<?php /** * @file snapshot.php * @brief snapshot * @copyright Copyright (C) 2017 Elphel Inc. * @author Oleg Dzhimiev <oleg@elphel.com> * * @par <b>License</b>: * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ ?> <?php include "../include/elphel_functions_include.php"; $port0 = 2323; $path = "/sys/devices/soc0/elphel393-detect_sensors@0"; $base_channel = 0; $available_ports = Array(); $trig_master = -1; $trig_master_port = -1; $dl_exif_histories = 0; for($i=0;$i<4;$i++){ $sensor = $path."/sensor{$i}0"; if (is_file($sensor)){ $c = trim(file_get_contents($sensor)); if ($c!="none"){ array_push($available_ports,$port0+$i); } } } $lowest_port = $available_ports[0]-$port0; // get TRIG_MASTER from lowest port if(!empty($available_ports)){ $trig_master = intval(elphel_get_P_value($lowest_port,ELPHEL_TRIG_MASTER)); $trig_master_port = $trig_master + $port0; } if (isset($_GET['debug'])){ $dl_exif_histories = 1; } if (isset($_GET['bchn'])){ $base_channel = $_GET['bchn']; } if ($trig_master>=0){ if (isset($_GET['trig'])){ // just in case one wants to override master if (isset($_GET['port'])){ $trig_master_port = $_GET['port']; } $f = fopen("http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']}:$trig_master_port/trig/pointers", 'r'); fclose($f); die("trigger ok: http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']}:$trig_master_port/trig/pointers"); } if (isset($_GET['zip'])){ $contents = Array(); $filenames = Array(); $rqs = Array(); foreach($available_ports as $port){ array_push($rqs,"http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']}:$port/timestamp_name/bchn$base_channel/bimg"); } // '1' in the end - get response with headers $cdata = curl_multi_start($rqs,1); // '1' in the end - parse response with headers $results = curl_multi_finish($cdata,false,0,false,1); $filenames = $results['names']; $contents = $results['contents']; /* foreach($available_ports as $port){ //exec("wget --content-disposition -P $tmpdir http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']}:$port/timestamp_name/bimg"); //fopen("http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']}:$port/timestamp_name/bimg",'r'); $content = file_get_contents("http://{$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']}:$port/timestamp_name/bimg"); $filename = get_filename_from_headers($http_response_header); if ($filename==""){ $filename = "bimg.jp4"; } array_push($filenames,$filename); array_push($contents,$content); } */ $zipfilename = preg_replace("/_\d+\.jp(4|.*g)$/",".zip",$filenames[0]); //tmpfile $tmpfile = tmpfile(); $tmpfilename = stream_get_meta_data($tmpfile)['uri']; $zip = new ZipArchive; if ($zip->open($tmpfilename, ZipArchive::OVERWRITE)!==TRUE) { die("cannot access temporary file <$tmpfilename>\n"); } foreach($filenames as $k=>$v){ $zip->addFromString($v,$contents[$k]); } if (isset($_GET['exifs'])){ foreach($available_ports as $k=>$v){ $i = $v-$port0; $fname = $filenames[$k]; $v_new = preg_replace("/\.jp(4|.*g)$/","_exifs.txt",$fname); $exifs = get_all_exifs($i); $zip->addFromString($v_new,var_export($exifs,true)); } } $zip->close(); header('Content-type: application/zip'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$zipfilename.'"'); echo file_get_contents($tmpfilename); die(); } // get exif data from all buffers in a single text file if (isset($_GET['exifs'])){ if (isset($_GET['sensor_port'])){ $port = $_GET['sensor_port']; }else{ $port = $lowest_port; } $meta = get_all_exifs(intval($port)); print_r($meta); die(); } } function get_all_exifs($port){ $circbuf_pointers = elphel_get_circbuf_pointers($port,1); // get metas $meta = array(); foreach($circbuf_pointers as $k=>$v){ $meta[$k] = array ( 'circbuf_pointer' => $v['circbuf_pointer'], 'meta' => elphel_get_interframe_meta($port,$v['circbuf_pointer']), 'Exif' => elphel_get_exif_elphel($port, $v['exif_pointer']) ); } return $meta; } ?> <!DOCTYPE HTML> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"/> <title>Snapshot</title> <script type='text/javascript' src='snapshot.js'></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='../js/jquery-3.1.1.js'></script> <style> body { font-family: "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica; } .button{ font-weight: bold; border-radius:3px; outline:none; border: none; color: white; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; display: inline-block; } #snapshot{ background-color: #CF4040; /* not Green */ padding: 32px 32px; font-size: 20px; } #snapshot:hover{ background-color: #BF4040; /* not Green */ } #snapshot:active{ background-color: #9F4040; /* not Green */ } #snapshot:disabled{ background-color: #A0A0A0; /* not Green */ } #synced, #aszip{ width:25px; height:25px; } #help_button{ background-color: #404040; /* not Green */ padding: 3px 7px; font-size: 15px; } #help_button:hover{ background-color: #303030; /* not Green */ } #help_button:active{ background-color: #202020; /* not Green */ } </style> <script> var ip = location.origin; //var href = location.href; var ports = [<?php echo implode(",",$available_ports);?>]; var trig_master = <?php echo $trig_master;?>; var trig_master_port = <?php echo $trig_master_port;?>; var dl_exif_histories = <?php echo $dl_exif_histories;?>; </script> </head> <body> <div> <button title='Download images from all channels over network' id='snapshot' onclick='take_snapshot()' class='button'>Snapshot</button> </div> <br/> <div> <table> <tr> <td valign='middle'><span style='font-size:20px;line-height:25px;' title='checked = single zip unchecked = multiple files'>zip</span></td> <td valign='middle'><input type='checkbox' id='aszip' checked/></td> </tr> <tr> <td valign='middle'><span style='font-size:20px;line-height:25px;'>sync</span></td> <td valign='middle'><input type='checkbox' id='synced' checked/></td> <td valign='middle'><button id='help_button' class='button' onclick='toggle_help()' >?</button></td> </tr> </table> </div> <br/> <div id='help' style='display:none;'> <b>if checked</b>: <ul> <li>all ports - same timestamp</li> <li>fps will be reprogrammed - set to single trigger mode then restored - careful if some other program is doing recording</li> </ul> <b>if unchecked</b>: <ul> <li>timestamps can be different</li> <li>fps will not be reprogrammed - no intereference with other recording programs, only network load.</li> </ul> </div> </body> </html>