<?php /*!*************************************************************************** *! FILE NAME : elphel_functions_include.php *! DESCRIPTION: various functions *! Copyright (C) 2016 Elphel, Inc *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** *! *! This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify *! it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *! the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or *! (at your option) any later version. *! *! This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *! but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *! MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *! GNU General Public License for more details. *! *! You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *! along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. *! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------** */ /* * Contents: * * OTHER * * LOG AND XML RESPONSE * * PARALLEL HTTP REQUESTS * * DEVICES */ // OTHER function get_uptime(){ exec('cat /proc/uptime',$output,$retval); return floatval(explode(" ",trim($output[0]))[0]); } // LOG AND XML RESPONSE function colorize($string, $color, $bold) { $color = strtoupper($color); $attr = array(); switch ($color) { case 'RED': $attr[]='31'; break; case'GREEN': $attr[]='32'; break; case 'YELLOW': $attr[]='33'; break; case 'BLUE': $attr[]='34'; break; case 'MAGENTA': $attr[]='35'; break; case 'CYAN': $attr[]='36'; break; case 'GRAY': $attr[]='37'; break; } if ($bold) $attr[] = '1'; return sprintf("\x1b[%sm%s\x1b[0m",implode(';',$attr), $string); } function log_open(){ $GLOBALS['logFile'] = fopen ( $GLOBALS['logFilePath'], "a" ); } /** Log message and optionally print to console */ function log_msg($msg, ///< message to print $mode = -1) ///< -1 - print only short messages, 0 - never print, 1 - always print, 2 print in bold red (error), 3 - bold white, 4 - bold yellow (warning) { // do not output log when in HTTP request mode $ut=get_uptime(); if (($mode != 0) && !array_key_exists ('REQUEST_METHOD', $_SERVER) && (($mode > 0) || (strlen ($msg) < $GLOBALS['LOG_MAX_ECHO']))) { switch ($mode) { case 2: $emsg = colorize($msg,'RED',1); // bold red break; case 3: $emsg = colorize($msg,'',1); // bold white break; case 4 : $emsg = colorize($msg, 'YELLOW', 1); // bold white break; default: $emsg = $msg; } printf(colorize(sprintf("[%8.2f] autocampars: ",$ut),"GREEN",0).$emsg."\n"); } fwrite ($GLOBALS['logFile'], sprintf("%08.2f autocampars: %s\n",$ut,$msg)); // date ("F j, Y, G:i:s") } function log_error($msg) { log_msg ($msg, 2); log_close (); exit (1); } function log_close() { log_msg ("Log file saved as " . $GLOBALS['logFilePath'], 3); log_msg ("----------------------------------------------", 0); fclose ($GLOBALS['logFile']); unset ($GLOBALS['logFile']); // to catch errors } /** Closes log file, optianally responxds with XML (if in HTTP mode), exits with 0/1 */ function respond_xml($result,$error=null,$color_mode = 3){ // default white bold if (array_key_exists('REQUEST_METHOD',$_SERVER)){ $xml = new SimpleXMLElement("<?xml version='1.0' standalone='yes'?><Document/>"); if ($result !== ""){ //"" will not be loged/output if (is_string($result) && ((count($result)==0) || ($result[0] != '"'))){ $result = '"'.$result.'"'; } $xml->addChild ('result',$result); } if ($error){ $xml->addChild ('error','"'.$error.'"'); } $rslt=$xml->asXML(); header("Content-Type: text/xml"); header("Content-Length: ".strlen($rslt)."\n"); header("Pragma: no-cache\n"); printf($rslt); } if (isset($GLOBALS['logFile'])){ if ($result !== ""){ //"" will not be loged/output log_msg(''.$result,$color_mode); } if ($error){ log_error($error); } else { log_close(); exit (0); } } } // PARALLEL HTTP REQUESTS // Using parallel requests, PHP has to be configured '--with-curl=' (and libcurl should be installed) function curl_multi_start($urls, $with_headers=0) { // numprime is needed to actually send the request and remote starts executing it // Not really clear - what it should be $numprime = 4; // magic number, see http://lampe2e.blogspot.com/2015/03/making-stuff-faster-with-curlmultiexec.html $curl_mh = curl_multi_init (); $aCurlHandles = array (); foreach ($urls as $url) { $ch = curl_init (); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt ($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, $with_headers); $aCurlHandles[] = $ch; curl_multi_add_handle ($curl_mh, $ch); } $curl_active = count ($urls); for($x = 0; $x < $numprime && $curl_active; $x++) { curl_multi_exec ($curl_mh, $curl_active); // we wait for a bit to allow stuff TCP handshakes to complete and so forth... usleep (10000); // echo "."; } return array ("mh" => $curl_mh,"handles" => $aCurlHandles); } function curl_multi_finish($data, $use_xml=true, $ntry=0, $echo = false, $with_headers = 0) { $curl_active = 1; $curl_mrc = CURLM_OK; $nrep = 0; $curl_mh = $data['mh']; while ($curl_active && $curl_mrc == CURLM_OK ) { if (curl_multi_select ($curl_mh) != -1) { do { $curl_mrc = curl_multi_exec ($curl_mh, $curl_active); } while ($curl_mrc == CURLM_CALL_MULTI_PERFORM ); } if ($echo) echo colorize("$curl_active ",'YELLOW',1); $nrep++; if ($ntry && ($nrep > $ntry)) { break; } } $results = array (); $names = array (); if ($use_xml) { foreach ($data['handles'] as $i => $ch) { $xml = simplexml_load_string (curl_multi_getcontent ($ch)); curl_multi_remove_handle ($curl_mh, $ch); $results[$i] = array (); foreach ($xml as $tag => $value) { $svalue = (string) $value; if (strlen ($svalue) > 0) { if ($svalue[0] == '"') $results[$i][$tag] = trim ($svalue, '"'); else $results[$i][$tag] = (int) $svalue; } } } } else { foreach ($data['handles'] as $i => $ch) { $r = curl_multi_getcontent ($ch); curl_multi_remove_handle ($curl_mh, $ch); if ($with_headers==1){ $hsize = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HEADER_SIZE); $h = substr($r, 0, $hsize); $r = substr($r, $hsize); $names[] = curl_get_filename_from_header($h); } $results[] = $r; } if ($with_headers==1){ $results = Array('names' => $names,'contents'=> $results); } } curl_multi_close ($curl_mh); return $results; } function curl_get_filename_from_header($h){ $h = explode("\n",$h); $res = ""; if ($h){ foreach($h as $e){ if (strlen($e)!=0){ $tmp = explode(":",$e); if ($tmp[0]=="Content-Disposition"){ $tmp = explode(";",$tmp[1]); foreach($tmp as $t){ $t = trim($t); $t = explode("=",$t); if ($t[0]=="filename"){ $res = trim($t[1]," \t\n\r\0\x0B\""); break; } } break; } } } } return $res; } // DEVICES /** Get a list of suitable partitions. The list will contain SATA devices only and * will have the following format: "name" => "size_in_blocks". */ function get_partitions() { $names = array(); $regexp = '/([0-9]+) +(sd[a-z0-9]+$)/'; exec("cat /proc/partitions", $partitions); // the first two elements of an array are table header and empty line delimiter, skip them for ($i = 2; $i < count($partitions); $i++) { // select SATA devices only if (preg_match($regexp, $partitions[$i], $name) == 1) { $names[$name[2]] = $name[1]; $j++; } } return $names; } /** Get a list of disk devices which have file system and can be mounted. This function * uses 'blkid' command from busybox. */ function get_mnt_dev() { $partitions = get_partitions(); $devices = array(); $fs_types = array(); foreach ($partitions as $partition => $size) { $res = array(); $dev = "/dev/" . $partition; exec("blkid " . $dev, $res); if (!empty($res)) { $devices[$i] = preg_replace('/: +.*/', "", $res[0]); if (preg_match('/(?<=TYPE=")[a-z0-9]+(?=")/', $res[0], $fs) == 1) $fs_types[$i] = $fs[0]; else $fs_types[$i] = "none"; $i++; } } return array("devices" => $devices, "types" => $fs_types); } /** Get a list of devices whithout file system which can be used for raw disk storage from camogm. */ function get_raw_dev() { $j = 0; $ret = get_mnt_dev(); $devices = $ret["devices"]; $types = $ret["types"]; $names = get_partitions(); // filter out partitions with file system $i = 0; $raw_devices = array(); foreach ($names as $name => $size) { $found = false; foreach ($devices as $device) { if (strpos($device, $name) !== false) $found = true; } if ($found === false) { // current partition is not found in the blkid list, add it to raw devices $raw_devices["/dev/" . $name] = $size; $i++; } } //special case if (count($raw_devices)>1) { foreach($raw_devices as $k=>$v){ if (preg_match('/sd[a-z][0-9]/',$k)==0) { unset($raw_devices[$k]); } } } return $raw_devices; } /** Get a list of detected sensors (no mux). Readimg from sysfs. */ function get_sensors(){ $sensors = array('none','none','none','none'); $path = "/sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-detect_sensors@0"; for($i=0;$i<count($sensors);$i++){ $s = "$path/sensor{$i}0"; if (is_file($s)){ $c = trim(file_get_contents($s)); $sensors[$i] = $c; } } return $sensors; } ?>