<?php /*!*************************************************************************** *! FILE NAME : i2c.php *! DESCRIPTION: Provides single byte/short r/w from/to the i2c *! Setting per-slave protection mask, *! Synchronizing system clock with a "CMOS" one *! Reading from/writing to EEPROM memory *! Copyright (C) 2008 Elphel, Inc *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** *! *! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *! (at your option) any later version. *! *! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *! GNU General Public License for more details. *! *! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** *! $Log: i2c.php,v $ *! Revision 1.7 2012/04/08 04:08:58 elphel *! bug fix in temperature measurement *! *! Revision 1.6 2012/01/16 01:42:24 elphel *! comments *! *! Revision 1.5 2011/12/22 05:35:11 elphel *! Added "slow" option (for slow i2c devices) and reading the sensor board temperature *! *! Revision 1.4 2011/08/13 00:51:21 elphel *! support for "granddaughter" board ID eeprom *! *! Revision 1.3 2011/01/18 17:38:34 dzhimiev *! 1. added <len> record, passed through 'length' *! *! Revision 1.2 2010/08/10 21:11:40 elphel *! added EEPROM support of the 10359 and 10338D boards. *! *! Revision 2008/11/27 20:04:03 elphel *! *! *! Revision 1.8 2008/04/24 20:32:44 elphel *! reverted, wrong edit *! *! Revision 1.7 2008/04/24 18:19:50 elphel *! changed to absolute path to i2c.inc *! *! Revision 1.6 2008/03/16 01:24:09 elphel *! Added i2c speed control interface *! *! Revision 1.5 2008/03/15 23:05:18 elphel *! split i2c.php into i2c.php and i2c.inc (to be used from other scripts) *! *! Revision 1.4 2008/03/15 18:38:21 elphel *! Implemented add-on boards EEPROM support *! *! Revision 1.3 2008/02/20 07:41:42 elphel *! report error if the date is wrong *! *! Revision 1.2 2008/02/13 00:30:01 elphel *! Added system time synchronization with "CMOS" clock *! *! Revision 1.1 2008/02/12 21:53:20 elphel *! Modified I2c to support multiple buses, added raw access (no address registers) and per-slave protection bitmasks *! *! */ // In NC393: buses 0..3 - sensors(old bus=0), 4 - aux (old bus=1), 5 - system i2c (TODO) set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . '/www/pages/include'); require 'i2c_include.php'; $width = 0; $bus = 0; $adr = - 1; $class = ""; $sa7offs = 0; $data = ""; $nopars = false; $raw = 0; $wprot = - 1; $rprot = - 1; $rslt = ""; $cmd = ""; // $model = ""; $rev = ""; $brand = "Elphel"; $serial = ""; $time = ""; $port = ""; $part = ""; $baud = ""; $sync = ""; $slowbus0 = - 1; // extra microseconds for SCL low and SCL high $EEPROM_bus0 = - 1; $EEPROM_chn = 0; // / 0 - 10359/single 10338D, 1..3 - 10338D attached to the 10359 $application = ''; $applicationMode = ''; $sensor = ''; $temperatureSA = 0x30; $temperarureDelay = 1.0; // extra microseconds for SCL low/high (nominal 4, but works with 1) $msg = "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<i2c>\n"; if (count ( $_GET ) == 0) { $nopars = true; } else { $pars = array (); foreach ( $_GET as $key => $value ) { switch ($key) { case "slow" : case "slowbus0" : $slowbus0 = $value + 0; break; case "cmd" : switch ($value) { case "fromCMOS" : // TODO: NC393: implement // $rslt=i2c_getCMOSClock()?"Set system time error (probably CMOS clock is not set)":("System clock is set to ".exec("date")); break; case "toCMOS" : $rslt = i2c_setCMOSClock (); break; case "fromEEPROM" : case "toEEPROM" : case "fromEEPROM0" : case "toEEPROM0" : case "fromEEPROM1" : case "toEEPROM1" : case "fromEEPROM2" : case "toEEPROM2" : case "fromEEPROM3" : case "toEEPROM3" : case "fromEEPROM4" : case "toEEPROM4" : case "fromEEPROM5" : case "toEEPROM5" : case "ctl" : $cmd = $value; break; } break; case "EEPROM_chn" : $EEPROM_chn = $value; break; case "app" : case "application" : $application = $value; break; case "mode" : case "application_mode" : $application_mode = $value; break; case "sensor" : $sensor = $value; break; case "port" : $port = $value; break; case "part" : $part = $value; break; case "baud" : $baud = $value; break; case "sync" : $sync = $value; break; case "model" : $model = $value; break; case "rev" : $rev = $value; break; case "serial" : $serial = $value; break; case "time" : // seconds from 1970 $time = $value + 0; break; case "raw" : $adr = ($value + 0) & ~ 0x7f; $raw = 1; $width = 8; break; case "width" : $width = $value + 0; break; case "bus" : $bus = $value + 0; break; case "adr" : $adr = $value + 0; break; case "wp" : if ($value == 0) $wprot = 0; else if ($value == 1) $wprot = 1; break; case "rp" : if ($value == 0) $rprot = 0; else if ($value == 1) $rprot = 1; break; case "data" : $data = $value; break; case "length" : $length = $value + 0; break; case "class" : $class = $value; break; case "sa7offs" : $sa7offs = $value + 0; break; } } } switch ($cmd) { case "fromEEPROM0" : case "fromEEPROM1" : case "fromEEPROM2" : case "fromEEPROM3" : case "fromEEPROM4" : case "fromEEPROM5" : $EEPROM_bus0 = intval ( substr ( $cmd, 10 ) ); // and fall below case "fromEEPROM" : if (($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) || ($EEPROM_bus0 == 5)) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such, bus = 5 - 10389 eeprom $rslt=i2c_read256b(0xa0+($EEPROM_chn * 2), $EEPROM_bus0); if (!is_string($rslt)){ break; // will report error } $zero=strpos($rslt,chr(0)); if ($zero!==false) $rslt=substr($rslt,0, $zero); if (substr($rslt,0,5)=="<?xml") { $xml=simplexml_load_string($rslt); $xml_string=$xml->asXML(); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); header("Content-Length: ".strlen($xml_string)."\n"); header("Pragma: no-cache\n"); printf($xml_string); exit (0); } break; } if (($EEPROM_bus0 < 0) || ($EEPROM_bus0 > 3)) { // Not supported in NC393 - TODO: implement with bus=5 for 10389 board serial number break; } if (($EEPROM_chn < 0) || ($EEPROM_chn > 4)) { // Not supported in NC393 break; } // print(i2c_read256b_sensor('sensor_eeprom',3,0)); // $rslt=i2c_read256b(0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*($EEPROM_bus0?4:2)), $EEPROM_bus0?0:1); $rslt = i2c_read256b ( 'sensor_eeprom', $EEPROM_bus0, 2 * $EEPROM_chn ); $zero = strpos ( $rslt, chr ( 0 ) ); if ($zero !== false) $rslt = substr ( $rslt, 0, $zero ); if (substr ( $rslt, 0, 5 ) == "<?xml") { $xml = simplexml_load_string ( $rslt ); // $temperatureSA=0x30; // $temperarureDelay=1.0; // extra microseconds for SCL low/high (nominal 4, but works with 1) // try reading sensor temperature (if available) if ($EEPROM_bus0 >= 0) { $data = i2c_receive_sensor ( 'sensor_temp', $EEPROM_bus0, 5, 2 * $EEPROM_chn ); $bus = 0; // $sa=$temperatureSA+($EEPROM_chn*($EEPROM_bus0?4:2)); // $data=i2c_receive_slow(16,$bus,$sa*128+5,0,$temperarureDelay); if (($data >= 0) && ($data!=0xffff)) { // <0 - i2c error - not implemented $data = (($data & 0x1000) ? - 1 : 1) * ($data & 0xfff) / 16.0; $xml->addChild ( 'sensorTemperature', $data ); // i2c_send_slow(8,$bus,$sa*128+8,3,0,$temperarureDelay); // set slow conversion, 1/16C resolution - for the next time i2c_send_sensor ( 'sensor_temp', $EEPROM_bus0, 8, 3, 2 * $EEPROM_chn ); } } $xml_string = $xml->asXML (); header ( "Content-Type: text/xml" ); header ( "Content-Length: " . strlen ( $xml_string ) . "\n" ); header ( "Pragma: no-cache\n" ); printf ( $xml_string ); exit ( 0 ); } break; case "toEEPROM0" : case "toEEPROM1" : case "toEEPROM2" : case "toEEPROM3" : case "toEEPROM4" : case "toEEPROM5" : $EEPROM_bus0 = intval ( substr ( $cmd, 8 ) ); // and fall below case "toEEPROM" : // echo "<!-- EEPROM_bus0=". $EEPROM_bus0." EEPROM_chn=".$EEPROM_chn."-->"; if (($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) || ($EEPROM_bus0 == 5)) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such if ($wprot>=0) { i2c_setprot ($EEPROM_bus0, 0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*2),1,(1-$wprot)); } if ($data=="") { if ($model === "") {$rslt="model not specified"; break;} if ($rev === "") {$rslt="rev not specified"; break;} if ($serial === "") {$rslt="serial not specified"; break;} if ($time === "") {$rslt="time not specified"; break;} $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><board/>"); if ($brand!='') $xml->addChild ('brand',$brand); if ($model!='') $xml->addChild ('model',$model); if ($rev!='') $xml->addChild ('rev', $rev); if ($serial!='') $xml->addChild ('serial',$serial); if ($time!='') $xml->addChild ('time',$time); if ($application!="") $xml->addChild ('app',$application); if ($application_mode!="") $xml->addChild ('mode',$application_mode); if ($sensor!='') $xml->addChild ('sensor',$sensor); if ($length!='') $xml->addChild ('len',$length); if ($port!='') $xml->addChild ('port',$port); if ($part!='') $xml->addChild ('part',$part); if ($baud!='') $xml->addChild ('baud',$baud); if ($sync!='') $xml->addChild ('sync',$sync); $data=$xml->asXML(); } if (strlen($data)>256) { $rslt="data too long - ".strlen($data)." bytes, only 256 are permitted"; break; } $rslt="written ".i2c_write256b($data,0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*2), $EEPROM_bus0); i2c_setprot ($EEPROM_bus0,0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*2),1,0); break; } if (($EEPROM_bus0 < 0) || ($EEPROM_bus0 > 3)) { // Not supported in NC393 - TODO: implement with bus=5 for 10389 board serial number break; } if (($EEPROM_chn < 0) || ($EEPROM_chn > 4)) { // Not supported in NC393 break; } if ($wprot >= 0) { // not implemented in NC393? // i2c_setprot ($EEPROM_bus0?0:1,0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*($EEPROM_bus0?4:2)),1,(1-$wprot)); } if ($data == "") { if ($model === "") { $rslt = "model not specified"; break; } if ($rev === "") { $rslt = "rev not specified"; break; } if ($serial === "") { $rslt = "serial not specified"; break; } if ($time === "") { $rslt = "time not specified"; break; } $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ( "<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><board/>" ); if ($brand != '') $xml->addChild ( 'brand', $brand ); if ($model != '') $xml->addChild ( 'model', $model ); if ($rev != '') $xml->addChild ( 'rev', $rev ); if ($serial != '') $xml->addChild ( 'serial', $serial ); if ($time != '') $xml->addChild ( 'time', $time ); if ($application != "") $xml->addChild ( 'app', $application ); if ($application_mode != "") $xml->addChild ( 'mode', $application_mode ); if ($sensor != '') $xml->addChild ( 'sensor', $sensor ); if ($length != '') $xml->addChild ( 'len', $length ); if ($port != '') $xml->addChild ( 'port', $port ); if ($part != '') $xml->addChild ( 'part', $part ); if ($baud != '') $xml->addChild ( 'baud', $baud ); if ($sync != '') $xml->addChild ( 'sync', $sync ); $data = $xml->asXML (); } if (strlen ( $data ) > 256) { $rslt = "data too long - " . strlen ( $data ) . " bytes, only 256 are permitted"; break; } // $rslt="written ".i2c_write256b($data,0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*($EEPROM_bus0?4:2)),$EEPROM_bus0?0:1); $rslt = "written " . i2c_write256b_sensor ( $data, 'sensor_eeprom', $EEPROM_bus0, 2 * $EEPROM_chn ); // i2c_setprot ($EEPROM_bus0?0:1,0xa0+($EEPROM_chn*($EEPROM_bus0?4:2)),1,0); break; case "ctl" : if ($bus === "") { $rslt = "i2c bus number is not specified"; break; } $rslt = i2c_ctl ( $bus, $data )->asXML (); header ( "Content-Type: text/xml" ); header ( "Content-Length: " . strlen ( $rslt ) . "\n" ); header ( "Pragma: no-cache\n" ); printf ( $rslt ); exit ( 0 ); } if ($rslt == "") { // $msg .= "<width1>" . $width . "</width1>\n"; // $msg .= "<bus1>" . $bus . "</bus1>\n"; // $msg .= "<slave1>" . (sprintf ( "0x%x", ($adr >> (($width == 8) ? 7 : 8)) & 0xfe )) . "</slave1>\n"; if ($bus > 3) { if (($adr >= 0) && (($width == 8) || ($width == 16))) { $slave = ($adr >> (($width == 16) ? 8 : 7)) & 0xfe; if ($wprot >= 0) { // i2c_setprot ($bus,$slave,1,(1-$wprot)); } if ($rprot >= 0) { // i2c_setprot ($bus,$slave,0,(1-$rprot)); } $msg .= "<width>" . $width . "</width>\n"; $msg .= "<bus>" . $bus . "</bus>\n"; $msg .= "<slave>" . (sprintf ( "0x%x", ($adr >> (($width == 8) ? 7 : 8)) & 0xfe )) . "</slave>\n"; if (! $raw) { $msg .= "<adr>" . $adr . "</adr>\n"; $msg .= "<hex_adr>" . sprintf ( "0x%x", $adr ) . "</hex_adr>\n"; } if ($data != "") { // ! i2c write $data += 0; $msg .= "<data>" . $data . "</data>\n"; $msg .= "<wdata>" . $data . "</wdata>\n"; $msg .= "<hex_data>" . sprintf ( "0x%x", $data ) . "</hex_data>\n"; $rslt = ($slowbus0 >= 0) ? i2c_send_slow ( $width, $bus, $adr, $data, $raw, $slowbus0 ) : i2c_send ( $width, $bus, $adr, $data, $raw ); ; if (! ($rslt > 0)) $msg .= "<error> \"i2c write error (" . $rslt . ")\"</error>\n"; } else { // !i2c read $data = ($slowbus0 >= 0) ? i2c_receive_slow ( $width, $bus, $adr, $raw, $slowbus0 ) : i2c_receive ( $width, $bus, $adr, $raw ); $msg .= "<data>" . $data . "</data>\n"; $msg .= "<rdata>" . $data . "</rdata>\n"; $msg .= "<hex_data>" . sprintf ( "0x%x", $data ) . "</hex_data>\n"; if ($data == - 1) $msg .= "<error> \"i2c read error\"</error>\n"; } } else { if (! $nopars) $msg .= "<error>\"Address (adr or raw) or width are not specified or are not positive.\"</error>\n"; $msg .= "<usage>\"open URL: i2c.php?width=www&bus=bbb&adr=aaa&data=ddd\"</usage>\n"; } } else { if ((strlen($class)>0) || ($adr >= 0)) { $msg .= "<class>" . $class . "</class>\n"; $msg .= "<bus>" . $bus . "</bus>\n"; $msg .= "<sa7offs>" . sprintf ( "0x%x", $sa7offs) . "</sa7offs>\n"; $msg .= "<adr>" . $adr . "</adr>\n"; $msg .= "<hex_adr>" . sprintf ( "0x%x", $adr ) . "</hex_adr>\n"; if ($data != "") { // ! i2c write $data += 0; $msg .= "<data>" . $data . "</data>\n"; $msg .= "<wdata>" . $data . "</wdata>\n"; $msg .= "<hex_data>" . sprintf ( "0x%x", $data ) . "</hex_data>\n"; $rslt = i2c_send_sensor($class, $bus, $adr, $data, $sa7offs); if (! ($rslt > 0)) $msg .= "<error> \"i2c write error (" . $rslt . ")\"</error>\n"; } else { // !i2c read $data = i2c_receive_sensor($class, $bus, $adr, $sa7offs); $msg .= "<data>" . $data . "</data>\n"; $msg .= "<rdata>" . $data . "</rdata>\n"; $msg .= "<hex_data>" . sprintf ( "0x%x", $data ) . "</hex_data>\n"; if ($data == - 1) $msg .= "<error> \"i2c read error\"</error>\n"; } } else { if (! $nopars) $msg .= "<error>\"Device class name and/or register address are not specified address is not positive.\"</error>\n"; $msg .= "<usage>\"open URL: i2c.php?class=device_class_name&bus=sensor_port&adr=register_address&data=data_to_write&sa7offs=add_to_slave_address\"</usage>\n"; } } } else { $msg .= "<result>\"" . $rslt . "\"</result>\n"; } $msg .= "</i2c>\n"; header ( "Content-Type: text/xml" ); header ( "Content-Length: " . strlen ( $msg ) . "\n" ); header ( "Pragma: no-cache\n" ); printf ( $msg ); ?>