Commit ce5d3e2e authored by Andrey Filippov's avatar Andrey Filippov

speeded up EEPROM read on 10389 (system i2c bus), hard-wired path for autocampars.xml

parent 4e7b7b63
......@@ -234,6 +234,9 @@ switch ($cmd) {
case "fromEEPROM" :
if (($EEPROM_bus0 == 4) || ($EEPROM_bus0 == 5)) { // using FPGA PIO bus (bus=1 in NC353) for IMU, GPS and such, bus = 5 - 10389 eeprom
$rslt=i2c_read256b(0xa0+($EEPROM_chn * 2), $EEPROM_bus0);
if (!is_string($rslt)){
break; // will report error
if ($zero!==false) $rslt=substr($rslt,0, $zero);
if (substr($rslt,0,5)=="<?xml") {
......@@ -418,15 +418,24 @@ function i2c_read256b($slave = 0xa0, $bus = 4, $extrausec = 0) { // will read 25
if ($bus == 2) { // System i2c in nc393 (was 5)
$sa7 = $slave >> 1;
for($i = 0; $i < 256; $i ++)
/* // very slow
for($i = 0; $i < 256; $i ++) {
exec ( 'i2cget -y 0 ' . $sa7 . ' ' . $i . ' b', $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0)
return - 1;
$data == "";
foreach ($i2c_data as $c) $data.=chr($c);
exec('i2cdump -y 0 ' . $sa7 . ' b', $i2c_data, $return );
if ($return != 0) return - 1;
// Extract data from dump table
for ($j=0; $j<16; $j++) $line .= substr($i2c_data[$j+1],4,48);
$data == "";
foreach (explode(' ',$line) as $e) $data.=chr(intval($e,16));
return $data;
$i2c_fn = '/dev/xi2c8' . (($bus == 0) ? '' : '_aux');
$i2c = fopen ( $i2c_fn, 'r' );
fseek ( $i2c, $slave * 128 ); // 256 per slave, but slave are only even
......@@ -1468,15 +1468,18 @@ function getDescription ($compositeName,$descriptions){
function getParDescriptions($autocampars) {
foreach ($file as $line) if (strpos($line,'$configPath')!==false ){
foreach ($file as $line) if ((strpos($line,'$configPath')!==false ) || ((strpos($line,"'configPath'")!==false)){
$name= strtok ($line,'"');
if (strpos ($name,'//')===false) {
$path=strtok ('"');
$path = str_replace("0.",strval($GLOBALS [sensor_port]).".",$path); // NC393: here it does not really matter
$xml = simplexml_load_file($path);
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