHalf (fht_target); /* */ /// deconvInvert /// Now tricky thing. Invert Z for large values, but make them Z - for small ones. So it will be a mixture of correlation and deconvolution // here the targets are round, but what will the the correct way fo assymmetrical ones? /// First - find maximal value // double[][][] fft_target; double fft_max=0; for (i=0;i<fft_target.length; i++) for (j=0;j<fft_target[0].length;j++) { r2=fft_target[i][j][0]*fft_target[i][j][0]+fft_target[i][j][1]*fft_target[i][j][1]; if (r2>fft_max) fft_max=r2; } k=Math.sqrt(fft_max)*deconvInvert; k2=k*k; for (i=0;i<fft_target.length; i++) for (j=0;j<fft_target[0].length;j++) { r=Math.sqrt(fft_target[i][j][0]*fft_target[i][j][0]+fft_target[i][j][1]*fft_target[i][j][1]); a=-Math.atan2(fft_target[i][j][1],fft_target[i][j][0]); /// will be zero for these targets) r=r/(r*r+k2); fft_target[i][j][0]=r*Math.cos(a); fft_target[i][j][1]=r*Math.sin(a); } // Convert fft array back to fht array /**/ fht_target_pixels= FFTHalf2FHT (fft_target); // set fht_target pixels with new values fht_target.setPixels (fht_target_pixels); /// optionally show the result if (DEBUG_LEVEL>5) { ImageProcessor ip_fht_target1 = new FloatProcessor(size,size); ip_fht_target1.setPixels(fht_target_pixels); ip_fht_target1.resetMinAndMax(); ImagePlus imp_fht_target1= new ImagePlus("Inverted_FHT_"+deconvInvert, ip_fht_target1);; } /// transform fht_target.inverseTransform(); fht_target.swapQuadrants(); fht_target.resetMinAndMax(); // ImagePlus imp= new ImagePlus(title, ip_fht); if (DEBUG_LEVEL>1) { ImagePlus imp_target_inverted= new ImagePlus("Inverted_"+deconvInvert, fht_target);; } // return direct_target; return (float[])fht_target.getPixels(); } /* ignore ROI, use whole image */ public float[][] splitBayer (ImagePlus imp) { ImageProcessor ip=imp.getProcessor(); Rectangle r=new Rectangle(imp.getWidth(),imp.getHeight()); float [] pixels; pixels=(float[])ip.getPixels(); if (DEBUG_LEVEL>10) IJ.showMessage("splitBayer","r.width="+r.width+ "\nr.height="+r.height+ "\nlength="+pixels.length); float [][] bayer_pixels=new float[4][pixels.length>>2]; int x,y,base,base_b,bv; int half_height=r.height>>1; int half_width=r.width>>1; for (y=0; y<half_height; y++) for (bv=0;bv<2;bv++){ base=r.width*((y<<1)+bv); base_b=half_width*y; if (bv==0) for (x=0; x<half_width; x++) { bayer_pixels[0][base_b]= pixels[base++]; bayer_pixels[1][base_b++]=pixels[base++]; } else for (x=0; x<half_width; x++) { bayer_pixels[2][base_b]= pixels[base++]; bayer_pixels[3][base_b++]=pixels[base++]; } } return bayer_pixels; } public void showBayers(float[][] bayer_pixels, int width, int height, String title) { int i; if (DEBUG_LEVEL>10) IJ.showMessage("showBayers","width="+width+ "\nheight="+height+ "\nlength="+bayer_pixels[0].length); ImageProcessor[] ip= new ImageProcessor[4]; ImagePlus[] imp=new ImagePlus[4]; for (i=0;i<4;i++) { ip[i]=new FloatProcessor(width,height); ip[i].setPixels(bayer_pixels[i]); ip[i].resetMinAndMax(); imp[i]= new ImagePlus(title+"_"+i, ip[i]); imp[i].show(); } } public float[] initHamming(int size) { float [] hamming =new float [size*size]; float [] hamming_line=new float [size]; int i,j; for (i=0; i<size; i++) hamming_line[i]=(float) (0.54-0.46*Math.cos((i*2.0*Math.PI)/size)); for (i=0; i<size; i++) for (j=0; j<size; j++){ hamming[size*i+j]=hamming_line[i]*hamming_line[j]; } return hamming; } public void initDisplay() { if ((imp_display==null) || (imp_display.getWidth()!=displayWidth) || (imp_display.getHeight()!=displayHeight)) { if (imp_display!=null) imp_display.close(); ip_display= new ColorProcessor (displayWidth,displayHeight); imp_display= new ImagePlus("Target Points", ip_display);; } } /* converts FHT results (frequency space) to complex numbers of [FFTSize/2+1][FFTSize] */ private double[][][] FHT2FFTHalf (FHT fht) { float[] fht_pixels=(float[])fht.getPixels(); double[][][] fftHalf=new double[(FFTSize>>1)+1][FFTSize][2]; int row1,row2,col1,col2; for (row1=0;row1<=(FFTSize>>1);row1++) { row2=(FFTSize-row1) %FFTSize; for (col1=0;col1<FFTSize;col1++) { col2=(FFTSize-col1) %FFTSize; fftHalf[row1][col1][0]= 0.5*(fht_pixels[row1*FFTSize+col1] + fht_pixels[row2*FFTSize+col2]); fftHalf[row1][col1][1]= 0.5*(fht_pixels[row2*FFTSize+col2] - fht_pixels[row1*FFTSize+col1]); } } return fftHalf; } /* converts FFT arrays of complex numbers of [FFTSize/2+1][FFTSize] to FHT arrays */ private float[] FFTHalf2FHT (double [][][] fft) { float[] fht_pixels=new float [FFTSize*FFTSize]; int row1,row2,col1,col2; for (row1=0;row1<=(FFTSize>>1);row1++) { row2=(FFTSize-row1) %FFTSize; for (col1=0;col1 < FFTSize;col1++) { col2=(FFTSize-col1) %FFTSize; /* out of bounds */ fht_pixels[row1*FFTSize+col1]=(float)(fft[row1][col1][0]+fft[row1][col1][1]); fht_pixels[row2*FFTSize+col2]=(float)(fft[row1][col1][0]-fft[row1][col1][1]); } } return fht_pixels; } /** * Main method for debugging. * * For debugging, it is convenient to have a method that starts ImageJ, loads an * image and calls the plugin, e.g. after setting breakpoints. * Grabbed from * @param args unused */ public static void main(String[] args) { // set the plugins.dir property to make the plugin appear in the Plugins menu Class<?> clazz = Aberration_Calibration.class; String url = clazz.getResource("/" + clazz.getName().replace('.', '/') + ".class").toString(); String pluginsDir = url.substring(5, url.length() - clazz.getName().length() - 6); System.setProperty("plugins.dir", pluginsDir); // start ImageJ new ImageJ(); // run the plugin IJ.runPlugIn(clazz.getName(), ""); } }