ddrc_register_set.set_word('dram_param_reg4',0x0,force)# reset all fields. This register is controlled by the hardware during automatic initialization
#Maybe just the LSBB (reg_ddrc_en_2t_timing_mode) is needed for "2t timing mode" - is it non-common?
ddrc_register_set.set_bitfields('dram_param_reg4',(('reg_ddrc_max_rank_rd',0xf)),force,warn)# Not documented, but appears to be set in 2-nd and 3-rd round
# 'reg_ddrc_addrmap_row_b15': {'r':(24,27),'d':0xF,'c':'Selects address bits for row. addr. bit 15, Valid 0..5 and 15, int. base=24 if 15 - address bit 15 is set to 0'}, # 0xf
# 'reg_ddrc_addrmap_row_b14': {'r':(20,23),'d':0xF,'c':'Selects address bits for row. addr. bit 14, Valid 0..6 and 15, int. base=23 if 15 - address bit 14 is set to 0'}, # 0x6
# 'reg_ddrc_addrmap_row_b13': {'r':(16,19),'d':0x5,'c':'Selects address bits for row. addr. bit 13, Valid 0..7 and 15, int. base=22 if 15 - address bit 13 is set to 0'}, # 0x6
# 'reg_ddrc_addrmap_row_b12': {'r':(12,15),'d':0x5,'c':'Selects address bits for row. addr. bit 12, Valid 0..8 and 15, int. base=21 if 15 - address bit 12 is set to 0'}, # 0x6
# 'reg_ddrc_addrmap_row_b2_11': {'r':( 8,11),'d':0x5,'c':'Selects address bits for row. addr. bits 2 to 11, Valid 0..11, int. base=11 (for a2) to 20 (for a 11)'}, # 0x6
# 'reg_ddrc_addrmap_row_b1': {'r':( 4, 7),'d':0x5,'c':'Selects address bits for row. addr. bit 1, Valid 0..11, int. base=10'}, # 0x6
# 'reg_ddrc_addrmap_row_b0': {'r':( 0, 3),'d':0x5,'c':'Selects address bits for row. addr. bit 0, Valid 0..11, int. base=9'}}}, # 0x6