Commit a1fea3d4 authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

Merge branch 'master' of

parents 2b80829b 0e8f58ea
Note for developers: **To have SSH access to all Elphel's repositories clone this project using SSH**
Note for users: **Some already built firmware images are available [here]( Also check [User Manual](**
# elphel393
Installation script for fetching and setting up building environment for elphel393 camera images,
it clones and configures several individual repositories, such as
The project contains scripts for fetching and setting up build environment that will generate firmware images for Elphel393 camera systems.
It clones and configures several individual repositories, such as
......@@ -8,11 +13,11 @@ it clones and configures several individual repositories, such as
The same script pulls updates from these repositories
The same script (**) pulls updates from these repositories
### Get environment
#### Dependencies
* poky might require installing some packages, please check with the [Yocto Poky Manual][1]
* poky might require installing some packages, please check with the [Yocto Poky Manual](
* extra requirement
......@@ -32,10 +37,9 @@ $ bitbake u-boot device-tree linux-xlnx core-image-elphel393
* the results are in *poky/build/tmp/deploy/images/elphel393/*
* for more details, read [**this guide**][2] at [][2]
* for more details, read [**this guide**][1] at [][1]
### Update and refresh environment
......@@ -49,3 +53,23 @@ $ (if changes in the kernel) bitbake linux-xlnx -c link -f
$ (if changes in the rootfs and the kernel) bitbake core-image-elphel393
### More info
[**Development for 10393**](
### Support
### Note 1: Switching between GIT protocols (SSH or HTTPS)
To have access to related Elphel's projects over **SSH** clone this project using **SSH**.
For **HTTPS** clone with **HTTPS**.
To change git protocol for all Elphel's projects - change the *remote* of this project accordingly, then run **:
$ git remote -v
$ git remote set-url ...
$ ./
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -117,6 +117,28 @@ def read_local_conf_dev(conf_file,pattern):
ret = line.split("=")[1].strip().strip("\"")
return ret
# reads protocol from the current repository and converts all other projects to this protocol
# https - user/password access
# git - key-based access
def read_git_proto(conf_file,pattern):
ret = "0"
if os.path.isfile(conf_file):
with open(conf_file,"r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
for line in lines:
if len(line)!=0:
if line.strip()[0]!="#":
pars = line.strip().split("=")
if (len(pars)>1):
# simple test
if pars[0].strip()=='url':
test = pars[1].find(pattern)
if test!=-1:
ret = "1"
print("ogogo! "+pars[1].strip())
return ret
def update_branch(names_from_conf,name_from_list,pars,git_proto):
# GIT host is defined in projects.json,
......@@ -155,7 +177,10 @@ else:
project_branches = read_local_conf("poky/build/conf/local.conf","ELPHEL393_branches")
git_proto = read_local_conf_dev("poky/build/conf/local.conf","ELPHEL393_DEV")
#git_proto = read_local_conf_dev("poky/build/conf/local.conf","ELPHEL393_DEV")
git_proto = read_git_proto(".git/config","git@")
for p,v in Projects.items():
i = i + 1
......@@ -277,13 +302,6 @@ ELPHELGITHOST = ""
# ELPHEL393_branches += "elphel-apps-camogm:framepars"
# ELPHEL393_branches += "linux-elphel:framepars"
# By default the projects' remotes are set to https.
# To switch to git:// (commit changes to github w/o a password)
# uncomment the following line
# 1 - for git:// - access using a key
# 0 (or commented) - for https:// - access using a password
# ELPHEL393_DEV = "1"
# To change git host edit: projects.json (a copy of projects-default.json)
# New git host must match "^(https:\/\/|git@)(.+)(\/|:)Elphel.*", e.g.:
# "" or
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