<?php /** * @copyright Copyright (C) 2020 Elphel, Inc. * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * * @author Oleg Dzhimiev <oleg@elphel.com> * @brief Test sensors at all 10393 ports */ include "include/elphel_functions_include.php"; $PORT_BASE = 2323; $SENSOR_NONE = 'none'; $SENSOR_MT9P006 = "mt9p006"; function apply_def_settings($port,$pars){ global $PORT_BASE; $parsForMD5=array( 'QUALITY' => 96, 'WOI_WIDTH' => 2592, 'WOI_HEIGHT' => 1936, 'SENSOR_RUN' => 2, 'COMPRESSOR_RUN' => 2, 'GAINR' => 0x20000, 'GAING' => 0x20000, 'GAINB' => 0x20000, 'GAINGB' => 0x20000, 'COLOR' => 0, 'AUTOEXP_ON' => 0, 'WB_EN' => 0, 'GAIN_MIN' => 0x10000, 'GAIN_MAX' => 0x10000, 'TESTSENSOR' => 0x10008, 'EXPOS' => 10000 ); for($i=0;$i<2;$i++){ elphel_set_P_arr($port,$parsForMD5); $thisFrame = elphel_get_frame($port); elphel_wait_frame_abs($port,$thisFrame+3); } } function run_test_mt9p006($port){ global $PORT_BASE; $ref_md5sum = "e1f8f6c37d1d7ddd233a821338f812e5"; $p = $PORT_BASE + $port; $test_status = "ok"; $ahead = 3; $parsForMD5=array( 'QUALITY' => 96, 'WOI_WIDTH' => 2592, 'WOI_HEIGHT' => 1936, 'SENSOR_RUN' => 2, 'COMPRESSOR_RUN' => 2, 'GAINR' => 0x20000, 'GAING' => 0x20000, 'GAINB' => 0x20000, 'GAINGB' => 0x20000, 'COLOR' => 0, 'AUTOEXP_ON' => 0, 'WB_EN' => 0, 'GAIN_MIN' => 0x10000, 'GAIN_MAX' => 0x10000, 'TESTSENSOR' => 0x10008, 'EXPOS' => 10000 ); // save pars to restore later $parsSaved = elphel_get_P_arr($port,$parsForMD5); // Spectr's cheating - double initialization for($i=0;$i<2;$i++){ elphel_set_P_arr($port,$parsForMD5); $thisFrame = elphel_get_frame($port); elphel_wait_frame_abs($port,$thisFrame+$ahead); } for($i=0;$i<3;$i++){ $md5sum = md5(file_get_contents("$p/noexif/next/wait/img")); if ($md5sum!=$ref_md5sum){ print("md5sum($i) does not match reference ($ref_md5sum): $md5sum\n"); $test_status = "fail"; }else{ print("md5sum($i) $md5sum ok\n"); } } // restore saved pars elphel_set_P_arr($port,$parsSaved); print("RESULT: $test_status\n"); } if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])){ print("<pre>"); } $sensors = get_sensors(); foreach($sensors as $i => $sensor){ print("Testing port $i:\n"); switch($sensor){ case $SENSOR_MT9P006: run_test_mt9p006($i); break; case $SENSOR_NONE: print("WARNING: No sensor attached to port $i. Test skipped.\n"); break; default: print("WARNING: Unsupported sensor '$sensor'. Test skipped.\n"); } } print("Done\n"); ?>